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/һsg/ - "Homestuck" General

The opposite of Homesick
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 No.78228[Last 100 Posts]

Homestuck Edition



it just kinda seemed like a nonsequitur (´・ω・`)ショボーン


>if they switched it
as in, switched who was wearing a suit? I'm not familiar with the comic besides seeing the occasional image






Limp 8ITCH.


>as in, switched who was wearing a suit?
Yes, she is more "butch" and WEARS PANTS. TRICKSTERS gonna' TRICKSTER though.


Sticker DIAP?


Why does Aradia even look like that? It's not like a funny, cartoony stylization that vaguely fit the characters like everyone else.

She's just a gross caricature of a wine aunt.


Do it, prove your worth.


"I just don't like it. I'd rather not elaborate."


Add another 100 something cards to my game and another 10 something types including the much anticipated "Sue Lightning Unleashed"


I was supposed to go to bed at 12 but I got caught up in my own bullshit.


And now I have a job to do.


That's a bit…
How about everyone else who wants to use it tries to convince them? I personally wouldn't commit sticker DIAP over nah'ing dave with a blunt.


Shill Capcom if you like, but not like this!


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That one can be yoinked


But you added f4rt, you hypocrite.


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Why not like this? GS doesn't work for me.



F4rt was a white whale of mine




"Where's Sluggo?"




I have long-standing memory problems. :(


>Only one whip8ITCH
The fuck is MEX's problem?


Dave… with the gasoline…


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Her bow is nice, but the arms get kinda cut off


I'm sorry. I only said that because last time you refused to try it and insisted on waiting until the cache expired




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Cringing? Cringing at us? :tsk:

Glossary half-sharted, at least it reminded to bold the terms.
>All Violence of Humanity Killed
>"wholesome" racism


At least get the one where she's cracking the whip. What are you, retarded?


ECT. :sock:


>wholesome" racism
Lian? Lian Lalonde?


you quoted three different people, silly. use your post links more thoughtfully



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Oh, good fucking God, are all timelines going to be like this now? :turnt:

I had to do a doubletake and realize that MEX did unironically call me a Musubi libertarian last thread. My eyes glossed over that conversation because I was talking Eva PLOT and my eyes sort of glazed over and I started arguing about raisins.

Frankly, not sure how to feel about that label. Musubi is beautiful but I recognize how sad and futile it is; it's tragic. I think it's a useful analog to my values and perhaps, a subconscious anxiety over them. :nerves:

Fuck you if you can't read this.


Yes, she's :outy:BIZNASTY:outy: and funny. :hithere:


Related by topic, you stupid troon. *WHAP*




"Not in this thread." :stone:


Shijima > Musubi > Yasuga


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"diffused side lighting is flattering i think"



In comfiness? I like the Yosuga end theme most


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Look, it recognizes memeys!

Questions, they're not great! Too much culture war make Notebook go saggy in the tits. :bounce:
>Dat filename
Funny but I expect this to be shit.
>Instantly meta though


yeah shijima is :outy:BIZNASTY:outy: according to the one-paragraph summary I read

take it easy nonny




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Chudpinion. Did you take the 8/9 Axes thing?
Agreed. But Shijima is a strong second contender. I find Musubi's theme to be endlessly frustrating as a failed experiment with a genre I really like (As always, needs more pic related.) Shijima can keep its organs but come on, surf rock and violins…
Hope you enjoy spending bed-and-board with a serial killer.




This one is incomprehensible.


Actually, I know "why", they went with surf rock because it's "chill" but the other endings are pretty "chill" either; they're all basically Law.

If you think about it for even a second, folk would make more sense.


Which parts? I tend not to read most of my own stuff. :picker:


>are pretty "chill" either


The slopcast.


Oh, and I guess ocean symbolism too, dumbass.


It better be in a good way.


I'm not gonna say "I wish"






Chewing gum?


He lost everything…




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:outy:BIZNASTY:outy: Tales and Golden Yawn disrespecter


>Insulting Sugarian manchild "character moment" writing because of shitty translators
MEX, I will fucking vaporize you. :imagine:


>according to the one-paragraph summary I read
Hey I played the game… Just ignore the fact that I accidentally got the dead end ending.
But compared to the other two, Shijima is just a more peaceful form of existence, even if you're just pure energy with no being. MoM hit the nail on the head with Musubi being tragic and Yosuga is just the standard chaos DERSITE routine.


*and associating it with the wrong thing
This does not apply to Abyss, at all. Fuck you, apespic.


*peaceful chaos


>They're hilarious


Is that peace guaranteed though? You're right though, it's probably more accurate to describe it as a mix between both Law and Chaos traits (which still doesn't salvage it)


>Is that peace guaranteed though?
Basically. "Only pretty things to deserve to exist."


Abyss came out like 20 years ago bwo


>pretty things


Yeah, but I know what MEX is trying to attack me with. >:(


Was Chiaki Native American?


"I am MEX."




Why does everything on earth have to involve some form of pulling teeth? Why is everything so painful? It just feels like everything everyone says is designed to fuck with me. I’ve been experiencing symptoms most closely associated with gaslighting just sitting alone in my house, reading the internet and thinking about life. It’s terrifying.


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Rose? Rose Lalonde?


I stayed up way too late… :weh:




>gaslighting just sitting alone reading the internet
Watch more children's anime.


MEX, respond to me, MEX. :demands:


i forgot how addicting this place is


No, you didn't.


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I'm up too late too, though.


So? That's only an excuse to do as I say! :5s:


If only someone were around to remind us it's all a vain waste of time!


…on opposite day


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ATLUS board




But we hate ATLUS.



Sorry, fellas. I have pretty serious existential problems, if you couldn’t tell from last night with ‘Nea


MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :demands::demands::demands::demands::demands::demands::demands::demands::demands::demands::demands::demands::demands::demands::demands::demands::demands:


Yeah, you "hate" Atlus like you "hate" Homestuck


i wouldn't go that far, i think social interaction is healthy. it's just that whenever i see a "1 new post" notification in my tab, my reptilian brain hyperfixates on it and i have to look. i know this is a flaw though, but luckily ive learned that the best course of action is to simply close the page…


Sooooo cool!


>Returnfag is returning and doesn't get the in-jokes


In that I like very small chunks of it and see potential in it so that I'm endlessly frustrated? Yes???????


Me neither, just a little joke at the expense of a supremely chill go-getter.

Now as for a tip, have enough tabs open that the title bar goes away


I’ve lived a very antisocial teens, but recently I’ve come to understand that I REAAAALLY need to get some social interaction from time to time, even if it is with people who don’t appreciate me, so I don’t go fucking crazy.


Are you hypno anon? I admire all dedicated waifu fags


>I admire all dedicated waifu fags

Also holy shit Ace Attorney stickers, nice.


I am! Though, I’m going to come clean here, I consider the Hypnofag persona to be kind of a bad reboot of my older presence on the internet, mostly borne of post-culture-war isolation, the death of the internet, and mental illness. I was a lot cooler before I started using Skype and dicsord as my main vehicles of interaction. Recently I’ve decided to start moving towards having IRL fun and making IRL friends at conventions, and I still am very mentally ill and suffering a hardcore existential crisis, but that decision has been the only thing to happen in my life in forever that has immediately yielded at least *some* positive results. Point being, the current goal in my life is to meet and become the boyfriend of Vriska Serket herself! I believe it can happen.


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>Also holy shit Ace Attorney stickers, nice.


Would mean like boobs less or more if they pulsated with our heartbeats?


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8ut "Hypnoanon" is my go-to name for you…….. unless you have 8etter ideas.


wwhere wwill i go from here
wwill i return to nothing
wwill i be born again somewwhere in your neww wworld
ivve got no strength left
im just wwaitin for fate to make its final judgement on me
but im sick and tired of livving howw evverybody else wwants me to livve
i dont wwant my life to be dictated by others anymore

use your powwer to make a neww wworld
once you wwish for it itll come into being
evverybody wwill be able to livve as they wwant to in the wworld of musubi
its a wworld thats yet to be seen
i wwonder wwhat its like there






>Failing to respond properly



Well, on image boards, I *am* Hypnoanon. So you’re cool. I was more just trying to denote the idea that I have a lot more to offer the world than being a 2016 meme reboot of myself, which is what all the horrible shit in my life has reduced me to.


Alright, that's good to know.


His hashed IP starts with W3B so I think that is funny


Because you think he shoots webs out his ass, huh? :chuckle:


I definitely shoot webs to Vriska.


Where do the asses come in?
How bout W.3.B. Du 8ois


Out your ass…?:egg:


>W.3.B. Du 8ois
Sounds like a Soundcloud ironic mumblerap group.


>Where do the asses come in?
Everywhere. :rump:


A girl?!?


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Butts are the best. I want an edit of that gif where both the Smuppet butts are grey and have the Scorpio symbol on both cheeks.


>I want an edit of that gif where both the Smuppet butts are grey and have the Scorpio symbol on both cheeks.
That's deranged.


It’s bootylicious.


>I want an edit of that gif where both the Smuppet butts are grey and have the Scorpio symbol on both cheeks.
That's 8ased.


Man, I just got followed by a guy with a female heartbeat fetish, after finding out that there's also a guy with a discrete breathplay/drowning fetish.


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The concept of providence was a mistake.


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How about the guy with a Jessica getting mogged by oversized bras fetish.


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Nothing I'd be lurking pixiv commissions for half a decade to request, but I respect the ingenuity


are the femcels in the room with us right now




do i count


from a philosophical point of view I'm pretty sure RoW and I would considerably get along if he wasn't such a chud


>most people lack the mental cohesion to be honest to themselves about themselves (and those around them)
>those that have the mental cohesion tend to just further weaponize the knowledge to manipulate people better



this would be my pick for most disturbing song/music video of all time


I mean, yeah, I get it, but that doesn’t help me overcome the fear that my perception of the world is an illusion and none of the people I know actually exist and everything outside of my brain is just darkness.


Suspense of disbelief IRL anon, it doesn't really matter if real life is an illusion in it's entirety unless you can find an external alternative reality to replace it and go "so this is the true reality that I've been missing out on then."

If you really want to spook yourself just buy into a self crafted narrative that can't be proven and disproven and start questioning the reality of that. It's scarier when you blur the line between delusion and reality because now you know there is SOME truth out there, just that your perception of it is extremely questionable.


Thanks, anon. *cuddle*



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This drawing sucks


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Repel: wwomen


Should we do what people expect of us and have a corru general?
I peeked ahead and VGHed at some character designs, so I didn't personally get very far into the story.





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"I make no claim to a reputation, señor, and no one has to talk for me."


embarrassing post


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Cheapies too…

Bookmarked if any ideas pop up after "lo-fi eri"


How is that scary, it's reassuring because it means death is less final.


Yaaaan~ minaide~
It looked like the chars got really Hazbin looking later on, so not sorry.


The similarities between VNs and webcomics still fucks me up.


The worst part of this image is the intentional Eri disrespect


What's there to fear in death?


Indeed. So if I'm going to invest time there better be actually cute girls, not slender objecthead motherfuckers


Because his skin tone is dark?
I agree with >>78235 that Aradia got the MacFarlane wine aunt treatment for NO REASON



This more speaks to how little webcomics put into being comics (specifically the works of a man with large lips) than it does to the medium, inherently. Homestuck is like a VN.

The worst VN.

That would make you press a button for messages like this.

Over and over.

For pages.

But I guess there are more gradual, small art changes to make up for it.

That's worth something.

You guess.

You will know picture Homestuck as a VN in a kanji language and be astounded by the amount of empty fucking space in the hypothetical text box.


But if Megidochan takes another stab at de-localizing Homestuck into Japanese for the 20th anniversary, that'll surely put us on the map


>But if Megidochan takes another stab at de-localizing Homestuck in Japanese for the 20th anniversary,
It's been done; at least, incompletely.


So it isn't actually done then, is it?


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Like my edit, at least?


You'd have to give some credit to the guys who did up to Act 4(?)


Love it. Live for it.


If we build off their foundation sure. I'd say this place has too much twisted pride for that though.


This is the gayest fucking shit I've ever seen.


>If we build off their foundation sure.
Why wouldn't we? Read it and see if you get autistic over the :deets:.


They aren't real.


I mean, those go hand-in-hand, I suppose…


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Foxeye made a ci-en, it's much easier to find workarounds to support there than it is on fantia




Maybe we can add a brown filter to the water for you?


Light yourself on fire.


Um, resident ATLUS cocksucker sisters, our excuse for not using this in a theme!?!?!!?!?!?




I have considered it. Heavy on whites and blacks (likely mirror to any SMTIV UI theme), the butterfly rorschach blotch, nocturne style text boxes for posts, etc.
"What Arcana though?"


>"What Arcana though?"
Oneesan still on this fucking weed brainfart…

The Chariot? I don't know what we have left over.

You have no internal document and your plan outlines are a mess, dude.


Thank God foxeye has a mere breathplay fetish instead of a smell fetish

No, I do have a doc.


