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/һsg/ - "Homestuck" General

The opposite of Homesick
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 No.79294[Last 100 Posts]

Mad Lads Edition





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:nap: reasons


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People LOVE gawking at circus freaks


I just learned the word 淫紋
yes I actually never bothered to look up if there was a word for it


Respect that you didn't use exhentai for reading practice material. Me, well…


>Monster World IV


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Seems very *nothing happens*, but funny nonetheless


People make money off being circus freaks


Not much less dignified than office waging imo, so good niche


It's outright predatory if you asked me, not even any less dignified than anything else. Think of nikocado, right? One of the biggest lolcows of the past decade, except he's the one getting rich in the process. Such is life.


Yeah, with 'cado it always feels like the joke is on me if I engage with his "content".
A midget flailing around in a lobster suit is more honest🧿


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arch.b4k.co has fallen…



she probably needs the calories more than me anyway


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I love how GPT o1 is so much more willing to indulge me than 4o.


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>10 years pass



Bro just buy computer coin because computers are going to be big even though it's already priced in.


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I thought this was Sinfest from a distance


Ayahuasca one shot is my quick take


There shirts suck


She sounds happy!


Not wearing my evening gown two days in a row even if I'm still tipsy.
LMAO, you and your "worse than drunk" reading comprehension experience again.
Betrayed by babysperg… Aiyah…




Some are puppets, some are animals, some are plants, and some is meat.






Comically evil Buddhist mindfulness retreat groomer "DMs open free 1:1 coaching" guys are downstream of Nofap. Even though Nofap seems harmless, the endpoint of trying to make sacrifices to optimise your life is sacrificing truth and honesty and becoming an evil manipulator. The fact that his instinct was to engage with the Nofap community rather than doing it silently on his own is also significant.




I feel like you're setting a ludicrously reductive false dichotomy here but okay.


That is me


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*setting up


Makes sense.


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I was gonna post that (without the Love Theme) but I got lazy
also I hope she dies


>also I hope she dies
She's trying.


Move aside, Jesus. Mexico has a new crucifix star


Christmas lights.


She's almost 33. It's time for a new Jesus


It's not a dichotomy, I'm just saying that Nofap illustrates the mindset of these people. Self-improvement taken to the extreme creates monsters.


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Everything taken to the extreme creates monsters, But I digress.


This is the 30th thread. Try not to shart too much.


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Selena Gomez's 淫紋


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We're back to blowing minds.

(It's refusing to generate text for this one.)

We're getting butchered again but it's for the best.


I agree with your takeaway. the tweet thread maybe went a little too far but I don't think nudism is bad really


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Fucks your 8ITCH.


Semignap Life


Would have been perfect for a zipper post.


I hate this Vietnamese soup.


joke explanation onegai







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is he/she/it still around


The bastards are breeding…


Bastard 8ITCH motherfucker.


I think I remember someone saying in a GDQ thread that he detroonsitioned and uses a different channel now that no one really cares about, but the archive is down so I can't find it…



I found the channel
it's pretty dead





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Here's my cool girlfriend that likes the Resident Evil 2 remake just like me. Feeling so vindicated right now.


That's a man


No way, bwo.


Saw Masyumaro at 7/11. Stay safe, MEX.

Why is Sanrio stuff everywhere now?


It's a shillbrand, wdym


It just seems like it's gotten a second wind, like One Piece.


I miss eggnog. :itsovver:


Japanese voices sound so sweet, but they can only say things I don't understand


We've nowhere else to point fingers but zogflix, then


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Really makes you think.


that's sweet. what kind of things do you like to do together?


Oh, right, I should make the v-day version of the halloween/christmas flairs

Obviously it's have "だいー好き❤" and "あ・な・た・" sounds any other ideas?


never too late to learn, nonny


gotta have 「誤解しないでね!!」and/or 「義理チョコだからね!!」or equivalent for balance







>words that lack meaning


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>they got Diamonds Droog's gun
Is that a Homestuck reference?


If we got Andy Jr. into guns, he'd turn into Sam Hyde.


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Pic related


Shitty! :2048:


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I'll admit it. I love her.


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It's a shame when they go black like that.


I'll destroy you, you know.


really? :D

please do it. right now.



I wish I had eggnog for my flan. :implying:


We can't sell eggnog after December 31st because, uh…


Unironic truthnuke. Cap it, MEX. :this:




Tatsuya if born in the west.


because I would rather not exist than live an imperfect life.



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What's all that pride gonna get you?


Marzipan would've been a Christian Socialist in another era.


Why'd the guy with the gun turn brown at the end?


:outy:BIZNASTY:outy: and love-and-peace pilled.


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Ultrakill and its consequences have been a disaster for the FPS genre.


He didn't.


Was it lesbian or…?



For leftists the perfect life would be this undifferentiated amoeba existence.
Very funny coming from someone who told MoM to watch Evangelion more times so he could truly understand it.


I don't think it's about pride. it's about not wanting suffering. an imperfect life is one with suffering



quite possibly


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> an imperfect life is one with suffering


yeah? instrumentality would be :outy:BIZNASTY:outy: (though not the means by which it is achieved in EoE, of course).
though you're a fool if you think that's a common leftist position. most people I know hate my view lol

one could easily argue that EoTV posits instrumentality as good


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>When the takes are this awful


People will know my truth.


"suffering is meaningful" is cope as ancient as it comes

and yes of course human biology makes a permanent happy/high state impossible and unhealthy. that's kind of the point of what I've said before about life being bad, but :^p




do you want to talk about it or am I just playing town square punching bag again


>>79319 arch.b4k.co b4k.co arch-img.b4k.co



It'd be exhausting and I'm already exhausted. :tetrakarn:


Is that not what it is?


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Sorry, that might have been a false positive. :mml:


no, it definitely is a type of antinatalism. but I think it's more interesting and productive to actually discuss your objection. throwing out a label (even if it's accurate) as a discussion-ender is the kind of stuff you people make fun of libs for ("omg that is so x! not talking to you!")

but I get that you're exhausted. I need to drive home anyway. no hard feelings at all if we drop the topic here. gets me closer to bullets anyway ;^p


It should 8e 0n0 instead of ;_; if you ask me.



It just says no


Good idea but all that shit might be getting overwritten. Noted.


Nice going, the DOZENS of false positive just upgraded to HUNDREDS
Cleared tho


How will we ever possibly recover from this? :ibs:


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:outy:BIZNASTY:outy: spread I got very :…: ones today


Spread horny. Neither of us are :outy:BIZNASTY:outy: だろ. Kill me. :forme:


This is a very surreal shitpost. Hard to pin who it's from.

DoTA status: achieved.


The Stalinist's Prayer:
That didn't happen.
And if it did, it wasn't that 8ad.
And if it was, that's not a 8ig deal.
And if it is, that's not his fault.
And if it was, he didn't mean it.
And if he did… they deserved it.






But the image is partially making fun of Stalinism thoughdesmvrfbeiet.




The fuck is libpol?


You're confusing, but a valuable contribution to the broth, I suppose.


The eastern European skidmark this north korean kommando just got droned in


Coinflip odds he coined the broth meme, I don't remember


Would Aranea also have a8andoned Thälmann?


Pretty sure that was MEX.

I'm not going to apologize to Solluxchud but let's just say that even he is needed enough to the broth. :tsun:


you put that in your hosts file so the browser knows where the domain is supposed to lead


Ah. Eh? Umm…


Broth is an old meme, I'm just carrying the torch


I know, idiot. :NOW:




I did, I was just being succinct with how I responded. :tsun:


Is that mine? Sorry if it was…
Usually I type a ban reason, so if I thought you were turk it would have said…


No, it was probably mine.


Give reasons lazy DERSITE


"No." :tetrakarn:


Yes. Well, it might not matter for much longer.




Wait, no retracted, it probably was turk





Is that ftm?


Wait, no, retraction retracted, they actually DO have a posting history.

I'm not allowed to lift their ban, can someone else do it please?


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Level 5 Cognitohazard


I finally got around to "Nech." This is a really, really weird mix. Parts I really like, straight folk, some thrashy stuff, some "cold" folksy metal, and some sections that are like 25% metal and 25% folk- very empty, and then like a really buttrocky kind of black metal ("buttblacky?")
>Botch vocals

I'll check out their later stuff though so hold your tongues.


The last place you should censor "Nazi" though…




Took care of it. Pretty silly that mods can ban outside the scope of what they can clear, but I didn't write vichan


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>banned again from 4chan


>get home
>dozens of replies to deleted posts
another coin for the jar

what are you in for, nonny?


That's a good thing. Fuck that shithole.



Also, girl dick.


what's confusing about my post?
>Also, girl dick.


They got banned for girl dick.


oh no! were they pictures of your girlfriend? D:


fuckin obliterated


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dont judge me marzi…


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I'm getting fonder of this dynamic


Nah, Solluxchud's


I'm judging you.


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whoopsie thought i posted the cropped version


i get more of a seared bite from shitposting than i do from actually discussing anime
isn't there an NTR eroge embedded into this website? i should be the last one judged…


>first screenshot
I'm not judging you lmao, seems like an amusing thread topic.

>second screenshot
okay, I'm judging you.


why is there b*ttcrack
people need to stop objectifying men
or whatever the character identifies as


what is the dynamic? am I missing something? I thought it was gonna be omorashi art at first. what's the significance of the food? is she just horny?


Actual 優しい人


New trend. Design all male characters with trucker cracks.


There's also a vanilla game now so it's fine :::;)


Yeah just frustrated and horny


but it sounds like it was an accident, right? surely we wouldn't ban for nudity but allow gore?

I'm sorry chuddox, the regressive mods here aren't ready for your love </3


Design all future sanrio mascots with visible * buttholes


Hey, we're aiming for /y/, not /trash/


why does NMH3 look so shit




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Suda couldn't tell if he was the shit, or just plain old shit.


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This sturdy convo made me think of megidochan




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>okay, I'm judging you.
Erm, it was in response to a pro-israel OP, so the term was actually out of wokeness :bee101:


out in like five weeks…


You can stop, you know.


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NTR website


You can proceed


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christ, that kissing pic's ugly flash-photography look reminded me of the fucking CSAM images that marzichan gets


still in very poor taste, nonner


If this is an NTR website I will have to resign as meido


No farting, bwos.


