Rose Lalonde Witch of Space Part 1: Let me preface this. 1) Hussie doesn't fucking ask "what fucking document". I could have sworn that one picture of the character designs had writing about the classes and aspects but I don't have it on me. 2) He explicitly says the "precise reason why thing didn't happen is you thought thing would happen" There is little-to-no evidence of them being swip-swapped before Act 4 (when the question was asked) and most of the "best" evidence is Act 5 and beyond where Space becomes loneliness or whatever. Let me explain why I like Jade having Rose's mythological role and vice versa with some things in the story staying the same and some things changing arbitrarily because I'm trying to intuitively make sense of this clusterfuck. The only "hard" "proof" of this swap is this page where Hussie lists the Beta kids in pairs (presumably, siblings since he's considered that as being an option since their conception- and what am I to believe, that Hussie is sanctifying JohnRose with his specific comma usage here? No way.) and that one fucking Formspring response which might make me angrier than anything else Hussie has ever said. Be warned. *WITCH OF SPACE ROSE OF LALONDE: REMASTERED EDITION FEATURING DANTE FROM THE DEVIL MAY CRY SERIES.** Rose Lalonde Witch of Space Part 2: On (mostly) Rose's end: The obvious joke about her being a Witch. Cats, wands, the occult, and her living in a forest (now this is culture dependent and I know, in say, Africa, it'd be more fitting for Jade since she lives to something closer to a jungle. But Homestuck has a lot of its symbolism nested in cursory European folklore, it's a western comic down to allusionary thematic most of the even minute precum. Shut the fuck up. I forsaw someone being petty enough to split hairs over this.) The details associated with space such as frogs and the forge (could be seen as a massive cauldron) seem to be created by design for someone who was already like a "witch" instead of. You know. Jade? The fact that Kanaya is a SYLPH of Space. It would actually give something Kanaya to do. If Rose was trying to manipulate space (still related to Horrorterrors), fucked it up, and Kanaya has to pick up the pieces. It'd give their patron relationship some sort of central focus instead of Kanaya being really mad at Rose then hooking up with her once they get on the meteor (funny pattern with Act 6, huh?) The fact that it connects Horrorterrors to space. Let me elaborate. Let's say that Lord English is basically a construct of Skaia (even though the original conception may be closer to the fact that he's a glitch or anomaly)- this explains why SBURB gives Caliborn the boon to become Lord English. Rose Lalonde Witch of Space Part 3: [Except in the comic, it's explicitly stated that Lord English is destroying both time and space and threatens LITERALLY ALL OF REALITY, AND ALL OF POTENTIAL REALITIES. Even if you say "the damage's superficial" and "he's destined to be defeated", "er he's punishment for not completing the game in time and the way time works for that works differently from how time works for everything else in the comic or something...?" why would SBURB create something that acts against its express, singular purpose? And logically speaking, since Lord English has unlimited time traveling powers, reality would be doomed no matter how "destined" he is to be defeated by the Juju. The only way to actually defeat such a thing is to prevent his creation in the Alpha timeline (lol Aranea's DAOOTS) but this has been swept under the rug for God knows what reason. How aware Hussie and WP are of this conclusion is unclear. Maybe that's the whole point of Homestuck^2. What a great story, wow. Here is my counter-proposal. SBURB allows Caliborn to exist because he ONLY destroys time. More specifically, he destroys time's linearity, mainly, and makes casualty more or less meaningless. This is why Lord English is so thoroughly connected to paradoxes- he is the Paradox of Paradox Space. He's not a threat to reality, he's what allows Skaia to procreate in the weird way it does. Because SBURB and Skaia, by extension, are based in paradoxes. Rose Lalonde Witch of Space Part 4: Then what are Horrorterrors? Horrorterrors want to destroy SPACE. Skaia wants to destroy time at all costs to allow space to expand (in a less literal sense) and Horrorterrors are the opposite. Horrorterrors are connected, on any level of reading, to Void- what is more Void than the absence of space itself? This also indirectly associates Horrorterrors with time but more with quantum understandings of time (which could have been a neat way to distinguish time and space because we know they're intrinsically connected)- Space and Horrorterrors are time dilation (which is canon, effectively, because of descriptions of the Outer Ring.) Think also of the Dreambubbles. Their time works strangely but not because of casualty loops, it's mostly about observation (time dilation) Also, keep in mind that Dreambubbles are at the end of the day, bubbles- temporary amounts of space. There is also some evidenced that they're folded spaces, and have dimensional overlapping. Horrorterrors are also primordial beings- what is more fundamental? Space or Time? Space, obviously- time would still exist if the horrorterrors got their way but it'd be meaningless and it would make life