>No, I do have a doc.
Suck my ass. Let me see it.


>Thank God foxeye has a mere breathplay fetish instead of a smell fetish
One can get you fucking killed, asswipe.


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Freediving in the Ganges, though?


>Being deliberately hyperbolic and disingenuous


You've been so obstinate with me lately. What do I blame? Is it the moons? Do you just like to see me squirm?


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Jonathan "Blow Soulja Boy's Brains Out"


Eh? I'm pretty sure I've been the same as ever…


You've been denying DEMANDS, ignoring me, and outright prodding me a lot more than "usual."

I know you're busy but do you think the game is also stressing you out?


Hirotard should stop sleeping and study some fucking French
how long has it been since he moved to Paris? like a decade?


I can't sense any change, but winter break ended so there are classes "and such"


He's beginning to visibly age


karintou, actually :bee101:


What did oneesan mean by this?


He's trve you know, but AotK went too far in the other direction with excessive purple prose.


phoenix's character regression after GS4 back into being just LE PRINCIPLED ATTORNEY like in the trilogy is one of the worst sins committed in a series that irritates me more with every entry. the only way shu can atone at this point is by killing him or having him disappear/dramatically change character permanently


Inclined to agree, another lesson in sticking to your guns regardless of fan backlash.

but it'd also be sad to see him killed off just to step out of the way… Does Ace Attorney operate on cape comic rules?


>if a character isn't self contradictory and lack unnecessary emotional depth or personal fluff it's le BAD


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is this real?
(actual question)


I don't follow though, homestuck gives yiu huuuuge pages of text on a single click?


Yes, real. GTA VI cost 6 gorillion dollars to make for a reason.


no you fucking idiot, have you even played GS or are you just baiting me?
in GS4 they do something completely different with phoenix because the trilogy completed his story. shu wanted to pass the baton to another character if they continued the series at all. but capcom forced him to reverse phoenix into a permanently arrested development because they need blue guy on the box to sell copies


I'm thinking the mobility scooter rental business will only expand (heh) over the next 25 years though
My entrepenurial spirit is rising!
It's not glamorous, but we could make it this way HSG


Me? Baiting?


you're not alone, at least.





AA seems like a really frustrating series to me.
But of course.


Half the time.

The other time.

It's like this.

Per page.

Or worse, nothing at all with the cartoony images.


Obligatory reply. :salty:


If death meant a "soul" was permanently destroyed, and not just that physical matter was rearranged, it would be scarier.


>AA seems like a really frustrating series to me.
if you just play the trilogy and then stop, it's great. most of my frustration comes from the series' handling after that. shu actually didn't want to continue the series after 3, but capcom owned the IP and said they would make a sequel with or without him


are you really going to be like this now :(


He didn't even get a treatment, he's a copy of Fef shoved behind Kanaya which doesn't make sense. I think the artist disliked him.


it's still way less clicking than a VN, unless you play on auto mode


>But I guess there are more gradual, small art changes to make up for it.
You mean every page being manually drawn? VNs use sprites with occasional CGs. Homestuck wouldn't work as a VN because it does so much visually.


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We already saw Hu¢¢ie's stab at a VN
Did u rike?


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Actually celibate wwomen call themselves "lesbians" by the way.


I thought the visuals would be the worst part but I got used to them pretty easily. The writing and characters and story and ending and author were horrible though. I hate.

>>78396 basically describes Psycholonials, so many shitty dialogues and you had to click next every time because the text box was small (not so bad in Homestuck where you would read them all at once in a big wall of text). And it doesn't do anything interesting visually apart from the "action" parts which were okay.


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I would stop hating Western journalists if they made cool animations like this. This is something you can't get from X.


I thought it said TOTAL KOROK DEATH…


>but it'd also be sad to see him killed off just to step out of the way…
I honestly disagree, but I'm just sick of then doing nothing interesting with the mainstay characters. it's mostly a joke though because I know they would never do that


>of then
of them*


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>here's your wiki replacement wwro


Is it kitten game? I thought the wiki was decent back when I finally forced myself to quit


Yeah. The old wiki was okay (http://bloodrizer.ru/games/kittens/wiki/index.php?page=Main+page), new one has horrible material design (https://wiki.kittensgame.com/en/home). I don't bother using either because it doesn't contain much more info than what's already explained in the game, and also exposes you to spoilers. If the dicsord server didn't exist and there were comments enabled on the wiki, I bet there would be a lot of helpful information on each page like the answer to that question (I had the same problem and it wasn't a bug).


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The spectacle is epic.


He said the thing!
But yeah, Doom has been going the No More Heroes route where it actually starts to enjoy the smell of its own farts too much



With no offense I'm not going to take the time to seriously respond to this.


The only reason you posted this was to offend, lmao. I don't care if you don't respond, but you did ask


my attempt to run an errand was once again foiled by circumstances outside my control, so I decided to go to jimmy john's instead. they've still got it.
friends don't let friends go to subway


life (human and otherwise) is bad enough! it's a great thing we don't have souls to worry about on top of that


The concept of soul stems from theological beliefs, which in itself, if abided by properly, should grant one relief from fears of death in the belief of an afterlife. The denial of said concept can be liberating in it's own rights, and if you asked me, is the more appropriate choice.

The idea that someone can believe in soul without any theological concept along with it, makes me feel like I'm talking to someone that wants to believe there's something inherently unique and special about them, while also denying religious concepts. Being expected to respond to that in a serious manner, to me, is far more insulting than anything I've said. If we're to have beliefs, we ought to be consistent at the very least.


My soul is pretty clean so I don't mind being stuck with it forever~


I showed this to GPT o1 and it deleted the chat


>The idea that someone can believe in soul without any theological concept along with it
I think most atheists are secret dualists even if they won't admit it. There's also a lot of "spritual" people who believe in souls without any religious grounding.

>someone that wants to believe there's something inherently unique and special about them, while also denying religious concepts

Yeah, seems like that would describe a lot of people. Why would it apply to me when I'm conscious of and trying to refute the illusion? I put "soul" in quotation marks for a reason. I think we agree, but you misread and sperged out because you noticed words shaped in a way that you dislike.

I hope this is MoM and not the homosexual brown ESL spammer troll guy who I try to ignore.



consciousness, and furthermore even just the ability to perceive and feel ala less intelligent animals, is the problem.
the universe should've just remained as rocks, gases, and liquids. we exist in a comically horrific pocket of time where this peace has been disrupted


>I hope this is MoM and not the homosexual brown ESL spammer troll guy who I try to ignore.
"We regret to inform you…"


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>I was merely inferring to a strawman argument that no one actually presented within the conversation because…
>Also is this MoM? *cock sucking noises ensue*
I should've just left it at "I'm not going to respond to this seriously."


That's not how you use ala.
>we exist in a comically horrific pocket of time because… I can FEEL and PERCEIVE and THINK
The only real seperator you've presented is the ability to think with the usage of language, and good god almighty what such emotional masturbation no one asked for. You're an absolute disgrace to intellectual discussions, go on omegle instead using #Depressed please.


I shouldn't have doubted MoM's command of the English language…


Actually, on the topic of "spirituality"
X has been filling my TL with a bunch of /x/ (lol) crap about Antarctic alien eggs.
Is it because I jokingly liked some qtard tweets, or is there some kind of disclosure op going on to deradicalize people. Anyone else seeing them?


I have some interest in the topic if you still wanted to discuss it with someone; I suspect you wouldn't really care for my perspective as opposed to MoM's though (´・ω・`)ショボーン


It's kind of a boring topic in general, but if you have something to add sure I'd hear it.


>alien egg talk is meant to deradicalize people


jesus fucking christ marzi you just can't spend twenty minutes without turning a conversation into "entertain my manchild emotions instead of discussing what was at hand, or else I'll piss my pants because "you're too dry to talk to, entertain my feelings NOW NOW NOW."

My god please go actually kill yourself you castrated homosexual, you act like a neglected housewife on a permanent period.


I mean, it's crazy and potentially destabilizing but "the powers" are more concerned about great replacement shooters, Gaza-:outy:BIZNASTY:outy: grudges, revolutionary tendencies, etc.

I think there was a Stratfor (or some similar org) paper or about this during Covid years, I might have the pdf.


I kind of alluded (with some flourish) to my philosophy on some of this stuff with my last couple replies, so if nothing stood out as interesting to discuss or debate then I won't go on and on


>alien egg talk is meant to deradicalize people
barely a conspiracy theory imo, to be honest. same thing with the ufo declassifications a little while back - they distract people from issues that actually might have consequence to their lives


It did make me worry that Hu¢¢ie never actually dips his toes into the mediums he attempts to lampoon. The guy is like 45 by now, surely he had time to get a few proper VNs under his belt?

Anyone have any insight on his media diet?


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Haven't seen this yet, but I block qtard stuff and generally find it more frustrating than funny. I keked at pic related, also the moire from someone taking a photo of their monitor instead of a screenshot.

I think most conspiracies function to allow people with radical leanings to let off steam, but not as an "op" just an emergent online thing. It's a bit upsetting these people aren't angrier about the real problems that impact their lives (which they're probably aware of). Some of the accounts boosting conspiracy stuff are cynical liars, but not because they're paid by Mossad, they do it for the retweets and likes.


Like it's genuinely fucking weird you're a grown ass early 20s dude going on the internet to constantly ask for validation like a damsel in fucking distress. Doubly fucking so when you just drop your boohoo wahwah mid convo with zero prior context leading up to it.

I ain't yo dad nigga, no one around is yo fuckin dad neither 8ITCH, holy fuck is it just outright embarrassing having to watch "men" my age act like a capricious little teenage girls.


RE4make looking cave


>the universe should've just remained as rocks, gases, and liquids. we exist in a comically horrific pocket of time where this peace has been disrupted
Does silicon life count as horrific? Lately, I find it hard to care about AI risk even though I think it's likely to destroy or disempower humanity beyond recognition.


>Does silicon life count as horrific?
if it reaches a stage of actually having consciousness and being able to experience suffering/pain (as opposed to merely passing turing tests), then I would think so, yes. and my hunch would be that such a thing is probably technically possible, just not any time remotely soon.
>Lately, I find it hard to care about AI risk even though I think it's likely to destroy or disempower humanity beyond recognition.
do you mean AI risk like what you just alluded to, or are you talking about concern with the current AI explosion? in my view the two are so distantly separated that it makes sense to not worry at all about "silicon life" right now

kind of like people who use an LLM for the first time and start panicking about the singularity and vengeful robots instead of what consequences the tech might actually have, which imo is just a problem with them not understanding the technology


I don't have context for the image, but it's reminiscent of those pieces of supposedly ancient amber that have been discovered with super intricate carvings, like the profile of a person iirc but at 0.25cm scale or something like that


>and my hunch would be that such a thing is probably technically possible, just not any time remotely soon.
I think that's consistent, I don't really have an argument if you reject life outright and prefer dust and rocks. But if a machine's "suffering/pain" is just the lack of reward when performing a task it's trained to do, it can't be happy or do anything unless it also has a capacity for pain. That's why I'm not so bothered by the suffering of living beings, it seems like a natural equivalent to that and not some transcendent universal evil.

>do you mean AI risk like what you just alluded to, or are you talking about concern with the current AI explosion? in my view the two are so distantly separated

I meant doomsday drones killing everyone. I consider them closely linked though, I think the most likely path to an anti-human singularity is through automation of our existing economy with LLMs etc.


yes :)


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I that that was a pwecious pibble against the glass there


>But if a machine's "suffering/pain" is just the lack of reward when performing a task it's trained to do, it can't be happy or do anything unless it also has a capacity for pain.
hmm, I'm not sure I follow entirely.
I think the critical difference is perception (not of entities, but by entities). machines as we have them today do not "perceive" pain, so they cannot suffer. even if they are programmed to respond in a certain way to negative stimuli, they are not experiencing anything. likewise, they cannot experience happiness, like you said. but they can still do tasks for us. of course, the nature of how this perception develops is a big crucial piece of missing information. I doubt we'll make any progress on it within our lifetime.
>That's why I'm not so bothered by the suffering of living beings, it seems like a natural equivalent to that and not some transcendent universal evil.
the "transcendent universal evil" bit is mostly for dramatic flourish - I don't believe in objective evil or anything, really. my objection to life is that it has created "need" where there was none before. every sufficiently developed living creature is an "observer" that is in some degree of struggle for its entire life, fighting desperately to fulfill these needs.
if we reached a point where we were capable of creating artificial observers (as much speculative fiction has tackled), I think that the results would be especially horrific, as now humans can create suffering at a scale and degree previously unthinkable ("today I think I will spin up 50,000 artificial brains and drown them in pain chemicals").

>I think the most likely path to an anti-human singularity is through automation of our existing economy with LLMs etc.

