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Itsumademo. Zutto.
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File: 1724458789109.jpg (129.21 KB, 816x624, viscariprev (9).jpg)

 No.8342[Reply][Last 100 Posts]

Empty nest edition

Old >>17385
I mean >>7589
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Well, so long as they've enough pride to obfuscate it


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 No.9095[Reply][Last 100 Posts]

Old >>8342
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it says wh0 right there


Ruined your own joke by repeating it.


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yeah it says a name but i dont knoww wwho is attached to the fuckin name beyond the post which i can read and thats it are you some kind of fuckin retard

Old is newn again

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 No.7589[Reply][Last 100 Posts]

Worst Nanc4 edition

Old >>6821
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Newn, Previously Old


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Jews are wife guy?


Last for kill RoW.

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stop nuking innocent threads jannies NOWWW


It's fine to use a HS pic then, we've an image to maintain


Did he know?


Yes, it's quite a delicious retcon

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 No.6821[Reply][Last 100 Posts]


Old >>6072
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If someone can find definitive proof of MASS TRICKERY, they should present it to the court.


No, no, no.


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>Try to pick at my underwear from my dick
>Accidentally just squeeze deep into my testes

Also new

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 No.6072[Reply][Last 100 Posts]

old >>5317
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qiNOdt8JcNs 4channers, we are so hecking back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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I went looking for this one for you



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https://boards.4chan.org/r9k/thread/78207618 I hate how I had the impulse to see if this was a thing and I hate how it is… but….

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 No.5317[Reply][Last 100 Posts]

old >>4565
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I can keep reposting this so it's fine


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Why do you need to keep reposting that?


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 No.4565[Reply][Last 100 Posts]

Old: >>3805
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>probably you are confusing me with someone else
Hrmph… Do you circlejerk with anyone? The Discord?


Fuck no. I don't have a Discord.



>I don't have a Discord.
You're missing out on DERSITEs and TRICKSTERS.

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 No.3805[Reply][Last 100 Posts]

Old: >>3035
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That was like an improvised shotgun, right?



There's a specific term for it and I don't remember it but you're stupid for not remembering it.


Last post for IPGD 2024.

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r/englishpumpkinparty. how many emotions these words provoke, how many tears fly from homestuck twitter users' eyes when you mention them. but what is your opinion on them and what do you feel about them
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Unlike hsg? 😏


What if EPP and Sturdychan kissed?

I guess the new Metastuck would be Twitter, Megidochan, Sturdychan, and EPP, huh?


I was about to compare it to the Kiwi Farms thread, but decided against it.

Are we merging Tiktok and Sturdychan?


We do not acknowledge Sturdychan (or FLIMSYchan, as I like to call it) as legitimate around here.
Besides, Tiktok would be funnier and easier to characterize.

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