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Itsumademo. Zutto.
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Welcome to the current iteration of Megidochan, the embers of a freewheeling community that is generally open to discussing anything. Yes, even Homestuck.

My general philosophy is that hsg be constrained to one thread, the current thread, in order to facilitate the speed and flavor of "the broth". If you've something to say, say it clearly and in the open! For me, this extends to secondary splinter chat groups as well, I shan't personally be participating in any discord server or IRC shenanigans.
Having said all that, this is just my way of doing things. If you've need of a supplementary thread or private circlejerk, by all means…

1. Do not post, request, or link to anything illegal in the US of A. This is the only global rule.
2. Repetitive spamming is tolerated within the limits of humor. Don't be a spaz.
3. Posting of grotesqueries is tolerated within the limits of humor. Keep it rare.
4. No internet vendettas or attempts to whip anons into a personal army. Take it easy.
5. Leave no regrets.

As is tradition, autosage starts at 725 posts, and threads cap at 750 posts.

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86 posts and 31 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Thanks for the comic, Tatsuya.


Rose would vote for Biden because she thinks he's an unironic litch.


I saw a motherfucker with a Celeste avatar and a Guilty Gear playlist on YouTube. I had never seen a SINGLE (1) troon like Gulty Gear before Strive (surprisingly.) It's obvious why Strive attracted them and what attracts troons in general, but how do you make something troon-proof? How can you create media that repels the legion of troon co-opting?


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Found a girl with with striking purple eyes and a blonde bob done up with a hairband? Even two out of three? That's certainly Rose, Rose Lalonde!
Share here for cataloging purposes.
11 posts and 34 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1718055520045-0.png (1.65 MB, 2154x1294, 5be10017-9231-4409-8265-cf….png)

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Rose? Rose Lalonde?


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Rose? Rose Lalonde?


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Rose? Rose Lalonde?


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Rose? Rose Lalonde?

File: 1719505054407.png (1.07 MB, 810x966, mom bait.png)

 No.2288[Reply][Last 100 Posts]

Old >>1537
746 posts and 209 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1720116102357.png (83.1 KB, 480x272, pic_0121.png)

Still, I'd simply dodge


Erm, Persona 5 reference??????? XDDDDDDDDDDDDD




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stop nuking innocent threads jannies NOWWW


It's fine to use a HS pic then, we've an image to maintain


fpe won fnf won spongebob won spartbob won redditbob won


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>fpe won fnf won spongebob won spartbob won redditbob won

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 No.1537[Reply][Last 100 Posts]

746 posts and 231 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.





Just beclaws

Also, newn:


What's a twan?

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 No.773[Reply][Last 100 Posts]

Old >>1
746 posts and 238 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I get tired of having to be the foreman of the ship, even there.


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Nostalgic True Romantics


*The Nep rule doesn't apply to this site

That being said, Flimsychan is still down for me. Maybe if I don't try to load into the /co/ thread directly? Nope…. Still loading…


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Seeing how there's a thread for cataloging characters that look like Rose, I feel like it's appropriate to make a thread cataloging anything Metastuck related I find, seeing how there's no other public archive of them.


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Also, it'd be greatly appreciated if anyone can post any legacy drawfag's drawings of the subject matter. The archives only preserves images so far and people like Chaz have nuked it from their art blogs.


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 No.1[Reply][Last 100 Posts]

New cycle, this has repeated many times before…

Old >>Obliterated
756 posts and 274 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Death By Troon.

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