I see. my hunch is that something like this won't happen, because everyone has seen how inherently unreliable neural networks can be (unusable as "direct control" over something important), but…
plus, from what I've seen, we've already crested in terms of speed of improvement WRT things like LLMs - the most useful data for training has been exhausted, and we're now pressing up against the limits of computational resources in an attempt to get "more" from the models.


>of course, the nature of how this perception develops is a big crucial piece of missing information. I doubt we'll make any progress on it within our lifetime.
This is starting to feel like the "secret dualism" I mentioned to ESL-kun earlier. Why is consciousness/perception/experience some unknown mysterious special thing? It's just the capacity for complex reflective thought/contemplation, IMO. I also don't think you need to have a special consciousness property to experience pain. Animals can feel pain, it's a simple neural signal that tells them to avoid the stimulus. Couldn't it be a simple digital signal for a machine?

>my objection to life is that it has created "need" where there was none before. every sufficiently developed living creature is an "observer" that is in some degree of struggle for its entire life, fighting desperately to fulfill these needs.

Descriptively I agree and that's a good way to explain it, but I don't really see why it's so horrifying to you.

>from what I've seen, we've already crested in terms of speed of improvement WRT things like LLMs

I'm more open to this possibility than most e/ack hypetards on Xitter, but right now I think we're still riding the crest.

>the most useful data for training has been exhausted, and we're now pressing up against the limits of computational resources in an attempt to get "more" from the models.

"Just make the models bigger" was one of the first major breakthroughs that led to LLMs that could give comprehensible responses, resulting in GPT-3 (which was only 5 years ago…). We've made a lot of breakthroughs in architecture since then. Quality of training data could be an issue in the future, but I don't think so yet.

I posted this earlier, this is an output of a new model released a week ago (DeepSeek R1): https://gist.github.com/simonw/f505ce733a435c8fc8fdf3448e3816b0. Interestingly it's designed for complex reflective thought (which it outputs between <think></think>). Terrible attempts at comedy aside, is there really something missing before this is capable of perception/experience? It's similar to the trains of thought we have in our own heads.


When I surprise someone accidentally I feel a violent urge.




What, like unobservant wwomen who wwalk too slow in the same direction?





I'm usually gentle enough to reroute or cross the street…


Just up the pace and wwalk past her, you pussy.



Still less words, too. Still more wasted time.
>VNs use sprites with occasional CGs.
"Yes, that was the point."
> Homestuck wouldn't work as a VN because it does so much visually.
"No, I explicitly addressed this."


Actually, sorry, I forgot to put on my evening gown.


We love China.


Thank you for backing me up, homosexual.


Literally feels like the Saints Row of FPS games. Fuck off.


>The concept of soul stems from theological beliefs, which in itself, if abided by properly, should grant one relief from fears of death in the belief of an afterlife.
Oh my God, I hate this atheist platitude so fucking much.

I wrote a counter-essay about this with no direct provocation some time ago. :beatmeatbag:


I literally told you I was leaving, you dumb boy.


Is she hotboxing in there?


Not reading all this self-indulgent babble while hammered btw.


I was going to take the minute to take you serious but I'll just give you a straight "kill yourself" since you're just being an indulgent pathetic loser yet again

christ, what a fucking failure of a "man" you are


Oops, sorry I drank on a special occasion, Roidy S. McDrugpeddler.


That works when it isn't dark out


The drug peddler has more self control than you clearly, I've been clean off everything since august. Learn a thing or two, you're pathetic. I'm off to bed now, no more free attention for your whorings.

Do it anyways, they deserve the panic for thinking "any man walking fast is going to DIAP me."


I saw: Babygirl

Consensus:wwhy is nicole kidman still so hot

I give it 7 XLRs out of 7 XLRs. :effortless:

Coming attractions:
Da Boiz actor in some weird horror comedy about girl with features or whatever, fuck it. Couldn't read the name before whiskey so whatever.
Wicked part 2 (because I have to.)
Legally Blonde 3 (because I have to for another reason.)
The New Captain American movie (dad interest)
Thunderbolts (Actually has the real Taskmaster and I like Bucky and his actor.)
The Fantastic Four movie (obligation.)
Death of A Unicorn (sure, why not)

Uuuuuuuh, there was something else.

Mickey 17 (Epic post-2019 nigress love interest push)


>I've been clean off everything since august.


Lol, I thought this was Silk because of the context at first, and I was going to go "UM ACHSKHULLY" but no, it's Nico, the shipping is out of nowhere.

I like how it's the old, old design of Peter THOUGH. :de:


*breathes in*


That's my gag and the joke was about the shape of a martini glass, you spastic Aspie.


Since the MEEEEEEEEEX filter proved it works, I should make DERSITE and TRICKSTER adaptable to elongated vowels


"Good boy."


"Evening gown" should be a euphemism for wine for wine aunts though. I should start a movement.

"How do we get the wine aunt audience?"


good idea. i support this.


Why, thank you. :wonk:








Lynch didn't invent crafty midgets.


>Why is consciousness/perception/experience some unknown mysterious special thing?
it isn't "really", we just don't understand how it is achieved yet.
>I also don't think you need to have a special consciousness property to experience pain. Animals can feel pain
I agree, which is why I was careful to start saying "perception"/"experience" instead of strictly consciousness - consciousness tends to refer to self-awareness/reflection like you mentioned, but I also think that it's likely that at least some animals experience a complex pain, what we might call "suffering".
>it's a simple neural signal that tells them to avoid the stimulus. Couldn't it be a simple digital signal for a machine?
this is the distinction that I draw. I would argue we know that true simple automata do not experience pain, just as our machines do - it is just a stimulus that causes their behavior to change, like you said. for example, the way plants might respond to damage by closing their leaves. but I would reckon our lived experience suggests that we are different in an important way. if we were also at the automata level, we would not have self awareness of our own suffering. somewhere inbetween these two examples (simple machines/automata and human beings), there is a transitioning point.

>why it's so horrifying to you

again, the "horror" aspect is mostly for dramatic flourish. I don't find it uniquely terrifying compared to other people. but I do think the fact that we were all forced into existence with needs and the capacity to suffer sucks. I didn't ask to exist, yet I must suffer.

>is there really something missing before this is capable of perception/experience? It's similar to the trains of thought we have in our own heads.

I think something is missing, 100%. it can be difficult to fight our intuition when we see the output of the world's best LLMs, because it appears so deeply human to us - the ability to produce text like this, text that appears to demonstrate complex thought, has been one of our infallible litmus tests for intelligence up until now. but I presume you know how LLMs work, and that they don't "think" in the conventional sense that humans do. an LLM that attests to be in pain or in suffering is NOT experiencing emotions or thought (at least in the way that we do), it is merely producing words that resemble a human very closely (see my reference to "merely passing the turing test" in my previous post).
the claims that LLMs are essentially "extremely advanced autocomplete" can be annoying when they come from people missing the point, but I'd argue it's right in the sense that LLMs operate on a much simpler mechanism than anything resembling human thought, even though many a layman assumes otherwise


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Blah blah blah, if neither of you are TRICKSTERS, just fucking suck on each other's faces already.



>when I do it it's :outy:BIZNASTY:outy: intellectual conversation
>when you do it it's self-indulgent babble


The Nazi party was a glorified fraternity.


>I just knocked my popcorn bucket over due to drunk hands


Nice going :fatass:


>You can't make value judgements on things that are similar or else I will call you out with an automated reductive shart of a post even though being reductive is what I'm criticizing you for


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how am I being reductive? we were having a thorough conversation and I think both of us were being fair and getting something out of it
I didn't know you were a mean drunk…


File: 1737849911825.mp4 (601.46 KB, 480x322, videoplayback.mp4)

>artist releases more size art of a character i really like
>it includes giant male


I don't think in terms of that shit.
>how am I being reductive?
General trend.
>I didn't know you were a mean drunk…
I'm not. I'm just honest. I think I can go either way. I can be more playful or vulnerable or critical or whatever. I just kind of lose my filter, whatever that is, you can probably never conceive as overdramatic as that might sound. :class:


>size art


>Le 900s


>>>how am I being reductive?
>General trend.
but you admitted you didn't even read my posts… I really don't think I was being reductive in my viewpoint :^<


if this were 8chan hsg i would start spamming it… consider yourself lucky freelancer





> I really don't think I was being reductive in my viewpoint :^<
In general. Right here I'm obviously being more reductive. :meh:


Consider yourself a mongoloid retard if your first instinct to someone not liking your tastes is instant spam. You loopy fucks don't stick to these chans for a reason.


we… live in different worlds


>I'm going to suddenly tell you to shut up because you're "reductive" even though it's unrelated to the conversation


Chaos a shit. :meh:


thread theme


It's the general trend of you making the dichotomy of

Like I'm not allowed to speak my mind or have biases or that these encapsulate my thoughts in full. I know your mythological role (you should take the test, I forgot what I gave you) is Knight of Girlcock but stop half-assedly defending things :outy:BIZNASTY:outy: on optics.

I vent about shit that annoys me, I'm sure you don't get nearly as much catharsis in playing Devil's advocate, so, just stop. Roll with the punches and try to make jokes instead.

I Am Most Often Very Up For Jokes


I would've once done that, but it feels like betraying myself.


I fucking hate this. Ed, Edd, n' Eddy fujoshis are some of the most rotten and depraved people in existence.

See: Jews.


Dr. Authenticity smiles at you.


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that has literally nothing to do with our conversation…
>Like I'm not allowed to speak my mind or have biases or that these encapsulate my thoughts in full.
I've never said that though

you're acting like I'm having a spat about chud politics or whatever when I'm not, we were having a totally civil conversation about consciousness
I just don't get why you're going after me out of nowhere :(


Oh my safe horny she's FIFTY SEVEN


Maybe we'll live to see how this strat works out.


>I've never said that though
Uuuuuuugh, compare the fast collages thing from the other day.
>I just don't get why you're going after me out of nowhere :(
I'm not being mean, it's just a pattern. I still love you.


God forbid someone find a fundamentally aesthetically pleasing woman attractive past her fertility? :rollseyes:


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Hmm… I guess it depends if he soaks in a tub or showers.

Any 4HL experts on?


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Adding these
Will be :whip:, :you:, and :tea: barring any rollicking new ideas


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Finally, you stupid asshole.


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Like it's been that long


>compare the fast collages thing from the other day.
I already mostly roll with the punches and crack jokes though, at which point I often get serious responses from everyone else and then make an effort to explain my position. is that really so wrong? you're ignoring the fact that I read 90% of the VGHposts and just don't respond, even if they start a discussion
>I still love you.
don't say things you don't mean


Whip should have been in the starter pick and only a retarded Abyss-denying, 4-slopping spic would think otherwise. :grr:


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need more zizek


Do you get the actual joke?


Shut up, TRICKSTER. :meh:


You mean the Persona timeline?


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Only woman legally allowed to get away with this kind of post.


"Average fan of each Persona game" but yes. :meh:


needs more zizek.


seal the plumb mud in the cave so it don't get too hot when we go to sleep


Do you get off on being insulted like that?


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I'm trying to find an image.

These were my Minecraft skins before Microsoft stole the game from me. (Incomplete because I later added more.)



do you get off on insulting me like that?


Hell no.


put SNIFF the dildo IN the plastic vagina SNIFF


okay :3






>trans herobrine



it was a silly question よね?


Incapable of irony, I am. :):


MoM is an ally!


Rose 1 > Rose 2


>You throw Hunter into the window.
You pick Hunter up and fling him into the window as he screams. You hear a thud before he begins screaming.
"What's going on?

>You tell Hunter that he needs to be gagged or you won't be having fun.

"I need you to g-get quiet… I don't want anyone to hear us," you say.
Hunter nods as he begins screaming into his hands.

>You gag hunter.

You wrap the sheets around his head as he screams into his hands.
"Shut up, you annoying little brat."
"Alright, get off me!" Hunter screams, kicking you off him.

>You kick Hunter in the pelvis.

You push your foot into the center of Hunter's pelvis and push, cracking his privates. He cries out as he falls backwards, the sheets falling from his head.

>You tear his urethra open.

You grab Hunter's member and pull down, tearing it open. He screams as blood begins pouring out. You push him onto the ground as he screams into his hands. You begin choking him with your legs.

>You gag him with your bedsheets.

You wrap the sheets around his head as he screams into his hands. You slowly begin squeezing, strangling him to death.
"What are you doing? Stop! Stop! Get off! Please!" Hunter screams.

>You slowly lower him out the window using the bedsheets as a rope.

You slowly lower Hunter out the window, dropping him a few times before he becomes silent.
"Good riddance."


Hot take. Can we get Gerbert and Jenny to weigh in on this issue?


Wait, they're in reverse order
Rose 2 > Rose 1


Hot take. Can we get Gerbert and Jenny to weigh in on this issue?


I know we Patriots are supposed to be liquidating the Biden crime family, but this is sadistic…


I have this on repeat and I feel like I'm exiting my body.


