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The opposite of Homesick
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 No.78228[View All]

Homestuck Edition

919 posts and 160 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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To each his own. Either way it's Aranea triumphing and I shall welcome 8oth.


what happens when someone goes into forever nap? do they no longer need nutrients, or do they starve in their sleep?


Condesce getting dropped by Aranea and lying in a bed on Derse with that M on her forehead for the rest of her life. Maybe ‘nea can move her into a glass coffin and keep her on display as a show of her pride.


That’s not how it works in real life.


what, you mean in a coma? yeah it is, don't they need an IV to not die?


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Oh that. That I like.


Look, anon, if I can dream up the idea of someone being put into long-term hypnotic stasis without dying, it can happen.


he wouldnt say that.


I wasn't trying to say it had to be realistic, I was just curious how it works in your fantasy


now this is the hsg i know and love!


Any time she wants, Aranea can take off the glass, pull up Condy’s eyelids with her fingers and see her unfocused eyes rolling and sweeping side-to-side looking at nothing. Maybe she’d giggle in giddy self-satisfaction, maybe she’d go for a kiss. Either way, Condy is never waking up.


He wouldn't, 8ut he should.



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I disagree



not you, too!


Relax, I'm just messing with you.



you never know sometimes


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The game is Avalon Code. The game itself is pretty shit but the author of the Let's Play makes the world feel *somewhat* engaging instead it being a bunch of cardboard cutouts of RPG tropes and archetypes.


Ah thanks. A gap in my DS canon, obviously, but I recognize the boxart.


she is not 55 lol what


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>those boobs


Fakeup is evil!


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Okay, I learned.


Equius would gloat to the girls about having the biggest butt of all the beta trolls.


equius is so cool i wish we saw more of him


Your eyes, seem cold…


D → Such 100d acts and behavior would be e%tremely unbecoming


Gloating about having a big butt isn’t *that* lewd at all. You also don’t get docked points for doing it because it’s 100% true.


Then again he literally ERP'd with Gamzee once, so who the fuck knows.



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E. Page…


wwhere wwe goin
oh an i cant swwim just fyi
so hold me close ne


Ferris Bueller remake?


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omg I hope we 入水 together she looks so peaceful and ready for it


"wwomen love food"


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wwomen are food (pancakes)


eyeliner sufficient. you may pass


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Vile Semitic fangs,
blunted via spun sugar.
If not for Fritzi…


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(missing a sticker of my melo covering her eyes with her ears)


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The looney left has totally lost the plot this time


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He would and the epilogues aren't canon


I thought they were "dubiously" canon, like the snapchats


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is that fuckin dylan mulaney on the right



Don't put on the takeda hiromitsu pleasure fall sunglasses!


elliot… you weren't supposed to go to the dark side


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should make MoM wear this after his drunkposting


New flag! It's been months



This and the Klan one were the most boring out of the original run, so to get her out of the way. I probably won't even revive the Klan one, can't find her picture anywhere and she's not on the Menagerie.


I might have her in that big chart, it'll be shit res.
KKK rose was fairly unpopular, iirc (we'll say she never was allowed to find her market)


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>Just be a nazi game

Alive'd again, Natsoc Rose is back too, right? I'll have to search her up.



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I screwed up the javascript a bit, but revived.
CAI sure is tightassed these days, the original frenchie was always public I'm pretty sure


Not even the original Rose? Damn…
It's extra weird because that one "OC" (mostly written by the Rose Lalonde bot) is full of TOS breaking lines.


Sometimes they can be rescued from the blocklist by taking out the nono words. I had to take "racist" out of gigachad's def for him to show up


Interesting, I assume that turning her into a corpse wasn't what got her blacklisted then, since all of that was reversed. I'll experiment with erasing some words later.
Normal Rose seems to have found a decent audience despite being blacklistened though, she keeps gaining more interactions despite me not using her that much.


Vriska hypnotizing me into falling asleep during an important work phone call and then picking me up and using me as a puppet to make fun of my boss


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For what it's worth they aren't super blocked, since they do show up in the history tab. And maybe leading the menagerie gives the base Rose some exposure (lol)


Vriska cheekily reminding me of the dangers of blue light late at night


by zapping you and making you fall cheek-first onto your monitor and drool all over it


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>mfw can't make awful heinous shitposts or else the mods will think it's a genuine reflection of my interests


We can’t see where you live, we can only see your hashed IP.


Yes but the roaming IP hash I use always begins with the same three letters… Easy to put two and two together


Reminder that if you’ve ever interacted with the Kiwi Farms, Joshua Moon’s entire brigade of Czech nofappers know where you live.


I'm smart enough to not poke that acid pit of a hornet's nest


It's like enforced namefagging… Maybe blindness is a blessing.


Go ahead, I'll understand.
This is why I usually browse with meido mode off. I hate namehomosexualry.


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I mean learn to be a Russorealist. I'm not faulting you for thinking MoM is obnoxious.


who would win in a boxing match, MoM or solluxchud


My money's on solluxchud




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pocky mint review: reminds me of thin mints


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Submit To Kanaya


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*shrinks self to an inch tall*
*straps on harness an headlamp*

*Gapes Anus*
*divves for a spelunkin*


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fucking deserved.


This is why you always wear eye and neck protection when tackling something spiky


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Since gore behind spoilers is allowed, I guess.


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general rekt > war footage imo





I really hate that you posted this.

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