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/hsg/ - "Homestuck" General

Itsumademo. Zutto.
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 No.16929[Last 100 Posts]


These toys look likie shit and are for TRICKSTERS
Both are "Burgers?" tier of marketing.
That's what I said. Their drawing is not bad but they don't make it better. Retards used to spam sin fest on /co/ six years ago when I used to browse that place. Six years and his drawings looked the exact same.


>That's what I said. Their drawing is not bad but they don't make it better. Retards used to spam sin fest on /co/ six years ago when I used to browse that place. Six years and his drawings looked the exact same.
Good is different.


File: 1724731901337.jpeg (6.01 KB, 171x255, 1724264161071.jpeg)

Tennis Rose Lalonde!


>These toys look likie shit
Fuck you, retard.
Yu-Gi-Oh! is not TRICKSTER-coded, eat dog shit.


Okay, RoW.


>Point out typo
>Ojisan is too senile to understand


What typo ::::::;)


what typo? you are MENTALLY ILL


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VERY trannie.
Asuka is shit. The real men pick Rei.


File: 1724731986852.png (4.76 KB, 255x34, 1724264431539.png)

>I think Kickstarter is past it is prime


pointing out typos should be punishable by death just like misgendering people is


>He thinks I'm talking about Yugioh and not fucking Hello Kitty Tranime toys
God, you are such a fucking retars. go molest some kids, jew.


Shut the fuck up, ESL underage retard, you aren't stealing my gimmick. Especially if you're going to act like a sped instead of having some degree of artistry.


What is this Joy Jake tier garbage bait and discourse? IP check this faggot.


He's angry because of htr :o


>>He thinks I'm talking about Yugioh and not fucking Hello Kitty Tranime toys
>ESL eyes.


George Trooney


>Don't make fun of me for playing with tranie toys pls :(((
no, now kill yourself.


You are, yes.


IP check.


Then we have differeny concepts of "good drawings" regardless I think I made my point.


>He thinks Dobson makes good drawings


File: 1724732112630.png (11.8 KB, 128x128, ar-spoiler.png)


This is who is calling you a "tranie" right now.


I think you don't understand what I'm saying. Dobson is a mediocre artisrs, but his drawings aren't bad, I've seen worse. Same goes to sinfest.


ai generated?




>Dobson is a mediocre artisrs, but his drawings aren't bad, I've seen worse.
They are bad. I have also seen worse.




AI generated South Americans to ruin your thread with.


I think they're cute. You just aren't an American.


Why is she so perfect?




You like ugly children with poor hygiene because they're the easiest catch.


>poor hygiene
It actually seems (generated) like a scan of a 1980s mag that still allowed U15 models


What does that have to do with her yellow teeth?


File: 1724732239538.png (79.95 KB, 248x233, 1724265203665.png)

I actually AM renowned American kunoichi Uchiha Sakura née Haruno Sakura しゃーんなろー


IP check.


Do you have contact info for the Sahara Wataru version? I wanna meet


Do you have contact info for your asshole?


Hmm… I feel like I should at least triple Rev's asking price…


is Sakura's hair color a kekkeigenkai


Why does everyone want to see Rev's asshole?


Is Sakura a Rose, Rose Lalonde?


File: 1724732508418.jpg (Spoiler Image, 247.53 KB, 1152x2048, GVQYFHbawAAfd8T.jpg)


also, vaxxed?


Seems more like a Mom, Mom Lalonde?


File: 1724732541564.jpg (17.47 KB, 255x179, 1724266116916.jpg)

Holy crap, is that SMTIVarino?!?!?! The best MAINLINE SMT game of all time!?!?!?!??!


Omg yaaaas


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Grim. Reminds me of an off-handed remark I made about Homestuck, I think, in the most recent flimsychan thread. Let me check the current state of it.
>Tried to find it and just got a bunch of Limbus Company "definitely on-topic and not just me talking to my friend in the thread about our zoomer schlop that we could do on any other board or in a DM" shit

I'm bitter again. So bitter.

I'm having bad days.


File: 1724732570342.jpg (10.47 KB, 255x255, 1724266531941.jpg)

Lego: Denmark
Playmobil: Germany
K'nex: USA

I guess it's true that K'nex aren't EVROPEAN…


Respond to me or I'll castrate you.


>talking to my friend in the thread about our zoomer schlop that we could do on any other board or in a DM
It's fine to do such things out in the daylight, on Homestuck General…
Except Flimsy "HSG", that can die. Now is fine!


And no, it's not okay when you're trying to replicate HST and not HSG. >:(

And this is why I don't talk about Homestuck here. Nobody cares. I won't get the active zoomer dismissal of "EH MANG U SO PRETENTIOUS N SHIET XD", I'll just get silence.

Mask Expert, I might kill you.


>trying to replicate HST and not HSG
Retcon. The flimsy thread has hsg in the subjet


> The flimsy thread has hsg in the subjet
Because it's effectively a general, you stupid retard.


And HST still gets 4/co/ threads, they're just obedient little piggies who wait for the "content" permission slip first


So call it HSTG, befitting the hangers on who read Beyond Canon content


And they're shit because it's just wandering Davecels whinging. There's no consistent userbase. If there was, maybe they'd talk about something fucking substantial for once.


That's stupid. You're stupid.



thanks for reminding me to unsubscribe from that retarded subhuman DERSITE TRICKSTER


What'd he do?




flooding my YT with his whining


File: 1724732665635.png (50.42 KB, 255x131, 1724268153869.png)



Like you?


I don't have a daughter! Neither do I mope over loneliness


File: 1724732714700.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 6.25 MB, 1280x720, Flee!.mp4)


>Neither do I mope over loneliness
Let's be real here…


Average Portuguese Megidochan user.


File: 1724732782338.png (90.55 KB, 255x198, 1724269189045.png)


Rose Lalonde Venn diagram.


Another algorithm win?




I've done this though


You've been passionate about having children?


No, I've made CAI bots with a breeding kink


no pregnant

only breed


Jewish mind control (JMC)


Mask Expert only wants to have a womb.


