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/һsg/ - "Homestuck" General

The opposite of Homesick
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 No.77201[Last 100 Posts]

Justice at last edition
old >>76165




pretty car shape


This time, at least, it was sarcastic. Mostly.


:outy:BIZNASTY:outy: and redpilled. Also, even though she's Vietnamese nationally, she's Han ethnically so I think "gook"'s mileage doesn't get you very far here.

I know you're trying to slurmaxx but you really need to read up on your canon instead of trying to mix-and-match :outy:BIZNASTY:outy: on technicalities.



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We blow minds again. We real pypo.

>Culture, Conflict, and Coolcase

We draw ethnographs for fun.


Gook applies to Chinese "people" too, but I didn't even know she was Vietnamese. It amuses me more to pretend they're all the same anyway.


share your idea then?

anyway, like I said, it's mostly disillusionment with you and others boiling over from everything else. I'm not too emotionally invested in the kirby chat yet

I know we already have moeka stickers, but for some reason my strongest memories of her are her couple of lines about 幻滅, so I always find myself wishing she had a sticker for that, even though it would be an odd inclusion. vocabulary core memory moment I guess


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It went kind of schizo with this full-time.

>A user claims that they are a splittake.


>Gook applies to Chinese "people" too,
"It does not."
>It amuses me more to pretend they're all the same anyway.
Amateur, plebeian racism.


In the name of thrift, I'm thinking of limiting /hsg/'s index to 5 pages or so. That's still 50000 posts, potentially.
The summer '24 (minus July…) threads will be archived on >>>/32/, but I may empty the src folder to make that lighter too (the text is the dearest part :::;))

I'll probably move the loose character threads over to /hot/ while I'm at it


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>share your idea then?
"Kirby should be able to hold multiple items in his mouth at once. He gets slower and fatter. He can either shoot them out all at once or rapidly one by one. He can also just shoot them out as the items they are; he can combine them too. He can also upgrade himself or produce a buddy like in the one game."

I think this'd be a one game gimmick so it fails the test. I imagine the gameplay being Kirby micromanaging a resource to complete a section's "puzzle" while defeating enemies on the way there.


Kino. Cap it, MEX.


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Last one is lolzers.


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>referred to in connection to a manycam thing on skype


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>Amateur, plebeian racism.
Wholesome tranimal skull shape recogniser who makes friends with Africans. No need to turn common sense prejudice into a sport.


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This one was ripe for questioning and it butchers a lot.
You have a bad memory. Remember me going through my old USB?


>Wholesome tranimal skull shape recogniser who makes friends with Africans.
Literally me. They call me the moon cricketeer.



Jenny is very excited over food, predictably.


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1x1x1x1 fan art



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>Remember me going through my old USB?
I 8arely remember what I had for lunch yesterday.


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>I 8arely remember what I had for lunch yesterday.
We can relate, then. :cmon:


I don't like for anything to change, but alright.


Gnap fan art



Gnap glow-up srsly guise.



I can't understand this right now (sleepy) but I'm scared. :geh:


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Retaking gnaps for the sake of empowerment. :un:


Anyway, MEX, can you wait 23 threads before you do your big, dumb, gay thing? I want to get another big 50 DEEP DIVE off. :dubai:


I think(?) the first 50 threads are archived by how NotebookLM records them even if you fuck with them.


The slopcasts are still really lacking lately even when the summaries are good and "good" (funny.)

You really have to wait for the big 10s and 50s to get funny slopcasts. :man:



10 pages also feels traditional, but I don't wanna get into "double the space every time the limit is hit" territory so old threads are going to start falling off soon.

10 pages of HSG will run around 12GB in size, pretty 0k


I'm worried. Do I have to start on the next 50 NoteBookLM now or…? :done:


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New school shooter, apparently a nigcel. This time he remembered to leave the google doc public, but forgot to protect it from defacement.


I'll give it until thread HSG C before doing anything to the page count



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Asking my cool, tech-savvy friends to find out what epic font this Chinese scammer is using because it looks nice.


We're safe DELTARUNE bwos!



Why are the DEI shooters so inept? First the femcel forgetting to make her manifesto public and now this.


Rocco in the thread.


Huh? What?


roman numerals, sleepy-kun


When's that? :saitei:


100. don't "saitei" me


7 threads, so maybe Valentine's day or so.


>100. don't "saitei" me
So 34? Lame…. :saitei:


>So 34?
just go to sleep


34 threads in the compilation I'm making, you goose. It means we'll hit 30 and then I have to pack it in. Unless we make those extra 4 threads really pack a punch with "megid0chan l0ves y0u" level gimmick-posting. :drinky:


>Unless we make those extra 4 threads really pack a punch with "megid0chan l0ves y0u" level gimmick-posting.
you homosexuals get gimmickier than that per usual, I don't think you'd have to force anything :bishi:


Have you played Kirby's Blowjob Blast?


>It means we'll hit 30 and then I have to pack it in
why does it have to be a round number? you're just talking about the AI summary compilation, right?
round numbers are nice, but if you adhere to it now instead of accepting one off-numbered one, won't it always be frustratingly misaligned?


forgot to reply to this. I'm pretty sure there was a ds game where you could store things in his stomach (bottom screen), hmm… (squeak squad?)

but yeah, the other stuff would be new. I don't know if that would make the game any harder though, and I think that's the biggest problem with kirby to be honest
>or produce a buddy like in the one game


No, go away. :saitei:


>why does it have to be a round number? you're just talking about the AI summary compilation, right?
>round numbers are nice,
Yeah, I'm just being petty.


I haven't either but it looked pretty diverting, might dust off the 3Dees


>I don't know if that would make the game any harder though, and I think that's the biggest problem with kirby to be honest
I envision it like bullet hell だろ.
My one and basically only (Ultra) Kirby game. I was shocked to learn that the buddy mechanic wasn't a universal thing. I love it so much. It adds so much.


Do not sexualize Kirby or I will kill you. When my brain gets tired, I revert to my babby games and I will not have you corrupt them. :demands:


It's Kirby's Blowout Blast, really
This is about as edgy as calling Zelda 3 a Twink to the Ass


>I love it so much. It adds so much.
I've 100%'d superstar co-op with a couple people. it's been several years now, hence the tongue-in-cheek wallet fantasy


Pick your class:
•The "Modern Man":
-The "Merchant Class":
-The "Weak":
•The "Founding Fathers" (Implied):
"The Natives":
The "Aboriginals":
•The "Middle Class":
•The "Psychopath":
-The "Self-Deluded":
•The "Statesman":
"Gen X," "Millennials," and "Gen-Z":
•The "Happy" and the "Miserable":
•The "Knight" and the "Cowboy":
•The "Transgender":
-The "Child":
•The "Unconscious":
-The "Artist":


I'm sensitive right now but redpill me. :5s:


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I will literally slash my own throat before I take any filthy BRICS "jab"


Do you have a manifesto that you can throw into NoteBookLM that it can shit out or are your writings solely comprised of raging against BRICS and the non-white world? We could compare and contrast like girls with socks do. Presumably.


It's a download only title :outy:BIZNASTY:outy: off a sub-game from kirby robobot
I think the idea was a kind of 3D plane remake of Kirby's Dreamland with an emphasis on strategically inhaling groups of enemies and eliminating them in waves for score multipliers


you didn't ask, but I'm quite partial to kirby's dream course myself. many hours of shouting fun with friends


>I think the idea was a kind of 3D plane remake of Kirby's Dreamland with an emphasis on strategically inhaling groups of enemies and eliminating them in waves for score multipliers
That's cute. Kirby Puyo?

Still one of those one-game gimmick ideas THOUGH.


Sorry, Marzipan. :pat:


why are you sorry? (´・ω・`)
not your fault I miss playing it with people



have you been intentionally leaving typos around as well or is that tiny brain of yours finally melting marzi?


It's a good game, idiot


I thought you were just making a dumb joke.


I don't have a manifesto but maybe I should write one
it'd be handy if I decided to minecraft the russian embassy
I'd have to remember to get the google doc permissions right thoughb eit


>I'd have to remember to get the google doc permissions right thoughb eit
"No, you wouldn't."




what typos?


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RoW's post earlier made me think a this one, a little wank (especially with the mainstream flipping trvmp) but funny


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Kuromi beheading Indians. :mycue:


I think that /co/ HS thread has attracted the /aco/ contingent so they already have their comfy and undisturbed gooner circlejerk


kuromi couldn't wipe her own ass without help


You would lick it. :picker:


How lucky she found her good friend baku-kun!


And /v/ is of course repetitive ragebait.

They embody the boards they're on.


Deathfat Kuromi vs. Kojima


In a Ryder Rental Truck.


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typical freakshit


Just finding new and fun ways telling you, a dumb tool, to fuck off.


*of telling


What am I supposed to do if it become more contrarian to unironically worship St. Floyd


it's cute watching you react like that when you don't get the reaction you were expecting


it was a nice one though, puppy


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Work on Ao Floydi, duh. :mycue:


"Shit maybe I should live."


nvm >>77307


Live, maybe you should shit. :ibs:


They must've made so much progress by now, right?


Infinite. :^q^:


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>tfw can't act like a knuckledragging retard at 23


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My unironic political beliefs:


memories of traumatized whores help me sleep at night




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>Milk spilling out as her water breaks
Inspired choice.

Loved these niggas.


ROCCO IN THE THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Gross. :bust:


et quoi de toi?


>There are unironically Japs drawing Isabeau fanart in current year
Two nukes wasn't enough. :zerothought:


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They were pretty :outy:BIZNASTY:outy:, too


I wish no RPG ever had difficulty settings. I feel like I have to always pick the hardest difficulty even though I know it's a waste of time. The existence of a harder difficulty would cheapen my feelings of victory on a lower difficulty.





Rocco's key? :resp0nd:


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>In my feed


Finally we get the Jeter



T. denim less scrub


>42 minute deep dive when you add the questions as notes
>It doesn't become more specific or focused
>It just gets longer


An easier mode would be fine, it just needs some goofy name and maybe a pacifier icon on your save


This really speaks to the deep dive commentators retention and specialization issues


Why do I need DENIM when I can have COOL HAT?