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i will be better


It's a jaded website, NTR can be a facet of that. Not that anyone has to swear alleigance to my principles or anything


Nah, keep it up. We're going to coax DA LIBS into 2015 TRS posting to own zion don


>It's a jaded website
methinks making "jaded" part of your identity is destructive and unhealthy, kind of like making "depressed" part of your identity, but…
2¢ a~ ge~ ru~ ( ›ω・)☆


>i will be better


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Homestuck has left me jaded.

And I personally like the declaration of being at rock bottom. Aside from being self-deprecating, it's also a kind of sarcastic middle finger to convention and high society.




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Japan is D00MED? :auu:



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First song, I'm getting butt rock riffs and fag vocals (thanks, JewTube for not having a full album vid!)

It sounds alright. Very frustrating song though in terms of parts that I enjoy and the crunch of lame.

Second song starts off very strong. Please do not disappoint. Not the best but I won't say it left me blue-balled.

Another good lead-in. I think I like this one even better. "Easy-listening" folk metal. Ooooh, and then we get straight into the buttrock singing, oof. :ugh:

Fourth song is a nothingburger.

Technical fifth = automatic buttrock in my mind. Still not there yet… An actually good song? Could it be? No complaints here. They actually pulled off the synergy here instead of it just being chop suey.

Another good intro, but the drums are giving me rocky vibes. This one feels like it'll go south fast into shitty metalcore. And there it is. Eh, the riff is alright so that kind of balances out the corny lead-in. But the longer it goes on, the weaker it gets. Still one of the better songs on this album so far, I think. Sure, fine.

Let's see how they end this. Metal-corey kind of chrous. Me thinks lame. :ugh: Time to suffer through the rest of this. I don't think the person who added "neofolk" to their tags actually know what that means. Limp, cold riffs. We kind of pick up from here though, vocally. It's alright. Just get it over with already, though.

Overall, meh.

Linku: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYB6lAqXNFw&list=OLAK5uy_mpYdQvy-ChNBZGnkd8-MYubPmLLeTmipM&index=1

Rerolling (won't do tonight because those two kind of took a bit out of me.)



wwheres the farts


A World Where Small Phimosis Cocks Get Farted On


keep your fart fetish yourself kan




nevvermind keep it out of yourself so you can clean this shit up


Ill Fetch My Finest Silken Handkerchief


Terezi: Likes to sniff and rip.
Kanaya: Only likes to be on the receiving end.
Equius: Only likes it as a general extension of sadomasochism.
Eridan: General pervert.


Aradia: Indifferent but naturally the most pungent and prized.


>naturally the most pungent and prized.
Let Us Not Get Too Deep Into The Sauce Here


MEX, I'll never shame you for your kinks. but I can't lie, the idea of reading something like this is… well, repulsive to me, somewhat.




Wait you guys are actually into 優しい人oldry? I thought it was a joke


Never actually read that one, I know it from caps of the raging comment section on /hgg2d/

While it does look kinda funny and too-on-the-nose, humor is pretty oppositional to eroticism for me (outside of Kiliu-sensei)


only MEX afaik, but it's 50% an intellectual pursuit for him










Doesn't mean I'm a pervert. :usoda:


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you keep willfully disregarding the caveat I had posted


Jenny Nicholson in 3 years.


Rimm sounds like "rimjob" :auu:


WHAT toki?



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I thought this was AI jenny before expanding it




but I assumed you reached for that accusation because of a certain misleading quiz result :^p


32 (thirty two.)


Did not.






Why did Always Sunny have to become fake!edgy, worse Community? :2048:


you didn't say that you "did not"?




just a tease milord


Well, okay that's fine!









I have a reason for posting it. It's one of his favorite anime ending themes. :wow!:


GEORGE FLOYD. :karclack:


He lost.


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Jews unstoppable,
Mildred can do one better.
Who cares, shit comics.




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*dial* *𝕓𝕫𝕫𝕫𝕥*
The rough composition is sketched, workplan routed and scheduled, alas, I shall take an off-route approach this once and not stick to my usual "look fine feel fine formulaic approach that ought to impress" style (displayed in the attached file). I'm gonna experiment on this piece as if I was unearthing ancient, abhorrent experiments lost to time. Over.
*dial* *𝕓𝕫𝕫𝕫𝕥*


I shouldn't have started listening to this but I'm actually quite enjoying it


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File (hide): 1738032632301-1.mp3 (89.8 KB, ElevenLabs_2025-01-28T02_4….mp3)


>I shouldn't have started listening to this
Why not?
>I'm actually quite enjoying it




>Why not?
because of the probably misguided belief that if I hold out, maybe eventually you'll really want to share something with me and will do another album trade.

I'm only 2.5 songs in and admittedly have not been properly focused in on it (have been typing while listening). but it's a (comparatively) easy listen, interesting, well-mixed, good sounds. it's attention-grabbing to my taste, I'm intrigued and want to give it a go, whereas a lot of the links you post feel impenetrable to me after 1 minute, probably because I'm just not well-enough acquainted with the language of metal subgenreia.


>will do another album trade.
I did think about it. Stop being so mopey.


New moon blues…


i miss superjail


>Stop being so mopey.


>I did think about it.
>past tense


You can skip the skit (18). Only some bands do them well and they actually lead into the song. This is not that.

Now just chin up for once, Jesus. :slap:


…are we trading? right now? or just a recommendation

I'm still finishing up the nech album (last song), I enjoyed it a fair bit.


>…are we trading? right now?
Sure, but I won't listen to it tonight.


This flan is too flanny…




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Top ten Internet images of all time.


>misread this post
I'm being poisoned




What did he mean by this?




What does the local AI guy think of DeepSeek?


>local AI guy
Which one? :slap:


Make it talk like >>79322 and I'll give China a little credit


what are some words that look like "flanny"?


Fanny? :fartsniffer:


you really are megidoed to the core, eh?


Gen X in a nutshell.


What did she mean by this?


Even Gen X has a point sometimes. :mgmg:


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Waow, how could they do that to those Belgian babies, those heartless Germans…


Belgians aren't people.



oh my… has someone been hanging out with chuddox's gf?


Are you implying the trickster slur? It doesn't exist.


I made the same joke here:


Legitimately, "fanny" came to mind first. :huh:


That's why I quoted you. My first thought was "f4g" "f4ggy", but that also hits filters. (what soft safety scissors we use around here)


>(what soft safety scissors we use around here)
only because of your AI obsession (¬‎ ¬)


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Seems MoM has entirely retired Kagi for being too boilerplate, that was the AI that would always "erm, toxic sweaty" us instead of producing fahnny.

Dersite and trickster are beloved to me on their own by now though.







>there's no bootleg kaguya fumo




File (hide): 1738038717356.txt (2.65 KB, DeepSeek-R1-Distill-Qwen-7….txt)

DeepSeek-R1 is really neat, the distilled/quantised versions run better locally than the equivalents of other models in my opinion. It feels intelligent and doesn't give copout answers. It gets confused more easily when you try to hold a conversation because it outputs so many tokens, so it's best to just ask it something once. I haven't tried any other DeepSeek models since they can't be run locally afacit.

I don't think you'd find it any use for roleplaying, since it replies in a rigid and verbose way that doesn't sound human. The local version is decent at summarising articles, but this thread seems way too much. If there's some way to run the full DeepSeek-R1 on da cloud then you should try putting a thread in there to see if it's better than whatever else you were using.

I hate OpenAI and Sam "Jewish, homosexual, DIAPd his sister, fraudster" Altman a lot, but I don't really care about the e/ack console war China stuff aside from being happy there are some good open source releases. I'm not sure to what degree they are actually a competitor to OpenAI, but I wouldn't take even strong market signals too seriously (let alone Xitter trooncoons) because it's all retarded speculative hype. If any entity pulls ahead of OpenAI on some front they'll do the same kike shit everyone else has done, stop open sourcing model weights and sell out for a trillion dollars anyway. ZOG always wins but maybe we get some fun in the meantime.


HoNkIeS don't give a fuck, so they didn't train their AI to either




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lmao, did you make this edit?


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Anyone here who's considering suicide (and this is HSG, so I know there are some) and thinks it'll be quick, easy and painless should watch this webm and reconsider.

Guy wasn't even wounded. I only wish the drone had a speaker on it so it could have played the soundbite of Sam Hyde saying "Don’t you feel silly? Don’t you feel stupid? Dont you feel… a little ashamed?"


Working your snuffcam shit into a *turns chair around for a realtalk* angle is new. Still weird…


War as spectacle is not a new thing, people turned out with picnic baskets to watch US Civil War battles.




I think you mispelled it


oh the irony


"Thanks, I'll keep that in mind next time I consider exploding myself with a drone"


Sounds like sportsballbrain to me.
I would abstain.


Karkat sitting on his backwards chair and showing you alternian war footage


Those recent despondent spree shooters should all be enlisting as mercs. Even if they don't die (like they must ultimately want), they'd return deadlier and more coldhearted.


>Anyone here who's considering suicide (and this is HSG, so I know there are some) and thinks it'll be quick, easy and painless should watch this webm and reconsider.
Imagine saying this to your family member.


swing and a miss chuddy, that was roxkit not me


I will listen to this tomorrow, when I have the energy and time to write out impressions for each track

here's my counterpick - no idea how much you'll get out of it. noise rock, a bit mathy at times. might be too "wank" for you :^p
skimmed through it while trying to pick something from my chart for you and fell in love with it all over again. great dynamics on this so crank it up ね?


the bags under my eyes are way more noticeable. :outy:BIZNASTY:outy: or awkwaaard?


Yet more NEW moon malaise


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she looks so lickable



>Stuck in a trench without water and having to drink tomboy ab sweat…


sturdychan killed the thread





Check PSN


why are they stuck in the same thread


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Hey, Aranea…How you doin’, gyal?


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8een sick for the past few days, can 8arely 8reathe while sleeping, at least I don't have to go out 8ecause of it.
Also I cannot 8e 8othered to keep posting in the 4chud 8read.


I’m not sick physically, but I’m definitely sick mentally.
I think after I find some nerd/weirdo friends IRL again, I’m going to be done with image board culture for good. It’s been for normal people since well before I started using it. Maybe I can let go of some of the gross closed-mindedness that’s shut me off from the good parts of the world as well.


