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/hsg/ - "Homestuck" General

Itsumademo. Zutto.
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 No.9095[Last 100 Posts]

Old >>8342


Okay, it should definitely be at one quarter now, I'm bumping it ahead a few hours


uh oh
i dmca'd gmod in the name of skibidi toilet and now everyone is mad


>Articles written on discord chat logs
VGH the internet is so occluded these days


Would Sluggo have an Apple? I'm gonna have to register for gocomics to voice this complaint


Read kc green's pinocchio.


Wait, I meant that as past tense. I read it. It is not a command. In fact, do noy read it.


Unlucky number… Tsutsutsu….


File: 1724467795778.jpg (8.82 KB, 255x143, 1722337387636.jpg)


You can't just flip it back on me! I'm just saying, there's barely context for you to transition back into that shtick…


I shan't


I'll never forgive Israeli cockfighters after this!
(Please ignore how cockfighting is mainly a thing in former Spanish colonies. I looked up "Israeli cockfighting" and all that I found were articles about the Israeli police stopping Thai immigrants from cockfighting. A good allegory is when you make the literal thing completely unrelated to the topic yet oddly specific. Gladiators? Boxers? Nope, we're choosing specifically animal cruelty because mew mew me Nip and verry connected to nature. Da Jews are so cruel to animals that it defies all logical boundaries.)
Now this is terrible and does connect to the AVOHK2 rant I have in preparation but it inspires no transitional passages so I'm afraid it's a no-show. I need time to settle into the numbing agony of samejoke. This carousal of cunts is disorienting my vril.


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File: 1724467876551-2.png (15.54 KB, 255x186, 1722338586622-2.png)

Kagichan is skimming the limit of being surface of being funny again. It's best when it lifts stuff verbatim or puts shit like a pork roast alongside rape correction. Maybe my standards are just higher. Maybe these were never funnier. But it's become routine at this point.
At least that's a better descriptor.

I've yet to find a wording or strategy to make it better utilize its summarizing capabilities. It has problems even beyond globalhomo "um this is offensive i literally can't look at it with my eyes"

Paging Dr. Retard for a second opinion.


Most Gen Z megid0chan post 2024.


File: 1724467911822.webp (8.25 KB, 200x200, 1722339597802.webp)

I'm going to relay to you Rosechuds my early experiences with MOTHER as a young, gay babbu because I had a nightmare last night vaguely reminiscent of it.

Being as young as I am, my first exposure to MOTHER was through Brawl and specifically, the Subspace Emissary. At the time, I thought it looked like the coolest shit on the planet.

Now I didn't pay much attention so I assumed Ness and Lucas were from the same game but my summation of the plot was that it was basically about your schoolyard bully being taken advantage of technology beyond his comprehension and turning the world into a despotic shithole.

Now, that's an element of MOTHER, sure, but that's hardly the driving plot for any individual game or super in-focus as "the premise." That's because there's a lot going on in MOTHER, it's three games. Something that I think a lot of of so called Earthboundheads don't understand the significance of. It's a series; it took multiple installations for certain plot, universe, and stylistic elements to settle in. A lot of "inspired by Earthbound" games suffer from a lack of cohesion by trying to cram all of the emergent shit into one package (yay, war criminal gets a happy ending on Lesbo Island.) Others also try to mix oil with water (Fist of The North Star with Eartbound.) The MOTHER fandom, I can say with certainty since it's fairly big, doesn't really seem to understand what makes the games distinct. I liked OFF, I can see how it was inspired by MOTHER but I don't think it can be called a spiritual successor to MOTHER. I don't think any game inspired by it can be. Because everyone is dumb and gay.

Anyway, that kind of spoke to me just because I just thought it looked cool and I had some experiences with bullies when I was very young (Ogreish Slavic girls older than me, not annoying fat kids. In a way, I think male bullying is more reactive- you have to actively draw someone's ire somehow. I think female bullies get their killer instinct activated whenever they see something meek and polite, especially if it's a male. At least, that's the case with bullies in an upper-middle class-ish quasisuburb. I'm sure in the ghetto or boondocks, you'll get your ribs kicked in for saying "Please" and "Thank you" to the lunchladies.)


File: 1724467952468.webp (3.71 KB, 255x145, 1722340506479.webp)

More on kid MoM brain, since I thought all the MOTHER characters were in the same game, I thought Ness was grown in a lab and had a Ryu shonen bullshit evil form because of his stage introduction whereas Lucas was a natural psychic. I also thought they were still brothers somehow despite that. Not adoptive, genetic. So I guess that'd mean Ness was a clone of Lucas' real brother (Clau- Ninten) The implication to me is that all of the kids were once friends and that something might have happened to Lucas' brother so Porky recreated him because he missed his company but he was also forced to be a weapon- and rebelled. This kind of thing isn't very far away from Porky in MOTHER proper.

I liked playing as the MOTHER boys but I quickly gave up on them because they were too hard to play and also not very good (also why I gave up on playing TP Zelda despite liking that game and thinking she was pretty.) Luckily, I was really into Kirby when I was little and you know, Meta Knight…

I wonder if I ever made my retarded kid version of MOTHER if it'd be called an outright rip-off or people would just acknowledge that it was inspired by it. Because right now, the bar for what's MOTHER, specifically Earthbound-like, seems to be "Quirky humor with dark LORE" games with basically any premise imaginable and not "Kids fight incredibly dire threats by doing kid things." And yet somehow, they feel incredibly derivative in spite of that. Maybe that's just because of my general view of their quality and subsequently low opinion on the author's genuine originality and creativity. Hmph.

Anyway, I hoped you enjoyed the read, if you read.

I needed to blogpost something, just to get that nightmare off my mind.


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And if you absolutely REFUSE to make that .webp a flag, I guess you can choose between one of my two major moods (or both, if you feel generous.)

I also made this a long time ago and it seems like it finally found a use but that's up to you, again.


I don't get the refrance


>VGH the internet is so occluded
I thought we were supposed to think that was a good thing? I thought that's what we wanted?


with the death of my cilantro plant my agricultural ability is locked at zero forever
nothing shall grow by my hand


>nothing shall grow by my hand

You should take the classpect quiz too, Pogo!


dont much like quizzes




File: 1724468091610.png (92.31 KB, 255x255, 1722345416092.png)

Also, man, all those Yuka sprites reminded me. . .

Was it a fetish thing?



the small communities used to still be out in the open for the most part


link me…


File: 1724469689146.xlsx (167.49 KB, Heroic_Title_Test_0.6.xlsx)

You don't seem to be Pogo but sure, I'll post it again.


