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The opposite of Homesick
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 No.60204[Last 100 Posts]

wintereenmas is so yesterday edition
old >>58138


Can we delay this one for an actual Christmas edition, MEX?


Redeem Shitcker.


christmas despair




but I'm not MEX :ohdear:




I can paste a santa hat or some ornaments on the cob tomorrow


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Did he just sign off? I hate this stupid fucking corn cob.


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I can do this


it's okay, the OP doesn't matter nearly as much as the thread contents. that wasn't related to my despair anyway


NAO im not on shrooms just a meme flag and in general… idk, are they? I cant judge my self


>it's okay, the OP doesn't matter nearly as much as the thread contents
It's not okay. You literally extended the last thread and refused to make it.
> that wasn't related to my despair anyway
What is?


Do what?


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Cobthumb has been replaced


This cob is cooked


>wintereenmas is so yesterday edition
Not a sexy Aranea in a Christmas outfit edition? What a shame!


I mean, you can share one…:perv:


>It's not okay. You literally extended the last thread and refused to make it.
I'm not MEX!!!
>What is?
a complex cocktail of things and nonthings, most likely


Is the carnival after you for brewing bootleg faygo?


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Whatever, fine.
>Blue Buddies: A phenomenon on Megidochan where users accidentally reply to each other using the same color text, leading to confusion and humor.



>I'm not MEX!!!


Rose and Chud literally crying NAO.


nah mostly for doxing homestuck fandom creators


I say they're eyeing the kernels with a sinister gleam in the eye


@SprunkScrunkli, I'll let you have next thread.

In fact, you can make it right now. I (unofficially) authorize that.


But why?


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A peculiar hobby
Got the DL on artist of >>60234?


Rose tummy, as well


>askua bloom


>Got the DL on artist of
It's Andrew Hu¢¢ie, 7/9/2020. 5:08 PM CST.


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I was genuinely interested in what's Broadway Karkat up to so I started searching and spaced out for like 2 hours till I realized that I have better shyt to do with my time. Again I didnt find anything too personal just the name, the general location, etc.


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Can you turn off the IDs in the old thread now? I learned my lesson…


They should all be gone, go to the index and back again


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>Corn still shows up in the catalogue


You're a real jerk, you know that, right?


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this is a real screenshot from II 8




it's so late that I need to force myself to go to bed, but I really wish it could've ended on a better note :(

no, that's "sanrio"


Well, it blew off a enough steam that I'm fine tolerating your quirks again


>no, that's "sanrio"
Shut up. I have a bad brain…


>but I really wish it could've ended on a better note :(
Still around longer. That always works. :^)


So sissification for iphone men is just changing the lock screen


>Well, it blew off a enough steam that I'm fine tolerating your quirks again
That's not how normal people work. :…:


>it's so late that I need to force myself to go to bed, but I really wish it could've ended on a better note :(
The VN?


Can you at least give me a compensatory REASON?


What flavor?


I don't have anything in mind… It's up to you… :hmph:


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It's a grim ghost.


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Surely I can share some Araneas outfits
But it's not Christmas ones


Of course not, it's disgusting and pathetic.
But as I video game OST listener, I am obliged extend a degree of understanding to even the fuzziest peaches.


I thought of a really gay one.
Different anime tsunderes.


GPTreason is admittedly retarded so I'll have to phrase it carefully


>I am obliged extend a degree of understanding to even the fuzziest peaches.
That is not a great metaphor… :de:


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Oh wait.
I got ONE.







I think I already have that one. Or at least, I've seen it.





Who eats corn on christmas day?


>Disney-inspired dress = "just some kind of ball gown"




I headcanon the Sekrets as Russian which would make one man roleplaying as a baby very incredibly mad, Rudy Tuesdays.


I would LIKE to eat corn on Christmas…


God im dying to suck on araneas giant spider baboonkers uohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Now I'm depressed. I had a terrible nightmare and MEX bullied me. :grr:


There there, it was all resolved soundly like a episodic moral play about yellow idiots.
We haven't got a headpat sticker, so have a headbutt


Wait, maybe he's 8ased…?


i still can't post on soyjak.st, i get a failed integrity check error


Soyjakky street?

I've pretty much given up on using the main booru, it's too many layers of security to merely repost an image that will annoy people anyway


phoneposting is rough.. accidentally refreshed and lost my whole draft

just a little joke

>The VN?
nah, though as usual I'm disappointed in myself for getting distracted and not spending time reading. I think starting tomorrow I'm going to be more serious about cutting out distractions. I have to do some xmas prep tomorrow tho so it won't be as carefree :^<

but I wasn't really talking about that, moreso just the feeling left in my mouth after last thread. would've been nicer to have a warm and uplifting moment. I'm probably to blame for expecting the wrong things from this place, I guess

did the asuka grr sticker always blink? I swear this is the first time I'm seeing it animated


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Ackshooahllie :gramps:, it's a Disney who stole ball gown designs from the real historical ball gowns of the past
>Who eats corn on christmas day?
Who have a corn to eat and be like "yeah, why not tho?"
>I headcanon the Sekrets as Russian which would make one man roleplaying as a baby very incredibly mad, Rudy Tuesdays.
When Tumblr was a thing, I've met lots of that. Most people liked that idea, just like you do. For some reason, people sometime told Karkat is either Russian too or Irish.
>God im dying to suck on araneas giant spider baboonkers uohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
You just want to be xenopenetrated orally and get xenomorphpregante - just be honest to us
Go back to sleep and belly him back in your dream
>Now I'm depressed. I had a terrible nightmare and MEX bullied me


> and belly him


>but I wasn't really talking about that, moreso just the feeling left in my mouth after last thread. would've been nicer to have a warm and uplifting moment. I'm probably to blame for expecting the wrong things from this place, I guess
Perhaps a matter of perspective, because I feel a little uplifting warmth. Bonds and boundaries and all that.

The "drama" had already happened and blown over, ephemeral as always.
Holly jolly, or maybe I've sipped on a bit of loosh


No, belly


Make one then.
>did the asuka grr sticker always blink? I swear this is the first time I'm seeing it animated
It's inconsistent.



>it's a Disney who stole ball gown designs from the real historical ball gowns of the past
Yeah, duh, so just say "ball gown."
>Most people liked that idea, just like you do. For some reason, people sometime told Karkat is either Russian too or Irish.
Karkat is Irish because short and angry, duh.




My nightmare wasn't about him. And I really don't want to go back to it. :dismal:


well, I'm rapidly becoming too tied too coherently think about my melancholy anymore, so I guess that means it's time to close my eyes

night night


But GREEN is traditionally associated with wwomen… Even in the east…


I'm still hurting and I don't trust Mr. Horsespider Ocean with a carton of eggs. :crampjoke:


>Horsespider Ocean
REASON thought that was your moniker ala "MEX", funnily enough


I thought you assigned them?


Yeah but it still has to assume out all the rest of the context and people's address for each other, etc


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This could be us if MEX wasn't a fucking dirtbag.


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Some of these I did not save yet, much o8liged.
Have some 8ack.


Truly, some Homestuck content for a Homestuck board.


I am aiming to make this a one-day thread as well but let's see how well those machinations come along.




Yesterday I would've been annoyed at your dodging of personal culpability. Today, I can recognize the "the joke" was at your expense and let it be.


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Get ready to reply to everyone. The doxxer shroom seems like an interesting new avenue.


>I would've been annoyed at your dodging of personal culpability
I was not.
>Today, I can recognize the "the joke" was at your expense and let it be.
How…. humble of you?


More like dangerous…:yup:


… Too, that.


I don't know who I scared off or how.


>Karkat is Irish because short and angry, duh.
Yeah, but he is not GREEN, neither by classpect outfit, or by blood, neither by… he was never shown dancing im a mushroom ring next to his pot of gold
And yeah, I don't remember anywhere in Homestuck he was mentioned as short guy. It's as fanon as gossips
>My nightmare wasn't about him. And I really don't want to go back to it.
Then tell us about it. We might help you with it
>But GREEN is traditionally associated with wwomen… Even in the east…
Really? I've heard in some far Asian countries wwomen on wedding dressing red for incurring a good fortune to marriage, wile most of european cultures implies woman's wedding dressing very white a symbol of purity and feminity.
Where exactly GREEN color is feminine? What countries?
For a moment I got an idea to slightly drawfagging for HSG with Aranea greeting card
>Truly, some Homestuck content for a Homestuck board.
We live in society…


>And yeah, I don't remember anywhere in Homestuck he was mentioned as short guy
Equius calls him a midget.
>Blood color relating to flags
Even dumberer logic than most fanon.


>Really? I've heard in some far Asian countries wwomen on wedding dressing red for incurring a good fortune to marriage, wile most of european cultures implies woman's wedding dressing very white a symbol of purity and feminity.
>Where exactly GREEN color is feminine? What countries?
Not the color, you dope, the jewel. "GREEN maiden."


>Then tell us about it. We might help you with it
Fuck no, it's far too personal. I told my friend and I think it killed him.


(If you can't tell, there's a filter for J A D E )


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I'm currently phoneposting so I don't have access to my folder, 8ut once I do I'll see if I have more.
>For a moment I got an idea to slightly drawfagging for HSG with Aranea greeting card
That'd 8e gr8.


Asuka isn't extremely easy to bully so I call bullshit on this one too. :akanbe:


I thought it was more exasperation/pride clash, but Zwidler


Wasn't that a long time ago? Why get mad again?


It didn't stop happening


He came back?



But… so… it was just long-term spite?


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And one last MoM alligned reason for thread 76



>Equius calls him a midget.
It could be a slur of highblood to insult a midgetblood as well. I mean lowblood.
It also can be the Equius is kust a bit taller that Karakat but even this height difference as far as bloodcaste makes Zahhak feels higher. He could also be simple talles of all trolls or at least male trolls (that's my headcanon of them, at most).
Honestly, there is a lack of that type data of trolls personal features
Oh, that. Yeah, I'm aware
Does HSG need same chart with roles of Xi Jinping, Trump, Olaf Sholtz, Putin, Kim Jong Un, Macron etc.:awesome:


But I get Ice/Myth on the actual test and I tend to like playing tanks/utility in game :sigh:

You being a buff slut is always nice to see though.

