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/hsg/ - "Homestuck" General

The opposite of Homesick
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 No.67445[View All]

Level 16 >> Level 36 edition
Old >>66410
926 posts and 135 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


He can't do exactly that, it'd be stupid! I guess all the guards can be on Team Jew again even though they went through that crisis of conscience arc




>He can't do exactly that, it'd be stupid!
Sinfest is well-known for not being fucking stupid.


> anti-White guy who browses /lgbt/.


Rose? Rose Lalonde?


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prepare thyself motherfuckers for the trickster era of megidochan all shall let out a boisterous cackle and shoot off their giggleguns for the whimsy of zillyhoo


>Using the word mid
Filter this to "mediocre", fuck you, and thank you. :de:


I was considering a Zillyhoo theme a while ago, actually
Maybe it's time.


> Zillyhoo theme
No, fuck that shit, and your bare-bones to-do list.


Initial thoughts were another weebism, "balanced", or the local 0k


0k is best, especially because of the mildly amusing variations.


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ill gut and bleed a juggalo for their blood as tribute if you do. a dark carnival theme would also be cool but i doubt anyone on the megidochan dev team shares my perversion for clowns of a grim persuasion


>dark carnival theme
Maybe one about Zhen/"Z"… lol


>clowns of a grim persuasion
Are fucking gay and retarded. Normal clowns are fine and endearing.

Also, fuck those parts of the comic. I have been very hardline about what parts of the comic we should be even giving an inch to and yet this motherfucker is out here with his "MUH MEAT AND CANDY" chart. He deserves to be strangled.
MEX, I'm at the point where I'm convinced you like sending me into a frenzied state of fury. :shikari:


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it would continue the trend of the baffling theme selection
clowns are awesome and youre a homosexual


I just think it'd be funny to brand the Hu¢¢ie board with Psycholonials


'Tis in
0k af だろ


>it would continue the trend of the baffling theme selection
"You had to be there."
>awesome and youre a homosexual
I just said that I like clowns, you fucking retard. I hate murder clowns. And murder clowns usually reach a point where they're not even clowns (see: DA JOKER), they're fucking quasi-clowns because they don't give a shit about being funny.
I think it'd be funny if you choked on your left testicle.


God, I hate Batman.


1/5/2025 and still no :F4RT:


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murder clowns are just as good as silly clowns and should be used together for maximum buffoonery, but i do share your distaste for the goker and his utter lack of any sort of fun bits or gags



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Erm, Grok?


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"Much better."


But that's the problem. They don't.


I don't see it as a sticker.


What's this shit, :turnt:


No-checkmarks can use Grok on xitter now (I don't know if there's a cap to asks)


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i think that speaks more to a lack of effort and passion from the authors rather than a problem with the concept of a murderous clown in itself, i recommend the funny man as an enjoyable piece of psycho bozo media


Baby Grok.
"Elon Musk is DESTROYING Twitter with his 'changes.'"


I avoid concepts that have become tainted because I know the language of images has become guttural in its dealings. We here at Megidochan have a great investment in the public perception of clowns. Search "Megidochan 2032" for more information. :b8:


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just watch the funny clown movie you fucking dweeb


No, fuck you, learn your place and acquaint yourself with the deeper cultures of Megidochan, you vapid slut.


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Mine rightfully decided to Chinamax me instead of giving me the nig rig.


>Conform with ME! :NOW::NOW::NOW:


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it appears we are at an impasse :o)


The libleft retard conflates cohesion with conformity. Their understanding of culture would be people speaking their own languages to each other, smiling, noddding and agreeing.

Careful, I might yet pull out the MASK OF LIGHT.
We have a search function.


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>Now do one :outy:Biznasty:outy: on my last 10 Xeets
>No difference
Fuck yeah. :nice:


>nig rig.
That's an "American" with "Soft, mystical dreamlike elements" according to AI


The exaggerated soft, mystical dreamlike elements of a black teen.


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MEX, doesn't this remind you of Rui Tomono's Death Mark portraits?

She'd be a cute OC.

Also, I'd want Death Mark stickers. At least the full Mary suite. :resp0nd:


*Fumiya Sumio
Rui did the backgrounds. I think.


Oh, I just realized that my description being in Chinese probably helped contribute to the Chinamaxx'd. :innocent:


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are you ready :o)


Ready to fuck you in the ass with lightning in a bottle.


I can sort of see it. Looks like that bratty two-faced kid.


