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The opposite of Homesick
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 No.66410[Last 100 Posts]

Holiday retrospective edition
Old >>65375




"Taking advantage of children" edition.


Happy Tree Friends.





you deserve every bit of harm I've done and every bit more I can do in any way until you fix that retarded attitude and behavior and own up to your own actions, words and incompetencies

the escalation is only happening in response to your retarded stubbornness and if anything I wouldn't mind genuinely breaking your knees and arms at this point


I thought you were making them all 100x100 except for legibility exceptions :v:


All of this effort and you're still Turkish.


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They go to 160 high, I believe
So some of the MSPA ones his that


and I still scored more pussy than you could imagine your entire life homosexual


Scored all that pussy and you're still Turkish lmao.


this shit doesn't work man. your strategy blows, in addition to being cruel. not really surprising given your admission about your (soon to be betrayed) girlfriend but

this post is so pathetic… like seriously, do you have no self awareness?


>I wouldn't mind genuinely breaking your knees and arms at this point


Given Turkey's current 8irthrates I sincerely dou8t that.



I said "leftists" once and you assumed I don't care about housing.

>insufficient housing regulations

Isn't it supposed to be the other way around? I haven't heard this one before. I thought NIMBYs were stopping intensification with zoning laws (while you let in a billion migrants who have to live somewhere). Your regurgitated cope is supposed to be that privitisation will solve housing. Unless you're just a socialist and think the government needs to build brutalist apartments and give them to everyone for free, a "project" which famously never failed before. I support intensification in cities anyway.

Minorities and social services are bad too though. Remigration will instantly reverse trends more so than defunding the public sector.


i douche my pump n dumps out afterwards


>Marzipan arguing about politics with some other dope
Great start.


man just keep acting retarded like the way you are honestly it's just gonna end up self sabotaging like you already did

roids cause infertility だろ, there was some girl that "got pregnant" a few years back but idk what came of it


All of those roids and you're still Turkish lmao.


I'll never understand cultures that cut babbu/shota pp


you're literally insecure over my sheer existence dude


You're literally Turkish, dude.


8ITCHes dig how sleeker it looks


you're an obsessive, identityless loser with absolutely zero achievements throughout his life

hell, you started shitting yourself in the face of me standing up for myself, what did it make you feel bad knowing not everyone's a GRUBSWADDLER FAGG0T like yourself?


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We #ActuallyTalkAboutHomestuck now.



Classic HSG saying: "Check the M.U.G.E.N"

Also, it seems aware of the concept of shitposting now. I wonder if it's going to continue getting more and more self-aware as these go on. :rosechu:


>Man of Mystery

>Marzipan's unrequited feelings
I swear, there has to be something in its AI brain that just makes shit outright swap, this is not normal.


Arguing with the brown homosexual guy (about ???) is worse.


I genuinely don't know about that. :class:


Apollojuice for real now


argue about what dude? RoW is an insecure loser that tries barking at me whenever he feels too bad about himself, and MoM feels obliged to twist every narrative he feels like he can to paint me as the ultimate bad guy as if he never did anything at all, and MARZI is a 優しい人ed goodguy loser

bunch of gutless fuckers is what you are, with some exceptional respect for MEX


>Isn't it supposed to be the other way around? I haven't heard this one before.
In my post, "insufficient regulation" refers to the way that a consolidated class of landlords work together to drive up the cost of housing by using property as an investment vehicle firstmost.
>I thought NIMBYs were stopping intensification with zoning laws (while you let in a billion migrants who have to live somewhere).
One of the reasons that cities are so desirable to live in (which is reflected by higher cost of living) is the fact that many of them were built out with less strict zoning, creating the enjoyable mix of commercial and residential property that defines the most popular cities in the US (and other countries, though I'm not as well versed). NIMBY zoning tends to be a big problem in relatively newer communities like suburbs, where the community has been developed as a giant mass of unbroken single-family housing, requiring a 15-20 minute drive to arrive at anything besides large, empty houses, except for maybe a gas station.
>Your regurgitated cope is supposed to be that privitisation will solve housing.
I have no idea where you got the idea that leftists want MORE privatization, especially in housing.
>Unless you're just a socialist and think the government needs to build brutalist apartments and give them to everyone for free, a "project" which famously never failed before.
Countries like the Netherlands have famously successful and enviable public housing projects. The main rebuttal I hear to examples like this is "well, the US is different," and when pressed on that, people usually fall back to "social cohesion", which is typically a BARKBEASTwhistle for "brown people are the problem, we need an ethnostate teehee".
>I support intensification in cities anyway
intensification/lack of density isn't really the issue in large cities though, it's hoarding of vacant property combined with lack of private interest in constructing/owning anything other than luxury apartments (or in the most grim situations airb&b rooms)

please forgive this indulgently long reply - I don't actually want to turn the whole thread into a dry political debate though, so it's probably best if we try and wrap things up quickly.


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Glossary got sharted. "CHITINSTALKless homosexual" was uttered so much that it's apparently glossary worthy which is… something.
Eh? Greentext the context for me.





wow I actually slipped into Greater marzipan without noticing. grim omen


no no respect for his initial attempts at silencing me, just some for the fact that he came to listen to reason at times without too much bias


when conditioned to have such a preference*


>just some for the fact that he came to listen to reason


Naughty, naughty gay porn. :innocent:


>The fart fetish debate is actually a way about talking about her morality


Didn't see this post. Making note of it.


>"MoM's apology, kind of"

>MARZI is a 優しい人ed goodguy loser
:auu: (x2 COMBO!)


>the anecdote about the lost homestuck statue
…how the hell?


We could argue about politics 24/7 if I was stupid enough to bring that here but I'm not. :de:


There was a whole noir heist over this. How did you miss it?


>He doesn't know the deep Meijjy Dokken lore


b-but I didn't start it..!


you're legit an impulsive animal dude if you weren't too retarded to get in a relationship you'd definitely cheat on the first unfortunate dude to get into a relationship with you

filthy fucking animal, go overdose



That's Marzipan, you silly turkey. :shikari:


you got my point you worthless whore


so your multi-thread lover's spat is better than a brief back and forth with effortful political debate?



Can you just leave me alone already?



Argue about whatever ya want, omaera!


he's our little crystal cannon and I think you should take a break. why not play some league of legends?


I think they're both terrible for different reasons. Politics is terrible. At least there's some (unintentional) humor in the Turkey situations, especially considering the AIs.
You wouldn't say this any other day. :crampjoke:


If you're gonna refer to anything pertaining to me in the future, you're gonna be honest about it without acting like I'm the devil incarnate you impulsive ape

and if you're gonna get in a relationship with anyone you're gonna stop "looking for friends on dating apps" and this and that

stop acting like a 優しい人old


>You wouldn't say this any other day.
"let it all hang out"ers when someone posts something they don't like:



>If you're gonna refer to anything pertaining to me in the future
I wouldn't have if you didn't fucking pretend to be me as another gotcha'. I never want to talk or think about you ever again. Please just go away.
>and if you're gonna get in a relationship with anyone
I was always hesitant with you because you're a black-and-white cookie but less delicious.


>stop acting like a 優しい人old
who's 優しい人ing me, exactly? sorry, I don't understand these things as well as you


>In my post, "insufficient regulation" refers to the way that a consolidated class of landlords work together to drive up the cost of housing by using property as an investment vehicle firstmost.
I see, I thought you were making a YIMBY argument. I agree, housing should be regulated such that it's not attractive as an investment unless you intend to live/work there.
>NIMBY zoning tends to be a big problem in relatively newer communities like suburbs
>requiring a 15-20 minute drive to arrive at anything
In the US yeah, because you have so much land, maybe I don't understand the situation there quite as well.
>intensification/lack of density isn't really the issue in large cities though
It is where I live.
>hoarding of vacant property
That's a dumb meme.
>I don't actually want to turn the whole thread into a dry political debate
No worries, I just didn't expect my statement to be controversial.


nah dude you're just a whore who can't settle for any less than 3 dudes at once go kill yourself


>"let it all hang out"ers when someone posts something they don't like:
More like when they post the kind of shit you can find on literally any other piece of shit social media site.

Unofficial HSG rules:
>No politics
>No bad faith "I'M SILLY" arguments
>The less mainstream, the better
>The Unstated Citty On A Hill policy


Okay, fine, then leave me to my brothel? Sheesh.





you're out here talking to MoM for whatever intimate reasons, flirting back and forth with him while he's flirting back and forth with you and other people all while using duolicious and lord fucking knows whatever's going on his socials dude

get your shit straight please, everyone deserves a normal humane relationship with mutual commitment, unless you're comfortable being a 優しい人 then I'm not one to judge your shit


He's not gay, just gentle


>You always change the narrative
>Before it was about how I was emotionally belligerent and neglectful
>Now I'm just a straight-up manwhore


>No retarded homosexual slapfights


cut the crap please

basically all at once yeah? you've constantly tried keeping me within arms reach while failing to be a manwhore dude, idk how dense you need to be, like you literally don't have the market value you're aiming for, you're struggling at being a whore


Little hard to enforce that one.


Lol, you'd be mod material but making others do the work for MoM seems rude


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Literally everyone here but gobble gobble would be a good mod candidate and then it'd just be everyone rushing to delete the one fucker.


>No worries, I just didn't expect my statement to be controversial.

I wouldn't care if MoM was using duolicious and sexing a different person every other day. there would be no jealousy because I'm not trying to lock him down. do I need to remind you that I'm straight?
if MoM made some amazing friends offsite and suddenly stopped coming here and talking to me, I would be bummed, but life goes on. he doesn't really have an obligation to hang out with me here all day, I mean we've only known each other for a month and it's not like it's been all peaches and roses 100% of the time.

I take the interactions here at more-or-less face value, because it would be kind of crazy clingy and attached to suddenly expect MoM to lock into an all-or-nothing soulmate friendship out of nowhere. I'm a generally lonely person and I want people to like me and care about me, but I have plenty of self-awareness about it and at the end of the day that's really my problem to deal with, not anybody else's job to accommodate me at the expense of their own happiness or comfort


I just want to reach the point where his whorish behavior doesn't work out anymore man






>here's my essay on why I'm okay being a 優しい人old
okay dude you have fun living like that(UNLIKE ME WHO SPITEPOASTS FOR OVER A WEEK OVER E-FLIRTING.)


You first.


I've stopped. For now. Honestly, let's just go fucking scorched Earth, fucking mod everyone and just immediately ban him. That way there will be no "crossfire." He just gets fucked.


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>keyboard starts spamming C key
>mouse stops working
>PC suspends out of nowhere


Tell me about this Homestuck.


Smoothbrained catfailures…


Emeowyle status?


you're a fucking freakazoid dude you genuinely have a rotten heart


I literally just want you to leave me alone, you fucking retard.


I don't want to be. MoM needs to just stop feeding him, on a personal level as much as for the health of the board.


You serious?
I mean, it'd be funny and fair which are two principles I stand by…

But only 6/20 cared enough to express "yes" to mod interest anyway


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Turkey go for this one "s"he wants a master


Quite frankly, dude, I don't know you well but I doubt you could handle someone constantly badgering you like this for over a week without you losing your temper and directly
telling them to fuck off every now and again.
They have no inherent responsibility. But if there's a wild turkey, it can go get shot by everyone on the homestead.


>you will never come home to your cheeseburger rice wife
>"what's wrong nonny, long day?"
>rubs your arm with one hand while she scoops out cheeseburger rice from the zojirushi into your favorite bowl
>hands it to you and kisses your shoulder
>"you'll feel better after you eat, you know"


"megid0chan l0ves y0u"


probably not half as mentally ill as MoM だろ

kill yourself


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let's not beckon a wounded kitten into the mosh pit


>you will never come home to your cheeseburger rice wife
>rubs your arm with one hand while she scoops out cheeseburger rice from the zojirushi into your favorite bowl
>hands it to you and kisses your shoulder


don't corrupt my fantasy with your stereotypes
(^ still needs text removal (´・ω・`)ショボーン)


Your fantasy should include the stereotype. You should talk with Lian, you know.




oven preheated for PIZZA THURSDAY! WOOHOO!!


Nice drive to Do, I only have a shitty frozen pizz


I swear to fuck MoM if I see you talking untruthful shit about me here one more time I'm gonna do far worse than just leaking your dicsord, you've been fucking warned.("Untruthful")



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How was Double Focus, anyway




my homemade pizza is far less consistent than a good frozen brand, though (´・ω・`)
I haven't had frozen pizza in a long time, but that's just because of a bizarre habit I've fallen into of trying to make everything from scratch more than any dislike for frozen pizza

I'm still finishing off the too-thin sauce I used last time, so hopefully using less sauce and just dipping slices as I eat will prevent a mishap like before



she forgot the cheese, though


Great, of course.