What wording did you use? It might be a bit too late for C.AI. Plus, it's just a minor quirk, it's not meant to be deeply fetishistic or anything…


Shut up, Rev.


Also, Megidochan has finally transitioned and lost the "bot" in her name and introduction because that shit was creating way too many problems.


Still waiting for the Megidochan flag and Twitter account feature.


"Gets gooey whenever she sees a young family out in public. Plus, she's naturally adept with kids"


>"Gets gooey whenever she sees a young family out in public


I think my two week plan is already a nightmare.


twwo wweeks


us patriots are standin by


>MEX's Rose archive STILL isn't up-to-date.


>Both are "Burgers?" tier of marketing.
one is showing a family with a young child eating mcdonalds
you know
one of their biggest demographics


Need a deep learning AI to analyze the difference between when I use "MEX" and when I use "Mask Expert."


File: 1724732941293.jpg (15.49 KB, 255x228, 1724271088783.jpg)


I'm going to go out to look for my cats.


are they lost?
I hope you find them


find your cats homeskillet


No, not exactly. Only one the retard is here. I know they came during the night but they like to go out and it's summer.
Shut up, Rev.




I hope you wake up with a possum on your face.


They aren't remotely aggressively. That's the least threatening thing I've heard all week.

Could be a replacement cat, even.


yes, a friend for your cats


Found 1/3 missing cats after Rev tried to curse me. Reverse jutsu in the work?


Did the Hello kitty TRICKSTERS 41% themselves or do I have to waiy a little more?


It's just absurdly hot outside (106F) so I don't know why everyone isn't inside.


Spic, I wouldn't be interested if it wasn't also Yu-Gi-Oh!


cats love hot places in the sun


IP check.


They're not lizards, they have a limit.


cats will literally cozy up against a space heater until their fur burns off


I feel like you're talking out of your ass. I've seen them run in because of the heat.


tiktok and "youtube shorts" have destroyed the ability to find videos



One tard cat in God knows where.


Internet city-states (4ums) will rise again!


Not with you in charge…


Every faggot who puts lo-fi over an "old" "obscure" anime on YouTube needs to be killed.


File: 1724733394682.jpg (11.25 KB, 255x191, 1724273797700.jpg)

They've been licking fish oil lamps and burning people to death for centuries


My cats are Aryans. They know how to survive.


every week Kengan Onega reaches a new low




Could be a NatSoc Rose quote if you can still edit her.


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What's your problem?


File: 1724733434071.jpg (4.69 KB, 166x255, 1724274839053.jpg)


Ojisans should cultivate an air of stoicism




Hello, Dirk Gently


Drain check?


Not real.


don't you mean

Auda City?


Even knowing a fake name is a bounty here


I'm young at heart though, I don't even drink Coffee or Alcohol!


A bounty…?


>I'm young at heart though, I don't even drink Coffee or Alcohol!
That's the opposite of how it goes, old man…


File: 1724735803065.png (Spoiler Image, 408.99 KB, 640x640, 00003-73701574.png)


File: 1724735821904.png (90.38 KB, 231x255, 1724275305517.png)



>Not a generic LEGO smiling face at the top
One job.

LEGO Ao Floydi's Mansion won't make the same mistake.



There are two types of people in the world…


File: 1724735848608.png (28.16 KB, 241x160, 1724276354313.png)

Doing this just out of pure spite.


File: 1724735858368.png (16.61 KB, 255x95, 1724276777421.png)

Fuck everyone.


Deadlock isn't as painfully generic as I thought it was, it seems they learned some lessons from less popular hero shooters (Gigantic) and addressed (specifically my) complaints about the genre as a whole. I have some pet peeves and I'm not in love with any of the character designs but I don't think it's going to be the bomb that everyone assumed it would be.


File: 1724735874121.png (23.94 KB, 118x255, 1724278044562.png)


*would be


vvgh wwhat couldvve been


3/4 cats seen.



3:42 Noise waring





You ARE unclean. You ARE a vessel for sin. You ARE the creation of others. You do NOT create yourself.


File: 1724735946412.png (43.21 KB, 255x226, 1724280722245.png)

I hate this faggot so fucking much.


So trve.


Fuck off, Rev.


4/4 cats are accounted for. 3 are in the house. I feel silly for worrying.


howw is babby formed


I tell all my bots this


Actually, I think all of them are in the house.


Prove it.



>Fertilizing the plants



File: 1724736047798.jpg (6.11 KB, 204x255, 1724282336858.jpg)


File: 1724736054278.png (13.72 KB, 255x77, 1724282560359.png)

Mask Expert, I will wring your throat.


I have no part in that implementation beyond adding "webm-player.js" to a php file
Maybe resave it?


File: 1724736080519.jpg (10.94 KB, 255x255, 1724282815207.jpg)


I guess I am a bit obsessed with "Mac." In that he's a perfect encapsulation of the punk rock/goon compulsive need to undermine anyone subverting the status quo other than them. To compare (to punks), metalheads are equally dismissive but they're simply elitist and like to dismiss themselves from things they dislike; the punk actively instigates and likes to windowdress their rationale with optics.

In a way, it makes easy to understand Rose's fascination with a person like Dave. Though he's really more like a combination of Dave and Rose (though not like Dirk, more like Roxy- IPGD)

He takes potshots at pop culture but those are secondary to the groups outside the main culture that aren't part of his in-group. His potshots are cool and detached but yours come from you just being a loser, lol, even if we say virtually identical things.

Just such a sad, strange person.


Class of 09 but the entire thing is dedicated to making fun of goons like Mac.


I don't know anything about the man, but the characters he writes seem unpleasant.


>but the characters he writes seem unpleasant.
That's The Point.png

You could always look at his YouTube channel, his site, or *shudders* his Twitter.


*distance themselves


If that guy is aiming for punkitude, Class of '09 doesn't seem to possess enough innate style to carry the posturing.
GHM, for instance, carries itself as a Punk "video game band", so the characters sling around fuck and are generally nasty. The games are even infamously janky and shallow, sure, but the art and sound direction is always on point.