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Megaten poses the challenging questions.


can we just go back to green unjun


NUANCED and PHILOSOPHICAL gaming series.


I have no idea how that works.


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>I need video games and animaymays to teach me about (superficial) philosophy beclaws…


you take the green onion and the greenunyon and the greeen onjon adn


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Oh lighten up, won't you?


I make fun of Megaten all the time, you dumb manime-posting fuck.
Eat shit. Megaten needs to be better. :notcanon:



Or rather, Megaten deserves to be better. Isamu's letter hits hard but imagine how much more impact that moment would hit if it was written like an actual JRPG instead of you know, the way Megaten is written.


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This is the nigga saying that "Roxkitposter wants countries to be nuked for silly reasons"


Getting a Deep Dive on this.


I was clearly being tongue-in-cheek, you ass. :beatmeatbag:


You'll have to forgive my intolerance towards your desires for "I need complex and nuanced issues to be reduced to palatable amounts and recontextualized into jerkoff irony because I can't handle being serious (or actually reading about things)."

Although feel free to rebut with the le "RIGOR and ANAL(YSIS)."


Tongue in ass cheeks…


Thank god it isn't that, the game would be unremarkable pap with the ~lonesomeness~


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so is this before or after being defaced by random netizens


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I'm just cherry picking chuddy caps from my nocturne folder. They're AUTHENTICALLY funny.


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Motherfucker. :resp0nd:


Your worst take ever, possibly.




"Guess." :fun:


you seem eerily confident that we won't see a sharty shooter in our lifetime


>eerily confident
Like I'm the one keeping them at bay? :picker:


like you're a time traveler, one of many clones sent back in time to drain my life energy


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xj9k didn't tick another 'p wave yesterday, was it just a random potshot at megidochan specifically?


Before, it's just gross spam now


But no, obviously the shitpost is a shitpost written by, most probably, someone other than the shooter.


Oh my fauci, thank microplastics for giving everyone a high bar to clear for "woman" these days




I miss the food thread


I got hit too


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>23 minutes
Not going to bother with this one. Someone else tag in. :scum:


You can't post food anymore, only imoutos


Yikes? Finding a videogame funny? Kind of awkwaaard, don't you think?


"You like Tales of the Abyss."


>Someone else tag in.
not it, nose goes


You have a problem with Tales of The Abyss, motherfucker? When you play fucking Devil's advocate for SMT 4? Eat actual dog shit.


No, it's real

I mean it was defaced to literal gibberish and image spam


>These guys reduced SERIOUS topics down to DIGESTIBLE sizes and HYPERBOLIZED them to an epic funny hehe xD satire irony so "I'm so laid back and cool and totes not serious" type retards can have a laugh at it and be like "I'm so laid back and cool and totes not serious"
>Wow this is hilarious.


>No, it's real
Big if true.


I just don't feel like wasting much breath on you anymore だろ. You never change, you never grow, and it's only so much entertainment poking at your predictable nature.


"I stopped caring what you have to say after that."


He LOVES Yosuga!


But I complained about Megaten before that so those criticisms still hold. :mycue:


if it's true, MoM owes me something. I'll decide later.




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the sticker snobbery was 100% sincere and remains sincere.
also i came to the conclusion earlier that john x equius is a really good ship. no i wont be taking questions/comments on this.


I'll have a full dinner to prepare for the seppuku.


I'm going to throw a rock through your window and then a car.



I'm not RoW, you know.

you keep your hands off my snob


>you keep your hands off my snob
He has terrible opinions. Like MEX.


how would you throw a car through my window are you like equius level strong or something


What kind of asshole responds to an obvious joke like this? It'd be a toy car covered in zyklon B, fuck you.


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The games are simply terse, I like mainline for that. There is a trend towardf having demon/angels NPCs spout off obviously blunt and extreme horseshit to the point of parody… but having the humans talk reasonably at you for greater lengths would draw from the ennui of Nocturne imo


manzai FAIL

>Like MEX.


Here's what your favorite JRPG says about you:
Tales of the Abyss: You like, Tales of the Abyss!
Weird JRPG: You're a weird guy. I made this one up.
Final Fantasy: I have literally never heard of anyone liking this on - ARRRRGH I'M A CRAZY FINAL FANTASY STAN I'M GONNA BLUDGEON YOU WITH A HAMMER


the response to the joke was also a joke though bro.
i obviously dont sincerely believe you are as strong as equius. no one could be.
on a more sincere note please dont throw zyklon b through my window i dont really want to die 8(


he'll beg someone else to do it for him


"It doesn't have to be that black-and-white"

You fucking tard. It's called scenario-building. You don't need dialogue for arcs. Instead, Megaten is:
1) Person is heading in this direction.
2) They are now the extreme.

*Fuses you into anything other than a demon with the fucking foggey voice.*


Shut it.
It was a bad one.


Epic own.


>It was a bad one.
I thought it was a graceful "yes, and" to your out-of-nowhere going-nowhere joke, personally. not to rake you over the coals for it or anything


>It was a bad one.
its called engaging in a little banter man.


meant to include a :fwee: in this


>Instead, Megaten is:
But shut up.
I'll rake you over the coals.
It's called engaging in fucking fisticuffs with your balls.


>engaging in fucking fisticuffs with your balls
wow thats some pretty jake english tier shit man. didn't know you were into that.




>I'll rake you over the coals.
would you enjoy that?


Again, lame Dave voice. Take some vocal training to sound less like a homosexual. Maybe by deepthroating a cock.


You can imagine their gaiden games in your head… Maniax at least is pretty good at showing you how the 'friends' were in life, how they coped in the vortex world, where they fell and were twisted, and why they realize their REASON
If nocturne had come out 3 or 4 years later maybe there could've been SMS updates from isamu and chiaki throughout the game, mite help


wouldn't respond if it wasn't pumpkin


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Thanks for reminding me to track down Tatsuya's latest masterpiece from last night


again im not talking like dave this is just how i talk. before i even read homestuck i talked like this.
and i could tell you all about my various sexual engagements if you'd like but i dont think you want that. needless to say none of it resulted in the deepening of my voice or whatever you're implying.


You talk like a tool. :coolkid:
>none of it resulted in the deepening of my voice or whatever you're implying.
It was ironic. That you would get less gay. From sucking cocks. Moron.


I don't think I'm that directly sadistic but I do like fire.


UNDERTALE already beat SMT at its own game:awesome:


I'm going to give you a spanking. You give me an inch but still deny the fundamental notions of improvement.:beatmeatbag:


wait why would sucking cock make someone less gay
oh well i guess it would make a woman less gay
but your perspective seems to be that i am a man so i don't see why it would make me less gay to suck cock. surely that would make me more gay. theres something im not getting here. sorry im being retarded as usual 8(


I would be fine if the levels of abstraction of repetition were higher up ("kill god") but they're literally just… Whatever… I hate you, MEX.


Are you missing FOOD?


The point is that you break reality from how much fag energy is radiating out of your posts. I need my alter ego to step in here or else I'll be eviscerated by the sheer homosexualry on an atomic level.




What did she mean by this?


Late, but thanks. Well I don't wanna say that's "reassuring" ofc


wow im getting fucking obliterated here. i might have to go take a shower to wash off the scent of being owned so hard. i don't know if that actually makes a scent but if it did it would probably smell like old oil and brick dust and maybe a little dirt.


Really making me miss Persona 1 and 2, in retrospect. :milk:




didn't you like have an actual album of you crossdressing



There's no reason to be waking anymore. :nite:


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Lighten up, Hashem,
don't sweat some eye-for-an-eye.
You might live longer.


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I'd joke "Move over, Mario", but really they should coexist



Smurf X: Combat Racing


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It's pretty impossible to say, which I suppose makes a good cover. Was he slain or captured alive?


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He harvested like 200k in libnations at the time, shoulda moved out!


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>huge, heartbreaking, and yet relieving failure
I should write off some of my ded 2021 shitcoins like this and work with what capital I have left


I love the censorship of the hand, as if merely putting your arm at that angle is some kind of cognitohazard that will lead to "le genocide"

What actualy fucking clownworld timeline have I ended up in when the ADL are actually being the reasonable ones


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I knew Rev says desu was a TRICKSTER.


Nega Rev…


It kind of feels like we actually crested peak trans, and are now beginning the ascent towards peak 'cel



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>ice cream sundae in a bedpan
This one will surely find it's audience


So we're unashamedly pro-holocaust now?


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It makes them stronger, so who's to say


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My meggychan skeb finally got accepted, 3 days before the expiration.
I guess that'll be another month for delivery, "ah well"


Jeane was so much hotter than Silvia


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Thought this was a sinfest comic


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>wake up
>don't feel like being awake
>go back to sleep


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Could have been a good Nanc4 if you just deleted the comma and everything after it. You know, children talk in funny, rude ways. It's good to capitalize on that fact. You know who knew that?

Of course the Peanuts I got left with was one of the more surreal one.

Some people say Charles Schulz didn't know how to write children. They are stupid. Yes, they might *seem* a little worldy than your average kid but that's always juxtaposed with a little irony. (Kind of like what Rose was supposed to be.) If anything, it's just an antiquated way of writing kids- snottery and all- which makes sense, Schulz was a man from a different era and the gap in time grows day-by-day.

I swear I've complained about this exact thing before on here.


Mildly amusing but when you take O.J's work all together as a complete vision, it's completely incogruent and terrible. (Yes, I would argue that even sweet, precious, innocent Schulz and Watterson are above this kind of criticism despite their variety in humor.) We get visual gags, metaisms, and SAMEJOKE. The first two feel like they could come from any strip; it doesn't feel like a hallmark, is what I'm saying. The last, though the fucking worst, is :outy:BIZNASTY:outy: pretty strongly in character voices since it's usually the precocious little Nanc4 doing it.

All in all, it can be said that O.J is not "one of the greats." From what I saw of Gilchrist, he seemed to at least enjoy making the comic more. O.J seems depressed, overwhelmed, and desperate- especially if we take in all the self-aware ADULTING and writing jokes she hashes in whenever she can't think of anything "better" at face value. It's a rough job, it's completely understandable. But Nanc4, I want to say it's, even still, below middling.