>excel file


It used to be online. This is an archive. Please, Pogo?


i dont have any officeware installed




wrong continent sorry


Meaning, Kenya download some? 🥺

Still no pien, even. Mask Expert…


im not googling "office programs for linux" for a quiz


I did it for you! I personally use Libreoffice as well!


shinzo abbé faria
any meat to this bit?


I don't get it…


like shinzo abe
but abbé faria too


File: 1724469843853.gif (107.77 KB, 255x145, 1722348042188.gif)

>abbé faria
I feel stupid for not knowing who that was…


It's okay to powerlevel as long as you don't do it all at once because then only the people that care about you and the schizos will remember it all.


Mask Expert, is there a way to make the early-frame-repeating Gifs in color too?


File: 1724469881940.jpg (5.04 KB, 132x255, 1722348273610.jpg)

i've got nothing to play………


yes you do


File: 1724469906630.png (32.63 KB, 244x112, 1722348369279.png)

This is like, an anti-pun. Are you retarded?


File: 1724469919012.gif (17.96 KB, 255x255, 1722348667730.gif)

Slowly acquiring packs of desiccant from beef jerky to put on my computer desk so that I can kill myself on a short notice.


Pogo, please… Take the test…


>Would Sluggo have an Apple?


Morning retards. How's your tuesday going?


It'd finally cooler


>It'd finally cooler




Missed time digits by a second, fuck.


Custom css in options

.post-image[src$=".gif"] {
filter: none;


And a creator like the gmod guy would probably publish a blog or news post on a personal site explaining his side of the story. Now he's in some server preaching to devotees, and I need a GAME JOURNALIST to serve me up a secondhand summary


Definitely. I found her pretty awful as a more prudish/SA goon teen but maybe it'd hit different these days


No, I want it for the site site!


>I found her pretty awful
Nigga, she's a little girl.
>maybe it'd hit different these days


>your schoolyard bully being taken advantage of technology beyond his comprehension and turning the world into a despotic shithole.
Very sorry, but that does sound like a neat setup… for an NTR game


>for the whole site
n0 thank you

But I am mulling over more stylesheets, it's a little fucky since adding them to the instance-config file doesn't seem to work as instantly as it should


>But I am mulling over more stylesheets
Grrrrrr….. And those flags I suggested?


Mask Expert… Come on… They're kids…


File: 1724470441468.png (83.34 KB, 139x255, 1722352009084.png)

I did an "art."


wwhat if i just stopped blockin the porn bots


Why are you getting these urges?


I never click on their profile, it would be purely from follower inflating vanity




>n0 thank you
Any reason why not?


They already stand out plenty by moving




Runs with the "please breed" meme, I can see the hsg CAN TOWN podcast boys working with it


File: 1724470658556.png (75.57 KB, 139x255, 1722352401786.png)

Actually, I should have done the thing I always do when I do this technique. I'm not even good enough to stay consistent with my garbage.






Did you already know who Abbé Faria was, Mask Expert?





Good, at least…


File: 1724470765708.png (47.58 KB, 208x255, 1722353501748.png)

Kagichan unironically.


monte cristolets….


Pogo, pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase.


It wants to defend wwomen too.
Though ctrl-fing bitches and wwhores in the last thread doesn't turn up much


Please, I'm too sensitive for this, as well.


all of human wisdom is contained in the words wait and hope


Pogo, if you don't take the classpect quiz, I'm going to steal your cudgel from you.


I'm glad that you at least only know him from a single thing. It means you're less worldly than the alternative.


Why she doesn't have arms?


i know he was real but nobody cares about the historical one he was into retarded hypnotism stuff


File: 1724470945596.webp (7.42 KB, 255x243, 1722354236456.webp)

>i know he was real but nobody cares about the historical one he was into retarded hypnotism stuff
I would care about that…


i may be rude directly but this guy who's constantly talking down like that is way more annoying


Why would she?


I'll add his flag so he can stand out


>this guy who's constantly talking down like that
Like what?


unfortunately 1800s hypnotism is probably not relevant to your actual interests


I'm confused.


>your actual interests
What do you think they are?


there's really no positive way to spin >>9223
"its good you only know this guy from one thing because its good you dont know things"
?? ??? ??? ????

no idea, but 1800s hypnotism is like, there's really nothing there for anyone.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLEAesKz17I I don't want to take advice from a guy who looks like this.


couldn't be my hungry ass on jeopardy i'll tell you that much


>"its good you only know this guy from one thing because its good you dont know things"
That's me being open about my insecurity and inferiority complexity. I thought it was clear that I was responding to you multiple times and was very upset by you knowing about an obscure figure that I didn't know about.
>no idea, but 1800s hypnotism is like, there's really nothing there for anyone.
I like the occult and antiquated/pseudoscience. I think they're interesting sociologically and "metalogically(?)"


Unga bunga.


i see


You see…


Feeling so betrayed by Mask Expert rn. 😔


very very very bad thanks


What level of 'wood is that




>Go into Paradox discord server becaused bored
>Rules: No hate speech, racism, transphobia, etc.
No racism on "genocide: The Strategy Game"? suee, why not.
Also realised the Vic2 server is no longer linked on the vic2 reddit, so whatever happened to it, I guess it got too based for its own good.


>>Go into Paradox discord server becaused bored
What, am I not good enough for you or something?


Well, you wanted to be represented with an Aranea-like, no?
But personally, I've reached enough mutual understanding to n0t mind your quirks



love how the flag was made for including everyone and solidarity and all that and now it has devolved entitely into NOOOO OUR GROUP IS MORE IMPORTANT PUT IT IN FRONT OF THE OTHERS NOWWWW


>Well, you wanted to be represented with an Aranea-like, no?
It sounded a little sour.


It must suck to be some kind of faggy and not be a completely retarded FAYGO.



I am in an especially bad mood today. My nightmares can really affect me sometimes.

By the way, the cudgel has been stolen.


months ago i threw a tortilla outside and the sparrows destroyed it in a day
i threw one outside yesterday, ignored entirely
now today ive watched the same sparrow come and nibble on it every 45 minutes


How do you feel? How do you feel now that your cudgel has been stolen?


File: 1724471663595.png (488 B, 16x16, 1722355411579.png)

But could you steal this?


like do they actually think a rainbowflag is specifically for HOMOsexuality?????


i have no attachment to the icon


Don't doxx people like that.


