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/hsg/ - "Homestuck" General

The opposite of Homesick
Password (For file deletion.)

File: 1718981433623.png (16.29 KB, 648x449, 1460724918199.png)


Seeing how there's a thread for cataloging characters that look like Rose, I feel like it's appropriate to make a thread cataloging anything Metastuck related I find, seeing how there's no other public archive of them.


File: 1718981514434.gif (130.86 KB, 727x437, 1348113855919.gif)


File: 1718981686760-0.png (89.96 KB, 959x926, 1715208920526.png)

File: 1718981686760-1.png (83.61 KB, 387x448, 1617798756762.png)

Also, it'd be greatly appreciated if anyone can post any legacy drawfag's drawings of the subject matter. The archives only preserves images so far and people like Chaz have nuked it from their art blogs.


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File: 1718981743330-1.png (264.14 KB, 850x535, 1681382024696.png)

File: 1718981743330-2.png (234.02 KB, 2125x1549, 1585518664850(1).png)


File: 1720913352991.png (214.73 KB, 367x571, oh_no_trickster_HSG_is_hot.png)


File: 1720913503218-0.gif (23.78 KB, 276x200, pixel_land_of_dodge_and_bu….gif)

File: 1720913503218-1.gif (16.9 KB, 276x200, pixel_land_of_tears_and_fr….gif)

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File: 1720913503218-3.gif (14.53 KB, 276x200, pixel_land_of_stumps_and_d….gif)


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>Also got nuked


Anyone remember Sweet Dude and Hella Mike?


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File: 1724854882119-1.gif (524.16 KB, 723x633, PPFFFPFBFBTBFTBFTTPFPTFBbe….gif)

Here are some drawings of Flimsytan if you care.

There was a third one by Mitunaanon by I don't know if I downloaded it or not and I don't want to drive myself insane by searching for it in my downloads folder and/or in the threads.


Genderbent /co/nrad?


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File: 1725023839752-0.gif (39.33 KB, 267x451, MSPF_ready_to_strife.gif)

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File: 1725023839752-2.gif (11.52 KB, 200x300, 306_007.gif)

File: 1725023839752-3.gif (7.92 KB, 200x300, 306_005.gif)

Looks like megidochan needs to fix their thumbnailer


It's been asked, and the thread consensus was that it's funnier glitchy

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