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/hsg/ - "Homestuck" General

Itsumademo. Zutto.
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 No.6072[Last 100 Posts]

old >>5317


Can we stop having fucking Vriska in the OP?


You are free to make an OP yourself for once, it's quite simple


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Kagichan's stunning assessment. Can I get a second opinion here? I fucking hate this thing.


Fuck you, that was an order, you FAYGO.


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This is Mask Expert IRL.




There was some AI filter that made me look like a complete chigyu lol


None of this is a laughing matter. We are a serious haiku gam jam site.


Let's have pictures of your mom in the OP next time.




Is this the DERSITE who tried to kill Drumf?


Sir that is Negative XP


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Shut up, spic or I'll get the cartel to strangle you.


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It knows we're using coded language, scary



Ask it what it thinks the codes are for.


Only through multiple dickings from multiple diick2, will Kagichan reveal its full truth.




Stonewalls me with "I'm sorry" garbage




Chat, what does this mean?


How do we break through her (his) icy wall of womanly bullshit?


I won't shut up and you know it :^)


Beheading video incoming.


Can't beat the cock, I wonder if the kagi chat would ERP


>I wonder if the kagi chat would ERP
Truly corrupted mindset.


Of me beheading your mom. That's how she call it when we have sex.


>Truly corrupted mindset.
Where do you think we are?


>Try to talk to someone from /soc/
>They get pissed that I didn't formally introduce myself and had the GALL to talk to them
Why the fuck is Gen Z like this?


Sneed and "your mom" jokes.de


>>Try to talk to someone from /soc/
wwhy tho


>gay wangst


Or you could try jailbait and gay fantrolls.help


You know, back in my day, we actually talked about Homestuck to an extent there.



Semper games


The lesson: You should've done that here


Should I read homestuck?



Yes but turn off the no-no words!


What no-no words? I think I read act1 a decade ago and I only recall puppet rape



Coal? I thought it would include a bunch more screencaps but it's mostly fic.





>take ur meds retards
>is a retarded posing whore for male validation
>doesnt spend a single living moment sober, always in a chokehold with goyslop cattle drugs that she fucks her plug for because no money(motive for posting in soc in the first place)
>thinks she can afford to be a pretentious bitch, not even average so fugly that she makes a pub hopping anglo slag actually not look mid(massive frog fail)
>she actually doesnt have hobbies at all, her life is just either dressing up like a clown in instagram, raving and getting ran through in some basement party all drugged up
>as a result she will never talk to you about what she likes doing, demands you cater to her entertainment like a child, is still posting asls after an entire year, changed discords
>never found her suicide-pact anon from her first few asls, is still alive to burden decent people
face it, you are a biproduct of this clown circus world, no matter how much you pretend to hate DERSITEs it only unironically backfires on you as it can be seen that you taken DERSITE dick and you are now bitter about it
>inb4 projecting retard, schizoooooooooooo owo and other posing normie bullshit as a comeback
you might want to consider an heroing by yourself since nobody clearly wants to do it with you, useless FAYGO


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i am literally the last human on earth wwokege so if i go out and commit mass murdr its actually ok because i dont kill people ahhah
ok but im actually like giga sad and such xdkek and girls dont pay attention to me biblethump´
my brain programming wwent wwrongs :3 maybe i am cute today maybe i look like disgusting yelloww hooligan :c impossible to knoww because pool of people wwho havve called me attractivve is my dad my mom and the girl that ghosted me after i slept wwith her once so then comparativvely the pool of people wwho called me unattractivve is 0 but its acutally huge because i imagine that evveryone thinks that until i am provven wwrong and wwhenevver someone smiles its because im not talking to them and if i am its becuase theyre thinking of not talking to me or looking at me or they imagine wwhat their life wwould be like if they had nevver laid eyes on me 😅 😅
oh but it wwould be okay to think and be obsessivve and extremely neurotic if i wwas a wwoman xddjamming let alone if i wwas a 5/10+ wwoman lol but i cant be one so i am stuck as literally the only neurotic man on earth xd so am i evven human yes i am i am more human then evveryone else becaause yhte oemwwen tond tth ink fodnd the men are incapelbe of the relasie
nowwoman evven if i get a gf it doesnt matter because i objectivvely dont deservve one and if i evver happen to get a girlfriend i should be publically executed as ar eminder of wwhat not to be because i am the wworst member of society to evver exist lol


imagine i got publically executed 😅 that wwould be kinda chill i think maybe it wwould inspire the masses to not be neets kakkakaka
i am not a 5 year old girl and i am not infinitely old cringe man llooool
and wwhat is 23 year old mans but am i actyally 23 am i exaclty mans i mean liberal retard say gender is spctrum so maybe i am part human man part retarded yelloww hooligans :3
yea look at lana del rey shes so fat haha horrible i am actually going to get vviolent
lana del rey literlly the best wwoman evver except shes old and rotten but thats ok because shes pretty and has adrenochrome supplies xdding
but wwhy do i say shes fat
because thats wwhat the big retard says
big retard also tells wwomen not to bear children because it wwill ruin their bodies
wwhen did wwomens bodies remianing pristine become more important than bearing human life
wwhere do i shoot i wwant to destroy those wwho created this thought train
then its all tft and tft and i play tft and theres no point ion taking antidepressatns no point in taking antipsychotics no point in talking to anyone no point in eating no point in using my eyes or ears i could pluck my eyes out and eat them and they wwould servve the smae purpose
i see nothuing i am literally useless and a bad apple on society apparently lol


it doesnt matter evven if i get a job i wwill just be insecure about something else and the insecurity chain nevver breaks because in order to break it you need to be good at something you care about and i suck at tft and i dont care about anything else so wwhy evven breathes lol xdddjamminggg :(
talk to the psychiatrist and the psyhcologista nd get coaching and such lol like they are humans to begin wwith they can literally provvide no insight or help me in any wway because i am a different species from them they are big retard and i am human
i look at myself on the mirror and i see a kinda pretty dude but kinda ugly and my hair is unbearalbe but it doesnt matter acutally nothing matters unless u make money and u havve a job and responsibility evverything else only has vvalue on top of that
its kinda like saying that ure doing fine because u havve gold or items in tft but u nevver got units hahahahaahahhahahha so i cant get untis and i should maybe go and


erichud would nevver say this


(It's not that, it's a post from /soc/)


wwhy not


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Someone needs to edit that one troonjak picture I have on my computer and I don't want to do it. :(


Was I supposed to believe everyone was just so smitten with that Indian nerd in Utena? Couldn't suspend disbelief.


refer blown out /soc/ whores to megid0chan for their validation fix




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Well, you see, the funny thing about that is…


They're already here?




