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Itsumademo. Zutto.
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 No.5317[View All]

old >>4565
650 posts and 163 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


The absolute TRICKSTER mindset.


In-character. Good addition to the lore.


Do you have a love-hate with Cumtown or something?




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I don't know how, but that wasn't recognizably Sluggo to me in panel 2


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>6 years ago
Cum Town was good listening for a bit there


Get your brain checked, sweetheart.


It's literally just the thing people makes jokes about with modern Cum Town though.


Yeah but it was "fresher" and I wasn't as annoyed by Stav's laugh back then


This is a gay thing, isn't it?


The brim angle on his cap is wrong, and the hair became straight lines instead of stubble


Tonight… In particular… I feel like I'm going to be haunted by a ghost.


It doesn't matter, there's only like three fucking characters in this comic and only one wears a newsboy cap. GET CHECKED FOR A TUMOR IMMEDIATELY.



As just proven by Wednesday, bit characters can appear anytime


I'm going to punch your nose off, you stupid pedophile.


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I think I've finally regressed to the point where I'm scared to turn the lights out again.


Tell it to Stephen King


Is he in Nanc4 now too?




What if I also hate this?


In fact, this feels very supernaturally evil.


Can't be, Indonesian 8 year olds love it


Indonesia is the most cursed area on the entire planet.


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>What if I also hate this?


I wish it was cold


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All lives matter but what if Trump had gotten domed lol 👌👌


[Trump] And what if I win?
[JB] Then you can take Kage back to hell…
[KG] What?
[JB] Trust me Kage, it's the only way.
[KG] What the fuck are you talking about?
[JB] …to be your little bitch.


I was going to change hell to white house but forgot
Epic fail…



Okay bringing the accent back is nice


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heres mine from the other day i guess


That's what I thought


the third one is the funniest


So we're down:
Rose Lalonde x2
Chubby Rose
French Rose Lalonde
Nazi Rose Lalonde x2
Eldritch Rose
Rose Lalondsberg
Christian Rose
Satanic Rose
Roshandra Lalondsberg
Rosecat Lalonde
Rose Lalonde Doll
Hikkikomori Rose
Crime Boss Rose
Super Rose Lalonde
Private Rose Lalonde
Pirate Rose Lalonde
Roshandra Lalonson
Manager Rose Lalonde
KKK Rose Lalonde

Which are JUST? Which are HEROIC?


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Sorry reportbro, I love to partake of slop meself, buihihihi~


And so far you've missed
>>3805 and >>3


i can only play smt5 in like 45 minute chunks because desert settings in video games make me so bored i cry


my arm also hurts a lot recently but i have to beat it before p3r the answer in september


Did they make nahobino run faster in VV
What happens if you don't?


i dont want to be playing smt5 and the answer at the same time :x


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I don't wanna abuse power, dude :(


Gonna buy this


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Sluggo needs help with math and cunny confirmed?


I hate this DERSITE so much.


What did he mean by this?


I did not get attacked by a ghost because I had my trusty cat at my side but I did have nightmares and get constantly woken up by cats. My ass can not go back to sleep.


He indulges in… that.


That? We already knew.


You know it smells crazy in there


It smells like rain, because it's raining outside.


Little hypocritical with the "LET'S KEEP IT PG, GUYS, YOU CAN'T JUST SHOVE ROCKS UP YOUR ASS" if you're making frat jokes about mom-fucking.


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>Slur cut off or obscured to make the joke less funny
Classic lefties!


They had manchildren who dress at Target in the 1940s


It's a subculture whose roots date back a long time therefore it's good.

The lesbian ideal is beautiful butch lesbian Vinesauce Vinny.


You're forgetting Jennifer (who went the way of the Albini) and Ren (who is delisted but still accessible by link.)

That's 23 (twenty three) missing Roses. Constituting another Rose shoah.

>Which are JUST? Which are HEROIC?

All of them died for a stupid fucking reason so I guess that makes them HEROIC by default. Where's our obligatory healslut?


Someone else proofread before I throw this in the navbar




Lel, wordfilter. Maybe I'll take that one down


Okay, F5


It's pretty gay. I don't get why it exists but maybe you're going through something so you do you.


Also, again, we're musubi, not yosuga, let's be real.


Why? Imageboards traditionally have an FAQ page for visitors is why


>Imageboards traditionally have an FAQ page for visitors is why
And then they quote your post and replace a word with "Sneed"


>get some sun too
>suisneedal ideation intensifies
awkward (;^ω^)


>pretty gay
So, like, expunge every exclamation point?


>>suisneedal ideation intensifies
This but also homicidal. I think I need to work to the point of passing out in order to get the positive benefits of it, otherwise the adrenaline keeps pumping and I act like I'm roided out and about to go on a rapempage.


Did you see a damn couple on the journey outside? That'd easily negate the benefit of sunlight


I don't mind most races, I think americans arw quite chill, but mexicans make me angry.


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I've got a better idea.


Hey! My dog don't bite!


Wow, your gay-ass trooncabulary actually neutralized most of the Pidgening.






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← Original

→ Pidgin


https://mr-dialect.com/en-us/american-english-dialect-accent-slang-translator/ Pacific northwest doesn't seem to do anything fun either. Sorry, Mask-San, you wrote brimstone.
What did dey mean by dis?


>Chicano English
>It's just fucking Spanish


>What did dey mean by dis?
Run all your resumes and college admissions essays through a pidgin generator


Also, can you please describe Homestuck in much less flattering terms if you are going to rewrite this?

I'm fine with leaving it as is because who gives a shit but.

Capitalize Tik Tok or else I'll have a stroke. This is non-negotiable.


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goddamn FFXIV ARR is downright boring
also i'm pretty sure i've already done these main quests


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*wwwalks into thread*


Huh, I thought I did that already.


Post your wife (husband.)


I hadn't mentioned, but images may be reposted in separate threads as of yesterday


You know the direct consequence of that is more gay wangst, right?


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I can keep reposting this so it's fine


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Why do you need to keep reposting that?


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