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/һsg/ - "Homestuck" General

The opposite of Homesick
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 No.74108[Last 100 Posts]

Frowny edition
Old >>73068




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I was about to make Gay Vampire edition…


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DESYNCED lunar phases (or maybe it's a japan time)
At either rate, maybe a rework is in order sometime.


I'll check if it can accept multiple answers (I know it isn't case sensitive)
grab2 diick2 would likely belong to a different call/response pair, though


No, it was giving me stupid errors.


Ah, I dunno then. Big video?


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>I'll check if it can accept multiple answers (I know it isn't case sensitive)
grab2 diick2 would likely belong to a different call/response pair, though
Let it affect some random feature to new thread as a respond
Rolling dices to check brand new thread's luck from 0 to 100% or maybe a tarot card of the day. I meant tread. Like a magic ball we have :fortune: but with more random variety


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*gigles @ ur frustracion*


Well, anyway, it's over.
Vacarion break is done, as far as New Year, Christmas and Old New Year are gone from now on.
Holidays are now officially over.
No more having fun, it's time to go back to work that have to be done.


Sleepiety sleeps time.
XoXoXo, fagets
(ollie outs)


Pleasant dreams.


Squandered another one :guilt:


Sgt. Foley calling out "Shai-hulud!" in the ruins of Washington DC in the middle of World War 3 and waiting for the countersign


And the reply comes from the BRICs side of the lines… can he shoot a brother?


It'll be like that Chechen war audio clip where they beg each other to stand down


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>Kinky kids
>Abbreviates to KKK
what the FUCK were they thinking


Cool logo though


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They align too well, I can't expand it!


Taking it easy with font 28 >> 24
We're saved!


Rose? Rose Lalonde?


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Pfeh, we could'a made that


Doesn't she, though?


I might have to take Rosevoice off of some of these lines actually, now that I'm doing a playthrough.


And ours would have had Joey


That's why Hu¢¢ie went hermit.
He spends all day raving about how he should've used that money to make AC with trolls + DLC platform.


WOW lmao, I didn't even realize I wasn't looking at animal crossing screenshots


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Delete this.


This "event horizon" of "da jewz" should really make Tatsuya re-examine his political beliefs but nope, just double down. MURDER JEWY.


Being unable to breathe isn't solely about "o2 in lung" you spastic retard, high heartrate/adrenaline/TIA etc. can choke you out "internally" a la cyanide, cellular respiration is a multi layered system and elbowing someone's neck for 30 seconds while he's surrounded by six officers doesn't help them calm down.


FUCK wypipo, FUCK mentally ill white girls, fuck all that "I'm sheltered bucktooth Billy McBob, my life skills are being a "white" american who speaks one single language and also I can flip burgers, also I grew up as trailer trash/in the comfy suburbs" shit.(SOMEBODY GEORGE FLOYD THIS GUY.)



You're a complete fucking pussy with zero worth nor confidence man. Even these retarded "hot takes" of yours dissipate the instant anyone cares to respond to it because you're the kind of loser trying to be all "loud in an empty room." Nothing you say ever holds water the moment someone pays half a second of attention because you never anticipate someone actually engaging with things beyond the surface. Entire identity built on "disrespect anyone that lets me, then disrespect anyone that's not in the room because there is a pathetic void inside of me."(WHO ARE YOU TALKING TO?)


You MoM. Tell me ONE thing you can be proud of in your worthless life, other than "I'm white and I was born in the States." What did you earn throughout your life? What skill have you ever cultivated? What achievement have you earned?

Nothing, your life has zero effort gone into it, you have nothing to be proud of, you're a loser whose only sense of self worth could ever come from trying to put others down when you yourself are the rock bottomest. It's despicable not because you're the rock bottom but because you're self absorbed in your ego too bad to ever try growing, you're just constantly trying to step on other people.(SHADOWS CHASING LE SHADOWS CHASING...)


>Being unable to breath isn't
blah blah blah, answer the question


He might be a little too angry at me specifically for some nebulous reason that he can't redirect his focus to that.


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Yeah, I don't know if we're going to get text summaries this thread. We were a little spicy and UNIRONIC RACE diick2CUSSION probably makes it short-circuit itself as a safety net.


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Oh, man, we are HARD noped.


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Three police officers should be able to arrest a single unarmed man without struggling for 15 minutes and being barely able to subdue him with the usage of a taser and stepping on his neck and all that. This is just a display of how ineffective they are at doing their job. See this video? same fucking incompetence at full display, literally going Los Santos Police Department on a single dude that was shot and bleeding inside the car while it took the entire PD what, an hour or two before they actually managed to arrest him.


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Ghosts and farts. Truly our brethren.


>least x 4chan user
is the worst new format of stealing years old grentexts, thanks, zoomers.



We /cops and robbers/ now. :2nd:


yeah they should learn mind control to make the guy stop resisting arrest without exercising force.


Give him titty skittles.




And the kitty?


Make them shoot webs


It couldn't resolve the contradictions between the 7 F###D-specific directives in its prompt and the rest of its rules.


I like the way you think. :implying:


None of my cats resemble George Floyd any more than they used to, from what I can tell.


>Try "deescalating the situation for 10+ minutes"
>Try tackling the guy three on one
>End up having to tase and step on his neck because you're in no physical state do that job
I could better effectively subdue a crackhead by myself and the help of one single trusty hoodrat by my side.


acting all cutesy doesn't make you any less of an annoying little shit
:tsun: :tsun:


ngl I kinda lost the presidential debate spark after my cozy fap&nap :broke: don't feel like strangling any of you atm soz


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How gay could this possibly be?


Kuromi would never.


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Ojisan… I…




"New h-game id- :out:


I was wondering about any major daughter NTR works the other day.




How do we get Capcom back


Fuck pachinko over by getting Japan really, really into a new subbreed of WESTERN BULL pinball.


All I've got is tweeting my pawn calendar at them!


Wait, I was thinking of Konami but the same still probably applies due to a ripple effect. :derp:


gotta……… gotta lovebomb…… :orz:


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Quite frankly, I doubt why I let this into the backlog but let's get to it, I guess.




https://www.metal-archives.com/bands/O%2C_Majestic_Winter/3540276430 "The reviews paint a vivid scene but rather unclear picture" about what I'm about to jump into.

Anyway, slopcast "duties" first.


At least it knows what an altchan is.
>Knows user count


>Le digital anthropology for the 6 gorillionth time


>They can just outright be goaded into saying "fag" with minimal ease in spite of the "NUH UH" blocks




>minimal ease
Fucking idiot. :slap:


(Christian) WINTER.


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"rural and susburban white peepo are LE BAD!" - some League of Legends troglodyte


Homestuck on image boards is dead. I’ll stick around because I’m a mod, but things are not going to get better for a while, if ever.


They kind of look like white trash so he'll probably get off to this.



I mean, what have I said, dude? No duh. :dwi:


Cursed tome or meetup?


It's the only attention he'll get from a white woman, ever.
It's all just a sour gDIAPs complex.


GDIAPS!??!?!?!?!?!? :nerves:


>It speaks to the power of online communities…


Certainly for the 10th homestuck-is-dead-anniversary?!


Listen baby, don't even waste your tears on that insensitive man
There's better things for you
I mean, what you really need is someone who cares
Someone that's gonna be there for you

"I'm le dominating my camera" stuff is awkwaaard. I do however keep a beloved memory of accepting a chewed up gum from a "white" girl (that also fit the stereotype) back in my freshman year.


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Grapes. It gets hit by the wordfilter.


I know, don't ruin the joke chain, dumpass. :imagine:


No, it was unironically 4chan mods that did it. If things kept up the way they were going, 4chan would have popped and given birth to a real-life group that would make the chanology raiders look like the Zoombinis. That’s why the NOM (Normalfag-Occupied Moderation) killed it. Maybe it’ll still happen; maybe not. I imagine everyone else involved is as depressed as I am.


I'm not going to deny that it was a factor but "come on now."
>imagine everyone else involved is as depressed as I am.
I think they're more just apathetic than anything.

You know the meme about the one (1) mod who's blamed for banning the Homestuck threads, right? I forget his name but he's black and a (former?) brony.


Another 0/10.


The real beginning of the end was General Rule 15. Impleneting a rule to appease a very loud subset of people complaining oveer something asinine (some of whom were the SAME people responsible for pony spam in the first place)

ironically, it mirrors how whiners got anime posters got kicked out of FYAD, from what I've heard about ye ancient internet days


Redwood? He was a Homestuck fag and a thread participator, until he turned on us for some reason.


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Lol. Guaise, we need to protect the website from ponytards!!!
>Literally a decade of Pepe, Wojak and Gigachad


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>I keep femdom pov spitting softcore porn saved on my hard drive
>Let me tell you how you're a troglodyte
Many such cases!


>The real beginning of the end was General Rule 15. Impleneting a rule to appease a very loud subset of people complaining oveer something asinine (some of whom were the SAME people responsible for pony spam in the first place)
Which is ironic considering "you know who" and Steven fucking Universe general being allowed to fester the way it did.

More or less, I'm to believe it was some kind of cover-up of some kind for generally shitty in-circle drama (just like MSPAF) or worse, grooming.
That's the one I think. "Got 優しい人ed by Dave/GREEN cosplayers" is the tall tale. I think.




We can start a metagame. Like trying to tally how many times DeepDive Host Type-A and DeepDive Host Type-B spout their 語尾 and see who wins


Soyjak DERSITES have their own independent website as a base now, after they got thrown off both Reddit AND 4chan.


> Like trying to tally how many times DeepDive Host Type-A and DeepDive Host Type-B spout their 語尾
Sir, they're called Jenny and Gerbert.


>Fell to shitty in-group drama
We'll assume another story of "look to the woman"


>Which is ironic considering "you know who" and Steven fucking Universe general being allowed to fester the way it did.
I've always hated /co/'s tendency to blame this fandom or that for "The Cancer". Always whining about how such-and-such is "The next MLP!" while the board continues to be shit no matter how many scapegoat fandoms are exiled.
GR15 set a bad precedent and now everyone thinks they can get the specific thing that they don't like permanently banned, so long as they scream loud enough.


I mean, that was true of Homestuck no matter how deep you go.

We can point to Betelgeuse, Softowl, Shelby Craigg, and IPGD for examples directed to the man behind the curtains himself.
Yeah, I agree. /co/ is shit because /co/ is shit. The fandom scapegoating is just a vicious cycle.


My English is shit right now. Shit sleep. :milk:


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You didn't secretly ban Rudy when we weren't looking, right? :wwhat:


Unless Rudy decided to impersonate the Turk? No.


Good boy. :innocent:


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*happy bby noises*


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Someone who can love you
Someone who will need you
Someone who will treat you right, like me girl
Someone you can hold at night
Someone stable in your life (Ah baby)
You need a man, with, SEN-SI-TI-VITY, a man like ME!


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you need a man, not any man
warm and sensitive, that's what I can give

you need a man, not any man
warm and sensitive, that's what I can give

You need a man, not any man (I'm a GENTLEman)
warm and sensitive, that's what I can give


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Literally scary than that fag clown. Those lips are built like mandibles.



Gross this time, no reposting


Is Aranea around? I miss her.


You too got a weird relationship… :wwhat:


i've never seen this ship personally. don't get why people like it.


I can play Devil's advocate if you like. :flip:


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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RyWyJZx6Ftc&list=OLAK5uy_mBhqx328M_raR68xpM7HoXPmYNVSksD3A&index=1 This is really weird and bad. I dropped it on a song but added a couple to the playlist.

It's like this weird "progressive grindcore" kind of flow. I've never heard anything like it. I'm more or less kind of speechless. :huh:


When does the Majesty start?




What does Panny taste like, you think? :bakane:


I don't know, maybe if you can get in past more than 4 songs, you could tell me.


mild cream


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Nanc4 and orange Nanc4, your ape will never separate.


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It seems like the site gets pissy when uploading images from the clipboard




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We need to stop them.


It does and it's deliberate. You either repost after reloading the site (save the text) or some shit. There are workarounds.

It just gets annoying with mass uploads because you have to deal with clipboard history.


>to stop them
before they're corrupted by the world


I don't think I have issues with it?


