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/һsg/ - "Homestuck" General

The opposite of Homesick
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 No.80335[Last 100 Posts]

Disappointed edition
Old >>79294


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I read this one, and was disappointed when I checked 8ack and saw it got re8ooted. I remem8er one of the trolls having an VGH quirk (replacing U with V).


why do they always do this
exercise of futility


yet another Emily…


>*male voice starts speaking*
eri fuckin time



You can't just say that.


le synchronicity



Troons should support other troons. :^)


the best way to support them is to shame them into voice training


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We're blowing minds again.

Surprised it decided to associated with this one.


>Le pecking order
Oh, how "fembrained"


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already at the latest update, complete nothingburger. i like kunuki's design at least


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>The fucking timelines again
Redeem shitcker, sar.


Oh, yeah, I forgot, this is part of the "Author's barely disguised fetish" duology.

Fuck off.


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I'll get back to my job later. "Busy."


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>struggling to breathe. Has an affinity for "8" and a dislike of posting on "4chud".
That's me alright.


it's not a pecking order, it's a matter of putting in the slightest bit of effort if you're going down this route publicly
it was labeled as 18+ with warnings of "graphic violence" and "sexually explicit" content so im not surprised with it. the only reason i bothered skimming through it is because kunuki was posted on /co/ a few times and i thought she looked cool


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Holy fuck.


> kunuki was posted on /co/ a few times and i thought she looked cool
Fetish character.




8efore the re8oot there was significantly more suggestive stuff and towards the end she'd get am8ushed 8y another group of trolls, the leader of which 8eing the aforementioned VGH quirker and is implied of 8eing an ex of sorts, which gave a little more insight on Kunuki's past.
8ut it's all gone now so oh well!!!!!!!!



>Smelly troon x chud fantasy again


Another panel was her considering the idea of spinning a knife with her tenta8ulge.
It was a visual thought 8u88le.


Keep Proving Me Right


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She takes her shirt off, 8oo8s in the air in front of the gold8lood girl right after taking her in (originally she saved her from a purple8lood attack rather than finding her hanging from a tree) and it's pretty o8vious she wants to fuck her even when the gold8lood is still traumatized.


That Was Human Sarcasm


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There used to 8e a full view of her desktop image, her posters and oh! The main character from I'm Good I'm Gone made an appearance as well.


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> I'm Good I'm Gone
Yes, the author part of the "Author's barely disguised fetish" duology.

Though I think the art is leagues above the troon equivalent and I personally know Phoebe to some degree so I'm far less dismissive of it.


I'm right.


Araneafriend, if I draw another stupid picture again, are there any things I should capture for your discerning tastes?


*the other part


Nah, do whatever you want.




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8ut, extra points if M**nah is kept at a minimum.


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Done with questions because bluh bluh. Might react later.


shamjew wishes he could pump out this kino. that should've been psycholonials


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It's in.


>Le anthropology simile


This is made 8y a minor, isn't it.


The original was made by a 15 year-old Thai kid, yeah.

The new thing, who knows, probably not.


>Selena Gomez




Rosemary a shit.


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It refuses to load this.


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Here's timeline Hell.


>"8" is inserted into words for no reason


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I am Megidochan now. :chigau:


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>Only 14 minutes long


Any questions?

I'm going to remake it for the 34th edition so this 30th won't be staying.


>Any questions?
thoughts on trump?



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>thoughts on trump?


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The podcast is relatively boring but I'll still wait for some more questions before nuking this one.


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Caption this.









Whatever you say, fart fetishist.


H4H4 Y3S 1 4M T3R3Z1


She finally all of Hypnoanon's thirstposting.



And then sh8rted.


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I like to imagine this is going to be how she reacts when I confess my hypnosis fetish to her.


finally found*


*Wipes a 8ig fat 8ooger on this post*


Realistically she'd call you a looooooooser at first, 8ut then will start to actually think a8out it.



And THEN she sh8rts.


Get tastes, shroomtroon.


Does Vriska browse human image boards or boorus?



Considering she had a crush on Nick Cage I wouldn't rule out the possi8ility of her looking at the human internet for more shirtless men.


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Considering that Rose and Dave canonically fucked, yeah her ex does live in Texas.


Aranea, I swear on this day that I will meet Vriska Serket in person before I die. I want everyone to know that, and if Megidochan still exists when that happens, I’ll post pictures.


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You can do it!


That's from the original "Sprunki".


I have to wonder what she’s going to think of me. If she already exists, there’s a chance she’s been watching me this whole time, which would really be a shameful first impression with all my mentally ill thirstposting and me being a mess IRL. Otherwise, I should strive to make the best impression going forward.


i actually wanted the excuse to make a vriska shitpost
also don't reveal anons…


Vriska outrage farms on Twitter.


Well, she was fixated on Tavros of all people, so you should 8e on the clear.


Sometimes I have to remind myself that Vriska, like me, also gets obsessed with online people that aren’t traditionally attractive and puts large amounts of energy into trying to get them to do weird and quasi-sexy things for her own enjoyment.


Even 8etter for when you actually get to know each others 8etter.
Just 8e ready for the possi8ility of her "mellowing out" over time.



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What if Vriska exists but she's Yellow Vriska


I don’t think either of us are ever gonna stop being evil, don’t worry.


Goddamn it I gave her a lisp while reading this in my head. Fucking Sollux.
I see. Then it's a question of whether you can keep up with her other shenanigans when she's NOT putting you to sleep.


he pretends not to understand social norms, you'll have to ask someone else if you want him to stop


Or putting other people to sleep. Perhaps seeking out the girl with the biggest butt in the room to knock out just for the sake of making me squirm.


That's cool and all, 8ut you should 8e ready for when she asks something from you for a change. And gog knows what that would 8e, may8e just LARP as a pir8 some more or outright pulling dangerous stunts.
Perhaps YOU will 8e tasked with putting HER to sleep at some point.


I’d do anything for her as long as I wasn’t seriously risking my own hide. I absolutely could put her to sleep; part of my self-improvement effort recently has been actually starting to read books on hypnotism, so by the time we meet, I’ll probably be certified. I don’t have the advantage of psionics and obviously nothing that can be shown to work on humans is guaranteed to work on her, but if she needs to get zonked, I’ll blast her harder than a drone busting down hive walls to look for buckets.


Duginism is just Larouchianism but Russian


>as long as I wasn’t seriously risking my own hide.
Well, it IS Vriska Serket we are talking a8out. Never let your guard down.


Hell, Aranea, if we were in the same room, I could probably put YOU to sleep.


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Don't make me laugh.


My eyes twitched up. Fuck. >_>


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Yeah, that's more like it. Remem8er who has 8illions of sweeps of experience here.


Something about the face of that last post combined with the intonation that I need to sleep immediately just completely shuts me down.





uuuughhhhhhh…that face is doing things to me


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Let's skip to the end then, shall we?
You may succum8 now.



Rrrrgh…no. You sleep. *You* sleep. Sleep now…I…*yawwwwn*…


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What was that? "You sleep"? No, I'm afraid there was a misunderstanding.
*You* shall sleep. Now.




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How diplomatic.


Fun, good summary of the ethos too




'Snapshart' is almost worth of becoming a filter, but IDK for what yet


>shroomy spent all their respectability while I was asleep by posting 2018 political memes and bad takes

>dedicated marzipan screenie
seems mostly positive :)


This is HSG, so



the talk of cross-site referrals had me intrigued, so I downloaded some program that can run queries on the nginx logs for marzichan. apparently 108 people have clicked the marzichan link on megidochan, with just under half of those clicks happening in the last week (!) and almost all of them happening within the last 2 weeks


>108 people have clicked the marzichan link
er, rather, people have clicked the link 108 times


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Ruh roh. New games journalism pilled


Better than pretending a troon is a woman. :kyaha:








Go to last thread. Type "letter" Pick letters.


Who even say that besides jenny and gerbert, though?


Us, when quoting them. :chigau:


I did post my impressions of the wadge album last thread btw, just in case you speedread past it :^p


>I did post my impressions of the wadge album last thread btw, just in case you speedread past it :^p
I didn't see it.



>and it's okay if they don't read the individual track reactions, honestly. but I typed them while listening, so I thought it was better to give them MORE out of the trade rather than less. I summarize my thoughts at the end, and they can check the track reactions if they have particular favorites that they're curious about my reaction to


I assumed this was something schizo because of all the shit-flinging. Track-by-track is truly exhausting both ends. And for grindcore…?