But thank you. :uke:


But there were various factors.
For one thing, while my November tarot was the Empress, December's was Strength and I felt like asserting myself a little bit.


>It could be a slur of highblood to insult a midgetblood as well. I mean lowblood.
That's dumb.
>It also can be the Equius is kust a bit taller that Karakat but even this height difference as far as bloodcaste makes Zahhak feels higher. He could also be simple talles of all trolls or at least male trolls (that's my headcanon of them, at most).
That's reasonable but I prefer to think that Equius is both too blunt and too self-aware to realize that he's just freakishly tall and Equius is short. So I prefer to read it as Karkat just being short. But Equius is still freakishly tall.
>Honestly, there is a lack of that type data of trolls personal features
That is also true.
>Does HSG need same chart with roles of Xi Jinping, Trump, Olaf Sholtz, Putin, Kim Jong Un, Macron etc
Good idea.


>playing tanks


Oneesan and her tarots… Made her go all Mean Girls and establish a pecking order…


No, it's not like that at all, I just like protecting people and it's basically the subtle way of being a kind of leader. :sry:


Some TRVE KVLT stuff. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to enjoy it properly since one of my ears hurts for a variety of reasons. Need a relisten.

I feel like laying down and being sad. For awhile. I hate these Winter months… :douzo:


Black Clite


Nobody understands me. Not even REASON. :ep25:



i'll leave that pussy to you, dave!


I mean, it's still confused by the quote function, for all the BENCHMARKS


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We're reaching layers of disillusionment that shouldn't even be possible.


I tried to mope in bed but got bored.


Being depressed is so hard. :0k:


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Maybe I should try writing poetry again.


>I tried to mope in bed but got bored.
O tried to decorate christmas tree of this year and stopped halfdone


I miss real Christmas trees… :itsovver:


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I feel like some redundant stickers are useful.


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Oh, yeah, I forgot the epic mutually exclusive rule.


>Maybe I should try writing poetry again.
For those who known Poetic Mead
I speak: let all this thread to see
The lines you rhyme so smooth and neet
With fairy muse inspiring thee


*Throws a rock at 8ITCHska's bulbous Neanderthal forehead.*


This is EXTREEEEEEEEMELY d8ngerous to our Vriskacracy!!!!!!!!


We don't have one. We have an Araneaocracy if anything. Or to use another term… no…


Light players in control


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>We have an Araneaocracy if anything
Total Aranea Love.


I don't know if I want GREEN in control of anything.


>I don't know if I want GREEN in control of anything.


>Light player


Oh, you meant this?
This out of all?
DERSITE, please, you must be kidding


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>He doesn't know the truth


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>Too depressed to vidya, too depressed to manga, too depressed to anime
What do I do? Those are supposed to be the easy things. I think I'm going to lay down again. I wish my parents were dead.


>I wish my parents were dead
Wish was granted. They will once.
>What do I do?
Watch this TV-show https://www.kinopoisk.ru/series/493098/ with full English dubbing, or at least subs


>Watch this TV-show https://www.kinopoisk.ru/series/493098/ with full English dubbing, or at least subs



Double virus.

X2-5(?) combo sticker needed.


If I could kill both of my parents and not be caught, that would be so awesome. :joinus:


Like, people don't even know they're dead so I can pay for the house with the phantom income, just a joke, haha. :smug:


Or better yet just erase me from existence.


This is a default Homestuckism, there should be one without the background too. I guess.


If you can't tell.


>Or better yet just erase me from existence.
Just google for magic words:
Through early morning fog I see
At lead them lead you into the world of wonders


I'm going to wander into the woods now.


>I'm going to wander into the woods now.
Ok, but no suicides today :slap:
Only candies and tea after woodwalking


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baby 'nea


It was considered!


You know what, woodwanking is fine too for you


Is this some kind of EUro pun


Pun is fun


Serket cuddles.


What pun


Killing myself and my immediate family.


>What pun
Pun demics


Why would you do that?


Not relevant.


Hate and shame and guilt and disgust.


Vriska could just put them to sleep and that would be it.


>Not relevant.
Pun as a concept is a one of the pillar of humor worldwide :bee101:




I like the idea of Vriska hypnotizing someone by spinning a dice and flitting it between her fingers.


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Hi Hypnoanon.
Merry Christmas.


Merry Christmas, Aranea. I’m still dealing with the stuff from last night, but I’m trying to just suck it up and let it pass.


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I hope everything works out for you in due time.


Well, I can hypnotize too.
Look in the spiral :candy:
Keep looking :candy:
Go on :candy:
One… two… three…
You are now reading this
And now this


I love them so much.


I’m not into spirals, sorry.


>I’m not into spirals, sorry.
You no like spirals and rounds? What are you, a squares lover?


I do like rounds, though. I might unload a few of them into you if you call me the tile guy again. B)


>I do like rounds, though. I might unload a few of them into you if you call me the tile guy again. B)
That was punny, funny bunny




Shut up.


Also shut up.


Third shut up.


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Not so fast!
We have melee warriors
We have robots
We have online trolling
We have magicians
We have psyonics
We even have BEE WARLOCK and his BATTLE BEE
How can you even compare?


I love spirals but hate Junji Ito.


Shitting is not a melee weapon.


Now let me post my drunken poetry.


Root cloud in the sky;
Rotten seed in soiled air, a
lonesome bird; aether;

The bruised and those shelled;
Plasticity; A deep root,
of callousness, out,

Outward, deluded;
Inaction hurts but even
the pale prefer the

stagmire to the storms
of the tsunami; Tepid
tiredness of a

child that is loved by
and in bitter ways loved is
conflated as wise;

They'll speak restlessly
as the adults they'll become;
The things we want to

forever are not
rooted in time and are thus
meaningless; A base

caustic, nescience, more
pitch than black; The celestial
bodies buried down;

And a night that come
with nightmares rotting without
dreams, endless, darknesss;

Punctures in darkness,
like eyes in needles, the farce of
human craft like a

pendulum between
parsed and past, weightless and crass,
all in orbit and

Distance; That time, this
space; feet bored, titans of Earth
forged, laying dead as

parents do; If not
for the ticking clock, there will
always be a well

to do, regarded corpse
hung strewn above; Ground, the will
to power is naught;

What power it brings
is at an exhaustible
source; The cycle does

Not ebb and flow, to
power can not be reversed,
and it can not be

repaired; The will is
trapped and is therefore depleted;
On the great many,

the multitude of
self; the pantomime conjures
glimpses of thousands of

expressions on an
unchanging single eyeless
face of an affect

that is humanly
ineffable in how we
read its affect; Feat


allow man to grasp
at Heaven; the road to Hell
is paradise paved

over with the goodest
of intentions; The small hum
of humanities,

of humanities
in smallest quantities; a
retreat, pet, not child;

Excess empathy
reaps independence, victim,
not friend; apathy,

A curse and its own
cure; Singed flesh rather than metal
that bleeds; The human

condition runs back
on the world condition;
Bare the ground underneath the soul.

Lies splinter, truth binds,
and is bound; What is inside
flame but quintessence

of dust, the atom,
the particulate ash; Once
matter is burnt, heat

residual, still
remains; the rising has stopped;
Who are we to split

one eternity
from another when
form shapes formlessness?

Paper is endless
threading stretched like a sheet; Will
to live, live to will.

What matters, that black
ink stain upon sutured sheet?
Your bloat; experient;

Look upon the feet,
in the air, each cloud has its
contour in condensed

matter, the rain, to
touch you, sag particulate,
and in each, every

silver lining, there
lies a cloud that floats, without
root to Earth but to

Heaven; And what do
sprawling limbs, infantile and
pure aim for? Mother;


>Shitting is not a melee weapon.
Tell that to octopus and skunk


Neither of them use actual shit. And that's still a projectile, if short-ranged.


Apes. They're throwing shit


I can't even post on Kotchan while drunk, this is the worst.


Technically, no, because it uses more than three lines total but "yes."


>Apes. They're throwing shit
Not melee.


>I can't even post on Kotchan while drunk, this is the worst.
Cheating on Megidochan with Kotchan?
How dare you?!


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Put my finger in front of my hand while pissing and it tasted like alcohol.


>Cheating on Megidochan with Kotchan?
I've shilled both vice versa. Want me to post a chick's face?


>I've shilled both vice versa. Want me to post a chick's face?
Why would I?
Why wouldn't I?
Post it


>Put my finger in front of my hand while pissing and it tasted like alcohol.


Cry more, Russian baby.


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Fix yo' site, 8ITCH.


Meaning, when drunk, it tastes like nothing. Just like alcohol tastes like nothing.


Chemical compounds and shit.


Okay, who's this gril and why should I care?:meh:


Site mod. Polish.


I think I repeated a line, fuck.


No, I didn't, fuck you.


>I think I repeated a line, fuck.
I blame Hu¢¢ie. He's a hack


Touch my cock like a lobotomite.


I didn't but he still is.


Rudy is so full of life and joy. :meh:


Really, the triple punch of the dream, the holidays, and MEX bullshit drove me to drink.


>Touch my cock like a lobotomite.
I'd like to rhyme it, but don't know what is it


Why do bruiser items even have armour, it's so fucking stupid


Someone who was been lobotomized. :cigar:



The cool and new friend, Aranea, to replace: :2048:


Why is it 2048 instead of 2049, is that what the TIMES article was


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>Someone who was been lobotomized.
You drunk so hard, you ESL so far
But in this thread, it doesn't even matter


>Why is it 2048 instead of 2049, is that what the TIMES article was
Man, 2048 was 17 years ago…


Okay, so you ESL'd and didn't know what to rhyme lobotomize with, got it.





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But you've said >>60429
Sounds like trilobite or stalactite
And I thought you've drunk enough to fuck up




None of us are going to make it, bwos.


bwo dem




You see, this is why I prefer Rudy to Babysperg even though Rudy reposted CP once. :wwhat:


I want more alcohol. :wwhat::wwhat::wwhat:


Kill nigs. :gnap: Stomp troons. :clown:


I hate everything. What are we doing today?


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>What are we doing today?
We are just standing there. MENACINGLY


>nah, though as usual I'm disappointed in myself for getting distracted and not spending time reading. I think starting tomorrow I'm going to be more serious about cutting out distractions.
Reading is meant to be fun, don't force yourself to read. It's supposed to *be* the distraction.

t. took 2 years to finish Umineko


I started reading Sartre recently and that’s been an interesting exercise. Maybe normies will find me hot now.