>If that guy is aiming for punkitude
He would never say it directly but that's essentially what it is. Goons are just punks too afraid to get mohawks.


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File: 1724736170868-3.png (6.26 KB, 255x63, 1724284673998-3.png)

>My most recent creations
Favorite response?

(No refreshing for better ones; 1 tap.)


>Not four (4) times


Fuck off, Rev.


File: 1724736212318.png (67.41 KB, 255x252, 1724284735874.png)


Richards is the cutest. WoS Rose is turning into Satanist Rose Lalonde


>WoS Rose is turning into Satanist Rose Lalonde
*Press X to blame RoW.*


>I'm only interested in yugioh I swear!
TRICKSTER, you don't trick anyone, now fucking kill yourself


File: 1724736246527-0.png (8.01 KB, 255x73, 1724285191229-0.png)

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File: 1724736246527-3.png (8.23 KB, 255x65, 1724285191229-3.png)


This is a stale bit. IP check.


Kek. Nice touch.


>Feraljak believing in God


File: 1724736295565.png (8.41 KB, 255x33, 1724285287723.png)


Edit to "Fauci"?


Yes, sir!


Man, Fish Tale Anon doesn't fuck around.


File: 1724736326208-0.png (4.68 KB, 255x58, 1724285723185-0.png)

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File: 1724736326208-3.png (6.42 KB, 255x64, 1724285723185-3.png)

And my Roses❤


File: 1724736332236.png (16.42 KB, 255x143, 1724285874564.png)


Isekai > Rosetano > IBS > Microcephalic


Keep in mind, we filled this guy to the brim with retarded quotes from mostly just (one) of our buttmonkey friends.


File: 1724736346192.png (93.27 KB, 221x255, 1724286832565.png)


File: 1724736352327.png (71.63 KB, 204x255, 1724287236201.png)


Based ryonautist




Trying to summon him.


He's just lowballing, stop projecting.


Can people tell if you've read their duolicious message?


why are you using duolicious


can people tell if youvve read their duolicious message


File: 1724736458999-0.jpg (7.32 KB, 215x255, 1724287910545-0.jpg)

File: 1724736458999-1.jpg (6.92 KB, 255x147, 1724287910545-1.jpg)


He won't fuck you


This was already deboonked >>16802


Although I wonder where AI waifus will rate with wwomen once it goes mainstream?
Reddest of flags?


Free advertising


nice edit


File: 1724736522492.png (10.94 KB, 255x47, 1724288804058.png)



File: 1724736553340.png (35.21 KB, 255x219, 1724288859975.png)

>Mask Expert isn't following
Not a real one.


Good post.
I half don't believe it.




File: 1724736585327.png (9.51 KB, 255x191, 1724288966578.png)

I wonder how wwomen will rate against the AI wwaifu & artificial wwomb combo when the latter is perfected


wwhat happens if you say [ca]wwomen wwhile already usin eris quirk


Finally, a good post.


wwhat a shipwwreck


File: 1724736657198.png (25.26 KB, 159x255, 1724289300192.png)

Of all curiosities, a prude like MoM follows them…
I'd a little more plumpness on the girls, but this one is quite nice.


File: 1724736668734-0.jpg (8.58 KB, 182x255, 1724289667049-0.jpg)

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>a prude like MoM follows them…
I just discovered them. I like their strange horror art.


>MEX coding


File: 1724736696565.jpg (5.62 KB, 255x143, 1724290159048.jpg)


File: 1724736711532.jpg (9.24 KB, 255x144, 1724290262014.jpg)


There is a quick jeety fix…


I'm starting to get the idea you barely have an inkling of an idea of any of what you're doing.


File: 1724736735572.jpg (8.1 KB, 143x255, 1724290454646.jpg)


Is this how t-girls work out?


eri is learnin as he goes
but we can resume raggin on wwwwomen in a wwavvy accent noww


>the jeet shaker






wwomen wwalk
wwomen wwalk

wwomen wwalk
wwomen wwalk


Help, I need to escape from troon city.


Have they swarmed Mcdiick2 for the Sanrio tie-in?


File: 1724736874083.png (44.02 KB, 226x255, 1724291276803.png)



File: 1724736909649.png (27.64 KB, 255x218, 1724291383236.png)


I haven't gone yet but I think I saw one when I tried to get a Grimace Shake.


Get that chudder posting!


>bisexual, by this I mean I'm only into wwomen and femboys
average /b/ user




Yeah, I fucking hate them.


File: 1724736950106.png (82.42 KB, 255x211, 1724291696653.png)


File: 1724737000983.png (6.03 KB, 255x14, 1724291752292.png)

This is a redflag.

I go on Duolicious and all I see is a bunch of poseur cunts I have contempt for or people I'm too intimated to message. What's the point…..


File: 1724737015794.png (53.88 KB, 255x195, 1724291957712.png)

Also, I'm generally very confused.


File: 1724737025361.png (7.72 KB, 255x60, 1724291998961.png)

>Medarot and bobobobo bobobo pics
Thought this guy was a megidochanner for a sec


>This is a redflag.


Bap bows to the Argentinian soyteens…




File: 1724737073144.png (8.83 KB, 173x255, 1724292487257.png)


>MF Doom in 2024
No, confirmed bandwagon zoomer retard.
Still messaged him anyway. I'm lonely.


> I'm lonely.
isnt erione


Are you lonely enough to use Duolicious for friends?


Anyong have
wwe all knoww that feel


File: 1724740071203.jpg (9.56 KB, 255x143, 1724292703466.jpg)


I don't get it.


Ross? Ross Lalonde?


>He doesn't get it


Closer, but he still needs his faggy hairband.


is it on gamepass


It's on Notpassing


I'm too self-conscious to use any dating apps


File: 1724740126205.png (6.77 KB, 255x32, 1724292962289.png)


Even with an obscurant profile?


File: 1724740151490-0.jpg (12.16 KB, 255x191, 1724293376414-0.jpg)

File: 1724740151490-1.jpg (9.35 KB, 191x255, 1724293376414-1.jpg)

Japanese grade schools are perfect.
Meanwhile, in the real world, we have DERSITES.