>Track-by-track is truly exhausting both ends
sorry, I wasn't sure exactly how I should do it and I had already written a bunch of reactions by the time I realized it was gonna be super long :^<
I can re-summarize things into a concise post if you'd like


I like the end singing. It's funny. :drool:


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Oh no.

Oh no.


yeah, it's an amusing note to finish on :^p



I guess I'll do the Black MIDI shit first.


I am sorry about the length though. if there's a next time I'll keep the notes to myself (except for favorite tracks, maybe) and summarize it properly before posting
>I guess I'll do the Black MIDI shit first.


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this one looks like… a spammer website. as in, there's a thread that appears to be a collection of sites where you can post without an account


Good find.


oh, it's a soyjak site…


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This is still much too long. Counselor RoW has advised me against me it. Okay, mathcore. I want it sludgier. Right now we're somewhere inbetween Dillinger and the stuff I actually like. Also, fuck homosexuals who make comics like this.
Yeah, this isn't The Doors, buddy. Not that I want it to be. I'm again thinking of Big Black and I'm like "take lessons from Big Black"; make this shit more raw. Flatly mixed. I would have had a screech here. Again, it's like I'm getting the aftertaste of a bunch of things (Naked City, Big Black-ish noise rock, general math rock) with a strong overwhelming presence of "you're not that guy, pal."

Somehow it sounds even softer than the usual mathrock affair, if this was like, my dish at a restaurant, I'd say it tastes like screamo more than the hardcore of mathrock.

Now we're getting hipster "cool noises" and strumstrums.

I guess the key take-way from whenever I talk about music like this is no matter how much shit you slap onto your labels or sounds-wise, there will still be key elements that turn people off or don't. This can't escape its indie rockisms. Fucking Slint sounds more punk rock than this and I'm supposed to buy this is like the electronica version of Sawtooth Grind.

But it's not, I'm hearing the gayisms that divide it from that that most music journos won't tell you. It's just like blackgaze.

Finally, some dissonance but it's not enough. It doesn't feel right.

>Gay song



I'm not sure if I'm counting a certain character here as purple or another which I started the challenge with, I'm assuming the former. Just know there's Re drama.


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>This is still much too long.
it's the same length as your album, isn't it? (´・ω・`)ショボーン
>Fucking Slint sounds more punk rock than this
I mean, it doesn't purport to be punk :^p
>>Gay song


When I heard about black MIDI, I thought it'd be like the Touhou music it's coined after.

Instead, it's the vague progressiveisms of indie rock and all the nifty bells and whistles of the last 20 years of that without a more "digital" presentation. I feel deceived and conned.

I guess I would be more tolerant of all of this if these songs were content to the pop-isms they're kind of trenched in. "Alternative" and "indie" are just different kind of pops. "Wow, the song doesn't stay on one thing too long" is appealing for the stuff I like but for this, it's like, all the technicality in the world can't make me like the underlying sounds or what would you even call it, "selective overloads" of sound as a musical device in every song. Strum, blow up, strum.
>I mean, it doesn't purport to be punk :^p
What does it purport to be and "That's the problem."

So soapy… I was I was production-agnostic or whatever and could just enjoy these theoretically "fun sounds" but please, peak, oh, there's something actually grating, passing like the wind.

I've now given up trying to give this my full attention in order to be purple.


wwhat happened to doja cat


Arrested and executed.


wwhy does she look like that noww


Also, where's the bossa nova, funnyman, did you actually hear it or is that just a genre that sounds silly to your gringo ass? :letmein:


>Strum, blow up, strum.
I can definitely understand getting tired of this formula, as it's present in basically all of the songs here
>I've now given up trying to give this my full attention in order to be purple.
>"Alternative" and "indie" are just different kind of pops
ehh, I disagree? alternative pop and indie pop are different kinds of pop. I don't think it's fair at all to call this album pop, to be honest.
>What does it purport to be and "That's the problem."
they're not really trying to be an on-the-nose genre act, so they don't purport to be anything. I think noise-math-experimental rock is an apt label. they're part of a larger post-punk resurgence in the UK at the time
>I've now given up trying to give this my full attention in order to be purple.


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If it sucks so much, then why did they do it?


What was the issue, he went full FUB phenotype?


he doesn't look too bad to me :v:


> alternative pop and indie pop are different kinds of pop.
>I don't think it's fair at all to call this album pop, to be honest.
> I think noise-math-experimental rock
My love-hate relationship with math rock continues then.
You have sent me music that actively annoys me. I should send you my "softer" music so you get a taste of what I don't hate.


smol pp


He looks pretty normal


I really feel like you need some perspective if that album sounds like pop to you, at all.
>You have sent me music that actively annoys me.
I'm sorry. I didn't expect you to roundly hate it. did you enjoy any moments from it?

exactly, a Facially Unremarkable Bloke


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It can't factor as much as the fear, unless you're posting on mytinydick.net


Yeah but she's a point or two higher + double the views.
Such is life.


>I really feel like you need some perspective if that album sounds like pop to you, at all.
"Indie popisms" pervade it.
>I didn't expect you to roundly hate it. did you enjoy any moments from it?
"Cool sounds"; I just hate the production and general songwriting and vocals.


New letters just dropped:



>"Indie popisms"
what, like lack of blastbeats and harsh noise? :^p
too many wandering guitar sections? unconventional vocal delivery?
>"Cool sounds"; I just hate the production and general songwriting and vocals.
well, I'll try to do better next time



>too many wandering guitar sections? unconventional vocal delivery?
Second time around, even if facetiously, you got closer to the truth. Strum strum talksing NOOOOOOOOOIIISE. Like screamo but with shades on. :coolkid:
I was going to say "The one time it's not Marzipan, we get cunny" but this was still Marzipan so… :larp:


>Strum strum talksing NOOOOOOOOOIIISE. Like screamo but with shades on.
well, those things still aren't "popisms". "pop" isn't "everything I think is uncool or boring". there's no pop structure to the songs. no pop listener would identify this as pop
>this was still Marzipan so…
did you win the last one?


>well, those things still aren't "popisms". "pop" isn't "everything I think is uncool or boring". there's no pop structure to the songs. no pop listener would identify this as pop
I said "indie popisms."
>did you win the last one?
Yes, dear.


>I said "indie popisms."
well, I don't see it. sorry.
I just wish you had been able to enjoy it a little more. thanks for listening


>well, I don't see it. sorry.


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"Anonymous" imageboard


I know, right? He thinks it cute, but honestly.


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I don't know why more people aren't playing MOBAs. It's a real shame because this game looks really fun


I never fantasize about being a prince. Guess I'm not an ARISTOCRAT OF THE SPIRIT


>also don't reveal anons…
That one is very guessable.


Sorry, Turkroach-san.


New letters just dropped:




Finally! :mewke:


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Sy(lph of Space)


Had a similar problem with League of Legends, kept hearing low-budget Asian porn in the background. Hope the developers patch it soon.:sigh:


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>drink is frozen and taking too long to thaw


Sending this to Marzipan as an example of something NON-HARD that I like or something.

Song structures that don't annoy me.

IDK. :bob:


deadlock was like kinda fun


Put it up your butt. :hithere:


*Incu88s strong zero*


Do you think she could store multiple, different drinks and serve the right one upon request


So you just don't cum, is that it?


Girl has butthole?


it's MCT oil heavy cream coffee


>MCT oil
I wanted to try a bunch of that this year. Time flies


I'm dying outside.


I'm sorry, nonny




NAFO win. For today… :argh:


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how/why is she a billionaire


She's a celebrity…? Selena Gomez.


Dave's such a loser for not getting puppets.


acting, I would presume


Ok bwo


He's right doe, bwo.


"Jewish blood magic."


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Rose? Rose Lalonde?


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Me with most things. But why Timmy? McVeigh?




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/po/ ryona?


what is this from?
uh actually nevermind i dont think i want to know



/pol/ ryona.


I liked her.


So did Hifumi-kun


>Kills off best characters
Many such cases!


