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/һsg/ - "Homestuck" General

The opposite of Homesick
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 No.73068[Last 100 Posts]

Vampire loli edition

old >>72027


I was about to say, can no one defeat the worm?


langue bouge avec la
precision, mais il s'arrête
à mi-mouvement- fin.


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rose lalonde


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Esther the etnernally new friend


retarded ass nigga tries being all "lol first world better social security pays me $900 a month I'm so much better than you brownie" and then wonders why I consider him less than a human being


When's your next birthday?


didn't celebrate it for the past 3 years now, don't like the whole cake ceremony


Gets old yea, but you still have a birthday?


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Why there was a big pause in posting last thread? Everybody were banned again? Og it's a megidochan was down?


Thread cap hit I guess lol


BOWMANSTUCK, with 42 official homestuck tracks, is finally out on streaming @everyone
spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/7DWYRI4aHUKZCmlUBN17xS
apple music https://music.apple.com/us/album/bowmanstuck/1788876108
bandcamp: https://bowman.bandcamp.com/album/bowmanstuck (this one comes with physical CDs which will be restocked soon)
youtube music: https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_m2QoJD4SuBCAac33fesTTULoFMSkjRikA&si=sxGHESqm44NrRfee
promo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7lcVido7T1k"


This was all meant to be in quotations.


Shut up. Put boundaries on the genre if you do not wish to be DIAPd.

I feel like Americans have been playing with the "self-aware we're in a videogame story" for a long time now. Just look at webcomics. Or Level Up! (Not naming the specific thing.)


>I don't even understand how we started talking about my powers
That's the kind of joke I start making when I'm really tired. I start making LORE jokes about my friends or inside-jokes that become increasingly invasive the more tired I get.


>No n-bomb


This is what happens when you let RoW make new threads.


Horoscopes GONFIRMED?
New friend is newer. She was kitschy robotics girl. We will now use her to tell girl jokes about girl things.


>Wake up
>Feet hurt
>Cat vomits but leaves no evidence
>Absolutely refused to get up
I dreamt of Happy Tree Friends again. They call to me…


He has the right, so


We may be waxing but the loli red moon is FULL.


Also, it's cold. Very cold. Time to do my dayjob.


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We /woozy/ now.

Is very confused, as usual.


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League board, chud.


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>that become increasingly invasive the more tired I get
invasive? it didn't seem particularly so :^p


The invasive stuff are weird, layered inside jokes about shit like Steve Albini, Trump, and George Floyd.

You'll probably never been in a VC with me to hear me to degenerate into the kinds of horrible variations of brainworms I inflict on those particular individuals of interest so consider yourself safe from a great evil. :done:


>You'll probably never been in a VC with me to hear me to
tu parles anglais ou non?


>You'll probably never been
past and present… how melancholy


I'm still waking up… :fold:


take your time :)
sleep is precious


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"Dude you better watch yourself bro I went to a karate dojo for two full years when I was 15."


>sleep is precious
Unless you're late for work:cal::cal::cal:


>for free


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First thoughts; this sounds like blackgaze and "These don't sound like a chick's vocals"

And so I did "some" digging and yeah, they're younger than me, I knew that. And gender is listed as "unknown"

I guess everyone kind of sames more or less the same when you vocal fry and leave it at that but I like it when chicks do vocal fry screeches because as a girl, you tend to screech better.

Now I have had my transvestigation badge taken from me, but I'm assuming it's a troony that's just a passoid because they look like they're SEA (not my expertise ; vril of the archetypal ladyboy) and crane their head like a swan. Besides that, they've got the Mickey Mouse hands that come from being scrawny and a guy.

Aside from the transvestigation, these are some pretty lame riffs and middle-of-the-road production.

All of their glowing reviews seem to come from one (1) guy. This fucker loves to use the word "hynpagogic" too. It's insufferable. Here's the album art of something else he gave a 95%.

Oh, they started singing (goth definition.) This is a dude's voice. At least they started to growl a little with their vocal fry alongside that.


Boy I sure love planning for college so I can maybe get a PhD in my early 30s (if I don't drop out) and see if anyone's willing to hire someone that was "busy dealing with depression until their mid 20s." I'm sure I won't be working a dead end job with no house, no car, no life nor wife for the rest of my life as I live with my rotting old parents.


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Also, anyway, back to the guy who gave this a glowing review, uh…


Guys, do you do anything with caviar traditionally as a food to your Christmas holidays?
If you do, gib me som recipes, I have a small amount of red caviar I most consume before it's too late, before it's over
I can do a caviar sandwich as usual, but I'd like to taste it some new ways.


I don't do it for xmas or anything, but sometimes I buy dirt "cheap" caviar as a silly indulgence
generally you wanna go for something mild/simple so it doesn't overwhelm it
carb (toasted crusty bread, crackers, baked potato) + mild dairy (sour cream, creme fraiche) + caviar is pretty classic, hard to go wrong with that imo


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>carb (toasted crusty bread, crackers, baked potato) + mild dairy (sour cream, creme fraiche) + caviar is pretty classic, hard to go wrong with that imo
It's almost what I do: fresh bread + dairy butter + red caviar + sometimes a small and thin sprig of dill
It tastes fishy Feferiscious! so to say.
Or absolutely same, but tartlets instaed of breads

Well fuck, classic is classic. Gonna do them sandwich way right now


I wish I had some now

hope you enjoy it nonny!


I'm hearing this and all I'm thinking is "amateurish"

I guess I'll live to see Trhä's goodwill be a thing run into the ground by people that like the sound of the music because it's not like other metal and just sort of circlejerk their buzzword-ladden simulacrum of a subgenre into the ground.

Like, I like Trhä, I don't know how much the black metal purists hate him, but I think he did something unique that was hard to pull off. Now it attracted a lot people, shoegazey homosexuals that like it because it's more accessible and seem particularly fixated on this "sound" of black metal (if they don't outright hate all kinds.) If somebody asked me if they wanted to hear some newbie try their hands at Venom or Trhä, I'd still pick Venom. Yeah, there's a lot more people who tried their hand at aping Venom, but Trhä imitations frankly just sound embarrassing- well, embarrassing in a way that I find way less tolerable.

The worst part is that he was a local act- local to me, Texas and Mexico City, hombre. That means if I ever tried to find like-minded people, I'd have to shift through this subscene of what I will generously call "poseurs."

Man, do I hate the mixing. This eviscerated all good will I had for the other TRICKSTER being some degree of competence because of the reviews. I thought Trhä was less known for Deafhaven so imitators wouldn't be in the ass-licking daisychain at this point already. I was wrong.

I put in another "genre stable" to soften the blows of the album game. This is legitimately bad and dare I say it, "fucking gay."

This is kind of really bad. Yeah, I like some of the "sounds" but I recognize that's just monkey-brain hearing power chords and higher-pitched guitar notes and feedback and thinking "Oh, yeah, that's the kind of thing I generally sort of like."

I guess since I'm this far in, I'll finish it, but this is a very bad omen for all of the "like Trhä" bands I smooshed into sections of the big, old backburner in THE ALBUM GAME. The standards seem to be really low.

The kind of anger I'm feeling at this resembles how I felt when I was listening to that Modest Mouse album the other day. "No, you can't just do this one clean riff on your guitar for a minute on end and expect me to enjoy. I can't imagine bobbing my head to this shit. At most, I imagine encircling my own nipple at a divebar like I'm drunkenly arrogant and ready to do some faggy shit to make a scene."

This has wedged itself so deep into my nerves that it's not even getting an obligatory spot on my music playlist on YouTube which basically EVERYTHING ELSE I've done so far in this past ALBUM GAME goes into, even the stuff I said I was "just okay." Basically anything I actually finished goes in. Not this. This is basically the only thing I finished that I didn't want to put on. The question then becomes: "Well, why did you finish it in the first place?" and that's the thing and that's part of the problem. With the nature of the music that it is- it's not really black metal- you can always be surprised by cool sounds or different compositions and that's what makes it so frustrating- like indie rock. With black metal, you can immediately go "These guys can't riff for shit"- the skill floor is a bit higher that you can instantly shut shit down if it's ever too bad. But if the riffs are mediocre, you're more likely to be pleasantly surprised.

Now, if you fuse black metal with anything else, usually something that claims to be more technical or sonically diverse, this hard-and-fast rule is eroded and you get swindled into listening an hour of music that you ultimately end up fucking hating.

Marzipan might like it though.


>Guys, do you do anything with caviar traditionally as a food to your Christmas holidays?
"We don't really do that over here, Rudy."


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The outro was kind of cool, I guess. But that's not black metal.


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Album game for the sake of my sanity even though I might not get into it because I'm pretty spent from HATE. :argh:



Also, you have Alcest in there lmao.


>Man, do I hate the mixing.
It's not the mixing, they have horrendous audio quality beyond that.

See also: Why do most artists opt for "poor" mixing in the final product?
(because the average person listens to this shit on $3 earphones or straight up speakers)

See also also: Where to download an EQ extension and how to adjust it?


I'm not sure how endearing or annoying I find it that you always stay thematically consistent with your ALBUM GAME recommendations. :ahaha: I do wonder if you'll still bother once I run out of potential options.

>Also, you have Alcest in there lmao.

grim after I looked at what they actually are. I have to wonder why I even bothered to put them in there? Just because they're French? Anyway, Marzipan said I should be more open-minded and suck more girlcock so… When it comes, it'll come. :done:
>they have horrendous audio quality beyond that.
"This is black metal; it should be worse." That being said…


>Kagi, a feature on older message boards that allow users to lock their threads


*key get noise*




No it's just 鍵


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I fucking love Garfield 2.


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>AI doesn't even realize Homestuck^2 exists
LMAO :shikari:


Lamb is so frustrating because there is never enough meat on the bones. When are we getting our megalivestock? GMOs haven't gone far enough.

I've also wondered about growing ivory in labs. Fuck Africa (for the sake environmentalism), profit from China.


*sake of


listened to a dozen or so unbroken minutes at the start, then jumped around.

>Yeah, I like some of the "sounds" but I recognize that's just monkey-brain hearing power chords and higher-pitched guitar notes and feedback and thinking "Oh, yeah, that's the kind of thing I generally sort of like."

possibly in the same vein, I was not immediately put off (hence a decent length of initial listening before starting to jump). this likely comes from my fondness for blown out guitar/drum sounds and shoegaze

unfortunately, at least from my admittedly unfair leap through various points in the album, it quickly starts to wear on me as it feels like it mostly serves to blur and flatten every other element of the music. if I was to be a little mean and cynical, I could make the accusation of an unconfident musician covering up for what they fear is not-very-interesting music by dousing it all in a thick layer of "lo-fi" which at least makes it sound "unique" (not) and independent.
I'm not really that cynical, though… I just am not grabbed by this

I don't feel qualified to claim it's "amateur" but I wouldn't contest that descriptor at all. they're playing around with familiar sounds and having a good time, but it doesn't feel special in execution, concept, or design to me.

likewise, I'm not a fan of the mixing/recording either, though I think choices like this can sometimes be interesting (mainly when used dynamically throughout a work). I think it's more enjoyable during, say, the electric guitar solos, but outside of that it tends to dissolve into a sort of doomy droning sound that lacks the texture or spectral depth I would actually want from something like that

>Marzipan might like it though.

I wish I knew how to feel about you saying this :^p
just because of the shoegaze influence? le i<3girlcock? or just because you didn't like it (´・ω・`)


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I can't eat lamb bc i feel bad that they get killed so early in their lives…..


I don't understand their obsession with The Adventures Of Dunno And His Friends™ is baffling. A worthy entry in the Megidochan omnibus?

This one is really lame and more creepy than usual, actually. :ahaha:


That's an arbitrary line to draw. You don't want to see me rage against the vegan machine. :bringit:


>just because of the shoegaze influence? le i<3girlcock? or just because you didn't like it (´・ω・`)
Put all of them together. :coolidea:


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Honestly the sole expectation of "good mix&mastering" just goes to show you how genuinely uneducated some "music nerds" really are. The end user listening experience is something that so heavily varies depending on the person's device/soundboard/ears it's borderline impossible for any artist to ever produce a universally "well mixed" track, unless the platform they're uploading to has some sorts of algorithmic EQ readjuster that identifies your device specs and quality and whatnot.

Talk of being a "poseur" tho, amirite? Dude, music doe!


Also, the audio gets weirdly quiet at the end which is something to behold.


I can tell when something is flat. :grim:


that's not very nice


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The caviar was saved from rotting
No applauses needed
Sometimes, we do things not because we want something in favour, but because it's right thing
What a hypocrite you are, if you're a whining about lamb getting killed, when millions of lets say carrots getting kidnapped from their mother earth, then tortured by boiling, chopping, frying, slicing, mashing ALIVE! Pure little orange things can't even cry lout in pain, because the have no mouths, so their suffer is internal:joinus:


Little sweet potato.


it is arbitrary but idc


based "all morals are founded in arbitrary value judgments" understander


no biznasty! denied! again!





>based "all morals are founded in arbitrary value judgments" understander
Type of shit my brother says when he starts running out of brain juice during a philosophical discussion.


Guess I'm Act 6 WV now.


Вased :hehehe:


Now get on the leash. :meh:



"muzzle website"


MUZZLE AND DIAPERS, the new snuff and babies?


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muzzle motherFUCKING FLASH 8ITCH


I can see that


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Do your job.

Get dangerous.


Never seen futa before?


I wonder if that was the original inspiration for futa. The world needs futa historians, for better or for worse.


I meant WHY did you post it?


H-game analysis and review.


btw this needs to be a sticker. it's too useful to be limited to once per thread.