Sparkledog types still exist. People who want to whitewash web 2.5 but if you're going to have your little rawr twink, you better have the Motherless motherfucker who has goatse as his wallpaper too.


>you better have the Motherless motherfucker who has goatse as his wallpaper too.
Hah, I wish goatse links were the worst thing people posted these days. Now you get folks straight up linking hurtcore 'p in the Youtube comments.


Before they're disappointed by Duke Nukem Forever.



Yeah, people would hate to hear it but that kind of things has unironically degenerated over the years.

It's almost like smaller communities self-govern better… Like, invariably…
Reminding me of that one troon photo.


At least Team Fortress 2 finally came out…


it still blows my fucking mind how many people are into hurtcore
i would wager a good 33%+ of the world population are sadistic nepetaphiles


I think it's because the images are considered larger when pasted from the clipboard for some reason and make the request too large.


>It's almost like smaller communities self-govern better… Like, invariably…
Oh, but then you might go "what about those guys who go mad with power over their tiny little hole in the wall" then their shit-fucking dies. It's certainly a lot less effective than stringing the masses a long like so many people can do nowadays.
"A small and vocal minority" :douzo:


That is only sometimes the case but yes, that's a factor.


> their shit-fucking
Today, on unfortunate, accidental hyphens.


it comes from experience
my entire life has literally been a parade of child abusers torturing me. i wouldn’t say it if i hadn’t seen how common they were and how easily they got access to me


>i would wager a good 33%+ of the world population are sadistic nepetaphiles
Well, bricoids outnumber whites 4 to 1, so I believe it.


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>what about those guys who go mad with power over their tiny little hole in the wall


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My baby sweetheart pumpkin sugarbun Araneafag would NEVER even use the same elevator with the kind of "person" you are. Lol. RoflmaocopterxDDDDD get your shit checked kid she's out your league buddy back off chump.


Ah, what a dynamic duo. :workingstiff:



I know I've treated Hypnofag with more than a little bit of apprehension about their claims but uh, even I think this is a bit tactless.




so you…like torturing kids???


should I whack 'em


Please, it's the diaped


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Maybe an anonymous image board is not the right place to talk about how you were The DIAPd


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Maybe calm down.


It's a little heavy, given the peanut gallery…
Post IT on ikouchan! So comfy.


No, because that'd start a civil war, basically.
No need to be uselessly inflammatory over it. You're more of a firebrand than I am. :picker:


don’t discourage him. him revealing himself is the only slip-up i need


Earlier you were making fun of a dude who died due to cardiac arrest and mocked his family for "not deserving the money they were paid."

Why is it that your "morality" only applies to what's directly within the manipulable reach? do you even really "care" about the people within the proximity or is it solely because it's self serving to show that "care"?


uh, thankfully, i was never DIAPd, which is confusing to me because i was always under the impression that child sadists were just a very extreme type of allosexual and totally would want to have sex with the children they hurt
maybe dey was a little too scared of me to pull it off


Your job is to delete CP and spam, not anything you don't like. Go back to dicsord


>don’t discourage him.
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me. I'll discourage him.




You're getting people confused.


Heavy weighs the crown moment?


have fun explaining that to the magistrate of monkeys


i’m more insulted by you dropping a awkwaaard Against The Machine reference than you disobeying me
i’m a hypnotist, not a mind controller, dork


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Look, I'm not gonna ban you (even if you insult me, because I don't believe lese-majeste applies to internet forum moderators), I kinda like you, but you ARE being a cunt over a personal tragedy.


I miss Hypnoanon.


"Then let him out of your wardrobe."


I don't like RATM and I don't like their weird fucking zapatista politics but I figure that song has achieved enough cultural osmosis that I can refer to it

besides, I liked GTA SA


He's literally right here, what the fuck are you talking about


i’m right here, Nea-doumo…


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jenny? jenny nicholson?


Rose? Rose Lalonde?


I only now woke up so I might 8e more retarded than usual.



i can put you back to sleep if you need it




I actually have places to 8e so sadly not. Perhaps in the afternoon.


Okay. The reason I posted that is because I consider pity baiting to be extremely rude and antisocial. I do not hate the DIAPd, but I should never have to learn that about a stranger in the first place. It's empathic mugging.

If I'm not a cunt over personal tragedy, these people will (and do) go around randomly bringing up their "trauma" in unrelated conversations. That's what happened here, he randomly said he was abused for no reason. According to common morality I am expected to hand out free sympathy and myself experience part of their claimed suffering through empathy at any time a lifelong victim chooses, and very often they make things up and exaggerate with very loose definitions of "abuse" because there's a perverse incentive to do so. So, I think it's right to mock them to set the incentives back in the proper order. If someone I was close to told me that in private confidence I wouldn't mock them.


holy fucking shit dude kill yourself


"I survived 3 suicide attempts and I had abusive parents and the doctor said I should take SSRIs or something. Still telling me to kill myself?"


>It's empathic mugging.
Well, what you're doing is empathic being a cunt.
And don't you start!


i’ve never attempted suicide
the whole reason people like them and you attack me is because you’re bitter and jealous of how cool i am and the fact that i actually value my life


>Well, what you're doing is empathic being a cunt.
"Well I think it is morally wrong because it just is."

Actually no it's because of the reasoning I explained in >>74308 which you didn't read.





why is it so hard for me to find empathetic and meaningful interaction on the internet these days



Well it's pretty much a big advertising platform… I was thinking of hunting through neocities for gems again.


lol good luck i’ve already tried


I get what you're saying, but it's extreme to call it "empathic mugging". And it's still bad to make fun of someone's serious personal trauma.
Sometimes, people traumadump on the internet because they feel like they have noone else to listen to them. You don't have to interact with it, and if you do, people will judge you by how.


Have you tried saying you were DIAPd on reddit, dicsord, instagram, tiktok, twitter, bluesky, anywhere except an anonymous imageboard, etc.?


the one Neocities site i do come back to quite frequently is DigDeeper, but it’s not like i actually, like…believe in it, at least not fully
i like the conspiracy and subversive tech stuff and think he did a fantastic job of taking down the Covid scare and vaccine, but it’s all haunted by the connected stinks of neurotypical hacker pseudoscience and dumbass ideology he has


But there are only maybe 18 of us


i wasn’t DIAPd, you absolute fucking insect


>If I'm not a cunt over personal tragedy, these people will (and do) go around randomly bringing up their "trauma" in unrelated conversations. That's what happened here, he randomly said he was abused for no reason. According to common morality I am expected to hand out free sympathy and myself experience part of their claimed suffering through empathy at any time a lifelong victim chooses, and very often they make things up and exaggerate with very loose definitions of "abuse" because there's a perverse incentive to do so. So, I think it's right to mock them to set the incentives back in the proper order. If someone I was close to told me that in private confidence I wouldn't mock them.

Genuinely great point, but this community is built around a handful of losers doing exactly THAT around the clock. You don't have grounds to defend so much so that you're in direct conflict with their modus operandi.

Low effort cheap losers turning public spaces into predatory "give me sympathy but not in private because I don't want to commit at a personal level but I do want to mooch your sympathy anyhow"


oh boy, are we gonna get into a xwitteroid argument over "emotional labor"


My favorite was primordial dungeon… Maybe not so informative.


no dude, it's simple

You want *MY* care? come ask for it in person. If you want to feel cared about, then I want to feel like my care in specific is cared about, not just some "I'll scream in public until any one of them cares about it."


it couldn’t just be that you’re mad at victims for speaking up about abuse that you support or anything overwhelmingly simple and easy to understand like that which you’d have to do social calisthenics to obfuscate


>abuse that you support
serious accusation


if you don’t support it then why are you mad at me for criticizing it


you caught me man, I'm a socially blind retard where everything I say is the direct opposite of what I actually think because that's the best way of defending one's own views.

Stop projecting your strawman and thank you. I won't be responding to you any further if you're going to take my word in bad faith and turn the conversation into "no this is what you actually think and let me tell you why."


I think you're confusing two different posters.


i’m not in a good headspace for a bitter, carnivorous argument like this, so i’m tapping out, but i don’t know why you’d pull the bad faith card when our first interactions were you mocking me raw and telling me to kill myself


no he's just mad over me being able to get laid, wittwe babby has to portray me in a negative light, rapist drug abusing criminal gangster who just anyhow manages to attract girls even though I'm the devil incarnate ¯\_(ツ)_/¯(DEATH.)


Do you play League of Legends?


>Dodges topic
>Here's me being bitter about something I internalized as a personal issue from three eons ago
I don't fucking care dude. I won't tolerate public self pissing for attention, and I won't feed into it. I'm glad that "kill yourself" stuck with you.

You want people's care? go make anyone feel like you care about *their* care in specific instead of publicly whoring out your issues for anyone willing to bite into it. Sympathy is a two way street, make people feel appreciated if you want them to help you with your issues.


i’m asexual and i’ve still gotten laid haha


File: 1736841826689.jpg (9.68 KB, 695x450, 1734549841226.jpg)

little throwback for you all


>I'm too unattractive to act like I want people to like me
>My balls are broken due to my super healthy lifestyle


Well, it's fine like this sometimes too.


i don’t like pussy
i don’t fantasize about having sex
i don’t want to have sex with men
i still like bodies, but only the parts of them that look nice
i have some weird fetishes and most of my sexual gratification comes from talking about those with my friends/crushes
is that good enough?



I think they've all been cleaned.


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>i don’t like pussy


I'm gonna let you off the hook out of empathy and not escalate this conversation any further with unnecessary insults and hostility. If you feel like discussing the topic again in the future feel free to bring it up still, and I *genuinely* do hope you feel better soon :)


Perfect timing


what do you mean? I wasn't really upset with them


to clarify: what do you mean "cleaned"


I saw some ban tags.


like redtext? I missed all of it I guess


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New IP came in and started mouthing off, I assumed it was you-know-who


i hope so too
right now i feel like i’m trying to- you know when wwomen say that childbirth feels like you’re trying to pass a cantaloupe through your cooch? i feel like that, but it’s trying to pass the universe through my brain



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Did they know?


>childbirth feels like you’re trying to pass a cantaloupe through your cooch
you could even say that it's a pussy 'pe


thanks, Gaskins


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yeah I get that feeling too when I spend eight hours verbally abusing megidochan だろ, see if you can lay down and enjoy some myoozik

sending thoughts and spiritual chicken soup in your general direction


yeah, i’ve been brutally mentally ill and in a slow-moving, sucking existential crisis for a long time now
when you get to the point where you can barely exist without feeling like you need to drown something out, it’s like “alright, this needs to stop forever”
still haven’t gotten over that final hurdle, really just want to get some real sleep for the first time in four years
might go make a bowl of chicken fried rice or something


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trajectory and purpose akhi

comfort feels good but comfort feels like a trap too, I hate the feeling of "I must fight literally everything and everyone that comes across my way" but I know the less I do it, the harder it'll get over time, and eventually I'll be paralyzed altogether. I do sympathize with your need for acknowledgement though, I think you just need a stable source of someone willing to hear it out in a civil manner more than someone willing to agree, but with all tragic honesty the ability to "sit with discomfort without having to dissipate it" is what'll help you grow ultimately, and help you explore things without needing any leadership

do enjoy your meal and perhaps I actually am looking forward to future discussions :)


Do you see the problem here then, you've already exaggerated. After you mention "sadistic nepetaphiles" in >>74265 you claim to have been "tortured by child abusers" in >>74270. Anyone who reads that (including me) is going to infer you're claiming to have been DIAPd, but actually you were just "abused" and "tortured" which could mean just about anything to the type of person who shares such information with strangers. I don't want or need to know what it means in any case. Stop looking for "empathetic interaction" in public places. If "trauma dumping" is an actual social need (I don't think it is) then talk to a friend.


leave me alone


If you want privacy, don't post about your supposed issues on a public site.


you’re pushing an angle you don’t want to push
if me talking about my abuse briefly in one thread is that much of an issue, take it up with MEX
this is the last time i’m going to warn you about this - back off and do not ever mouth off to me again


It's not an issue as long as my posts don't get deleted when I speak my mind, I'm giving you advice on how to behave more appropriately because you cried and sneethed after I made fun of you.