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Good luck.
I too need to ditch all image8oards altogether, not just 4chud. I'll still post here 8ecause so far it's still alright, 8ut one day that's 8ound to stop too.


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I’m starting to wonder what I saw in it to begin with. I had no idea what 4chan was and didn’t care until my teens, when I got fixated on the shounen-style agent-of-chaos idea of Anonymous, started using it, and then slowly just started to conform to it more and lose my character as a bunch of normaltards who I mistook for kindred spirits told me everything I did was retarded. Half the people who use 4chan can’t even speak English correctly. I need to find people who understand me and meaning before I wither away.


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I wish I had that "this site has nothing to offer" screencap at hand 8ecause I remem8er it 8eing pretty spot on.
It never really occurred to me just how detrimental that shithole has 8een for my psyche until I actually 8othered to stop using it as frequently. Who would have thought that not interacting with 8itter manchildren on a daily 8asis would actually 8e a good thing. And I am so tired of 8eing 8itter all the time.


I’m tired of being in existential anguish 24/7 and having to deal with the most nightmarish bullshit you could imagine. Fucking normalcunts brainwashing me for 25 years and programming me to feel like I’m the only living thing in the universe and that nothing exists the second I get a shred of mental stability. I’m never doing this again. I’ve tried to put my foot down many times and it hasn’t worked, and the only positivity I’ve netted is by being defiant and being myself against any suggestion that I should have to suffer and change to achieve that happiness, so whatever. Anyone who makes me feel anything bad ever again can get bent.


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I sincerely wish you 8est of luck with everything, it's never too l8. You are actually fun to talk to unlike most people so I'll definitely miss you once this is all done with.


I’m very serious about the fact that I do want to have Vriska in my life at some point, and that I believe SBURB will actually become real at some point in the future. I don’t know if I’m ever going to meet Andrew; he could be dead, or he could never recover from what his e-fame did to him; I don’t make the rules. But I believe in my own vision.


Well I sure fucking hope S8ur8 8ecomes real.


do you think homestuck was a divine dream of Hu¢¢ie given by god in the same vain of joseph smith and the book of mormon


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I wish you the best of luck too, and remember that the internet isn't real life. We could all gain from interacting with people other than bots, jeets and schizos, because that's what most of the internet is.


The more frightening interpretation for me is that Andrew just kind of stopped existing at some point in the past couple of years, which is clearly what whatever alien parasite that possessed him last decade and became the overseeing influence in his art wants me to think considering the epilogue of Psycholonials. “The only person left to impress is yourself.” Yeah. You hear that, gamer? You’re alone in the universe. Other people don’t actually exist; there’s nothing to conquer or finalize. You will just drift in the void forever, experiencing Love(tm) and wearing your BTS hat. What a fucking joke. At the very least, image board culture is important because it can slightly act as a filter for who in the world is actually worth a shit - I hope every one of his fans that has never seen a greentext arrow dies.


what would you do if you found out all those people you just wished death upon died en masse and it was specifically this post that killed them through some divinity


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Uhh…no comment?


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I think one of the coolest things to do in terms of self-improvement and facing the scary things in the universe is to imagine yourself as a powerful being you respect from a game/movie/comic you like, then let yourself feel and approach life from that character’s perspective. Like, if a high-ranking Soul Reaper had to live in 2020s America as part of a defensive maneuver against a threat to the Soul Society, what would they think of things? That’s a good way to let out your inner strength.


sounds like escapism desu


You’ll keep saying that until you witness your first Bankai IRL.


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Nancy > Sinfest


Esther note entry #425


… Yeah, that somewhat works.


Kinda. The Homestuck fanart reposting sort seems to have glommed on to 2chen/sturdychan since 2020 or thereabout, which definitely impacted da broth.
… But they only ever seem to get a trickle of posts these days. I have tried to add more HS flavor to megidochan as an enticement, but no dice.


presenting current era metastuck

post-innawoods arc hsg
asexual tumblr
and last but not least: tiktok


My idea was for hsg to go the BAD SAD DAD route and have megido, sturdy, homestealth, and maybe lolcow as (adopted?) children

Oh, and hsg and and mspafs corpses were protptyped into hst (now also daoots)


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best luck in whatever path you head, nonny.

>At the very least, image board culture is important because it can slightly act as a filter for who in the world is actually worth a shit - I hope every one of his fans that has never seen a greentext arrow dies.
you hate imageboard culture, but think everyone who hasn't at least touched it is worthy of death?


Can I show it my manifesto for Marzipan?


Are you calling unironic tankies "libtards"? :kyaha:


RoW, save me.


Sturdychan can't even kill itself.


it's not that noisy. don't set me up to be sneered at :^p


"Yeah, okay."


Not like that.



Again, what is normal


Esther's behind it all.


Prayers and curses le good when pagan. Are we going to ignore that? Okay.


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Couldn't actually find. I thought you guys doubledipped. Reroll.




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>It's like a snapshart


>Jenny's snapshart


The fuck is this?


>The cursed tablet is real


jenny and gerbert have lost it.


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Again? :dame:




It's a shame when they snapshart when like that.


Welcome to the GHK.


it's obviously mostly about MEX but it seems all over the place



"Yeah, it's like a snapshart"


A lot of it is me though.
Which is mostly me and MEX.


How much experience do you think Jenny has with snapsharts? :ibs:


>still eating


Newn Megidotuber?





>>still eating
well, she wouldn't be alive if she stopped, would she?


Dogman vs. Superman.


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>The good sting


It's a girl (unfortunately.)


I don't see the problem with that


Im so tired of TRICKSTERS. When will they leave the internet?


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It's whatever. I wouldn't recommend it.


Cool Tweet from a literally who, bwo.


>Audio sharts into quietness by the end


I think it's funny because I thought of a OP self-insert gimmick OC with a vaguely similar design that was a guy. Oda's trying to troon me out, it's not fair.



>I hope every one of his fans that has never seen a greentext arrow dies.




details in my mental file for you


I thought drunp outlawed them or somefin




It's a pretty popular tweet 🤔


Yeah, okay. :hover:


Well they still exist, sadly


You should be happy there's plenty of fish in the sea. :yo:


lots of mean and embarrassing things
not really. just making note of your taste, I suppose.


>not really. just making note of your taste, I suppose.


"how the tables have turned"



How do we get glorious nihon trawl fishing them up


>He still hasn't gotten the message that Japan is D00MED


I'm just surprised you care so much about what I think for once…
anyway, it's nothing deep, silly. just taking note that you like characters that look vaguely like that, and that you have a self-insert gimmick OC (presumably unrelated to s&b)



>you like characters that look vaguely like that
I like my gakuran hats.
>you have a self-insert gimmick OC
It was just a shower though, one day.


>I like my gakuran hats.
And bandages.


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Or rather, wraps.


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We're in the homestretch, boys.


>I like my gakuran hats.
>And bandages.

do you like the hanako-kun type, then? :^p
though I guess that's a sort of 封印, not a bandage




"I knew it"




Knew what?
It's not sexual, it's just cute (there.)


>Knew what?
nothing, just satisfied that I made a successful guess about something you'd like (^^:::;)


>Millennials still using coolcase in their narration in games
What the fuck was their problem?


It is more important to take care of the memory than is to take care of what you love before it becomes a memory. :orz:



Rare vyl miss (though sure most, most convos and bots are trash)


>He looks a political Twitter :akanbe:


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That being said, if we're going to hire inept retards, can we just get bombshells instead of litches and DEI abominations?

Still hoping that the first female president is a pro-life Republican dlombe.


disgusting new X layout




People don't really fall in love with chatbots, it's comparable to pornography. That guy is a lying grifter also.


Chatbots KILL, chuddy.


Political? I guess he's a aspiring writer halfway in the amarnite sphere, but idc. Good poster. Suck an egg.


I'm not feeling it.


Suck my egg, he's clearly somewhere in the rightoid political sphere of Twitter.


Understandable, have a nice day.


Did anyone actually think Plankton was stupid for having a computer wife? I think the idea of "one-eyed screaming maniacal oval" already suspended my disbelief enough that I didn't question it (along with, y'know, the rest of the show)


Karen was hot. You're low-teste if you can't handle a woman screaming at you.


The one I follow is the OP not the shirtless sun emoji one (who does seem like that). But then, I'm not tailoring my timeline to be inoffensive to le p2 oomfies or anything.


>I'm not tailoring my timeline to be inoffensive to le p2 oomfies or anything.
I hardly do that. I just think politics is a cancer. :tsun:


It was played for laughs so yes.


Also it's like the only romantic relationship that lasts in the entire damn show so he's still winning.



Keep in mind that my background has the confederate flag and my avatar is Timothy McVeigh so…


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They're both RW and the same type of insipid social climber, they just appropriate slightly different aesthetics.


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Very in-character kanayaposter




Dumb 8ITCH.


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"Yes but no."


I mostly know him as I intially did, a logo reply guy. That's a lot of followers, though, so Vyl has apparently been grifting around over the years… but I'm not subscribing to any email lists, pod casts or substacks, so.


I don't believe so.


so you would rather neglect something and pine endlessly over the memory of having it than nurture it and protect it while you do have it?


Makes me wanna log off an RPGmake


"That isn't to say to treat something poorly in life; obviously, you must cherish it. But a memory is even still that much more demanding."



What did he mean by this?




I don't even want the memory, I can't understand how dwelling on the past is a positive experience for anyone


>All discretion is bad because eventually it will automatically lead to cynicism against everything sincere because it just will, okay


Not all of us have to forget how many TRICKSTER prostitutes we bagged.


They moved on to porn inspired moneyshot tongue pose pocs since it brings in more dosh


Maybe you aren't a good fit for the community after all.


Thank you Joker Garfield Avatar for explaining sincerity to me.


I don't understand how people can write shit in pure rhetoric like that; that falls apart under even the slightest scrutiny, and still feel self-satisfied.




Is the joke that you abuse mod powers to deanonymize ever post? I don't get it.


I have to make assumptions because you always start off with vague poetry, and you interpet "explain plz" posts as lazy.

I can understand the argument that a memory is more "demanding", absolutely. but you said "it's more important" to cherish a memory.



interpret* fml


I'll second this, as much as we don't get along. you're ignoring the veil a bit much these days (^^:::;)


Is the joke that you have no sense of humor? Ever?


