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/vvox/ - voxx populi

*vvox into vvoid*
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Mod application (closing date 1/13): https://forms.gle/Jw1w3JV9ax43mz126

File: 1724787087145.gif (24.73 KB, 650x415, honor system.gif)

7092a7 No.7[Reply]

Share any ideas, commentary, or unsparing takedowns on site management here.

Apologies again on how the last one got burned, I think there was some speculation about a Neopet cursor?
20 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

fea788 No.35

I forgot to check back and forgot this was a problem since you fixed it so thanks, I'm not bothered by it now. I agree the animated stickers should stay as they are, I do cope by scrolling away but they don't bother me nearly as much as the broken uploads did because they were WRONG.

ba79ad No.36

hello, could I please be unbanned?
please see >>>/vvox/65945

ba79ad No.37

I fucked that up. I meant >>>/hsg/65945

8bf959 No.38

Noting for done-ness here too

File: 1724406638912.gif (104.84 KB, 650x450, 03183.gif)

2ed689 No.3[Reply]

Stylesheet conflicts, broken bbcode, and thumbnails errors… if you've encountered a bug, let me know here.

And I'm well aware that there's was month worth of "content" lost to the void, yes.
3 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.

2ed689 No.8

File: 1724787162771.png (4 KB, 389x105, ClipboardImage.png)

17961 ackhully
But we've surpassed it! Ghosts banished

2ed689 No.24

Something I've personally noticed, Megidochan absolutely mangles the Japanese characters in any .txt files you upload. Making note of it here.

08bdd3 No.25

what do you think you're doing
you know who you are

2ed689 No.26

Friendly fire, sry. Overzealous filter

File: 1724406401295.png (18.51 KB, 300x100, banner21.png)

774507 No.2[Reply]

Suggest banner & flags here, lest they all be determined by my own personal whims.

7c8029 No.14

File: 1725089144655.png (70.02 KB, 300x100, 6pov6vxw9yld1.png)

774507 No.15

Classic HSG, they're in

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