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/hot/ - Hussie On-Topic

Better than that piece of shit Vasquez
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What will the name of this young man be?
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Welcome to a new experiment, COMPLETELY UNRELATED to Homestuck General.
Some have suggested that HSG has grown too twisted and self-absorbed over the years. As such, this board is a dedicated space for the actual subject matter: Andrew Hu¢¢ie's works.
Here, the tone is expected to be more cordial than raw HSG, with a slower pace. Take your time composing thoughtful posts.

1) Stay on topic. The focus of threads and posts on /hot/ should relate to Andrew Hu¢¢ie in some way—his solo projects, collaborations, or even the man himself. While some diversions are inevitable, head to >>>/hsg/ for random chats in a loosely Homestuck-esque enviornment.

2) Mature content is fine, within limits. John Egbert himself is about to turn 30, so mature subject matter is expected. However, the dumping of explicit porn (anything exceeding a Questionable rating on a booru) is not allowed.

3) Edgy content is fine, within context. Comic-style blood and gore consistent with Homestuck’s original M rating are acceptable. Real-life gore or pornographic gore will be deleted, and may result in a ban.

4) No political axe-grinding. If you need to rant about how (Minority Group X) RUINED HOMESTUCK, >>>/hsg/ is always open. Some debate is natural, but inflammatory or off-topic political posts will be removed at a mod's discretion.

5) Leave outside drama at the door. No whipping anons into a personal army against artists or personalities you dislike. This board is for discussion and enjoyment—take it easy.

Oh, and no breaking the law, thank you.

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Welcome to Homestealth NOT!, the successor to the successor to 4chan's Homestuck General and the future of Homestuck chan culture along with Megidochan's /hsg/.

Minor production problems have slowed this thread down, so settle in and get ready, because we've got more on the way!
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A lot of stuff seems to me lifted from The Sims 3, actually. Like the generic object cube, and the grumpy moodlet icon being used as Karkat's face.


girlbait strikes again!


Post her.


>Like the generic object cube,
Oh, how I hate it. But presumably, Hu¢¢ie only played the original and has his cohorts of Hu¢¢ies inform about the shit in the later games. That's his typical M.O.

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Why is he the bad guy again?
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Clearly, attention whores fighting to be the biggest attention whore is peak fiction and if you don't agree, then that makes you a filthy action-craving meat-loving time-traveling homophobe-cancelling racist transphobe who must be apart of a destructive cult or something.


Because he's Hu¢¢ie's self-insert, and Hu¢¢ie hates himself.


Yes, so? It's still an entry-level question that'll get you boring, repetitive answers.


That's fine, honestly.
The only guidelines are to keep things related to Hu¢¢ie and don't drag /pol/ drama in.

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snowman is my favorite homestuck character
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I'm not "insecure", I just have an adult woman fetish.


No, it's probably just femdom, BDSM, and /SS/, you fucking pervert.


8uilt for 8SC (8ig Slick Cock).



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Other way round. Slick is built for Snowman's black inches.

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r/englishpumpkinparty. how many emotions these words provoke, how many tears fly from homestuck twitter users' eyes when you mention them. but what is your opinion on them and what do you feel about them
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Last I checked, the dicsord server was filled with minors, porn, and creepy users (including some mods). Recommend avoiding.


That's just pisscord in general.



Didn't their dicsord server get banned, like, three times now? I didn't find anything interesting in them.

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