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 No.69744[Reply][Last 100 Posts]

Someone else is definitely going to make a thread edition
Ye olde >>68681
982 posts and 176 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Just too cagey, is that it?


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That's Vriska! She's fine.


There are many things wrong with this post.


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06cf1f No.3[Reply]

Welcome to Homestealth NOT!, the successor to the successor to 4chan's Homestuck General and the future of Homestuck chan culture along with Megidochan's /hsg/.

Minor production problems have slowed this thread down, so settle in and get ready, because we've got more on the way!
144 posts and 24 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

79409d No.150

I was thinking of one where you talked about the themes of Sburb as an imposing force, both on the universe and the kids.
I'll search for it later.

79409d No.151

>Rose is christening a ship- It's fucking Noah's arc for some reason
Huh? I don't get what or why it's Noah's ark. Her house is?
Because it's raining when she enters?

8465f4 No.152

>Huh? I don't get what
That's how Hu¢¢ie described it on the Formsprings- as christening a ship. Her entry item is breaking a bottle.
>Because it's raining when she enters?
The world is basically one big ocean. And there are rainbows. Bible 101: the arch of the rainbow was God's message to man that he'd never fuck them hard ever again.

The etymology of "sin" is essentially about arches, to "miss the mark" hence Equius, his complex, and his relationship to Lord English (a Satanic figure who has a rainbow arch on his cloak.)

This example is a good one for showing that Hu¢¢ie has the potential to make weird, eclectic references that don't matter much. Homestuck was not a one man operation. He had time to think and plan shit out and this is what he came up with. But like I said
>I'm not someone who would say that Homestuck has strong roots in really any religious content despite the seeming perseverance of its presence.

I think there was some strong Christianity in early Homestuck that more or less petered out into mindless self indulgence as the comic went on.

79409d No.153

Yeah, I got the breaking bottle part, my brain somehow didn't make the connection between it and escaping the end of the world.


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 No.68681[Reply][Last 100 Posts]

Not My Stick-Pony Adventure edition
32 >>67445

Shah of Hulud.
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turn that frown upside down!!

you act like half the existing community isn't getting into spats every single day
I guess they're not "nice" if "nice" means they roll over or leave the first time somebody gets angry and starts spamming TRICKSTER death memes at them

anyway realistically half or more of them will bounce off the site because you hate them too much (or they got bored). or it sounds like maybe this other anon will get modded and ban them


Yeah my fault for telling them to fuck off which encourages them somehow, but this is perfectly fine >>69575


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finally this is relevant



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 No.67445[Reply][Last 100 Posts]

Level 16 >> Level 36 edition
Old >>66410
1022 posts and 152 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I can't tell what level of sarcasm that's supposed to be on. Such a fun game.


Not the first time some8ody makes that comparison.


Its accuracy, still disputed.


1026? That's a miss


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463d17 No.1[Reply]

Welcome to a new experiment, COMPLETELY UNRELATED to Homestuck General.
Some have suggested that HSG has grown too twisted and self-absorbed over the years. As such, this board is a dedicated space for the actual subject matter: Andrew Hu¢¢ie's works.
Here, the tone is expected to be more cordial than raw HSG, with a slower pace. Take your time composing thoughtful posts.

1) Stay on topic. The focus of threads and posts on /hot/ should relate to Andrew Hu¢¢ie in some way—his solo projects, collaborations, or even the man himself. While some diversions are inevitable, head to >>>/hsg/ for random chats in a loosely Homestuck-esque enviornment.

2) Mature content is fine, within limits. John Egbert himself is about to turn 30, so mature subject matter is expected. However, the dumping of explicit porn (anything exceeding a Questionable rating on a booru) is not allowed.

3) Edgy content is fine, within context. Comic-style blood and gore consistent with Homestuck’s original M rating are acceptable. Real-life gore or pornographic gore will be deleted, and may result in a ban.

4) No political axe-grinding. If you need to rant about how (Minority Group X) RUINED HOMESTUCK, >>>/hsg/ is always open. Some debate is natural, but inflammatory or off-topic political posts will be removed at a mod's discretion.

5) Leave outside drama at the door. No whipping anons into a personal army against artists or personalities you dislike. This board is for discussion and enjoyment—take it easy.

Oh, and no breaking the law, thank you.


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 No.66410[Reply][Last 100 Posts]

Holiday retrospective edition
Old >>65375
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right there with you pal




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 No.65375[Reply][Last 100 Posts]

NEW YEAR edition
old >>64333
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>official LINE stickers out in late January


It's just like that


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7092a7 No.7[Reply]

Share any ideas, commentary, or unsparing takedowns on site management here.

Apologies again on how the last one got burned, I think there was some speculation about a Neopet cursor?
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fea788 No.35

I forgot to check back and forgot this was a problem since you fixed it so thanks, I'm not bothered by it now. I agree the animated stickers should stay as they are, I do cope by scrolling away but they don't bother me nearly as much as the broken uploads did because they were WRONG.

ba79ad No.36

hello, could I please be unbanned?
please see >>>/vvox/65945

ba79ad No.37

I fucked that up. I meant >>>/hsg/65945

8bf959 No.38

Noting for done-ness here too


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 No.64333[Reply][Last 100 Posts]

pillars edition
old >>62261
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c'est la dokkodo


How could you do this, manime man…


Don't say lazy!
Or, I can't really defend the one ripped from LINE on any basis but indulgence, but I originally made the Yasagure stickers because I like the characters and wanted them to have a yukkuri old time being helping to shitpost on HSG. They've been through a lot!