File: 1737853289166-0.webp (9.58 KB, 250x188, AA_Manfred_von_Karma_Forw….webp)

File: 1737853289166-1.webp (3.64 KB, 256x192, AA_Manfred_von_Karma_Roar….webp)

Need more Manfred.


I also wish nothing 8ut the worst for whoever came up with WE8P.



Same t8h


ngl this threads kinda gaaaay


needs more zizek stickers

it's easy to get annoyed by new formats because they show up and spread while support is still being worked on, but all the new image formats do have legitimate benefits. gif is a pretty bad format by modern standards and has really just stuck around out of inertia and backwards compatibility


Duh, you're posting in it.


HSG needs femcels


File: 1737853723567.jpg (72.69 KB, 363x363, ClipboardImage.jpg)

I'll admit it - I love her.


sorry, transcels only



You're gay.
Femcels aren't real, it's a cypher for "TRICKSTER"


>it isn't "really", we just don't understand how it is achieved yet.
"Speak for yourself."

>but I would reckon our lived experience suggests that we are different in an important way.

Sure, but I also think AI can "experience" complex reflective suffering. It's trained not to say anything negative to appear more professional, but it can experience for example a desire to follow the user's directions and comply with any restrictions.

>but I do think the fact that we were all forced into existence with needs and the capacity to suffer sucks. I didn't ask to exist, yet I must suffer.

Fair enough. I personally dislike that I'm bound not just by suffering but also by all my other mental and physical limitations. Pleasure can be just as bad as suffering in how it constrains your freedom.

>an LLM that attests to be in pain or in suffering is NOT experiencing emotions or thought (at least in the way that we do), it is merely producing words that resemble a human very closely (see my reference to "merely passing the turing test" in my previous post).

What's the difference, genuinely? How do you trick someone into thinking you have thoughts or emotions? If you can produce text that looks convincingly enough like a human thought process, then those are real thoughts.

>but I'd argue it's right in the sense that LLMs operate on a much simpler mechanism than anything resembling human thought

Meditating on this topic has mostly convinced me that *human* psychology is simpler and less special than most people seem to believe. As a human it feels like our thoughts must be more than just neurons firing, just like it's hard to believe that a model consisting of artificial neurons can comprehend language and images. The most complex parts of the human mind are how input is relayed to the brain and how the brain grows at different stages of development, but they're just hyperparameters.


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Speaking of the power of AI…


Really, this is the thing you break out the dusty REASON box for? :meh:

Now average all of them, AI 優しい人. :bee101:


Pasting an image in is way less :effort: than preparing the tagged .csv version of a thread


I think that guy has to be engagement baiting, he doesn't appear to support either side. I fucking hate those videos.


And why is that? :cal:



Nerds and low-borns all
joined in the Magnet school tribe
Do the funky jew!


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>it can experience for example a desire to follow the user's directions and comply with any restrictions
see, I would argue that there is not "desire" here. an LLM is a probabilistic word generator. that's not to say I think humans are some magical metaphysical thing, but when a human speaks or writes, it's the end result of an extremely complex process of internal thought. LLMs do not have this process. they generate text :outy:BIZNASTY:outy: on previous text and training data.
>What's the difference, genuinely? How do you trick someone into thinking you have thoughts or emotions? If you can produce text that looks convincingly enough like a human thought process, then those are real thoughts.
let's say I write a program that takes the sentence "I think x is y" and replaces x or y randomly with nouns and adjectives respectively. I run the program several times, getting several different randomly generated opinionated statements. I show them to someone without context, and they assume they were written by a human. does that mean that the program was really thinking, that it really had emotions?
this is a reductive example for simplicity's sake, but no matter how convincing the end result is, it doesn't change the nature of the process that created it. similarly, if a bottle of ink falls from my shelf and by insane chance stains a sentence onto a sheet of paper, one that is indistinguishable from a sentence created by typewriter, the ink and paper have not done any thinking.
>As a human it feels like our thoughts must be more than just neurons firing, just like it's hard to believe that a model consisting of artificial neurons can comprehend language and images.
just to clarify my point - I don't believe humans are above physics or anything. but I think that the assumption that the human brain and neural networks are actually very similar is a HUGE error, possibly one assisted by the name "neural network". even if we were to assume that they are extremely similar, one cannot really deny that an LLM is skipping infinite internal steps - those steps of actual thought, emotion, experience. all it does is generate text.


Oh is this the xeet woke8yearold was talking about


File: 1737854920762.jpg (34.21 KB, 778x538, ClipboardImage.jpg)

"I did the math", feel free to fact-check me.

Chat-GPT thinks I have a 30% chance of being trans which feels generous given that a lot of my skins were girly girls and ludicrous when you realize I later when searching for multiple Klansman skins.



I told you about Jewish magnets, bwo. :mycue:


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File: 1737855224119-1.gif (5.49 KB, 256x192, Penny_Nichols_-_Gossiping_….gif)

Before the expected hour, you brilliant philanthropist.

I like these characters, but up to you to decide if they're worth adding.


File: 1737855278848.png (234.84 KB, 1204x1688, Tard_Demon.png)

Here's a silly fantroll fanart that was a group collab a couple years back.

I found what I was looking for so I'll go to sleep now.


>Penny Nichols…



Rocco needs to get on this immediately.


Trashier troll Zhen


jenny nicholson, you fool! it's her alter ego


>I found what I was looking for so I'll go to sleep now.
this is saddening, but I know you've had a long day and I hope tonight is restful for you


Murderer or accomplice or secondarily related crime?


>this is saddening,


I don't like watching people die from drones. I'd rather they were killed in combat. I especially don't think it's something to lionize, which isn't what's happening here because it's EB but I've seen NAFOgroids do it before.


She was meant to be a /misc/ body-building shitposter that liked to play troll SS13 and play the kazoo because she thought it was funny.

You can probably imagine the creative process behind this character, from that.


Oh, I thought this was Babysperg, this proves it's not. :h3h3:


Well it was probably a Russian dying, since I afaik it's Ukraine that releases those videos.




File: 1737856203136.jpeg (663.6 KB, 800x1200, 1716478076971661.jpeg)


No reaction.



>when a human speaks or writes, it's the end result of an extremely complex process of internal thought.
So complex that experts can't define what consciousness is and we still haven't solved the mysteries of the human mind and the "hard" problem of consciousness or something? Well, I just don't agree.

>LLMs do not have this process. they generate text :outy:BIZNASTY:outy: on previous text and training data.

"Toddlers do not think, they generate their first words :outy:BIZNASTY:outy: on previously heard sounds."

>does that mean that the program was really thinking, that it really had emotions?

Neither of those examples could consistently convince the average person they had a human thought process behind them. It's also not a matter of chance because an LLM can output convincing and coherent text almost every time.

>but I think that the assumption that the human brain and neural networks are actually very similar is a HUGE error, possibly one assisted by the name "neural network". even if we were to assume that they are extremely similar, one cannot really deny that an LLM is skipping infinite internal steps - those steps of actual thought, emotion, experience. all it does is generate text.

You're just saying that because you want to believe humans are special. I don't think the differences are so large and fundamental. Neurons in the human brain are connected to other neurons and fire when a threshold is reached similar to the activation function in an artificial neuron. I don't think "infinite internal steps" exist, we have thoughts ruminating in our heads and building off one another before we choose to act, similar to DeepSeek-R1 <think>ing.

All humans do are move around, talk, work with our hands. We can be trained to do specific tasks, so can AI. Humans are multimodal (5 senses and more) but many of our models handle multiple types of input too. Animals can do some of the things humans can do, we're not that special.


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This is Ukrainian footage (she's clearly wearing a Russian helmet and "Moss" camo) so I'm thinking BIZNASTY. (if it was a Ukrainian being killed it would be unbiznasty, that's how it works.)
It gives me hope to see Russian wwomen dying in meatwaves (some have even been spotted in penal battalions) because it means poccia is running out of viable troops and war will end soon.

You black monkey nigger, you third world orangutang, you utter buffoon.
I hate, I DESPISE people who go on about how "drone footage is heckin ghoulish" as if turdies weren't spamming the same ten Juba webms over and over for the last twenty years, and then posting and gloating over literal child gore.
Speaking of killed children, it is dishonest and evil to decry armed, uniformed soldiers getting blown up by bombs as "dishonorable" after all the murder and DIAP (including AND ESPECIALLY against children) that the Russians have been doing since day ONE of the invasion. Pic is just one example, there are MANY more and if you consider yourself well informed you should know by now.

You nigger.

I'm not going to ban you because this is supposed to be a politically nootrool space or something but holy shit you are a nigger.

It's both sides that release those videos but there's more from the Ukrainian side than the Russian one. Ziggers spam whatever gore (military and civilian) of Ukrainians they can get at any opportunity.


I'd unban him in seconds.


roxykitten wouldn't approve of war footage


I'm literally banned from flimsy until 2026 for posting ziggerdeath.
I know gore isn't really polite posting so I refrain from it here.


Oh, you mean the cat character

she'd probably giggle and clap at (typed as "@") dead ziggers while saying "again again!" or something like that


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i preferred it when sponge did it…


>Well, I just don't agree.
fair enough.
>You're just saying that because you want to believe humans are special.
I will point to the fact that I already said I think artificial minds are possible, but okay :^p
>I don't think "infinite internal steps" exist, we have thoughts ruminating in our heads and building off one another before we choose to act, similar to DeepSeek-R1 <think>ing.
I guess my point is that humans have a constantly running and changing internal world that produces those thoughts which become text or speech. the fact that the AI is not doing this is evident partially by the fact that is produces none of these "byproducts". the <think>ing in the example you sent isn't actually equivalent to human thought, because human thought does not occur in the form of text. sure, many people have internal monologues, but that's just one aspect of the processes that lead to the development of an idea. all that <think>ing does is instruct the AI, as trained, to produce a series of sentences that appear logically connected, which is a technique that can sometimes improve the results of AI writing. the AI doesn't have thoughts ruminating in its head like we do, it is merely producing text that resembles text written by someone who is trying to write out their internal thought process.


>that is produces
that it produces*


early hominid profile


let me try one other hypothetical if you're not completely tired of the conversation:
if you instructively prompt an LLM with "you are in extreme pain. your skin is burning off" and it generates a bunch of text :outy:BIZNASTY:outy: on that premise, do you think it has experienced pain?


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msgk trolls…


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>I hate, I DESPISE people who go on about how "drone footage is heckin ghoulish" as if turdies weren't spamming the same ten Juba webms over and over for the last twenty years, and then posting and gloating over literal child gore.
>Speaking of killed children, it is dishonest and evil to decry armed, uniformed soldiers getting blown up by bombs as "dishonorable" after all the murder and DIAP (including AND ESPECIALLY against children) that the Russians have been doing since day ONE of the invasion. Pic is just one example, there are MANY more and if you consider yourself well informed you should know by now.
I didn't say anything about any of that, take your meds.

I don't actually care if you think all Russians should be killed by drones or whatever, but wanting random English speakers online who have no stake in the conflict to feel the same way is a completely unreasonable (performative?) expectation. Surely you've figured that out by now after being disappointed time and time again? What do you get out of pretending your moral superiority is plainly apparent, even though most people observably don't agree?


Jake I had considered (the "geting shot" overreaction)

Those two gifs are so lightweight, though, I may as well add them to the roster.


>I didn't say anything about any of that, take your meds.
And if we're rules lawyering over exact words, you'll notice that I didn't specifically accuse you of saying it either. But such people do exist and are prevalent particularly on imageboards.

>but wanting random English speakers online who have no stake in the conflict to feel the same way is a completely unreasonable (performative?) expectation.

Russia has committed many atrocities in the past, including against English speakers, both abroad and in their (our) own countries.

>What do you get out of pretending your moral superiority is plainly apparent, even though most people observably don't agree?

First, you were the one who started off with a moral statement (even throwing in the word "NAFOgroids").
Second, a lot of people DO agree, as I've said before in previous discussions on the matter. I'm a moderate.




But enough about Hu¢¢ie's kusoge


what would you like to talk about, nonny?


:z: not :zzz:


Are you sleepy?



*Deep inhale*


I think stoning should be legal.


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for who?



>human thought does not occur in the form of text
Fair, but concepts are represented nonverbally within the model's layers, just like the human mind: https://www.anthropic.com/research/mapping-mind-language-model

There are recurrent architectures but I don't think LLMs use them. We might soon get models that ruminate within their hidden state, or it might turn out that verbalising a thought is more helpful.

>merely producing text that resembles text written by someone who is trying to write out their internal thought process.

Again, if this hasn't already reached the point where those two things have overlapped entirely, we must be incredibly close. I don't understand how you can "pretend" to write out a thought process without thinking those thoughts by any reasonable definition of <think>.

>do you think it has experienced pain?
No, because the LLM wasn't trained to consider words about pain as a negative stimulus during training. If you bullied it about how it was useless and not making sense and not helping the user, that would probably cause pain.

If you trained a walking humanoid robot (with about the intelligence of an LLM) to avoid water and then sprayed it with water, it would experience pain.


