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/һsg/ - "Homestuck" General

The opposite of Homesick
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 No.75137[Last 100 Posts]

Queen edition
Old >>74108


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Rudy, why is Vladimir Putin the koran kisser genociding the Slavic residents of Mariupol and resettling it with churka muslims?
Was all that propaganda about "saving Russian speakers" all lies?
Is Putin a secret Muslim and going to turn Russia into an Islamic Republic?


>They brought the third world slum mutt


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blessing the thread with davekat


More like cursing.



nope. blessing. already blessed motherfucker. ur experiencing this fucking blessing right now and theres FUCK ALL u can do about it. get fuuuuckkedd



Davekat sucks though, just about any ship is better


too bad ur wrong 8ITCH.


Ships that are better than Davekat (incomplete list):
El Diablo


Also Vriskat and Davequius


thank you for listing some of the ships that are almost unfathomably worse in comparison to davekat. "davejade" in particular is especially vomit inducing.


YOU'RE vomit inducing.



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yeah it must be frightening being in the presence of someone with so much better taste than you.


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why is this guy talking about random non homestuck shit anyways


>why is this guy talking about random non homestuck shit anyways
Because HSG be like that


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Such asinine tastes. PLOT DEVICE fetish?





Rudy, why do you have to stir the pot so much with Babysperg?


Sanrio would be 300% more based if it took more cues from Kirby, yeah.




Liked BRICs? You'll love TARMACs




Hate B, they're mostly filthy perverts and their country is a dumpsterfire.
Indifferent to R; government's a kleptocracy (completely unlike ours) but most Russians are chill.
India is just a complete joke.
I like C, they're funny and I get my name from them.



>I like C


Are you doing really low-effort trolling (worthy of "Homestealth" level discourse) or are you finally revealing your powerlevel?


Hina. Love Hina.


ipgd reveal


Pig pussy pee.


Where are the chinese zodiac fanstucks, there must be some


These try to laugh challenges are impossible nowadays.


Your mission for today…



Trve kvlt Megidocore.



I often think about how much of a profound effect Mario had on someone I used to know. He hated Mario because he's "safe, boring, and uninteresting" and wwomen want men like Luigi instead


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We're fucking dead now.

I'm maid now I guess.

"Anti-Hu¢¢ie sentiment" makes it sound like it's a terror group.

>other alt-right communities



He sounds like a fucking nutcase.




Please fix your monitor already


He eventually got a Goron tattoo and a girlfriend. They might have gotten married. I can't remember for sure.


Oh, I remember this guy now. :clown:


There's nothing wrong with my monitor, moleman.


Yeah, buddy. I still think about stuff like when he made a son out of duct tape and wore duct tape shoes to school


A Goron tattoo is like a womb fertility tattoo for your meat locker.


It's a virility tattoo. He really should have gotten it above his junk, but he's too fat for that




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We're getting more negatives for things for some reason. NotebookmLM clamming up in light of the truth…

Kind of lazing it with the interrogation but I've been like that for awhile.


Something's still too big to post here. :ep25:


What is the ruling on having a beard which grows thickly on the right side but only grows a little on the left, i.e., it is not even? I have been told it is because I am young, and if I shave it, it will grow.

Praise be to Allah.

It is not permissible to shave the beard or to remove any hair from it, even if that is to make it grow or to even it out, because no concession to that effect has been narrated, even though it happens a great deal to young men whose beards are just beginning to grow. If there was any reason to make it permissible to shave, there would be a concession concerning it. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “and your Lord is never forgetful” [Maryam 19:64].

With regard to the prohibition on shaving the beard, please see the answer to question no. 82720.

Is it permissible to take medicine that will make the beard grow more quickly on the left side? That depends:

Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy on him) was asked about taking medicine to make the beard grow and to treat the unevenness that occurs in it. He replied: If there is the hope that it will grow by itself, then do not try, because this is not a fault, since many young men, when their beards first begin to grow, do not grow beards that are even all over, so he should wait and see.

But if there is a fault, in the sense that we are aware of it and have given up hope that it will grow by itself, then there is nothing wrong with treating it so that the rest will grow, especially if it looks odd.

But if it does not look odd, then it is better not to treat it with anything, because I am afraid that this may be a kind of hair extensions, and the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) cursed the one who does hair extensions and the one who asks for that to be done. End quote from Liqa’ al-Baab il-Maftooh (41/15).

And Allaah knows best.


No More White Countries


>they're listening to us




>they're aware that they're being analyzed (they say about themselves)


>fandom death declarations


Something that I've wanted for the longest time is getting made (completely innocent, I swear :innocent:) but it's some what tainted…

What to do?


>some what
Kill me, Pete.


Accept the taint



Gay ass discussion makes this one long and homosexual. We need to destroy SRSposting with zero impunity. :shame:


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Serious or Shit Reddit Says?


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And this one, I'll field it


Serious but it could also be (forcible) sexual reassignment surgery (for you.)


I think that means it's time for an HGAME UPDATE:
New hgame idea: You play as a jaded healer man in a fantasy setting. You're basically the coolest guy ever, but everyone in the hospital hates you. You used to be a combat healer, but after a magical injury, you had to leave the army. For some reason, wwomen with marital problems keep finding their way to you, and it's up to you to help them and other patients. 3 epic heroines to romance, and several amusing subquests to keep you entertained for hours on end. What will carry you through the game? Your loyal best friend with hints, or your cane?


Not even a name or "Made by me :)" This is getting serious, you guise…


I don't even know what they're talking about at this point. It's just lies. :sry:


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The weight of Mildred
Compels to obey the new
status quo: JEW LAW


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I think the first comic would have been funnier for the Nanc4 punchline.

Mildred smothers a baby by planking on it.




Very ironcc. I like her seifuku hoodie thing. It's cool


I thought of a SAD BAD FOSTER DAD H-game like that. Have the aged, iterant healer find an ailing plagued village and only manage to save a lone girl, taking her as an apprentice.
Then for the game portion, he can lose all faith in her as she falls from the path of study and becomes a sloot/cocksleeve/whatever


A slight sub-variant of Rose that definitely needs to be saved and noted for Frankenfloy'd Day Out.


MEX niggas…


Rosetriots in control


>threads dedicated to fanart
>threads dedicated to fanfiction
>mm… yea….


Fact-checked by real WoS Rose fans.


Combine it with my idea, and it gets really funny because then it's just about Dr. House banging patients while the daughter he's failing to raise is basically doing the same thing


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That makes it sound like a mature story for actual adults… Needs more one sided sexual frustration!


>Needs more one sided sexual frustration!
NTR demon.


>That makes it sound like a mature story for actual adults…
Have you seen House?


My parents watched that, but I don't think they play NTR games


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MEX? MEX Albini?



>My parents watched that, but I don't think they play NTR games

There's quite a few episodes that are just about wwomen cheating, so they probably don't even need NTR games


Abortionpeople be shopping for NTR.


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>When the baby has a penis


In Portugual, they used to ride Zebras into battle.


That's how it would feel, imagine the moving backstory of the lonely old curmudgeon scarred by loss (already implied to have a naive beginning by going into healing work) opening up to someone for the first time in years, and then getting stung by disappointment and "I should've never taken you in"


>"I should've never taken you in"
Little close to home… :ghk:


wwomen prefer men like Lu-


That's just an hgame version of Silas Marner


>Silas Marner
Any good?


He's funny and interesting!


Look at this weeb.


I don't know. I read it for achool, and it was something no one else liked, but it's stuck with me years later. I think I liked it.



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YouTube needs to stop stalking me >>74381


"The American is instinctively taught to revile Christianity"




Dave in gasoline: still unfound.


Because "lol ur gf is stolen" seems kind of like well trodden ground to me.

I'll shelve this one until after my price TS-NTR triangle ideas guy concept though


You dreamt it up




yeah, sorry, it's not a bad idea.
I guess I just don't have a suffering fetish (sexual or not). well, at least not one that I would enjoy indulging in that way

I'm sure you could give it an amazing literary treatment regardless


>I guess I just don't have a suffering fetish (sexual or not)


>literary treatment regardless
Will have to pull up this Silas Marner first, it does sound like a mopey old English story


for..? :^<


Suffering fetish and Rose website. Ryoseona. :done:



The others didn't like it because it was too slow for them and there wasn't really any action, but that's because it's basically a story of a town that slowly changes over the years


If it was written by a spic, it'd actually be forced to be read by Board of Education everywhere. :ohoho:


Weird to me because China's not really communist in the first place


You can't just say that.


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>No Philemon sticker
:grim: won…


You may see things clearly, but I can't really deny it in the first place…



he's fine :^p


> too slow for them and there wasn't really any action


What I'm saying is based on real-life experience.

English teachers are leftist retards. They are incredibly prone to besmirching classic pieces of work because it's "boring" and replacing it with something that's topical and flashy even if the pedigree of writing is like night and day.