essentially unsustainable; the point is that Horrorterrors ARE now the space. This also better ties into what I think the best possible relationship between aspects could be (a time/space dichotomy) but that's for another day. Rose Lalonde Witch of Space Part 5: Rose's GameFAQ's being sent into space. Rose communicating through the vaccum of space as a kind of "call to the void" and to tie into her aspect. A little bit of both: It always bothered me that Rose has absolutely NOTHING to do with luck despite that being the primary motif of another Light player and it being said that Light is luck later on ("no not LUCK luck i mean uh most fortuitous path and sometimes that's only represented in one way or the other way uhhhhhh). Rose is not particularly lucky or unlucky or whatever. Now I can rest easy knowing that Hussie seemed to have a neat little conceptualization of what Light is and then just threw it in the trash by making Jade Light. Jade is a character who seems to have a number of boons: inexplicably knowing nuclear physics, having a sleep robot, having her Dreamself be awake and being very attuned to Skaian clouds, and having a superpowered dog. But these are all limited boons (and part of that limitation comes from the fact that they seem to be boons explicitly for the game of SBURB- which could have been a nice, little parallel to Vriska) and when things go wrong because of something explicitly not meant to happen (frog gets cancer), an interesting cross-section between what were (supposedly) Jade's two biggest (initial) character staples arise. "oh no!!! fuck! how could i have predicted this!?! what i thought was a good thing was actually a bad thing and now i have to kill my dog :(" Loneliness/sacrifice/greater good and having too much faith in Skaia (and I guess just in general.) This also makes Light the designated Mary Sue ™️ aspect (with caveats) Rose Lalonde Witch of Space Part 6: Whether or not we follow the specifics of how Rose's Grimdark arc plays out in the comic or we just follow the general flow, we can swerve this arc and this aspect away from predeterminism and Hussie's fatalism boner. How it would play out: Rose is trying to gather information and has her autonomy forcibly stripped from her because she messed with unsavory sources and is forced to fufill a prophecy (Witch of Space) she is trying to break. And this is how it currently plays out: Rose has a plan, has her autonomy forcibly stripped from her because she messed with unsavory sources (which is ultimately irrelevant because) her plan was ill-conceived and meaningless in the first place. It directly serves to create the thing she was trying to destroy. [Now you might think the whole situation with Rose and the Tumor is cool and want to keep that part of it. I find it a little hard to swallow because of how much predeterminism is used as an excuse later on. But swapping Rose's mythological role has two effects 1) It makes the Grimdark thing synthetic with the entire arc instead of just being kind of an obligatory afterthought. Which ties into the second thing that... 2) It makes the predestination of Skaia, and more specifically, Light more focused, and streamlined. Rose's actions were futile because she was trying to skirt around her mythological role intentionally, a game mechanic. It being less universal is a good thing. By the end of the comic, Light's dominion, the "Alpha Timeline", makes aspects like Mind and Breath meaningless in all but edgecase scenarios (in theory) or more realistically, in all but name. Jade is more connected to game mechanics, by default, and her lapse in omniscence (of the predetermined) was one of the key angles of her original conceptualization. Rose Lalonde Witch of Space Part 7: Work with that when it comes to Light, instead of focusing on something strictly antithetical to that. Also, we just avoid the messy situation where something as retarded as "classpect inversion" ever being conceived (ROSE IS A WITCH OF VOID BECAUSE HORRORTERRORS ARE VOID NOW SHUT UP)] Light is now connected to Prospit for obvious reasons. (What the fuck is the implication of Rose being Derse- what are moons not controlled by Skaia or something?) Witches still stay as manipulating/trying to warp their aspect. Power-wise, this is what we're lead to believe is the angle of Witches. Less literally, it's present in the comic but barely. And Jade is the one you really have to stretch to make an example for. The swap makes this class's distinction stronger. What does Jade have in common with Damara or Feferi? Really. You can say that Feferi and Jade have a similar demeanor but the specific contexts that led to Jade's optimism are the ones that point to her being a fucking Seer. That one connection also doesn't really lend itself to Damara unless we're to believe her behavior is completely different before her bullying (say, how does the timeframe come into play with mythological role analysis?) Rose Lalonde Witch of Space Part 8: This is an obvious, easy fucking inlet for you to develop Rose and Jade's relationship. Rose tries to pry more information out of Jade, Jade is characteristically cagey about the whole thing, and that sparks a minor conflict between them which makes Rose seek out knowledge from less savory sources. For fuck's sake, you could even remedy the stupid Wizard of Oz analogy that Hussie kept