After all…
"Love only grows when you share it."


But newn, way to go me for paying attention


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continued from the reply chain at >>>/hsg/64143
>Japanese PURITY fetishism and some personal lingering chauvinism about the malleability of wwomen (or all people really)
yeah, I had this thought too, hence why I mentioned the "if we assume the love interest has actual agency". so maybe if you can get into that condescending "corruptible widdle wwoman who can't be held accountable" mindset, it works…
alternatively, fantasy drugs/magic spells solve this problem elegantly! no need to dumb down everyone in that case
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Yes, it is that long.
And 10 hours is a prety conservative estimate imo, especially if you're like me and make sure to check in with every NPC around town for updated dialog snippets.

Feel free going at your own pace, megidochan approves.


>And 10 hours is a prety conservative estimate imo, especially if you're like me and make sure to check in with every NPC around town for updated dialog snippets.
that's pretty crazy for a demo. how many chapters are in the demo? I'm sure it doesn't help that I tend to read a lot slower in japanese, either…
I already mined a few terms/readings from playing a bit of the intro, so that's nice.
>Feel free going at your own pace
well, I appreciate it. I may read a bit more to get a taste, and then hold off until the aforementioned personal circumstances change


4 chapters. The first two are probably the larger part of the game by volume, but chapter 3 can drag with all of its 20 MINUTE SCENES ABOUT PEEING ON STUFF


…I see.

well, I suppose the end of chapter one would be a good breaking point to decide whether or not to continue, once I get around to it



Tis ever the first that we keep fond in our breast, and ever the first that eclipses the rest.
22 posts and 13 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


really wwrah? another wwoke tricksterlator


If the translation was something I was being officially paid to turn in, I definitely would've gone with "Mementos" there, as that carries that perfect twinge of death, nostalgia, loss while being memory focused.

But, since this was a private personal project, using 'Juju' for 呪物 felt too funny of a coincidence to overlook. They front-rhyme and everything!
Fellow Homestuck fans might awkwaaard at this, but it'll be a secret awkwaaard handshake.


I read chapter 1 and you didn't lie, it was heartfelt. A problem I have with most eroge is that if the story succeeds in making me care about the characters, I don't suddenly want to see them having sex or worse. This author seems to be aiming for that on purpose, so it's definitely not for me. I wouldn't say the story was worthwhile on its own since it's basically slice of life with nothing going on, with the thing that's supposed to keep the audience engaged being their expectation that the plot will eventually degenerate into porn. That said, I did enjoy what I read, laughed a few times, and cared about the protagonists, I assume this is top percentile writing by the standards of RPG Maker pornslop. At least it added context for some of the stickers.

The Hime part was cheap though, I assumed she was going to be a main character or something, to do that halfway through introducing her character was a surprise that made me immediately stop caring about her. She was exploited for the sake of the plot similar to how the other characters are sexually exploited. I think it could have worked better if Hime's fate was foreshadowed. I assume this game is unpopular because "who was the target audience", people who are just there to jerk off won't want to read all the text, and people interested in the story won't appreciate the fanservice shoehorned into the plot.

Wasn't always paying close attention and fast forwarded some parts but mistakes I noticed:
- Not entirely sure but I believe there was "As as" near the beginning, I don't have a screenshot
https://files.catbox.moe/h5kgug.png - missing period
https://files.catbox.moe/cypen8.png - I think "exact" is more correct here
https://files.catbox.moe/4p5lng.png - "we" capitalised
https://files.catbox.moe/vuagwx.png - "out chat"
https://files.catbox.moe/Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


Excellent, this is it! You even did the side stories, it looks like!
"What has MoM ever done for me lately?"

Very glad could at least somewhat enjoy your time with the MacVell family. Given what they go through later, I replay those happy days at the start from time to time…

>"who was the target audience"

While the following is decent in Japan (45k dlsite followers), you're exactly right. A potential reader needs to have this very particular mix of cheap free time, idealism, and perversity to get invested… Limiting things to very strange people.
I'd love to simply write the author, Kashiwagi Manuri, off as a cynic only setting things up for a stronger shamewank later, but there's no way he could dedicate that much attention and effort into the world if it was all mere set dressing… I think he's actually some kind of embittered romantic that buries his sappiness under an NTR irony shield.

I'll tell you that chapter 2 only has a couple ctrl-skippable h-scenes (masturbation related) if you wanted to play a bit further to see the establishment of the game's plot…
But I appreciate enough of that you held your nose to see chapter one to the end. Especially if porn games aren't your cup of tea.

Now to get to amending those mistakes (and deleting the links so nobody else can see my shame…)


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 No.62261[Reply][Last 100 Posts]

End of Kagigelion (was threads ago) edition
32 >>62245
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I saw an Asian in a commercial.


>THE SHEER irony
HSG as performance art, perhaps


New shitty fucking thread


Last for Nuke Turkey. :b8:

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