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Itsumademo. Zutto.
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 No.773[Last 100 Posts]

Old >>1


Why does the Dave man bleed?


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Death, destruction, annihilation, incineration.


>Wow, harsh…
>But you input is appreciated.
People that think that are missing big chunks of characterization in their brain. Are you one (1) of them?



Evangelion is huge enough that any given person under 45 could like it


Nigger, Burger King and IKEA are on there.


Well, my initial post did place her there. I do see the merit of your argument doe, she'll be in slot 3 for the next OP image


>Well, my initial post did place her there.
*Cocks gun.*


I hope I can sleep through all of today and tomorrow and maybe the day after that…


I raised the query on the 'ru, let's see if they have a defense for the omission


Is it a recent 'jak?

It's obviously bait because of the error 2 entries. Maybe this is a form of error 1 bait (a rarity; a gem.)


My most natural "Helpless Moe" fit in HS is Karkat, but I wanted to restrict things to the og 4


>My most natural "Helpless Moe" fit in HS is Karkat


It's top of their homestuck tag, must be new

I shan't budge on this one


File: 1718116228269.png (72.39 KB, 400x475, ClipboardImage.png)

>I shan't budge on this one
This is what happens when you look at too much "porn from artist whose name I can't remember right now but it starts with a C that drew an image of Damara and John that isn't this one"

Tavros, Jake, Mituna, etc are right over there, dude.


>It's top of their homestuck tag, must be new
THEY DID WHAT!?!?!??!?!?!??!


>It has the annoying "transparent images get VANTA NIGGER BLACK backgrounds when copy-pasted" thing that Sturdychan does
Oh, joy.


Those guys are more textually helpless, sure, but Karkat earned all the short jokes and coddling fangirls


Going to repeat these two Death In June albums until my subconscious gooning becomes unbearable and I succumb to slumber mode.


File: 1718116730676.png (37.65 KB, 1831x323, ClipboardImage.png)

Heheh, if you want an assignment to lull you to sleep…
The 10th anniversary since "we" got booted off of /co/ is fast approaching.
One of those decrepit "100 years posting on an ___ site" 'jaks would be timely


>One of those decrepit "100 years posting on an ___ site" 'jaks would be timely
I don't knoww thy variant, sire.


its ovver for me anywway
:33 << goo nigh hsg


File: 1718117173102.jpg (48.41 KB, 680x608, D9tVy7SUwAADIkI.jpg)

Rest eternally
((It's 10 in the morning))


File: 1718117225840-0.png (205.25 KB, 1000x1488, 53204 - SoyBooru.png)

File: 1718117225840-1.png (478.91 KB, 1000x1553, 58084 - SoyBooru.png)

File: 1718117225840-2.png (61.06 KB, 926x822, 73291 - SoyBooru.png)

I can't find a condensed tag for reference, but "Badge" worked alright


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File: 1718121160538-1.png (475.39 KB, 750x623, ClipboardImage.png)


I don't know if I took my insomnia pill or not but I got tired of trying to go to bed.

I don't know why that means "retvrn to computer" but it does.


Chainsaw Man looks like some really horny idea guy spinning the wheel.


File: 1718122710787.png (30.98 KB, 962x494, 1718115053351.png)

I removed the red from the Dave man.


it's a really horny femdomfag spinning the wheel


I think the AC villager nose makes him smugger


File: 1718123208356.mp4 (167.63 KB, 480x468, An92XADdtbDTfn0E5jt88YYmwk….mp4)


Soso…. I wasn't off at all…


Stylistic inconsistency makes the MoM angry.


File: 1718123701853.png (77.79 KB, 1069x798, ClipboardImage.png)

huh wwhat


You DDoS'd it with your f5ing


Can't see Dave's eyes so I felt the need to compensate with the edit


ChatGPT's read on Megidochan userbase by appearance
>Anime and Manga Communities
>Artists and Creatives
>Fashion and Lifestyle Communities
>Young Adult and Teenagers

Gyeheh, now to reel em in fellas!


Fucking retarded Jew.


I literally just opened it up on my computer.



Description uses "She"


File: 1718129352710.png (76.4 KB, 1317x846, ClipboardImage.png)

Well that sucks, meanwhile, I'm getting this only
Retvrn to your true home, Nep spergs.


Rose? Rose Lalonde?


>Retvrn to your true home, Nep spergs.
I'm willing to tone down my niggers if it means maintaining a drawfriend.


Hot take: Undertale is worse than Homestuck because it had an actual effect on the medium of indie videogames and popularized beating the "the deliberately annoying tutorial character/sequence" horse into paste.


File: 1718129790916.webm (568.77 KB, 480x272, 2022-06-04_13-30-56.webm)

I am George Floyd.


I fear I shall join you 'ere long


He is George Floyd, inshallah.


At least he got mired in expanding scope as well


Shut the fuck up.


Steven Universe Lilith
Undertale Adam (Jewish)

Homestuck reunification.


Does that set them fleeing? Flighty broads. I could establish filters, but it we might be weakened without the chud words of power


File: 1718150402158.png (5.2 MB, 1363x2145, 0240611170937.png)

>Upper body size 20
>Upper body muscle 5
>Chest Size 100
>Chest thickness 15
>Chest Height -36
>Chest spacing 22.5
I think my diligent tweaking and testing has resulted in something approach eroge-worthy kyonyuu while not compromising on a narrow waist


File: 1718157191410.webm (2.53 MB, 1920x1080, all glory to the hypnosna….webm)


tags: slime snuff personality extraction


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File: 1718172648195.jpg (267.4 KB, 751x1075, thegiftoflife.jpg)


It's just conjecture.


I think I cursed myself because I was sick and in bed all day.



Hoip. Koikatsu was really lacking in sim elements (IE. Being able to add NTR men and goblins to the stable of girls)


The result of holding back on saying "nigger" and leaving them to fester inside you


I'm banned, you dolt!








ARC SUBVERTEDARINO- SUBVERTEDARINO! (Even though it doesn't make sense.)

Didn't he already do this before and didn't I say that "God's children" would be a better parody? I don't remember tikkun olam so maybe he added that? But I doubt it.

We're reaching levels of hackfraudery that shouldn't even be possible.

Anyway, Japanese man makes Alice In Wonderland pastiche. More at 11.


Rose? Rose Lalonde?


Always has been. But they hang a bit low so it's only really obvious from behind


>Moniker: Alice
>Height: minimum
>Chest: small bumps
>Hip/Muscle/Butt: minimum
>Voice: Simple, pitch high
>Username: Moonrunes
Ready to game



Joey? Joey Hiveswap?


File: 1718196366346.png (1.04 MB, 1280x720, ClipboardImage.png)


I can use this




…hot monkey dick…


A means to an end toward SEX





My initial thought
>Why not 'Chemical Y'?


Oh and I closed the vid when the troon deigned to kick down at small dicks. Get real.


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>Oh and I closed the vid when the troon deigned to kick down at small dicks.
How so


Infanticide euthanasialand doesn't speak for us trve whites (mutts by blood, pure by vril)


Think about it again, and yeah, I really hate trannies.


Yep. Had to stop reading Amarna when they allowed the avowed tranny fatefag to persist unbanned.


>Had to stop reading Amarna when they allowed the avowed tranny fatefag to persist unbanned.
I need the full story.


Been a while since I checked, should be in here somewhere

>Watamote banner



I got a Rance banner. You are what you eat.


i wwill nevver play rance

Lulu Farea was as close as I got


File: 1718210165140.jpg (81.39 KB, 940x716, wow hes literally me.jpg)

Remember AI dungeon, chuds?