running with despite it being some weirdmixed allusion but it's not mixed with anything it's mixed with itself (Jade is both Dorthy and the Wicked Witch of the West because fuck why not she wore a Dorthy costume once and there was a SBaHJ comic, uuuh Bec's Todo, who's Oz? The namesake? Uuuuuh....) So here's Rose, the wicked witch of the west (she literally lives west to Jade- you could even done something cheeky with Rose's classical element being water), and Jade interacts with Scratch- Oz. You could even tie this into the errant symbolism of Light and faeries. Jade could be the Cinderella type- the Seer, the one to get aid from a benefactor- to Vriska's (well, Aranea would make more sense being the "fairy god mother" to Vriska's weird, distorted Tinkerbell but Hussie wouldn't care enough for this, even in this idealized theoretical, and I wouldn't mind much either because it's more consistency than he's ever shown and Aranea wouldn't exist at this point, and probably shouldn't. Rambling.) fairy shtick. There's also something to be done with this dynamic of Jade's limited information being twisted by Rose's interpretation and her being manipulated (the curvature of Light due to Space- perhaps even a metaphor for Rose's relationships. ) Rose Lalonde Witch of Space part 9: ) Perhaps the Cueball and most other means should be partially visible to Space players, just warped, and Rose's inductions lead her to the wrong conclusions. Should Rose steal things Jade use for scrying or perhaps just co-opt or copy them (Seers, unlike Mages, if going with the mythological connotations, should be item-based.) There's a lot that could have been done. There's also the element of the optimism, or perhaps more precisely, idealism of Light players which would be something consistent through all 3 characters of the Light aspect shown (if Jade was a Light player- tangentially, Rose still fits into this but its roundabout nature is infuriating when combined with everything else.) Perhaps Vriska's "devil may care" attitude could spur some introspection in Jade and help her change herself for the better. There's also the consideration that Jade could have been the auspistice between Vriska and Tavors considering her shirt symbol as a child, her existing (short-lived) patronage in Tavros, and this symbolic connection being taken to a logical conclusion. Now this is a level conjecture that even I'm not comfortable with given the anachronistic usage of elements and the fact that it requires you to believe Hussie had this level of foresight (though the fact that he changed his mind at the last minute makes it more believable to me) but this would have made a lot more sense to me than just tying Jade's auspistice element into past and future Karkat- just Karkat again, for some reason (did anyone else ever find that weird?) Rose Lalonde Witch of Space Part 9: On (mostly) Jade's end: Jade is obviously meant to be a Seer at the time of her introduction. She starts the comic getting information from the Skaian clouds. Fuck you, Hussie. Jade's whole gimmick STILL fucking works with her absorbing a sprite, HOLY FUCKING SHIT, WHY. It forcibly nerfs Jade. With her being Light (and let's say for example, still having First Guardian powers), she'd essentially just have really strong lasers (and a little bit of teleportation and telekinetics- suspiciously, the omniscience that First Guardians have is never mentioned. But then again, their omnipotence is also downplayed. The former could be played with and give Jade some sort of crisis of faith.) This makes it less likely that Jade would be turned evil, killed off, or otherwise made irrelevant because she's too strong because she now longer has dominion over what is essentially the fundamentals of reality as well as First Guardian shit. Rose having the planets because of a deal she made with her denizen (if we slightly rewrite Cascade), well, it could be a good moment for Rose's growth as a character. But ALSO, it has implications for Jade's character. If Jade was closer to John, it would prevent her from devolving into "muh Dave!" (haha subverted!) until that shit was forcibly ripped out of the story and she was forced to hang out with the other rejects like Calliope and Jane. Similarly, make fucking Davesprite date Terezi because Dave doing it makes very little sense. It'd also be funny to see Karkat get pissed at Davesprite. Rose Lalonde Witch of Space Part 10: Slightly connected to the next point but Jade being a Seer is better for the established Seer/Mage dichotomy. Seer is meant to be passive, whatever that means, and I think the one of the main reasons why we can't make "passive" literal ("TELL ME WHAT TO DO, HORRORTERRORS, AHHHH, I'M LOSING MY MIND" and "my superpowers told me!") is because Rose fucking ruins it. Rose, for a good, early chunk of the comic, is actively learning things about the game. Jade passively just knows shit. Seers learn things differently from Rose- Kankri and Terezi don't have to use cueballs or talk to squids, it's innate. Rose has outside sources, Jade does too (in a sense) but they're more innate, and fundamental to her because she grew up with them. Rose is more proactive with her sources and only sought it out past a certain point- in the game, to rebel against the game. Jade's knowledge is less contextual, and more inherently tied to the aspect, even