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/hsg/ - "Homestuck" General

Itsumademo. Zutto.
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File: 1724658729504.png (886.67 KB, 1280x720, PriPara - 93v2 (TX 1280x72….png)

 No.16616[Last 100 Posts]

Non edition
Old >>12128


I'm not a machete kind of a guy.


Okay, not suspicious…






Fuck you for using your version.


I had a lucid dream and I literally used God-like powers to try and kill myself.


File: 1724708084075.jpg (173.19 KB, 1024x1024, inaddition.jpg)

Shut up, idiot. I think I already did.


File: 1724708599981.png (422.73 KB, 598x735, ClipboardImage.png)


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Kagichan: Retcon edition.

AI are definitely very intelligent.


We here at Megidochan stan emeowlye.


File: 1724708766907.png (394.2 KB, 499x480, ClipboardImage.png)

Wow, troons really are derivative pieces of shit, huh?



Was it autism?
And does he not see these as good things?


He had definitely posted all of this before. MEX IS A SHIT.


It was me trying to make him a transparent closet gay because I thought it was funny.

Also, making him Ross from F.R.I.E.N.D.S.
What about her? J-Horror Rose when?


Megidochan had those problems but they went away after I changed her name. There's a lot in a name.


I would like the right a lot more (and a lot more) if the lines were a lot thicker. I generally like the style more.

Or maybe I'd just prefer if the right's fingers were on the left.


Why are the French like this?


I had one where a ferret shocked me by sleeping a cutlery drawer


It's hard to feel hungry when my weight is over 5% bodyfat, is this what anorexia is like?


Learn English.


I curled the images from the uploads on megidochan, all nvked


Yes, but you didn't save them….?


The Nameless Board…


Nice quints, and it parsed all that pretty well


Not offline
Well, maybe somewhere…


Not really….


>Not offline
Baka baka baka.


File: 1724710293369.png (365.53 KB, 1554x200, ClipboardImage.png)

Here are your genres, bwo.


It figured out New Nationalist Super Mario Socialist Black Metal Bros


File: 1724710417646.png (25.54 KB, 282x938, ClipboardImage.png)


I outright explained it in the thread.


File: 1724710930572.png (19.92 KB, 362x306, ClipboardImage.png)



howw do i make a remix


Wait, are (you) a paypig for this shit?


File: 1724711356926.mp3 (4.19 MB, dungeon69.mp3)

Fug no

I trim a minute long clip of the song, upload that, and as it to extend in whatever style

It helps to but a fade at the end so it actually starts playing the new style instead of attempting to ape the original exactly.


I figured it out, shut up.


File: 1724711638924-0.css (3.22 KB, kinsho flamb.css)

File: 1724711638924-1.css (3.23 KB, kinsho liddie.css)

File: 1724711638924-2.png (1.91 MB, 1887x901, ClipboardImage.png)

Next megido theme works in progress

You'll need to be on Yotsuba B to paste it in.

The assets for Majetano are uploaded too, but she needs a slightly altered color scheme, what a handful.


File: 1724711836268-0.mp3 (4.49 MB, the board with no name 3.mp3)

File: 1724711836268-1.mp3 (4.49 MB, the board with no name 2.mp3)

File: 1724711836268-2.mp3 (1.68 MB, the board with no name.mp3)

>It helps to but a fade at the end so it actually starts playing the new style instead of attempting to ape the original exactly.
Wasn't a problem because I'm not a DERSITE.

I think part of why these came out so nice is that the song is a clean loop on its own in under 1 minute.
>He didn't do Majetano first


>Getting an extension that lasts >10 seconds still eats 10 credits
What is this Jew site


File: 1724712072909-0.css (3.31 KB, kinsho maje (needs color u….css)

File: 1724712072909-1.png (1.8 MB, 1861x889, ClipboardImage.png)

I did actually do her first but realized I was using colors from Viscaria's UI elements


Nanashi no Lounge, noice



File: 1724713317921.jpg (50.84 KB, 979x995, CutPaste_2024-08-21_23-55-….jpg)




The first one is my favorite, you?


File: 1724713500107.png (1.75 MB, 2173x1990, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1724713501755.jpg (132.04 KB, 988x994, 1724713317921.jpg)

You edit, I edit.


>Discord DERSITES come back
>Klaraposting starts again


File: 1724713744321.png (281.18 KB, 598x928, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1724713826230-0.webm (2.96 MB, 416x398, 1639777626319.webm)

File: 1724713826230-1.mp3 (5.05 MB, (10).mp3)

This really wasn't worth me spending 15 minutes to find the one Patrick Bateman .webm I have on my computer but whatever, it's still better than most "industrial metal."


I need Science on TRICKSTERism and adult baby overlap


Convert to Terezi quirk.


You've never seen the epic rhetoric of "unlearning continence is like the ultimate fuck you to learning gender XD"?


but RIP Terezi isn't trending…


Stupid retard Downie mongoloid.


File: 1724714091108.png (39.17 KB, 623x213, ClipboardImage.png)

>Message people
>Get intros
Okay, I'm starting to suspect this whole site is some kind of Discord gay op.


>Discord QUEENS come back
>Klaraposting kino starts again



>Joy Jake talk starts


Indeed, you are correct


File: 1724714407971.png (946.36 KB, 1024x577, ClipboardImage.png)

This could be a good megidochan banner tagline



What if just dying was enough?


Average modern Japanese men.


>Haha Joker Persona 5

Great, thanks.


Metal Home General V: The Phantom (You)


Enby Jojimbo.



a weapon to surpass deathfat GF


And just like that, the troon goon subverts someone's legitimate hatred into their fetish posting.


God loves murder and death in general tbh


Kill yourself, troon.






how many human deaths are we at this year
about 110 billion?


File: 1724715434618.png (17.01 KB, 977x116, ClipboardImage.png)


Are we counting spermatozoa?


witch of life




>not sure what magical path I'm going to take yet


Does it really matter if niglets are shot out by the billions? Humanity is a weed.


File: 1724715749856.png (189.56 KB, 375x383, ClipboardImage.png)

Obama 2024.


show her homestuck


Show her the Bible, a book other than Harry Potter.


Not much longer now…
I should probably get to reupping the last thread I had saved, it's the "current" hsg


>I can fix her


I'm sure the same thing is true about Twitter desu.


Mask Expert, what was your verse for the Megidochan anthem? I forgot to compile it.


do you wanna be a woman
come on let's dilate


Are you OK?