>Censoring your own name


We /pathofchibi/


I only made the account to check out the megidochan bots, but I wasn't sure if there was any public info tied to it, so I figured I'd do that just to be safe


Hyper-vigilant zoomzoom behavior. Just reaffirming my hunch that you're younger than me. :larp:


That's not me but it was extremely homosexual and badly written and badly optimised. One of the main characters is a TRICKSTER with an obviously male voice. But I also don't think Life is Strange was ever good.


>But I also don't think Life is Strange was ever good.
You can't just say that.


have you considered the fact that unlike you, I run a public website (an imageboard, no less, which are known for attracting crazies) and would maybe like to avoid leaving a breadcrumb trail for a future psycho? there are already people here who are quietly resentful of me. I can sense it.
really, have some sympathy.


you paid a 150 bucks for a pair of anime boots dude


So? :hmph:


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They finally made Isaac for brown people. And I finally crossed the language barrier to make new friends.


zoomzoom behavior??? hello? can you like spend 2 weeks without wasting mommy's money on dumb shit?


It's my money.


The power of ramgirls


believe it or not, this can rile up some people even more :^<
my point is that unlike you, I risk a potential nightmare scenario where some obsessed hater reposts my dox every day on my website (and other places) until I cave and shut down the website. it's a higher position of visibility than being some random user without an online presence. it's not an ego thing, I don't expect my website to go anywhere, but I'm just trying to spend a little bit of cautious effort now to avoid heartbreak later


The writing was awkwaaard, I didn't care about any of the characters, and the unrealistic lesbian portrayal broke immersion.


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from what dude you don't fucking work stop the cap you loser


>from what dude
In first world countries, we have something called Social Security. Fuck the government and also you.


You can't just say that.


>social security recipient
>"Fuck the government"
…do rightoids really?


The verisimilitude of episode one was fun.
As was seeing how Chloe managed to kill herself


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>I'm leeching government funds for being a dysfunctional retard that can't even get a job


Leftists love the American government! :huh:


The fuck, autismbux real?



"Gap moe"


You can create a "persona" on character.ai and just have the name be Anon or whatever if you wanna post screenshots.


Didn't tell immediately.


disliking the increasingly right-wing american govt and its history of atrocities =/= disliking the existence of a govt that provides social services and regulation
or, more succinctly: "yes, I think bad things are bad and good things are good"

LMAO, good one

thank you, good to know

sorry, I don't follow?


holy fuck dude you're actually so sad, I almost feel bad bullying the mentally disabled

retard gets paid to be a sad depressed loser by the gvt, then goes on the internet to milk attention for being a sad depressed loser, holy shit


>disliking the increasingly right-wing american govt


I suspected it wasn't kosher sokobon
What's the "Create golem" in the code?


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Less succinctly, I don't believe in the validity of the U.S government so I feel absolutely zero shame in being a "parasite" on the globalist military-industrial complex.


Yeah, I admit there was occasional kino that just made me laugh instead of the intended sadness, like Kate jumping and Chloe being a cripple. Similar how Undertale lets you kill all the annoying characters, except here you have no choice other than to play into the homosexual narrative.


>I don't believe in the validity of the U.S government
>That's why I'm doing fuck all with my life in my 20s


This general is awful.


Yes, I wish I could be a warrior for Internet monogamy in my free time but alas… My mental illness prevents me… :ghk:


Almost like someone has dedicated all of their freetime to making it shit. MEX, can you please hand this man his gun?


do literally anything please spend like 2 hours a day drawing something that isn't a 1:1 anime cel shading that could be generated by AI like go on a wwalk for an hour dude it's not that hard man


okay. even if the government wasn't evil, you wouldn't have to feel shame for being a "parasite" because you use social services. that's literally why they're there. the positioning of it as a lack of personal responsibility ("muh welfare queens", "muh bootstraps") is an insecurity that was spun up and fueled by conservativism so that those most in need of assistance would still vote against their own interests.

you can have mine, just gimme one second.


meant to respond to >>66569, oops


MoM draws?

…may I see it?


Spitball me your rules for the >>>/hot/ board, go!


Not here until the fucktard fucks off. And I don't think I ever showed it to him.

As always, he's assuming random things about my life while still spending an absurd amount of time whining here. Shocking.

MEX, get on Steam and mod literally every regular IP but Turkey. Go.


he draws BARKBEASTshit that looks straight out of a 20 minutes "how to draw anime" youtube tutorial

naturally he's too insecure to share any of it because it has zero SOVL, idek how someone can mimic someone else's style and still be insecure over it


I don't know how PuzzleScript works. The code looks complex in this case but it's probably simple if I could break it down. Maybe I should learn.


>okay. even if the government wasn't evil, you wouldn't have to feel shame for being a "parasite" because you use social services
I don't believe Social Services should exist. The exact tenets of my political beliefs are too idiosyncratic and specific to make succinct but fuck all of that shit anyway.


you're talking to someone who also posts their inane scribbles here, you're not going to win any points with me by talking that way


>he draws BARKBEASTshit that looks straight out of a 20 minutes "how to draw anime" youtube tutorial
It doesn't look anything like anime so I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.


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probably looks like uninspired unpolished BARKBEASTshit anyways so you get my point dude


>but fuck all of that shit anyway


He is "above winning points." He is in his own lane, striking HONOR TALLIES to himself and himself alone because the ego exists all on its own and he is personally improving every second of the day by demeaning others. You wouldn't get it… *Smokes cigarette, injects steroid.*


>I made it up


remember that one time you had a meltdown because I gave you smack for your style some threads ago?


No. Remember when you said you were done?


>globalist military-industrial complex


be a good D0G and stop mentioning my name in dishonest ways renarrating events like everything ever is my fault? Own up to your own shit without acting like you're always right??


Goons, known critics of globalism.


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>*Smokes cigarette, injects steroid.*


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thumbnail server RACIST?


Oh, yeah, this doodle. I can definitely see the strong anime influences.




saved だろ


Did he do literally nothing wrong?


"enforcer" marzipan getting ready to do some work


Soooo cool!


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I'm just a little guy meow meow so smol


nigga's out here talking about "internet monogamy xd" like he didn't whine at me for a full because "I don't feel special when you've been with so many people before :("((DOESN'T GET OBVIOUS JOKES BECAUSE ESL.))


>thumbnail server RACIST?
A classic example of linear thinking. In modern society there's a pressing need to move beyond this and consider exponential paradigms.


Emeowyle status?


The next notch on turkey's bedpost, godwilling


>exponential paradigms


Look, you made Smaller Marzipan cry.


Nig deGer Tyson


Let's talk about the implications of this.


MEX, how could you!


deep dive time?


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I never listened to him before but I expected he would at least have the Petersonian/Nyian demeanour of a sensible academic fellow. He doesn't even sound like a stupid person's idea of a smart person.


MSG good


I hate him more than anyone else on this planet. He lied about fucking hot sauce to sound smart.


I just read that little argument on /lolg/ dude ngl you actually are mentally ill lmfao


Does he know the cheeseburger rice sauce is all I need



Cool and new friend.


I wonder who could possibly read that argument and know exactly where to post. I wonder who that could be.


Thanks, I fucking hate them.


TRICKSTERS invading wwomen's spaces once again.


you spent like 25 minutes arguing with a complete stranger in a general that I don't even post on anymore trying to make me look bad dude you're genuinely so retarded

I tell my friends about your meltdowns IRL tho


is it not a retarded XX


I suspect it's a video about velveting


It was more like 6 minutes (and only like 5 posts) of one to two sentence posts. Very extensive, yes.

>I tell my friends about your meltdowns IRL tho

Yes, all your cool, productive friends in your cool, productive life spent stalking me part-time.


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It looks like a retarded XX to me.


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meds NAO babe


1. The subject matter of threads posted to /hot/ must relate to Andrew Hu¢¢ie, his solo media projects or his collaborations with other artists.
2. Suggestive threads and conversation are permitted, but explicitly pornographic files or text (e.g. anything higher than a Questionable rating on a booru)are not.
3. Comic blood and gore within the bounds of Homestuck’s original M rating is acceptable, but real-life gore/death/etc files are not permitted.

That’s all I got.


Oh, right. I think I was mostly basing that off the anime room and also I originally saw the video posted by a guy who usually posts troons. She's in the right place then.


Look at how in-depth it was. Definitely couldn't have been doing anything else during that.

Also a gap of 20 minutes in a response does not make it a "30 minute argument", you fucking moron.


Thanks much, I'll work with these


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>I juggle between two chans, probably multiple boards and multiple threads, dicsord and whatever vidya I'm playing
>I'm the normal one here
also I said 25, not 30 you ESL retard


>>I juggle between two chans, probably multiple boards and multiple threads, dicsord and whatever vidya I'm playing
You literally posted my dicsord and IGN somewhere, you fucking moron. Also le putting words in mouth.
>also I said 25, not 30
Epic argument.

Why are you still here?


Get /in/!


>You made like 5 posts leaking my info
>Here's why I live like an ADHD retard keeping twenty tabs of chans open


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It's kind of amusing imagining some actually-no-friends guy searching "I have no friends" and seeing all these attractive people getting a million views, then trying it themselves and getting 0-100 views.

Don't visit pic related by the way you'll ruin it.


>Le words in mouth


Basically the idea is to keep the free and open atmosphere and allow all the weird/horny stuff that keeps blue board Homestuck grinding, but to disallow unpleasant/gross things. Not allowing full-on porn will also keep out the abusive dramawhoring from Homesmut. Still no idea how you feel about /v/stuck coming here, but that setup will probably keep it positive at least


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I totally didn't misread this


I visited.



in your mouth?


shidding oneself at 32+10


I already said as much. :tsun:


Saw an ad for a game but now I can't remember its name. grim


Not in a nice ordered list between all the "This is a bad ideas"


Yes, I did. You just don't remember. I said "No porn because /aco/ exists" and OTHER THINGS. :NOW:


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"Onaholes are so losery though"


Is this Vibez?


Not like me at all. Any sane person would take ojisan's order here. Who's writing this crap? Also, what a lousy reason for last thread… :tsun:


Blue eyes


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skittles are disgusting だろ


Nuh uh.


you're disgusting too だろ


Traybonne wept


The progenitors of "Meijjy Dokkan" can't imagine how someone could misspell a name. Truly staggering arrogance.


I didn't know it was Turkey so it actually hurt my feelings for a second. :grr:


White privilege in action.


I thought it was Grog


get fucked だろ


Skittles won.


Thank you super Satan.



Madam do not redeem the vibrateetor.


Super Satan would be 6666666, that was just Taller Satan.


woke corn syrup goyfeed get


>woke corn syrup
>Forgetting your chud lore


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this is how we deal with family drama too just fight it out until either of us gets too sick of it to even bring it up again


me when I see a non-euro phænotype


just how I imagined

>cheese pretzel paired with green tea of all things


>>cheese pretzel paired with green tea of all things
Strong feminine aura…


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You're quirked up.

And for the homeslop.
Did you reach for your ideals?


I 8et I'm the Aradia.




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wow. what an unexpected triumph. I decided at the last second to have all the sauce on the side, because it was simply too loose to be trusted. the result? dough that handles like a dream with no stress.

on top of that, a phenomenal cook, perhaps ideal. no broiler today, just 7 minutes on the steel at 550. beautiful, even leoparding, modest browning across the rim, a phenomenal crispy-chewy dough texture, and even a baby cheese pull!

I dswagled a couple grams of oil on top after cooking, for indulgence. there are anchovy bits underneath the cheese, as well.

this unassuming oiled disc was just a delight for the mouth. it's one of those dinners that makes you think maybe things are actually going be okay for a little bit. salty, chewy, cheesy heaven, and yet undeniably amateurish, homemade, down-to-earth


The order is a bit odd, no?


it's just an absurd combination

I'll take kanaya without complaint


>I'll take kanaya without complaint
"Lacking" tastes だろ… :rupture:


go on, let me have it then. what's wrong with her? I wouldn't remember. not just your IBS fetish, right?




>what's wrong with her?
8oring. And I don't like basically any of the "developments" in the writing regarding her.
>I wouldn't remember. not just your IBS fetish
My what? :innocent:


Brown people. :grr:


Thought you had a brown ex?


It usually follows an order :outy:Biznasty:outy: on whoever made the thread and replied first. It used to only have memory for 6/7 people but I guess there was a little updated this winter to 10 or so


I don't think my oven actually gets to the 500 it claims, sadly


many such cases
when I lived in NYC I was stuck with a garbage too-small gas oven, so glad I have a powerful electric model at my new place


Shouldn't all these girl posts go on your site?