Softer paradigm: merely DIAP the best characters


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hifumi was :outy:BIZNASTY:outy:, my friend kept asking how I could like him lmao
at the end of the day he just felt like discount daru to me though
given how bad I think danganronpa is generally, it's possible that any character that lives long enough to be written more will become terrible, so. but yeah, I liked her design a lot, and her gimmick had amusing potential


>he just felt like discount daru
he STILL* felt like discount daru


I played the first Danganronpa, saw the ending, and said, "I'm fine with how that ended. I don't need anymore. I'm done." Haven't touched the series since


just had a mint cookie. I like mint a lot. thinking about the checkerboard mint cookies I made once…


this shit's out in less than 90 days huh


Sensing :flop: energy


Mint's pretty good


I imagine it'll at least be a moderate hit with dangan fiends


I wonder why they made the mascot character so shit


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found a picture. I made the borders too big (´・ω・`)ショボーン


masonic and mother 2 pilled



Maybe there was some lingering attachment to that prototype DISTRUST anatomy model version of monokuma. Still, doesn't mean you should do it.


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it is against the rules to say that marichka is :outy:BIZNASTY:outy: on sarah ashton-cirillo.


oh he made the characters even more retarded and psychopathic
million seller confirmed


don't let the cheapness of danganronpa ruin mentally ill waifu/husbandobait for you. or eyeliner.


how hard is it to not talk about gay shit no one cares about



it was a wkuk joke nonny


The game isn't out yet, we have to see


uohhh danganronpa uooohhh jenny niggleson uooohhh some Office-like TV show or sitcom no one on the internet before 2010 would even pretend to know about
guys what if Mario had sex? do you like Homestuck? i fucking hate Homestuck. let’s talk about The Eric Andre Show instead


We can get on the ground floor of making 50mill response CAI bots for them


I'm observing you, but would you prefer we talk about lanky kong?


>some Office-like TV show or sitcom no one on the internet before 2010 would even pretend to know about
anon, wkuk aired from 2007-2011. and it's a sketch comedy show, not a sitcom.
you can talk about homestuck if you'd like, nobody will stop you




Fart cloud. FART CLOUD.



pooquet and ZAMNa?


Piccolo and Z-fighters




Peach and Zelda


New letters just dropped:




Did the you pay the zigger his due?


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Da Gamez:


did you win?



why? looks like you did great!



I pick yarrow!


>why? looks like you did great!
Connection issues, second-to-last two were me getting gutted by my opponent while I only held in.

Last game was a tard fiesta which I had to carry (one AFK, everyone was retarded.)


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Imagine the smell.



Say the line?
Rose. Rose Lalonde.


rose wouldn't say that.


Rose? Rose Lalonde?


Tennis Rose might. These are judged on the basis of hair color anyway


What's she saying? SPEAK ENGLISH.


tennis rose is peppy and positive?
roughly "it'll work out somehow, cmon, we can do something!"


>tennis rose is peppy and positive?


Like "I just know things will work out for us!”


I keep telling you, the whole AI chatbot magic wore off for me, at least currently.




You chat with Lian now.


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Haven't seen this 8ITCH recently


She's lurking, shitting.


Best characters confirmed to be killed off for no good reason.


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"To fart in, of course."





Mii sports rose would be good


I think it's more of a pbbbt


>Mii sports rose
How do we distinguish her from Tennis Rose? One just wants to have fun while the other is screaming?




Yes, and she also bowls and fences


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Can't wait to see him get fucked in the ass.


Caliborn’s stinky breath in Vrissy’s face


I'm sure there's already art


You would know. :de?:


not particularly, no



Jay nigga.


ready for [S]




MEX, just fyi, this sticker tag is still typo'd (^^:::;)




I have ssh open, so sure


the tooltips are supposed to work as translations, normally (´・ω・`)ショボーン
"that's rich (coming from you)", "you're one to talk", etc


I never mean to nag, I just like picking up sticks when I see them. should I start directing things to >>>/vvox/ instead?


I'll give him a Deathmark he'll never forget.


Maybe at night


you mean because in an active thread they get covered up, or?


Yeah it'll go up and away in the annals of memory
Anyway, fix'd



Scaramouche is a twerp too, right? Maybe manlets just have to go psycho mode and wwomen won't care.


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Nah, they still care.


He reminds me of the Hikki lolichad from Deathmark.


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ah, I hadn't heard of it before


>age 33


>Sex: Never


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>Ascended past 32
It's Megidocore, bwo.


>It's Megidocore, bwo.
maybe someday






Cry some more. :snap:


>But yes, after the incessant sniping passes (please god), it would be very reasonable to close out the account and accept janitor/mod through a proper application process.
>If MoM conducts himself well, that would be a recommendation in his favor. If not…


MEX on the day of the reckoning ↓


I have been thinking some, don't fret.


Stop taking this shit so seriously. :ugh:


my post was fairly unserious in nature


Hard to tell when someone here is constantly shaking their rattle and I don't have belf view on 24/7.


File: 1738190534951.png (4.19 MB, 1440x1440, OMT_PrimordialEdition.png)

I use a vertical mouse, not a tablet, by the way. And even if I was down to making pebble etchings on cave walls, I'd still probably spit on the shit any of you bumfucks could ever produce your entire lives. 🧿


tonight, I will make pizza dough.


Yeah, you only turn it on when you're harassing someone




Somebody call the wambulance. :niinii:


>Flat canvas texture
>Brush strokes
>Rugged pencil lines
That there is a unique blend of ukiyo-e inspiration and impressionism with in addition to my personal touches (the canvas, the signature, specific brushes, etc)
You have absolutely no idea what a ""CLASSIC EDO PAINTING"" is, and my work falls underneath none of those categories, lest when I specifically make something intended to replicate ukiyo-e or sumi-e, should I want to.


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God forbid somebody poke fun at Mr. "DIE TRICKSTER DIE" lest he deem it "harassment" :auu:




You're free to share any of your own pieces should you wish to back up the claims.

Or are you playing MoM's favorite "I'll claim you don't know me enough to warrant the criticism but then also try being a smartass and make no efforts to prove my claims."?


Blood is a feminine fetish just saiyan


Who's desperate for validation and taking illegal, harmful drugs? You are! Yes, you are! :nipah:


"chicks love guro"


But food more.


what if…?


Marzipan, I propositioned you for another album trade if you didn't notice.


It's called candygore, grandpa, and Asian American girls eat that shit up.


You know I don't use anything other than steroids, but it's cute to see that you're going the distance to throw out completely false claims at this point. I suppose I got under your skin that bad? lol.


That's what I was referring to. :huh:


oh, this one? >>80524
I had it open in a tab to listen to later today, but I didn't think it was a trade offer!
maybe I should listen to it before picking another album for you though, since it might help me find something you would enjoy more


"I like silly music." :de:



Silly? Doesn't sound very authentic bwo. What are you running from with the irony shield?




Comedy is the deathknell of CHILLING and RELAXING….


idc about the drugs. it's clear you've spent time improving on your art skills and it shows. if you like making art, I hope you continue doing so and improving
but it's this attitude:
>And even if I was down to making pebble etchings on cave walls, I'd still probably spit on the shit any of you bumfucks could ever produce your entire lives.
that makes you a deeply unpleasant person. and being skilled does not compensate for that; it's basically irrelevant


>"I like silly music."


A good chunk of my album list is "silly music" if not outright comedy music.

What more needs to be said?



AI generated bullshit.




It sure didn't seem like you were using vague claims to try portraying me as a junkie. Anyways, I abuse anabolics for long term aspirations, you abuse alcohol out of… why do you do that again? "recreation"? Anyways, I'll stop addressing you now, reached your daily attention quota already.


there's one very silly album on my chart, but you might just hate it lmao. I'm not sure.


"Stop objecting to the blatantly malicious guy abusing mod powers to harass everyone else in the thread, it's uncivil"


>long term aspirations


I already took your side every time on this issue, despite the fact that you openly despise me. I don't know what more you want me to do


Oh, I'm harassing everyone now? :shikari:


Holy shit, lighten up, you sperg.


Apologies but "Sent :::;)"




240lbs lean mass at 5'7 puts me in the top 0.1% as is, and I'm only growing by the day. It's funny how you're willing to embarrass yourself over and over because you can't resist the urge to not say the first thing that comes to your hollow mind.


the danganronpa OST is like so many other aspects of the series - with great potential, but squandered. everybody who worked on danganronpa needs to be forcibly removed and placed on a team of other skilled people working on a good project (except kodaka)


How about more diick2 in the broth?