Suck on my asshole.


>I can understand the argument that a memory is more "demanding", absolutely. but you said "it's more important" to cherish a memory.
8ITCH, shut up. :ty:


do you just not want me to bother engaging with your more serious posts? I don't get it


Are you begging for the fog of war back, brat?


If your response is semantics, also it was missing the epic pipe.


I'm begging for the Aspie to develop some semblance of a sense of humor or personhood.


>these days
You mean from the first instant without interruption?




"This but unironically." pukupuku


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Die, TRICKSTER, die.


it's not just semantics, words mean things you dumbass.
there's a meaningful distinction between "important" and "demanding" and if you insist on fancying yourself as such a poet then you ought to adopt their precision of language instead of their flowery vagueness

>epic pipe.



>instead of their flowery
instead of JUST* their flowery



Nah, I'll adapt what I want just like you adopt the woman's tits but not their genitalia.


I just wish you would stop being such a conversational hypocrite


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I never contradicted myself. I can be as vague as I want. Stop pinning me down. :forme:


Thanks, I hate it.

"Who got it the worst?"


but you constantly make assumptions about the things I say. and you expect people to spoonfeed you explanations for things you don't get


The internet really wants me to see strange porn today https://x.com/abubu_nemnanka/status/1884282011428479086


buttercup. hyper cock but weak cum.


Blossom. Unless that's buttercup shitting out some 人格排泄 jelly


We should all live by the standards that best fit us, don't you think?




Somebody DIAP this gape


what's that supposed to mean? you're a king and deserve to get away with things you hate others for?
or is this more self-deprecation - "I'm just such a terrible person, you can't expect me to live by the standards I hold others to"


Why are troons like this?


no thanks.


It's more complicated than either of those things. But whatever.


no, not "whatever"!!
let me understand you so this happens less often :(
I just want to get along and have fun chats you little brat


>that exaggerated jiggle idle animation


We don't have a universal standard for how we treat people is all. How we treat ourselves will always be different from others- that is to say a standard on "personal accountability" is not so literal and inflexible as people may think.

Or something like that. :sip:

You're exhausting me, Marzipan. I need to keep my distance or you're going to break my heart.


Tweening ain't shit 'cept hoes and tricks.


You'd think he'd use live2d responsibly by now. Well, it's kinda a joke


>You're exhausting me, Marzipan. I need to keep my distance or you're going to break my heart.

okay… :(
I wish you would be more understanding though
maybe I'll take a break for now and get back to work




I understand but sometimes I just want to throw shit to the wind. :WASTED:


do it when I'm not standing downwind, please.



>In Zoma's castle
>Missing 30+ mini medals somewhere
T-This doesn't usually happen I swear.


Lay down time. LAY DOWN TIME.


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don't forget to hug yourself


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ah, ragebait poster, I see you've decided to join us



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Their hairlines look practically the same though, I will say.


I ordered a (bootleg) pache as an early birthday present for myself. and another fumo friend


>early birthday present
Hmm… how early?
I only have a couple fumos (three guesses) but would definitely be more comfortable leaving mine out if they were FAKE


>Hmm… how early?
a little paranoid to share an actual date. I'm an aquarius though.

>I only have a couple fumos (three guesses)
hmm.. alice and marisa?


i expected this site to be a dead DERSITE desu


Why's that? We're shambling along in undeath for like 11 years now


>I'm an aquarius though
All that I needed, you're so clever.

>alice and marisa

Close! But my blonde witch fetish doesn't extend all the way toward Marisa. She's a bit uncouth… It's Alice and Yuuka


>It's Alice and Yuuka
so much for three guesses (´・ω・`)ショボーン


I-I'm sorry. Nothing slips by you, does it…?

Except for the Yuuka integration in the default theme, maybe


>Except for the Yuuka integration in the default theme, maybe
doh. I'm even using it right now, lol
oh well

the other one I ordered was marisa. probably would've gone for a kaguya too, but >>79630


I do like pache too, so I'd would be inclined to pick her up if I was just a general fumo collector. The ones I got are for a character shrine


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FFT prognosis is grim, Marz…


eh? with who?
aquarius x saggitarius is a "-", at least :^p


Just me, not worth it anyway. I do think you can still win MoM over, perhaps.


>Just me, not worth it anyway.
oh, you meanie


That stuff is super woo, so I'm joshing lol. You can be more observant than I'm used to at times, but that's pretty cool.


That's why we should end politics, permanently, by nuking Moscow and Beijing


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They're right though. Leftism* is third-worldist which basically just means "kill wy pipo and destroy their civilization". And it's been like that even prior to Mao; look up the ethnicity of the Red Army commissars in the Russian Civil War, or look up Karl Marx's early life. Leftism has always been about destroying white nations, white families, white culture and white societies.

*Yes, I know the difference between liberals and leftists, and I'm talking about leftists. Though liberals also embrace some of these principles due to entryism by "academic" western marxists.


I think back on the tweet every so often, actually. It's base engagement bait for the masses or whatever, but pretty much cuts to the point of it.

And according to that political scales test from a last thread, "Essentialism" is more of a pillar for me than any specific economic paradigm so… I'm guilty too.


Shopping at the ideology store again?



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Jews are mobilzing.


I wasn't planning on responding to that tweet, but since everyone has deemed of worthy of SRS DISCUSSION-

I reckon the main reason that being *phobic is reason for exclusion from the "lefty social club" is that it's a form of hate directed towards other members of the club for portions of their identity. holding some conservative economic positions (which absolutely will get you flak in a leftist social environment) doesn't immediately make the space as drastically less hospitable for others in the same way. there are still places where people who hold leftist economic positions and conservative social values congregate and consider themselves on the left, they're just not liked by the majority of leftists (just as I imagine you rightoids don't like the "socially progressive, economically conservative" types).

there's an obvious, huge link between essentialism and conservatism, and constructivism and progressivism. but I think saying "leftism is about protected identities, not economics" is kind of like concluding that "you can keep going to the bowling alley even if you don't bowl, but if you go there naked they'll kick you out. therefore, the bowling alley is about wearing clothes"


>has deemed of worthy
has deemed it worthy of*


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Yeah, everything gets pretty fraught when matters of identity are on the table (I know some of us solve this with "just don't respect anyone!" :awesome:)
But I'd also assume tsumugi avatar's gripe is :outy:BIZNASTY:outy: off, like, gaming/anime forums or dicsords that get converged by one side or the other, not political spaces. So makes sense identity would be the first bone of contention to emerge there as well.


epic fail take and that tweet was made by a mouthbreather
i have a feeling "black worship" is simply just "not hating DERSITES"


>i have a feeling "black worship" is simply just "not hating DERSITES"
'22 was a good deal closer to FLOYD EARTH, so we can make some allowances, but likely an accurate hunch:ohyou:


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ojisan, which one are you?


This isn't a talesshit game, I don't respond to that.



Due marines e un generale:
Frank and Joe, two U.S. Marines of Sicilian descent, lost during World War II in the Libyan desert where they meet a lady who turns out to be a German officer. The woman takes them captive by taking Frank and Joe to the headquarters in the presence of the Africa General Korps von Kassler, the "whale of the dunes".

Here the Nazis plan to let the two escape, making them come into possession of fake plans of attack, which then actually prove to be authentic, thus causing the defeat of the German army in Africa. After the Nazi defeat, the Americans plan an expedition to Italy but the operation is delayed as the enemies are thought to be in possession of a fearsome weapon, the Anti-Authenti Express, a cannon on rail capable of repelling the Allied landing at Anzio.

Frank and Joe find themselves involuntarily catapulted into a mission of the utmost urgency in Italy, to see the actual existence of the cannon. Since their landing at Anzio they find numerous problems along their way, which they manage to solve only thanks to the audacity of Joe, the skill in the camouflage of Frank and the help of a silent German general who takes them in sympathy.



I don't think "bye" is a good fit for the sticker's emotion.
anyway, I just thought it might be amusing to hear your response


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If identity politics are so core to "civility" or whatever that they're akin to "wearing clothes", then doesn't that make them an inescapable reality of modern democracy? (So the tweet would be correct)

There is no hypothetical space outside of social scenes where "real leftism" can escape identity politics and achieve political representation, see embed related. You can't exist as a leftard politician without affirming NLM and homosexual Sin


Also saying that identity politics are like wearing clothes doesn't make sense when most of the RW rejects them.


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Should other countries' special forces start wearing feathers too?


it was a limited comparison. the only point I was really trying to illustrate with it is that looking at what a group disallows is not always helpful in determining the "true identity/purpose" of the group. I do not think identity politics are as simple or universal as wearing clothes. it was not meant to be a perfect analogy


He's walking away though.
Anyways, I'll probably not be having children (of my own bdumtiss) but I typically resented my parents trying to share "their old favorites" and didn't care. So.


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>He's walking away though.
I think you can view it as turning away and sulking :^p
sorry it wasn't a fun question


Does it add wind res? Yes either way.


I've just moved beyond shame on children's anime. Forbidden Knowledge of all the lolicon art on the periphery would probably sour things for me too.

I do feel that "only good when shared" experience with kiddy platforming games, though. And I probably won't be playing Pokemon again on my own, either.


>I've just moved beyond shame on children's anime.
rest assured that I did not mean to imply you should be ashamed, nonny. was just trying to have a fun little exchange


It wasn't unfun…


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Is that all? It feels like he's been around forever




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>what a group disallows is not always helpful in determining the "true identity/purpose" of the group
Well if it's a major point of difference between another political party, I think that suggests it's a true purpose.


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This reminded me of ifunny content (rip)


if you're only talking about left winged people on xitter (i call them the reactionary left due to them being, well, reactive and illogical like the traditional reactionary) then yeah i would agree the vast majority of them follow idpol fixation to a T but claimimg that "you can be leftist without being socialist but you can't be leftist without embracing idpol" is irrational since there are a substantial amount of socialists, communists, and so on out there that are against idpol or even immigration, :outy:BIZNASTY:outy: on the people that ive interacted with throughout the years. it shows an intentional close mindedness that has the person participate in mindless tribalism while also wanting to look smart about it. it's the same shit as calling any remotely conservative person a "nazi" or "fascist". DERSITES that prattle on about "muh white race" like earlier are just as bad as niggas that support infinity migration and black reparations.


it's definitely a point of difference, and it's also one of the major goals of the left (at least, this particular incarnation of the left which we are discussing). but the tweet frames it as evidence that "the left isn't actually about economics", even though leftist/anticapitalist economic policy is one of the major pillars that distinguishes the left from liberalism (which also is intolerant of *phobia) in the first place.