Relistened and it's goo. Not much to write home about.


so uh I was told I'd find some cool unique OCs here? clearly none in this thread??


Roxkit probably because it's a baby food.


Last thread.


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Album game.


Honestly not sure if I should check out more stuff from that last guy or not. :meh:


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With some eggnog at lest, I hope


No, that ruins the eggnog. :meh:


What? Unless you mean meijyy


Meijjy? Meijjy Dokkan? Is that you?




>turn of le furnace to clean it


French people…


True, but it also dampens the alcohol at the same time


Which is also bad. :meh:


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Why Youtube isn't fun any more.


Why Meijjy Dokkan isn't fun anymore



vee gee eich tube


Get in the sauna corner.


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Idree(?) needs a demo before I can be arsed to muster a response more nuanced than "waow cool blonde"



You Are Favorite Martian


I Am Favorite Troll


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New friend palette-cleanser after Manuri cracked under the mental/physical/game engine strain of making Liedna's game

She's a noble, 28 year old lapsed lady knight who has taken to odd jobs as an adventurer after a traumatic campaign caused her to develop a phobia over her traditional suit of armor.


What's her ACTUAL gimmick then? Afraid of the loo witch?


>She's a noble, 28 year old lapsed lady knight who has taken to odd jobs as an adventurer after a traumatic campaign caused her to develop a phobia over her traditional suit of armor.
*Writes this down.*


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oh no


Welp, pack it in, ladies. :meh:


Uuuuuugh, how am I getting a headache when still buzzed…


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Like what might cause her to fall in with the NTR man?
I haven't the slightest so far, just that the setting is involves her usual party member (the 15 year old healer, Yew) being assigned a backup (the 18 year old posuer, Dario)

From there it likely devolves into shenanigans involving a forbidden tome, as usual. Manuri said the goal is to make it short and straightforward story this time, unlike the twisted soap operatic web of Viscaria.


Personally, the oneeshota angle leaves me rather cold. Realistically, the kid shouldn't have any chance of a serious relationship to begin with.

The scenario can be salvaged somewhat by leaning into the feelz around loss of respect and camraderie, but a precocious crush? Hrrm… I'll have to see.


>Like what might cause her to fall in with the NTR man?
No, remember, we had this running joke that each of the girls has a toilet humor equivalent of their NTR gimmick. :ghk:

Majetano poops in boxes as gifts, Liedna has a laxative fetish, Flambre(?) gets curryfarts, Drosera holds in her poop.

New girl would be afraid of the toilet- and maybe tampons/maxipads. Freepooper, freebleeder.

Ever think of adding that other project (making a Wiki for this shit) to your to-do list? I can't remember them right now… for obvious reasons… :douzo:

Also, where's your to-do list, MEX, this isn't a demand. I wouldn't be a good Persona 3+ bwo character if I didn't help you keep your plans organized. :de:


Their names, I mean…




Your NTR scrunklies, duh, idiot. :…:


You were supposed to ask about this, dense baka. :hmph:


I thought it was implied you have an ideas.txt


Well, duh, but about what!?!??!?! :plz:


Is it for some other purpose than BouqSauna?


No, but you were supposed to ask how! :tsun:


Also, maybe, I'm subconsciously sloshed that I didn't get Maka from Soul Eater because Soul Eater.

Hey, MEX, what are your nine animus?



Maybe for one of the (myriad, self-spun, babbled in character) reasons for why Bouquet dresses like a pop slut?


I don't want to say now. In fact, I didn't want to say in general because it feels embarrassingly sincere for such a silly non-project even if it is slightly tongue-in-cheek. :tsun:


Well this'll just be off the top
of my head.
Kaiji, Eva, Pripara, Hidamari Sketch, Bokurano, Magical Pokkan… Uh… Desu Noto, Chode Gayass, SZS


Now say it again without abbreviating or making corny puns. :akanbe:


Wait, is this even MEX?


It was really too off the cuff to receive full titles and years, etc.
It's a rather nostalgic list clustered around my adolescence, after all. I just thought "if I see fanart scrolling twitter, I'll save this"


Very lot of HSGrians knows who MEX is. But not all of us, fellow megidochaners, knows what MEX stands for. MEX is actually means switzerlandian


Why not?


Kaiji jumpscared me.


It's funny because I don't think you even know the real reason I call him that (which I guess caught on.)


Should have used J-HORROR but I'm drunk. Really wish we had an Ao Floydi sticker right about now.


*still drunk




>Ao Floydi sticker
But would he jump, vibrate, or lurch toward the viewer?


I thought we'd just have the static one since all the Gifs have the annoying watermark in the bottom left corner.


Not a problem unless it covered Floydi himself (then annoying, but not insurmountable)


New Jenny Ramble just dropped.



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Do as thou will, nigga, I guess.


OBSESSED with mean girls


You called? :bishi:



Well merry fucking Christmas!


>It's funny because I don't think you even know the real reason I call him that (which I guess caught on.)
Megidochan Enjoyer (Xe/xer)



Nobody will ever get it on the first try. Ever.

Not even oldfags/Discnigs. :wwhat:


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That'd be me. :slay:


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Remind me to yell at people later.


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JohnJohn Homestuck Adventure: Session Is Unwinnable


I thought your monitor was covered in post-its to that effect. But gotcha


>JohnJohn Homestuck Adventure: Session Is Unwinnable
Not a real fan adventure because it'd take real effort and Westerners can't into drawing.


This would be John-Karkat dialogue (to some effect) if they were written competently.


I'll need a bigger monitor for this…


what if JJBA was Homestuck???


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Though maybe I missed it somewhere in the nightposts


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Har har.


Reddit explodes into awesomesauce.


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Upside down V for lazy Voke.


I wonder who could be behind this pointless post.


pointless as your entire life


Turn-A Yahweh


aiiee mommy don't hit me


>what if JJBA was Homestuck???
Dio would be Prince of Time
Okuyasu - Thief of Space
Doppio's Epitaph makes him Seer of Mind giving him same visions like Terezi did in her mind


When you die, you’re going to melt into a big pile of awesomesauce and I’m going to eat it with microchips.


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Portrait mode was sufficient


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Sewer King scott free?
The rats were a distaction
Nanfat gnawed the ropes


Weren't musicals rejected at the ballot box? Does she know?


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>glass cannon


it IS fun, I am in love with what I've been reading. lots of people have difficulty getting themselves to do things even if they enjoy them, unfortunately. it's the battle between unfulfilling but quick/easy dopamine (perhaps best represented today by stuff like tiktok/other short form content) and deeply engaging but less immediate/"easy" activities

asleep, just like I said :angel:

nooo open up to us


She won't get the memo until trvmpian goonsquads haul her to libbycamp




I Will Invest My Life Savings Into Kanayacoin Now


I wasn't in love with the original (outisde muh anime bgm), so I'm not that worried about a new season so much later making me VGH


yeah, I wasn't in love with its humor/writing, but always thought its style and aesthetic sense were really fun. nice frenetic pace, too. so I'm interested to see what they'll do with it
I already got a major unexpected announcement recently so I can coast on "we're so back" energy for a good while



Happens to erione




Stop trying to autofellate, baka shinji :grr:
That's a stupid rumor off south park!



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I made one.


Hey, how come RoW gets 35?


you can change the chart dimensions in the options


Just noticed there are more than 5 per column in RoW's, too

I suppose 32 would be the meme number to hit… but I stand by my disheveled manchild picks


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la pazienza


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I feel like I don't even have the energy to want to do anything "fun"
I have a bunch of misc stuff I'll need to force myself to do today anyway and I suspect it'll take most of my time/energy and not really be satisfying or enjoyable



If that's you OC troll, then it's bad because I don't see horns and neither I do a surname mark


it's not, it's meggy dokkan, not wearing her horns in that picture due to the bullying incident. maybe I'll add them back


Fucking fell asleep


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More like children stray into my van



the kare kano ost is so good. this is one of my favorites


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Or I guess that'd be 八ゲ if we're sticking to the theme


very clever


just fucking kill me


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Andrew “getting very sleepy” Hu¢¢ie


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M-Mangione, I…


oh yeah, did we ever advertise on [s4s]



Maybe in 2014 for a couple days
But did "we" wish to?


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Maybe AR should be wrapped in wrapping paper for the season.
Well, kind of late to occur to me now. There can be a mummy one for Halloween too



The [s4s] guys are good shitposters. Very similar sense of humor to HSG, I think.


I had mentally merged it with /trash/ for some reason. That one I'd actually be wary of


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There is a Yellow version to accompany Red.

The characterization isn't as accurate, though. Unless…







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So close… Common events isn't its own circle of hell for this game either


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Drink your mulled cantaloupe cider, mopey



Too clever 5 Sinfest.


Meiqqer status?


It might just be because #SLOSHED but I find these funny just because of their sheer nonsense.


I get Ice/Myth on the OFFISHUL test so you've been DEBOONKED. I can totally see MEX being Balance and you being Life though.

Together… we can't really kill anything.


Our so-called democracy.


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Oh, okie.


More poop, more fart.
Little gay 8ITCH.


I stand behind every single word


Paddie and shidded


I want to know when voguereaders checks the poetry tag


For the next 12 hours, yeah, I guess.





>Little gay 8ITCH.


Wrong. They got overrun by tricksters.


nah I got a date in 12 hours, gonna go spend the next two or three months scarring that girl for life


Return to rat joke.


Instead of just talking to a dude on the Internet? :milk:


Refer her to me for healing after


yah, I was dedicating the time til the end of 2025 to bulking so soon I'll just go back to being outside with real pypo

she's gonna be off to college once I'm done


If it goes up too late in the middle of the night, voguereaders doesn't bestow their "Like"


RoW, my beloved. It's nice to see Surf's Up and Mastery Valis influence on you.

I should probably add the one Susumu Hirasawa album to my own. I listen to it quite a bit.


>yah, I was dedicating the time til the end of 2025 to bulking so soon I'll just go back to being outside with real pypo
Again, with the black-and-white thinking. But you do you, dude.


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Guess who decided to get more DRANKS. :joinus:

I'll be HUNG-OVEEEEEEEEEER for Christmaaaaaaaaaaaas.


