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/һsg/ - "Homestuck" General

The opposite of Homesick
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 No.79294[View All]

Mad Lads Edition

925 posts and 170 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Chud was such a hit that now even its leftpol creators are adopting it for their controlled opposition gayops


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have you guys read sburb.exe?


This looks like troon shit.


"Fuck no."



Looks more like grandma GREEN being bullied to me


No, elaborate.



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This reminds me of that trans Dave fanfic I read WAY back (It was actually alright)


from someone who hates most HS fanworks, i found it enjoyable to read due to capturing the feel of early homestuck very well. it updated yesterday



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Hate them all.


Tumblr is alright sometimes.
This image is alright but JohnJade shippers are non-humans.


do I need to finish/have good memory of homestuck to read this? if not it may take place of my unlikely reread


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Looks like troonshit, big shock.


>JohnJade shippers are non-humans.


MEX, I told you to be more careful with my albums! this one is clearly scratched


no, it's a original session with 6 fankids


Let's believe he'll get around to it.


Incest + "are you really?"


Vriska hypnotizing Petpeta to not be unfunny and erase all the Oneyplays references from SBEXE


underrated post


I can't wait for the first one to be "literally me" who has "obscure, niche" interests that are neither nor and fucking trans.


Literally who


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it's an elaborate joke about you being a broken record. I'm not one to jump to "brainbroken" but you can't even see MSPA art or cute aesthetics without going transvestigator mode


Reading comprehension check?


>underrated post


Tell me I'm wrong about fan adventures.



I didn't even look.
Dilate check? I thought it was a Homestuck reference, nope, just a "teehee rent-free XD"
Neck yourself.


you're wrong about fan adventures




"It's all performance for the cameras."


>Neck yourself.


Okay, why, when you hate most of them yourself


needs more zizek


Fan adventures?
Prognoz board.


We get it, you're a retarded communist who can only enjoy it post-ironically when it's your special scrunkly


I consider you equally disgusting to the people you pretend to be above but actually encourage and play along with


I consider you boring.


who took a shit in your coffee, 8ITCH? :^p
he has a funny voice. that's the biggest reason


who do I pretend to be above? :v:


It's a very strong one. The robot (colby?) and Harvey are also the best voiceovers




I don't think I've ever commented on emeowlye




I <3 Emeowyle.


"Nobody has ever, EVER lived in an arctic climate."


they're either unfinished, boring, melodramatic, boring, or gay AU shit. vast error and act omega come to mind when writing that, but i guess what i like about .exe is that it doesn't take itself too seriously. there's a lot of dumb humor thrown around and the kids, well, actually act like dumb kids instead of being stand-ins for emotionally immature 20 year olds


Well you are him, even though he makes you awkwaaard.




Big theories.


…on opposite day


>well, actually act like dumb kids instead of being stand-ins for emotionally immature 20 year olds
>Responds like a 14 year-old
Really makes you think.


New mashup idea: AI melds of Allen-sama and Emeower


Tasteful lighthearted Oneyplays references


For kids and not emotionally stunted 20 somethings!


i dont think i watched oneyplays since dd and julian left


Like a true emotionally stunted 20 something.


I never watched it:gramps:


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for me it was the only let's play group that managed to fit the hole game grumps left after jontron quit. you might be old enough to remember them…




not gonna lie as a former gamegrumps fan danny was a million times more interesting than jon


I can't condone someone who posts this.




TRICKSTER fetish. Consider slitting your throat.


And I'd almost gone to bed.:strain:




You have bad tastes.




i mean, i can concede to that since dan is a musician and is very social but the chemistry jon and arin had was perfect. granted i was way younger back then but i cant remember anything else that made me laugh as hard than sonic 06 playthrough or them getting into a heated argument about some nickelodeon game


idk with jon and arin it was all just like shouting and seeing who could be louder it felt like sometimes.
arin and danny were different enough that they played off it eachother better i think.
also i liked danny's stories but thats probably bc half the time i had no real interest in the game.


>a musician
>When he's diet sugar-free Lonely Island
>Dude weed lmao


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>>When he's diet sugar-free Lonely Island
didn't say he was any good, but he plays at shows and probably interacts with a lot of weirdos. that's more interesting than most


fake gamer


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Fuck off.


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The calendar says 2025, yet it feels like 2016 never ended.


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New letters just dropped:


>Leftist humor


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Billions must die.



I have a big task on my hands, you know…


And what would that 8e?


The megasummary, duh.

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