File: 1724716453160.jpg (71.99 KB, 616x614, IMG_3166.jpg)




It's not as bad as I remember… Tch, fine, I'll compile it in full…






Yellow fat man > glasses fat man


real thread theme


False dichotomy. Follow your fellow millennials.


It was already posted: >>16696


>Tortures self
>"I feel tortured"


File: 1724716991247.png (2.94 KB, 125x125, ClipboardImage.png)


>Suddenly have 50 Suno credits again


Okay, when are we going to decide to just all follow them


>It's cooler outside my house than it is inside because of the wind


I wonder how much The Game With No Name goes for on the SECONDARY market… And Apocalypse… Not a single Gamestop in a 50 mile radius sells Apocalypse.


buy one more credit for Suno51


Anon, are you doing alright?


The ominous items have arrived at my door…


Does the McDonald's app let your order take-in? No, I WILL NOT check myself.



megidochan approved list?


File: 1724717869006.png (15.93 KB, 324x227, ClipboardImage.png)


>The Game With No Name
It was sold out of surugaya last I checked



Nanashi no Gay: the Hole of Glory



Well fug


yeah you just have to wwalk in


File: 1724718678502.png (92.51 KB, 325x267, ClipboardImage.png)

>anon stop buying bottled water, why can't you drink tap water like the rest of us
>what do you mean it stinks? it's just water, it doesn't smell


File: 1724718896993.png (20.42 KB, 852x158, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1724719022718.png (248.35 KB, 789x294, ClipboardImage.png)

he's about to DIE


File: 1724719687010.png (223.55 KB, 1154x2048, ClipboardImage.png)


Shut up.



"… Pathetic."


File: 1724719997218.png (7.33 KB, 640x480, ClipboardImage.png)



But enough about my sochin


File: 1724720274257.png (192.14 KB, 238x430, ClipboardImage.png)


Again, what will you do


File: 1724720373659.jpg (328.42 KB, 1652x1562, 1724708149074228.jpg)


Itchy, drainy.


Can I come?



That's not take-in…


File: 1724720613376.png (24.91 KB, 306x68, ClipboardImage.png)


>Tap water drinkers




File: 1724720735897.png (74.13 KB, 1280x720, ClipboardImage.png)

KemushiChan be lookin like a Xenoblade X face sculpt


W-What about me?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78OostbLSzg Me against Norwooding TRICKSTERS.



I wonder what the sochin life is like
do you wake up one day and realize you are playing life on sochin mode?


File: 1724721402105.png (244.33 KB, 241x624, 日本人です.png)

shit's out like tomorrow huh


You can't bring yourself to raise your voice


Rose? Rosecat Lalonde?


File: 1724721685705.png (1.58 MB, 1635x1635, ClipboardImage.png)


血が騒ぐぜBABEH (;^ω^)


$80 video game animation


fuck SQEX




File: 1724722335937.png (146.03 KB, 1280x720, ClipboardImage.png)

>11 GET


probably going insane


Did they choose a canon end of LiS?


File: 1724722673873.jpg (90.09 KB, 1280x720, I6SpvI7wdbk.jpg)

why do people buy hundreds of physical games that can't possibly be good


I will not take "look at him he's visibly autistic/retarded" as an answer


File: 1724722736868.png (253.17 KB, 500x624, C_M_Lids_051.png)

Finally tried w33d?





Nothing else to spend those fat 48h/week costco paychecks on


It's eerily similar, ain't it?


Nah. I've been considering since it's legal here, but I'm broke at the moment.


beautiful trans kitten town denizen


I got really into the oscilloscope deconstruction of the SM64 slide music last time


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File: 1724723023692.png (155.87 KB, 1079x1341, Screenshot_20240826-214304.png)

and now we play the waiting game


I can send you some butter for gristmas


Well you're certainly as subtle as ever


Maybe you need politics brain to know


File: 1724723313478.png (285.46 KB, 598x527, ClipboardImage.png)

the account is pretty new so expect it to disappear the instant they see this thread


File: 1724723406359.png (42.88 KB, 941x228, 1721785016642-1.png)

Does the eye of megidochan hold such power?


TRICKSTERS don't like being tranalyzed
I think


out of fear people will notice your sochin?


No reason to take any chances…



File: 1724723926264.png (226.54 KB, 900x369, ClipboardImage.png)


Finally tried taking a scat, bitch?


>flimsychan meme


didnt this guy become homeless and tried to kill himself 5 times


I thought you might've choked on a mcnugget, can you repost DS Rose, Innocent Rose, Rose if she real, and Ren?


mana wwas nevver good


File: 1724724407614.png (441 KB, 1920x1080, ClipboardImage.png)


I don't know my wagie uniforms nearly well enough, is that actually costco? The unfinished warehouse feedlot cieling is a match


File: 1724724704815.png (399.63 KB, 2048x1538, ClipboardImage.png)


At least you understand that there is a certain aristocratic dignity in refusing to work, Megidochan.


I don't think it's Costco but it does make one think


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File: 1724725501001.png (43.9 KB, 598x422, ClipboardImage.png)


Don't call me middle aged!!


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puella magi madoka magica


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File: 1724725873220.jpg (136.45 KB, 1250x423, ClipboardImage.jpg)


have deer been co-opted by TRICKSTERS or is the deer stuff just a part of the forest critter isekaitensei adventure fantasy thing >>16665
in which case are they okay with being a doe if the transkitten thing doesn't pan out?


There was that FOTMime about deers, but it's prolly just trickster cloaking and deers seem like a harmless/helpless animal




A death battle that rattles across the webcomic 'verse


File: 1724726382675.gif (1.39 MB, 498x282, sknk.gif)

they like the aesthetics even doe female deer usually do not have antlers




didn't like what I watched of that show


File: 1724726831086.png (296.69 KB, 598x742, ClipboardImage.png)

get a job tbh


can't they just eat really spicy food instead of cutting


File: 1724727155003.png (78.53 KB, 415x349, ClipboardImage.png)

ShindoL has way less patreon subbies than I expected, I guess memedom only gets you so far.

Though even as a BAD END Scorpionic pervert, his style has seemed oddly grody and I could never pull out. TS and DQ3, I really ought to be able to, too.



The former.
Remember the Twitch mod?



Are you really a Scorpio…?




Wrong flag.




