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n0thing lasts f0rever
Tonight's Moon
megid0chan h0mesthread

Now with tenfold the jittering, pixelated gifs — by Admin at 2024/11/17 (Sun) 15:46:24

We've built a decent menagerie of MSPA-sourced emotes by now, so I'm a bit less mortified to call /hsg/ a "Homestuck" board. Still, HSG feels more like a silly, Homestuck-flavored chatroom than an institution of canonical RIGOR and ANALYSIS. Perhaps one day, the broth shall be whole again...

For now, we're still :candy: rather than :meat:, to lean on post-canon.

Do news entries improve SEO? — by Admin at 2024/08/23 (Fri) 22:23:25

People are researching "Plapjak Anthem".

The newest link in that abominable chain — by Admin at 2024/05/23 (Thu) 20:22:37

Call me a clinger, call me a grognard, but I just can't let things end like that. Megidochan Mk. III, take off!