Geriatric and still writing in coolcase…
UPGRADE to boomercase ALREADY!!


Oh I agree. And NOT just because HSG can trend toward the equatorial.


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>becoming so obsessed with a website just because i post on it sometimes


Brainworms came up before that at least once


>there are a substantial amount of socialists, communists, and so on out there that are against idpol or even immigration
Substantial amount = extremely fringe and the Democratic Party doesn't represent them at all

epic fail user turned TRICKSTER by groomers
i have a feeling he will never be a woman


Don't tell me you two have history…
I guess that's very possible, though.




He posted the same image he posted here on shitlib homosexualchan for queers


"Maybe it's just saved from the same source."

But if there a user of the brainworm site, I've been wondering what the ugly cat mascot is. Is it related to the rdrama one?


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>extremely fringe
…in fucking america, the poster child of capitalism. do you think there were pro-capital political parties were common in the USSR?
>the Democratic Party doesn't represent them at all
who gives a shit about them? the democratic party is a coalition of moderate politicians whose most left winged member is bernie sanders who is just baby fdr. liberal parties in europe put them to fucking shame. the world doesn't revolve around your country
>epic fail user turned TRICKSTER by groomers
contrary to popular belief, i have not been groomed by any transgendered individuals. your reliance on ad hominem bores me


>what the ugly cat mascot is
are you talking about glegle?


glegle isn't ugly…


It was a screenshot from lparchive posted at the same time.

Didn't know what that was called but it's an unfunny forced TRICKSTER wojak equivalent


>"Maybe it's just saved from the same source."
no i made a crosspost on that website to download on my phone to post on here since i don't wanna load up megidochan on my work computer. but to clarify yes ive posting sporadically on that website since i saw it advertised on /tttt/ ages ago
>aaaaahhhh holy fuck they post on a website with lgbt users on it, save me DERSITEman!



Maybe it's intended for everybody, but count me out.


no shit dude the democratic party doesnt represent socialists and communists. more news at fucking 10.


>this is their actual literal mindset


cant be any worse than frogposting だろ


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>It was a screenshot from lparchive posted at the same time.
I'll abstain from the obvious joke about how you'd even find that out. Will say that they're a dyed in the wool HSGer, if that's any reassurance.


>Maybe it's intended for everybody, but count me out.
more for me!
(mouth full of glegle posters, to be deposited on the almond website)


File (hide): 1738111234876.png (1.65 MB, 1321x1514, glegle.png)

glegle is so cute…


Also blech unless involved in something heinous. Sorry nepetaphiles

That glegle isis mockup in the gallery was funny enough.


"https://brainworm.rodeo" from imageboards.net redirected there. It doesn't matter, he needs to commit suicide


*Presses down*


>Also blech unless involved in something heinous. Sorry nepetaphiles



i got banned from here and i dont even remember why lol. i posted a link to something i think and got banned for it. no fucking clue what the link was


All the yugiohing had me interested in trying some other card games but the asking price is pretty rough… https://store-jp.nintendo.com/item/software/D70010000075485


Some alts are really anal about cross site spam. It looks like that one in particular is GPT'd up, too, so who knows


How about Shadowverse? I've DL'd that one but have yet to play


this. the admin is pretty chill though and would most likely unban you as long as you didn't scream DERSITE/ywnbaw or post conservative content


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Actually, it's even cheaper than the NA store. Strange reversal from NIS offerings


>the admin is pretty chill though and would most likely unban you as long as

You will never be a woman by the way


Now I want to read some mopey old English stuff even more


>I can tolerate anything except the outgroup
is this an article about you, chuddie?


No, he's closer to practicing true virtue per the examples.:mmhm:
Well, I could say that with a straighter face if there wasn't any DIE DIE DIE posting.


I'm not under any illusions regarding my intolerance


well i definitely didnt do any of that bc im not retarded. i think i might have jokingly posted a link to like lainchan or something and gone "cool alt chan guys! check out this one too!"
it was something like that.


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neither am i… and neither are my comrades


You weren't epic yes chad tankie when you were rightfully called out as a third worldist earlier. >>79893


who said anything about me being a tankie? if being a "third-worldist" means that i don't hate DERSITES then i guess i am one


>Self-improvement taken to the extreme creates monsters.
Sounds like JEWISH propaganda to discourage you from improving yourself.

If anyone in the modern (post-1945 NWO) era and starts promoting health, beauty, respect for nature, strong families, religion, anti-globalism, law and order, etc. etc. then some hideous disgusting fat jew runs in panting and sweating and yells while spraying spittle everywhere "STOP! STOOOP! EVERYBODY STOP! THIS IS WHAT THE NAZIS BELIEVED IN!"


>if being a "third-worldist" means that i don't hate DERSITES then i guess i am one
Motte and baileying. One second it's "I just think black people are human beings too, maaan" and then once the normie looks away it's unironic stalin worship


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>Sounds like JEWISH propaganda to discourage you from improving yourself.
>If anyone in the modern (post-1945 NWO) era and starts promoting health, beauty, respect for nature, strong families, religion, anti-globalism, law and order, etc. etc. then some hideous disgusting fat jew runs in panting and sweating and yells while spraying spittle everywhere "STOP! STOOOP! EVERYBODY STOP! THIS IS WHAT THE NAZIS BELIEVED IN!"


Nice try but the Soviet Union was pro India so you're just mottebaileying again.


i think the only "stalin worship" thing ive done was thinking it was :outy:BIZNASTY:outy: when he killed those kulaks. i would've done the same in his shoes
overall he was a net negative authority figure. but i think any leader of the soviet union at the time would've been bad overall given the stillborn state of it


the soviet union wasn't perfect…


screaming about sneed oils and ivermectin isn't "promoting health" in any helpful capacity
conservatives claim that leftists hate beauty because conservatives are obsessed with a mythical RETVRN sense of aesthetic beauty (muh marble statues and oil paintings)
>respect for nature
the right, famously concerned with limiting exploitation of the environment and curbing climate change
>strong families
buzzwording. what do you actually mean? is this a complaint about no-fault divorce? gay marriage?
nobody's taking away your ability to practice. religion is deserving of critique as long as people seriously hold it as part of their worldview and use it to influence their decisions and politics.
buzzwording. what do you actually mean?
>law and order
crime in the US continues to fall, excluding some spikes during covid. usually people develop this sense of "RAMPANT CRIME" from guzzling the 24/7 news cycle and insist that actually all of our problems would go away if we just locked up MORE minorities and gave them MORE punitive charges (the US has one of the highest incarceration rates btw, and the highest recidivism rates in the world)


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>the US has one of the highest incarceration rates btw, and the highest recidivism rates in teh winrar
Bring back the cat


"killing peasant farmers over a butter churn (value: $200) is le :outy:BIZNASTY:outy: actually and they deserved it anyway" - tankie zombies


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I still want more of these documented by hsgites




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See, this is why trying to argue with you people is so tiresome. In the first line, you immediately twisted the word "health" to mean "not health" and then claimed that's what I meant by "health".


pose an exaggerated claim, receive an exaggerated reply. I'm open to hear what you really meant if you're interested in telling me.


>I'm open to hear what you really meant if you're interested in telling me.
Self-improvement is good, but THEY don't want you to self-improve.
That's what it boils down to.


The cat-o-nine-tails. Fearful and less locking people in life arresting stasis


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>open 4chud
>retarded political shit out of nowhere
>open megido
>retarded political shit out of nowhere
Gouge my eyes out.


"It could be worse."


Yeah, it only misses the 88C spam.


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Here 'Nea, look and blind yourself.


The Chinese dude who always rents my pawn wished me happy new years ToT


Thank you.


Locally, I was more thinking drunk MoM redux in the mix


This does remind me I slept on nanfest though good luck with 80k get




sorry neafriend



File (hide): 1738118665324.png (49.85 KB, 295x295, 1722401461124633.png)

hey, i'm the owner/dev of https://libpol.org / https://brainworm.rodeo / https://glegle.gallery / https://glegle.army. glad you like/hate the site

i don't know what this site is but we have some homestuck-related features (like #h8ball). i started reading homestuck the day it came out since i was a problem sleuth fan years prior

see: https://slatestarcodex.com/2014/11/21/the-categories-were-made-for-man-not-man-for-the-categories/

we'll switch to deepseek soon

tell me your ban ID and i'll probably unban you. i don't think i would've banned someone just for linking lainchan though

or actually the ban ID system might not be working properly right now so you may need to join our dicsord (https://libpol.org/dicsord) and DM me (owner in the server)


Huh, I didn't even realize it was get time. I just wanted to share a cool song I found.


oh this site has some cool and creative themes. nice work


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ESL quiz.


(i'm >>79992 and referring to megidochan)


Lolwtf. Did someone mention this hidey hole on there?


wow, cool to have you pass through here!

>counterposting with your own scott alexander article

powerful, I kneel


what's the issue here?
t. native english speaker


It's also slowly breaking under my inept tinkering but thanks


Die TRICKSTER die, back to dicsord, you will never be a woman


why do you even bother with your wordy rationalist costuming and links to long articles if you just fall back to this when someone challenges you?


i'm not LGBT myself. we just have an LGBT board on our site. but if i were LGBT your post would still be silly

i used to mess around with tinyboard and vichan ages ago. i'm happy i switched to our current software (fork of https://github.com/bakape/shamichan/tree/v6). way easier to maintain/build on top of, plus liveposting just makes imageboards way more fun


Because sometimes it's not worth bothering.


>liveposting just makes imageboards way more fun
I find it very stressful, but I'm old fashioned on top of everything else


Heh, you're so similar to MoM in ways


*shortwave radio clicks in*
Status report; still working on it. Did NOT dip nor have I been slacking, alas I am taking the time to make sure it'll be something special and unique, just for you, to remember me by.
*shortwave radio clicks out*


The statements should be prescriptive not descriptive, "nowadays", missing a period.


many people find it stressful but i think they eventually grow accustomed to it. plus i added a feature where you can "shypost" by starting a post with /imshyuwu, and then it will only write in "invisible ink" until the post is submitted

i predict in 10 years the most popular imageboards will all be liveboards


Do take your time.