The next fast has begun…


Yes, because stupid.
JUST DO THE THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The age of the dick is over, we cycle back into the age of the fast.


Unfortunately no. Unless you're talking about yourself while replying to me for some reason then have fun.


Obey your faster.


Durrrrrrr, I'm Pogo, I live in a cave somewhere in South America or maybe Southern Europe or something. Maybe Altamira?


Nice false flag.


Nice trips!


South America is truly the worst place on Earth. All of the worst parts of the West and being a turd-worlder crammed together.


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File: 1724471863234-2.png (1.09 KB, 16x16, 1722356045053-2.png)



1st one is iconic but the 3rd one is more Nip…


Pogo, just take the thing… Please?


im not downloading an office program


Why not?


He evaded that life


I could take it for you if you want by screenshotting it and inputting the answers. :)


i dont like quizzes
when i thoguht it was a web version i was going to edit it so my result was something like "hank of DEA" and put a picture of hank from breaking bad and be like "damn they got some crazy fan aspects these days"


The good life?


>when i thoguht it was a web version i was going to edit it so my result was something like "hank of DEA" and put a picture of hank from breaking bad
…How old are you?


File: 1724472091340.jpg (8.82 KB, 191x255, 1722356530694.jpg)


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File: 1724472117478-2.png (23 KB, 173x255, 1722356551693-2.png)

>i dont like quizzes
You VVILL take it.

Give me your numbers! Now!


Stupid zoomer…


File: 1724472143287.png (83.14 KB, 252x255, 1722356587769.png)

Breaking Bad season 5 is still totally new


(Answer 0-10.)


101 questions you are out of your mind


Yes, but Breaking Bad is a zoomer meme show.


It's more like 95. Give me 95 numbers of 0-10.


a zoomer would post mike
real boomers see hank and go "hes literally me"


I thought it had a wide audience.
Or do you mean like how the Simpranos is a millennial meme show


Shut up, idiot. Answer the questions now!
I guess that's a way to put it.


*I am Pogo and I am typing 95 numbers from 0-10*




i know more numbers than you but i will never give you any of them


Now you're just being mean.


I've been sitting on Libre office for almost 30 minutes now. Pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase?


*Libre Office




Should Literally Rose Lalonde go in the archive?


Where's Pogo…


>Qoomer Rose that puts this at the back of her minitruck


Wait, how is that Punisher exactly?


Now back to your regularly scheduled Pogo impersonation until he does the thing.


Unfortunatelly there aren't a lot of vic2 related places left, It seems most people were DERSITEs and jumped ship after vic3 was released. Also I wanted to know if I was still banned there.




I'm surprised you're even attempting to force him to do something, but then, you are a little new


>but then, you are a little new
I am not new!

Does he have a reputation for being stubborn? I don't know who he is beyond "Pogo."


If you know, you know
I've always had the impression that he's a bit intractable though


File: 1724472860346.png (8.8 KB, 178x255, 1722360413434.png)

The eyes always reminded me of it. I could add a TRVE black and white grimdark one


Baka… Duh..


The bagel store jewess gave me 18 instead of a dozen. Jarvis raze Gaza



Wait, make that 20. Based. Maybe I ought to trim my zoomer hair, though, it's getting Seth rogan-y


yummy pee


File: 1724472933976.png (33.37 KB, 255x128, 1722361677668.png)


shes fattening you up


I dislike you


You know what, it's been long enough. Screw you. You can have your stupid cudgel back. You know right where to stick it.

I am CLOSING Libre Office.


maybe ill do the quiz if it bothers you so much


oh. nevermind. you closed liberal office.






nah sorry i gotta make lunch


I HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


File: 1724473076076.gif (28.08 KB, 255x163, 1722362550557.gif)


Or maybe he was always just a Japanese George Lucas midwit hack.




number up and ill tell you


There's always an angle with these people…



Y-You first.


It's typically a right angle.


Eng 101? I think it's broken, somehow. I can't post with it.


First panel, on the phone screen.






Chudanon, what's your favorite genocide simulator? mine is Victoria 2




I won't answer because you called me that. >:(


Oof, I gotta fix that one


Wordle 1,137 4/6



im the guy whos putting fentanyl on dollar bills and leaving them around so you grab them off the floor and immediately die of fentanyl poisoning
sorry i just thought it was funny




File: 1724474068554.png (43.97 KB, 255x176, 1722363445869.png)

guessthe.game #808


You know I don't like being called that name.


That one cop sim? IDK.


i was being ironic i stole someone elses wordle to look like the kind of midwit who does it


You're so mean.


it is the way of my people


Drawfags get on a caveman doing the NYT games section… Drawfags?




You mean AI, right?


wwell its wwhat wwevve got




You gen it, v-less cuck. I'm sick of having to do all the (automated) work around here.

(Something, something, joke about 1950s housewives.)

((I don't believe you said that at that time in this thread))


>Try to elaborate on it in my mindbrain
>It comes out incredibly depressing and fatalistic
Can somebody can take another stab at it? WITHOUT IT INVOLVING NTR?!


I miss Mask Expert like how I missed my dad when I was 8 years old.

I think I need help.


File: 1724474336779.png (58.44 KB, 255x191, 1722364429317.png)

I'm never far, bwo


You've got big hands…


It ain't me, that was an offering



File: 1724474379057.png (40.01 KB, 255x236, 1722364855125.png)


pear is an ass fruit


I forgor but sometimes, I confuse them for a mocking moniker for me…


Indeed, you are correct.
But I think it was a Kanaya's thick thighs joke


I think it's currently free, if you want to take up the mantle


we should all adopt legacy names of long dead hsg posters


this is megid0chan
the gh0sts are alive


Please don't mention ghosts unprompted…


It's an abstract kind of Rose, Rose Lalonde.


File: 1724474466529-0.jpg (10.75 KB, 255x201, 1722366506094-0.jpg)

File: 1724474466529-1.jpg (6.51 KB, 255x116, 1722366506094-1.jpg)




what is the homestuck portuguese connection…


megid0chanchan is Portugese herself. I don't make the rules.


File: 1724474505173.png (4.71 KB, 109x255, 1722367367125.png)

Google search console check (enlisting for their full analytics seems a step too far)



Also, do you not know?


>Also, do you not know?
That sounds like a Mother NPC





RoW is Portuguese.


So trve, UNDERTALE has synthesized and obsoleted both
I experimented with country flags on my own one night, I knew that much


>So trve, UNDERTALE has synthesized and obsoleted both
>I experimented with country flags on my own one night, I knew that much


Also, there's a 99% chance that the Japanese IP is LARPing, right?