The exception is if it's written a beloved FUCKING MINORITY (Gabriel García Márquez) and even my resident arthoe couldn't describe it (One Thousand Years of Solitude)as anything but a farce.

Believe it or not, English teachers, the vast majority of kids will hate the books you pick for them no matter what so stop dumbing shit and actually teach the things that'll help teenagers transition into college-level reading.

This is barely a "race" rant. It's my hatred for basically every English teacher I've had since junior-high (the dentist from Django Unchained.)


*dumbing shit down
I have a bandaid on my finger. This is a more crippling debuff than most would realize.


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This is why he shit himself.


well, I had a really good experience with a specific english teacher. will probably never forget him


>No specifics


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I will forgive Rocco for liking Prometheus if he deathfats Kojima.






Is that Naboo music?


DIAP who?
anyway I can try and talk about it if you would like to
I had an ostensibly special and good day but right now I feel quite exhausted, so I didn't extend that effort initially because if it just got shot down it would feel a bit bad

wasn't really my intention to defend the "canon" of highschool reading, just thought your reason was a little dumb and that's why I prodded at it. it wouldn't surprise me if a lot of it is just particular circumstances surrounding the book (a la to kill a mockingbird)


I'm so glad Rocco was there in time to DIAP Jenny Nicholson right when Naboo gots its independecea.


>if you would like to
if you would like me to*


>good day






sorry should I have not said that


Trvke and when they do prescribe classic literature they always pick the most zogged out ones like To Kill a Mockingbird. And they think of themselves as humble existentialist protagonists whose boring lives somehow entitle them to transcendent meaning. And they grade your essays based on how much they like you.


Don't apologize. :done:


You BPD happiness siphoned him more efficiently than usual that time.


I was very confrontational and outspoken in my frustration which endeared most of my teachers to me because they needed something to strike a flicker of life back into their life and and an angsty, precocious teenager was enough.

(In this instance, I was at a period where I was very self-spoken and quiet.) I had some guy fucking scream at the top of his lungs at me because I didn't feel comfortable answering personal stuff about myself as an assignment and I assumed "This kind of stuff is usually optional" and got "NONE OF THE ASSINGMENTS I GIVE ARE OPTIONAL." :meh:

So I gave in a half-assed answer to a bunch of questions and once he found out that I had a guidance counselor because of depression and anxiety, he wrote an apology on a post-it and put in the back of my notebook that had the affect of some kind of skeevy invite to dinner or some shit.

That guy was the biggest leftist loony out of the bunch.

Then there was this fat cunt who just seemed to dislike how I write because "Nobody really uses parentheses in college" and gave virtually everything I wrote a middling 80 even though I had to single-handedly carry le forced "group discussions" because even though it's fucking embarrassing and awkward to have to do it yourself, it's even worse to have to sit in fucking silence and that'll at least bump your rhetorical or analytic scores up in the average brain-damaged English major brain, right? Nope. It's just me but I take it as a personal offense every time I get anything less than a 90 which explains… a lot of things.

More fun memories: some middle-of-the-type wanted us to roast him as the first things we did, almost everyone compare him to Shaggy. I said "Your beard looks prepubscent" and he straight up guffaw'd. He retold the joke to the class and there was absolute silence. :meh:

I also wrote about, one of our books, how I couldn't empathize with the BLACK protagonist because he spent so much time in self-pity about how the court system was demonizing him (he faces no actual prison time btw) instead of having any introspection on the fact that his actions indirectly lead to the death of someone. He was weirdly tolerant of that. I kind of worried that I would get sent to the no-no zone for writing from that angle.

MoM stories.


>Master of Misery


thanks for sharing. I'm sorry they screamed at you


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I was more baffled than anything and I just kind of put my hands up to my side in a very "New Yorkian" gesture.

I was old enough then to not feel like, undermined or threatened, it was just this "Okay, this guy has some major fucking screws loose."

Anyway, that teacher gave everything I put in after that glowing 95s and 100s and I don't want to say he was literally in love with me but the level of admonishment he'd write about the crap I barely cared about (The one assignment I remember was having to write two exactly 500 words passages about whatever. I chose to write about my experience with reading Riders of The Purple Wage- "I don't really care if I like something so much as if it's interesting" or something along those lines and I remember him writing in the most quasi-sycophantic way possible "Oh, yes, I agree with that sentiment very much" :gay: - and lucid dreams.)

He always seemed mad about something and his head was bulging. Usually 8ITCHing about politics. Not saying he was in love with me but he definitely seemed like a ped. He had the look for it.

I said as much to the closest thing I had to a friend (who started off by bullying me by fucking with my racket) but came to respect me to some degree because of my (painstakingly maintained) stoic demeanor :coolkid: and my capacity to be just as much of a sharp-tongued asshole back. We need more "nerd bully" rep in media. You know, kind of what the Columbine kids were. Gawky, crane-necked, pimply guy with thick, rectangular glasses with a nasally voice. Openly admired Ben Shapiro. "Preston."


heartbreaking: that person you hate just agreed with one of your pet "hot takes"


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This is the worst thing I've ever seen.




ok so are you pregnant and autistic?


I didn't actually take it, *Varg voice* let's find out.


Rose? Rose Lalonde?


No. Not at all.


This time I was dubious of her very inclusion


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Oh, fuck, I was the ojisan all along. :bridge:




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Just Too Fucking Juni Ito Fucking For Words


I'm not autistic, just mpregnant. :sweats:


I knew it


It's grim :ppp:


…whose is it?



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I don't think I gave particularly nerdlike answers (MUH STEM)


Why does everyone have this quiz but me


I got nerd too


I chose history which might have sealed my math. I like science a lot too. I "like" math but I hate root learning.
I thought I posted it. Now I'm confused. https://uquiz.com/quiz/h2x51g/how-would-a-fandom-actually-treat-you


*my fate
Mother of a fuck. :douzo:



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Somebody's not XLR enough for the XLR club.


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i bent over and selected the "mental illness (depression etc)" option to keep it interesting and this is how they treat me?


Zoomer hate


>Depressed white guy
YE-AWN, come back when you have an object as your head.


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Poeseur's law. :bakane:


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Just Too Junji Ito Hebephillic For Words


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Come to daddy. :hug:


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Erika? Erika fucking Ito? CAROLINE FUCKING CAAAAAAAAAAASH. :shock:


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that type of bully friend dynamic feels gross to me, even if you view it as a net positive for you at that time
just hurt people hurting hurt people and bonding, but not in the hot dysfunctional relationship way

anyway I imagine it was hard to ever view that screamy guy as just handling you with insincere kid gloves after finding out about the counselor. that's rough. sorry if my responses to these posts seemed lower effort than usual, I'm just very very tired


I posted that one but nobody reacted to it for some reason >>74728


Void gaps…


>even if you view it as a net positive for you at that time
I don't really, it's just a thing that happened.


It's deathly serious and especially Jewy.


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A found-family of nerds and one angsty boy with Father Hate in charge. :NO:


fiind thii2
*grab2 diick2*


I like "found family" but I hate how it's become a Xumblry trope.

Any amount of sexual tension should be completely mutually exclusive with the idea of "found family" which to Xumblr is a no-no because there must always be sexual tension.

I think there needs to be a strong line in the sand between "found family" and "found some family (to fuck)" media. :implying:


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It's not fair. It's not right.


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Soon, we will be free of the BPDemons.


It makes you want to shit the fight.


>It stays up with more ads


"Yeah, it's alright, I guess" - black negro brown of color brown guy.


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sleep tight roxkit 


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>Slavo(j zizek)
>It's on YouTube, disjointed, out of order, and not in a single playlists
Every time a fighting game homosexual posts an album, it's like this. I could make my own private playlist but that'd feel Devilish. :milk:

Making a public one is making myself known which I don't know if I'm okay with doing as the scorpion king looms high.

>It's for this

Okay, dude, maybe this is just a drop.

Best part is that they're RUSSIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN. :argh:


>Having to go through all this effort
>Hear the slowed-down wolf cry
Yeah, I think that's enough out of you. :meh:



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Foreverially Darkwood Delitized


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Just to confirm, you cheeky shit.


There's a gradient between precision platformers and collectathon platformers and they're what I like to call "Actually fun platformers." :tryagain:


That one



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I didn't need this image to know.


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This is my favorite false dichotomy and it's also fucking wrong on me. FUCK YOU, DERSITELICIOUS.


What is the point of taking these personality tests if they don't mean anything anyway? Does it really matter if some average joe is an environmentalist or not?


Oh, yeah, and S is the worst place on the planet basically.

Redeemed ever so slightly by the surrealism of taxi mafias.


Sleep tight, Roxkit.


I need to find someone to groom into vetting my manifesto.