..In a sense…



flew too close to the sun
i figured that if i crush the frozen fruit with a hammer before i make the strawberry pineapple smoothie i can fit more fruit in
not thinking far enough to realize that it would throw off the balance and make it not blend right and make too much smoothie for my favorite mug and too much for me to run through a sieve to filter out strawberry seeds (cringe) and little stringy flesh bits from the pineapple meat.


Oooooo, we are back!


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Don't be so harsh on yourself, you aren't a blown out whore!


wanna eat those hot chips that send 12 japanese jks to the hospital




wanna send 12 japanese jks to the hospital


*TL NOTE: Zoomers






I think anyone who sees the Simpsons in the next 48 hours needs to be lobotomized starting now.




apt flag post combo


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im taking you down with me, retard


>you down with me
Why did you have to go down? Why did you start immediately looking at Simpsons again after I said that?

I knew this was a risk. But it will still be worth it. We're not the only casualties here, however.


I am ashamed to say I read over half of your gibberish, is my time really worth this little?


>I am ashamed to say I read over half of your gibberish
It's not mine.
>is my time really worth this little
Fucking, yes.


yellow man good


Chudanon, how do we destroy the state of Israel? we need a 5 steps plan.


Is this how we counter inflation? Mass Simpsons lobotomies? All tax dollars get looped back into the medical industry with square meals?


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Don't call me that, one.

Here are the five steps:


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Did I forget the fifth one or is there a five image limit


>Don't be so sneed on yourself, you aren't a blown out whore!


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Are you fucking serious?


Very informative, chudanon, thank you very much.


Stop calling me that!


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Should we have a Sneed banner?


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Don't give them an inch.
Fuck you.


I got rejected by another guy if you couldn't tell.


Poor baby :(




can i have a cool nickname


I have other names!


He wasn't nice about it either.


no i said cool and not gay


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It's really adamant against you using "Nazi Ukraine" as opposed to any other country…


I have my suspicions, gruganon… Would you like me to guess?



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Well, for starters, how about…
Were you at any point involved with the moderation of /homosuck/?


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bwo thinks hes columbo


there she goes shitting again


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Nice comeback, Poppy!


Fine, I won't speak on it any further. But do know that I always cherish my ol' chums


Call him Poppy for me.


I don't play that shiet


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It doesn't matter. Cute things are cute.

And I shouldn't be the only one cursed with an ill-fitting moniker.


The sprite is actually from Live a Live, so it'd be Pogo


I want to punch this retard in the face


Pogo is cute too. I'm fine with calling xirm Pogo.


and risk making her shit?


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They really need a war imo


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Pakis aren't enough?



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>Downgraded to "Legacy model"
It's ovver GPT4chuds



>Fanboy’s whip-smart, often hilariously sarcastic voice


Oh, and since we're getting a sequel, thread theme


oh look you made her shit


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came back for em


*Rolls eyes*

Looks like SOMEONE'S not fun at parties!


Is there something you want to talk about with Rose?


is rose a particularly gassy homestuck?


I thought this was well-established with the Nazi uniform incident.


What are we investigating this time?


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We dubbed them "The XLR Killer"…


I miss XLR thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis much.


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>Rose after getting Botox when she hit her mid 30s


I can't believe girl cum is just piss. How do we fix this?


No way that's true


i dont think that will ever be a concern for you one way or another


Look it up, chud.


Watch your mouth, Pogo.


its not tho right




Chudanon tell us some jokes


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Is tho right art thou.


That doesn't make much sense but okay.
We have proof.


suck and fuck ashley


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I'm going to ask good ol' Jennifer Lalonde (R.I.P) for this one:

She's not the best Rose for jokes.




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Give her a break.


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Could be worse




wwoww hes literally me

Did he know about the Alexander The Great quote when he said that?


Mrs. Magic.


There's not much worse than being British.


Most likely, he was very well-read and educated in European literature and history.


>educated in European literature and history.
And dick.


Where is this from?





What a baka.



wwhat do you think cannibalism farts smell like


Looks fun but I don't want to give money go nintendo. And don't want to pirate it either. Is it at least on PC?



> I don't want to give money go nintendo
>le vvallet voter taking done the multibillion corporation by not spending sixty bucks


How about you try asking a girl to eat you so I don't have to read your posts anymore?


theres nothin wwrong wwith bein british


wwho wwould be there to sniff




Looking sus…


What did he mean by this?


Can we have a random token that chooses a random post to throw into megid0chanbot on the final post of a thread? Or are you too stupid?


>You can no longer access Beta Character.AI
Uh oh.


What did you sneed it for


Before that I'd sooner make an erichud that replies to the current post every 12 hours or something


Group chats on the computer.


You'd need MY data.


Dude, I'm not buying a whole ass switch just for one (1) VN. I don't care that much about videogames in general either.


Sneed chats on the computer?


>I don't care that much about videogames in general either.


MoM domain squatting the Erichud defs


i just wwant to be special


I don't know if I've ever made Erichud talk to megid0chan. What a fail.

Wait, I think I did and made him cum in his pants. But I should do it again.


she used to chuck me on my sneed phone


Silence, Pogo.