It reeks of someone with no clear voice or VGH VISION of the comic. That or ghostwriters.


Taiwan's getting one for the books.






No, crush Mario. It's for his own good to be a flat plate.


>/pol/ thread where everyone sounds somewhat human
Something's not right here.


Precision platformers should not get #plated, they should be completely liquefied into something redeemable.


Reminds me of the stupid fucking Notstika (can't draw a swatiska even on your drooling obese retard; chaos magick, girlies.)

Still want that as a flag but that DEMAND is pretty far down on the list.
Should they date?
I don't know what the fuck that means.


I sleep.


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dead thread…


Would be genuinely shocking if his answer to the Jewish Question was more nuanced than "JUST FUCKING KILL HIM" given the verisimilitude of his beliefs throughout his entire tenure (South Parkian "gee, PUAs and sex positive feminists are kind of silly, don't you think?", DA PATRIARCHY, DA CULTURE INDUSTRY, DA JEWZ)

I'm placing my bets on it being left ambiguous instead of the solution to Jewish corruption being some superficial call to make beautiful things or develop culture or literally anything other than murderboner powerfantasy. I think I know Tatsuya well enough. This is a safe bet. :flip:


Rose? Rose Lalonde?




The first, of many.


grim trend developing… :milk:



Democracy <3 terrorism.


incels should band together and start an army. an army without a country you could say


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Emeowyle status?


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Is there a fucking Emeowyle circle? :milk:


>Check Xiwitter
>No one likes my epic Xeet


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Speaking of, should really be stickers alongside the clock swinging back and forth in general.

I suppose I could also make a /hot/ post about the clock in general…. :milk:




What a8out a Carima font filter?


Finally, got around to MOON. It's pretty good. Unfortunately, it is distinctly COLD black metal. I do get some beloved snaps, squeaks, and crackles in this but it's ultimately "not exactly my type." I do certainly enjoy some tracks more than others but it is generally, also, a bit too slow-tempo for my tastes.

Realizing now how much my clogged SSD compromised my audio quality (in a subgenre where the minutia is everything) makes me want to revisit some fence-sitting picks but… agh… so cumbersome… :milk:

Though granted, my current headphones are kind of fucked up so anything I enjoy is probably hampered (at least in one ear) because I fucking stepped on them. :milk::milk::milk:

Anyway, in that kind of "actively good" column. No active interest in their other stuff however. Later album seems to have dropped off considerably, :outy:BIZNASTY:outy: on the reviews.


I liked listening to black metal while looking at :notcanon: in the little tray because it looked like she was frantically dancing to it.


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Anyway, ROLLING!


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*Blocks your fucking path.*



Oh, boy, how did I know…:meh:

I regretted the pickings immediately.




A JUST death if there was any.




Great-sounding SCALDING (the opposite of COLD; I tried to make it as metal as possible) black metal. You've got your crackles, your pops, everything the music is like being next to a flame. This is what raw metal SHOULD be (though the guitars, I think, are a little too much in the forefront- ironically, I'd want a compromise between this and most COLD black metal.)

This is what raw black metal SHOULD be and should be used for. Unfortunately, I wasn't in super in love with the song compositions but ultimately, this is "up my alley" stuff that is "actively good" which puts above a lot of the other stuff I've listened to.


who are these characters in the thumbnail


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New letters just dropped:


Oj's concept of "Nancy with phone for a modern audience" did have that burst of positive coverage for that first half-year of its run.
Now she's been toiling in obscurity with sour boomer gocomics comments as the main feedback…
>It's a rough job
With a daily funny strips already seeming like a complete Sisyphus tier neverending task and the increasing amounts of SELF-CARE BREAKS, I think we may not have to suffer OJ for much longer. Hopefully. Millennial wwomen seem to enjoy their misery on some level, though.


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Rose Rose Lalonde


Rose? Rose Lalonde?


SBurb being a bioterrorist invention. New angle for Homestuck being an actual webcomic.


Bring out Miyako ya junkie whore!
*Lobs shoe*


:bee101:Erm, men can't have agency in a Hussian work…


All bioterrorists are men confirmed?


Don't assume every girl with snake bites is a junkie. That's like heteronormative, or something.


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>snaps cracks and pops
These are getting to sound a bit Tim Rodgerian imo. Maybe it's a music writing thing that he cribbed to vidya games, I've literally never read a professional album review.


Mario wants to talk to you.




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"I'm not sure what he expected."


>These are getting to sound a bit Tim Rodgerian imo.
I was kind of trying to do a half-assed Rice Krispies thing but "literally how else do you describe them"

There's crackle in audio, that's pretty self-explanatory. Pop is a little more vague, but it obviously comes at the start of the noise, it's a crackle that sounds like a "pop."

A snap is just about the "angularity" of the sound, what happens when you take an instrument like a guitar and make it produce a radical different sound or just outright clip the sound outright in a way where there is some kind of residual feedback in the audio. This is the weakest of the three (probably because I came up with it for the Rice Krispies) but I do think they are all "vaguely" things.

A lot of this is just me trying to explain the things I hear and what I like and the way I described things. I used the term "COLD" black metal a lot so I thought, since I've described what that sounds like, I'd provide a distinction on what I think is a near-opposite (though there is some overlap.)

I think it's important to keep a conversational tone. I think I am. But also fuck Tim Rodgers.


*"vaguely things"


*I thought I'd


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The in question society is producing homocidal sharty nigcels, so maybe Yalechud has a point.


MEX, argue with me more about SMT now. :demands:


"Society isn't deteriorating if it still persists. :^)"


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Maybe when it next comes up naturally, I'm up so early that I'm trying to schedule out my day


Ao Floydi concept art.


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Rocco in da' thread?


Next Nancy mastermind (marries into it)


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DIAP you.


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presented without comment




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An insult to Jewish music だろ.


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there's so much stuff


Patriots know what to do


Deploy to Turkey. :5s:


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On a warm, humid afternoon in a bustling city park, the scene was set for an odd yet amusing spectacle. Rocco Botte, a man of sizable stature, had always been the life of the party. His sheer presence was enough to make people laugh—mostly out of shock, but still, it was laughter. Rocco was known for his bravado, and it was no surprise when he found himself in the middle of a crowd, trying to outdo his own antics.

Jenny Nicholson, an unsuspecting bystander, was enjoying the day when she suddenly became the center of attention in a way she could never have anticipated. Jenny was tall and graceful, a true fan of all things quirky and fun, and she was wearing her favorite comic-themed hoodie. Little did she know, she was about to become part of an impromptu performance.

Rocco had been talking to a group nearby, and as he went on about his latest “big idea,” his eyes fell on Jenny. Her peaceful stroll in the park was about to be interrupted by something unexpected. In his own world, Rocco had already crafted the perfect joke in his head: a physical comedy stunt that would involve him using his sheer size in a way that could only be described as ridiculous. To him, the visual of slamming his massive frame into someone like a slow-moving, irresistible force was too good to pass up.

“Here goes nothing!” Rocco grinned as he surged forward, his stomach leading the charge. He began the slow-motion attack, taking careful aim as he moved toward Jenny, who was blissfully unaware of what was coming.

And then it happened.

Jenny, feeling the ground shake beneath her feet, turned around just in time to see a giant, soft, and wobbling mass heading toward her. She barely had time to react as Rocco’s stomach made contact with her.


It was as if the world had stopped. Jenny, in a mix of confusion and shock, was briefly flattened against the soft, gelatinous wave of Rocco’s gut, her body bending in an odd position that resembled something between a startled superhero and a pancake. She could have sworn she heard a faint splat sound as her body was enveloped by Rocco's giant stomach, like some outlandish scene from a cartoon.

Rocco stood there, triumphant, his arms raised in a mock victory pose. He had just pulled off the most ridiculous, slapstick moment he'd ever imagined. Jenny, meanwhile, blinked up at him in disbelief, her face still partially squished against his stomach as she tried to figure out what had just happened.

“What the—?” Jenny gasped, struggling to sit up. “Are you… are you the Blob?!”

Rocco laughed, his face glowing with amusement. “I’m like The Blob, but way less destructive! More like… The Blob who just really loves to make people laugh!”

Jenny wiped some of the laughter from her face as she sat up, adjusting her hoodie. “Well, I can’t say I’ve ever been smooshed like that before.”

The crowd around them, who had been watching in stunned silence, erupted into laughter. It was clear that Rocco had managed to create the kind of chaotic, slapstick moment that people would remember for a long time. Jenny, ever the good sport, grinned and gave Rocco a thumbs-up.

“You got me good,” she said, laughing. “But next time, maybe leave the superhero moves to me. You know, the ‘I’ll throw you across the park without touching you’ kind of thing.”

Rocco chuckled. “Deal. But next time, I'm coming in with more oomph!”

With that, the park returned to its usual hum of conversation, the bizarre, comical encounter fading into the background. Jenny, a little dizzy but now a part of an impromptu park legend, wandered off, her thoughts filled with absurd comparisons. Rocco, on the other hand, had already moved on to his next big idea, a little less Blob-like but still bursting with enthusiasm.


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Also, I guess I'm "angwy" there's a Malice costume but I'm 90% sure it's just in there for the creative freedom to appease the feeten creatin.

I also don't like how the classic costumes still have chink jank on them and BEARD REED but nobody is going to make enough of a fuss for them to change that so… :weh:



Kemco kino… I want it, but is there info on the scenario writer?



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watchin nu looney tunes on my hotel tv and speedy gonzales was hitting on crossdressing bugs and porky hooked up with a thick black goddess named nancy


There's a nu tom and jerry too? I hate it.


>porky hooked up with a thick black goddess named nancy
It better resolve to be a ploy to turn him into Chitlins n gravy


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well, it probably helps that it's an /int/ thread, not a /pol/ thread.

check the tooltip :bee101:



"mentally ill people get radicalized into (attempted) mass killings by people who don't like x. I guess x was a bad thing after all!"