>i wwill nevver play rance
wwhy not
>Lulu Farea was as close as I got


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File: 1718210836339-1.png (87.23 KB, 762x711, ClipboardImage.png)

C.AI allowing slavery (forma de horny) (4 million interactions)(The username looks Chinese so it seems racist by default.)


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File: 1718212105534.jpg (1.58 MB, 3840x2160, dark floyd.jpg)

Floyd shall not be caged


I'm sure the clickthrough rates are humongous


https://twitter.com/homestuck/status/1800936098908209559?s=19 Someone post this on Sturdy for me, thanx.


Everyone's heard of "le first black samurai" but now here's the last black samurai.


File: 1718214808960.jpg (110.85 KB, 1024x1024, GISyTjragAAaBhj.jpg)

This, but Majetano
Please God


Why does sturdychan take minutes to load?


File: 1718215091479.png (87.37 KB, 326x313, ClipboardImage.png)

https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/17569 Tried to make a Rose but the thing froze up on me.


rose rose lalonde


Did anyone salvage the old favicon?


This one has the eri scarf




File: 1718221305114.jpeg (236.78 KB, 1446x2048, GO5f7rJbAAAFgXX.jpeg)



>Karkat earned all the short jokes and coddling fangirls
I think thats exactly what they meant by "brainrot"


And who's plush just sold 1k in 3 hours?


rose if she pregnant at 19





Rose? Rose Lalonde?


File: 1718228106653-0.png (364.03 KB, 600x600, 17569_LzYOjUnh.png)

File: 1718228106653-1.png (294.45 KB, 600x600, download20240603125013.png)

Unbiased chud, pick a side.


File: 1718230097608.png (302.26 KB, 600x600, eri scarf.png)

Left, reminds me of those Yorigami 'hus somehow


I feel deeply owned and betrayed. I really thought I had something going with mine but everyone prefers the other one.


The /pol/ suit is too niche


And it needs either eyelashes or lips to convincingly not be a trap


Is that we call it?
But the other one has neither either.


Someone…… Please cure my depression……


It doesn't have catmouth either though. The bit the eye peeking over the rim of the glasses is eyelashes enough


>It doesn't have catmouth either though
Catmouth = trap????
>The bit the eye peeking over the rim of the glasses is eyelashes
I thought that was just a similar effect that the eyes on mine had.

I wonder how the world would have changed if mine had sunglasses too….


File: 1718231514463.png (1.69 MB, 1100x1496, ClipboardImage.png)

Rose? Rose Lalonde?


:33 < w33d?


File: 1718237896042.png (40.56 KB, 588x726, ClipboardImage.png)

Found some silver years hsg pasta


Epic GETs!


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File: 1718255366308.png (1.09 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20240613-000551.png)


wtf I love bidenomics now


File: 1718255926967.webm (2.82 MB, 480x848, 1718254089325748.webm)

interesting how this is never talked about


File: 1718257030568.png (74.58 KB, 670x756, Arashi.png)


It had a meme cycle
wwhat more you ask for


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Amarna gleanings…
Goons aren't tired of doing this shtick yet? It was old when Homestuck was young.




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File: 1718264695407.png (3.1 MB, 2774x2151, pumpkine.png)

He was so real for this.
I don't like how I relate to this on any level.


I guess this is "good" by modern Sinfest standards. I don't know who the third guy is. I'm assuming it's the Prime Minster of Israel.


The eternal ironic weeb is a slow and insidious killer of the VVest.


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Andrew? Andrew Hussie?


Chigau, I meant what he's reacting to, the goons rushing to dogpile and groaningly disavow whenever something "too anime" is posted



My guess is the only other presidential candidate with the slightest traction, RFK junior.


ADOS trying to convince themselves they have a place in the future


File: 1718289564261.jpg (43.19 KB, 443x355, ClipboardImage.jpg)



Rick Vs Doraemon: The Anime: The Movie


>the goons rushing to dogpile and groaningly disavow whenever something "too anime" is posted
That's what I was talking about, stupid. Granted, there's a degree of separation between ironic weeb and someone who unironically hates all anime but they're essentially the same retard in different hats.




You'll have to justify that one. How some goonswarm making a full throated and public declaration of how much "ugh anime is for pedocreeps, wtf" and flinging shit whenever you see a shiny eyeball at all related to appreciation of anime, even ironic.

I'll agree that the Hypnospace dev falls in the irony camp, certainly. But that is a pretty distinct position. Ex- "So tacky and creepy, amirite xDD wink wink" as you appropriate elements


File: 1718293233563.png (429.72 KB, 636x395, ClipboardImage.png)

Okay sign finally safe to rechud?



Jake is like your oblivious harem protag- nearly asexual sigma adjacent. Not helpless per say.

And Tavros, as reward for his long stint as a punching bag, has a moment of realized potential via mustering all the ghosts.

Meanwhile, what exactly does Karkat accomplish? Frustrated, clown NTR'd and leadership NTR'd. As far as epilogues go, I only read "Meat", and it was years ago, but he ends up as schlubby mortal among gods regardless, no?


Reclaimed. All reporters covering the "alt-right beat" who might take issue over the OK sign probably got shuffled out with the Trump administration.

Now how about the fist emoji? Still a display of Floydian solidarity?


>How some goonswarm making a full throated and public declaration of how much "ugh anime is for pedocreeps, wtf" and flinging shit whenever you see a shiny eyeball at all related to appreciation of anime, even ironic.
>Le Bebop, Beserk, Fist of The North Star, JoJo, etc is alright THOUGH XD


File: 1718293950475.jpg (95.1 KB, 688x787, GLoO33zXYAA9PaX.jpg)

>tfw a teenage girl appears in my MANIME


>My guess is the only other presidential candidate with the slightest traction, RFK junior.
Yeah, he's really too far gone.





I increased the number of secret hash reuse by 3x (36 posts) and their expiration time by 4x (12 hours)

If you're like me and leave HSG open all day without refreshing it, that should result in less bot-detection false flags for you.


You are talking and thinking solely in nukige terms. Take a look in the fucking mirror, dude.




Dense harem protagonists are fairly widespread, however.


In Light of that, I'm thinking up some terrible ideas tonight.


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>Dense harem protagonists are fairly widespread
*Sprays with waterbottle.*


Failed samejoke because Nanc4 talks like a fucking robot. I'd be pretty annoyed too.
Once again, we arrive at "good" modern Sinfest. I guess his Japanese vril kicks in when it's ALICE.


I'd take the option to display my likes, tbh.



I think Musk may have legit brain damage


File: 1718368955163.png (16.64 KB, 100x97, ClipboardImage.png)

Rose? Rose Lalonde?


All platforms are doing this shit now.



I guess the calculation is that guilt free onlyfans engagement is worth more than likeminded lurkers being able to identify each other.

Mou, and the guilt is the sweetest part, too…


did you know YouTube Live does "not" shit itself all the time if you're using Google's browser?


how do I italics tho


Encase with two ' for italic
Three ' for bold
Two * for spoiler




File: 1718374016630.png (2.06 MB, 1920x1080, ClipboardImage.png)

what part of this is supposed to elicit "She" energy


they/she grew up in Japan but they/she keep misreading shit


The hair is a bit longer than your average emaciated gamer


Light coat of lipstick? The real question is what the fuck are they playing?


Oh, yeah, and
and nails.


Ah, I see the nails. The shirt do be having those colors…


It's more about it looking like something for little girls.