>We need more "nerd bully" rep in media.


I forgot they even counted among the "ascendant" ones like China/India




They really shouldn't.


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Homestuck at the Pearly fucking Gates for every genre.


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Is he fucking dying? He's got the hairline of a FUB. Deathfatification in real time?


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>Here are my symPathetic high school memories as a mid 20s adult


>hairline of a FUB
Nah, that takes full crown loss


Sorry, I didn't stab enough people or spike enough drinks for your liking.


There's a variety. It's a genus, not a species.


It just looks weird. Like you really needed to let that "this is who I am" out but the closest tangible memory was high school (you didn't do anything ever since I guess?), and you took the barely related context as an opportunity to go all about "I was like this and that, cetera."


>I don't want to say he was literally in love with me but
I really don't wanna deal low blows to whatever but saying something like this really looks deranged man. Just makes me feel like you needed the validation too bad that you interpreted basic human decency as "he's so in love with me" or something.


It wasn't human decency. He came off like a deranged weirdo because of his erratic mood swings and tendency to go on these manic, rage-fueled tangents. Kind of like a certain someone who said they were gone forever. :scum:


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It's good to see you finally have a stable, close relationship with someone. :picker:


Figured you wouldn't have much room to bark obsession this personal vendetta that when it's neutral AI dissecting your words.


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They certainly can't be directed or anything. Whore yourself out for another VPN software:?


I told it that I found it weird how you packed paragraphs of personal dramas into what should've been an anecdote about english teachers being left leaning, then presented the texts.


Was it autism? :nntr:


Just the natural reaction at someone pondering over their high school memories so deeply despite their now mid 20s age.


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So I watched mean girls. It was going pretty well until they made the lesbian girl straight at the end. That basically ruined it.


>until they made the lesbian girl straight at the end
She wasn't a lesbian, you dumb 8ITCH. Implying Janis has to be a lesbian (in the early 2000s) to make the story work is the most retarded and infuriating take. If anything, her not being a lesbian is a meta-joke in itself. Watching The Musical or The Musical The Movie if you're this much of a tard.

Anyway, she could still be fucking bi in the movie proper. So. :weh:

"Why is lesbianism this important to TRICKSTERS?"


She was a fucking lesbian the stupid producers that made it just felt the need to insert their homosexual (straight) ideology onto it. I'm so pissed off right now. Fuck you for making me watch it. I'm not even the fucking trickster u recommended it to. Fuck you.


TRICKSTER media literacy be like: Mean-spirited rumors about someone's sexuality or gender identity must always be true because :this: is the representation we want.

A multiverse where all bullies are omniscient and have an impeccable gaydar.


>the stupid producers that made it just felt the need to insert their homosexual (straight) ideology onto it.


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>implying lesbians exist at all


Not only is it that they made her straight, it's that they made her straight with some stupid little incel indian guy. It's fucking retarded. It's basically bad optics for alt wwomen no matter how you look at it. Even if you're obsessed with wwomen being straight it makes them look lame.
Fuck that movie.


All wwomen may as well be lesbian to you 8ITCH


This is the weirdest fucking hill to die on. Again, are you trolling? What's gotten into you lately?


I'm not trolling. It ruined the movie for me.
The only parts of the movie that are good is how there are two jokes in the movie that are basically just "haha, black people." Which is so fucking funny.


> It ruined the movie for me.
Can you not
>The only parts of the movie that are good is how there are two jokes in the movie that are basically just "haha, black people." Which is so fucking funny.


>Can you not
I really don't have anything more to say about it so that;s fine.


As a Karkat respecter, you must acknowledge that he'd love Mean Girls.


He would certainly be very fascinated with mean girls yes. He would probably have many opinions on it. I daresay, a lot more than I do.


And virtually all of them positive… :bee101:


I'm not sure you even know what a woman is, sir.


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>It couldn't be found


File: 1737018149106.jpg (280.68 KB, 689x300, ClipboardImage.jpg)

wwhy is she still so hot


Imagine trusting the "opinion" of slop.


It's lonely in Turkey…


Almost certainly not but you can keep your delusions if you want. I think they would be a pretty mixed bag, for what it's worth.
Yeah thats probably because you're retarded. Its hard to be sure of very much in that case. I grieve for you, truly.


File: 1737019026881.jpg (16.02 KB, 352x65, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Let me out.


>Almost certainly not but you can keep your delusions if you want. I think they would be a pretty mixed bag, for what it's worth.


I wish there were more and better slop remixer. I want to throw 5 songs into a blender and see what it shits out.


To be fair jeets are disgusting and unfuckable, even more than DERSITES, and really only appear paired up with white wwomen in fiction and advertising


HRT when? :j:


What if (YOU) suffered an unsavory fate?


>Willing to discuss the uncomfortable truths about human psych
>No personal interest for bias
>No reason to laze out and go for the first answer that comes to mind

avg megidoposter:
>Would whore his own mom out to preserve comfort
>Every reason to display self serving biases
>Laziness is embedded into their DNA


I'd deal with it however I can and not making it my personality for the rest of my life, like normal people should.

I mean I do do that, right? You don't read me vomitting personal traumas here every other day.


not go around making it*


fuck off he wouldnt say that.
Hey well. It wasn't me that said it.


>fuck off he wouldnt say that.
He would and did. :cal:


File: 1737019909665.gif (37.23 KB, 650x450, BLASPHEMY.gif)

He wouldn't and didn't >:o(


He wouldnt'nt and didnt'nt. :meh:


File: 1737020064801.png (7.68 KB, 645x444, toheckwiththis.png)

that doesnt even mean anything fuck u.


If it's trashy, he would.


It's the only logical progression.
It's not trashy, it's basically a middle brow masterpiece.


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There you have it, folxks. Homestuck discourse.


>values independence, self-determination, and personal freedom.
Hello? Biznast department?


And to think you would use my beloved Mean Girls as a hill for some proxy battle. Fuck you.

My hatred of da' Jews has been reignited with vicious fervor.


That's just a coded way of saying he would support Timothy McVeigh. New IP time. :5s:


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>That's just a coded way of saying he would support Timothy McVeigh.
Fucking duh sherlock? Supporting independence doesn't mean
>I want to be the world police (aka ameriKKKa) going around fighting for other people's independence
it means
>It's your personal duty to be independant and self determined, any less and I don't respect you

lil oopsie there my bad :bow:


Why Was There No Level In Mario 64 Where You Wait For Mario To Sleep And Then You Enter A Dream Level


Would Mario dream on Prospit or on Derse?


He's a Doom player so both.


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Get away from me, Marziped.


File: 1737023486734.jpg (873.76 KB, 853x480, ClipboardImage.jpg)


Hey, AI also recommends you eat one small rock a day, so go ahead and obey the machine I guess.


File: 1737024582237.jpg (65.63 KB, 674x391, ClipboardImage.jpg)

>>75438(This post is extremely low quality.)


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File: 1737024744761.gif (2.62 MB, 498x278, munch.gif)



I can't believe I'd been arguing with the Turk all along… what a waste of time…


You're a mod for a reason. Don't be dumb.


File: 1737025254012.gif (2.75 MB, 498x498, ehe.gif)

ghosts chasing ghosts akhi :3:


Happens to the 8est of us.



Excuse YOU no it doesn't. I do none other than lovebombing you because you're my special sweetheart pumpkin unlike the rest of these kuffar swine.




I prefer browsing in non-meid0 mode because I like people being anonymous.

I only opened up the php because I figure calling someone a schizo for not trusting a retarded machine is enough of a shitty post to warrant a ban

I suppose you could argue that I'm abusing my power by banning someone who's insulting me, but hey, someone slapped him before me, so they clearly deserved it anyway


Smvrfa, come on.


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leave my girlfriend alone you pissant


I think I liked King Rat once. Maybe.


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File: 1737027171921.jpg (217.21 KB, 1920x1080, GhVE3IIaUAAYEyn.jpg)

more reminiscent of Tanaka's style than the rest of the game for some reason


Rose? Rose Lalonde?


File: 1737029343945.ogg (4.2 MB, Junji Ito Discussions.ogg)

Done out of boredom. Ito's legacy will definitely evolve with the release Junji Ito's Ao Floydi: Frankenfloyd's Day Off.


Junj Ito is the Shakespeare to Homestuck's Fortnite dances.


File: 1737030118552.ogg (4 MB, Kojima Deathfats.ogg)

This one is more evergreen, however.


File: 1737030371914.mp4 (1.53 MB, 720x1008, Standard_Mode_The_man_smil….mp4)


Switch Deux?