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I see the West™ has moved their "Make Asians as ugly and hateably oversaturated as DERSITES" plan into mach-three drive.



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I will suggest the Persona 2 equivalent purely as a spiteful powerplay.



>take the time to point out how unfunny the last 15 posts were
>resume my beauty sleep
yeah I think I know which one I'm going wit chief(CRINGEY ENOUGH TO GET A MESSAGE.)


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tell me how to do better :o{


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Knew there'd be a few offcolor bastards


You should know who this is by now, come the fuck on now.


Wait the drop shadow works with transparent images? That's crazy.


I was just pulling his leg, geez

Yeah it's based


>I was just pulling his leg, geez
You should know there's a no leg-pulling policy by now.


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How about transparent gifs…


I was just baiting for a reaction before I go to bed sorry, every man has his attention needs bucko.

now on the other hand if we could declare some sorts of a ceasefire so I DON'T HAVE TO bother finding a new vpn every now and then that would be MUCH APPRECIATED


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Get on sturdychan, there's no tyrant mods


And plenty of 16yo girls (webm form)_


get on this dick homosexual


Ssh, sleep now.


Cool if they're lame-y and low quality. Like Windows XP's search gif with dog, wizard etc.


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I PROMISE if we declare ceasefire I'll be sure to treat you homosexuals NICE every now and then, just a lil tiny bit just enough to satisfy your desire for that cycle of abuse

Think about it. A world where OMT hands out FREE (and undeserved) attention and CARE to the lot of you mopey losers…




He wakes up in a mug-like mood no matter what. :kyaha:


I actually wake up feeling extremely vulnerable and overtly affectionate, hence my first-posts-of-the-day being overbearingly sweet

FINE :tsun:


She's in

Now for the bulk of newns…


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Bro Strider when he sees a transwoman.


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it's honestly impressive how you've got absolutely zero positive qualities going on with your life and have an endless obsession with trying to beat an invisible pissing contest by endlessy shifting postgoals to satiate your pathetic desire to feel superior without ever improving, go kill yourself Ian Brandon Anderson


If you'd actually downloaded the Terezi Rainmeter, you'd know the "I" is actually a stylized "L"


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rainmeter is for sissies, real men keep their desktop (and room) messy


The real point is that the name was Lan, idiot.


Illustrator i like suddenly posted the most extremely gay shit of all time…


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Um, Onionbwos?


This is the West.


who's your favorite illustrator? :who:


Grimly curious, link?


> wife's boyfriend:watch:


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Reason slop
"You must be joking"


>Deprived of my Kuromi


I mean I exaggerated but it was weird how out of the blue it was


I think I know which one I am again.
Really wish it finally picked "Araneafag" as my name already.


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Should have seen this coming.


Nah… I mean, maybe "squidfag + not lolicon" was the tip-off…


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keep going please


All squidfags turn into fags in time. Nintendo's social engineering is truly despicable.


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You drag in the Puni posters and then you expose them to the nigs and fags and eventually you widdle them down into all you have are the most radicalized Jewish gooners to ever cum with a vengeance.


Don't do that, a local need those!


ok yeah not a fan


Damn, TWO 'p posts in a row?
Also thank you mod.


Explain to me Mexicans and pockmarks.


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Is he just reuploading all his old stuff? grim


Tender Mayan genes weak to chicken pox


But they usually just come from regular acne, ese.


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Why are they getting uglier?


"I don't drink."


They wwho?


(((Anglos))) and ((((celebrities))) especially when they (((overlap)))



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I believe this DERSITE deserves a deathfat GF manifestation sigil




Sorry, but he isn't Asian so it won't work. We need a Rocco blood transfusion to work out the kinks.


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Beat Him Up.




BlueBuddies: resting.


Hard out there for a gamer


Hard to be a gamer


feels good to try actually being a geek with tech stuff
my Ventoy-infused USB is my keyring of power, now equipped with a Windows 7, a Salix and an AROS 0 iso, and i will only take more


Yeah, it's fun



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Holy shit, one (1) CHEST!?!!!?!?!??!?!


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At least they gave /ourgirls/ the skins they deserve.


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This 8ITCH Has Nothing To Do With Noxus Why Is She Here


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Of course it's just because it's Elise. And the Katarina is pay-walled. But still. :wow!:


They switched back to just rolebased Q too.

Tiny things and I am happy. This is what it is like to be a mobber.


I'm out here going to purple and red maxx for the homies. :buckleup:






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This excites me but I don't know when to try it because I'm on the purple/red grind.

I worry about alternating between it and normals. Probably useful for Kat practice if nothing else.


Oh, yeah, I should mention that nigress isn't out just yet but they do seem to be sharting her out which makes me thinks she's the "low-effort" champ of this year which leaves little excitement for me, who mostly plays mid and mages.


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Sorry if it happened, sinfest anon. It wasn't your fault.
All yours tomorrow, alright?




what those titties for, 8ITCH?


Jewish wells.



The sheer existential terror of anyone enjoying Sinfest unironically.


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The w00tee


Why is Dick Masterson playing Kaizo Mario 3?


its YOUR fault we got a awkwaaard trans rights donation just now. the run was perfect until you went and jinxed it.


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no takesies-backsies


Is that the toe monster


I should probably apply for mod


That'd help, I trust you


At least he forgoes the pictures, small relief


yes, it's Ganondorf's dad


marzichan wasn't spared (just got hit again), I assumed you had some sort of filter set up


:dizzy: MyMelody love :dizzy:


I think I have one for no img + weird shortner string at the same time. Doesn't always work


sorry i was distracted


More people sets my mind at ease. Where is Ukraine's strongest soldier though?




>When you nurse roxkit on that goywater


she already has autism. it probably makes her stronger, even.


That'd actually be clever for Tatsuya, to have the JEWISH MIND POISON create their big enemy: the autistic noticers



rave.dj is REALLY sucking recently….


Every time I've tried it has been disappointing. I don't have too good an ear for similar time sigs or whatever though


I mean that's part of the thing. It tends to decide to speed things up a fucking ton instead of slowing it down a little in order to match tempos and shit.


I had a bunch of really good ones but they nuked all of them at some point and changed the algorithm so I can never have them back. I've been uploading the good ones I got to youtube since, but uhhh so far it's been just two.


Is that sponge-gi-oh rap one? I mean, it is a masterpiece


That was just that song straight. The rave.dj things are on that channel and tagged.


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Today's horoscope
says Libras skip well water
and only breastfeed


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millenial lolz!


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Pure kino


Is this true?


J-Horror stickers?


They are delightful



(speaking of which, an "ominous" sticker is overdue, huh? maybe it'll show up serendipitously in one of these coming sets…)


No idea


Do you skip well water?


mmm malformed onigiri ketchup horror…


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>ominous" sticker is overdue
Hmm, I'll keep it in mind


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any week now


I've had it before and I remember it making Sprite taste funny. I've also had some water with iron bacteria in it that makes it smell like eggs. Before you ask, it's not sulfur. Taste of iron doesn't really bother me


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Imagine this blowing Rocco Botte.


AI gone and done it this time. Safety parameters +50





I remember all the fountains in the Tom Sawyer section of disney world tasted like that. 20 years ago at least.


>I remember all the fountains in the Tom Sawyer section of disney world tasted like that.
Jenny? Jenny Nicholson?


>Eating porky


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Old newn. Jennybwos…?


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NEED zizek & jenny slopcast
I would drop everything and listen each thread


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S_O was all about positivity, see!


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he didn't actually draw this, right? people post this like he did, but i always assumed it was just a meme someone on 4chan made


he did



How new do you even have to be…?


You might not be Chinese but your parents sure will name as if you were.


Whoever it was, they nailed it


It was him. Dumbass.


its pretty obvious he drew it dude


cute style




now brother when I tell you "I made this vermicelli soup thick" I want you to envision a latina daddy's favorite girl kinda thick like 😻😻 like them mf vermicelli were fighting for the last drop of water up in they like african bebitos





GAM JAM 1/10 progress


you're doing a game jam?
I thought you were just trying to finish that alice translation



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Project purple and red isn't going so well partially because I can't load into the shitty fucking game.

Marzipan's advice was more sage than he let on since the map and game overall is basically just purple and red.


>Marzipan's advice was more sage than he let on
curious to see how things turn out…


Stop picking your nose, loser.


I told MEX to name it "humblebrag", but unfortunately it was overlooked. EBLOPs everywhere are going to be in shambles


A gam jam of one…

You're right that I should finish that first, I wasn't looking forward to seeing what breaks when rendered in English


>A gam jam of one…
have you shared any details here?
my creative project is also a "game"

>You're right that I should finish that first

I feel like you had mentioned a (self-imposed) deadline?


>sub 6 cspm avg
christ dude, you're failing to last hit 40% of all the minions in your lane


It's to be an RPG maker Kubel fanfiction game in an attempt to "heal" some NTR poisoning lingering in my system.
I'd like to complete it by 6/14 if possible… but anytime in the year of the snake is fine really


RiteofWinter on the right (his head fell off)


>in an attempt to "heal" some NTR poisoning lingering in my system
oh MEX
shouldn't you be in way too deep to still feel shame about this stuff?

good luck with your goal date; I have no dates on my project but I haven't touched it since I started my new job a couple months ago

also, the "nerves" sticker is doubled (MSPA and jojimuke)


Geh, let's see who deserves it
(really, the JSON validator usually gripes at me for doubling up, so…?)


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I will say that the perfect/red strategy has been fucked over by me either not loading into games or loading into games at most 8 minutes late.

I will end on this heroic victory against actual MRs because the game is still a memory-leaking piece of shit.



>I will end on this heroic victory against actual MRs
>Magic Resistance (also Magic Resist), or MR, is one of the two damage resistance subtype stats. It reduces incoming magic damage by a percentage.


(Also just a PC and occasionally funnier way of saying "retarded"- Mentally Retarded)



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imagine being this braindead


Yeah, the only thing that could make you even more braindead is liking 4. :kyaha:


SMTIV board


good job buddy I'm proud of you :)


We LITERALLY have a Strange Journey theme. You have no ground to stand on Puni. You or MEX.


A borroughs UI theme would be nice…
Unless someone has a gif of the floating minecraft Mido head, that'd be a good IV theme


>A borroughs UI theme would be nice…
I would like that in spite of my antipathy which stems largely from what MEX makes spergrage about SJ. The over-hyping of :coolidea: the game (Applicable to literally all of Megaten- and Homestuck. Homestuck imageboard.)
>Unless someone has a gif of the floating minecraft Mido head
Piss off.


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New slop genner just dropped? What is?


Emeower on an edgy phase


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Sue board, chuddy.


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What did she mean by this?


babe I just downsized and upsized it to make sure it looks like a horrendous jpeg, take ur meds please


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now if we could stop being on each other's throat every other nanosecond


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robotics club is eternal


They're gonna start on Mildred's teeth with a claw hammer to learn the prep schools secret specs…


At this point, I'm sure it's just a child labor ring.


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it's been a long week. might need to crack this sucker open sometime soon


… Dehydrated elementary schooler piss powder?


This is a new low.


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I agree. I thought the packaging was funny but alas
here I thought it would be a hit with the megidochan audience…


For cool Japan? Or for [REDACTED]


>here I thought it would be a hit with the megidochan audience…
It was, on some level.


>Or for [REDACTED]
You know what.


hitting new levels of unfunny yeah(YOU'RE ONE TO TALK.)


I'd drink if the was a cheeky girl on the pack instead of a warugaki. Let's get this in distribution NOW NOW NOW


>For cool Japan?
oh come on, don't act like my post was Cool Japan bait. it's like you're trying to fan the flames of proper kismesissitude here



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can we PLEASE work out a ceasefire I'm getting TIRED of finding VPNs I'm willing to NEGOTIATE


>fan the flames of proper kismesissitude here




he understands.


>come on, don't act like my post was Cool Japan bait
Merely teasing Mindo-kun's flair for hating Mother, etc.. Not sure what I walked into here?


but he replied to you, not me :^p


Eeeh? I like your shougakusei pissbeer powder, it even got my entrepreneurial spirit burning… Just understand these are Megidozens here, we can't just say "wow cool!"


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no reason to get worried. my posts were taken more seriously than I expected.
the main reason I posted it was that 「ボクにもプハーっていわせてよ!」line, and the silliness of the graphics lol
I didn't really mean it in a "cool" way, but you suggesting it as a Cool Japan! object presented an opportunity to poke at our little beef, so I did


Uh, I guess that explains it, thanks.
I thought people were mad at me 'cause Turkey laughed


Did you watch those soyteen game music spoofs that got linked? that's probably a fast track to the DERADICALIZATION pipeline


>Did you watch those soyteen game music spoofs that got linked?


>Uh, I guess that explains it, thanks.
you don't sound very convinced
don't make me feel awkward and mean. you devil.

also, that sticker looks like fake crying too lmao. the curse of the insincere crying sticker persists


>also, that sticker looks like fake crying too
It's Kuromi, so…


but you cry for real, right? maybe that's why you didn't get kuromi last time


I don't cry at all. :hover:


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Fufufu, that's what I like about you, Marz, such an eye for subtlety.


>I thought people were mad at me 'cause Turkey laughed
I only (really genuinely actually) laugh at MoM's attempts at being funny and or trying to get under my skin desu


I need to stop including tangential softballs in posts that I actually want people to answer. everyone takes advantage of it and it's not even the year of the snake. I can't trust anyone anymore



me neither, almost. as per my last post on the matter


No worries, I meant that sincerely.

But as for myself, I cry rather easily…


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>I cry rather easily…


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>No worries, I meant that sincerely.
then choose your words more carefully…

>But as for myself, I cry rather easily…

I'm a little jealous but I guess it probably loses its power, right?


