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The opposite of Homesick
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 No.76165[Last 100 Posts]

Food edition
Old >>75137


You're right of course, most of those details didn't even stand out because I'm so used to the strange sights my computer shows me. The spectacle outwits me once again.




everyone is guro on the inside


They say be careful what you want to eat because you might just get it


I wish I was American


I wish I was Italian, and if I can't be Italian, then I'd want to be Chinese


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Supposedly one just needs to touch down on the magical dirt


Drumpf to nuke Mexico tonight


He should by all accounts be dead before the 2030 luciferian AI overlord world begins



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TRICKSTERS are now illegal.


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can I report Type A/B video games to the US government now


The poor nipponese gameslaves are just being cowed by one or two advisors at their offices most likely. Better to track down those people and have them extradited back to TRVMPLAND for summary execution by patriots


>let us prey


Do Americans really? Nevermind, I don't want to be American any more


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Embrace a finer form of living


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Missing TRUMPcoin brings the pain back


back in my days we carried surgical scissors in our pencil cases just in case


A recent favorite Rose


yani or laurel………….
this image is cool tho




thanks for linking the new thread MEX, given how slow the site is lately I didn't even realize it had hit the limit




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Dangling amidst a
too-long forestalled justice.
What's the big hold up?



>violent j isnt actually like christian
He claimed to be, at one point.


>They often seem to have led interesting lives though.
Andy Jr. sure didn't. :kyaha:


But did you get it?


Who comes off more pathetic when they do shit like this? Seth or Matt? There's a correct answer.


>given how slow the site is lately
I prefer to think it was "calm"


I didn't mean it as a value judgment, really


Peewee is Jewish. It all makes sense now. :guilt:
Drag your baby to work day.

The well of guilt.


Seth drew actually drew the Brian, Mr. Groening is probably having a final coke fueled binge as PATRIOTS storm his lisa foot fetish dungeon


Hey… :cmon:


>Mr. Groening is probably having a final coke fueled binge as PATRIOTS storm his lisa foot fetish dungeon
He's Scarface now? As if Mexicans couldn't love him any more. :coolidea:


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I could have maybe swung this to make you a sushi baron. It's over…


Ukraine's strongest soldier relearns how to have fun. It's a Christmas miracle. :done:


hey, there'll be a next week :)
I took pictures of what I got (fried lake perch and fries) but didn't bother posting it. heart wasn't in it I suppose


Tatsuya excited for Smite 2. :coolidea:




Fuck you, coon. :ok!:


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I wish Strive never ever came out. :done:




Yes, but nothing fancy, only the specials since it was coming to 35 dollars even with 50% off


The joke… :dubai:



a couple years ago sometimes I would take out a head of iceberg lettuce, tear off leaves, tap them in salt and eat them straight like that
not bad




Mario is like that, he's Italian.


Rose? Rose Lalonde?




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Having fun with my food posts today



Why not yassify you? Idiot.


:outy:BIZNASTY:outy: and redpilled.



filtering food to girlbait


>Reveling in vengeance… le good!


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Thanks, I hate it.


Fellas, if there's one thing you need to know about wwomen, it's that they love food


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So where's Moike's apology for doing it in 2017 or whatever?




It's dead on tokyotosho, sorry


You have no idea how much I hate this creature and how viscerally uncomfortable they make me.


This but nekoarc


>Guards let her through
>Wait, no, but now they want to stop it
Legitimately schizophrenic bullshit.


Bold words coming from the guy who's been busy picking his nose since graduation.


This but with three days worth of reposts "worthy" of being spewed out onto Megidochan.


RoW is fucking addicted to Pepper Ann, you have to help me.


>Pepper Ann
Was the canon to the Dougverse or am I just mixing things up in hazy childhood memory


It's a haze of fugly fucking 90s cartoons with zero redeeming qualities, yeah.



It might work okay, but my personal feeling is that if any vegetable is good to eat raw, it should be eaten raw and without any condiments. It's frightful when people cook carrots, cucumber, spinach, etc, when they're both better and more convenient to eat on their own.


She's :outy:BIZNASTY:outy:.





Too bad writing dialogue for a bunch of characters was too much effort for megidokinz…


Can we get some community notes on this?


I forget how obnoxious Drain Gang fans are. Might need to temper my Bladee posting.


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>if any vegetable is good to eat raw, it should be eaten raw and without any condiments
well, I'll keep using my salt and dips :3

roast carrots can be really delicious imo. don't think I've ever really enjoyed a cooked cucumber tho





Cut off your penis.


No, the baby show, you sick psycho.


>Upgrade SSD by x4.
>Audio quality goes up and start hearing a song in stereo


I know, I was confused by the search results though



I wanted to launch it as a plugin with more than just Rose but… :effort:


I see



Take back my penis. :bob:


I don't feel good


Roast carrots are pretty good, but I like raw carrots more still. Capsicum is also another big example I forgot, cooking it makes it into barely flavorful mush and destroys its merits.


Me either. Any other part of my retard backlog, I'll get to incidentally.


In my absence, I think I thought up some pretty epic MOBA-:outy:BIZNASTY:outy: themes but I know MEX would never add them in 9 thousand penis raping children years (alongside stickers) so… :slap:


Farthest I can go is SC I race themes maybe


>Capsicum is also another big example I forgot
bell peppers with hummus are so good.
honestly, without a dip, raw carrots just get tiring to me very quickly. the crunchiness is nice, but given how long they take to chew, the mild sweetness gets kind of boring imo

I would hear you out, but I know nothing about MOBAs so (´・ω・`)


Fuck you, grandpa.
>I would hear you out, but I know nothing about MOBAs so (´・ω・`)
"Ball girls"
"Spears and knives"


>"Ball girls"
>"Spears and knives"
are those the theme ideas? what would spears and knives look like?


>Me either.


>honestly, without a dip, raw carrots just get tiring to me very quickly. the crunchiness is nice, but given how long they take to chew, the mild sweetness gets kind of boring imo
I eat them whole as a snack.


>are those the theme ideas?
Yes. **Sissela from Eternal Return, Orianna and Syndra from League)
>what would spears and knives look like?
Spears for the number of posts in a reply chain. Knife stabbing the highlighted post. Kalista and Katarina from League.


>**Sissela from Eternal Return, Orianna and Syndra from League)
Brain damage. :milk:


I am a Korean man who has missed the warmth of citron, eongdeongi, and gaseum in my life. Today I'll be having shin ramyun gold with chicken in it. The last time I did that, the chicken absorbed the spicy and brought out the sweetness of the carrots. It was incredible


This is so sad, please leave a saltberry.



that sounds delicious. hope you enjoy, nonny!
I might have shin black with some addons again tonight. I've been craving homemade ramen for a while and have some pork and duck stock in the freezer, but I keep putting off making noodles. looks like I did that this weekend too


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Back to blowing minds.


Guilty Gear has been headed down this path since Accent Core.



None of us noticed, but a work released for the 8th anniversary of Homestuck's passing


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Guess again chud, this is teenage witch territory


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I'll put the reaction live on-hold. I have things I need to test.


a nauseating lot of sex jokes today coming from someone who oh so profoundly hates sex and enlightenment and all that


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Sex And Enlightenment


Name them all with a new IP.


better than the boomer's muh acid


land of sex and enlightenment


mais mon putain de cheri, je n'ai pas le temps pour toi, pas aujourd'hui


I saw one guy with an anti-Israeli flag holding it up in the middle of nowhere, just by a local shop and he was waving. I could barely make out what it said so I just waved back.


nothing much in the slopcast today



Maybe I won't bother.


Tried streaming Eternal Return but I still was delayed in getting into a game.

Need more RAM… :fun:


your call. I got distracted in the middle but the slopcast novelty wore off for me a while back anyway, I think

hope you get into a game and have fun :3


>hope you get into a game
I did, just late, as always. It did run slightly better though.


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Rose? Rose Lalonde?


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Maybe this will help tide you over.


I'll bop you on the head.



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What? CCP? Sexual?




Jenny stickers when?


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I mean… it does count, no?




grow up.






is pttb problematic now



Undertale is problematic now.


Rose? Rose Lalonde?



didn't MEX recommend this one specifically? I think as one of the games MoM should play if they're going to make a "parody" eroge RPG


We shall not budge on this


on being elitists that lash out cynically to protect the portion of their ego derived from liking obscure or unpopular things?


Yes, I'm not so invested in pure slutge, but it's a classic.

Maybe this is a better bread and butter Rose-like


Mostly, but it's about Fobby being a hate totem


On Blunderfail being a mediocre game.


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well, I find it exhausting.

haven't played it since around its release, but I'd be interested in hearing your critique (sincerely)


I thought I had checked the spoiler this time.




>Do not repost



It's bad if I actually listen to these and believe it right, it probably warps it and absorbs the most misleading parts of the source. The other ones changed my perspective on Russia and communism slightly.


Pttb your pants, you twerp.



what's your problem, tough guy?


Don't cool dots me.



Saar please update Microsoft Windows for productivity and redeem AI integration


oh come on, it's a gentle prod compared to the way people usually respond to disagreement here


It's a good one, cute heroine, lighthearted scenario, consequences and rewards to having sex or not

Looks like f95 might have an English (or what passes for it…) version





Dunno what the current topic at hand is 8ut I'm glad the site is 8eing active again.



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And while I'm browsing dlsite, what a coincidence. Everyone loves Rose-likes!







>indie developer
>inspired by seminal games in typically japanese genres (JRPG, STG)
>hones their skills by collaborating and quietly putting out small pieces of work, romhacks, etc
>strikes it big on a crowdfunded project, creates a massive hit adored by english and japanese fans alike, becoming a force as influential in the indie scene as the famous works that inspired it
>game is so successful that they go on a multi-year victory lap while working on the highly anticipated sequel
>get to meet and work with all their japanese dev heroes, collab with ZUN, get work in huge series like pokemon and SSB

hmm… I wonder if there are some other emotions mixed in here contributing to the hate…


Guess why.


you can make activity, too :)

yeah, like that.


He shit just sucks, Lucas Pope should gape Fobby


I don't know what a fobby is, but I remember MoM asking me what I thought a dobby was once. It was funny


Yeah, such as disgust for him being such a sycophantic talentless kike.




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wwheres the farts


The only reaction I had to 'tale taking JAPAN BY STORM is a bit of awkwaaard at how easily flattered they are. Similar to how RWBY found some purchase there


:outy:BIZNASTY:outy: opinion. Good to hear given I have some things brewing.


I think it's pretty silly to compare RWBY and undertale's levels of quality, or popularity

>Good to hear given I have some things brewing.
planning to make your big break in japan?


>planning to make your big break in japan?


>I think it's pretty silly to compare RWBY and undertale's levels of quality
I don't. :h3h3:




>it probably warps it and absorbs the most misleading parts of the source.
I mentioned how it omitted the part about the Jewish Visa Program last time, right?


I don't really get the implication, then



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>I don't really get the implication, then


(She shit in that box.)




Pure Portuguese ramperson rage on display here.


you're so draining



I said I was interested in hearing RoW's critique, but they didn't feel like typing it out I guess. anyway, I didn't mean to imply that you have to like undertale because it's popular, I was just making an envy joke


Finally back to DQ3, but Boss Troll is kicking my ass
Why is he stronger than Orochi?