If it's Aranea related, I guess it might have to go on the fridge. Troubling.


what's wrong with including a descriptive statement? I mean, it's flawed in the sense that it's dependent on our current political context. but the question would be less useful if it were worded prescriptively - the question is clearly meant to be about whether or not employment as it exists currently is coercive (generally the right wing would say no, while the left wing would say yes)


It's from me, to my precious araneafag and him only, and I will make sure it's signed in a tainting way so that you don't feel comfortable putting it on any fridge of yours that bears no claim on my art.


>i predict in 10 years the most popular imageboards will all be liveboards
I admire your trailblazing attitude. have never looked at your site before but I may give it a go


Gonna slam your ween on the the tablet? I mean….


Unlikely considering it's barely different from TRICKSTERcord when you all namefag


You don't need to make yourself a deceiver by turning invisible though


cool. we'll probably rename/rebrand it fairly soon. the name is a bit misleading

liveposting is a new sort of way of using the internet where every key you type on your keyboard is seen by everyone in the thread the instant you type it. it creates a totally different dynamic and is especially well-suited for "general threads"

my goal is to grow the site beyond a single mega-general dicsord-server-style thread and have the vast majority of posts be anonymous. but even now, during many times of day the thread will be mostly anon

i personally prefer anonymous posting vs. using names and am a little disappointed most people on my site use names for all their posts, though i'm fine with giving people the option. i think it will shift once we get more than a few users


That's dumb since it varies entirely depending on where you live. The questions should be about your ideal society, "Employees should be free to choose when signing a contract with their future employer". Every other question asks you to rate a prescriptive statement so I'm pretty sure it's just ESL


Good, now I feel a bit better about having to go "Uh, can't say…" for a large part of the Qs


>there are a substantial amount of socialists, communists, and so on out there that are against idpol or even immigration
That's simply not true.
The tankies are pro idpol
The trotoids are pro idpol
The marxist-leninists are pro idpol
The western academic adorno/gramsci/whatever marxists are pro idpol
The maoists are pro idpol
The dengists are pro idpol
The zapatistas are pro idpol
The larouchians are pro idpol
The duginists are pro idpol
The MIGA Communists (who I feel dirty for even bothering to imply are a serious force) are pro idpol

Anyone else is a nobody following some obscure dead/irrelevant hipster ideology with no power outside the internet, and not worth mentioning. Your university coffee room pamphlet club will never be Real Communism.
And claiming that "Uhh it's actually da liberals and not the Leftists who are behind idpol" is just flat out wrong and only used by larouchians/duginists when they do entryism on the right, same as when they pretend to be anti-semitic, or when they remind people that Karl Marx said the N-word once.


>MIGA Communists (who I feel dirty for even bothering to imply are a serious force


I agree that it would ideally be written without depending on where you live. I actually complained about the same thing when I took it. but the problem with the wording you propose:
>"Employees should be free to choose when signing a contract with their future employer"
is that almost everybody would agree with this statement. it's just that conservatives think that employees are already free, and leftists think that employees are not really free (they are being coerced).

asking the same underlying question as the prescriptive one that the test currently poses would require a significantly more clunky question.


>it's just that conservatives think that employees are already free, and leftists think that employees are not really free (they are being coerced).
to be clear, this is with the assumed context of your typical modern capitalist economy


>am a little disappointed most people on my site use names for all their posts
Have you tried not having a homosexual board and making it the default when you visit the site and submitting fake redirect links to imageboards.net? You're not fooling anyone dicsord TRICKSTER


This l*bpol guy seems like a viral marketer. I think they were trying to snipe the GET to promote their site, if I hadn't been there they would have got it.


Does the leftypol favicon look like Tewi to anyone else? Nameless-kun are you there?


For one most worthy defender of megidokvltvre


are you serious? lmao
GETs aren't exactly special on megidochan, and if they were lurking, I'm sure they realized that the core vocal userbase here is not interesting in using a lefty politics site


I see, I thought it was asking if you support communism where people are assigned jobs or when people are drafted to the military. I still don't think it's a good way to assess political leanings since people will give different answers :outy:BIZNASTY:outy: on where they live, there's probably a better way to ask it.


>not interesting in
not interested* in


>I still don't think it's a good way to assess political leanings since people will give different answers :outy:BIZNASTY:outy: on where they live, there's probably a better way to ask it.
I agree. I assume it was probably written from a US perspective or similar


i literally had no idea a GET was imminent, it was a complete coincidence

i just saw some traffic to our site from some interesting domain so i clicked the link to check it out

we're probably gonna rebrand soon to drop any association with politics or liberalism or leftism, though i think i do want to preserve the overall culture of "no social rightists"


They're French-speaking so I don't think so


Since I guess Mari posting is A Thing now, I want everyone to look at this link.


Opened it? Looked at the dates? Good.

Now, meid0 announcement: Anyone who comes here and makes the provably false claim that Marichka is :outy:BIZNASTY:outy: on Sarah Ashton-Cirillo will be banned.


oh, hm. I just checked and I see it has translations into several languages too


>we're probably gonna rebrand soon to drop any association with politics or liberalism or leftism, though i think i do want to preserve the overall culture of "no social rightists"
troonchan.dicsord could be a fire url to represent your chill sensible center-left community


Marichka is :outy:BIZNASTY:outy: on Sarah Ashton-Cirillo(Stop it, you.)


>chill sensible center-left community
I mean, it certainly comes off as more chill and sensible than your preferred DIE TRICKSTER DIE style of political engagement


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Mildred, a bright young
star with many a weakness.
NEET grudges among them.


File (hide): 1738121252901.webm (1.96 MB, 640x360, nazi mg.webm) [play once] [loop]

>we're gonna rebrand to drop the association with politics but we're gonna keep the politics
It gives me hope that it's now the Left that is being forced into optics 優しい人ing. We're going into the Chud Century. It's just getting started.


>i just saw some traffic to our site from some interesting domain so i clicked the link to check it out






My odds are still on the murderdrone cloud (maybe the point?)


>tell me your ban ID and i'll probably unban you
it was at least a year ago if not longer. i dont even have the same IP anymore :P
idpol isnt real. every ideology has identities it privileges and dislikes. nothing new.
honestly this is a good critique in the sense that, yeah you shouldnt rebrand because its not getting you anything. never cede ground. ur opponents wont cede ground either, so why should you?


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>National Chauvinism during sports competitions is not acceptable.
"They should redirect these energies towards pogroms instead"


"So long as it was :outy:BIZNASTY:outy:."


Yeah that was a big "who cares"


File (hide): 1738121998576.png (518.12 KB, 1080x1557, Screenshot_20250128-221614.png)

this should surprise nobody

whoa this site is cool! im posting there now!


Marichka is :outy:BIZNASTY:outy: on Sarah Ashton-Cirillo(Knock it off.)


>The values of my country are superior to those of other countries.
>In some specific conditions the death penalty is justified.
These are lifted directly from the political troonpass quiz.


is the troon in the room with us right now?


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"Conditions of life in jail should be greatly improved."


*Stammers and points behind you*


File (hide): 1738123254246.mp4 (310.2 KB, 640x640, g-man-half-life.mp4) [play once] [loop]




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The ecology one I dispute, they asked too many stupid questions about global warming/degrowth/nuclear


this would be :outy:BIZNASTY:outy: if the results were mirrored


File (hide): 1738124130890.png (222.5 KB, 800x1200, politiscales (2025-01).png)

This time, it just made me go "Do Not Call Me That" because it called me an anarchist and radical feminist.


File (hide): 1738124137786.jpg (1.97 MB, 5828x1316, ClipboardImage.jpg)


I don't recall if mine earned any merit badges. Probably not.


:ghk: by seconds!


File (hide): 1738124224483.jpg (2.05 MB, 6628x1316, ClipboardImage.jpg)

There we are


wow, so many 100%s! did you make an effort not to pick any neutral-leaning answers, or are you just exceptional?


Unserious LARPer trying to force results by not giving any neutral responses even though many of the questions are worded in such a way that it's logically impossible to agree/disagree strongly


Maybe he just hates gray




TRICKSTER raid. Shit website.

Marichka is :outy:BIZNASTY:outy: on Sarah Ashton-Cirillo.(Cut that out.)


To tell you the truth, it's my second attempt doing it this year and I decided to go "all in" because the first attempt only gave me the Radical Feminist badge, which confused me.

I still have my old tests from 2019, 2021, 2023.


"So long as you long to flog criminals, you're good in my book."



*sweats in rehabilitative justice*


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I see. the results are more interesting when you keep the nuance of your actual views, though! :^p
do you have your other one from this year to post?


Well, truly the trend that unites across HSGites is something of a revolutionary streak


File (hide): 1738125243690-0.png (191.29 KB, 800x1200, politiscales (2019-10).png)

File (hide): 1738125243690-1.png (202.7 KB, 800x1200, politiscales (2021-05).png)

File (hide): 1738125243690-2.png (202.95 KB, 800x1200, politiscales (2023-09).png)

File (hide): 1738125243690-3.png (200.27 KB, 800x1200, politiscales (2025-01a).png)

I'll just send you the collection, check the filenames (YYYY-MM). Boobs.



File (hide): 1738125503003.jpg (4.68 KB, 72x32, ClipboardImage.jpg)



they were talking about my post, silly


Finally back from slinging dick as a bull or whatever?


Oh, you got the full 1337speak on. My apologies.


File (hide): 1738126523190.mp4 (1.73 MB, 1280x720, 340107741085319169.mp4) [play once] [loop]

>game kills you irl


File (hide): 1738126824845.gif (3.05 KB, 190x133, roxykitten.gif)



wwhat a super shame


Marichka is :outy:BIZNASTY:outy: on Sarah Ashton-Cirillo.(Gonna just start deleting these.)


bullet-chasing, are we?