>But also fuck Tim Rodgers.
I like tim roger's stuff. I like it when you share your music thoughts as well. keep doing that


Society is collapsing and even the more cognizant of niggass can feel it


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the homosexual I doxxed a few months ago just failed another relationshit


and what did I tell him?
"You will never have a functional relationship as long as you keep being like this, and by the time *you* fix yourself you'll just keep coming across the same immature people that make it impossible to have a functional relationship anyways, and by the end you'll be just as much of a misanthrope as I am."


Fuck off



Fuck ON


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raw time!


rawr time




Thanks, Doc.


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Don't work in an office, got it.


the last three seconds really completes the dystopian vibe


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should I buy the Allen-sama plushie?




dead board + dead thread + shitpostbot9000 (darker memez edition) facebook group better




You have the sense of humor of a tween.


I don't like being compared.


>even the more cognizant of niggass
Le reading comprehension.




What's wrong with both of you


don't know what a tween is + didn't even bother looking it up + can't hear you over the noise of the cocks you're sucking


raw dogs for raw times



I thought the comparison was a reach anyway :^p


>I don't like being compared
so much for "teehee don't be insecure"


fucking WRONG sticker



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I can't afford 8,000,000,000,000 Allen-sama plushies…
Kuriman are too rich and powerful




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>Donald Trump elected
>New version of Virtua Fighter 5 and Virtua Fighter 6 announced
>Donald Trump inaugurated
>New version of Ninja Gaiden 2 and Ninja Gaiden 4 announced
you cant make this shit up


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"Today was a good day."
Eyes Cube, circa 1992.



I really get the feeling the doomed Kamala campaign vacuumed up all the resources that would go into combatting Trump, at least for now


Elon seems to be sponging up all the hate


That too. Maybe I won't say he's the Cheyney/Bannon of trvmp '24, since Bannon is still lingering in the background, but he is being a spastic scapegoat


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oh boy


Shit DIAP is still rather extreme, can we settle for fart DIAP


you can have turd DIAP but fart DIAP is taken already


File: 1737672381527.png (9.93 MB, 2516x5116, SMT_III_Skadi[1].png)

If we're still SMT posting



I lent a bump


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who keeps making these? is it you mask man?


No, I have not made a thread on 4chud in like 5 years.
It's not Hypnoanon either in this case.


No, I have to wait 900s to post on /v/ when these pop up. Just random wailing homestuck ghosts…


surprising but i guess i'm the odd one out here for still using 4chan


Rocco in da' thread.


I should Rocco him.


>toby "liquid NEGROCITY" fox on the OFF soundtrack
>track is titled "White Meat"



"All" that I ate was yogurt and a croissant with Nutella but I feel so fucking f8t!!!!!!!!


sounds tasty


Diarrhea town.


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I still wonder how random/AI the auto replier on ikouchan is


solar freakin roadways





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Says who?


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Also, man, do I hate Homestuck sprite edits, they're always uncanny. It's like the fact that you realizing this character isn't supposed to be doing this thing is enough to open your eyes to how shitty, unexpressive, and samey a lot of Homestuck's art is. Not to mention the flat-out ugly things like the vast majority of Hussnasty (bargain bin Jhonen Vasquez) and Act 6 Golliwog mode.


I didn't watch, but was DC locked down with national guardsmen like it was for Biden?


Yeah I'm afraid that's a you pro8lem.


No. No, I don't think it is, frankly.


Drumpf ate them for warmth.


So far it's only you 8ringing it up, others are free to join in though.


You seem to like Aradia being fed raisin bran tho


Others are free to kill themselves as that's the only right left allotted to our discretion on this gouged and derelict Hellscape of a planet.


I don't see any FUCKING raisins.


>BBC joke 3 levels in
"“Our young are clearly lost, man, clearly lost, man."


Always positive thoughts.


What do the moon runes say?


>Others are free to kill themselves


"Troll Kix"


NOT Raisin Brand.


Instrumentality suicide cult would have been a place for the Rebuilds to go…


File: 1737678849220.png (509.5 KB, 640x480, [Eggplant] Onegai My Melod….png)


Pigtails but 若すぎる。


File: 1737679108517.png (506.74 KB, 640x480, [Eggplant] Onegai My Melod….png)

This is more like it


imagine being like 70 and acting like this


Yeah, Drumpf really embarrassed everyone by eating people and not standing in the cold.


FAKE news, he's merely 60



too :outy:BIZNASTY:outy:, anno had to REALITY&HOPEpill the audience since the old eva was "outdated"
(this post isn't meant to represent my feelings about the rebuilds, only my affinity for instrumentality)


the raisin brand is what they use on the wine-making slaves. you probably meant "raisin brain" :bee101:

I'll openly admit that when you were accused of liking "raising bran aradia" I assumed there was a piece of fart fetish fanart being referenced. I didn't connect it to the sticker until a few posts later



Hsg finds a Shijima rep…


shinji & mari?
I didn't say I particularly liked the rebuilds either, or 4's ending. don't jump to conclusions


blinking asuka. rolling for bountiful dream



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I need to read a blog where some weirdo meticulously reviews each onegai my melody episode. 20 was a high mark, but I'm oujo weak as always.

Also, megidochan reference on kogure's t-shirt.


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We'll do this but Hu¢¢ie


the raisin brand.
the mark of the slave, forced to stomp gDIAPs yet denied the intoxicating harvest. they say their skin, so stained with tannic amaranthine must, has not seen the sun since they took their first steps.


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I'm racist.




I've never read the gDIAPs of wrath and I know nothing about it, it was just an unrelated joke I made about your typo. I guess it wasn't appreciated



I was talking about Raisin In The Sun. I have also read Grand Diapers of Wrath.

Marzipan is an illiterate Maoist.


>I was talking about Raisin In The Sun.
okay. that one also has nothing to do with winemaking slaves.
>Marzipan is an illiterate Maoist.
someone's in a bad mood. need aradia to make cereal for you?


>that one also has nothing to do with winemaking slaves.
Just the descendants of one.

I do hate cereal. The idea of "making cereal" by pouring it into some lax whore's mouth is disgusting to me because it feels oddly plausible as a thing degenerates do.


I just meant her making a bowl for you, anon. no need to make it into some fetish activity (unless you want to)


The mental image is this: :milk:


what if she's dead?


Even worse.


Aradia loves milk.

Did you see a swaggering teen on the street again?


that's his pokemon name. just imagine a little wintery orb waddling around, going "I am racist! I am racist!"
what would their favorite berry be?


Maybe Marz went to a prep school and missed the Freshman English ~classics~


yeah, fucked up that they would do that to her. waste of perfectly fine cereal too


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One of the bitter ones. I thought of Kelpsy first


Many. Hate this world.


I'd say Trvmp will sort this out but stay strong, Euros…


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Half the workforce turning into AI data processing superhub maintenance and private security will fix it




quints soon.



Kekful post


takes me back


What's to guilt about DQV?
… You didn't actually fap to Jami NTR rags, did you?


Shijima REASON from SMT III (which feels pretty "unity in oneness instrumentality style to me")
I know MoM is already musubi libertarian from discussions on here


I use that sticker most often for emotions other than guilt. the closest match is the "rot" sticker, but it looks too surprised.
it's dread, I guess.

dread over my rapid onset nostalgia for something I actually had pretty mixed feelings about. nice compositions though

forgive me, I can't read, evidently. must've inserted an N in there.
I'll get back to you in a couple decades maybe, when I feel like playing SMT


>dread over my rapid onset nostalgia for something I actually had pretty mixed feelings about
Ah. I understand, but am comfortable being nostalgic over it since I played DQV alongside the rest of the oldfag snes canon back in like middle school (before Homestuck even)



who represents yasuga


forgive me…


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okay, you're right. "literally me"


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Why were they the bad guys again?


Any of the weightlifters


MoM's gonna freak!


I know you like to bait me, asshole.


I have not yet heard a convincing argument on why the erasure of the universe is a bad idea. Have you ever even read Gnostic scriptures? You may just not understand.


consciousness is bad. but really, life itself is bad. that's really the root of the problem.



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Feels like a stolen joke + please actually learn the religions you're making a mockery of (the same applies to Megaten.)




Sinfest is rather megatennian now that you mention it


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Something to be said about propagandizing feeding into itself as both a method and self-justification.


Neopagans are so fucking stupid. Especially ones in America. Our religious literacy should be some of the highest in the world.

To all the TradCath and NeoLARPers in fucking Massachusetts or whatever, ever read about the history of deism and transcendentalism in American history? The Great Awakenings?


The Japanese soul…


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>Our religious literacy should be some of the highest in the world.
maybe if religious fervor was :outy:BIZNASTY:outy: on knowledge of religion


I hate the implication here.


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that it isn't?


More like second-generation Asian immigrants having the most insufferable essentialist ennui of fucking any demographic anywhere.




That it fundamentally isn't or fundamentally tends not to be.


I wasn't asserting anything fundamental. just observing that the religiosity of the general US population has nothing to do with deep study or understanding of theology, which I doubt you would disagree with


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Hashem's undead thralls
have only one known weakness:
Coniferous firs


It's unfortunate but yes. It makes me very upset. :man:
Neopagan tradcath transgirl? I didn't know Marians stooped THAT low…






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Not me btw. :yarrow:


not you btw.


I wish I could sleep…




It's homestuck, though, right?


Homestuck is too irony poisoned to have an entire album of poetic song titles.


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A king had a job to do.
He did it.
An empty throne is the most powerful.


You know a JRPG is good when all its best tracks are a minute and 30s long.


♫ spiderman is having you for dinner tonight ♫


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Add a space, fuckface.


Also, you know saying "8 out of 10 at best" is such a homosexualy thing to say. Yeah, you're not yanking my chain saying shit like that, sure.


Also, Tales of The Abyss was cool because of its magic system and it actually explored a fictional religion without completely condemning it and having it still be a relevant part of the setting and plot even after le bad actors are forced out. Fuck you. That's another part I like about it.

Religion and… really relatable, moving character stuff.


what's an 8 of 10?

every source I've seen renders it as "spiderman". you have some liner notes or equivalent to prove me wrong?


>what's an 8 of 10?
A very, very good game.
>every source I've seen renders it as "spiderman". you have some liner notes or equivalent to prove me wrong?
He enunciates the M rather harshly.


i think tear was my first waifu as a kid だろ


We are simply not the same. :bridge:


>A very, very good game.
persona 2?