Caliborn farting in Vriska’s face


danganronpa has plenty of boys


Fucking gay, dude.


You know what I meant.


I actually didn't


I do wonder why Takada dropped Suda so completely


"More people working on it to taper out the mindless self-indulgence."


>mindless self-indulgence
I don't actually think this is the issue, personally. it's just a fair amount of skill being thrown around a shoddy skeleton (bad writing)
the issue was never "unique voice wankery" per se


>straight pairing is gay
Menthol gymnastics



Some straight things are gayer than gay things, it's true.


Mindless means it's not a unique voice, it's a fart. Mindful self-indulgence can still be bad.


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For chudsoft, I believe dat, but Izanagi?


> Izanagi


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"true friendship"


Suda & Takada was the OTP…


suda & toupee?


Soba and Buleaut.


That's what makes me wonder. I guess it must've been around Suda going to california and maybe Takada couldn't/wouldn't leave Japan?

And then he made a new moirail? NTR vibes…


soba & boba ?!


Soda & Boba



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remember when Kodaka tried to market this turd with last minute "DGRP style" art?


_(:3 」∠ )_






Ross? Ross Lalonde?


I'll cum on your forehead.


Not gay enough.





is that really the first thing you think of when you see something lying down?


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Shart first response.


I was cold until I turned on my heater and then I turned it on and I wanted to die.


Cold is better.





So trve!


Not everything is so serious.


being sweaty in the wrong context is uncomfortable, but in the right context, I suppose it's actually rather intimate. who wouldn't enjoy a trip to the sauna with their lover?


Biased crisis actor.


hugs are good!
you candidly share real distress sometimes, so I like to play it safe instead of laugh you off every time


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Laugh me off everytime.


I can't just do that.


You can. :gm:


Take the path of least resistance!


Why is he so gay?


I'm so bored, I want to blow my brains out.


He's just oofy-doofy maxing


it's not least resistance, though! I care about him and when he expresses great pain or suffering it makes me worry

now he's doing it on purpose


>now he's doing it on purpose


>now he's doing it on purpose
Ennui won't kill me, dummy.


is there nothing you feel like doing?
totally unrelated, but I thought of magical drop again today ;^p


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>Not gay enough.


Still not gay enough.


Not really.

The fuck is magical drop?
Neville was a bottom 8ITCH.


>The fuck is magical drop?
the arcade game. I talked about it here once and you said you weren't interested in playing, for a variety of reasons (which I can respect)




don't be mean


Counter counter counter counter.



I think I've gone from undersleeping to oversleeping within the span of two days.


Scatborough Fair.


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It finally loaded.


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Was that it? I'd split too. GAY!


Stick his finger in her butte.


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Bwos, new Megidocore just dropped.


is ojisan staying up to play on release?


https://store.steampowered.com/app/370600/Hello_Kitty_and_Sanrio_Friends_Racing/ In addition.


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:dizzy:must spend hundreds of dollars on Sanrio MTX… NOW!:dizzy:


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Yup, it's gemmy.


>it's real


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already out in Japan


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Hmph, awards aren't everything.


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cherry coke - not even once






I remember tater tots




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Sulking, bent of will…
I know heroes arrive late,
but who's Jewing who?


Stealth sinfest?


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…hello titty
(RIP chaz)





thoughts on ween?


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Odyssey 2 thankfully never


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*misses her mama so much*


Rationalists Explain: Evil Killer Troons [4:24:06]


does anyone in this thread have any homestuck podcast suggestions or are we too adhd


I haven't listened to a podcast since I stopped doing shifts at the cardboard box factory.
…I think people have joked about starting one here


>since I stopped doing shifts at the cardboard box factory.


This is what gaming used to be about


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*gets broght 2 bring ur daughter 2 workday*




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New deaths.


Please, we don't celebrate death for the sake of it.
… We celebrate new mysteries.


But yes, some Hillary body doubles were on the plane. White hats in control.


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"But gold is a conducto-"
Well played, Tatsuya.


what kind of boxes


this grabbed me very quickly, and the whimsical "silliness" you hinted at was incredibly endearing. but it's not just whimsy, as the sounds are great - they clearly have a handle on the standard rock instruments, the recording, mixing, and dynamics are truly excellent, and large parts of the album venture out into other instruments (brass, woodwind, bells) with great results. I particularly loved the bursting horns on "motherfucker".
I wasn't sure how eclectic things would stay after just 1 or 2 songs, but they kept me on my toes for pretty much the whole record (positive). I'm reminded a bit of ween (levity + eclecticism) or oingo boingo (levity) at times.
the vocals are varied and interesting the whole way through. reminded me of xiu xiu some of the time, especially on "twitch"

by "drowning" I was completely sucked in, and I reckon the surrounding middle stretch of the album was the strongest section for me (though the album never dragged). I really enjoyed the mix of shorter and longer songs, and they really make the long ones feel worth it, not just like a 2 minute song they decided to stretch to 10.
it did lose me during some parts of "the straw", though I hesitate to call that track my "least favorite" (even though it is) since it contains some passages which I really enjoyed.
"cheesus" and "people in your neighborhood" were both hilarious while sounding great. god, "cheesus" is recorded/produced so well that it's a genuine treat to the ears despite being a skit. and it keeps a speed that serves its humor and keeps the album moving.

overall, this was fantastic. will most likely relistening in the future and/or grabbing this for my collection. interesting in recommending this to a friend or two as well.

favorites: chicken little, twitch, drowning, motherfucker
least favorite: the straw

thanks for recommending!


>most likely relistening
most likely BE* relistening
>interesting in recommending
interested* in recommending


Six sided ones…
If you mean the contents, that was like, vegan dumplings and pad thai.


>dumplings and pad thai


I selected the workplace solely because it was cold inside, but that was a nice perk.
Still, I got pretty sick of it.


>Still, I got pretty sick of it.
sorry to hear that. I take it you like your new arrangement better?


i think porrim would be a feminist goonette


NEET mode? I love NEET mode! Well, I can't do it forever, of course…


Are we talking the 2011 or 2021 usage of Goonette?


>NEET mode?
I wasn't sure lol, didn't mean it in a backhanded way :^p



If you're merely working to live anyway, there's no great shame in being NEET.

I was gonna agree either way


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Deepseek has already had censorship policies implemented because of my roleplaying with the AI.


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*gets hungy 4 salo*


Supposedly you can run it locally on a $6k machine?


I have a $10K machine. Gimme a link?


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no FOSS for boomers


My PC is too long in the tooth so I haven't really bothered digging, happy hunting
Try for 14b if you've got all dat



I didn't make pizza dough today


A very :rut: of a month in some respects


Anon was probably thinking of this, which is kind of clickbait because it's weird to buy all that RAM just for CPU inference which isn't that fast.

You could wait for this (128GB VRAM for $3k), but it's still nowhere near big enough to load the full R1.


I asked you for help…!!


I'm in the same boat, but-
I can't!


you can help me even if you can't save yourself
but whatever. you won't do it. coward


Will you set a goal for February? I succeeded in my January goal.


Actually, playing on my desire to help is a good angle. I could be convinced to free one soul, at least.
I'm slow though, so allow me a couple days deliberation.


Facebook confirmed run by Russian sympathizers


it's hard. I can be pretty good at making myself grind on a task that doesn't involve any real decision-making. but my alluded-to creative project is one with many, many decisions to be made, and a lot of hurdles that won't really be well-defined until I arrive at them. and many of the hurdles are entangled, such that selecting one to focus solely on is not so easy at this stage. I have a real problem with choice paralysis, and even my brief "productive period" for this several months ago was rife with decision fatigue and (probably) overthinking
>I'm slow though, so allow me a couple days deliberation.
ominous.. really draws out the regret in me when you tease it like that


Since I'm procrastinating on a creative project too, I would like to offer a helping hand (of denial) if you really need it.
I also wanna see how things turn out on the short-term first, though.


we shall wait, then.
I suppose I should make an effort to try and do both at the same time first - I haven't touched my project since before I started coming here. as it stands, I could just as easily do the same after being banned (though at least then I would probably be going through my backlog)


Thanks for patience


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okay, I'm pulling the trigger on my pick. you may very well hate this, but you did say you liked "silly" music…

(no single-vid upload, sorry)
it's not heady or proggy like your pick, to put it lightly, lmao. shameless pop punk fun, with a endearing garage sound and a certain someone's divisive voice. maybe the infectious energy will delight you?

