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/һsg/ - "Homestuck" General

The opposite of Homesick
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 No.80335[View All]

Disappointed edition
Old >>79294
926 posts and 184 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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where is this even going
why is he like this


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Stah wahs


I'm being given the run-around by an HR company. I'm starting to worry I might actually not get my money back, even if it started out as an innocent mistake on their part


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BRICSdersites: "Trump will save us, and then you'll be sorry!"
President Trump:


25% tariffs on Canada will also be kino if he follows through, they deserve it.


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I mean, I wouldn’t be opposed to it, but does Hu¢¢ie actually still live in Massachusetts? I’ve heard conflicting reports and I have to genuinely wonder if the guy even still exists, let alone in a capacity where he might be seen at PAX 15 years after his last piece of Penny Arcade fanart.




megidoball, kill me



you wwill nevver be a wwoman


I failed to learn this again for like the 4th time. On the surface it looks like impossible wizardry, then when you look at the code it's generally quite short so it feels maybe possible, but when you try it actually is just impossible wizardry.


Good morning, Aranea.




How are you doing? I actually quite missed you.


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A lot 8etter actually, health-wise.
8ut, I never went anywhere? I just don't engage if I don't like/can't contri8ute to the current discussion.
Unless you were the one away.


Yeah, I was the one away. Had an extremely dark night. I feel nothing. I really don’t know what to think any more, but whatever is happening, it’s almost over.


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Reminder that the Russian people are guilty and must pay reparations


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It always gets 8etter, sooner or l8er.


Can you imagine what it’s like to be forced to believe every single existential nightmare scenario you can think of, being unable to sleep, and having injuries that won’t heal all at the same time?


While I myself have my ups and downs, I dou8t it ever came to that point. Sadly I don't consider myself qualified for these kind of situ8ions so I'm not sure if there's anything I can say that would actually make a difference.
All I can do is hope things end up working out somehow, as lame as that sounds.


It’s okay. I’m very bewildered by existence. I don’t understand how the Internet could exist, especially wirelessly, and trying to wrap my head around how everything works and make it all make sense is impossible for me. That’s part of the reason why I swore that I’d get to meet Vriska someday, because I feel like setting my own destiny is going to help a lot more and I want to believe anything can happen.


I 8elieve in you.


I remember the first time I got high, I had this miraculous feeling of thorough understanding that took all the edge off my struggle immediately and I just knew that I was well within the landing strip of everything working out for me. It was kind of scary, but once I settled into it, I felt great and I knew I was going to get back to tip-top shape no matter what. I knew that when I was sober again, I was going to start doubting myself, and I did, coming back to the same cycle of reasons. So I took more, and more, to a total of about 300 milligrams, and each time after, I failed to get that wonderful feeling again and it really just got worse and worse. I don’t know if I’ve somehow started repressing it as a response to getting closer to relief or if it was all part of the delusion. I hope that whatever happens next is okay.


I 8elieve that's how it usually goes with weed or whatever, your 8ody gets used to whatever amount you got so you take even more to get that feeling again, 8ut then you get used to that amount as well, so it just keeps going on and on 8ut it really does more harm than good.
8ut again, I'm not the right person to seek advice from over matter like these. 8ut I do hope whatever comes next is okay as well.
I want to 8elieve all the LARP we have done l8ley helped at least a little at getting your mind off of it.

Also, MEX, petition for "miracle" to 8e filtered into mIrAcLe.


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Yeah, I love the LARP. I’m sure both of us will get to talk to the real Aranea at some point.


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God, if only……..


What? Are her thousands of hours of experience in hypnotizing people to sleep starting to get under your skin too? Purrrr…


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You wish.


Yeah, I do. I’d love to see her put you out and get you to do huge hypnosis roleplays with me.


As if I haven't already 8een doing that 8y my own volition. :::;)
If anything she can 8e a coach of sorts.


Officially-sanctioned Aranea roleplay. God, I know she’s watching this somewhere and just cackling like an idiot.


Vriska could also 8e watching and getting extremeley jealous over her not 8eing the one getting the attention.



Well, Vriska is also a mind reader, so if she’s spying on me, she knows that in my heart of hearts, she’s my favorite.


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Fair enough then.
May Aranea do the same with me then, if she has any dou8t.


There was fake news saying there was a Jewish troon on the helicopter which I almost posted before researching myself. There wouldn't be any issue if they just confirmed the identity of the third pilot on the helicopter. It's almost certainly to save face since they described her as a woman I believe.

I'm not sure if it's just me paying attention more, but I feel like there's been more fake news lately. I think paying people to engagement bait on Xitter was really dumb. On the upside it's just indiscriminately fake noise, not the regime's subtle truth-twisting with selectively amplified agendas.


Did she knock her out???


Possi8ly! ::::)


Is it fucked-up that I’m so fixated on their hypno-sleep powers? I saw that quest bed scene a decade ago and it’s still fried into my brain


My head hurts but



Within time, Smite 2 will be epic.




No, it's not. Fuck /pol/


Should we tell Tatsuya about spirit money in Eastern religions?

I told myself I should would stop this but… just… kill me…

Pretty sure he's used this subtitle before too.




He lives somewhere in a five-state area of Massachusetts from intel accounts.




Epic samejoke. Nancfest is going to be euthanasia-inducing.


I think the joke is that she bored her to sleep.
>Is it fucked-up that I’m so fixated on their hypno-sleep powers?


Was the sharty dox real? I didn't get to see it.


I didn't know there was one.


shaders are fun!


must manifest Hu¢¢ie growing a foot taller so he's easier to locate


*foot shorter


a local midget sensation? could work


Midgets can't hide from TLC.


don't get your knickers in a twist bigboy


At-risk individual.


I don't really think so


>Computer science


you could probably easily name a dozen other things too if you knew me better


Exactly….? :ibs:


my point being that despite having many correlative traits, being friends with trans people, being exposed to lgbt culture and ideas, and not having any sort of unaddressed hangups regarding them (to my knowledge), I have felt no real desire to transition at any point.
to me, this makes me more confident that I'm not "an egg" than if I were someone who had never been "tested for fractures" or opened themselves up in the same way


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It's a nice logo




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¥44k feels a little excessive


but you see, it's made by the creators of the original teddy bear :^p




>the creators of the original teddy bear
I hate them. :nerves:


teddy bears, or the company?


The creators.


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Rose? Rose Lalonde?


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>Picrel 4
Was this screenshotted before it finished buffering?




You tire me already.


>Le 900s


tired so early on a fryday…
this simply will not do!


Wow dude, you're so schizo, you're so esoteric!


Oh, wait, still a bit tiresome.


He wants the alice theme




Why would I? Fuck you! :diplomacy:


I already made this 8read so someone else do it.


gets around the timeout, that's all :^p
takes less than 900s to make a burner


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