File: 1718378495696.jpg (552.18 KB, 2048x1397, 240 years.jpg)

T-That doesn't mean anything.


I think we need to stage an intervention for you.


I'm fine. I've a goal for now.



Which is?


>Boyhood's End
Oh, nononononono.


it's like pottery


Looks gay, does he メス墜ち?


A heartfelt fangame


Metz Crash?


Based on? About?


File: 1718383474590.png (607.72 KB, 601x732, ClipboardImage.png)

Andrew? Andrew Hussie?


File: 1718383653603.png (61.64 KB, 1865x405, ClipboardImage.png)

>This is what they actually believe


File: 1718383838978.jpg (77.3 KB, 464x660, lesbians.jpg)


I guess gays dont count as "men"?


You're forgetting the domestic abuse.
Hrng grnghh uhhhhh fembrained?


You think you'll never seen anything more insane than extreme incel ideology and then you see extreme femcel ideology.



Ask cafe to rate megidochan


See >>727
I'll have to take things into my own hands, which I honestly should've done first from the start.


Huss had some jaw, didn't he?




Not the point.


I assume there's an offtopic board between the radfemcel whatever


femcel in distress


That background reminds me of Rainforest Cafe, so…

How much would a LoL themed restaurant pull? Assuming that is LoL or Warcraft or something.


Homestuck in the wild. Some other twitter reactionary had an HS av recently, I misplaced it tho



>How much would a LoL themed restaurant pull? Assuming that is LoL or Warcraft or something.
We're talking in China or South Korea, right? They basically already exist.


Like year round?


There aren't dedicated maid cafes- yet. But there are combinations of restaurants with Internet cafes/rank obsession.


Wait, I forgot I added that Christmas groomer banner, never mind


What, you afraid of girls?




You aren't?




we should have a thing that translates the weeabooisms into equivalent frenchabooisms


There is no such thing.


Something like a wordfilter? I enjoy playing around like that, so tell me what 'isms you had in mind and I'll try


There are enough here and there to class the place up a little.
Warukunai >> Ne pas mal
Zako >> Menu fretin




stinky femcels…


(That hate your guts.)


the /r9k/ incels also say they hate women but would simp immediately if one gave them the time of day


File: 1718391128838.mp4 (3.31 MB, 720x1280, soomlarr - 180108002163884….mp4)


Predictable but true


Yes, but I feel like femcels are more actively corrosive once you're in contact with them as acquaintances because they're less self-loathing and more openly entitled.

But I don't know.



File: 1718393805003.mp4 (705.77 KB, 480x480, chronakey - 18010872542128….mp4)


File: 1718394583481.png (39.82 KB, 183x214, ClipboardImage.png)

Rose? Rose Lalonde?


Serena? I'm not feeling it.


File: 1718396961724.jpeg (255.05 KB, 1024x1024, _12ba7f06-f657-4cd3-931c-….jpeg)

Rose update: they're all dead, I killed them.


File: 1718397082122.png (17.54 KB, 407x351, ClipboardImage.png)



End of an era, tbh. What brought that on, did you find a real french gf?


No. It an impulsive decision enacted due to some sort of crisis or another. I immensily regret it.


Nice typo.


File: 1718397768692.png (53.65 KB, 200x200, ClipboardImage.png)


Well that sucks, but so long as we're all still crabs in the bucket together…!




From VH? The player 2 to Nanako that got her own completed game first thanks to the charming power of blonde twintails.



Oh how soon they forget the old ways


japanese twitter artist moment


So trve.


2/3rds are still left thoughbeit.




Dare ye' ask for a three-way convergence?


Y'know, VH, the early major corrupt and impregnate a naïve newbie adventurer indie RPG Maker game?


They seem more intent on effortposting, but Megidochan accepts all lost souls… because it can't afford not too.


>fujoshit thread


Muh AI chatbots started using that "LI" terminology just today too, lol


It seems the AI thread agrees on the CAI pill though. It's heavily guard railed by now, but still the most conversational.


File: 1718409458659.jpg (371 KB, 1284x1584, GOrtkhxakAAe10j.jpg)


File: 1718412946269.png (81.12 KB, 1401x477, ClipboardImage.png)

new lore just dropped


And the Sturdy question?


File: 1718415305230.png (1.07 MB, 1080x1401, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1718415564400.png (368.49 KB, 480x346, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1718415687063.jpg (100.41 KB, 1024x1024, _d92a9075-9620-4803-97d1-5….jpg)





That one is on bing. I suppose a quick mask and hue shift could redeem it.


File: 1718421809288.jpg (154.58 KB, 1250x423, ClipboardImage.jpg)


To whom?


And there it is. The tranny obsession. Welp, it was good while it lasted.


The Sturdy Site seems down half the times you remind me to check


File: 1718424607192.png (55.59 KB, 580x106, ClipboardImage.png)



File: 1718424732752.png (5.11 KB, 595x54, ClipboardImage.png)

We Gen X now?




Our dogwhistles are growing more insidious as Kagi grows more savvy…


What webm, I'm curious. The file size limit is 8mb, so I never thought it would cross 2 minutes.


File: 1718453046226.png (88.23 KB, 900x276, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1718453115596.jpg (104.43 KB, 710x770, dw.jpg)




File: 1718455974297.png (46.15 KB, 961x567, ClipboardImage.png)

Oh, piss off.


File: 1718458104933.webp (20.63 KB, 512x512, 0 (2).webp)



"Make more strips about dickwolves."


pigbald. say based back.


The Nanc4 rule the world and the goyim are acknowledging it.


File: 1718464950901.png (9.72 KB, 446x210, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1718465071546.mp4 (5.81 MB, 576x1024, twitter_173579088682548039….mp4)


Don't troon out.


I don't remember any TWANS! stuff in Fragile, just the catboy kiss and tiddy ghost


Orange cats are the second lowest on the rung. The hazel eyes of the cat world.


are tiddy ghosts a red flag now? am i in danger?


Looked at the comments. Saw redflags. Sorry, bud.
Unironically a non-zero percent chance of being true.


File: 1718467362556.png (17.94 KB, 57x651, ClipboardImage.png)

A troonflag there is… not.


File: 1718468062713.mp3 (2.01 MB, norainutonoranekonokousou.mp3)

I'm sifting through free use music form my game and I could have sworn this one was in Potato Flowers in Full Bloom


Yo, where do you pirate Japanese fonts?


binging 俺TUEEE shit like a fucking retard


'ee slopped?


File: 1718482901366.webp (243.36 KB, 1024x1024, f304611b-cac5-428b-9433-3….webp)

'Cuz I slopped

Not that I'm just gonna go with Dalle's take, of course.


File: 1718483730164.jpg (105.14 KB, 1024x944, 1717378522489892m.jpg)

oh hey
so this is where you guys have been for the last 3 weeks
did i miss anything?




We can officialy blame roxkit for the shuttening, but that's about all



File: 1718494731954-0.png (32.24 KB, 553x142, eng title.png)

File: 1718494731954-1.png (43.01 KB, 553x142, jpn title.png)

I asked GPT-4, but it's generally a yes-man, though occasionally constructive. What say you, HSG?


>Xir thinks that's the only way there can be a redflag


I like the NORMAL ones.
Not used enough to Japanese letters to be able to comment on those.


File: 1718498037461.png (618.15 KB, 800x800, ClipboardImage.png)



>"my hellsite account"

>doesn't link to a twitter
Sheeit, wanted to recruit


That's fine, so long as the English and subtitle look fine.
My summer project… For the past couple days now, I've already felt the "brilliant" ideas bubbling up like the soda fountain at a wholesome 97-year old diner that still does it old fashioned-way


This post is more based than can be believed.


