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 No.6821[Last 100 Posts]


Old >>6072




Post the summary anyway


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I love how Kagi always has to take the first post and shart it into the summary even if it's 0% relevant to anything else. What the FUCK is it talking about though?

I could ask more questions but… eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh………..
Of course, I will, you stupid bitch.

But I always need my trusty second opinion because every Kagichan (male) is personalized.


I'd ask how it'd pick up on the sexist remarks but I'd just get that icy fluoride stare.


>the conversation often descends into incoherent ramblings and nonsensical statements


lads I'm going to rest. See you later




>There are attempts to streer the conversation in more extreme or disturbing directions
so wwhos gonna finish the job on trump




He doesn't know the dick sucker is still up.


Are /r9k/ gays likely to be less insane than /soc/ gays? Asking for a friend.


Hmm… My guess would be insane thirst versus dopamine fried sub-normalfag, but I've never really frequented either board


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Where can I find my true love, Mask-san?


File: 1721450976962.png (155.56 KB, 1024x512, bu_koreito_1102.ddsout.png)

megid0chan, of course. First, we just need to gather up all those scattered and disparate souls that resonate with the vibe.



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Roasties gonna' roast.


I mean the melody they reused >>6525


Square Enix musicians going to leitmotif after they learned about Toby Fox's magnum opus Undertale.


It's not unlikely nanashi no geemu inspired mr. radiation in some way





The Eastern masters still had much to learn from Toby-san…


I'm antsy, I'm horny, I hate TRICKSTERS. These are the worst nights.


Like the technique of the leitmotif.


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Why'd she ask him to hit harder?


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I was inspired by your ramblings at the end of the last thread, so I grabbed
and took my pawn to the masquerade ball

Along with that third wheel who loiters outside the arisen's house.


Have there been interviews on Radiation's "inspirations"? I never followed closely, so I only have the surface level MOTHER, Mario & Luigi, Touhou, Warioware, SMT one could glean from a casual playthrough of Undertale


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>He's getting worse
ESL-on-ESL contact.


He sampled a lot of…. le weird things!


>I was inspired by your ramblings at the end of the last thread
Those were hardly ramblings.


It was one letter, geez




F5, I righted everything with my retcon powers


TRICKSTER confirmed?


June only exists in deranged trickster minds.


You might not have heard of some of this stuff… it's pretty underrated


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The new girl aesthetic of drawing is drawing like shit because haha so quirky and it's like um, Newgrounds nostalgia, hrmrmgpphhhhhh… so we're just going to get shittier Yoshitomo Nara with eyebleach MS Paint color palettes for like the next 5 years as the next indie blow-ups.

I did a little deep dive to confirm to myself if this was a woman or troon. The purple prose didn't help sway me from either of these beliefs. The name "Stephen" did, however. Looking through all their garbage, I'd consider them an at-risk individual.

They had some seriously fruity fucking nails too.

By the way, this game won an award.


You think therefore you are.


File: 1721454465777.jpg (13.17 KB, 349x226, pridey.jpg)


Wait, his entire personal website is a singular and dedicated statement of "Non"?
Is he fives times as BASED as I suspected?


And a FREAKING snowboarding game from the SNES or some shit!

Wowie zowie!



>Wait, his entire personal website is a singular and dedicated statement of "Non"?
That's unironic troon shit, come on.


Was their rationale for filtering TRICKSTER but not troon? I forget.


Does Kagichan forgo his duty to dispassionately summarize the thread after reading troon?


I didn't see "transphobic remarks" so it's unclear. If that Rock site us anything, it's not to mess with the trans queens at the top of the digital pyramid.


Dat sux


File: 1721454916570.png (234.4 KB, 463x283, ClipboardImage.png)

LE RENT…………?!?!??!!?!?
Shut up, ebonics kobold.


*taught us


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Ignore that. That's avant garde.


stephen… molyneux


No, not him. Unless…?


https://myfriendpokey.tumblr.com/post/183941596800/morality-play Anyway, look at this gay shit.

I wonder what Kagichan would say if I made it chew on it and spit it out.


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Wow, thanks, this sounded like some of the gayest shit I could have ever possibly wasted my time reading.


File: 1721455302422.png (824.36 KB, 800x595, ClipboardImage.png)

Ouya Twoya when?


Pokey? Pokey Earthbound?
wwhere do you find this shit


A lot of undertale comes from moon


You can't just say that. That's supposed to be Toby's little Jewish secret.


>wwhere do you find this shit


The pacifist message? So it has been said, but Moon (moon?) mostly involves waiting around soaking in the atmosphere and adventure game gate-key stuff.


Yeah he did not adapt the gameplay well (same goes for everything else he is "inspired" by).
The "you should spare the monsters" stuff is the obvious one, yeah. I think Undyne is probably inspired by the Hero in moon (before she takes off the mask). The fourth wall breaky stuff and the "innocent person getting fucked up by insane experiments conducted by the government" thing are also likely.


Stray Children is pretty obviously the lovedelic guys going "we can do undertale but actually good." It's really funny.


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Hypothesis: I guess the easiest way to secure the brainrot we "need" is to make a scene PicMix with Aradia and advertise it on Twitter somehow. Maybe make it a banner too.

Is this bait too obvious?


wwhens that comin out


Hecking Meenah 2.0!
Undertale is so derivative it hurts.


Right now.


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Delightfully devilish scheme, lab mem #3!
Some people love to bite obvious bait the most…
Let's hold of of Operation Scenegid0chan until I get the bones of /08/ and /09/ done, though


>until I get the bones of /08/ and /09/ done, though
I don't even know what those are going to be and I planted the fucking seed in your brain. Just make sure they're both called "Class of x" so that retards might turn the one into a cargo cult even though that's not what it's supposed to be.

What are we even doing here?


We're seeding narratives for the proper cultivation of the future.

Like for instance, a lovedelic revival could also make for a timely re-examination of Paper Mario Sticker Star in a positive and contrarian light- contextualizing the creative vision and throughline from other pacifist pseudo-rpgs. Perhaps in video essay form?


I'm just trying to look for kindred spirits since the nostalgia Jew has already gripped my generation.

Unfortunately, everyone that's nostalgic is doing it the wrong way (and are all FILTHY WOMEN) and have limited experience with what they're actually trying to replicate and are still willing to die on retarded web 3.0 hills.

Also, fuck web 3.0.


See, you get it without me even having to explain!

Guess I'll throw up some ruleposts and example threads tomorrow. Anyone will be free to contribute.