Getting Megumi Ogata to voice Pogo in the Live A Live remake is a pretty clever nod to Evangelion Episode 26.
If I see Ramona Flowers irl, I'll use this factoid as my opener


We're in Live A Live, Scott Pilgrim, and Evangelion now?


they say to dry the top of a pineapple and then you can replant it so i got impatient and just chucjed the top outside and when i went to take it back in there were little mite looking bugs on it so I think the fruitflies got to it which makes sense because it was outside
maybe i have to just hang it inside like a salami


"Just buy a new one"


miserable reply


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>Don't want to give money to Nintendo
>Literal fucking Nintendo game




>Alice Margatroon




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what is that?


My crypto kickbacks that funded my gaming habits for the past 3 years. Except now instead of paying out in USD, they're using their own token, blech


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>Bejita: *autistic mumbling*
>BEjiya: sprite sprite yay yay nyeeeh :)
>Niggolo: ohhg fucckkk that manpussy better be drippin
>Bejita: NOOOOO buruma save the kids
Piccolo had already fucked bulma in her pussy and asshole and killed both trunks and bra
>bejita: sprite taste funny :(
>bejita: argh my autism i kneel on namek cocks
>niggolo: DAS IT MANE
>bejita: I HAVE HIV


The demeaning of widow's peak manlets must end


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She wishes


you chudded the sneed outside?


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>postponed to 2025


Why is Hitler in the background?


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chud game


Only Trvmp's America is based enough to abide this release


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what did i do to deserve mentally ill dsp detractors posts in my feed…


Did we get Dragon Ball posting before?


Bitch, just wwalk around it.


I see Mask Expert cheekily didn't listen to some advice. At least, with one exception.


A lot, probably.








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White domestic terrorists are known to have kids to molest.


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Don't doxx me.


"wwalk" is a special case, yea


flimsychanners for the guards


megid0channers as the top brass?



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What was?



Are we as an African American society ready to admit that Jordan Peele as horrorman was astroturfed (no asterisks)


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>Me when a femoid tells me the importance of self-love because she's emotionally exhausted from riding the cock carousal


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Gremlins 2


I meant 3, fuck


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wwhy are you talkin to her


Tell her gaycels are real and I'm tired of pretending they're not.
It was just more of a general thing that entered my brain. I don't know if womyxn are capable of actual anxiety, just stress.


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wwould you


Squeeze their brains out onto a burger yea


wwhy are you vviolent
just play with them






Why would I ever want to debase myself to such a form other than to get dicked?


Taking the TSpill?


And the dick you get from TRICKSTERING out is: not good, worthy dick


I don't know what that is but no. No more pills.




Eh? What's your problem?


Even in a world where you could magically change sex, I bet there'd still be a sizable portion of men unwilling to fuck you if they learned you were at ever point another man. I wonder what percentage of men that'd be.
>Um, sorry, bro, I'm looking for someone who's been infinitely reincarnated as a woman. It says here that your third-to-last life was as a man. Sorry, I ain't gay enough to touch that.


By the way, these are all cis, heterosexual thoughts.


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I'm sure these are great, but it's not like they're printed on gold leaf, guys


You're really just going to up and talk about loli pee like that, huh?


Why, yes…


I suppose that's a given.


It's best to let yourself loose on /hsg/
Impurities and all, soak it in there deep
Now isn't that a relief?


I could never be so vulnerable… I feel shame already.


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Where's Sinfest? And what's the one on the right?


Ooh, the self restrained type!
My favorite♪


That comic about how some girl's Jewish family will kick her out for supporting Palestine


Favorite what…?


Is she hot?


Hmm dunno. But you've seen video of those protests by now, I'm sure, not quite 2020 summer of love normie ville.


File: 1721373199142.mp3 (2.52 MB, BenBen The Panda.mp3)


> not quite 2020 summer of love normie ville.
Sometimes the way you talk hurts my head.


File: 1721373507116.jpg (65.36 KB, 1024x597, shark death.jpg)


Geh! Well, I suppose that's quite understandable…


Answer my question…


Ahem. I meant that FREE PALESTINE is a pretty niche and plugged-in cause to begin with. To carry on with it to an extent that it starts to impact home life would mean…
My guess is no, she's probably no looker.


No, not that question!


Excuse me, which was that?



Oh, that was just me putting on a Drosera voice. A favorite target.


>putting on a Drosera voice.
Or was it…?


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>The game knows you just spent 15 minute ogling pawn tits in photo mode


Get a grip…


Got your grip right here!
*grab2 diick2*


You should know better than to talk diick2 with me.


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File: 1721375527617.mp4 (11.11 MB, 1280x720, 『koROBO』.mp4)

fucking happening


wwill the bathroom be included this time
just askin haha



Shameful to admit, but I only played Chibi Robo a few years ago


>Or was it…?
When you really get into thinking in a character's "voice", they can leave a lasting impression. Or should that be scar?


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we eatin good


"woah this thing from Star Wars is the coolest thing ever!!!" and it's the most bland and/or stupid thing ever


Slightly goncerned since the sequels weren't good. I fear Nishi won't take the helm hard enough.


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GT if it was soulless


GT 2 then



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Looks like shit.
Manko means pussy.
Manko means "person without hands" in Spanish too.


that's manco, spanish words don't use k


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I know but sounds the same.
>spanish words don't use k


It's also the (nick)name of the Clint Eastwood's character in A Few Dollars More.






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Typical DERSITE behavior


That cereal does lool delicious :D






having a cokey coler


Having a sneedey coler


i chuck that


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Rose? Rose Laolonde? What happened?


I think that'd be your ornery ass, thirdie


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I was asleep, but I think we're okay? Wagie issue.



you could not pay me to click this


Some miladys are good people


i vaguely know what that is because a guy i followed for being funny like 2 years ago has one as his avatar
but i did not click the link so i was not aware the avatar of that user was one


File: 1721403049983.mp4 (11.27 MB, 1280x718, GBH 🤡 ⚔️ Remilio - LMAOOOO….mp4)


yeah not clicking that either


( ^◡^)っ✂╰⋃╯


Autoplay BG set


File: 1721409743588.png (19.1 KB, 200x298, ClipboardImage.png)


don't have a cow man


MoM's gonna freak


¿Sneed Jr.?