As in "Natalia is more my type" but I clearly viewed Tear in a very different light too as you know from what I've said before.


Yes! :ok!:


what did you say before


That she was like a sisterly or maternal figure (to Luke; and therefore me, as the player who identified, somewhat, with Luke's plight of being an irredeemable piece of shit.)


I haven't played that many of them だろ, so I gave it a good faith point up from 7. Maybe they hit a stride on some game out of the 15 or whatever

>fictional religion without completely condemning it and having it still be a relevant part of the setting and plot even after le bad actors are forced out
This is a case of "They're all like that" though


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What the fuck is your problem


>This is a case of "They're all like that" though
Some completely condemn them. I think Abyss' is a little more intricate and "detailed for the sake of being detailed" than the average JRPG megachurch.


fuck. I wanted to GET this and I forgot. I needed this luck. I needed it way more than you I bet.


FFFUUUUUUU- i get it now. i respect it. to be fair i was a retarded teen back then, if i had to pick a waifu from abyss now id probably pick that one failed clone of fon master ion


>FFFUUUUUUU- i get it now. i respect it. to be fair i was a retarded teen back then,
I mean, I was too?
>if i had to pick a waifu from abyss now id probably pick that one failed clone of fon master ion


i think you're the weird one…




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i feel like there is no good reply here…


I feel like I assumed you were the wrong person. Are you back after a long vacation?




"Be straight with me." :man:


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Someone should let the /v/ thread know that Hypnofag is banned and that he’s mad he can’t post there >:c


I don't get it. He must be younger than me. :done:



I have another five hours before I can post there again, so there better be a second thread up tomorrow.


"But why?"


It's shit.





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He HATES puppets.


No joke?


this is correct if you've spent your life being a deadbeat loser


Lesson: sell more drugs, kids!


You gotta hope this thread lasts until then, no way they'll allow another one afterwards.


Did OJ forget to make a joke? That's so pathetic


Why does O.J have so much cum on her face?


I wasn't a petty loser lowlife dealer anyways. I was busy setting up TRADES and IMPORTS with my MULTILINGUAL SKILLS. Pretty sure I worked more LEGAL JOBS than any of you fuckers as well.


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I really don't need this sledgehammer to my faith in humanity right now.


:naruhodo: (:buh:)


It looks like it will, but either way, I’m not going to tolerate the janitors fucking with us any more. Homestuck has a place on 4chan and I will personally ensure that isn’t infringed upon until the site sinks into the ocean, which is what’s going to happen not too far from now.


You have the sense of humor of a tween.


Hey, look who's chasing shadows again! :kyaha:


While I admire your determination you're eventually going to get perma8anned, jannies are too mind8roken to ever let Homestuck be regularly discussed again.




I’m eventually going to get permabanned and 4chan is eventually going to die because it’s being intentionally sieges by outsiders who now control the majority of its faculties. Who cares?


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It's mindbroken moron hours. Stay safe.


>you're eventually going to get perma8anned
Also, no, lol.

I know we like to think they care that much but they don't. A one man mission isn't enough to seriously register on their radar like that, even if it's a negro with a grudge.


Yeah good point. I for one hope Hiromoot finally does pull the plug on the whole thing.


I, Hypnofag, am a mindbroken moron by the definition of a lot of the people here, so who knows.


what a low blow dude honestly I never called you a moron


You're like Christ compared to this fowl fuck.


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the LINE sticker set got delayed


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This dipshit really thinks Drump really won just off old boomers… they're in for a big surprise when their gen X asses wake up one day to discover that the Gamergate generation is in charge.

"There is nothing that can stop all of this?" Nigga by the time you're in a position to enact your bizarre elder abuse fantasy, you'll be in a new Reich. And then you'll have more to worry about than getting revenge on your drump uncle.


And as for what millennials are gonna do to YOU when you become dependent on others… let's just say Canada is already rolling it out.


You… okay, buddy…? :sry:


I misread that but it's kind of weird to see you get heated about something that isn't ethnically :outy:BIZNASTY:outy:/me suspecting you of being a ped.


I don't feel *that* chuddy today.


I really wish Aranea were here. Like, IRL. I wish even more that Vriska was here, but Aranea stepping out of my computer to smug at me and make sure I get to bed okay tonight would be awesome.


Do you tend to have nightmares or suffer from insomnia? :noted:


Hey, that's MY wild fantasy!!!!!!!! Except we also engage in 8oring infodumping and then cuddle at the end.


Yeah. Young me never would have believed this, but I’m a schizoinsomniac and I have very serious sleep issues. Not medically serious, just serious enough to cause lots of discomfort. The same phenomenon causes me to suffer from nightmares, typically nightmares that are drastically disconnected from my waking lifestyle and involve me being forcibly confined or trapped in some very remote and dark rural part of America and being forced to deal with some scary or supernatural bullshit.


I hope that cuddling involves you holding me nice and tight and hypnotizing me, letting me slowly give way to your psionics and refusing to let me stay awake no matter how much I struggle…


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Prayers For Rain




Fuck off. :breakitdownwhitegirl:





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There you go. No more worries.


I would be Goku, smashing sentient animals over the head with a stick and then roasting them over a fire innawoods



No more problems…no more scary existentialism…



File: 1737717020889.gif (Spoiler Image, 28.09 KB, 650x450, manipul8.gif)

Very good.
Now, you may succum8.



*flutter eyes*


Get a room… :gulp:


File: 1737717220200.png (269.11 KB, 798x500, _hehehehehehehehe__by_robi….png)

You VILL watch.


but wwhy


8y the way Hypnoanon, perhaps your 8an is lifted 8y now.



In about an hour.


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May8e the thread will still 8e up, 8ut the 8ump limit is approaching and you never know if jannies decide to nuke it out of nowhere like they have already done to past 400+ replies threads.


Aranea, have you ever tried hypnotizing the janitors?


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Eventually they always wake up to the smell of the hotpocket they left in the microwave.


Why didn't Rose cry blood more in the comic?


Worth a shot. On an unrelated note, maybe you and I should have a sitdown so I can teach you some human hypnosis techniques! Supplement those with your psionics and you’d be unstoppable.


Why didn't Rose fart blood more in the comics?


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I’m reading Reality Is Plastic by Anthony Jacquin right now and I’d love to pore over it with you. But, alas, no interstellar travel or teleportation.


I'm sure I'll get my hands on it, eventually.



This guy fucks white chicks.


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Rose? Rose Lalonde?


this girl eats farts for breakfast


Her own? :fartsniffer:

Talk about neglectful parenting…


!!!TRICKSTER Alert!!!




Are farts a TRICKSTER fetish?




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No, he's just insecure because of his "special interests." :wank:



"If it's not a dress or skirt, it's not crossdressing." - Jefferson Davis.


t.riteofwomanhood :rosechu:

Redeem Shitcker, sar.


Let's go over the facts.

RoW has:
Admitted to jerking off to transgendered pornography.
Openly talked about his fantasies of being a loli.
Said he has a crush on Bladee (trans icon.)
Cried at the end of Celeste.
An extreme fixation with precision platformers (TRICKSTER genre.)
Called Sue Lightning his "icon; his shining meteor."
Tried nipple rubbing exercises.
Likes girly music which can only be heard on the higher end of frequencies (woman hearing training.)

Need I go on? :hithere:


RoW is so cool…


I'm going to fucking kill you.


I saw screenshots of this character before. She actually looks good which is rare for a 3d anime game.




Estradiol rage. Very common. :b8:


>Cried at the end of Celeste.
Unironically the most concerning part.




Projection of projection. :breakitdownwhitegirl:

I am v. smart. :breakitdownwhitegirl:






Fart fetish.


Yeah, Terezi definitely has one. :f4rt:


I like how people can agree on this. Not like anyone can give a good reason, we all just know it’s true.


>Not like anyone can give a good reason,
Obsession with smells and being a general freak, dummy.


Fart fetishists aren’t necessarily known for enjoying smelling farts. You’re always going to have the
>*drools and rubs*
crowd who want the thing in their fetish to happen to them with no staging or tact, but a lot of people who are into farts are still repulsed by them, and them being repulsive is part of the appeal of seeing them get blasted in someone’s face.


fart fags should be gassed


They'll like it.


Hilariously original. Rose is unamused. :class:


I ended up smoking too much weed last night before bed and now I feel weird.


Don’t smoke marijuana. Joe Hawley warned you not to. You can eat it, though.


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Very thankful of the front-to-back indicator. This changes EVERYTHING.


>"Joe Hawley warned you not to. You can eat it, though."
>google this
>come across reddit threads saying that he's a bigot and has a wealth of mental issues
Dare I go further?


4, ez


A BIGOT!?!?!??!?!?!?!?! :rosechu:

Redeem shitcker, sar.


>Redeem shitcker, sar.


I mean, you can go as far as you want. All the stuff you mentioned is just the result of Brad Taste In Music normalfags putting a hit out on him. He’s no more or less crazy or racist than the average image board user, but Tally Hall fans accusing him of DIAP and pedophilia didn’t help anything.




>Tally Hall fans


It's a pretty recent running gag. Return friend? :noted:



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And then he did this.


Is he wrong? It's like indie rock for fags^2.


There's nothing wrong with a bit of nipple play.


>it's real
holy fuck


I’m not going to get mad at him for pulling the hatchet on his former bandmates considering how moronically they’ve spoken about his “mental health” “issues”, and the fact that they’re now trying to bring back the band without him and aren’t disclosing to their fans that he wasn’t invited. I don’t think I need to explain why the writer of The Mind Electric wouldn’t appreciate some people he brought onto his projects as classmates in college calling him an undiagnosed schizophrenic and gossiping about him behind his back, especially when none of their solo work is nearly as strong as when they’re involved with him. That said, I do still think Cojum Dip is great and the 2014 album is one of the best Tally Halls ever.


shit fanbase, good music


Epic, another Cojum Dip connoisseur


If you go into the credits for each TH song, you’ll notice that almost all of their best songs are written by Joe, with a few minor exceptions like Misery Fell and Sacred Beast.