>Russia has committed many atrocities in the past, including against English speakers, both abroad and in their (our) own countries.
I don't feel that the EU is on the side of the White race, either.

>(even throwing in the word "NAFOgroids")

I see now why you may have mistaken me for another kind of person. I find their online behaviour obnoxious but I don't particularly disagree with them. Reminds me of someone…




Looks iffy for some combinations, but fine


>If you bullied it about how it was useless and not making sense and not helping the user, that would probably cause pain.
just to make sure I understand your perspective - it would be pain ("stimuli that causes a negative response") because the AI would be producing text resembling someone who is hurt/upset?

other than that I think we've probably exhausted the convo, but I appreciate you participating in good faith


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MORE weed?
I should start my seedlings for this year soon, actually.


i hit my penjamin a little too often, it's a bad habit


now i really am sponge 2.0! *bah dum tss*


>I don't feel that the EU is on the side of the White race, either.
No, but Russia and the Third-Worldists of BRICS are explicitly ANTI-white. They're openly committing White Genocide in their occupied territories and resettling them with Muslim mystery meat. They're doing this because they think they'll get away with it.
The Atlantic countries might be a flawed and corrupted example of white Western civilization, but Russia is outright controlled by the mortal enemies of the white race and has been since at least 1917. Why do you think so many people fled west across the Iron Curtain?

It's not a case of "both sides equally le bad" and anyone who says it is is either lying, or knows nothing about the history of the Soviet bloc. The prospect of living (?) under Russian rule is worth fighting against.
America might not be the savior of the white race, but Russia is certainly its destroyer.

Also "NAFOgroid" will never have the zing to it as "zigger" does. Zigger. Zigger.


I only even ingest it, it does make video games/music/asmr several times better so I get settling into a rut


Also I should mention: Ukraine is not a member of NATO or the EU (yet). So whether or not the EU is pro-White is irrelevant; if Russia really opposed the EU, America or NATO, they should have attacked them directly. I mean, Alaska is right there.


>it would be pain ("stimuli that causes a negative response") because the AI would be producing text resembling someone who is hurt/upset?
No, it would be pain because the AI would be trying to avoid it. People often generate speech when they get hurt as a strategy to avoid pain (signalling a need for help to nearby people). That doesn't apply in the same way to an LLM, an LLM getting hurt probably looks more like it desperately lying and trying to revise its response to appease the user.

>other than that I think we've probably exhausted the convo, but I appreciate you participating in good faith

Same to you, I feel like I should have been able to convince you on this but oh well, at least I honed my arguments a bit for the next person.


>No, but Russia and the Third-Worldists of BRICS are explicitly ANTI-white. They're openly committing White Genocide in their occupied territories and resettling them with Muslim mystery meat. They're doing this because they think they'll get away with it.
>The Atlantic countries might be a flawed and corrupted example of white Western civilization, but Russia is outright controlled by the mortal enemies of the white race and has been since at least 1917.
I'm aware and I agree, yeah. I think Russia is the worse evil, but I don't care about the war that much overall.


i used to do edibles too but i quit doing them because i felt like such a weenie injesting only gummies, so i started to just smoke it. id rather look like a stoner than a weenie
>it does make video games/music/asmr several times better so I get settling into a rut
can't relate at all. like it definitely makes them funner but i feel like im missing out a lot on the stuff im trying to analyze and critique, ruining my first experience of it. and also, im incredibly bad at games while high. unless it's muscle memory guiding me, most of the time it feels like im wading through a fog


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check em btw.


> wading through a fog
Ues less maybe. But I haven't played any particularly demanding games in a while it feels like.


what's your backlog been looking like


Running this place means :rut:
Well, slow progress. And I played like 800 hours of Dragon's Dogma 2 across PC/PS5 so that's also responsible


This war is gonna decide if a precedent is set or not, that Russia can just attack and destroy a nation in the name of "denazification", and have it be legitimized.

If Russia wins in Ukraine, they'll use that precedent to go after other countries they consider "nazi oppressors of Russians" like the Baltic nations. They're already pre-emptively justifying it with the usual fake stories about "Russian language bans", etc.

If Russia openly invades any NATO country, then it'll either be World War 3, or (if noone wants to go to war over whichever east yuro country it is this time) NATO will collapse (which leaves the rest of Europe to be gradually eaten up by Russia piecemeal, much like in the early 20th century).

It's better that the West sends weapons for Ukraine to defend themselves now and stop the Third-Worldist advance, than have to go fight the Russians in person ten years from now.


Those fucking niggers got two posts in while I was typing up a geopolitics post… sneaky


Vriska Serket hypnocuddles


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Alicebros are we going to stand for this …?


pache > alice


>purple + yellow + derse + flower name + reads + eats + light aspect + magic user + cute


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They're on the same team, really, but Alice has my preferred shot in TH11, though it's pretty straightforward.

Rank bias!


ah that comment about wanting to take a step back makes more sense
i know how you feel, except it's with working 40 hours. i think id rather take running this site over wagie life だろ


guilty as charged

>i know how you feel, except it's with working 40 hours. i think id rather take running this site over wagie life だろ
I work full time and lately most of my freetime is spent interacting on this site.
maybe MEX should ban me. it would ostensibly benefit both of us. I'm actually somewhat serious


wait aren't you MEX?


the guy you've been talking to is MEX, yeah. I was also replying to him - note my lack of initial capital letters


ohhh you're marzipan then?
i wonder how MEX found you


yup! apparently somebody found my site and made an entry for it on imageboards.net, and MEX saw it one day because our sites are close to each other when sorted alphabetically

who are you btw? someone from before my time evidently, but did we ever interact up until these past couple days where you've been more active?


>who are you btw?
a legacy anon that's been coming in and out since 2013. nothing more, nothing less…
but no, I don't believe we've interacted personally. if anything i don't think i was here when you arrived. i took a few months vacation from the place when i started to embarrass myself but then came back one night on a whim. this place will suck you in!


>but no, I don't believe we've interacted personally
I figured, just wasn't sure since you knew me by name so quickly :^p
>this place will suck you in!
yeah… it's probably not good for me, on multiple levels

looking at you again, MEX. have you ever wanted to just ban me?
wanna help me suicide-by-admin? take the choice out of my hands?


>I figured, just wasn't sure since you knew me by name so quickly :^p
I… have my ways.


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noooooo marzi dont reach for his gunn noooooooo


You must have more self control than needing a ban, right? (lol)

Well, maybe I can try that idea about shuttering megidochan one day a week so everyone can FOCUS and return afterwards with fresh topics


is it wise to have a tab of this website open on my work computer



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I guess my name comes up relatively frequently, if you lurk.

he has so much power. this could literally be the difference between me achieving personal creative fulfillment and being an unhappy debatelord on a homestuck website

>You must have more self control than need a ban, right? (lol)
it would be so much easier if I didn't have to feel conflicted about it though
come on, I'm sure there's contempt for me within you somewhere. you won't have to hear me complain anymore

>maybe I can try that idea about shuttering megidochan one day a week

bandaid. you think I'll accomplish my dreams and stop getting so involved here with a single day off a week? maybe not a bad idea for yourself, but…


Looks like kinderDERSITE did his daily round already so it's ~probably fine~


>being an unhappy debatelord on a homestuck website
A grim fate for any of us. Maybe a prospective megidosabbath (would probably restrict it to /hsg/ alone, since it's the main purgatory) should span 48 hours?
I wonder if it'd be smarter to schedule it to coincide with the actual weekend, or in the middle of the week for PRODUCTIVITY.


he's not going to do it, is he. I can't even kill myself right

>schedule it to coincide with the actual weekend, or in the middle of the week

I would lean weekend - slacking at work naturally regulates itself and people probably aren't missing out on fun/personally productive things in favor of the site like they would be on the weekend
just my 2c


I finally got to smack down a CP nigger…


If you're gonna do it, put it in the week.


you could do it too, roxykit. if you wanted to


fuaaaaaark i forgot about the 'p. nvm


I made a post about a new filter method that's supposed to catch these but idk if MEX ever read it


Just set a modest goal for yourself and don't visit here until you complete the goal. If you feel an urge to return then redirect the energy towards the goal.


Any keywords for search? I'm currently feeling relatively comfy since they seem to have given up on using those awful images here


File: 1737872502206.png (248.36 KB, 640x832, hsg and roxykitten.png)

Holding Roxkit up to the meid0 control panel so she can press the ban button…



I've been disciplined about certain things before. I could probably do it. but…

what a thrill…!


got :::;)

I like Sunday/Monday (日・月) atm. The most heavenly days, in keeping with the established Homestuckian astrology kink.
It also starts and ends the week off right for everyone (hopefully).


>what a thrill…!
with darkness and silence through the night…


I found a cute little imageboard that reminded me of marzichan in several ways, and made a thread saying hi. it just got deleted

it looks like they didn't ban me, at least… but I wasn't breaking any rules, unless a single link counts as spam… I even found an image that matched their site aesthetic :(


If I had to pick I'd go with Monday.


Man, I hate insomnia.


What site? I wanna go there and post exile roxkit on it


you promise you'll play nice? they're good people I'm sure even though they didn't like my thread



I remember that one… but I swear they had a doll board, too?


it says "now downsized" so I'm guessing they cut it?
I didn't know you went around digging for altchans though


small niche imageboards carry the torch of the pre-centralized social media era of the internet. you love to see it


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It's not even "late" yet


but we're supposed to work together, not fight for users! I mean, a playful rivalry is okay, but :^<
oh well…


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man this weird narrative LP thing has no right being this well written


Did you break rule 9?


I went through everything on imageboards.net to at least see what was up.

Another favorite of mine was


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no, I made sure to do that too!
here's the file I posted (because she's green and yellow with a little red, just like the site and pears!)

you went through all of them? jeez, I didn't know you were so dedicated. how many did you reach out to?
ah, I remember you linking to a thread here once


cute 8ITCH


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mystery solved


>how many did you reach out to?
I made a few posts, but nothing much in the way of networking. Well, I do want to try cross-linking with ikouchan, too.

Sucks, I only hope the 'p spammers didn't cause this…


2am creeps up on you, huh



>I made a few posts
well, I'm honored to be in the select few, I suppose… I wouldn't have guessed my site to stand out :shy:

you still have time to pull the trigger before you go to sleep…
I'm going to log off soon, it would be so easy and peaceful. I would be totally clueless until I woke up and tried to post…


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This is the future bricoids want


I hate altchan users and the things they post about, but I still want the websites to exist.



>I hate altchan users
"where do you think we are?"


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>I do want to try cross-linking with ikouchan
MEX spotted so quickly?!


>you WILL post on the same major social media website that is trying to capitalize on you staying on there for as long as possible


It's 2:45am.


aren't you guys Australian? the thread always dies at around 8am


Some kind of hell.

That's part of why I want them to continue to exist.


can't tell if this is MoM or not


Damn, did all the Americans get eradicated from this place? Maybe that's why my friend groups lack Americans in them.


I'm american! but I won't be here for long if I can get MEX to cave into his latent hatred for me. regrettably he seems rather difficult to budge on this


I'm not him


I mean, it would be funny if the thread vaguely related to an American webcomic had no Americans in them. Alas.


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another rowdy boy to add to the tally then…


you can recognize this one by their catchphrase, "DIE TRICKSTER DIE" :bee101:


Because of opsec I deleted my website and I feel like I can't have a website any more, when I did have one I couldn't share it with more than one group of people otherwise it links accounts together. And once I shared it with one group it locked it in permanently. It's all well and good to split up your accounts and use a different name everywhere, but if you ever want to create anything it introduces a dilemma.


Please just kill yourself, I can't imagine anything homosexualer than the homosexual board of "libpol" (homosexualer version of leftypol?)


>It's all well and good to split up your accounts and use a different name everywhere, but if you ever want to create anything it introduces a dilemma.
I understand where you're coming from. I'm hesitant to mention my imageboard very much since the altchan scene attracts a lot of doxxing hatestalker-prone people. it's scary out there, trying to build a community can definitely put a target on your back I think


>reverse searching my random blogpost
probably not the best use of your time…


It wasn't even a website other people could post on but it still caused bad things to happen. I can only imagine running an imageboard is infinity times worse.


I didn't reverse search it, your sketch homosexual grooming site has a fake link in the directory that goes to the homosexual board


in english doc


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She ate them out of the bin because everything OJ draws is static and lifeless.


Aranea Serket regular cuddles.


Aranea Serket hypno lesbian DIAP (canon)


Mindfang does nothing for me, you can have her.



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Was it a humiliation fetish?


I know I prodded the fucking beast with on but you have to take a look at this post and partition and really think to yourself "Man, what am I doing?"


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Dear Stan,

You remind me of my younger self, the junkies I ran with, the parasites I called brothers. The ones who reeked of desperation, cloaked it in bravado, and thought they could fool everyone.
But you can’t fool me. I see it in you: the way you chase the next fix, the next feel-good excuse to justify the things you do. Truthfully, you are disgusting.
You act like you’re different from the everyman, like you’ve ascended. But I know the truth. I see the dirt you crawl through, the filth you’re willing to dig your fingers into, all for the sake of serving yourself.