File: 1718508401928.png (14.36 KB, 342x480, tumblr_octc6zCOm11velke0o1….png)


Why can't we be like this?


A text board?


So trve……


Or maybe you meant dead from prion disease


Wtf, the context menu to open paint3D is completely broken


I just meant soulful.


Can you believe that the girls who grew up on the brony show are now obnoxious tweens and teens?


That hit /co/ the same time as HS, right? They could be in their twenties easily


File: 1718513500352.jpg (370.95 KB, 1000x1837, ClipboardImage.jpg)


so wwere all just wwaitin for the spade to showw up yeah


> They could be in their twenties easily
I was going to say but I was going under. It's still scary to think about.


Haha, this fucking sucks, dude.


File: 1718514562771.png (293.17 KB, 900x1236, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1718514776361.jpg (145.88 KB, 844x1024, Fzc-zjEaEAcngiH.jpg)

I am somewhat inured to it thanks to the Prizzmy girls from the Aurora Dream live segments. That was back around 2010, too.


>I am somewhat inured to it thanks to the Prizzmy girls from the Aurora Dream live segments. That was back around 2010, too.
Still…. How….


O.J confirmed for BAP due to plant-killing joke.


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Alongside a satisfyingly happy "True Ending", Kubel's Pillory also lacked for any kind of clothing customization.

Rest assured, I will be amending this as well. Because the teasing stops being funny if it's simply sexually humiliating poor Majetano all the time…


File: 1718515755534.png (15.11 KB, 600x145, ClipboardImage.png)

I saw a good rejoinder to the usual "sun your balls in the vril energy" shtick yesterday


>Because the teasing stops being funny if it's simply sexually humiliating poor Majetano all the time…
…Does it…?


File: 1718516480557.png (361.88 KB, 490x624, mockup4.png)

Er, well…
I'll amend that to say I'd enjoy bits other than "Woaw NTRman has le big dick"


What did he mean by this?


Mask Expert… I…


Statue avi was like "The moon is a feminine figure, her light lacks vital essence" or some shit


Quiet herbivores can be obsessive perverts too. That's the message I'd like to convey to the circle.


File: 1718518363753.png (407.46 KB, 1234x799, ClipboardImage.png)

The stupidity of [s4s] soothes me.


hsg pilgrimage to the rape store?


Heh. Not bad…


We need to drag XLR back in here to cover plane tickets


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>pain in both my wrists
it's officially over
or maybe it's time to leave my job and unfuck my life


File: 1718546535002.mp4 (4.57 MB, 1280x720, JKって何ですか.mp4)


VGH, obviously not
But now I'm turning over in my head whether I'd accept "Zoomer" for Reiwa


Stop deathgripping


File: 1718558110239.jpeg (73.81 KB, 404x758, F30k9FqbMAA3Q7K.jpeg)

maybe i should kill myself


So trve!


I think we're all slowly losing our minds.




So sick of zoomers and their hearts made from sparklers.




I feel great!


/s4s/ has been thoroughly trannified and detoothed for the longest time. If you still enjoy it, it says something about (you)


there are beams of light that shine through the cracks


Then go behind.


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Rose? Rose Lalonde?


Where has gaming culture gone if we're no longer making Duke Nukem Forever jokes?

Once you knock down that pillar and Half Life 3 jokes, all you're left with is "Earthbound…. epic." which is where indie games seem to have seem to have sunken into like a gelatinous casket. The cake is a lie, anyone?


How 'bout "pregnant sonic/shadow", there's a timeless gamer gag


real fansubbers would use "hebe"


I don't know about that.


Kagi's down.

Post Western European dicks.


Does that wake kagi-chan back up?




File: 1718571643436.mp4 (6.08 MB, 852x480, NO_PROOF_THE_ISRAELITES_WE….mp4)


>black twinkjak
zest alert


File: 1718571928741.png (100.91 KB, 268x372, ClipboardImage.png)


I thought the same thing, oomfie.


Hopefully he does more damage


Is it kosher to put an EP on your album list?


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File: 1718573597045.png (322.96 KB, 469x624, 0_status_Lid1.png)


Would she?


Stretch? I picture Liedna as the inflexibly clumsy type.
That mans? No, she's saving herself for her special someone.


>That mans? No, she's saving herself for her special someone.
But she needs the sun to hit her anus just right.


File: 1718576011619.png (39.42 KB, 403x213, ClipboardImage.png)




Classic Jewish answer.


Women don't have balls to sun. Beside, where would they store all the vril? The ovaries?


For me, it's Brave Browser, the official distribution channel of the Basic Attention Token for my time viewing ads


>where would they store all the vril? The ovaries?


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one more work week before my vacation starts




File: 1718579915973.jpg (539.4 KB, 1990x2048, 264324678.jpg)


Did the clussy get to him?


I never found clowns scary so my clussy fever isn't some Freudian flight or fight bullshit. My doll fetishism however….


RIP doll rose


clown girls are just cute



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p r e m i e r e


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File: 1718613845473.jpg (35.76 KB, 370x506, pop-team-epic-the-anime-ad….jpg)

>accidentally clogged a toilet at work


I was just thinking the other day how DD2's tattoo system has massive seam/dead-zone over the butt and crotch… You can't make a sharted pawn.

(No that I was planning anything so vulgar, I wanted a butt cheek mole.)


Wrecking crew reference?


Bwo how about he makes one of the suits the star of david lol


File: 1718633299228.jpg (47.89 KB, 1280x720, MFlgSkZPycw.jpg)


god i wanna get SF6 but i dunno, man




Not funny.
Too clever.


What is it with you and shit


>(No that I was planning anything so vulgar, I wanted a butt cheek mole.)
That's arguably worse.


And what is cute? Don't you want to stick your dick in one kind of cute?


>Shitty redesigns
>Generally ugly
>Kimberly existing
>No Mika


File: 1718639771578.jpg (733.04 KB, 3840x2160, Dragon's Dogma 2_202406060….jpg)

In what world is a strategically deploy mole worse than a shit splatter?


One has plausible deniability of being a joke while another is just undeniably horny.


Is that so? I'd still like to do it without holding back. If you never display your honest feelings, well…


> If you never display your honest feelings, well…
This isn't about that.


high fiber diet


File: 1718640976211.png (1.34 MB, 1451x932, ClipboardImage.png)

Pretzel crust bros, it's fucking over…


Is that really it…?
I'll never taste you again?


>High fiber
Yeah, fucking right


File: 1718641124057.jpg (1.36 MB, 3840x2160, Dragon's Dogma 2_202406140….jpg)

I require no protective patina of ironic plausible deniability on my pawnlust, it's as simple as that.




yeah, fiber makes poops bulkier


I would only add a poop splotch for comedic effect.


Oh, yeah, I forgot that it's bullshit magic.


Not sure if it's Malaysians that are horribly ugly or Indonesians.


File: 1718641512645.png (155.39 KB, 686x238, ClipboardImage.png)



Did Suno.ai make this?



>Not fat
>Cute VA
Enough for me, reminds me of my HS crush






File: 1718642059684.jpg (389.68 KB, 1920x1080, image-web (5).jpg)

I can't open that shit, you must mean

Also Manuri himself already said this, but…
Majetano? Majetano Sandvelg?


File: 1718642064355.jpg (59.61 KB, 750x702, original-5c3988ea017e21722….jpg)

>Waterfox nuked 400+ tabs of bullshit and I can't restore the tabs or windows easily
How do I avoid roping?