"Without love, it cannot be seen" should be a bannner


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>Why won't this guy work an 8 hour shift, lift for 2, spend time with his friends and girlfriend, eat shit shower sleep and then dedicate time to mentally ill NEET attention whores on the internet?
gee whiz mane idk


Talking to people on the Internet is not some huge resource sink. You're not some Fortune 500 CEO, stop pretending your life is peak optimization or that it even has to be. You're so fucking embarrassing sometimes.



I do like the phrase
The association with three cousins thirsting after the same enby is a little…




>The association with three cousins thirsting after the same enby is a little…
Eh…? :de:


怖い! :auu:


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Maybe just having Ange is better


The OC? :hype:


I just don't have spare time nor effort for you, it feels pointless saying absolutely anything to you because the only thing that registers is the attention, regardless of whether it's positive or negative, to the point I feel like I shouldn't even make this explanation


The version of me in your head sure is a lot less interesting than the real me and yet they live rent-free. :letmein:


I was the one who recommended you Mastery Valis.



bro you're scared of leaving the house, your personality is part being terminally online and part being a victim

I genuinely don't think you'd contribute anything to my growth as a person, I already experienced your biggest struggles and overcame them myself, then went on to deal with harder things, at most you'd be like a pet to carry along with me if you ever behaved halfway respectable


It's true!


>at most you'd be like a pet to carry along with me if you ever behaved halfway respectable
Oh, boy, keep in your purse like one of those chihuahuas.


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Average dicsord conversation.


The message right above that was "Hi, Andy" and I was asleep when he wrote it.:gold:


Was it trash DERSITE trash?



I haven't finished it yet, I'm currently investigating the first corpse. It's good though. The biggest improvement from DR might be that the characters ask sensible questions about the situations they're put in rather than going along with things for the sake of the plot. I only did support conversations with Eva and they were kind of awkwaaard and made me like her less, but maybe the other characters were better. I would recommend it if it was a full game and not part 1/5 projected to complete in 2081. Even though they immediately killed off one of my favourite characters.


how spineless you are trying to compartmentalize the context just to save face in public, you know exactly what led up to that reaction, you don't even care about the reaction though, you just want to look cool in front of your friends


>I only did support conversations with Eva and they were kind of awkwaaard
Oops. :bust:


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>,you know exactly what led up to that reaction
Not really, you said as much in the conversation.
>you just want to look cool in front of your friends
Honey, you know you're overreacting.


>Even though they immediately killed off one of my favourite characters.
They never learn. Fucking Dangeronpers…




The disrespect comes from, you taking the time to chatter with someone else for an x amount of minutes, then coming to me and asking "hey draw my oc uwu", then when I ask about the oc you just turn and tell me to go read a conversation in an old thread between you and someone else, if you can't spare the time and attention to have a conversation with me, then I can't spare jackshit for you, so do please consider suicide


what thing. bouquet drawing? I can't. I shouldn't even be posting here NAO honestly I got shit to do before xmas

also you won't be getting any DEMANDS met until you say sowwy for calling me a little gay 8ITCH for no reason


Oh, yes, this makes all of your posturing and rage seem so much more sane. Please look in the mirror without kissing it for once.


I called you gay for no like humor.


all of what I said is considerably self explanatory, the sad part is that you'll probably never register any of it because exactly like I've said you're an attention whore, the only thing that would ever make you reflect is if anyhow you were depraved of any and all attention, as long as you feel FINEtm, nothing matters, much akin to the mindless ghouls chasing pleasure endlessly, and in that sense you're quite close to the average "normie", closer than you'd think actually


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Should've included that. Like this classic


wweeping seepin vvag

Widdle baby upset I jokingly asked for something? Widdle baby upset that I didn't talk to him enough because he's sesphshul?


>When someone wishes you happy birthday when you're a woman over 32


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oh. maybe my opinion would change if I rewatched it. I just felt a fair number of the jokes missed, or could've had better timing.
odd that you zeroed in on the one negative thing I said, even though I'm excited about the announcement :^p
negativity is often a choice!

I see I'm not the first one to receive this request :v:

context? only thing I can imagine is they were doxxed including their birthday against their wishes




All Music Is Chinese theory. :tetrakarn:


not really honestly, like I already said, more and more these interactions just made me realize you're far, far less mature than I am, you remind me of my 16 years old self, and in that realization I lost interest in you entirely really. I understand that the issue has to do with your personality for most of the conflicts, and like I said I genuinely can't see you ever being happy, be it with your own life or about the companionship of anyone.

And that exactly is why I unfriended you, if anything none of this really feels personal at all, you're not really an individual to me even, just one of the mindless ghouls that I hate so deeply.


>you're not really an individual to me even, just one of the mindless ghouls that I hate so deeply.
He's the sane and normal one here, you guys. :hover:


>I see I'm not the first one to receive this request :v:
It was a half-joke and I wanted it to be collaborative but he had a melty over nothing because he can't sustain relationships where people don't lick his feet. Weird, right?


>negativity is often a choice!
The right choice.


Tumblr is stupid.


how else should I think of someone that displays the exact same pattern behaviors as dozens of other people I had the misfortune of having to deal with?

You are the stereotype, of the mindless ghoul, you don't produce, don't reflect, don't judge yourself, you have no consistent view of the world, nothing really, just that you run from discomfort and chase pleasure, no logic nor rationale, and especially not, a personality.


That was Hu¢¢ie girlfriend in 2011, she visited /co/hsg and people had a field day calling her a vapid succubus who was sucking the life from Hu¢¢ie and quality from homestuck
I think halfowl handled lot's of takedown notices of fan merch as well, so tumblr types hated her too


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>you don't produce, don't reflect, don't judge yourself, you have no consistent view of the world, nothing really, just that you run from discomfort and chase pleasure, no logic nor rationale, and especially not, a personality.
Do you want me to look up the definition of "projection", next?


She probably did wrong but Hu¢¢ie is still to blame.


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Epic gradient





Light pissed
Deeply shidded


I think fanworks (and all amateur western VN writers) have a tendency to deviate too much from established tropes when writing original characters. Sometimes their characters don't feel real at all which might be worse than them being one-dimensional tropes. It might be because even if you can craft a complex character that makes sense in your head, you still only have a limited number of words to convey that to the reader and most of them should be devoted to things other than characterisation. If the reader thinks "oh, this character is similar to a type of guy I've seen before", that can save a lot of words.


I think that's a boon, not a curse. Unless you end up with shit that's outright contradictory like unironic scenegirl Aradia.


The next Viscaria? :ibs:


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My having a borderline personality has nothing to do with the criticisms I've given you. I'm not the one who's been stuck in his room for the last god knows how many years, not the one struggling to go outside nor the one stuck on multiple medication to no avail. I have plans and goals, some certain friends that don't exist on a screen, my self esteem is over the clouds and the only time I get emotional swings is when I feel overwhelmingly attached.

Still, no point moving this conversation any further, to you, this is not a normal conversation with criticism, it's an attack on your ego, the words don't register, you just jump to defend yourself any way you can, because you can't accept even the possibility of ever being in the wrong. I genuinely have no more words to express nor interest in you, lest you show progress or at least the effort to mature and develop.


MoM, this other guy is losing rhetorically by coming off as over-invested and angry, plus extrapolating too far into dubiously accurate personal attacks, but some of their points are rooted in fair complaints about the way you act. normally I wouldn't bother commenting on a FIGHT but I feel like this one will continue for a while like it already has


>my self esteem is over the clouds and the only time I get emotional swings is when I feel overwhelmingly attached.
>I genuinely have no more words to express nor interest in you, lest you show progress or at least the effort to mature and develop.
See you in 4 months or less, dude.


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It already keeps track of underwear cleanliness

Not as in depth as RJ01063178's sock stats though


Often characters have conflicting personality traits, which can make them interesting, but it takes a lot of words to properly prove to the reader that this was intentional and isn't just an inconsistent character voice. For example if a character is putting up a front but not in a stereotypical tsundere way.


>but some of their points are rooted in fair complaints about the way you act.
You don't know me and neither does this fuck. I'd much rather let you know me because you don't scare the fuck out of me with your emotionally unstable antics. :ty:


>For example if a character is putting up a front
Need I?


>It already keeps track of underwear cleanliness
So this is how we get him… :ibs:


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It got taken down immediately, lol.



The jennystealth purge continues


ah, I didn't mean the personal attacks, you're right that I don't know you. I meant the way you act in these threads sometimes, that's all


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What do mods have against Jenny? Is this anti-Homestuck bigotry manifesting in new and cool ways? :yup:


Don't think about it. I have zero flaws. :meds:


Deja vu.


is that why you started acting like a complete dickhead after begging marzi to share his albums for an hour?


What is a complete dickhead to you? I would say the job was far from complete if the aim was to be a dickhead. :3:


Sorry, you aren't an ATLUS game, sweaty


>What is a complete dickhead to you?
Someone that begs me to share something personal for an hour, only so he can refuse to even react to what I shared with him, then halting the conversation down to single word responses before faking going to bed to leave the conversation entirely.


Sorry that my poor mood and tiredness made it so I was curt. Truly one of the greater evils in the world.
>faked going to bed
These your empath powers going off?


Yeah, the Persona 2 duology is pretty flawless.


No just that I noticed you were online for what, another full hour after having gone to "bed".

There's just an oddity in how your "sleepiness" coincided with the exact moment he gave you what you wanted too, you didn't even care to show the decency in regards to how you'd make him feel, because you refuse to think how you're making others feel, only until those consequences end up making you feel bad too, et voila, covert narcissism.


>No just that I noticed you were online for what, another full hour after having gone to "bed".
It's almost like I have chronic insomnia or something. And you could tell I wasn't on my computer because dicsord shows you.
>only until those consequences end up making you feel bad too, et voila, covert narcissism.
Dr. Authenticity strikes again!

Now, why did you initially get upset with me again?


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Trve or did we countersignal too hard with this ones wwrahs?