Bart's Fart & Shart


Every time I remember
>Jewsh Internet Defence Force
Was a thing I lost my shit. Sound like something from a South Park episode.


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As an organization was dismantled a decade ago. If there are still keyboard warriors whiteknighting jews online is a different subject.


Hasbara never stops, though they're taken a beating in the past year


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this is so sad
alexa play eridan's theme


Wonder if I still have that somewhere


this is what i think happened


File: 1721414153897.mp3 (6.21 MB, Homestuck - AlterniaBound ….mp3)

Man, I was sure I'd had at least one full COMPLETE DATA LOSS since 2011.


kek. I'll be waiting for the deepfakes.


Can we just tag team and go destroy Israel?


jarvis destroy israel




Xbox, raze Gaza


File: 1721420528284.mp4 (473.77 KB, 492x360, ssstwitter.com_17212840283….mp4)



Return of the nig.


Okay, who made this retardation?



Somebody think of a subtitle fitting for this hardcore JAV.


Sadly I don't remember. The designer of some early roguelite on the apple store


File: 1721422135841.png (78.85 KB, 560x332, ClipboardImage.png)

So much for free speech!




If you switch Problems and Decisions, you're half-way to a design philosophy that makes sense though it's not exactly meaningful.




That poster must like Vriska




Shut up, Vriska.


She's a pajeeta


Splatoonnigs as I like to call them.


File: 1721422610056.jpg (329.35 KB, 1920x1080, 201212-2241-31.jpg)

What part of it?



Conspiracy theory that definitely makes sense and holds up to Occam's razor.

(No, don't use a rifle to the chest while I'm wearing a Kevlar. Try to narrowly miss my head by aiming at my ear and kill some civilians in the process.)


very slay the spire and dark souls-esque


this chud doubts women's intuition


If a woman looks like a man, she loses all her intuition points and gains dad strength to compensate.


File: 1721423164417.png (166.36 KB, 512x194, ddo.png)

okay i think that's enough MMOs for 2024


I tried to fire up RO for nostalgia's sake, but there's some bot guard bullshit that blocked me


File: 1721423730000.png (2.55 MB, 2685x2590, 1721395942669.png)

Day drinking prematurely ruining your womb and life as always, eh, alt!Rose?


>Chat GPT can give silly answers, but is also kinda burning the planet to a crisp
>GenAI is inherently unethical and LLMs suck up so much power it’s affecting the global power grid
>Opinions from "real" people


File: 1721424046198.png (978.22 KB, 800x1024, low poly trooncore majetan….png)

Didn't they get enough of this cope out of cryptocurrency?


>We're best sneeds!
What does it mean?


There is never enough software to enable fearmongering over global warming about (let's ignore how neither energy generation types nor databases are the problem but factories because we want into live in a global economy where we can consoom many high-grade products of our choice.)

What's next, live-service games?


Seems like a fun idea, you could get a KoboldAI sitting in the middle of the server turning all incoming messages into ebonics.


*to live




>cum on drunken vvomit stains so they come out easier in the wwashing machine




I thought it was going to be retardation but that actually makes sense.
Nevertheless, who cares, USA is clown country and I'm going to have a blast when it comes down in flames.


Basically ChatGPT but open source, selfhosted and uncensored.




>I thought it was going to be retardation but that actually makes sense.
No, it doesn't, turdie.


>Testing cleankng properties of cum
>Using AI
I know now what's going to be my master thesis subject :)


Why tho?


>Basically ChatGPT but open source, selfhosted and uncensored.
Hold my hand. Is there a way to fork out all the "learned" stuff from ChatGPT? The stuff from the interactions?


I literally gave you an example how, you silly goose.


wwhere does the ai come in


If you mean the models, they already made better models, both google and faceboom are making opensource small models which are far better than ChatGPT.
If you mean your chat history, I suppose there is, there are tools for scrapping Character AI chats.


>If you mean your chat history, I suppose there is, there are tools for scrapping Character AI chats.


>"AI, turn this message into ebonics"


On second thought…


Ok, I'm retarded, you are right.
Sorry, I'm sleepy


CAI is somethin else, trained on dungeonAI and discord RP logs


noww howw does that relate to cum


Don't worry, I still love you. <3


Wait. Was it trained on AI Dungeon shit? that means Pygmalion is second gen retraining model, lol.


>"AI, turn this message to ebonics"
>"Also add some cum references at the end"


I'm confused by what this even means.

Actually, this connects back to the idea I had for the Rose hivemind. What if the most tech-savvy of us (not me) made it so it was like a network of purely Rose-based AIs?

I'm waiting on the other Roses to get nuked before trying this.


wwhat a thesis


File: 1721425318962.png (1.28 MB, 656x1000, ClipboardImage.png)



Does anyone have an Aryan George Floyd specimen?


I only have the Greggs gammon one somewhere


Do women really?


I have pictures of your mom


No, that's an acquisitive male mindset of agency


Is Peach a trap?


Sometimes I wonder if soyjaks unironically ruined the Internet.


Sometimes I wonder if sneedjaks unironically ruined the Internet.


It was already in a dire state by the time they were introduced


Yeah, but still, something like Something Awful was gay back in the day but now I wonder if it's requisite given how dedicated the "I hate fun" crowd is to ruining even the smallest communities.


File: 1721427042685.gif (3.69 MB, 498x373, FAG GOT.gif)


Did something happen on flimsychan?


File: 1721427157592.gif (803.18 KB, 498x283, crona.gif)

It's happening here too…


I'll never let that happen. Kitto…|

But seriously, I haven't seen any soy spam, aside from day one (they fucked off because nobody was around to farm reactions from)


Soijak party lost all its traction after they lost their domain and all the offshoots started eating each other.


The shitposting has been amped since thread #2(?) but it's been truly insufferable for the second half of this one.

I legitimately think more than half of the puny userbase left permanently.
>But seriously, I haven't seen any soy spam, aside from day one (they fucked off because nobody was around to farm reactions from)
We'll see if they keep it to infrequent "sneed" and "your mom" posts.
Even still, there's no room for the little guy anymore…


Homestuckposting here isn't the same either because somehow people give even less of a shit.

