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/hsg/ - "Homestuck" General

Itsumademo. Zutto.
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 No.18160[Last 100 Posts]


Snooze ya lose, MoM


made it by the skin of my teeth, literally just checked the site a few minutes ago. phew
do you mind putting "old:" in the OP, i rushed making it




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File: 1724816119459.jpg (547.95 KB, 2048x1291, 1704164175672068.jpg)

thanks bro


I was playing a game.
>Literally rushed it and has to have their diapey changed by the admin
Fuck you for enabling them.


>Odin is so timeless even doe he's dead and we're obsessed with race


>Page fucking refreshed so I can't even show what my thread would have been


a babys gotta do what a babys gotta do


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Kagichan double retard feature.






Hey, since you can edit in the post, you might as well change the picture too, right?
>DiscordDERSITES doing gay ops to irritate others
>The one thing I don't want and MEX is just letting himself get fucked by troons


File: 1724816677490-0.png (29.18 KB, 728x62, ClipboardImage.png)

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Chuuni!HSG and his void powers


File: 1724816697265.gif (523.57 KB, 498x260, homestuck thread.gif)



I like how it singled out my suicidal dream for some reason.


File: 1724816781654.png (53.6 KB, 1228x400, ClipboardImage.png)

Oh, there it is. This legitimately ruined my night for some reason. Fuck you, Omori TRICKSTER.


File: 1724816792996.png (245.23 KB, 578x437, ClipboardImage.png)

The edit post box looks like this, so no swapping pics

Well, I'm unsure what happens if I go into the thread src folder and overwrite it


Let's experiment! :)


Epic thread
Maybe next time bwo


Fuck you, traitor.



im referencing a meme post from a rugeats forum screencap. i am NOT a diaperfag


I don't believe you.


File: 1724817118390.png (197.33 KB, 470x351, ClipboardImage.png)

Maybe gmo goyfeed corn ain't so bad, look at these mutants


how do i give proof


File: 1724817229226.png (7.77 KB, 42x62, ss_debirusamana_souruhakka….png)

Let's see…


Kill yourself.


Cute cocks.


Experiment result: A trap thumbnail


Even my cocky-kun has at least some of the pack beat


Let's see it.


What did she mean by this?



Change the OP now!


Maybe if it was truly heinous, but it isn't


>it isn't


sfw art from a GAME FOR GIRLS, nothing to have a cow over


but I hate wwomen


wwe all knoww that feel


It is.
*troons, fags, and girls


File: 1724819489953.mp4 (2.03 MB, 576x1024, 36171a84-446b-495e-9723-c8….mp4)


File: 1724819505775.png (137.47 KB, 330x292, ClipboardImage.png)


Black people are going in a strange direction.


It's truly heinous because of its intent.


File: 1724819810845.png (133.48 KB, 330x292, ClipboardImage.png)

boomers "be wilin" as well…


That being?


disturbing the peace you DERSITE


Black boomers?


It's an HSG-native trickster, so all I can answer is "They've always been like that"


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Based roomer


I am amused by "serious" "passing" TRICKSTERS throwing the hideous clown ones under the bus as if there's a real distinction
literally trannier than thou


I mean if I was a TRICKSTER (real) and not just a sissy homofag I would absolutely throw any ugly trannoids under the bus.
The same way I throw annoying faggots and twitter retards under the bus even though we're both gay.


File: 1724820962560.jpg (Spoiler Image, 253.18 KB, 1500x1500, GWCxuFpWQAAxrzi.jpg)

(Free Karaposting Voucher inside)
Redeemable 1x


Hussie needs to get prinnied


Never accept gay ops, you Mexican coward.


no Clussie Viggle?


Can't you find common ground with others? You're both spongefan fans, for instance.


It's even worse with "pooners." Real crabs in a bucket shit. /lgbt/ hates transmen because……. they just do, okay!?!?!?!?


It's more biting to mock him in his "prime."

But I'm not the person making these.


yeah, I was watching a pooner video when I posted that


File: 1724821307552.mp4 (6.27 MB, 1280x720, 8ff5e307-bf60-4da2-ac3c-58….mp4)

I ain't singing about Super Pedio tonight, so here's the day's slop


>Can't you find common ground with others?
Not if they're deliberately trying to spite me, you dumbass.
>You're both spongefan fans, for instance.
I have a complicated relationship with Sponge. Keep them at a spear's edge.

Also way to out them as a megatroon.


Let's see it.


Post the .mp4


File: 1724821403155.mp4 (12.04 MB, 1920x1080, youtube_-NAQOABE9Y8_1920x1….mp4)

You mean the source vid I fed it?


>I ain't singing about Super Pedio tonight
MEXican gets more cowardly with every day.


When I was the only brother in arms to follow emeowlee (sp?) with you…


>(Free Karaposting Voucher inside)
Don't encourage them. Why are you like it?





>Why are you like it?
I value everyone's contributions to the stew called HSG. Well, mostly everyone.


*like this



Blinks like a woman still


>Well, mostly everyone.
Moronic, myopic hypocrite. There need to be some lines in the sand beyond just child porn and spamming. Such as: gay ops and spiteposts.


Most are gay so they say it's kosher.


Not based enough to make a post on megidochan, though.
Should that be a community goal?




File: 1724821837407.mp4 (6.27 MB, 1280x720, video(16).mp4)


So trve.


>Limited, mainstream, and just one instance of outright ryona


>gay ops and spiteposts
It a homegrown TRICKSTER who genuinely likes omori, what's the big deal? Not everyone wakes up solely to ruin your day.

I'd side with you they had made a SU (the coal one) or furry donut butt OP, that would get edited.


Now to tiktok reply this to >>18236 off the official megidochan account

This is how we win


>togaXuraraka account


>Not everyone wakes up solely to ruin your day.
They specifically said so. Why else would they make it an OP?
>I'd side with you they had made a SU (the coal one)
There's the hypocrisy… Take a look at yourself in the mirror….


whats your problem????


all of it
fuck you




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never played Homori, but I do have a lenient streak toward QUIIRKY EARTHBOUND INSPIRED RPGS (said the homestuck-themed chat board admin)


So true.


>never played Homori, but I do have a lenient streak toward QUIIRKY EARTHBOUND INSPIRED RPGS
I've lost all respect for you. I might throw a temper tantrum.


File: 1724822294532.png (112.42 KB, 941x780, ClipboardImage.png)

>I do have a lenient streak toward QUIIRKY EARTHBOUND INSPIRED RPGS


File: 1724822369899.png (110.3 KB, 704x400, [KiteSeekers-Wasurenai] Pr….png)

You're being a bigger little bitch about it than DEADNAME: wesley, friend


I am a little guy. I am having some milk. Wug. Bug. Uwooagh.
(advertising the ability to digest milk is a racist dog whistle)



YIIK? Lisa (last one I played)?
ironic HSG classics, they are.


It's about the implications, not what actually happened.


Implying implications.
What are they?


>Lisa (last one I played)?


>What are they?