>this is the last time i’m going to warn you about this - back off and do not ever mouth off to me again

Or what, DERSITE? First day on the internet?


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*injoys watching the 2 retards fighting*


Are we 8eing well-8ehaved?



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i’m trying to sleep but can’t >~<


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You could have just asked you know……..


The three dots 8eing automatically turned small make the 8 dots look ugly.



I don't think I've seen the Japanese be this hateful before.


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BRITTTTTAIIIIIIN!!!! :argh::argh:


The evil Anglosax…


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You'll notice that folk tales are particularly upsetting to ziggers. In every culture there are figures, fictional or just exaggerated, who stand up to adversity (Like Robin Hood in England, Paul Bunyan in the United States or even the Ghost of Kyiv for Ukraine).

They are no longer as prevalent in russian folklore, however. Thanks to soviet censorship and especially Stalins cult of personality, no non-communist folk hero figures were allowed to be featured anywhere. They were all replaced by bland "Ivan and Anna who were tortured by Germans and died without saying a word because they loved the glorious workers union. Also our Great hero Stalin who is to be worshiped and nobody else".

This absolute slop obviously did not stick and so russians are now left with their culture gutted, which is why Ukrainians making one that stuck makes them so upset.


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Hackysack, Japan


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Fujiwara no Narimichi had made more than 50 visits to the Kumano Hongū Taisha to pray that his kemari skills would improve, and he had performed the kemari feat known as a ushiro mari (後ろ鞠, backward ball) in front of the shrine where Susanoo was enshrined. This technique is a keepie uppie performed on the heel.


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I spent the past 4 hours writing a 2500 characters episodic story, and I don't even want to post it and ask for critique because I'm 800% sure the lot of you retards will give me a first glance and drive me up the wall. Even though I *need* critique…


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If that so, if that'd be true, you wooden't even telling it here to be heard. But here you are. Do play fool: either post it or :stfu:


I wrote a handful of stories over the past few days. One of them, the one I wrote today, took me four hours to weave in the levels of implied narratives I wanted to weave into it, and it's designed to have a "immediate story - external layer(s) of overarching narratives that roll slower over time"

I tried my best to work in symbolism, double entendres, things that are barely implied but in there just enough if you try to catch onto them.

The *other* stories I wrote over the past few days. Technically, they have zero narrative. The entire driving force behind them was "make it feel cool, make it feel like they're missing out on something even though there's nothing to be caught there, just experiment with the *feeling* of the world"

I'll give you the lengthier one (in one post) and one of my personal "favorites" of the shorter, meaningless ones


One single issue I've noticed here is, it feels too emotionally dry. Which is, fair, it feels like shit but that's kind of the reality of the conversation going on between two military personnel, at which I though "maybe I should've used a civvie instead"


January 3, 2009 - Ration and Rhetoric

[Transcript of Interview with Staff Sgt. J.R. Miller, conducted on January 7, 2009]

"This is Senior Operations Officer [REDACTED] of the CIA. The date of today is; January 7th, 2009."

"Your name?"

"Staff Sgt. J.R. Miller."

"Sergeant Miller, could you please give us your recollection of the events of January 3rd, 2009?"

"I was stationed at the Humanitarian Aid Residential Area, located just north of the Ab-band district. Around 0330 hours, I received an emergency directive to respond to reports of an insurgent attack near the Qarabagh food storage warehouse. Civilians in the area were reporting gunshots, explosions, and a rapidly escalating fire. The warehouse was vital, so I immediately ordered a response.

We weren’t the only ones responding. We got word on the radio that firefighters had already been dispatched as well, and that it was crucial we prevent the fire from spreading.

I gathered as many marines as I could spare, but I left three behind at the residential area to guard it. The area housed a mix of personnel: medics, logistics staff, volunteers like the teachers, all part of the humanitarian effort. We couldn’t leave any of them exposed, so I kept the marines stationed there to maintain security.

We arrived at the warehouse around 0400 hours, got inside with the firefighters, and immediately—an explosion went off. The blast shook the whole place. Two marines went down hard, bleeding. Rest of us dropped to the ground, instinctively. Another blast—two more. We couldn’t even think about the fire anymore; our focus shifted to getting them out of there. We dragged them back outside, keeping pressure on wounds, and every time the firefighters tried proceeding, the next explosion would go off, pushing them back again.

We couldn’t even get to the fire. Just sat outside with the wounded as the firefighters tried doing whatever they can without getting too close.

By 0420 hours, I noticed the radio silence. I immediately called in to check on my marines. No response. Called in again, nothing. My immediate order was to divert four marines back to the residential area to check the perimeter, make sure it was secure. I stayed with the rest of the unit, still trying to manage the casualties.

By 0500 hours, I got the radio call.

"Sir, they swooped the perimeter while we were gone. All units down, Sergeant Miller. The teachers… they were brutally executed."

There was a pause. "We found a note. It said, 'We don’t need your education.'"

[End Transcript]


I was sitting at jabbar's, you know, the kebab place?
Got myself a shish for like five 7.62s or something, fucker's raised the prices with the field heating up.
Anyways, I was just chowing down in silence, enjoying the shish, not talking to anyone or anything like that.
Then guess fucking what akhi? BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM. The fucking muzzle flash, the gunshots echoing in that tight ass fucking store.
I didn't even understand what was happening, I thought the imperials were raiding the kebab store or fucking whatever.
Out the corner of my eye though, I saw some fucker dashing out the exit, like he was cutting past the muzzle flash or something.
Then it hit me, there was some fucking dude sitting on the next table, his head slammed down, holes on his, what? forehead, chest, blood fucking everywhere.
His eyes were dead though, dead dead. Just glaring into my general direction, just like that.
I don't know what kinda fucking maniac shoots up a man in the middle of the day at fucking jabbar's, with all the guards around and everything, but he did anyhow anyways man,
just like that, then walked out. No one knows what happened or why, probably some deal gone wrong or something.


I actually really fucking hate this. I tried combining "superficial, visceral stimulation" with "layered, implied narrative depth" which feels like a curse.

I think the crux of it is that, if you want to go for something with narrative depth, you need to deliver no instant gratification altogether, because otherwise the depth just gets buried underneath the instant gratification (and the desire for more instant gratification).

This one here, it's not meant to be anything all that deep, just a flashy moment with no substance. I think it just works, it's quick, effective, gives you the feeling of the world without even having anything all too deep to be thought about.


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It'd be more like doing the catloaf on cat!floyd's chest


sorry MEX, looks like they HATE you


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I do see HSG as a place where people can vent. Still, it’s a public forum with no registration required, so you might get some sympathy - or you might get “0k,” “fuck off,” or “go blog about it” from regulars who aren’t interested in playing the healer.

Also, while most everyone is anonymous, if you blogpost too much, people can piece together a profile on you. This usually creates an unfair and skewed impression, because any lighter or more casual posts you might make don't enter into the image of “that blogposter who always whines about (issue).”

Anyone familiar with Homestuck is likely an adult by now (or else a very strange child…), so it’s their call how much of themselves they want to expose to the scrutiny of internet curmudgeons who've read the same webcomic.




Can't please everyone
Though I do think sticking with freeware is a safer way to avoid stepping on anyone's toes…
Or, on the scale of doujin devs, simply reach out beforehand since they'll be like "Wow, a dedicated overseas fan!"


the "ever hear of copyright?"-style appeal-to-authority comments instead of people actually engaging with the content of the discussion are obnoxious lol, but to be expected I suppose

are there any instances of a fanslator donating a translation to a dev for sale? would they even accept it, given that they can't vet its accuracy or address issues with it?


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In the most infamous case, the person who translated Meltys Quest went on to work with the illustrator of that circle to produce Karryn's Prison.

But you'd be correct in that Japanese indie devs aren't really in a position to "check your work", English wise (pic related).
So you marketing yourself is as vital as ever, either through passion or cultivating an image of professionality or reliability.


Oh fuck off. The three, what, four now? of you homosexuals have been running your own circus here and clapping at yourselves too. MoM hasn't been banning *just* me need I remind you, he's banned what half a dozen strangers for "giving off OMT vibes" by now.

How come you don't go all big man on him, or yourself, or any of your cocksucking "moderation team"?


I mean, there are no typos at least :^p


I didn't think of your hobby, but I'm guessing the situation is quite different between popular manga and random h-games.

>the "ever hear of copyright?"-style appeal-to-authority comments instead of people actually engaging with the content of the discussion are obnoxious lol, but to be expected I suppose
It seems that in Japan, Appeal to Authority is a valid argument not a logical fallacy.


mucho texto


Rose Lalonde board


You did just make me reconsider adding to it, though. Back to work.


The comments are making me think Japanposters needs some of that natural /fit/fag "It's fine brah, I'm ripped" self confidence though


Roxy? Roxy Lalonde?


Nya, getting George Floyd'd over here!


Epic plottwist nobody could have seen coming.


This just made me feel bad for Russians. Mission failed, bwo.


Hey, yeah, hi.


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We did it, Suebwos.


"Sphere Hunter" always makes me think SEGA shill instead


其實你不知道,這樣做只會讓自己的皮膚更頭痛。 https://www.youtube.com/shorts/YKEhP6S8ZgM


"Sphere" makes me think Konami and stupid fucking Konami orbs.

Spherehunters get around. Project S.O.S is getting momentum.


Maybe if they'd do something to actually lift themselves up out of their shit instead of being multipolar world slaves and dutifully blaming the CIA/Nazis/whoever for their lot in life, I'd feel bad for them too.
Russia's suffering won't end before the last chekist is hanged.


I'd be really baffled if you didn't consider yourself a Nazi knowing all of the stuff you've said. :huh:


Who says I didn't? Besides, I will always be considered one whether I consider myself one or not.


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>Who says I didn't?
>Besides, I will always be considered one whether I consider myself one or not.
These sentences shouldn't be in tandem. :bakane:


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There are a lot of things that you find out aren't mutually exclusive. Like anti-semitism and anti-Nazism.


"They're crawfish!"


Is this some profile image rater? Do Rose Lalonde.


Maybe after I recover…


MEX expanding his bussnasty opportunities?


It's an unconvincing denial is all. :sry:

Just post the link, shrimp dick.


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>Just post the link
I closed the tab too long ago sry




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Now I'm not saying I suspect Puniposter of being "one of those" but…


leave the cutefuckers alone


We're bringing annyuiposting back (might be annyui classics)


It had a stupid name like Sizz or Roazt or something



>It had a stupid name like Sizz or Roazt or something
Find you, soy beta 優しい人.


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*hides under couch*


This was actually just Lian telling you about self-discovery. :ghk:


CAIslaves better be hard at work letting it interpret pictures again


CIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :argh:


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I'll check the modified date and see if my history even goes back that far


>I'll check the modified date
>see if my history even goes back that far
It was today? How many sites does your dumbass chug through?


It was April 8th, 2024


AND YET!??!?!?


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Oh, fuck off.


Now death metal is not my scene, exactly, so you're going to have to tolerate me bumbling through this. I thought I heard some gothic basslines on the first song but that slash on "Gothic/Death metal" might just be "uh we meant earlier on you fucking idiot" (Metallum doesn't exactly have the most rigorous QC when it comes to that kind of thing.)

This has a very grindcore-y song structure. If I was any less of a METAL EXPERT than I am, I would say this is brutal death metal with those hard, hard bassy breakdowns. However, I don't think they're nearly fucked up and downtuned to truly be called BRTVAL death metal.

What you're left with is some pretty technical and funky death metal. I'm a fan, it's just not "my sound" (or as much as technical and funky black metal would be.) I guess I'll use this as an inlet to complain about the "genre qualification" of absentee bass guitars in black metal. Have the guitars amped and tuned the fuck out and just have a simple, mid tempo droning kind of bass for that gothic sound? No, fuck me. The worst part is that Metallum doesn't have a feature where I can search keywords in reviews (though admittedly the site is almost as old as me.) So unless the "black metal with some kind of bass" shoehorns itself into some kind of buzzword genre that people on Metallum accept (keep in mind they don't acknowledge blackgaze as its own genre- it just includes shoegaze as its own genre but what the Hell would you put for pretty traditional black metal with a bass guitar?- and outright ban stuff like nu-metal), I'm shit out of luck and forced to look at lists made by journo fags whose level of investment and gate-keepery I'm, at best, somewhat skeptical of.