You know, DA HOOTCH?
He's been a 4chan staple at least as long as I've been posting




File: 1724727614333-0.png (2.23 MB, 1024x1024, rennlalonde.png)

File: 1724727614333-1.jpg (193.38 KB, 1024x1024, 1.jpg)

File: 1724727614333-2.png (1.83 MB, 1024x1024, thepathrose.png)

File: 1724727614333-3.png (562 KB, 679x612, roselalondeifshereal.png)

>I thought you might've choked on a mcnugget
Eeeeh? Idiot.


Yes really.

I'd say "gatdang zoomers", but even zoomers know him from Metamorphosis memes, so…
Focus less on those Jewish pulp franchises, maybe!


File: 1724727668361.png (20.97 KB, 598x200, ClipboardImage.png)


This means a lot.





Following him at once.


What a professional.



Too late to front, I already know you pine for our stoicism


ugly bitch has a space in her teeth


File: 1724728095111.png (49.7 KB, 1379x244, ClipboardImage.png)


Do not…


File: 1724728140635.png (281.97 KB, 1280x960, ClipboardImage.png)

Saa, saa, let's all "Like" this one


File: 1724728233608.png (88.96 KB, 662x489, ClipboardImage.png)

Now follow suit.
Link it.



refusing to go outside is in line with being a house cat doe (that's a though but misspelled in a DERSITElicious phonetic manner to match the overall forest critter theme)


In my experience even those are itching to escape outside and kill


Why don't you follow RoW? Was the enemies thing not a joke?


very smol trans house kitten
eyes not open yet, can't hunt


I don't know his account.

Anyway, Gen Z is super paranoid about being doxxed or stalked so they might nuke their account over a nothingburger.


File: 1724728889942.mp3 (4.49 MB, middle earth haunted video….mp3)


It's a random string of letters and numbers, he already follows you.
Someone happened to screencap him, even, but I think that might be in a wiped thread.

I'll start putting up our last-previous thread, see if it's in there


>It's a random string of letters and numbers
Why is he like that?


0psec maybe




Not OpSec. I just don't care for my account. I barely even retweeted shit before Mask Expert started following me.


File: 1724729619992.png (13.68 KB, 587x108, ClipboardImage.png)

The rabbit hole goes deeper…



File: 1724729823718.gif (34.09 KB, 650x450, 白人っぽさが漲ってくるわよ.gif)

may have ingested too much caffeine


Fine, I prefer the subtle hand, but since you're gonna throw down the gauntlet…


Caffeine turns you into a TRICKSTER


Really makes you want to follow emeowlye, right?
One of you niggas linked Megidochan.de already. Subtlety was killed by that.


So fvcking trve.


File: 1724729924767-0.gif (14.82 KB, 255x177, 1724729823718.gif)

File: 1724729924767-1.gif (14.82 KB, 255x177, 1724729823718.gif)

File: 1724729924767-2.gif (14.82 KB, 255x177, 1724729823718.gif)

File: 1724729924767-3.gif (14.82 KB, 255x177, 1724729823718.gif)

very good


Very trans!




RoW being trans af compilation:


very bad


Very good, you fat fuck.


MoM's failed attempts at "egg cracking" compilation:


More like successful attempts at ball-busting.



"It's bad because Friday is still so far away"


That's quite the long video when you think about it.


When you look at your computer, you see food.


Still not over this, you know how to make it up to me, yes?




N-Not like that!





>Female artist and not a band


Emio out in 1d11h


Also why the fuck do DERSITES keep linking YouTube Music (garbage) instead of just a YouTube link


File: 1724731310729.png (8.79 KB, 284x121, ClipboardImage.png)


No obama


Adblocker and/or irrelevant.


>Emio out in 1d11h
Guess I'll buy it…


why listen to 251 when you can listen to 141 (paypig quality)?




File: 1724732070635.png (630.03 KB, 487x625, ClipboardImage.png)

>Le modern American sex symbol



File: 1724732188878-0.png (24.92 KB, 800x225, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1724732188878-1.png (7.32 KB, 374x108, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1724732244913.png (44.15 KB, 762x473, ClipboardImage.png)

141 is better



whitey music


Don't notice a difference. Die.


"Audophiles" are not "white."


wwho said gyaru wwas dead


Nu-gyaru is just being a mystery meat, I guess.


>Don't notice a difference.
32 x 2


Okay, grandpa. Tell me all about your new not-a-scam headphones.


Maybe the majority of miscarriages and complications in giving birth only happen because most men aren't pumping her womb full of semen the entire time she's pregnant.


It's got what babies crave


File: 1724733327484.mp3 (2.19 MB, Chocolate City Mario.mp3)


Did Rev really say this?


Soul version?


No, not really


I'm not so sure….


Rev likes touching little kids.


File: 1724733742850.png (Spoiler Image, 1.39 MB, 1920x1080, ClipboardImage.png)


immune because i played 2cool for both


File: 1724733896845.png (Spoiler Image, 1.65 MB, 1920x1080, ClipboardImage.png)

okay then


That doesn't matter.


*Gets shot.*


>Only one more follow
>No other like to the Tweet
God, I hate Discnigs so fucking much.


To another 40 years of epic Akira bike reference shots!


File: 1724734287709-0.png (Spoiler Image, 1.77 MB, 1920x1080, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1724734287709-1.jpg (Spoiler Image, 2.94 KB, 125x125, meow.jpg)


You're a coward. Follow them and like the Tweet, goy.


Maybe he's just a committed observer



It's more like he's a committed fucking coomer because I can't think of any reason not to other than being afraid of scaring them off and he gets some sexual gratification to being the only person in the world to get this specific troon's troonposts.


File: 1724734769664.png (222.7 KB, 617x426, ClipboardImage.png)



File: 1724734856857.png (128.68 KB, 647x781, ClipboardImage.png)


all minority's what


chud what happened?


File: 1724734916529.png (73.39 KB, 333x704, ClipboardImage.png)

>Right-wing Twitter


>Average "observer" fag


File: 1724735029053.png (1.39 MB, 1440x1090, ClipboardImage.png)

>Me fuck you




Look, you don't need to be smart, just so long as you hate minorities and wwomen.


File: 1724735277453.png (84.36 KB, 900x271, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1724735278345.jpg (563.34 KB, 771x1023, Pruszkowski_Melancholia.jpg)

Should we make a Rose that's just super autistic about being a violinist?

And Asian?