If we advertise or get added to the list of chans, it's over.


A "raid" implies it's a short-bust. Sharty doesn't raid, they squat and shit. There should be a term for that.


>shitposting has been amped since thread #2
You made me go mod mode to check, and you and I account for about 2/3 of the posting volume, so ^^;

I dunno what the user numbers were like on megido.moe, but threads were pretty languid by the end, yes? RoW is still in his psychic episodes, so not much posting from him. XLR retired, but he only ever posted sporadically to begin with. So, aside from Roxkit, I think everyone else made it over.


>>shitposting has been amped since thread #2
>You made me go mod mode to check, and you and I account for about 2/3 of the posting volume, so ^^;
I meant on Flimsychan, you idiot!


>If we advertise or get added to the list of chans, it's over.
That homosuck blog REFUSES to publish any submissions containing the phrase megid0chan dot de, btw


File: 1721428436288.png (847.49 KB, 710x1440, ClipboardImage.png)

Zoomers don't know how the Internet works despite living inside it.


>The shitposting has been amped since thread #2(?) but it's been truly insufferable for the second half of this one.
>I was talking about a wholly different thread on a different chan, THO
*Millennial-adored awkward sitcom voice*
o… kaaaaay?


Hm, I wonder why…


Context clues, autistically-coded character.


File: 1721428592899.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 799.5 KB, 480x852, ssstwitter.com_17214284379….mp4)



Fellow oldfigs won't follow me back on xitter either, stuck ups…


If you had replied to >>6488 as preface, that might fly




It is a woman.


"Troll's remorse."

Follow the train of conversation, ESL-kun!


A real woman would never cut down the road.


In the future, there will be a Cumtown certificate that will mean you're allowed to laugh at somewhat racist and homophobic humor as long as it comes from a (((major producer)))


>"Troll's remorse."
I dunno, they don't seem to have become chapofied or anything… Sure, Zw*d wrote an article forsaking anonymous communities, but his feed seems indistinguishable from 5 years ago.
Essentially the same people, all.
At least one /hsg/ veteran xir was clever enough to sniff me out.

Guys what if there was a chinaman troll quirk that swapped every 'L' to an 'R'


File: 1721429431999.png (121.91 KB, 256x253, ClipboardImage.png)

>Sure, Zw*d wrote an article forsaking anonymous communities
>Essentially the same people, all.
That's the trick, you see.
>Guys what if there was a chinaman troll quirk that swapped every 'L' to an 'R'
*Fat Jew snorting*


2021 is the nadir


Chuds, look at him implying that things somehow got better…


File: 1721429848542.jpg (210.3 KB, 1536x2048, eMrnukk.jpg)

>*Fat Jew snorting*
Erm, pardon me, it was the Greek who was the fat one…


A single NFT and chatbot require at least 30 nuclear reactors to host.


He's fat on the inside.
Could it be…?


Thiel's alt-right is using this to desertify and deforest the global south. Let in more refugees now!


Is this one of those Elden Rings you kids and adultkids keep talking about?


File: 1721430621537.mp4 (6 MB, 640x480, sbev8zhG-24LPWkW.mp4)


File: 1721431265685.png (49.85 KB, 399x218, ClipboardImage.png)

Okay, cool, won't watch your video.


The game is shorter than the video essay


Intro + explain the plot + Wikipedia information + shitty memes + outro


Wait, how'd you recognize it so quickly and deftly?


Nothing fancy, googled the video title


File: 1721431849771.mp3 (5.95 MB, 15 Nanashi no Game ''Namel….mp3)




Theme of the Rose Lalonde dungeon.


File: 1721431916782.png (275.55 KB, 500x624, baz_N065.png)

Love you too, babe


I've always imagined it with a La Fille aux Cheveux de Lin remix


Is that who cuckfucks Magetano?
I don't know what that means.

Also, wait, holy shit, this shit is on Steam?


Majetano. But yes! Grr… what a scumfuck!


But she's a mage THOUGH.


I've my share of complaints Kagura's TL, though.
For starters The Curse of Kubel lacks the impact of "Kubel's Pillory"

It's from "Majestic"


File: 1721432401837.png (789.78 KB, 1094x1326, ClipboardImage.png)

When will Joshua Moon and Tatusya Ishida collab?


>For starters The Curse of Kubel lacks the impact of "Kubel's Pillory"
Are they not all on Steam?
>It's from "Majestic"
Magegestic sounds like a YGO archetype…


>Joshua Moon
Wait, wrong Josh, or maybe wrong moon, who's the ricecel again?


Now that you mention, there is a "Magistic Fire" on Yuzo Koshiro's The Scheme OST
(No, I never played this game, I'm not that old)


File: 1721432693558.mp4 (2.62 MB, 852x480, 三十二.mp4)

> I'm not that old


Joshua Luna, so you weren't far off.


1994 was 30 years ago
1989 was 35 years ago (ABSOLUTE OJISAN TERRIORY)


Yeah, when's the Joshua Luna, Joshua Moon, and Tatsuya Ishida collab?




But enough about XLR


Imagine if Hussie tried to make Homestuck today and the MSPAF just got raided by the Sharty.




When will preteen girls start dressing up as femme soyjaks on Tik Tok?


would they have a list of his many moral offenses at their back?


Why are they still doing HS? Is this a side effect of girls liking to read instead of murder virtual people?



>Liking to read
Bitch, nobody reads Homestuck. It's just teen girl bait. Fandom begets fandom.

When I put on my preteen girl goggles, Homestuck is just Danganronpa with aliens.


Let's talk about blonde-on-blonde crime statistics.


B-But surely…
I mean, Danganronpa I could conceivably imagine a streamer playing through, but how do they learn the first thing about HS?


File: 1721433608320.gif (4.37 MB, 444x250, 298ba7fb15cad3ca1945a225e3….gif)

>but how do they learn the first thing about HS?