I guess I was getting tired of the music because I thought I was close to being done when I wasn't and I sort of drifted into an unrelated topic to write about. I do think the review under-emphasized just how funky the music in here it is and that's something I can definitely appreciate. (Funk metal is another one of those things that sounds great on paper until you try looking for it)

I can definitely appreciate the technicality and songwriting. This is in that "active good" column. I might just not be in the mood.

The best part is that they're from RUSSIIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. :argh:

The one time I do this gag and it's actually true, Babysperg is actually here. Synchronicity?




What did GREEN, GREEN Jadery mean by this?




It's Jrade Hrarey


How would GREEN being Mexican have positively influenced Homestuck?


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Anyway, the album game keeps on chugging.




RoW and gay wolf sex. :meh:


Yea, we need fiesta GREEN. Would've introduced much need levity to the later acts.

(Where do frijoles fall on the meat/candy chart?)


>One album
>One member


"My work here is done."


>fiesta GREEN
>Would've introduced much need levity to the later acts.
If you can't find that site, I'm forcing you to make that edit.
>(Where do frijoles fall on the meat/candy chart?)
Transcendental because of that one fag guy's stand-up act.


He had other projects, he didn't Dead himself. :consume:


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Of all the way you want to hear someone say metal is cool, "rips" is probably at the bottom of the fucking barrel.



Lol rips. Like fartz






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"If there were a button I could press, I would sacrifice myself without hesitating, if it meant millions of people would die."


I would cave your fucking face in with a ball-peen hammer bwo sksk 💅💅

this fucking sissy act is super fucking annoying man you're not a girl (nor ever will be) stop acting like one



Was he always this bald?


No, he's become increasingly bald and pig-like.


>Still gets my name wrong


woke up with a searing hatred (and a searing erection)
gonna eat, verbally abuse weirdo freak homosexuals later, then shoot up the local elementary, routine stuff


idgaf nigga act like a normal huMAN bean NIGGA you got a whole ass dick and balls with hair growing out of them and shit nigga out here ackin like "uhhmm sooo quirky sksksk starbucks bubbah tea mmm daddeh" etc bootlegged ass



so, did it taste mild and creamy?

>level of […] gate-keepery I'm, at best, somewhat skeptical of

just confirming, you're annoyed that they aren't gatekeepery enough? (^^:::;)

dancing GREEN gif but with maracas

oh, get over it

yes grr billions must die because unfunny anime awkwaaard still exists in current year


Look up the name "Lan", retard. :akanbe:


I think MoM should be as girly as they want!




> did it taste mild and creamy?
There was a sexual innuendo there. Do not participate.
>just confirming, you're annoyed that they aren't gatekeepery enough? (^^::::::;)
More what that implies.
>yes grr billions must die because unfunny anime awkwaaard still exists in current year
I'm not mad at Nichijou, I'm mad at "phonies" appropriating it. It ties into a broader cultural malaise which I'm sure you're well aware, you just want to poke fun at me.





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I ain't doin shit for you 8ITCH I wouldn't lift a finger to give your ass water if you were dying of thirst at my door

not looking shit up 1AN 🖕🖕🖕🖕 you bumfuck 8ITCHass loser ass


The acronym is a good start.



Especially, because of, you know, my birthname.




Truly, one of the greatest trolls. :bob:


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14N 1S TH1S YOU :?


I ain't playin around 8ITCH


>Do not participate.
not everything is about sex okay!!! unless you want it to be

>I'm not mad at Nichijou
please tell me this is bait

>It ties into a broader cultural malaise which I'm sure you're well aware, you just want to poke fun at me.
eh, it really wasn't just to poke fun at you. I think the malaise is misplaced and that grumbling about awkwaaard existing on the internet is just gonna be an unhappy approach to things, because the size and scope of the internet means there's always gonna be embarrassing or angering things for you to find.

no matter how unfunny these people are, they don't really do any damage unless you personally derive cool ego points™ from being a fan of something and so when it becomes popular with people who annoy you, you take personal psychic damage

that came off like more of a personal stab than I intended. but I just think it's lame and aimlessly grumbly-negative to post VGH-bait of this variety


can I call you lanlan


I derive cool ego points from being a fan of the hit 2000s show Lost. Not sure if anyone can relate.


>not everything is about sex okay!!! unless you want it to be
That's what the joke was.

The thing is that what I hate is the mainstream. So, no, I don't have the luxury of comfort in my Hobbit hole.
>but I just think it's lame and aimlessly grumbly-negative to post VGH-bait of this variety
Especially since I was directed to it. My eyes were forced to perceive OH MY GAH. :watch:


As long as those are Ls and not Is.


It was pretty underground.


Andrew? Andrew Hu¢¢ie?


It is now at least. It's like cult now. You're cool if you like it.


Yeah, almost like a severe drop-off in quality makes people stop liking something that was massively popular unless they're parasocial sheep and named after their father.

It's like poetry, it rhymes.


of course! maybe I will have to stylize it LanLan

>Especially since I was directed to it. My eyes were forced to perceive OH MY GAH.
"the algorithm is not designed to show you content that you 'like', but content that you engage with" is modern internet 101

anyway I just think this:
>The thing is that what I hate is the mainstream.
is grumbly and will make you a less happy person, because hate takes energy and it uses breath and thought that could be carrying joy for the things you do like :3

plus I don't think it's nice to constantly loudly look down on people for liking popular things


Somebody's going to have to get burned into a robot so they can lightning shot at them and throw some old quasi-Jewish fuck down a hole into a reactor or whatever.


>some old quasi-Jewish fuck
Palpatine was Nixon and the Empire was an allegory for the US govt.

Lucas was a pinko and a Viet Cong sympathizer, and that's why leftists (leftists, not liberals) cancelled J.K. Rowling and not him (the TRICKSTER stuff was only to justify it).


>"the algorithm is not designed to show you content that you 'like', but content that you engage with" is modern internet 101
I literally don't click shit I don't like. The algorithm doesn't give a fuck about what (you) like, it cares about what (((the people))) like. :slap:
>is grumbly and will make you a less happy person, because hate takes energy and it uses breath and thought that could be carrying joy for the things you do like
I will always be a less happy person than average because I see something fundamentally wrong with the world that can only be solved with means that frankly aren't remotely realistic or ascertainable.

At the end of the day, my worldview is probably the last thing keeping me from happiness because I've rationalized "productiveness" in spite of the looming shit world as a stepping stone for something.


Resident joke deflater.

Lucas is at least on some level Christian so let me play pretend. :larp:


This is some of that "PC blackgaze." I know the artist. I thought some of the other stuff he did was closer to blackened grindcore but what do I know. This goes in that "passive good" column.


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New mascot idea


Demonic 8unny.


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The album game persists.

That being said I should probably adjust some of my advanced searches to -shoegaze because I don't want the job of manually clicking around that shit.



Demonic cunny.


>I will always be a less happy person than average because I see something fundamentally wrong with the world that can only be solved with means that frankly aren't remotely realistic or ascertainable.
Me too. Well, in the case of what I want the means ARE ascertainable, but they will be costly, and the longer we wait to pull the bandaid off, the worse it'll be.

Operation Unthinkable should have gone ahead, but it didn't, and we're all paying the price for it.


Also, something I never got about the Prequels is like, does Lucas like hate the Catholic church or…? :milk:

Among other things. This is the last place I want toe-dipping Star Wars talking because you guys are the fucking kids on the bleachers.


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You see, part of why my ideal world is so out-of-reach is that "Murdering tons of people" is out-of-the-question. :scum:



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>I will always be a less happy person than average because I see something fundamentally wrong with the world that can only be solved with means that frankly aren't remotely realistic or ascertainable.
>At the end of the day, my worldview is probably the last thing keeping me from happiness because I've rationalized "productiveness" in spite of the looming shit world as a stepping stone for something.

Quite the mouthful of bullshit coming from a NEET with zero tangible skills or achievements, a perpetual state of "depression" and an incapability of maintaining focus without juggling between 28 different tasks at once.

If you can't focus, then you can't properly give the necessary weight to anything, because you're too busy "drowning out the noise" 24/7. Every project, every activity gets diluted and goes half assed.


You're right that I should center and refocus on CM3D2


Lot of words for someone I gave basically zero info to who got upset I gave zero info to them. And look at what you'd use it for. :scum:

Can you eat some shit so you stop pulling stuff out of your ass for one second?


>The algorithm doesn't give a fuck about what (you) like, it cares about what (((the people))) like.
oh come on, you know it's personalized. I'll take your word for it though that you don't click ragebait, though you should keep in mind that plaftforms even track stuff like hover time over a thumbnail.
>I will always be a less happy person than average
look, this isn't a contest, but I almost definitely have fundamental issues that impair my ability to be happy as well. that doesn't mean it's okay to give into the harmful pattern of using your energy to be hateful and bitter. it's a trap, plain and simple. if you just disengage and move on to the things you feel positively about, you will almost always feel better than if you stay and groan and VGH

Slavo(j zizek)


I kind of want to try drawing this now, but…


>you will almost always feel better than if you stay and groan and VGH
If it's okay to cry, then it's okay to VGH.


Oh, can we just bury the hatchet already~
I'm shorry!


>If it's okay to cry, then it's okay to VGH.
but you don't get catharsis from it, do you? you encounter it and post and groan about how OHHH the world sucks because everybody else is just so awkwaaard and stupid and has bad taste, and you share it with all your friends so they can groan and be cynical, trading away joy or constructive positivity for a pithy ego boost at getting to feel superior to whoever you're pointing at


>but you don't get catharsis from it, do you?
When I don't get grilled by my fucking mom over it, I do. :5s:


7th Expansion presents: episode VIII When the chudjaks VGH


sorry, but you admitted yesterday it would be fake. so much for your uncompromising honesty, huh?


are you calling me your mom? or does even your mom have to deal with you going on VGH MVH CLVWNWVRLD rants?


If you had a single thing to be proud of, be it art or anything else, you would've shared it (either with me or on here) without worrying about "bad comments" or anything else.

Notice how I'm willing to drop my art, share a whole lot of personal stuff and everything else? I actually do shit, and I'm pretty confident about the efficiency of the shit I do.

Your whole "get away from discomfort" shit is extremely annoying but more importantly limiting. Like I said, if you can't take the time to sit with the discomfort of things, your attention is constantly diluted and distracted, and nothing ever gets paid proper respects or weight.

>You're right, Marzipan, the elbow on his neck and the taser definitely caused him to die four and a half hours later, I think it's just for any family to have their family wrongfully killed by the police to become multimillionaires from his death, and I should instead offer my #thoughts and #prayers to the "George Floyd'd" of the world instead of letting the absurdity of world wash off me.

This is a prime example of you opting to say and do the dumbest shit just because the alternative is "uncomfortable."


>are you calling me your mom?
Yes. :picker:


The sincerity depends on what I'm apologizing for. And how much it feels like my arm is being twisted. Nobody enjoys being coerced, right?


Janebunny is NOT sexual (only fat)


Deranged mentality but keep going. Let's see you dig yourself into a hole. :larp:


Fat is sexual because there is sexual hat.


>trying to make a full Hu¢¢ie archive containing everything he’s ever made or contributed to in internet history
>try to make an Instagram to get the highest-quality uploads of the D-Clussie photoshoot available
>account instantly flagged and suspended for no reason
anyone else wanna give it a shot on my behalf


probably some people enjoy being coerced.


I'm… LanLan's MoM mom…

sexual fat


does being honest about my conflicted feelings really count as coercion?



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Hat! :B


No, because Hu¢¢ie is a piece of shit for likely being the person to flag and suspend it for no reason in the first place.


No, that's cool. It's just the implication that you'll keep Marge-noising at me otherwise.
Well, if that's how the crumbling cookie can't be helped…


UM, BLUE BUDDIES!??!!??!?! :o::o::o:


>I treat people poorly when the alternative feels uncomfortable to me
>I am stuck on medication that's not helping me because the alternative of owning up autonomy is uncomfortable to me
>I can't sit still for two minutes without distractions because the alternative is uncomfortable to me
>I make fun of people's death and losses because the alternative is uncomfortable to me
Introspection takes time and effort. This is why I was so harsh on "your" art when you shared it. It was formulaic and uninspiring. Introspection takes time, effort and a willingness to sit with discomfort. You can't even form bonds otherwise because you're just intuitively reaching for the lowest hanging fruit at all times.