Kinda yeah I didn't finish it


Parts of the ending make it even worse. Shitty zoomers think this is what "peak writing" is.


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Slightly amusing but I'm too angry to mentally smile.



Spiteful gayop not found. They're just fond of Omori.

Besides, gently clashing against each other with our idiosyncratic tastes in media is more than acceptable, and often funny.


Fritzi fertility maxing arc incoming?


squnting noseless Fritzi nightmare fuel


SQUINTing too
also I hate the eyes


>Spiteful gayop not found. They're just fond of Omori.
>Besides, gently clashing against each other is with our idiosyncratic tastes in media is more than acceptable, and often funny.
This is not gentle. I have wished death upon them.


File: 1724822932728.png (28.85 KB, 136x155, ClipboardImage.png)


DEATHFAT BF upon her


File: 1724823008398.mp4 (11.89 MB, 640x360, 6935-j1clk0.mp4)




Shit thread, shit edition. Hate Oomoritroon.


> I have wished death upon them.
I guess, that's fine too…
My IP note for that poster remains "MoM's Enemy", so watching your rivalry unfold is good entertainment.

Go! Go! I'm pulling for you!!


File: 1724823144675.png (47.8 KB, 187x98, ClipboardImage.png)

Rose? Rose Lalonde?


>Go! Go! I'm pulling for you!!
Evidently not…


I do hope you can win with your own power, I can't be pulling strings and swapping out src thumbnails all the time.

But if your rival happens to gloat, get cocky, and make a steven universe general, I'll gladly set things right.


racist outfit


>I do hope you can win with your own power, I can't be pulling strings and swapping out src thumbnails all the time.
You literally edited their shart of a thread to fit proper requirements.


I would've extend that same grace if you'd posted HSG XXV, too. Heh heh.


Get farted on.


>I would've extend that same grace if you'd posted HSG XXV, too. Heh heh.
Except I didn't rush it because I'm the gay op motherfucker, I'm the one trying to stop their caustic troon influence.


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Thanks to those black lace stockings covering the footer on yayuyo.css, I never even noticed the catalog has a theme selector


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Heroes always arrive late, they say. Don't I know it.


Shut up, I hate you.


They aren't acting in good faith and you know it. They're a goon troon and those are the people who are to blame for all of the cancer on the Internet.



Too bad you aren't a real pigtailed tsundere…


hate wwomen


What's that supposed to mean..?


lovve asians


That's admirable. You should cherish that resolve, and polish your OP sniping skills.

This time was a completely By The Book TRICKSTERsnipe, they even waited for the very last post in >>16929


I would hold your hand…


>polish your OP sniping skills.
Being too attentive makes you as bad as them. I wasn't waiting with bated breath for it, that's gay ops. I played vidya because I'm not one of (((them.)))


Can't you do that anyway…?


File: 1724824485891.png (253.17 KB, 500x624, C_M_Lids_016.png)


Oya, I just pulled out, though. Maybe I ought to have washed up first? Gehehe…


Eeeeeeeh….? Is this a deliberate attempt at Japanese ESL…. again…?


Go take a scat, bitch.


Wait, do you only masturbate with onaholes?


I wish I had that much diligence bwo


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Well, this time…?


I did not…
Let's hope you're holding my left hand.


>I did not…
Then why say "pull out"?

>Let's hope you're holding my left hand.

You're making this really gay.


To cite evidence, I worked your >>12128 into the ghost thread chain, while your rival's vulgar metal sonic thread got unceremoniously axed


Purely utilitarian. You clearly have bias for them….


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That's the slang for it

Check here if you don't believe me.
content warning: MOTHER 2



>That's the slang for it
Not in our country, idiot!


Megidochan is international though (USA, Portugal, Japan)


Yeah, and what country of those three do you live in?


Hicksville, NY


And what country is that?


*Nick mullen doing a chicano voice*
Jewknighted steyzz




It's hard to get the brain rot out.


Adam Driver should get a Purple Heart for eating Lena Dunham's ass on camera, even if it was "completely" fake.


And who are you to say you're not into NTR…?


I'm not completely averse or immune to it, I just prefer not to be NTR'd in the end. A Pure Love warrior, we'll say.


>I'm not completely averse or immune to it
Ominous admission…


youtube tried to trick me with a fake TRICKSTER…
(she's cis apparently)



Contact sisters, have we fallen in with poor company…?


*violent vomiting*


I mean, you don't need to dig very far into my site to glean that much.

The averse will see those three little letters and run




*wwalks into thread*
*also starts vviolently vvomitin*


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>The averse will see those three little letters and run
I mean, I almost didn't…


childhood photos in other video


That's why I decided to be a li'l evil and edit "NTR" to "Perversity" in the intro blurb!
I wonder if anyone has started a game based on that.


You should still proofread, blease, there's like 9 hours before any NTR content (just stop at chapter 4)

I'd even send you a prezzie


Could be a deep dive.


File: 1724827058767.png (1.13 MB, 888x934, ClipboardImage.png)

Nope, no bingo here.
("G.O.D." sucks!)


>I'd even send you a prezzie
What kind?

Also I had an idea, shouldn't you think of a translation patch for the Steam version, you idiot?


>Plays shit games


File: 1724827146380.png (118.04 KB, 390x222, ClipboardImage.png)

And of course, the biggest failing and biggest success of the genre.



Is there even confirmation that like a third of these were inspired by Earthbound? (Like Contact?)


Didn't mean that one.


Off is a French Rose Lalonde core, and Lisa The First is painlessly short


Stray Children is getting LISTED btw


>Lisa The First is painlessly short
Har har, shoot yourself.


>Off is a French Rose Lalonde core,
Didn't mean that one but also untrue.


I'll send you one of my extra Majetano acryllic standees or something

>Also I had an idea, shouldn't you think of a translation patch for the Steam version, you idiot?

You mean like a retranslation of already done work?
The Curse of Kubel: Katteban Edition… Or, Kubel's Pillory, as I like to call it?
I have considered it, but I wouldn't be able to resist adding my own embellishments and fanfiction if I were to go through the effort, since the game is honestly very barebones compared to Viscaria.


I just found the current nanc4 artist's face reference!


>I have considered it, but I wouldn't be able to resist adding my own embellishments and fanfiction if I were to go through the effort


>extra Majetano acryllic standees
W-Wait, e-extra…?


There was a minimum order size, so I have extras


Ugly white x ugly niggress


Meaning more than one or…?


That's why I had the idea to just do a fangame, no constraints!
Jerking around with DD2 and my megidochan buds has kind of stalled that prospect, but I do still add to my script docs when I get ideas for scenes.

If I can stick to a rigorous schedule, maybe by Christmas?


>That's why I had the idea to just do a fangame, no constraints!
Just do a Steam patch! It'd be a good way to advertise too, kuhuhuhuhu!~
>but I do still add to my script docs when I get ideas for scenes.
>If I can stick to a rigorous schedule, maybe by Christmas?