Idk if they've posted, it might just be >>>/ysg/4 getting some hits


Big if true.


You're being real slow in adding those new flags…


I just gave you four new ones today…


Faster, faster!



You got Maho, you got Pien, you got Marshie, what more you ask for!?!
Zim, Gir and Dib next?


>You got Maho
What's a Maho?


File: 1724474646901.gif (107.27 KB, 254x255, 1722369102135.gif)

But yeah, add Bloody Gir. That'll trick them…


Ah, my typo 😅


I thought it would be the full body sprite, you foolish chuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


But your waifu's face is the most essential image. At least for me.

And you can't discern any expressions with a sprite that squashed


You never tried so I'm going to pretend I still have a reason to be pissy with you.


When is this bloody mood going to change already?


But now that the lunar phases are up, I'll try and add Homestuck character text tags next
That'll teach 'em!


It really should be at a 1/4 rn


>I'll try and add Homestuck character text tags next




Like wweh would set your font to courier new bold and color to #6a006a


Important and intelligent. We could emasculate Pogo by making his cool kid case pink or worse, Dave.


Each step lasts about 43 hours so maybe it just feels long to us.
I only really mind if the NEW and FULL moons land at the wrong times



was HSE the kayana-obsessed one or the one that posts cringe images
i think i keep confusing them with HSA


do wwomen care about handoxxing

((It was originally something of a shitposting persona of mine, that branched into kanaya waifuis. I wearied and went anon and someone else carried the torch, got in with #farts, did more kanayaposting, made kanayabooru, etc))


Maybe to confirm you aren't Indian


vvice vversa



keep maga wweird


wwhat If… magatown rhode island



File: 1724475115218.jpg (7.31 KB, 255x143, 1722371043738.jpg)

Mask Expert hard at work.


XLR vanished into the mist, so…


So you were cursed into a child?


yfw that's actually a 32 year old indian man


I preferred decalius


drunk driving should be an immediate death penalty


Hi there.


Rose? *Rose Lalonde?*


He hates wwomen!


File: 1724475198414.jpg (9.24 KB, 255x144, 1722373617650.jpg)


It will be posted in every thread until you can't unhear it.


i do but not related


Nobody clicks it


Can you make it so that the metadata of these and the three (2) other videos autoplay whenever they're posted.


Way ahead of you.


The real misogynist position would be automatic death penalty for texting while driving.


Nah, fuck you TRICKSTER, I'll rip the damn values out of paint myself instead


How did Hussie resist making Karkat #696969

I woulda done it


>alpha kids reused letter pairs
They were lucky I even considered adding them. Nope!


'Tis done.


MAP rep!


He's a stoop.


File: 1724475351421.jpg (14.91 KB, 222x255, 1722377121800.jpg)

High-level pervert


And let me check something


Yep, looks like I can bequirk others with mod retcon power



But it requires logging into mod mod, not really werf


I thought dogsuit gir was the marketable one


Two sides of the same coin.


moon check




File: 1724475419094.png (6.17 KB, 255x52, 1722388976784.png)





>You have to refresh the page to get it
Failed system…


File: 1724475443608.png (326 B, 23x23, 1722389624400.png)

Pogo, Pogo, look!


Oh? Maybe I just opened the thread


File: 1724475457899.png (10.31 KB, 255x79, 1722390867330.png)



I guess I am gonna have to eventually have to figure out how to get these things posting here. They can use the AR flag


>I guess I am gonna have to eventually have to figure out how to get these things posting here.
That'd be amazing. Imagine randomly generated Roses posting on here, each with a unique flag.


>Accuses HSG of being toxic chudcels and refuses to elaborate


My Roses would NEVER.


I had bumped the "start" a few hours ahead, maybe that was it?

I just set each lunar phase to last a really short time, let's test directly


>Still 1.828
c'mon, you


Weird delay


File: 1724475540416.png (6.47 KB, 32x255, 1722393177444.png)

Chaos in the heavens…


Nice, it updates live like I hoped, experiment over


Is the apocalypse happening?


Nope #cancelled, expect an appearance on Ben Shapiro this Sunday


File: 1724475564360.png (66.87 KB, 234x255, 1722395911516.png)




Urfbound, nigga!


File: 1724475580673.png (14.92 KB, 255x66, 1722402468508.png)






please god make it stop


The past: I hate OJ!
The present: I hate Clyde Cash!
The Future: I hate guest IV!


can the azumangadaiou shittery please just happen in a place where i dont have to see it already


xelon can fill your timeline with election 2024 instead :)


my twitter feed is 99.9% japan. it is the discnigs that are the problem.


You mean our homegrown ones or wild disnigs?

… Is the caipirinha dance coming back in style?


File: 1724475642861.png (37.08 KB, 255x190, 1722410439610.png)

Homestuck? Homestuck General?


discnigs in general, not ours. i am too lazy to switch accounts and check on them ever.


>furui is making azur lane videos
touhou has reclined


File: 1724475669971.png (3.62 KB, 255x185, 1722420704855.png)


File: 1724475680348.png (13.28 KB, 255x255, 1722420825725.png)


cant imagine anyone cares about touhou
seems to all be about miku right now


File: 1724475700598-0.jpg (11.08 KB, 255x143, 1722427307840-0.jpg)

File: 1724475700598-1.jpg (7.71 KB, 255x143, 1722427307840-1.jpg)

File: 1724475700598-2.jpg (7.41 KB, 255x143, 1722427307840-2.jpg)

new SC screenshots


star craft?


File: 1724475726223.jpg (11.92 KB, 255x143, 1722427597598.jpg)


an entire house full of jennies…..


the fucking jp font……


File: 1724475757433.jpg (13.99 KB, 255x143, 1722431444585.jpg)

It's a Vocaloid resurgence, actually.


yeah thats what i said people are all about miku now
they put out like 30 miku pokemon songs


hatsunig nigu


File: 1724475807177.jpeg (6.22 KB, 255x203, 1722432088815.jpeg)

not a fan of the azumanga resurgence imo


>Nagatoro and My Senpai Is Annoying ended
>Komi is entering its final arc
>Uzaki-chan has the main couple fucking so it will prob end soon
great season for romcom haters


File: 1724475822691.jpg (7.08 KB, 255x86, 1722434062729.jpg)


discnigs shall inherit the earth


lovve is disappearin from this wworld


as a TRICKSTER i wish a very terrible fate onto nonbinaries



How do you change the text color?
GA: Test


the needs two pesterchum handles enclosed by brackets, so [ ga] and then [/ga ]

Surrender Yourself To Kanaya

I'll throw a page up on it later


erione is getting so old…


Using multiple in one post screwed things up, but…




and not a bathroom in sight


File: 1724475944191-0.png (27.56 KB, 253x255, 1722436423670-0.png)

File: 1724475944191-1.png (1.64 KB, 92x66, 1722436423670-1.png)

im not 0k with this…


imagine the smell


Sprite layering issue on top floor, it's over!