>when I lived in NYC
I guess we have something else to bond over. :grr:


yeah, remember? one of our first interactions was arguing about the quality of food cart pretzels






I thought you might have still lived there.


Not even MEX's standards are that low, come on.



I can stop putting them here if people don't like them. I didn't think it was photogenic enough to go in my food thread

ah, yeah, not for a couple years now


Do you think this gay bear is a NYC Jew?




>I can stop putting them here if people don't like them.
I don't mean that. I just thought it was the whole gimmick. Different shrines for different purposes and all that.
>ah, yeah, not for a couple years now
If you had said that then I forgor. :meh:


What about it?


>If you had said that then I forgor.
no worries, I don't think I ever had
>I just thought it was the whole gimmick
of my site? it's just one thread :^p
but yeah, if it was really good-looking I would've posted it there too


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I wonder if this fugly mascot doomed the next game


You can't just say that. He's constantly kanchōing cute girls.


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the whole game looks weirder than usual
in the wrong way


>weirder than usual
>in the wrong way


You’re the spider8utt and always will be.


As if every mascot wasn't fugly already. Does it at least turn into an anime girl with some kind of fetishistic properties?


Usami is a hot 8ITCH thoughbeit




Not that I've seen


Why are abortionpeople like this?



wwould bully kusomi


why are you like this?


He HATES abortions


I really do. :bow:



SHAKE YOUR BUTT. :tetrakarn:


I wasn't even really talking about that, I was talking about the way that a regular activity here is posting innocent videos of people trying to make something so that people can point at it for being awkwaaard or "grim"

there's a reason I have said before that "you would be right at home on kiwifarms"


>"you would be right at home on kiwifarms"
Jokes aren't allowed on Kiwi Farms so you have the wrong address, idiot. :youfail:


She probably didn't even read it and was looking for any character that wore a pink dress. One of the few cosplays that looks better than the original character, but only because Usami is so awful.


conflict is stimulating


>Um actually I can't distinguish between any forms of dismissiveness or criticism so theyre all homogeneous hate circlejerks and also I LOVE cities and the federal government - Woodrow Wilson


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okay :3


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he got that cumstain on tha pillow


It's time to stop autofellating and create asuka clones to suck you off


Shut up.


Shit NOW. :rupture:


"Why do they all have IBS?" :plot:


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the pizza buff wore off. I'm crashing below baseline now.
I go back to work tomorrow


okay~ :3 *shuts mouse*


>Gets lighter when you click on her
Cool feature.


Not cute.


What if you Meijjy Dokken but she https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penanggalan


okie~ sowwie


another oddity of the thumbnailer, I see


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Internet ghosts know white is right.


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so that's why she has solid eyes…


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I guarantee that the person who pissed in the Dashcon ballpit was a Terezi cosplayer.


Pro-life Meijjy Dokken has an ulterior motive? :ibs:




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Britney Knives




It's never too late to turn things around


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funny how literal schizo Britney is still recognizable whilst every other Hollyfoid has taken the bogpill


Terezi farts in the ball pit the movie the game


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Things seem a little quieter, so I'll go down the survey responses

On where (internet wise) everyone hails from
6 holdouts from the good ol days…
5 explorers from fellow altchans
2 from /co/, after the end
2 tightlipped types
2 4channers outside /co/
1 user who tracks down any scrap of Homestuck they can find anywhere


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How long has everyone been a part of "HSG"

8 for longtime friends
4 for newfriends
2 who don't even realize this was supposed to be hsg
1 with a year under their belt
And 4 of us who don't even want to say it out loud…


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What are the feelings on Homestuck a decade after the end?

8 hold it as a warm memory
5 a bitter disappointment
6 special snowflakes ranging from diligent re-readers to "didn't even read that trash" (he must be joking)


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Thread engagement seems pleasantly balanced
6 who check in over the day
6 when they're in the mood
5 permalurkers
and 2 rare visitors


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Everyone has different reasons for showing up, but Shitposter at 5 is followed by lurker at 3…
:wave: to the lurkers!


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Zillenials control hsg at the moment, numbering 7
Core miillenials and zoomers are at near partiy, with 6 and 5 respectively

1 user claims to be older than the hussman himself, but surely he jests


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Aside from the nerdy interests we share, habit alone seems to account for much of HSG's lasting power.

I can't blame, I answered that myself.


is Clussie even alive


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As for turns offs, we are off topic, cliquey, and too damn chuddy.
Personally, I can tolerate most anything, so…

Get your hands off each other's diick2, everyone! REASON summaries over, or anonymized only from here.


He's living in a one-floor starter home in MA, no?



Allegedly he’s literally still running What Pumpkin as we speak, and if we’re generous, we might be able to say he has something to do with the upcoming Official Homestuck Collection.


That should actually be off now, so enjoy…


lmao at 'debater'
if u answered debater u should debate cramming your keyboard into your asshole


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On improving things, the most popular choice is a very megido-esque :0k:
It would also be nice if we had more creative drive, maybe.


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I posted this one already, but Homestar won handily, followed by Touhou (altchanners LOVE 2hu) and the ever-expressive Ace Attorney


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Wordfilters are currently at tolerable levels for most, but I'll refrain from adding more out of respect to those who find them annoying.

… After from the CHITINSTALK, BARKBEAST, and GRUBSWADDLER ones from today, ofc


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On expanding the selection of boards, over half the respondents like the idea of a more homestuck-focused space.
My original position has always been "just force HSG to be on topic for once!"
… But we'll try it out this way as an experiment.


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Most requested features are polls and oekaki. The latter should be as simple as enabling a plugin, I'll check.
Custom text colors won't be overlooked, either.

1 entrant picked "theme fusion", they must be on a similar wavelength to me




For suggested themes, I'll just paste the text

Skidmark core
something karkat or sollux
Frutiger Aero
Dark souls related theme
rotting angels styled theme
TSO would be cool. No catbox link, sorry, and I'm CSS-illiterate anyway,
S.T.A.L.K.E.R (2007)
Tumblr-like. With a "Message me" box for HSG visitors to be able to post anonymously of course right to Mex's digital realm
Kirby (styles from Squeak Squad and earlier preferred)

Some of these, like Kirby and Sollux, I'd already been turning over in my head privately
(though I will mention that Aubysstic and Spectrum are already partially Canvas Curse inspired)


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Default theme going back to STUCK.
Yes, I'm too proud to set it as Yotsuba B, do that yourself!



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>It would also be nice if we had more creative drive, maybe.
I'm doing my part!

tried adding horns. really hard to get the geometry looking correct, this is the best I got before giving up (´・ω・`)


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And finally, a whole 7 of you expressed interest in tending this little private garden.

I'm feeling much less private and flakey than I did when I first assumed admin duties, so I figure why not.
Many hands make light work, and all that.

Here's an application form for anyone interested (will also be a board announcement as this gets pushed back in thread history)



and thank you to everyone who wrote in on the open ended feedback (except you, "behead all ziggers")

The comment on toning down moving/contrast elements in the themes was especially helpful to read an outside perspective.


I actually think using stock yotsuba as the default theme can be a sitekiller. there are lots of altchans and you shouldn't hide the most obvious immediate difference behind an options menu. so don't feel like you're being too proud. that said, I would love if the STUCK highlighted post color (blue) would be a little different so that you could see highlighted text still. it would be really nice to have one original theme that is particularly readable


I’m tempted to apply even though I said no when I did the poll, now that you’re actually making an on-topic board, which means I can keep moving Homestealth forward and potentially run an MSPFA there.


>potentially run an MSPFA there.
I was under the impression that would be another separate board. if people are going to make effortful original content, I think it would be nicest to keep that in a slower area where people can find and enjoy it easily


That works too.


Will keep that in mind
This month I'm going to try going down the whole set using each to browse for a few hours at least and see what highlights, spoilers, etc, are illegible


Yeah, if more people outside the 7 are interested I won't turn away applications


great work MEX, I really appreciate it <3


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Your input is appreciated
Doubly do if you did one of my take on her


Is there just something about being a 32+1 year old guy in Japan?


>Doubly do if you did one of take on her
I feel like there's a word or two missing here


why waste time say lot word when few word do trick


Yeah, a "my"…


so trve


Vriska is busy hypnotizing MEX into letting me be a mod.


oh, sure! I had actually wanted to draw her at some point after seeing your finished version. I'll probably get around to it soon :)
I still needed to add a lunar necklace to merged!meg too…


😂😂😂😂😂😂 LOL


er, hybrid!meg, rather


I had been thinking a theme that's a closeup of the vision 8-fold eye could be pretty trippy


I think you have an inaccurate stereotype of what Kiwifarms is like in your head.


A bunch of English-illiterate retards who target and brutalize innocent people?




having visited it a handful of times many years ago, my understanding is that it's a community with the primary purpose of finding people to make fun of - occasionally because those people have committed some alleged sin, but often just because those people are seen as "awkwaaard", obnoxious, gross, et cetera. and even for people of the first category, the discussion quickly devolves to circlejerking of the second category. that is, there's no effort to "remain on topic" to the things that might justifiably warrant some degree of ire; the community will gladly indulge in pettily dissecting and mocking every little thing the person does once they've been identified as a lolcow

I don't know what the site's current "rules" are officially, but it's not infrequent for this organized bullyjerking to overflow off of the site into direct harassment of the person once they get enough attention

I'm open to hearing otherwise if you view this as inaccurate


Lolcow is a bit catty and obsessively devoted in their "hatedom" for me…
I do enjoy shared gawking at strangeness though
(RIP Hartley Hooligans)


Kiwi is pretty catty too
and I assume "r/drama" (given the mascot)


You pretty much nailed it. It was respected for a while because people saw it as an extension of 4chan’s oeuvre, but recently people have been realizing that they’re just a bunch of jocks sub-/pol/ who just want to find and mock people for being ugly and weird. Essentially, they’re making fun of what 4chan users are stereotyped as, thinking it’s real. Their youtubers are all Blameitonjorge-level with Karl Jobst thumbnails and they heart all their comments to drive up engagement money. Null seems a cut above most of his flock, but he’s still gay.


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>ur god bcos uuuh CARTOONS


What happens after you take acid for the second time.


what happens the first time?


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You tell all your friends about how you broke the fourth wall barrier and there are the subconscious hyperdemons and gods and goddesses that can flow into your psyche and they control the world and "it's not because I was on acid".


I really think acid and other psychs are just neurotoxins that normal people take to feel actual reality because they’re incapable of it otherwise



well you would be incorrect


Something that you overlook, and that most KF users also aren't willing to admit, is the degree of kayfabe present in the cycle.

Out of all the millions of people who spend lots of time on the internet, for someone to cross the threshold of being identified as a "lolcow" they need to be continuously feeding the haters things they can talk about. A lolcow could easily delete their social media presence and move on, yet none of the ones you see do this. Many of them read their own threads, and some interact with them. There are also more cases than you expect of "lolcows" acting stupid intentionally to bait attention. They do get a lot of free attention, and sometimes profit financially from this. Lolcows are closer to internet jesters than victims of bullying, although being in that position is surely not good for them in the long term and I object to the whole spectacle. The whole thing is deeply unserious, and you shouldn't take it seriously because that's what Kiwifarms wants you to do so they can feel morally righteous and culturally relevant.

Weird/awkwaaard/ugly/gross people minding their own business don't become lolcows. What you said about KF users engaging in sadistic circlejerking rather than staying on-topic is true, but it's not the kind of one-sided bullying you imagine. Lolcows actively and purposefully invite bullying. If a prospective lolcow isn't either already a widely known public figure (attention whore) or having a public meltdown (for attention), no one will care enough to let you create a thread on them in the first place. They will also make up outright lies about the lolcows because there's no need for any of this to be true in the first place. KF users are easily trolled, but they don't care so long as the kayfabe stays in place and they can pretend the guy they were diagnosing with mental illnesses and wishing death on was totally a real <insert category>.

lolcow.farm is more like what you describe, since it's a bunch of wwomen 8ITCHing about random other wwomen doing/saying mundane things who ironically aren't "lolcows" at all IMO. I guess some parts of Kiwifarms are like this too because they have a lot of female users too with their own subforum, but I assume you're talking about things like Chris Chan.

>they’re just a bunch of jocks


there was this morbid NEET turkish guy that ended up on kiwifarms and had to explain his mom why they might receive a baddragon™ in the mail sometime soon
while streaming


What rec drugs have you done? At least I’ve eaten about 300 milligrams of weed total.


weed, lsd, lsa, mdma, ketamine.