>complete dickhead
I wouldn't go that far, they were just being a really selfish conversationalist. in general, they tend to be very socially selfish in these threads. I'm willing to accept that as a result of bad moods/exhaustion due to factors they can't control, though in a situation like that it'd be nice to get a "sorry I made you type all that out, I just suddenly feel exhausted and don't want to have a super involved discussion."

which is still disappointing, but that just means I'll pull back a little and next time I'll be slightly less willing to put a lot of time/effort/vulnerability into something under the assumption that it'll be returned. such is life online


Ah, your chronic insomnia made it so that, the moment you got what you wanted, you decided to go lay down and spend an hour doomscrolling on your phone, you really do have my condolences here.

>Why did you initially get upset with me again?

Not this time no, like I explained, there is no forgiving nor making amends, no system for you to cheat and play along to get your way, just a barrage of precise dissecting and a mirror held up to your shitty personality, until I get bored of doing it, or maybe the offchance that you grow.


Nigga, you're talking to me. I'm drunk.

I assumed it was something you wanted to do in the first place. I got hit with a blank. Woops!

But also, Jesus Christ, fuck off, Turkey.


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File: 1735091588000-1.png (1.77 MB, 1600x800, mon.png)


Would still only pirate


>Ah, your chronic insomnia made it so that, the moment you got what you wanted, you decided to go lay down and spend an hour doomscrolling on your phone, you really do have my condolences here.
Or maybe I kept going back to my phone because I couldn't sleep. Intentionally disingenuous.
>Not this time no, like I explained, there is no forgiving nor making amends, no system for you to cheat and play along to get your way, just a barrage of precise dissecting and a mirror held up to your shitty personality, until I get bored of doing it, or maybe the offchance that you grow.
Damn, so badass. So can you fucking leave this place forever now and just write in a diary so whenever you end up strangling a teenage girl, they'll have a tidy manifesto ready?
>precise dissecting


Reads like shit. It's ass.

Wrong form of its too.



When working with Danganronpa it's definitely something to lean into, given the source material. Probably Fire Emblem, too. "Archetypes" everywhere


don't worry he'll put you into my shoes in no time friendo

You're upset because I'm pointing out to *others* how you're treating them like garbage too, lol. That's what I love about being able to post here, your retarded ass doesn't get to shut me up, and you sure as shit didn't get to hush me by trying to manipulate me either, go kill yourself


>don't worry he'll put you into my shoes in no time friendo
The shoes of not constantly showering you with affection because I'm a dumb dog who needs to submit. The horror.
>You're upset because I'm pointing out to *others* how you're treating them like garbage too
Yeah, okay, want me to leak more logs of you saying very sane and normal things to show what kind of person you are?
> That's what I love about being able to post here, your retarded ass doesn't get to shut me up,

>you sure as shit didn't get to hush me by trying to manipulate me either

You are literally on the knife's edgy because literally everyone hates you here, even people who I argue with.


Everyone's MoM-fatigue meter fills at a different rate, and needs to be released regularly


"Yes and no."

Not all deathgames have to be like that. "Cube" deathgames definitely have to.

Really, that's more of what it is because it's genre fiction and that's what the fandom of genre fiction wants, not because it's what is generally good narratively or dramaturgically or whatever.


Try dealing with the nightmare of Turkey being "in love" with you and then talk to me about "MoM fatigue" :forme:


>Nigga, you're talking to me. I'm drunk.
yes, I know. the other person was the first person to say "complete dickhead", so I wrote the post referring to you in the third person. maybe I should've tagged their post instead of yours

>maybe the offchance that you grow
even assuming you were actually trying to do that, I don't think that will happen with your approach. they're already defensive, if anything you'll just make them double down and harden against admitting any fault

>don't worry he'll put you into my shoes in no time friendo
meh. I'm aware of the psychological tendencies I have which makes me extra susceptible to a negative relationship with someone like MoM, so hopefully I can just wwalk away before it happens, if it happens


*knife's edge


>meh. I'm aware of the psychological tendencies I have which makes me extra susceptible to a negative relationship with someone like MoM, so hopefully I can just wwalk away before it happens, if it happens
Pay this nigga no quarters, not even pennies. He's legitimately gonozo.

Come on, Marzipan, use context clues.

Look at this nonsense: >>60612

This isn't even the most deranged or immoral shit he's said to me before.

You really going to handle this guy with any level of decorum?


I'm not trying to protect you, but know that I'm not lying either. I just know that if I spill the truth, it might make you lose interest, and that it'll hurt him in a way that might make him reflect on his behaviors. With all honesty, I expect him to steadily treat you worse and worse if you do get intimate with him, until you completely give up, because that's basically what he's put me through these 3 months.


>intimate with him


Oh, wait, I get it now. :meh:


Tell him how you've tried making me come back around so you could try manipulating my romantic interest to stop me from posting on here too, all while you have a romantic interest in him. That'll make you look like a nice person.


>manipulating my romantic interest to stop me from posting on here too
"I don't like PDA."

If you really want me to post the shitcord logs, I'll fucking do it, you apeshit beautiful princess, holy fuck. You must be absolutely deluded if you think they make you look better.


I genuinely don't care what you do, I don't know a single person on this website personally aside from you.


So you guys are actually homosexual and not just open minded?


>I don't know a single person on this website personally aside from you.
And yet, he persists.


HAHAHAHAHAHA, I told you, no amendments, no reasoning, no system to cheat this time homosexual, just a verdict carried that got carried out, you don't get your way off by manipulating anything, just a bare mirror to your face.


Not me, I post boobs


I literally did it to get the logs, you fucking ape retard.


MEX, can you delete the image, I'd rather not have my dicsord up


I mean, that's how it's "supposed" to work


What is?


you're pathetic


Anon Imageboards with randos


You're literally raging about me on a tiny altchan. Get some perspective.


Means sticking around because you can't decide whether you love or hate one particular person?


no I just laid it bare in a way that got between you and other people that you care more about, and now you shit your pants


>no I just laid it bare
Yeah, okay, lol.
>and now you shit
I don't do that.


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Marzichan, the spammer piddled on your /plaza/
They're using Roll cunny instead of the usual stomach turning shit, though. Maybe they're infected by the spirit of the season?


They're just joyful and youthful.


that why you went from trying to "calm me down" to trying to fling shit back at me when you realized there is no hushing?


Reading comprehension.


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Was already gone


Because I'm not out to doxx anyone, as with my otherwise behavior on the website, I don't say one thing and act the other way unlike some "people".


> I don't say one thing and act the other way unlike some "people".
Yes, you do. Now are you going to calm down or am I going to have to post these scrapped logs? :meh:


thanks, yeah, I actually saw it just before you posted. I'm surprised they're spamming with loli… not sure what their motives would be

>You really going to handle this guy with any level of decorum?
I already said they don't come off well in their posts. that said, I don't think me responding in a brash negative way would be particularly productive

re: this section of my post that you quoted:
>meh. I'm aware of the psychological tendencies I have which makes me extra susceptible to a negative relationship with someone like MoM, so hopefully I can just wwalk away before it happens, if it happens
I don't mean that in some dramatic way, like you're some plotting villain or something. I just mean that I've gotten the impression that you're a certain type of person, and that the way my personality interacts with yours could be detrimental to me mentally


Only the broadway karkat guy seems like one to worry about


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Life is cheap at the megidochan pet store


I'm too SLOSHED to use this thing right. Can't you just leave me alone, like, forever? :meh:


I don't care man, feel free to post things out of context and leave them unexplained so you can save face in front of your friends, you know everything you did, I know everything you did, we both know that not all the conversations took place through one chat nor one account.

I just wanted to step on your toes for good before I cut you off entirely, like I said, no system to cheat or manipulate this time, sorry that you didn't get to "let me orbit you so I can stop posting on megidochan" though.

:3: a la prochaine mon cheri


Regina? Regina George?


>out of context
Context can't save certain things.
>I just wanted to step on your toes for good before I cut you off entirely


I wish, maybe then Turkey's criticisms of me would be accurate. Or he'd strangle and fuck me. Maybe both.


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Things that make sense in context:
*15 minutes apart
*13 minutes apart


Is he gone? Am I safe yet? :auu:


Ah you stepped over the part where we discussed your crush on marzi, what's up with that?


Where I said you wouldn't pursue it because he's not gay and you still felt insecure enough about it to throw not one but at least two tantrums about it?

Yeah. Cool that you're still chugging to publicly shame me though. Can you leave like you said you would?




What? :tsun:


I don't have anything to add, I said everything I wanted to say, it's just silly watching you crop things out of context exactly like how I said you would, so pathetic to try saving face aren't you?


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The context in question:



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Misposted but whatever. Point is that context doesn't make this sane or good or not deranged.


I just didn't know I was being mentioned in these convos :shy: with the logs coming up I feel like I'm bearing witness to a public argument between strangers at a restaurant. er, well, I guess I am, but


BYE. BYE BYE. :niinii:


and I was right, public affection is okay when you deem it okay, not okay when you deem it not okay. I took the time to let you know I don't hold resentment because I didn't want you to worry about upsetting me, and I changed my mind on the topic when I felt like the lovey dovey posts might seem like they're interrupting the ongoing conversations.


"I know, right"
I abstained from adding the trollmance flags, but maybe they would be useful.


Not surprised?


Oh just that you know, he had me being all lovey dovey and affectionate in private while he was posting about missing you on megidochan, then taking the time to try explaining things away to me, then asking me to read old threads of conversations between you and him so I can do his bidding and draw his OC like a dog or something.


>public affection is okay when you deem it okay
When did I deem it okay, retard?



Just say you got jealous.

And I was clearly being tongue-in-cheek. You would think someone who regularly calls people "subhuman" and "dog" "affectionately" would catch on.



>old threads of conversations between you and him
if it's the same old thread he linked me to, then that wasn't me. I only got here around the start of this month iirc


I don't have anything better to do atm that is correct, I also do care about pointing out your shitty nature publicly without letting you try swaying my behavior by manipulating my interest that's not there anymore, and the only way this conversation is going to end is when you stop trying to save face.


Oh no he didn't even link any threads, just came in to ask me to draw his oc, then when I ask him details goes to say "go read old threads I told marzi about it".