if means aren't considered. She knows the future, the game, and high-level physics presumably because of both a casualty loop and Skaia literally telling her. Their roles and classes being reversed would make this fundamental, near-universally agreed upon relationship between classes make slightly more sense. Rose Lalonde Witch of Space Part 11: Uh Oh! Problems!!!: "but jade is interested in physics- aka space stuff!" And literally none of the other Space players are so it's a meaningless connection. And with Space, we actually have 3 other characters to deduce a correlation with (as opposed to the usual 2.) "but rose is naturally pretty curious and light is KNAWLEDGE" If this were a good system, Mind would be the Aspect for curiosity while Light is just knowing shit right off the bat (usually in a way that has little to do with your diligence- it's spoonfed) or other benefits that are either limited or double-edged. Similarly, Rose's active learning, and active fuck-ups make her closer to a Mage- again if the system isn't stupid. A Mage...? Mind...? "uh isn't kind of a bad idea for a space player to be derse" Isn't it kind of a bad idea for a Light player to be Derse? And, yeah, I realize if it was written my way that a Space player being Derse could have way more of a detrimental effect on the session but presumably, Skaia has jurisdiction on both classpects and moons. Rose learning that her rebellion was essentially a part of Skaia's plan from the start could have been a cool as Hell moment (in a way, already in the comic but it's less interconnected and more of an asspull- "haha some people are given classpects to challenge them but only!!! some!!!".) Rose Lalonde Witch of Space Part 12: "space is no longer connected to Prospit" There's no strong reason for it to be to begin with. If any aspects were to have a strong moon correlation, it'd be Space and Time. As I said before, I like the idea that Time and Space both getting stuck with Derse because they're expected to be super strong and don't need the extra help with the Horrorterrors as a by-product. There's not much reason why the Maryams and Calliope can't be #Derse'd (because moon readings are almost complete bullshit" As it stands, Space is Prospit and Time is Derse. If they were meant to be parallels, isn't that kind of criss-crossed? Why did Time get connected to the moon which is less interested in time? Whatever. "what about the connection between terezi and rose?" Of the existing pairs of characters made from the classpects of Rose and Jade, this is probably the best one to go. Rose and Terezi are pretty similar, especially in their group dynamic and even moreso early into their introductions. However, their similarities seem to have dick-all to what we would understand a Seer to be (or should be) for the most part and then there's Kankri who has basically next-to nothing to do with either of them. "space is loneliness...?" No. Shut up. "hehe but aranea and vriska talk a lot and rose sure does talk a lot more than jade" Yes, the completely not superficial and very integrative trait of Light being people who talk a lot. Surely, neither a large portion of the cast nor the narrator in Homestuck are very wordy. It's like being wordy or having some kind of performative gimmick as a coping mechanism, a very rare trait to have in Homestuck. The cute detail that Kanaya had a crush on two Light players and has a moth lusus. She has bad tastes in women. Women who make bad decisions and cuck her. Most of these connections broken are cheeky but very minor. Rose Lalonde Witch of Space Part 13: Side notes: There's something that I've tried to dissect that I've come to practically zero conclusions about. Not much can be made from their consistency to enhance the story as is nor can I even really determine bits of Hussie's creative process from looking at it all. The lands, entry items, world quests, and associated items mean next to nothing. Lands will have to be changed to have some semblance of deeper connection but there's always a problem if you're just doing a strict swap. They were "planned"(?) fairly early but the lack of consistency is infuriating. Rose not doing her world quest is said to have fucked up her connection to her mythological role in a Formspring quote from Hussie. This comment about Rose and her Land Quest is the worst thing to ever exist for a number of reasons. One of which is that it's an obvious cope but moreover, basically the sole example of a land quest we've seen, one I think was planned for a pretty long time in advance has a crescendo that John seems specifically tailor-made to solve. It wasn't in direct contrast to his personality like Rose's seemingly(?) was, if anything, it was the exact opposite of that. This is in line with "oh skaia only challenges some people with their role and by some people we basically just exclusively mean rose everyone else in the comic doesn't have one they run into direct opposition with." I would say that Rose's theoretical land quest when derived from hypothesis upon hypothesis would better fit Jade but this, more than anything in this autistic rant, means nearly nothing. Rose Lalonde Witch of Space Part 14: OK, so here's an idea predicated on a theory on how Hussie conceptualized characters. I won't get into the evidence of this but I don't think the basic idea is too outrageous. It's