File: 1724475971492.png (1.28 KB, 97x44, 1722439949955.png)



They've got a watering hole, maybe that's the all purpose bath and toilet




File: 1724475999119.png (8.19 KB, 204x255, 1722442426080.png)


those are all absolute dog shit too



Can we just team up and destroy Venezuela? I want to see blood


can you fuck off?




File: 1724476052738.png (57.23 KB, 191x255, 1722444040422.png)


\*pricks the right with a needle and watches her pop*


Reminds me of the one Karkat Tumblr post. Real old school. The present is Apple.




Discnigs is a funny filter word for "Gen Z troons"


*And actual Gen Z girls but we're trying to SAVE them so let's ignore that.


What was meant by this?


but it's not a homestuck term
how about CONSORTS


I guess that'd just be zoomers in general. (I am ascended consort.)




>Taking sleeping meds
>Sleep more than 12 hours, possibly
So is that it, huh…?


Doesn't sound very grindset


There's no healing that




There is no grindset. There is no gridbook superschedule that can save me from my inner AIDs.


File: 1724476276939.png (67.26 KB, 255x143, 1722450308379.png)

Chrysalid facial structure.


CONSORTS sound like it'd be a wordfilter for Sheeple, which nobody really writes.


Yes, but remember project…. uh….. I forget if we had a name for it.






Could be agent, like Archagent, but I don't think anyone will get that reference and it implies a high tier.


File: 1724476322024.png (21.13 KB, 255x144, 1722451452882.png)

Nigga, what?


File: 1724476330611.png (9.41 KB, 255x59, 1722452048711.png)

I got that one too. Not sure if based


Is this a /hsg/ thread analogue form /co/ times?
I mean the whole site
Where all the tripfags are?
Where's dicussionon HS-2 updates?
Where'sthe colours are?


Is the real kicker.



This is the Rose Lalonde worship thread.


This is the fifth HSG analog
We've become exceedingly efficient at it by now




it's [ca] tags, I can fix that for you


Sure, please.
Or just text me 'how to' FAQ shortly


Where are these from?


I only added the HS pesterlog colors yesterday, so I still have to write a guide…

And if anyone has an idea how to handle the alpha kids with their repeat handles, please share




The harder you cry, the longer I'll stay here.


>And if anyone has an idea how to handle the alpha kids with their repeat handles, please share
For example "TT (Dirk)" in orange and "TT (Dave)" in red would be fine for sure


Chudsalid facial structure.


new anon?




diapin niggas…


Oh yeah, one more thing.
Make a special feature for someFAYGO dickbutt dumbass shithead retard idiots who post .blob and .webp files autoreformatig into .png if the file downloaded


For you… I meant for this place in particular


I'm not confident about that, but webps have screwed me over a few times so good idea


Nobody posts HS2 here but I actually wouldn't mind it. Something to collectively rag on aside from Nancy and Sinfest…
Maybe I ought to take one for the team and do it myself


File: 1724476565349-0.png (45.71 KB, 255x204, 1722453579642-0.png)

File: 1724476565349-1.png (44.68 KB, 255x204, 1722453579642-1.png)

>Nobody posts HS2 here but I actually wouldn't mind it.
The wish was granted


Cool, how did you find megido?


File: 1724476577811.png (4.52 KB, 255x109, 1722453598971.png)


Eri does Dirk?


Ask her what are her thoughts on sneed


Personally, anyone who abbreviates a general thread as /hsg/ instead of HSG is new. I blame /vg/ for that.


>None of this is real anyw8ys
We Umineko no Naku Koro ni now? (But somehow more retarded and less funny.)


That 'game' have no a single chance to step off the main and only root, I was literally just reading and clicked next






Tripfagging died out in the late 2010s. It's more fun to fight with the mods anonymously because it just looks like a normal scrum to the end user.


Double equals vefore and after the text makes it ==BLUSH RED==


Does Dave fag really?


==BLUSH RED== I said


but if equals are in separated line


That was meant to filter.


File: 1724476721746.png (10.77 KB, 218x255, 1722454167113.png)

Here, let me try. *Ahem*

Holy shit, Vriska has armpits! …How old is she supposed to be again?
26 (16 solar sweeps)? 39 (18 solar sweeps)?


File: 1724476784956.jpg (15.14 KB, 182x255, 1722454241560.jpg)

But as the only mod, I'm rather fond of you


roxkit's gonna freak


>We Umineko no Naku Koro ni now? (But somehow more retarded and less funny
Have you read the comic? I didn't, mostly skipped. But in lates updates when Whiskas said this is all a fucking simulation and everyone just parodies themselves, I've started to read it quiet more attentively since that. So they're within black hole and Whiskey is a one man squad to save the day the insider deside to kick outside black hole to see what gonna happen


tripfags are all discordnigs these days




What kind of fake ass dialect uses «і» for LARP reasons, but keeps «и» anyways?


>Holy shit, Vriska has armpits! …How old is she supposed to be again?
26 (16 solar sweeps)? 39 (18 solar sweeps)?
>Holy shit, Vriska has armpits! …How old is she supposed to be again?
>26 (16 solar sweeps)? 39 (18 solar sweeps)?
Man, she's got tiger
I didn't think tigers would age


> a fucking simulation and everyone just parodies themselves
Uhm… 8ased hackfraud team self callout?


>Holy shit, Vriska has armpits!
They look terrible.


John aged in HS2 and now he looks ridiculous when he wears the god tier pajamas because they're still teenager sized


What did xirmshe mean by this?


literally me

I actually did find the 2016 ending of shutin John clinging to things as everyone else moved on very poignant


Post-canon becomes more bearable once you realize that the Epilogue and HS:BC is intentionally supposed to be a parody of bad fan-fiction cliches and tropes.
I'm still going to call it shit though.


File: 1724476970812.png (40.13 KB, 255x153, 1722454990345.png)

>Have you read the comic?
"Yes" and it's more or less always been like this, but mostly with Dirk. And it's cancer.
Self-awareness doesn't make it better. You should have learned this by now.