And the titles are following your tip in >>6890
It just hasn't updated until a post is made.


yea im totes sillymaxxing x3

*writes a 30 tweet chain about ukraine and palestine*



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>See, you get it
Get what? You're too old to get it.


What? So I was hecking 14 instead of 7 in 2008, what a fossil? Stop being such an ornery bastard, lab mem #3…


Must I remind you? The Information age makes gaps in ages effectively much larger…


Meh, we merely exist under the shadow of boomer cultural hegemony so it's whatever


>I think Undyne is probably inspired by the Hero in moon
Looked it up, and yeah. Also, Undyne is so fucking ugly bros


Also, all of this "crustcore" bullshit is so afraid of making anything legitimately abrasive. No flashing lights, no grating or loud audio, no content that actually pushes boundaries.

It's all just mass appeal absurdism and graphical laziness with that warm mirage of nostalgia miring the whole thing.

Minimalism (not crust, not actually rough, not actually punk) is like… the vibe man… *Smonks joint.* Now please pay whatever you want EXCEPT UNDER THIS EXACT AMOUNT, CHUD.


>we merely exist under the shadow of boomer cultural hegemony
I think you mean the billenial tricentennial nostalgia feedback loop agreement pact.


>Also, Undyne is so fucking ugly bros
wwhat if she farted howwevver


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In touch with his feminine side or a size queen?


I'm getting all worked up! MoM's getting all worked up!


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We're already getting double lobotomies. I don't think we're going to have brains at all after this.


>True Crime
It's a rare man who puts up with that tripe


Also, fake transparency for a fake character. An archon of the demiurge.


Again, in touch with his feminine side or a fag (knows girls)? There's also the rare, startling possible that it's a pooner. That would be an earth-shattering revelation.


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Nonzeo chance of pooner, I'm not playing it to see how sexual relations are handled at large though

This one is very Matt Groening's Life In Hell


>Matt Groening's Life In Hell
A masterpiece of comedy and comics as a medium, as we all know.


I think I'm going to bomb my own house.


damn howw many wwhite castles did you eat


I'm not a woman, fuck off, Eri.


The bombing is literal and non-shit related.


Anyway, I wish we could talk about "state-approved subversive to win an award" without a literal cultural Marxist TRICKSTER TEALBLOOD entering the conversation.

I'm tired of having to kill.


> "state-approved subversive to win an award" without a literal cultural Marxist TRICKSTER TEALBLOOD entering the conversation.
In fact, that entire conversation is literal cultural Marxist TRICKSTER TEALBLOOD-on-literal cultural Marxist TRICKSTER TEALBLOOD violence to begin with. Let's see those statistics.


And there's the common /v/eddit talking point about how there are certain things that people only like because critics tell them to like that and the obvious problem with making that blanket statement is that there's usually a pretty big divide between those sensibilities.

However, there is media, without artistic merit, that can appeal to critics and have mass appeal in the sense of "appealing to the masses' conception of artistry" in a medium that's as fucking desolate as videogames. Or I suppose just modern anything. Movies get more scrutiny. TV even moreso. Why in that order? IDFK, IDFC.

It's so cold.. A ghost is going to KILL me.


The gadagadigadagado method works on all ghosts, ask your nephew


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An arc about rocks. Nancy should've been bisected my the guillotine


File: 1721468942365.gif (1.5 MB, 500x500, picmix.com_11915603.gif)

I'm more about Shoryu than Lupe.

But this'll take some workshopping, namely on balancing clutter, sizing, and symbolism


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Second take


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Where is this from? looks fun.


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is every single troon doing youtube


i dont know, are you? bitch?


your flow is backwards


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Also, OFF, you have to run away from the third boss instead of fighting it.


Pretty accurate outside the classic chud (leftypol gave him a super recessed chin and upturned negroid nose there)


>Also, OFF, you have to run away from the third boss instead of fighting it.
Erm… Paper Mario reference!?!?
But radiator probably played both ofc


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holy shit


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Ferd'nand 4 seconds later: "Pussy in bio"


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do you softblock followers, or is it okay?


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it doesnt really matter because i only get followed by bots


Elon xitter do be like that
let's see how I did, then.


>megid0chan.de in bio


Oi, oi, and I didn't even pin our final draft picmix gif yet…


What's the summary?


>Shoryu than Lupe.

Also, wait, that site has Drosella?


You can add your own elements.
They aren't sparkly, but it's an option


>Shoryu and Lupe

Zoomers have forgotten all about Neopets.If they ever knew…


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Not true scene. Scum move.
I did play Neopets as a kid but even for as meek and dainty of a little boy as I was, it still felt way too gay for me so I barely played it (same thing with Warrior cats books.)

If I had interacted with those more, there's no doubt I would be a straight-up furry today because I was a really big wolfaboo as a tot for maybe two-three years (maybe because I saw Wolf's Rain when I was way too young and my really pronounced canines.)


As a humble haiku gam jam site, we should be honored to see an actual haiku for once.


>Not true scene. Scum move.
What, are you gonna just follow their rules all the time?


Yes, that's the true scene spirit, after all. :^)


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What the Jewish fuck?


That's a new one on me bwo

MPCCC oldheads, is it over?


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Crazy how I didn't think to post this before. If we were to add any outside image, it should be this.

Wonder if that site has stuff like Madness Combat or Pico's School which will attract the boys (which attracts the girls to draw gay porn.)

Foamy The Squirrel is another good bridge but for the scene teens and the actual demographic of this site (horrible perverts.)


>Madness Combat
Never been a huge fan of guns and blood, to be honest…
>Foamy The Squirrel
Now THIS, however


I think whatever went up my dick is still up there because it still burns from time-to-time

I'm going to keep pissing and hope it goes away




>Never been a huge fan of guns and blood, to be honest…
What are you a girl?
>Now THIS, however
AND a horrible pervert?


not leavvin


Shower worm


Eri what is there to gain from living inside my dick


>crows are actually quite intell-


its wwarm here


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More garbage incoming:


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>Female dominated projects


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>Even MOAR characters
They have even less of an idea of what they're doing than what I thought.

Imagine if Act 2 is the only part where a large portion of the Friendsim characters are even remotely relevant.


Can you at least stop lighting fires in there


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I'm thinking the central Aradia should be bigger, I'll adjust the male/female character balance, too (sorry Drosera)
It's 2024, is there generator that automates adding glitter to your pics yet?


>(leftypol gave him a super recessed chin and upturned negroid nose there)
What did they mean by this?