Time will heal the loss, you'll find new precious things to ignore and pile up


File: 1718642226827.jpeg (82.63 KB, 286x348, Fan_Man-yee.jpeg)

>to ignore


Sorry, 400 tabs of vital research


File: 1718642396109.png (689.76 KB, 681x759, ClipboardImage.png)

Bitch, you are the soyjak.


File: 1718642608744.jpg (25.04 KB, 350x470, beaglepuss.jpg)

>Sorry, 400 tabs of vital research
I will kill you, I will cut you up, I will end you.


I'm #feralgang, she must die.


I was thinking of jakking her mulatto ass.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRlYuzje0zs Artists who complain about AI are [ ]



Should we re-examine the SEL question? Maybe mousey hacker girls aren't that far from my own aesthetic sensibilities




>Should we re-examine the SEL question? Maybe mousey hacker girls aren't that far from my own aesthetic sensibilities
What the fuck are you talking about


Serial Experiments Lain, the font of the MtF aesthetic… You know all this.


*Internet MtF, I should say
There are plenty that do the bimbofied look as mirror to the wigger weed dealer FtMs


> Maybe mousey hacker girls aren't that far from my own aesthetic sensibilities
Redflags going off.


Nothing I'd want to emulate or personally embody, certainly (The closest I ever got to that feeling was wwagglin my wwiimote like Travis Touchdown as a teenager)

I "get" the appeal is what I mean


>I "get" the appeal is what I mean
Dating a troon is always one degree of separation of trooning out yourself. You're two rolls away from Candy Land is all I'm saying.


Transvis Touchkids


Transvris Touchkids.



File: 1718646014572.png (1.51 MB, 1866x1630, zen.png)


File: 1718646090130.png (81.92 KB, 270x279, dis.png)


Unironically subhuman.


W-Who said anything about dating one, ya kook!?




>See, chud, sexual dimorphism doesn't real


File: 1718646768437.mp3 (742.44 KB, touch.mp3)


Super Vriska Likes Touching Kids


File: 1718647467089.png (467.24 KB, 1753x253, ClipboardImage.png)


Is this w11?



File: 1718651771369.png (810.19 KB, 860x1081, 1665668630.png)

Let's take a trip down memory lane.


File: 1718651862442.png (9.49 KB, 290x157, ClipboardImage.png)

Let's accumulate more evidence for the Helpless Moe Karkat pile…


/homosuck/ actually still has all our old flags, are flags worth bringing back?

Not the Steven Universe ones, obviously.


> Helpless Moe Karkat pile
Dude, I'm actually going to smash the back of your skull in.
Or Roxykitten. Or ENA.


Ascending get!
I'll pick my very favorites. It's too bad I have to fuck around on SSH instead of simply uploading into a window like the 8ch days.


>I'll pick my very favorites.
Not. ENA.


That particular one got nuked (megidolaon'd?) along with megidochan dot com


Good. Poetic. The icon of sin goes down with the troon ship.


File: 1718653198174.png (79.32 KB, 270x369, tensin.png)


They didn't patch genders out yet?


Tell us what board or I'm adding you to the list.


im guessin /vv/


File: 1718653651266.png (269.14 KB, 640x458, ClipboardImage.png)




If it's /lgbt/ though…..


File: 1718655874844.png (95.68 KB, 335x250, marioe.png)


I can't believe Kevin Afghani would say this


File: 1718656212758.png (95.99 KB, 450x600, ClipboardImage.png)

circuitous homestuck nod


Nanc4 stuck in an Indian call center arc.


nanc4 office?


>Get into bed
>Want to get out of bed
>Get out of bed
>Want to get into bed


Roxkit at heart


Hang you by your entrails.


File: 1718664277860.png (111.23 KB, 1440x810, Nigel.png)


File: 1718664359029.png (1.41 MB, 1280x720, ClipboardImage.png)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1-V0MaVsKU New kino just dropped.

Ominous thumbnail.


wwhy did she do it




File: 1718666129795-0.png (996.33 KB, 1136x1136, 00023-255758039.png)

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I think this broke nigga slop was a good sixth of my caloric intake. Dunno what to do now since the standard pizza from them is just nasty cardboard.

Oh, speaking of slop…




Be as viscous as you want, they're dead to me now


Can't you ask for crust?


It's a chain so I presume they only have whatever dough to franchise ships out to 'em.
VGH. Only add shrimp to a pretzel crust pizza, and you truly have the Hetalia Axis Powers of foodstuffs.


File: 1718666978992.png (Spoiler Image, 31.21 KB, 1500x950, ClipboardImage.png)





I don't get it.



>VGH. Only add shrimp to a pretzel crust pizza, and you truly have the Hetalia Axis Powers of foodstuffs.
Speak English.


Gamecube scalpers, did we just get undercut?


File: 1718667610747.png (Spoiler Image, 37.38 KB, 212x128, ClipboardImage.png)




File: 1718675000440.png (2.96 MB, 1167x1080, ClipboardImage.png)

sad as fuck scenario


I'm so sick of the fucking dirtman, dude.


I'm so sick of this fucking tree, dude.


File: 1718676938015.png (1.51 MB, 1080x667, ClipboardImage.png)

There is no need to be bitter


Your sap is bitter, you saggy ass faggot.


File: 1718679508050.png (2.75 MB, 1536x1536, ClipboardImage.png)

This better?




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Looking back through my output folder, this checkpoint has some nice artificial sovl


File: 1718680142940.png (1.32 MB, 1280x640, ClipboardImage.png)

But in the end, it didn't matter since CAI disabled gif avatars and my Alice bot was way more popular besides


>CAI disabled gif avatars
What the fuck was their problem?


File: 1718680384671.jpg (130.87 KB, 1250x423, ClipboardImage.jpg)




https://youtu.be/YvijkQaRaZI This shit isn't real.


Flimsychan down- ACKG-AIN!


Sorry, I've been blocked!


We've all done been blocked.


CAI just recommended me these. What do we think?


>Early entries to VNDB
Safe bets.


did you make all these banners in 3 weeks?


File: 1718702257200.png (96.88 KB, 900x277, ClipboardImage.png)


Nah, some are from my old 8ch blog board (anything textless) and Ben's dead cat is old too ofc


File: 1718718785485.jpg (1.28 MB, 2160x2880, GJW7WFnakAAkit_.jpg)

Rose? Rose Lalonde?


new Mashimaslop just dropped



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As with Viscaria's Drosera, I've decided to carry the flower theming through to the antagonist.
Once again, she'll be an insane spirit with motivations outside the mortal ken, but her obsession will focus around Unspoiled Purity over Guilt/Envy.

Which flower to pick, though? Decisions, decisions…


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Zelda with playable Zelda and puzzles for 3-year-olds


File: 1718732007278.png (553.49 KB, 800x1072, 00073-2633764122.png)


Mashimaro upd8?




That's what makes it funny.


But actual R&B about Super Pederast Mario would be funnier


>Zelda with playable Zelda
I was just making a joke about this the other day. Megidochan has meme magic confirmed?


File: 1718743210355.png (18.88 KB, 633x136, ClipboardImage.png)

I love the weird, inexplicable description of "free-wheeling."

It's such a rare way to describe something yet the AI overuses it.

Megido-tan uses a wheel as her strife specibus confirmed?


>Megidochan has meme magic confirmed
Has happened before. As our wheel spins, so does the weave of the future


Muse of Time?