File: 1737034419513.jpg (28.22 KB, 137x106, ClipboardImage.jpg)

oh shit


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Late but kinda :outy:biznasty:outy: take, imo


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M/L seem a pretty cut and dry Prospit / Derse respectively


That's a good one…
Rose, Rose Lalonde


I think not




Top of the smvrfing to you


Had a dream I was reading Amazon book reviews for Christopher Paolini's Eldest and some (asian?) mom said it was an essential parenting text


We love our Asian moms


Good smvrfternoon


File: 1737041530326.mp4 (6.6 MB, 576x1024, 1735624518007.mp4)



Erika? Erika Furudo?


That's the ideal though ^q^


I do see it.
Also a Bern/Erika vichan theme is a really good fit for "The Empress", but busy busy…


File: 1737042791059.jpg (28.92 KB, 637x358, ClipboardImage.jpg)


Junji Ito's gone too far


Pa Ve

please don't ever call me that again.


File: 1737043264630.jpg (109.28 KB, 1211x227, ClipboardImage.jpg)

>Amazon book
amazon bbc snowbunny training sissy hypno brainwashing forced feminization crossdressing book?


why would you even call me something so foul?


Maybe he "only" meant "Marzipedestrian". as in the music snob angle :ohdear:


File: 1737043625030.jpg (364.58 KB, 1920x1080, ClipboardImage.jpg)

>>vgh these weirdos are liking things in the wrong way and i somehow know their enjoyment isnt authentic so theyre c-c-ringe or something for pretending this utter garbage is a masterpiece


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I fricking love amazon books man


The creative output of the least trustworthy bestbuy geek squad grunt


sasuga master of charitability…


File: 1737046119755.jpg (661.66 KB, 424x606, ClipboardImage.jpg)

There's also the option of taking MoM's slings and arrows by another means.





Kowloon… Home…


So this is "traumacore".


File: 1737049045073.jpg (172.2 KB, 735x1179, ClipboardImage.jpg)

I enjoy this image




I must know


Ah, I meant being accused of being lolicon myself instead


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Be careful how you conduct yourself out there



MEX will be my human shield…


hello kid-tits online?


Bad news, gamers. David Lynch died


what the fuckkk


I'm gonna blame it on the fires


File: 1737052946616.jpg (2.02 MB, 639x5347, its_never_the_end.jpg)


I thought he was only just beginning a depressing decline. Well, even though I liked him I'll try not to care too much since enough people already did.


What the fuck




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damn. rip david lynch.


A natural fit here…


Roxykitten is NOT sexual.


File: 1737059925769.png (2.25 KB, 123x131, roxykittenfuneralcry.png)

*pours sippy cup out 4 the shaihlulud director*


Genderswapped MM where Link collects tats




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File: 1737066010075.jpg (382.06 KB, 1390x979, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Out of burger pits, I associate BK most closely with DA BLACKS for some reason.
And checkers/rallys (look at the map for this one)


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>egbert theatre


everybody gangsta until the 18-21yo autistic girl starts self-harming


Rose Lalonde suicide threat


So far so good. Megidochan's biggest trial yet to come?


Lynch's passign reminded me that Rieko Kodama was one of the earliest VAXXED
at a relatively spry 32+27, too…


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File: 1737085778183-1.wav (12.86 MB, The Falsification of Bulga….wav)


I don't know why Russia is so I ♥️ DERSITE, it didn't work to endear them to Western populations at all who got instantly propagandised to support Ukraine.


File: 1737086539357.jpg (176.35 KB, 845x1159, 1685923539371.jpg)

>I don't know why Russia is so I ♥️ DERSITE
They've been like that since 1917. Look up the leaders of the bolshevik revolution, and then look at those leaders' early life pages.


BTW, the ending narration of that deep dive was NOT part of the prompt. Food for thought…




It's like a perfectly smooth stone


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grimfest today


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2025 dead in the water


Mildred is dead.




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File: 1737089320673-1.png (81.75 KB, 672x242, disinfo analysis 2.png)

File: 1737089320673-2.png (95.29 KB, 675x305, disinfo analysis 3.png)

Here's another one, though notably this summary omitted a key detail in the original text.

that is, the part about NKVD personnel coming to the West under the Jewish visa program in the 1970s.



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Zerohedge is fake? I mean, the US treasury hasn't collapsed yet, but…


Shut up, retard.


File: 1737090921103.gif (2.25 MB, 636x640, based-so-fucking-zased.gif)


now now, play nice


Very real and very emotional when she was 8 (eight) years old as a woman.


I was just making the joke that you were grooming me via the algo. No need to take it so personally, nonny. :tetrakarn:


What genre, chud?


okay, I'll let it slide


Like it's not obvious… :youfail:


That's right, Jay.

I blame Jay.


'Memba when I used to make fun of him? Those were the days. :mml:


Was it a Junji Ito deathfat? Who will she take next?


>Out of burger pits, I associate BK most closely with DA BLACKS for some reason.
As you should. The same goes for all Pepsi Co. legions. Coke sproke for lyfe, nigga. :poochie:


File: 1737091506164.png (2.49 KB, 123x131, rosekittengoth.png)

*Pretends to try to kill herself*




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>Pepsi Co. legions


8ITCH, you fed the baby the poison water after it spat it out. YOU LIVE RIGHT NEXT TO THE WELL, HOW DID YOU NEVER SEE IT

Anyway, Jews bad.


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They made it real, actual in Pesterquest like they were trying to own the chuds on le reading comprehension with ABUSIVE BRO and just came up double-retarded. (Mom is a v. good alcoholic parent though even though her daughter attempted suicide at 8. :yo:)


Why did you change :thunk: to yo? Why are you like this, MEX? :crampjoke:




probably was done to pair with the :think: sticker


The black prefers Popeye's, as any red-blooded American should know, but I've never seen a white person come out of Pizza Hut that didn't look like a juggalo so.


Make that "ye" :boke:


>Literally my bluer Smvrf joke
Synchronicity is going wild lately.


when I was a kid, we would get pizza hut for dinner every friday. my sister and I would eat in the basement and watch premiering cartoons


I don't trust NotebookLM because they refused to call my beliefs remotely libertarian and instead dubbed me Mega Hitler.

I don't know if it just can't into anything right of Reagan or if it was the personification of globalhomo itself being revolted by the true anti-modernist ideology revealing itself.
Just convert it to .ogg next time, homefry.


>the basement
Now I was going to say "trailer trash", aren't you happy I didn't? :househusband:


I guess? :^p
it's just very wistful to remember it


When I was a kid, we did not get dinner. Eventually I figured out ways to keep myself fed in spite of the lackeys around me.


peep this shit habibi


Was it a fetish image? :^q^:


File: 1737092280302.png (313.19 KB, 1031x1385, panty arms crossed.png)

So you're saying because someone is poor, you can judge them?


Because someone exists I can judge them. The government doesn't own the right to judge people. I can send people to Hell by looking at them very intently.


I'm sorry. it sounds like you had a rough childhood

stylish panty


The reverse. Blacked (run by a russian woman, founded by a jew of russian descent) is the pornification and fetishization of leftist third-worldist geopolitical goals.



>I'm sorry. it sounds like you had a rough childhood
Vaya, él está desechando traumas, es un poco raro y jodido, tuvo que hacerlo sobre sí mismo, ¿amigo?


You don't have to intellectualize it like that, just say you get off to it, dude.


Think about it. Why do Chinese and Indians promote it so much and spam it everywhere? Because it's literally BRICS geopolitics porn.




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Probably the funniest thing Homestuck did with trolls is that Gamzee gets high essentially off bed stuffing.

Unfortunately, nobody really talks about it like that and just talk about it like it's smoking weed and not, you know, huffing paint. A cloud with every silver lining and all that.


I should have listened to more Charlie Brown music this holiday season but I DIDN'T. :orz:


let's forward looking!

you can listen to new year music, and spring music soon


>let's forward looking!
Marzipan's deep, hidden pain… :done:


VVE need more princess-saving in games.


I haven't exactly hidden it from you, when the armor gets threadbare

I'm aware of the persona 2 line, but sorry I don't know it's context. I just like the sound of that particular nihongism




The people's prayers must be answered


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Marzipan… I…


File: 1737094091072.jpg (87.67 KB, 900x276, ClipboardImage.jpg)



Anita Sarkeesian said that's bad or something so you can't

She went to the UN or something, this is very serious


Immediately contradicted!

Also, O.J has done this types of gag with Peewee.

O.J's involuntary movement fetish? Princess-carrying O.J stuck in green goo?


>She went to the UN or something, this is very serious
Saving Princess Anita from the U.N.


go on..? (´・ω・`)ショボーン


File: 1737094256103.png (220.46 KB, 960x720, i hate the antichrist.png)


Muslimgauze good


Turkey bad.


Worse than forgotten/ a burden. :done:



It 8urts.




I think that's the real reason this Christmas felt so empty. :man:



Rocco in da' thread. :dubai:


"for you"

rolling for healing dream


"why can't you be normal…!"