Posting this because I can't find the real one I wanted.
>Post-canon becomes more bearable once you realize that the Epilogue and HS:BC is intentionally supposed to be a parody of bad fan-fiction cliches and tropes.
No, it doesn't. It becomes more insufferable.


*wwalks into thread*


>John aged in HS2 and now he looks ridiculous when he wears the god tier pajamas because they're still teenager sized
Wasn't Hussie hussself mentioned pajamas magically fits whatever godmode's body condition is?


File: 1724477028712.png (12.95 KB, 100x100, 1722455189375.png)



maximum oppai slider in DDDA is too damn small


File: 1724477060383.png (60.71 KB, 139x255, 1722455295524.png)

There it is, this is the one.




Wait a second, I regognise this trip…
I was there. It was 3000 years ago


Hussie's word means nothing, least of all to himself, but yes.


File: 1724477103473.jpg (10.53 KB, 255x192, 1722455375346.jpg)


File: 1724477112155.png (35.11 KB, 255x190, 1722455393120.png)



Lets stop being retarded for a minute.


Do Portuguese zoomer chicks like Homestuck? I always suspected Europe is slightly behind the Americas

just askin haha




Never met any Homestuck people in real life.
And my highschool was part art school.


I mean, technically, Portuguese (Brazilian) is about to have the fifth full Homestuck fan translation at the rate that they're going.


We're talking nationality here.


how horrifying



wintery theme


>Never met any Homestuck people in real life
>Never met any Homestuck people in real life
How do you even expect o know a person is a Homestuck enjoyer?
Do you expect it to have a pride month for homestuckoids?


Rose's c.ai voice is very cute when she speaks jap.


You're annoying.




yes I imagine homestuck fans are like vegans


Let me tell you about homestuck ::::)


RoW… I…


Likely Ren?


I did.
They literally did. And when I was in highschool (young), they were very obvious. Davekat sketches, reading Homestuck^2 in the computer lab, or a Doom hoodie.


File: 1724477286555.jpeg (4.98 KB, 255x91, 1722456523281.jpeg)



Who is annoying?


E-Eeeeh…..? Which one did I get?






They usually tip themselves off if they have the balls to wear one of the shirts or hoodies in CURRENT YEAR, but these are usually weird extroverts that would leave me going "did we read the same comic?" and I'd prefer not to be in that situation.

…The official shirts are way too small by the way, like, get a size or two larger.


>reading Homestuck^2 in the computer lab
alphoomer alert


No, it was just a CS class in my senior year.


>The official shirts are way too small by the way, like, get a size or two larger.


They're made for skinny white nerds, that's all I'm going to say.




Fat fuck.



Kill everyone and then myself.


Alice spotted.
I'm still searching for Decarabia though, anyone see xir?


Did you give Ren a different default voice?


I don't remember. Not going to check. Fuck you.


Ah, right in the corner by the box duh

Also, Nozuchi is there. I might bite on this one, guys…


>Alice spotted.
I mean, she's the secondary mascot. Not surprising.



Cry, bitch.




Tight fit was in when Homestuck blew up


Fat. Fuck.


The… bed… it beckons…


anyone under 21 into homestuck just makes me wonder which millennial groomed them


Same, but the kids I mentioned might be slightly over that metric by now.


File: 1724477486297.png (24 KB, 255x177, 1722459177037.png)

>average male homestuck fan


Remember when John had the Powerglove?


It was so bad.


He did nothing wrong.


Also, fuck KGTAC.


I dunno, even newgrounds bounced back into relevance somehow. Maybe they groom themselves


>Getting Kamala Harris 🥺 pleading 🥺 ads despite my algorithm being thoroughly chud-coded
Yup, definitely not desperate.


>even newgrounds bounced back into relevance somehow. Maybe they groom themselves
No, it's second-hand nostalgia from the older side of Gen Z. Then they're groomed and then they start eating their own shit. Everything is astroturfed. Nothing is real. Nothing ever happens.


Same WTF


Man, what has Newgrounds done in recent years? Friday Night Funkin and a bunch of collabs that nobody cares about?


Where? I keep getting Republican ads on the Shitter


>getting ads
couldn't be me


He has to say it everytime.


>Man, what has Newgrounds done in recent years?


File: 1724477570691.jpg (13.8 KB, 208x255, 1722459858320.jpg)




>There are more homestuck jaks than FNF jaks on the 'ru


for wwhat


Permission to disable the filter for the mass post?


Those TRICKSTER walls of yours are what mindbreaks kagi in the first place


Does the FnF Pedo count towards FnF total?


dont spoil it for me they smell like lilacs for sure
ivve nevver been in a girls room


That's why I save why I try to save them up, TRICKSTER-kun.


Eri, those aren't girls…


File: 1724477652292.jpg (9.67 KB, 204x255, 1722460659569.jpg)


truthnuke: girls are not inherently cleaner than men


File: 1724477666532.png (45.82 KB, 144x187, 1722460855924.png)

Yeah, I definitely believe that's a female build.


Shut the fuck up.


you shut up, TRICKSTER obsessed faglord




That may be my fetish but these may be troons.


It would also be fun if megid0chanchan periodically responded to posts.


File: 1724477705747.jpg (10.55 KB, 255x245, 1722461296305.jpg)


File: 1724477717652.jpg (9.41 KB, 255x162, 1722461468678.jpg)


Me when the troons come back to town.


so trve




Astonishing level of effort in this falseflag.



I'm thinking of changing my YouTube name and avatar. Anyone think of anything that fits?


>over half the runtime dedicated to posing in the mirror
vvgh wwomen


megido chande




I know, right?


>No pictures


File: 1724477785233.png (3.56 KB, 191x173, 1722462764963.png)


>Getting a Poly.ai ad


wwho dat


I grabbed vroid on Steam…
Dare I?


Eh? What?


File: 1724477835669-0.webm (94.98 KB, 542x162, renvoice.webm)

File: 1724477835669-1.webm (94.01 KB, 538x178, rosteanovoice.webm)

I wanted to check if a J-HORRIFIC Rose model could be imported from that other ai generator


Did it work?


I'm not messing with it yet. Another iron in the fire…


>Another iron in the fire…


File: 1724477870226.png (42.93 KB, 255x238, 1722467278510.png)

You cannot import cruddy AI generated .objs so simply

It's an easy enough chargen, though, I might still make a Rose when I have the inclination


File: 1724477889480.mp4 (6.34 MB, 1920x1028, VRoid Studio 1.28.2 - Unti….mp4)


>It's an easy enough chargen, though, I might still make a Rose when I have the inclination
Easily transferable doe?