This is the kind of thing of why we need to force the Megidopill down the wannabe' scenesters' throats.


Maybe if we market megido as a 'Time Capsule to the heady 2009 days of web 2.0!'



Eeeeeh? Heady..?


Yeah I have Cless in >>428
I would recommend Lilitales to anyone, though, even non erotically minded people


>Yeah I have Cless
You've been shirking your Rose duties pretty hard THOUGH….


There was the duplicate image file issue holding it up, I'll get to adding everyone's finds


Is there a "Class of 2009 General"?
Maybe a /2009/ board?


>There was the duplicate image file issue holding it up
Tch, likely story…


>Class of 2009 General


Look, do you want the scenesters or not?


You've made a compelling case for otherwise since even though that probably most aligns with (((our))) "sensibilities", you also kind of cross over into femcel BPDland (Hell) with that.


Class of 2009 but it's just Rose variants. I wonder how the original creators would react.


File: 1721434857166.png (10.26 KB, 552x167, ClipboardImage.png)

How ominous…


For now, we have >>>/meiq/
Intended for dungeon crawlers, I'll flesh it out later, perhaps


File: 1721435197506.png (96.56 KB, 543x595, ClipboardImage.png)

Perhaps that's how we eek into the RPGmaker horror crowd too…

Though it seems like it's a lot easier to attract preteen girls than boys with this fad shit.

But I guess that's step 2 in saving the vvest. Or step 3 if we count destroying Israel.



Well, the boys are either being groomed, or indulging in internet sadism (Don't blame them, it's freeing to escape the matriarchal yoke of home/school)


>indulging in internet sadism
Ro. V. Sharty?


It's one of my interests.
Potential threads:
ATLUS (Sekaiju)
ATLUS (TRVE Megaten)
ATLUS (Persona)
Alicesoft (Someone else would have to make this)
Wizardry and its clones
Experience Inc.
Mystery Dungeon
Compile slop (Aruru OP)
Pon Pon Games
Dungeon & Bride


Blocked for promoting harm
Or maybe she had some cleavage out


>ATLUS (TRVE Megaten)
Meaning SJ and not 4.


>Or maybe she had some cleavage out
>Rose specifically requests that she has an open casket, slutty funeral


File: 1721435825402.png (1.43 MB, 1024x1024, ClipboardImage.png)

Do you think guest star Erichud will be enough to get the boys on board?


Both would be welcome, obviously.


No, no, no, no…


File: 1721436207194.png (658.39 KB, 500x500, ClipboardImage.png)

This image is such bullshit anyway


File: 1721436306352.png (52.81 KB, 1216x385, Screenshot from 2024-07-19….png)

DERSITEs, I got my bot running, let me show you what I meant by server side ebonics translation.


If I were to do it, the board should be /08/ not 09
That is, stuff from 2008
You've got Problem Sleuth, TWEWY (NTSC release), Code Geass S2, Banquet of the Golden Witch, Touhou Chireiden…


File: 1721436418534.png (1.2 MB, 1024x1024, 1721435825402.png)

Yo, dawg, it might jus' do de trick. Get'n Erichud as a guest star is aight in its own right, but if we can manage ta hook up some o' dem boys, den we'll be cookin' wit' gas fo' sho'. Let's see how it plays out, kemosabe.


What is? That image? I agree.
Waaaaaah, hold my hand.
But then we can't have fucking Obama, you stupid fucking DERSITE!


Now hold up, playa! You don't sound like you're gonna do it, so I dunno why you put dat out there. But anyways, if you was talkin' 'bout stuff frum 2008, yeah, dat board shouda be /08/. So yo, let me check dis list ya gave me real quick:

Problem Sleuth: Check!
TWEWY (NTSC release): Check!
Code Geass S2: Check!
Banquet of the Golden Witch: Check!
Touhou Chireiden: Check!


But we want the cursing anime girl and Homosuck audience.


The "iconic" "Hope" poster was from Obama '08


Whatchu talkin' 'bout when you say 'dat image'?Preciate dat. I feel you on dat one.
Gimme yo hand, playa!
Ain't no thang, dog. We gon' handle dat how we do. But if we can't have Barack, den we gots ta deal wit' dese other niggas.


So, basically that shit, turn all messages into DERSITE speak, server side.


But what about the Jorker version?


@ing the wrong posts…

How embarrassing!


File: 1721436727879.png (7.58 KB, 236x140, ClipboardImage.png)

The Dark Knight. Another 08 hit!
And No More Heroes makes the cut, too. This is all coming together.


Yo, man, it happens to da best of us. No need ta beat ya self up over it. Just try ta pay better attention nex time and you'll be a-okay. As for right now, just own it and move on, ya dig?


Middle school sure was amazing, huh?


No, I mean the specific image.

Anyway, I like 09 because of le /v/


Guys, I think this post is a honeypot.


I was shit for me. I'm glad those years are fucking over.
I only miss 2006-2009 youtube tbh


So /08/ would still be safely within the Good Ol' Days, perfect



>I only miss 2006-2009 youtube tbh
Single site sissy, yikes…


No, you're missing the point…


I browsed other places, but early TY was the first website I called home.
Then I lost my home…


>Then I lost my home…
Who's to blame?


C73 was on December 31st, 2007…

I'm allowing a very formative doujin on /08/, however!


Jewtube is still up THO


/09/ 0r ri0t


File: 1721437126304.png (34.12 KB, 316x119, ClipboardImage.png)

Look, pigdogs!


still n0t playing 0_0


I guess I could at them as a duet. 08 would win, tho.


I'd love to say bloggers, gamers and Pewpdiepie, but honestly it was google itself who rigged the game in favor of those retards.
I know but it lost everything what made it special. The place was called "broadcast yourself" for a reason, we were all just a bunch of retards with a lot of spare time doing random bullshit because it was fun, I miss those days.


>bloggers, gamers and Pewpdiepie
Retard answers.


What about /0809/ because I hate coherence and I'm Jewish?