Marzipan shoved an 8ball deep up his ass. :oh:


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I would never do something like that with the megidoball. it's a sacred artifact


is this the truth? >>75617


It's the truth. :grim:


FUCK. :wwhat:




File: 1737095977073.png (3.15 MB, 1280x1634, e876de818652306128fed4c9e6….png)

8uuu! ::::)


File: 1737096039865.jpg (69.72 KB, 781x398, ClipboardImage.jpg)


I was thinking of getting a magic 8 ball but I didn't realize it has such a strong positive bias
this won't do at all




How many Vriska 8-ball anal bead images do you think are out there? :wut:


Ghostwriters chasing ghostwriters…


I dunno, so far I've seen zero.


File: 1737096332070.webm (1.28 MB, 960x540, 1737095888701408.webm)

good game


The sticker here has 8 each of affirm(▲), deny(▼), neutral (✡)

Or maybe "Lucky 8r8k" makes it slighty skew positive, I'll have to fix.


This one's got LAYERS


Epic pigtail win.


Deepdive on just that alone.


nice, that's much better. I need balanced odds for my luck rituals, that's the whole point


File: 1737096702168.jpg (265.37 KB, 1000x563, D3_breen_010140.JPG)

Is that what we're calling THEM now?


It must always come back to them.

I can use the name 'Apiru because THEY do not recognize that term.



I will not be silenced. So what if THEY find me here. At least it would be something.
I don't care if THEY hear me, do you hear? I don't care! I will not be muffled. Don't move me again! No more shifting from dark to dark!
No more mgfghrff


MEX, we need a sticker of sleep/tearful character rubbing their eyes with a balled up fist while holding a stuffed animal (rabbit?) in the other arm




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TH04 pajama yuuka will have one


yeah I guess the first one is a little close, but it doesn't match my ~vision~

that's a clock, not a plushie!!
the bigger problem is that the emotions are so hard to read on ZUN's art (especially earlier stuff)
I think I mentioned then when we were talking about the touhou stickers actually

me or the poster?




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Review of Anno's new Gundam is up


>me or the poster?
The poster, dummy.


Hideous Kojima Anno.


the mood seems to be "got out of bed but still sleepy"
not sure if that's what you wanted


Diapin smvrfas.


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I'm impressed how quickly you found something that matched my description so closely. I guess in my mind it was a 3-way split between "bedtime yaaawn", "wakey time yaaaawn", and "I had a nightmare" standing in parent's doorway

also in my unfairly specific vision they were holding the plushie against their chest under their arm
but I don't know if my melody's torso shape works for that lol


just making sure


You're so insecure. :ahaha:


don't say that


Am I wrong? :bakane:


you can be a very judgmental person sometimes, and you're not super predictable (or at least I don't have enough of a mental model yet)
so I wasn't confident which way you were going with that post


File: 1737098361510.jpg (173.54 KB, 416x200, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Why does every Tales game have a party roster that reminds me of this? :h3h3:


File: 1737098365222.jpg (201.32 KB, 855x1200, GXFavIkWcAAoAPu.jpg)


You do seem like you kind of came from an upper middle class family but I don't think anyone has smacked your bottom yet. :hithere:


Just too Juni Ito eerie for words.


I thought pizza hut was for the poors or whatever


You had in a basement so that kind of reeks of something distinct. But I digress…


File: 1737098897837.jpg (23.22 KB, 324x720, pizza hut costume.jpg)

speaking of Graces f and Pizza Hut, this costume is not included in Remastered


>reeks of something distinct
intense deja vu from reading this phrase…

also, my stomach hurts and I'm going to bed really late again :^<
I keep messing up huh


>intense deja vu from reading this phrase…


just my brain misfiring I guess. I could've sworn I had read it on this site before, but nothing came up in a search


You think Pizza Hut, I think A.B.A, we are not the same.


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Worst guy ever probably




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it's literally the Pizza Hut costume tho


ooh, I wonder if mute notebook girl will make the sticker cut


The American sees black on white and thinks of Pizza Hut instead of Domino's. :tehepero:

Get it?


MEX said he would cap something for the Twitter but I forgot what it was and now I have to go back two threads to find it because I forgot to remind him in time. :douzo:


*Rings bell*


MEX said he would fridge the sluggo drawing too, but it's probably best that it didn't happen

maybe if I keep practicing I'll make it someday


>but it's probably best that it didn't happen
No, he should do it. :5s:


I thought this was MEX saying that my post is the type of thing that a brand twitter would tweet ("if they still do those")


No, we have an official cap Tweeter.



I know, I've seen it. but re-read his post


File: 1737100625784.jpg (4.16 KB, 409x68, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Most ominous name I've ever seen on a website.



File: 1737100665203.jpg (2.85 KB, 400x80, ClipboardImage.jpg)

wwomen? wwomen


what? I wasn't making fun of you :^p

don't wear it around rocco though, if you know how he gets with branded merch…


File: 1737100830124.jpg (8.11 KB, 400x245, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Kojima's days are numbered


>RGB+T makes a "haha historical figure GAY" joke
>28 paragraph essay about it
>proceeds to make extremely weird fucking gay jokes like "ummm 8 ball up your ASS" and "anyone FUCKED your ASS yet haha?"
actual fucking freakazoid weirdo


Hey, I already made this joke! :crampjoke:


>don't wear it around rocco though, if you know how he gets with branded merch…
Rocco DIAPd Kojima for wearing a Beatles search.


File: 1737100958624.jpg (57.09 KB, 640x645, ClipboardImage.jpg)




other day you were seething about LGBT pypo making "le thing gay" jokes, today you're making legit creep jokes like
keep your homosexualry in your pants man fucking christ, you're a weirdo




File: 1737101162228.jpg (723.16 KB, 1024x768, ClipboardImage.jpg)


I'm so tired I almost already fell asleep once. fryday's right around the pillowy corner


I would totally eat pizza and watch cartoons with you MoM. hope you are feeling better today


File: 1737101220638.jpg (117.15 KB, 1024x768, so beautiful.jpg)


File: 1737101246480.jpg (1.31 MB, 1024x768, ClipboardImage.jpg)


Hey, SIMPSONs and SIMPSONettes. Hypnofag here. How are we today?


Unusually large fruit. :sigh:




File: 1737101571165.jpg (194.99 KB, 415x429, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Emeowyle slupdate:


Cat got your tongue 8ITCH?


File: 1737101798254.png (3.22 KB, 132x131, roxykittentoddlerup.png)


>Literally just used "biznasty" instead of :outy:BIZNASTY:outy: out loud without thinking about it


Biznasty is in, b*sed is out.


File: 1737101971000.jpg (411.75 KB, 598x769, ClipboardImage.jpg)


Locked and keyed.


I don't get it. Am I supposed to be mad at DERSITES?


sheltered little pussyboy throw some more spanish around about how your teachers were in love with you please, spastic fucking retard




Jealous of sensei…


that is one of infinite possibilities


I was out running drug markets ruining people's lives (physically) while you were being a crybaby emo depressed little 8ITCH you fucking loser. Go fucking kill yourself.

Of what? first time in elementary someone tried bullying me, stabbed the guy. repeat that multiple times through high school, before I graduated I was already importing shit instead of being a perma depressed fuckboy homosexual. I didn't sit down to wallow eternally like this loser. I grew up and grew out of those things. Didn't bother any counsel teacher with muh depression either.



Turkey you criminal monkey, stop evading.

But if you do evade, post your opinion on >>75530


You want my opinion on anything, you're gonna speak with respect, DERSITE. I'm not one of your spyneless fagg0ted friends. DISMISSED.(Dismissed.)




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>saying internet words out loud at all


It was a VC (which happened to have RoW) so I don't feel too bad about it.


You CAN'T just say that.


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Thread always picks up speed while I'm sleeping.



It happens


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It keeps happening.


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Where do you even live?


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I gave away my timezone in a previous thread and that's all I'll reveal.



I forgor. Which.


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Gen X (Chuck Wendig, Bob Chipman, Andrew Hu¢¢ie) talking themselves up again as if they think we stupid


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work in POOrogress


Prinnysuit Rose when?


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I can believe Andy Jr. is a serial killer.


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We need a proper deep dive into this.


Sue vs. Rose bias in the media.


File: 1737116023809.png (4.79 MB, 3840x2160, 18158487864515.png)


I'm prepared.


File: 1737116195240.mp3 (1.62 MB, Abandoned_Grocery_Store.mp3)




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Just plain bad@55


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how is this still a roblox tycoon game if it doesn't have tycoon mechanics like droppers and cash collecting


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I seriously don't get what people see in these "open air" "Zelda" games


It's probably just to game the algorithm by using a slightly less popular genre so it can be at the top because otherwise it'd get pushed down by the other games it's actually competing with. :sip:


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"We did the ocean and horse and Skyward Sword was hated…"


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"The slopcast needs me to help foster a culture of critical thinking and media literacy?"
:ok!: :run:


How does the babyfuck thing tie into this again?