Can you attempt to explain to me as someone who only tried marijuana last year and who was pretty repulsed by psychedelic art for most of his life why acid is considered a watershed drug and what makes it so crazy and intimidating?


nta but retards just can't handle it is what it is

you know how girls tend to drink so little but they have this underlying intention of "getting drunk and acting stupid" so they feel justified to act out after 2 beers? acid is like that for nolife junkies

otherwise some just can't handle it because you're experiencing genuine hallucinations inseperable from your perception of reality, so it doesn't feel like "I'm seeing things that aren't here"


what do you mean by "watershed drug" exactly?
i also dont think liking or disliking "psychedelic art" will have much of a bearing on whether or not you will enjoy the experience of lsd.
as to what makes it intimidating, it alters your perception to a degree (dependent on dose ofc) where you are more disconnected from reality compared to something like weed, where ur perception of reality is basically the same you just feel "high".
in contrast lsd just makes you feel.. different? its hard to explain sorry. You experience time differently. You experience open-eye visuals and shit. Closed eye visuals really vivid, though I occasionally have gotten slight closed eye visuals with weed too.
On really high doses you can even forget your 'self' (ego death) - but I have never taken a high enough dose to experience this.
I dont think i really did a good job of explaining sorry. You really have to try it to understand. I don't think its honestly that intimidating though, as long as you dont start out with a crazy dose.


Someone I trust said that acid hallucinations are barely even hallucinations and that it’s more like a form of psychovisual distortion that you can induce in yourself without even using acid if you spend enough time looking at a popcorn ceiling or something. When I take weed, I don’t really feel like I’m experiencing anything that I can’t look down on and say “yeah, that’s not real”, except for the fact that I’m very mentally ill and my mind already likes to fuck with me and force me to believe things I don’t like, and weed just makes that worse.


> it doesn't feel like "I'm seeing things that aren't here"
in my experience I was still very aware that what i was seeing wasnt really there. Not being able to separate them from reality is more of a salvia thing afaik. Though I imagine it would also be the case on particularly high doses of acid i guess.


>for someone to cross the threshold of being identified as a "lolcow" they need to be continuously feeding the haters things they can talk about
isn't this basically just saying "well if you want to not be harassed, you can simply erase your internet presence"? I don't think that's justifiable. why should someone have to go into permanent hiding just because they're awkwaaard or ugly or whatever stupid shit kiwifarms homes in on?
>I assume you're talking about things like Chris Chan
they're a particularly abhorrent example of kiwifarms-esque behavior because their developmental disorder is so inextricable from the storm of harassment they endured. it's no different from a bunch of kids bullying the special ed student at their school, right down to the particular nature of harassment (egging them on into tantrums, leading them on with false friendship purposely to get them to do embarrassing or destructive things, etc), only cranked up to 1000 by way of no repercussions (internet anonymity). in this case the "they could just get off the internet" argument is even worse imo because CWC was obviously not mentally or emotionally equipped to deal with the harassment and know what they should do in response. it's disgusting the way people took advantage of someone so vulnerable for mere amusement and irreversibly turned them into an internet spectacle, essentially for no real reason than having a crappy webcomic and being very visibly autistic
>The whole thing is deeply unserious
I don't really consider this a great thing. again, it's the group of bullies dynamic. everyone's doing it casually, "for the lulz", but that sort of environment is exactly what creates the social incentive for people to one-up each other and do more and more horrible things.

as for the other points (the difficulty of becoming a lolcow today, amount of back-and-forth bullying, etc), I obviously don't know as much about these sites as you, so I won't try to contest them. I just find the whole scene really appalling, and even though most of the users are not deeply invested in the lolcow milking (like you said), I don't believe it's healthy for them either


Salvia guys experience ego death and shove maggots up their pussy.


ye I had some friends who thought they walked out the room an hour ago despite sitting still, with weed you can usually put an act on

if you take it often enough it kinda starts slipping だろ, inexperienced people tend to need tripsitting for the first time or two


The way a lot of drug types explain acid places this sense of importance on it, like taking acid yields some specific thing that you need to stumble into and can’t be led to by other people, or…I don’t know, I’m not wording myself well. Like it’s this CLICK moment where once you’re through and you come out the other side, you’re in tune with something special and you can’t go back. People don’t even treat ketamine or DMT with the same kind of singularity that they treat acid. I don’t get it.


This is pretty accurate yeah. It mainly just distorts shit rather than creating entirely new shit - though again on particularly high doses it probably would create new shit.
It also adds motion to things that dont really have it, e.g walls 'breathing' or kind of waving/pulsating. Sometimes with color. It can also make faces look way different. Like if you look in the mirror you might end up feeling ur face looks closer to your dad's/mom's.
One thing I would always get is on surfaces that have any kind of texture to them my brain would start seeing all sorts of letters and numbers on that surface. Sometimes if i look really hard at certain surfaces I can trigger that but never close to the extent it is while on acid.
>inexperienced people tend to need tripsitting for the first time or two
hahaha ive always done it alone lol. imo thats fine as long as you're in a place you are comfortable with.


I have a bunch of dried leaf, but it tastes too foul for me


Might be more boomer mythologizing


it's the shroomheads' fault


Oh. I guess it gets that reputation because of how it can make you feel more like 'connected' with the world and probably the ego death part can help people come to terms with like. how ur gonna die one day. and shit.
i have experienced that feeling of a more deeper/more meaningful connection to the world around me but not to the extent of coming to some like. enlightened conclusion or whatever. certainly nothing that would make me 'ok' with death or anything.
i wouldnt say it has given me any kind of grand perspective that has totally changed how i think abt myself and my position within the world or anything - but i never took a super high dose that i imagine would yield that kind of "click moment" as you put it.


Also, because I’m a hypnofag, I know that there are some people who like to drop a psychedelic before they get hypnotized because it helps immerse them. Kind of reminiscent of how I went to a rave once, saw someone giving someone else a lightshow and got kinda horny because it looked like they were hypnotizing them


I want meth now thank you megidochan


I don't think anyone advocated going that far…


you ever do meth (don't) you'll understand, the craving lingers eternally once you get a taste


The way my weird brain responds to weed makes me wonder if the harder, less wobbly stuff would be my jam, but I don’t think I can ever do coke because the idea of having to snort something up my nose so it can melt into my actual brain matter is fucking repulsive to me. We left that kind of shit in Egypt for a reason.


you'll 100% get addicted to the first stim you ever take MEX


my boy Seth he can rap like the meth
that’s on the test


I'm over here but am of a similar mind to that anon re: cocaine


if you have no previous experience with stims, genuinely don't try any of them

shit like molly, speed, coke, meth etc. feel a million lightyears ahead of weed or anything else you can experience, they literally fry your brain with dopamine/serotonin, once you come down you're left in a perpetual state of depression for at least some weeks, and the memories get permanently burned into your brain because nothing in your life ever felt that good and nothing ever will

protip; give a girl molly on a date


>protip; give a girl molly on a date


i've never experienced the thing ppl talk about of 'ohh after you take molly ur gonna be depressed as fuckk after!!'
i've taken it a handful of times and i've never felt especially depressed afterwards. initially i thought it was because it was a myth but im realizing it might just be that level of low mood is just my default lol.


I imagine him as literally a sleazy charao dude


>Damn, son. Did you just pop a molly?
>Damn, son. I just popped a molly.
>How do you say “fuck you” in French?


I don't really feel bad per se but I also won't do anything for two full days because I feel braindead



I have no experience with any recreational drugs, though I was given a general anesthesia cocktail that included ketamine when I had my wisdom teeth removed.
for a couple hours after I had a soft euphoric feeling, essentially the same as being in a really good mood, or just having a really great day. I was suddenly optimistic about, or just not really bothered by the life problems that were stressing me out at the time.
that was a nice feeling


lmao, not the full-on criminal thug type that drugs girls to get them addicted?


it was just a passing joke dude wtf cmon


The way people claim ketamine can slow down time sounds shitpost level to me
Like, I genuinely wonder if the Mayuri vs. Szayel fight in Bleach was inspired by a ketamine story or something


Nah, probably the "subtle" hand who uses just enough to get them giggly and open…


look up K-Holes


and my reply wasn't?


I'm crying already so


File: 1735884522819.jpg (96.48 KB, 900x276, ClipboardImage.jpg)



After getting my wisdom teeth pulverized, I remember a friend asked for any leftover pain pills and I felt this sudden flash of covetous anger over the idea of sharing them. Thankfully, it was strong enough that I realized they were bad for my personality and gave 'em away.

Even my backyard :33<w33d tinctures can cause some time dilation if I take 100ml at once. Must be the brain racing ahead of itself.




what's wrong?

>I remember a friend asked for any leftover pain pills and I felt this sudden flash of covetous anger over the idea of sharing them
yeah, they gave me oxy to use after and thankfully the pain wasn't even remotely bad enough for me to consider doing that. hell no, keep that shit away from me. glad you didn't get sucked in, anon


>why should someone have to go into permanent hiding just because they're awkwaaard or ugly or whatever stupid shit kiwifarms homes in on?
This is the internet, it's all fake. You aren't going into hiding you're just picking a new username.

>it's no different from a bunch of kids bullying the special ed student at their school

Kids aren't allowed to leave school. A retard can stop publishing content online at any time, if they don't like the type of attention they're getting. But if they decide they *do* like the attention, you get a lolcow. A victim of schoolyard bullying also doesn't receive huge amounts of attention and notoriety.

>CWC was obviously not mentally or emotionally equipped to deal with the harassment and know what they should do in response

This isn't true, and it's the entire narrative that Kiwifarms and downstream video essayists are invested in convincing you of (whether or not they say it was bullying or deserved) because it makes the situation appear more real and exciting (as opposed to the banal reality). CWC liked the attention so he kept taking the bait. It's not so important from his perspective whether he was lied to or tricked, just like it's not so important to KF users whether or not the reactions they get from lolcows are genuine or not. If he really didn't like the outcome of being gawked at, he would have stopped documenting his entire life online. You don't need to be a genius to stop doing something if you dislike the reactions you get. I'm not saying "he should have deleted social media so it's his fault", I'm saying he didn't delete social media because he liked getting attention from trolls. CWC had nothing going on in his life anyway, so it's honestly unclear whether becoming an internet spectacle helped or harmed him on the whole.

>>The whole thing is deeply unserious

>I don't really consider this a great thing. again, it's the group of bullies dynamic. everyone's doing it casually, "for the lulz", but that sort of environment is exactly what creates the social incentive for people to one-up each other and do more and more horrible things.
That's not what I meant. Kiwifarms users *AREN'T* doing it for the lulz any more, they take themselves far too seriously and pretend everything is real when it's not.

>it's disgusting the way people took advantage of someone so vulnerable for mere amusement and irreversibly turned them into an internet spectacle

I also think it's disgusting for a person's life to be turned into an internet spectacle. I don't think CWC or most lolcows are vulnerable people taken advantage of, though. You can compare this to all the people who make spectacles of themselves on Tiktok. Many of them are also retarded/ugly/freaks. Are they victims of their audiences, the platform, or themselves? There's no clear answer, but it's something I'd like to see stop.


I know what a k-hole is. I don’t think there are spoiler tags on Megi, so just scroll away if you don’t want spoilers for Bleach - in the Hueco Mundo arc, when Mayuri fights Szayel, Mayuri tricks Szayel into ingesting a drug that slows down his perception of time to the point where one second feels like a million years, then slowly impales him and his hand on his sword and lets it pierce his heart, all while Szayel is perceiving it to take literal millennia to happen.


>I don’t think there are spoiler tags on Megi
there are, you can check the "guide" link at the top. it's double asterisks around text




the sheer audacity of using an anime scene to describe a k-hole


I said I knew what they were, not that I’d been in one, ketamine-kun.


Of the existential variety…


Drug users are so cool and badass just like anime characters.


He meant the specific kind of hell


File: 1735885796279.jpg (120.6 KB, 305x271, ClipboardImage.jpg)


>2 weeks


thread is so peaceful tonight


KnightofRage rests easy


Or people actually broke into their drug stockpiles



I need to BULLY some homosexualS and I need to do it RIGHT NOW


File: 1735887711999.png (47.3 KB, 512x512, 1f621.png)



Definitely FOE


bully BEGONE




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File: 1735890004114.jpg (260.22 KB, 900x292, ClipboardImage.jpg)


I fucking hate shallow people.


video games!
wie lustig


there there, nonny


I hate fucking shallow people.


I'll take one off your hands






He was already here


I know you're trying to trick me because I was going to comment how I couldn't find it in the post form. then I refreshed and saw it had been added lol


wow, I only just noticed that this post changed the word order. I thought anon just double posted for impact


Additionally added :gay: and :buckleup:

There are also some that simply have no home on the post form until I add a few more to fill out a row for their inclusion (tism)


ooh, secret sticker…


Secret stickers…



This one is never getting a tab, but pixel's neko 100 can also be invoked

Will probably be easier to pick up on with the tooltips.


all 100?


dumb moment lmao, forgive me



Think I'll cherish this moment of rest myself.


good night, sleep tight!