File: 1724828223510.jpg (1.32 MB, 1920x2560, 20230607_153512.jpg)

I have 2 surplus Majetanos and 3 Liednas

>Steam patch
What is that? I was simply going to host it on megidochan like normal


Also, MEX, could you tell me if all of the Roses in the Rose thread were recovered?


>I have 2 surplus Majetanos and 3 Liednas
Again, more than one…?
>What is that? I was simply going to host it on megidochan like normal
Just post a link in a discussion/guide and subtly lead people down the path of Megidochan…


contact is lovedelic-kei, simpleton


File: 1724828458427.png (257.14 KB, 635x474, ClipboardImage.png)

once again thinking about my genius plan of getting a few bitches PREGANNANT in a short span of time then offing myself


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In Africa? Is is a French thing?




RoW thing.


The thumbnails from the thread, sure, but I'd been dragging my feet on watching David and Lisa, so many threadbound ones are lost


>The thumbnails from the thread, sure, but I'd been dragging my feet on watching David and Lisa, so many threadbound ones are lost


File: 1724828651526.png (116.12 KB, 1170x642, ClipboardImage.png)

one day mario woke up


Raping little kids.


File: 1724828747364.png (71.13 KB, 199x344, ClipboardImage.png)


Megidochan community goals:
-Get Andrew Hussie to make a post (dogeza selfie preferred)
-English patch for Sakura Note


Those Are Not Our Only Goals


You are a fucking RETARD.


is there money involved in the second one cus translating for free makes me break out into hives


Mario love-a Mistah Trump's Mar-a-lago putting green! Wahoo!


Each line committed mines 4 megid0c0ins to your crypto wallet of choice


File: 1724828966698.png (515.78 KB, 1224x543, ClipboardImage.png)

Starts playing HS music right after. Megidocore?


Sometimes I wonder if I should shoot for the fan translation + patreon combo.


Now now, he doesn't go that far. He's still a hero. He simply touches the kids.


Homestuck is NOT Megidocore.


File: 1724829066165.png (200.64 KB, 1080x1083, ClipboardImage.png)



Touching a vagina or anus can be counted as rape depending on the angle of touch.


Why did you do this to yourself?


A sweet gig, if you can thread that needle.
The guy who was shitting out GPT "translations" by the boatload recently got deplatformed by patreon I think


Is that his own arm?


Big if true.


wouldn't put it past him


You loooooooove Jojima, don't you?


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Your modern Megidochanner would NOT get this.


I resent my enemy for his attempts to shill when I've spent so long trying to adapt to the kvltvral ways of Megidochan…


File: 1724829701462.png (211.8 KB, 500x500, ClipboardImage.png)

smol cat


You're such a little shit, I swear to God.


File: 1724829840161.png (766.08 KB, 750x1109, ClipboardImage.png)

They've always had a bit of that vibe tbh


File: 1724829842420.png (16.63 KB, 195x247, ClipboardImage.png)


Deep breaths, that's a different anon


File: 1724829945652.png (245.93 KB, 1103x569, ClipboardImage.png)

get a clu




Redpill me.
It still applies.


File: 1724830053657.png (19.69 KB, 640x314, ClipboardImage.png)

Can you give it a more pathetic, less proactive greeting?


Give me a good example Tweet. I just picked their latest one.


What did he mean by this?


File: 1724830211470.png (73.58 KB, 720x937, ClipboardImage.png)

trans kitten shroomfailure


File: 1724830291750.png (228.8 KB, 1080x1098, ClipboardImage.png)



File: 1724830301546.jpg (406.2 KB, 1536x2048, ExZ84NlUcAs_PYH.jpg)



>European hours


File: 1724830458329-0.gif (138.2 KB, 494x552, 1714210113697346.gif)

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File: 1724830550900.png (2.33 KB, 220x150, ClipboardImage.png)


Okay, I'm listening.


What did he mean by this?


Just wondering how the flag's colors should look


Baka, baka…..


File: 1724830827885.png (7.19 KB, 515x83, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1724830829257.png (14.56 KB, 662x195, ClipboardImage.png)

What should I say, bwos?


follow this smol bean


File: 1724830866028.png (119.57 KB, 736x899, ClipboardImage.png)

hi (im smol bnuuy wugbuuug)




File: 1724830950911.png (12.07 KB, 317x160, ClipboardImage.png)

>13 chats already


File: 1724830967888.png (1.22 MB, 1440x1398, ClipboardImage.png)



This is like masturbating your cat right


Rejected, next!


>This is like masturbating your cat right
Please go outside.


proofread megidochan.de/demoweb.html


Stop, we're not going to force a potential friend into doing dirty work.



:( meany…


File: 1724831153021.gif (1022.96 KB, 376x300, NIGGER.gif)


Upboat >>18242 on tiktok


Stop troonposting.


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File: 1724831185298-3.gif (667.83 KB, 255x203, 1724831153021.gif)



u first


Why are you like this


DERSITE.gif chopped and megidochanned


It's not on Tik Tok.


File: 1724831265319.png (99.1 KB, 500x621, ClipboardImage.png)


Fucking get mad. Fuck cunts.


File: 1724831337824.png (176.72 KB, 900x1146, ClipboardImage.png)


>Nobody gave me a good response
I'm just going to post the site. You guys suck ass.


File: 1724831429757.png (98.06 KB, 850x1172, ClipboardImage.png)


not my fault you wwere actin too high an mighty for anythin


They were all just terrible ideas.




File: 1724831614417.xlsx (167.49 KB, classpect test.xlsx)

Or maybe I should see about that classpect test page for something easily linkable to outsiders

Anyone know how to see the array within the spreadsheet that determines which class you get? I was never an office drone…


File: 1724831754185.png (940.32 KB, 602x1628, ClipboardImage.png)

I don't see any jewelpets, though, just Hello Normie

>Homestuck av in the wild

Megidochan recruit potential?


Libre Ofice…? :?


>Megidochan recruit potential?


File: 1724831912739.png (17.37 KB, 612x703, ClipboardImage.png)

Okay just dyed the cells gray that makes them show up


File: 1724831967096.png (390.87 KB, 617x664, ClipboardImage.png)







It's a pretty sparse table, clicking around didn't reveal anything at first…


File: 1724832104684.png (441.37 KB, 750x743, ClipboardImage.png)

i am kitten


You don't deserve reasonable doubt.



I'm still using tokyotosho like /a/ told me to 15 years ago


streamtards deserve it


Shut up, pissstreamtard.


Yeah probably


why can't they learn japanese and move to japan


File: 1724832379541.mp3 (6.43 MB, Zalza_-_The_Original_22043….mp3)

Should shiny posts autoplay this when they appear?


File: 1724832384328.png (1.08 MB, 1287x617, ClipboardImage.png)


Yes, dear.


Might make then a little rarer too then


File: 1724832603432.jpeg (436.51 KB, 2000x2000, GWDZa66WEAAcOBC.jpeg)

A pussy parry!




Roxkit isn't so toned thankfully




You like punching baby vaginas?


p00tler's orders


I would gladly kill you.


File: 1724832948915.wav (44.71 KB, WW_Beedle_Ohhh.wav)

Beedle's shop theme?