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It's just extremely boring and nothing is integrated well into anything.
It's supposed to be a player choice intensive game yet you're just navigating very narrow corridors and watching the monster of the week spout unfunny jokes for 10 minute sections with a few quirky easter eggs along the way.
It sacrifices the potential of both its RPG system and bullet hell for character interactivity yet you're still playing a very arcade battles with linearly sequenced volleys of attacks, except they are easier and more boring than any other scrolling shooter. Your choices matter very little (click the spare button at the end lol) in almost all boss battles (which are supposed to be the most character focused encounters), and the encounters where the Act button actually does something beyond lowering the enemy's attack stat by a negligible amount are the random ones. Any given turn-:outy:BIZNASTY:outy: JRPG boss battle feels more immersive because in them it actually feels like you're fighting something.
It feels like its either completely failing to integrate its multiple aspects together in any competent way or sacrificing any depth (and difficulty) it could have for the purposes of acessibility to a larger audience.
I enjoyed the Asgore fight, and the two genocide ones, and those are specifically the ones where the game sidelines anything else it supposedly offers (particularly the mercy system). If the attacks in Undertale were five times as fun to dodge, I would enjoy the game exactly five times more, that's how little everything else in it mattered to me.


understandable points. I agree the "choice" aspect is uninteresting, it feels like the bioshock rescue/harvest system which I feel like most people have come to agree is pretty groan-worthy (proportionally to the degree it tries to present itself as a complex "morality system")
>sacrificing any depth (and difficulty) it could have for the purposes of acessibility to a larger audience
a hard mode would've been nice. I guess some people would argue that's what a genocide run is but eh

I still enjoyed my time with it, appreciate you writing out your thoughts though


The shot patterns are too microgame inspired for 90% of the fights, and the clutter clears before the field can get congested.
It's like the enemies are pulling their punches at the last second and merely trying to intimidate you. Maybe you'll get hurt if you panic and run into the bullets. I get the was the intended message for Toriel, but the rest?


>I get the was the intended message for Toriel, but the rest?
presumably they worried making it too much on par with standard STG difficulty would put off people who aren't experienced with the genre (which I would guess is most of the playerbase), so I would agree with RoW's point about sacrificing that for the sake of a larger audience

again, a harder mode would've been nice…

>The shot patterns are too microgame inspired for 90% of the fights

yeah, the small playing field used for most of the fights is pretty limiting in that regard


You're so easily drained. :wonk:


>Using a Guyism




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He's retarded.


yeah, I guess because I care.
part of me wishes you would just do it relentlessly so it's easier to leave



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Pickle futanari.


/co/ namefag autist.


>part of me wishes you would just do it relentlessly so it's easier to leave
Nah. :mgmg:


imagine eating a cucumber


no, seriously. I find myself wishing you had been a little meaner, a little more dismissive earlier. it was so close to making me just give up on interacting for the night and I legitimately think that might've been preferable


What's wrong with pickles?


>it was so close to making me just give up on interacting for the night and I legitimately think that might've been preferable


dril isn't funny. weird twitter isn't funny. ironic meme culture isn't funny


You can't just say that.


>dril isn't funny
eh, disagree :3
not like they never miss or anything but

griddled pb & pickle sandwich… it's been a while since I had one
I have a jar of homemade pickles in my fridge but it's too hard to open. every once in a while I'll give it a try for a couple minutes and then give up and eat something else

don't make me point to the all the previous conversations and explanations :^p
it's just often not a positive thing for me to be here, "I guess"




Cucumber twisted by the forces of Zion. I'm sure Ishida-san will give us the skinny on them before long.


the fact that you can't actually list any of the games it was "inspired by" is really telling, i think. the fact is the only people that like undertale are the people that never actually played the shit it was "inspired by", and don't know what it's like when done well.
that and creepypasta fanchildren. the game is like a bad parody at best.


So I guess every Trvmp-verse personality is doing a Solana rugpull now.


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I was mainly referencing MOTHER 2 in that post, which I have played.


>don't make me point to the all the previous conversations and explanations :^p
>it's just often not a positive thing for me to be here, "I guess"


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ah yes, tv writer guilt, classic.


It's a very Japanese thing.



I want my friend to enjoy this place. :xoomer:


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Rose? Rose Lalonde?


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I'm throwing my Vita (after alchemizing it with something so I can reverse-engineer it to get my Vita back) into the Kernelsprite. :hexbungler:


She cute


>He doesn't know


is it farting


*Fuck it, I'm throwing my Vita


Why would you assume such a weird thing? :turnt:


I mean, I've seen a lot of fighting game characters. Farting and vore are the best bets, and this didn't look like vore.


This line of thought disturbs me.









I fvcking kneel



well, thanks… <3

but the stuff I've written before is still true, I think. idk
I think I tend to be at odds with most people here (albeit in different ways) so it's often easiest to just stay quiet ("stop interacting")


"No." :hithere:


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btw - you should let me know if you ever feel like doing another trade

come on, nonny. you could at least meet me halfway if I'm gonna write something heartfelt like that.

I'm not the type to be endeared by dismissive bratposting. when I stay it's in spite of that, not because of it :^p


What Song In Background


the motorboating bits lmao


I just don't know what to say. :nyani:


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If you enjoyed that one, here's another slopcast you might like

The source text for this one was an excerpt from a book by Viktor Suvorov




it's alright, don't worry about it.
you should tell me if you ever want to trade again though :^3

>The other ones changed my perspective on Russia and communism slightly.
I forgot to reply to this earlier but jfc, are you really changing your political views :outy:BIZNASTY:outy: on slopcasts? please be more discerning…


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the power of brevity


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"Haha." :out:


my heart won't stop half-racing




And I have a total headache now in spite of (or maybe because of) just playing DQ all day


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Need me a church…


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To light on fire?


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you'll get em next time

think of all the karma you've built up by losing!


>you'll get em next time
The last two were pure pain. I'm not sure what I want to do with myself right now.


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Texan in monkey same


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"TWO Biden doubles, one a clone and the other a human double, were taken out today, the first immediatly following the innaugeration, and the second after they boarded a white hat-controlled Marine Corp helicopter."


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Emeowyle. :nyani:


what about them?


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lalondekittens sleeping in bananana



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What if Rose was Texan


She'd have a fat(ter) ass.





She already eats Burger King, if anything she'd be thinner from all the ninja-ing with Bro


>She already eats Burger King
Again, McDonald's queen.
>if anything she'd be thinner from all the ninja-ing with Bro
More toned. Fatter ass.


>Again, McDonald's queen.
what would rose's order be?


*Insert Big Smoke's order here.*


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Fat ter ass…


F4RT T3R 4SS :f4rt:


Rose's fat ass and flat chest proves that she's a Seer and NOT a witch.


Yes, this means that Kankri has a fat ass too.



Kankri also has a fart fetish.


rose looks so unhappy :(


And Dave?


dave isn't smiling either, but I guess I assumed that was his default "cool" expression. I guess we don't know; maybe those glasses are hiding equally disturbed eyes


Rose is sad because she's not shoveling food down her throat.

Dave is sad because he couldn't find the Cheetos.


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she just needs some caring


Now do that to her stomach and then her butt.


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yeah, that would be nice

giving it another go? you can abandon the red/purple theory if it's not serving you well (^^:::;)


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alice? alice in wonderland?


Rose? Rose Lalonde?


>you can abandon the red/purple theory if it's not serving you well (^^::::::;)
I will exhaust all purple and red. :nerves:


I could give you the first two letters of who I haven't done yet. :turnt:


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Also, MEX should make this a sticker for the sole reason that I went through the excruciating effort of making it transparent.


Not to make it a sticker here, mind you, but for something else. :imagine:




it's looking a little fuzzy… did you check spriters resource? probably can get a clean looking one there if you really want a sticker

your persona 2 fangame?!


File: 1737440097963.webp (Spoiler Image, 104.4 KB, 1000x577, JunBreakdown.webp)

No, I'd have to give you them, idiot.
>it's looking a little fuzzy…
For good reason.
>did you check spriters resource? probably can get a clean looking one there if you really want a sticker
Yes, that's why I have all of the other sprites directly from both games that I posted here before???? Battle contact sprites don't seemed to be archived properly nor this one Jun sprite.
>your persona 2 fangame?!
No, an emote for a dicsord.


>No, I'd have to give you them, idiot.
it was supposed to be a guess, dummy. don't be so snappy

>For good reason.

>Yes, that's why I have all of the other sprites directly from both games that I posted here before????
o-ok, sorry… I was just checking, I wasn't sure since you always say you're not good with computers

>No, an emote

ah, I see. hope people have fun using it :)
I wonder if it'll be legible at emoji size though. sticker would work for sure




File: 1737440484189.jpg (88.35 KB, 900x279, ClipboardImage.jpg)



>it was supposed to be a guess, dummy. don't be so snappy
>ah, I see. hope people have fun using it :)
The server lost its donors so we never hit level 3 so it never got used. :dwi:


Niggos and dey purple. I hate this character so much.


>The server lost its donors so we never hit level 3 so it never got used.
oh, you made this a while ago?



File: 1737440883436.jpg (5.47 KB, 298x89, ClipboardImage.jpg)

>oh, you made this a while ago?


Don't cool Dippin Dots me ever again, you limp confection.


it gets the dots until its behavior improves


My behavior is perfectly fine. :sock:


so says you


File: 1737441179058.jpg (1.17 MB, 1015x780, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Majetano's no fan of "those" either


Stop trying to insert me into the Majetano cosplay. :noted:


You should start trying to insert him i to the Rose Lalonde cosplay instead.


It's been done. Maybe not by MEX though. :rosechu:

Redeem Shitcker, sar.




>It's been done. Maybe not by MEX though.


It was on the old Megido and it was only them telling me to do it, not actually do it. Probably one of the Discfag troons だろ.


right, those dirty dicsord users… not like you, you would never use dicsord


That was probably me.


File: 1737442592535.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 185.36 KB, 1136x812, IMG_3046.jpeg)


Toby Fox is a libtard DERSITE lover who will make white genocide route in deltarune


They're dirty because they abandoned an imageboard for one. I'd never do that.
Gay if true.


Rose? Rose Lalonde?


I think I'm going to stay up and ruin my sleep schedule because I'm too antsy to sleep.


big shoes


Transvestigator Marzipan strikes again.


>They're dirty because they abandoned an imageboard for one. I'd never do that.
well, I won't blame them if certain types of people drove them off

my heart's calmed down a bit. I'm invested in something I'm reading but will probably have to call it a night soon, for sleep's sake

I feel like my hair set especially well today, but I ended up not going outside at all because of the weather (´;ω;`)シクシク


not big like that, このバカ!


Bob's Burger was crucial in piercing the veil on the modern female's psyche and discovering that they all really fucking love awkwaaard comedy for some reason.


>well, I won't blame them if certain types of people drove them off
No, it wasn't that. With 2chen, it was "lol it was taken down once" and I was one of the most active people there.

With Megidochan, it's literally just a lazy circlejerk. I don't think they really gave a fuck but of course they'd talk about it like they cared about "le transphobia" if they came back. Nope, they were all just in a dicsord and so they saw no reason to use the chan.


>I feel like my hair set especially well today,
You have to be gay or some shit.


File: 1737445355435.jpg (152.57 KB, 2048x1446, ClipboardImage.jpg)



File: 1737445448356.jpg (87.99 KB, 512x768, image - 2024-04-15T004433.….jpg)

Putin is actively trying to exterminate white Slavs from Russia. He's flooding Russia with Africans, Muslims, Arabs, Chinese, istans and anything else he can get his hands on.
Any white slav still in Russia is going to get drafted with the intention of getting killed.