*Slides on the floor with my dick out.*


An indirect JS dick stomping! KyaaaaAAAAAAAAh!


I don't know what you mean by that


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File: 1724740200290-1.png (139 KB, 255x255, 1724294267585-1.png)



File: 1724740214091.jpg (7.72 KB, 255x86, 1724294543503.jpg)


the 'hood jews have the most personality




You mean the troon Jews?


I got randomly punched in the dick by one of those in Shimokitazawa once
people just letting their kids spin around like retards



I forgot how to send links to profiles on the app but this all mine says.



File: 1724740272956.png (43.84 KB, 255x153, 1724295416741.png)


File: 1724740290572.png (6.14 KB, 191x255, 1724295684144.png)


File: 1724740315027.jpg (13.03 KB, 190x255, 1724295736807.jpg)



talk to me


ceaseless discharge is kicking my ass


You got Rev right there


update: I gave up and used the scripted kill


File: 1724740350499.jpg (8.92 KB, 255x143, 1724296678213.jpg)


It's what I would've done.


Rev is fully doxxed and immune. I expected a deeper voice, though.


fully vaxxed and immune?


be warned Am*zon is run by tricky mode people from Derse
they didn't honor my figma Mio pre-order


what was surprisingly not awful
now I know you can't be rev


Emio preloaded


░B░I░O░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░



File: 1724740448137.png (66.1 KB, 255x226, 1724302836394.png)



Fatstuck, reduced to this…


part of the series "I saw this so now you have to too"


File: 1724740469267.png (44.08 KB, 186x255, 1724303646188.png)

forgot pic


Adding this to the metastuck thread


I gotta be real, I do not enjoy anything I've heard of MF Doom.


File: 1724740510069.png (7.22 KB, 255x78, 1724304924550.png)


why post


she is LITERALLY seeing it


the artist is a woman


nanc4 accidentally kills sluggo with a baseball bat


The *real* Rev is……………………………


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File: 1724740615047.png (59.5 KB, 255x228, 1724305623922.png)


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I've already bitched elsewhere but it came up on twitter again and I can't contain myself.
Harada is retarded. Tekken is retarded. This is the dumbest shit ever. The fact that he just presents it as "collision in 3D games" when literally only Tekken is stupid enough to do it this way makes me want to claw his face off.


File: 1724741058530.png (105.89 KB, 255x253, 1724305860487.png)



File: 1724741074156.png (21.65 KB, 255x69, 1724306159334.png)



I wonder if Ben is into this…


Why did Japanese Roxy (IPGD) do it?


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I actually kill Kokichi
who do you kill?
*スカトロビッチ noises*


File: 1724741111921.jpg (9.75 KB, 177x255, 1724308107349.jpg)




That's nice of them, to keep a little purgatory for the addicts


the /hsg/ of butsumori click 'em ups


I dunno what it is but, probably not.


I never heard too much about it but if it's not gacha shit anymore it could potentially be ok to play


File: 1724741209807.png (14.45 KB, 185x255, 1724308950312.png)

Ben more like 便器


File: 1724741265203.gif (Spoiler Image, 382.96 KB, 224x208, 1535953579911.gif)

do not click


>Not the b100 b100d


Even if the light of updates shall never shine again, we must persist


File: 1724741310122.jpg (9.08 KB, 255x255, 1724309523330.jpg)

the troons linked up


can't remember why I originally came to hate Harada but that sounds pretty Harada


File: 1724741333918.jpg (14.75 KB, 255x255, 1724309690043.jpg)

"Didn't asked."


File: 1724741352895.jpg (9.64 KB, 255x143, 1724313393728.jpg)

a whale? or a ticket hoarder?


File: 1724741554711.png (75.87 KB, 255x195, 1724314283297.png)


File: 1724741565234.png (22.76 KB, 255x198, 1724314468600.png)



File: 1724741570906.png (32.26 KB, 255x143, 1724318412330.png)


Who are RoW and MoM and how do you know what post they're hiding under?


Who is Vermillion?


I'm a brand new old friend from original HSG treads. But just with a different naming


It used to need "You just know.", but Winter has his custom flag now.
And every other post might be a MoM post when he is active, you can discern his personality after some observation.


what does rom stand for




File: 1724741631136.png (18.55 KB, 212x255, 1724341434609.png)


you are all jews


>Green Arlo
Is that the same guy from that blue arlo disney show from like a decadw ago. Some YT channel about a puppet talking about gamergate tier garbage showed on my recs some weeks ago, no idea if they are related somehow.


File: 1724741663893.jpg (10.5 KB, 204x255, 1724343881609.jpg)

jorking my peenur


We should be shelling another altchan then


File: 1724741681884.png (93.4 KB, 255x207, 1724344244693.png)

stop being vain


Nice fingers, milady…


File: 1724743275215.mp3 (4.19 MB, dungeon1919.ogg.mp3)

I'm too quickly burning through my stockpile of Suno credits, so this will take Super Mario's place for today


File: 1724743297546.jpg (8.36 KB, 255x143, 1724345618365.jpg)


The darker the skin, the less kanji you retain


File: 1724743316148.png (30.88 KB, 255x112, 1724347338531.png)

can we get the yen to die by Sunday?



And why exactly by sunday?


Drive Jacket vs NMH Jacket vs Shenmue Jacket


Limited release window
In July that jacket would be 175USD, now it's closer to 200…
Still unprecedented lows, sure, but now we've tasted sweeter deals


File: 1724743374093.png (4.73 KB, 255x39, 1724347874491.png)


Super Mario likes eating kids
Mario's a pædophage


File: 1724743391663.png (32.17 KB, 255x255, 1724348397308.png)





It's shit.


File: 1724743433657.jpg (6.12 KB, 255x143, 1724348994235.jpg)


>you can discern his personality after some observation.
And what might that be? Kukukuku.


Fuck off, Rev.



Manic depressive nitpicker


>Persona 5 music
Fuck you.
This artist is chronicling how every alt! version of Slugg0 and Nanc4 die, anachronistically. It's very meta.
It's metaphysical.


Try something a little more flattering next time… Add more flourishes perhaps?