File: 1724833185699.mp3 (11.36 KB, 1724832948915.mp3)

Nag, nag…


I downloaded it anyway. :3


ok now thats epic and little guy pilled


Shut the fuck up.


My balls itch


File: 1724833600457.png (1.03 MB, 1109x836, ClipboardImage.png)


https://steamcommunity.com/id/lustylexy Found one of "those" on Steam.


You bought it?

I would've given you the DLC version, Maje's VA is cute


File: 1724833712053.png (751.68 KB, 606x615, ClipboardImage.png)



>You bought it?
No, I just looked on the community tab to get a scope.


In or out?


"I'm a manipulative trickster bitch"
Nothing redeemable if that's who you're modeling. And I like fielding Whimsicott, even


Play Viscaria, even the NTR man is more er, endearing.


>"I'm a manipulative trickster bitch"
>Nothing redeemable if that's who you're modeling.
Yes, it's a BPDemon troon, no shit. That's the type.
>And I like fielding Whimsicott, even


Like, what were you expecting in the first place?


>Play Viscaria, even the NTR man is more er, endearing.


a swweet lexxy
like the lexxy wwe used to havve


C'mon! Even chapter 1 to get a taste of "the happy times"

Wouldn't you love to rub my typos and mismatching of who's and whose in my face?



Also, moron!


>Wouldn't you love to rub my typos and mismatching of who's and whose in my face?
No…? I don't think you understand me at all…


Is that so?


Eeeeeh? Don't reply to such different things in the same way.




Eri for the dick, Sollux for the balls.


Like you could safely play kubel up to here to get the picture of Majetano's charm without the h-scenes.
In fact, judging from the F95 thread, many people do ragequit right about there


>Blue Protocol died before the release of the global


China too strong


>many people do ragequit right about there


The scene you posted. Where she goes to burn up the gyaruo and he whips out PLOTDEVICE to rape her instead


nevver heard a it


>burn up the gyaruo
>he whips out PLOTDEVICE to rape her instead


Pro-China board, chud.


Genshin, tho?


What about it, sweetheart?


It's too insidious. Even my unrelated bots think the fantasy world is called "Teyvat"


>It's too insidious.
Tch, you're too weak.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Futoshi_Matsunaga Suspension of disbelief for Japanese media becomes so much easier when you realize how much of a circus it really is over there.


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>Still in trending
Again, generation ruining brimstone.


The poor things precious few good options


It's untrue, they just can't recognize it.

Don't go to bed yet… Don't leave me with them…



Don't you have school soon? You should aim to sleep half an hour earlier every day.


File: 1724836937248.png (138.06 KB, 900x570, strong kitten.png)



>Don't you have school soon?
I'm not a little kid…


*Cunt punts.*


File: 1724837065294.png (2.91 KB, 121x159, fiesta roxykitten.png)

*no damage*


Go away, no one likes you.


Stay everyone loves small kit


You're just being contrarian.


File: 1724837594545.jpg (121.42 KB, 1373x1250, 339.jpg)


>Check Duolicious
>No boys


File: 1724838131800.mp4 (2.62 MB, 576x1024, 6bea96b9-ce6c-42dc-9ebc-f9….mp4)


Praying this thread gets nuked by drunk!MEX on the next reckoning.


https://youtu.be/bLZWp3B1v-Y Hassan? Hassan Piker?


>Nobody is posting tonight
Alright, I see how it is, assfuckers.


Rushes to make his troony fucking thread and then doesn't post in it.





no it doesn't


Shut up, Rev. I just looked at it.


Since when?


I don't fucking know, asshole. Look at it yourself, you stupid piece of shit.


no you didn't


Shut up, fat cunt. You know more than anyone that the clown can come to your house and stuff your shit-covered gullet.


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Oh, yeah, Survival Horror Rose was meant to be Fiona from Haunting Ground. Not sure how I'd translate that. I'd have to think of a lot of really hyper-specific jokes like I did with Jennifer.

But Jennifer turned out pretty good and distinct. I don't think we'd be blurring lines with another survival horror Rose based on insular jokes about the source material. If I'm truly bankrupt, I could just dump all the generic Silent Hill/Resident Evil/Fatal Frame/Siren, etc jokes into her as a back-up plan.




File: 1724850657533.png (210.15 KB, 421x547, GV286Y-XkAAFWnC.png)

Spit on that thang.


File: 1724850846606.jpg (2.94 KB, 125x125, Hg4TOciL_400x400.jpg)


It's sad because Tamers humor is kind of redundant when it comes to MLP shit but was actually fresh for Sonic. I think that's why the pony vids get so much more attention; they have nostalgic appeal to crestfallen bronies.


File: 1724851421671.png (177.75 KB, 1840x1040, ragebait.png)


I haven't had anything from McDonald's in like 15 years, try again


File: 1724852528114.png (37.38 KB, 212x128, 1718667610747.png)


Okay, Burger Queen.


File: 1724852804769.png (49.8 KB, 280x306, roseedit.png)

Posting this Rose again just in case MEX wants it for something.


File: 1724853063728.png (3.13 MB, 955x2048, fkdfkfsd.png)

I can't imagine any of them still exist.


You ever think about where all of this millions of dollars of election money actually go?


>have you dreamed this man


niggas will spit venom on OMORI but will still post h*mestuck related stuff. smh


No, this is a cool and original image.


File: 1724855915017.png (161.55 KB, 1080x1509, Screenshot_20240828-103713.png)

how do i proceed, HSG?


Bad faith retard who lives in a septic tank of a well.


"Your fanclub."


i may as well watch this now that it's over. i wonder if it's as kino as TADC
it's not bad faith though. i can understand not liking a psychological horror game about a retard boy in dream world but homestuck is, for the most part, a badly written teenage romance webcomic written by a man in his 40s trying to appeal to teenagers. i don't get hating one but liking the other


Homestuck General


>i may as well watch this now that it's over.
It's terrible.
>i wonder if it's as kino as TADC
Holy shit, shut up.
>it's not bad faith though
You are, in general.
>i don't get hating one but liking the other
Nobody likes Homestuck here, you fucking dipshit.


>It's terrible.
i dont think you and i share the same tastes…
>Holy shit, shut up.
>You are, in general.
for the most part, a lot of what i say is my earnest opinion through and through. you won't find a greater source of honesty in these halls other than i
>Nobody likes Homestuck here, you fucking dipshit.
yet it's still posted here… curious!


do not


>i dont think you and i share the same tastes…
Yes, because you're <18 and on the spectrum.
>you won't find a greater source of honesty in these halls other than i
You're full of shit.
>yet it's still posted here… curious!
Leftist meme. I'm mocking it. Eat dog vomit and cut your wrists inside a sewer drain.


howw to make tomato soup


>Yes, because you're <18 and on the spectrum.
im 25. i dont think im autistic but certain behavior of mine probably rubs off a lot from the people i talk to
>You're full of shit.
how do i know you're not intentionally being inflammatory >:?
>Leftist meme. I'm mocking it. Eat dog vomit and cut your wrists inside a sewer drain.
>leftism out of nowhere
mindbroken and obsessed. not to mention dodging my point


>not to mention dodging my point
No, I didn't. Die by fire.


piss your pants and cry


Shit your pants and die.


im rubber and youre glue


I will literally come to your house and kill you.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFK-KXg0978 I hate JewTube so fucking much.


mr. bad guy…


I don't know who that is so that means nothing to me. Nice coolkid case, fucking loser.