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this is a horrible exchange we have found ourselves in


rather slanderous, is it not?
it's amusing how your entrance is always recognizable by a series of "No." and "Fuck you." replies to all the new posts in the thread (^^:::;)


I didn't think she looked bratty at all. If anything she looks like a demure bully victim. Sort of homely because of the shape of her nose. She might be smirking that but she looks kind of shy, don't you think?

Upon reading that all back, all I can hear in my head is: :guhe:


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Don't think so.
There tends to be a lot of that going around. I wonder if the /tttt/ (terrible) posters recognize my sporadic shitposting image.


The AI ghost is pretty reilike, I mean the bowlcut kid from Death Mark who acts like a hotshot but pisses his pants


>I mean the bowlcut kid from Death Mark who acts like a hotshot but pisses his pants


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i think you put too much stock into how unique and memorable your shitposting is but /tttt/ has a collective obsession with a few of its posters so maybe someone is out there archiving all the posts you made


>i think you put too much stock into how unique and memorable your shitposting is
It's literally Erichud dressed up as The Riddler in a rainbow hoodie, fuck off.


>they've secretly been making jak edits in their freetime


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Just this one, mostly.

And this one. Which I think indirectly lead to flimsychan turning to shit but oh, well.


its visually incomprehensible and the edit is all shitty its coal


Try having damning kompromat dangling over your head…


>its visually incomprehensible
That's the point, you retarded cunt.


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:shikari: Nig troon.


What if Death Mark but Les Schtroumpfs?


>You VVILL read the extended per-page commentary!
>You VVILL recognize the genius of the epilogue


Go further back, 優しい人servative.


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i think youre just hurt that someone doesnt like the cool chudjak you found online


I made it, retard. Stop eating furniture stuffing. :de:


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Kike blood spilling. 8s.


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but its so tasty polyester is my favorite especially when you dip it in soda or juice or something so it sucks it all up its like eating a fucked up alien gusher from a universe where gelatin doesnt exist


indecipherable post


Get used to them.


If HIC is Betty Crocker then it must, retard. RTFC.


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In a cheekily appropriate twist to the galge formula, they're all single moms


let me entertain my hypothetical gusherless universe you soft drink headed motherfucker and how the fuck does HIC being Betty Crocker have to do with anything she isnt personally responsible for the invention of every BC product she still has like employees and shit


Would you?



Why wouldn't she maximize on excess product by selling between universes the products? Presumably, most of her workforce are trolls. :de:


Shit on a silver platter.


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wed have to ask the huss if theres gushers on alternia, her workforce are all drones or later on those robodrones i dont think trolls get used for menial labour at all they all get made into soldiers or psychic batteries


For the red pigtails, anything…


Oh shid next thread. Uh…


>wed have to ask the huss
No, fuck him.
>her workforce are all drones or later on those robodrones i dont think trolls get used for menial labour at all they all get made into soldiers or psychic batteries
Also, the drones were always fucking stupid but Act 6 makes them extra stupid.

"Why even have a species at all if this space empire uses robots for literally everything; just cull everyone who can't be a battery"



You heard it here first, people.:de:


I have two in reserve if you don't mind.


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thats the point though like the entire comic is just incresingly abstracted layers of satire taken smei-seriously (when the plot demands it)



But not consistently fun enough to be considered adding to THE COVETED CHART. I wish it did more with the traditional instruments, that stuff was great.


>thats the point though
Fuck "the point." He tried for a second, then gave up.
>just incresingly abstracted layers of satire
Satire doesn't necessitate incoherence.
>(when the plot demands it)
Also known as irony-poisoned cancer.

It's not enough to be a fucking troon, do you really have to be an unironic #HomestuckDefender?






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>do you really have to be an unironic #HomestuckDefender?
not really i just enjoy the absurdity of its existence and the way the story turned out its fun :o)


Also, why'd you stop locking threads to the chosen people? :absolve:


I don't think it's fun. I think it's fucking boring. You have to be on 7 layers of hipster asshole to find all the faffing about "fun" because it ultimately doesn't make sense.

Just like the modern world. #wow #woah


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then why did you bother with it sunken cost fallacy or some slimmer of hope that it would get better


"I liked two Acts" and I like hate. Hate is the only thing that drives me forward. :burn:


The entity was just posting the 'p in thread either way


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waow yur just like karkles thats so cool


Give Sprunkiscrunkly special powers.


I can't tell what level of sarcasm that's supposed to be on. Such a fun game.


Not the first time some8ody makes that comparison.


Its accuracy, still disputed.


1026? That's a miss

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