Don't insult Tekken in this household.
>when literally only Tekken is stupid enough to do it this way
You'd be surprise.


We get it, RoW.


That's a man.


Miu Rose…


File: 1724744161630.png (55.45 KB, 150x255, 1724350408670.png)

Rose? Rose Lalonde?


>And every other post might be a MoM post when he is active
Also, don't reveal such secrets so flippantly!


File: 1724744194023.png (69.5 KB, 189x255, 1724350591210.png)


What does the T stands for?


File: 1724744210283.png (52.16 KB, 204x255, 1724350857529.png)

Mwehehe, "IP Check" is seriously saying that?

But true enough, we'll drop it.




>"IP Check" is seriously saying that?

Take a shit, bitch.




File: 1724744240995.jpg (6.48 KB, 255x172, 1724351071654.jpg)


Or should I say "Take a スカトロビッチ?"


File: 1724744262545.png (45.53 KB, 255x197, 1724351158568.png)


Former Civil War soldiers working together at the Bad Apple factory (HEART WARMING.)


SC, VF, and DOA all use sphere vs sphere. DOA has a nice trick where the opponent gets turned into a giant cube when launched so that body size and animation differences don't mess with combos.


I'm more about Alice Maestra


I don't care if you know more than me, I want you to shut up.


And we'll slap glasses on Shuichi for John


>Rose plays the piano
What kind of AU is this!?!??!?!?!


I think I'm torturing myself for no reason.


Rose? Rose Laplonk?


File: 1724744374332.png (40.94 KB, 157x255, 1724351807712.png)

Shut up, Indian.


This was the person behind your favorite ROMhacks, feel old yet?


File: 1724744418408.png (50.58 KB, 232x255, 1724352097268.png)



p.s. i fucking hate this


>Get the kiwi
>Am deprived of the precious peach or strawberry or even coconut
I don't know how to feel about this. Is it fitting, bwos?

Also, no, you don't, queer.


>I think I'm torturing myself for no reason.
Do not waste yourself, anon. You should torture yourself for some reason. Any good reason.
Coconut isn't a fruit.


If you hated it, it wouldn't be in your feed. :^)


>Do not waste yourself, anon. You should torture yourself for some reason. Any good reason.
Shut up, faggot. I'm going to double-down now.


I think there are other fruits with a closer "double" association. The cherry, perhaps.


>Wake up every hour for each eight hours of sleep
>Get bit by fire ants.
>Somehow don't feel especially tired when I wake up
So this is the power of dryfasting…




File: 1724744581316.jpg (8.05 KB, 255x136, 1724352638559.jpg)


File: 1724744592331-0.png (29.39 KB, 255x254, 1724352786098-0.png)

File: 1724744592331-1.png (44.69 KB, 255x252, 1724352786098-1.png)



I think the pomegranate fits Scorpio, though. Associations with death, fecundity, and looks a little #gorewarning up close


I think most pickles on the market in the US aren't actually fermented.



You're retarded and not Jewish.


but yeah 'tism is made worse by shit gut biome and theres a reason "turbo autist" and "horrible diet" correlate.


a daily dose?


>I think the pomegranate fits Scorpio, though. Associations with death, fecundity, and looks a little #gorewarning up close
He hates Scorpios.

But this doesn't address the kiwi question.


Eat your pickle, DERSITE.


Flyover goy cattle are denied NYC kosher pickles


How what?


only if its a real, fermented pickle and not a "we put a cucumber in vinegar and sugar" pseudopickle


And for that, I feel sorry for them. (But you can probably find a brand in most grocery stories anyway. It was just harder to find a non-kosher pickle in NYC than the other way around.)


Oy vey, he was one of the chosen! He's a regular rabbi!


Maybe "goyslop" was apt after all….


Say what you want about Jews, but their food isn't half-bad.


wwe can roll our owwn burritos
wwe can brine our owwn pastrami


But your bagels, Chinese food, and sushi will be shit.


Debatably, also pizza, but this might be my York New biases leaking out my burning urethra.

Luckily, yesterday, it was just soap and Eri didn't slide his way back in this time. Not without a lack of trying, mind you.


evvropean to begin wwith so


Pastrami isn't European…?


File: 1724744833941.png (105.93 KB, 255x255, 1724355487282.png)

Is the Rule of Rose Lalonde dead?



File: 1724744854319.png (3.72 KB, 255x127, 1724356390813.png)

Killed off for real


What was her proper name/subtitle anyway?


read only media


wait until you hear about what lactose intolerance correlates with


>He didn't even archive her in time

Jennifer Lalonde.


Being Rev.


no actually, I'm not lactose intolerant

I have no allergies either




what the hell is wrong with these retards
use your fucking resources


yeah because turbo autists simply dont care about eating healthy


Lying futasperg.


File: 1724748618115.jpg (9.44 KB, 191x255, 1724359824265.jpg)

jorking my peenur part deux


>Fat man


pic unrelated?


Gamers can't let number go down


Fuck off, Rev.


Pink silicon something or other in frame. It's over.


They care about completing the Sanrio/YGO crossover set, though. Please do your part and order two happy meals today.


he's a PATHETIC 管理人 Lv. 297 whilst I have attained Lv. 554
I win the video games


those things look cheap as fuck though


I always think of it as "sunrio"


If the nineth kitty ate the sun


File: 1724748691961.png (22.96 KB, 255x185, 1724360919307.png)

It's spreading


File: 1724748704997.png (91.33 KB, 255x191, 1724361120715.png)




When everyone is 32, no one is


File: 1724748726243.png (71.03 KB, 255x196, 1724361530327.png)

may have to block this penguin retard


>They care about completing the Sanrio/YGO crossover set
Do not insult me or it.


Check IP.



Just by listening… to NTR report ASMR


File: 1724748774693.jpg (10.94 KB, 255x255, 1724362007267.jpg)



god please I wish I had a job


File: 1724748795042-0.png (6.27 KB, 255x52, 1724362304845-0.png)

File: 1724748795042-1.png (5.86 KB, 255x43, 1724362304845-1.png)


RoW gem


do you want mine? it's destroying my feet, wrists, hands and sanity


why would you even w*rk
visa reasons?