Okay, I'm a shitty person. See ya', have a wonderful Christmas, Turkey. Gobble gobble! :letmein:


>I can do his bidding and draw his OC like a dog or something
He wouldn't provide a simple character reference, even, so I don't know how that was going to be accomplished


I'm frankly more baffled and exasperated by you being dense about this than I am about Beautiful Princess Turkey's antics だろ. :meh:


I wouldn't know any better either man, consistency and this guy. He goes from asking me to come back around, then calling me a white knight, then going back on calling me a white knight, then just "lets" me chug out affection in private and tells me stop doing it in the threads because you're around in the conversations, yadayada


I wasn't sure what you were asking by "Not surprised?", that's all. there are several ideas I maybe have but it would feel rude to jump to any of them, plus I wonder if it might be harder to understand you since you're drunk :v:
sorry for being "exasperating" I guess :^<


I said I had a crush on you and it's been mentioned multiple times. :meh:



kill yourself you spineless homosexual


Say cheese!


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Mexican, clean up!


You're a whore, you're worse than everything you've *accused* me of being all along those 3 months, just know that.


Probably because I've held my tongue. Okay, bye!


sorry it got posted against your will :(

her bed looks soft


Yeah, held your tongue about your personality for 3 months, not once shared a single picture anyways, then turn around to somehow accuse me of treating you like a "cocksock", and then you end up being the one making weird sexual remarks in the threads, and then accuse me of some arbitrary retarded bullshit about being shallow when you rejected any and all attempts of me trying to get to know you at any personal level whatsoever.


Kotchan is that way, sir.


>her bed looks soft
It probably is.


I'm not moving.




Don't want to give you that petty win


But aren't you above this?




I was above it until you decided to bark at me with "what do you mean we talked a lot today? it was just you texting me" after spending the day refusing a conversation and somehow having the indecency to take pride in that. Suddenly I just decided I wanted to make a public display of all your shittines with no way for you to turn things around so that everyone else gets to know about how you are.


Danganronpa is already "about" playing with cliché and SUBVERTING EXPECTATIONS (omg bestgirl died first!) to the point of undercutting narrative impact. Writing your fangame to be even more meta-aware and tongue in cheek would be enlisting in an arms race to make your VN suck more…
Better to try and attempt more subdued character within the same format and see if you can actually accomplish stakes a human being can relate to.

Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if Kodaka soyfaced hard over Cabin In The Woods (2011, so a bit too late to influence the DISTRUST concept, but…),


You have a detached feel, would make a decent janitor candidate if it weren't for the episodes of unstability


>Danganronpa already sucked


Hey… :sigh:


Where's Rudy reposting CP when you need him?


We already sucked you off in advance



Stupid, shitty gay bear.



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Jenny Nicholson raises Roxykit: A Very Meijjy Dokkan Christmas.


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Can somebody please get this hothead out of here?


File: 1735096390721.jpg (1.14 MB, 1089x675, ClipboardImage.jpg)


Choose a better font! :youfail:




Darth Jenny is frightening…


Kotchan got hit by Roll too.


…Is it you? :hover:



Post your Limp Bizkit.


no bizkits on hand currently. I am making focaccia for christmas dinner, it's been fermenting and proofing all day


I refuse to believe this is a difficult fix




Ì could try again some night, but not this one


Yeah I was posting the CP honeypot links all along.


Why not this one? :3



be nice, it's xmas eve


RoW the twist villain arc?


I know, I'm just teasing.


I had another stopfighting.png ready to go, but you all stopped just in time. it's a xmas miracle!!


I just have to ignore him and hopefully he'll get blown away with the wind.


'Tis nothing. My reaction to that "teasing"


Ignore your own hypocrisy really.



Not available in Tortugal.


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Who is squatting my staples



Is that the name of your Demonophobia mod? Clever.





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the aftermath of last night's pizza mishap. poor little mozzarellas (´;ω;`)シクシク



a robot! a robot is among us!!


Marzipan shat everywhere… :ibs:


Cat on keyboard but I pressed enter.


Merry Christmas you 8ig 8a8ies.


Big gay babies.



I thought you "didn't do shit stuff"


>I thought you "didn't do shit stuff"
I don't. You apparently do though. :akanbe:


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>Literally going "PBLLLTT"
Somebody needs to housetrain this dog.


you'd know about dog behavior


I actually don't drink at all


He wants to fuck dogs…


Mulling it over more, I might borrow moon remix's "If you possess a love bigger than any number can express" instead
Meshes perfect with the erostatus window from a game


File: 1735098260963.png (3.02 KB, 123x160, roxykittentoddlerkristmas.png)

*runs out 2 the crismas tree excitidly*


You're right, I grew up with one!


For the millionth time, "not mutually exclusive."


The aspirational white girl insult finds some purchase.


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parappa by the tree

nah :^p


I hate you for owning that.


‘appa on ‘ee


Sprunki on the Scrunkly.


Same だろ, outside boomerfamily events


why? it was a gift :(
it'd be nice to have a lammy/rammy plush too


paDIAPd by the paDIAPr




File: 1735098608719.png (80.88 KB, 241x500, 03375e92c73a074b18ba40f136….png)

8ased, me neither.
Roxykitten is for headpats!


no rammy is epic because she is black
I bet you haven't even 100%'d parappa and um jammer multiple times each, you're just sitting outside and judging the aesthetics aren't you


You are not :outy:Biznasty:outy: because you don't drink.


>rammy is epic because she is black


I never said you can't drink silly, or that I'm ":outy:Biznasty:outy:" for not :^p
I just don't want to take my chances


He said so.


I had 8eer once at a party 8ack in highschool and it tasted like piss.
May8e I should give wine another try sometime.



Wine weak Aranea would be pretty cute though




What did he mean by this?


Very much so, yes.
I THINK he said it'd 8e cute, 8ut don't quote me on that.


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finally ready to bake, after ~8 hours! (plus an overnight preferment)


It's full of your shit. :wut:


you're really not beating the "scat fetish" allegations


Looks weird, what is it supposed to be?


File: 1735099834801.jpg (502.39 KB, 1096x862, GfedfPrbkAACk1A.jpg)


They not have dough in PT?


You're gross.


What kind of question is this


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"Keep pawnposting, that'll help"


Every sandwich is made from castella cake?


We only eat meat, garlic and olive oil where I live.


unbaked focaccia dough



Wario mode, respect


Fart culture.


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Nikes joke. Sure. I guess. Fine.


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didn't have many toppings on hand, but I threw on some onions and garlic. would have loved to do tomatoes. took it maaaybe just a touch too far in the oven, but it'll soften a little after it cools. second pic is underneath to show off that shattery fried bottom


Merry Christmas, Araneafag!


wwhy you leavvin your ol pal eri outta the proceedins
doesnt eri deservve to be merry



Yeah, but Eridan isn’t a fetish character designed to appeal to me, so.


i see howw it is
wwell evven i had fangirls once wwhere are some a those classic honeys


File: 1735102213590.png (2.48 KB, 123x131, roxykitten toddler.png)

*offers u a wizerd plush*




CO, short for corrections officer.


thanks doll
does this thing havve an onahole pocket


*Stabs hypnofag.* :joinus:


You remembered to yell at people on your own right



Let's hurry this DIAP up.


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wwhat givves you any right to judge me youre a fuckin baby evveryone just lovves you unconditionally


unconditional love on the condition that she is a baby



exactly same principle at wwork wwith wwomen


fair point, I get what you mean


File: 1735104356526.png (8.73 KB, 210x455, momcat.png)

*drinks bcuz lonley*


Not vaxxed, but he eats his own kind


ate some yogurt and this came up on my timeline https://x.com/tamanegidesuwa/status/1871786661216244007


Interest zeroed, guess it works


This user is interesting


Legitimately, what the fuck is wrong with you?



He's a drunk edgelord




Don't call me an edgelord. I stabbed him because he annoyed me. :(



Davejade 2048 :gowhiteboygo::2048:




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I didn't


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Whatever form it may take, at least megidochan Christmas isn't this grim




Calling all Turkeys.


I forgot what I was going to say.


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Unga bunga.


Okay, I take sleeping pills and pass out now. :WASTED:


It's not about any pleasure at all, believe that it caused me more hurt to cut the ties than it probably did to you, if it did at all, it's about integrity.


Had Yakumo Yukari's "Sleep for all eternity" TH08 bants sticker already been made and implemented, you might have earned one


Be careful


It's okay to die in your sleep. God legally likes that. :bow:


Okay, that still doesn't explain why you don't pozz Emeowyle's neghole.


Emeower won't come because this is a virus site


not interested in the mentally challenged, ill and inconsistent


goodnight. let's hope xmas is better than xmas eve


I didn't have enough wrapping paper to wrap all the presents… I hope they don't mind :(


There's always bwahahaha NEWSPAPER


I was going to point out he's being self aware, but realized such a joke may have sullied your waifu's honor


I've been recycling all the newspaper I get in the mail, unfortunately. though I think nothing might be better than newspaper, honestly


I was attempting a joke like "who under 40 still gets the newspaper"… But I do appreciate tearing through newspaper, since there's zero guilt


Under 40? 32?


Sam Hyde is a TRICKSTERfucker and a pedo and should be killed at his house in real life


What's wrong with being a TRICKSTERfucker and a pedo?


I've made a terrible discovery


Thank you for rekting >>60459


>But I do appreciate tearing through newspaper, since there's zero guilt
ah, I guess I meant I feel like the newspaper looks uglier than the boxes the products are already in. so it would just be about hiding any large labels that would give away the contents from a distance


I actually liked the video


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>Romania hit by Russian missiles
It's time.


Oh hey, rave.dj works again. Let's see if I can get it to spit out anything good…


I think the answer is going to be a firm no.


File: 1735110897795.jpg (276.39 KB, 893x177, ClipboardImage.jpg)

I guess I can watch this while I wait for it to generate.


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It got the name pretty good. Come on, baby…


It's shit. Time for bed. Fuck this gay Earth. https://rave.dj/Rn7JoK3lz6BLoA


Two solid years, of this…


I'm going to turn in as well. I completed 2.5/4 tasks from my list today


Sleep tight
You don't deserve that, at least:ohoho:


Rat Boy Genius has been uploading minecraft christmas cover shorts https://www.youtube.com/@ratboygenius/shorts


>You don't deserve that


Santa would operate by school grading rules if he hands out coal for 62%


"I wonder if AI can revolutionize this niche"


Nomen est omen always holds


Hmmm, the rules on Touhou "fan games" and such are stricter than I thought. Are all these people contacting ZUN and getting a license, or do they just not actually give a shit? It pretty clearly states you can't publish on Steam without his permission, for instance.


ok this says steam is fair game… https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Steam
I think I might be beyond the point of "personal fan game," but I'm not sure… Better to ask for forgiveness than permission, maybe? There's no way this shit is actually just a "fan game", right? https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Genso_Wanderer


Ok, that *was* a fan game and it got bigger and more official over time I guess… Difficult.