I don't know about it. But don't finalize this without me. I want to take a second shot. >:(


Pretty (but stupid.) Does life reflect art or…?


>don't finalize this without me
I wouldn't be so presumptuous on this. HSG is our workshop


hiv swap will finish before deltarune


Toby Fox senpai was truly inspired when he ripping ideas from other games and pandered to children with memes! He deserves to have had such an influence (being ripped off himself) in the indie game scene.

But what if there was a RPG bullet hell (not vice versa) that was actually good and not just a gimmick tiny game on endless Donation money? Now, that would be a videogame.


Speaking of…


>HSG is our workshop
Our gam jam.


https://thecatamites.itch.io/anthology-of-the-killer Blow yourself away, troonoid. Literally.


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The Dolorosa's long, long legs. You don't hear much about that anymore.


Fucking first drafts…


How about totally spies? Is that scene? It's certainly /co/ and perverted enough.


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I was thinking more about the term for grandmas. Which I guess naturally leads to some kind of bvkkake around a grandma which I don't like to think about.

We /sailor/ now?
No and no.


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>When the inspiration is fucking obvious but you still have to namedrop anyway
Total Indie Dev Death






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How do we stop left-leaning individuals from getting buckbroken by pop culture?


An eroge broke me


That's true, maybe you're not the right person to ask.

And I mindbroke RoW by jokingly posting gacha at him…


File: 1721507947486.png (311.46 KB, 575x428, ClipboardImage.png)

I legitimately had to stop
twice now because I find the hipster writing that insufferable.


That anon has inverted aesthetic sensibilities


They are a TRICKSTER after all.


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I'm bored out of my mind but someone else gen these for me.

Maybe we need a total Kagi.AI summary of all Megido ever.


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Got ghosted by another guy.


Aren't prinnies more of a
Or that might be the Servbots


Prinnies are too chaotic to be Minions.


"This is boilerplate"


What did she mean by this?


The generator is just listing off generic anime nerd jokes. Probably from the chan in our name


cute waifujak tho


"How would you describe megid0chan?"


"A past that refused to die"


And what kind of wojack would that generate?


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The South VVILL rise again doe.


Meaning Mexico will annex Texas


You wish, cholo. We have our own airforce.


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are we jak posting



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the wojaks bings ai creates are so epic to me


Not exactly, Pogo.


i would like to think making a computer depict suffering is humbling for these retarded ass machines


You're a machine, Pogo.


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i am not a machi-


File: 1721514827954.png (526.6 KB, 558x817, ClipboardImage.png)



(I'm implying you're a TEALBLOOD TRICKSTER.)


you've got ten seconds to beat it before i add you to the list of nsf casualties


>you've got ten seconds to beat it
I'm not jerking it for you, sissy.


15 acres of woodland dried up to produce this 'jak


Is this the mans who rejected you?


No, idiot. It's an inside joke. I'm not at *that* level yet.


File: 1721516650818.jpeg (171.05 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_1077.jpeg)


Do you have something to say?


>an inside joke
from wwhere


wwouldnt you like to knoww


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Rose? Rose Lalonde?


No Rose should have fur.


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Where's the megid0chan equivalent?


I think everyone here is too private for something as desperate as a face reveal


Untrue, objectively, and I've gotten close.


File: 1721519399702.png (33.88 KB, 421x426, 1462473986077.png)


You know what I'm talking about, right?


The last batch of "known hsg faces" themselves suffered to become memes.


That didn't answer my question, chud.


About an hsg polycule? I don't think that's happened in a least a decade. Nostalgic as I am, that's best left to the mists of history


>and I've gotten close.


That episode of Temu FAYGOry? You managed to stay masked tho


I planned to go unmasked with a filter but the plan fizzled out and I forget why.


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Better for things to have worked out that way. But, I have posted img2img slop gens of my own photos in the past, so… at a certain point it's "probably safe"


wwhat if pogo wwas an anime girl


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Would he remain a gag character or go bishoujo?




At least we have a replacement for XLR in Pogo even though RoW is AWOL (Half of the bad endings come from him giving into the darkness and killing the rest of the party)


>RoW is AWOL
He's here, just relatively quiet


He's seen better days…


Do you like how people fixated way more on the incest aspect than the cannibalism aspect in FoTM #50963?


A small relief. But incest has been a smut staple for years


>A small relief.


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I do hope it's not anyone I'd know


No? How could it be?


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The basic gestalt is that my one friend group has a mutual that's basically a cartoon villain, like a playground bully, who's really dumb but is constantly trying to one-up people including a variety of get-rich-quick schemes.

He has a lot of idiosyncrasies including an irrational hatred of anime. He once made a dump account called "Neon Leon" to "troll" us but proceeded to do absolutely nothing with it and the recolored Asuka was its avatar.

Thus the character was made from all of his weird shit and the absolute contradiction of the fake persona of "Guy who likes anime."


The one in the middle doesn't look so bad.


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Anon… I…


Vriska psyop.


so that wwas the story…


Domino's psyop


Starting to worry for you


File: 1721525510076.jpg (1.09 MB, 1309x2267, 6376355-domino (2018-) 001….jpg)



What did you think it was…?


File: 1721525843525.png (50.14 KB, 984x296, ClipboardImage.png)


I wonder why mine is so #threat coded in comparison…


The Stuffed Cheesy Bread™ in Nikocado's mukbang spread gives it away as a Domino's order


File: 1721526095972.png (290.43 KB, 444x423, smug.png)

It's a plural, you ESL. Domino would NEVER.


Oh cool and the individual games are free, I'm giving this a shot, I've been looking for something to play for a while and didn't feel like replaying the same 5 games I've been playing the last decadw and I still can't figure out how to run Vicky on Loonix.


>didn't feel like replaying the same 5 games
Which are…?


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>It's a plural
So one might think, but apparently the entire chain is possessed by one singular Domino


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Deep lore…?




Warcraft 3
Mario World
The Binding of Isaac
Victoria 2

I've been playing autistically those games on a repetitive loop for the last 12 years or so, I rarely look further than that.


*Judging intensifies.*



Sneedino's pizza


Why did Gumball have that gay panic episode, what the fuck was up with that show


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My reaction to that information


To the judgement or the games?


>Gay panic
¿The hot dog episode?




>My reaction to that information


It wasn't gay panics, the point is how uncomfortable is to pretend you know someone when you really don't.
There's a gay sex joke though, I think that's the gayest the show has ever gotten.


I'm in the same boat as you on this one


still n0t playing it


still n0t sneeding it


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File: 1721527934588.png (40.75 KB, 352x102, ClipboardImage.png)

thought it said SAY ΝIGGERS!