When the Russian Nazi commander realized this he marched onto Moscow but pussied out. If he had marched and shot Putin and installed himself as PM, he would be sipping on champagne and eating shrimp on a yacht and kicking out the non slavs from Russia, but instead he's being eaten by shrimp in a grave and muslims flood Russia raping wwomen.
Putin and Dugin both operate as literal anti-christ agents to destroy Europe and white people everywhere.



because I try to have good hair?

>of course they'd talk about it like they cared about "le transphobia" if they came back
why do you think they would they complain even if they don't care?

>they were all just in a dicsord and so they saw no reason to use the chan.

I won't pointlessly contest this account since I wasn't around for any of it


>why do you think they would they complain even if they don't care?
Ego defense mechanism for them wanting an even lazier hugbox.


>them wanting an even lazier hugbox
what do they want to be hugboxed from, exactly?
if it's from transphobia, then wouldn't that mean they actually do care?


I gathered they don't give a shit about that, it's never about TRICKSTERS. It's about diverging interests, or being too lazy to clock anons as people they knew


>what do they want to be hugboxed from, exactly?
Anything by anyone they don't directly know.


Precisely. :caucasian:


dicsord is indefensible, it's an existential threat to every alternative online space. It has choked so many forums, wikis and other communities to death.


I have one but it was made as a bunker and I'd like to have it spring into something more.


well, this site is hardly a whirlwind of unknown anons

yeah, I'm not a fan of the way huge servers have replaced independent forums or wikis either.
I'm in a dicsord server that's one of the best knowledge bases for a hobby, and I frequently bring up how disastrous it is that so much knowledge is getting poured into a void that is basically unsearchable (the dicsord search is horrible, only good for single-term searches. I guess you can extract the entire server history and search it offline but that's an absurd ask for the average user)

I think dicsord is "fine" for smaller groups though, or groups that have no need for persistent info. as a chatroom, basically, rather than an "everything" platform

>I'd like to have it spring into something more.
what do you have in mind? if you would share


>what do you have in mind? if you would share
"No." :hitl0r:





>well, this site is hardly a whirlwind of unknown anons
Exactly, but they grew too flabby in the brain to discern people without name tags.


…I see. so the actual anonymity part isn't that important, it's merely the ritual of analyzing writing style that's a point of pride for you?


File: 1737447735889.png (203.28 KB, 390x338, image.png)

Gay argument だろ


well, MoM already is convinced I'm gay, so


Maybe you're just a fag.


this is the part where I ask, in some manner, for elaboration, and you respond "No." with a grinning sticker of some variety




That's more an addict level thing, but it was a weird abdication of duties
>Make megidochan since el paso chud+ tarrant shutter 8ch's /homosuck/
>Stop posting in lieu of a dicsord
>I don't know anyone there so I'll just ignore the board I own and let 'p spammer sit for days
>When it's the same /homosuck/ anons as ever
Very :…: all around


Cute rose, though. She's about to snip his penor (jokingly)


Fart penis fart.


File: 1737448361440.png (543.24 KB, 1016x701, 1677694729186.png)

Gay internal monologue だろ


At least I have one.


okay. and you bought a pair of black and pink wwomen's platform boots featuring a character ostensibly created for little girls. is that really the blade you want to point at me?

thanks for giving more context


File: 1737448508242.jpg (13.09 KB, 525x92, ClipboardImage.jpg)



>okay. and you bought a pair of black and pink wwomen's platform boots featuring a character ostensibly created for little girls. is that really the blade you want to point at me?
I'll field it.


>is that really the blade you want to point at me?


File: 1737448738007.mp4 (584.27 KB, 1280x592, ✨🌞ᗞᕮKᗩᗰᗩᖇᗩ ᗰOᖇᑎIᑎᘜ🌞✨.mp4)




Will Trvmp disclose the extraterrestrial entities this time?


well, I find that disappointing. I had kind of hoped for better from you



It's not an attack. It's just a thing.


>It's not an attack
yeah, I'm sure when middleschoolers scream FAG at the kid wearing pink, it's not an attack, it's "just a thing"

not that I took it so harshly of course, but it came off a bit overly derisive. and you use "homosexual" as an insult relatively frequently (iirc, or at least adjacent terms)




Stupid thing to say here, on this board, at this hour.


File: 1737449332247.jpg (909.25 KB, 1920x640, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Games where your enemies can hypnotise you and put you to sleep.


File: 1737449387602.jpg (180.21 KB, 1076x1312, GgIx59qa8AEqmUc.jpg)


Kuromi is for manly men.


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They got Mario's Picross on there yet?


tony soprano, famously non-homophobic


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My Man Roidy


>famously non-homophobic
He didn't get a fuck about if you were gay or not. It's just that these clog-wearing, confectionery baking, hair-grooming dogboys go about in pity of themselves.


do they have kuromi/mymelo peeps?
leaving money on the table if not


Didn't watch the show.


File: 1737449759343.jpg (890.04 KB, 1812x1295, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Since this is a little girl anime board…
Rose, Rose Lalondes


So trve.


>yeah, I'm sure when middleschoolers scream FAG at the kid wearing pink, it's not an attack, it's "just a thing"
>"It's not an attack it's just keyed"
He is obviously homosexual too and so are you because when he was homosexual flirting with you you didn't object on the basis that he was male, so I'm not sure what the point of this argument is.


I did. just because he's more sympathetic than some other characters doesn't mean he was an angel lol

I'm not really confident in arguing to what extent though, been a while and I'm sure I'm forgetting instances


>when he was homosexual flirting with you you didn't object on the basis that he was male,
He literally did. This is why many things are fucking stupid including you.


Never said he was an angel. He just didn't care.


File: 1737450100654.jpg (266.97 KB, 640x360, ClipboardImage.jpg)

I missed this last epi…


Rose? Rose Lalonde?


>go about in pity of themselves
no more than yourself
(yes I know it's a reference to the quote before you try and nirvana t-shirt me)

>"every fuckin TV show, they rub your nose in it"
sure, he "doesn't care" in the sense that he doesn't personally have a crusade against them, but at the very least he's forced into adopting a casually homophobic machismo like the others, which I don't think is entirely a front

do you really think tony wouldn't have been screaming or smashing plates if AJ had come out as gay? maybe you can argue "oh well he would've HAD to do it to maintain respect" but


also again I'll concede that I may just be forgetting important scenes here, it's been a little while


File: 1737450454651.png (5.67 KB, 147x238, rosekitten.png)

Rose rose londe! Rose rose londe!


What did she mean by this?


Do Americans really or is this another rapist pathological liar rationalist guy?


File: 1737451282707-0.jpg (27.19 KB, 640x480, My Snapshot_6.jpg)

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File: 1737451282707-2.jpg (53.1 KB, 552x788, ^12AB42C56BC4F561592B9DF33….jpg)

File: 1737451282707-3.jpg (194.25 KB, 289x292, ^B6A0703B463F9CB333C85A79C….jpg)

I finally had my SSD replace and the data recovered so prepare for some truly heinous shit if I can find it.


File: 1737451647144-0.png (1.36 MB, 3464x2000, 3499e514af6953d007cf07bd6f….png)

File: 1737451647144-1.png (58.84 KB, 189x184, fucknot.png)

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File: 1737451647144-3.gif (9.97 MB, 336x252, insta.gif)

>Cortex Command on my desktop- again



So how does this work, even


Yeah, I… would probably just kill myself if that happened to me. Another reason to feel justified in never installing a dating app.


It does sound like a "manipulation of procedural outcomes" with zero regards for the tax cattle that some petty city hall functionary would do in a sitcom.
Or it could be some bullshit rationalization fable that guy spun up to not feel like a creep after getting busted, I can't say.
Maybe if he had another one more SD of verbal IQ under his belt, I'd be inclined to believe…


…I'm adding that Nea to the folder too.


File: 1737452083532-0.gif (3.58 MB, 365x274, insta.gif)

File: 1737452083532-1.gif (2.94 MB, 320x240, insta3.gif)

File: 1737452083532-2.png (2.25 KB, 126x140, amzing_3.png)

File: 1737452083532-3.jpg (41.44 KB, 185x95, cumon_3.jpg)

I've been looking for cumon3 for awhile now so that's nice.

Also, more potential "blank Rei" sticker potential.


It was a Manycam thing on Skype so the Devil would actually be stirring the pot in the Gif (Aranea's head was edited in with the app so I don't have the file of such a thing.)


you don't need to be so embarrassed, nonny

>Maybe if he had another one more SD of verbal IQ under his belt, I'd be inclined to believe…
sometimes I wonder if you guys think I'm kind of dumb because of the cutesy typing (though I guess I'm also known to slip into wordswordswords)

(speaking of, is wordswordswords gone for good, or just forgotten after the rollback?)


File: 1737452366884-0.jpg (10.19 KB, 301x167, yeyouagain.jpg)

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>Also, more potential "blank Rei" sticker potential.
You mean in this post, you stupid asshole.

I made a long-term friend because somebody complimented me on this spray.
>you don't need to be so embarrassed, nonny
I'm more just confused.

I had a picture of taking flash-on broad daylight close-ups of people in ads that I think looked weird. Considering how most people wouldn't give a shit, they're basically lost media at this point.

Also, there's this and I don't even know where to begin.


>I made a long-term friend because somebody complimented me on this spray.
*When I was 11


File: 1737452475758.jpg (15.32 KB, 106x76, ClipboardImage.jpg)

rocco? rocco botte?


File: 1737452500690.jpg (107.81 KB, 280x296, ClipboardImage.jpg)


Anyone have this Maribel in the dream camisole pic?


>sometimes I wonder if you guys think I'm kind of dumb because of the cutesy typing (though I guess I'm also known to slip into wordswordswords)
Lots of smart people use coolcase and I used to, it does make me morally prejudiced against you though. I associate phonecase more with stupidity. But it's not a very useful stereotype when you can just read what they actually wrote.


>Lots of smart people use coolcase
ah, I didn't even mean the coolcase so much as the other "quirks"
I actually grew up typing with standard capitalization/punctuation at first, and at some point switched, don't remember when

>I associate phonecase more with stupidity

what is phonecase, exactly? automatic capitalization?


File: 1737452873452.png (2.21 KB, 122x130, roxykittentoddlerscientist.png)

*is smart and knows sients*
*doesnt type captal letters*


don't you have a translation to be finishing?

now work on your searching reps, ojisan.


That one was so small, though… Ah well.


you wouldn't consider paying the artist for fullsize?


You'll have to ask Visa and mastercard about that.


File: 1737453212237.jpg (694.89 KB, 678x381, ClipboardImage.jpg)

HSG didn't tell me they made BRICSbux



but really, wasn't the alice game just about ready?


It is ready, but I felt decent enough to binge video games instead


I've really fucked up this time, haven't I


>ah, I didn't even mean the coolcase so much as the other "quirks"
Well both are inauthentic

>what is phonecase, exactly? automatic capitalization?

Yeah and not using enough punctuation


The third best part about nightwalking is that you can wwalk on the road.


BRICS will absolutely, positively, never control the world reserve currency, in a thousand years. Whether it be an existing bricoid currency or some new gold backed/digital shitcoin memebux.


File: 1737453554692-0.png (53.3 KB, 225x225, ss (2014-06-18 at 09.53.23….png)

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File: 1737453554692-3.jpg (3.82 MB, 2880x1784, httphappymammatravels.file….jpg)

This is also ?!?!?!??!

This is a complete timecapsule of me (I don't think either of the Steams trace back to us through the conventional sites) and the weird quasi-roleplay I used to do.

It's also amazing to see how little I talk online has changed.