File: 1724477914767.vroid (5.06 MB, 3 minute rose rose lalon….vroid)





You'd have to save it and open in your own copy of vroid. If it works like I'm assuming.


File: 1724477939124.png (46.18 KB, 162x255, 1722468632861.png)

Mask Expert… I…


File: 1724477944625.png (45.87 KB, 162x255, 1722468657221.png)


i d0nt use disc0rd


Nice majemind, though, my minions


Don't call us that!


Wait, what did he mean by this?


File: 1724477976267.png (5.9 KB, 255x115, 1722469758909.png)

Just that you both posted that at the same time, what server is it?

Also, encountering a small problem… maybe I should just give it my blackship box


They are referencing the stupid garfield boob surgery comic.


And Gothfield in general


File: 1724478019853.png (9.62 KB, 255x186, 1722471014315.png)

these idiots can't even keep it consistent


>Just that you both posted that at the same time
I thought you were combining MoM with Majeteno…
>what server is it
My (my) personal one.


Only XLR is allowed to bring that up.


>My (my) personal one.
Then what does that bot do?

Now, as for the combination, if either of you ever do get around to playing Kubel, my pet theory is that she'd be Mage of Blood, Sero would be Heir of Void, and Bazria would be Prince of Mind. Factoring in personality, role, and puns for each.

Couldn't my new "Prince of Void" title be viewed as a synthesis of both male legs of the NTR triangle? Easy win!
Sadly not. I only synthesize their bad sides: Sero's naivety and Bazria's work ethic.


>Then what does that bot do?
Posts waifus…
>Mage of Blood
Close… Frightening…
>Bazria's work ethic.
That's his bad side… Really…?
I misunderstood initially. It took me a second to realize the true meaning and now I feel dumb.


(lack of) work ethic, yea

You can be appointed emissary to claim it in my stead, I would use the 🙈 emoji


>(lack of) work ethic, yea
>You can be appointed emissary to claim it in my stead, I would use the 🙈 emoji


File: 1724478141489.png (18.15 KB, 255x54, 1722475145574.png)





>marvel snap
is it a purple meme man reference?




Me when chudanon comes back to town


You talk about Skibidi toilet?


2kiibiidii dop dop dop oh ye2ye2


He would never say that.


who would


A pink monkey.


He would say this
*grab2 diick2*


I have to watch skibidi toiled one day, seems fun.


You're not serious.


#24 is kino, dunno if it's been topped because I stopped there


>#24 is kino
Can he be banned for this?


skibidi dop dop dop oh yesyes


Dave WOULD say this.


https://youtu.be/IxjEd2SOrcw?si=JTaMlKOdMo0iRGLD Why does this CHILD keep getting recommended to me?


File: 1724478308667.jpg (7.73 KB, 255x86, 1722481705354.jpg)



Oh, yeah, it's just the Orthodox chicken killing autism again. I should have known. (But they don't do cock fighting or torture the chickens.)



Nihon never used scapegoats


from sadstuck to goonstuck


Yup, never….


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iomante Unrelated link to this thread, don't click.


Or does the rationalization for anime sacrifices matter


I couldn't detect the potential sarcasm. :(


I got the reverse Karkat numbers. I wonder what the real Karkat numbers were:


I, as the warden of this gym, require every troon here to watch this video to completion.


What qualifies you as a troon?




Or disagreeing with me but that means you're transgendered.


File: 1724478383711-0.png (28.3 KB, 151x255, 1722488054985-0.png)

File: 1724478383711-1.png (25.86 KB, 185x255, 1722488054985-1.png)

So tsundere…


cant do it


File: 1724478396514.png (12.1 KB, 255x78, 1722495555271.png)

sweaty Sluggo


I'm usually not one to notice muh proportions, but the ape nanc4 in panel one is just…


File: 1724478420010.png (5.84 KB, 255x58, 1722496192481.png)


8ased 8oomer


these nanc4 enthusiasts are merciless


File: 1724478436122.png (17.21 KB, 177x255, 1722498349667.png)


File: 1724478441234.png (84.21 KB, 191x255, 1722500318031.png)


This name sounds familiar…



File: 1724478462317.png (93.86 KB, 255x193, 1722502928351.png)



people are comfortable putting up essentially anything on youtube


bought more >>8251 because I'm retarded


File: 1724478503908.jpg (7.45 KB, 255x143, 1722505816688.jpg)


File: 1724478510765.jpg (7.85 KB, 255x143, 1722508156281.jpg)


is that her son
thats fucked up


Maddoxian facial structure


"Was it autism?"


This guy is going to hate her mom when he grows up


>Wahh ban people who likes things I don't
whinny retard


This whole family seems off


New character?

sweaty Sluggo




>Posting form keys outdated. Trying refreshing.


>Dyke gets a Nanc4 tattoo, instantly regrets it
And to think I was complimenting their style…
Harsh is the world of Nanc4.


>Whore mom
>Effeminate son
>Dad with AIDs


god i love when popular shonen have godawful endings that mindbreak their fans to tears


Shut up, retarded zoomer. It was a joke. Though it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world for your balls to be run over with a steamroller.




I thought bnha NAILED IT


She's probably talking about One Piece.


Ugh, this made me check if it actually contained an ESL-ism


Wan Piss actually ended?



Sorry, that was just me. The point is that sometimes it gets Homestuck and the only way you can fix it is by hopping in and out of the catalog which is… slightly annoying!


No, but people aren't liking recent developments.


>Wahh don't call me out it was a joke T_T
>Zoomer is everything I don't like!!!!
whinny retafd


For instance? Only Naruto comes to my mind at the moment.


It's literally Skibidi Toilet.


Bleach was in a similar state. Again, they're goon-brained. They have very little perspective.


Guy is trying to play the YT algorithm game by putting random bullshit with attention grabbin title/thumbnail and considering the viewer count he's failing at it.


Skibidi sweep yes yes



Oh god, I'm still angry at that bullshit.


File: 1724478834195.gif (45.92 KB, 255x192, 1722527248090.gif)

Oh, Mask Expert!~

I wonder if you can add a searchbar above the flags to make it easier once we bloat it with things.

This is less about me wanting the feature and more about me wanting to see if you can code it with this base.


The sad thing is that it might still work eventually.


Oh, Sneed Expert!~

I wonder if you can add a sneedbar above the chucks to make it easier once we sneed it with things.