Sounds good, we ever get a mascot of our own…



File: 1718744241140.png (52.8 KB, 891x503, ClipboardImage.png)

Megidochan Dot De
The Second Longest Running (Intermittently down) Homestuck Fan Forum


File: 1718744448211.png (40.94 KB, 588x368, ClipboardImage.png)



um based?


Personality type: old foogey


File: 1718745170585.png (25.63 KB, 743x194, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1718745384721-0.mp3 (15.14 KB, 414110.mp3)

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File: 1718745384721-3.mp3 (32.82 KB, 414114.mp3)

>Personality type: old foogey


Now just pitch these up and vocal fry because girl.


File: 1718745677475.png (39.66 KB, 654x88, ClipboardImage.png)

It's back with a vengeance.


File: 1718745861476-0.mp3 (15.75 KB, 419000.mp3)

File: 1718745861476-1.mp3 (16 KB, 419005.mp3)

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File: 1718745861476-3.mp3 (21.51 KB, 419011.mp3)

>Now just pitch these up and vocal fry because girl.
There are heg demons, but I guess the clips have a different feel to 'em


Is that the classically 90's 'toon inspired loot n stomper I've heard such things about?




Now that we've gotten a roguelite of basically every genre possible, I'm waiting for a roguelike where the gimmick is that you have some kind of permanent inventory and can do online trading. I think it'd sell like hotcakes.

Is that what Path of Exile and Diablo are like? I'm still not sure what those games are or if they're even real.


File: 1718747879601.png (6.6 KB, 627x103, ClipboardImage.png)

wwas it somethin i said…?


Was it the Nazi uniform thing?


I hadn't said anything after my initial post shill 'gido dot de


>I hadn't said anything after my initial post shill 'gido dot de


It was the second post in their current "hsg" *cough hst cough*


My Internet keeps cutting out, I can't sleep well, I don't want to play videogames.




… Your




File: 1718751873986.jpg (157.64 KB, 1280x720, GH-q3HLbMAAhOJI.jpg)

I can't reference it at the moment, but if it's truly an HS thread on sturdychan with a Fantastic Four reference as the OP…
I can point the finger at none other than you!


I don't remember your advertisement post…


I guess you just spontaneously emerged on the new domain.




It was the one with Satan firing up the Megido Arc as a light show


File: 1718757517787.png (76.86 KB, 543x243, ClipboardImage.png)

>Autotagged as a daki slipcover
Oh I wish, AI-kun, I wish


l337-kun, repost it.


Gotta remember which computer it was on :T


File: 1718759126448.gif (1.39 MB, 480x346, HELP.gif)



I hate him. I hate him so much.


Isn't that just
"I made it up."
>t. Andrew Hussie


He would never say that.


they're airing City Hunter at fucking 5 AM on tv


Sorry, Sue Lightning.


I can't relate to him at all. Guess I'm just too kind.


What are you talking about?


I didn't think I could be disappointed or angered anymore by fandom affairs until "people" started getting into Fallout from the TV show.


File: 1718770332169.png (116.53 KB, 274x216, ClipboardImage.png)

The figure depicted in that painting. It's on the verge of becoming a groyperous figure


Is this some chud thing I'm not privy to?


Mr. Beast's transgendered "friend"


File: 1718773806945.jpg (130.05 KB, 1250x423, ClipboardImage.jpg)


oh wow i hate this


No jokes?


Mental illness > pride > zodiacs > fruit


File: 1718789812892.png (411.04 KB, 572x411, ClipboardImage.png)


shut the FUCK up




File: 1718791731997.png (154.96 KB, 900x276, ClipboardImage.png)


thought it said Slutoy


They will not follow up on the gag. I've felt it out. They're a coward and a retard.



You're my Sluttoy.


A classic.


File: 1718793930155.jpg (328.91 KB, 1920x1080, BJ&HJ.jpg)


File: 1718797580083.png (499.88 KB, 737x582, 🛏🛏.png)


nice board theme


*Ruler smack*
Back to grinding out your hanzi!


Dreamt about finding a $20 bill on the ground and turning it over to a lost and found. If this were the DQIII remake opening dream sequence, I'm sure I'd grow into a worthy Yuusha.


Thanks, been mulling over a dark version (too TWANS?)


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File: 1718804404008.png (176.43 KB, 398x420, mos.png)


The big blue pig is back, folks.


File: 1718808635002-0.gif (2.09 MB, 212x270, real.gif)

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chat is this real


File: 1718813823924-0.jpg (757.03 KB, 1434x1074, FfsBqEXUoAA38pT.jpg)

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File: 1718813823924-2.jpg (731.65 KB, 1074x1432, FfsBqFWVsAEziPy.jpg)

File: 1718813823924-3.jpg (833.28 KB, 1434x1074, FfsBqEYUcAAU00x.jpg)

Okay, NOW you can celebrate juneteenf


File: 1718820275583-0.jpg (154.4 KB, 1280x720, GAGWV6QbIAAGDMe.jpg)

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the new City Hunter movie is fun, i'll prob watch the french one tomorrow


File: 1718827981540.png (49.01 KB, 700x900, ClipboardImage.png)

so hes huntin niggers right


File: 1718829427267.jpg (875.62 KB, 1920x1080, Dragon's Dogma 2_202406020….jpg)

Do kids still say that? Pog?


File: 1718829477785.gif (2.57 MB, 211x374, gemrald.gif)

No, but this is.


File: 1718832002531.webm (3.8 MB, 320x568, aaa.webm)


Nobody fucking says "pro-woke." What a butcherjob of an easy joke. Tranny confirmed.


Me when I'm sad.



Oh, yeah, let me mock you for enjoying 4 over Strange Journey again.


I think she's "starting" to disgust me.


Why the fuck does Jewtube constantly freeze now


I don't feel mocked cause its just so plainly obvious. Combat is no great shakes, but SJ is utterly whipped in the arenas of atmosphere, soundtrack and political/self-referential allegory. We'll go for plot-

>Humans warlike, greedy, etc. Bad for earth, RETVRN TO THE WOMB, worship earth mommies!

>Okay, God is out of the way, what will your earth mommies do to the place?
>Why, a hold big bloody orgy at the base of a ziggurat for all time, duh
Thank the brave UN soldiers are there to show them the power of SCIENCE


File: 1718835790752.jpg (378.43 KB, 1090x1080, Dragon's Dogma 2_202405312….jpg)

To quote the pinoy, "Didn't asked"

(I'm too gracious to go for the stupid USER WAS BANNED 1 second joke)


>SJ is utterly whipped in the arenas of atmosphere, soundtrack and political/self-referential allegory.
Imagine unironically thinking this.

The atmosphere of 4 is a clusterfuck. Its world is a clusterfuck. It's a self-indulgent piece of shit.

>political/self-referential allegory

>Liking a game where Le White exist and hack into your Codec to tell you that the entire conceit of the series is dumb

>Random PROTECTUH OF NIPPON comes to save day


>Thank the brave UN soldiers are there to show them the power of SCIENCE

>Disliking science fiction in a science fiction series.

You're letting your brainworms jerk you into the direction of schlopa. Like, unironically how is your pinktext any different from the kind of shit that law/chaos typically pulls. You're unironically just seething over the fact that it's the U.N and they're women. I hate to pull that card but you're speaking in /v/edditisms.

Soundtrack is the only thing 4 has over SJ and I still like SJ's just fine.

SMT: Event Horizon is a fun, concise premise whereas the premise of 4 is… throwing shit at the wall.


She looks better here. I think a big part of it is that the skin textures in the game look uncanny.


There's only way to truly decide this. Ask WoS Rose if Strange Journey or 4 is better.