>male voice
eri fuckin time


crossie. also nice angry tough guy demeanor, poopman


What would you expect?


7 years, worthless Discnig.
>angry tough guy demeanor
I'm not tough but I am angry.
Shut up, literal troon.


File: 1724857963551.jpg (9.02 KB, 214x238, 1722546916894711.jpg)

>7 years, worthless Discnig
>started posting in 8chan
ACTUAL crossie smh
>Shut up, literal troon.
see pic




How and why does MEX tolerate your retarded ass


File: 1724858243561.png (7.1 KB, 641x557, 1708377181738101.png)


Let's talk about HRT and hair loss.


i guarantee i know more about both subjects than you do. dont embarrass yourself any further kiddo


Peak goon speak.


You're also not even fun to fucking argue with so S++ on being a completely fucking worthless poster (male human being)


>knowing about medical stuff is gooner tier
projection?? monkey cheese insult?? we will never know…


Boring bait.


*(male human being to female)
also how i am unfun to argue with lmao. id say you're salty over being owned but you'd probably call that bait too


but yeah let's stop, this is reaching wonk tier levels of discourse instead of fun back & forths


Boring. Leave me alone, troon goon.


/homosuck/ flavor
Anyone currently here is fine by me.
But even as historic hsg tricksters go, even the REALLY annoying ones, I'd tolerate most for the sake of culture and nostalgia


>even the REALLY annoying ones
This is the one.
>I'd tolerate most for the sake of culture
Blackhole of culture. Ban them.


this guy isn't even top 5


I don't care. Ban them.


File: 1724859329177.jpg (115.95 KB, 900x900, 0c2e312aa853fcfaf3ee79442f….jpg)

>ruining the broth


>Mmmm I love troon shitnuggets


You need to build up some resistance for the case that any of the others pop in


File: 1724860058279.png (4.13 KB, 415x45, ClipboardImage.png)

I'm still trying to figure out what he meant by this


Or maybe you need to go scorched Earth on insufferable troon goon cunts.


They're wrong.


I'd watch out when they start getting linguistics degrees…


They're all already in compsci.



Is that really the most damning one? How about the one about illegal content?


Might be too bad of a look for us


Illegality is has a jenna say kwa to it, immature and unproductive is the brvtal reality


Yeah, okay, retard.


File: 1724860586116.png (22.22 KB, 640x480, ClipboardImage.png)



I wonder if I even stayed up later than yesterday. It doesn't feel like it. But I desperately want to go to bed.


What will you do, bitch?


Also the named Wonk sounded familiar. I forget their thing but I think I fucking hated them.


We're saved by being Homestuck.
Those guys who made a career out of pump and dumping con GREENs probably ambled on to the next 4 greener pastures


File: 1724860750745.jpg (324.17 KB, 873x1165, damn bro, that's cold.jpg)


>Those guys who made a career out of pump and dumping con GREENs probably ambled on to the next 4 greener pastures
Nah, they're probably in jail for grooming minors. All chads are mentally ill and morally deficient.




step into the hsg freezer…


File: 1724860868843.png (395.74 KB, 2560x1440, ClipboardImage.png)




Xhe do be looking like Rose Lalonde though


I could eat a jelly donut (jp) right now


Cryogenically freeze all troon users until artificial wombs become economical. :)




File: 1724860984170.png (132.6 KB, 1280x720, ClipboardImage.png)



Portuguese understanding of humor.


You'll be fucking gay?


File: 1724861026077.png (861 B, 36x58, ClipboardImage.png)

That can be arranged


File: 1724861039078.png (172.98 KB, 768x1024, ClipboardImage.png)


You know, I always thought the posting of this individual was a joke but now I'm starting to think it's yet another fucking fetish thing.


That's funny because I thought he was a flimsychanner these days


respect the J-humor


If he is/was then he's one of the tards that turned it to shit, probably. Thanks a fucking lot, Discnig confederacy.


File: 1724861209491.png (133.61 KB, 1280x720, ClipboardImage.png)

thought it said J instead of Scr


Thought the S, C, R, E, W were T, R, R, O, and the R and M were N.


wwait wwhats wwrong wwith screwwwworms


weird cipher


Use proper capitalization and punctuation.


File: 1724861485232.jpg (533.86 KB, 1536x2048, 20240826_104205.jpg)


I meant the flimsy endemic gay troll fanart poster

It's among one of a decade worth of PC, laptop, and phone storage drives, but I did save a cap of wonk being the very last person on dumbgarbage dumping gamzee pics to himself after everyone else moved to 8chan (scary gamergoob site)


>I meant the flimsy endemic gay troll fanart poster
A factor in its decline.


Rose? Rose Lalonde?


i don't think wonk is aware of flimsychan's existence. he hasn't posted on any imageboard since 8chan fell if i had to guess


File: 1724861602389.jpeg (123.83 KB, 635x598, IMG_1812.jpeg)


Nose width –
Nose tip ++
Eye squint ++
Eyebrow angle ++
Mouth width –
Neck thickness –
Cheek fat –


I don't get this post but it sounds ominous


File: 1724861730820.jpg (106.31 KB, 1280x720, B4JB7mqUrRM.jpg)


CANTHAL TIP!?!?!??!?!?!


>Neck thickness


File: 1724861816485.png (Spoiler Image, 59.86 KB, 411x381, BBC.png)


Asian female, so it's already quite pronounced (might be makeup idk)


Poz my neg canthal tip


The FOX unit of Homestuck General:
James "Frigid Wonk" Dambro
Saltlick "Drag Warrior" Umbridge
Moody "Liquid Chaz" Narcs
Samuel "Psycho Lordling" Spongelord


I'm triple angry at MEX so I don't want to stay up anymore. Life's a bore, living is a chore.


Play Shiren
They are monsters who turn your items, equipment or characters into onigiri


So glad you have to kill them, Jojimba, you've done it again.


I'm surprised you were up this long. That's scary…


That sounds neat and fun but also fetishistic. :(


I drank a Red Bull.


>but also fetishistic


I should've said POZ unit instead of FOX. Shitpost cancelled.


No, I just know the kind of people who use this site. Use a trip so I can block you or just stop responding to me.


File: 1724862031148.png (163.49 KB, 848x480, ClipboardImage.png)

definitely one of my favorite moments of the past few years


I was hoping we'd get back to more grounded conspiracies after anonymous code


I think I felt bad about it, a little bit, when it happened but right now it's just purely funny to me.


File: 1724862234450.png (335.56 KB, 490x624, maje_p1_M_焦り泣き.png)

The GREENd coldness of the dangerbitch gf still unsettles me to this day…

There must be real girls who would cry when you get hurt and beg you to wake up, right?


