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/ysg/ - Runaway Room

Nostalgic True Romantics
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For 70 years, the specter of Kubel's Pillory has enshrouded the globe as an incurable "death sentence", until…

Liedna - (Player Character, Humiliation Focus)
-Possessed by a sadistic spirit, subject to merciless verbal reproach and shame play
-Disgraceful, permanent status effects that are active in both dungeons and town
-Saving virginity for her crush (at player's discretion)

Flambery - (NTR Focus)
-Strong will, forced into obedient submission as the antagonists gain leverage
-Initially detests NTRman's trashiness, may gradually, lustily succumb and fall from grace
-Real-time infidelity while her disciple is dungeon crawling

Twice the all-too-fallible heroines, twice the predatory villains, twice the tender True Feelings, like four times the flashbacks!
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Really? That bad? I'll take your comment as a grain of imageboard-style abrasiveness…

Ahem. Alongside my personal self-restraint, I tried to capture the direct and slightly self-deprecating tone of the original DLsite page to make it clear that this is not a work for everyone. Still, I honestly think it's a lovely start, even if the H-scenes could be more concise in many places.

I don't want to sell Viscaria short, either, so maybe some edits to the OP are in store.


Tis ever the first that we keep fond in our breast, and ever the first that eclipses the rest.


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But sometimes, it would be nicer to forget, no?


Happy 5th anni…

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Now in mass-market fan goods form.
You were a loyal enough patron to earn a shot at the full set, of course?

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