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I makes crying games stronger, but I have to be careful to cover the redness in the morning before seeing anyone.


redness that lasts overnight?!?


he's saying that he cries to bed every night retard



But it's not 'too' terrible if I'm playing a game until 5am or something.
Goo night hsg


night bucko


>Goo night hsg
goo night. try not to cry from buried guilt, okay?


Multitaskers must be killed.


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looks like one of those inverted models that show you the inside texture depending on the angle you look at it, bit jiggy


Report: slept easy!

Dreams were mostly pap, somethig about exploring this dorm/commons-like environment with a friend and finding a cooking area with a 700 degree pizza oven.


PPAP dreams


PuriPara Aidoru Paradise?
Sadly not…


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>finding a cooking area with a 700 degree pizza oven


Emeower's smoldering glare…


Those crust bubbling cross sections on HSG lately might be nagging at my subconscious somewhere


at my last job, my officemate had one of those gas-fired backyard pizza ovens (an "ooni"), even though he only rarely cooked more involved stuff like homemade pizza :^p
I was a little jealous, even though I don't think I would really want one because of the inconvenience of use compared to a conventional electric oven. plus I don't have anywhere for one where I live right now


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Robotics Club Arc:
Term: Pilloried for two weeks.
Mildred was hanged.


Now, I'm gonna follow the advice to stick to routine, do what is in my power to help, and focus on unraveling the tasks before me.




Hi megidozers my fingers are currently freezing off, I'll be outside eating bits of ice while naked in a short bit how's your saturday?


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>how's your saturday?
8oring. As usual.


that's no good!! have you thought about doing something fun?


My damsel in distress…


Araneafag probably has a (reasonably) high standard and a strict definition of what's fun



but everyone has a backlog, right?


There's just nothing to do, really.
May8e I'll go outside tomorrow.


She's too orderly of a woman to never keep a backlog. Something came up? Goes and does it instantly, no questions asked, no hesitation. You just wouldn't get it.

take some pictures of nice views and I'll paint em for you :o)


I'd rather not dox my general area.



>You just wouldn't get it.
it's not really about orderliness; there's just more great art than I have time to consume at a comfortable pace :^p
but if you say so


MEX, this one might need an update in the menu if you renamed the tag


Rotary Park is safe after dark.
Neighbors off porches, the playground is stark.


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how else am I gonna kidnap you for a surprise wedding????


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>the girl from the documentary was just larping as a soldier and only cooked food during the operations





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Had a day out with folxkeks.

*Throws Marzipan into these books.*


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Also, a special treat for ICPfriend.


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Say hello to the new friend who I accidentally pierced slightly at the bottom trying to cut off the tag with the world's dullest medical scissors.

He costed exactly 32 (thirty two.)



On that note my mom called every Pokemon (all of them besides Pikachu) she didn't recognize

And my dad remembered a jingle my sisters submitted to an official Pokemon competition; "Jigglypuff and Wigglytuff, that's the Pokemon for me."


Does Ben like Slowpoke? I never asked about Pokemon but presumably he likes the one cool bee 'mon.


I associate him with Kyogre specifically, but he had tons of pokemon plushes, the poof.


>I associate him with Kyogre specifically, but he had tons of pokemon plushes
I only have the one. I basically only have two plushies, now. (If my sisters' eternal paydirt of Beanie Babies don't count which I keep of nostalgia of them… It's a thing..)

I have Domo (who's aged quite badly) and now, a Slowpoke.

I was tempted by Kuromi merch many times today though, at many points.

I also saw a Mexican couple wwalk into Baskin Robins wearing matching Twlight shirts (well, not exactly matching, the girl had a shirt that said "I like men who sparkle" with Edward while the guy had a general Twilight shirt on.) Only in Texas.

Also, the girls in Texas have fat asses, inexplicably.
Girls in Texas have fat asses. It needs to be known.
Girls in Texas have fat asses.


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>*Throws Marzipan into these books.*
nooo, not the unreadable motion blur books!!!

aw, that's nice. I have a jigglypuff plush that I got during a memorable day with a friend. I keep it sitting by my rei


>I have Domo (who's aged quite badly)
I had a domo from one of those jersey shore vacations I mentioned. I remember it smelled like chocolate chip pancakes (seriously)
probably tucked away in a storage bin or lost to time somewhere now
>wearing matching Twlight shirts

>Girls in Texas

sounds like this really stuck with you, huh?

>I was tempted by Kuromi merch many times today though, at many points.

hmm, but the slowpoke won out? unexpected :^o
I think I might get myself those bootleg fumos I looked at a little while back for my birthday


Is this esports?


I love Jake Paul :)


>nooo, not the unreadable motion blur books!!!
A side effect of how I take photos since I don't want to weird people out. They're the "Zodiac Academy" series. Whatever that is. Synchronous with previous conversations however.
>sounds like this really stuck with you, huh?
It's just something to notice. In NYC, so many girls pass you by but for whatever reason girls in Texas are consistently fat-bottomed. :…:
>hmm, but the slowpoke won out? unexpected :^o
I planned him from ahead and didn't want to overspend. I thought he would be 28 since I saw a similar one on Amazon for that price. Unfortunately, the one I saw cost 80 in-store because they're imported from Japan. I got him instead, exactly 32, ojisan.


Didn't Jake Paul play League at some point?


>consistently fat-bottomed
higher average weight, I would guess

>the one I saw cost 80 in-store

damn! well, maybe someday :allears:

>In NYC, so many girls pass you by

could be a song lyric. something strokesian


>higher average weight, I would guess
>could be a song lyric. something strokesian


The chad "for Dummies" vs. the virgin "for dummies A Wiley Brand"


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I'm saying it could be a song lyric for something in the style of the strokes


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fucked up my copypaste like a fool


You might not know what the fuck that is but that's okay, you're retarded. It's like the difference between neofolk and folk (modern.)


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tarot win


"These girls are not obese, they just have shapely proportions."


"We have corn and corn derived additives to thank for this."


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who are you addressing?


Thanks for that, chudjak. :sry:


A hypothetical responder to: >>73471


megidochan magical drop III tourney WHEN???


So, Megidochan is clearly the most active altchan in existence right now, right? I know no one uses /hot/ yet, but 8chan's activity is nothing compared to us.


Where do I get three? Also, I'm bad at videogames.


Yeah, we're basically the next Jesus.


There are soy derived chans that are constantly warring for "pph"


there's a program called fightcade that bundles a bunch of old emulators with rollback-based netplay, that's a great way to play it. pretty quick to set up too

nonny… you can't really think that, can you? the most active altchan? we have <20 active users


1000-2000 posts per day is still activity.


>there's a program called fightcade that bundles a bunch of old emulators with rollback-based netplay, that's a great way to play it. pretty quick to set up too
It's a fighting game…?


not really, it is a 1v1 versus game though, which is what the program was originally made for. once they had everything set up though, there wasn't really any reason to not just add support for all the games those emulators could handle with netplay. so there's loads of non-fighting games on there too

like azumanga puzzle bobble!!


Thank god we don't get that, but…

StVrdychan proper (not sturdy co, the gooner boards) is rip-roaringly fast


Gooner is quite the generous word for "ped"


>Gooner is quite the generous word for "ped"
you guys need to warn me if there's CP on a site before i type it into my search bar, fucksakes. i don't want to get the FBI at me door


sure, but I feel like "speed"/post count is generally a proxy for active userbase, not a trait that draws in users by itself :^p

(another point for MoM's anti-ID position, I suppose)


That's against the rules (law) but they get the bot too.


You ever think about all those people who'll just eat plastic?


btw MoM if you're interested in playing some of these games I would totally handhold you through installation & setup if that's a discouraging factor

magical drop is just as much about speed as it is puzzling - I guess I don't know your game preferences well enough to say if that would rule it out of your frame of skill/enjoyment

I'm not particularly good at it or anything, it's hard to get people to play it


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> I would totally handhold you through installation & setup if that's a discouraging factor
I have it installed already… Or something…
> I guess I don't know your game preferences well enough to say if that would rule it out of your frame of skill/enjoyment
"I am not good at anything." :de:


>I have it installed already… Or something…

>"I am not good at anything."

you are good at analyzing music in terms of how it relates to your preferences and other examples in the genre. you're good at doodling, from what I've seen. you're good at offering a unique perspective that is often thoroughly considered, even if it's drastically different from my own. this carries into making you a good poster, albeit divisive at times. you're good at admitting mistakes instead of doubling down, usually.
if you weren't good at anything, do you think all these people would come here and choose to interact with you?




"I'll stick to X, thanks"


"I meant in terms of videogames, I'll leave the rest unaddressed."
>if you weren't good at anything, do you think all these people would come here and choose to interact with you?
Yes, because at least one (1) of those individuals is obsessed with my specific variety of poontang for whatever reason.


"What are you talking about? This is X"


I think they're in a gray area, think of 4chan's tv without rules against unabashed child actress dumps


>"I meant in terms of videogames, I'll leave the rest unaddressed."
>at least one (1) of those individuals is obsessed with my specific variety of poontang for whatever reason
what about the rest, though..?


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very pissfull, apparently. up your alley perhaps?


That's more the little Mexican guy. :fssh:


for some reason I had thought you were MEX, but I guess you're usually the one posting steam links, aren't you?





need me a girl with four arms


Fuck you, I take offense to that part.


>but I guess you're usually the one posting steam links, aren't you?
You don't know that. :enough:



? okay, sorry, I didn't mean anything by it :(

another competing altchan?


They should be even more generic if that's the pitch. If anything, just give them the little suctiony finger tips.

"It's not like trolls are all that unique anyway." But I digress. :de:


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Why did I click that (1)


File: 1736643349703.jpg (957.25 KB, 656x719, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Are you feeling Les Schtroumpfsy yet!??!?!?!?!?!??!


The curse of Jewbells strikes again.


i kinda like the four arms.


The point said remains whether you personally like them or not… :de:


There was at least one other reasonable fellow, so I'm calmer.

Was about to :karclack: on them, still might do it halfways to shore up some misunderstandings


>There was at least one other reasonable fellow, so I'm calmer.
was it a hate-review or something? I don't have enough context to follow why it's a bad thing :^p


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It's usually
>Prologue long
>No virgin run
>Ending gripes
So it's not inaccurate criticisms, I just feel like defending it.


Okay, now it's horny.


This is what we call the "hallmarks of fanboyism." :sry:


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I'm kinda sad this fellow was left out the pretty sticker sets
:fangirl: needs a :fanboy:


I tried to make it through a fairly easy-listening though long collection of music that I like but I just couldn't.

I ate a BIG BURGER. Time to fall into a food coma. :milk:

It was nice to cheer my mom up but unfortunately, I don't seem to be capable of helping my parents get along better no matter how hard I try. :douzo:



Tell them about your struggles on megidochan


He's like
secretary/white knight/stalker


hope you sleep well if you're gonna go nap now



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Actually smiled this time…


Head of the fountain, head of the arrowhead
(Maria, Maria, Mari-, Maria, Maria)
Head of the fountain, head to the arrowhead
(Maria, Maria, Maria, Holy Gloria)


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all toasters are not toasting toast, it seems.
she appears to be quite perplexed


you know that's NOT why.
I had been actively isolating myself from literally everyone for months when we first met so you ended up creating a cursed unbreakable bond.


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they say the flap of a butterfly's wings can doom your fate
that the road sometimes takes back what it had given
but true love never dies
and now you know how the legend of the dead cruiser was born
*l'epic synthwave drop ensues*


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They sat there and watched her saw through it


nancy must be killed.


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Today's progress… Well, I settled on my circle name.:sweetpea:


circus name🤡🤡


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>gone already


On this episode of Short Lived Dreams;


white panel van following you to your doorstep ASMR *forced boyfriend roleplay* (soft soothing duct tape noises and crowbar clankings!!)



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>Start narrative A
>Build up just enough to foster emotional investment
>Cut off narrative A with narrative B
>The reader starts feeling like they were cheated out of something they were emotionally invested into
>Give closure on narrative B without ever going back to narrative A
>The reader fixates on why narrative A was left unfinished and starts demanding closure
>"Deliver" a sequel to satiate said desire (or keep the cycle going ad nauseam)
Narrative Dependancy 101: An Analysis of Basic/Complex Manipulation of The Human Psychology


If we're being less cynical, when more than one thing happens in the story, the only alternative to this structure is an episodic narrative where one arc finishes before the next starts, which I generally like less. A narrative arc that is quickly resolved and abandoned may leave me feeling like the characters and events were pointless and I may regret caring about them.


The only real differentiator is the author's intentions and whether it was an accidental oversight or intended manipulation, but realistically that doesn't matter for the issue.

There is an unwritten pact between the author and the audience, your suspense of disbelief comes with the expectation of closure, and it's an unspoken responsibility of the author to deliver on that. Alas, this started off as a thought experiment for me and only just ended up rekindling my misantrophy through the drawn parallels so I shall stop speaking of it now.


>magical drop is just as much about speed as it is puzzling - I guess I don't know your game preferences well enough to say if that would rule it out of your frame of skill/enjoyment
I watched someone play it, and the instructions sounded like you could manually call rows whenever you were ready, but it didn't seem the full story. I don't like the idea of the rows falling on a timer or when triggered by your opponent. The tarot card characters were cute though.


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I laughed. He incorporated my suggestion. It's possible (((they))) will save him from justice next time though.


Sunday already?