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File: 1735894127710-1.png (105.04 KB, 555x387, analysis 2.png)

File: 1735894127710-2.png (172.89 KB, 768x553, analysis 3.png)


roblox developers can make cool songs for their games


File: 1735897180906.jpg (121.95 KB, 308x272, ClipboardImage.jpg)




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File: 1735899295273-1.png (409.75 KB, 480x580, blowsyou.png)




File: 1735902847386.mp4 (6 MB, 1920x1080, AnEvilGuestOrigin.mp4.mp4)


Spray paint on a chalkboard. Good one Tatsuya.


It's good but you should add more than just cheese. The bread gore looks irregular but that's the best type of bread. Making your own bread in the oven is special, it's always better even than what you get at the bakery while it's fresh and warm.


hai hsg. Hows everyone doing? i recently started receiving my first death threats related to rotting angels so that's fun


where is he


whatever I totally don't miss you anyways


I'm talking about RoW obv not to cause any confusion


As OP, I wanna say a few things.

First, it's funny that mentally sick people are calling me "homosexual" because I made mistakes on my first 4chan thread. Call me whatever you want: homosexual, sissy, trans, bisexual, gay, etc. I simply don't care because it's not true. LOL. Just a straight guy trying to have fun here.

I'm not repulsed by black wwomen, by the way. I just find white wwomen more attractive. It's simply my kink to find white legs sexy. That's why I wrote "no blacks" and then wrote "no black woman leg" to explain it right after I posted 3 videos and a GIF. Just to be clear, I didn't mean to be racist, even though I know most people simply don't care about that.

I never thought that a simple leg thread would turn into a discussion thread where everyone is yelling "homosexual" at each other. But I now see that some people need explanations like they're 3 years old.

Just please, after this point, focus on sharing some legs instead of fixating on "no black" or "biological females only" stuff. Post whatever you want, as long as the video focuses on a biological woman's legs. I don't care if the woman is black, white, orange, yellow, pink, or green—as long as that's her real skin color. I don't care about who is fucking.


>"didn't even read that trash" (he must be joking)


>Get your hands off each other's diick2, everyone! REASON summaries over, or anonymized only from here.
Fuck you.


>Allegedly he’s literally still running What Pumpkin as we speak,
No, he's not. Where did you hear that from?


Happy Tree Friends will come.


Sigh worthy.




Homestar Runner is not actually good and is for babies, what's the appeal?


>jocks unironically
Kiwi has devolved. It used to be about jokes. The primary reason it devolved is that the despite the "no-interaction rule", doxxing was seen as a-OK "uhhhh because it was done to Chris Chan" and "because it produces lolz while not necessarily ruining their life" (even though it can have real world consequences.)

Now it is not a place for jokes. It is a place for 8ITCHy, angry people in cliques. Also, it's chuddy. That's basically what distinguishes from Lolcow at this point. Self-serious West-savers vs. people who just embrace the Mean Girl full-on.


Be warned that insulting Homestar Runner is a bannable offense. :sry:




>there was this morbid NEET turkish guy



File: 1735912025730.jpeg (221.25 KB, 836x1180, IMG_2931.jpeg)


I wish I had parents like that.


This is how China wins.



I didn't know… Nevertheless, I don't get it. My friend also likes it.


FUCK cereal.


Who let grandpa use new tech?


Sometimes silly things are just silly. That's what always annoys me with Homestar Runner HATE (which is rare because it's past its time but still.) :douzo:


>Beg to get F4RT for multiple threads
>Someone actually posts it
>"Uh dont add anything i post as a sticker"
>Even though he didn't fucking draw it and has basically no right to complain ownership over it
>MEX just doesn't fucking add it
>DEMANDS still aren't met
>Yes, even the ones you said you'd add, dickweed


Unfortunately, my sleep schedule is back to "normal."


Quite frankly, you're kind of dumb for being so easily confused by the most transparent of lampshading. :prose:


It's over…


You never were the sharpest tool in the shed but that's okay. :breakitdownwhitegirl:




File: 1735915532246.jpg (2.81 KB, 555x29, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Nobody has ever done this shit in their entire life.


File: 1735915749801.jpg (265.82 KB, 340x627, ClipboardImage.jpg)


File: 1735915792997.jpg (554.46 KB, 760x420, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Looks good. :neckbeard:


Let me hear your thoughts on Murder Drones, Sprunkiscrunkly.


What in the world for?


File: 1735915941813.jpg (13.39 KB, 171x217, ClipboardImage.jpg)

how many sequels does duck life have


Out here asking the real questions. My resources are telling me 9, with 10 on the way in 2025.


"No it isn't."


File: 1735916225015.jpg (183.58 KB, 1280x720, ClipboardImage.jpg)


Yes, it is. :grr:


No. And since the "crisis" seems to have settled back down to a low simmer of flirting, I'm about to take your keys and make you fill out a job application like a regular stiff.


Yes. :grr:
>nd since the "crisis" seems to have settle back down to a low simmer of flirting
Retarded, for a number of reasons.
>I'm about to take your keys and make you fill out a job application like a regular stiff.
Doubly retarded. Spiteful, even?


Oh my God, you stupid fucking asshole.


>Spiteful, even
Not overly, it's largely fairmindedness with ZERO ULTERIOR MOTIVES.



>Not overly, it's largely fairmindedness

Also, we literally agreed to banning him during the night but you just let him run free and now that's in part justification for making me fill out a forum because of delusions of professionalism on a tiny Homestuck altchan.


The AI gormless detachment makes this pretty funny actually


Was it all worth it then? :meh:


Now this was one of the "really well-respected albums" I threw in as sort of a lifesaver to reenergize me in my TRAWLING efforts.

And yes, I can say this is leagues basically everything else I've posted here. There is a wide variety of sound and song structure, the drums are nice and snappy and not just relegated to a slurring blast beat, and in general, there are some novel and very appealing "sounds" to be heard. However, I can't quite get into it- at least to the point of loving it.

I can critically observe that this is some high-quality stuff with some craftsmanship put into it but aside from nitpicks (such as disliking the vocals in parts), my overall criticism is that it doesn't feel very oppressive for black metal which is a huge negative. It is also rather slow tempo which is a personal preference but I dislike it.

This one is worthy of a relisten though (FOR THE COVETED CHART) I will now listen to the other, supposedly even better album from this band.


My stance, from the start, has been one of "tolerance". Perhaps overmuch as it can start draining the quality of the thread.
But it is true he can go psychotic troll mode (or this is his natural state and any cordiality is a mask, lol), those can get deleted.

You'll have good odds. While I'm not so fond of "cute" mod-power :outy:Biznasty:outy: jokes, you would be the first applicant to answer Shai'hulud with the proper secret handshake.



Would more or less food coloring make it look appetizing, I wonder. That's a very half-settled wood glue look it's got now.
Well, I'm sure they focus tested this.


What a disgusting muttoid opinion to express. I hope you feel shame for unironically typing out "they should have added food dye to this fast food."


I'm not flirting with anyone it's literally your fault for getting me obsessed like this


Reply to the right post next time, loony.


I take like hour long naps in between every posting session I'm sorry :WASTED:


It's all but guaranteed they added color to make it more appetizing/eye catching, so it's more a question of measure.
Not anything I'd personally buy, since they probably use soy oil instead of butter


>It's all but guaranteed they added color to make it more appetizing/eye catching, so it's more a question of measure.
>Not anything I'd personally buy, since they probably use soy oil instead of butter
No doubling back to make yourself look good on this one. :akanbe:


>any cordiality is a mask
it's more like a slip up of my buried humane parts, can you imagine how draining it is to be on the offensive nearly all day?


>can you imagine how draining it is to be on the offensive nearly all day
No. :awesome:


go terrorize wizchan for 5 days and see if you can keep it up without emotionally caving in/excusing yourself out before success :tsun: I'm feeling physical headaches now


I said it looks like wood glue that is halfway between liquid and air dried.

This understatedly writes the hunnabutter off as goy feed and begins judging it on the merits of "is it tempting goy feed" instead.



No, I don't think I'd ever even consider doing that because I'm not a maniac. :meh:


It does look good so shut each and every one of your spicano alien mouths, spazmin.


I've been jonesing for that F4RT pic for awhile, so I'll probably add it anyway.
As for the original ownership, who really knows…


>I've been jonesing for that F4RT pic for awhile, so I'll probably add it anyway.
Add :B3LCH: too and the Dave, you Aspie.



Would need to be Vriska to maintain BALANCE
But blase Dave with a blunt? Really? I was content to let Anon keep that one in their personal reaction folder.


File: 1735919897339.png (3.33 KB, 455x380, the_absolute_state.png)

>Would need to be Vriska to maintain BALANCE
Fuck Vriska, plus that's OC.
>But blase Dave with a blunt?

I would want Dave lighting himself on fire too but I can't find that one right now. ("Because.")



I'm losing grip again


It's decently funny, quotable, cute, and yes, generally wholesome family fare enough that people watched it as children and grew nostalgic.

Thoughts on Peasant's Quest?




>Dave lighting himself on fire
free palestine


He would say that, that fucking tool.


Just noticed that this was .mp4.mp4, lel. :cal:


It'll go on any sticker should you find the pic


This happened to my bullies


But I don't want that text. He's saying "Because" in that pic. I just want him saying that. :grr:


Might be funny enough as is, I'd assumed textless.
"Can I see it?"


File: 1735920330372.png (112.11 KB, 783x745, 1713905764391554.png)



Take your time~


why it double vivion?? Mucha blurra?


John has been drinking


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File: 1735921162629.png (191.18 KB, 543x527, 1594269316468.png)

I can't fucking find it. It's probably not in my Homestuck folder. Fuck you, DEMANDS


I guess this is just TRVE KVLT. They just went fucking hogwild with this one. That's all there really is to say on the matter.


File: 1735921412134.jpg (9.62 KB, 1599x35, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Spent like 20 minutes trying to find a fucking picture so all the good will that could have been in me from listening to good black metal has been sapped out of me.




Good effort
I'd assumed you'd be multitasking it, though.




File: 1735921688263.gif (492.69 KB, 816x624, 1661277987472-1.gif)

I don't like doing that.

This is my effort looking outside my Homestuck folder.
Sending me to shitty synthHell again, I see. :meh:


File: 1735923206728.png (178.25 KB, 635x359, cool idea.png)

Still couldn't find it, I'm blowing my fucking brains out.


I'm thinking clear bg for this.


No, fuck off.



File: 1735924355865.jpg (137.17 KB, 650x437, epic_comic_i_loooooooove_c….jpg)

Quadruple-checked my Homestuck folder and all the subfolders. It's somewhere in my downloads. Fuck you, listen to me.


>It's good but you should add more than just cheese.
it had anchovies as well, and sauce (on the side). you're right that more substantial toppings are nice though, I just didn't have any ready to go this time. if I'm ordering pizza I like green peppers, mushrooms, onions, sausage, anchovies… I usually try to exercise some restraint though so the top doesn't become a pool of bland vegetable water
but yeah, I know it's not exactly a beautiful sight. sorry, I'll stop serving you guys the scraps I deem not good enough for marzichan (´・ω・`)


>ohhh it's so hard being an angry exhausting troll
then stop. don't do that.


stop being so grumpy


>stop being so grumpy
I'm looking for a fucking picture for well over an hour now. I have the right to be grumpy. :grr:


>death threats
related to the rhoda incident?


but don't take it out on your friends!


Maybe I can just add neocities flame.gif to dave strider.png
he would've liked it that way


I'm not.
No, I'll find it, you fuck.


>I'm not.


Keep digging, I guess…

Maybe STICKER HATER has it?






"talk to me on a public imageboard that I'm already using regularly because I can't spare the time nor effort for anything tgat doesn't serve itself to me on a silver plate of convenience"


Literally me


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File: 1735926155943.jpg (327.76 KB, 624x1000, ClipboardImage.jpg)


Good due diligence on their part… Though it's like a "good luck finding the charge, sucker" at this point




I still say we can just light Dave on fire ourselves.


rest easy ne


>what's in it for me?
What's in it for you to continue? :slap:


inb4 "principle"


i must break you


why me?



What the shit is this fuck


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Spike Chudsoft seemed involved with the Japanese necrodancer, probably because of their claim on Mystery Dungeon


Not metal.


neither are you, but we keep you around


sunk cost + despite being a complete jackass everywhere else you somehow managed to drag me through the mud one way or another for 4 months now (with 0 tangible progress) + you're by far the first person to ever treat me so horribly



"Black glass" sounds pretty classy too, though, hmm?