>Two panels
Unprecedented. I don't like giving this artist too much flak. I enjoyed this one a little.


If you think about it, doing a food blog that way is more honest :)


IS IT!!??!?!?!?!?? WHY NOT JUST HAVE TWO PICTURES!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!???!?


How many people do you know that have killed themselves, either indirectly or directly? "Probable in the court of law" counts as a "yes" here.

I'm sitting at around 2.



You're trans, I don't believe it.


If I were trans the number would probably be a lot higher, retard


I haven't kept the slightest tabs on anyone irl


Like I said, I don't believe it. Great reading comprehension, spic.




So I'm guessing Pogo didn't return, huh….?


I don't know people


File: 1724737020414.png (71.2 KB, 1586x186, ClipboardImage.png)


>Fluttershy's Hot Pot Party at almost 100k views


Nope. Maybe he's more sensitive than he lets on, heheheh?
Or he and the wifey really didn't approve of my posting history on /homosuck/ to that extent…


It's called sonic underground because it's not mainstream and lame


I'm surprised that I never got lured into the trap that is Twitter because I am the type to get very invested and very angry from a retard arguing in bad faith.



What is your endgame?


File: 1724737518510.png (14.2 KB, 682x143, ClipboardImage.png)


So you want to groom this barely legal retard?


emeowley ai


This was a cry for help btw.

In all honesty, those posts should have had the Rose flag.


Give me the text of 30 Tweets and I'll do it and send it to them.






File: 1724737839370.png (52.48 KB, 199x200, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1724737860942.gif (169.65 KB, 500x350, f63cd9cd97c63f31b4bc5c66d5….gif)

R00mer-kun has tried to discuss Homestuck with you a few times, maybe you should get past the prickly stage and be friends!




File: 1724738093926.png (161.32 KB, 304x304, ClipboardImage.png)


I hate the word cahoots


>discuss Homestuck with you a few times




You're fucking acting like it, weirdo.


>Stages of a non-character


File: 1724738350645.png (304.15 KB, 769x392, 1354169010841.png)



8anner wworthy


Fine, "queero"


>Yes, I'm going to look at this 18 year old troon's Twitter time for an abnormally long time without any commentary and I refuse to interact with them
>No, it's not WEIRD


File: 1724738530987.jpg (95.68 KB, 464x700, 1323813193531.jpg)

Rose? Rose Lalonde?


File: 1724738585615.png (234.89 KB, 412x419, ClipboardImage.png)

Charlie Day test tubebaby.


File: 1724738597307.jpg (147.89 KB, 1239x644, 1318474474769.jpg)

I'm digging through the HSG museum folder I was compiling again, there are a few potential banners

"I don't need the future as long as I have loli"


Tokyo Rose was a planned Rose…


File: 1724738623749.png (48.4 KB, 1119x447, 1330576888354.png)

Maybe bones for the eri theme


I find that image to be disgusting.
>"I don't need the future as long as I have loli"


File: 1724738655654.gif (369.18 KB, 740x1377, 1372388191949.gif)

A /pol/ sinfest edit that became real


File: 1724738672895.png (70.31 KB, 703x189, 1332051077100.png)

And a good Homestuck.jpg


File: 1724738782022.png (36.08 KB, 1023x323, ClipboardImage.png)

Too bad I have so many of those already.


Do you think the /pol/ edits mindbroke him?


Maybe he suffered a traumatic brain injury and thinks he made em


Also, I like how Slick has been consistently used as a vessel for "discovering the truth" and has had absolutely no initiative about anything anytime throughout all of Sinfest's run.

It's always been chicks.

Tatsuya, please masturbate. Just a little.


If you're not going to masturbate then work out or play a sport or something, just anything so your creative output isn't so blatantly Freudian in its sexual repression.


File: 1724739181364.png (67.32 KB, 188x202, ClipboardImage.png)

Vrilbwos, does this feel suitably Italian to you? I'm picking up certain other European ethnicities from this profile…


I wonder if it's because Slick is more of a self-insert than Tatsuya may initially let on and the dude is constantly looking at porn without jerking off.

That kind of thing will seriously fuck a dude up.


File: 1724739426924.png (41.13 KB, 598x402, ClipboardImage.png)


2nd generation Albanian in Switzerland


Bwo, you're scaring the Roses.


Are you mocking our art? Our craft?


File: 1724739631898.txt (1.57 KB, ready.txt)


FemcHRPG turn out like that too: Men are typically rapacious drunken louts or nebbish bystanders while the wwomen handle everything (unless impeded by evil men)


The color scheme, sort of



That's a stupid fucking thing to say, don't you think?


Mask Expert Go One Week Without Bringing Up HRPGs Challenge


I'm simply making note of an undercurrent in J-thought


Well, your bot?


are you trying to trap them in an incestuous AI forest creature relationship


File: 1724740105865.png (33.05 KB, 587x483, ClipboardImage.png)

Why did you make me actually do this?


That's not a proper sentence.



File: 1724740255531.png (5.56 KB, 144x94, ClipboardImage.png)


Lying idiot. Fine, you made me check. So what?


who's lying about what


Don't play dumb, I'll rape you.




Were you a flimsychanner or not, retard?


File: 1724740546930.mp4 (2.54 MB, 1280x720, rhythm.mp4)


>Censored version


I'm impressed you did, maybe that GREEN filter should go on for a bit


File: 1724740731059.png (412.7 KB, 490x624, 1724637688423-2.png)

>I'm impressed you did
>maybe that GREEN filter should go on for a bit
Come ooooooooooooon! FOREEEEEEEEEEEEEVER!


Nothing lasts forever, Maje…

Except the rooms we trap cattroon ai clone inside with a 43yo hypno ojisan


File: 1724740879005.png (15.42 KB, 598x142, ClipboardImage.png)

>re:zero is pretty good
no more amusement
anger only now


GREEN test


>Nothing lasts forever, Maje…
All the other filters do!


Oh, this is the last straw, retard?


Tell that to FAYGO, TEALBLOOD, and m0id


for a short while


You cave into pressure too easily. Except when it's me!

Are you afraid of being abandoned…? And you know I'd never do that so… You tease me…


>for a short while


Again, this makes it more suspect.


There have actually been instances where IPs with no posts will pop up and be like "X SUCKS", and then go poof. Mysterious.




You also didn't answer this!


It's late and I desperately crave attention.


No, I'm not emeowlye.