>the only alternative to this structure is an episodic narrative where one arc finishes before the next starts
am I missing something, or is "return to arc A within the same work after finishing arc B" not an option? :^p
that's actually what I thought you were describing at first: that tv writing formula of building up story A to a head, then switching to B, build up, switch back, etc

>There is an unwritten pact between the author and the audience, your suspense of disbelief comes with the expectation of closure, and it's an unspoken responsibility of the author to deliver on that
I've actually thought about this idea a fair amount before in the context of mystery writing, specifically an idea of "cross-work trust" - the idea that bad mystery stories can actually deplete a sort of shared trust that allows us to get invested in good mystery stories. and in contrast, good mystery stories can build that trust and make us more likely to invest in (and enjoy) bad mystery, at least until the other shoe drops and your trust is betrayed


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I suspected one had been lost among the shuffle… felt something was off, realigning. The last panel swap worked pretty well misaligned so I'll keep it.


>the instructions sounded like you could manually call rows whenever you were ready
hmm, well, there is a button that lets you forcibly advance the field (add another line), but that's not a necessary step; it's meant as a tool for getting more orbs to work with if you're cleared most of the board already.
aside from that, single lines are occasionally added, iirc speeding up as the match goes on
the game also has uses a typical "garbage" mechanic like in many puzzle versus games, where combos that you score result in lines of pieces being sent to your opponent. the shape of the attack depends on the character you're playing, and the quantity goes through a multiplier based on how long the match has been going iirc. you can cancel pending attacks from your opponent if you quickly throw out a combo of your own


>also has uses
also has*
forgive me, editing on a phone


>you can cancel pending attacks from your opponent if you quickly throw out a combo of your own
actually I might've been wrong. not sure magical drop III has this


>is "return to arc A within the same work after finishing arc B" not an option?
That's what I thought he was describing, I missed that he was talking about sequel bait plot threads. I agree then, I would even go as far as to say that the ideal story should be complete before the first part is released, if it must be episodic. Jonathan Blow said he wouldn't make The Witness 2 because he already used up all of his good ideas in the original game.

>the idea that bad mystery stories can actually deplete a sort of shared trust that allows us to get invested in good mystery stories

Yeah that's probably real, I thought a lot about trust too and engagement while reading. If someone I trust tells me a story is good it can lead to me enjoying it more than I might have otherwise, vice versa if annoying Twitter retards like it I will be uncharitable and enjoy it less. Reading is a lot more "you get out what you put in" than it might seem, since you work to reproduce the fantasy inside your head and it's easy to speedread and skip over details if you aren't fully engaged. It's somewhat grim that a big part of enjoyment can come from presentation and social aspects, but for writers I think just signalling effort goes a long way.


I see, that's about what I expected. My criticism is that while the game seems like it's interactive multiplayer in theory, and it might also feel that way subjectively to the player, in reality it's not so mechanically different from having two players compete to get the highest score in simultaneous singleplayer rounds. I doubt there's much strategy beyond "play as fast as possible". The same goes for other p̶u̶z̶z̶l̶e̶ arcade games where a simplistic mechanic apparently becomes fun when you force players to do it fast and repeatedly. Perhaps it can still be fun to play with others, I never got into Tetris or Puyo Puyo Tetris or whatever else or this game so I wouldn't know.


>for writers I think just signalling effort goes a long way
I am disinclined toward consuming anything where even the author/dev is memelording about being "trash lol" on social media


yeah im so cool and above it all that i dont even care about wasting the readers time


>I doubt there's much strategy beyond "play as fast as possible".
the combo mechanics incentivize setting up a large chain instead of going for the fastest clears, but an attack from your opponent while you're still building can force you to start clearing early, which creates something like a game of chicken. it's an especially prominent dynamic in games with true cancel systems (like puyo puyo or tetris).
but I totally get your complaint, it's definitely a much complex framework for interaction between players than something like a fighting game


>a much complex
a much LESS complex*
I need to get out of bed…


>yeah im so cool and above it all that i dont even care about wasting the readers time
unironically this was the essence of my thought experiment

"What if I wrote one narrative, didn't finish it, cut it off with a completely unrelated narrative and finish that one, without ever returning to the first one? The audience would hyperfixate on what's left unfinished rather than possibly ever enjoying that they got something that got finished, and the entire process would borderline unravel the entire concept(s) of suspense of disbelief and the unwritten reader/author pact. How do you even convince people that the "narrative A that wasn't delivered to them" wasn't an oversight but a deliberately crafted piece that was never meant to be finished? wouldn't they just DEMAND I finish it anyways? Aren't I borderline hovering over emotional manipulation with this? wow this "harmless" thought experiment is starting to make me feel sick in the stomach now"


The struggle is mostly "Bad music."


Not mutually exclusive, Tatsuya-kun.
Also, I like how they had to have management team for well-water just so one of them could run in with a cartoon poison vial. In anything else, this could be seen as a comedic anachronism instead of just schizo soapboxing. Anything else.



Nanc4 confirmed fellow New Jerysite? No other place makes their crusts that thick.


>TRICKSTERS of the drain infecting my precious domino game
I thought that was relatively safe from speedrunners and minmaxxers. I didn't see a scene for it for the longest time.


>No Rocco in da thread


>The tarot card characters were cute though.


>The well was right in front of her house
What a dumb 8ITCH.
Hang you next.


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Shut up, you already caught me in your web. No need to make a grim display of it all.


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>broken doll look




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>How do you even convince people that the "narrative A that wasn't delivered to them" wasn't an oversight but a deliberately crafted piece that was never meant to be finished? wouldn't they just DEMAND I finish it anyways?
More likely they would just call you a hack and move on. And they wouldn't be wrong.

Not really what you were meaning, but I had the thought maybe it could work if you made narrative A an elephant in the room similar to The Absurd, so it was communicated ironically to the reader that the plot point would never be resolved. Like a murder mystery where it becomes quickly apparent the culprit will never be found.


I am best described as a broken doll.
And yes, I was Milky all along.



"Doesn't count as selling out unless it's NFT!"


>I am best described as a broken doll.


>7/8 are female


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I have a pretty conservative definition of selling out. I won't consider merchandising a part of that. I consider collaborations with the poppest of pop slop selling out.

Can't wait for the official Junji Ito tarot deck. Fucker doesn't have to work another day in his life and I don't think he wants to. Maruo-sama… :douzo:
Again, maybe this is the blurry rambling I was going to direct towards Marzipan but that's a big part of the Ito hatred. It's COOL JAPAN built on the THE AESTHETIC of just slightly offkilter to appeal to gothic sensibilities and still be pretty, pretty, pretty.


>Can't wait for the official Junji Ito tarot deck.
*Rings bell*
Oh, oneesan!


New incredibox gremlin just dropped


Are gyo shark-spider or drr drr noodleman in there?


>Again, maybe this is the blurry rambling I was going to direct towards Marzipan but that's a big part of the Ito hatred.
I had some other thing about why I prefer Beach Boys to The Beatles in that it's partially because "they're a pop band that nobody seems to be embarrassing to admit was ultimately a pop band" but everything's a haze right now.



She's my Homestar Runner OC. Actually from ReallyGoodComics and I stumbled upon her in images folder.


Not that everything's some gay, big cultural battlefield and I acknowledge that I'm not some entirely rational actor. Ultimately, I am still dictated by the ego and what I want to associate with.

The most basic idea is that I have feelings and rationalize back from there and work them back to relatively objective observations about the content themselves.


I'm still not sure you'd have any idea of where a Homestar Runner would fit in but you go, tiger.


>the content themselves.
Or, itself.
*associate it with


"I am forgotten."


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"Those would be hard to fit in" and we're clearly aiming to appeal to girls here, so.


hm, I don't think I've ever seen someone deny that the beatles were a pop (rock) band. at least, that was basically the unifying thread through all their best-known work. maybe it doesn't get explicitly stated much because people tend to focus on the way they continued to evolve (within the pop-adjacent sphere) successfully throughout their whole run, so those changes/new influences stand out more than the unifying framework it's built on top of


Insert copypasta here.


But are the Beatles closer to SM64 or FFVII


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Insert FUNNY ITALIAN man here.
Trout Mask Replica!



>It's COOL JAPAN built on the THE AESTHETIC of just slightly offkilter to appeal to gothic sensibilities and still be pretty, pretty, pretty.
do you mean that you feel ito used to have a more risky/unique niche that got sanded down to what you describe, or are you saying he's always been that way (perhaps sanding down his influences)?



Charles? Charles Martinet?


People seem be able to frame their criticisms with SM64 like normal people ("You know, the later levels really drop off") instead of feeling the need to say WELL ACTUALLY IT'S NOT THAT GOOD (FF7.) So, you know, the latter.


Later levels are pretty good though. FILTERED alert!?




> you saying he's always been that way (perhaps sanding down his influences)?
The latter. I don't think Ito is a particularly skilled horror writer or writer in general. A lot of his aestheticisms that people like (surrealism, big dangly men) are pretty par-for-the-course if you read enough horror manga. Junji Ito is a skilled artist but in particular, he draws pretty, pretty people and is somewhat averse to particularly violent or sexual content. I don't think Ito is good at horror, at all. We got slug dad in one chapter and that's creepy. I've read a lot more than that but most of Ito's stories generally feel like absurdist stories; "horror for those who don't want to be disturbed."

This is of course all very based in this bullshit dichotomy of based Suehiro vs. virgin Ito. And the former had an aesthetic appeal or rather, audience, (le Naked City) and draws "pretty things" but he also drew pretty extreme things. Ito's grotesqueries are ultimately pretty dull-drum in comparison. He feels like he's steeped in his influences. I'm rambling. I don't know.


Yeah, I disagree too.


>Again, maybe this is the blurry rambling I was going to direct towards Marzipan but that's a big part of the Ito hatred. It's COOL JAPAN built on the THE AESTHETIC of just slightly offkilter to appeal to gothic sensibilities and still be pretty, pretty, pretty.
I think his work is meritorious in itself, and I don't think he's pandering (aside from stuff like >>73593 of course), but it's ripe for aesthetic appropriation sure.



>I'm rambling. I don't know.
it's not rambling; I appreciate you elaborating. I haven't read any horror manga and I was just curious about your perspective
I'm familiar with the frustration at an overly "safe" artist, even though I can't offer an opinion on ito

is this a reference to a specific copypasta btw, or were you just saying you don't care to respond (^^:::;)


The real thing that got me was that I pointed out that a lot Maruo Suehiro's works felt like (or was, directly) coping with the environment of post-war Japan- and I was shocked to learn how close Ito was in age when you compare and contrast their content. You don't get that feeling at all with Ito's work. Ito feels like a guy who had a passion for horror manga, Suehiro feels like someone who uses horror to actually explore greater feelings about culture. But that might be a :miss:
>I think his work is meritorious in itself,
"No." People underestimate how technically competent the average manga artist is. I would never imply Ito went into writing cynically; it's just a side-effect of him being a good encapsulation of J-HORRORisms with pretty, pretty people for the girlies.

I have pretty big problems with Uzumaki, and I think Gyo is basically one big farce.

The real linchpin I'd drive between Suehiro and Ito is that I think the former really knows how to write "the absurd" and emphasize an otherworldly atmosphere- more than horror. Ito's writings feel like they're scrapping the level of believability in human characters to make the inevitable sanity snaps fell hollow. It'd take some meticulous observation to explain why exactly I feel this and have something contextual to point to. But it's night and day for me. One feels like a nightmare, the other feels like a hazy fever dream. I like the latter, no doubt. But sometimes it's just boring. And it's hardly horror.


>is this a reference to a specific copypasta

The fact that so many books still name the Beatles as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" rock band ever only tells you how far rock music still is from becoming a serious art. Jazz critics have long recognized that the greatest jazz musicians of all times are Duke Ellington and John Coltrane, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Classical critics rank the highly controversial Beethoven over classical musicians who were highly popular in courts around Europe. Rock critics are still blinded by commercial success. The Beatles sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore they must have been the greatest. Jazz critics grow up listening to a lot of jazz music of the past, classical critics grow up listening to a lot of classical music of the past. Rock critics are often totally ignorant of the rock music of the past, they barely know the best sellers. No wonder they will think that the Beatles did anything worthy of being saved. In a sense, the Beatles are emblematic of the status of rock criticism as a whole: too much attention paid to commercial phenomena (be it grunge or U2) and too little to the merits of real musicians. If somebody composes the most divine music but no major label picks him up and sells him around the world, a lot of rock critics will ignore him. If a major label picks up a musician who is as stereotyped as can be but launches her or him worldwide, your average critic will waste rivers of ink on her or him. This is the sad status of rock criticism: rock critics are basically publicists working for major labels, distributors and record stores. They simply highlight what product the music business wants to make money from.

Hopefully, one not-too-distant day, there will be a clear demarcation between a great musician like Tim Buckley, who never sold much, and commercial products like the Beatles. At such a time, rock critics will study their rock history and understand which artists accomplished which musical feat, and which simply exploited it commercially.

Beatles' "Aryan" music removed any trace of black music from rock and roll. It replaced syncopated African rhythm with linear Western melody, and lusty negro attitudes with cute white-kid smiles.

Contemporary musicians never spoke highly of the Beatles, and for good reason. They could never figure out why the Beatles' songs should be regarded more highly than their own. They knew that the Beatles were simply lucky to become a folk phenomenon (thanks to "Beatlemania", which had nothing to do with their musical merits). That phenomenon kept alive interest in their (mediocre) musical endeavours to this day. Nothing else grants the Beatles more attention than, say, the Kinks or the Rolling Stones. There was nothing intrinsically better in the Beatles' music. Ray Davies of the Kinks was certainly a far better songwriter than Lennon & McCartney. The Stones were certainly much more skilled musicians than the 'Fab Four'. And Pete Townshend was a far more accomplished composer, capable of entire operas such as "Tommy" and "Quadrophenia"; not to mention the far greater British musicians who followed them in subsequent decades or the US musicians themselves who initially spearheaded what the Beatles merely later repackaged to the masses.