I don't like making you suffer, so if you haven't gotten anything out of the album by the end of track 7 ("I.D.N.M.F.T.T.M.W.M.F.A.”), you can probably safely stop listening. the final 5 tracks are really more of a tack-on bonus and are fairly different from the rest of the record, but are still quite nice imo so maybe worth trying out regardless


Yeah, this is retarded. Xi Jinping can spy on my fetish stuff


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>New IP
Denounce the Koran.


That happens every time someone starts a new session.


dreamt about this place. specifically we were discussing MeX making an end of the month image that summarized all the dumb shit we talked about


Weirdly enough, I had a dream involving channers too. It was a little too scary and depressing to discuss, though.


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Where in the image was roxkit located


File: 1738237876185.webm (2.52 MB, 1920x1080, ass ass in shadows.webm)

most Floydian


File: 1738238152426.webm (575.05 KB, 1346x796, ぴぴるぴるぴるぴぴるぴ~ ぴぴるぴるぴるぴぴるぴ~.webm)



Post your favorite Kanohi.


Kills off best characters


Pantheistic God stronger than monotheistic God because….


It's less that and more that there's a death of critical thought in the fandom.


Jews invented gold.


>I'm reminded a bit of ween (levity + eclecticism) or oingo boingo (levity) at times.
This is in its own specific circle of "avant-garde" music. A lot of their albums (from the same project or different ones to cheese the rules) are on my big chart. The overlap between The Residents and Mike Patton is present.


Facebook is run by people who like money.


Poor execution.


I had a dream we had 100x100 stickers of SIMPSON versions of 😔 of every major character in Homestuck (including WV)

Weird shit.




>pop punk
My most hated.


Thought I was looking at Sekiro for a second.


https://x.com/MachiToons/status/1884375268518748333? Megidosisters?


you can veto preemptively if you really want, though I already said you don't have to listen to much if it if you hate it


Then it's not much of a trade, is it?


yeah, but it's not very fair for you if you always get stuff you hate and I get stuff I sometimes really enjoy


That's life. :done:


definitely did not mean to say it's all that similar to those bands btw, I was just mentioning some reference points that I have that flickered in my mind.
have heard good things about mr bungle



It was an unusually calm afternoon at the Hu¢¢ie household, the sort of peace that felt almost too quiet. Andrew Hu¢¢ie sat in his room, facing his computer screen, which displayed the latest fan theories about Homestuck. His fingers hovered above the keyboard, ready to respond with his signature blend of sarcastic wit and cryptic nonsense.

But then, something happened—something unexpected. An email from a fan had triggered a tiny, yet intense, emotional response. The message was simple, yet it contained a single phrase that set off a chain reaction in Andrew’s mind:

"Homestuck is overrated."

Andrew’s eyes went wide. His breathing quickened. He stared at the screen as if the words themselves had become a challenge, daring him to react. And react he did—though not in the way one might expect from an artist of his stature. This wasn’t going to be an ordinary response.

He stood up from his desk, pacing around the room, his thoughts swirling like a tornado of frustration and absurdity. He marched toward the door, his mind already made up. His father, long accustomed to his son’s strange outbursts, looked up from his newspaper just in time to see Andrew stomp into the kitchen.

“Andrew, what are you—”

Andrew didn’t answer. He grabbed the nearest carton of milk from the fridge—his father’s brand, the one he loved so much for his morning coffee—and without a moment's hesitation, opened it, and marched out the front door.

“Andrew! What are you doing with that milk?” His father called after him, but Andrew was already outside, his gaze locked onto the perfectly paved driveway. The sun was setting, casting an orange glow over the scene, and Andrew could see the smooth concrete stretching before him like a canvas.

Without warning, he tilted the carton of milk, pouring it in an arc across the driveway, letting the white liquid splash and pool across the pavement. It was a bizarre sight: the milk spread in all directions, dripping and spilling in a chaotic dance.

“I’m an artist! A true revolutionary!” Andrew shouted, as if trying to justify his actions to the universe itself. “You think Homestuck is overrated?! Well, guess what? This milk is overrated, too! EVERYTHING IS OVERRATED!”

He took a step back and surveyed the mess with a peculiar satisfaction. There was no logic behind it, no reason. Just sheer, unadulterated frustration, manifesting in a gallon of dairy. In his mind, it was a symbolic gesture—a performance art piece, perhaps—an absurd rebellion against the judgment of internet critics and fans alike. The driveway was now a chaotic canvas, littered with the remnants of his rage.

His father, who had walked outside to witness the spectacle, stood there in stunned silence, shaking his head. “Andrew… what the hell are you doing? That’s an entire gallon of milk!”

Andrew turned toward him, milk still dripping from his hands, his face expressionless. “I am creating, Dad. You wouldn’t understand. This is the true form of expression. It’s not just about the plot, it’s about the absurdity of the process. Just like Homestuck. Just like… everything!”

His father sighed deeply, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Andrew, if this is some weird metaphor about the way you create your stories, fine. But you’d better clean that up before your mother gets home. She’s going to lose it.”

Andrew blinked, looking at the mess on the driveway, then at his father. For a moment, his anger seemed to dissipate, replaced by a strange sense of clarity. “You’re right. I’ll clean it up. But only after I finish the next update. Homestuck must go on.”

And with that, he turned and walked back inside, leaving behind the puddles of spilled milk. The driveway would eventually dry, but in the depths of Andrew’s mind, the act of pouring that milk would always remain a powerful symbol of his chaotic approach to art—and perhaps, just a bit of poetic vengeance.

Later that night, after Andrew had finally calmed down and retreated back to his computer, he crafted a cryptic post on his blog, referring to the afternoon's actions as "The Great Milk Spill of '25", declaring it his most important artistic statement yet.

Meanwhile, his father stood at the front door, shaking his head in bemusement. "Just another day in the life of Andrew Jr.," he muttered to himself, already imagining the chaos that would unfold when his wife returned home to find the driveway in its dairy-soaked state.


enough of this tragic clown act. you VVILL have a good time!


>definitely did not mean to say it's all that similar to those bands
I'm saying that they all intersect, anyway.









>Clipboard history no longer working


I fucking hate everything.


wwe noticed




so what's supposed to change? they stopped accepting my cards years ago


You can't just post this.


>Clipboard memory still broken
Great, fuck you.


Very good but it ate my review. I'm not listening to the rest of it. Terrible start to my day.




Not listening to this either today or else I might punch a whole in my wall.


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We do basic arithmetic here.


Have you listened to their self-titled and "Winterkaelte"?


"Haven't you reviewed this one before?"
But I guess a wintery, overcast forest is a staple.


No. It's too long for me to fucking forget it.



I didn't know he had cancer
why can't these stupid excerpts show when the shit was filmed


Those two are good.


Everything is "good."


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Kill him and Marzipan.




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RoW sold out…


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yeah they don't like my cards, so nothing's changing for me… >>80905


Seems nice for once


What did she mean by this? Why is she always gyrating?



He's no DBDR…


Are credit kikes actually waging war on Japan or something? I can't help but be suspicious at this point.

Megidochan fakes residency to apply for a shared JCB bank card arc.


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Animorphs fucking blows and I instantly want to kill anyone who sings praise for it.


>This is some pretty heavy stuff for a kid's series


Just vibing of his higher voice? He seems reasonable.


>He seems reasonable.
He's no DBDR…


I watched 40 seconds and I think he's telling tales. His avatar is also too on the nose


they should make 永住権 almost automatic for people who can actually speak and write their borderline-ethnostate's language
99% of N1 kids can't fucking speak, so it would be like 100 people a year
make the exam fees like ¥300k or something


Guys, guys! Over.
It have been done!. Over.
It's over. Over.


That doesn't sound very Musubi of you, senpai.


nothin evver truly ends eri





>like 100 people a year


Maybe they should not do that and instead return the West to borderline ethnostates so you don't need to look to distant lands to find a functioning culture and society.


Now this is Reasonable.


*Kisses you on the forehead.*


But yeah, in general, I don't think any country is not d00med so we can only ever see the specters of :outy:BIZNASTY:outy: in them.

