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Itsumademo. Zutto.
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 No.1[View All]

New cycle, this has repeated many times before…

Old >>Obliterated
660 posts and 240 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>Is the flood detector that overzealous?
V-Vice versa?


I haven't seen soyteen spam again since setting new threads to 1 per hour


That was a problem here?


https://youtu.be/TJzTo2ixlAw?si=6hJ4xIIDOLtfvwC4 Why are the cutest girls always pedophiles


Very briefly, see >>5


Did Spongebob win THOUGH?


… Maybe.


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I thought they used astrazeneca in Europe




10 bucks goes to Tatsuya mixing up the Red Queen and the Queen of Hearts.


Queen of Pills


Rose? Rose Lalonde?


>"Haha we don't need a mod for this board"
>Get range-banned for saying the nigger word


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I've been mulling over taking a hardline stance on flimsychan, in the name of a great reunification.


What did he mean by this?


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Uuuuuuuuuuum, womansisters?


Better make fun of the 'series of tubes' guy tho


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Yep. Gotta be.


Like, having the broth bifurcated like this. It cannot stand. Sure, hsg was always notoriously off-topic, but random breakouts of Homestuck art spam, troll quirk lyrics, or discussion were never eschewed entirely either




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Why did they intentionally make their fags soyjaks?


They soyface irl and think it's normal


You'd have to take over Sturdychan by nuking this place. They sure as fuck aren't going to come to us.


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Erm, aren't you the most prolific poster on either site? An I've no interest in suckling on the anus of a tiktok simp page.


>Erm, aren't you the most prolific poster on either site
That doesn't mean people worship the ground I walk on.

(And I'm banned for nigger-posting.)


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Rose? Rose Lalonde?


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Wotter the odds


>That doesn't mean people worship the ground I walk on.
Quite the opposite, really.




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I ship them
BlueCap x GreenShirt OTP


So with Tekken 8 out, can we say that the newest generation of fighting games has some of the worst designs and redesigns ever?


How many years has it been since he crashed the robutt or whatever


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>BlueCap x GreenShirt OTP
Mark this post.


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My Chrome is dragging its feet, but my phone picks up the stylesheet, so…
Starting now, we begin reclaiming blue, pink and white.


>blue, pink and white.
Baby colors for diapin' niggers?


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As the avatar of a merciless emptiness


Sloth month wen


Sloth moth….


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>Message kubeldev that I tl'd his demo and have some questions on flower language
>Very positive, prompt, and thorough reply
>Get greedy and ask if he'd ever do a 癒し genre ASMR
>No response
Message received…


Mask Expert… I….


>Women unironically putting misandrist in their bios trying to get dick on Duolicious without making the first move


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This might be the worst one yet.




>Not following TCAG


Seems more like MDMA to me ;o


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What sounds like what to who?


Is that a…?


That meanderin, self-negating duolicious rant




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Who is George Floyd?


All Simpsons and MDMA make a zoomer chud crazy. All Simpsons and MDMA make a zoomer chud crazy. All Simpsons and MDMA make a zoomer chud crazy. All Simpsons and MDMA make a zoomer chud crazy. All Simpsons and MDMA make a zoomer chud crazy. All Simpsons and MDMA make a zoomer chud crazy. All Simpsons and MDMA make a zoomer chud crazy. All Simpsons and MDMA make a zoomer chud crazy. All Simpsons and MDMA make a zoomer chud crazy.


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Also, cool meme, grandpa.


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How much nonsense do I have to spew out before Kagi changes its tune?


wwhy wwasnt the red queen the queen of hearts THOUGH


The most hopelessly British thing has just happened and here I am to force it upon your conscience:


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Why do Americans hate redheads so much?


It's because the Jews know that the Eternal Paddy is their greatest competition.


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Would you rather have The Silver Squatch (black joke) or liquid mercury (period joke)?


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*Trump voice*
What they're doing with Evangelion, it's a travesty, it's a nightmare, and it's a disgrace.


How did you program the color fade-in effect?


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How can you be this bad at your job?


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How many people can I shove through this can hole


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Oh Jesus, fuck, come on. Is this just because I'm up at Euro hours?


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Add more clubs to yourself so that you can rotate the fucking circus.


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Wonder if this will get me banned.


MoM's Death-By-June-inspired rapid descent into insanity.


Css 'filter' tag and a
tag on hover


Saying "Nigger" is an act of politics, confirmed


Grounds for immediate stripping of his fake degree.
That cushy MSNBC and Netflix "extremism" sinecure belongs to *US*!


I noted how much more damning of Trump voters and 4chan in general he could be if he knew about it being used for Elliot Rodger.

(This also serves as proof that he's a fakecel.)


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I'm about to fucking lose it, Kagi, and you're still pulling this shit on me?


While Elliot's crimes are damning, it's nothing as dire as casting a shroud over democracy on January 6th…


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So should this be
>Dave, Rose, John, Jade
Or some other ordering?


Dave, John, (secretly) Rose, Jade.

Think about it, who's the most like Hank there? Sure as Hell isn't Rose.

I had my diatribe about how Rose is secretly the most vulnerable Beta kid and depending on which one of the two people you are, you might have read that, but it's easy to see Jade and John seeing Rose as the baby of the group (while Dave is too gormless to realize this) even though Dave gets the most flak from everyone.

Hence, Dave is the boke. He's the biggest jokester and gets bullied the most.

John has his quips but his HILARIOUS SHENANIGANS are for himself while Dave actively wants to make other people laugh.

Rose and Jade are fighting over Seemingly "perfect" but Rose is too outright obnoxious and rude to be considered for that. She's also the one who breaks down the fastest and hardest when things go wrong.

Jade was originally envisioned to have a character which had flaws but Hussie just pumped-and-dumped a plot device instead.


These two posts weren't enough to stir the Kagi summary.



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>too outright obnoxious and rude to be considered for that. She's also the one who breaks down the fastest and hardest when things go wrong
C-Cute as always…


Couldn't find Evangelion/10

Also, Omori is there twice for some reason.


In general, people who think that Rose is the straightman and not John should be shot in the back of the head.


Wow, harsh…
But your input is appreciated.

Anyway, new


>753 replies
Actually, let's see here.


Well, autosage is working, but…


Let's keep going and see what happens.


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Death By Troon.

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