fairly intuitive. The basic idea is that Hussie conceptualizes characters in pairs- two types of pairs. These pairs are "two expressions of the same idea" and "different but a strong connection." Now, these names are basically placeholders but let me explain with the examples of the Beta kids. Starting with Dave and Rose, probably two of the easiest, most clear characters to talk on ends about- their characterization is pretty crisp and focused-upon. Dave and Rose are both guarded and play up a bit of a facade in their interactions. They differ in their internal mechanisms. Rose is guarded because she doesn't trust anybody. She has a rich internal fantasy, she's deathly protective of letting anyone see it. She's so private that the first thing we see her do after her introduction is push a box away from the audience's view. Dave is more just uncomfortable with himself. Even if all his friends know his act is bullshit and he drops it every 10 minutes, he still keeps up the veneer to maintain his own personal comfort. And now, you might say "but daves not uncomfortable with himself! hes chill with davesprite and stuff" and that's the thing. Dave's insecurity, at least initially, was never really wangsty. He was very much insecure in the way that a kid was- a way that didn't really make any sense. That's what I think made him really endearing, at least, to me, but it seems to be something lost on the diehard Dave fans these days. Dave cares less about what other people think (though he's more sensitive than Rose) than what he thinks about himself (and ultimately, cares more about what he thinks than the opinions of others even if he is somewhat easily influenced) and he cares more about criticism than praise. Rose Lalonde Witch of Space Part 15: Both of them are (usually) more likely to sit back and criticize than to act; Dave doubts himself and Rose doubts others. Now to tie this into mythological roles, there could have been a very clean connection. In a near vacuum, either Jade or Rose could be Space. But it's that Witch part that really makes it clear that there's a clear conceptual schism here. What are witches known as? Self-isolating, conniving, deceitful, etc. That's Rose. And it's the "self" part that makes it especially blatant. Witches aren't just incidentally isolated- they either do to themselves (to avoid being killed) or are chased out. Witches guard to protect themselves while Knights protect others (the most commonly agreed upon classpect interpretation- and Dave is certainly a lot better at keeping others out of trouble than Rose is. This is also a slight disagreement on Dave's "arc" or even what it was subverting- Dave didn't need to completely shift gears, he just needed to value what he already does more.) Same concept played with in a different way. Same thing with aspects. Time and space- near inseparable physically but with different symbolic connotations. Now to expediently get to Jade and John. One's optimism and impulsivity comes from their easy-going nature while the other's comes from their circumstances and faith. Heir to Seer- both a form of inheritance. (Light and Breath doesn't really work that well but you could see them both as signs of hope or faith. The natural optimism of "well im still breathing vs. a divine force. This is the weakest link here but it's still better than a lot of the stuff actually in the comic.) Rose Lalonde Witch of Space part 16: Then we get to different but a strong connection. Heir to Witch- in regards to reputation, the lot they've been given in life. Breath to Space- as a medium. Knight to Seer- the Seer sends the Knight on his quest. Time to Light- they're separate but they define each other. Now, this isn't perfect, but I think another conceit most people could get behind is that the more similar characters should have more similar classpects and that the aspect relations should parallel character relations. Now this isn't to say that this is how the relations should work. As an alternative classpect relationship, this meant to draw attention to the creative process, namely character conceptualization; almost nearly all of it is derived from metatextual, authorial analysis. The point is not that it works or should work but that it works better than what we have and the connections between characters already exist. Now even without the classpect horseshit, I think the "same idea expressed differently"/"different with an important connection" way of looking at characters provides some insight into their sprawling focuses and Hussie's developmental process. Beta trolls are much loser in terms of a tight-knit group, the parallel pattern continues but more erratically, mythological roles seem kind of fucked, even by this point; the parallel of 4 kids vaguely work (Karkat, Terezi, Sollux, Aradia- oft-forgotten) but the Aradia-Terezi connection is really stretching it (and that's not a relationship that's played up), however the connections seem to be inverted. Rose Lalonde Witch of Space Part 17: Now the idea about Hussie creating characters as pairs goes deeper into some other ideas I have about Hussie's writing, I just wanted to illustrate how (comparatively) neat this Beta kid network looked in comparison to virtually everything canon. "Conclusion": Now, that aside about the pairing of Homestuck characters and this entire thing about