>It's a plural, you ESL.


You are obsessed. It clearly says
>top 10 GAY sneeders (in my opinion)!


The games…


Don't laugh at me.




>Don't laugh at me.
*laughs at him




It's gay panic.


File: 1721528554882.png (45.18 KB, 122x167, its_over.png)




No, it isn't.
Watch the fucking show.




>megid0chan in 3-2 years


Somebody's mad about a children's cartoon.


megid0chan: The VN when?


We keep talking about this, aiyah…


Where do you think we are?


megid0chan, not megi/co/chan


Where do YOU think you are?


Where do I think I am?


Where do you think homosuck came from?
You have retards whinning about VNs and TRICKSTERS, I bet you can stand another retard whinning about cartoons.


Around like 7 would put us there.
But where do we recruit the gen alpha kid?


>Where do you think homosuck came from?
>You have retards whinning about VNs and TRICKSTERS, I bet you can stand another retard whinning about cartoons.


I just coughed the most disgusting ball of snot.


>Around like 7 would put us there.
No… 3-2…..


1 year?


Pretty 8ased.




File: 1721530647577.png (517.96 KB, 539x562, ClipboardImage.png)


No, three-to-two years.


I only have one year before >>7134 tho


Of course Vriska would think so…


What did he mean by this?


File: 1721531350589.png (38.51 KB, 329x102, ClipboardImage.png)




Trvmp's anti-goon goons are gonna kill me!




Post pics




File: 1721532058013.jpg (418.51 KB, 1000x1837, ClipboardImage.jpg)


You don't actually goon, right, sisters?


She would never say that.


yhvh just ate alice!


Alice? Alice In Wonderland?


Is Carroll an honorary nihonjin?


More than Fobby Tox, yeah.




Lmao, might word filter this




File: 1721533134966.png (585.48 KB, 555x638, ClipboardImage.png)

Rose? Rose Lalonde?


… flimsychan bounty?


It's so over for me, bros.


you vvill simp




Alright, Flimsychan upgraded to Shoddychan


File: 1721534251329.mp3 (1.12 MB, Battle Against a Mobile Op….mp3)

An epic Earthbound reference


You don't want to know what I had to crop out in the bottom half…


*readies wwand*
wwhich board




IDFK. Saw in previews yesterday.
Not a penis, mind you.


File: 1721534784087.png (5.42 MB, 2048x1536, ClipboardImage.png)

Pogo and cartoonsperg doxx?


wtf are you doing


What was it?


I don't want to spoil it for you.


Just confirming.


I can't find the picture.


File: 1721535073832.png (602.01 KB, 490x624, rsero_N057.png)

Saw it. It's better not to know.




One day, we VVILL reach 111111 posts…


Thankfully it was actually like 2B cosplay and not TRVE, HONEST Rose Lalonde


You say that but you know that kind of thing is probably out there…


/homosuck/ has 1.4 million on the latest HSG there
If only we could pull such iron man numbers these days


We're going at a pretty decent pace.


File: 1721535546526.png (602.88 KB, 490x624, rsero_N050.png)

As far a Tik Tokkers are concerned, I'm sticking to my "see no evil" policy from here on out

(Those were nice tits tho)


>"see no evil" policy from here on out
Why didn't you start with one, baka…?


We're clawing back some of the 'freewheeling chatroom' feel that the takeoff success of Discord robbed from us. A just few more active thread sitters in our roster, and…


megid0chanbot… I…


File: 1721535792862.png (604 KB, 490x624, rsero_N061.png)

When you're the one who planted the idea that something noteworthy was cropped out in my head. I was happy to be oblivious!


I think those two posters are on opposite sides of the world


Something bad.


And yet, they still met up! Heartwarming 100!


Yeah, but devilishly hinted at. Even half a man can get curious.


>devilishly hinted
It was a WARNING!


the meguca thing of staying in a thread with 10000 posts is retarded



WARNING just means to prepare yourself
Indeed, you are correct




10,000 post threads make Kagi summaries more fun and schizo (theoretically.)


Doesn't Kagi have some arbitary limit on how many tokens of content it'll summarize? Multiple smaller threads would be better (if they didn't all end up being some slurry of toxic abusive blah blah)


Yes, but Flimsychan threads always fit within it. It's an absurdly big limit.


And it summarizes the whole thing? Around these parts, Kagi seems to start phoning it in at post 150 or so


File: 1721541110709.png (3.57 MB, 2048x1732, ClipboardImage.png)

DAE hate Vriska?


My ancestor :::;)


>Around these parts, Kagi seems to start phoning it in at post 150 or so
We (used to be) less coherent.


wwhat if she did piss though haha piss and fart


vris is piss
how long has it been


too long


If you guys made a video game or something, would you shill it here or is the relative anonymity too sacred?


I'm gonna shill (it's free) my next fan TL here in a few days, not that the userbase will care




It's shorter than Viscaria…


File: 1721543672454.png (638.73 KB, 1150x698, ClipboardImage.png)

wwhat if you could make korean girls feel this wway


>If you guys made a video game or something, would you shill it here
Duh? The whole gimmick would be that it's megid0chan


thats 0k i guess


File: 1721544173986.png (161.26 KB, 304x462, ClipboardImage.png)

Andrew? Andrew Hussie?


File: 1721544943818.png (574.58 KB, 801x646, ClipboardImage.png)

howw about this


She hides, but tose cheekbones still seem mighty wide and high…




File: 1721546275010.png (10.71 KB, 911x63, ClipboardImage.png)



File: 1721547750354.jpg (113.82 KB, 906x762, 1721520674502141.jpg)


Me and Pogo.


File: 1721548595523.png (352.77 KB, 900x1236, ClipboardImage.png)


Fuck Nanc4.


OJ hiatus over, now transitioning back to robot arc


Robots vs. rocks
(YGO in brain again)


the Ys are literally 4s, does she lurk?


Nanc4 boomers as newest addition to megid0chan psyops?


File: 1721550313818.jpg (90 KB, 635x510, 1720923410502.jpg)


File: 1721550325099.gif (164.7 KB, 500x500, 11830922_17b99.gif)



Yes, during Operation GoComics, we all start commenting directly to daily Nanc4 strips when they drop



my kick starter where i crowd fund an industrial strength blender so i no longer have to run my smoothies through a sieve will be soon


File: 1721552832357.png (204.26 KB, 529x482, 1721523231982723.png)


Almost good


File: 1721559740938-0.png (211.65 KB, 412x336, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1721559740938-1.png (689.01 KB, 620x752, excuse.png)


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File: 1721568466332.png (403.92 KB, 1920x1080, ClipboardImage.png)


So very close


Me and chudanon


morning retards, how's your sunday going?