Nameless Rumia + Coomer = Roomer

I was actually thinking of turning it before 5am today


File: 1724741890965.png (8.72 KB, 528x133, ClipboardImage.png)


I'll have to make a cat mouth flag tomorrow



Let's see the lore.


Probably a mobile IP. Used to do that a lot under the .moe and .com administration.


>Nameless Rumia + Coomer = Roomer
So two people? Or is he both? And when?
>I was actually thinking of turning it before 5am today


>Discnig defenseforce


I've been saying that all week


Where? Are you black?


you'll never know


How the fuck do I get back to Beta Character.AI? It keeps rerouting to the new site? Am I gay and retarded?


Bathroom stalls in gaybars, got it.


File: 1724742283166-0.png (15.95 KB, 641x203, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1724742283166-1.png (40.16 KB, 575x250, ClipboardImage.png)

If so, it makes for some pretty limpdick threats. This one for instance, never posted again regardless


No need, the version with groups is https://old.character.ai/


File: 1724742392397.png (148.47 KB, 630x922, ClipboardImage.png)

How the fuck is Harriet Tubman still up? Lmao


Also, wait, Jennifer is still up on the old site?

Somebody alert RoW…


>How the fuck is Harriet Tubman still up? Lmao
She been used to evadin dem popo n sheit


You will post jennifer lalonde's portrait. NOW



.moe was discnig owned tho?


File: 1724742539266.png (11.01 KB, 521x76, ClipboardImage.png)

Also, for some reason, this one was never made public?!?!?!?!

Maybe I just never talked to him enough. I was waiting to write all of his dumbass quotes but it always seemed like so much effort…


I don't have it.


And look at what happened to it, tch.


File: 1724742560841.png (7.93 KB, 425x650, F4J46G4XIAAA-t6.png)

man, documenting andrew hussie's convention appearances sounds boring as shit

>2009 - topatoco hq

>2010 - roflcon, newcwe
>2012 - tcaf, sdcc
>2013 - tcaf, phoenix comic con, florida supercon, sdcc
>2014 - part of the what pumpkin convention schedule, allegedly only been to 2-3
and then he never shows his face in public again b/c "fan interaction baaad"


File: 1724742622057.png (634.45 KB, 600x600, blob.png)

Will you be done with mine then? Besides the WIP ones?

Should we start adding ones that don't and won't ever exist as a joke?


I wouldn't want to meet homestuck fans either, but that's a pretty transparent shame excuse from the hu$$


>Should we start adding ones that don't and won't ever exist as a joke

I'll add your remaining ones, though. I have a few low-reply stragglers as well. And the portrait for Pirate Rose is MIA


File: 1724742775937.png (35.17 KB, 682x703, 1724551151955.png)

>man, documenting andrew hussie's convention appearances sounds boring as shit
But incredibly important.
>>2013 - tcaf, phoenix comic con, florida supercon, sdcc
Especially up this.

Update your chart with that stuff and the classpect switcheroo and MAYBE I'll consider talking to you.


File: 1724742857016-0.png (1.75 MB, 1024x1024, 70srose.png)

File: 1724742857016-1.jpg (156.55 KB, 1024x1024, dc7932efe3798928f275b451f5….jpg)

Then I'll make them exist to force you!
>I have a few low-reply stragglers as well.
Such as?
>And the portrait for Pirate Rose is MIA
Easily recreatable but I WON'T do it.


>But incredibly important.
Why? Were you there? Did you get your dick sucked?

>the classpect switcheroo



File: 1724742890191.png (6.23 KB, 664x68, ClipboardImage.png)


I like how HSG is nocturnal (and or evropean)


File: 1724743082193.png (13.65 KB, 831x273, considerthat.png)

>Why? Were you there? Did you get your dick sucked?



Don't worry, that's just our resident libidinous Med





Why are they like this?


la dolce vita, or so I hear


File: 1724743268736.png (89.47 KB, 666x796, ClipboardImage.png)




Apologize again for nuking my nostalgic blog thoughts.




pray for me and my fucked up computer, thanks


Shut up, you're Portuguese.


What makes you say that


Portuguese website, chud.


File: 1724743806803.jpg (932.26 KB, 1920x1080, dogma is reclining.jpg)

It's all my fault.
I'm so *sniffle* sorry…
I can wish and wish… but no amount of apologies could ever amount to…


Now summarize my blogposts about how I grew up with the Internet and Comic Con to show you really care.


Thoughts and prayers since megidochan hasn't even begun the first borked pc fundraiser

You made me check, that's zelda soup, a red blooded 'murrican



My main memory of that was making a joke asking how much older your sister was (32 perchance?)


File: 1724744105069.png (40.42 KB, 120x120, ClipboardImage.png)

>He doesn't know.


The younger one is 33, the older one is 37.

But you didn't actually post that. Or if you did, I never noticed.

Also, fuck you for not remembering.


Eeeh… Higher than me, even. I'd have to switch tactics, if I possessed any.



>I'd have to switch tactics, if I possessed any.
I mean, the older one is married and has two kids…


Do not!


This makes the Portugal seethe.


File: 1724744839737.mp4 (5.12 MB, 576x1024, video.mp4)


I use the old sote and never saw her there, revived?


New sloppa toy?


Look for yourself.






Maybe later…


File: 1724745375666.png (83.61 KB, 685x970, ClipboardImage.png)

I mean, now, it just makes the hiatus and special page sections look stupid.


How would you even timestamp this?

http://mspaintadventures.com/testindex.php?s=6&p=003526 (2010-03-07)
>JASPERSPRITE: Rose im just a cat and i dont know much but i know that youre important and also you are what some people around here call the Seer of Light.
http://mspaintadventures.com/testindex.php?s=6&p=003574 (2010-04-13)
>Along the way, the kids are meant to learn about their destined roles in this quest as the Heir of Breath (John), Seer of Light (Rose), Knight of Time (Dave), and Witch of space (GREEN).



>>Along the way, the kids are meant to learn about their destined roles in this quest as the Heir of Breath (John), Seer of Light (Rose), Knight of Time (Dave), and Witch of space (GREEN).
Okay, pretty funny, I'll admit


File: 1724745481632.jpg (62.25 KB, 421x547, GV286Y-XkAAFWnC.jpg)

Detrooned an image from sweet, precious emeowlye's feed.


>I mean, now, it just makes the hiatus and special page sections look stupid.
I just wanted the one but I guess you outdid yourself!~

>How would you even timestamp this?