Let's say it's on the very border of doujin software and shameless clone.
Genso wanderer (at least the main one, didn't play the sequel where you have conga lines of party members) is a shiren-like I highly recommend. Lots of weapon meldy goodness and hours of random frustration.

There are some great tracks, too


Aqua Style has some deal for sure
But that might be why Genius of Sappheiros isn't on steam


I want to make the games regardless of touhou-ness, so I guess I'll make some headway and then start contacting them. They're still a couple projects away, so whatever.


Good luck to you. But having never looked into it, I'd assumed it was a case of lax or zero oversight. I mean, Kei and Amazon's shit doesn't even have any cheeky wink nudge れ○む style names and it's totally fine.

Speaking of which, WINTER SALE:


The main difference is I have an LLC and want to make something actually good that sells well and makes money, but yeah, it might be best to just do it and see what happens. The worst case is they get butthurt and demand the whole thing gets shut down instead of going "erm gib us money"


Current state: drunk (full of liquids - 1 cup of coffe, 3 cups of tea, 1 cherry roulette)
Status: satisfied


Would you go pop if I pricked you with a needle?


I don't see eggnog on that list…


>Would you go pop if I pricked you with a needle?
>I don't see eggnog on that list…
I'm not statian to be in touch with this kind of beverage. I don't think eggnog is even a thing for people outside USA or UK


>I have an LLC
Like, for purposes other than Covid PPP loan scamming? Man, how very grown up…


It's for the purpose of "work for video game" (no video games published yet)


>Went down from 2 likes to 1


>I don't think eggnog is even a thing for people outside USA or UK
You vvill accept the anglo creamy egg slime


I opened it again and still see two


Hi Channing.


>You vvill accept the anglo creamy egg slime
What is it even made of? There "egg" in eggnog, so it must be egg yolk and|or egg white. If it was extracted or contained with a violation of the technological process, then eggnog also contains salmonella. What else this this mysterious drink supposed to have and what is it for? Like a liquid dough ingredient, just without flour? Or you pour it in your morning coffee, cacao or chicory?


>Implying there's only one person who hates Scam N. Hide


File: 1735117113770.mp4 (4.55 MB, 720x1280, Snapinsta.app_video_AQPb6L….mp4)


Oh, wait. Eggnog is just a гоголь-моголь.
Case closed




date was smooth


Fetish jokes sullying his waifu's honor to the point of seriously annoying him? Sounds like a him problem to me.


File: 1735125682178.png (158.83 KB, 381x851, Aranea-Serket-Homestuck-MS….png)

You too, Hypnoanon.


File: 1735137754527.jpg (101.55 KB, 900x277, ClipboardImage.jpg)


Stray Children out in 11 minutes


File: 1735138395692-0.jpg (596.8 KB, 1280x720, 28.S_Heim.jpg)

File: 1735138395692-1.jpg (587.86 KB, 1280x720, 29.R_Heim.jpg)


So is it confirmed if they got Ueda Akira back on map duty?


going through his X, it sure doesn't feel like he's involved


File: 1735139251100.jpg (50.55 KB, 600x600, ClipboardImage.jpg)

What you desire more: classic Aranea wishing you Happy New Year, or Aranea wearing more christmasish red sweater?
Just congratulations or some jokey in?
SFW or not very?


No chatter, you mean? Pretty convincing copycat in that case.


Casting my vote for…
Sweater puppies, sweater puppies!


File: 1735139486577.zip (12.62 MB, 『ストレイチルドレン』発売記念福袋.zip)

some wallpapers and wav and shit


File: 1735139553941.jpg (140.43 KB, 1920x1080, 記念壁紙「焚き火」PC用.jpg)


>Sweater puppies
It's invalid troll name.



File: 1735139736347.gif (35.02 KB, 70x120, c819f065c4cab0bd8b8168cf3a….gif)

Any Aranea is a good Aranea.
8ut leaning more towards the former as Christmas is almost done with already.


File: 1735140474485.jpg (Spoiler Image, 208.09 KB, 782x612, ClipboardImage.jpg)

>8ut leaning more towards the former as Christmas is almost done with already.
For you perhaps, but it's 2 more weeks for me.
You see, In Russia Christmas's date is 7th of january (the night from 6th to 7th to be precise):lore:


did you kiss?


File: 1735145655998.jpg (113.01 KB, 960x544, 2018-06-09-181933.jpg)

Rorona morona?


>Rorona morona?
Shikaki oiekaki


I really miss the old artstyle…


That's alright, in that case 8oth are equally good to me. :larp:


File: 1735147126615-0.png (490.39 KB, 1016x423, nanfest 24-12-25.png)

File: 1735147126615-1.png (604 KB, 1250x423, sincy 24-12-25.png)

Each time you scuff your
nikes in the sewer. an
angel falls from grace


File: 1735147436485.jpg (168.63 KB, 1280x720, 8gPwLsvUl0U.jpg)


File: 1735147657325.jpg (325.18 KB, 1200x1701, 2P_006.jpg)

… And game goal structure
and battle system
and character route endings


File: 1735147727002.jpg (724.35 KB, 1200x675, ClipboardImage.jpg)

He must really hate Homestuck


Where did you find it… :tinfoil:


So what was the conclusion on IDs


That's a Patreon paypig exclusive video. Many websites share things like that.


File: 1735151344222.jpg (115.24 KB, 1116x800, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Christmas special
Coming up right next
…won't be happening


A few of us discussed it briefly here.
I appreciated the brief window of mannerly accountability, but HSG is pretty fixed in my mind as a chaotic, FREEWHEELING and borderline inscrutable place.
Like how random third parties can grab the conversational baton and continue a reply chain argument in lieu of another.
And as the last thread showed, even the most regular users can be thrown for a loop by changes in tone and register.
This (should) lend "personality" :outy:Biznasty:outy: attacks more of a risk-reward. I hope.

Plus, if I left IDs on, every backthread would be repopulated with ID tags on the next board wide rebuild.


felt absolutely zero sexual interest だろ, perhaps I'm becoming full homosexual


>Like how random third parties can grab the conversational baton and continue a reply chain argument in lieu of another.
This gets really annoying when one of the most prolific posters is obsessed with identifying people and also really sucks at it…


>the word personality in quotes
like pottery


Well, we can rub his nose in it when it happens. The temp ID options is always on the table… :cal:

If there were like 20 regular threadgoers, I'd be name or flag fagging だろ


File: 1735151934191.jpg (Spoiler Image, 192.6 KB, 1280x960, photo_2024-12-25_22-19-00.jpg)

Well, fuck this shit.
Mirror Aranea idea was a mistake. Combining felt pens and markers was a mistake. And I've fucked up thighs and Equius's peeping out of shadows. Thinking my phone won't kill quality was a mistake.
ojima was right, anime was a mistake…
Meh, meh, meh


>Meh, meh, meh
It's still going on the fridge regardless


>It's still going on the fridge regardless
Fuck no, that's a prestigious location to be is occupied by a magnetic butterfly



I still like it. It's going into my Nea folder.


Fuuuuck. Even tits level


The symbolism more than makes up for it



Remind me, what was the site to watch xwitter posts, without visiting, register and log in xwitter?




got sp00p'd


File: 1735153840271.jpg (70.75 KB, 868x694, ClipboardImage.jpg)



It's Christmas magic

But it actually is a 1/2525 chance


Bard of Light (me) moment







It doesn't work
To bad there's no Equius wipes off with a towel or a Nick Cage's poster to discribe my feeling of the moment with a stickere


Sorry, should've included the game music warning


>Sorry, should've included the game music warning
How about Kaspersky' antivirus screech instead?


File: 1735155449932.jpg (275.04 KB, 524x563, ClipboardImage.jpg)

I think it's gone for good, bros


>Kaspersky' antivirus screech
The pig? It's pretty fucking epic


Doode… Pig comparing to Kaspersky screech is like charmanedr lvl3 comaping to charizard lvl39



File: 1735155901331.jpg (398.2 KB, 1200x1600, GfiIQOpaAAAUmMc.jpg)

There's that game again…
I'm still waiting for at least 40% off metaphor though


I'm waiting for Metaphor to pay me $100 for each hour of gameplay
not Mex$


I'll pirate it and play it just so I can say without a shadow of a doubt that it's shit.


Persona 5 has been on Steam for over two years and it's still Denuvo'd? It's looking grim.


just remembered Metaphor used Shitsperanto for stuff
I want $200 :sigh:


Give me your rant on why Esperanto is bad


File: 1735156466632.gif (990.17 KB, 500x357, B5jHvdJ[1].gif)

>I want $200
Sucky-sucky 40 times and you're 200 dollars richer


can you for fucking allahs sake stop putting on retarded sfx or at least put in the option to fucking disable them? the browser sharts itself whenever I mute a tab and I'm gonna fly out to rip your fucking spine out if you keep messing with my music enjoyment like this MEX


a romantocentric abomination
a childish experiment that failed cos no SOVL


Isn't like the "model UN girl" language



>option to fucking disable them
The rainbow one annoys me, so maybe I'll do that


good boy


Just casually looking up jenny nicholson on kemonoparty


File: 1735159430054.jpg (74.25 KB, 1815x132, ClipboardImage.jpg)


What'd "this guy" say? I sorta relate…


It was a passing comment made by a complete stranger in reaction to me spurning out someone (else) trying to bind me into a one sided romantic commitment, I saved it because it felt touching to be understood so well by someone that never even interacted with me.


File: 1735161262542.png (3.58 KB, 122x131, roxykittennixon.png)

*gets raping paper evrywher*


Every time it happens when I'm playing a game or something and have the browser open.


DIAP victim shit.





funny how the most pathetic of the worms is the one that's the most grasping for control, funny how the supposed victims are the same ones most keen on trying to leverage everything they can at every single chance too, almost as if even the victimhood in itself is something already being used for leverage


File: 1735165787727.jpg (523.75 KB, 600x1005, ClipboardImage.jpg)


rather not even an almost as if, it just is that, sheep don't howl out loud


>Conexión fraternal


Tired: Usagi Buzinkai
Wired: Usagi Bazinguy


Spanish doesn't have "brothership" lol.