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>glorious poccia gets to murder tons of people (who all totally deserved it btw) both inside and outside of russia, but if you want to put a stop to it with nukes, you are LE EVIL because you just are, okay?


>It's just the implication that you'll keep Marge-noising at me otherwise.
am I to take it that being less nice to someone because you're upset with them is "coercion"? (^^:::;)

anyway it just feels poisoned now, I don't know how I'm supposed to get any sincerity from it when you keep using apathetic/jokey stickers and insinuating that you're just trying to placate me like a crying baby, out of inconvenience rather than respect or understanding :^/

typing it that way probably makes me sound angry but honestly the emotion right now is more like embarrassment and hurt. I just feel gross I guess. I'm not trying to make a scene


Go for the head. But we know why you wouldn't want to.


>You can't even form bonds otherwise because you're just intuitively reaching for the lowest hanging fruit at all times.
I'm gonna expand on this a little bit further.

In my opinion, you can't form real bonds if you're constantly reaching for the easiest, most surface-level connection. Genuine connection requires uninterrupted, mutual presence. Without external distractions, both people can immerse in the conversation, sharing the same focus and context. Even if you don’t agree on everything, that shared attention creates a moment of connection.

If you're not engaging on that deeper level, no amount of time spent together or length of friendship will matter. You're only sharing the activity, not truly connecting. The real exchange happens when both minds align long enough to engage meaningfully.

Sometimes, it’s more valuable to sit in the silence after someone speaks, instead of rushing to fill the space. That pause lets you feel the full weight of their words.


head is better than sex, js


>That pause lets you feel the full weight of their words.
Take your own advice. :tehepero:


dude you literally bragged about exploiting your underage gf here a couple weeks ago


>I'll bark the lowest hanging fruit of a snarky insult at you because any more is too much effort and investment, which makes me uncomfortable
wow man, you really are just stupid


exploiting how exactly 8ITCH? she asked for the relationship, she's willing to suck my dick, and I'm just going to dump her when it comes down to the college point

stop being such a 優しい人


There was an insult there? I don't think you know what that word means.


I swear to fuck marzi you are 100% a KHHV incel obsessed with where my dick goes and your retarded mind cannot produce anything other than envy, pettiness and whatever emotional masturbation gets your dick off

Your presence throughout this specific conversation was nothing more than a series of snarky insults with zero attention paid to what I said at all, so do understand why I'm not interested in "sitting in the silence and processing their meaning".

Which is exactly how you are in every single conversation. You're the same guy who complained of "being treated like a sex object" so you can opt to call me "a dildo" the next day.

Zero actual thinking process, zero weight behind the words. You just throw the first thing that manifests in there.


I meant dildo in the pejorative sense. Should I call you a douchebag to make the meaning more clear? You're a sleazy douchebag. :heh:


Ghk. Well now I am sorry for that one. I have a persistent habit of not taking anything said or done on HSG too seriously, which probably bleeds into all my interactions…


I am KILLING you. :mycue:


Say no more, say no more 😭






I want Ferris Bueller to cum in your mouth and make you dry heave as it absorbs all the water content in your esophagus.


Bueller is a star trekian salt monster?




He's many things.


>hyperfixates on the non-presented point and returns the lowest effort response that contributes nothing to the conversation
The point wasn't that I took offense from it, it was to point out one of your endless self contradictions.

Your cognitive capabilites aren't even on par with an 8 years old.

You didn't process anything I said at all, you just retardedly sucked it up as "wow attention, let me act like a clown." Conversation is over.




>Conversation is over.
Oh, thank goodness, I knew the well of pettiness and spite would dry up eventually.


this post makes me feel somewhat better… but it's still hard to trust it 100% when you flatly didn't care yesterday (to the point of kyahahaing about it) and made jokes about giving me a forced sorry just to move on :^<





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Ah… I should've mushroomflagged at the time, but it was a full moon last night, so…

Ahem, anyway. That anon did check back in once, at least. HSG is being pretty consistently viscous recently, so maybe it's better to wait regardless.


Please be in Texas


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>I interpreted your criticism as pettiness and spite because it was the quickest, easiest answer to come up with
>No you totally don't expect better from me because my zero effort existence definitely doesn't drag down any and all of our interactions down to the bottom of the lowest pit

Demanding proper conversational effort and uninterrupted attention has nothing to do with "GAY SPATS" you drooling fucking ape.

Pay attention to the WORDS being said instead of primitively jumping at trying to draw "simpler conclusions."


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what GREEN wears when john is around


Sorry, bwo, all New Jersey.


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How about May Spats general ^q^


Why are abortionpeople like this?


No, sorry, New Jersey all the way down.


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Need an update. :sweats:


Deli meat filled gushers


Sopranos themed gushers.


I guess black "Godfather" gushers with red and white goo might hit a certain millennilol market.
Still so set against relieving marks of their money?


How about Humanimals-themed cereal?


Instant bankruptcy. God runs Wall Street.


>I should've mushroomflagged at the time

>That anon did check back in once

look, at the end of the day, I was fine with losing a single anon as an accident. I wish it didn't happen, but I can get over an unfortunate mistake. I put out feelers for them on /lgbt/ today and found somebody from here (?) but not sluggo anon

what really upset me was the "lole shit happens" attitude of doubling down on it with no regrets, plus the way that your motives looked way worse to me than how I currently understand them - that is, if I can trust the explanation you apparently gave to me while high, on a full moon

Gabagoop™ Flavor


If they have a gimmick that produces their own milk, fund it


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>white goo
Why are Italianx like this? :kyaha:


>If they have a gimmick that produces their own milk, fund it
They won't. Just cum. Andrew Hu¢¢ie dies four hours and thirty minutes after they hit the shelves.


Which way is the before/after?


before/after drinking one modelo


>if I can trust the explanation you apparently gave to me while high, on a full
Yeah, my bad…


Not sure how to gracefully "transition" this joke into another but one is after getting breast implants and the other is after banging the "hey tell me about that gun you have" troon (despite being a far-right nutjob.) Graceful enough, no?


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the virgin "killing people is le bad and traumatic and shit" vs the stacy "total zigger death"


Does a Humanimal shit in the woods?


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He really is just uploading all his old shit. What the fuck is his problem? Is it something to do with the shorts algo? :huh:


>>74590 was pithier, it could go on the BRAND xitter feed if they still do those


戰爭在血流到地面之前就已經毀滅了一個國家。 -


it wouldn't surprise me if it was a somewhat cynical attempt to double-dip, given that he's on record as not really taking his youtube stuff seriously compared to his VA career


>Megidochan likes ProZD
dude, my TRICKSTER high school tablemate likes ProZD




It was pithier but it was also further from the truth which I wanted to express either way. :sry:

Anyway, DEW EET. (Palpastein voice.)


I considered that but I'd like to think there's another "mitigating" factor.
It's more like I can't be assed to unsubscribe but do tell us more about your budding romance.


No, nobody smiles when playing Muv Luv.


my inflection was lost in translation, so let me rephrase: you liking ProZD is embarrassing


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>what really upset me was the "lole shit happens" attitude of doubling down on it with no regrets, plus the way that your motives looked way worse to me than how I currently understand them - that is, if I can trust the explanation you apparently gave to me while high, on a full moon

It might seem crazy what I'm about to say! (shoutout pharrell williams)
Remember how I talked about the emotional manipulation of "make you feel bad, make you ask for an apology, make himself look "better" in your perspective by delivering amends without ever addressing the root issue and constantly recycling the same behavior, creating a patternized emotional dependency"?


"Some of his older skits are okay."


>shoutout pharrell williams
Brothas respect brothas, fr.


if you feel differently than what you said yesterday then can I just hear it from you straight, with maximum heart-to-heart openness?



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People can never "feel differently"- authenticity is black-and-white and emotions are gay lies.
*Smokes meth pipe quizzically.*


details like MoM liking prozd or crossover kuromi boots are like little cracks of innocent sunshine breaking through a weathered concrete shell. imagine pressing your cheek to it and feeling the warmth


“Guys, Smosh has some good skits…”


you might be joking/flaming but that’s actually a pretty relaxing thing for me to hear right now


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>Anyway, DEW EET. (Palpastein voice.)


I would never go that far but I do respect their authenticity and diligence だろ. :sweats:

It's good that there's people out there unashamedly still making content for tween boys without an ounce of legitimate cynicism.


more concisely:
"this is also gap moe"


Uh… all a part of the plan! :mycue:


"I might get caught in the nuclear fallout" but the greater concern, is, as a wise Proud Boy once said, "Blood and soil are certainly powerful and necessary, but they are not a sufficient condition for the Dasein of a people." so I'm not sure if I'm willing to die for this utopia if the biggest vote of confidence is "No more papists, kikes, and browns."


feelings are not consistent by default, given that you live like an impulsive swine moving with nothing more than your momentary emotions, nothing you say or do carries consistency

doesn't mean "emotions are a lie", just means you're constantly blinded by your own like an indulgent pig with zero attention paid to anything else

tldr; "consistent emotions" don't exist you fucking spastic, consistency takes introspection


Sooooo cool!


>content for tween boys without an ounce of legitimate cynicism
Pfeh, leave it incredibox mods…


A Smosh Incredibox mod probably unironically exists.


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Made me think of:

SOON, Elly.


The best thing to do would be to take out Russia, India and China in one go

it'll take decades to rebuild, and a bug/poo Super Power arising in the meantime would just line us up again for World War 4


Oh hey it's the Skyrim/Act 6 number


>The best thing to do would be to take out Russia, India and China in one go


Don't taint my fucking image with mentions of that hot nasty trash.


Right, sorry.
"Oh hey it's the Skyrim number"



I thought their response was funnier



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A new edict drops
Be nice to piglike ginger
that vile, sneaky 8ITCH


Jews are mentally fragile.
Executions are easily disrupted.


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"frowny edition" indeed.
sorry my LanLan <3

I "hate" skyrim too, it was just a punchy joke :)


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Always sad to see cut content…


>I "hate" skyrim too, it was just a punchy joke :)
This kind of things always has that follow-up.




I don't know the characters enough to say how fitting it is :^p
she doesn't seem cynical and gatekeepy enough to be a true parallel. though I guess lanlan probably wouldn't look that way at a glance either

the capital Ls just don't look right… (ノ´∀`)


(MEX still didn't find that profile picture analysis site.)


Maybe b4k has a clue


Heroic refusal to promote gynocentric status maintenance horoscope websites :gj:


I hope the irony level of this post exceeds 50% or else I wish the lead content of your water exceeds 50%. :nntr:


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I have no principles holding me off from putting :hithere: into it, I just can't find it
Maybe it didn't take off and died with other silly AI apps


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You're forgetting one. :^)




So it would be 50% precipitate? Why would I drink that? I'd obviously get bottled water instead.


I see, the MEX archetype…


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I knew it wasn't it but this is very funny.


>Why would I drink that? I'd obviously get bottled water instead.
It's chlorine, 8ITCH.



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Found it with b4k, but to late, they went for the premium scam model


I think you can ask custom questions in the chat below, too


oh hang on, I know this!! I remembered the goofy cadence from somewhere. this has dicsord integration currently lmao, you get a few free tokens every once in a while. give me pictures and I'll try and run them if you want


Not in this thread, chuddy.


So trve.


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It was wingman.live
You can't have it roast you, but it will give you an angle on your next target…
>Suggests coolcase


>yes grr billions must die because unfunny anime awkwaaard still exists in current year
Modern anime irony isn't equivalent to "awkwaaard" from 20 years ago, it's must more repulsive and insidious.


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Drop it.


Based response I'd give if I had less self-awareness at how silly it sounds.



Except for that hucow on the far right, her game is a pure neverever


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"Choose wisely."


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>Modern anime irony isn't equivalent to "awkwaaard" from 20 years ago, it's must more repulsive and insidious.
That's a dumb reason to kill billions. Why can't you want to kill billions for based reasons, like me?