Last day at the soy factory


VGH got one more week after all


File: 1721585902043.png (291.46 KB, 1182x1478, GRADUATING.png)




Here's how Bernie can still win.


File: 1721586564584.jpeg (131.97 KB, 1125x1735, IMG_1090.jpeg)


File: 1721586631341.png (106.5 KB, 238x257, ClipboardImage.png)


No more malarkey.


File: 1721586757074.png (72.81 KB, 300x248, kowai.png)



File: 1721586818381.png (40.73 KB, 252x208, ao.png)

>The Japanese would unironically find this scary


Okay, now we're getting to the point where it seems like people are getting off on it.


>You have retards whinning about VNs and TRICKSTERS
I post TRICKSTER stuff sometimes. But I'm pretty sure the other person doing is a TRICKSTER.


Shut up, you're not even Pogo, you cavetroon.


new micr0s0ft pr0ject ge0rge fl0yd negr0id cybertr0nic bill gates h0l0gram



File: 1721588568955.jpg (162.27 KB, 1080x1348, 20240721_210218.jpg)



wwould tho




How could she say such a thing?


cute teeth


Where does this come from? Why do people think she's a furry?


>He unironically gets off to ricey ricey bunny tooth


>You have retards whinning about TRICKSTERS
I post troon shit but I'm not the only person doing it though I think the other guy is an unironic troon


File: 1721591698814.png (378.38 KB, 935x986, ClipboardImage.png)


quora is fucking wild if you look





Couldn't he though?




megid0chan is sp00ky after all


when i saw the c0mpressed black and white ph0t0 of the ugly japanese w0man i shat myself and c00med 0_0


>ugly japanese w0man
*cute 0baasan


Not megid0chan affiliated whatsoever.
Should we commission xir to do one?


You'd fuck any Japanese woman…


n0t true 0n0


File: 1721595767878.png (7.67 MB, 1536x2048, ClipboardImage.png)


Prove it.


make korobo do it


besides i didnt say i want t0 bang her
i just dig the l00k


What's the look?


File: 1721597710918.png (1.28 MB, 621x1080, ClipboardImage.png)




File: 1721598295225.png (1.57 MB, 1440x1690, ClipboardImage.png)


black on brown, the perfect map for navigating by cover of night


I like their gens but this persyn needs to just tune the ankle biters out



File: 1721599685217.png (25.79 KB, 131x116, ClipboardImage.png)

Cool DOOM map, bro.


official HSG poll: Should megid0chan filter Africa to DERSE
(More democratic than the DNC primary)


dis undagroun railroad takin us to the NERV geofront n sheit
we gown merge wif adam




File: 1721600080290.gif (87.51 KB, 512x512, you fail.gif)





I know you are but what am I?





Yeah? What a8out it?


File: 1721601601949.png (679.18 KB, 1070x1034, ClipboardImage.png)




i've done worse tbh


Return of Yrang


I wish, but it looks like our upper castes are shaping up Indian. Ugh, out of all types of Asian…


File: 1721603583070.jpg (123.91 KB, 1032x1280, beware of the cyber army.jpg)


oh man do you not know?


No… Even you?


So should I pay the tumblr enby or try and crib their style, that's the crossroads


File: 1721617398419.webp (57.48 KB, 643x666, never give up.webp)


Little sexist…


File: 1721617984774.png (Spoiler Image, 118.08 KB, 821x815, 1721615844061170.png)


File: 1721618484916.jpg (134.88 KB, 1250x423, ClipboardImage.jpg)


what happens next?


File: 1721619332506.png (187.86 KB, 816x816, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1721619793677.png (3.32 MB, 1600x900, ClipboardImage.png)

moon? mid.


the nipples are a clever touch


File: 1721620263603.png (49.91 KB, 270x325, ClipboardImage.png)


>left fake
>right real

election prediction so soon?


In that case, everything is fake :C
I would like to hear a moon npc who speaks in garbled up Trump clips, tho


File: 1721623604179.png (79.79 KB, 370x320, ClipboardImage.png)


>Colonel Otaku Gatekeeper
I… I can't tell whether this is satire or not.


Why are they all women?


Fucking hot


isdf babes


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jesus fucking christ


File: 1721625695224.png (1.8 MB, 2560x1707, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1721625777135.png (114.99 KB, 773x1000, ClipboardImage.png)


Ah. I could tell that last one was the previous guest artist signing out, but I thought we'd return to the OJ nanc4verse


I have to see if the gocomics boomers stand for this punky posing pageantry


File: 1721626333271.png (3.72 MB, 1072x1521, ClipboardImage.png)

I actually liked the last guest





what about it


is there a reason why i only see leftists write shit like "PLEASE OH GOD OH FUCK GO VOTE I BEG YOU PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE" on social media?


I think they're just as invested in the apocalyptic stakes of [current year election] as any Qoomer, and are more bought into to the system on top of that


OP Oona


File: 1721629041665.png (224.15 KB, 411x316, ClipboardImage.png)


What's the problem? You some kind of puppet hater?


File: 1721629428126.jpg (185.89 KB, 1010x1731, electoralism.jpg)

>why is the "things could be better" crowd louder than the "things are fine as is" crowd


>things are fine as is" crowd
erm… did you forget the scourge of WOKE?


>Ancient Judaism bad because it had…. holy buildings
This is the most deranged way to be anti-TEALBLOOD.


WTF, I hate capitalism…? now?


>Xitter artists


File: 1721629940088.png (4.61 MB, 1920x1080, Dragon's Dogma 2 2024-07-2….png)

Ah, you're back!
I was trying more mod outfits on my pawn… What do you think of this technology to hide her mouthbreathing?


The absolute state of dykes.
>A trve Nanc4 traditionalist
You never really know what you have until it's gone. Unfortunately, I prefer the new artist's artwork to the last one. It's more fitting for Nanc4 too.
She jobbed to SLUGGOD though.


>Ah, you're back!
Yeah, I slept cat hours.
>hide her mouthbreathing
I thought that was part of the appeal. The fact that she looks like she needs an inhaler.


> thought that was part of the appeal
Well, for me, but I thought you had no love lost for the Foggy Isle


>Foggy Isle
Is that where all girls with breathing impairments come from?