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File: 1735927793479.jpg (Spoiler Image, 648.64 KB, 810x622, ClipboardImage.jpg)

I guess he hasn't heard.


ok ESL 😂😂


I can't read Japanese.




Thanks for taking away my mod powers for epic formalities XD


I am become MEX?


File: 1735927883705.png (4.57 KB, 250x250, 1591345152091.png)

I'm going to lay down. This shit gave me a headache. Fuck you, MEX. DEMANDS


You can't into how people talk on anonymous imageboards, spergtard?


Rest easy, though, for real


no I can't and please don't call me a spergtard unless you want me to start crying in front of the entire board again


>you're by far the first person to ever treat me so horribly
ABLUBLUBLBULUBOOHOO :baw::baw::baw::baw::baw:


>>you're by far the first person to ever treat me so horribly
you don't fucking be MEAN to a BPDemon it just backfires and they get attached thousandfold you retard


hush, CoC
I honestly don't know how he got that mixed up, unless he thinks you're secretly lowercaseposting on the side

nonny D:
you don't have to work so hard…

I don't think I have enough context to confidently complete the joke, even being able to read the screenshot


File: 1735928190416.jpg (112.97 KB, 215x338, ClipboardImage.jpg)

>hush, CoC


no, silly :pantywaist:


File: 1735928426104.png (248.47 KB, 736x736, nepetamilkdrunk.png)

good meowing everypony


i meant to say meowning its so FUCKING OVER.


hilarioso 🤣🤣 ajajaja KKKKKKK



It's okay, hangover


stop drinking before ur livers go "unf ugh 💀" you screwhead


File: 1735929276391-0.png (Spoiler Image, 41.46 KB, 640x360, Comments_stamp_02_jp[1].png)

File: 1735929276391-1.png (Spoiler Image, 65.63 KB, 640x360, Comments_stamp_06_en[1].png)

I still say these should be transparent bg, but let's see the filesizes


transparent, but keep the background color as a thick outline for the text
just my 2c :^3



thx 4 the free (You) bozo


I didn't even notice until you replied just now




hey MEX, can we get a wordfilter for this?


For "No", you fucking retard?


it was just a joke nonny..


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File: 1735930113564.jpg (121.83 KB, 289x221, ClipboardImage.jpg)


New manifesto oh booooooy
big scoop guys :wifeguy:



File: 1735930294707-0.png (23.5 KB, 418x240, cool idea2.png)

File: 1735930294707-1.png (18.39 KB, 346x240, muri2.png)

It pathetic for the smaller ones to be weightier than the higher res, so indexed


66.6 FM EP revamped
6 tracks EP with an ongoing theme of "the devil hijacks local radio while they're on an ad break and forces the regular listeners to listen to his garbage mixtape before the actual hosts come back and he has to make an abrupt exit"


Sounds fucking gay.


Is it Power Electronics?


Let's see if the image reveals itself once this hits full.


um, your username..


I mean homosex *is* a sin so?

didn't think of the genre だろ, just had loose ideas like "tracks that sound like hellish product placements" and some "evil radio programs"


So fucking what? I had already showed it here. :…:




At ghost times?


Vaguely already Songs For The Deaf but also, kill yourself.


No. It's where :heh: thinks he got my IP from because I apparently live in a New Jersey Airport.


okay, sorry, I just thought it might've been an accident
anon you're really spiky today (; :::;)


>okay, sorry, I just thought it might've been an accident
I don't care.


He's a stupid enough cunt that he wouldn't have noticed if you didn't point it out.


Hicksville is nvked…



Alright, they are a bit taller than the others which might get fixed



Unmodding me was a very cool idea.


IP geolocations aren't accurate yeah, you'll probably get the nearest server which doesn't mean anything about the accuracy of the IP address.

Mine returns either Istanbul or whatever two cities away location, doesn't mean it's NOT my IP address though.


File: 1735931020648.jpg (75.44 KB, 838x98, ClipboardImage.jpg)


No, you got it off of Rainmeter which has a broken IP address which probably isn't even the person who made its IP anymore, you dumb fucking tool. :ohoho:


File: 1735931124340.jpg (897 B, 234x30, ClipboardImage.jpg)

I think I unbanned your main one, please use that. Unless you'd like to keep pumping out unique IPs count


>who made its IP anymore
>made IP
you're genuinely slow man I'm sorry but I don't have the energy to explain techno shmegma to you


Who made the Rainmeter, you fucking invalid.


>I think I unbanned your main one
For. What. Fucking. Purpose.


Google Adsense when you turn 32


It was excruciating doing the reason posts


Yeah, maybe he should just fucking leave?


>It's a fucking airport
>Can't comprehend the sentence telling him that the Rainmeter app returns a false IP to begin with


I mean, if turkey-san wants to keep showing his hot-cold love language to everyone in public…


File: 1735931317929.jpg (61.64 KB, 792x95, ClipboardImage.jpg)


:gramps: save some blue pills for me, rose!


How about don't unmod me and he leaves me alone forever, you fucking tard


cybercriminal mastermind
(installed tor browser)


unban , it's not my naked IP but I'll still have to post through cloudflare because dicsord is BANNED due to child grooming circles


Here's a counter-proposal: don't unban him.


I'm like 70% convinced you have BPD not APD like your dumbass thinks ngl


>hot-cold love language


You are not a good judge of character not least of all because you're a general-purpose fucking moron.


Hardly. I keep people at an arm's length. I don't lovebomb them and then tell them they're literally worthless between breaths. :saitei:


notice how there's this strange pull between whichever one of us starts acting decent the other one gets shittier and shittier? I love it.




Yoooouuuuu look quiiiiite diviiiiiine toniiiiight


Certainly not explainable through outside circumstances such as:
MEX not banning you when we agreed to ban you over the night. MEX continuing to allow you to post. MEX even offering to unban you main IP.
Me being unmodded.
Me spending hours trying to find a picture.
Me still having to deal with the consequences of you shitting out my social media information everywhere.

I don't want to be around you. I want you to leave me the fuck alone.


File: 1735931699848.gif (29.17 KB, 500x426, kanayaunimpressed.gif)

looks like the drama crew is back in town. oh boy.


well that's a you issue buddy megidochan is my home I love my megidohomies get used to it


Blame the admin for unmodding me like a fucking retard for retarded reasons.


Literally no one likes you here.


not that extreme… you have a heart, and you're not crazy. but you do alternate between literally saying "no, stay, I love you" and just being very grumpy, replying mostly "fuck you" or other dismissive things (´・ω・`)
it's okay, I believe you are trying…

aspd or avpd?


no dude i will blame you for having a retarded fucking meltdown. you should never have been modded in the first place.


I know, right?

Some people enjoy that flavor of thread, but…


We're like best buddies with MEX and RoW already

teh lattur


File: 1735931821296.jpg (72.07 KB, 500x426, ClipboardImage.jpg)



File: 1735931849615.jpg (55.25 KB, 736x414, f7c44ddd7b8ff18a126ee0f065….jpg)

Delightful, isn't it?


>Some people enjoy that flavor of thread, but…
You literally brought this on yourself, you retarded motherfucker. Tell me the reason why unmodding me was good.
>you should never have been modded in the first place.
Go away, fucking stalker.


thats just a bug on ur screen bro. i cant see anything.


I See You Have Become Awared Of One Of My Many Charm Points



you literally said "here's a place to stalk me" when you first sent me a link to megidochan

also that wasn't me bbg


>you literally said "here's a place to stalk me" when you first sent me a link to megidochan
Which to a sane person should become immediately invalid once I start saying "Leave me alone" and "Go away."


>Go away, fucking stalker.
i dont even know you. im just reacting to the literal insane swathes of public bans lately which im guessing were from you and basically amounted to continuing your random meltdowns but with mod powers.
i dont even know if you are the person that was doing that but it seems very fucking reasonable to demod that person so im taking a wild guess that it was you.




>Gives out inseperable methods of communication to people then ends up regretting doing so but fails to get rid of them due to the nature of the comms channel
this is BPD behavior dude, this is like me giving my number to a girl and saying "harass me on here if I try ghosting you"


Moronic if you aren't false-flagging.


Giving someone your number when you're dating isn't an excuse to call them every single day 5 years after you've stopped dating, you fucking moron. Gain some theory of mind. Not everyone is literally you and/or an NPC.


you should genuinely both be banned for 3 days and pray to god it instills some sense in you both.
dude i can barely fucking follow your schizo rants as it is so i guess "moronic"?? lol?




Well, honestly, I felt a little manipulated into modding you at the start…
All that pointless fighting, and people accusing me of indecision when I know exactly how BIG INTERNET FIGHT bullshit can go.

So the mod powers were kind of an "alright, have fun banning him" as a result of arm twisting. Resolving things out in the open if possible is my ideal.

Think of this like a "do over" through the proper channels… for my own honor. You're still the only respondant who knew the proper call-response to Shai'hulud, so!


You're so fucking stupid it's unreal.


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just calm down please :3:


I think you need to kill yourself you fucking roach.


>Well, honestly, I felt a little manipulated into modding you at the start…
You were a dumbass not to ban him to begin with. Fuck you.


i'm glad i'm not the only one who freaks shit when i see a beauty mark


c'est l'esprit!


im stupid because i dont care about some irrelevant fucking internet drama you have with some guy and dont want to see it fill up every thread and ESPECIALLY dont want to see it legitimized by making one side on the drama team become a fucking mod??? ok dude. you are straight up fucking delusional.
how the literal fuck is it not THIS GUY thats the one being banned lol. its kind of insane. i actually cant believe this guy was modded. as an outsider its kind of fucking unbelievable lol.


We're you the "DERSITE" applicant?


unga bunga sex horny srsly guise
Kill yourself.



it was mostly a joke about the stray pixel, to be honest. but kanaya is extremely beauty-mark coded


He's foundational, as it were.
MoM is fun to talk to/trade barbs with, in most circumstances.


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this is pretty true i think


MEX started handing out DERSITE applications??


just fyi you replied to two different people in the second half of your post


> ESPECIALLY dont want to see it legitimized
Banning him for stalking the thread is not fucking legitimizing it. He was being annoying in the threads before I was a mod, you dipshit.

I wanted him to fuck off and the admin was twiddling his fucking thumbs so I did his job for him. Do tell how this makes the problem worse.
>as an outsider its kind of fucking unbelievable lol.
Yeah, as an outsider. Shut your fucking mouth.


You're fucking stupid.


is there a troll with a beauty mark? I don't remember
I might just be thinking of the one with snake bites


No but someone filled out the mod app with DERSITE in every field (beside expressing their desire for UID)


They're fucking retarded.


I was literally contributing to normal conversations unrelated to you when you first got moderatorship to ban me, I don't want to escalate the argument any further or anything else but still


Oooh, one out of the three false positives, Lord fucking forbid! :spareme:


the only annoying thing i saw was you both arguing. and not gonna lie dude you always came off way more aggressive and annoying. he seemed to mostly want to back out of it.
you wanting a person you hate to "fuck off" is really not a good fucking reason to be a mod at all and actually makes you unqualified more than anything. you're literally just seeking power to fulfill ur vendetta bro.
whatever im not gonna talk about this anymore because i dont want to get sucked into the stupid fucking back and forth that i've already established, IS FUCKING DUMB.
kanaya has one now. it can be our fanon.



>kanaya has one now. it can be our fanon.
It's on her chest, however.


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>he seemed to mostly want to back out of it.
By continuing to stay here.
>you wanting a person you hate to "fuck off" is really not a good fucking reason to be a mod at all
He is literally here to spite me. He has never read Homestuck.

You're a fucking moron. Admit it. Your points are fucking stupid, you're a newfag, and if you had any say in what fucking happened, the site would already be dead. Kill yourself.


My vendetta.




>not gonna lie dude you always came off way more aggressive and annoying. he seemed to mostly want to back out of it.
I wish the thread wasn't full of fighting too, but I think this is an unfair portrayal. turkey switches personality drastically and while MoM's aggressive response isn't really effective in addressing the issue, turkey is definitely more in the wrong for obsessively ban evading through dozens of IPs, leaking MoM's contact info in public threads, admitting that their main reason for coming here is to make MoM suffer so they "learn to treat people nicer", etc




I'm not here to spite you and when I asked if I should read homestuck you said "No it sucks"

I love you, just calm down please


Go away.


please just calm down and let's continue the thread like it naturally goes without the two of us arguing in any fathomable way

you'd enjoy it more too…


Well said.