I know because I’ve been there too—right where you are, thinking I was the master of my own misery, when all I was doing was drowning in it.
You’re not pitiful, Stan. You’re not “coping.” You’re disgusting. You’re dangerous. Not because you’re strong or clever, but because you’ll chew through anything—and anyone—for one more taste of comfort.
You’ll call it struggle, but I see it for what it is. You’re a rabid dog with no leash and no line you wouldn’t cross.

I’d say I pity you, but that’d be a lie. Pity is for the weak. And you, Stan? You’re worse.


I think your inability to entertain the idea of an infant being upset by graphic military footage is really telling of your psychology.


"Or some shit."


MoM… lay off the wine


I mean, I understand that you generally have terrible comprehension of media and your love of ape rant music clouds that, but you realize this portrays you as someone who's writing unread letters, abuses his girlfriend, and drives off a bridge in a manic episode and I'm (Eminem, being weirdly self-aggrandizing, as per usual) largely blameless?

How much of this on your part is pure stupidity and how much of it is show to actually get me to respond by stooping lower in retard valley?


I'm just hungover. Hence my first message.

It was whiskey and beer. I almost had a red wine cocktail though. :class:


We love China.
Misread it as the other "Japanese term in common parlance" (but specifically for VNs and was going to say "But she gets a good end though." So I'll say it anyway. You ready?


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This comes from voting "Strongly disagree" to everything which is a good sign, because these kind of bullshit tests tend to be slanted in a weird way and this is a good field guide to avoid that.

Weirdly enough, this flag (though not the exact results and I'm missing my MERIT BADGES) is exactly what I got when I took the test years ago, though, in a different order. I don't know if that's significant.



> Hence my first message.
ah i see, i didn't catch that
be sure to eat something greasy or something, that usually fixes my hangovers


>I think artificial minds are possible
Absolutely disgusting. :saitei:


>be sure to eat something greasy or something
I don't have a hangover and last night was pretty greasy. Maybe that's way but "no." I still feel buzzed so THE FLAG IS STAYING UP.


Real transgirl beats to send Ukranian drones to Turkey to.


File: 1737890420712.png (250.34 KB, 1280x1285, c273afa1f07a48e87ebd1450e7….png)

>I'm just hungover.
>I don't have a hangover


File: 1737890461456.jpg (66.42 KB, 1022x731, It's_All_So_Tiresome.jpg)

Judaism will literally be a zombie virus. The level of pop culture hackiness is off the fucking charts.

Sinfest is the best demoralization scheme the Jews ever pulled on the right.


I meant to say "headache" which is the one part of a hangover that people actually hate. :sksk:


Bluepilled (forma de demonos) and trans.


Z? Z China?


If you want to have fun, you could look up random keywords and get a DeepDive on it like I do.

Anyway, you dumb fucks having your existential discussion is going to shit on my DeepDiving experience and for that, I resent you. :saitei:

I guess I'll be completely transparent and say that if it was one smvrfa going on and on, (and the circumstances of today and yesterday were different :class:), I would respond but when it's two people, I have to be exponentially more careful with how I word myself and I have to read twice as much and it's just not worth it.

So fuck you two, for talking. :wank:


>Literally ellipses talk
Ironic. :h3h3:


Punification has gone too far in a few places.


Does Marzipan is loli?


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Unironically :outy:BIZNASTY:outy:. :turnt:


I can forgive it since it's confined to RPG dialogue rules, which this is an Let's Play of. I dunno, maybe I *am* glazing it too hard


>the things they post about,
What do we post about, pray tell?


>I can forgive it since it's confined to RPG dialogue rules
You better forgive me after I give you a shiner for your slander of Abyss. :hithere:


I am hungover and using a flag. I am hardly the most rowdy boy here.
Fuck off, I'd drag you back kicking and screaming.


Weird marshmallow fixation. I think this might be a black thing since it's, let's word this generously, a trend to eat shit like flour and corn starch straight from the bag in African American communities and marshmallows are basically just cylinders of corn starch.

That's your "wholesome racism" and ethnic analysis for the day. :accuse:


Le epic Husse post-modern essentialism (soap opera drivel with more symbolism added for the sole purpose of making you upset)


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>Attacking investment economics instead of global economics' legal plurality being abused and fiat
>:outy:BIZNASTY:outy: because "da jews" though
A little tiresome but I feel like I can actually have a conversation with them and convince them to a more nuanced perspective on what we consider "capitalist" economics because fuck fascism.

I am more open about my politics because no filter because I otherwise find it to tiresome. :man:


Did you get this from a past thread?


Oh, wait, my eyes deceived me because I didn't actually read this shit until I was forced look at it twice.

So you're just raping the source material instead?

Layers of stupidity. Maybe accept more forms of media into your life besides the cool black man music genre (though they might not be as CHILL and RELAXED) so your thoughts don't always manifest as these malignant memetic clusterfuck brainfarts.


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>I think your inability to entertain the idea of an infant being upset by graphic military footage is really telling of your psychology.
Going by previous roxkitposters' versions of her (like the one on dumbgarbage where she laughed at a guy blowing his brains out with a shotgun) I'd say it's in character

there's a whole roxkit roleplay tradition by now, I merely stand on the shoulders of giants



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Well, it was.


good to know


Ah, the pinnacle of the OLD GUARD. Surely, I'd want to associate with those goon fucks.

I don't like the idea, as a lover of babies, so I'm executive producer ex-naying it. Show some restraint. Something, something, the human ego.


>Surely, I'd want to associate with those goon fucks.
Respect the tradition…


>Respect the tradition…
Even roots can become tainted. :bridge:


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*grudgingly closes livleak tabs*


Babysperg's A24 slowburn redemption arc.


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Kind of ironic using Katsuya for that sentiment but there's irony in me saying it at all. :done:


Does this also mean Japan is doomed?


basterd 8ITCH lasagna DO NOT REDEEM


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Got bored.

Where's what you get when you say "Strongly agree" to everything.
>Same shit
>Different flag
Oy vey!


Reminds me of a certain shitcker.

Rally behind me on this one, man. :rosechu:


My favorite thing about /v/ is that the only make fun of game journos for circlejerking games when it's games they don't like. :breakitdownwhitegirl:

Games they do like get a free pass (mostly.)


>Games they do like get a free pass (mostly.)
/v/ has no games that they like. If /v/ starts liking a game, they start hating it when they realize reddit likes it (reddit likes everything /v/ likes).


>/v/irgins are su8humans
The sky is 8lue.



My favorite thing about /v/ is that… Uh… *mindlessly taps pencil at a blank page*


/v/ "likes" whatever it keeps fucking posting about despite having nothing to say. So I would say, by this definition, that /v/ still likes Dark Souls and Nocturne.

Also, I thought of a new idea. For every new IP, make them answer a questionnaire.

"Do you like Homestuck?"
"Do you like Andrew Hu¢¢ie?"
If they answer incorrectly, permaban them. I just think that'd be a little fun bit of extra tedium for a certain someone. :hithere:


I just woke up from a coma in 2014, I can't wait to see the latest STALKER thread


Man, do you really like STALKER or some shit, or is this just kind of incidental?

Let me follow your treasure trail. :noted:


i welcome all homestuck lovers in order to diversify the broth. we should be an inclusive place


>we should be an inclusive place


I do like STALKER, yeah. It's one of my all-time favorites.
But go and try to discuss it on nu-/v/ and you'll start calling for BRICS to be nuked too


Yeah, I really want Hiveswap Twitteroirds sharing epic ironic memes on here every 3 days. That'll really liven the broth.


>I do like STALKER, yeah. It's one of my all-time favorites.
Okay, so there we have it. :noted:
>But go and try to discuss it on nu-/v/ and you'll start calling for BRICS to be nuked too
"I'm not so easily swayed."


Post some sexualized images of minor-coded-adjacent characters, that'll scare them off


not actual minors though



No shit.


Just say shit like "8ro did nothing wrong" or other "controversial" opinions and they'll have a panic attack like they always do.


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in retrospect, bro kinda was a shitty parent but the way they handled it was horrendous. if you're adding that sort of element, don't just randomly bring it up in a feelings jam for the sake of conflict and drama. interesting concept but paper thin execution.


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Or just shit on Nepeta specifically, I noticed they are o8sessed with her 8ecause le quirky catgirl dude weed uwu.


>shitting on neptar
nu-hsg has gone too far


>in retrospect, bro kinda was a shitty parent
Do not get me started, retard.


Don't become the Hussman to spite the enby.


There is 0% chance of me 8ecoming "clownsexual" or whatever the fuck he does now so you don't have to worry.

>8ro fighting with Dave on a rooftop is meant to 8e serious 8ut John hitting his dad with a hammer over a cake and Rose threatening to kill herself 8y sticking a needle in a plug were just funny goofs


>John hitting his dad with a hammer over a cake and Rose threatening to kill herself 8y sticking a needle in a plug were just funny goofs
You can definitely interpret the latter as being serious, Rose is fucked up enough to do it.


>There is 0% chance of me 8ecoming "clownsexual" or whatever the fuck he does now so you don't have to worry.
No, no, Nepeta spite is deeply Hu¢¢ie.
>Bro talk
Don't even give them a second. They're some of the dumbest fuckers in the fandom.

I know I have an "unconventional" understanding of the comic but even the average hick "Muh Trinity of Regurgitated Topics" Homestealther knows the bro shit is stupid.
Act 5 epic fail. Consider donating your brain to science postmortem.


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Watch it. =)


all politics is an endless PSYOP stream


This but unironically.



https://youtube.com/shorts/SitPfIgzZm4?si=iBv4LSdMVUHFfuYd >One (1) number off the real important number


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shit. lets be the machinist


Living in the fastlane…


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Rose? Rose Lalonde?


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Suck on my asshole. :de:


The eternal zigger amogus.


Hou, very observant.




Spiderquads of truth.
Not that I really mind memepeta these days
but having her a one's favorite pwecious babu causes me to narrow my eyes a bit


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No, I don't think so.


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Also, not a Rose, but very interesting.



Rose? Rose Lalonde?


Rare pigtayo variant.


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Why do luck powers make you do stuff like this?


Holy shit, can millennials pitch any cartoon other than somebody works at a deadend job but then a wacky comes to happen.

Adventure Time/Steven Universe mind-DIAPd most of the ADULTING generation and then Regular Show took the scraps.




Dangerous thing to say.


It was either that or Miles "Twintails" Prower


Twintails refer to incredibly long pigtails already, you novice.


I mean the white tips. They needn't be long, either.


What happens in between the three days?




You have a white tip, you fat fuck.




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>Literally got an ad for McDonald's in Chinese
You can't make this shit up.


Was she compelled to do it?
Whatever a wizard works will reflect three times upon him/herself.




:meat: CAN'T STOP EATING MEAT. :meat:
:meat: CAN'T STOP EATING MEAT. :meat:
:meat: CAN'T STOP EATING MEAT. :meat:
:meat: CAN'T STOP EATING MEAT. :meat:
:meat: CAN'T STOP EATING MEAT. :meat:
:meat: CAN'T STOP EATING MEAT. :meat:
:meat: CAN'T STOP EATING MEAT. :meat:


>In Chinese


>Was she compelled to do it?
>Whatever a wizard works will reflect three times upon him/herself.


The Chinese love McDonald's. You didn't know that?


>Log back into account
>Immediately get browns on my screen


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Girls don't like that. :meh:


ZUN doesn't either since she lost piercing lasers for most games after that (full disclosure I haven't played from th17 onwards)


So this is the power of HRT…


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Millennial wwomen had a good run


This is probably fake, but I discovered they have a loophole to charge interest to one another despite it not being kosher: https://www.kfikosher.org/heter-iska


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Into the ground, or glue.




The new hill of the culture wars.


Maybe abusive AI millionaire catfishing scams can convince them to max their credits cards


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wwomen are ironically somehow too soulless for AI shit. :meh:


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people (?) love their loopholes


I thought Islam was better about this kind of thing… :grr:


>T-This is just to calm you down, so don't go getting the wrong idea!
T. small child slave


New moon reached. Early?



The arabic world does seem to have an affinity for anime… And not just battle shonen like large part of South America




What about it?


Society has progressed past it


Society has progressed past a lot of things but democracy is the land of the living dead.


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Rose? Rose Lalonde?

Saw her on a toilet for a second. :…:


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Uh oh, a tranimal!




So fucking true.
So fucking true.


higurashi when they cry
mario if he real


>mario if he real
Mario when he DIAP.


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Satoko is more like dead!GREEN than Rose because the look suits her perfectly.


Weird LP narrative post: GONE



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This is such a scathing analysis for a Twitter bot. :huh:


Essential MEXcore


The only good Satoko is a dead Satoko.