But I'd also like to think my sense of humor has evolved just a little. Maybe so that I don't download the same picture of Shrek over 600 times onto my computer.


understandable. sorry if it sounds like I'm hassling you, just a little concerned about a certain conversation going cold like I feared (^^:::;)
enjoy your break

>Well both are inauthentic
firmly disagree. how is choosing to express myself that way inauthentic? for the "coolcase", that's just my default way of typing to people I'm on casual footing with. it doesn't take any additional thought on my part
for the other "quirks", it just comes down to word choice and I guess the kaomoji, which, like emoji, are a useful way to compensate for the lack of other contextual clues that help disambiguate tone and intent

I'm not bending my voice to communicate this way. even though the way I communicate here is slightly different from how I communicate in some other places, they are about equally as "performative" to me (which is to say, not very much at all)


>Found all the old Word docs


I have some pretty old screenshots lying around on an external hhd too, it's a weird feeling to go through them


>logmein hamachi in the tray


I still have both.



"first world" issues be like
>Uhhhmmmm I literally can't take a shit without a vehicle


Sands carved the landscape,
blood scarred sandscapes, no escapes.
Guards! bar the fence gates!



File: 1737454519054.png (54.7 KB, 1264x515, ARADIA.png)


new meg just dropped


>firmly disagree. how is choosing to express myself that way inauthentic?
Using coolcase means you're intentionally using incorrect punctuation and capitalisation for the sake of appearances.

Emoji and such typing quirks are inauthentic because they're an imitation of missing contextual clues. An image of a facial expression is not a facial expression. Because of this they're often used to convey false meaning, for example most people aren't actually laughing when they type "lol". Someone who uses a lot of emojis probably represents themselves dishonestly, if it's second nature to you that doesn't make it genuine, it means you've created a persona which you're comfortable roleplaying with online.

If noone used flashy typing quirks, subtle differences in word choice would probably be sufficient to compensate for missing meaning from body language/tone of voice/etc. Text can be processed more slowly than speech, so there is an upside to the tradeoff.

I guess stickers fall into the same category, but they're site culture however.


More like the primordial Meg since I drew that back in 2015.


#chuddicmusing #ownthenight



I love how even you drawing "skills" are nothing more than "I can't draw so I'll draw something that's as "ironic satire dogshit" as it gets instead of putting in actual effort."


>Hour long video of my playing TF2 on incredibly low settings with me putting on random YouTube videos and arguing with friends when I was 14 before I stop playing because I was lagging




I can't believe a literal 14 year-old that was into Homestuck made an ironically shitty picture as a joke. How disgusting.


>Because of this they're often used to convey false meaning, for example most people aren't actually laughing when they type "lol". Someone who uses a lot of emojis probably represents themselves dishonestly
your mistake here is the assumption that people writing and reading "lol" are actually claiming (or believing the author, respectively) to be laughing out loud, or the assumption that the use of an emoji is the claim that "my face looks like this right now"
that is not the case, and nobody familiar with internet communication styles thinks that. the phrase "lol" is useful because it's a brief acknowledgement that you found something funny, or at least that you understood someone made a joke. in in-person communication, it might take the form of a pointed exhale through the nose, or a sudden knowing smile.

similarly, emoji/stickers serve to tell you something about the author's intent. they're exaggerated for readability and visual flair. if someone uses the 🤢 emoji, guess what, they aren't saying they're actually green and bulging their cheeks with vomit. it's an expression of disgust, which in real life might take the form of a raised upper lip, or a pulled-back jaw.

and sure, a lot of this could also be accomplished with just MORE WORDSWORDSWORDS, but emoji are a much more concise tool, and I see no reason to reject them. and twisting your word choice to try and convey the same things is equally "inauthentic" as just using an emoji! I say this as someone who typically never uses emoji.

I think you're smart enough to know all this already though - honestly, it just feels like post-hoc rationalization for your dislike people who use these things

I desperately need to go to sleep now but I just had to stay up to type this while it was hot


File: 1737456348540.jpg (1.69 MB, 2254x2560, 1584606193895.jpg)

Is it autism to notice the "Skyrim font" when I see it?


File: 1737456551049.jpg (1.93 MB, 1280x960, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Serendipitously, I found that one picture I mentioned in the other thread.



>everyone has to adhere to perfect punctiation and capitalisation (unnecessary extra effort for casual conversations) because I get anally offended otherwise
>also emojis bad but stickers good because le site culture
>also if everyone just used Proper, punctuation and; Capitalisation, we wouldn't need to convey contextual emotions alternatively.
incredibly drooling, mouthbreathing, knuckeldragging takes from a mouthbreather who doesn't see how unnecessary proper punctuation and capitalization is in a "casual laid back conversation"

Once again, I suggest you take a considerable dose of cyanide.

Your lack of skills isn't quite a joke when you actually lack the skills to produce anything decent. I was a "literal 14 year-old" too at some point, I didn't autistically jerk myself off to my "ironically bad drawings"


God, you are so autistic. :master:


File: 1737456762286.gif (45.43 KB, 200x150, smak.gif)

ctfu bih




because proper punctuation and spelling is reserved for when SHIT GETS SERIOUS

the distinction between "not using punctuation" and "using punctuation" is expressive and effective enough at letting someone know when you're being serious and when not

beats your trying to "this specific word of choice here will totally make someone understand how I'm feeling"
(it actually won't because you're an inept retard)

also what you said about emojis was a whole lot of retarded shit as well, just because "everyone that says lol isn't laughing, and neither are people that use laughing emojis" doesn't mean the language being used isn't effective at delivering an intended message

language is an evolving structure that changes and adapts to how cultures evolve, aside from like, two languages in the history of humanity, all of them just evolve and change :outy:BIZNASTY:outy: on how PEOPLE express themselves. This whole "use the language like it's intended to" argument is retarded, because the language in itself was not deliberately crafted for precise expression, rather that it's general rules are arbitrarily observed through how people have used it in the past. To suggest that people "stick to the rules" is to suggest that language is perfect in it's "design" which it isn't, it's just stagnant "traditionalism" coming from an ass backwards moron.

>rest of allat shit

cba to respond NAO, never claimed I was reading michelangelo, and my general criticism is that you half ass literally everything in your life


You still assume you're talking to a single person, me, every fucking time. Kek.


Ah yes, along with Al-Uzza and Al-Manat, the three goddesses whose intercession is to be sought, according to the prophet Muhammad.


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File: 1737457851358.gif (3.75 MB, 554x640, ssip.gif)

I don't reckon your friends function on any different wavelengths of retardation, they're probably equally worthless retards with zero aspirations or tangible skills so I may very well treat all of you as one.


if i were to draw one of the Homestucks getting hypno-fainted by Caliborn’s stank breath, which should it be?


File: 1737458066768.jpg (36.74 KB, 645x773, yike.jpg)

I expressed multiple times that I'm not even a muzzie so idk what you're trying to get at lol,

or should I go like "oh how dare you you dirty disgusting kuffar swine? take that back this instance lest I start whipping you with my belt in the name of alah!"

is that like funny?


Vriska, because I'd rather not subject any other character to your weird and weirdly specific fetish. :milk:


>Caliborn’s stank breath
Gamzee and that would 8e the nicest thing Cali8orn ever did to him.



people getting hypnotized by bad smells isn’t even that specific
it’s just the opposite of the common trope of people getting hypnotized by good smells


Whatever you say, I guess.


believe me, if you wanted weird shit, i could give you weird shit
and i’d make you the one i would be subjecting it to, if this site wasn’t anonymous :’)


>and i’d make you the one i would be subjecting it to
But why?


*subjecting to it


Again, still, why?


that would also be gay
but it could be hot. honestly i think Gamzee would probably knock Aranea out with a burp sooner than Caliborn giving him the old facefloat


File: 1737458937004.gif (104.13 KB, 500x682, f339a84bd40d99a08ab221cd65….gif)

>that would also be gay
Very Calo8orn-esque then. The so called gift to the yaois.
>Gamzee would probably knock Aranea out
Nah, she decides what Gamzee does and does not.


that pic is nice but don’t pretend Aranea could stay awake if Gamzee did manage to get a soporific, carbonated belch off in range of her olfactory faculties


File: 1737459196920.jpeg (459.43 KB, 800x500, 609c2fcd14f941a5d01d1f8a1….jpeg)

Oh I don't dou8t that. I don't think anyone would handle whatever the fuck he keeps ingesting alongside Faygo and sopor pie.


I think I finally snapped my nose back into place- if it was ever out of place to begin with. :fun:


File: 1737459304460.jpg (1.05 MB, 1920x1080, ClipboardImage.jpg)

I-I-I*urrrrp* I haven't been in the mood to bully anyone for days M-Morty *urrrp*
I-I think I'm g-g-g*URRRRp*getting old… you must continue y-y-your j-journey without *erRRRgh* without me…


File: 1737459352624.jpg (36.59 KB, 640x564, ClipboardImage.jpg)



I forgot what I was going to do.


File: 1737459570103.jpg (137.97 KB, 456x348, ClipboardImage.jpg)


Oh, yeah, YGO stickers? Demands, even?


unf, yes
Gamzee being a big booty bro with awful belches that put all his girl friends to sleep is awesome



lots of Kaiba being a shitlord I suppose 
also Zixyounouti dies


>Zixyounouti dies
You can't just say that.


Gamzee has a whoopee cushion butt


File: 1737461187636.jpg (65.76 KB, 172x172, ClipboardImage.jpg)


File: 1737461662950.jpg (206.43 KB, 1280x720, sXYDLnxAYcI.jpg)



context: Ryuchell trooned out then killed xirself


Many such cases.


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Woke up with this in my head


>your mistake here is the assumption that people writing and reading "lol" are actually claiming (or believing the author, respectively) to be laughing out loud, or the assumption that the use of an emoji is the claim that "my face looks like this right now"
>that is not the case, and nobody familiar with internet communication styles thinks that.
I understand that, but something being so abstract and disconnected from its original meaning that it's "not even a lie" doesn't make it genuine. I would say it's even less authentic than saying "lol" when you actually don't mean it.

>they're exaggerated for readability and visual flair.

Exaggeration is inauthentic. If something is disgusting, saying so should communicate that sufficiently. If you think that isn't expressive enough, that's because many internet users have taken to communicating with this exaggerated tranimalised language.

Taken to an extreme, a culture could develop where words lose their literal meaning and are reduced to affective aesthetic signals. You could defend clickbait Youtube titles in the same way: "no one familiar with Youtube actually thinks the titles are literal", "it's just an expressive exaggeration". Even if the dishonesty doesn't bother you in itself (it should) because you think you can decode the signs, you should reject the hyperreal evolution of increasingly abstract signs because it's corrosive to truth and meaning. Repurposing a word like "lol" means it's harder to communicate when you're actually laughing, and increasingly less important.



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how do we convert Allen-sama's quirk into English


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Tripled(???) punctuation
Variation in text size maybe (or just words in caps)
Peppered with loanwords (in localized edition, maybe this could be French)
Theatricality/bombast, can refer to self in third person and hyping things (Allen-sama would like to inform you it was UTTERLY MESMERIZING.)


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don't forget the(笑)after every sentence :^p



this is some kid's first exposure to homestuck



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SELF made :)


♪ # E 0 0 7 07 ♪


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does this sound cool?


