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/hot/ - Hussie On-Topic

Better than that piece of shit Vasquez
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File: 1720280795123.png (826 B, 124x212, Homosuck_Equius.png)


r/englishpumpkinparty. how many emotions these words provoke, how many tears fly from homestuck twitter users' eyes when you mention them. but what is your opinion on them and what do you feel about them


nevver heard a em


give em a try, their discord is the biggest homestuck echo chamber out there


Not for me thanks. I did check the subreddit and they do seem similar, disposition wise.

Maybe skewing younger/newer? Speaking personally here, but the 2011~2014 /co/ refugee hsg is so burned out on Hussie and Homestuck in general that I rarely even see hate memes anymore


They're a funny bunch, but not very informative.


Unlike hsg? 😏


What if EPP and Sturdychan kissed?

I guess the new Metastuck would be Twitter, Megidochan, Sturdychan, and EPP, huh?


I was about to compare it to the Kiwi Farms thread, but decided against it.

Are we merging Tiktok and Sturdychan?


We do not acknowledge Sturdychan (or FLIMSYchan, as I like to call it) as legitimate around here.
Besides, Tiktok would be funnier and easier to characterize.


File: 1737573886836.png (318.09 KB, 811x644, MS-Paint-Adventures-фэндом….png)

The (former, as he got reddit 8anned) EPP admin doesn't like it when you point out he has an account on Kiwi Farms while also making zero attempts at not making it o8vious the accounts are (were, as he got 8anned on the farms for being a muslim lel) run 8y the same person. Signs included 8ut were not limited to: exact same typing style, exact same memes and reaction images, exact same topics 8eing discussed, constant shilling of EPP.




Last I checked, the dicsord server was filled with minors, porn, and creepy users (including some mods). Recommend avoiding.


That's just pisscord in general.



Didn't their dicsord server get banned, like, three times now? I didn't find anything interesting in them.


dead subreddit

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