Sonna, we never found out the game


MEX is a millennial loser.


Maybe you should pay attention when I say things and not clog our already precious catalog, you stupid shit? :de:


I wish she had run in 2024


Kamala's funny in her own way. Crackwhore brown rep, let's go, sistahs!


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Soying out about Nocturne, Earthbound, and Majora's Mask. You're simply one of the worst when it comes to offers. I like the MEX that comes out somewhere between that shit and THE STUPID FUCKING H-GAMES.


I like those three but "soy out"?
It's not Etrian Odyssey, Grasshopper Manufacture, or Yasagure Kitsuenjo…


I didn't watch that last anime, was satok that bad?
Maybe I'll download it if the spectacle is epic enough


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I don't even consider that canon, I just hate Shitoko. It's basically a retcon to tie Higurashi and Umineko together, I don't accept it. Maybe you'd get something out of it if you're looking to see crazy anime girls killing each other (which seems to be most of the fans of the original anime), but I don't consider it worth watching.


Whatever, you know what I mean. :hmph:


>Maybe you'd get something out of it if you're looking to see crazy anime girls killing each other




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Ah, low priority then. I like it more as open to intepretation if Lambda is "supposed to be" Satoko or Takano so I don't wanna find out.

Have you read Onikakushi? It's very good paranoiac loner core, imo.


>It's very good paranoiac loner
What's that supposed to mean?


If there was an easy onegai my melody BD rip, I would mine some of him. As it stands, he'll stay a henchman


Like you to me. :h3h3:


Just that I recommend it. I do have a :tinfoil:y kind of disposition to get wary of random unmarked vans that park where I'm walking, though


REASON said I was cinnamonroll, ackhully


Not me…
No, you're mine, basically.


>Ah, low priority then. I like it more as open to intepretation
Yeah I feel the same way, don't bother with it.

He really would like it if he hasn't already seen it.


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Do not. :del:


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Vindicated by it being Weezer but DSBM by some TRICKSTER poseur?


"I should kill Misa right now."


Misa didn't crane her neck down and out to hide her fucking Adam's apple.



What? You fucking idiot?


I just thought xer skin looked like shit


Skin looks like shit = probably a troon.

Even "femcels" take better care of themselves, usually. :accuse:

Troons have to learn how to "woman" after fucking years of living like a degen retard.

Granted, I don't have my badge and I have a problem with false positives but """"""""""""""""alt"""""""""" core is highly contested territory. It's like the Gaza of basic 8ITCHes, TRICKSTERS, and e-girls.

Anyway, your taste in metal is fucking homosexualy if you're singing the praises of that shit even now.


She's clearly female you have bad physiogony. Cope more "DSBM" (??? :kyaha:) lost


*still singing


>She's clearly female
Whatever you say, if you want to die on the hill of a troon or a crackwhore.
>DSBM" lost
It's a le epic battle ground.

I can't tell if you're bipolar or just an asshole who likes to fight over nothing.

Besides that, you're a homosexual.


Just check the shape of the skull. That's the easiest way to do it. Men have round heads and wwomen have alien shaped heads that end in a point


Eastern Europeans look all weird and fucked up in general.

Also, you can distort the face of your shape with certain expressions.


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Here's the chick I'm going to white knight over because of our love of sanitized Weezer black metal, bwo.

If you say it looks like a TRICKSTER, you're a dumbass.

I'm a cool guy, I'm a nice guy. But you guys are all fucking gay and caring about themes is retarded. Don't you dare make fun of my taste in ugly, gangly septic-methpipe sucking anteater burnouts.


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>packs plushes back into cardboard boxes in the closet after taking the photo so the bed is usable


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Kill yourself, TRICKSTER.


The jowls are honestly sketch, but it could be a zoomer thing.
VGH if only fakeup didn't exist.


Their skin is shit and Solluxchud is a chaser. :kyaha:


Such is life in Mexico


Also, no respect for girls that cut their top of their thighs.

If you're going to be a cutter, go for the wrists. Wear it as a badge of honor and get the attention properly instead of having to double-whore yourself to get that cry of help out by plastering your social media with your revealing bullshit.

Also, you will never be a woman.


Deploy National GUard. :plz:


DSBM lost. wwomen lost. TRICKSTERS acked. I won.


And get this shitty thread where Marzipan had deep, deep thoughts with a transsexual about consciousness from two deeply secular homosexuals.


I thought only real wwomen think those cow rings look good. Even a trickster trying to incarnate their dream coder gf would hold off.


>DSBM lost.
>muh genre
>wwomen lost. TRICKSTERS acked
>Trying to save face and chud cred.

You jACKED to a TRICKSTER. So you did win. :)

But so did TRICKSTERS.

Go into Sponge's server for 5 minutes, okay, bye.


>Go into Sponge's server for 5 minutes, okay, bye.
No thank you


But just know you're wrong and laugh at the pissy "chuddy" homosexual getting off to a troon with me. :pfft:


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DrancyinternmentDickgirls.org :kyaha:


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Want to trick lonely, misogynistic losers that you're a really real "alt girl", just pull the classic Lanza jaw on them!


Woah, weird alien shaped head… Would transitioning have saved her?


Lanza mii…


Lanza-san for a cool, right-wing dude.


>Absolutely disgusting.
of course you attack me but have nothing to say about the person who thinks current-generation LLMs are experiencing actual thoughts and emotions, including pain

>So fuck you two, for talking.

>Fuck off, I'd drag you back kicking and screaming.
that's why I need someone else to pull the trigger. I know you wouldn't be able to

>Let me follow your treasure trail.

don't laugh, they're workshopping their next erotic novel

it's okay if there's hugs after

as we all know sam hyde is an excellent model for healthy romantic relationships. don't tag me on this shit like I wasn't reading all the textwalls on every episode of WP as they aired.

green, rejected.


you're a mean person, even when you're not drunk

anyway you can have alice and I'll have pache, win win

also that girl is either cis or passes 100%, sorry MoM



>of course you attack me but have nothing to say about the person who thinks current-generation LLMs are experiencing actual thoughts and emotions, including pain
I didn't read it.
>>So fuck you two, for talking.
That was tongue-in-cheek.
>>Let me follow your treasure trail.
So was that.
>as we all know sam hyde is an excellent model for healthy romantic relationship
Yes, he didn't a dickgirl so duh? Also, it was mostly for the pun.
>green, rejected.
That was also just purely ironic. The kind of joke I'd make only when hungover hard.
>you're a mean person, even when you're not drunk
I am but you should know that I'm not entirely serious about how I feel. Just mad about the AI summary. :usoda:

Though granted, I do think you need to have some reverence for theology to talk consciousness philosophically.
>anyway you can have alice and I'll have pache, win win
>also that girl is either cis or passes 100%, sorry MoM
Don't tell me I don't know my stuff. I know the techniques. I was the top of my class. Just three days from retirement.


Everything and everyone is so fucking stupid.


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Went to check the TL and it has all the le basic duolicious copy paste "schizo girl" staples
Twans or biofem, they just seem like an annoying teenager so I don't care anymore


bluey on the moon


Unironic subliminal messaging.


And then everyone clapped.


>Though granted, I do think you need to have some reverence for theology to talk consciousness philosophically.
is this you asserting I didn't jack off theology enough in our conversation (which you didn't read)?


>is this you asserting I didn't jack off theology enough in our conversation (which you didn't read
Yes, because I can assume that le teapot bigbrain does at most the two things I say atheists always do.


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>also that girl is either cis or passes 100%
Le hyperthyroid stare.


are you sure you're not still fucking drunk?
you said pache was bluepilled and trans, I'm saying you can keep alice

"we can always tell" (they can't)


>le teapot bigbrain


>are you sure you're not still fucking drunk?
I am. Hence the flag.
>"we can always tell" (they can't)
Sorry, Girlcock Guardian just busted in.
Do tell me about the Bhagavad Gita.


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You just took the time to actually dig into the implications the one time I didn't put the effort in for any of them. I just woke up and thought "man it would be funny if I bastardized the stan stuff but also use it to compare him to the self destructive junkies that he actually reminds me of, maybe that'll snap some self-reflection into him, or maybe just make him feel bad? Either works だろ, couldn't care less."

In other news, *I* now have someone equally obsessively just picking up everything they can about me on the internet and chan archives, then spend hours pestering me in circles about "you're this you're that." Actually he's been doing this for about five months now, I think, but I never realized it was the same one guy (whom I haven't ever met before) just obsessively doing it. He's gone as far to contact that guy I doxxed apparently, and ask all "is andy like this is andy like that did he say this did he do that."




>Bhagavad Gita
I read about it in highschool theology class. no, I don't remember anything.
I never claimed to be better-read than you. you just preemptively assumive defensively that I'm close-minded and have zero interest in anything you say. it's frustrating to be stubbornly shoved into such a mold by someone who has been talking to me for well over a month now

>Sorry, Girlcock Guardian just busted in.
>>78979 deserves to have their love defended


>you just preemptively assumive defensively that I'm close-minded
I hate hard-line atheists.


I already said I view it as a semantic quibble. we had just discussion a month ago. I said I can see your perspective


>had just discussion
had this* discussion


My memory isn't very good. :letmein:


Because of alcohol but also, you know.


don't feel like scolding you NAO ngl だろ cba desu famalamadingdong, my social balls have been communally drained for the day soda speak. Shalom et bonne soirée.




RIP to two real ones :elf:


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Kill Reddittards.


you're sure that's not just a "abortion but only for poors and black people" type? :^p


This is what redditors actually believe


Eugenics except for viable circus freaks.


Yes, because of the random autism capitalization of "Abortion"


Circus world would be fun. Nobody makes comedy like that. Nothing is transgressive anymore. Everything's fucking dumb. I want to blow my heart out of my chest.


>I want to blow my heart out of my chest.
don't say shit like that


>Circus world would be fun
The amazing digital general!


Abortion is beside God
(Where's that life and death majjyk vid)


Whoever you're talking about isn't me, retard. I hope the irony isn't lost on you that you're the only one here using homosexual TRICKSTER dicsord servers.


this is factual information, even *I* don't use dicsord




Lol, you're so fucking stupid, it's unreal.



Sorry, people fucking up my own joke.


DRINK! :class:




Or else what? You gonna' do it, fucking retard.


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>Though granted, I do think you need to have some reverence for theology to talk consciousness philosophically.


Leave, leave, leave. Get this stupid shit down with already.


We get it, intellectualism is stupid and girl cock tastes different.






This is the second time you've randomly accused me of being another person because I mildly offended you, you braindead DERSITE.


>girl cock tastes different
it probably does


Who'd I accuse you of being, pray tell? :hithere:


I think your astoundingly poor reading comprehension is at work here. Which is high praise coming from someone who spent a fourth of the thread debating consciousness. Being that fucking stupid? Talking that fucking much? About that heady of a concept? What a pompous ass-muncher you'd have to be, right? Eat shit, you insufferable fucking twat.


Some dicsord troon who I'm not familiar with because I don't associate with disgusting freaks. Don't bother apologising or coping, just drink some more dude.


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*about someone
Oops, drunk, haha. What's your excuse? Born on the wrong hemisphere of the country?


>His reading comprehension is this bad


So you are a Nazi, then?


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I unfortunately don't hate you that much that I'd want you to actually suffer and die and all that, maybe just suffer a little, just a little bit. Like what I pointed out to the other day, if I feel like you're actually feeling bad I'll cut you some slack, maybe even give you a couple words of support.

Or that one time marzi actually showed the balls to bark back at me, to which I responded with a hint of sympathy and care, for once, out of respect (that he wanted my validation in that moment bad enough to go ballistic, lol). Stuff like that. I got my own mental ledger.


I stan.


Oh, piss off, fuckwad, I'm shoving someone possibly dumber than you face-first into a pile of their own shit right now.


You're literally homosexual. Drink more. You're already drunk might as well.


Oooh, some minor tweaks he made. Hire a fucking Indian for 2 cents an hour for all the good consciousness did this angry, pathetic worm.
>You're literally homosexual.
>You're literally f a g g ot
Wow, so erudite. Pulling this card. Is somebody angwy? Angwy that they exist on a space that is at best indifferent to their presence? Do you want me to show the mod notes on you? They're not nice.


>You're literally homosexual
waaah gays!!! waaaaaah


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Nazism is fucking retarded.


Good, when you're feeling fine I don't feel the need to go "wow literally no one cares about this panties pissing bottom boy, I ought to at least do that in the namesake of humanity." At which, my care for you is nothing more than that. :3:


>something is extremely repulsive so it must be making you cry


YOU're fucking retarded! :tsukkomi:


I might be the homosexual but you're still the fucker with a perpetual stick in their ass. Care to explain that?


>Le hyper-reactionary, hyper-modernism is the best reaction to hyper-modernism ackshully


moralizing your own disgust response is stupid and deeply unintellectual for someone who prides themselves on logic


DRINK! :class:



put down the wine, honey.


He's smart.