>I understand that, but something being so abstract and disconnected from its original meaning that it's "not even a lie" doesn't make it genuine
I disagree. a collective switch in the understood meaning of something doesn't make it inauthentic. english underwent innumerable changes before you were born, why should it be cast into stone in the form that you happened to learn as a child?
>Repurposing a word like "lol" means it's harder to communicate when you're actually laughing, and increasingly less important.
I think this is the strongest point you make, since there is a bit of truth to things like people saying "I am literally laughing my ass off right now" when really they just want a stronger "lol", creating an effect where almost any claim about laughing could potentially reasonably be interpreted as mere exaggeration (well, at least if you don't know the person)
but this argument falls apart for emoji imo, which aren't a distortion of any existing textual communication. like I said, they're a new tool that augments textual communication.
>you should reject the hyperreal evolution of increasingly abstract signs because it's corrosive to truth and meaning
basically all language already exists as abstract signs, only to varying degrees. there are already loads of phrases and expressions in english which are indirect signals to aid communication. this isn't that surprising, because language first and foremost existed/exists for verbal communication, not for strict representation of truth & logic or whatever (hence why academics often switch to specialized formal languages when they need to describe complex logic without introducing confusion).

to point back to the "why should english stop where it was when you were born" point - let me present some examples:
"you make me sick." ← woah, what the hell?! this degenerate is OBLITERATING TRVTH AND MEANVNG!! they're not actually sick, they're just exaggerating their dislike of someone!!
"could you stop bugging me every five seconds?" ← another PVSTMODERNVST TRVTH-OBLITERATOR!! I wasn't bugging them even CLOSE to every five seconds. don't you care about meaning AT ALL?
"the sunset was a blazing inferno" (edgar allen poe quote) ← oh my god, so SOY!! no, the sunset was not "a blazing inferno", it was just bright reddish-orange. shut the fuck up.
"many hurdles lie before us" ← uh, hello? do you need glasses? this isn't a track and field event, there are no hurdles, dipshit. just say "challenges"

why are all these idiots using so much abstract language? don't they see the damage they're doing to the language?! oh heavens

I think your professed position is absurd because followed to its conclusion, it destroys metaphor and many other literary tools. I don't even think you actually want this, I just think this is the misguided view you've constructed to justify your distaste for the way people casually speak on the internet. you can personally think that emoji come off as overly exaggerated, or disingenuine in some way, and dislike them on those grounds. you don't need to give any reason to not personally use emoji. I don't! they're even disallowed on marzichan for aesthetic reasons (though I may change this eventually)




>I think your professed position is absurd because followed to its conclusion, it destroys metaphor and many other literary tools

>I can predict the future and the future will play out exactly how I predict it because…

Meds NAO you schizoid DERSITE. There is zero logical reasoning that anyone on earth would anyhow "devolve" language to the point where "literary tools are destroyed" because informal usage of the language is :outy:BIZNASTY:outy: on practicality to begin with.


I think so, if a touch cliche at points


How about f3feri.pe1.exes. Mascot horror kino


Yeah, not too far off from a rabi ribi boss track


>it thinks schizo and schizoid are interchangeable


We need some 33 year old Japanese man to learn him


diagnosed schizo Yutaka is better at English than him indeed


wheres the saddest part in this full gameplay


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>english underwent innumerable changes before you were born, why should it be cast into stone in the form that you happened to learn as a child?
Before the internet English was predominantly spoken in the real world, now a lot of it is typed online. I object specifically to what the internet has done to language and meaning.

>but this argument falls apart for emoji imo, which aren't a distortion of any existing textual communication. like I said, they're a new tool that augments textual communication.

It's horrifying to me that people communicate feelings through emoji. It's deeply inauthentic from the outset, little images can't map onto emotions/gestures and it should never have been attempted. It's a disgusting standardised tranimalisation of our bodies and our world. I'm reminded of the Zero Hitler Particles Lovecraft story: https://wiki.chadnet.org/dont-make-me-think

>basically all language already exists as abstract signs, only to varying degrees.

>to point back to the "why should english stop where it was when you were born" point - let me present some examples:
I think these examples are harmless, though the exaggerations are a bit dishonest. It's the degree of abstraction which is significant, when signs in wide use begin to signify other signs more than they signify the real world, then it's damaging language.

Metaphor etc. were held in check by a lack of connectivity and the fact that language had to be mutually intelligible to be useful. Pointless yeastlike memes and linguistic subversion can spread easily online, in the process substituting reality for illusion.


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And lo, the clouds part,
Hashem's payot billowing.
Infinite Woody…


>little images can't map onto emotions/gestures and it should never have been attempted
what makes the little image more offensive than words like "sad" or "angry"? are those words better at capturing the infinitely complex emotional experiences they're meant to describe? or are you just brushing up against the inherent limits of language, which again, essentially always exists as a collection of abstract signs mapped loosely to "reality"

>Metaphor etc. were held in check by a lack of connectivity and the fact that language had to be mutually intelligible to be useful.

do you really think emoji or internet abbreviations are "mutually unintelligible"? people use these things precisely because they communicate something to their audience. absurdist jokes exist as an exception, but those are unintelligible to both parties, so even then, the communication does not break down - the writer's intent was to tell an absurdist joke.

since you posted a marzichan screenshot, I'll bite - how is that post damaging language, exactly? the text is a simple request for people to share a certain type of image. the image they posted of a weary cat soup character is likely meant to augment their request by setting a certain mood - "I am weary, I am tired. please share images that might offer relief from this"

I don't see any failure of communication here, I just see a collection of things that you personally despise for their association with people you do not like:
- an expressed desire for comfort
- extremely casual writing style
- scribbly drawing of a cat that could be serving as a representation of the poster

>It's a disgusting standardised tranimalisation of our bodies and our world

your repeated use of this term doesn't drive your argument home for me, it only makes it seem more apparent that this is really just about hating certain people which motivates your reasoning to find everything they do as THE DESTRVCTION OF EVROPA


File: 1737489965990.jpg (41.26 KB, 216x215, ehe he ha ha ho ho hehehah….jpg)

stupid retard is on his manperiod I'm assuming? wittwe babby is having a bwad day?


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Got scolded for my like…


well if this actually is the case I do genuinely hope you feel better soon :bow:


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>are those words better at capturing the infinitely complex emotional experiences they're meant to describe?
Sad/angry have a lot of synonyms with subtle connotations, so yes English is better than emoji. Language isn't perfect but emoji are worse than useless.

>do you really think emoji or internet abbreviations are "mutually unintelligible"?

They are mutually intelligible online, but they only got that way because of the nature of the internet. My point is that similarly meaningless language couldn't develop IRL and metaphor is about the limit of what is permitted.

>how is that post damaging language, exactly?

"comfy" as a word has been abstracted to the point of meaninglessness. It used to be a shortened form of "comfortable" to describe your real life surroundings, but apparently zoomers now think an image can be "comfy". Much like "lol" you are not actually laughing or somehow made to feel comfortable by looking at the image, but if you imagine yourself existing within the image you can imagine that you might be comfortable.

- The user is literally asking for images as a substitute for reality
- The user is likely pretending to desire this (you will disagree but w/e)
- Stupid meme cat from Cat Soup or something

>your repeated use of this term doesn't drive your argument home for me, it only makes it seem more apparent that this is really just about hating certain people

I don't know another word for it. It describes a sterile, unconvincing image of something that tries to pass itself off as real.


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>Sad/angry have a lot of synonyms with subtle connotations
okay, but I didn't ask about the synonyms. again, emoji don't necessarily replace anything. they're just an option people can reach for as supplement, and can be more natural to read than strictly textual options.
consider "it's over :(" versus "it's over :D"
sure, someone could write other things, like "I'm so sad it's over," or "woohoo, it's over!" but I don't see how those things are inherently better or worse for casual communication than these alternate symbols. they're just another option. even if your objection is that they are less precise than specific words, low-precision language is also a useful and important communication tool to have within a language. sometimes it is helpful or preferable to allude to a broad concept than weigh down something with superfluous detail

>My point is that similarly meaningless language couldn't develop IRL

first of all, you just agreed that they are mutually intelligible and therefore not "meaningless"
but anyway - sure, the language would have headed in a different direction without tech and the internet. just as the printing press has had an intense and broad-reaching impact on the english language, so too has the internet. unsurprisingly, people use internet/tech-shaped language on the internet. I'm not convinced that this has disastrous consequences.
>"comfy" as a word has been abstracted to the point of meaninglessness
look, I'm well aware that "comfy" is seen as overused these days, especially as a descriptor for art. but it is not meaningless in this context, really, and if you examine "comfy" images, you can often trace a throughline. this isn't some drastic distortion of meaning, either. check the image ←
they are looking for images that "produce feelings of ease or security". of course, there's typically a shared unspoken understanding that is a little more specific than that; usually threads like this tend to focus on peaceful environments in particular - a cabin in a snowscape, a rainy asphalt parking lot on a summer evening, a wooden area with fireflies. yes, the feeling is vague, but the fact that people are able to share content around it shows that it has meaning. the feeling is vague because "comfort" is inherently subjective, and lots of people find comfort in different types of aesthetics or environments.

>The user is literally asking for images as a substitute for reality

do you just hate all visual art, or?
>The user is likely pretending to desire this (you will disagree but w/e)
image sharing and collecting is one of the oldest activities on imageboards. you think all those people are just pretending to like viewing and sharing images as part of some elaborate social dynamic on an anonymous imageboard?


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>concept than weigh down
concept RATHER* than weigh down




and the more linear, streamlined sequel, SMOTHER 2


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This is what Japan used to be about.


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Who would win?


can Secret Italian Supercat defeat Secret Japanese Superbunny?


File: 1737497135255.jpg (171.78 KB, 1036x1000, GPaO8QNWQAAtKy3.jpg)

I'll take it as a yes.



"Can"? Yes.
"Will"? Only if it's absolutely necessary.





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the critics are ruthless, eh MEX? :^p


I for one am enjoying my stay here.



Hmm? Well, I'm given to thinking that's hypnoanon being a little mopey.
And, checking the thread there is an AI rose adherent


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hmm, hypnoanon was there posting with a different style though


why does my keyboard keep double-firing like that? ‘beccause’. fuck off


At least it still works, one time my E key would not work at all.


File: 1737508561089.png (397.7 KB, 600x1000, DEREKJETER.png)

Let her down gently, or say nothing? The choice is yours.


You're just seething that the silly beer straw hat doesn't hit over your horns


Saying nothing is worse 8ecause she can tell exactly what your mood is.



Felt like drawing this because I really enjoyed the last thread


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New Nea art is always appreci8ed.


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It's time to be Italian




Someone post the webm of the baby italian (that that roxkit edit was inspired by)


one of the AI people reminded me of you in typing style but I was probably just imagining it lol


File: 1737509769663.webm (2.72 MB, 320x462, italian babbu.webm)

it went something like this


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For a time, whenever this got posted on /int/ the replies were all sudacas and third worlders alike saying stuff like "8uilt for 88C", I get they were referencing that one /sp/ fag 8ut it was all so tiresome.


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If I have my say, this'll be the Viscaria "fandom" in 2027



You disgust me.


this is beautiful, isn't it?


"Fortunately"(?), one of the few examples of webcomics not being absolute trash.


Hey, why was it renamed to Joji? I miss all my Nip sticks.


Nigga, I was asleep. ::adorbs:


…the jojimuke sticker category? that's been changed for a while. presumably MEX only kept them in misc until they had a more fitting category to house them


Theory™ explains how minorities are a transcendental kind of entity that will always remain minorities even if they're statistical majorities because they innately think different because they're othered by SOCIETY. :scum:


I remember a lot of Japanese text.