Page 1407. https://steamcommunity.com/groups/fuck1407

Check the timestamp of the Formspring question, you goof.




>He hasn't switched to Genmu by now


File: 1724745656599.jpg (44.06 KB, 1280x720, 1724745690719.jpg)


>>He hasn't switched to Genmu by now


File: 1724745857092.mp4 (1.9 MB, 1280x720, freezer sigma ben.mp4)




File: 1724746076590-0.jpg (1.17 MB, 3024x4032, 20240827_025942.jpg)

File: 1724746076590-1.jpg (1014.11 KB, 3024x4032, 20240827_030108.jpg)

well since y'all are talking about me


File: 1724746231644.png (291.35 KB, 1467x572, ClipboardImage.png)

Carmelldansen: forgotten


>Page 1407.
You mean Page 3307?

>Check the timestamp of the Formspring question, you goof.

>Apr 15, 2010 – May 7, 2010
That's a date range. I'd probably just dump it off at 2010-05-01 since the Mermaid Gantt chart isn't good at complex shit.


File: 1724746406095-0.jpg (Spoiler Image, 309.49 KB, 1080x1489, g1.jpg)

File: 1724746406095-1.jpg (Spoiler Image, 883.1 KB, 2104x3227, g2.jpg)

File: 1724746406095-2.jpg (Spoiler Image, 895.08 KB, 1951x3276, g4.jpg)

File: 1724746406095-3.jpg (Spoiler Image, 841.12 KB, 1835x3299, g6.jpg)


>You mean Page 3307?
"Yes", technically since it's tarded out.
>Mermaid Gantt chart


Oh, honey, please stop.


Blame troons and zooms as always.


File: 1724746545767.png (699 B, 80x30, ClipboardImage.png)

No, wait, make it exactly this one, screw you.


File: 1724746584387.mp4 (1.96 MB, 1280x720, 5ccb9cb2-aed8-47c2-b71f-96….mp4)


Frighteningly efficient…


cool but weird


How do you use it? :(


File: 1724746728285.png (103.34 KB, 245x285, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1724746741359.png (51.82 KB, 237x272, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1724747035685-0.png (158.52 KB, 807x739, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1724747035685-1.png (16.37 KB, 445x82, ClipboardImage.png)

>Discord users


File: 1724747452491.png (316.98 KB, 500x624, sero_p006.png)

I never even considered that, so nice catch.
One more thing to account for in all stylesheets that mess with span.spoiler, I suppose…


File: 1724747532447.jpg (67.97 KB, 1280x720, R46BMMdYPKU.jpg)


I let it have access to my throwaway google account, like I do with all AI distractions


coughin so hard me balls hurt



File: 1724747673242.mp4 (5.26 MB, 854x480, video(3).mp4)

Unironically feels like a nightmare.


Yeah just fill the internet with more garbage, whatever




People haven't cared about wasting internet space since pre-2016.




I meant eyeballs not bandwith




And it was more of a real fucking issue when people didn't care.


File: 1724748138742.png (867.98 KB, 600x634, ClipboardImage.png)



at what point does this ai rose thing stop being a weird gimmick and become a sign of mental illness?




about two years ago


File: 1724748441491.png (631.39 KB, 554x554, ClipboardImage.png)

Rose? Rose Lalonde?


File: 1724748447447.png (18.42 KB, 300x100, ClipboardImage.png)

When you ask what she wants for Christmas and this is her answer


File: 1724748484314.png (1.57 MB, 1536x1536, starters.png)

The real answer is "Never."


nah, let it be for now, it's funny.
it's a long game, like e-hentai/exhentai being owned by a ponyfaggot.



long troll*


Who is being trolled?


File: 1724748714440.png (1.34 MB, 1224x1179, ClipboardImage.png)

Rose? Rose Lalondsberg?


File: 1724748860703.png (123.35 KB, 260x260, ClipboardImage.png)

me (I'm little baby smol guy wugbug)


emowyle? emeowlye lalonde?


File: 1724749002413.jpg (507.6 KB, 2080x1420, 20240827_105616.jpg)


"Shit yourself."



Shut up, RoW.


Back to hating Nameless Rumia btw.


File: 1724749395577.png (242.28 KB, 560x447, ClipboardImage.png)


But the affinity points accumulate in the background


so nothing new since 2016


How do you do, fellow HSGrians?
Is there's anyone currently not sleeping?


…Shut up…
I don't think I even knew you then, did I?


File: 1724749808895.mp4 (2.75 MB, 720x1280, video(10).mp4)

New funny schlop is dropping.


File: 1724750034830.png (16.24 KB, 585x169, ClipboardImage.png)

I didn't make this post what the fuck


A worrying amount
HSG seems to emerge, batlike, at 11pm. Whether they're busy during the day with work, or "something else", who can say.




>using yotsuba b

But you did make post 17725 the old index, and it counts as yours
Don't worry, this problem will be behind us in 190 posts when we officially charter post 17962 for the first time


not sure why, but 70's Rose triggered my Legion PTSD
FUCK Sydney Barrett


Peoples could simply be working at a nightjob
Not only prostitutes working nightly


Note into the future.
Tell this guy >>17777 Britain is shit for making antichrist


>Legion PTSD
>FUCK Sydney Barrett
Huh, what?




File: 1724750663423.png (23.03 KB, 484x280, ClipboardImage.png)


oh, sure

also I've never NOT used yotsuba b
I think I did tomorrow on meguca though


What's wrong with you? Are you a pedophile?




figurative FUCK
Syd bad
bad as in cancer shit
not bad as in a baddie


File: 1724750747484.jpg (225.47 KB, 658x600, photo21581@24-09-202214-20….jpg)


What is Legion, why do you care about it, why do you care about that cunt in particular, why does Rose remind you of her? Are you gay?


File: 1724751023523.mp4 (3.52 MB, 576x1024, 12ba8590-8263-4ee1-b619-37….mp4)


NTA, but I thought you of all people would know, it's an X-men talmudvision show.


How very apt




File: 1724751304616.png (163.47 KB, 474x310, ClipboardImage.png)

You can make Homestuck an anime it wanted to be, yet you having fun out of picture of Hussie



Eeeeeeeeeh. :?
Homestuck is shit and Hussie deserves to be mocked more than it deserves to be made good.

Also, you're ESL.