Japan needs to take care of its ghost problem anyway.


I don't want to live on the island
I just want to be able to buy shit from the island


Ackshooally, it's.
8y 8eing in a current st8te of happening, all of the pieces of it are over. Aaaaaaaall of them :source:


>I just want to be able to buy shit from the island


Imagine tho


Ayy, :2nd:
Do I feel lucky?


>8y 8eing in a current st8te of happening, all of the pieces of it are over. Aaaaaaaall of them
The Necessity for Explicitly Restating the Question of 8eing THIS question has today 8een forgotten. Even though in our time we deem it progressive to give our approval to 'metaphysics' again, it is held that we have 8een exempted from the exertions of a newly rekindled γιγαντομαχία περὶ τῆς οὐσίας. Yet the question we are touching upon is not just any question. It is one which provided a stimulus for the researches of Plato and Aristotle, only to su8side from then on as a theme for actual investigation. What these two men achieved was to persist through many alterations and 'retouchings' down to the 'logic' of Hegel. And what they wrested with the utmost intellectual effort from the phenomena, fragmentary and incipient though it was, has long since 8ecome trivialized.


Trying to reconcile my opinion that Fatal Frame should have kept its "post-mortem ghosts" past the first game with my general opinion that ghosts are scarier when they're more ethereal. :naruhodo:


"Thoughts on Drosera?"


Take a scat, 8ITCH. :apologies:




hang in there nonny

but probably a safe call


fuuraiki liveblog?


oops, meant to type fuuuraiki even though that looks stupid


>the reading is actually fuuraiki
I'm killing myself today.


>Went to sleep early
>Woke up early
>Got pissed off and sad
>Too sad to vidya
>Too sad to video
>Too sad to music


"What a day."


*kills you* (positive)


I miss XLR. :kita:


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File: 1738253737245-1.mp4 (271.61 KB, 1280x720, g.mp4)


"Just jerk off."


No, I've been a good boy. :fssh:


"Good boys deserve a reward"


I wonder what they're like



"Hypnofag x Marzipan; black" :de:



I finally took XLR's pawn for a short adventure (not at pc so no pics atm)
I did expect a huge lion man, but he has the skill where he'll stand around waiting to toss the player in the air…


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Weird how Steam only now recognizes the icon for this. Huh.


We must secure the ratio


that's not an easy blend to imagine :v:
don't be such a stick in the mud


>that's not an easy blend to imagine
Too nice, embarrassingly sincere, reveals powerlevel too much, likes everything (bad), sexually… odd.


musubi? ribbon musubi?


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They're REAL?

But really, I have no particular fondness for Japan. They make good art due to having a non-destroyed culture, but the more I learn about their culture and history the more alienated I feel. I also hate Buddhism but Shinto is cool. Most countries also have beautiful nature forests and are unreasonably proud of it, beaches are more special but still common. It's mostly the absence of people that makes those places nice.


>I also hate Buddhism but Shinto is cool.
"Ignorant." :shikari:


I wonder if I dressed up as Iron Man to lure in children and murdered like 30 kids, could I do to powersuits in Chinese society what John Wayne Gacy did to clowns in American society?


"It's called DIYcore, you wouldn't get it since you shop online."


>It's mostly the absence of people that makes those places nice.
Oh yeah, he gets it.


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Weird response.


Do some awesome dishes as far as you're having more time than usual. Meat roulette or a meat pie for example


Cap it, MEX! :this:


>likes everything (bad)
hey, I don't like "everything"

they sound nice though, I imagined someone abrasive like the other regulars here


Holy fucking zased


Really makes you think! :picker:


>they sound nice though
He is nice. :melo:


yeah, I believe you.


He VVILL return. :nntr:


Those HYN ones are usually hypno's mobile. Funnily enough.




MEX came dangerously close to granting me my enforced break last night. maybe XLR will show up right on cue and restore the balance when I step away


Sluggo loves food


Sluggo does kind of look like a FTM… :sweats:


You VVILL never leave. :saywhat:


Isn't it ZOG's fault that Japan got debanked or something anyway, I haven't been following that.


"Not everything needs to be direct intervention."


I assume so yes (I am Tatsuya Ishida btw)


>I am Tatsuya Ishida btw
Hey, buddy, kill yourself. :fangirl:


Hello Kitty was right >>80811


Why isn't she speaking Malay


>I assume so yes (I am Tatsuya Ishida btw)
Then there's some small ammount of crytics I have over your comic I mostly like at whole. About a naming of characters.:karclack:


I'm tired, bwo.


I'm more tired. :lonely:


"so it's da joos right? haven't been paying attention btw"


>Then there's some small ammount of crytics I have over your comic I mostly like at whole. About a naming of characters.
Fug, I meant critique


this is like your home, though
even still, a break here or there could benefit people besides me, as I'm sure MEX can attest


>this is like your home
It's your home too. *Throws Master Ball.* :dizzy:


NOOO I wanna be in a premiere ball (´Д` )
it's not really my home yet, nor is it likely to ever be. that's okay.


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>posting years old engagement bait


Not really, but lets hear 'em to pass along to the BIG MAN


True 優しい人32 never dies.


Were they all arrested and executed yet?


that's right, get agitated by the engagement bait. let it course through you


>He says like he doesn't hoot and holler at the first insult of girl cock


My firing squad face would be more
:kyomu: than :kusoga:


I don't engage with random xitter/tiktok bait, no






ah, going out with honor, are we?


yes we should execute the poor (Sluggo)


Poor and FTM; can a Portlandian catch a break (COVID)?


https://x.com/Voidlace/status/1884939899918516512?t=CqpysvDdmwBJTWW2GZZing Homestuck content for a Homestuck board.


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Would steal for a theme but




Give them my rationale for why Rose should wear dresses. Let's see if they're open to Reason.


what about nepeta


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You do. Or respost it.


late, but I'm glad this is getting more attention



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PS Portal win!


real accent?


Maybe they simply find catgirl maids trite.
Still, "we have tradition for a reason"




>Not really, but lets hear 'em to pass along to the BIG MAN
Naming problem of this comic is the same as when you're calling same thing in different languages.
YHWH is not a name. It's an English trascription of how it sound. But, as in name John, "h" work not. So it's Jon, not Jo-kh-n. And YHWH is J-w-. And even here J is same as John, Jovan, Joan, Ioann, Ivan or Johann. Even Giovanni is a variation of this name, but let get back to the point. So, pronounced J-w- is a same thing to I-v-. It's Iove. Jupiter. Deus. Zeus. Long story short, praying YHWH, zionst praying not to god, but to the state of death god being caught in until some events gonna happen and until some legal obligations will be done. So, in fact Tatsuya's comic showing the battle of YHWH with YHWH, or Zeus with Zeus. It's fake and gay to think zionsts god is a god and it's name YHWH. But this comic postulate exactly this, with many jokes in.
This is a problem with Tatsuya's comic that bothering me.


Would be cute imho.


No, you. I'm scared. :demands:


>Tamers but worse but also Homestuck (worse)


Japan DOOMED again?


>Tatsuya can't into religion
No shit. I've given up on this kind of DEEP DIVE long ago for a reason. :YES:



Also, Dave being in a dress is clearly drenched in the emasculating brain rot of the fandom so I don't think we can dig that one out. :wank:

I can understand Eridan being in a dress but perhaps we can convince them of the power of DANDY ERIDAN which I think would be highly amusing.



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Japan… Doomed… :joinus:








Top 5 comfort condoms to wear in Japan.


That's why I can't bother myself with fantasies of being a rich prince probably


>Top 5 comfort condoms to wear in Japan.
Dish sponge onahole
Potato fleshlight
2000 years old fairy loli oni spirit
Katana case


And personality excreted taimanin cocksleeves at SSS tier


what room service would you order from nepbutler?


Butter. :triumph:


Shroomflagging tonight.


Viewer beware.




Don't be lewd. I just said it because those little squares of hotel butter tend to be of exceptional quality. :out:


https://x.com/topazice/status/1884336288389906463?t=tEo8iHwDXlAYhKorYhcZLg Homestuck content for a Homestuck board.


I'm sorry our visions clashed. but a glorious synthesis awaits



I didn't know you could be such a pervert….