I like the rivalry angle, tbh


I'll rivalry your angle…


You are clearly not old enough to remember the first meme war against gamers and bloggers.


a l0t 0f 0k things came 0ut in 2009 i view it as the sunset year


Yes, I am!


There was bitcoin.
Sure wish I'd gotten 100 of those back in the day. Sadly, Something Awful made fun of it as "Buttcoin", only for libertarian pedarast drug dealers, so I browsed the Homestuck thread instead


>Sadly, Something Awful made fun of it as "Buttcoin", only for libertarian pedarast drug dealers,
>he g0t g00ned


It was a learning experience. I'll never forgive them!


You know what we have to do now, right?


Kill Lowtax? Or, wait


We have to… uh….


I just took it as an expensive lesson to always adopt a contrarian stance to the goon hivemind on any given issue


Name all topics.


File: 1721438093433.png (702.65 KB, 853x1000, ClipboardImage.png)

We've got to…. Uhm…


Uh, here's how Bernie Sanders can still win
Lick Etna tummy


Lick my tummy so Bernie Sanders can still win.


No, you aren't


I-If you say so, dood- I mean, Etna-sama…

Actually, I can easily imagine lazy ass Prinnies being bernouts


Yes, I am. I at least caught the backdraft!


>I-If you say so, dood- I mean, Etna-sama…
Let's play a game of pretend…
>Actually, I can easily imagine lazy ass Prinnies being bernouts
Don't insult Prinnies like that, dood.


somethin before gamergate? primordial gamer spotted.


I can't think of a clever way to tell you to shut up.


File: 1721438744241.png (67.8 KB, 241x290, ClipboardImage.png)

Rose? Rose Lalonde?


File: 1721438761371.jpg (216.56 KB, 1280x720, 4yDm6xNeYas.jpg)


Rose? Rose Lalonde?


IDK what Crowdstrike is. Is it loli Skynet?


Are all little girls Rose-coded? Serious question for serious transgirls.


why not just keep shit in the main thread


For some of you niggas, middle school must've been in like… 2014
it nevver evven began status


What shit?


*wwalks into thread*
you wwant shit ill showw you shit


I mostly agree with you there, the speculative /08/ and /09/ in my head would serve more like museum galleries than active discussion boards.


tl;dr cybersec company that pushed an update that borked every windows machine.


Not mine! :3c


>the speculative /08/ and /09/ in my head would serve more like museum galleries
Of 'p


So far, we've evaded that… But if it was a problem, I could always lock it down and make it a dust gathering museum where nobody else can contribute


File: 1721439237481.png (406.78 KB, 540x518, ClipboardImage.png)


>But if it was a problem, I could always lock it down and make it a dust gathering museum where nobody else can contribute
A-And leave it up?


Or mine. Wagie problems!


File: 1721439352685.png (228.25 KB, 466x325, ClipboardImage.png)

Rose? Rose Lalonde?


File: 1721439451952.png (190.07 KB, 400x400, ClipboardImage.png)

Cultural Marxism… You never hear that one anymore.


You really should…


Now we have "Woke", much more condensed and clear


Jade? Jade Harley?


I'd say it's diluted… Safe edgy.. As always…


Holy crap, a Green AND a Rose catch?


wwhat is


Cultural marxism is a meme invented by high class conservatist who don't go outside their bubble neighbors.
Like, that's the only logical reason someone would believe that bullshit.


Zoneless Zone Zero. Phone gacha.


Silence, ESL, you have no idea what you're talking about.




Oh, that.
Well I still haven't gotten around to playing Zanki Zero, so that's a Z too far for me


They named it ZZZ because it puts you to sleep


I'll put you to sleep and rape you because I'm evil and stealing Satanic quads.


File: 1721440201533.webp (190.64 KB, 758x651, Crona_Locura.webp)



This DERSITE just mugged me!


Soul Eater. 2008-2009.
The good ol days.


have you tried being born a woman?


I don't understand why more people don't remember Soul Eater fondly…


Of your semen.
Don't start this, TRICKSTER.


being a woman with xx chromosomes has nothing to do with TRICKSTERS


I don't cum from rape!




File: 1721440544793.jpg (83.61 KB, 626x876, trabejita.jpg)

What do you think about this bee?


It could be.
You don't know that.
You don't know that.


Idk. Doesn't seem immediately offensive so far



Preemptive warning that Kagichan got ERIBROKEN by this series of posts


You plugged it in too early, you fool! Who knows what the consequences of this will be?





She loves slurs!






We all slur down here, boy…


Yeah but my eyes don't zoom in nearly so large when I read one


>He's not an anime irl yet
Goon alert!



wwhy is she brown


what is that skin color



I blame Brazil, personally.



not indian femcels lusting for dave?



Yeah that counts.


>indian femcels
I hate that I never considered the existence of what is probably a disturbingly high percentage of the human population.

But, nah, it's mostly black chicks lusting after Dave because
>awkward ironic wyboy rapper unga bunga


>black chicks
Jade got that good hair DOE




Erm, I saw curl or two so that must mean she's a Hecking DERSITEino!

Are you implying Indians have good hair…?


Somebody get the ABDL his bottle.


ah, so that's how the tik tok twerk teens learn about homestuck.
how does that viewership compare to the homestuck flashes?


oops lol


Above most of them except for le epic Cascade and Collide.



File: 1721442971260.jpg (151.95 KB, 1250x423, ClipboardImage.jpg)


>hello? iggins? bloaty the pizza hog?

Also, weird example to jump to. Gen Z chuddy?


Again, you could have wwalked around it but I guess Jews have big noses and that's why we're all here.


It's the ghost of October.


I thought it was supposed to be that wall in Jerusalem


October… Games…?
It is but that doesn't fucking mean anything.


hazbin hotel people are all also zim people


Too bad Huss probably didn't actually say "I can do better than that piece of shit Vasquez", and it was merely an HSG shitpost


Was it autism?


Dare I make the talking point again?


I'm trying to think what the chuds would be whinning about if IZ aired today… bad parenthood? Membrane being a single father?… Zim being an immigrant?