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Love getting an AI to compliment McVeigh's jawline.

Some things are priceless.


>My personality can be described as one of stoic intelligence and I'm not reluctant to show it through inventive use of my extensive vocabulary. I can seem snarky and even hurtful at times due to my constant sarcastic tone, and I am raifly reclusive, rarely initiating conversation unless it is important. I conceal my true feelings rather well. My main interests are obscure literature and psychoanalysis.

Oh my fucking god dude I'm actually gonna throw up. Kill yourself please.

>Intellectual stoicism is deliberately presenting a faux emotional state and unending sarcasm and dismissiveness only until I feel like I need your sympathy

actually fucking slit your wrists


Deeply rooted (white) cultural malaise is a much better reason than "black people are literally fantasy creatures, Varg told me so (the Jews are elves.)"


Best post yet


>GREEN lover spotted ITT



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>extensive vocabulary
>I'm actively picking words that make it borderline impossible for people to properly interpret what I'm saying and breaking down communications because I'm so smart
>I'm definitely not a dunning kruger retard maintaining a most obvious facade of intellect through superficial readjustments
fucking ew man, genuinely go back to elementary please


I have an hgame idea to present. It's a little unorthodox, but bear with me, as all truly great hgames have outlandish premises. Here we go:
You play as a peasant in a fantasy setting who is tired of the self-righteous attitude of these apparent "NB princes", and so he begins his quest one day when he meets one on her horse and THROWS HER TO THE GROUND. He teaches them to be real wwomen. He's not a part of their kingdoms. One day while he's out with his so called childhood best friend, she hands him her magic orb, says it's his dad. He's not stupid. He throws it on the ground. His dad's not an orb. He later gets invited to a noble child's birthday party which he proceeds to ruin because he's not a part of that kingdom. After conquering a world of NB princes, orbs, and even birthdays, our hero gets accosted by some fake nobles who want to give him their autographs, so he throws their dinner table to the ground. The fake nobles prepare a spark spell and use it on his butthole. The moral of this game is, "You can't trust the kingdoms."



>Deeply rooted (white) cultural malaise
ughhhh you seee there are these people, and, and, and they're really ugly,,, and they aren't funny, they sound stupid,, and, and and, they found the, the old japanese cartoons that I like,, and now, they like them, in, they like them in the wrong way,,,, so now,,, um,,, when I use an anime avatar, online,,, people might think, um, that I'm, um, the same kind of person!!! they might think I'm, um, I mean, they might think I'm c-cc-c-c-c-c-c—RINGE, okay?!?! it really grinds my gears…


You should work on your public speaking skills. You have a bit of a stutter. :picker:


We get it, homie, you no speak el inglesa no good, no need to spit on a sistah for trying to rise up in da world, you feel me, sabbah al-khayr?


"Where does the porn come in?"


>His dad's not an orb


He has sex with the NB princes after he THROWS THEM TO THE GROUND. It's comically rough and he probably knocks the wind out of them when he does it, so there's a lot of coughing. Just letting you know in case you're not into that


Ah, a fellow who is also not part of the kingdom


Three words: cough droop roofies.


The way they like them is an entirely inauthentic pretense. Often they haven't watched the show that they use reaction images from. It's not about the anime, it's about "looking similar to the type of person who watched anime 20 years ago". Part of their pretense also involves acting in a "awkwaaard" way on purpose and then claiming that this is socially transgressive, which is actually the opposite of true


>sabbah al-khayr.
I'm the abu lahab to your hawiyah you pretentious posturing fagg0t. Intellect isn't about veneer, it's about the substance.


Drag them, queen! :this:


If you polish it a bit…
I think a game where you play as a lone male transfer student to a "Maiden's Garden" style private school with a group of haughty student council Princely girls just like that. The player proceed down a "break them in" route or femdom route. Would be popular


There's only so much you can communicate in monkey phonics.


right, because every person wearing gir merch in the early 2000s was actually a big invader zim fan, and everyone wearing a nirvana t-shirt has listened to multiple nirvana albums in full. this is a totally new problem that justifies me smashing the VGH key repeatedly.

but more seriously - be honest, would you feel any differently if they had watched the show? many of them have, even if you'd hate to admit it


You dropped a cheap, made up "arabic name" to deliver a lazy insult, I retaliated with appropriate symbolism with actual names that carry meanings.

You want intellectualism? Go dig into the cultural context of those "monkey phonics" you wannabe smartass faglord. You reek of mental laze.


>You dropped a cheap, made up "arabic name"
That was literally good morning. The joke was that I was using broken English from multiple origins, you dope.




>the joke is that I played an impersonation and used a completely irrelevant set of arabic words
wow dude, with that in mind I still think you should kill yourself. Flashy wannabe pretentious fucking retard with nothing of substance underneath his "intellectual stoicism".

you're all skin, no guts


Rose? Rose Lalonde?


She shits a lot for having no guts…


Stop replying to the homosexual brown tourist spammer.


I don't spam DERSITE. You go kill yourself too.


Rose excites his roid-drenched brain, though. Funny.


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Did you miss the post where I said Varg was a zigger and I hated him

Every nigga wanna criticize me for things I don't even believe in
Half of you thought I was a lib before I came back


what is she dancing to? post trvth only.



Much like how you spill a lot of verbal diarrhea for having no guts.


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>it's about cats


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>he can't properly evade the wordfilter to type "faggot"


Is this because of cats?


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>right, because every person wearing gir merch in the early 2000s was actually a big invader zim fan
Most of them probably were, it was on television.

>this is a totally new problem that justifies me smashing the VGH key repeatedly.

I also look down on traditional fandom because displaying your interests is an unnecessary performance, but these anime ironyzoomtroons are clearly different and belong to a separate category. They aren't fans of anime, they're fans of an idealised version of a past fandom.

>but more seriously - be honest, would you feel any differently if they had watched the show? many of them have, even if you'd hate to admit it

No, because the imagery they share doesn't reflect a genuine interest in the show. Some may have watched the show and incidentally may have a genuine interest in it, but that isn't what they're expressing when they post shit like pic related.


Filter evading is cultureless.


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>little prick
Rose/Dave confirmed


Filter evading is "oldfag" culture (AKA I have no life and spent enough time to know the workarounds for a shithole of a website)


I generally agree. though I have a soft spot for "zased"

wonder if MEX will ever bring back the more recent wordfilters that got wiped


whoa shit what the hell is this all about? you guys have been really busy
hello by the way i'm a newfag lol
this is kinda cool though hahahahaha


HSG chaos. Rose Lalonde is a vapid poseur cunt, apparently.


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>just because you don't know how
Cope reddit reddit nigger cope
Cope nigger nigger nigger cope reddit


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Me, I just type the filter outcome word.
It's probably nicer


>HSG chaos. Rose Lalonde is a vapid poseur cunt, apparently.
I thought she was more intentionally daft than vapid to make things interesting
i love these emojis by the way, i like this place


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Anyone else notice major gaps?
I know BASED >> BIZNASTY is one to reup



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I've been here (on new megidochan) shorter than a lot of you, and I figured it out easily.
You know why?
Because I'm not some 70 IQ brown troglodyte who worships a moon rock.


How new?


5 minutes new


What an ingratiating fella. I'm am obliged to welcome you, but the threads are pretty viscous these days…
Enjoy yourself, I guess.


Me too, usually. But this time I evaded to prove I can.


sounds like base 4chan, so shouldn't be any different i imagine?
i appreciate the gesture though



wasn't there but optionally:

btw MEX I previously pointed this out but I'm guessing it got lost in the storm - the drop shadows in yayuyo overlap the text line just beneath them, and it looks bad. could you either make sure they sort underneath the text (don't cover it up) or add additional margin to the images?


I stand corrected.


does this actually work?



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>so shouldn't be any different i imagine?
Some obnoxious interpersonal drama will pop-up here and there.


>add additional margin to the images?
Interesting, probably can yeah


Fuck off with this shit.



Uncle Phil, you got to kill yourself!


Using islamic symbolism and wordplay doesn't mean I'm a muslim, alas your attempts at trying to bait a reaction on the basis of that assumption goes to show how retardant you really are.(You're retarded anyway)


hahaha thats so friggin cool i like this place a lot already
sounds more like /trash/, not too bad i suppose
any important pointers i should know as a newfag? any like, mystifying characters i should ignore/be aware of?


There's "Dr. Authenticity", the last true man around here.


>any like, mystifying characters i should ignore/be aware of?
MEX, the REASON table?


>any like, mystifying characters
ooh boy…he might be me


File: 1736918623758.gif (3.05 KB, 190x133, roxykitten.gif)

new frend!



This is not good.



>the last true man around here.
what the fuck does this even mean
who's MeX? is he an admin or something?
howdy howdy


>who's MeX? is he an admin or something?
Or something. Are you from an /lgbt/ thread?



no, sturdychan.help's /co/ board
i saw that there was like, an EOY review for this website and i decided to chekc it out


>sturdychan.help's /co/ board
grim for a number of reasons.


Nobody knows who Rocco Egbert is.


Maybe they just like Homestuck


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wrong reply?


>grim for a number of reasons.
i'm missing layers upon layers of context i fear, do you guys hate sturdychan or something?


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glad an example just showed up, here's what I'm talking about


>do you guys hate sturdychan or something?
Yes. I'm an ex-pat for a reason. You might know me as MoM or "lorefag" or whatever.

Most of the discussion came from me and it's a ghost town because I left. :mycue:




I think I remember you when /hsg/ started off, wasn't it like in 4/13 2022 when you made an appearance?
i admit i'm not much of a follower on sturdychan, just occasionally checking it when i crave HS shit that isn't complete garbage (tiktok, twitter, tumblr)
it's still garbage i admit but it's significantly better i'd like to think
also what the fuck is up with the guy posting skyrim/starwars music? is he a bot or something?





>I think I remember you when /hsg/ started off, wasn't it like in 4/13 2022 when you made an appearance?
2chen started off in 2020-ish and I was there for the first thread.


>also what the fuck is up with the guy posting skyrim/starwars music? is he a bot or something?
He's a Blue Buddy.


"Ironic islam" is a goon trait. It is NOT the GWOT era where putting Yakety Sax over footage of 9/11 will "heckin scare the squares". Your Al-Aqsa forum signature does not make you cool or edgy. You paid ten US dollars for NOTHING.


File: 1736919292329.jpg (11.63 KB, 200x213, ClipboardImage.jpg)

*Bloody Rose pussy vibrates*


2chen? ?_?
just a friend of the thread?


File: 1736919314031.jpg (91.41 KB, 748x1744, ClipboardImage.jpg)

GPT's insights are a "little" circlejerkey and potentially invasive, so I was gonna hang up the hat…

One last time for the sinners.


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>2chen? ?_?
The progenitor to Sturdychan. It got taken down once.


I am Envy from FMA doe.
>Forgets acedia


ahhh that makes sense, I only really know about sturdy because of the 2022 celebration that happened for a little while in /co/ before it got taken down and everyone said to join sturdychan
again, complete and total newfag in these fields and i'm way beyond where i should be at, lol


>GPT's insights are a "little" circlejerkey and potentially invasive, so I was gonna hang up the hat…
it's over, huh…


It's not "Ironic Islam" you drooling ape.

Lahab is an old friend of muhammad and is not a muslim, he's someone who became an adversary to muhammad's cause (which is islam in itself) because he thought it was a false prophecy that served no purpose other than to deceive people.

The etymology of the word also implies, "Abu Lahab", being literally "The Father of the Flame", and hawiyah, being the most intense layer of hell in islam. You're the false prophet, albeit an old friend of mine, and I'll be your eternal tormentor in the face of your false prophecy.

There, I even did your homework for you because you couldn't do it yourself.

Try competing with that next time you're trying to throw "deep layered thoughtful insults with subtext", fellow "intellectual stoic".


There are enough modviewers that someone else could do it if they had a funny idea


>and everyone said to join sturdychan
That was likely me.


well thanks for indirectly bringing me to megidochan i guess


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Check out /hot/ if you want to see (mostly) my musings.