Anyway, it takes a lot to make me not want to jump into a conversation about language considering that's been basically all I've been reading about lately. That's not true. It just takes too retards fighting. :picker:


And now that I know that I'm breaking to pieces
I'll pull out my heart
And I'll feed it to anyone
Crying for sympathy
Crocodiles cry
For the love of the crowd and the
Three cheers from everyone
Dropping through sky
Through the glass of the roof
Through the roof of your mouth
Through the mouth of your eye
Through the eye of the needle
It's easier for me
To get closer to heaven
Than ever feel whole again


>It just takes too retards fighting.
that horribly draining exercise would've at least felt a little worth it if you came in and backed me up. instead you have to equate me with a put down, and can't even spell it right


J-Horror warning next time, please!


Baby Italian Roxy is NOT sexual.


Also: another reason why BRICS deserves to be carpet nuked


>that horribly draining exercise would've at least felt a little worth it if you came in and backed me up.
Frankly, I thought it was Babysperg because I thought a lot of it was predicated on "muh BRICS" whinging because I barely even skimmed it. I assumed than you knew better than to engage with the foul fowl. :tryagain:

>and can't even spell it right

I never said I would stay to the end
I knew I would leave you with babies and everything
Screaming like this in the hole of sincerity
Screaming me over and over and over
I leave you with photographs
Pictures of trickery
And stains on the carpet
And stains on the memory
And songs about happiness
Murmured in dreams
And we both of us knew
How the end always is
How the end always is


I didn't reply to them, they came in and tried to join our argument while constantly misidentifying who they were replying to


Milquetoast 3.




"plainsona 2"




I did just now!


8ut what a8out Rudy……..




We're going to go all Saving Private Ryan for Rudy.


>How the end always is
maybe I'll listen to disintegration tonight




It consider it one of my favorite albums of all time. Not like, the list of 100 albums. Like top 10. Probably top 5. No bad songs. Perfect album flow. Masterpiece. :dogwhistle:


Enby Woody Allen when?


it is quite nice. I spun it a lot years back, still go for an occasional listen here and there. it's been a long while since I really sat down and focused on it though


Also, I know this is putting too much thought into Tatsuya's lazy and far too rare at actual jokes but this one particularly bugs me.

"What if a religion's God sounded like one of its practitioners who has a funny voice" is so lazy and fucking dumb but then that made me think that the Christian God sounds and looks like George Lucas and it's the funniest thing ever and I'd like to thank the Academy and Sinfest for ever allowing my head to come up with that though.


Rocco' in da' thread?


Frankly, I don't know how a classic /hsg/Ian Brandon Anderson would have such a strong feeling about this place unless they're a spurned TRICKSTER or something. I want to interrogate them everytime I see them.

Usually, it's a /hst/ / Homestealth retard that goes "VGH WHERES MY IMAGEDUMP, MUH MUH RETCON, MUH MUH DAVEKAT".


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Goth teen Marzipan…


>emoji don't necessarily replace anything.
Emoji displace language, the average person has a limited functional vocabulary and will in some cases think to type an emoji before they think of a word

>first of all, you just agreed that they are mutually intelligible and therefore not "meaningless"

I meant meaningless as in empty signs with little connection to reality. Meaningless messages can be mutually intelligible if both parties recognise the other signs they're referencing, but the signs could have no underlying connection to reality

>"comfy" is not meaningless in this context

I don't believe looking at that type of image is comforting. If someone is comforted by it and isn't just an NPC saying that, then that's quite sick and they shouldn't be. The images are themed around the idea of situations which would be comfortable if they were real, but the images are not themselves comfortable. If a word becomes synonymous with a pretense of that word, then it has lost its meaning

>do you just hate all visual art, or?

No, I'm just pointing out he is literally asking for an image, which is definitionally a false representation of something (or "not even a copy" which is less real as I said earlier). I like some art, but it's illusory and false. I like some illusions. I don't like when illusions pretend to be real

>you think all those people are just pretending to like viewing and sharing images as part of some elaborate social dynamic on an anonymous imageboard?

If he only posted "comfy image thread" I wouldn't suspect he was pretending. I do think a lot of people pretend to like things as part of elaborate social dynamics, though


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Just needed someone to wipe her ass


[S] Gently remind Aranea that Derek Jeter hasn't been on the Yankees for like a decade


Somebody call Kojima. :5s:


Had a dream involving TRICKSTERS. Black, Chinese, and normal. It was very confusing. I'll take it as an ill omen against their ilk. :shieldup:


Premonitions of trvmp buck breaking BRICS?


>I want to interrogate them everytime I see them.
hey, thread's still up if you really want to ask


>Le 900s


I like Pornography more.


>Black, Chinese, and normal.

too wary to hook up a burner email?


>too wary to hook up a burner email?
meant to write either "too wary to hook up an email" or "too lazy to set up a burner". have both


No, it was one of those weird dreams where I was a piteous gremlin of a human. I think Gollum permanently fucked up my self-perception. In like a solid 15% of my dreams, I'm basically taking the role of Gollum in incredibly surreal situations.


YIKERS…… I can't believe you just said that…


Marzipan being our "hole" as always. :scum:


>our "hole"
dare I ask?


Stabbing RoW with the Spear of Longinus.


I thought Urban Dictionary would help but it's gotten covered up.

Shock jock term. Used to refer to Robin (neurotic niggress nightdays), not because of her vag, probably partially because of that, but because she's a blackhole of comedy who tells the boys to settle down.

I'm sure people have used the term for Opie on Opie and Anthony innumerable times but the dynamic there is slightly different.

I'm not into shock jock stuff; I just think it's kind of fascinating from a sociological perspective. Especially as someone with New York blood. Unfortunately, I think a lot of it just too mean and gross for me. I like people talking about fucked up stuff or like when it's on a show, but, when you get to actually doing it, I get a little unnerved. Not because I'm kind of prissy in-person but also because it kind of makes me question their "grip on reality problems."


convo's already gone on all day so might as well wind things down here. I think I'd mostly just be restating my thoughts at this point.
nobody thinks those images are "reality". and it's not uncommon for art to stir emotions, that's often the point


>because she's a blackhole of comedy who tells the boys to settle down
okay, so "shut up", got it


You just used a reaction image, don't make it sound so cruel. :dizzy:



yeah yeah

anyway we need your thoughts on >>76684


I even used it the opportunity as a short-hand for a little confessional to soften the blow. :weh:
I've seen these before. "No."


File: 1737516372801.rpgsave (2.19 KB, common.rpgsave)

Also, the common.rpgsave is located elsewhere for the browswer version (must be locally), so Rose Lalonde mode is only in the mega download link

Unless you track down whichever temp directory browser savegames are stord in and and paste this there


>I've seen these before. "No."
"homestuck content for homestuck website"

>a little confessional to soften the blow

it's nice when you show you at least have a little bit of soft and pure heart left. I wish it was more frequent, instead of the jaded edgy posturing


>instead of the jaded edgy posturing
Posturing is the wrong word to use… :pat:


All edginess is insincere posturing, you should be posting more trans heart Twitter cat doodles.


yeah, I know it's wishful thinking. sorry. it's easier to enjoy talking with you that way

the posturing in that sentence was mostly a reference to his elitism, not the other stuff I find offputting


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Emeower status?


EMEOWYLE STATUS??!??!?!?!?!? :this:


>yeah, I know it's wishful thinking.
No, it's not. I have ways of expressing my negative feelings and ways of expressing positive emotions. I focus on the expressions of negativity because the weight of them often feels crushing. I don't like to say that I take it on people or I don't like to think it but other people are my outlet, in one way or another… :cmon:


congrats on release


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This is what Dragon Ball is doing to our impressionable Latinx youth.


Modviewed and gone…


File: 1737517581052.png (14.46 KB, 196x224, taiki.png)


My justice is swift (I force other mods to add the reason to the bans.) :picker:


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But I guess that means their… Week and change time off has drawn to a close


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>My justice is swift
Ebin manime track


File: 1737517766354.png (2.83 KB, 123x131, roxykittendose.png)

spic! spic! spic!


You were supposed to take out your sombrero for that one. :tryagain:


>Ebin manime track


File: 1737517910381.png (2.91 KB, 121x159, fiesta roxykitten.png)


There we go. Now tombstone Marzipan.


Also, I can't believe I'm vouching for this, but frankly, you should just make Roxykitten its own tab of stickers. :demands:

I know I would use multiple fiesta Roxykittens when mocking MEX. :picker:


>I focus on the expressions of negativity because the weight of them often feels crushing. I don't like to say that I take it on people or I don't like to think it but other people are my outlet, in one way or another…
I'm not sure I follow 100%, but… I just don't know it it's a good strategy. for a lot of people focusing on the negative feelings just stokes them further

you're usually nicer to me than the others, and you make up for it later when you overstep. it's moreso when you say pointlessly cruel or hateful things about groups of people that makes me really step back. not to act all sanctimonious about it, just trying to be honest :^<


>you should just make Roxykitten its own tab of stickers
I don't know if that would feel right… those are like a part of roxykit poster!


I think he's asked for this before だろ.


>you're usually nicer to me than the others, and you make up for it later when you overstep.
I try to be nicer to more sensitive souls. (Not just if I think they're boytoys.) The track record for the effectiveness of this working is… not the greatest however. :ahaha:


A good example is Sprunkscrunkly.



I think it really shows that you try :)

I think you would have to basically be the devil to attack sprunki though


>I think you would have to basically be the devil to attack sprunki though
I'm pretty sure he came here seeking refuge from Joy Jakers so…


>Joy Jakers


File: 1737519004233.jpg (1.12 MB, 1000x1500, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Rose? Rose Lalonde?


Honestly I'd like it if others took up the roxkit mantle again. I posted my roxkit folder once before, maybe I should do it again.
I don't think I have but I'd approve of it.


Basically post a roxykitten pic while typing out (misspelled) some cute action that a baby/cat/roxy would do

it's that easy


I'm going to see my niece and nephew soon. I'll keep you updated on the baby lore. :and?:


roxykit poster was o-ojisan?!


Always was, kid.



Here are your letters, bwo:


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Who feed bing so much animool forest


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Wait, Mi might also count.


MEX, this is a very specific request, but I really find myself wishing this sticker was edited so she's holding a plain sheet of paper (presumably a post, or an image) rather than a bill


"The worst person in the world" and yet it's not Andrew Hu¢¢ie. Yikers!


my selection of Aa is final. unless the megidoball thinks I should reroll?


File: 1737520046773.gif (55.03 KB, 185x176, gs04-vera01.gif)

"… Money is fine."


also you already had Mi at the bottom




Double Mi. :ok!:


I would've edited it for you, but okay


See if you can take some roxkit inspo from the niece


I was wondering if they need text or not…
Some have too many frames, too


HE'S JEWING US. :bringit:


Grinding money in NMH is wearying me for the moment, so I can work on those a bit more. It's a pretty easy set if I just leave them as is


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Embarrassing win.

New letters:


you should scramble them next time :^p




idk, would make my pick feel more random I think


With both Mis in question, I couldn't distinguish them.


good think I didn't pick one then, right?


No, it'd be better if you did… :done:


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Only sometimes


That's one hell of a pair of opening sentences. They're not mutually exclusive though.


Ogami Marina? You don't have to be a lolicon.


Fasting on curry day :hunger:


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I think I should start seasonal 72hr ones, if not bimonthly


Hearing Heavenly flight ingame made me tear up a little earlier. Such majesty…


I'm doin 2 days a week for the time being




Haha, Flambere curry farts.


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Just how much ~autophagy~ do you need?


I still feel pretty conflicted about my DQV experience overall, but some of the music stands out in my memory


Pathetic loss.



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This is the funniest picture I've ever fucking seen. Rest in peace.


