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/hsg/ - "Homestuck" General

The opposite of Homesick
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Megidochan.de "Year 1" anonymous feedback survey: https://forms.gle/9nMBrk89mSSkKm8o7

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 No.50941[Reply][Last 100 Posts]

Greenification edition
Old >>49915
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"He used to wear the fat better."

But no, seriously, I don't know why his beard has gotten so patchy. Misguided attempt to shave it and it grew back all weird? Just go back 5 years and he looks much better. Kind of baffling だろ. :de:




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 No.49915[Reply][Last 100 Posts]

Your next target edition

Old >>48887
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Maybe she should try fucking the side of the locker then. :mii:


I owed one (will this combat the addiction?)


>I owed one
You did but I don't forgive you not making the last one it. :tsun:


For nanfest reference

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 No.48887[Reply][Last 100 Posts]

:33 < flimsychan salvage edition
Old >>47853
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I would like to note that I've been "uncharacteristically" annoying this thread, at least, by my own metric.


i still wonder how atomic's doing sometimes



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 No.47853[Reply][Last 100 Posts]

Ulala edition!
OLDN >>46824
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>Old computer's memory got corrupted over time
I am heartbroken.


Memories are a dear thing to lose. Totally unsalvageable? I remember having to dip my toes into loonix to recover a failed drive about 6 years ago



It's me, Liedna! :deets:

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 No.46824[Reply][Last 100 Posts]

Escape to the pc edition
古い >>45796
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Odd… But I guess, appreciated.
And yes, ominous. I never quite sorted out who is who Euro-wise. They seem to be off on Saturdays. Weird continental drone pattern?


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>Go out to eat when sister comes to town
>Relative peace
>Go out to eat on my birthday
>Constant bickering and fighting


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 No.45796[Reply][Last 100 Posts]

wweibostuck edition
Old >>44764
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it does read pretty schizo


I love it, will do regardless of any poll result
And I had a small window, so newn


While trying this I found that the mask overlays really help hide the border breaks in the cloud gif

So they've got to stay as-is

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 No.44764[Reply][Last 100 Posts]

I can save her edition
old >>43734
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Not for the last decade, no.
If there were more idiots here, like the old days, there'd be more anger and disgust in the broth


I wasn't talking about the thread, and you yourself were at least partially capable of stepping out of what I said.


Let's play the game of: What was ojisan actually trying to reply to?


I don't know, so I took it plainly like a rube!


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 No.43734[Reply][Last 100 Posts]

61kg edition
Old >>42706
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"arbitrary things" being homosexual acts


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Go ojisan go!

To a new thread!!

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 No.42706[Reply][Last 100 Posts]

Pop-up cafe edtion
Old >>41670
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I know this is :goonsay: but TRICKSTERS are like Darth Vader saying "Yeah, I'm so much happier now"


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Black Lives All Matter


They have to say that, or how else would you know?


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 No.41670[Reply][Last 100 Posts]

Draconic quest edition

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dq3 hd censored hologhost to the eng "localized" name and now they are updating other games to change them too


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Why does seagul barfing in that painting?


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