The Beatles sold a lot of records not because they were the greatest musicians but simply because their music was easy to sell to the masses: it had no difficult content, it had no technical innovations, it had no creative depth. They wrote a bunch of catchy 3-minute ditties and they were photogenic. If somebody had not invented "Beatlemania" in 1963, you would not have wasted five minutes of your time reading these pages about such a trivial band.


oh, scaruffi. I haven't seen this in a long time :v:






Made me think of Sprunkly. But that's just a name. The Italian are such a silly people.


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It's so over.



I have some commentary I could give on the content of the copypasta but I doubt you were presenting it as your own opinion, so I won't waste time with another wordy post :^p


Do it, idiot. :drinky:


Easy-listening neofolk to throw Marzipan into.

I didn't like it as much as the Runeboy stuff I heard before. It didn't have the same energy. But given its runtime, I kind of didn't expect it to.


>Get on sturdychan, there's no tyrant mods
I would but there's still more than a year left on my ban


And somehow even less discussion.


but you'll skewer me over it, won't you?
but if you insist…

anyway, this copypasta was written in 1999, so maybe discourse was different back then. I admittedly have not read the "so many books" that scaruffi alludes to in the first paragraph, but my main issues is that I think he's attacking a strawman here.

I've never seen someone seriously argue that the beatles were the most innovative, the most pushing-the-envelope band of their time, because they absolutely weren't. however, they're remarkable for being an incredible force in pushing forward popular music, and they also represent a special time in history where some of the most critically acclaimed music was also some of the most popular music. I think they deserve most of the praise they receive, and it's not pure luck or circumstance that they've outlasted bands like the stones or the kinks.

to be a little more biting - this perspective reads like someone who only listened to "I want to hold your hand", "here comes the sun", or "twist and shout" and wrote off the band after that point as disposable mass-market garbage. I'll add that I think the beatles' ability to maintain a strong mass appeal while continually evolving their sound and indulging in more and more whimsical indulgence (revolution 9, abbey road medley) is perhaps their greatest strength. a lot of music critics go through a phase of rejecting anything catchy or immediately appealing as "too safe", "mainstream crap", etc, and some never exit that phase. they're throwing the baby out with the bathwater, and ignoring the skill that goes into such work


>main issues
main issue*


>I've never seen someone seriously argue that the beatles were the most innovative, the most pushing-the-envelope band of their time, because they absolutely weren't.
It's dads. This is a dad hate manifesto.


>Easy-listening neofolk to throw Marzipan into.
is this a "listen in the background if you feel like it" toss, or can we work out another trade here? (+・`ω・´)キリッ

>It's dads. This is a dad hate manifesto.
scaruffi IS a dad. if he's a serious music critic than he should know better than to get all huffy and turn his entire critique of one of the most prominent rock bands ever into a kneejerk reaction to some guy at a cookout going "the beatles… yup, now THAT was peak rock music *crack* *sip*"


>is this a "listen in the background if you feel like it" toss
This, because it's not very involved music and I think you'd be at a loss for words, frankly. :float:


maybe, it's >2 hours…


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>5s in
>"Yes, they know how to riff"
And that's one of the benefits of black metal being black metal.

Always with the Scandinavians, it's like second-nature to them. So effortless. And there's some well-appreciated screeching. Sort of a combination of just fry talk and screeching and then some stuff that's kind of in the middle.

I feel like I haven't been transparent with my levels of "good" here so let me make this clear that this is something that I would actively listen to while commuting somewhere or whatever. There's a passive "good" and an active "good", this falls on the active side but it's not mindblowing. It's just "good."

If I wanted to make a playlist for "good black metal", this would find its way in while others would only be allowed into "the black metal corpus" and others, of course, are left out entirely.

I guess this is the kind of crossroad semantics you come to when you're listening to so much of a (fairly specific) extreme subgenre that tends to be branded as pretty simplistic ("its just riffs brah")

I think there's just some use in cataloguing the somewhat mediocre stuff if you're going to really get down in the mud of genre bullshit. :naruhodo:

I would put this in the 85% range but Metallum, hearing something technically pretty good "like the old stuff", probably a lot more tired than me had some guy called hellDIAP give some ludicrously high review (99%) that average out to a smooth 90 between the three…


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Oh, wait, they changed it back for some reason. Public pushback or some truly devilish machinations involving the Winter sale…?


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>Dark ambient
Dropped harder than a sack of bricks.


Also dropped. Could tell from the album art that it was either going to be great or homosexual shit. Heard how clean the guitars were. It's fag shit. Fuck that.


wwevve seen dasha eats noww wwheres dasha shits


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Rose? Rose Lalonde?





>teapot charm


Is this a Rose, Rose Lalonde reference?


yes. rosto lalondini


Doom usually isn't my area but since everyone is too fucking stupid to synthesize gothic and black metal in a way that actually works, I guess it'll have to do.
>Breaks out the 90s MIDI synths
Sheesh, what a mixed bag. :ugh:

I'll see it to the end however.


Is she incredibly snobby of being a second-generation immigrant of one of the most common ethnic groups in the country and prides herself of her culture of deli meats and hating blacks?


*on her
*ON her


jeez anon, you really wanna be "on her" huh?
maybe you'll have to listen to the album to find out


>maybe you'll have to listen to the album to find out
You never very well that the album isn't going to involve any girl and probably isn't Italian.


okay, I lied. what are you gonna do about it?

>never very well
I can tell you're excited about this lalondini girl because you keep making typos ;^p


I'm finding it somewhat difficult… :gtfo:
>I can tell you're excited about this lalondini girl because you keep making typos ;^p
I'm just very tired. It's unusual. I think I overslept, again.


>I'm just very tired.
that's rough.
let's together sleeping better! ne?
tonight I will go to bed earlier, even if my friends are all still hanging out


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It's Swiss/Austrian. Though there is a sun on the cover, that doesn't really relate to Rose at all.

Redeem Shitcker, sar. :rosechu:


>let's together sleeping better!
I think I should stay up longer, actually.


>Drink water too quickly
>Feel like I got throatfucked


whatever makes sense for you! too bad it sounds like I'll be missing out

cool logo at the top there


>too bad it sounds like I'll be missing out
On what?


uh, hanging out with you


Why are you tired? Too much gock? :sock:



I'm tired because I kept staying up late to post on here with you and the others even though I had work the next morning, so I'd get 4-6 hours of sleep instead of the 8-9 that makes me feel the closest to "not tired"


Smvrfa, I went to bed at 8PM last night.:duh:


Yeah I made a personal notification for PC off at 2am
"Before that tho"


yeah, last night was different. it was worst last week. I stayed up lateish last night reading some vinnies in absence of activity here


>Yeah I made a personal notification for PC off at 2am

>feeling exhausted

>"I really need to go to bed on time"
>night comes
>"I barely spent any time having fun… that's too depressing, let me at least try to do something I had wanted to do before bed"
>go to bed late again



1 hour in so far. you're right that it's very easy listening. very pleasant and unobjectionable all around, though like you noted it's not exactly energizing


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>not exactly energizing
Let's fix that!


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Suda buddy?


making MoM listen to のみこの実 from my chart for our next trade and losing all of his respect in one swift blow


Too blackgazey. Feels a bit "gay" in spite of all the "Eccentrism, War, Anachronism, Nature, Steel, Rust."

I'm going to check out one of the member's NSBM stuff to see if it taps into a similar song structure without it feeling so unbearably squeaky and clean. Harsh, HARSH, I want it harsh. Crank your fucking amps, assholes. It doesn't have to sound completely fucked, but I don't want the "normal-sounding drums" for contrast to sound completely like run-of-the-mill fucking rock and roll. Let's get some noise rock or fucking punk in there.

Other guy's other project is already part of the ALBUM GAME so I won't jump the gun on that.

I would say this is a bottom-heavy album and that the latter half of the album really gets into it and I feel like all the technicality and "DIFFERENT SOUNDS" were coming together nicely even though these were distinctly "rock" guitars, I felt like it worked better near the end. The power of the blastbeat, I suppose.


Japanese oafishness- a preferable second-best option to actually being indifferent or dare, even, redpilled?





>Feels a bit "gay"
legitimately, you use this (and other adjacent insults) so liberally that I have trouble pinning down what you're actually saying

>The power of the blastbeat, I suppose.

teach me how to enjoy it, please :^p


I like Japanese electronica though. I don't know why you don't think I wouldn't. I have admitted to liking bubblegum pop and things that are generally "high-pitched and fast-paced"

Frankly, the gayer elements keep it away from being the much less desirable "mass-produced speedcore or 'hyperpop'"

Pop is a great equalizer for the things that somehow get even faggier when left to their devices. :milk:

I would frankly love some sort of mix-up of oldies/doo-woop/a capella with J-electronica (our old pop, and their relatively old pop with electronica; an ironic move but I think it'd make some good music)


"Just stop caring."
Ideally, megidochan should be past shame, but…


You don't get the refrance so this is the laugh worthy of getting shot.


>legitimately, you use this (and other adjacent insults) so liberally that I have trouble pinning down what you're actually saying
Gay is used with the pin-point accuracy of laser hair removal surgery.
I explained as much here. "Limp, ill-fitting, and ironically, 'gauche.'"
>teach me how to enjoy it, please :^p
"I don't like drums." (Besides cymbals, I want to hear more cymbal blastbeasts.)
Ideally, they're supposed to be so blown out that you can't place where one of the drum begins and the other begins, it's a soundscape thing.

Granted, on personal preferences, I don't like it when the drumwork is exclusively blastbeats which is why I dabble into grindcore and mathcore but I am very adamant on things "being blown out, high-pitched, fast, and screechy" so black metal is the extreme music I've invested the most time into investigated.

I would love more noise (as in noise rock; though I'm not opposed to using harsh noise as sort of funky intermittent "beats" to a song) and black metal cross over. Like with gothic BUT ALAS…

RoW has helped introduce me to martial industrial and neofolk which in part was spurred from my long-standing frustration with industrial and borderline hatred of basically all of it. Though that's something I'm less likely to look into on my own terms unless it's some kind of fusion because as well as RoW's taste in music tending to be more ambient than mine, it also includes a lot more harsh noises- in particular, he likes harsh noise.


I assumed it was purely failed attempts at google-translating the japanese. care to clue me in?

>I have admitted to liking bubblegum pop and things that are generally "high-pitched and fast-paced"
I must have forgotten, or not caught any of that when I looked over your chart. my apologies. also, "japanese electronica" is not the first term I would jump to, at risk of lumping it in with less moe-drenched music, but :^p
I consider it probably the "most embarrassing" item on my chart by "normie" standards. anyway, I wouldn't have actually picked it out for you, but maybe sometime

that album in particular kind of feels like mainlining sugar syrup to me; I have to be in a certain mood to enjoy listening to the whole thing front-to-back. but in the right mood, it can feel euphoric and uplifting to an almost unparalleled degree


water is gross as fuck i hate it



File: 1736719829795.gif (2.25 MB, 636x640, based-so-fucking-zased.gif)


>I assumed it was purely failed attempts at google-translating the japanese. care to clue me in?


why are you like this? I'm trying my best

>"I don't like drums." (Besides cymbals, I want to hear more cymbal blastbeasts.)
Ideally, they're supposed to be so blown out that you can't place where one of the drum begins and the other begins, it's a soundscape thing.
this explanation would make sense to me, since I love drums and don't like blastbeats :^p
that wouldn't explain all the blastbeat-loving drummers who can drum in all sorts of styles, though!

>frustration with industrial and borderline hatred of basically all of it

you had some NiN on your chart though, right?


>I must have forgotten, or not caught any of that when I looked over your chart.
Beach Boys is on there and I think Sugar Ray has unironically made some of the best pop songs of all time. It's not really represented on my chart but I do like a lot of K-Pop and J-Pop that I hear (which if you couldn't tell is, at least, in part inspired by a lot of early 2000s Western music trends. I like a lot of bubblegummy early 2000s pop music- "it girl" shit. I also have a straight-up indiepop bossa nova album on my album list so.)


>why are you like this? I'm trying my best
Surprises are fun. :rupture::watch:


>you had some NiN on your chart though, right?
Nine Inch Nails is its own beast because it was made by an incredibly good composer who's very skilled with electronica. Trying to look for any more obscure industrial metal unfortunately makes you overlap with nu-metal bullshit and other buttrocky 90s metal trends.

Believe me, I've gone through "industrial" metal on Metallum and it was not a fun ride. :pathetic:


Jews did this


I saw pet sounds ofc, but a lot of people like that for the lushness and complexity of its instrumentation, not necessarily a broader love for pop. consider this all noted though! :)

>it was made by an incredibly good composer who's very skilled with electronica
truth. I haven't dug into much industrial so I guess I wouldn't know what the worse offerings are like

but I won't ever find out, will I


>I'm going to check out one of the member's NSBM stuff to see if it taps into a similar song structure without it feeling so unbearably squeaky and clean. Harsh, HARSH, I want it harsh. Crank your fucking amps, assholes.
It was exactly as I said it was. Never distrust this Mage's "You Just Know" judgements.

Though this still isn't "ideal" to my discerning holes. Still a little flat.