Bless you. :dubai:


This is just for pure weight-loss. I've been way too lax with my diet for the last… two years probably. It's time for extreme measures.


man, that /co/ thread is still going strong. potential users there, just saying


File: 1737526553936.jpg (60.9 KB, 679x960, 1657204836239.jpg)

More like rest in piss you won't be missed


Don't make me get my post out. :run:


Funny people deserve to live in the global circus. :caucasian:


"people don't want to talk about homestuck" (even though they are [even though you aren't either])




Look at the specifics of what I said.


Ah #1




Well in my opinion… for weightless, nothing beats heartache


tried to find the post via search, just found lots of posts of you and other people arguing with me, so I'll pass for now




am not


I'd probably go full "comfort food" mode. Trying to get in shape to impress someone is a much stronger motivator.


Tell that to Prigozhin.



>Trying to get in shape to impress someone is a much stronger motivator
I've thought so too at times, but girls seem not to care too much outside "don't be fat"
in aggregate they might prefer fitness, but if you pining for someone, you know them personally…


please losing weight responsibly anons


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I'll stick with Gensokyo portal delving


as long as you know how to make the portal, you can never really be trapped



Half Life? Yeah.


Prognoz Pogodi


A rather grim answer to being homestuck, that.


it's not a lttle liberating?


What did he mean by this?


>Wanting trolls to be real
>Wanting more dystopias with miserable people
Autists and empathy and all that.


Two days of not eating is like nothing, and I'm hitting the gym hard once winter is over and I've gotten the weight loss actually rolling.


Br ruined my life. :done:




I moreso meant long-term. and not particularly because of any method you mentioned

sorry bwo (´・ω・`)ショボーン


This is an important image.


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I'll do a 50 day fast someday
the logistics of hiring help for the final ten days are beyond me thoughbeit


she's back


is this autophagy?


New letters:



4chan is dying. What do we need to do to make sure Megidochan becomes the next big image board?


Host childporn.


You have to go to a mountaintop monastery to do that one


Yeah, I'm fine with Sturdychan stepping in to fill this



Everyone keeps asking "that question" but 4chan will never truly die until every owner decides it's too much of a moneysink. Nothing will replace it until then. :drinky:


4chan really is not worth replacing anymore


Joy Jake era 4chan, no. "Newfag era" of post like, 2010? Sure. Pre-2010. Definitely.


Heyuri? Not my thing.


Well we're not getting the old ones back ever, so


"Why not?"
"You don't know that."


File: 1737533373869.jpg (262.28 KB, 452x345, ClipboardImage.jpg)

This could be Megidochan.


File: 1737533422740.jpg (17.11 KB, 639x450, ClipboardImage.jpg)


And it all comes from Meanae the Thorn. :innocent:


>"Why not?"
huh, did not picture you as someone who would like heyuri.


Do I?


File: 1737533686803.jpg (231.65 KB, 1280x720, 1682637911345102.jpg)

I'm just not interested in reading any of it.


Marzipan is kill? :milk:


I'm sure it's fine or whatever, content wise.


eh? did I miss a post? ready to shut my eyes for the night right now

"why not" implied you do, that's all :^p


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>eh? did I miss a post? ready to shut my eyes for the night right now


my bad. "Ve"


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the anti-faster


I saw the top of a girl's thinly shaved treasure trail yesterday because she was wearing saggy sweat pants and I swear I felt the adrenaline pulsing through my veins. :gulp:


did something in the reply chain prompt this?
maybe it's that 3.5hr sleep setting in
okay goodnight



Maybe my contrarian nature hasn't adjusted yet, but I like this moneypit more than the green grift


The heyuri post chain. I don't wanna larp like 2007 /b/, I'll stick to my 2011 /co/ niche subcommunity lane.


> I'll stick to my 2011 /co/ niche subcommunity lane.


>I swear I felt the adrenaline pulsing through my veins.
did you go into bullet time

what does that have to do with viscaria/kubel? or is it unrelated to what you wrote


>did you go into bullet time
Yes, to r8pe. :joinus:


File: 1737534440240.png (46.26 KB, 368x282, 1580845494048.png)

Don't want anything to do with those talons


nvm I just got people confused, carry on
ok goodnight for real


Pic has nothing to do with the topic at hand, I was just scrolling down my downloads folder



Implying what, you were like 10


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Who let chuddy in the tiktoker mansion?




Nope, time marches on. Still, the seats are warm if anyone was interested in recreating that.


Though if hsg of today grew to become indistinguishable from, say, a /co/ Homestuck thread of today, I'd also lose motivation to read it…


"No, they aren't."




I'm positive there are other nostalgic saps who yearn for their formative online years spent with HSG, at least temporally.


"No." :implying:


They all transitioned and moved onto Deltarune general. :kyaha:


Bayonetta 4's new mechanic sounds great


She gets away with it because she's an abortionperson AND a trans icon.


File: 1737535766205.jpg (80.04 KB, 1500x821, 1711844164047.jpg)

Former head of PMC Wagner Group, war criminal, and funny person. Fought for Putin, turned against him and marched on Moscow, cut some kind of deal and stood down, and then got suicided in a plane crash along with all his top officers.


El globlinio.


Yes, he is doing the pointing soyjak gesture on purpose

His private shill offices were also probably responsible for a lot of the decline of 4chan being discussed in this thread


Different people.

Anyway as things hold, hsg is in a kind of in limbo as part digital shrine, part sparsely populated ruin of embittered weirdos. I do like the quiet, so…
Holding to my typically strategy of passivity to wait and observe if more people recover from the "Geh! Homestuck!" awkwaaard (Sure, it sucks and all, but we get it. That's the baseline.)


>Different people.
Yeah, fucking right. :kyaha:


>Sure, it sucks and all, but we get it.
Do NOT say that around hypnofag. :neverever:


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Da Gamez:


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:outy:BIZNASTY:outy: and redpilled.


What did he mean by this?


I don’t think Homestuck is infallible, I think that you need to keep your eyes on people who like Homestuck but hate Andrew, because they’re the ones that killed it and obviously I just generally hate normal people.


> I think that you need to keep your eyes on people who like Homestuck but hate Andrew
Luckily, I'm not one of those people so I'm safe.:tehepero:

Have you checked /hot/ after calling me an irredeemable homosexual?


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I don’t remember calling you that and I don’t care.


>I don’t remember calling you that
It was a "paraphrase."
>I don’t care.
Motherfucker, you made the main thread. :huh:


Yeah, and it’s still my thread, I just don’t obsess over you and keep track of our interactions like you do with me for some fucking reason.


OK vaxxtard


>He takes everything at face value
>Except if they supports a conspiracy
Explains your worldview.


> I just don’t obsess over you and keep track of our interactions like you do with me for some fucking reason.
I'm not fucking obsessed with you, I just want to make conversation on this tiny altchan and you seeing it and going "Oh, okay" or not seeing is something to talk about.

We're not enemies, dude.


*seeing it


Dude, the people who distribute vaccines and tell you you’ll die if you don’t take them are the same people who drag your kids into psych wards and torture them with drugs. Do the fucking math.


I didn't know who I was talking to. :hug:


I’ll be polite and remind you that I’m a schizoinsomniac with very serious memory issues at the moment, so please don’t be mad if I can’t remember something. I can’t really remember anything at the moment.


doesnt math usually requiure numbers. or at least like algebra or something. i guess this could be algebra but i think usually theres like formulas and shit with that and im not seein any here.


There's a reason why I'm slightly more courteous with you than others. I understand and I can empathize, to some degree.


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With this and Persona 2 Twitter's Ulala X Maya ship art, I'm convinced there's a non-insignificant portion of the population that believes that lesbian relationship == woman with an inferiority complex to another woman.


Nah there really is no heterosexual explanation for that though.


"She is insane and has an inferiority complex."


I'm going to fucking stab you, you little contrarian cunt.


There's no heterosexual explanation for this exaggerated cartoony behavior!


I'm starting to doubt if even your sticker snobbery was sincere. :douzo:


Clearly Wile E. Coyote was gay gay homosexual gay for Road Runner


File: 1737542206210.png (61.12 KB, 254x322, slick and grub.png)

>I'm going to fucking stab you, you little contrarian cunt.




>Slick unironically becoming a father figure that helps the trolls reconcile after they betray him because Bec fucked him over even harder
Would have unironically been wholesome. Too wholesome for Hu¢¢ie, for sure. :douzo:


Hu¢¢ie isn’t some sort of dead-eyed sadist.


He's not but he does have a particular hate for the saccharine (see Emeowylesprite.)


File: 1737543981623.jpg (117.89 KB, 760x936, EshQzj3XIAMDATK.jpg)


"The cancer that killed John's characterization."


>Jokingly rant about a Pyro's bara Bluey sign in TF2
>Get votekicked
Man, this game has gotten so fucking gay. :douzo:


File: 1737549266783.jpg (1.12 MB, 1102x565, ClipboardImage.jpg)

"Sue should not wear earrings."


Girls love food. :fssh:


>Added Sue and Reed
>Gave them a combo
>Hate how Reed plays, doesn't really evoke the character at all
>Sue basically gets forced into a hero shooter hole and doesn't work intuitively (like she does in the comics) and also doesn't really evoke the character

I would say that Sue is like the easiest "invisibility-giving" character in a hero shooter to design. 1) She can't maintain structures or invisibility indefinitely 2) SHE NEEDS TO BE TOUCHING YOU TO TURN YOU INVISIBLE.

The game kind of ignores both of this. Kind of angry this is the F4 rep. Kind of wish they made both Reed and The Thing tanks since both Sue and Herbie are presumably supports.

Fantastic 4 stickers when?


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>Rose has purple lipstick
>Kanaya kissed him on the opposite cheek


Pure magnetism at work.


It's a mirror dimension


You're getting the cancer vaccine, right megidenizen?


Only if it's guaranteed to give me cancer.



Big newn.


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I think I'll stick to my fasting




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Cancers are bad news.


"At least I'll probably live long enough to see them finish Skynet"



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It's a fanneh inversion where a blonde is obsessed with an Asian


How redpilled is Butch Hartman to do such a #deepcut?


RIP fart scat boy


MEXicans ruined Homestuck! :de:


You killed him by denying him his Maslow's hierarchy of needs.


yes, a virgin GF that shits and farts and burps on demand is a human right


If it was a guy we would easily see it as a romantic crush, though, so I do see why he'd make it girl on girl worship. Wasn't he supertrad or something?


Did you miss the fucking infographic: >>77047


>If it was a guy we would easily see it as a romantic crush
Also The Show Is About A Geeky Little Boy With A Crush On The Older(?) Popular Girl So You Know
>Wasn't he supertrad or something?
Yes. He's Ben Garrison's secret son.


derkern er jeeeerrbbs!


MEX needs to fix his filter so it works with longer jonklers. :shikari:


Immune to cancer, but your fingers turn into twisted and broken stumps


So just, shorter fingers? Corkfingers can be useful in opening wine, I'd imagine.


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For some reason I thought we had more time before half the ECONONY is devoted to autistic AI overlord infrastructure and maintenance.
2030 seems a bit early still, but certainly by :2048:


Is 2048 the evil version of 2032?


2032 is still like "comfy" gen alpha ipad baby clownworld.
'48 I don't even want to fathom, I'll probably be a bitter old hermit coping with a virtual garden regardless, but…


I thought 2048 was a game


No, it's a Black Bill Gates In The Making


>I'll probably be a bitter old hermit coping with a virtual garden regardless
Finally! Character development! :picker:


I like how Kanaya's handle shares the same abbreviation as Guardian Angel. I wish her name was a pun on that instead of just "REFRANCE TO….. OTHER THING" (you can tell which trolls Karkat actually gave a shit about from their handles. Positive examples: Karkat's handle, Eridan's handle. Negative examples: Kanaya's handle, Feferi's handle. Exceptions: Nepeta's handle.)