Maybe it's the fault of all that chimney smog?


this is how I learn disneed had it's tentacles in club penguin


I have mixed feelings on the Anglo horseteeth syndrome. Sometimes I think it makes them chrysalids, sometimes it makes me call them orcs, sometimes it makes me want to kill them, and sometimes I find it cute. But that's sub 25% of the time.

Your pawn is uncanny in a broader sense because she's like a coom golem under a thin layer of modesty. She's not a "girl-next-door", she's a hypersexed Aryan Goddess with some laser-point features to make her unconventionally attractive. She's a demoness of NTR, she is.
Do not undermine their naturally mole-like physiology.


What a fool you are.


how far do they reach


Deep enough to hit your prostate, goy.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EzSw2JJhryk Oh no, (((they))) are getting their grubby faux-manicured hands over something again


>She's not a "girl-next-door", she's a hypersexed Aryan Goddess with some laser-point features
I think the full quote from /vg/ was "girl next door porn", so not the real thing, but the pseudo-amateur fantasy version of it
But I never watched such exploitative (and probably TEALBLOOD) material, I was innocently doing my best to rescue a heroine from the cruel world of an eroge into the kind world of a 3D action RPG


File: 1721631493468.png (183.62 KB, 262x357, ClipboardImage.png)

wwish i had an ssd….


oh my nietzsche


hsg will eternally return too (well, it almost didn't last time)


>I think the full quote from /vg/ was "girl next door porn",
E-Eh…? What quote? No, people have used that term before porn…
>I was innocently doing my best to rescue a heroine from the cruel world of an eroge into the kind world of a 3D action RPG
Mask Expert… I…
I prefer the other version of eternal return. Which I think is what the name is based off of given all the weird Biblical references (alongside random sci-fi and fantasy and nonsense schlock.)


It's a fun game but I'm hardcucked by loading into a game five minutes later than everyone else, if I must reiterate.

It also bricked RoW's computer. :^)


Actually, come to think of it, I'm indirectly responsible for a lot of bad things happening to RoW…


The magnitude of your mistakes is one thing, but just so long as you try to make honest amends..


I feel no blame. >:)


My cieling fan finally rocked itself out of its own bearings or something
I sleep directly under it too, so not risking it


File: 1721632154417.png (419.22 KB, 402x414, ClipboardImage.png)




Tsk, then how the hell am I supposed to feed of you? I gotta find some more soft hearted anons around here…


>how the hell am I supposed to feed of you


File: 1721632267740.png (9.84 KB, 398x98, ClipboardImage.png)



hes literally me


It's too bad autoplay music was deemed too obnoxious for modern browsers, it would be a very /2008/ addition to megid0chan's title page


>It's too bad autoplay music was deemed to obnoxious for modern browsers
…Meaning you don't know how to code it.


You mean stealthily hide the "play" button in some other element :?


Eh, most modern browsers block autoplaying music unless you know how to get around it.
I've been using extremely tiny WEBM/MP4 files, but I have no idea if that method still works.


Don't ask me!
>unless you know how to get around it.



Even lainchain radio has a gripe about it, and you know that if anyone had a good workaround it'd be those tricksters


But before any of that, I still need work on the moon plugin

SMT if… seems like the best source for the sprites, it has a different set for both waxing and waning versions of each phase.


is he wwearin makeup


Tricksters are fake!good coders. The only thing they can be is fake. The only thing that comes authentically to them is inauthenticity.


File: 1721633137471.png (38.35 KB, 392x572, TadashiSatomi.png)

>SMT if… seems like the best source for the sprites, it has a different set for both waxing and waning versions of each phase.


>Pressing back onto YouTube homepage has cucked me again
Something about a house…..


I kneel!
SMT 2 does as well, but the moon sprite is all fugly and fake-3d polyhedral


>The sad, bad comes rushing in…
Where's my dick……?


>The sad, bad comes rushing in…
Where's the Cheat?


The real weird part is that no other part of Gen-Z seems to remember Homestar Runner…


Going chronologically, the first waves of trickster revival and reappropriation should be landing right after Azumanga crests


It probably doesn't help that H*R went on that giant hiatus from 2009 to 2013, like Flash wasn't even what killed it.
What were people going to talk about in those five years? SBCG4AP? Poker Night?


I don't want that…
Yeah, but they had a backlog of videos from like 2005-to-2009 uploaded to YouTube during 2008-2009 and I watched them when I was 7 and 8. So, like, what gives?
>What were people going to talk about in those five years?
Homestuck brainrot. People can just enjoy videos, you dope.


Maybe tracing it in with the invention of 'Doge', that sounds like good video essay fodder



The power to help… It feels warm.


>that sounds like good video essay fodder
You're dealing SOVL damage to me now, it's beyond even psychic. It's pneumatic.


File: 1721634791084.png (220.53 KB, 404x312, ClipboardImage.png)

Rose? Rose Lalonde?


>How an OBSCURE indie web animation series inspired one of the Internet's GREATEST MEMES


Finding out that people use HSR to abbreviate Honkai Star Rail instead of Homestar Runner was fucked up.
I spend minutes wondering why the fuck people were talking about the ugliest Homestar Runner character on Twitter.


File: 1721634994127.png (Spoiler Image, 253.98 KB, 500x624, C_M_Lids_050.png)

>dealing SOVL damage to me now
Mwehehe, UNDERTALE reference???


>I spend minutes wondering why the fuck people were talking about the ugliest Homestar Runner character on Twitter.




go take a shit bitch


>ugliest Homestar Runner character
it's jello marshie, he's like a used menstrual plug with a bite taken out of it


>he's like a used menstrual pad
Hey, sorry, guys…


I like how the spam post delay counter seems fucking randomized.


Go take a shit, bitch.


File: 1721635473274.png (252.14 KB, 500x624, C_M_Lids_040.png)

I'm not sure what you're playing at with this.


There's a longer time-out if you include an image, text-only should be 10 seconds


The first analog horror character?


File: 1721635582662.png (57.31 KB, 227x135, ClipboardImage.png)

This hand-positioning just always seemed awkward to me. Screams tummy pain.


>giant hiatus from 2009 to 2013
>Homestuck brainrot

But that window meshes perfectly with the gigapause of each. Elegance.


Or rather, the first mascot horror character. I use one term for the other because they go together like peanut butter and jelly.


Shut up!


File: 1721635829951.png (20.99 KB, 271x70, ClipboardImage.png)

Will I ever be able to finish it?