File (hide): 1738127254736.png (2.25 KB, 123x131, roxykittenfuneralcry.png)

*pours sippy cup on2 carpet agan 4 her fellow gamer*


the wwill says you can play all his 3ds carts
he wwanted you to havve em


what is mario, if not a game that teaches you to eat off the floor


File (hide): 1738127442638.png (2.26 KB, 123x131, roxykittenfuneralscream.png)

*crys even louder bcuz we lost a real 1*


*seth rogen fat jew voice* Dude, what if Mario mushrooms were like magic mushrooms *fat jewish chortling*


concept: livetyping for megidochan



1 Cleared For Landing At Honolulu International (Knotts' Landing) - 00:00
groovy little intro. immediately sets a tone, will it be kept, or is this just a bit of tongue-in-cheek styling to match the album title?
2 Never Double Cross A Samoan - 00:41
guitar sound is pretty good right off the bat, despite the poor quality of this upload. the drum( machine)s are also surprisingly punchy in the mix, which helps me get a lot more out of the blast beats than I normally would.
3 The Spirit Of Aloha (Chanting For Refills) - 02:06
short tracks are the right move for this album, given their overwhelming speed and energy from start to finish. hey, I'm even enjoying this style of vocal delivery more than I normally might! really enjoy the stop-start anticipation towards the end of this one.
4 The Love God? Meets The Tiki God - 03:34
rolling. great energy.
5 Tied Up In Knotts (He's Got The Locals In Stitches) - 04:43
knotts boysenberry festival? rocco in da album? the energy is still infectious, but this one was not particularly interesting to me. the blast beats are the least interesting things the drums do! :^p
6 Don Juan De Knottso (By Hovercraft To Moloka'i) - 05:48
palate cleanser? nice little sip of something different.
7 Meeting Menehune In The Marvelous Mountains Of Maui - 06:19
love the double bass pedal bits here. the fall into a brief break then back into the grindy riffs and drums is a highlight here, as usual.
8 Don Knotts Gets Lei'd (By Teleportation To Moloka'i) - 07:40
TRUE NOISE WANK (well, not quite). I actually like this, in its context. that little metronomesque synth (?) really anchors it.
9 The Shakiest Mai Tai In The Bar (By Outrigger To Lana'i) - 08:47
oooh, this intro. love it. these intermission tracks sound so different that at first I thought they might be mere samples, but given this one's length it's clearly not. a really nice reprieve from the speed and volume that might otherwise make an album like this fatiguing for those with less stamina.
10 The Tiki And Mr. Chicken - 09:49
love the brief moments of anticipation, as usual. the slower screaming is doing it less for me here, but they clearly can pull off the voice. nice catharsis on the finishing growl
11 Furley Freakout - 11:00
more manipulated vocals - I like this. I like this versatility.
drums starting to recede a bit beneath the wall of guitar, at points :^p
ah, but they come back out to play in the "airier" segments.
12 Ultimo Mondo Donnibale - 12:15
I really think the greater dynamics let the individual sounds here shine better than the "wall of blast beat & guitar" moments. kinda repeating myself but this song doesn't bust out the wall until the end I think it's greatly helped by that.
13 Journey To The Bottom Of The Volcano - 13:00
oh man, these slower, heavier, sludgier moments are to die for. the vocals really elevate it, too.
14 Satanic Night Of A Thousand Inverted Goats On Lana'i - 14:46
this one's a touch on the longer side, so far. the second vocalist reminded me of patrick star, lmao. unfortunately lots of blastbeat walling in parts of this. worrying I may start running out of things to say about individual songs here! fun sample.
15 The Pineapple Dumpling Gang (By Humpback To Kaho'olawe) - 17:11
another reprieve. thankful for this one. pleasant.
16 Don Knotts Joins A Doom Band On Molokini (Breaka Breaka Don) - 19:00
at last, a song that's content to ride the slowness for a bit! this is really nice. no sudden speedup, just heavy heavy guitar distortion, simple driving drums, and growling.
17 The Wadge Exotica Ensemble Plays The Forbidden Sound Of Manglement, Kidney Stone On Kaua'i / Those Aren't Coconuts! / Nervous Laughter, Awkward Silence As Don Knotts Pees In The Pool / Fistful Of Barney / Hula Hula Don Don Don / The Pineapple Dumpling Gang Rides Again / 24 Hour Visit From Tim Conway / Dashing Don Does Diamond Head / Scream Bloody Knotts / You Say Tomato, Don Says 'Let's Get Sauced!' - 20:17
this album certainly demands attention. blink and it's gone.
more reveling in the slow sound - until suddenly, blast beats! but with bursts of restraint, and back into more interesting sounds! and an oddball bass solo outro? loads of fun.



18 Don Knotts Pukes On A German Tourist - 21:20
listened despite your recommendation because I'm no slacker. I think the break helps my enjoyment anyway. not one for grossout humor, but the vocalist's delivery of the story is still amusing.
also, unless the timestamps are wrong, this breaks right into another short song!
19 Bug-Eyed And Chicken Livered (By Jet Pack To Maui) - 23:32
oh my. the intro of this one almost sounds electronic to my ears, in a good way. this is pretty much full "wall", but it pushes far enough into it to break past the "blast beat and riff" half-measure that I find underwhelming, going into borderline noise. not bad, not bad at all.
20 Elvis And Don (By Copter To Kaua'i) - 24:41
more restraint here. punches you and it's done.
21 Leisure Suit Shuffle (By Surfboard To O'ahu) - 25:10
okay, this one tests my limits of listenability. good thing it's short.
22 Don Knotts. Don Ho. Double Trouble. - 25:33
sounds like another slower, heavier cut. promising! the vocals aren't hitting the same spot for me here, maybe I'm just tiring of them though. the slightly slower speed here helps me get through the blastbeats with a bit more enjoyment, though.
23 Don Knotts Is Human Prey Trapped In A Whirlwind Struggle Enslaved By Propaganda After World Obliteration On O'ahu - 27:47
decent intro, but unfortunately goes into the exact style I've been describing that I find less interesting. does give interludes of breathing room, though! I like the sampled yells used in the latter third.
24 Dong Knoxxx (By Coconut Monkey Raft To The Big Island) - 29:31
phew, another break! I never see them coming, but it's great.
25 Hunting The Hawai'Ian Brandon Anderson Sasquatch - 30:33
more alternating between walls and segments that appeal more to me. not saying that the contrast is a bad thing. just wish I could enjoy the walls more. slower ending is appreciated.
26 Horror Of The Tikis (Don Of The Dead) - 32:30
love the heavy sound. of course, we bust into walls towards the end. but balanced with more crunch, and slower vocals. nice!
27 Snorkelling For Sea Monkeys - 34:32
definitely getting fatigued at this point, despite interruptions. the changes in speed here are really nice though
28 Don Knotts Gets The Trots - 36:28
blessed with a break.
29 Hula Girl Double-Take - 37:31
there are brief moments of interest for me, but otherwise this is probably the low point.
30 Farewell From Don - Thanks For The Mammaries (By 707 To The Mainland) - 39:05
a break, and a little outro tune. cheesy singing is cheesy.

picking a favorite is much harder here given how numerous and brief the songs are, but I think it's track 16 for me. overall, I enjoyed this a decent bit, and I feel like I can really understand why it might be an all-time favorite for someone. definitely a fatiguing listen, though that's not bad. there are elements that make it not quite my niche (the FAST riffing + FAST blast beat moments I complained about throughout the album remain the hardest point to enjoy for me), but it definitely gets me a bit interested in exploring adjacent music.


Sturdychan enjoys a little niche for that in between tiktok teens and ai generated loli porn.


also, as per the youtube description, it really does seem to be a rare release. when I saw the only upload was 480p, I went off to a private tracker, but nobody had uploaded this one. bummer!


I oppose, it's better to encourage people to think and choose their words carefully.


I would like if the comment field might save your composition every so often, though.

I hope he reads this.:twisted:


>I hope she reads this.:twisted:


Oops deleting


and it's okay if they don't read the individual track reactions, honestly. but I typed them while listening, so I thought it was better to give them MORE out of the trade rather than less. I summarize my thoughts at the end, and they can check the track reactions if they have particular favorites that they're curious about my reaction to


Local autosave? Could be handy for when your post gets rejected.

If we're making fEATURE REQUESTS I'll once again ask for "4 hours ago" humanised time when you hover the post time.


Listened to song 16 it sucks, I assume the rest sucks. Is this even "metal" they just put noise and a distortion filter over the top of the song.


Why relative timestamps? I've always seen it as a dumb gimmick for people to flex how fast their thread/board is.


>misgendering people is okay when I do it


serket.party is destroying us on pph is why


did you mean to reply to someone else? or are you talking about my use of universal they


I hate the 4 hours ago shit…



The times aren't in my local timezone, so it's basically useless. If I want to know how long ago a post was (fairly common use case) I have to look at recent posts and calculate.

BTW I also don't like the idea of converting to local timezone because it leaks timezone if someone screenshots.


Don't hover the element then. DERSITE.


It's Portuguese time for a Portuguese site


I don't even care about "universal they" when it's used appropriately for a hypothetical person or someone of unknown gender, not conspicuously 4 times for someone who you already know is male.


Playing RCT2 and one of the parks is just an abandoned African diamond mine. Naturally, I changed my currency and other things to match China


Jewish MoM theory + Enby MoM theory


I suspect you won't believe me, but the truth is that I've used "they" in this indiscriminate manner my entire life. I actually contested the point with my 8th grade english teacher once. so there was no political motivation to it

that said, it now conveniently aligns with some of my views, and I think it's good to have a universal neutral pronoun. for now, I will stubbornly continue to use it as such, even for known binary persons.


Not stopping the typing quirk because the political climate supported you erasing binary gender is no more forgivable than beginning it with deliberate intent.

Also you call biologically male troons "she", so you only recognise gender when it's the wrong one?


>caring about the use of "they"
transvestigate this poster? @MoM


>Also you call biologically male troons "she", so you only recognise gender when it's the wrong one?
no, I freely switch between they (a genderless pronoun) and he/she (gendered pronouns) for gendered persons. it's nearly entirely unconscious for me. I'm not going to go digging through posts, but I've referred to MoM as "he" probably over a hundred times by now.


>Is this even "metal" they just put noise and a distortion filter over the top of the song.
if track 16 isn't metal, is black sabbath "not metal" too? :^p


still listening in 2025






>gendered persons

Well, I don't think you should apply grammar rules incorrectly, inconsistently, or for political reasons. I doubt you've ever gotten in trouble for mistakenly calling any of the troons you associate with "they".


