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/hot/ - Hussie On-Topic

Better than that piece of shit Vasquez
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463d17 No.1[Reply]

Welcome to a new experiment, COMPLETELY UNRELATED to Homestuck General.
Some have suggested that HSG has grown too twisted and self-absorbed over the years. As such, this board is a dedicated space for the actual subject matter: Andrew Hu¢¢ie's works.
Here, the tone is expected to be more cordial than raw HSG, with a slower pace. Take your time composing thoughtful posts.

1) Stay on topic. The focus of threads and posts on /hot/ should relate to Andrew Hu¢¢ie in some way—his solo projects, collaborations, or even the man himself. While some diversions are inevitable, head to >>>/hsg/ for random chats in a loosely Homestuck-esque enviornment.

2) Mature content is fine, within limits. John Egbert himself is about to turn 30, so mature subject matter is expected. However, the dumping of explicit porn (anything exceeding a Questionable rating on a booru) is not allowed.

3) Edgy content is fine, within context. Comic-style blood and gore consistent with Homestuck’s original M rating are acceptable. Real-life gore or pornographic gore will be deleted, and may result in a ban.

4) No political axe-grinding. If you need to rant about how (Minority Group X) RUINED HOMESTUCK, >>>/hsg/ is always open. Some debate is natural, but inflammatory or off-topic political posts will be removed at a mod's discretion.

5) Leave outside drama at the door. No whipping anons into a personal army against artists or personalities you dislike. This board is for discussion and enjoyment—take it easy.

Oh, and no breaking the law, thank you.

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06cf1f No.3[Reply]

Welcome to Homestealth NOT!, the successor to the successor to 4chan's Homestuck General and the future of Homestuck chan culture along with Megidochan's /hsg/.

Minor production problems have slowed this thread down, so settle in and get ready, because we've got more on the way!
146 posts and 42 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

8465f4 No.152

>Huh? I don't get what
That's how Hu¢¢ie described it on the Formsprings- as christening a ship. Her entry item is breaking a bottle.
>Because it's raining when she enters?
The world is basically one big ocean. And there are rainbows. Bible 101: the arch of the rainbow was God's message to man that he'd never fuck them hard ever again.

The etymology of "sin" is essentially about arches, to "miss the mark" hence Equius, his complex, and his relationship to Lord English (a Satanic figure who has a rainbow arch on his cloak.)

This example is a good one for showing that Hu¢¢ie has the potential to make weird, eclectic references that don't matter much. Homestuck was not a one man operation. He had time to think and plan shit out and this is what he came up with. But like I said
>I'm not someone who would say that Homestuck has strong roots in really any religious content despite the seeming perseverance of its presence.

I think there was some strong Christianity in early Homestuck that more or less petered out into mindless self indulgence as the comic went on.

79409d No.153

Yeah, I got the breaking bottle part, my brain somehow didn't make the connection between it and escaping the end of the world.

8465f4 No.154

I think part of the reason why the AI summary was borked was that I had repeated some passages accidentally so some stuff got brushed over and the AI thought "Well, the same exact thing was said twice so it has to be more important." I tidied that up now.

I think part of the reason why the AI summary was borked was that I had repeated some passages accidentally so some stuff got brushed over and the AI thought "Well, the same exact thing was said twice so it has to be more important." I tidied that up now.

8465f4 No.155

File: 1736300040276.ogg (7.28 MB, Homestuck_ An Alchemical D….ogg)

Though this was me just testing the NotebookLM's servers, this new slopcast is a lot more useful (though not entirely) in summarizing things (me deleting two repeat paragraphs seemed to shave off 20 minutes for some reason.)

Obviously, it still sucks and gets stuck on shit that doesn't matter because I didn't edit my copy-paste of certain ideas to be more fitting for the aim of this more centralized document.

>Conflates Dave with GREEN in a specific part

>Inexplicable fixation on the 90s thing

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