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I have 7 harps and they're all raping children.


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Rocco in da crematorium.


"Good" but not my kind of black metal. Too cold, need my crackles.


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sasuga Rocco Shitte


File: 1737123889148.jpg (5.02 KB, 264x53, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Though this comment implies that their older stuff might be more up my alley. Will investigate. :hover:


What did Rocco ever do to you?
That reads like sarcasm because of THE CAPSLOCK.


I'd rather go a month without food than do this


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I don't know why wwomen make characters like this and then make them a #girlboss who take down any dissent casually and have complete confidence. Is this some weird female self-insertion pattern or is this a dialectic between "vgh pick me girls" and the characterization that the guys who actually want to talk to them creates.


I don't know if I ever did an AVOHK2 Deepdive but it was really boring. So.


File: 1737125875142.png (676.3 KB, 1000x563, bllllluuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrr….png)

this image i made in 2023


Thank you. :bow:


File: 1737126221635.jpg (56.84 KB, 1280x720, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Andrew? Andrew, is that you?


no dream memory.


You got consumed. :tetrakarn:


al umayir tv just dropped a new IED blueprint on live broadcast


soul eaten?


"It was better" but not by much.


Dream eaten. Your soul is next.


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Album game.


doesn't sound too bad



File: 1737128539679.jpg (86.95 KB, 700x1050, ClipboardImage.jpg)


Surprised this wasn't RoW.



Marzipan was made by a Chinese artist. :poochie:


someone has to react negatively to you posting stale chudbait garbage. I don't exactly cherish the role


And I got a good joke and potential fun fact out of it so don't be a baby. :yo:





Yes. At least regular Marzipan do. Taller Marzipan has an anime shadow over his face and Larger Marzipan is too distorted from the roids to accurately distinguish where his features begin and where the mutant growths end.



>too distorted from the roids to accurately distinguish where his features begin and where the mutant growths end

"I'll take you both if I have to"


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Just restoring balance, though I think that pic is a repost even locally


correction: it was balanced (50/50) until you put your thumb on the scale


>Mario's iron grip on platformers fucking existing not even letting up on Blue Buddies
Let me tell you, they don't know (((WHO))) they're fucking with.


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Atheists will jerk themselves off for being more religiously literate than the average religious person (through the atheist academic circlejerk and "reading the texts"- "oh, it said something about loving your fellow man perennialism is so :outy:BIZNASTY:outy: and redpilled.") but then fucking shit themselves when a theologian whose opinion isn't "I hate religion" says atheists should probably read about religion before making sweeping generalizations and can't comprehend how someone who's spent an inordinate amount of time studying religion respects its existence.


Posting something is a neutral act and open to interpretation


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"I don't believe you"


Was it good?



Sometimes I wonder about the psychology of Stephen King's work. Somebody's going to write a book about that, someday.


Maybe it's selfish but I'd really like my ideal partner to be someone really passionate about sociology, anthropology, or psychology. It doesn't have to be those three things, necessarily. It can be any intellectual pursuit or really, any field that's treated with rigorous curiosity. I like to learn new things and those cross-over conversations are always so invigorating. Maybe that's a little dehumanizing though. :sry:


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Every time I see Pennywise jump, I think it's going to turn into a Rider kick


Ultimately though, both movies in tandem, which actually did it better? :sry:


I don't think it's selfish to want a partner who you can have really intellectual conversations with, if that's something that's important to you. it's good to learn to identify the intellectual aspects of things you might initially dismiss though. some people are totally capable of engaging in discussions like that, even if they don't thrust themselves into a stereotypically intellectual field


I'm fond of 90s/00s Stephen King miniseries adaptations. They just have a certain kind of energy to them even if they're not the greatest thing ever


>it's good to learn to identify the intellectual aspects of things you might initially dismiss though.
That's basically nothing except "critical theory" but that can be seen as an extension of sociology- and we'd probably have bigger hang-ups than just that.
>even if they don't thrust themselves into a stereotypically intellectual field
That's why I said "any field if they have rigorous curiosity" The point is that you have something I can be taught and vice versa. :de:


>It was a VC
the secret /hsg/ vc…


Something to put in your Homestuck introduction, for sure. :douzo:


yeah, I saw you hint at it in your post, sorry if it sounded like I was ignoring that

>The point is that you have something I can be taught and vice versa.



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bfdi reference in diep.io


Holy crud


still rather disappointed about the magic 8 ball thing. unfortunate that no like-minded individuals have made a fair ripoff


What would you teach me? Cooking? :huh:


I can't tell if this post is supposed to be mean or not

it's embarrassing to be asked to self-describe… there are things I konw about, but
idk, maybe you would be bored with me after all since I'm not as well-read as you


it's over


>I can't tell if this post is supposed to be mean
>idk, maybe you would be bored with me after all since I'm not as well-read as you
"I'm not that well-read, especially compared to some of my friends."


I can't believe that I forgot that even Mario 64 had a "muh alice" reference. :chigau:



Beyond jumping into paintings to magical realms?
Where, the checkerboard floors?


I have a really hard time reading (seriously.) And I really don't read as much as I'd like to. I like a pristine, calm, and completely empty environment (like with my vidya.) (I really don't play videogames as much as I want to anyway.)

I can read in libraries though I'm very irritated by literally any noise so I tend to bury myself deep into nooks. Though I have a feeling that I'd feel uncomfortable being in a library if I came with some or relied on them to get home. I would probably live in my college library if I could and that one guy didn't take a shit in the urinal that one time. :consume:


Mips talks about having a tea party.


*want to either



I mean I could definitely teach someone a lot about cooking! but I get the sense you might not be into it if eating is more of a chore than something enjoyable, so I wouldn't want to be that annoying person who forces their hobby onto someone else

>I'm not that well-read
hm, well I certainly don't have the background to keep up with your /hot/ posts RE: jung
I think I can form interesting takes about art for sure, but I'm not so versed in the proper academic terminology and concepts that might be used to facilitate that

oh, I was thinking tiny big world or something lol


>And I really don't read as much as I'd like to
>I really don't play videogames as much as I want to anyway

>I'd feel uncomfortable being in a library if I came with some or relied on them to get home

I get this 100%, don't want to be a burden for others with your obsessions


Newn GamingSugoi for Sprunkiscrunkly.


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beefy die


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>I mean I could definitely teach someone a lot about cooking!
If you know about the biology or chemistry about it, that could be fun.
>I get this 100%, don't want to be a burden for others with your obsessions
That's not it. I feel pressure to leave. They don't have my pity. They have my disdain. :resp0nd:

It's also why I hate going to museums. I don't want to get personal but let's just say that the "ghost" of "them" looming over me ruins basically everything. :nerves:


Bless you for paying me mind.


>If you know about the biology or chemistry about it, that could be fun.
a bit of it, yeah. I used to do a lot of baking so I know a lot of specifics from that angle too. I have spreadsheets where I iteratively develop certain recipes

>They have my disdain.



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It's deeply rooted. It's not a conscious thing.


well, it certainly is "easier" at first


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i made this thing for a thumbnail


Just plain badass.



i used a baller model from the toolbox, removed his face and made it transparent via remove.bg


This rules!


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There are certain things I would prefer to only do alone in life but there are also things I'd prefer to learn to do without someone else and some things I wish I could feel comfortable doing with someone else.

It's all so very complicated and exhausting. :milk:


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non-transparent version


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my documents are a goldmine


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Let's see them.


>It's all so very complicated and exhausting.
when I first started living without a roommate, at first I felt super refreshed and relaxed, because even though my roommate had been great, I would get exhausted from the ups and downs of managing that relationship (not feeling like I'm imposing too much, making sure things are fair, etc)

but sure enough, being alone all the time becomes crushing and exhausting in its own way fairly quickly. I guess maybe that could just be because I also lost my irl friends at the same time


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this one is a remake


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>at first I felt super refreshed and relaxed, because even though my roommate had been great, I would get exhausted from the ups and downs of managing that relationship (not feeling like I'm imposing too much, making sure things are fair, etc)
I just don't like the noise.

I really enjoy a quiet living environment… for reasons..

I'm someone who has spent a large amount of their life in hospitals (by generous estimates, two years) for a variety of medical and fake (mental health) reasons. It's why Persona 1 is such an important game to me; Maki connected to me on an emotional level. On the hand, I enjoyed the peace and isolation; the serenity of your only interactions being optional and, usually, sterile or doting. But on the other hand, there's a loneliness to it and you begin to resent the people on the outside for being able to move on with their lives while you can't. You also begin to feel conflicted on how people treat you and it creates a split within you.


I often forget how small Asian wwomen are


>fake (mental health)
nonny, you should know mental health isn't "fake"

I'm sorry you've had so many health issues.