There were probably "FwB" at best. I think she's just a supercunt.

Hehe, "GREENd"…"


Life's woke, then you get stabbed by a feral DERSITE


Stop making 60% of the posts every thread and I'll stop responding to you


File: 1724862399794.png (448.67 KB, 1920x1080, ClipboardImage.png)


No. There's a simple compromise and it's called leaving forever.

I was fine enough with the first OMORI thread. But then you double-dipped. And that is proof you're everything I want to escape from by being here.



Erm, ackshully, it was the homeless unfriendly public bench that killed him.


That was NTT
You're arguing even with sinfest anon now


You're mixing up anons again, idiot


Then he's just being dumb. BUT THE POINT STILL STANDS.
It's hard for me to keep track, okay? I'm not good with this stuff.


Don't bully me. I'm just a smol bean.


its fine
and the only one I hold a personal grudge against is /s/, because they banned me once
And had an oddly out of place wealthy normie sexhaver vibe


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Striving toward "baby" a trickster exists in a perpetual cloak of incomprehension


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What DOES Feraljak say to emeowyle?


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Now that it won't coddle and smooch him, I'll find out


Dude, please collect baseball cards.


File: 1724862970339.png (23.79 KB, 910x120, ClipboardImage.png)





Stalking a teenage TRICKSTER is far more palatable.


Homestuck reference?



I'm going to stick my balls up your nostrils.


File: 1724863168804.png (102.25 KB, 1280x720, ClipboardImage.png)

swimming pooner


File: 1724863171161.png (75.56 KB, 704x664, ClipboardImage.png)

Feral-san… You have to fight!


File: 1724863174487.jpg (234.61 KB, 975x1256, Tumblr_l_189525249612468.jpg)


Why is emeowyle so powerful!?!??!?!?


And just like that I know you're a fucking braindead TRICKSTER all over again. 50 first fucking dates.


This would NOT happen in real life.


File: 1724863897705.jpg (56.16 KB, 640x480, 16-Persona2-1-18.jpg)


is this how zoomzooms flirt nowadays?


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today I will remind them


Please stand for the national anthem.


sochin life


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Jack of Blades from Fable the lost chapters would be good enemy for Homestuck in some session.
He is debatably better as the enemy that even Lord English while having pretty much alike ways to snap back to reality out of non being, have some similar interdimensional artefacts, having own juju etc. And this Jack is charismatic smartass unlike dumb skull hulk LE is.


>dumb skull hulk LE
What was the point of this?
Caliborn taking too much T?


>What was the point of this?
Becuase it is how it is. LE is a boring character.
Yeah… Very entertaining character, not flat at all.


Homestuck would've had way more staying power if he turned out to be another svelte objecthead like Scratch


Yeah. HS-2 team can fix that. Trying, at least


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I'm looking over my English patch of RJ114469 again
Never released because it was a rather basic RPG VX game even 7 years ago, and I went a little WorkingDesigns on the game in my youthful exuberance… But I think it's sorta funny. The script wasn't so serious to begin with.


Nah. Making a game with RPG Game Maker with Stalin and Ayanami Rey seem to be not the best idea


why did they have to scratch the session again?
the god tier kids could easily take down jack 4v1
GREEN could solo him even


Didn't the yinyang bomb make IT infertile or something? Or maybe that was the next session


I forgot about the yinyang bomb until you mentioned it
I recall Karkat making some cryspeech about giving the pre-scratch session cancer (the tumor) because he bred the frogs wrong, and the post-scratch session being sterile for some reason which meant they had to bring in the forge and all the other shit from the pre-scratch one


They apparently needed the giga weapons that Jake sent them for the bunny so it was just kinda predetermined.


The "irony" is that Jack wouldn't have been able to do shit in the first place if it weren't for the stupid bunny in the first place


in the first place x2 combo


>why did they have to scratch the session again?
Lol, I was ralking about since HSG on /co/ - starting a session kills and exterminates the universe the session was started in. And by thus an invincible immortal Lord English will die - he won't get killed and won't defeat withinghis univers, but he would be erased with the universe.
And 69-bomb is nothing to do about it. The only important thing is starting a new session inside the cursed cancerous universe they all stucked in.


I do wonder if the alpha kids would have been alright if the trolls never happened and it segue'd pretty much directly after showing jake's letter at the end of act 4(?)


Probably not possible. As much as Hussie makes up shit on the spot, he planned out Lord English and Doc Scratch since the intermission and wanted them to have a Jekyll and Hyde sort of dynamic, with Scratch being the cool and collective right hand man and English being the hyperviolent evil mastermind. If Act 6 wasn't as drawn out as it was, I think English would've been a decent final antagonist. Make him the same amount of coherent as he was when confronting the Handmaiden instead of a retarded monster with no dialogue.


That being said, with how much I despise everything in Act 6, I still enjoyed Caliborn's antics a lot. The only thing that brought it down was Hussie's self insert literally talking and guiding him throughout his session because he's a hack. If that charm would've carried onto English in a more mature way, it would've been epic.



>I do wonder if the alpha kids would have been alright if the trolls never happened and it segue'd pretty much directly after showing jake's letter at the end of act 4(?)
They might not even exist more than just NPCs. Don't forget, that whole Homestuck thing could simply be the Matrix game, a simulation like Sword Art Online and started the moment John, Rose, Dave and GREEN started it. I fact, it could all be a John's one. And every single one time paradox is just a game mechanic of inserting a fake memory into player's head coordinating with every other player of session brand new relatable data to perfome the past events that affect future.
Once, actually real ending of Homestuck plot going to get reached, game simelation turnung out, John putting down his game glasses or a helmet or whatevev and he is still 13 years old kiddo with upcoming dad's cake for birthday down there in the kitchen. After he will get rid of cake, he will going back his room to start the game of Homestuck again to see if it rogue-like (with everything different every new game start) either it's not, so John could fucking it up really bad every moment he can to see what's next or speedrun this beloved game of Housetrap.



As much as I hate that ending trope, it still would've been vastly more satisfying than what we got.


original is better


Caliborn was the one good thing about Act 6


Yeah, he should've gone from li'l incel chuddie to big chud energy


so it's just more paradox space "it happened this way because it had to" bullshit


File: 1724873906714.jpg (72.16 KB, 750x767, 20240828_213647.jpg)

>actually, i love being british!


wwhat things wwere said


i couldn't care less, yet there's nothing else ITT so I'll asking: what is the confession a twitteroid talking about?


like, there wasn't anything inherently making their session unwinnable, they just accidentally ended up with a superboss who replaced the black king because of Bec's shit, but if they managed to defeat him they could still complete their session, unlike the alpha kids where the session was inherently fucked because there were no prototypings and CD blew up the battlefield



Yeah, I don't see how PM + GREEN with dog powers + Rose with grimdark bullshit + Dave with time shenanigans + John with bunny couldn't beat Jack. Like, PM is literally another Jack so they hardly need to do much to tip the scales.


cringe but also would


B-But the alpha kids and Lord English…


based and would


That'd be fine, like they "win" the session and then the le big green man appears or upon reflection, realize that more must be done to close the time loops. Leads into NG+ Alpha session


Game I'm thinking about making next ended up having a Lord British parody villain and I'm wondering if I'm just damned to have Homestuck brain forever


Imagine the smell


you could be the first to make the villain idea work


My villain is shaping out like Drosera, but with different priorities and fetishes. So I escaped HS at least


File: 1724875152183.png (1.7 MB, 1316x1162, ClipboardImage.png)


Anon, no… Don't give into the dark side.