>thread autosaged


IIIII was the king of iiiiiit
And one woooooooord ruined aaaaaaaallllll



Catching up on the drama and it's either complete nothingburgers or a case of both Joe Hawley and the Tally Hall fanbase being mentally unwell individuals. Methinks internet access should be revoked for at least a year for the people involved.


They will perma you after enough random infractions, or at least they have


>he doesn't use a VPN


4chan blocks VPNs.


Range bans have gone that far now? Grim.


My addy refreshes every so often, so "not need", but I did earn a sitewide permaban in 2014 after racking 40-ish 3 days ban trying to carry on hsg-style shitposting on /co/, /jp/ and /vg/


>I did earn a sitewide permaban in 2014 after racking 40-ish 3 days ban trying to carry on hsg-style shitposting on /co/, /jp/ and /vg/
to this day i wonder which 4chan mod in particular had such a strong hate boner for us


Fujos can forget how to wipe otherwise


A running gag is that it's some8ody who got 優しい人ed 8y a cosplayer and has held a grudge ever since.



Also seat 3 seems safest, since you know something is going to happen to the plane. Be near the most outright heroic/omnpotent.


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>Whoa, this aircraft is pretty strong! I wonder if its passengers can survive its crash… I'm getting excited! Waku waku!


Yeah, boomers are ironically the most negative outlook demographic going into this term on account of them loving tv.


He at least incidentally cares about collateral lots of the time, right?





Gazellegames heeeeeeelp~!


Celeste aside, spikeformers have a pretty strong core of memelord players, yeah?


*endangers the multiverse* You're welcome


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Decent numbers, the people must want it


CA: drunk ass matesprit said she had sex wwith ovver 200 landdwwellers
CA: she said she wwas a real slut back in college made me stop and think
CA: (4 years of college x 365 days a year)200 landdwwellers = a neww landdwweller evvery 73 days
CA: since she said 200 wwell round it off a neww landdwweller evvery 7 days
CA: givven that she had sex wwith a landdwweller an avverage of three times and an avverage bulge length of 55 inches and about 100 thrusts to cum wwere looking at 100 thrusts x 3 times per guy x 11 inches (55 in and 55 inches out)= 3300 inches of bulge per wweek
CA: 3300 inches of bulge x 208 wweeks=660000 inches of bulge=1045 miles of bulge
CA: i got on my lusus and rode him for 1045 miles and thought about bulges being laid end to end
thats howw much dick she has taken
CA: she isnt my matesprit anymore


I'll keep this calculation in mind for a funny erostatus menu one day


which homestuck character talks the most like a DERSITE? genuine question


Meenah and Condy. Look up any dialogue of theirs.


somehow my mind blanked out their existence, probably because i was looking for a male character specifically
thank you though araneafag


>i was looking for a male character specifically
Then Gamzee to a much lesser extent (at least compared to the fuchsia negresses).
You're welcome still. ::::)


wish I still had the gamzee thigh cutting nanc4


How long ago was it?


my girlfriend took one look at the front page of this website after i typed in the url and she said it screamed TRICKSTER


Deprogram her to pink on white


But I have considered using the Aradia theme for the splash page default. A bit edgy, though. The current one is nicely balanced


two to three years ago I suppose


yeah i like it a lot too, it's just an unfortunate coincidence that the pastel colors and anime girls are also a troon staple
who le cares though


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Yeah, "it is what it is"

The colors are partially my melo + kuromi inspired, though, maybe you can bond by watching through that together


blue ribbon Melo is… le trans?


es ogro… emeower adopting a new babysona as we speak


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>maybe you can bond by watching through that together
maybe, but i dunno if she would like it. she's typically not into anime like that and she'd probably call me a TRICKSTER for suggesting it :x


>she'd probably call me a TRICKSTER for suggesting it :x
get a better gf


i can't, she's perfect


Duolicious win!?!?



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drop the crossdressing albums bae


File: 1737740165742.gif (479.05 KB, 500x455, AHAHAHAAHAAHAHHHAAHAA.gif)

no actually drop some pictures of your cat being abused by whatever outside and milk it for attention because you can't be assed teaching it to stay inside

or maybe like maybe ummm talk about some epic swag childhood trauma memories of yours or some other equally homosexualed sentimental shit

oh oh oh, how about you try booting league on your dogshit pc and have a meltdown over the game failing to launch and blame it on "the servers dude, rajot games brah, I had a persian guy on my team"



Meet Dr. Authenticity


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the sassy-white-8ITCHboy-whos-too-ugly-skinnyfat-and-overall-too-undesirable-to-play-up-that-kind-of-attitude got my message


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Big Flan belly slap-a slap slap~


I'm only nanfesting, but this shit really sucks


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"There is literally no other person on earth that would ever deal with the kind of shitty personality you have, I could literally leave you alone for a full year, come back and you'd still be single."


Now low poly horror, that's more initially suspect than kaizo platformers imo


It's art games from before TRICKSTERS were invented.


2009? GE?



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I'll give it a spin, but… Erm…


What is this, though. White hats taking out another Biden double cloning tank?


I wouldn't bother, it's not worth your time. I just posted it because of John.

I don't know, sorry.


and i know that you are somewhere doing your thing
and when the phone called, it just ring and ring
you aint pick up, but your phone accidentally called me back
and i heard the whole thing
i heard the whole thing, whole thing, whole thing, whole thing

Oh My GoD
bAbY, yOu DoNe ToOk ThIs ShIt To AnOtHeR mOtHeRfUcKiN' lEvEl
NoW, a NeIgHbOrHoOd BrOtHeR lIkE mE aIn'T sUpPoSeD tO bE gEtTiN' nO pUsSy LiKe ThIs
GoDdAmN, gOdDaMn
WhO tAuGhT yOu HoW tO gEt SeXy FoR a BrOtHeR?

YoU nEvEr UsEd To TaLk DiRtY, bUt NoW yOu'Re GoDdAmN dIsGuStInG
mOtHeRfUcKiN' mIrAcLeS iN tHe SkY, wHeRe'D yOu LeArN tHaT?

LoOk At YoU, mOtHeRfUcKiN' bUtT-aSs-NaKeD
wItH tHeM mOtHeRfUcKiN' jImMy ChOoS oN
wHo TaUgHt YoU hOw To PuT sOmE mOtHeRfUcKiN' jImMy ChOoS oN?

Yo, YoU tOoK yOuR pUsSy GaMe Up A wHoLe 'NoThEr LeVeL
tHiS iS sOmE cIrQuE dU sOlEiL pUsSy NoW, sHiT
yOu DoNe WeNt AlL pOrNo On A bRoThEr, OkAy?
AnD i-I-i-I, i LoVe It, AnD i ThAnK yOu
I tHaNk YoU, mY dIcK tHaNkS yOu
HoW'd YoU lEaRn, HoW, hOw DiD yOuR pUsSy GaMe CoMe Up?

i WaS fUcKiN' pArTs Of YoUr PuSsY i'D nEvEr FuCkEd BeFoRe
I wAs In ThErE lIkE, "oH sHiT, i NeVeR bEeN hErE bEfOrE
i'Ve NeVeR eVeN sEeN tHiS pArT oF pUsSy ToWn BeFoRe"
It'S lIkE yOu GoT tHiS sHiT mOtHeRfUcKiN' rEuPhOlStErEd Or SoMe ShIt
WhAt ThE fUcK hApPeNeD?
wHo, WhO tHe MoThErFuCk GoT yOuR pUsSy AlL rEuPhOlStErEd?

yOu KnOw WhAt, I gOt To ThAnK sTrIdEr
AnD wHeN i SeE tHaT bRoThEr, I'mA tHaNk HiM
i'Ma BuY tHe AlBuM, i'Ma DoWnLoAd ThAt MoThErFuCkEr
I'mA sHoOt A bOoTlEgGeR
tHaT's HoW gOoD i FeEl AbOuT tHiS bRoThEr
I sTiLl CaN't BeLiEvE yOu GoT mE tHiS wAtCh
ThIs MoThErFuCkEr Is ThE eXaCt MoThErFuCkEr I wAnTeD
wItH tHe BeZeL? tHiS iS tHe MoThErFuCkEr I wAnTeD
i SaW tHiS sHiT, i SaW iT, tRoLl TwIsTa HaD tHiS sHiT oN iN tHe ThReSh
I 'mEmBeR, tRoLl TwIsTa HaD tHiS mOtHeRfUcKeR oN iN tHe ThReSh
ThAt'S rIgHt, ThAt'S rIgHt
Yo, Yo, BaBe, Yo, Yo, ThIs ThE bEsT wRiGgLiNg DaY eVeR
wHeRe'D yOu LeArN tO tReAt A bRoThEr LiKe ThIs?

sTrIdEr TaUgHt YoU wElL
sTrIdEr TaUgHt YoU wElL :o)



File: 1737750228808.jpg (342.88 KB, 828x598, ClipboardImage.jpg)

same name as the Paper Mario RPG character?


Awakened by trans ally Mario. Yahoo!


File: 1737751651894.png (530.91 KB, 1281x720, realhiphoplyrics.com - Kan….png)


fuck my retarded life I posted the wrong version


lol the idea of transvestigating megidochanners is so funny


i had an irl trans friend who named herself vivian bc of the paper mario character
it's awkwaaard but… it comes from an epic game so i will respect it





You need to kill yourself.


but you two would probably have so much in common!
maybe you could talk about your favorite parts of celeste together


good to know I can't make a joke at your expense without you breaking the rules on my site in retaliation


You're not my friend. Kill yourself.


That convinced me to work on a missing sticker

I'm John :slay:


File: 1737757876992.png (2.93 KB, 190x133, raises paw.png)

*is the new bbysona*
*posts asinine gargbage on twitter*



>I'm John


Anyways, I was thinking of doing a theme for "The Sun" arcana :outy:BIZNASTY:outy: off the good ol' imperial Japanese flag. That would be really easy to do a pink/purple zillyhoo alt, too. They can even be named '日' and 'Z' for extra giggles.

If any of you are Koreans with deep objections to this, speak now.


Assumed name. Like after the dork from Homestuck


Which felt was that, trace?


