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 No.50941[Last 100 Posts]

Greenification edition
Old >>49915




The Jenny "obsession" is doubly inauthentic when you consider that she puts on an act in all her videos. Her supposed innocence that /tv/ seems to enjoy is a calculated facade and anything but innocent.






Are Dragon Ball fans getting gayer?


No, it really isn't. For any number of reasons. But Lord knows I wouldn't want to unironically argue about Jenny Nicholson on Meijjy fucking Dokken. :slap:


another saturday disappearing rapidly in my hands


>unironically argue about Jenny Nicholson on Meijjy fucking Dokken
It's the perform arena if you ask me, but hold on to that pride


>It's the perform arena if you ask me


I'm waiting for Marzipan(?) to make another doodle before I start my deep dive.

So, you know, wait on that. I know you're all dying for it. :milk:


I daydreamed about going 180 in life and enrolling in butler school


It's perfectly silly and pointless but nevertheless passionate, suitable "what are you nerds arguing about"


I don't trust this Anon. He seems like a SRS BSNS type. :l0ve: (Ignore the text.)


>You're being autistic about an e-celeb?
>Well, ACKSHULLY, I think you're LYING about it
Like, what a weird dunk to try and throw out. :wut:


>I'm waiting for Marzipan(?)
you caught me!! it's been me, casual case marzanon this whole time!!! :twisted: (← still missing (;∀;))
>to make another doodle before I start my deep dive.
I actually am already up later than I should be so I was gonna call it a night with the doodles. meg penetrating a locker is not something I think I could rush out in good conscience


> meg penetrating a locker is not something I think I could rush out in good conscience
wwhy not


that's two alongside MoM's endless DEMANDS
Maybe I'll be forced to move…


It's sad that we got a literal Rose in Star Wars and it wasted on a Vietnamese girlfailure to be BLACKED and then completely lampshaded in the movie after because everyone hated her.

Possible Rose variation. Might as well just do all of Asia at this point. (Indian Rose that tortures monkeys?)


>that's two alongside MoM's endless DEMANDS

I basically gave you quite literally all of the possible contenders last thread. My Homestuck folder isn't growing by the day, you know. We talked about specific ones to make. Just add the ones from that thread. 8ITCH.


I want to throw something in at the last minute to throw off the algo. Any ideas?


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if I were to do it, I would think it deserves the same embarrassingly slow process as the drawings before it


Well, that put a dent in my plans but I quickly realized that the Tao Te Ching in Chinese couldn't fit into a single post (or even 5) so just enjoy this, coming up.


一章 道可道也,非恒道也。名可名也,非恒名也。 “无”,名天地之始;“有”,名万物之母。 故,常“无”,欲以观其妙;常“有”,欲以观其徼。 此两者,同出而异名,同谓之玄。玄之又玄,众妙之门。
二章 天下皆知美之为美,斯恶已。皆知善之为善,斯不善已。有无相生,难易相成,长短相形,高下相盈,音声相和,前后相随。恒也。是以圣人处无为之事,行不言之教;万物作而弗始,生而弗有,为而弗恃,功成而不居。夫唯弗居,是以不去。

三章 不尚贤,使民不争;不贵难得之货,使民不为盗;不见可欲,使民心不乱。是以圣人之治,虚其心,实其腹,弱其志,强其骨。常使民无知无欲。使夫智者不敢为也。为无为,则无不治。

四章 道冲而用之,或不盈。渊兮,似万物之宗。挫其锐,解其纷,和其光,同其尘。湛兮,似或存。吾不知谁之子,象帝之先。
五章 天地不仁,以万物为刍狗;圣人不仁,以百姓为刍狗。天地之间,其犹橐龠乎?虚而不屈,动而愈出。多闻数穷,不如守中。

六章 谷神不死,是谓玄牝。玄牝之门,是谓天地根。绵绵若存,用之不勤。

七章 天长地久。天地所以能长且久者,以其不自生,故能长生。是以圣人后其身而身先,外其身而身存。非以其无私邪?故能成其私。

八章 上善若水,水善利万物而不争。处众人之所恶,故几于道。居善地,心善渊,与善仁,言善信,正善治,事善能,动善时。夫唯不争,故无尤。

九章 持而盈之,不如其已。揣而锐之,不可长保。金玉满堂,莫之能守。富贵而骄,自遗其咎。功成身退,天之道。

十章 载营魄抱一,能无离乎?专气致柔,能婴儿乎?涤除玄览,能无疵乎?爱民治国,能无知乎?天门开阖,能为雌乎?明白四达,能无为乎?生之、畜之,生而不有,为而不恃,长而不宰。是谓玄德。