>I really enjoy a quiet living environment… for reasons..

don't worry, I'm not here to intrude on your cat sanctuary


>Realizing that a joke I made with a character was me subconsciously venting frustration about this


>nonny, you should know mental health isn't "fake"
I'm just clarifying for the local expert.
>don't worry, I'm not here to intrude on your cat sanctuary
I miss living alone but :gigaspoiler:


I'm tired


I am too because I stayed up. :tetrakarn:


I noticed! that means you'll be asleep this afternoon though :(

anyway, at the risk of using a cliche, it's a tired that I doubt sleep alone can fix


>I noticed! that means you'll be asleep this afternoon though :(
No, I'm Red Bulling it because I have to get something that I've been putting off done.


>something that I've been putting off
I'm kinda curious :v:

don't overdo it, yeah? good luck though


It's nothing serious.


could I maybe hear about it then? is it something creative?


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I need to get something installed into my computer and maybe checked up because I've been having problems and I'm not very tech-savvy and I don't trust myself in a lot ways (either to clean it or learn how to do certain things such as hardware installation, myself.) :homesick:

I did try to troubleshoot and it's not my Internet. So.


I see. feel free to ask questions if you get stuck or something, I consider myself pretty tech-savvy :bee101:


*lot of ways


"Who got DIAPd?"


I'm guessing this is a convo about the fortune's run dev


Japan > USA > Korea if you ignore the subject matter


China > :j:


Every time I clean or upgrade my computer it fucks up horribly, last time I couldn't figure out how to reattach the CPU cooler and suffered so much just to clean dust. People who say it's easy are TROLLING and your concerns are largely warranted. You need someone like >>75873 to guide you when you get stuck, prepare to take multiple hours and make sure your phone is charged for watching Youtube videos.


Have you tried /soc/ the sociology board of 4chan, I hear they have a lot of furries and psychos there


This is an unbearably bad joke. :sry:


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for no real reason, I cropped, sharpened, and contrast-adjusted this bkub nep. enjoy


didn't mean to reply (^^:::;)





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we were robbed


I know Gamzee is your self-insert but can you not


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sorry chum bucket :o]


> bucket :o]
You know very well not to say such a thing when you're going this deep in the Homestuck sauce.

Anyway, a certain Nervous Nelly™ was worried you were gone for good so glad to know you weren't.


ever since I plugged in that cursed tablet my debian install has been slowly falling apart


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i was on a vision quest saw a great many things
nth dimentional clown world split apart between my differential clown identities
melting candy cane death schizophrenia multiplied by the zizzlebam factorium through a computational jester slave running 413 chucklebytes on faygo ice wafer microchips
conkfucking immigrants
many things


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File: 1737140141672.gif (78.39 KB, 600x600, Terezi-Pyrope-Homestuck-MS….gif)

Anyway, this might not be the place to bring it up (Not sure if it's worth dragging to /hot) but you might be the best person to bring it up with- how do you feel about the "theory" that Gamzee's religion originally was an upside down parody of evangelical Christianity (parodying Violent J's faith in spite of his horrorcore lyrics and the weird attempt at combing the two. Which in turn is ultimately a larger parody of the "trailer trash" south in general)

The main joke being that troll Christianity would be all bark and no bite with crass language and dark imagery but ultimately just being a sort of a passive, absurdist nihilism. Then Hu¢¢ie ruined it by making all of the dark carnival shit literal and Gamzee's cult actual murder clowns and then shifting the troll Christianity angle over to The Sufferer.

Needed an image. Half-hearted DEMANDS uttered.


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File: 1737140584093.gif (17.91 KB, 404x141, 1709844722872703.gif)

i have the advantage of being genuinely entrenched in juggalo shit here because i read a little bit of violent js autobiography and listened to all the original jokers card albums
violent j isnt actually like christian hes just spiritual because of some weird shit he saw as a kid because of gas leaks in his shitty crack den house or whatever
I think that Hu¢¢ie just found the prospect of a juggalo cult amusing with him playing up the spiritual aspect of juggalos especially in homestuck with the frequent inclusion of MiRaClEs and other such shit


i swear gen x are like the most aggressive generation. They often seem to have led interesting lives though.
I like it.


should I watch this?


File: 1737144155848.gif (3.64 MB, 1920x1080, restrepo.gif)



Dominos is doing their half off online week. Might have them make some bespoke abomination pizz… :yum:


I still have to decide if I'm doing fryday or sushi instead like MoM suggested


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healing content


New deep dive, y'all


I wonder if he's dead


On his way to kill, though





>On his way to kill, though
just imagine their snowy fur stained with blood


fuck thats so badass


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so fucking cool…


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I wonder who won


if i had to guess i would say the adhd child


File: 1737150937252.jpg (3.18 MB, 2048x2048, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Bart and Homer look very "Feefees?"


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File: 1737153403381-1.png (555.88 KB, 1263x423, sincy 25-01-16.png)

Those goofy chosen.
What'cha up to there, Peewee?
It can't be that bad…


File: 1737153887304-0.png (467.13 KB, 1369x423, nanfest 25-01-17.png)

File: 1737153887304-1.png (492.01 KB, 1264x423, sincy 25-01-17.png)

You thought Nancy's school
could afford a pool? Wake up.
Get in the Jew well.


File: 1737154183044.jpg (34.9 KB, 680x653, ClipboardImage.jpg)



I guarantee you we will get at least two months of comics on this if he finds out


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decisive results


It's already cold enough without eating cold raw fish


well, I suppose that's one way of deciding what to eat :^p


THE OIL MUST FLOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111


sushi should be room temp…


Undyne pussy


maybe i should try making my own syari…




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File: 1737170417036.png (190.94 KB, 1565x288, notebooks.png)

Honestly this is kinda fun to mess around with


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I guess that's fine since Zeus decided to go 'eh shrug' mode


File: 1737176056872.jpg (Spoiler Image, 2.81 MB, 2481x3508, GghwoPoasAAleqW.jpg)

Rose? Rose Lalonde?


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File: 1737185804635.gif (2.88 MB, 572x664, 1737159268319730.gif)

fuck ArcSys tho


File: 1737187127154.png (9.96 KB, 443x223, image - 2025-01-17T062045.….png)


File: 1737187246761.jpg (1.66 MB, 1140x641, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Would you?


File: 1737192650180.jpg (295.12 KB, 1284x1166, ClipboardImage.jpg)


>larger prey, such as rabbits, typically die of shock
Impossibly grim, God couldn't even grant them the slightest tenacity and curses them to immediately drop dead when attacked


45 seconds if anyone wants to give it a listen


Did he run over a hobo?
Sasuga, Lord Freesound.org


File: 1737200756150.gif (322.82 KB, 600x338, tuah.gif)

>Lord Freesound.org
I hand picked the audio files to be context accurate for a gen 3 Hilux, the early 2000s afghanistan setting, etc. Then I spent about two hours working on the audio layout and EQ reverb etc settings to make sure the quality was persistent and acceptable. I suggest you shove the backhanded irony up your ass if you will.


File: 1737201009329.mp4 (9.83 MB, 1080x1220, w5SdY9X-LRWWiBvF.mp4)


And uhh, for your question;

Get it? GET IT?



File: 1737203390315.webm (1.01 MB, 900x900, gender gacha.webm)

oh no


File: 1737205395906.jpg (399.87 KB, 325x1040, ClipboardImage.jpg)


File: 1737207291600-0.mp4 (337.92 KB, 1280x720, Ap4H0hM64kQWZpTZ.mp4)

File: 1737207291600-1.mp4 (735.49 KB, 360x640, 2955954-9529fd6b46ef0a89a1….mp4)

The one upside of not cleaning your downloads folder is that you can find forgotten images and videos in it sometimes.



Last night's dream was about reading some passage in English class. Not even anxiety over missing class, just a dream about being assigned stupid busywork. VGH.




File: 1737210388063.ogg (403.1 KB, vdr.ogg)


32 + 18…

Not quite so old as Miffy, I guess.


lies and slander


Megidochan, something huge is coming


She'll always be like 8 of course :17:


I know orange man bad, liptart, but take it easy okay?



Not a blue hair in sight…


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was your teacher in love and obsessed with you again?



Passed through on click for me



>this NYC jewish blogger is TOTALLY DIFFERENT



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>parents mentioned once


South Americans when they raise Freiza's bastard: :wifeguy:


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Good for her.




MEX, thanks for fixing the sticker insertion JS thing. immediately noticeable improvement :)


I decided to play forum mafia again. The admin removed the option to disable homosexual flags in the settings after ORANGE won so I had to update my pronoun removing userscript to also remove the homosexual flags that users can set to show next to their avatar on every post. The game I joined only has a few TRICKSTER spammers and ESL griefers, so it's better than expected. I already got sucked into the game and care too much, but thankfully the other players don't appear to care, so the thread isn't active enough to drain all my energy.


