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/ysg/ - Cynic Corner

Nostalgic True Romantics
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continued from the reply chain at >>>/hsg/64143
>Japanese PURITY fetishism and some personal lingering chauvinism about the malleability of wwomen (or all people really)
yeah, I had this thought too, hence why I mentioned the "if we assume the love interest has actual agency". so maybe if you can get into that condescending "corruptible widdle wwoman who can't be held accountable" mindset, it works…
alternatively, fantasy drugs/magic spells solve this problem elegantly! no need to dumb down everyone in that case


>優しい人oldry, Japan




I don't personally enjoy NTR/優しい人oldry stuff myself, but I find it interesting to discuss complex sexual dynamics and what aspects of them are appealing to the fans that enjoy them


>fantasy drugs/magic spells
Yeah, blackmail, lust tattoos, debt, and other assorted forms of coercion go a long way towards keeping the an NTR heroine endearing.
Like >>>/hsg/64141 mentioned, nobody sane wants to fight for a willful cheater.

So even if it's a bit paternalistic, the girl(s) need(s) to also be a "victim" in the scenario.


You'd love "Aella girl" then. I'm suspicious of claims of open-minded curiosity when it comes to topics related to sexuality. The "rationalist" community (who take pride in claimed intellectual virtue) are infested with polyamorists and TRICKSTERS, and they enjoy freely discussing such topics. Their supposed curiosity is actually an excuse to justify (rationalise) and directly invite disgusting behaviour, and the "interest" they have in this is not at all intellectual. I suspect similarly that you have motivations other than curiosity.


believe me, I have some interest in these topics, just not the kind that involves pathologizing non-"traditional" sexual behavior as "degenerate" or, as you put it, "disgusting behavior"


But you don't only find it "interesting to discuss complex sexual dynamics". You have revealed that you actually support them, unsurprisingly. So was I really wrong to suggest that your interest was not wholly intellectual?

Smuggling in discussion of sexual topics with ulterior motives is disgusting. A community turning into a literally sexual circlejerk is disgusting. Not that you have done either to any substantial degree here, but I think you're dishonest when you say you're "just curious".


>I think you're dishonest when you say you're "just curious".
my interest in NTR, provoked by MEX's headier-than-usual defense/analysis of it, is essentially just intellectual/artistic curiosity. I've established I don't enjoy that content in the way that its fans do. I said "complex sexual dynamics" because something like NTR where social/relationship dynamics are a huge part of the appeal/structure offer a lot more easy meat for discussion than, say, the art of drawing an appealing pair of breasts.

I'm not sure what ulterior motives you're imagining when it's really just a couple people talking about the design of certain porn scenarios


>You'd love "Aella girl" then
"If the heroine isn't a virgin, that's not an ero game, that's a shit game."


Maybe I overreacted to the "sexual topic framed as intellectual discussion" pattern, I guess you're not getting off to this. Still, I find the subject matter disgusting. I can't believe I deliberately entered a board full of things that I do not like.


You like VNs, right? Viscaria is (too me) a very heartfelt and deliberate indie VN.
I'm personally curious if you'd find it evocative or manipulative or whatever else.
Mind giving chapter one a shot? The only sex scene is optional (and wholesome marriage bed lovemaking besides)


I'd say the stories themselves are pretty open to pathologizing and condemning infidelity as a practice. The protagonist is typically all-too-good and his rival all-too-villainous, after all. The clear cut morals highlight the injustice of the steal (Though I think a story of "Oh, he's just an all around better, nicer guy than me" would be interesting too.)

… However, since the ultimate aim is to titillate and increase the thickness of some poor Japanese sap's watery ejaculate, we'll admit that any moral stance held by NTR works is suspect.


>I'd say the stories themselves are pretty open to pathologizing and condemning infidelity as a practice
I mean, I think infidelity is bad for pretty straightforward reasons.
in that post, I was not pushing back against media that might romanticize infidelity for fetishistic reasons (NTR content), which is fine and actually great because I think people embracing their kinks in harmless ways is fun and enriches sex culture by making it more interesting.
I was attacking "intellectuals" who pathologize kinks to attack sexual minorities and fetish-havers as mentally ill degenerates that need to be purged or whatever

>Though I think a story of "Oh, he's just an all around better, nicer guy than me" would be interesting too.

I suspect this already exists somewhere, to really slam home the humiliation point in a realistic/rational way for the few people who like it best in that style


>Mind giving chapter one a shot? The only sex scene is optional (and wholesome marriage bed lovemaking besides)
also you really do have me considering playing this now lmao


I mostly don't like romance, but alright I'll at least give it a try since you asked. I do generally believe that "just being well-written" is something that can distinguish a story.


Thanks, that'd be swell!
I have confidence in your grasp of English, too, so call my attention to any serious flubs if you spot 'em
(I "know what was said" a bit too closely to catch everything, even on repeated passes)

You also seem attuned to such things, so I'd welcome your perspective if you give it a read.


>I suspect this already exists somewhere,
We have got the classic Bahamut Lagoon… Say what you will of the circumstances surrounding Palpaleos, he is kind of set up as the more mature/reliable version of Byuu.


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>I'd welcome your perspective if you give it a read
well, I ended up making a dlsite account and following the creator just to grab the original jp version, so I guess now I'm "invested" enough to at least give it a try


>Bahamut Lagoon
also forgive me, but I haven't played this one, only heard the title.


Interesting… I guess you'd be in a position to offer corrections to my English beyond mere typo and grammar flubs.
*shiver shiver*


I have no idea what your translation looks like though, unless I read it in both languages :^p


Far be it from me to recommend my version over the Master's…
I would, though, be curious to hear your takes on how you'd phrase the fantasy terminology in English.

解呪師 >> Absolver, so on


well, maybe I'll have some thoughts. who knows

is just the demo a whole 10 hours? I've been busy today so I haven't started it yet besides making sure it worked well enough on wine
I know you've alluded to your interest in the work not really being sexual (at least compared to the previous installment), but for personal reasons I might not be in a place to enjoy it very much from that angle right now, so I'm thinking it might be best to come back to it some other time :^<


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Yes, it is that long.
And 10 hours is a prety conservative estimate imo, especially if you're like me and make sure to check in with every NPC around town for updated dialog snippets.

Feel free going at your own pace, megidochan approves.


>And 10 hours is a prety conservative estimate imo, especially if you're like me and make sure to check in with every NPC around town for updated dialog snippets.
that's pretty crazy for a demo. how many chapters are in the demo? I'm sure it doesn't help that I tend to read a lot slower in japanese, either…
I already mined a few terms/readings from playing a bit of the intro, so that's nice.
>Feel free going at your own pace
well, I appreciate it. I may read a bit more to get a taste, and then hold off until the aforementioned personal circumstances change


4 chapters. The first two are probably the larger part of the game by volume, but chapter 3 can drag with all of its 20 MINUTE SCENES ABOUT PEEING ON STUFF


…I see.

well, I suppose the end of chapter one would be a good breaking point to decide whether or not to continue, once I get around to it

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