Yeah. :washout:


A female servant wearing the clothes of a male servant would still be a maid. Dare not we reduce a category to its superficial appearance.


it's more mind than heart, presently


categories serve the maid


I'd just rather see her in a skirt.
Maybe it is time for some more CM3D2 after all


These young types aren't so smart.



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Needs more rose


Everybody when
Megidochan was first revealed


ojisan's erosoft. maid nep simulation


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It's over…


No, you can't just…. No…


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>Post fetish porn
>Use it to insult videogame franchise


Just sharing geez


Fuck you, Megatard.


It's a user suggestion, so they must be into that kind of content.


Want me to dig up some Megaten shit, asswipe? :pathetic:


And we all know you like peepee so.


From your own timeline?



Cuntpi in the thread.


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I wish.


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China will slowly make my global Futurama holiday joke real.


Ranch is disgusting.


Okay, cholo.





File: 1738265519251.png (29.83 KB, 259x224, LINE_Airy_Sticker2[1].png)


do you hate "true" buttermilk ranch, or just the bottled shelf-stable imitation stuff?




they were preparing for 女体盛りバター, obviously


I'm only familiar with the mass market sloppa, but I never dip wings in general.


This guy's a real shithead.


My bad, ranch warrior. Maybe you can go bond with Stavros


Maybe you can go bond with some dude's foreskin at a gloryhole, you hipster homosexual.


you should try the real deal, it's not fancy or anything. you can buy powdered mix and add buttermilk; that's what you'll be served at restaurants generally. really tasty sauce


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The spiritual bed death of Koreans need to be studied.

…Or something like that.


day ? of eating a lunch composed entirely of free snacks in the office because I was too megidoped to pack a lunch last night


Throwback insult. Better than troon or anything these days… *kssk*


It wasn't actively chosen for novelty, it's what I felt, in my bones.

You seriously don't like ranch with your Buffalo Wild Wings™?


It seems like they all love the African American struggle over there


No I just like the buffalo sauce. Maybe if TRVE ranch blows my socks off or something.


not MEX, but I almost always opt for blue cheese. also, don't hate me, could be a franchising issue, but BWW really lets me down in terms of quality. haven't had it in years because of that


I like ranch but I might go spicier than you.
I like blue cheese too. Ranch is just something I'm used to from being a kid.
Insert: Joy Jake rage about still enjoying things that you enjoyed when a child.

Rocco in da' thread.


iconic vid


So true.


Rocco 8ITCHe


Too far, dude.


Why do you even delete the original shit I write myself, then let petty drama posts stay up exactly? is that supposed to be like "oh yeah this'll get 'im fow bweing a mweanie to me :((("


Because the same person isn't banning you each time, retard. There's no set policy so some just ban you while others B&D.


I'm confident MEX can't be assed to do it unless I'm being hostile for no reason, and presuming you don't delete them, I suppose it's how marzi is "gwetting bwack at me fow bweing a mweanie to his feefees :((("

lol, pay attention to how he tries not doing it while you're actively posting too, pathetic homosexual is trying to look proper around you


For your information, it's basically none of your three boogeyman that delete the posts, lmao.


Rocco locked inside a car under the scorching sun with his hands tied behind his back and his feet superglued to the floor
he screams but there's no one around for miles


Too soon, dude.


Wtf did he do besides be a fat beardo?


Prolapsed Kojimber with FUB cock.


Nah, marzi likes "being a tough guy and "teaching me a lesson" every now and then, then beg me to "bwe nwice pwease mwister, pwease pat me on the back for crying out loud and begging fwow youw sympathy :(", and then treats himself like a smartass because he banned 4 IPs in his piss rage thinking anyone else is gonna catch the blame for it.

Plus I don't imagine the newfag has the brains for it, then again, seems you retards got no brains at all. Even when I don't post for a full day or two, the ban count goes up by a solid 15-25 so, the sped class stays under lockdown even when I don't bother.

Lol. RRRRRRRoflMAOOOOcopter, even.


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guy called マーク in thing I was reading got killed and I was like "hah he got MURKED" then I got curious


I knew murk.


Murk lore?


I think I picked up from TTRPGs or MOBAs. Dangerously swarthy areas, I know.


*picked it


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Added to what?
>Dragon's Dogma 2 Dual Universe


NVidia Geforce or some shit.




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Rose Rose Lalonde


Rose? Rose Lalonde?

Also, stop using /pol/

Come on, now.


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Woah.. Rocco…..


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>Weekly "My Struggle"
Damn, somebody replace the publisher with a shrink.


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Megidocore image


File: 1738270670831.mp4 (793.36 KB, 516x640, spongebob-car.mp4)


Have him over the Mein Kampf image.


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So trve.


I thought I saw giant butts but racism is cool too.


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Tokfu update time?
Who would win?




Zero Suit Samus cosplayers will always remind me of diapfag retard Josh whatever


It'll always remind me of that one fat 8ITCH who was said to be pooping.


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thought I'd check what he's been up to >>81162


Actual synchronicity


Is he getting off to this


it really is a literal 8ITCH who is poopin'…


bwo, your フェチ is showing


Nothing is showing. These things are :outy:BIZNASTY:outy: in facts independent of me.


Rocco's six crab claws on the insides of his crotch.



Speak English.


Hover for a half second


"if you say so"


Sturdychan has that fetish.

That was a Kiwi Farms joke.

I'm normal, you're a freak.


I-I'm a freak?


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spotted at a local mexican restaurant


I thought he was supposed to be a toilet paper roll all this time


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*Accidental spoiler, there's nothing naughty under there




Confirmed? Sexist win.
Sorry to all chuds who filled out "it was the Jews" and "lol minorities" tickets.


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:outy:BIZNASTY:outy: woman bringing us new mysteries.


>get home
>using bathroom
>two fat houseflies suddenly start buzzing around

they're both dead, after much flailing. fuck those things.


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The "BATTLE BLOCK GAME" in question


I usually deport them nonviolently using diffusion and a towel, it's easier.


maybe if they were closer to a window, but this would've meant ushering them down stairs and across my apartment
maybe I should order a flyswatter. normally I just use a tissue box lmao


I just slap flies with my bare hands. They usually die on impact


He's fast!
I don't wanna touch them, though.


Flies know 8etter than remaining in my house so they usually leave right away. If not, I smack them with a near8y magazine.


I ain’t slept in days.
I’m gettin’ mo’ Fs than As.
When this record plays, evident I’m in a mental haze.
Starin’ at the yellow moon while Aaron Neville sangs.
Heard the devil say that I’d never be special - wait,
I control my destiny, piecin’ up what is left for me.
Confidence and common sense, it be the recipe.
This industry, it be faker than pro wrestling.
Makes me wonda if this talent really is a specialty.


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I can't escape the Sanrio this week


I see https://booru.allthefallen.moe/data/original/e1/93/e193ec33d447dde3357160d7f199af23.mp4


File: 1738283328237.jpg (810.27 KB, 2560x1440, 1660080910354.jpg)

>Using the "are we the baddies" meme that's pretty much only used by twitter leftoids



45 minutes to shroomy



File: 1738283474522.png (2.46 KB, 123x131, roxykitten neutral.png)

*sees imag url*
*sensibly dosent click*


Huh, learned of new wordfilter

sussy baka


its a clip from gumball, im just too lazy to reupload


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I was grimly curious but not enough to wait out the lockout


I don't think I'm gonna finish this piece. I apologize for the empty promise, I had composed what should look like an aged letter with blue ink drawn over it, formatted with a "par / pour" and even wrote a full on emotional, fluffy letter and all that. I don't feel comfortable letting my emotions out like this anymore, it really hurts my insides making something like this, let alone then turn it over to someone else hoping they'll treat it with respect. I will cease to exist now. Sorry


You have shit taste.


All is well.


Reminder that ATF (US government agency) has directly harmed more kids than ATF (loli hentai booru)


Now why would a sfw clip from a cartoon be on a porn site?


File: 1738284058961.png (125.51 KB, 600x554, roxykitten perusing hsg's ….png)


>2 months ago
How old is the actual vid? I know righties learned and absorbed the "most intolerant wins" lesson from moldbug or taleb by now





Would offer you a stopper of tincture if I could


what would you do with the stopper? sniff it, lick it? :^p


That brief segue into NMH3 being so ugly + shit the other day has me thinking on how it might've done much better for itself as a netflix original


Ack, meant dropper




I'm about to inflict some of my own private slang on you, HSG.




we're all waiting


You know me.
I'm wondering how indirect I should make it.


incoming wordfilter?