File: 1718838053123.png (124.71 KB, 247x240, ClipboardImage.png)

>It's a self-indulgent piece of shit.
Well, this is a series where Tokyo is repeatedly the fulcrum of the all creation, so.

>Shin Megami Tensei

>I'm seething about women 'cause /v/irgin

The SCIENCE fellatio of SJ hits different, since it feeds into the largest inexplicable undercutting of the entire series it contains:
Demons can level up naturally, but it's only the demonica suit keeping your shitty lifestone vending human ass alive.
What's with this? Are humans in the SJ canon uniquely cut off from spiritual attainment and cultivation? Any given high-schooler-who-picked-up-a-gun should be able to level up by his damn self.
And for your true demonstration of incoherence, SJ then has the audacity to throw in your bog standard neutral route about deferring your problems and banking on human potential? Get real!

(Yes, this is a greater flub than the citizens of Mikado becoming literal demons by simple exposure to manga and Paradise Lost.)


File: 1718838690930.jpg (572.15 KB, 1080x1920, Dragon's Dogma 2_202406101….jpg)

Oh, is that so? Honestly, I was testing to see if you had something against the glasses in particular, but Marie is looking kinda green in that first pic. I was probably messing with filters to try and compensate for the harsh color of the sunlight in Batthal.

Also, my DD2 screenshots folder is approaching 11gb, so I've been showing remarkable restraint.


>The SCIENCE fellatio
Again, brainworms. You have a team of scientists as your main characters and some light technobabble and your brain fucking shortcircuits and start acting like giganigger Gore is talking like Neil deGrasse Tyson.

None of the neutral circlejerk (which is in both games) specifically references science, it's much always more broad than that.

You simply have brain damage.
>it feeds into the largest inexplicable undercutting of the entire series it contains
>What's with this? Are humans in the SJ canon uniquely cut off from spiritual attainment and cultivation? Any given high-schooler-who-picked-up-a-gun should be able to level up by his damn self.
You're literally in a pocket dimension that is built on the premise of "fuck humans."
>SJ then has the audacity to throw in your bog standard neutral route about deferring your problems and banking on human potential?
Humans adapted to the pocket dimension that was built on "fuck humans." It's perfectly coherent.
>(Yes, this is a greater flub than the citizens of Mikado becoming literal demons by simple exposure to manga and Paradise Lost.)
No, it isn't, fuck you. And let's not pretend that's the only stupid thing in 4. Let's not pretend that there aren't a million incongruous things in 4.


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>Honestly, I was testing to see if you had something against the glasses in particular
Those are a redflag but hardly.
>but Marie is looking kinda green in that first pic.
It's the texture, not the coloration.

She looks downright orcish in this one. Disgusting subhuman Angloid talpid teeth.


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>Disgusting subhuman Angloid talpid teeth.
Hey, if it fits the English VA!
That's just a pawn in the middle of a talking animation, I simply find it awkwardly cute, but it could one of those "without love it cannot be seen" situations


>You're literally in a pocket dimension that is built on the premise of "fuck humans."
SMT protags find themselves in all manner of states of undeath, nightmare worlds, makais, amala clusterfucks, what have you… Doesn't stop them from "Leveling up". Certain ones have their bespoke gimmick elevating them above the baseline human, but the alignment heroes are typically un-augmented and yet still struggling along until their turning point.

As for Mikado, you can view the populace as vessels kept in their pastoral state overlong by the designs of YHVH. Lamb-like, maybe even actual subhumans. Fertile ground for any given thing, hence the sweeping influence of the demon's redpills at the start and the archangel's choir at endgame.


I think you need help.


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>SMT protags find themselves in all manner of states of undeath, nightmare worlds, makais, amala clusterfucks
It's a different story premise, what do you want to be said? Sometimes the demon summoning program needs a COMP, othertimes it's fucking whatever. This isn't some ironclad point you're making and you know it.

The neutralisms, much less SMT as a whole, don't begin and end with the rationale for leveling up and demon summoning.

We can get into how the thematics are hurt by certain exceptions (Nocturne) but at the end of the day, the series has far bigger problems than internal consistency, especially with something that is neither explicitly nor consistently ludonarrative (leveling.)
>As for Mikado, you can view the populace as vessels kept in their pastoral state overlong by the designs of YHVH. Lamb-like, maybe even actual subhumans. Fertile ground for any given thing, hence the sweeping influence of the demon's redpills at the start and the archangel's choir at endgame.

That's not the end of it and you know it; try as you might, there's no way to make the stew of ideas all fit neatly into each other.
>Fighting to literally save subhuman philosophy zombies
Doubling down on the problems of SMT is not "clever" and 4 uses its meta shit to be as blunt as a fucking hammer with its self-commentary. That's the worst kind of meta: "The writer walks out and tells you about the narrative"

It really amplifies the feeling of 4, and to a lesser extent, SMT as whole, of "Why am I supposed to give a shit about any of this?" and oop, here comes The White™ to prey on the player's lack of investment and try and rationalize it into supervillain philosophizing.

Real meaningful inclusion to the game and series there. Why aren't you seethejak'ing over their basic bitch fatalism? I can't understand the antipathy towards SJ unless it's bitterness about some brainlet's video essay or something retarded like that.


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What a hassle.


>He RETVRNED to Armana despite what he said


I don't even hate SJ, it's been my twitter banner for nearly a decade. Don't watch video game essays, neither (althogh anthony's takedown of WH40k: Boltgun was neat) If anything, any antipathy toward SJ stems from 4chan endemic 'teh doomguy' posters who act like it's especially badass or mature.

The white are presented as a roadbump on the way to the actual LNC endings, not a position to take much stock in. We can call it a rather pointless inclusion, but not so new to the series. Demon Route-esque endings of "rejecting the cycle" have become a staple since Nocturne, and 4 actually does us the service of trying to show why such nihilism would be attempted in the first place.

>Fighting to literally save subhuman philosophy zombies

Neutral is more like you try to reintegrate them into modernity. Chaos is your lambs to the slaughter, and Law the good ol' brain-empty-sing-hymns-all-day.

I'm not going to the trouble of logging in, so no.


>4chan endemic 'teh doomguy' posters who act like it's especially badass or mature.
See, this is what I was talking about.

Demonica is cool THOUGH.
>4 actually does us the service of trying to show why such nihilism would be attempted in the first place.
Because you're a huge bitch.
>Neutral is more like you try to reintegrate them into modernity. Chaos is your lambs to the slaughter, and Law the good ol' brain-empty-sing-hymns-all-day.
This doesn't address the actual crux of the matter.


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>Demonica is cool THOUGH.
'Tis true.

>This doesn't address the actual crux of the matter.

As Clispaeth "Ryuji" Atucks once said…


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>As Clispaeth "Ryuji" Atucks once said…
They're barely real people and it's a fiction. You are giving me less reason to care in a series where the default state is barely caring and going "Cool idea!" It's bad story-telling.

The end conclusion of this conversation is that you became biased because of pointlessly arguing with retards in bad faith.


*it's fiction


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Strange Journey confirmed better because Rose is retarded and gave a retarded explanation.


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>bad faith
That'd be me going like: Feh, smegaten? More like, not in my top ten.


I didn't mean you.

Judging you for this shit too.


Friend said "Major fag potential"


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Did you friend get Fournival'd? Or is the that lack of map and first person shoot ge?


>Did you friend get Fournival'd? Or is the that lack of map and first person shoot ge?

"Yes, those are faggot games. Not homo-gay faggot, annoying faggot."