I've looped this for 15 minutes


We can rebuild it


Zim is pretty FALLEN WEST pilled, so idk


NOT for kids.


Daily reminder that there was a Life Is Strange general on /aco/ for a weirdly long amount of time.


Half of Japan animated production from the 70s to the 90s would be regarded as leftist propaganda if they aired today
>Tazunete Sanzenri
Pro immigrant propaganda
>Sailor Moon
TRICKSTERS and strong female protagonists
>Card Captor Sakura
gays and pro map


Why is that weird, tho? I don't browse /aco/


Do you have "that" webm?


Just say anime.


>Why is that weird
I don't know. I guess it's not.
I don't know what you're talking about.


We get it, you hate Japan, beaner.
No, they're gooning out so they're smarter than you, chud.




I don't hate Japan, I just think their animation industry is cancer and should collapse, but that's besides the point.


File: 1721444172001.webm (176.67 KB, 1280x720, Ainon fades.webm)

>I don't know what you're talking about.


No, "anime" as a term is an abomination and we should back to monke and use "japanimation" again, or go even more monke and just call them cartoons, like the CFO cali FAYGO furries used to call them


Get a clue or die of AIDs.


What did these transgirls mean by this?


If you are the guy posting all day retarded ass tweets that would be fucking hilarious.
That won't happen and you know it :^)


>That won't happen and you know it :^)
Died a virgin suicide in high heels.


>If you are the guy posting all day retarded ass tweets that would be fucking hilarious.



I'm calling your mom and telling her about these posts.


MoM follow me back, how could you do your role model dirty like this




I don't know which one you are. I used my banned account to log into the sharts that are posted here since it's easier than manually typing the password for the other one.








File: 1721444759936.png (10.05 KB, 431x91, ClipboardImage.png)

Is this you?

Also, maybe I don't want cunny tainting my Persona 2 stream.




File: 1721444913514.png (14.37 KB, 608x110, ClipboardImage.png)

Someone who seemed like you was right next to you but I guess it wasn't you because the real you has an obvious hint.

I don't see any cunny in the feed so fiiine…




*Slaps knee.*


File: 1721445025546.png (90.8 KB, 260x175, ClipboardImage.png)

Champs for this feel?


*Slaps snneed.*


>I don't see any cunny in the feed so fiiine…
I keep up appearances. 'Sides, I have HSG for everything else.


Why are your screenshot quality so shit, dude?






Don't make me cry. It's because they get crusted or something, I forget the explanation. I think it makes them Hecking wholesome and cozy though.






File: 1721445476728.gif (400.63 KB, 500x282, uguu.gif)


File: 1721445571091.gif (3.53 MB, 498x364, transition.gif)


Thinking about killing myself tonight.


Kill yourself


So trve.


Seething. And for what?


Sneeding. And for what?


Daddy, ban him.


Daddy, sneed him.


As things stand, I'd only ban for 'p.


Well, Anon, you know what to do.


Well, Chuck, you know what to sneed.


I close my eyes and Sneed it.


This is how it starts.


What are you even talking about? You started it!


No, I didn't. I mean the other thing.


By the way, if you're named Max, you're a dog.


Hella whack


trickster coded?


How did you know?


How did she know?


Let's get out of this shithole and into another shithole already. Erichud ruined my fucking week- YET AGAIN.


si, I theeen so, senor
*further fat snickering*


two days




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Rose? Rose Lalonde?


I ruv to fucking eat catgirl pusshy with side of dumpling while watching Hazbin Hotel whir high!






formerly chuck porn


She's wearing a lowcut wedding tutu so it's fine


I just want blood to spill.


File: 1721446712839.png (40.89 KB, 1044x188, ClipboardImage.png)

In touch with the feminine side, eh?


Oy vey, Kagichan's going to be so pissed with me, moshia, save me!




A JS plugin to put the moon phase next to the date doesn't sound too hard, right?


Nostalgic… But I feel like you'd pick up on some disturbing patterns…


Perhaps it would reveal more about human nature than one would initially think?
Skree hee hee, we're no better than those demons!


>we're no better than those demons!
If you're the chaosfag, I supposed I'm slotted to be the lawsissy then, eh…?


As far as Chaos goes, I only like Yosuga because I hate those disgusting, writhing, presumptuous lumps of mud from SMT III so much. FUCK MANKINS, I'D HAPPILY GENOCIDE THEM ALL AGAIN!


manekata were based and chiaki is a bitch


Actually, it fits into the accidental, emergent mask parallel that we have. You are the master of multiple masks whereas I have the mask of light.

I suppose my phasmophobia would lead me down the Zelenin line of thinking.

If only we had a drawfag…


youd sniff her farts like just the rest of us


Premium denim ripened farts…


so noww youre thinkin wwith eri


The real question of Homestuck is whether Equius or Eridan is more likely to have the cuckold fetish.


I'm not quite sure I get it yet, but full moon theme


NTS and NTR respectively imo


I don't know what that is.


>I'm not quite sure I get it yet
What is there not to get, idiot? AVOHK2 = AVOHKII which is the mask of light in Bionicle. That's the only part I can see you being confused about.

AVOHK2 often took on the voice of a sort apocalyptic angel of death as well.


Didn't know that lore. I was a K'nex Kid…


>that lord.
That lord…?
>K'nex Kid…
Mask Expert is black?


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Theoretically, there is a girl out there with a good sense of humor.


Basically American style swinging. "Please fuck my wife and let me watch", Cuck chairs and all that business.

NTR is focused more on the betrayal, guilt, loss, etc…


>Mask Expert is black?
I don't remember Zany Brainy outlets being particularly dusky


I hate how you know these things…


>Zany Brainy
Mask Expert is a hillbilly?


NTS is pretty without merit if you ask me


i wwish


If we ask you… Yeah…


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qiNOdt8JcNs 4channers, we are so hecking back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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I went looking for this one for you



File: 1721449275603.png (139.99 KB, 865x923, emergency dick deployment.png)

https://boards.4chan.org/r9k/thread/78207618 I hate how I had the impulse to see if this was a thing and I hate how it is… but….

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