But the vampire was kinda welcomed in past the threshold at this point. So unless someone wants the full time unpaid job of BPD wrangler and anonymous-post-sentiment-analyst…


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really witty and clever to do a parting "kill yourself" bro. it really makes you look sane and totally in the right and not like you're having an insane meltdown after finally having ur mod abuse stopped. Peace.


if there's one thing I hope you've all learned from this: maybe meizen.org's feature of requiring an email address/registration to post isn't actually the worst thing on the internet


> So unless someone wants the full time unpaid job of BPD wrangler and anonymous-post-sentiment-analyst…
>Mod abuse
>Banning my fucking stalker


Epic. XD


hey, don't snarkpost at me… I'm on your side…


Yeah, but unfortunately you're one of side of the spat… So mod actions play into the power games coolhot dynamic.


Retarded. Retard. :saitei:


Complete mischaracterization of the situation.


mischaracterize these fucking nuts on ur face dude.


That's how it felt. I know you'd likely just :burn: everything if that was possible with the vichan moderation toolkit.


I know exactly why he feels how he's feeling right now and due to my BPD status I can 200% guarantee you I'd be able to calm him down if we had contact/he didn't hate my guts atm


Literally just ban all of Southern Europe (and Brazil.)



idk, I think the beauty mark makes sense precisely because it fits her character

yeah I agree lol, it's crazy to see people suddenly defending turkey because they come in here and see MoM raging without reading/taking in all the context…(´・ω・`)ショボーン


Epic zoomer reply! Valuable, cool, new user!


>and Brazil



Country of subhumans like the one trying to ruin this place.


Update a wiki with the MoM/turkey lore


dude you're all over the place in terms of your professed feelings about this guy. frankly the obsessive stalking and spiteful info leaking is a huge breach of trust, I would want to cut you out if I was him for sure. you don't get to just be nice :3 kissy face after that, sorry


MoM/turkey deepdive



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no motherfuckin problem zillenial bro.


They tried to do it but they're schizo.


Even worse. Drink bleach.


:o( no need to be so mean


late thought for MEX - for the generation bracket question, you should've given years instead of nicknames, since the exact borders are a common subject of debate


it takes more than that buddy

days ago I hinted at exactly how third parties would come to side against the status quo, I'm not trying to act like einstein here but I knew the moderation response was going to do exactly this and rally third parties on my side, and I specifically played into it to let "you" guys paint yourself exactly how others started perceiving it

I could explain far more of my understanding of these situations but I'm sure it'd just get brushed off as "he's acting 200 iq manime swagger haha" so I won't bother


>days ago I hinted at exactly how third parties would come to side against the status quo, I'm not trying to act like einstein here but I knew the moderation response was going to do exactly this and rally third parties on my side, and I specifically played into it to let "you" guys paint yourself exactly how others started perceiving it

Holy shit, kill yourself, you fucking dildo.


I'd considered that, but it's more of a feel thing to begin with in the end

Like Zillyhoos would be 96~01? It's hardly official…


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>you fucking dildo
I um I actually sat down to read about the US vs the Taliban conflict for the past few days too just fyi, the "one man taliban" thing wasn't just a funny name


okay man dont act like you're some 4d chess motherfucker out here playing everyone. this is a little embarrassing.
zillenial doesnt come into the 2000s at all.


this is just NOT the mood to be building on a fryday…
what we need is to all get together around a big basket of french fries and dipping sauces and hash it out oily style
turkey not invited (>ω・)b


>okay man dont act like you're some 4d chess motherfucker out here playing everyone. this is a little embarrassing.
Look who hasn't been paying any attention.

Thanks for the other undeserved headache, MEX, you fucking dolt.


If only…


I would cry


yeah it's "embarrassing" except everything worked out exactly how I planned them out


>everything worked out exactly how I planned them out
Neck yourself.


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i'm reading TwoKinds blind today


You're a sub-meme?


Webcomics are such fucking garbage.


>roundly hated except for by a couple people who haven't heard the whole story
>turning the threads into nonstep pitchpal drama


not really dude you still seem to have a reputation for doxxing which isnt exactly a desirable trait by any measure. and no one is on your 'side' i dont think. please dont mistake anything i have posted in this thread to somehow be indicative that i am on your 'side'. as far as im concerned you should both be given a break so you can learn how to not expose the thread to all your blackrom flirtations. keep that shit in dms.





Another wrinkle, however, is that MoM is a bit too honest to ban evade… So "timeouts" for both would essentially just be cutting him off while :feast: gets to run free.


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Homestuck barely even qualifies as a comic. It's like a picturebook for manchildren.


8ased STUCK user.


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Initial objective:
Break the will of the opposing forces and make them question their cause.

Approach and methodology:
Make no compromise for the sake of trying to maintain any public image.
Be unstoppable.
Be unpredictable.
Be a ghost and make them chase ghosts.
Cause infighting and let their methods cause collateral damage to civvies and harm public image.
Make no negotiations and only ever present them your terms.

Most importantly; Expose all the errors and faultiness of their own behaviors to them in ways that turns the situation into "We're not just fighting turk anymore but we're also fighting each other and even third parties struggle to support us at this point".

A lot more thought went into this on my end however, because I genuinely spent some days reading about the taliban and their asymmetrical warfare methods.

Shame me for the nerdiness, I do not care.




>as far as im concerned you should both be given a break
I don't think MoM's anger is helping per se but it's not like there's something obvious he should be doing to make this stop
as long as MoM is here and visibly posting, turkey will hang out here to oscillate between visciously hating him and making kissy eyes at him. the no-registration system of the site means there's no way to mod turkey effectively

so I think the frustration with MoM is a little misplaced honestly. the only thing he could do to bring peace without just leaving the site (not acceptable) is to blow turkey and e-date him (also not acceptable)


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Frankly, I don't think this bullshit works.

I don't even think it works at identifying text at all.


My opinion on anything hasn't really shifted, though…


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>I genuinely spent some days reading about the taliban and their asymmetrical warfare methods
oh no no no…


HSG enjoys a degree of infigthing, anyway.


yeah i would simply ignore him i guess. lol.
the thing is MoM doesnt want to. because they have a blackrom thing.


>the thing is MoM doesnt want to. because they have a blackrom thing.
No, fuck off. See how well you could deal with this shit. I'll put a fucking gypsy curse on you. Get fucked, moron.


"No, it fucking doesn't."
"No, it fucking shouldn't."
"He has nothing to do with Homestuck."


>because they have a blackrom thing.
I like to make troll romance jokes too, but don't mistake MoM's exhausted rage for any sort of fulfillment or enjoyment. he just wants his special little community back (no derision intended) but this obsessive hatestalker won't let up


also the solution to ban evaders is just to keep banning them lol. even evaders on 4chan get tired after while except a really select few ultra-schizos. and most of them are more just lolcows.
the fucking point is you do it SILENTLY though. you dont hand out endless red texts, because that literally just rewards the person for ban evading. they got want they wanted.


I mean, you kinda did drop one on all of us…

That's why I think UID is an imperfect but decent solution. Rando drive-by hate/loveposts with no past can be written off as "oh yeah, just that nutter again"

I know it's embarrassing… but I'd be right there with you adding up to 40% of the thread


>you dont hand out endless red texts
I stopped for the most part yesterday. Guess who didn't keep banning him though? WE LITERALLY DM'D ABOUT THIS.



I do agree. I can see why it's hard for him to be dispassionately terse about things, though (setting MoM's natural WORDS WORDS WORDS disposition aside)


I didn't start tonight's bout, I was just posting normal mostly and being pretty sweet actually

you'll notice how earlier I was being far more aggressive and MoM was ignoring me entirely, but once I started being more civil we started getting into this

I don't exactly know *what* the issue is but this is a cycle that has some underlying psychological context more than just "they hate each other", it might have to do with dominating the attention/conversations or something similar


I kinda feel like the only successful moderation strategy (other than waiting for turkey to tire of things) would be to ban all turkey posts and (briefly) ban anybody who replies to them. it would cause a lot of annoyance for other users though, I think

turkey, did you really fall for MoM that badly? don't you have a minor to go quasi-DIAP or something? he doesn't want you anymore, period. anything you try to do is only gonna make him even more "done" with you


You're so fucking stupid, it's unreal. No, I hate just him.


Shallow comments for a shallow cunt.


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>he uses Steam


Oh no! Not…. using Steam…?



DD2 wasn't cracked, and… :cry:


you can argue its unconscious i guess, but when MoM keeps raging at him and keeps getting back responses, and then keeps giving those rage-attention in an endless cycle - wouldn't you say that MoM is feeding it? If he really wanted it to stop, wouldn't it be better to just starve the dude of attention until he got bored? Idk.


I can "leave" if that must happen again (´・ω・`)ショボーン


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actull you're turkey aren't you


I can leave too. We can all fucking leave MEX to his empire of fucking shit because he decided to make stupid fucking decisions to please nobody nowhere.


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I don't know how to use this shit. It doesn't make any sense.


i now know ur name is Ian. Nice self doxx bro.


you might want to uncheck regex if you're just doing plain string searches


Late + I don't fucking care, you stupid cunt.


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Peace and quiet. Wonder if Zwidler would come back to me, then


Oh no, my first fucking name.


And suck on your microcock, you fairy asshuffer.



Hope you enjoy your humorless commie pseud cocksock in this hypothetical.


Well, I'm not trying to chase anyone away here.
But I don't like to beg, either. Zwid's has a funnybone, he even put our quotes about him on his wall.


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If it's breaking, does that mean it's working?


"this is all about asserting dominance, the moment I start talking civil the lot of you BARKBEASTs start rallying once again and the only time you stop is after you realize there is no end to the banning 9999 IP addresses and no end to the arguments because I bark back harder than you ever do until you stop trying altogether

wallahi the mujahideen knows nothing if not struggle"


I genuinely didn't mean to triplepost but at this point you can't blame anyone other than yourself for forcing my hand to use dodgy vpns


>Zwid's has a funnybone
Like the ones in your fingers.
>he even put our quotes about him on his wall.
Passive-aggressive deflectiveness. My favorite kind of "humor." Come on, he doesn't have a vagina; we don't have to lower our standards that low.

He's a shriveled up self-righteous cunt who should be more tired of himself than the Internet.


I've decided I'm not going to reply to obvious turkeyposts anymore
>I'm doing my part!


No one is forcing you to stay, retard.


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>nigga called IAN made fun of me for andy


relax im just breaking ur balls dude i know it no big deal


I think you're conflating "Andy Jr." with yourself again.


More weight to the UID side of the scale…


"Hello, Andy. Meow meow mrrrr."


>He's a shriveled up self-righteous cunt who should be more tired of himself than the Internet.
How "yasagure"!


Fuck this site. Fuck you, MEX.


"You want it?"


>the rhoda incident?
ah nice, you guys know what i'm talking about, yep
I dunno whats wrong with the guy and I hope he gets help lmao

i banned one of our mods for being a tweaker dumbass who wouldn't stop spamming the site and my dicsord DMs with incomprehensible nonsense, how he's whining about how much I suck and i'm not allowed to be mean to him because he's a "bipolar drug addict" and he also posts how much he wants to kill me, keeps evading IP bans, and that unless I delete my drugs board (not gonna happen lol), he says he's gonna "take down" the site or whatever. Fucking lunacy. Very entertaining.

I'm sure freakouts like this would probably peek the interest of at least someone else here, so here's a link to the kind of shit he's posting:


You singlehandedly caused tonight's drama because you couldn't go on three minutes when I'm being civil you fucking spastic, go squirm





That's… Well, thank you for putting megidochan's personal drama in perspective.
I'll be rooting for you!


>I'll rooting for you!


I'll will been that


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that me


same 8)


honestly…? small price to pay for fixing this
I'd love to see the results for a new poll after all that's happened


I really hope MoM feels better and rejoins the conversation soon though


Polling or not, I think MoM is the main objector to begin with…
I guess we're fighting? I don't feel mad, but I do kinda see him as this kid brother-like figure so that's hard for me


I'm not trying to fight him, but I do feel the need to object when he mentions me in certain ways. I don't hate him to the bone, I hate some aspects, but I don't feel like that should be reason for me to abstain from expressing one or the other side of how I see things.

I also feel like we need to pay more attention to the psychological notions here, call me freudman if you will, but like I said earlier there's more at play here than just "they hate each other". I won't talk much about how I see those things out of respect though.


uh, this is meant to say that I think enforcing UID won't solve the root of our issues


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It would solve some other peoples issues tho. Not everything is about you two!


Mmh, he's expressed here that you're too intense for his style of communication/being…

Not that I think it'll sort out the issues (I'd suggest severing romantic contact), but the IDs would be more for the benefit of the rest of the thread goers. To parse things out and avoid getting entangled.


fair enough, I'm indifferent to the UIDs for any and all purposes, but I do feel like it'll cause harm to the conversations if I'm being honest.