>but a lot of people like that for the lushness and complexity of its instrumentation, not necessarily a broader love for pop
And these people are kind of dumb because yeah, it's that, but the "sound" is still that of Christmas jingle bells and romantic summers. It's very "sweet", nostalgic music. That doesn't detract from anything- but you have to recognize that that's a facet of the music that can be part of the appeal or turn people off. It was named "Pet Sounds" for a reason.
> I haven't dug into much industrial so I guess I wouldn't know what the worse offerings are like


Oh shid, we're at FULL


And a certain someone should note that not all of my usages of "flat" are about mixing and more like "is this harsh or in broader terms sonically diverse, textured enough" for me to bother listening to as a riff go on and on.

That's what makes the bad fidelity of black metal a fucking element of the music and not just a way to turn people off; the crackles and coarseness adds a certain distinct "flavor" to the music that's addictive and usually, unreplicable. And sure, that's mostly applicable to the second wave or a certain subsect of people who want to tap into that bit of the secondwave and really just "raw black metal" in general (which I actively seek out but a lot of them are content with sounding blown the fuck and not all the happy accidents that comes from tweaking out tweaked up amps on the world's shittiest records.)


Diapin'? :fun:


>pet sounds talk
well-written. I mentioned this before, but I used to listen to pet sounds a lot before I "overspun" it and got tired of it.

I've gotten a lot more longevity out of the zombies' odessey and oracle (also on my chart) - have you listened to it? it also has that baroque pop sound, but with a more stripped back approach and some psychedelic influences. I intended to trade it to you at some point if it sounds intruiging to you at all

we were last night too, when the site was totally dead (^^:::;)


This DIAP is packed and straining to burst






I consider that a grim omen but that might just be metal poisoning.


*blasting out


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>I consider that a grim omen but that might just be metal poisoning.

I'm still in that stage of "can't tell if you will hate something or enjoy it", as a result of your strong but idiosyncratic taste


File: 1736721497159.jpg (131.75 KB, 1200x1009, ClipboardImage.jpg)


Dunno, I have seen a lot of "it hasn't aged well" and "it was revolutionary for its time but actually the controls are bad" and that kind of shit for Mario 64.


>it was revolutionary for its time but actually the controls are bad
IME you see this class of complaint for any legendary old game and it's almost always just someone getting filtered because they didn't push past the first hour of readjusting to outdated design elements


Super Liminal 64


Yes, I know. That's one of those monikers that feels like it kind of forced itself into existence. I wouldn't want someone to consider Pet Sounds "baroque pop"
>I'm still in that stage of "can't tell if you will hate something or enjoy it", as a result of your strong but idiosyncratic taste
I am most discerning with "rock adjacents." That weird uncanny valley of "it's stripped down BUT ACKSHULLY more complex than you think."

Like, I may think a rap song kind of sucks but it won't actively annoy me as much as an indie folk song or some shitty subgenre of metal sucking. That which is closest to the heart hurts the most.

There was a broader point here but I'm not sure how to word it. :consume:


Which still feels a lot more damning than "WELL ITS NOT THAT GOOD" imho.


my sleep schedule is so fucked


> rap song
*Unless it's trap or any of these new-fangled Soundcloud genres that I find insufferable to stomach if just for the tranquilized vocals


Me three days ago. Now I'm rewatching mymelo eps at around midnight to take it easy.


sure, I agree. but at least personally I'm inclined to discard opinions that seem to never get past the person's struggle with the surface layer of dust on an old piece of art. like people who bounce off the first hour or two of fallout 1 because "it's just too clunky/antiquated compared to the modern games". I guess I don't personally have beef with them, but it feels like they aren't putting in the effort to play the game on the game's own terms, which prevents them from getting at the great parts of the work

admittedly I think the complaints against SM64 are much more valid than the semi-strawman I present above.


>monikers that feels like it kind of forced itself into existence
fair enough; I still find it useful. what words would you reach for?

>I am most discerning with "rock adjacents."


>There was a broader point here but I'm not sure how to word it.

no worries, I think I get some of what you're getting at


and old children's game is never going to be more clunky than and old grognard rpg


are you saying the validity of the two hypothetical opinions is the opposite of what I argued?


Not sure yet. I am feeling I should steal the :decline: smiley from codex though




>MEX ESLing out a shart of a post like Fallout is that clunky or esoteric of a 90s CRPG:implying:


well hurry up and finish your thought so I can decide whether or not to reply


thank you for fixing the ifusay/ifusayso sticker tag btw, you didn't reply so I wasn't sure if you saw me mention it


MoM losing his mod powers again

Don't care


Yes, and this is more of a tangent to your point but people brushing off the positives of a game by relating it to "MVH HISTORY" is just a subtler way to jab the knife further in.
>admittedly I think the complaints against SM64 are much more valid than the semi-strawman I present above.
Fuck you. But also
"Nobody ever remembers or talks about the remake."


>MoM losing his mod powers again
Because I dared to criticize you, Lord Chicanx? :wwhat:




>Fuck you.
I really like SM64 though! I don't feel it's particularly clunky in a way that hurts my enjoyment. though I'm aware the camera can be restricting sometimes, and the player controller (despite being meticulously design to provoke joy, which it does quite well imo) does have some edge issues that can be frustrating. I think those criticisms are largely overblown though

>Don't care
"see what I said?"


Because you attribute identities where it's largely irrelevant


>meticulously design
meticulously designed*


That's a rationalization and you know it. I knew it was you without looking at your IP because of the typos and use of the term "grognard."


>But oh no even if you didn't look that's a cool and new rule that we have now that half of the site has mod powers


>I have admitted to liking bubblegum pop and things that are generally "high-pitched and fast-paced"
You should definitely listen to Bladee and Ecco2k's collaborative album "Crest" then.


>"see what I said?"
He's angwy because I posted out Chicanx heritage.


>You should definitely listen to Bladee and Ecco2k's collaborative album "Crest" then.
I refuse, on principle, to listen to anything by people with names like that. :coolkid:


I don't mind, given the 'p poster


THEN!?!?!?!??!!??!?! Stick a sock in it, asshole! :notcanon:


some of their stuff has caught my interest before, though I listened to this once and bounced off with apathy. writing this down to give a relisten


I'm angry?
But I had a funny idea related to that meme actually, gimme 15 minutes


You're held under suspicion


>I'm angry?
You seemed it, or at least whatever weird equivalent you have in your eternal sanguine demeanor.



Okay, you should listen to Strawberry Switchblade though.


Even better and more KVLT. Nothing here is soapy or "rock-y"

Worthy contender for CHART CONSIDERATION.


File: 1736724091299.jpg (7.11 KB, 334x79, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Even daddy orthopraxy was here.


File: 1736724132625.jpg (10.08 KB, 1678x33, ClipboardImage.jpg)

ALBUM GAME, though I might not get to it today. I woke up pretty tired and then I listened to a bunch of albums.

Also, I'm a Neo Nazi now.




He's doubling down…:mewke:


Alright, tis done


What did she mean by this? :nyani:


File: 1736724610123.jpg (140.7 KB, 736x1840, 65de885952bdb2de04fccca9f5….jpg)

Pick your school, fairy.


File: 1736724628299.jpg (32.6 KB, 300x532, 7abf9eea1d4095da165881837d….jpg)

Wait, wrong one.


I like the octagram but don't see it


Too Abrahamic, sweaty.




I really like the inclusion of yin-and-yang as a "pagan" symbol as an amateur theologian granted this might be my (comparatively more understandable) ignorance at play and it has some "unaffiliated" "pagan" worship in places like Vietnam that don't fit neatly into Taoism whose importance that's been played up or it's their (less understandable) ignorance about what "Pagan" even is rearing its head and giving me a succinct little dose of unintentional self-mockery. :h3h3:
Cape! (Dare we even say the ethnic or national origins of the runes? As a true occultic girlie, you should just know them as "the runes.")


Broad ideas swirling in my head about making satire about "the popular girls" and the clusterfuck of new age, pagan, and occultic that's seemed to lodge itself into the immature female subconscious.

Maybe combine that with my rather mean-spirited parody of Charmed as a sort of chaos magick/MK Ultra thing that sort of prattles around for the point of self-perpetuating itself and the actors eventually turning against the show-runners. WORDS, WORDS, WORDS.


I also had another boy to add to my boy chart but I forgot who it was. That was maybe days ago now. :b8:


Just sell salt lamps instead



>As a true occultic girlie, you should just know them as "the runes."

what gave you the impression that I had any knowledge about occultism? (^^:::;)
I don't even really follow what you're on about. their norse origins? I think occult aesthetes are aware of that and don't really care about appropriating them regardless


8ITCH, I own a salt lamp (first one was because of mom buying into woo-woo bullshit but I said "Hey Himalayan salt is pretty valuable instead of heating how about we just put it in a freezer or something" so she just took it and used it instead. The second one is somehow more complicated.)

But money isn't the goal, idiot. Satire is. Satire, that can still, to some degree be enjoyed by the people it's making fun of.

I don't think I have the heart to ever make something ever a full attack on something in society without in some way trying to reach out or humanize them.


You forgot detroit, Little Caesars is from there


Fine, sell ironic salt lamps


Runes Cape.
>what gave you the impression that I had any knowledge about occultism?
I was playing a character.
>I think occult aesthetes are aware of that and don't really care about appropriating them regardless
I just think it's funny to just say "runes" because there are runes of all kinds and they clear mean Nordic runes. They could be conflating Celts in there, but… you know…:consume:


>You forgot detroit, Little Caesars is from there
Little Caesars isn't that thick. But Detroit or Jersey…. grim


The point is to communicate and make art, you dickhead. I'm not fine with being some self-indulgent conman whose conceit is basically just the tag on the overpriced piece of shit. :notcanon:


File: 1736726416967-0.png (983.72 KB, 900x1382, nanfest 25-01-12.png)

File: 1736726416968-1.png (1.4 MB, 900x1496, sincy 25-01-12.png)

A bold solution
to Fritzi's pizza problem:
just start lynching Jews.


forgive my denseness. I figured it was part of a character bit

>The point is to communicate and make art, you dickhead


People buy JOKE PRODUCT 'cause they think it's funny, no conning needed.


Don't want to fuck with the Jewish mafia in Jersey. Sluggo's probably seen the least four seasons of The Sopranos. In Detroit, maybe more manageable.


And to think this is the same man pouring his heart into Not Too Rare steaks. You hate to see it. Where do your true loyalties really lie?


File: 1736726868389.jpg (769.71 KB, 951x513, ClipboardImage.jpg)

wwheres the maki skin


wwheres the makin skin


Maybe you still need to learn the worth of a dollar…


File: 1736726948017.jpg (704.86 KB, 927x584, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Rate this new GET GOT.

What the new Strive character should have looked like.


For the game F*CK Hitler.


Worth less than the worth of the yuan (spiritually.)


mmmmm little caesars…



Yeah, I wish.:milk:


Real and newn and powerful. :wow!:




I just ate out but it's been awhile since I've had them. :larp:


Not missing much with pretzel crust being DAOOTS


Nah, I think their pizza is alright, probably the best you can get around here, and this comes from a true born-and-raised NEHWY YAHKAH.


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she needs a band-aid


There's a 25 minute window of goodness maybe…


Naaaaaaah. But drastically lowered standards. :watch:


File: 1736729747669.png (886.67 KB, 1280x720, megidonon.png)

>drastically lowered standards


I guess I should be a petty 8ITCH over MEX not using my PicMix on all themes but somehow I let that past. :demands:


Oh, he did THAT. I was wondering what it was. I thought he was just going to unmod me for a second.:nntr:


Or past, I guess both can count but… I don't know.

Such a sleepy, DERSITE day. :milk:


How would that be related to a meme?




Hobbies: Futbol and maize


I'm a meme. :larp:





We need to put a stop to this. :notcanon:


oh lmao


I feel like the elder bats of gothic rock and the old guard of black metal need to come together to fight this new wave of "GIRL WEAR BLACK" and blackgaze and make some actually good gothic black metal. :joinus:


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Another pussy cat?


Actually, instead of a sailor senshi parody, Karkat would be funny in Reimu's miko outfit

The cancer symbol is already very yinyang-like


>Actually, instead of a sailor senshi parody, Karkat would be funny in Reimu's miko outfit





File: 1736731114762.jpg (22.58 KB, 778x108, ClipboardImage.jpg)



"Kill yourself." :gj:


Let DLsite accept Visa you pink bastard!


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Hey, this came out


"Uh um…… VR…. uhhhhhhhh… I'm Ringo"


he's exorcising your perverted demons


I'm not the pervert here.



I liked the op だろ, run it again



File: 1736732400587.jpg (1.75 MB, 1719x2170, ClipboardImage.jpg)



Twitterboard, girlcockx. :gowhiteboygo:


Restrictions will lift with some EEEEEEASE
Dr. Fauci don't forget me!




jfc the cp spammers are really back with a vengeance huh


They definitely handed out EOY bonuses a pep talks to the troops


>Incredibly minor argument about GREEN with a friend
>It ruins my entire mood


That witch! Let's make her pay.


File: 1736734820818.jpg (88.81 KB, 423x245, ClipboardImage.jpg)

This seems a good minimum QR width




File: 1736735008330.ogg (4.4 MB, Hurt Feefees.ogg)

I have hurt feefees so let's let the slopcast work through this garbage :lonely:

>I.S silly


>More likely they would just call you a hack and move on. And they wouldn't be wrong.
Sheer intellectual laziness, please actually take the time to think before you mutter verbal diarrhea around. Take a look at countless art projects that were initially done improperly just so they could sell a remake that "fixes" the artificial problems.

Hell go take a look at any major IPs that have been ruining their own public image/fanbase for the past decade, just imagine how things are gonna go once they actually "fix" the "issues".