File: 1737758668099.jpg (12.22 KB, 598x100, ClipboardImage.jpg)


It's cold out there…


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File: 1737759507146.png (526.29 KB, 1080x1016, [www.boymoders.com] 9467.png)

wanna have tea instead?


GTL: DO IT homosexual


Why so pink, dadmom?


it's a pooner


File: 1737759734484.jpg (1.59 MB, 770x1027, ClipboardImage.jpg)

So the big ones are all just this?


yes but with less beard hair


Thesaurus in one hand, 5 paracetamol in the other?



woah cool it buddy. lets not cross a line here.


>The sunburst has (16+16) spokes of red/white


Please be understanding he saw an african immigrant today


Music for steampunk diaperfurries.


5x 500mg. Which I thought was 1 above the recommended limit but actually you can take 8 in a day. They stop you from buying more than one box at a time here because of retarded wwomen doing fake suicide attempts.




MEX, cap it.


>Not AVOHK2maxxing


:outy:BIZNASTY:outy: and redpilled.


Kill police because UHHHHHHHHH UHH………… IM'M BABY


Cap it, MEX.


You want the damn keys?


File: 1737763894429.mp4 (641.02 KB, 720x960, 339347293587095561.mp4)


>Not default John
Broken and trooned.
Not if you stick near-exclusively to Jap shit.



No, I want you to do your damn jerbs. :0k:


Is that… he really slimmed down.


>"The Sun" arcana
VGH, oneesanigga, please…


>That convinced me to work on a missing sticker




One of the AA ones. I'll name it :transvestigate:


He's going through a little something right now. Don't take it too personally.


And yet, I wake up and it's still not here. :smug:


I'll keep cropping 'em




You better, field negro.


File: 1737764398428.jpg (13.85 KB, 585x138, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Our thoughts?


I'd need context… :watch:



"He" liked the xeet. Maybe it's a bot that searches for #dbz


"Goku is skeptical that jet fuel can melt steel beams."


i refuse to click







I'm forced to fucking see it by some asshole so you are too. :YES:


File: 1737765126339.jpg (1.04 MB, 1082x1008, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Were they on the music team or something?


thought he was gonna say 殺処分


File: 1737765398335.jpg (1.26 MB, 1458x2101, 125330931_p1.jpg)

Japan would never…


>Fobby Tox and a TRICKSTER
Pokemon music once again proving itself to be the worst. Ever.


File: 1737765808695-0.png (499.71 KB, 1362x423, nanfest 25-01-24.png)

File: 1737765808695-1.png (540.48 KB, 1263x423, sincy 25-01-24.png)

That's not water…It's
watery Hassidic jizz.


oh it's just a selfie
i mean yeah they're not the most attractive person but they're not ugly
definite glow up if you ask me


I don't want to look at fucking TRICKSTERS. Ever.

>Grow a pedostache because ??!?!?!?!?

>"Wowie zowie thanks transitioning!"
Why are millennials like this? I'm half-convinced this is a meme and maybe you know that.That'd be horrible. :nyani:


Seems like a perfectly befitting face to begin with if you ask me…


File: 1737766079923.mp3 (2.25 MB, 61 Pokemon League (Night).mp3)

I cri eritime
(almost minute and 30 core)




File: 1737766587002.png (121.13 KB, 716x716, ef6.png)




File: 1737766832608.jpg (2.43 MB, 1080x1855, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Think you can get away with fapping to Hikari just by looking like this? Not on my watch, I'll destroy that delusion of yours!


Onion games?


honestly id hit
you cant tell me you wouldn't either


MEEEEEEEEEEEEX, fetch me my edit of this!



Do you hate onions? :nyani:


File: 1737766978873.png (76.81 KB, 248x248, benniggasbelike.png)


It's probably #selfimprovement. I was about to suggest that might not be AI because I thought he looked at the image, but the account has an AI website linked in its profile. Doesn't seem like the best hashtag to find authentic human users though…


No, I'm gonna be eating raw ones to flush my chakras in february


Oneesan niggas…


Are you actually on drugs or are you the one guy who used the Earthbound flag just because they liked it?



im high on weed right now


Can you Discnigs go five minutes without facedoxxing oldfags? :0k:


He looks metal, though.


we've been posting ben's face since 2013 and im pretty sure he doesn't care at all about it


Yeah, and most metal musicians look fucking inbred. :kyaha:

Not to be too mean. I like Ben.
It's just a weird thing to do, still. Still being the important word here. :neverever:


>It's just a weird thing to do, still
thoughts on ben saving every selfie image posted on hsg and having a collection of it?


I didn't know that but that's weird too. I wonder if he has my infamous image. :sry:


we're not fucking weird!!!!!!!!! aaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!!!!


File: 1737767925880.mp4 (636.09 KB, 720x1280, 339354521283022850.mp4)

me when people get unnerved that i save pictures of them whenever i see it


File: 1737767949338.jpg (144.57 KB, 1050x1200, 1625320990636.jpg)

We must be wweird, since even the people fapping to Homestuck smut for a decade on /aco/ avoid this site.


wweird Homestuck Twitter.


I wonder what the odds are he gymcel'd out


File: 1737768110932.jpg (951.11 KB, 586x1553, ClipboardImage.jpg)

I did pick it with the expectation the tag would be shit, but lol


File: 1737768176899.jpg (6.72 MB, 1587x2084, ClipboardImage.jpg)


File: 1737768221931.jpg (9.9 MB, 3264x2448, ClipboardImage.jpg)

>Yeah, and most metal musicians look fucking inbred.
Damn smvrfa you got the whole squad laughing.


>Damn smvrfa
Is that a filter or are you picking up my m meisms?

nigga :de:

Also, this post is very confusing to me for a number of reasons.


>m meisms?


WHERE CAN BUY!?!??!?!?!? :notcanon:


File: 1737768467352.webm (1.59 MB, 1920x1080, talmud.webm)



File: 1737768747989.jpg (77.28 KB, 800x800, ClipboardImage.jpg)

*Blocks your path.*


Find it for me. :demands:


File: 1737768835617.jpg (792.42 KB, 800x800, ClipboardImage.jpg)


A.B.A Asuka? (The B. stands for "Bowel Syndrome")


File: 1737768891581-0.jpg (500.05 KB, 900x900, ClipboardImage.jpg)

File: 1737768891581-1.jpg (348.56 KB, 600x600, ClipboardImage.jpg)

File: 1737768891581-2.jpg (481.87 KB, 600x600, ClipboardImage.jpg)



Most stuff there seems sold out, you'll have better luck checking mandarake or something


Find it for me! :tryagain:


you'd be kyaha'ing if it was some random black person though

looks like this nendo: https://www.evastore.jp/shop/g/gC7007219/
but with a custom cloth outfit


>you'd be kyaha'ing if it was some random black person though
No, I wouldn't. I'm juvenile but there was context there ("They're trying to 「GEORGE FLOYD」me!" is a funny line)

I also don't advocate for the deaths of black people. I'm not a baby. :spittake:
>looks like this nendo
Thank you humble, Nip-speaking slave. Now for the stand? :picker:


File: 1737769245693.jpg (3.73 MB, 1543x2269, ClipboardImage.jpg)


>Now for the stand?
are you talking about the acrylic one, or the nendo stand? nendos come with a poseable stand


I like them a lot. If I had my way, I would fill my room with masks and dolls. :fun:


The acrylic, duh!


this is the kind of creepy-cute that some people absolutely lose it for


Here's the English ver, not too expensive either (though expect shipping to at least double the ticket price)


Thank you, Marzi. I kneel…


not me (´・ω・`)ショボーン


It sounded like you. Oneesan really needs to lay off the estrogen cookies…


hm, I've never really been an acrylic stand fan myself…
here it is: https://www.evastore.jp/shop/g/gA7088002/

plus the BIG version https://www.evastore.jp/shop/g/gA7098303/
(2ft tall, 24,000 yen)

there's a typo, and they used multiple capitals… the only similarity I see is the generous use of parentheses (^^:::;)


File: 1737770192180.jpg (696.5 KB, 800x800, ClipboardImage.jpg)

They should commit and make it life size


>there's a typo, and they used multiple capitals
I thought you sometimes used capitals. Inconsistently. :milk:
>the only similarity I see is the generous use of parentheses
It just seemed like a way you'd frame a sentence.


That is life-size.


>It just seemed like a way you'd frame a sentence.
that's true.
>I thought you sometimes used capitals. Inconsistently.
I use it for pronoun-I and for some acronyms or things that are regularly allcaps, but not for initial letters in sentences or proper nouns. except for when I'm Greater Marzipan.
also rarely sometimes for tongue-in-cheek emphasis.


New Ao Floydi just dropped.



Literally Sprunki season 6


TALES OF talks reminded me for the pre-tvtropesian webpage



MEX is wrong and retarded, as always.


:outy:BIZNASTY:outy: and redpilled.


We should make "redpilled" some kind of SMT 4 reference.




It's really unfortunate that the most creative mainline SMT game couldn't think of a better name for its red pills than "red pills" :larp:


"I am MEX."

Do you think he read Homestuck?


>"I am MEX."
>Do you think he read Homestuck?
Probably gave up at Act 3 like any sane individual.


File: 1737773155814.jpg (281.3 KB, 400x240, ClipboardImage.jpg)

There le fanny terms from the other games magnetite, magatsuhi, atma…


Yeah, it's a shame the one with literal pills was a flaming dumpsterfire. :kyaha:

Make it magatsuhi and then lick my feet.


File: 1737773529220.jpg (40.09 KB, 414x209, ClipboardImage.jpg)

At least he's being honest now.


File: 1737773534629.jpg (281.3 KB, 400x240, ClipboardImage.jpg)

I don't think you're a demoness in a slinghot battle bikini…


You'd be surprise. I can pull it off.:picker:


new P&S?


Poouquet And Sauniss?


File: 1737773903398.jpg (8.34 MB, 1920x1920, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Have there been any homestuck awkwaaard-bags yet?