I am unsure if I can pull off the actual "you have to abuse a ton of "glitches" to kill him" well so I might give up on that, but I think I can at least make a fun character


It would be cool if the only way to beat, say, God, was to edit the game to delete a forced loss or impregnable defense condition


If it makes you feel better, a villain for a story I'm thinking of was originally based off the idea of "What if Hussie's self insert wasn't a self insert and was an actual threat as an author-like demiurge, personality and abilities all", which is probably faggier than yours. Thankfully it evolved from that concept and doesn't resemble him anymore, besides his power level.


>[spoiler] doesn't work




It's flanking ** on here
I can fix that one


*stubs toe*


File: 1724877562948.png (139.41 KB, 474x474, ClipboardImage.png)

I wear mask. You have problem with that?
t. Slipknot


File: 1724877675686.png (973.39 KB, 818x627, ClipboardImage.png)

My masky workplace actually closed down last month.
We'll see if my next freeter gig is such a covid holdout


File: 1724878072484.png (787.96 KB, 640x850, ClipboardImage.png)

Not many teenage girls really insert as Jane, hmm?


Jane doesn't have much going for her, to be fair.
Relative lack of dialogue, spending most of the webcomic mind controlled, and nobody wants to be condemned to become the whitest tradwife.


>nobody wants to be condemned to become the whitest tradwife
this right here is wwhy our birthrate is flounderin



oh, the site isn't smart enough to cut ** off the end of the url



You'll have to offer commentary with your spoiler twitter repost, at least an ounce


it's a sinesian post, you know it's going to be hypercock miku or something horrid like that


File: 1724880162634.jpg (168.19 KB, 780x1291, 1688384493495790.jpg)

>hypercock miku


>it's a sinesian post
Didn't recognize the name, actually
(At least that's not as bad as not recognizing a figure like ShindoL)


god i fucking hate artists that turn into boring old fucks who complain about current thing
>wow tiktok sucks!!! wow this is just like bowsette!!!
like yeah really fucking breaking new ground with these takes



megid0chan is in 0f c0urse



Such projects finally have a permanent home, so s'pose I might as well publish this one next.

It'll need a real QC pass though, I'm already seeing their/they're and its/it's errors from Past Me


It's always "why are OTHER people jumping on the same trend I am???"


Attention economy is ruthless…


hidden lewd board…


It's ain't so lewd just yet, but by this time next year…



File: 1724889130899.png (1.55 MB, 1141x1295, ClipboardImage.png)

At least SiRuKuRe seems immunized from all this


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File: 1724889366610.png (13.07 KB, 598x100, ClipboardImage.png)



We tswanese value family, food, and music :)


>:33 >


:33 < *ac strips down naked and squats down at her litterbox to p33*


Should I demand her badge?


File: 1724892174659.png (1.87 MB, 1200x1186, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1724892197145.png (11.15 KB, 416x75, ClipboardImage.png)



close but not quite


File: 1724892665036.gif (3.49 KB, 147x238, roxykittenpacifiersuck.gif)


It's like
a pussy pee or something


teenage roxkit's irony phase


Average gen xer


wwhats wwrong with shindol


*quietly hands ovver badge*


File: 1724893009698.png (20.15 KB, 720x480, roxycat growth stages.png)

Roxycat still saying "a pussy pee" as a teenager just to piss HSG off


nothin eri i wwas just referencin


actually I read the post wrong ("as bad as recognizing" instead of "as bad as NOT recognizing")


wait so
the erispeak function DOESN'T include an autoquirker?


No, I am not fucking flirting with emeowyle but you better believe that Generation-Z is the most socially retarded "what", "ok", "aight" generation online.


No, the onus is on you.


I formally apologize to Sinfest Anon.


She should go back to SA.


Roxykitten would NEVER pay ten dollars for a pedophile forum.



File: 1724894215410.png (7.66 KB, 222x129, precious gay babies.png)

Rosekitten probably would though, since she's canonically attracted to dead, gay things.




File: 1724894716389.png (327.14 KB, 1080x433, Screenshot_20240828-212038.png)



Hussie wanted an interdimensional threat bent on indiscriminate destruction that nullified both games. In this mind, it means another omnicidal unga bunga because the world of Homestuck is an empty sandbox of disconnected sets with no stakes attached to them as opposed to everything else, the same "nebulous win the game."

If Hussie focused on perhaps DEVELOPING LAND QUESTS, you'd give Lord English a very specific role that'd be distinct from Bec Noir.

But the truth is that even Doc Scratch is bullshit full of retcons and inflated importance to the plot that involve elements that were never previously established before him. On paper, he sounds cool. And then you look at the comic and he doesn't have any influence on events so much as he just warps the comic around him because he was the new big bad ("durr hurrr its meta" but no, every new development is like this.)

Nothing fucking happens in Homestuck, the passage of time is entirely inconsistent, and there's generally just nothing to do. That's why Hussie gives villains stupidly simple motivations. He can't write character motivation and he hates writing world building so you end up in a situation where anyone proactive is inherently antagonistic (we even see this with Grimbark GREEN wanting to train Dave which is likely both an admonishment of Davefags but also people going "PLAY THE FUCKING GAME" as was Caliborn, really.)

It's mostly just the collateral damage of Bec Noir. Also, presumably, the Exiles were important even though he ruined their story arc and basically never went back to it.

Presumably he destroyed something also relevant to the win condition but you can't ass me to conjecture what that may be.


>The body was too long

The cancer is Bec Noir.
I don't remember this.
It Homestuck.
Lord English is specifically created when a universe dies. Him dying with a universe is unintuitive and silly. The only real way to beat him should realistically be "win the game in spite of him."
That was the original intention. Go back to Act 2.
The time limits be closed were the problem to begin with. That was always his gimmick.

It's shonen videogame baby brain. Even at its best, I can't see people writing a way where it's actually cerebral which would be the only thing keeping it from being completely embarrassing.
The real reason is that no straight woman likes Jane's suitor (Jake) and every woman wants to fuck Dave and be the "quirky girl not like other girls" (like other girls. Their iotas of legitimate characterization are barely factors. It's all just presentation because wwomen and the Homestuck fandom and Homestuck itself are all terribly retarded and shallow.

And then everyone stopped talking.


IP check.


emotionally stunted manchildren analyzing video games for children from the 90's? my favorite!


She was literally based on a goon.