File: 1721635868886.png (24.39 KB, 222x256, marshie.png)

*Rapes your waifu.*


Well I find it rather groyperous, personally, but I did suss out it was probably related to her hand positioning.
What I was actually wondering about was your replying twice in different typing voices.


Marshie has genitalia?


>What I was actually wondering about was your replying twice in different typing voices.
One was meant to be Eri talking to her.

The other was meant to be me talking to you.

Nobody talked about my other variant of the joke ITT. :^( Although it's still true that I'm not the only person troonposting!


Somebody's never eaten marshmallows before.


What the actual fuck does this mean?


Dare we? Homestar cast mascot horror revival…?


>One was meant to be Eri talking to her.
Ah, I see. Eriposting can be kind of easily confused with standard coolkid case without any wwavves


How dare you.


File: 1721636378858.png (207.65 KB, 621x948, d24d3831e5cb269c7d8a055a0c….png)

>standard coolkid case
I only use coolkid case to be Eri.

If you know it's me, you should know that's wwhat I intended.


Evocative of Groyper the toad - That is self-satisfied, still, potentially malefic.
In Drosera's case, she shares the clasped hands.


I think she just needs laxatives, personally…


Maybe she learned to enjoy the pain of holding in shit


Goon/Dril associations aside, it was smartphone autocorrect that utterly weaned me of this.
The second one finds themselves going back to delete capitalized letters to signal less effort, it ought to trigger self-reflection




>it was smartphone autocorrect that utterly weaned me of this.




nice 413
But it would work almost too well, wouldn't it?






Some things are better left unsaid.


Yes I closed it in time


Let's see what Bing can whip up before I go to bed


File: 1721637811731.png (778.24 KB, 839x701, ClipboardImage.png)



HOMEstar not RIStar


2024… I am forgotten…


File: 1721637925212.gif (2.81 MB, 374x374, homestuck-skibidi-toilet.gif)

>Getting the irresistible urge to crawl back into bed due to depression
So this is what it's like to be white again…


File: 1721637943089-0.png (2.09 MB, 1024x1024, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1721637943089-1.png (758.81 KB, 1024x1024, ClipboardImage.png)

I specifically prompted armless, too

Well gnight


>Well gnight
I just woke up and ate, retard!


Oh, Canada…


I meant me. Enjoy the silence, then, unless the euro crew crawls out


>Enjoy the silence
And then I got up because it was making me more depressed…


tony hawks underground 2


Hello, Pogo-san.



i dont even know what this means


That's your name around here now. Get used to it.


your name is now gaylord
suck it down, idiot


>your name is now gaylord
No, it's not.
>suck it down, idiot
Post it first.


File: 1721642828882.png (1.55 MB, 1920x1200, ClipboardImage.png)


>Get cold
>Turn fan off
>Get hot
>Turn fan on


File: 1721649278941.mp4 (797.78 KB, 720x744, RPReplay_Final1721505920.mp4)

I fucking love the Chinese.


File: 1721652010973.png (37.65 KB, 341x103, ClipboardImage.png)


Destiny looks unclean.




File: 1721660112414.png (195.55 KB, 412x335, ClipboardImage.png)


Scott? Scott Adams?
What are your planning with Africa…?






File: 1721663834806.png (152.8 KB, 1049x668, ClipboardImage.png)

I always wonder how things might've shaken out if HSG pooled resources and made metastuck hsg a party member in Lisa


could name a toy Nanc4


Sluggo the lazy talking lighter


Fanta is stored in the tits


Mr Beast's TRICKSTER outed himself as an agp pedo troon with terrible taste (shadman)


File: 1721667552944.jpg (116.62 KB, 1280x720, wfX6lu7jlDs.jpg)


Is it suss that he tries to pass for 20?




mr breast


File: 1721669416467.png (24.89 KB, 330x330, ClipboardImage.png)

can boomers please stop using photos from 20 years ago on social media
Nishi's actual face in the video gave me whiplash


oh btw I WILL kill you if you make a Zip Lash joke


noww this has my vvote



Mr Breast
Ms Scrotum


File: 1721669856321.png (437.4 KB, 1920x1080, ClipboardImage.png)

BotW/TotK cancer on display…
koROBO confirmed to be shit


BotW gets a pass as a successful experiment, imo
The 6 year expansion pack, I dunno…


I agree on the succ part, not sure about the rest


French keyboard mode seems to only exist to bewilder me for half a minute every few weeks. I'm not even sure how it got installed


Don't succ my boko club, this untested zako weapon can only survive a few strikes


File: 1721670894852.png (39.07 KB, 298x405, ClipboardImage.png)

took a look at koROBO's server


Why are you showing your discord profile?


File: 1721671018221.png (88.06 KB, 1280x437, ClipboardImage.png)

What the fuck was their problem?







File: 1721672037516.jpg (262.83 KB, 1280x720, 2019112219432100-3C66B776D….jpg)




File: 1721677527814.png (43.63 KB, 707x177, ClipboardImage.png)

Now I've… quadruple dipped on this one?


n0t true
My hair is just Like That


File: 1721702207460.jpg (239.89 KB, 1080x1440, 20240723_043608.jpg)



this u?


File: 1721705536243.jpg (121.31 KB, 1250x423, ClipboardImage.jpg)


Tatsuya believes all that tho


I feel like she's a character that's been through every SFW fetish at this point.


I think even Undertale kiddies are preferable to LISA kiddies who are like microgoons.


>Spirit bad
>Body good
>From Tatsuya "Sex killed my grandama" Ishida

Also, you can't go "Muh Tikkun Olam" and then say that Judaism is FUNDAMENTALLY anti-nature. I don't think any world religion is fundamentally anti-nature. This is just Nip sperging.

The only way you can rationalize early, early, EARLY Judaism being le bad is by being some kind of retarded neopagan but even then the claims that neopagans make ("churches le bad") butt heads with the more contemporary anti-Jewish talking points ("the Jew is a nomad") but Tatsuya of course makes both.

>Shows the black sheep being shunned


You are ruining antisemitism for everyone!


Undertale reference?


>. I don't think any world religion is fundamentally anti-nature. This is just Nip sperging
varg thinks this about muh abrahamic desert cults too


Hey, why is everyone here tricky now? Is this some hot new trend nobody tell me about?


Yes, because Varg is half-retarded. I'd be far more interested to hear his side since it's not just his vril talking. Does he use anything historical or is it all just rhetoric?


What's TRICKSTER about my squeezepost?