Hmmm… I'd like to say I'm too quiet to be annoying, so my defense is that it's an eclectic, if wistful lineup that shows some preference for "style" over "substance" (in the icycalm sense)


> so my defense is that it's an eclectic, if wistful lineup that shows some preference for "style" over "substance" (in the icycalm sense)
That's a pretty gay defense, dude.


If I need to cite my hetero bonafides, I could probably fill a 3x3 of my formative ryona/erostatus games


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Dude… Come on… I know the real reason why you like Canvas Curse and I didn't want to say it, but come on…


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I can't even think of what fetish you are implying, it's too weird!
Amputation? The balloon ability?


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>I can't even think of what-
Sorry, my Kirby knowledge is limited.

Why the fuck wasn't the existing painter character in CANVAS CURSE though?


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Strange, ain't it? Especially with all the Dreamland 3/Crystal Shards remixes therein.

At least the sequel had a paint fairy onahole thing


>paint fairy onahole thing
See, this is what I'm talking about.




>User erc_hud is already in existence


You know wwhat.
Not eri_chud?


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Rose? Rose Lalonde?


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Thoughts on video games?


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t-three more months and AI will be perfect!


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Aren't mutant wars fought over this or somethin?


So a speculative Rose4 funny would end up a soapbox strip where the MC goes on wordy rants about whatever the artist/writer is thinking today while a half-contemptuous audience gawks stupidly. Yep.


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Damn that shit be old


File: 1718897159699.png (715.51 KB, 1093x511, 2 minutes into the movie.png)

the french are not beating the allegations anytime soon


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i cant believe they turned City Hunter woke!


City Cruiser


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Nicky Larson: Le Parfum De Cupidon review: it's fun


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This one is more dire


literally just a full blown "hon" troon


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What did he mean by this?
I'm still technically vindicated.


Maybe I should start cutting myself.


>He didn't get the basic Alice joke


>the french are not beating the allegations anytime soon


File: 1718917222839.jpg (36.74 KB, 500x360, cumwad.jpg)

>He thinks that's the point of contention


The simply limitations of full body scans, your understanding is greatly appreciated during this time. Incel chud.


Wine aunt Jean Grey….
Wine grand-aunt with far too much botox Jean Gray… (Mexican wine aunt.)
I know this was just said from outright ignorance but there are basically wars which effectively stem from in-fighting over snatch in X-Men.

…X-Cels when…? (X-Cells was already an existing entity. Jokes galore.)


>X-Cels when
When chan and bodybuilding forum anons get lit degrees instead of rotmaxxing and letting tumblr runoff take all the writer jobs. I'll wait.


>Flimsychan was down again


Let's get considerate, hosting all those jailbait webms can't be cheap


>Implying you need a lit degree to write capeshit
I'll be our in. The world will bow down when they see my Domino™ maxiseries. It'll make a serious case for chuds taking the piss out of comic books.


File: 1718918815538.png (181.13 KB, 957x786, cd2fc6f36c0ebcc28341d42c25….png)

Rose? Rose Lalonde?
Preaching to the choir but this is why AI fear-mongering is always so laughably pathetic. If you lose your job to AI, you deserve to lose your job.

I wish it could properly replicate capeshit fight scenes so we can just nuke that industry but maybe AIs have an encyclopedic knowledge of how to draw Iron Man will be enough.
Yes, it's Rose, she's the kind of dumb, immature bitch to make something like that.




> Yes, it's Rose, she's the kind of dumb, immature bitch to make something like that.
but she didn't


She could have, she'd be a lot more secretive with it than Dave. Nobody has found the secret Rose blog ARG yet.


He is Becoming.


begome cat holic




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6X4ZpKNnFlM The Troon Grins Toothily Upon Thee


Wii Everybody Votes Channel UI… twans?


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Rose? Rose Lalonde?


What the fuck are you saying?


The rounded edges, the flat sheen… Even that blue gear icon for what I assume is Options. If a tranny did make that game, it could very well be one who also built some Wii homebrew channel


You clearly don't get the deep lore.

>Troons and their trananime

>Troons lust after Vinny
There it is.


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File: 1718924328334.webm (Spoiler Image, 1.85 MB, 324x432, leftypol.webm)

don't click


why do you have this in your hard drive


If there is a mystery, I am driven to uncover it regardless




The voice, too. But it could simply be down to the standard goon voice


things just wwent wwoke


The Night of the Brap: The Seven Sniffs - Do I smell… Adventure?? - Let's Play - Episode 1


wwhere havve you been
wwere knee deep in wworld wwar wwoke right noww


Shut the fuck up.


Did kagi just give up?


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No, why do you ask?



But I didn't get half that stuff, like it stopped updating for me


It happens, okay!?!??!


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of wwhat, realizing hyperborea?


If that's what you want to call trooning out, yeah…


With those eyes? Is it something he said?


>Faceless 'tuber going faced (redflag)
>Hobby of moderate trannity poisoning (D&D) [DEFCON 2]
>Mild but pervasive psychotic aura
>New age tendencies of the great Jungian irony [DEFCON 4]


Groomed facial hair ought to ratchet it back a few tiers


You call that nu-metal cut groomed?

Something's up with his hair hair. Trooning grease or something; it looks off. Also a very common sign.




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In this February strip, Rose challenges the George Washington Carver mythos


is there any potential protection against catalog spam or nah
wondering if my metastuck thread will be made in vain or not


Nothing very sophisticated, although unlike the lastmin, I am sitting on with hsg open pretty consistently.
I do have it set to allow only two new threads per hour, although it could honestly be one tbh


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Ordering myself a biggie bag in memory of dear departed Chubster Rose


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HS avatar sighting


I nov Bendy.


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To Jeer peanut butter


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lesbians don't exist outside fiction


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*Sniff sniff*
Yuri-busting NTR?


Rose? Rose Lalonde?


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>69 and 70
>Already on their way out
>Allowed to troon out with their coon out
What's trannies pulling Columbines? Motherfucker, just wait if you hate them so bad.

You have to keep in mind a double negative about the Lovecraftarino effects of gender dysphoria to fully defend troon insanity. Either these are special cases or dysphoria is so crippling that you will KILL YOURSELF AND EVERYONE AROUND YOU IF YOU DON'T GET TITTY SKITTLES BEFORE YOU'RE A LEGAL ADULT.


28 is full-blown onset ojisan territory DOE


Tatsuya really can't keep his SEX BAD in his pants, can he?

Motherfucker, this is no longer an Alice In Wonderland parody.

You could have done an ever-so-slightly more intricate joke about scratch and sniff cards (which is basically the only type of card to be just be covered in melons) but I guess we're settling for the lame pun.






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You made me check.
And I'm still slightly mald that HSTers find sharing a hangout with this userbase less worrisome than with a handful of anons who drop 'nigger' and 'tranny' here and there


Different boards. It's more that you're "never on-topic" (sex fantasy with male trolls.)


>ambiguous personality
Better than the hyperfixation of SAMEJOKE tbh.


I can't believe a solid 1/3rd of all my favorite Roses are GONE.


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What subculture are we?


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Strange logic from them. hsg being what it is, I'd say "on-topic" is entirely dictated by whoever is actively posting.
Yes, our world… A world without the sniveling weaklings positioned as road blocks to the goals of those with the will to shape it…


I get tired of having to be the foreman of the ship, even there.


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Nostalgic True Romantics


*The Nep rule doesn't apply to this site

That being said, Flimsychan is still down for me. Maybe if I don't try to load into the /co/ thread directly? Nope…. Still loading…


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