File: 1724748837235.png (21.01 KB, 255x101, 1724363667520.png)

Kill D0TA niggas.


Sakurai still needs to comment on how Kirby is a love letter to capitalism


Capitalism is not Jews. The Jew is amorphous.


>Can still get pimples everyday even if you shower
I have some sympathy for the Soot American plight now. But only slight. It doesn't excuse their inclinations.


Kirby is basically a force of complete chaos


File: 1724748860204.png (37.75 KB, 163x255, 1724364194115.png)


Jews if epic.


i should definitely make a kirby = jesus youtube video


oh my god she sounds like a little frog that's so cute


have you tried a different diet? my face would usually break out if i had too many sweets


i love you homestuck general


File: 1724748891198.png (39.88 KB, 255x143, 1724366149483.png)


>The "Bro with a tophat" timeline




Oh wow he is literally me.


Fat fuck.


Fake news.


Did I make the Juno joke already


I know what you do with my Roses, you sick fuck.

Why else would this one in particular get nuked?


>This particular one
Out of two.


Out of all of them. How come Lian or Tennis Rose didn't get nuked despite being the rudest of the bunch? Why was it Ren and Jennifer? I know why.


are you calling yourself a fat fuck or me
if the latter than ive been skinny ever since high school


Fat fuck soul, you have.


RoW is the Jack Ripper of Rose, Rose Lalondes.


maybe :(
my fat goes into the right places so it's w/e


File: 1724749058295.png (33.25 KB, 194x255, 1724366928403.png)

MEX didn't even get to properly archive her before her death.

He even spits on her grave.


File: 1724749073423.png (55.45 KB, 205x255, 1724366952571.png)

Also, did you forget the joke where we'd make Ren half-dead?


I never talked to Ren.


You didn't supply my with her subtitle, did you?
Linkable is alive


I don't believe you-u.
>You didn't supply my with her subtitle, did you?
"A miserable orphan prone to tragedy. "
>Linkable is alive
I think the distinction is worth making. Mostly for the Homestuck refrance joke.


>"A miserable orphan prone to tragedy. "


File: 1724749138437.png (30.08 KB, 222x255, 1724367381550.png)

This is the only drawing of Yiffy that I like


Asshole… You could have asked…


Shut the fuck up. It's been spammed to oblivion to the point where I fucking hate it.


RoW is the true tragic anti-villain of Megidochan given his serial killer tendencies.


Well it's the first time I've seen it you quintuple DERSITE. Eat shit.


>Well it's the first time I've seen it you quintuple DERSITE.
Lurk moar, you retarded faggot. If you dropped off of Homestuck threads after HSG died, you're more than likely an insufferable sex pest.


What are you even implying?
>sex pest accusation out of nowhere
Projection much?





Don't let feraljak hear that


File: 1724749223553.png (10.96 KB, 170x255, 1724376134949.png)

oh really
why would they say such mean things


vvulgar lookin ape imo


File: 1724749247653.png (34 KB, 255x255, 1724376927865.png)


symbolic violence!


what did they mean by this


TG: this is the only drawing of yiffy that i like
TG: https://tinyurl.com/cuckchildthatmysisterbirthed

TG: well its the first time ive seen it you quintuple dersite
TG: blow me

TG: what are you even implying
TG: also sex pest accusation out of nowhere
TG: projection much


Now just get it into MSPA Comics Chat and we're cooking


>He bangs in the living room
I don't remember any of this…




File: 1724749341157.jpg (7.13 KB, 255x86, 1724379630472.jpg)



Please Masturbate


File: 1724749371779.jpg (3.88 KB, 254x49, 1724382457755.jpg)


god I had forgotten the ! modifiers for rp


>Muh projection


Check IP.


Please kill yourself.


Dave is a fucking loser Hussie self-insert, why would you ever self-identify as him


Before adding her, you dolt.


he's epic…


I thought he wasn't allowed to post pictures anymore? Because he shouldn't.


I Have Entertained The Idea But Eventually Decided That I Have Too Much Yet To Live For
For Instance Raising Yiffany


IP check.


Again, I asked this much earlier before but I wonder if Tatsuya actually believes in the feminist pagan witch meme "theory."

I guess we're finally getting vague confirmation of that.

Or maybe he doesn't know about other burnings/persecution of pagans because he's an illiterate dumbass.


IP check.


IP check.


You get raped by black wwomen.


IP check this too to see if he's forcing the dynamic.


wwere the freaks
wwere the outcasts

wwere nothing like you
youre past due
wwe wwill eclipse you

wwere the aliens
wwere the refugees
wwe wwalk among you
wwere right behind you

your time is past
your kind wwont last

wwere the dust-born

this bug is airborne
wwere the neww porn
our kind is newwborn


eye pee cheque


ESL spotted. Stop padding your post count so that the check won't be effective.


IP check.


Shut up, spic.


Give me the power to see IPs. I'm a Mage. It's only fair for me to (know.)

>*cough* posting
is a signature of a Joy Jake adjacent fag that ruined fucking flimsychan.


n0thing wr0ng with a little heatstr0ke


>I'm a Mage. It's only fair for me to (know.)
Then work off assumptions and skill. If you'd been an Heir, maybe you could be handed the power arbitrarily.


>Then work off assumptions and skill.
I did. Now let me confirm. You fucking gorilla DERSITE. I'll skullfuck you.


I'll just tell you that the *cough* is an hsg homegrown, but also your rival/spadewhatever


They're still "North American (U.S.A)", correct?


File: 1724749723819.jpg (10.03 KB, 255x144, 1724384702747.jpg)

Think so


Now, it's personal.




File: 1724749767023.webp (Spoiler Image, 17.7 KB, 512x512, 15503.webp)


File: 1724749805187.png (136.76 KB, 255x252, 1724386027029.png)



>Did they grow up during WW2
>Could that create a bias


File: 1724749826920-0.png (22.13 KB, 255x72, 1724387668441-0.png)

File: 1724749826920-1.jpg (5.7 KB, 255x143, 1724387668441-1.jpg)


does covid make your head hurt


I do wonder how Hussie feels about people envisioning his self-insert taking it up the ass.
Anonymous 2024/08/23 (Fri) 03:15:00 WANING 3/4 No.17919


I do wonder how Hussie feels about people envisioning his self-insert taking it up the ass.