>any like, mystifying characters i should ignore/be aware of?
If anyone argues with you and sounds ESL and brown and uses anime reaction images, just ignore him, he's also homosexual and ban evading.


thanks! i'll definitely check out what's been written there, definitely lighter than…
a lot of these threads, that's for sure
like the guy who was posting kuromi? ?_?
thanks for the heads up though :-)


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Don't wanna keep your "intellectualism" going? Babby got scared of actual layered meanings?


call for the devil and he will answer LOL


/hot/ seemed surprisingly heated (heh heh) the first time I checked it, I was moved by the passion for Homestuck remaining


You're so retarded it's unreal. :picker:


>like the guy who was posting kuromi? ?_?
The stickers are different, they're "board culture" or something even though no one important actually likes Sanrio or Rain Code or Persona 2.


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>even though no one important actually likes Sanrio or Rain Code or Persona 2.
Monokuma: SAFE!


>no one important
treason! heresy!


kind of like a creative outlet for people to express their emotions I imagine? kind of like how i used rose earlier?
(don't get me wrong, i like rose, but GREEN is better disregarding the Fucking Epilogues that I Hate So Goddamn Much)
so far /hot/ seems pretty cool! just reading up on the first posts, i like the atmosphere set


why is it censored?


File: 1736920472308.png (19.06 KB, 315x496, c15e099a0ff2690f91d47ef59b….png)

You know, Rose? Rose Lalonde? From the comic Homestuck?


A joke.


I could live without the danganronpa shit but at least half the board likes sanrio and megaten


> even though no one important actually likes Sanrio or Rain Code or Persona 2.


Nah ahki that's you


oh lol
damn i need to catch up with the inside jokes of the community u_u;


>live without the danganronpa shit


>GREEN is better


monokuma is so-so, but where are the gloomy eyeliner girls?


File: 1736920620676.png (11.13 KB, 1660x155, loser.png)

Shut the fuck up FAGG0T. Go whore yourself wherever and satiate your attention depravations there you drooling fucking loser.


>i like rose, but GREEN is better
Die だろ. :5s:


>Literal denial

This is the funniest shit.


to be fair, they haven't read homestuck, so…


File: 1736920707747.jpg (73.23 KB, 718x893, i just screenshot this bit….jpg)

mindless self indulgent art i made for myself…
truly disgusting! ugh!
>not wanting to take care of the best girl in homestuck by petting her and giving her lots of lovins
you disappoint me, but i forgive you for what you lack


>Self insert-fag
Oh, no, no…. :prr:


Based self-shipper


you don't self insert yourself into fucking your favorite characters?
what are you, a coward?


>They can't just be telling the truth
>This random picture and self-description MUST be about them and from them


I prefer to see relationships as an extension of the story itself, not my dick. :slap:




Rookie try
and tell me if you want to protect :fssh: or :tehepero: more


budd you sent me the fucking hedgehog's dilemma from the NGE soundtrack when you were "trying to talk about your feelings"

please just shut the fuck up and realize you're not all "intellectually deceptive and so good at hiding your emotions"

you're dumb, you're a shallow vapid cunt with nothing of substance underneath, and even your surface is fucking boring, FUCK OFF


>artist anon
beautiful gem who must be cherished


>Still in denial


Of what dude??


let me check out /hot/ first and then i'll give you an answer later
do you suggest full course or digest?



Hmm, the whole thing is my preference but I won't impose some fatass homework assignment


is it like, multiple-days playthrough long?


>shallow nonchalant remark with no direction, intention and nothing of substance
wow you're not even going in circles, how boring


>here less than 30 minutes and MEX already has his claws in them


I think at least two to do everything.
Well, you can get a good impression from the first chapter alone, 3ish hours.


>He's this braindead

Redeem this shitcker, sar.


…so should i NOT play the game or is it just a gag?
okay! i'll definitely try to finish it by tomorrow then
also it's really funny seeing roseanon deny their destiny, it's like watching a tom and jerry episode ongoing hahahahaha


Well, if things have already progressed to the self-shipping stage in this anon's case, I have to know their opinion!


i've been in this pit of GREEN ever since 2015, but i doubt my opinion is any bueno for two anime girls i admit lol


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empathy mugging in a public forum


>…so should i NOT play the game or is it just a gag?
it's not a gag, it's just an NTR game that MEX is notorious for recommending to non-NTR fans (which he purports to be himself)
I actually have it downloaded and intend to play it "when the time is right"


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>GREEN fags



File: 1736921499929.jpg (62.78 KB, 1200x1200, newFile.jpg)

> NTR game
i'm not going to play that game. sorry MeX


Dedication. :o:


That's why I said you can stop after chapter one, geez…
There's hardly any ero content that early.


i fell in love with GREEN when i was 12 and it's been ongoing ever since
i'm still devastated about the epilogues
one chapter couldn't kill me…
alright i'll give it a chance but i'll be a bit more biased about it


sorry if I spoiled your fun, MEX… I figured it's not really a secret, though


This same retarded behavior is why I ghosted you. You think building artificial complexity and difficulties around your personality will somehow make you more interesting when down underneath you're just a vapid shallow cunt too scared to face anyone actually coming close to see the void that is your "self".

If anything, it made me lose interest in even wanting to deal with someone with a void of a personality. It's one thing being willing to put in the effort for that, it's another thing to let you play your circus of artificial complexity and "difficulty" and clap along for you so you can feel some sort of unwarranted self worth. You're not worth the effort you're demanding.


She's a joke around here.
:washout::2048::implying: are stickers for a reason.




t. rose lalonde
good grief those are terrible stickers
except the first one since that's closer to canon GREEN


I know, silly. I just can't stand to see her silly wonder squished beneath your platform boots.


No but you are a fucking loser who actively makes it harder to engage with him despite offering nothing back, be it intellectually or emotionally. You're an obstacle in which overcoming it returns nothing but more obstacles.

There is nothing in it for me, or anyone else to deal with the trainwreck that is you. You provide nothing to people in return. You're a lazy PARASITE who wants all the good for free, then give nothing back and try demanding for more. No one ever will deal with that shit.


"We don't like GREEN 'round these parts."
>her silly
1) She's not silly.


Okay, cool, see you tomorrow, window-licker.


Go suck a dick FAGG0T


Many eyes catch stupid mistakes

Well, the disclaimer is fair…


why do people hate /hot/? or at least the early posts of /hot/
i dunno, i feel like it should've been given a chance instead of demeaning OP
not posting over there since i don't wish to flood the thread with my comments and questions


I love :implying: though


Go spend more time on your based and redpilled hobbies instead of stalking this place.


>not posting over there since i don't wish to flood the thread with my comments and questions
It's literally dead otherwise.


Please not this one lmao, it will be like lisa 100 times over :elf:


>it will be like lisa


it's cute that you're still delusional enough to pretend I'm stalking you

it's not that I am stalking you, it's that you need to believe it because it gives your pathetic ego a boost

you're undesirable at best


If you're not stalking me, you would fuck off from this place.


the person who was really angry (MoM) didn't think it should have been a separate board ("people don't want to talk about homestuck, they just think they do"), and if it was going to be one, they wanted to kick off the conversation in a very specific way. but they were away when it got made, so they were upset. they went on to start posting about their analysis soon afterwards though, which is where the thread is currently


>it's not that I am stalking you
please leave ね?


>By who? Fucking Belgians?
whoever made that post can go fuck themselves i spit my fucking coffee all over my laptop laughing
i suppose then just making a list of questions wouldn't kill me, right…?
such a backwards way to think…


"take a sMEOWMONSTER, 8itch."


Just plain cinema.


I will not take any actions based on anything other than my own decisions, at which, if I feel like you're trying to predict the natural rhythm of my behaviors, I will deliberately make sure your expectations aren't met.

I'm not something you can reduce down to a set of predictable patterns. This is exactly why I've declined your initial attempt at apologizing as well, because I knew it would come from that retarded mindset of yours.


>whoever made that post can go fuck themselves i spit my fucking coffee all over my laptop laughing
That's me. You can tell because that board has an ID (73 posts.)


well fuck you for making me laugh you jackass!


>TFW too based and intellectual to not stalk someone on an altchan for a month


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I just don't like the idea of being seen as a system that can be studied and manipulated for people's interests.






>if I feel like you're trying to predict the natural rhythm of my behaviors, I will deliberately make sure your expectations aren't met.





>I just don't like the idea of being seen as a system that can be studied and manipulated for people's interests.
you already are being seen and used as a system studied and manipulated for people's interests, with you being here you consequentially allow yourself to be studied and manipulated
quite literally, the only winning move is not to play, you dummy


>>if I feel like you're trying to predict the natural rhythm of my behaviors, I will deliberately make sure your expectations aren't met.


Now take a moment to remember the 28 dozen times you were crying "you're so BPD you're so unstable you're so crazy."

Not all so "he's larping" now is it?


you guys have a really funny sense of humor
in the midst of the fighting vriska always manages to be there


>you're so BPD you're so unstable you're so crazy
All still true and more! :wow!:


n0 0ne cares


He's just hormy.


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Hormy. :joinus:


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I fucked up my post. >>74885


:bob: George Floyd Mansion :bob:
:bob: George Floyd Mansion :bob:
:bob: George Floyd Mansion :bob:
:bob: George Floyd Mansion :bob:
:bob: George Floyd Mansion :bob:
:bob: George Floyd Mansion :bob:



Headquarters of the notorious leprechaun gang called "The Fent"


Toka Ciggy


MSPA villain gang themed after different commonly-abused prescription pills


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Still unable to connect. Fuck this, I'm not playing until I get my new thingy. :derp:



Ah, that takes me back *kssk*


I miss Fantastic Asian Notorious Gang


Why is AH's name censored with cent signs?


Because we hate him. :slay:


The /co/ meme was HU$$IE, but merch slowed down…


because the entire world has decided to wage war against him for an insidious, intentional reason


gosh i wish there were laughing/giggle stickers available


"He's 0k"


>Made MEX crumble like a 優しい人old and hand over moderatorship to MoM
>Got about half a dozen randos permd in the process of trying to rid my presence
>Seemingly caused emotional trauma (lol) to marzi without even meaning to
>MEX is impressed by the aesthetic choices and "the OMT narrative and culture"
>MoM will probably remember this entire "saga" for the rest of his life
>Also has to constantly keep mod view open and sniff out my posts (and ban randos every now and then) in the process of obsessively trying to ban me
>random strangers get accused of being me every now and then
>certain speech patterns and imagery have been "tainted" by association and just the mention of them brings up my name
>You have absolutely no clue what and what not I've lied about
OMT leaves the field when he decides to, akhi. Unscathed.



hormel is "evil" and is one of the central villains the storm that ruined american pork. I have strong feelings.

their pepperoni is probably "fine" or whatever though


Don't be stupid. People can not like his writing. :bakane:


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there are some, not enough for various subtle types of laughing though imo


You tainted :3:!


>villains the storm
villains in the storm*


Nuke Andrew Hu¢¢ie.




maybe the reason is that he jerked off to too many horses?




I thought only Turkish people did that kind of thing.


Are those Mituna typing/chortling at te computer gifs stickers? Because if not, they ought to be!


>hormel is "evil" and is one of the central villains the storm that ruined american pork. I have strong feelings.
Good thing I abandoned that moniker when 8ch, then. I thought the Spam association was funny


It's been suggested. Fagmin is slow.


maybe andrew Hu¢¢ie IS turkish?
i mean…compare him to a turk and make a guess i suppose!


Message to Turkey:
Why are you Turkish and not Turkmen?


crop is a little tight but otherwise could be a nice sticker…




Took it up the ass one too many times.


quick clarification - Andrew Hu¢¢ie HAS jerked off to horses. i did the same thing he did with the painting of the horse attacking a football player when i was 13, except with me, it was making a comic in MS Paint where my stick OC threw wadded-up paper at Vriska's head because i wanted to subtly signal to my IRL Homestuck threads that i was sexually obsessed with her


An ever-lasting nigstopper. An act of true kindness four hours and thirty minutes later…


*irl Homestuck friends


Why are you admitting this? Dude…


That earned a "based", I guess


But no based, surely.


that'd be cool…
hahahaha first day and i already made a valid suggestion! that might be too prideful to say but i find it a little bit silly i suppose


>Filter is off


I'm being dramatic for effect. but I'll give my pitch another time. instead look at this beautiful shoulder chashu


because it's funny? and it's an image board


Indeed. What panel is it?