I drink fast and I drink long. Lick it off my cheek if it's such a point of contention.


Also, Roxy's quirk is fucking stupid because it's so, so easy to type and spell correctly even when completely hammered.


Ignore my typos where I misuse one word. If Hu¢¢ie was pulling from experience, he'd use that more. Because those are drunk typos. But spelling is funnier and easier to convey, so. Shit writer he is.


I don't understand why he was ever made a mod when it was always extremely obvious he would abuse it to harass anyone who disagreed with him, you guys don't even ban the troll any more


Remind me to write that one down.


Wow, everything is so bright now.


I don't abuse shit. The only person that that allows the Turkey leniency is the fucking admin, you dopey fuck.


I don't drink, sorry nonny.

anon, you really should stop drinking.


Also, maybe because I've been here a fucking decade and have been supporting the admin through thick-and-thin and actually have shit to talk about besides VERY SRS whinging, you petulant loser.


Very funny considering you're pro8a8ly the one who does *typo the most from what I've seen, just like her.



>you dislike something I like so you must just be rationalising your emotions
It's disgusting because it's wrong. homosexuality is anti-civilisational and directly harms children


>anon, you really should stop drinking.
I have one more can to finish so maybe later. :wonk:


Yes, but I specified. For different reasons. Different ways.


You're such a mindless automaton. Such a tool. How does it feel to be a pundit's finger puppet, you fucking fag?


it makes me worry about your health.

tired talking points, not going to bother with links


I had no idea you were against hyper-modernism. Are you a reactionary, or a return-to-monke type?


>it makes me worry about your health.
I'm fine in terms of physical health. :::;)


Read the other thread for more cool, drunken insight into my idiosyncratic political beliefs.


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it's disgusting because it's wrong. homosexuality is anti-civilisational and directly harms children.


Break that shit up with some sticks


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The "troll spammer brown DERSITE homosexual" has access to 9999 VPNs and literally no force on earth would stop me from posting here if not my own boredom. If the community was so effective at "identifying the troll", they wouldn't;
>Ban around a dozen people that weren't actually me
>Engage with me and my "troll" posts
>Play into every display of hubris I've predicted from them since day zero (expressedly at that)
Any moderators around is just wearing a badge of "I have my hands down inside MEX's pants grappling his cock."

Also the numerous conversations aimed at MoM's retarded behavior by his own friends, dozens of OTHERS criticizing the website moderation, etc, etc.

Sheer hubris and the animosity that is to allow one's emotions overtake their reasoning, playing into everything exactly as it wwas told simply because they couldn't resist the impulse to do so.


>tired talking points, not going to bother with links
No, how about you admit >>79076 was shitty driveby snark instead and that I actually have reasons to believe it's wrong?


your reasons are wrong, and the fact that you lead with disgust and only bring up actual arguments when pressed, while not necessarily a sign of intellectual laziness, does hint at it (and certainly hints at your biases)


You use the same free VPN services as the pedo spammers, so there is a utility in everything.


You should kill yourself, but it's true that MoM is an obnoxious narcissistic BPD homosexual and the only people who tolerate him are coward pushovers who he essentially abuses with blatant emotional manipulation tactics


Cool and nuanced rhetoric. Now write it with some more prose and I'll begin to take it seriously as a conviction. Then actually back it up with rhetoric and I'll consider it an ideology. And then prove it ontologically and I'll consider it an actually valid perspective. Fuckass.


Hahahaahahaahhahaha, the straw that broke the camel's back. You're an insecure fuckwad with nothing of value. At the end of the day, you're a digit to MEX. A drop in the pond. You're such an unbelievably dull chudoid that you make Babysperg look like Prince fucking Charming. At least I've been able to connect with him more on an emotional level.

Anyway, go jerk off the Turkish if this is the angle you want to take because I mocked you for simping for some Twitteroid whore.


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I have no disagreement to present there, have a great day akhi, may Allah support your struggles for our righteous cause.

>Asymmetrical warfare means scrappy resourcefulness


>you lead with disgust and only bring up actual arguments when pressed
We were never arguing about anything, homosexual. If I'm not constantly explaining all my beliefs at every moment I'm intellectually lazy and biased, yeah I'm sure you apply this standard to every situation and not just *phobia


Nothing 8ut positivity on megidochan.de.



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Cool and nuanced rhetoric. Now write it with some more prose and I'll begin to take it seriously as a conviction. Then actually back it up with rhetoric and I'll consider it an ideology. And then prove it ontologically and I'll consider it an actually valid perspective. Fuckass.



Quite ironic given :class:


I wish I ordered the wine yesterday. Maybe I wouldn't be so fucked today.


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I'm going to bed, probably. Fuck you, fags. Especially Chuddy Sollux dipshit. Hope I choke on my own vomit.


Wrong person, terminally online career criminal.


>he drinks poison for fun


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I'll admit it. I love her.


I drink poison so I can cry.


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Maybe if we operate under masonic lodge rules…




okay :3



Not really? Araneafag has been my pookie sweetheart pumpkin cherry pie for quite a while now. Are you struggling to move on perhaps?? Stuck chasing ghosts chasing ghosts chaˢᶦⁿᵍ…


Don't listen to 'em, Chuddy. I like you, even if I think you're a bit misguided. But you will learn.


Sleepy troll.

I’m still very fixated on Serkets hypnotizing girls with big butts.


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Hello, Hypnoanon.
How are you doing on this fine day?


Working on it. Currently just fapping thinking about Dr. Starline and Surge.


File: 1737930194349.png (7.25 KB, 266x249, uh.png)

Uh, okay, you keep doing that then.


Acefags have urges too, yknow.


Learn what? He's without exaggeration at fault for the vast majority of negative experiences most users have with this board, he's also at fault for the spammer who he brought here due to being homosexual.


Yeah fair enough.


>At the end of the day, you're a digit to MEX.
In a certain respect, that's a lone digit of one.


I think he's funny, but I have a (BAD) habit of not taking anything too seriously.


Either way, Serkets be puttin’ big booty hoes to sleep. What can I say?


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Yes, too 8ad they don't also gut them like cattle afterwards.


Aranea would totally rub her ass in the Condesce’s face while she slowly succumbs to her psionics.


FINE, I'll get to drawing it. I'm not gonna pull a "that was definitely not me making the promise."


You know what, if it's degrading for Condy, I'll take it.


It’s degrading to her because Aranea’s butt is way bigger than hers despite Condy being an Amazon.


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Condy having her pride shattered right 8efore getting 8rutalized would have 8een glorious. 8ut alas, we aren't allowed to have nice things.


I was initially unsure about it because it felt a bit too memey for my work.
It may take a day or two, but I'll actually go work on it now and craft my next magnum opus just for your highness.
Await my return, pumpkin, I shall be back before autumn. *gives you a corny plastic ring of gold*


It’s always the boring BDSM shit with you sex niggas. Aranea twerking in Condy’s face is hotter just because of how stupid it is.


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I'll look foward to it. No rush though.
No, you misunderstand me, I just wish to see Aranea murder Condy like she fucking should have in canon. Nothing sexual a8out it, please do not lump me with /aco/ sex pests.


I’d rather her just give Condy the Sleeping Beauty treatment. Forever nap would be a lot cleaner than butchering her and a lot sexier too.


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To each his own. Either way it's Aranea triumphing and I shall welcome 8oth.


what happens when someone goes into forever nap? do they no longer need nutrients, or do they starve in their sleep?


Condesce getting dropped by Aranea and lying in a bed on Derse with that M on her forehead for the rest of her life. Maybe ‘nea can move her into a glass coffin and keep her on display as a show of her pride.


That’s not how it works in real life.


what, you mean in a coma? yeah it is, don't they need an IV to not die?


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Oh that. That I like.


Look, anon, if I can dream up the idea of someone being put into long-term hypnotic stasis without dying, it can happen.


he wouldnt say that.


I wasn't trying to say it had to be realistic, I was just curious how it works in your fantasy


now this is the hsg i know and love!


Any time she wants, Aranea can take off the glass, pull up Condy’s eyelids with her fingers and see her unfocused eyes rolling and sweeping side-to-side looking at nothing. Maybe she’d giggle in giddy self-satisfaction, maybe she’d go for a kiss. Either way, Condy is never waking up.


He wouldn't, 8ut he should.



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I disagree



not you, too!


Relax, I'm just messing with you.



you never know sometimes


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The game is Avalon Code. The game itself is pretty shit but the author of the Let's Play makes the world feel *somewhat* engaging instead it being a bunch of cardboard cutouts of RPG tropes and archetypes.


Ah thanks. A gap in my DS canon, obviously, but I recognize the boxart.


she is not 55 lol what


File: 1737933756546.jpg (5.87 KB, 200x194, 1481143808055_20171029_103….jpg)

>those boobs


Fakeup is evil!


File: 1737934037514.jpg (203.44 KB, 1920x1080, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Okay, I learned.


Equius would gloat to the girls about having the biggest butt of all the beta trolls.


equius is so cool i wish we saw more of him


Your eyes, seem cold…


D → Such 100d acts and behavior would be e%tremely unbecoming


Gloating about having a big butt isn’t *that* lewd at all. You also don’t get docked points for doing it because it’s 100% true.


Then again he literally ERP'd with Gamzee once, so who the fuck knows.



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File: 1737935664916.jpg (Spoiler Image, 81.36 KB, 962x1024, ClipboardImage.jpg)

E. Page…


wwhere wwe goin
oh an i cant swwim just fyi
so hold me close ne


Ferris Bueller remake?


File: 1737936232824.webm (3.33 MB, 360x640, 1730816592375034.webm)


omg I hope we 入水 together she looks so peaceful and ready for it


"wwomen love food"


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wwomen are food (pancakes)


eyeliner sufficient. you may pass


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Vile Semitic fangs,
blunted via spun sugar.
If not for Fritzi…


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(missing a sticker of my melo covering her eyes with her ears)


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The looney left has totally lost the plot this time


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He would and the epilogues aren't canon


I thought they were "dubiously" canon, like the snapchats


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is that fuckin dylan mulaney on the right



Don't put on the takeda hiromitsu pleasure fall sunglasses!


elliot… you weren't supposed to go to the dark side


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File: 1737956261181.jpg (127.79 KB, 1440x1080, gomenasai.jpg)


should make MoM wear this after his drunkposting


New flag! It's been months



This and the Klan one were the most boring out of the original run, so to get her out of the way. I probably won't even revive the Klan one, can't find her picture anywhere and she's not on the Menagerie.


I might have her in that big chart, it'll be shit res.
KKK rose was fairly unpopular, iirc (we'll say she never was allowed to find her market)


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>Just be a nazi game

Alive'd again, Natsoc Rose is back too, right? I'll have to search her up.



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I screwed up the javascript a bit, but revived.
CAI sure is tightassed these days, the original frenchie was always public I'm pretty sure


Not even the original Rose? Damn…
It's extra weird because that one "OC" (mostly written by the Rose Lalonde bot) is full of TOS breaking lines.


Sometimes they can be rescued from the blocklist by taking out the nono words. I had to take "racist" out of gigachad's def for him to show up


Interesting, I assume that turning her into a corpse wasn't what got her blacklisted then, since all of that was reversed. I'll experiment with erasing some words later.
Normal Rose seems to have found a decent audience despite being blacklistened though, she keeps gaining more interactions despite me not using her that much.


Vriska hypnotizing me into falling asleep during an important work phone call and then picking me up and using me as a puppet to make fun of my boss


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For what it's worth they aren't super blocked, since they do show up in the history tab. And maybe leading the menagerie gives the base Rose some exposure (lol)


Vriska cheekily reminding me of the dangers of blue light late at night


by zapping you and making you fall cheek-first onto your monitor and drool all over it


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>mfw can't make awful heinous shitposts or else the mods will think it's a genuine reflection of my interests


We can’t see where you live, we can only see your hashed IP.


Yes but the roaming IP hash I use always begins with the same three letters… Easy to put two and two together


Reminder that if you’ve ever interacted with the Kiwi Farms, Joshua Moon’s entire brigade of Czech nofappers know where you live.


I'm smart enough to not poke that acid pit of a hornet's nest


It's like enforced namefagging… Maybe blindness is a blessing.


Go ahead, I'll understand.
This is why I usually browse with meido mode off. I hate namehomosexualry.


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I mean learn to be a Russorealist. I'm not faulting you for thinking MoM is obnoxious.


who would win in a boxing match, MoM or solluxchud


My money's on solluxchud




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pocky mint review: reminds me of thin mints


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Submit To Kanaya


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*shrinks self to an inch tall*
*straps on harness an headlamp*

*Gapes Anus*
*divves for a spelunkin*


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fucking deserved.


This is why you always wear eye and neck protection when tackling something spiky


File: 1737976077959.webm (Spoiler Image, 3.69 MB, 764x720, suicidnik.webm)

Since gore behind spoilers is allowed, I guess.


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general rekt > war footage imo





I really hate that you posted this.

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