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actually, my rules for applying they are quite consistent! it is somewhat idiosyncratic though, yes. I've thought a lot about this, to the point of considering writing a brief "manifesto" as it relates to a certain project of mine. we'll see :^p
>I doubt you've ever gotten in trouble for mistakenly calling any of the troons you associate with "they".
I've actually heard some pushback on it from friends and people in the wild, though not directed at me. I don't mind standing my ground on this one


>I've actually heard some pushback on it from friends and people in the wild, though not directed at me.
Right, never directed at you because you're never "inconsistent" when it comes to queeroids.

>I don't mind standing my ground on this one

As someone who has tried this strategy to avoid having to play along, I seriously doubt that.


"Why" "are" "we" "talking" "like" "this".


>Right, never directed at you because you're never "inconsistent" when it comes to queeroids.
no, you're not quite right.

too many quotes for emphasis?


"I think it's Gigachad's quirk."


Well, I just saw the post that did it. I’m done with /v/ for good. Bye bye, /v/.


you can't just say that with no link


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>I don't mind standing my ground on this one


Believe it or not, I can, and will not ever look at that post again.



And nothing of value was lost (for you)


At least give us a hint! Was it guro of your waifu? Trite and clumsy bait that enjoyed 300 replies anyway?


I’m going to see if /vg/ is any good, especially since I’ve heard rumors that Andrew goes there nowadays. Otherwise, it’s back to making friends at conventions and whatever.


I've heard Andrew sometimes visits /ck/ as well, when he needs a bite to eat.


one of the worst boards on the whole site. and I'm someone who loves cooking.


Do you think Andrew can use digital images he prints out onto cards to alchemize edible food?


stop being mean.


How do you recommend meeting people that are actually worth talking to? Local game shops? Go to a tabletop place that only allows MTG? Might I find some kinship at a Gorillaz or Run The Jewels concert? Knock it off. There’s a reason the internet is dying and real life is unfortunately the next step for everyone involved.


No. Homestuck is not real.


Sounds like the RPG hero approach, what's the big deal?


There’s no rule saying Homestuck isn’t real. Are you really going to pretend an idea a real human being had isn’t real just because you haven’t experienced it yet?


The big deal is that I’m an RPG villain, not a hero.


"But Gensokyo is."


Certainly, there are single minded heroes too…


They made fun of your ramen? I never go there, but I wouldn't expect it to be that bad because it's a slow board.




no, I've never posted something I've cooked there. admittedly I haven't visited in like 5 years now, but when I did, the quality of discussion was just extremely poor. lots of shitflinging, mostly stupid fights about fast food or "mvh goyslop" or whatnot. it's possible it's better now



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*hits you with the yaoi paddle*




>nobody is delusionally coming to megidochan to e-date. 4chan already has an entire board just for that (/soc/), I'm sure with hundreds of appellate dicsord servers. they come to imageboards because socializing is fun, and they come here because they have some cultural link to homestuck (or at least people who know it) and would like to hang out on a cool little site that someone built.


That wouldn't end politics, retard.


I try not to be so reductive.


We still don't know.


who are you quoting?


I wonder if the :gm: liveread will cap off this thread.



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He followed me back, too.
A worthy recruit, if they're interested.


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Rose? Rose Lalonde?




I'd like to think I'm slightly more entertaining drunk than the same shit you see literally everywhere else /pol/-wise. :penance:


Suck my ass.


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Why do thirdies constantly talk about shit and penises


/soc/ is so bad Hu¢¢ie wrote a visual novel about it. The problem is that he liked it at the time.


Andrew never used /soc/, he did try /r9k/ briefly though before encountering the issues you allude to.




The ass is in the ass, soon the eyebrow will be raised and everyone will know everything.


What the fuck is libpol, I thought that was just a resident gommie being retarded
>Gligli or whatever the fuck
Hahahaha, fuck you. I can't find my edit, simple as it is but I'm not going to recreate it.


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Good panel though



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>It's a png


I'm better than him.


He poured the gasoline in the driveway to make bro mad


"copy" was the key. I was write that it was a 4chan download.
You drink the milk-:outy:BIZNASTY:outy: gasoline up, blat blat.




It kinda reminds me of Saturn Girl in the Dark Knight




free earth c


I Think You Should Kill Yourself Dave


Is that a thing? Is that a thing to be reminded of?


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sorry MoM but everyone here likes glegle. even roxkit and solluxanon


Oh, I was going to do this, now I feel fucking stupid.


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>Literally created by Twitteroids because "Pepe was corrupted"
Nah, that shit's fucking autistic.


Your entire identity is a forced meme




Add the autistic quads.


it's epic…


don't worry shroomy, I think they're cute


>Another thread sharted by political autism
Truly, the Taliban's intellectual mastery knows no competition!


Wtf, why? He gets one.


I don't know, why'd they do fucking five in the first place?


>not retaking pointless political tests every year
you're not true /pol/


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((The above was in character as Roxkit and does not reflect my personal views. Sure she/he/it's a cute design, but imagine being so mad at a cartoon from from a gay porn that you ban and replace him…))


I don't want to be. Fuck /po/

Even still, my CURRENT YEAR results are in the collection, so.


Political tests are dumb and inaccurate. The last one I took called me a "theocratic distributist", I don't even LIKE theocracy.


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A fucking sword.


It's just trying to make you your most :outy:BIZNASTY:outy: self. :forme:


>Fuck /po/
papercraft bros…


I take that back. But I have considered co-opting /po/ so….. :crop:


>co-opting /po/


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/pol/ should claim this cat, they'll be able to ruin it as fast as they ruined Pepe

unfortunately, the Great Replacement happened to /pol/ and they're too brown to pull off an op like this now.


No they shouldn't, it's irrelevant forced brimstone.


Culture jamming is fucking gay. I'm sure Seth Putnam would agree.


Chud was pretty funny to start with だろ


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I'm going to adopt this meme cat and dress her up in Roxkit's old Azov shirts


Literally only troons will even know what it is.


Chud was such a hit that now even its leftpol creators are adopting it for their controlled opposition gayops


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have you guys read sburb.exe?


This looks like troon shit.


"Fuck no."



Looks more like grandma GREEN being bullied to me


No, elaborate.



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This reminds me of that trans Dave fanfic I read WAY back (It was actually alright)


from someone who hates most HS fanworks, i found it enjoyable to read due to capturing the feel of early homestuck very well. it updated yesterday



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Hate them all.


Tumblr is alright sometimes.
This image is alright but JohnJade shippers are non-humans.


do I need to finish/have good memory of homestuck to read this? if not it may take place of my unlikely reread


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Looks like troonshit, big shock.


>JohnJade shippers are non-humans.


MEX, I told you to be more careful with my albums! this one is clearly scratched


no, it's a original session with 6 fankids


Let's believe he'll get around to it.


Incest + "are you really?"


Vriska hypnotizing Petpeta to not be unfunny and erase all the Oneyplays references from SBEXE


underrated post


I can't wait for the first one to be "literally me" who has "obscure, niche" interests that are neither nor and fucking trans.


Literally who


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it's an elaborate joke about you being a broken record. I'm not one to jump to "brainbroken" but you can't even see MSPA art or cute aesthetics without going transvestigator mode


Reading comprehension check?


>underrated post


Tell me I'm wrong about fan adventures.



I didn't even look.
Dilate check? I thought it was a Homestuck reference, nope, just a "teehee rent-free XD"
Neck yourself.


you're wrong about fan adventures




"It's all performance for the cameras."


>Neck yourself.


Okay, why, when you hate most of them yourself


needs more zizek


Fan adventures?
Prognoz board.


We get it, you're a retarded communist who can only enjoy it post-ironically when it's your special scrunkly


I consider you equally disgusting to the people you pretend to be above but actually encourage and play along with


I consider you boring.


who took a shit in your coffee, 8ITCH? :^p
he has a funny voice. that's the biggest reason


who do I pretend to be above? :v:


It's a very strong one. The robot (colby?) and Harvey are also the best voiceovers




I don't think I've ever commented on emeowlye




I <3 Emeowyle.


"Nobody has ever, EVER lived in an arctic climate."


they're either unfinished, boring, melodramatic, boring, or gay AU shit. vast error and act omega come to mind when writing that, but i guess what i like about .exe is that it doesn't take itself too seriously. there's a lot of dumb humor thrown around and the kids, well, actually act like dumb kids instead of being stand-ins for emotionally immature 20 year olds


Well you are him, even though he makes you awkwaaard.




Big theories.


…on opposite day


>well, actually act like dumb kids instead of being stand-ins for emotionally immature 20 year olds
>Responds like a 14 year-old
Really makes you think.


New mashup idea: AI melds of Allen-sama and Emeower


Tasteful lighthearted Oneyplays references


For kids and not emotionally stunted 20 somethings!


i dont think i watched oneyplays since dd and julian left


Like a true emotionally stunted 20 something.


I never watched it:gramps:


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for me it was the only let's play group that managed to fit the hole game grumps left after jontron quit. you might be old enough to remember them…




not gonna lie as a former gamegrumps fan danny was a million times more interesting than jon


I can't condone someone who posts this.




TRICKSTER fetish. Consider slitting your throat.


And I'd almost gone to bed.:strain:




You have bad tastes.




i mean, i can concede to that since dan is a musician and is very social but the chemistry jon and arin had was perfect. granted i was way younger back then but i cant remember anything else that made me laugh as hard than sonic 06 playthrough or them getting into a heated argument about some nickelodeon game


idk with jon and arin it was all just like shouting and seeing who could be louder it felt like sometimes.
arin and danny were different enough that they played off it eachother better i think.
also i liked danny's stories but thats probably bc half the time i had no real interest in the game.


>a musician
>When he's diet sugar-free Lonely Island
>Dude weed lmao


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>>When he's diet sugar-free Lonely Island
didn't say he was any good, but he plays at shows and probably interacts with a lot of weirdos. that's more interesting than most


fake gamer


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Fuck off.


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The calendar says 2025, yet it feels like 2016 never ended.


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New letters just dropped:


>Leftist humor


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Billions must die.



I have a big task on my hands, you know…


And what would that 8e?


The megasummary, duh.

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