Here's your check for being able to decipher that: :this:

Oh, wait, it's just there. I don't know how or why, I didn't write it as one word. But there it is. No check but acknowledged. :picker:


I almost thought this was a new form of pizza spam




I can't. I don't like arguing with my friend. :scum:

And I had hurt feefees before it lead to a blow-out. :weh:


We'll start spamming other altchans with tinyurl links to the "Rose Lalonde is a Witch of space" essay


>I can't. I don't like arguing with my friend.
I know how bad it is. I feel the same thing :( </3


Thoughts on :nyaha:
She's probably the most reviled "Silly" character I can think of


I'd need to clean it up. It's not very organized. :mycue:




Is there actually an essay


Yes. It was updated a couple of times to fit in some finer points so it's a bit of a disjointed read. It went from about 5 unorganized paragraphs to 11.



Yeah, it's messy, even for me. :weh:



If Visa wasn't a gaggle of 8ITCHes I'd make this hit the homestuck number




>mfw the pretense starts taking over substance altogether


let me know if you ever feel like trying magical drop (or some other game on fightcade, if you already have it)
sometimes playing a game is good to get your mind off something upsetting :)
I won't bother you about it tho ( >ω・ )b


File: 1736737295181.webm (3.67 MB, 576x1024, room.webm)


SO much pulsing blue light lmao


You would think he's Chinese but it's just the League influence. :share:


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I still think we need a pure, untainted FUB sticker.


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Who's the REAL Terrifier, America?


Thank You Anonymous Of Atf


File: 1736737889039.png (49.93 KB, 267x249, HHHHHHHHH.png)



Hydewars when.




an imageboard that focuses freedom of speech and improving board creations



>an imageboard that focuses freedom of speech


cool site bro, now tell it again


Is pepe there?


That hate symbol?:ghk:


I really meant it when I said I wouldn't bug you about it, but it's still nice to dignified with a response so I know you didn't speedread past it :^p


>to dignified
to be dignified*
going for a typo PR today apparently. fml


That's the guy!


"How find"



you said you have fightcade installed, right?
it has a "secret" feature where you can provide some files that specify download servers for ROMs, and it'll grab them automatically just by you browsing to the game in the fightcade UI:


Clip my fingernails.



No, I meant him.




File: 1736739218123.jpg (22.55 KB, 504x103, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Rev is alive after all…


You heard me. :5s:


why are you being like this? I thought it was someone mocking you at first


I need my fingernails clipped. :weh:


You have teeth, use 'em


is this just how you let out stress after arguing? I thought you were really interested in trying out the game…


I'm not a thirdie, I used clippers like a plebeian. :stone:
No, no, and no?


>No, no, and no?
then why did you ask how to find the game? (´・ω・`)


I asked how we would find each other because that was my biggest reaction to that suggestion. I didn't really want to, not to let you down, for a number of reasons.


oh, okay. sorry :(
the lobbies are public and for magical drop there's usually only a couple people online, so I figured we would meet in one of those. it would be quick to make a burner account if that's a concern

>not to let you down, for a number of reasons

it's okay. sorry I misunderstood


>it's okay. sorry I misunderstood
He's dying.


Oh, merciless, merciless.


I've been dying for a long time. it's hardly your fault

I had the idea to try playing this here yesterday, but once again I doubt we have enough people… can't hurt to try I guess (´・ω・`)


we have 3! one more would make for a really good time, if you're on the fence :3


I'm "test". I might play but I'll have to turn on my computer.


okay! any idea on a rough ETA?




aw :^<


File: 1736743390412.jpg (134.56 KB, 1250x423, ClipboardImage.jpg)


Warukunai ne


File: 1736744161966.jpg (3.24 KB, 233x48, ClipboardImage.jpg)


How's that work?




I deleted >>73846 because it was that annoying ass random spam that takes ages to scroll past and wastes your time
have I gone mad with power yet


Yes. :stone:


Now we'll never crack the cypher



File: 1736746212657.png (3.2 KB, 190x133, roxykittenclothedup.png)

*grabs ur sekret cypher n chews up the paper*


hidden GREEN flash



Where were you when smoking relaxers were got that GREEN cosplay pysiyi?


File: 1736746369054.png (2.48 KB, 123x131, roxykitten toddler.png)

a pysiyi pee!


when sprunki is trying to fall asleep they count sprunkis falling into a milkcrate




>when smoking relaxers were got

anyway I was not on /hsg/ during the time of these cosplayer seduction stories


Intentionally broken English, get with the plan. :picker:


Junji Ito's Ferris Bueller's Day Off.


I figured, but I like to play it safe sometimes. now that I understand the reference being made in that particular snippet, it seems more obvious. my bad


File: 1736746793453.png (289.11 KB, 800x1005, maids.png)

look, I'm new to the whole meido thing and these posts look a LOT like those textwalls that s*yjak spammers post


It was a scuffed "remove usernames" version of a conversation about GREEN that just removed all the characters in the names. Except sometimes? It's weird.


scrambled MoM argument?


not like he says anything coherent half the time anyways


Ah, so "[S]J:Pysiyi" was "[S]Jade: Play silly flute refrain" or something like that.


it's all coming together…


Exactly that.


File: 1736748674300.jpg (Spoiler Image, 315.7 KB, 456x349, ClipboardImage.jpg)

I had another ugly tasty pizza today. new sauce was just barely thick enough to stay on the dough. still used extra on the side. anchovies underneath. might have to focus on shaping from here on so it's not so shameful to post… (´・ω・`)ショボーン


File: 1736748792571.jpg (85.21 KB, 900x276, ClipboardImage.jpg)

more geometry & physics


The XKCD of daily funnies.


Evanescence Fallen but Maya from Persona 2. Get it trending with the artists, bwos. :done:




File: 1736749677276.jpg (696.4 KB, 945x506, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Just like a trace?


Not a trace but, you know, close. :oh:


I still have enough for another pizza! but no dough…

I bought pre-sliced, but I think I'll slice them even thinner next time to get less of that fat blob appearance. or maybe just grate them and stop going for a pseudo-neapolitan look.


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File: 1736750441030.jpeg (226.72 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_3001.jpeg)



Good absurdism until the veer into millennilol depression humor


rose indoctrination.


I think I failed today, in numerous ways. worst of all, it's sunday. rolling for dream fantasy tonight (*>人<*)お願い!




Fortune is fickle…


Switch 2 this week


Alicege this by 1/15


Not you, Rose!


you're going straight to fucking hawiyah for that(*hits u w/ band hamer*)


File: 1736751524849.png (15.44 KB, 210x454, momcat with rosekitten.png)

*raises her daughter 2 bob-cut and headband*


Calm down and let people enjoy their salt fish


I love salt and fish

yeah… I guess…

a sweet dream would be nice. I guess it's "bad" for me but it's been like a year at least I think


Did Ben Garrison's computerized brain scan draw that Rose or what


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File: 1736752202030-1.webm (11.99 MB, 720x720, promise [iJ4f2UfLyoU]247 ….webm)




Nice butt.


is this that "turk" guy

should I whack him


Yes. Basically all new IPs are. Kill him over and over. You finally get to nuke thirdies, bwo. :dubai:


File: 1736753132990.gif (1.24 MB, 498x498, anası da sixildi.gif)

>Yes. Basically all new IPs are.
niggas went from "no we're not banning unrelated third parties you're just trying to make us paranoid" to "we're banning every single new IP"


MoM, is your cat doing okay?


File: 1736753333313.png (17.84 KB, 250x200, questioning roxkit.png)

I clicked ban and delete instead of just ban, are we doing silent moderation here

Also I gave him a week, I wasn't sure that it would recognize anything longer

do we have a moderation style guide or something

also there's another IP of his up there, I'll nail that one too if you tell me for how long


File: 1736753364355.jpg (95.13 KB, 232x217, ClipboardImage.jpg)

He's a guy. He's been coming in at 10PM and sleeping until 10 in the morning on my bed.


MEEEEEEEEEX. :demands:


File: 1736753418844.jpg (320.83 KB, 1600x1200, gang.jpg)

fucking loser went from "erm herm brownie thirdie ESL aha lol" to shamelessly appropriating the eastern aesthetics (wit dat booflegged ass sticker) as well. PATHETIC.(NUKE BRICS)


Leaving it is fine.
I'm somewhat surprised mods can issue bans outside their assigned board.


>Leaving it is fine.
yeah cuz you love the attention you CHITINSTALKless little 8ITCH


it's good that they're doing okay
I hope you are doing okay as well.


I shouldn't even be up, but pushed to the end of this commonevents file. What?


Direct Babysperg.


>I shouldn't even be up
I forgot I said I was gonna go to bed earlier today



Check the noticeboard.


I saw that message. It's a bit harsh imo but I'll whack him if I see him.


> It's a bit harsh
Uncharacteristic of you. :slap:


Guy shoulda calmed down and let people enjoy their fish



megidoball, am I allowed to roll again before bed?



I'm surprised too, I figured an evader like that should get a global so I left the button checked

If it wasn't a global he'd just go shit in the other boards, right?


File: 1736754419165.jpg (207.22 KB, 290x444, ClipboardImage.jpg)

WTF, did they shrink her ass?


Stupid to mention this in public but :0k:


File: 1736754474228.png (125.51 KB, 600x554, roxykitten perusing hsg's ….png)

Also what the fuck does the "cycle" button do

What board software is this anyway, maybe I can find a manual


Eeeh, he wants company from the start, I say. Ded boards.


>Also what the fuck does the "cycle" button do
check the tooltip, it turns the thread into a cycling thread (when postlimit is reached, old replies get deleted to make space for new ones). so not something you'll probably need to use ever

>What board software is this anyway



Vichan. Cycle should turn OPS into the rolling threads ones like 4chan.
Why it applies beside everything, IDK.




What do I gotta do to get things to go my way for once


File: 1736754743420.png (851.26 KB, 600x800, rose lalonde.png)

>vichan documentation wiki
>moderation is a red link
thanks, very cool


Megidochan wants their dreams fulfilled?
Kuromi's gotcha covered!


what's wrong, nonny?

yeah, it's trash. I can try and answer questions but you might wanna use the appropriate channels instead of asking here


And you're one to talk of character at all aren't you?

I just refuse to bend around arbitrarily emotional retards throwing stones in a glass house. Until the day you actually draw concrete rules I'll continue treating people like shit (or decent if I'm feeling like it) based on my own judgement.

It is starting to get extremely boring going through the same motions of the same shallow people though, I hardly ever get frustrated at seeing the dumb shit MoM shares and stuff anymore.(UGH, BASED AND VALUE-PILLED. SO ABOVE IT ALL. SO COOL.)


I'll figure it out. Still, how long should I ban "the turk" for? There's not an immediately apparent option for a perma…


I had the same question until MEX showed me, even though I run my own site on vichan too…

leaving the field blank = perma
or you can do 60 years like I do :^p


… well, there must BE one, because someone beat me to it


Forever, MEX is stupid for not just DMing this shit.


>you can do 60 years like I do
I figure in 60 years they'll either have died or straightened up

and if they haven't, I can just nail em again from the bingo hall


That's why we need a meido style guide!


"Ban the 'p spammers" and save others the mental poison is about all I care to outline. For the rest of it, see the discussion thread linked on the notice board.


Got it.
'P = perma


Ah, yes, that was the question here. :wut:


No I mean, you're actually just boring man. It's like listening to mom trying to "make conversation" and all she talks about is how mundane her day was or something. You never do anything interesting, and it's all just an endless, brain numbing cycle of "look what I bought, look how depressed I am, etcetc"

nauseating really


Bye! Bye bye! :niinii:


File: 1736755544031.png (300.39 KB, 674x514, roxykittenguns.png)

Thanks for being my target dummy, turkadurka


File: 1736755988649.mp4 (9.03 MB, 1920x1080, uninspiring.mp4)


Skimmed 30% of this, only part I found was vaguely persuasive was GREEN seeing through the Skaian clouds. Maybe that was originally intended to be "light". If your argument is "Hu¢¢ie changed his plans for GREEN early on in Homestuck", who really cares though, it's hardly a retcon because the hints were only loosely thematic and the changes quite possibly happened before he settled on how the class/aspect system would work.

BTW, I noticed that one of her shirt symbols from the wardrobifier is the Light symbol. Hu¢¢ie said the leaf symbol which is also one of the wardrobifier symbols was originally intended to be her shirt image, so maybe the sun also hints to a discarded aspect of her design.


File: 1736756755513.png (13.65 KB, 831x273, considerthat.png)

>Skimmed 30%
>If your argument is "Hu¢¢ie changed his plans for GREEN early on in Homestuck", who really cares
I do, for a number of reasons which should be obvious. What is in the comic is not something hurt from changing your plans on the fly if you're still going to "stick to your guns" for shit that now makes less sense and GREEN has a character is such a nothing shitcase at least partially because of this (read the commentaries and note how much he says GREEN breaks the Hecking rules which likely originated from the epic switcheraroo.) It also speaks to Hu¢¢ie's integrity as a writer.

I'm getting a really "Dismissive Danny" vibe from this post and I didn't really expect anything else so fuck trying to engage with this in the first place.


Also, my personal doc seems to go up to only 14 points so it seems slightly editorialized or lacking.


>Hu¢¢ie said the leaf symbol which is also one of the wardrobifier symbols was originally intended to be her shirt image, so maybe the sun also hints to a discarded aspect of her design.
The leaf was on "Green"'s shirt in the early HS concept art, so yeah.


Epic GREEN moment ftw as always. Remember the lotuses.


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File: 1736757394097.mp4 (12.47 MB, 1600x900, vision.mp4)

one last one. I think this one would get under your skin too


>so fuck trying to engage with this in the first place.


I saw that screenshot earlier, I wouldn't interpret the teasing too literally. I'm sure the main reason he changed plans was because he thought the story would work better that way.