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Trans thread
Do not engage




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She was based on Hussie's mom


Mom =/= Roxy.


Hussie's mom really liked Donkey Kong Country and sexting, I'm sure.



It's only by enforcing this distinction can the stain on the Lalonde name be contained


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It may surprise you but there are no confirmed gay or trans characters in OMORI. Two of the main characters were in a committed heterosexual relationship.


The McDonald's app does deliver but it's technically through Doordash. I don't know if the Anon I was talking to only knew that.


IP check.


>It may surprise you but there are no confirmed gay or trans characters in OMORI.
Made by a fujoshi, shut the fuck up, you disingenuous cunt. Everyone knows Basil is a faggot.


Waistline check


File: 1724895420996.png (6.74 KB, 461x71, ClipboardImage.png)

trouble brewing…


So true!


I'm under >140


That's a funny sentence. But it wasn't deliberately. My brain is just scrambled.


*peeks over urinal*
PP check.


> deliberately
Oh, come on.


The author is a fujoDERSITE so everything you said is immediately invalid.


>I'm under >140
cm tall?


Weirdly enough, I estimated the exact amount of money a Happy Meal would be for me (but I am tipping the maximum amount.)

It will take about 30 minutes for them to come here.



>Eating on McDonalds unironically
Do burgers really?


The standard got dragged down by "games journalists" who failed out of their dream of writing articles for the New York Times about how wwomen had better sex under socialism


Get his fucking name right, please.


Wait a sec


>Happy Meal
If you are the Hello Kitty TRICKSTER from last thread, that would be so fucking funny


I want my YGO! toy, chud. And also I'm rapidly losing weight so…
It's Yu-Gi-Oh, you tard.


File: 1724895678299.mp4 (2.45 MB, 720x1280, _0ZcK74R-BMr5ei5.mp4)


Full on unironic, ingenuous request here.
Name ONE bad thing about fujoshis


Goon takes. The eternal goon.


You're proving me right about you.


feel free to invite many fuj0shis to megid0chan th0


>He thinls they care
"""gaming journalism""" lives from rage clicks. The fact that you and your peers give attention to it means it works, so they get their paycheck while you are a lonely retard complaining about stupid shit online, just like the TRICKSTERS whining about Hogwards Legacy.


Oh, yeah, I forgot to say: "Terrible."


Go off yourself, TRICKSTER.


It looks like HSG XXIX might be a fair race


(Thread 32 is already creeping up, huh…)


I wouldn't be interested if it was just Hello Kitty. This falseflag is boring.


I don't want it to be like this. This is gay ops. This is how Chan cultures die.


People hating each other and spamming porn is not "general culture", Juan.


Doordash will drive the 30 minutes to find this. At least the tip on one happy meal is max.


next thread wwill be eri


Juan Egberto


File: 1724896179304.png (179.78 KB, 505x651, dave and rose burger king.png)

>Mcdolands like… le bad!
>Delicious barbecue burgers that are served in a minute right into people's cars a hundred times an hour is a sign of a degenerate and weak civilization
>We should all eat buckwheat, cow dung and fried insects like based thirdie countries, instead
I don't think people appreciate the glory and power of a civilization that can create fast food


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Felt mischievous. Maybe it's because my cat woke me up to meow and then immediately hide under my bed once I woke up like five times.


Am I a sapient sexdoll to you?


Shut up, Chubby Rose Lalonde, you're making me look bad.


Again, does he have image permissions or not?


That's why you use archive links, to give as few clicks as possible


>Defending a megacorporation unironically
Posts you can smell


Go take a scat, bitch.


Smells good.


You don't trick anyone TRICKSTER


IP check.


Even better, do not give a shit about it and do something else


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He has megidochan mustard edition


We should really restrict Rev's image access. I don't know why he'd be posting shitty unembbedable Twitter links other than he's retarded and/or he wants shock value for when it's especially perverse shit.


We should make Rev a mod.


Maybe he's considerate to megidochan's size on disk, chud?


I love little toddlers that just reverse everything I say. Such board culture.
Yeah fucking right.




Normally I'd give the standard rant about how "just ignore it" does not work and has never worked, but tbh I'm kinda sick of all the discussion over Dustborn and Concord
it's obviously astroturfed to stealth-promote Black Myth Wukong by having two bad "western" games to compare it favorably to (when noone would have given a shit about them otherwise)
So yeah, ignoring that crap would actually be the right move in this case


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MEX, how can you accept this?


>it's obviously astroturfed to stealth-promote Black Myth Wukong by having two bad "western" games to compare it favorably to (when noone would have given a shit about them otherwise)
>So yeah, ignoring that crap would actually be the right move in this case
Absolutely schizophrenic. I love how we can always tell who you are by just how fucking crazy the logic in any given post is.


File: 1724896963424.png (2.57 KB, 123x131, roxy kitten toddler 2.png)

rihgt fuckin ye culture boarb sus say i evrythin reverse just thatv todlers litle luv i!


Feet are not genitalia, but what is it?


Not an argument. You know I'm right.


>My /mu/ thread is still up
God, what a trainwreck.


I think you're diluting the word "astroturf" to the point of meaninglessness if I'm not supposed to take this as literally as possible.


I'm not going to repeat myself.


Can you leave


at long la2t


File: 1724897328605.webm (1.38 MB, 848x344, crush commie.webm)

>corporation… le bad!
Shut the fuck up, COMMIE.


Shut the fuck up, schizo LARPer.


i don't know who's schizo and who isn't anymore


Maybe "viral marketing" would be a better term then.


HSG is unwell


Utilize Wu Wei, foolish young master.


So glad all the epic oldfags showed up!




Yeah, no, that still implies that it's most artificial and not just a coincidence that people drill to the ground as a talking point.


I sound like this.


Congratulations, YWNBAW!


IP check.


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IP check.


>ignoring that crap would actually be the right move in this case
You get it now. There are a lot of jews who actually get their paycheck from rage clicks, not only the gaming news outlets but the content farms too, by trying to fight back the enemy that according to you is destroying your hobby you are just promoting the jews that capitalize your angryness and won't do anything to make the gaming industry better. The fact that so few capital G gamers realize this won't stop to amaze me.
>If you don't like McDonals then you are a communist
This is your brain on american education. I do love capitalism, I just prefer to eat burgers on local business which are far cheaper and delicious rathern than McDonals' slop.


> I just prefer to eat burgers on local business which are far cheaper and delicious rathern than McDonals' slop.
For less than the cost of a Big Mac, fries and a Coke, you can buy a loaf of fresh bread and some good cheese or roast beef, which you will enjoy much more.


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>roast beef
mmmnyo. burg for me thankies :3c


I'm not.


Trans check.


>exposing someone's IP


Who would win, emeowyle or Steve Albini?


You're just disgusting and autistic.


That's a valid alternative too.


Nobody called my hand reveal any names, so I guess they aren't too fat/hairy/niggy


Steve? Steve Albini?


Speak English, Mexicunt.


What's your X?
Let's see.



thank you rev i can always count on you


Shut up, Rev.


Fuck Omorifag.


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