You know me very well.





>>using bathroom


what about it, sicko?


Yeah, okay, retard. You literally like a children's book series because it has no concept of tonal consistency.




I bet you like Animorphs.


Girl way to talk.


whenever I say "shit" you react very negatively. I was being mindful


Ew, you went poopy. :kyaha:


I "liked" casting toad on Viera units in FFTA, maybe. But not that.


Brat has a place, we'll agree. But never go diaper brat.


Diaper fetishism disgusts me because it feels ped. :huh:




noww wwere talkin


do you ever lean against the wall and pretend it's a person


No, I'm possessed of bed at least.


File: 1738293589211.mp4 (2.65 MB, 640x360, 5279983-e0a48abc92ca201719….mp4)

when my neighbors find out that i fed their dog antifreeze


>possessed of bed





Not tonight that's dor sure:wonk:


The end of his rope…


Might delete this…


File: 1738294163965.webm (2.26 MB, 600x338, 1700680264852400.webm)

me on hsg


You'll get tired of win… zzz


This post was caused by Serket Gang


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Hunger pangs while his
chopsticks crackle like thunder.
Sluggo should build DEX.


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have never seen ATHF but looked up a clip and tried this out of curiosity. it actually works? in the sense that it made it surprisingly easy to make my voice shift into a feminine register that I've never produced before





Are any of you fagtards going to be at Pax East?


Hu¢¢ie hunting posse?


Remember that this is what people who complain about how "enjoying drone footage of russians getting blown up is le ghoulish" are posting on the side.


man, when the fuck is the h*rwiki going to fix their shit


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where is this even going
why is he like this


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Stah wahs


I'm being given the run-around by an HR company. I'm starting to worry I might actually not get my money back, even if it started out as an innocent mistake on their part


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BRICSdersites: "Trump will save us, and then you'll be sorry!"
President Trump:


25% tariffs on Canada will also be kino if he follows through, they deserve it.


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I mean, I wouldn’t be opposed to it, but does Hu¢¢ie actually still live in Massachusetts? I’ve heard conflicting reports and I have to genuinely wonder if the guy even still exists, let alone in a capacity where he might be seen at PAX 15 years after his last piece of Penny Arcade fanart.




megidoball, kill me



you wwill nevver be a wwoman


I failed to learn this again for like the 4th time. On the surface it looks like impossible wizardry, then when you look at the code it's generally quite short so it feels maybe possible, but when you try it actually is just impossible wizardry.


Good morning, Aranea.




How are you doing? I actually quite missed you.


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A lot 8etter actually, health-wise.
8ut, I never went anywhere? I just don't engage if I don't like/can't contri8ute to the current discussion.
Unless you were the one away.


Yeah, I was the one away. Had an extremely dark night. I feel nothing. I really don’t know what to think any more, but whatever is happening, it’s almost over.


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Reminder that the Russian people are guilty and must pay reparations


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It always gets 8etter, sooner or l8er.


Can you imagine what it’s like to be forced to believe every single existential nightmare scenario you can think of, being unable to sleep, and having injuries that won’t heal all at the same time?


While I myself have my ups and downs, I dou8t it ever came to that point. Sadly I don't consider myself qualified for these kind of situ8ions so I'm not sure if there's anything I can say that would actually make a difference.
All I can do is hope things end up working out somehow, as lame as that sounds.


It’s okay. I’m very bewildered by existence. I don’t understand how the Internet could exist, especially wirelessly, and trying to wrap my head around how everything works and make it all make sense is impossible for me. That’s part of the reason why I swore that I’d get to meet Vriska someday, because I feel like setting my own destiny is going to help a lot more and I want to believe anything can happen.


I 8elieve in you.


I remember the first time I got high, I had this miraculous feeling of thorough understanding that took all the edge off my struggle immediately and I just knew that I was well within the landing strip of everything working out for me. It was kind of scary, but once I settled into it, I felt great and I knew I was going to get back to tip-top shape no matter what. I knew that when I was sober again, I was going to start doubting myself, and I did, coming back to the same cycle of reasons. So I took more, and more, to a total of about 300 milligrams, and each time after, I failed to get that wonderful feeling again and it really just got worse and worse. I don’t know if I’ve somehow started repressing it as a response to getting closer to relief or if it was all part of the delusion. I hope that whatever happens next is okay.


I 8elieve that's how it usually goes with weed or whatever, your 8ody gets used to whatever amount you got so you take even more to get that feeling again, 8ut then you get used to that amount as well, so it just keeps going on and on 8ut it really does more harm than good.
8ut again, I'm not the right person to seek advice from over matter like these. 8ut I do hope whatever comes next is okay as well.
I want to 8elieve all the LARP we have done l8ley helped at least a little at getting your mind off of it.

Also, MEX, petition for "miracle" to 8e filtered into mIrAcLe.


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Yeah, I love the LARP. I’m sure both of us will get to talk to the real Aranea at some point.


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God, if only……..


What? Are her thousands of hours of experience in hypnotizing people to sleep starting to get under your skin too? Purrrr…


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You wish.


Yeah, I do. I’d love to see her put you out and get you to do huge hypnosis roleplays with me.


As if I haven't already 8een doing that 8y my own volition. :::;)
If anything she can 8e a coach of sorts.


Officially-sanctioned Aranea roleplay. God, I know she’s watching this somewhere and just cackling like an idiot.


Vriska could also 8e watching and getting extremeley jealous over her not 8eing the one getting the attention.



Well, Vriska is also a mind reader, so if she’s spying on me, she knows that in my heart of hearts, she’s my favorite.


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Fair enough then.
May Aranea do the same with me then, if she has any dou8t.


There was fake news saying there was a Jewish troon on the helicopter which I almost posted before researching myself. There wouldn't be any issue if they just confirmed the identity of the third pilot on the helicopter. It's almost certainly to save face since they described her as a woman I believe.

I'm not sure if it's just me paying attention more, but I feel like there's been more fake news lately. I think paying people to engagement bait on Xitter was really dumb. On the upside it's just indiscriminately fake noise, not the regime's subtle truth-twisting with selectively amplified agendas.


Did she knock her out???


Possi8ly! ::::)


Is it fucked-up that I’m so fixated on their hypno-sleep powers? I saw that quest bed scene a decade ago and it’s still fried into my brain


My head hurts but



Within time, Smite 2 will be epic.




No, it's not. Fuck /pol/


Should we tell Tatsuya about spirit money in Eastern religions?

I told myself I should would stop this but… just… kill me…

Pretty sure he's used this subtitle before too.




He lives somewhere in a five-state area of Massachusetts from intel accounts.




Epic samejoke. Nancfest is going to be euthanasia-inducing.


I think the joke is that she bored her to sleep.
>Is it fucked-up that I’m so fixated on their hypno-sleep powers?


Was the sharty dox real? I didn't get to see it.


I didn't know there was one.


shaders are fun!


must manifest Hu¢¢ie growing a foot taller so he's easier to locate


*foot shorter


a local midget sensation? could work


Midgets can't hide from TLC.


don't get your knickers in a twist bigboy


At-risk individual.


I don't really think so


>Computer science


you could probably easily name a dozen other things too if you knew me better


Exactly….? :ibs:


my point being that despite having many correlative traits, being friends with trans people, being exposed to lgbt culture and ideas, and not having any sort of unaddressed hangups regarding them (to my knowledge), I have felt no real desire to transition at any point.
to me, this makes me more confident that I'm not "an egg" than if I were someone who had never been "tested for fractures" or opened themselves up in the same way


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It's a nice logo




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¥44k feels a little excessive


but you see, it's made by the creators of the original teddy bear :^p




>the creators of the original teddy bear
I hate them. :nerves:


teddy bears, or the company?


The creators.


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Rose? Rose Lalonde?


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>Picrel 4
Was this screenshotted before it finished buffering?




You tire me already.


>Le 900s


tired so early on a fryday…
this simply will not do!


Wow dude, you're so schizo, you're so esoteric!


Oh, wait, still a bit tiresome.


He wants the alice theme




Why would I? Fuck you! :diplomacy:


I already made this 8read so someone else do it.


gets around the timeout, that's all :^p
takes less than 900s to make a burner


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