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The opposite of Homesick
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Megidochan.de "Year 1" anonymous feedback survey: https://forms.gle/9nMBrk89mSSkKm8o7

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 No.32568[Reply][Last 100 Posts]

Eyes Without A Face edition.
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Deku onahole aquired


I had to put it down for a year while doing the kunitsukami shrines in the underground or whatever


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 No.31815[Reply][Last 100 Posts]

2008 hits edition
Old >>31056
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It's in your hands, I'm sleep




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Wait, help.


I hadn't turned in just yet, so…
You made it, you're an official oldfig!


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 No.31056[Reply][Last 100 Posts]

Identify Scroll edition
Old >>30293
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Kill goons. Behead goons. Roundhouse kick a goon into the concrete. Slam dunk a goon baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy xillennials. Defecate in a goon's food. Launch goons into the sun. Stir fry goons in a wok. Toss goons into active volcanoes. Urinate into a goon's gas tank. Judo throw goons into a wood chipper. Twist goons heads off. Report goons to the IRS. Karate chop goons in half. Curb stomp pregnant black xillenials. Trap goons in quicksand. Crush goons in the trash compactor. Liquefy goons in a vat of acid. Eat goons. Dissect goons. Exterminate goons in the gas chamber. Stomp goon skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate goons in the oven. Lobotomize goons. Mandatory abortions for goons. Grind goon fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown goons in fried chicken grease. Vaporize goons with a ray gun. Kick old goons down the stairs. Feed goons to alligators. Slice goons with a katana.


Talks like a goon.


Fine, lazy so-and-so

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 No.30293[Reply][Last 100 Posts]

Live over again edition
Old >>29539
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Well, Megidochan?


>wh0 hurt y0u p0rtugal


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 No.29539[Reply][Last 100 Posts]

madness combat edition
old >>28775
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>Also, I'm raising reply limit to 1025 next thread. Should nobody mount a convincing objection
Big if true, but why?


>but why?
adhd retard can't go 5 minutes without readjusting the site


Wude. My "vision" simply isn't completed yet.




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MADNESS COMBAT 12 IS OUT [only on newgrounds]
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Aren't you "a little" too old for this?


Madness combat is the MANime of Homestuck


It's for posturing losers?


I'm so sowwy

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 No.28775[Reply][Last 100 Posts]

~Midnight~ edition
Old >>27976
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Why the fuck nobody notice it?
Nobody cares?


He's not online, just make a post telling him to check the catalogue instead of unironically reposting CP in the main thread.


Rudy what the actual fuck, I know it's legal in your shithovel country but don't repost it.
Delete your image now or I will start spamming ziggerdeath webms.


My last post was >>29518 so predictably, it lands and hour after I finally go to sleep.
Anyway, newn

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 No.27976[Reply][Last 100 Posts]

0h n0 edition
old >>27209
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Damn, whoever runs an ebay outlet from Japan must be raking in the arbitrage



Does she know?
Personally, it's a breath of fresh air compared to everything else.


Kill yourself.

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Sharty edition: https://soyjak.party/mtv/thread/56105.html
in episode 5, hank's design became badass :o
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i fucked up the eyes on the emoticon, it was meant to be >=D


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nice teeth


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i will join the A.A.H.W. >=D


Post in >>27976 like a social person 🤭

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 No.27209[Reply][Last 100 Posts]

8ig 8ITCH edition
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Is it designed to annoy people?

This post made me think "vibe" needs one



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>Last arc was based on Heidegger
>Now this
What did they mean by this?


>Is it designed to annoy people?
I don't know. I just think it was stupid.
>This post made me think "vibe" needs one
I wouldn't know what to replace that one with.

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