the Witch of Space Rose is less about convincing you it's better (it is )when you weigh the pros and cons of what you lose and gain by making the swap, and more about convincing you that Hussie intuitively wrote things that made it make more sense fucking after the reveal. It's to convince you that Hussie writes against what even he thinks makes sense sometimes out of spite, to fuck with people, or challenge himself but STILL entertains the idea after the fact. You probably don't care about this. Definitely not as much as I do. But if you had to make a value judgement here, what do you think works better for the story with what I've shown you- Witch of Space Rose or Seer of Light? Which path would a methodical, well-adjusted writer have taken? Rose Lalonde Witch of Space part 18: And I guess I should explain what the "different ideas but an important connection" pairs of and just forgot to because there was way too much text in that section and I didn't want to make it too long so I kind of just stopped talking. But this fails to illustrate my point, despite all the text, so I'm forced to create this addendum. The "different but an important connection" is just how two very different people help each other. With John and Rose, it's Rose's intense, studious nature (alongside her tendency to misinterpret and have biased interpretations) contrasted with John's intuitive understanding. Hence- Space and Breath (air)- mediums- the exchange of information. Then there's Dave and Jade. Dave is the most reflexively cynical of the four Beta kids and Jade is the most directly optimistic. This element helps them as people on its own but more particular to their aspects is that while Light is the same at any point in Time, it's only because of the mechanics of Time that it is the particular way that it is. That is to say, Jade's endless faith (and testing of the constraints of predestination) because of her premonitions are only proven correct because there's someone actively fixing the timeline to make sure that they happen. Now, both of these dynamics are underemphasized, especially as the comic goes on, but they make fundamental sense and actually tie into their (would-be) classpects. The relationships we got resemble this but lack that additional layer. It must be said that the swapped versions have some level of interpretation to them but they're less meaningful to the characters themselves. Rose Lalonde Witch of Space Part 19: Same but different- heir and witch- inheritance angle. Less relevant to the characters, I feel. Loneliness for Jade should be underplayed. The exact circumstances of her situation should make her lonely but addressing that in-canon I feel undermines the stylistic angle of the early comic where every Beta kids seems completely isolated; reading it too literal. Breath and Space- again, mediums. Not a good parallel for these two characters. There's not a strict divide between how they interact. Different but important connection. Heir and Seer- inheritance angle. Breath and Light- not relevant to the characters at hand given my previous "interpretation." Knight to Witch- again, previous interpretation not valid. It's "muh lonely" but Jade's is just circumstantial and so the mythological allusion is meaningless. Time to Space- implies extreme similarity when Dave and Jade are very dissimilar. Knight to Seer- Same connection but Rose dictates Dave very little. On a character basis level, it's less fitting for her character. Time to Light- Dave doesn't even really pick up after Rose even when she does her self-destructive quest. The previous relationship technically exists but not as well- on a theoretical level. Now I may be disregarding parts of canon characterization but view this in a vacuum, which would work better? Which is more clean? You can still express the ideas present in a way that doesn't absorb their focus (Rose's rebellion), their initial dynamic in the group, especially to another character's detriment (Jade) The way I see it is that Hussie's insistence on the Alpha Timeline plot handwaving made Rose cannibalize what used to be Jade's focus (which, surprise, surprise, leads us back to the swap and what seems to be a betrayal of Hussie's initial conceptualizations of these characters) Rose Lalonde Witch of Space Part 20: HOLY SHIT, I FORGOT THAT THE NEEDLES THAT WERE USED TO BREAK THE SCRATCH CONSTRUCT LITERALLY CAME FROM JADE'S DENIZEN. WHAT THE FUCK. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Rose Lalonde Witch of Space Part 20 Part 2: Seriously, you don't think the Mother of All Monsters wouldn't have fit the character interested in the occult better? And that all the motherhood/sexual imagery of Space wouldn't have fit the girl with mommy issues who's obsessed with Freudian psychology? Echidna having needles on her back is just the icing on the cake. Rose Lalonde Witch of Space part 20 or something. Terezi, eyes- light of skaia angle, whatever. Voice of dragon. Rose Lalonde Witch of Space part 21: And let me just throw this out there, that the Space symbol (and to a greater extent the Void symbol, which was likely originally intended to be the Space symbol before he changed who the space character would be, since it's a slightly modified version of the Space symbol) looks like a fucking rose. Fuck you, Hussie, you garbage writer. I will never get over this.