十一章 三十辐共一毂,当其无,有车之用。埏埴以为器,当其无,有器之用。凿户牖以为室,当其无,有室之用。故有之以为利,无之以为用。

十三章 宠辱若惊,贵大患若身。何谓宠辱若惊?宠为下,得之若惊,失之若惊,是谓宠辱若惊。何谓贵大患若身?吾所以有大患者,为吾有身,及吾无身,吾有何患?故贵以身为天下者,若可寄天下;爱以身为天下者,若可托天下。

十四章 视之不见,名曰夷;听之不闻,名曰希;搏之不得,名曰微。此三者,不可致诘,故混而为一。其上不皦,其下不昧,绳绳兮不可名,复归于无物。是谓无状之状,无象之象,是谓恍惚。迎之不见其首,随之不见其后。执古之道,以御今之有。能知古始,是谓道纪。

十五章 古之善为士者,微妙玄通,深不可识。夫唯不可识,故强为之容:豫兮,若冬涉川;犹兮,若畏四邻;俨兮,其若客;涣兮,其若冰之将释;敦兮,其若朴;旷兮,其若谷;混兮,其若浊。浊而静之,徐清。安以动之,徐生。保此道者,不欲盈。夫唯不盈,故能蔽不新成。

十六章 致虚极,守静笃。万物并作,吾以观复。夫物芸芸,各复归其根。归根曰静,静曰覆命。覆命曰常,知常曰明。不知常,妄作凶。知常容,容乃公,公乃王,王乃天,天乃道,道乃久,殁身不殆。

十七章 太上,不知有之;其次,亲而誉之;其次,畏之;其次,侮之。信不足焉,有不信焉。悠兮,其贵言。功成事遂,百姓皆谓:“我自然”。

十八章 大道废,有仁义;智慧出,有大伪;六亲不和,有孝慈;国家昏乱,有忠臣。

十九章 绝圣弃智,民利百倍;绝仁弃义,民复孝慈;绝巧弃利,盗贼无有。此三者以为文,不足。故令有所属:见素抱朴,少思寡欲,绝学无忧。

二十章 唯之与阿,相去几何?美之与恶,相去若何?人之所畏,不可不畏。荒兮,其未央哉!众人熙熙,如享太牢,如春登台。我独泊兮,其未兆;沌沌兮,如婴儿之未孩;儡儡兮,若无所归。众人皆有余,而我独若遗。我愚人之心也哉,沌沌兮!俗人昭昭,我独昏昏。俗人察察,我独闷闷。淡兮,其若海,望兮,若无 止。众人皆有以,而我独顽似鄙。我独异于人,而贵食母。


>make ~50 posts on megidochan
>receive 1 post on marzichan
tough economy out here! but it almost makes it worth it. I'm thankful for every crumb :3



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I like to do more than the bare minimum, so I'll add a few more bkub and SIMPSON ones at the same time


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>Speaking Japanese to Chinese


if I really wanted to effortpost I would write in stereotypical chapanese yakuwarigo, but then the number of people who would actually be amused rapidly approaches zero



Marziposts are the HARDER MONEY, but maybe everyone can nominate a boy in


btw if r/japancirclejerk was still up this clip would do insane numbers lmao (assuming it's not already an older clip)


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Kagichan being unbelievably dull, per usual.

At least we RETVRNED to "freewheeling" again.

@Marzipan, Reminder that her actual weapon should just be a wheel and the boxcutter is for sure. That was, at least, my original joke.



It would be at least one (1) person other than yourself, MEX.


I have no idea what this sentence means.


I'm not mex!!! mex doesn't type like that normally anyway



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This was meant to be the quirky sidedish to the traditional Genshin Impact main course but I got angered by its ineptitude.

>Jenny would be amused

Thanks, Kagichan.


>I'm not mex!!! mex doesn't type like that normally anyway
Reading comprehension, Marzipan. :derp:


It would get upboats on the japanese-dwelling reddiotor sub


Why? It's fucking stupid and it seems to hold a sentiment that many "Cool Japan!" tards, I would think, would find distasteful.


It is indeed stupid whiney and he looks like a facebook MAGA… DA FUNNY


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These are some seriously funny subtitles.

>A statement that directly contradicts the evident level of drama within the thread itself.

Smvrfa, fuck you.