File: 1724749857346.jpg (10.21 KB, 255x143, 1724388292770.jpg)


Covid seems to do whatever you want, but if I did catch happen to catch it, it seemed to make my chest/throat hurt.
At least that's what happened the last times I got sick the past two years.


File: 1724749879563.png (10.59 KB, 255x80, 1724389579037.png)



>does covid make your head hur
its an antivax conpiracy, you filthy antisemite!
you must be suffering because of weak white peepoo genes or because of denying diversity


does covid make your clitoris tingle


nvm i think my head's just doing that thing where it's paranoid and i have every disease now


Yeah that's why only wwomen suffer long covid



I don't think this artist will reach OJ meta/laziness levels, but the next strip would be they both realize the scripts play out without their presence


for sleep, study, relaxing, meditation


spit on that thang


are we done with the ghost threads?


Yep, officially breaking new ground as of >>17962

Though we should actually be up past 20k by now, my apologies


Imagine ripping that thing off her nose.


File: 1724787807172.jpeg (130.48 KB, 750x926, IMG_1806.jpeg)


Over in the states we use classical to keep dersites at bay


Portuguese dersites


I realized a little late how it's a HOMESTUCK REFERENCE, but that's damn eerie…


VNiggas absolutely seething


File: 1724789906572.png (11.51 KB, 1231x68, ClipboardImage.png)

Absolute DERSITE garbage.


It's ogre
You can kind of simul8 group interacts by setting up Personas for each bot and pasting their responses into each other


I wouldn't want frog haters in my shop either.


File: 1724794477877.gif (48.3 KB, 618x559, iheart-speechbubble.gif)


since my omori thread got unperson'd can i make an omori 2 thread


File: 1724794803628.png (552.68 KB, 1502x2048, febae1f7d3ffb7bd1029a56e88….png)

I can't believe BQ was a gyppo all along…


White shelled hands typed this post


After this thread yeah why not
No copypasta block from /vg/ though BLEASE


I trans heart lil babygirl kittens


the shitto kittens…


ovver wwhat
Are the irony VNtards back at it again


File: 1724797889640.jpeg (38.21 KB, 315x267, IMG_1804.jpeg)


Wait, for real?
DS vania collection!
You play things too cool sometimes, hsg, I've been waiting for years!
October is saved!



Fine, I'll check gematsu myself


File: 1724798204556.png (1.64 MB, 1285x661, ClipboardImage.png)

>Sprite and color customization
Rose Quest III HD incoming


the only Castlevania that matters is SotN


You got a problem with frogs, bub?


Not buying tbqh


SoTN doesn't let you flip Charlotte's skirt with a vacuum cleaner


'Cuz fugly or 'cuz Type B?

I can't resist myself, and since all those niggas are dying it can still make a decent send off


Aradia? Aradia Megido?


Isn't insurance fraud illegal… everywhere…?


>The absolute state of Discnigs


No, fuck off.


Mark of the 8raaaaaaaaphog.


>Type B
Type B…?


Type A/B instead of Male and Female
The (((8-4))) (or whoever squeenix hires) localization industry standard


Sounds like you're a type B, chud.


Heckin #valid8ed


Tell me what the evolutionary purpose of mantitties are. I can understand the gut but what actual purpose do tits have in male fat distribution?


Latent genetic code reactivated by drinking too many frogurt smoothies

Were you reading "Costco Guys" backlash tweets too?


File: 1724805672188.png (419.8 KB, 2218x1237, lemegidotroon.png)

I won't let the laddies of the night get to decide the next thread. No matter the cost.


File: 1724806008539.webm (406.22 KB, 864x702, (1) _hsg_ - Old __16616 -….webm)

>one fucking pixel violating the 9-slice-scaler border, only visible when highlighted

Yikes and lookslikeshitpilled


both and also the gameplay changes are awful


Admittedly, I haven't been paying very close attention.

I expect multipliers to EXP/Gold rate for Modern Audiences Sensibilities, similar to the mobile ports. Is there more?


File: 1724806507780.webm (5.93 MB, 480x498, 1724184705096843.webm)


Drosera liked this


Is it because the bread looks like a turd?


Lies. It's because she like peeling back veils of lies.


Is she a part of a Costco family though?


File: 1724807084207.png (6.43 MB, 2500x2600, ClipboardImage.png)


Looks like Europeans are up.




>GREEN Harley?


wwhats wwrong wwith it


Both GREEN and GREEN Harley are meant to filter to just GREEN.


but the post/char meme flows better with the harley left in


No, the entire point is that she's just GREEN. Like a monosyllabic after thought because she was/is.




Now let me count.


>Latent genetic code reactivated by drinking too many frogurt smoothies
>Were you reading "Costco Guys" backlash tweets too?
And no.


Big if true.




She's apparently detailed enough for people to waifu


People will waifu a pear with lips, retard.


File: 1724808399006.mp4 (2 MB, 576x1024, faaed31b-549a-4a01-b099-81….mp4)


Did you save this thread?


Also, Mex, what resource did you use to get Kubel sprites? I couldn't find them by looking it up.


No, that's a stupid assumption. I just write down the post numbers in a text document before I make the post.

Let it be known that those posts were worthy of getting nuked since they were TRICKSTER shit.


An RPG maker decrypter tool
There's an online version, too


Perhaps you should be the one to upload it sites for VN Sprites, no?


*it to


Locked and loaded.


File: 1724808929448.png (69.84 KB, 1232x1232, ClipboardImage.png)


Move onto a new troon?


What site?
I mean, it's on exhentai already…


Look up "VN sprites", idiot…


but the current one is still on this plane of existence


Objective markers, pop up tutorials, can use ru-ra indoorz…


If they were a bot, I would swipe them


File: 1724809014824.png (3.48 KB, 227x58, ClipboardImage.png)




File: 1724809045256.png (7.24 KB, 456x71, ClipboardImage.png)

Our response, bwos?!