Brotherman Bill 2: Brotherman Ship


Wasn't their Hermanos?
I don't know enough espanol to make a clever seafaring pun with it


File: 1735167113050-0.jpg (32.14 KB, 496x278, ClipboardImage.jpg)

File: 1735167113050-1.jpg (745.64 KB, 758x852, ClipboardImage.jpg)

How many layers of irony is this dipped in?


looks like the kinda dude to ask if you'd fuck his wife for $100


File: 1735167265224.jpg (27.93 KB, 448x402, ClipboardImage.jpg)


jersey boiz


It's really the kind of joke fyad/cum towners would do if trying to go quiet on the net.
"He's dead now. Also trans and gay. RIP"
I can't tell.


File: 1735167803828-0.png (5.53 KB, 467x78, usagi1.png)

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File: 1735167803828-2.png (91.64 KB, 980x781, usagi3.png)

File: 1735167803828-3.png (31.86 KB, 976x273, usagi4.png)


I wonder where it all went wrong…


insatiable desire for validation combined with a lack of principles or any direction


File: 1735168947540-0.png (15.38 KB, 981x117, usagi5.png)

File: 1735168947540-1.png (10.86 KB, 861x101, usagi6.png)

File: 1735168947540-2.png (8.31 KB, 820x58, usagi7.png)

File: 1735168947540-3.png (11.51 KB, 893x100, usagi8.png)

I'm starting to think Mx. Usagi is not afflicted by asexuality at all…

Imagine killing yourself as a reddit gay furry depressed guy when you could have just waited 5 years and been transformed unrecognisably into a different kind of internet person.


MAGA!Usagi became a blackpilled streamer after Trump didn't deliver on the wall by 2019


Suicide Wank? Maybe it was an auto-erotic asphyxiation death.
Still suicide either way, I spose


File: 1735170641281.jpg (Spoiler Image, 23.6 KB, 474x355, ClipboardImage.jpg)


Doctor cirno perfect froze his balls off


File: 1735172066445.jpg (263.62 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot0007 (2).jpg)

I ought to stop posting now, I've declared all my statements and made every point there was to be made, and staying around would only serve to reinforce the very same values I so profoundly hate. See you fuckers in hell when I'm tormenting you once more.


bye mysterious person


See you tomorrow.


Hi, Araneafag.


File: 1735172460644.jpg (54.88 KB, 1179x801, GKhfHxVWEAEmcd3.jpg)

Hi, Hypnoanon.


Isn't it crazy how vanilla comes from beans




Weird how IDs were IP :outy:Biznasty:outy:, but (you)s aren't.


File: 1735173083916.webm (11.63 MB, 364x360, Fly Away [-56x7std2pU]243….webm)


Yous/Mes are one the vichan js plugins, so annoyingly client sided for those who switch between devices


File: 1735173356513.png (2.93 KB, 190x133, raises paw.png)

>If you could name your vagina after a movie, what would it be
a pussy pee!


Interesting account https://x.com/robcomiS


File: 1735173841448.jpg (369.51 KB, 821x425, ClipboardImage.jpg)

I did not see this before I posted. Crazy. Also, they should die, I think.


I’m feeling better than I did last night, but I can’t say it’s over yet, although I do think that I’m actually going to be able to get some real sleep when it is.


File: 1735174268557.jpg (639.76 KB, 1032x1632, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Do ojisan really?


File: 1735174282112.jpg (19.08 KB, 268x268, out.jpg)

I'm glad to hear that.
I should definitely try and fix my own sleeping schedule as well, my last post on here yesterday was at 5 am for me.



File: 1735174417430.png (3.57 MB, 2048x1732, vriska piercing.png)

>I headcanon the Sekrets as Russian which would make one man roleplaying as a baby very incredibly mad
It kinda fits though, them being raised in a culture of DIAP, pedophilia (canon for Mindfang) and cannibalism
Also Vriska's best friend is a Jew





is B a Pikmin?


File: 1735175001053.png (22.48 KB, 713x584, 09b60f9517d55a4303beebea06….png)

>pedophilia (canon for Mindfang)
If you mean the Dolorosa incident that one was just DIAP.


twintail kinpatsu heads, this wasn't our day…



is this the only way to keep a Stray Children thread from dying instantly


She /ss/ed the Summoner though


its insane how horrifically bad all porn captions are


File: 1735175744311.webm (12.85 MB, 720x720, Sin From Genesis (2009) [….webm)


File: 1735175859013.jpg (33.61 KB, 545x728, MS-Paint-Adventures-Homest….jpg)

Surely he was legally an adult 8y the time they met, 8ut she'd still 8e centuries older, so yeah.


>Surely he was legally an adult 8y the time they met


I wonder if they'll do parody of eating Zeruel


That tracks for /v/ yeah


File: 1735176213628.gif (6.04 KB, 650x450, 06087.gif)

Yeah, wishful thinking.


File: 1735176614140.jpg (126.5 KB, 1280x720, bUsKQRJ0TZI.jpg)


Implications unpleasant.


File: 1735179151710.jpg (281.85 KB, 1920x1080, ClipboardImage.jpg)

>the progress bar
MAX wishful thinking


10 more years!


Jajaja - Brazil.


I slept enough for there to be no hangover but then I drank a little again so I'm still buzzed. :wonk:


>I am legally obligated to post this whenever someone posts an amusing skit


One bold stemp for the Megidochan anthem.


This better be a tongue-in-cheek insult against eggnog. Cunt.


WE KNOW. :wank:


Cry a river.


I like eggnog. I remember KoL devs hated it though


DERSITE with a white Redditor personality. Worst combo.


King of Lankykong


Was it autism?


God hates Nanc4.




And the uncomprehending stares of the aztec woman making the slop


Shid and fard coming soon.


He sure got a reaction. From the blood Gods.


Me too, thanks.


But no, this is different because he's implying Aranea was a fetish character to begin with which is dumb.

Vriska, I can believe.

Aranea was DIAPd.


I either need more fluids, or I'm coming down with something



>It kinda fits though, them being raised in a culture of DIAP, pedophilia (canon for Mindfang) and cannibalism
Which can bew profed by…?








>captchaloguing the bulge
WHat did they mean by this? :meh:


File: 1735183355400.jpg (122.65 KB, 882x847, ClipboardImage.jpg)


What a dumb cunt to think he epically owned anything instead of just throwing a shitfit and leaving in shame.


They took his last two cents? Damn…


File: 1735183512281-0.jpg (2.98 KB, 169x22, ClipboardImage.jpg)

File: 1735183512281-1.jpg (66.8 KB, 165x201, ClipboardImage.jpg)


WHERE'S MY QUARTER!?!?!??! :rant:


You know, I'm kind of tired of hearing about Worm in the context of Homestuck.


Such a tool.


Better than Shitter Links.






>Zoomer hears pig noise
>"This is a Half Life enemy"


He had his legs amputated below the knee


Hu¢¢ie gets shorter and angrier every day.


>Which can bew profed by…?
Whoops, mistyped
Which can be proofed by…?




An overstatement. I told you I was done, can you fuck off now?


Worship DERSITE shoes, Christmas is Satanic, go pagan and drink from a goat's head.


File: 1735183952644.jpg (61.28 KB, 910x524, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Hu¢¢ie love



File: 1735183957435.jpg (166.13 KB, 435x546, ClipboardImage.jpg)

It's so over, sisters.


What's this sarcastic webpage? :awesome:



Saw Bob Dylan movie for my dad. Guy was pretty good at imitating Bob Dylan for someone who wasn't a living ash tray. You need to be fully SMOKED OUT to be gruff enough to get like him.

His eyes and nose kind of reminded me more of James Dean.

I guess I don't know if I can say it's worthy or not because I don't know about Bob Dylan's life. I just like his music. Didn't really understand the stakes of much of anything. But I suppose that applies to all biopics. Maybe that's why the suck. :meh:



Andrew Hu¢¢ie is a TRICKSTER fucker and a pedo and I have never quoted one of his skits because I thought they were funny.


Also, cool anime guy.


If Hu¢¢ie ran a MSPA-themed fishtank I'd actually watch


This fucking cajun turkey just tastes like turkey with pepper on it.


>Everyone is forced to cosplay


Does that garbage actually make any money?
I kind of have to see this…



But no.


MEX, get on Steam. :rosechu:

Redeem Shitcker, sar.


I did have to play more christmas dd2…
I'm really pooped for some reason, though


Get online, you Aspie.


File: 1735185183912.jpg (155.6 KB, 1250x423, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Hope you had a Merry Christmas HSG


>you Aspie
I'm actually trying to draft my meji dokkan into a fusion with jack frost…


I will if you answer the survey, sinfest anon


What's that supposed to mean?


Fuck you.


Like if she has the hood, but adapted into aradia's ram horns. Eh? Eh?


Draft how?


It's not that ugly, bwo.



I guess the Bob Dylan reignited my wanderlust about the 70s (even though it was set in the 60s.)

A mix of greaser, hippie, punk, and just a little metalhead. Of things before and things to come, both nostalgically and otherwise in the 80s. Such an odd decade. Very dirty too.


File: 1735185676978.jpg (11.16 KB, 304x291, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Gonna have to pixelshit it on in ps, there's nothing built in like that



This Meijjy Dokkan deserves to go into the laser machine.


>A mix of greaser, hippie, punk, and just a little metalhead
MOTHER? Itoi Shigesato's MOTHER?


She finally looks okay and not super messed up.


>Americana = MOTHER and not vice versa
I don't care how ironic you're being, FUCK OFF. :NO:


That's actually true about your pupil-less kurumichan looking one


Who got next (thread)?


I gave it to Sprunkiscrunkly. Whether he understood, cared, or is here is unclear.



The stars were a bit much
I don't know why it gives the base hat rosacea though


Holiday Jennies, Christmas Jennies.


>Haha she should be an aging oneesan
>Makes her look this extra


I think the troon thing might have been proven fake but he's still a pedo.

I hope no one conflates the extremely boring and cynical pandering "fish tank" and horrific "standup" and podcastslop with the actual comedy he used to do.


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