>Finally hit with the (Mother of the group) stick

FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!! :out:


What resolution is your monitor?


wow, I never really took note of the fact you're up to 50,000 here already. impressive. but if anything consider this: the impact of any given marzichan post is much greater than a post here! :^p

>Reading comprehension, Marzipan.
ah, I read this part:
>other than yourself, MEX
as addressing me, like "at least one person other than [YOU (MEX)] would get it"

ok I'll take a stab at actually explaining but: the subreddit I mentioned was full of disillusioned expats living in japan who would mock "epic japan" people or embarrassing foreigners living in/talking about japan and generally cynically commiserate about life there as a foreigner. it was pretty unashamedly toxic.
but I think this clip would have tons of discussion, I imagine with the majority of people mocking him for presumably being a foreigner willingly living there for 5+ years and yet still unable to stumble through a few elementary set phrases at the konbini, and who's loud and angry about the fact that he's not being accommodated despite that.
Then, I would expect a smaller minority of users who have wrapped around from that mindset and would be like "oh it's tryhard to speak japanese in a situation like this", real expats stop trying to fit in because it will never happen anyway etc etc

btw fwiw my understanding is that the foreigner kids working at places like lawson are typically exchange students, so speaking japanese is basically the entire reason they're there, and it's understandable why they would try to do that


HSG has quite a few kanji grinders, actually. Homestuck confirmed VN


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At least they're able to catch onto the fact that we were making fun of their AI phonetics.
>Digital Diaspora

I think this is also falsely attributing some stuff to me but I can't remember. :derp:
IDFK, something x around 1000. I can read the screenshots well enough. Do you need glasses?


>HSG has quite a few kanji grinders
I know, but I figure that the crossover with that kind of self-indulgent bullshit would mostly likely contain just you. :fun:


>HSG has no character limit
How I wish. (But that'd lead to cancer.)


> I can read the screenshots well enough
They're legible just oddly grainy


It's the program I use, it also tends to distort color. I've just gotten used to it. :milk:


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Hu¢¢ie didn't make Equius female because he knew making a character that fucking arousing would cause the Internet to collapse on itself.

(Also, he's his self-insert and he's a homosexual.)


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Even faster, this time.


That subreddit sounds funny, guessing it's shuttered?


Everyone has something, but I am alone in my stubbornness. I am different from others, and I value eating the mother.


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yeah, for several years now I think. they might have moved somewhere else, I stopped browsing there before it went down so no clue


Marzipan in Nippoon???? :resp0nd:


Made me check. Flimsychan mentioned us unprompted!


>Am able to find so funny.mp4 at lightning speeds
>All other mental faculties are retarded
What a cool trade-off. :0k:


Let me guess… "They don't talk about Homestuck." :milk:


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Nobody care me


>Be me: le lore sperg who left because people who stopped talking because nobody gave a fuck about talking and started talking about zoomzoom shit (which excludes somewhat acceptable stuff live Hivebent and complete indefensible stuff like Limbus Company)

Also, weird how they don't mention /v/ or /trash/ or even /cm/

/co/ fags gonna' sperg, I guess.


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HSG here can still be distractingly active imo. Unless they're measuring in time between HS posts


Jesus Christ, abortionpeople are terrible. :fun:


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Just so you don't have to go into the dumping ground to see what I said.



I think it could be funny if you tweaked your prompts to get it to reference actual verbatim posts or quotes from them. could help keep it from always going so abstract too


>I think it could be funny if you tweaked your prompts to get it to reference actual verbatim posts or quotes from them
That works with REASON but oftentimes it's too afraid to given the content.


Are you still set on having Sauna be cursed to silence like Drakengard 1
I thought it would be funny if his conversational style is "interject quips", but Bouquet talks so fast she blows right by where the comedic timing and relevance would last


>being autistic about an e-celeb
Yeah, that's not real which was my point. Autism isn't a behaviour, it's all LARP.


all this site talk reminded me to ask: how the hell did you find marzichan, anyway? I've had a couple other altchan users stumble upon it but we never had the rapport for me to bother asking.

is there some site that scDIAPs the web for vichan instances and lists them? I remember being shocked and amused when the first ever post not written by me happened before I even pointed the domain name at it - it was just a spambot posting some neonazi copypasta. still, really startled me when I refreshed the page to test layout changes and saw some crazed rambling lmao


How about privately nursed autism that you never show a soul?


>Are you still set on having Sauna be cursed to silence like Drakengard 1
Yes, in songs, he'd be represented by a metronome speaking in binary. :^)
>I thought it would be funny if his conversational style is "interject quips", but Bouquet talks so fast she blows right by where the comedic timing and relevance would last
Yes, that can still apply because you're forgetting half of the premise in that THEY TALK TO EACH OTHER IN THEIR HEADS BECAUSE SHE'S PSYCHIC.


>is there some site that scDIAPs the web for vichan instances and lists them
Yes, hence CP bots. Enjoy the Google search results while you still c- oh, wait. :pfft:


>Yeah, that's not real which was my point. Autism isn't a behaviour, it's all LARP.


>Enjoy the Google search results while you still c- oh, wait.
we are still on google though, I think? I switched to duckduckgo recently after they added the forced ai summary garbage


Meaningless statement. :de?:


I was going through imageboards.net looking for… "inspiration" and marzichan was in the Ms near us (I didn't personally add megido there either, so there must be a dedicated imageboard hunter)
Your site seemed clean and in line with a few of my aesthetic sensibilities, so I dropped a post. Since imageboards don't have (or need) anything like a guestbook


it seems meaningful to me. don't private autistic behaviors poke a hole in the idea that it's "all LARP"?