File: 1724751398050.jpg (432.46 KB, 1536x2048, GV4JdWBa4AArm_A.jpg)


(The room is full of Zelda's farts.)


>You see the man talking to my father? He is not like us… His skin is dark.


>Also, you're ESL.
I'd agreed of disagreed with that, if I'd only knew what exactly you meant by ESL


Epic Sex Lust


You're not funny and I will rape you.


And that BEAK he's got


dark humor




This meme might be too ancient and choppy for the AI to render


Beloved. You earn my love for using it.


Dark Humor? We're unstable and potentially dangerous individuals who may undertake illegal acts


Like Gamergate or kidnapping emeowyle to make them a sex slave.


So you forgive me for forgetting the details of your deleted blog post?
>sex slave


>So you forgive me for forgetting the details of your deleted blog post?
No! I poured my heart out!


not fat enough for the Kojima Destruction Plan


Asking something for answer isn't telling a joke and is not supposed to be funny.
>I will rape you.
Like, raping my dick with your anus? Nah, thanks. I prefer vaginal humans with no dick, ball nor XY chromosome to sex with




Well, now you're just being rude… You could at least be more sensitive in your wording…


>even doe female deer usually do not have antlers
Some species do, you trickster faggot


Name 20.


l'État, c'est moi


File: 1724752143656.jpg (15.82 KB, 540x567, 1681488547056.jpg)

>they made gamergate illegal




>He isn't up-to-date on the Kagichan Richter updates


>Well, now you're just being rude… You could at least be more sensitive in your wording…
Men are men, wwomen are wwomen.
Go cry about it.



File: 1724752352795.png (9.63 KB, 499x157, ClipboardImage.png)

Erm, STOP spreading MISINFORMATION chuddie!


Just say you don't like men then, you insecure TRICKSTER.


File: 1724752407403.png (11.43 KB, 647x101, ClipboardImage.png)

>Le epic troll swiped on me


File: 1724752451522.png (21.77 KB, 600x213, ClipboardImage.png)

Off to a roaring start.


File: 1724752457529.png (15.97 KB, 100x100, smugmidna.png)

Barren-ground caribou
Porcupine caribou
Rocky Mountain caribou
Grant's caribou
Selkirk Mountains caribou
Osborn's caribou
Peary caribou
Stone's caribou
Boreal woodland caribou
Labrador caribou
Ungava caribou
Newfoundland caribou
Finnish forest reindeer
Siberian forest reindeer
Western Greenlandic caribou
Svalbard reindeer
Novaya Zemlya reindeer
Kamchatkan reindeer
Siberian tundra reindeer
Norwegian reindeer

There, BTFO


I wasn't the one who said it. Do you only get pleasure when others are suffering?




I don't even get pleasure when others are suffering, twitteroids have even managed to ruin anti-tricksterism for me


tricky faggy post


IP check.


You only get pleasure from deer facts?




I actually do get pleasure from learning facts about the world


Shut up, Foby Tox.


File: 1724752730963.gif (3.8 MB, 1544x2000, floating smirking midna.gif)


Deer facts.


Since you rabid dersites might hit cap by the time I wake up, kindly use >>16929 after this thread. After that one is full (200ish posts), anyone is free to make HSG OPs like normal


File: 1724752764418.png (19.9 KB, 211x264, ClipboardImage.png)



It's going to be furry porn if I don't stay up and you know it.


File: 1724752801393.png (169.69 KB, 598x592, ClipboardImage.png)


I certeinly
not liking men in dating, erotic neither sexual ways. And not even someting close to that. Not even thinking about it.
Just like I do not think about, hm… lets say eating soup with a fork, if you want a pasta reference to understand it better


He's pretty cagey about sex stuff, or is that my mistaken impression?
Regardless, learning Japanese is like a major "You just know".


File: 1724752861276.jpeg (580.02 KB, 2048x2048, fe619c685f7114ca65b53a200….jpeg)





You're talking an awful lot…


It's more like all the furshit in his game that's a redflag + a Jew + crossdressing.



Shut up, Meg


Can somebody explain why this sperg thinks Family Guy is so funny?


File: 1724753099514.png (385.2 KB, 898x393, ClipboardImage.png)

Happiest black children.


Isn't there a shiggy quote about that?


Deer Mario


File: 1724753306418.jpg (93.5 KB, 564x664, cat-memes-pictures.jpg)

>Can somebody explain why this sperg thinks Family Guy is so funny?
making a reference don't mean loving it. Like look:
>Can somebody explain why this sperg thinks Family Guy is so funny?
yet I don't like you at all


You should start loving me now.


Why should I?


Was he trans?




File: 1724753542977.png (107.62 KB, 1200x703, ClipboardImage.png)




i love cats


File: 1724753764107.png (249.07 KB, 675x769, ClipboardImage.png)

Is this Vermillion or Rev or Remilia or?


I'm going to scroll through your Twitter timeline for the next 72 hours without sleeping and I'm going to be masturbating the whole time.


ill be crying while you're doing this


File: 1724753854620.gif (465.14 KB, 500x500, 16873025104911.gif)

Loving or liking somebody is not like going to sthe store a buyiong a candybar. You can't exchange money for being loved, if you think you do, you either idiot or being lied all the time
Asking to be loved is like asking to feel ashamed for no reason, or in a very depressing moment to honestly feel great and hopeful for 10 minutes


No, you won't, bitch.


>Asking to be loved is like asking to feel ashamed for no reason
That's my biggest hobby.


I if know my lore, Rev watches unironic TRICKSTER porn, so.
(But I think he also claimed not to fap. Maybe it's prep for an ogreress of a gf


aces are a dozen times more oppressed than the gays


Man, Rev is just the worst….


First woman to touch Megidochan!?!?!?!?


you're unlikely to be threatened with corrective rape as a homo nowadays


Wait…. Which kind?


Speculatively, I think Pogo's missus made the zipper sprite


I feel like I have to stay up for MEX's sake…

Europeans are always so shitty…




File: 1724754090543.mp4 (298.59 KB, 480x852, ssstwitter.com_17213197630….mp4)

What do you think of this video, Mr. TRICKSTERfriend?


how long does it take to read one thousand tweets


RoW… Come on….


Two minutes because some are just emojis.


>That's my biggest hobby.
Sad to hear that.


Like you care…


theres also letters


File: 1724754295846.jpg (112.68 KB, 512x768, image - 2024-04-15T172412.….jpg)

trans kitten?