>It also speaks to Hu¢¢ie's integrity as a writer.

There's so many actual examples of his lack of integrity, but I don't think changing his plans during the very early stages of an aimless webcomic that he didn't have a clear plan for, is one of them. I also don't actually think it's bad for a webcomic to be aimless and unplanned at the start, but Hu¢¢ie failed to develop and finish it properly. GREEN becomes a badly written nothing character sure, but I don't think that's related to this.

>I'm getting a really "Dismissive Danny" vibe from this post and I didn't really expect anything else so fuck trying to engage with this in the first place.

You said yourself it was disjointed and messy.

Most of your arguments seem to concern later parts of the comic after he had clearly already decided GREEN was Witch of Space, which might be interesting as a "what if" scenario, but is irrelevant as to Hu¢¢ie's original intentions for GREEN.


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That vacuum when.


Exporting issues right out the gate. A problem for tomorrow.


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Vacuum implies substance beneath the veneer, yet how can there be pressurial difference when naught lies beneath?


why would anyone play the turd version


okay I guess he needs to see how shit it is for himself


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dunno i still dont really like all of the bosses being "hit it until it dies"


I've been writing an ethos and narrative for OMT, and "OMT's afghanistan". Also been working on some visual pieces in correlation to the two of these.




That didn't feel like enough


5 hours is the worst possible amount of sleep because the deficit isn't large enough to nap again but it still ruins your day.


Indeed. I'll just endure it for today…


クックックッ means they'll show something to piss me off then?


I took it as delays, but Nintendo runs a pretty tight ship…


> I'm sure the main reason he changed plans was because he thought the story would work better that way.
AHAHAHHAAHA. No. "GREEN breaks patterns."
>There's so many actual examples of his lack of integrity, but I don't think changing his plans during the very early stages of an aimless webcomic that he didn't have a clear plan for, is one of them.
I do.

Don't tear at the roots before they fully form. This also goes for his "intuitive" writing style in general, he will pick an angle and still use sloppy seconds from something that was dropped. There are countless examples of this.
> I also don't actually think it's bad for a webcomic to be aimless and unplanned at the start,
Again, I do. This is your first real attempt at a story and you're vaguely fucking around with symbolic shit from the very start. Don't shoot yourself in the foot.


How about 0


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"This guy needs to calm down."


You're sleeping for 0 hours infinity times every instant you're awake. It's not so bad.


Fauchan would've been a funny one for coof era


Can somebody please get this hothead out of here?


File: 1736787569156.gif (2.3 MB, 360x270, wow.gif)

someone is extra unfunny today


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>On January 3, 2023, Cullors's cousin Keenan Anderson died after an incident involving Los Angeles Police officers following a traffic accident. One officer put an elbow on Anderson's neck, while another tased him for around thirty seconds, with Anderson at one point saying "They’re trying to George Floyd me". He was taken to a hospital, where he went into cardiac arrest four and a half hours later and died. A preliminary toxicology report found cocaine and cannabis in Anderson's system. A cause of death has not been released. Cullors called on the LAPD Chief Michel Moore to resign, and his family sued the city for $50 million.



>LAPD Chief Michel Moore


Short and sweet.

I know I've said I really like "vocals as instrumentation" but while this is pretty great stuff, how low the vocals were mixed drove me fucking nuts and I couldn't get very into it because of that.


He wants to ban all guns so he can kill coons with his bare hands.


You're right, Marzipan, the elbow on his neck and the taser definitely caused him to die four and a half hours later, I think it's just for any family to have their family wrongfully killed by the police to become multimillionaires from his death, and I should instead offer my #thoughts and #prayers to the "George Floyd'd" of the world instead of letting the absurdity of world wash off me. :spirit:


File: 1736791187332.webm (3.73 MB, 432x768, 1736790901396362.webm)


*family member
Broken sentence but whatever.


*the world


Were you the one squeaking in under the deadline?


wwomen in gaming, finally! :chigau:



File: 1736791401142.jpg (9.43 KB, 1642x30, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Anyway, reroll.


"Why are you like this"
But I think I follow you on xitter so I'll spin something up


O, Maje


O, Marg :de:


File: 1736791804143.jpg (85.42 KB, 816x834, 116910518_581245852557000_….jpg)

*Concerned hmph*


JUNJU ITO!?!??!?!?!?!?! :guilt:


Sam? Sam Hyde?


Would transitioning have saved her?


yeah, it would be crazy if police used excessive force on someone resulting in injury or death
I mean, that never happens. police are model citizens, the best of us! thank god we have the #thinblueline of our #boysinblue to #keepthepeace and #cleanourstreets


>yeah, it would be crazy if police used excessive force on someone resulting in injury or death
Elbows on necks are known to cause delayed cardiac arrests. :shikari:


File: 1736792218029.png (281.19 KB, 1029x1025, Screenshot_20250113-121557.png)


Yeah, sure, I'll "buy it" just to shut you up. :picker:


Lost my relevant batman screepcap :cry:


This will directly cause you to suffer from cardiac arrest four hours and thirty minutes from now.


"The World's Greatest Detective ruled it to be fent overdose, so I guess it can't be helped"


At least your family can sue the computer for 32 billion dollars and finally make it over the border. :yay!:


>police are model citizens, the best of us!
And DERSITES somehow aren't worse.


there is literally nothing funny here other than you wanting to be an edgelord

I don't even care about the ameriburger racial politics here but I do think you're a pathetic excuse for a human being.


Sharing a name with Michael Moore is pretty funny


Self absorbed retardation turned up to ten thousand laughing at other people's misery (with zero given comedic context) until it's your shit on the line at some point. You're a self sabotaging jew in the spirit.


Is that Ryukishi 07?


>But dude he had cocaine in his system!
Cocaine doesn't fucking throw people into hours long physiological responses that end up stopping someone's heart, at most it was an exacerbator of the situation in which the catalyst was the UNWARRANTED BRUTALITY. Same shit would've happened if you treated an old man with heart issues too. So fucking retarded. Good fucking god I hate white retards.


1000th post.



The idea that police could be on the whole "too brutal" is nonsense hysteria rationalised by those who sympathise with criminals over victims of crime and hate the police. There's obviously a tradeoff between certain enforcement policies where the risks to officers' lives are weighed against the risk to suspects and those they might harm. And that does mean police will sometimes hurt or kill people mistakenly, but it's unserious to act as if these incidents represent a systemic problem. We should expect risky situations to turn out poorly sometimes, that doesn't mean we shouldn't take risks. If you think the appropriate number of DERSITE Floyd type videos you ought to see online is 0, then you don't want police to stop violent crime. Outside of the US many police forces are like this by the way, and they're practically useless even if you're the victim of a non-violent crime, they just harass people for speeding and wwomen can call them to get a divorce.

Also, is there any explanation for how police are supposed to be benefiting themselves when they use supposedly "excessive force" outside of the context of self-defense? Why do you think it keeps happening when they have body cameras on and everyone has phones? Hard mode: don't accuse an entire profession of psychopathic sadism.

A police force can as a whole be corrupt or indolent, and many police forces around the world are. In both cases there's a clear reason why they'd be like that, corruption because they want more money and indolence because they don't want to do their job. "Brutality" is not a systemic problem that would have any reason to exist, and insofar as it does exist it's a small number of individual cops, who could be themselves compared to criminals, and may indeed be committing crimes when they violate policy. By the way, Derek was trained to restrain DERSITE Floyd in that way during the DERSITE's fentanyl overdose.


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File: 1736796738151-1.png (574.94 KB, 1260x423, sincy 25-01-13.png)

Better hurry.

What's she doing here?
Fine, Mildred, you're cool by me…
The bio jewess!


Bring Back The Cat O Nine I Always Say


Neither cases were an "overdose", regular usage implies growing tolerance implies what would be considered an "overdosage" for the average person is not lethal for a regular user. Basic medical knowledge.

>We should expect risky situations to turn out poorly sometimes

>risky situation
Six police officers responding to a single individual in a car accident related incident, and said individual was completely unarmed.

Get your head out of your ass, you're delusional. American cops are just inexperienced, paranoid homosexuals too scared for their lives to do their jobs properly. You have a shit system hiring the bottom of the barrel losers and packing them up with a gun. Hell what fucking percentage of the law enforcement officers are obese again? Fuck off.


>Studies indicate that obesity rates among law enforcement officers are notably higher than those in the general population. Research published in the journal Frontiers in Public Health found that approximately 40% of police officers are obese, which is about 5% higher than the national average.

>Similarly, a study highlighted by Time reported that 40.7% of police officers, firefighters, and security guards are obese, making law enforcement one of the professions with the highest obesity rates.

"Yeah nah dude, we don't have mentally ill pigs running around with guns or anything like that. The system is FINE, black people with their personal drug issues are the real problem because Billy McBob had to vent his outrage after having had to subdue a suspect." Fuck off.


>about 5% higher than the national average
We're just like that


>I think it's just for any family to have their family wrongfully killed by the police to become multimillionaires from his death
Hope it's your dad the next time then. Hell maybe your cat'll die soon with all the shit that's happening, see how personal it feels when it actually gets personal.



File: 1736799342755.jpg (60.62 KB, 688x168, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Holy fuck this text box is narrow :cry:


I never alleged corruption as the sole reason for violence. as the other poster alluded to, it's a combination of things, some significant ones being:

- what brings them to the profession? "I want to lay down the law with my gun"-style justified violence fantasies are generally not a great start. this is not to say that all cops are sadists, but that the profession is seen as one of lethal power and supreme authority, which tends to attract people who will abuse it.
- the way police are trained in the US - taught to constantly be paranoid and respond with extreme or lethal force immediately, not seriously expected to learn and employ deescalation techniques like competent police forces. there's been lots of journalism done on the way US police training is basically entirely focused instilling a sense of constant danger into cops that urges an itchy trigger finger. add in good old american racism (black people = extra dangerous) and it gets worse

the problem is systemic because of the training, but also because of a culture (both of police and of the general public) that will rush to defend and exonerate cops who have an "oopsie" and murder an unarmed minority on camera, no matter how undeniable it gets. cops defend each other to a fault and have even been caught working to cover up or misportray details that would help incriminate the "bad eggs" (protecting the police force's image and funding are also motives here, in addition to simply believing the offender was in the right)

tldr; it's a system that selects for people who want supreme authority (and thus are likely to misuse it), trains them to constantly be on edge, arms them to the teeth, drops them into communities of people they often have conscious or unconscious biases against, and then protects them to the utmost ability of the legal system from facing consequences for their actions


Might as well just make the box wider if it's only RPG Maker slop. The arrow is in the wrong place so it might just be an image. "It's called localisation."


>focused instilling
focused on instilling*


I can make it a little wider, but the box persists during all gameplay…
Going to have to go with downsizing the text and adding linebreaks by hand.


nice one bucko you got my pat on the back this once


File: 1736801723733.png (697.74 KB, 1000x562, blllllllluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu….png)

insane file name


>I never alleged corruption as the sole reason for violence
I know, it was an example of a systemic criticism I could potentially consider valid.

>the profession is seen as one of lethal power and supreme authority, which tends to attract people who will abuse it.

This is a common stereotype which seems to work backwards from the assumption that they must enjoy using "excessive force", I don't see any evidence that a significant proportion of cops feel that way. I've heard that when they have to kill people it's usually a traumatic experience and they get put on leave, I don't hear cops say they enjoy killing or threatening people.

>- the way police are trained in the US - taught to constantly be paranoid and respond with extreme or lethal force immediately, not seriously expected to learn and employ deescalation techniques like competent police forces. there's been lots of journalism done on the way US police training is basically entirely focused instilling a sense of constant danger into cops that urges an itchy trigger finger.

The US has the highest gun ownership rate in the world by a significant margin, so it seems reasonable to me that their cops should be more aggressive and more willing to use lethal force. De-escalation doesn't seem so smart if the person you're talking to is 20x more likely to have a gun than someone in the UK.

>add in good old american racism (black people = extra dangerous) and it gets worse

But on average they *actually are* extra dangerous, so you think the police should put themselves and others at risk by not discriminating based on race? Police and other emergency services immediately develop racial biases because they deal with the worst of society daily, and certain groups are over-represented among the worst of society.

>a culture (both of police and of the general public) that will rush to defend and exonerate cops who have an "oopsie" and murder an unarmed minority on camera, no matter how undeniable it gets.

"Culture" is always against the underdog leftist, that's why you have to keep fighting the system even though all the companies changed their Instagram avatars to support DERSITE Lives Matter and every politician and bureaucrat already bent the knee? Why did police get pressured into always recording everything on body cams if "culture" is apologising for them? Why did the Floyd psychogenesis happen in the first place? It seems to me like police are always under a lot of scrutiny, and they probably should be, but not to the extent that you're demanding they receive a million years in prison for being involved in unavoidable accidents at possibly the riskiest workplace in the US.


Why'd you crop off the poster name


You're a racist, and not the based and cool kind


Maybe he knew we'd laugh for following breaking411 or whatever


dude was screaming "i can't breathe" before they even touched him, man. what are they supposed to do, go "oh ok head on home and call us when you're feeling up to being arrested"?


He did more good as a symbol.
*Ao Floydi pic*


Nu tred wen?


It's anyone's ball


When I find a good image


File: 1736808226013.jpg (Spoiler Image, 123.89 KB, 933x913, 1608570376668.jpg)

The game that George Floyd was playing with a gun


Okay it's refusing to let me make the new thread… It's all up to someone else………..


You just have to answer the simple spam question in place to keep out the 'p posters from making new threads

Anyway, I gave it a test myself, so

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