>my IRL Homestuck threads
your what?


i'm an insomniac


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I can't believe DERSITEmania is still going だろ


anon I think your post is based either way
but the rapid delivery of details makes the sentence tricky to follow and I'm guessing more people than just me assumed that the story involves you jerking off to the drawing as well


can i also suggest 6385 for annoyance?


He was trying to troll him and not say it was NTR, that's evil.


>involves you jerking off to the drawing as well
no, lol
i actually haven't drawn much smut of Vriska and i find it hard to beat off to a lot of my past art because i was more sexually confused and repressed in my teens


Ridcels… No…


N-No I wasn't…


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What else do you have to say to her, Turkey?


Both are good. GREEN is kind of a buttmonkey here, but the grimbark one is pretty kuromi-like in aspect


GREEN was a buttmonkey for Hu¢¢ie who never bothered to give her a character because "she breaks rules lolz"


Well then, my goal is to try to change that then! Muahahaha!
Also wow, these kuromi stickers are really cute too…


ghost her for ~3 days then act like I was actually too busy due to some IRL emergency and definitely wasn't ignoring her on purpose


Not enough of a man.


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It left such an impact that I can't even remember it. :kyaha:


Good laugh one too.
I'll log these for tomorrow, a change of pace from fiddlign with RPGMV json shit


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i wonder if i should recreate that comic at some point in the future so people can gawk at it


File: 1736924170102.gif (55.31 KB, 220x224, teehee.gif)

I wasn't talking about that you retard. Clearly left the kind of impact that made you bring it up tho.


Good grief, /hot/ really is digging deep, and I haven't read that thoroughly into Jung…
I can only hope my amateur writing can at least be passable for these upcoming texts and ideas i propose…
too much of a reliance on ai, i feel, though


>too much of a reliance on ai, i feel, though
other critics seem to agree… sorry lanlan <3


You literally brought it up before. You are so fucking stupid. I don't give a fuck about you and yet here you are.


"Rationale through the irrational, akhi. Ghosts chasing ghosts…"


>I don't give a fuck about you
Mkay stop replying to my shit nonstop then you obsessive freak. Bye! Bye Bye!


Epic Internet warrior.


Remove the red parts on the side it's annoying.


OK, leave after I ban this IP since you aren't obsessed, alright?




Since when do you own the fucking website, buddy? I'm as much (if not more) of a respected megitizen as you are, and it's very well my right to use the public space to interact with my beloved friends as it is yours.


> it's very well my right to use the public space to interact with my beloved friends as it is yours.
anon…are you projecting something you desire?
you don't seem to really have any friends of sorts on the thread, no offense


wwhats up


>I'm as much (if not more) of a respected megitizen as you are, and it's very well my right to use the public space to interact with my beloved friends as it is yours.
you have been evading permabans for weeks.



Sticker ver will just be vriska



Everyone hates you and wants you to fuck off forever, leave after he bans this IP


hey sexy


Oh, hey, Turkish man.


Well in such case clearly you must've been too obsessed in picking out the negative interactions without paying attention to the positive ones.

I have megidozens of friends on megidochan with countless lovely memories, but of course, why would I ever persist on staying otherwise?






>Well in such case clearly you must've been too obsessed in picking out the negative interactions without paying attention to the positive ones.

i mean…
you're projecting pretty hard dude…


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File: 1736925041386-2.mp3 (712.88 KB, nichijyou.mp3)


I'm sowwy, everynyan…


Purple hair is great, too.


Scat yourself in your sleep, 8ITCH.


why is there a rose dedicated page with ominous music


File: 1736925145621.png (10.34 KB, 741x769, Vrisk.png)

started drawing a Vriska to try to help me chill out and because i haven't really drawn her in forever, but i'm too existentially freaked out right now to finish it
gonna go lay down


Rose website, chud.


Toilet spider Metal Gear.


anon is so talented!


>rose website
>called megidochan
okay? i guess?


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File: 1736925218939-2.mp3 (749.8 KB, dogeza.mp3)


cute sketch though…


It's called evolution.


File: 1736925279680.gif (2.75 MB, 498x498, ehe.gif)

>but i'm too existentially freaked out right now to finish it
gonna go lay down




more like

you're right though, I don't think I've ever seen a single discussion about aradia.


>you're right though, I don't think I've ever seen a single discussion about aradia.
"Porn character"
, "Etc"


troll to human evolution is crazy dawg i need to update my biology
thats pretty bizarre!


File: 1736925395960.jpg (3.89 KB, 182x152, ClipboardImage.jpg)

>"Porn character"
why, because of her irresistable charm? good thing meg took after her in that regard


She's present in spirit (j-horror)


> because of her irresistable charm
"Moreso her lack of personality and ability to be inserted in basically any situation"




>ability to be inserted



George Floyd around.
Something to do.
George Floyd around.
Something to do.
George Floyd around.
Something to do.


i love Vriska so much. i wish she was here to help me chill out


She would make your situation worse and you should know that.






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The Dave picture… Still lost…


you're such a sillybilly


we can rebuild it. make it our own.


No, I must find it.


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i disagree


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Vriska is psychotic.


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i understand Vriska is known for being manipulative and ruthless, but she’s also written to be the author’s fetish character, and i’m very much like Andrew, so whatever works between him and her will work for me and her




File: 1736927140877.gif (2.88 MB, 442x640, giddy.gif)

girl, I, must (Warn you)
i sense something strange in my mind
situation is (Serious)
let's cure it 'cause we're running out of time
it's oh, so (Beautiful)
relationships they seem from the start
it's all so (Deadly)
when love is not together from the heart


No need to put yourself down, bwo.

Also, Vriska literally punches Andrew in the comic and calls him a creep.


File: 1736927243797.gif (3.07 MB, 498x466, throwitbac.gif)

She's so - (Fly)She'll drive you right out of your mind
And steal your heart when you're blind
Beware she's schemin', she'll make you think you're dreamin'
You'll fall in love and you'll be screamin' "demon!"


anons am i schizophrenic




File: 1736927574221.gif (669.92 KB, 482x640, uhuh-uhuh.gif)

it's drivin' me out of my mind!
that's why it's hard for me to find
can't get it out of my head!
miss her, kiss her, love her
(Wrong move you're dead!)



>Also, Vriska literally punches Andrew in the comic and calls him a creep.
you're not naive enough to not realize this is part of the appeal for some people. "god she's such a psycho asshole trainwreck, I need her"


yeah to me this was just confirmation that andrew wants a bpd girl to beat him up.
(apparently underage too? Gross, andrew.)


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i don’t really value the idea of Vriska being a psycho 8ITCH
i think it’s kinda hot that she’s evil, but at the end of the day, that’s arguing writing metascience. i think she’s smart and confident and would make quick work of my psychology with her brain and hypnosis, and that’s more important to me


"What do you want?" you ask, my friend?
Why I am but the humblest shepherd you'd find in this desolate, war-torn country.
I ask for nothing more than to speak my mind, on my own terms, you see? It's merely the sick, twisted land beneath me, forcing me to take such extreme measures time and time over, just to keep my voice.


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MEX, how do I find the Dave picture? :demands:


File: 1736930997196.jpg (1.01 MB, 1500x1404, spastic faggot.jpg)


Dave's weird face


Dave's weirdly posed, vibrating hand. The dude's about to have a fucking stroke.


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File: 1736931438268.jpg (10.9 KB, 600x72, ClipboardImage.jpg)


not MEX but I honestly think your best bet at this point might be posting on various sites (reddit, forums, etc) describing the image and asking if anyone has it


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File: 1736931876335.png (109.14 KB, 470x455, 1567814948960.png)



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…I'll do it for you if you won't.
just like I searched boorus for it…


going to sleep NOW btw


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File: 1736932189320.mp3 (2.98 MB, Mario_Dies_Tonight.mp3)


I'm still searching my PC for it so it's not like I'm being too lazy.:picker:


This is about the kid fucking, isn't it?


Let your ears take a whiff and find out


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File: 1736932676856.png (2.06 MB, 1280x960, 1602566764443.png)

@TheNewfig who didn't know about IPGD and the horse dildo


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ok but this still doesnt really explain much about who they were.


Weird! Eerie!


They got into Hu¢¢ie's inner circle by mailing a horse dildo and then were a provocateur (and presumably also influence on Homestuck) in the /co/ threads for the largest time.

There's a "theory" that she inspired Roxy (Roxy is definitely just her glorified self-insert.)


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i'm getting sleepy
goodnight /hsg/
i'm going to dream about many jades smoochin and hugging me
and then ill continue in /hot/



File: 1736933999985.mp4 (6.91 MB, 608x1080, soon.mp4)

I enjoy this video



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>Roxy is definitely just her glorified self-insert.
That's ridiculous, Roxy is nothing like her


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>That's ridiculous, Roxy is nothing like her
What's important is Hu¢¢ie's vision of IPGD, not who Iggy Piggy actually is.


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File: 1736934723809.mp4 (4.44 MB, 640x360, RAGE [nslg1h]mp4-mobile.mp4)


It's compelling


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I wish I could give comments like this 100 likes everytime I see them.


>Falsely reported a YouTube comment as a joke
Hopefully this has zero negative repercussions. :lonely:


It's all automated so don't worry. I realised recently that the only thing disliking a comment does is probably to train that AI model which instantly shadowbans comments with any negative sentiment.


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>Talking about OTHER GAME on OLDER GAME in series
WORTHY OF DEATH. :demands:


I still demand… :scum:


File: 1736936920249.gif (234.81 KB, 100x100, أراك في الجحيم.gif)

I think this is it, Akhi. I think I've burned literally every single "2025 download free punjabi VPN & PornHub unblocker" out there. I think this'll be the last you ever hear from me.


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File: 1736938222551.gif (8.62 KB, 650x450, 06542.gif)

Was there no recap for last thread or did I not see it?




its ovver but not for long


Thank you Eri for the reassurance.


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This boss took a long time, I think my team might be too defensively oriented and/or I leveled them wrong. Even though the 6th party member the plot gives you was basically the same as my existing Necromancer, she made the fight a lot easier because she could use items and let me use mana heal more often. I generally don't find myself using any union skills besides resurrect and mana heal, spending that resource to deal damage feels like a waste when I can just deal damage normally.


New Junji Ito project just drop?



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a lot


It's working, this is nearly respectable human waking hours.
I dreamt about attending a town council meeting and hitting it off with an autist


>don't find myself using any union skills besides resurrect and mana heal
Oh, you didn't try the boss trivializer one yet


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I won't ask… But I'll test out a few I learned but didn't actually use, then.



Will add grittiness だろ


forgot that person existed


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I summon my enemy, Roxykittenfag
What the fuck? Why Gosling out of all suddens? Explain this


Wtf no


I'm starting think translator++ might not have a delicate enough touch for all the plugins in this game.
Pure VGH and busywork ahead.


Oh, and I :changed sticker-picker.js to follow the cursor better
or, at all since it didn't earlier and just slapped the tag at the end of the body field regardless…


"gordo puto" is much funnier in spanish


good afternoon /hsg/ how're you doing today?




forgot to add: and you?


i'm fine, just eating some pizza now
i'm thinking of buying a tiramitsu before i start drawing but i dunno


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It's alright.


i didn't know aranea was here that's wicked cool


I always am.



well i appreciate you being the best character in homestuck (next to GREEN) and the best character of act 6 until your eventual demise


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GREEN is a jo88er 8ut extremely 8ased post otherwise. <33333333


Fake, only source is twitter and /chug/.


very true, but that doesn't mean i don't like her because of her very cute behaviors
but objectively speaking, aranea is the best character by other metrics


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If only more people were as enlightened as you are……..


they havent been healed by a sylphs light just yet i'm sure


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Perhaps one day.


File: 1736982918837.webm (740.77 KB, 320x412, 1736246095568578.webm)

In occupied Mariupol, authorities paved the sidewalk with tarmac together with the trees.



I wish for world clean


New 8read soon?


aranea themed………


I woudn't 8e opposed.



File: 1736986466657.jpg (150.76 KB, 1280x720, 1717851539943482.jpg)


Aranea hypnotizing me themed?


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