Homemade, surely. Countless. Wish we had actual girls around here for the Deep Dive™. :h3h3:


does ita really filter to awkwaaard



Nah, just cr1ng3 like always, I wrote that


File: 1737774379792.jpg (119.33 KB, 404x353, ClipboardImage.jpg)

One of the most embarrassing Tweets I've ever seen.

"I invented fast-paced image collages and then the CHUDS took it."

Almost as lame and dumb as bragging about you being the person to originally cut out a popular Gif from Donkey Kong Country.


if this tweet was about TROONS and pastel colors or anime pfps or whatever, you wouldn't be going VGH SO TRUE?


File: 1737774580032.jpg (176 KB, 425x263, ClipboardImage.jpg)

"How do I make Shelly Duvall but also a more easy self-insert for TRICKSTERS"
Death. The Mouthwashing dev deserves death.


More grounded than an abstract concept. But, sure, yes, I'd also argue that one is objectively fucking wrong. Though I'd that with a lot more confidence than one being objectively fucking correct (TRICKSTERS and breakcore, for instance.)




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got it, so "it's okay when you do it"


In this case, they're claiming sole ownership. Also I feel like black sun zoomer edits have been around longer than 2020. Covid time dilation, maybe.


You're being reductive.
>Also I feel like black sun zoomer edits have been around longer than 2020.
No. Fucking. Shit.


Stopped looking at Twitter because I started getting mad. Emeowyle must be up.


File: 1737775027406.jpg (516.33 KB, 588x658, ClipboardImage.jpg)


>You're being reductive.
I just didn't want to start going all debate lord because it's tiring and nobody is gonna change their feelings anyway. in a public space like this anyway


double anyway fml


File: 1737775285016.jpg (Spoiler Image, 2.01 MB, 1640x1505, ClipboardImage.jpg)

I'm fine with seeing leftie shit but some things go TOO FAR and annoy me far more than they should for mostly inexplicable reasons.

Yes, one must ALWAYS have a suit even if her casual attire is literally a skirt.




File: 1737775450571.jpg (35.99 KB, 892x218, ClipboardImage.jpg)

>Yes, one must ALWAYS have a suit even if her casual attire is literally a skirt.
you're positioning this as an anti-lefty complaint, but it's the type of discourse that happens within the left not infrequently

this is tongue-in-cheek, right? :^p

anyway I use them because it helps express hesitance to what I'm saying


>you're positioning this as an anti-lefty complaint, but it's the type of discourse that happens within the left not infrequently
Yes, I know. Like I've alluded to this kind of thing; I have positions that can be unconventional for "the chud image" of me that you have.

I hate this weird, pervasive splinter of leftism whose overwhelming sex positivity enforces heteronormativity and the undermining of platonic relationships far more than the "heady" postmodernist leftist rhetoric of "anything is anything" because it's basically the layman's retarded field guide to it. Or if you want to put on cool Communist Party glasses from Spencer's, it's the proletariat's version of an ideology that inherently can't be splintered or varied without becoming ontologically debased.
>this is tongue-in-cheek, right?
Yes, but I mean it.


File: 1737775750184.jpeg (307.16 KB, 1661x2048, IMG_3081.jpeg)


File: 1737775779684.mp3 (5.26 MB, 02. Life to run through - ….mp3)


Miku does whatever you pay her for!


Miku hates transmen?


File: 1737775907936.jpg (72.64 KB, 933x103, ClipboardImage.jpg)



>and the undermining of platonic relationships
you know you're preaching to the choir, right? I wrote a long post touching on this the other day and I don't think you ever replied


ojisan's fat bastard fetish…


File: 1737775985125.jpg (26.23 KB, 599x287, ClipboardImage.jpg)


>you know you're preaching to the choir, right?
>I wrote a long post touching on this the other day and I don't think you ever replied
Weren't you just agreeing with me…? :?


Lian told me to kill myself waaah


Miku take a shit music.


What did you do?


Nothing I'm just wondering why has a warning out of all characters


File: 1737776531673.jpg (107.79 KB, 1250x423, ClipboardImage.jpg)


Some dumb kid killed himself because a Genshin Impact character or whatever didn't console him competently enough.


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w2c peepin and peepcrock?


Jews = Chickens, I guess.





Has fallen.



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File: 1737777416782.jpg (50.81 KB, 747x370, ClipboardImage.jpg)


I'm astounded at how accurate she is to Chinese people. I didn't even specify that in her description. Wow. :consume:


File: 1737777868250.jpg (617.85 KB, 640x750, ClipboardImage.jpg)



NOT our Chinese rep, that's Lian. :fun:


File: 1737778122020.jpg (155.14 KB, 927x1280, ClipboardImage.jpg)

>Leaving out Dexter's Lab


Thank goodness generative ai can shit out repeating textures for "free" these days


Such as?




File: 1737778612362.jpg (1.26 MB, 1184x1712, ClipboardImage.jpg)

/comfy/ combo


>He uses AI



still seething about one person who complained about AI?


Hatsune Miku loves to sing and dance.

This just makes them look cool.


>Hatsune Miku loves to sing and dance.
"a great feature is you can create songs ~as you like~"


File: 1737780126129.gif (38.58 KB, 256x192, miacosplay-tilt(a)[1].gif)

Photoshop HATES this one


anon it may shock you
but some lesbians wear suits
shocking i know


They don't though, and they also said the DERSITE word by the way and their characters mock the nonexistent category of "lesbian".


i get it you just wanna goon to them…


Source: Utena


mad as hell lesbians exist again, for some inexplicable reason. lol.


He seems Calm


Aranea Twerket! Show yourself!


not nearly as calm as the peak of fuckin zen im on. he seems like a diminutive foothill to me.


Of course.


Fuck off, TRICKSTER retard.
Not me, TRICKSTER retard.


Alright, rebuilt and the gyakuten tab should be all be up now.
More bootleg stickers making every page a whole 1.4mb fatter

My favorite is going to be :cryptic:


Is that guy relaxed and resting or what?


File: 1737785512694.gif (86.67 KB, 256x192, dee-normal(a).gif)

She didn't make the cut, I thought 64 is a pretty perfect number to stop


nice choices all around.
>3 ema stickers
>4 maya stickers
superiority asserted.

only thing I would have reservations about on first impression is GS2 SPOILERS: the matt engarde sprite ("toast") is basically a spoiler for 2's big twist. my friend who is a major fan of the series now still laments that they had that spoiled for them by seeing the post-"transformation" sprites lol


also, I'm almost certain maya's blink wasn't that slow…


I had considered that angle, but I like it more than his nice guy sprites.
Hrrmm… is it too evil to say "whoever complains had like 20 years"



File: 1737786056757.jpg (61.29 KB, 554x554, 1727014778947549.jpg)

lesbians are a part of WESTERN CULTURE. get used to it…


>is it too evil to say "whoever complains had like 20 years"
imo it's contradictory to hold the position that it's worth enjoying art even if it's old and also hold the position that people shouldn't be upset about things getting spoiled. I guess it's okay for stuff that has reached such cultural saturation that everybody knows the spoiler already (darth vader's identity, for example, or maybe snape kills dumbledore), but nobody gets bothered by those anyway


File: 1737786279973.gif (105.65 KB, 256x192, 2d659e5d8e529bce7f2781fa77….gif)

my friend and I got so much mileage out of atmey's laughing animation on attorney online because one of us noticed that it looks like he's jacking off (picrel)


also because it went on for so long, lmao


File: 1737786614078.png (1.23 MB, 745x632, absoluteaestheitic.png)



Um, female relaxers!?!??!!?!


He is doing something under the witness stand there…

I guess EVIL EVIL EVIL HE'S EVIL Engarde can be replaced in the tab with something else. Still keeping him as an unlisted sticker though


I would have been more creative with me telling you to fuck off but you gave me an equally limp epic troon clapback so whatever.

You didn't bother to read what I said in its entirety or digest it.

Some lesbians can wear suits. That's fine.

You know who wouldn't? Rose Lalonde. Someone who has worn dresses and skirts exclusively throughout the comic and is by most accounts, fairly feminine if slightly aggressive and "gothic." :rrl:

The point is to care about the characters and their observable preferences and not to box people into a "butch" box because of fandom epic fail.

And dresses are pretty. I like dresses.
Kill yourself.

On an unrelated note, lesbians tend to be insufferable. I would be saying that if I included transbians but I don't. :larp:

Lesbians tend to be insufferable on their own.


"I hate evil switches in stories." :karclack:


*Also, I was and "am" "busy."


your honor, relevance?


It's not he's around for so long before that it feels like a switch-up


>Still keeping him as an unlisted sticker though
better than nothing, I appreciate it. I suppose it's less of a spoiler to begin with than something like attorney online (which is how my friend got spoiled), where you see all of the sprites


File: 1737787570583.gif (138.6 KB, 256x192, atmey-twitch(b).gif)

>He is doing something under the witness stand there…


His name does imply a potential exhibitionism fetish


File: 1737787742002.png (10.07 KB, 389x375, davenah.PNG)

>Kill yourself.


>You didn't bother to read what I said in its entirety or digest it.
no i understood what you meant, im moreso questioning the opposition against brianne being in a suit when it's just a tame piece of fanart. i see nothing wrong with a queer artist associating a queer character with a certain part of queer culture, so seeing you complain about it makes me think you are heavily biased towards wwomen being in dresses in general, which is a silly bias to have
>Lesbians tend to be insufferable on their own.
disagree, lesbians are cool


this needs to be a sticker


hsp (halal snack pack), hsg (halal snack general)


no its mine.


>im moreso questioning the opposition against brianne being in a suit when it's just a tame piece of fanart
possibly incorrect guess on my part, but I've seen that webcomic derided here before, so I'm guessing they reached for it more out of a distaste for the characters/source material (and as an illustration of dress & suit lesbian couple trope) rather than an objection to this particular piece of art


Yeah it's been mentioned but we're paying respects :;:


One of the more wholesome ones, as acronyms go


Fuck off.


it was just a joke nonny


It is both. I actually wouldn't have complained as much if they switched it.


Turkey-tier "joke."


>as much
Or rather, at all.




Where's the sticker, MEX


Also, lesbians fucking suck, dude.


"No means no!"


It's not a flying fairy level delayed tweest at all


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