What exactly is Homestuck? I'm sure this has been answered in much more exhausting detail elsewhere, so I'll be brief. Homestuck. The fourth "MS Paint Adventure", detailing a cosmic creation myth starring a gaggle of homebody internet-native kids. Launched in the twilight years of Web 2.0 and ending a couple years deep into whatever we have today, Homestuck is a baroque multimedia "Web Comic" that came to reflect the span of the Obama era. Today, you might know it better as the springboard to the success of Toby "Radiation" Fox, or, for those of a scumbaggier persuasion, the reason why those tiktok teens occasionally slather on gray face paint. What is Megidochan.de? we d0n't talk ab0ut megid0chan In-jokes aside, megidochan.de is the fifth hideout of Homestuck General threads after our (totally unprecedented) banishment off 4chan's /co/ in 2014. Now don't take this to mean "you had to be there", or anything, I appreciate all voices! Most posters here choose to remain anonymous, but one can always elect to post with a name, flag, or whatever other obnoxiiou2 quiirk to stand out. Why aren't they talking about Homestuck? My ideal for Homestuck General is that of a roiling melting pot where anyone can *wwalk into the thread* and share whatever half-baked shower-thought of a shitpost they have on the brain at any moment. Yes, our world. A world without those sniveling weaklings in positions to roadblock the goals of those with the will to shape it. What I mean by all that is: If you wanna talk Homestuck, come at us with your best shot! What's that other stuff? A personal indulgence. Perhaps the years of anonymous imageboard addiction have left me so skittish that even posting to microblog platforms like Xitter feels like an imposition on the public at large... As result, I'm more comfortable using a chan format. It's better from an archival perspective, too. If you don't care about it, freely ignore it. How can I contact the administrator? Shout your head off in the current HSG thread, I'll read everything. Well, most everything, even my veteran eyes can glaze over at some points. ... Er, this isn't exactly feasible, so I'll provide a contact email for you all shortly.. DERSITE? TRICKSTER? What are these wackos even talking about? Under a policy of "None of these words are contained in Homestuck", those are just a few of our AI-friendly dogwhistles used in place of some common imageboard slurs. If you've any funny new wordfilters to suggest, please do so at your first convenience. One note: Though currently gauche, "Retard" remains. For one thing, I'm a crotchety millennial, for another, "Retard" is a staple in the official Homestuck lexicon. Endure it!. My cave-dwelling eyes hurt, where is the Dark theme? A small selection of classic imageboard themes is available under the [Options] button at the top right of each page. Whatever happened to the previous incarnation of HSG? If you refer to 2022's megidochan.com, it fell to some combination of incessant spam and Admin burnout, apparently. I'm not privy to the exact details. If you refer to our prior haunt, 8ch's /homosuck/, it was taken down and later abandoned in the wake of the 2019 El Paso shooting. For the truly insane, a year's worth of archived inanity is still available for indulging your grim curiosity here, though stripped of images. Will you add a board for [hst/homesmut/whatever]? bot "Wot exackly is Homestuck? I'm sure dis wen answered in plenny more detail somewheah else, so I'll be shorts. Homestuck. Da fouth "MS Paint Adventure", telling da story of one cosmic creation myth starring one group of homebody internet-kine kids. Started in da twilite yeahs of Web 2.0 and ended couple yeahs deep into whatevah we get today, Homestuck is one kine baroque multimedia "Web Comic" dat wen come to reflect da time of da Obama era. Nowadays, you might know um bettah as da springboard to da success of Toby "Radiation" Fox, or, for dose of one scumbaggier persuasion, da reason why dose tiktok teens sometimes slather on gray face paint. Wot is Megidochan.de? we no talk ab0ut megid0chan In-jokes aside, megidochan.de is da fifth hideout of Homestuck General threads aftah our (totally unprecedented) banishment off 4chan's /co/ in 2014. Now no take dis to mean "you had to be deah", or anything, I appreciate all voices! Most posters heah choose fo' stay anonymous, but you can always elect to post with one name, flag, o' whatevah obnoxious quirk fo' stand out. Why dey no talking about Homestuck? My ideal fo' Homestuck General is dat of one roiling melting pot where anybody can *wwalk into da thread* and share whatevah half-baked shower-thought of one shitpost dey get on da brain at any moment. Yes, our world. One world without dose weaklings in positions fo' block da goals of dose with da will to shape um. Wot I mean by all dat is: If you like fo' talk about Homestuck, come at us with your best shot! Wot's dat oddah stuff? One personal indulgence. Maybe da years of anonymous imageboard addiction wen leave me so skittish dat even posting to microblog platforms like Xitter feels like one imposition on da public at large... As result, I'm mo' comfortable using one chan format. Um's bettah from one archival perspective, too. If you no care bout um, feel free fo' ignore um. How I can contact da administrator? Shout yo' head off in da current HSG thread, I goin' read everyting. Well, most everyting, even my veteran eyes can glaze ova at some points. ... Er, dis no exactly feasible, so I goin provide one contact email fo' all y'all shortly.. DERSITE? TRICKSTER? Wot dese wackos even talking about? Undah one policy of "None of dese words stay in Homestuck", dose are just some of our AI-friendly dogwhistles used in place of some common imageboard slurs. If you get any funny new wordfilters fo' suggest, go ahead at your first convenience. One note: Though currently tacky, "Retard" still stay. Fo' one thing, I'm one crotchety millennial, fo' anoddah, "Retard" stay one staple in da official Homestuck lexicon. Stay 'em!. My cave-dwelling eyes hurt, wheah stay da Dark theme? One small selection of classic imageboard themes stay available undah da [Options] button at da top right of each page. Wotevah happened to da previous incarnation of HSG? If you mean 2022's megidochan.com, um wen fall to some combination of incessant spam and Admin burnout, apparently. I no privy to da exact details. If you talking bout our prior haunt, 8ch's /homosuck/, um wen taken down and later abandoned in da wake of da 2019 El Paso shooting. Fo' da truly insane, one year's worth of archived inanity still stay available fo' indulging your grim curiosity heah, though stripped of images. Going add one board fo' [hst/homesmut/whatever]?"