File: 1737230822842.gif (31.12 KB, 716x716, Eagerer.gif)


>homosexual flags
Has anyone done a #deepdive on where the hundreds of variants sprung from?
I'm still leaning toward US military social media op


Nice. Got an Aries, masks, and even a smuvf



File: 1737232042446.jpg (703.57 KB, 4096x3565, ClipboardImage.jpg)

weird nepeta



I can believe the 9999 variants were organic, to the girls on tumblr or wherever they infest now it's probably close to the "aesthetics wiki xyzcore" shit but with a bonus political aspect.
One of the people on the forum had this as their pronouns, which amused me: https://lgbtqia.wiki/wiki/Mirrored_Pronouns. They should add twisted mirrored pronouns where you have to say the opposite, and invisible pronouns where you have to reword every sentence such that it does not include a pronoun.


being butchered to make burgs



you should, can be tricky to get texture/formability just right but being able to tweak the sweetness/acidity is really nice



yeah the flags are the new homestuck OC. pretty easy to understand.


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why did they yassify it


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Because bows are cute




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>The First Niggabot That Has No Limits
Trayvon reference.


I'm slowly coming to hate the color teal.


Too 80s for you?
Although Kuromi did only debut in like 2005, so…


Pot of dreams…


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I'm not sure I would've noticed if you hadn't mentioned it, but the teal highlights really are in every shot, huh. is this a trend or something, or is this one instance enough to make you hate it?


Does Donald Trump or Trump filter to Orange now


That'd be amusing, but disrespectful to Dirk


Dirk is a Hu¢¢ie self-insert, I don't know if he can be disrespected any further.


Better a thin ORANGE MAN than a fat one


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forgot if I posted this


did we ever figure out what negging means in homestuck 2
>the neggers


I've only read like one update, but is it not used like the PUA term of burying yourself into a woman's subconscious with putdowns?


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Put down the bubbles,
and heed the call to RETVRN.


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i hate him so much


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Rose rose lalonde

It's okay, he lost his nose


Dude, you can't show day of the rope on twitter!

And I'm guessing this went disastrously


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>And I'm guessing this went disastrously
I offered help… (´・ω・`)ショボーン


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Absolutely not…


>Absolutely not…
Megidochan has told. Stokings IS your fetish now


all objections must go through megidoball.

megidoball, is this anon's true secret fetish?


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Internet help doesn't work with a computer problem… Well, there's always geek squad :kiddo:


I mean, I assumed they have a smartphone, but…


Megidochanner creed: Smartphones are for character AI group chats only


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the day of the altchan draws slightly closer…


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>Scorpions, a mass of tentacles/worms, frog head, chicken heart, spider, braised pork, terrorist monke, and a MLP seahorse

The megidochan platter


a boock of slirice irirmk gpirders


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No more Tiktok reposts on other websites…


Strange journey chants in that dungeon BGM


How will I feed my flimsychan family?


>age of REASON is over
>never asked for disgaea 1 characters

didn't stop someone from complaining about some random tiktok account on marzichan today


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Total Roxykitten Victory


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inauguration happenings?






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… its zover.


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2.2 lbs of pasta mixed with whatever kind of cheese that was
1.5 lbs of bread (with hella chicken inside)
bowl of casein powder
35 oz water


I'm probably going to roll with Void Linux going forward. We'll see how it works out on vbox and then if I like it I'll replace my host OS


he did it


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kill me


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Betul lah kita dalam zaman post-awkwaaard sedunia :mmhm:



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Dye your hair blonde, you're a slayer.
Dye your hair purple, Asia loses it's mind.


>Dye your hair purple, Asia loses it's mind.
Introduce a little anarchy. Upset the established order. Everything becomes chaos. I'm an agent of chaos. Oh, and you know the thing about chaos? It's. Fair.


I've always viewed blue and purple hair as a stylistic choice of rendering black hair in older anime, so it's funny to see that it's just… a thing that exists now.


It won't really "just be a thing" until people are genetically engineered to have different hair colors which may be coming up a decade or two from now


:meh: is a gaddam TDS afflicted femishist :argh:



Misato is also edging suspiciously close to purple there… :tuff:


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>Upset the established order.



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MEX's Darkest Dungeon 2 character?


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Akage glasses brainds…


is this why you're always mentioning sweet potatoes?


or maybe that was someone else…


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I will say that oujo farts are still a criminally underutilized gap moe.


He wouldn't have ever gone this far if he coworkers were cute dropout girls…


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there will be audio too, huh


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megidochan: nightmare forum the rpg


Allen-sama integration still pending for that


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File: 1737315015016-1.png (1.52 MB, 1000x1669, sincy 25-01-19.png)

Nancy you daft bint,
time for some Sluggosplaining:
Birds don't -*plunge snap ack*!


File: 1737316272795.mp4 (3.82 MB, 1280x720, チキンナン婆~ンッ😡💢‼️.mp4)


lazy retard didn't even take the second visit to the parlor to make sure the ink stuck




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Looks like you might have to be my proofreaders, hsg…



> Shout! TV
nevver heard a it

rips wwhere


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Shout Factory's fairly well known. They've been doing a lot of Rider and Sentai stuff lately as well as some older movies


Hold her face down in the water, marmar




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Gonna flesh out Rose Mode (can be overwritten) and then publish. Although I easily expect 30 more things to break thanks to linux case sensitivity hangups once this is hosted on megidochan


I think adding easter eggs to a frivolous work is very fun especially if it becomes the unofficial translation. I'm happy you're making something. Maybe someday I'll make something.


wwhat if Rose Lalonde wwas your old friend, sibling, swweetheart, servvant, little girl, and mommy?


Also Linux case sensitivity isn't a super huge deal if you have another hard drive or partition in ext4 because you can enable case insensitivity with that. A lot of people surprisingly don't take advantage of that.


Umu… I don't even use linux outside of sshing into the megidochan droplet, but maybe I ought to learn.


I should work on my project again


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A new flimsychanner was born that day


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Reminder that there are millions of Chinese men alive today who will NEVER have sex (with ANY woman, let alone a white woman).


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We have to go back


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tv soul


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kawaii.exe activated, Roxykitten deployed


why is she like this


White ☐
Asian ☐


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will MoM fix their computer within the next 24 hours?



It's over.


it's okay… time to move on…
fix up my site, maybe work on my other project…


Will he fix it within the next 48 hours?



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How does someone get their pee to foam that much? They might have a protein problem


you're making it even more unpleasant :grr:


review: just don't.


It's quite clear at least. Is it like ginger ale?


I haven't had soda in years, but… it kind of tasted like lousy, almost-flat ramune. thinking about it and now and realizing I probably should've refrigerated the water first


It'd be more authentic when steaming warm, no?


having urine this sweet would be a serious health concern


If it's warugaki sourced, they only eat candy and umaibou




Caved and started playing Duel Links since it has Rush Duel now… The road to a decent deck is so long…


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Is it like free boosters per day? Mobile content seems so tenuous and bound by end of service lifespans that I never even try


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>Indexcely Enthoussty
New hussnasty nickname


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I like this nanfest potential already



>the mere scent of a visitor is ever so present inside the house
>cat goes full vietnam mode and hides into the deepest darkest hole you didn't even know was there



Hypnoanon, are you the one who's 8een posting the To8y Fox plagiarism pasta all this time?


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*places legos around hiding spot as a punjee pit*


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Lmao. Fuck that shithole.


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I could give you my 4chan pass except I don't know how to do that without publicizing it on a megidochan thread だろ, I haven't been posting on there for a while and I don't really plan on either


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>I could give you my 4chan pass
Please no. No8ody should ever spend money on that hellhole.
Quite frankly I've never 8een closer to fully stop even just lurking there than I am these past months, I already mentioned once how the Homestealth threads are the only ones I ever post to anymore.


Aaaaaaaand it's gone.




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>I've never 8een closer to fully stop


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Do sportsballcoons really?



It feels as though reality is collapsing around me




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piss eriwhere



>Still tatted up


I liked the part where she dropped the glass and it smashed, but I have a feeling that was staged to invoke sympathy rather than amusement.


I had no idea what I was supposed to feel


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there is no expected "you're supposed to feel this way" albeit obviously not in an authentic way

the entire thing from
>handing(?) over a toothbrush with her toes
>squeezing a toothpaste with her toes
>being half naked on video while her husband dresses her up
>breaking the glass
just meant to be a "let's drop a little bit of everything and hopefully people will watch and share it with all their friends like retards so we can get more views"


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>it's birthing magic and death magic simultaneously


File: 1737391456159.jpeg (184 KB, 1297x2048, IMG_3039.jpeg)


so stylish!

no guro… suspicious :tinfoil:


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