>Wrote "Karkat" instead of "Hu¢¢ie"


Klansman huss


KKKlussie… :sniffle:


File: 1737562065605.gif (791.21 KB, 400x390, fgyhf.gif)


well done



But further on 2048, I think there probably is some kind of magick in powers of two, so we're all pretty fortunate to number among the humans who live through a TRVE TVRNING OF THE AGE like that (granted we all make it another 23 years, etc.)


Ika-chan on the right


I remember the guro.




I thought it would be nice to say


File: 1737562488621.gif (3.09 MB, 640x482, yojimbo.gif)

typical freakshit


It was really rough for a couple of reasons. :weh:


you won more than you lost though! that's not bad :)


It's okay to drug girls and stab people and sell drugs but getting aroused by a woman in public is fucked up and icky.


The Aatrox win was a spiritual loss because I just got dicked down and carried.


drugging girls was obviously a joke, I'm not abhorrently ugly (inside and outside) like yourself that I'd need to stoop so low

but yeah, I'd say selling drugs to willing customers is better than looking at someone, going "omg sex" then going back home so you can write on the internet "today I saw girl and my mind went omg sex"

so what, you can start your next 12 hours "anti sex puritanism shift" once you jerked your dick off whenever later during the day and your sex drive settled down?

You dense, self absorbed, completely lacking in self awareness, drooling retard. You're worth less than a sex object.


I see. well, you survived it


well, I thought you post was :outy:BIZNASTY:outy:, MoM


File: 1737562951530.jpg (95.82 KB, 679x360, ClipboardImage.jpg)

one of those days huh


>skateboarding drop shadows cover up comma entirely
would be nice if the shadows were behind the text


>drugging girls was obviously a joke
Yeah, okay, career criminal.


Plausible deniability: gone. :weh:


how is it any less plausibly deniable than before?


Cope harder 優しい人lord, I never stabbed anyone out of sheer boredom but I don't expect you to have the attention span or good faith to remember the appropriate details of any story I ever told you. Kill yourself, you're disgusting.


>you post
your* post


>Kill yourself, you're disgusting.
Keep coming.


Because now I'd have to lie and lying is bad. :shieldup:


you don't need to lie, nonny


dersites feel the vibe shift


It wasn't out of sheer boredom doe.


File: 1737563394676.gif (322.82 KB, 600x338, tuah.gif)

Yeah because you're lowlife enough that your pathetic brain registers raw criticism as attention. You're less than an animal. The sheer thought of your self causes me physical nausea, and it sure as hell boggles my mind how any such retard could go on living without any shame, let alone progression (considering your life's been a downhill race at mach 6 since birth).

Genuinely, overdose. Drink yourself to the point of numbness that you feel comfortable throwing yourself off of a bridge. You're a waste of precious o2 on this planet.


>registers raw criticism as attention
Because it literally is. There is no argument otherwise.


File: 1737563966825.gif (1.24 MB, 498x498, anası da sixildi.gif)

Your views of sexuality and basically everything else is rationalized on the fly depending on your mood.

Example A: You villify and justify sexuality :outy:BIZNASTY:outy: on your current sex drive, which fluctuates :outy:BIZNASTY:outy: on your masturbation routine. You're incapable of finding a reasonable middleground independent of your jerkoff routine and instead change your opinion however horny you feel at the moment. This goes for everything else. You're incapable of processing your emotions properly and address their underlying causes and instead let them seep into your behaviors and opinions, which is also observed in how you treat your "friends" and react to literally everything in your life.

You have nightly bouts of depression soon as sleep deprivation starts becoming unbearable and instead of saying "it's the sleep getting to my head" you go retardant lengths to fabricate some dense narrative of depression.

This is also why here >>76709 I gave you good wishes because it was clear as day that the discussion of "coolcase" was more about letting your negative feelings bleed into the world instead of the actual matter being discussed. Your "true emotional state" isn't as "super secretly hidden" as you delude yourself into thinking, you're considerably predictable and easy to read, and easy to manipulate if anyone cares to do so.

TLDR; You're an impulse driven animal. A disgusting one at that.


Wasn't me. Shooting in the dark. Giving me attention when I want you to fuck off. Last reply for this next daisy chain of autistic whinging.


And what of your persistently inconsistent takes on literally everything? Your treatment of people?

Am I shooting in the dark with those too? You're a fembrained retard acting on emotional whims because you were raised like a little 8ITCH who got his way around the world through emotional manipulation. Grow a pair.


I don't understand Turkey man. He's weird


He doesn't understand himself. :nntr:



Everyone here is at least a bit wweird


Maybe Shinji was just sleepy all along. :adorbs:


File: 1737564753353.gif (56.22 KB, 220x124, yuck.gif)

>hollow insults accompanied with nothing of substance
>why yes we're so smart and better than you
follow it up with a "this is not a community of "rigorous analysis and authentic consistency mkay?" please

see if you can convince MEX to play into the sissified homosexualed "bad 8ITCH" act and rock a troon outfit with a miniskirt or something on that 42 BMI hull of his


but in a lovable way, right?


So far, for the most part…


File: 1737565058975.jpg (21.58 KB, 177x167, ClipboardImage.jpg)


not my fault!
also… was leaving the p filled intentional?


Guld. :tryagain:


I had noticed that on sniffle, but that's how it came off the rip, so it's Sanrio's problem


I have two things to post. :grab2:


File: 1737565311671.gif (176.53 KB, 410x274, wheee.gif)

so it was fucking marzi deleting the posts sneakily huh

good fucking god dude you're so fucking pathetic, get on HRT already




nüke Türkiye


We just need to ask an influential Turk like Cenk Uygur to help us


kill yourself you whiny little puppydog fagg0t

Where's your white knight's shining badge of high morality when someone starts stepping on your toes? Just sneak delete posts and act like "oh he'll presume it was MoM doing it" because you're a worthless fucking loser equally as fembrained as your counterparts.

Go castrate yourself and become a housewife, you're no man.





howw about hasan wwhatsit


Too scared to fight a roided out 40 something, too scared to fight a roided out 20 something.


File: 1737565938731.gif (3.12 MB, 480x270, swoone.gif)

why thank you for the kind words…


File: 1737565939836.jpg (21.28 KB, 821x182, ClipboardImage.jpg)



MEX, could you please set background-size on p.intro in the EO themes because by default it uses the width of the element which varies and causes each one to look inconsistent.


File: 1737565963946.jpg (5.49 KB, 354x37, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Hmm. Guess he isn't a xillenial cluster like I might've guessed (last entrant Lucas Pope, 1978 DOB)


Yeah, I checked. He's like the lich of xillenials. He'll be the death knell of both their habits because of the unga bunga big gorilla ape blackman "yikers" factor.


Those are the poster info titlebars?

Sure, I was wondering about them as I was making it. Since post widths are themselves inconsistent, it's a bit of a balancing act… I'll see what looks fixed widths look like


I didn't notice you already set background-size to 20%, I think it should be a fixed px value.


File: 1737566427915.jpg (680.87 KB, 1764x277, ClipboardImage.jpg)

I don't mean the actual element itself should be shorter, just the stripes in the background are inconsistent.


Was it autism?


File: 1737566689824.jpg (89.86 KB, 796x753, ClipboardImage.jpg)

I'm sorry I had to post it I apologize in advance I had to do it :broke:


Ah, easier gotcha
Maybe, but it's valuable


It took me weeks to notice, the theme is basically perfect otherwise




Should have done Sam Hyde or Cenk Uygur.


Vs. Piker, if that wasn't clear.


New letters just dropped:



Na again




I forgot to remove Na, there is no double Na.


Double plus new letters just dropped:


"again" because I picked it once but somebody else picked that character first


No, you got that confused with someone else (Sw) which I immediately played the next game after picking a random one (Br)


oh, okay. Ah


"Should be easy enough."

Not sure if I want to stay up or not. :milk:


I also still have "Moon" to get to and it looks quite "goo" :milk::milk::milk:


How'd you watch Star Wars and Battle Royale so quickly?


both themes use 128px auto; for the stripes now, seems uniform


We really need a sarcastic laughter sticker. :ahaha:


How Would You Make Kirby A Better Platformer Series
Hard Mode No Nintendo Tier :coolidea: Gimmicks That Will More Than Likely Only Be Used For One (1) Game


There is :hilarious: but I'll try to find something more forced





I think having kirby games be as characteristically breezy as ever, but with "no hit", score, and clear time medals is fine


smart take. some of kirby's biggest unique points (very floaty weight, infinite flight when mouth is empty) are also what make it easy, so it's tempting to look at changing those, but you risk making it "not kirby"


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Kirby purist over here…
Intellectual cowards… :un:


>Intellectual cowards…


You're afraid of change like the Nintendogs you are. :spittake:


I thought MEX was making a weird joke, I didn't expect to be a… whatever…


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>I didn't expect to be a… whatever…

I mean, changes could be interesting. I just worry it wouldn't feel like "kirby" anymore if they had, like, mario-esque movement. maybe something for romhacks to explore


>>I didn't expect to be a… whatever…
An actual split-take.
>I mean, changes could be interesting.
Then think! :5s:


Wondering if Slavoj Žižek is a guy with decent insights who's bogged down by some brainworms and weird eccentricities or just a complete retard.

Always wonder why the funniest people have the worst politics and the people with the best politics have the worst senses of humor. Simultaneously. :lonely:


Mathers 04 status?


>An actual split-take
a new MoMism to decipher
>Then think!
"no hit" is a change, though.
I wonder if there's a kaizo kirby romhack…


Always is an overstatement but whatever. :picker:


meant for italics, not spoiler



My favorite Kirby games are the NDS gimmick duo.


>a new MoMism to decipher
That's the name of the sticker. I thought it would be the thing spitting at you but we already have one for that. It's instead a SHOCK.
>I wonder if there's a kaizo kirby romhack…


No Diaper Sickos


a spittake is the trope where people are drinking something and then spray it everywhere in surprise :bee101:
what's your idea, genius?


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>a spittake is the trope where people are drinking something and then spray it everywhere in surprise
>what's your idea, genius?
Not telling under this immense pressure. :weh:


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My computer is being weird… :meh:


>Not telling under this immense pressure.
why are you like this. it's draining.



A kirby meatboy/celeste style spikeformer where you retain the float would be a hilarious parody


All my Smvrfas hate precision platformers. :picker:


Somebody tell me what to do. :demands:


it just grinds me to dust, you know? you're so mean and icy when it suits you, and then you try to act all vulnerable the moment you feel like it, just because you might become a target of even some light-hearted ribbing
>inb4 "just like kuromi!"
and you like to farm attention from me despite being generally being very tight-fisted in the other direction, maybe just because you know I'll let you get away with it

probably sounds like it's coming out of nowhere but it's about a trend, not really this convo. sorry for having a moment about it but


>then you try to act all vulnerable the moment you feel like it,
I was clearly being sarcastic. I just don't think my idea fits my own criteria.


New 8read soon?


No. Never. :neverever:


>marry a gook
>don't change her generic chingchong peasant family name
>have disgusting mutt children
>make a retarded gay narcissistic philanthropy organisation and put your own name on it like bill gates
>also put your wifes name on it like bill gates did except put her name BEFORE YOURS
>also use her chinky last name instead of priscilla
>be a kike manlet


>I was clearly being sarcastic.
right, it's always sarcastic. you would never actually be shy, since that would imply you actually do care about what other people think, which DEFINITELY isn't the case


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