The conversations don't take place between a handful of people because "some just talk too much", it just has to do with traffic and engagement, but it'll create a negative image when it looks like it's just three-four people talking back and forth.


What's wrong, Megidochan, got something to hide?

I do worry about the experience of the people who are already here over coming off a lil CUHRINGE in the eyes of an imagined outsider, though


it takes a lot of effort to understand how someone's mind works specifically when all the data I have is mostly just public conversations, I'm trying to work out a middleground too but I'LL NEED SOME GOD DAMN TIME TO THINK :cigar:


Well, if we're gonna be quiet, this link should linger for a while


I'll be tending to "leisure activities" meanwhile


please include a reminder in the thread when you turn it on that the point is to quietly check IDs and avoid spurring people on/responding in circles
NOT for people to argue like before but also constantly post screenshots of posts from the same ID and all that


If mister MEX would have the time or interest to discuss my conclusion on the matter he may add 1795777521 on steam because I don't want to share too many details of my opinions publicly and cause any further discomfort.

Otherwise, to summarize, I imagine this is a complete stalemate where I and MoM most probably cannot coexist in the same environment without him wanting to rid my presence or lash out at me, and I imagine if I continue refusing to leave entirely, even if I didn't interact with him at all, he'll probably end up leaving megidochan.


>I'll be tending to "leisure activities" meanwhile


does meg have a typing quirk? what about MEX!meg?


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I see, fair enough.

>Thoughts on Peasant's Quest?

grim search results. I got stuck in the first area and couldn't figure out what to do so the walkaround flashes were better. He looks like Cobson.


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this is so me




Wow he's above it all and not similar in any way to the attention whores he's making fun of because he used irony.


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The Looker Yellow. It's not bad.


i even just had a cigarette in the snow it was emo kino


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Anyone have any thoughts on the tesla bombers final message?


No thanks, you kinda weird me out, so I'd prefer things all out in the anon open here.

If he really feels that strongly about it, I'm fine reinstating MoM-mod powers to patrol and purge your alts to blow off steam. If it looks childish to anyone who might be scrolling down the public ban list later, so be it.
I have held that the squabbling is kind of a waste of time compared hardening the heart. What even was the seed of all this drama? Trading huggy gifs on dicsord and teaming up in league of legends? Fuck me…
But then, that was my position before this week of burning bridges and grasping for "revenge" tactics on your part, so I shouldn't be so blasé. While "edgy" backbiting and squabbles are very HSG (though wearying in excess), mean spirited pranks with peoples usernames is a betrayal of trust.

If you continue to haunt megidochan as an judgmental ottoman ghost that MoM bans on sight… 0k. Sounds like he shared the link in the first place, and while it is kind of a BURDEN on others to endure and police a silly channer spat, you have edged into the realm of harassment more than once.

That said, my own personal feelings:
You, Turkeyposter, contribute a distinctly "underworld" flavor that I'm not otherwise exposed to very much, like in /hsg/'s brief discussion of narcotics last night. That's fairly interesting. The airs of grandeur you occasionally assume can be hilarious too…
I'd like to leave your 104 address un-permabanned, with maybe 3 day timeouts at the furthest extent. If you could respect them when they come, so that everyone involved can do productive things with their time, that'd be an utmost relief.


I had zero thought outside aradias quirk with more ram emoji. I guess there are the wordfilters, japanese loan words, and other local slang for color.


I spent 17 through 21 in drug circles and around criminal fellas if that piques your curiosities mister MEX, I also have a gang tattoo somewhere on my body that MoM may or may not remember

Aside from that, I don't have much intentions of haunting MoM, I'm okay with a "don't bring up anything don't bother each other" moving forth.


Is this Roblox-SCP-Horror?


No, it's a puzzle game. But some have referred to it as a Roblox game, a quiz game, or a word game in the throes of frustration.


>like in /hsg/'s brief discussion of narcotics last nigh
Hey!!!! i contributed a lot to that!!! it wasnt just this guy people hate!!!
regardless pls dont give MoM mod again. if the dude is bein problematic just ban him urself or get a Neutral Third Party to do so.


Oooh, that explains it… I just hung out on /co/ and /jp/, so the most underground thing was maybe 15yo idol and GREEN cosplayer date DIAP discourse.


Reasonable input, thank you.


MEX, you have to let me know when /hot/ gets finished and goes live, because I’m going to run one last Homestealth on /v/ to get spirits up before I reveal that it’s permanently moving to Megi and start a general there


Gah, right. Another thing this spillover has been delaying… I'll try and get the basics up on there



"It stops being cute at 29"


noted, thank you!

>I'm okay with a "don't bring up anything don't bother each other" moving forth

you don't think you're cute anymore?


would some kind soul explain to this poor newfriend what GREEN and DIAP are wordfilters for?




no I mean just having someone interested in the "underworld"
I could tell MEX some bedtime stories of arson and homicide and all that


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u got me man


The green kid

The most humiliating act that can be forced on a woman


See, it'd have been nice if MoM had sensed this feel before getting too out of his depth…


>you don't think you're cute anymore?



I'll wipe that frown off your face!!


yeah i;ve got no clue what ur talking about sorry


Is :wow!: that forgettable?


GREEN is a reference to a certain homestuck character (you can probably figure it out). I mean, you have read homestuck, right?

DIAP is an oldtimey term for pillaging



take it back


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Holy shit, I almost skipped nanfest


oh is it like
for furries or something
ohh and diap is r8p
i get it


oh is it literally just GREEN


i see i was overthinking it i guess
why would you wordfilter that


(I don't know why, I haven't been around that long)


Aranea putting me to sleep.


with a thigh chokehold?


N-no, with her psionics…


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Aranea putting you to sleep and then cuddling with me.


its kind of amusing to me that aranea basically solely exists to fuck up everything and make john have to unfuck everything. thats basically her whole purpose.


It's an in-joke dig over her relative 'uh whatever' characterization compared to John/Rose/Dave

A MoMism lending flavor to the place… I do hope he's alright.



Never LARP, not even once


Hypno x BSS, in a very strange combination


>I do hope he's alright
let's try this…




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Which is fucking retarded as she should have won.
Wouldn't 8e the first time we got cock8locked from gr8ness though.



I feel like I've seen this image before, years ago. intense deja vu.


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Artist is Chomplicated, they make my favourite Araneas.


why would she have won? she obbviously was never gonna be able to beat HIC alone.


I meant she tried to LARP as her 8ad 8itch alt self without the real clout or experience


ohhhhhhhhhhhh right
yeah i agree
was bound to end badly.
u gotta play to ur strengths!! to who u are!! she was trying to be some1 she wasnt..


yeah, I've liked a lot of the ones you've posted :^>
that one in particular just felt really oddly familiar


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>she obbviously was never gonna be able to beat HIC alone.
She a8solutely could have. They seemed evenly matched until Hu¢¢ie decided to 8last away her 8raincells and made her literally stand still as she was getting gra88ed.


she was outmatched. its that simple..


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Lies, slander, malarkey.
If Condy could jo8 that 8adly to Roxy during Collide then she could have easily 8een crushed under a planet.


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Have more.


Strive to be better
The most virtuous merchant
Yes, Mother, I will!



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ghost brain dirk is best dirk as far as im concerned


Says a lot a8out the real Dirk.


the real dirk turned out to be kind of a dickhead so yeah


If you're referring to Ult!Dirk then I advise you to not 8other with HS^2 nor the epilogues to 8egin with.


I don't care for Aranea but this artist is really good and making me like her more.


i read the epilogues and dirk pissed me off so much that i havent read any of ^2/BC


I'd kms in candy too


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Then I 8etter continue. ::::)


good hypno lade


honestly i preferred candy over meat even though they did gamzee so dirty in candy


Gamzee deserve nothing less than the rawest of deals, imo, but I couldn't stomach :candy: to even the halfway mark


hard disagree. gamzee deserved to not be treated like SHIT by a MEAN AND HORRIBLE WRITER.


Huss is nasty to everyone, in some measure though
With the possible exception of his literal me: Dave


does that mean Hu¢¢ie wants to fuck karkat


i will say the one thing that makes me question my connection to him is that fact that i would never, ever, ever do the clowngender leftist juggalo thing unironically


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You shouldn't do it ironically either.


this kind of sounds like you're trying to fuck with the wicked clowns??? like a punk 8ITCH??? but you must surely know that if you fuck with a juggla you will end up a dead duck???


Juggalos don't know how to hypnotize people and i do, so i would win by mass pacification, almighty Ringmaster


I love the original outfits. saved most of these

all this candy/meat talk is making me flirt with the idea of finishing homestuck and reading the epilogues, mostly just to be able to participate in the discourse here. bad idea or terrible idea?


addendum to this - I guess the problem with finishing it is that I would need to reread the whole thing, since it's been a decade


you cant hypnotize a juggalo 8ITCH
and dont say "oh but gamzee got hypnotized"
gamzee is not a real juggalo, he considered them blasphemy afterall!


>bad idea or terrible idea?
Atrociously awful idea.


Meat did offer some better closure for John than the base ending of "He became a depressed NEET and his friends moved on DA END"

Live reading is rare but welcome


wait.. you havent finished it lol?
just reread it and finish. its not that hard.


I really need to bully some homosexuals.


Soc is thataway


>wait.. you havent finished it lol?
no, I was caught up and following it and just sort of fell off at some point during act 6
>just reread it and finish. its not that hard.
it's not exactly a single day's read. the thing is, I have lots of media to go through already, and stuff that is widely beloved instead of half-hated by nearly its whole fanbase

>Live reading is rare but welcome
maaaybe… I was flirting with the idea of liveblogging an amagami playthrough a couple weeks ago, but it's a little late now ;^p plus most people have no idea what that is, so it would be pretty indulgent of me. I guess you could say I was inspired by the sprunkli liveblogging


>all this candy/meat talk is making me flirt with the idea of finishing homestuck and reading the epilogues, mostly just to be able to participate in the discourse here. bad idea or terrible idea?
Reading it genuinely hurt my feelings, which isn't something that happens often. You most likely won't enjoy reading it, but it's your choice.


I'm gonne keep it very short but like
>I couldn't trust this guy to be loyal so I went and talked to other people before he ever had the chance to cheat on me while we were never in a relationship to begin with
Actually gave me a headache to realize this thought process. My apologies, continue.


>Reading it genuinely hurt my feelings, which isn't something that happens often. You most likely won't enjoy reading it, but it's your choice.
Maybe something will awaken in him


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I don't think anyone here has place to talk, least of all myself


it's not canon, right? so even if you don't like what it does to your favorites, can't you just sorta separate it mentally, like an extravagant fanwork?

…are you implying that the epilogues will turn me into an NTR enjoyer?

you're the site owner though, it's different! :pantywaist:


well obviously i didnt expect you to finish it in a day. but u can do it in a couple weeks/month
same it kind of genuinely upset me


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>…are you implying that the epilogues will turn me into an NTR enjoyer?


>it's not canon, right? so even if you don't like what it does to your favorites, can't you just sorta separate it mentally, like an extravagant fanwork?
If a fanwork was that depressing and clearly written with malice it would make me feel bad too.


why do you guys seem to always find a way to start talking about ntr.
its so gross.
i would like to propose ntr be the next thing that gets wordfiltered


I already filtered "優しい人", but sure




The epilogues are a gradient transitioning canon to post-canon


>How not to face your fears 101


is that the true meaning of meat/candy?


I find the NTR chats interesting, but don't be stupid lmao


the prose/concept stuff in the epilogues is horrendously annoying and reminds me of how i wrote at the low point of my life when i was 17/18/19 and the only thing that was going on in my internal world was finding new ways to torture myself


I'd imagine it's how some people cope with their insecurities one way or the other, maybe not *you* but a lot of people out there are like that


I think the intention that the meat and candy are a bit too EXTREME in their commitments to either cause and end up making everything worse.
(The prose where john gorges on raw meat comes to mind)

A "good" epilogue would have tried the blend the too more professionally, like Hamsteak


>(The prose where john gorges on raw meat comes to mind)
you guys are making this shit sound funny lmao


It kind of is, with the benefit of perspective



>you don't like something so you must have an irrational phobia of it


idk how well that actually works unless you've already come to terms with the insecurity and really processed it first though. this may be unfounded, but my impression was kinda that people who depend on fetishism to process their insecurity or personal issues without realizing that's what they're doing can easily end up driving themselves into even more of a mental corner, because they don't understand the forces at play.

kind of like how being a DIAP survivor and using CNC to process that CAN be healthy and helpful, but if you don't have a solid grip on your state of mind and the nature of your trauma, you could develop really unhealthy coping habits

"or something like that"


>kind of like how being a DIAP survivor and using CNC to process that CAN be healthy and helpful






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right there with you pal



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