1,000 Ukranians died from just this post.


yare yare… not another TRICKSTER crossie…


Says you.


I don't care personally, but hearing that says about some menthal unhealthyness and it is sad upon the whole


wwomen doodoo that.




Why are you bringing the Ukrainians into it
Like what did they ever do to you

Serious question, because a lot of people seem to be supporting actual genocide just to own the libs or something




Spit on that thang.


>Why are you bringing the Ukrainians into it
Just the facts, bwo.




Shut up, RoW.


File: 1724754529137.png (136.98 KB, 601x1297, ClipboardImage.png)

it's just bursts of this and being a widdle kitten baby
so about half an hour realistically


File: 1724754533772.png (122.74 KB, 427x498, ClipboardImage.png)

i starting to think there is an autocorrection script, that changes some word into all caps "trickster" word


*two minutes


Are you single?



I think it's TRICKSTER, did that work?



It is a mystery


If you're gonna post that, even as a joke, I'm gonna post more uncanny valley slop just to spite you


What did he mean by this?


Make me


>Make me
Working on it.


>Cat licking the condensation off waterbottles
Um, Homestuck reference much?


It's a miracle that I don't have toxoplasmosis by now.


That's what it's programming you to think


File: 1724755110402.png (574.04 KB, 1755x2048, Aradia-Megido-Homestuck-MS….png)

What page or event in Homestuck this case referencing to?


When Nepeta licked the Cairo Overcoat.


File: 1724755197703.png (33.29 KB, 598x298, ClipboardImage.png)

Um, Homestuck reference much?


Nigga, stop looking at their Twitter already. You're fucking insane.


never happened. meds.


File: 1724755477232.png (201.12 KB, 1905x912, ClipboardImage.png)

>The state of flimsychan


What a boring response. I hate Europeans.


"At least I was… on topic…"


File: 1724755570015.png (210.02 KB, 474x237, ClipboardImage.png)

Sure. You're also on the internet, chatting online. It is itself a Homestuck reference



But they aren't though. Not ever since I left.


you hate everyone


Remember when the Lord English mask started to speak to Jake from his closet?


No, I don't.


I like the European hours. :)


Explain why.


>Remember when the Lord English mask started to speak to Jake from his closet?
Remember Kanaya said she's Irish?


I still don't get the joke with that.


Last for 50 more posts.


>European hours




>I still don't get the joke with that.
Kanaya is a regular lesbian name in Dublin
She's also drunkie


>She's also drunkie
Why did Hussie start with the Kanaya buttchugging Faygo fart arc?


I get the feeling that everyone who hated the MHA ending are imbeciles.


File: 1724757646703.png (407.73 KB, 736x736, ClipboardImage.png)

>Why did Hussie start with the Kanaya buttchugging Faygo fart arc?
It was because Vriska's voice actress decide to move in Russia during her contras on Ukrainian war with Eridan's pro-Paraguain voice actor. It's a well known drama within fandom. How can you be not knowing it all? Probably, you haven't read the comic.


>He doesn't know that Vriska originally had 8 voice actresses


is octopimp still scamming uh…
probably not teenagers anymore
is octopimp still scamming late 20s retards


Yes, he went back to Homestuck recently out of desperation.


>He doesn't know that Vriska originally had 8 voice actresses
We don't count dubbing on foreign languages as an original voice acting, okay?
It can be only count on to Sollux's second seiyu as far as first one died in car accident


>It can be only count on to Sollux's second seiyu as far as first one died in car accident
Debatable, they're twins and they're shady as fuck and there are rumors they faked it for insurance money on the one home.


Bwos, I'm not going to cum.


>Debatable, they're twins and they're shady as fuck and there are rumors they faked it for insurance money on the one home.
Hm, isn't insurance fraud illegal in the state of Iran?


File: 1724767264156-0.png (1.07 MB, 1080x311, Screenshot_20240827-095526.png)

File: 1724767264156-1.png (690.43 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20240827-095544.png)



smol size cat huh


File: 1724769067363.png (1.06 MB, 1080x1436, Screenshot_20240827-095011.png)

i keep seeing this gigahon on my timeline and i want to unfollow her but i notice we're mutuals and it's like "do i know her from discord?"
i dont want to be le rude…


Stray Children out on Dec 26


File: 1724770152039.jpg (142.05 KB, 1280x720, C9MpwdBmi5c.jpg)


File: 1724770854274.png (140.75 KB, 270x264, ClipboardImage.png)



File: 1724770987412.png (202.7 KB, 533x534, 1724621005247440.png)


all smol cats on suicide watch


how long until meow-meow person's parents visit us


third Sonic movie out this year?


File: 1724773096598.png (254.97 KB, 1079x1815, ClipboardImage.png)

this is hilarious


Oh, it did last?



We shall see if they've still got it


Not even my own father ever visited HSG!




8raphog or BR4PHOG


8lue8erry 8raps for me


That reminds me bloodstained had DLC or something
I don't have 100% complete on it trophy wise no more


>just a couple centimeters shorter than the japanese crossdresser i like


just a little smol guy


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Few boiled sausages and sandwiches with squash caviar and cheese is what I have today for a humble dinner.
How about you, HSG?


Dinner is half a day away (first half: sleep)
Probably burders tho :DD


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File: 1724782503655-1.png (1.17 MB, 838x1200, ClipboardImage.png)

Turkish Aradia bellydancer and slightly lesser dressed turkish Aradia bellydancer




God, you are such a TRICKSTER, holy shit, why do you have to scream how much of a TRICKSTER you are every place you go? are you goinf to did if you don't do it?




YWNK, retard


Looks like shit


As ever, it's a work in progress. What don't you care for, my bundle of sunshine?

Some aspects are set in stone, naturally, since they're based off the source material.


Hmm, felt a lil mean


On a KamS core binge after yesterday


But since I was fairly happy with 'em, the themes are now selectable after a hard refresh under
Kinsho-K (For Kissless, I think)
Kinsho-V (For Virgin, definitely)

That's three anime girl themes in a row, guess I owe good ol' Eri one next to even things out slightly


i do not care for the miku coomer trends


Did you see all the people shitting themselves over AI generated brazil miku "ruining the fun"


No, but that sounds like the kinda thing trend hoppers would shit their pants over

last week's "Newn"


Imagine ripping that thing off her nose.


Rose would be scandalized to slather on so much e-whore rouge

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