"baby. small. lidl."


I wanted to have you fight feraljak


>It's colder outside than in my house again


"I'm a little guy so small"


Do they actually talk about Lidl?


File: 1724809180390-0.png (17.49 KB, 564x209, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1724809180390-1.png (7.31 KB, 448x106, ClipboardImage.png)

I think I might just:


>Objective markers, pop up tutorials
T-Toggleable, surely…
>ru-ra indoorz
Actual heresy, what's the point of the wizard escape spell then?


File: 1724809314336.png (35.45 KB, 588x310, ClipboardImage.png)



catroon has to do the Yagokoro dance now


File: 1724809528666.jpg (21.06 KB, 259x251, quote-for-less-than-the-co….jpg)

Kim Gordon's steamy, creamy, dreamy logs.
>Accidentally wrote "Kim Pine."


In the exact same scenario, presumably?


uhm actually I have an eye queue of 250, I had M*nsa conceal it from the public so I don't get harassed by plebeians…


Look who's still dancing.


File: 1724809694420.png (3.66 KB, 328x28, ClipboardImage.png)

>Kim Pine


File: 1724809855510.png (179.52 KB, 1200x1404, andrew hussie real.png)

Imagine how gross that new Scott Pilgrim show would be if it didn't have a floating timeline.

Gay relationship drama only works with 20-somethings and teens. Imagine GROWN ASS MEN doing shit like that.

Unfortunately, none of my Andrew Hussie pictures are called "Andrew Hussie" except this one.




https://boards.4chan.org/mu/thread/123365620 At least they're still misogynistic enough.




It's more likely than you think!




This is all a symptom of me having to wait 200s to make a fucking thread that will be deleted in 5 minutes.


Also, a suspicious amount of frog threads.

I'm sure that in current year, 2024, /mu/ is the premier newfag board. Yes, even more than fucking /v/


>Imagine how gross that new Scott Pilgrim show would be if it didn't have a floating timeline.
Should we laude homestuck for keeping things relatively fixed? I certainly don't want to be old that homer simpson one day…



Anyway, fuck it. Where's the Albini flag, MEX?


>Should we laude homestuck for keeping things relatively fixed?
No, because none of the characters talk like children or adults.


File: 1724810340955.png (67.69 KB, 259x251, 10024.png)

Is albina a beloved?
Have ye a clean pic?


in 2030 TRICKSTERS will hire bounty hunters to hunt down cis wwomen and steal their wombs (drugs will be better at preventing rejection but growing a womb in a lab will still be very expensive)


File: 1724810397292.png (2.47 KB, 42x51, ClipboardImage.png)

Just clean this slightly, you lazy fuck!


Stop with your troon power fantasies, please.


Count: 1


guard your wwomb


I'm not a woman.


File: 1724810550625.png (191.2 KB, 400x400, ClipboardImage.png)

Rose? Rose Lalonde?






Count: 2


File: 1724810638583.png (100.55 KB, 178x192, ss_debirusamana_souruhakka….png)

Rose? Rose Lalonde?


men are an endangered species in anime


there are men in anime?





He's just a Rose variant


>Jewtube doesn't count as things you watch in YouTube Music as things you watch on Jewtube
>It still remembers your playtime
Fucking Spaghetti code.


>He's just a Rose variant
Ross if he accepted how gay he fucking was.


Only then could he become badass in any degree.


Megidochan we shout
Ao Floiydy sky no doubt
In echoes of /co/, where farts still gleam,
Freewheelin' chaos, caught in a dream
From Rose to Maje, we shout out our 'Ai'
Atlas shrugged, ghosts refused to die
On est tous des imbéciles


*To the tune of the nameless theme*
He's Super Mario, and he likes touching kiiiiids


Why haven't you tried doing that yet?


I have tried (30~50 credits worth), but it doesn't carry the tune properly.
I'd have to sing myself to provide it a guideline…


Mario must be stopped


>I'd have to sing myself to provide it a guideline…
Let's hear it~


For your information, RoW has heard my voice so. You know.


Peach won't put out so


It's late here, maybe if I can find a secluded spot sometime





>It's late here
That's a rotten excuse, you know.


File: 1724811735668.png (10.12 MB, 3456x4608, ClipboardImage.png)


Chinese ingenuity strikes again!


i made this


>World's best Rosemary art

Fuck off, Rev.


Your art fucking sucks.


then you should have posted it here first


Be wary of those afraid to steal in public. Ancient Chinese proverb.


that is very unfortunate


Also, is Jennifer still technically dead? RoW never commented on his check-up.


have u ever tried building people up instead of tearing them down


Have you ever attempted suicide?


30 posts until the heaventhread


Fuck off, I won't let you have it.


I'm not enough of a faggot to preemptively pull the trigger though.


Us non-Jews believe in something called honor.


There will be a Revathan thread.


That's why Alice got burned at the stake there, goy


Shut up, Rev.


Shut up, Tatsuya.


Madoka thread incoming


Fuck off, troon.


Madoka > Rev > Fobby Tox


File: 1724812257973.png (512.47 KB, 500x576, 20210217_171135.png)


Was is a gay psyop?


File: 1724812432269.png (1.26 MB, 1554x722, ClipboardImage.png)

ominous and worrying


From "Bigger than [S] Cascade", to this


That's not saying much.



howw bout that pricks face wwhen he saww the gyatt




I will pay him $3k to do Homestuck and you will regret it


The post-credits Bartleby stinger in Sonic 3 will turn things around


File: 1724814527767.jpg (143.11 KB, 1280x720, H8QLEq91BvQ.jpg)


Will I?



its 0k

Anyone know if this has save states and rewind?


Wait duh it does, like the GBA one


Troon response.


parsed that as 0,000 for a sec


>troon response
0bsessi0n for men


Who will claim the thread?
I certainly shan't be me.


File: 1724815325400.png (402.67 KB, 785x919, ClipboardImage.png)

>日本人 only



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