I'd start worrying if that's a mod


I don't know what that is. Sounds kind of tricky doe.


are we talking about tony hawks pro skater again




*Twirls hair.*


Would you be willing to drive her everywhere?


to shit


drivvin your trans gf to use evvery privvate public bathroom on the continental usa


File: 1721719415028.png (34.56 KB, 320x320, 123349727@2x.png)

Oh brother, you don't have $4.79?


I can see Eri being a TRICKSTER chaser. Petition to bring back Eri when they finally introduce June (2053)?


I just refuse to buy more things this month for a couple of reasons…


I meant if >>7485 was a real woman Though I don't see any neglected houseplant or succulent there…


Yeah, what I meant, was l-like their dick! I didn't just now come up with that!


Again, not to bring up the MY HANDS example again but those just look like MY HANDS with some light polish. Those are not a woman's HANDS.


theres like 15 people here shouldnt everyone know who everyone is


What did he mean by this?


I'm me


File: 1721719833183-0.png (457.5 KB, 593x338, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1721719833183-1.png (361.56 KB, 594x335, ClipboardImage.png)

>Screenshot 1
>Screenshot 2


Haaa, you're lucky I'm a softie
Use only one each



that theres like 15 posters here so everyone should have some kind of idea who each person is


>Refuses to add me
Wow, I see how it is!


Who are you? What should we call you?


im me x:



Keys are cheaper, tho
Why, did you share your account?


Transgirl confirmed?


You should just know, okay!??!?!? >:(


I've leeched so many games off this place, XLR in particular.


I wonder if XLR retired from humble bundling alongside retiring from hsg


XLR probably left to troon out in peace. It's like a dying dog…


Anyway, now that I have a web developer eating out of the palm of my hand, I can finally put the random.txt I've been building up to good use…


Is it one of the mageofminds on there, or wwhat


"Vampire survivors with porn" seems like some new trend. At least among hack fraud Taiwanese devs.


Doppelgangers. I should harass all of them.

But no, XLR is my boy that is a friend. That should be enough info!


File: 1721721553142.png (212.49 KB, 752x295, ClipboardImage.png)

The xianxia looking Rose, Rose Lalonde avatar and previous username was almost enough to make me pull the trigger


Adding them.


https://steamcommunity.com/id/magofmind Only one comes up. That's crazy.


Crazy how they're both Roses. Really makes you think, huh?


https://steamcommunity.com/groups/fuck1407 I suppose I should just link to what the official flimsychan Steam group was supposed to be before the Discord fucked everything (the first time.)


maga of mind


It can serve as another regrouping method for Megido if it ever shits again too, I guess.


What if Trump was….


File: 1721722243080.png (54.53 KB, 184x184, ClipboardImage.png)

NOT a Rose


File: 1721722611767.png (43.36 KB, 184x184, 1721722243080.png)

How about now?


She's in.


File: 1721722654226.png (13.32 KB, 239x54, ClipboardImage.png)

Drosella… I…


XLR's friend list hews closer to an official hsg dex, I submitted an my application to join


That ❤❤❤❤ could be anything


>I submitted an my application to join
I forget how Steam ruined groups. It says nobody wants to join.

Maybe you could stop being a perma-offline cuck and that might fix it.




Wait a minute, I'm retarded! What other curse has exactly 4 letters?




File: 1721723240374.png (552.95 KB, 615x616, ClipboardImage.png)


Nofap <-> intestinal masochism


I hope the Flimsychan situation works itself out by December. So I can do my yearly ritualpost. Even if only Meowrails Anon is around to see it.


Who's nofap when one is Drosella?


Pogo is, iirc.
And since I'm being all uninhibited and social, I'll send him and RoW a friend request too

But I'm skipping that anon who called me cringe earlier


And with that, I should sleep


https://tobyrogers.substack.com/p/a-fork-in-the-road Found this when I was looking for the base image.


Pogo's in your cuckgames?


can't wait to post "vaxxed?" when they announce biden's death


I didn't think Liedna masturbates…


i dont get the thing in cooking where they cook something with vegetables and then throw away the cooked vegetables
i get that its there to give flavor to the liquid thatll be the sauce
but thats perfectly good carrot and celery and onion and what idiot would turn eating those down


>but thats perfectly good carrot and celery and onion and what idiot would turn eating those down
>Pogo is a rabbit


rabbits eat lettuce and berries stupid


It worked in my head.

Anyway, you will be my new target of unrequited affection and harassment since XLR ABANDONED us.


File: 1721725602254-0.png (11.8 KB, 128x128, spoiler.png)

File: 1721725602254-1.png (30.64 KB, 128x128, spoiler 2.png)

File: 1721725602254-2.png (6.51 KB, 140x50, file deleted.png)

i forgot i had these from like
4 websites ago
remember the good ol days


Petitioning for the AR ones since the old admins and mods didn't listen to me.


i agree. it just makes sense.


File: 1721725999905.png (247.79 KB, 604x1410, ClipboardImage.png)


Thank you, Pogo-san.


File: 1721726559331.png (1.12 MB, 1080x1075, ClipboardImage.png)


AR mogs Nepeta


And yet the admins and mods of the old site refused to change…


File: 1721727046670-0.jpg (381.11 KB, 1016x920, Screenshot_20240723_025852….jpg)

File: 1721727046670-1.jpg (436.23 KB, 949x1028, Screenshot_20240723_030502….jpg)

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File: 1721727046670-3.jpg (886 KB, 1452x2270, Screenshot_20240723_030631….jpg)

What was his fucking problem? Dude almost died doing this.


too based to live


The current spoiler image is funny and all but the AR one just can't be beat, yeah


I don't know what it is because spoilers don't work for me. Every time I try to spoil something, it just deletes the file.


File: 1721727277125.jpg (106.57 KB, 898x665, 1721718943073203.jpg)



>Just pokes instead of "kanchōing
Not based enough.


That's Street Fighter 6 for you.


File: 1721727385272.jpeg (168.33 KB, 1280x720, proxy-image (3).jpeg)

i wanna say snk would never but they gave my boy kev the same treatment


he wanted to appreciate the softness


You appreciate softness by penetrating aggressively.


File: 1721728465616.png (Spoiler Image, 208.71 KB, 512x512, ClipboardImage.png)

let me try


cringe ass spoiler image


Oh, yeah, I forget, it's an "at-risk" character.


at risk. of being retarded.


If someone can find definitive proof of MASS TRICKERY, they should present it to the court.


No, no, no.


File: 1721733454412.png (132.14 KB, 900x276, ClipboardImage.png)


>Try to pick at my underwear from my dick
>Accidentally just squeeze deep into my testes

Also new

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