This is less about me wanting the feature and more about me wanting to sneed if you can code it with this base.


You've gone too far this time.


eren's genocide cucking


i d0nt wanna th0

I could ask gpt4-chan to do it for you, want to see *snrk*?


>I could ask gpt4-chan to do it for you, want to see?
Um, sure.


I can't find that one infamous Masi Oka quote that applies to Homestuck on my computer or online. Does anyone have it?


How did it go?


I think the model is on IA how do you host it?
Honestly I think the final boss being a literal worm and steven universing it by saying "Hitler was right" were worse offences. But at that point I was just reading that piece of shit because I wanted to see how worse it would get.


How sneed it go?


"I wanted Attack on Titan to have infinite depth, something where you could just keep reading and keep finding things but I couldn't do it.

So I just gave up."


>"Hitler was right"
He wasn't!??!?!?!?!?!


File: 1724478966766.jpg (6.66 KB, 255x143, 1722527999189.jpg)


File: 1724478979691.png (917 B, 73x23, 1722528033635.png)

I'll find it myself eventually, but… I really should have put it in my Homestuck folder.




Did you even go to school, do you ever read like, The Great Gatsby? A story. Do you understand stories and characters? CaptainSparkles' Fallen Kingdom- A Minecraft Parody of Coldplay's Viva La Vida has that.


Daverk? Calling Janeway right now.


That's the old "Your response looks automated, post discarded."
An anti-bot measure vichan has built in. I can double the timeouts again if it's still being hit.


It catches "zoomer retard" but not any of the Sneedposting?


Filter Sneed to Chuck and Chuck to Sneed. That'll teach them.


No, it doesn't care about content.
vichan generates hidden keys every so often (currently 18 hours/250 posts), and if the keys from your last page load don't match you get that error.


Mask Expert, what if I reverse-raped you?


What if I hit u wit' dat reverse racism, cracka?


It would make me feel very sad. :(


Kim was the 146th most popular name for a boy in the 1950s. Think about that.


I thought Koreans couldn't breed?


There are some Kims that aren't Korean.


File: 1724479069364.png (6.84 KB, 255x27, 1722530799869.png)

Quirky objecthead character.


So that's where XLR is!


"I wish he'd choke me"
t. zoomette


Kill the zoomette, destroy the zoomette.


Randomly trying it with different characters and they all seem to default to "No." so I think it might be stealth-based.

I talked to the troonay about German Idealism, Heidegger, and the Kyoto School of Philosophy before stabbing myself in the heart.


File: 1724479135709.png (57.35 KB, 153x255, 1722531472782.png)

watch buffpup you cowards


you could not pay me money to watch a vtuber


none of them are funny is basically the issue


1) Sell me 2) You're not XLR


she's rating gamersupps flavors

the only way you could know I'm not XLR is if you, in fact, ARE XLR


Does she actually work out IRL?


>she's rating gamersupps flavors
I can see a lot of V-tubers doing that…
>the only way you could know I'm not XLR is if you, in fact, ARE XLR
XLR would have rated a shitty movie by now…


How about a sluggo vtuber


Why did you go Sluggo instead of Nanc4? You gay?


well, i dont think that would be coomer bait
so it's a step above >>9865


I thought it'd be sus to portray a girl facerig


The only reason to V-Tube is to thirstbait, let's be real.


pretty sure she does


there's a lot you can do with the medium, from small bits to really grand sort of stylistic stuff
my issue is once again with the pornography addicts and porno peddlers, as it always comes back to.


>pretty sure
Not confident. Sad!
>there's a lot you can do with the medium, from small bits to really grand sort of stylistic stuff
I thought of becoming a (stylized) Steve Albini V-Tuber but then he went and died. Not that I care about tastelessness or whatever, it's just funnier once everyone forgets who he is again.
>my issue is once again with the pornography addicts and porno peddlers, as it always comes back to.
Based Pogo-kun?


File: 1724479272200.png (27.69 KB, 180x255, 1722532266117.png)

>Homestuck if Rose was Chinese


Where are the rooms? Mobile?




File: 1724479290511.jpg (16.19 KB, 191x255, 1722532582185.jpg)

aaaaah i wanna go to Mongolia!


>aaaaah i wanna go to Mongolia!
Go on then




File: 1724479320894.jpg (7.43 KB, 255x144, 1722532905178.jpg)


What is with chuds pushing the Mongolia meme recently?


Hey, guys, finally taking HRT, thanks.


>Le epic physics based Zelda game
>Still don't take fall damage from angular surfaces


We know.


Should'a stayed off discord




I don't use Discord.


A likely story


character.ai proves that if I can't do anything creative, I'll just resort to 90% intense violence and 10% fetish content.

This is what censorship does. It pushes extremities to the forefronts. The middle all blurs together and then there's black and white. It eliminates the spectrum of "taste" that'd otherwise exist. It's all flat palettes of sex, quips, and girls getting sawed in half.


3d zeldas are coal
2d zeldas are the only good ones


I'll tell you one thing, 3D Zelda sure has a lot more TRICKSTERS than 2D Zelda.


I can feel the clock ticking.


please only respond to me in the president's english


Did I not?


i don't have a clue what you could have possibly meant by "tricksters"


I think you should kill yourself.




I think you should kiss your sister.


youre a gay retard and i will be beheading you with an axe at the soonest opportunity


>i will be beheading you with an axe at the soonest opportunity
No cudgel? 🥺


im allowed to say that, right janny


It's been 7 years since the Emoji Movie.


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funko pops


Where's my megid0chanchan Funko Pop, Hussie?


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evverythin is permitted


You know he regrets losing his purity


thats my fuarking president


theres really no point to any of this shit is there


Imagine, for a second, a story where characters have agency and display their personality through their actions.


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Steve… I…


I wonder if they knew


true stevvil nevver dies


so wwhen are you proofreadin


I refuse to touch that thread since I believe it is cursed after a certain experience.


I did pad out the names array a bit more since last time. "Accidents" like that shouldn't repeat.


>"Accidents" like that shouldn't repeat.
Why is it in quotes…?


>Hey, guys, finally taking HRT, thanks.
welcome to the club 42, buddy.
Now you're going to have a 42% suicide chance every day


wwho the fuck is this


it says wh0 right there


Ruined your own joke by repeating it.


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yeah it says a name but i dont knoww wwho is attached to the fuckin name beyond the post which i can read and thats it are you some kind of fuckin retard

Old is newn again

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