>we are still on google though, I think?
"So are we."


Like maintaining a shrine to (character/concept) in your room… or meticulously detailing a garage kit that no one else will see. Private otaku activities.


oh neat, I didn't realize we'd been listed there since before you visited.

I'll know I've "made it" when search engines stop asking if you meant to type "marzipan" I'm aware this is a totally unrealistic milestone but it would be amusing


>MEX's Majetano shrine


I think I'm Nicholson'd out. I can't watch her anymore. :washout:


Must be like playing a song on repeat for 48 hours, then never


he's been in the nicholgoon chamber too long, pull him out!!!


No, because I've watched her videos before.
NEVER goon.




That'd require being extra diligent about learning to draw, or commission things. Yuuka and Alice were simple, I just needed to passively snipe and order products

A digital shrine will have to serve


Ours bespoke slopcasters would be… Octopimp and Grey Delisle?


I sleep now


>Abandoning Jenny in the cold just like that


It's a about that time…
Were you not over her just minutes ago?


傳單是JOJO,無人機駕駛員是大董彤彤, 雪山之颠, 和天津水翼板大队


>Were you not over her just minutes ago?
Not completely. It never goes away, completely. Just subsides. Love waxes and wanes.

Also, she's still kind of in my brain rent-free, I just can't tolerate her long-ass videos anymore. :milk:


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Me when a woman is talking to me.


Zoom flashbacks


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Did you stand like this in your Zoom calls?


I immediately just swapped to some of her older, shorter videos.:innocent:


Are there audio versions? With all that content, you could make an AI ghost of her as robust as Prognoz Pogodi's Dasha


>Are there audio versions?
You can just download YouTube videos as .mp3s but I don't have enough space for that or Elevenlabs and I'm not going to force my bro to do this for me.


You only need about 5mins of audio for the basic clone
Hmm… I'm feeling indulgent, do you have a favorite vlog entry?


>Hmm… I'm feeling indulgent, do you have a favorite vlog entry?
I Wouldnt Know


Her talking about her MLP fanfiction is reminding me of my own creative ramblings. :wow!:


I need help. I have no idea what I'm doing with my slep. :itsovver:




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Genny AI soothing sleep ASMR can be yours, for 6.99


I'm not good at describing voices but I know her voice can break and she kind of has a lisp on her Ss? :wut:

I don't know the concise terminology.

You tell me, MEX. Perhaps I should force you to watch all of her videos. :de:
Smvrfa, FUCK ASMR.


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I'm in a Hell of my own creation.


Oh, wait, a fucking second, WHERE'S REASON!?!?!??!?!?


File: 1733647464305.mp3 (697.96 KB, ElevenLabs_2024-12-08T08_4….mp3)

Nowhere, instead you get this.



I still demand REASON…:de:


I'm losing my fuck over this though. :guilt:


Is the tv thread still up?


https://boards.4chan.org/tv/thread/206803218 >404'd which means the Euro mods actively snipped it

She's just too powerful!


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This might mean I was banned because I named the thread "Homestuck" :kyaha:


I remembered a different anon wanted their homestuck horoscope, so I'll have the "sheer reasoning power" check if they showed up

Then it's over for me


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Again, the titles are often the funniest parts.

I unironically don't know if the Costco card thing is true or not.


>Then it's over for me
Nuh uh, oh no, you don't. You know I love my ritualposts.


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Yeah, it literally was just the OP, lmao. Fucking jannies.


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No amalgamations this time


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>Debates on the legality of underage sex
You always love to see it.
>4chan's Homestuck thread


I feel like all of these could be me. :chigau:


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Maybe the home-mapped version will help

It is with a measure of regret that we inform you…
As you are actually cool


Yeah, I expected myself to be two. I mean, those are words I used near-exclusively.
>It is with a measure of regret that we inform you… As you are actually cool
It's over for Marzipan..


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Cool and newn sticker.


Also, I love the needless specification of
>farts (used humorously)


If you did it privately then yes, it's for yourself and not a performance. But I won't see people's private obsessions unless they're tranimalised as media for my consumption, so every example I see is a performance. I also feel that in general pretending to care about things is much more common than actually caring about things nowadays.

This guy is an example of what I mean, he's obviously performing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NdyyamHWGFE
Most people who claim to be obsessed with ecelebs or fictional characters are lesser versions of this.


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GPT-o recognizes the impeccable timing and restraint of my fart jokes.



To legitimately reply to this one, that video is extra vile because he presents the "just be sincere and weird :)" lines while engaging in it as total performance.


Your views on any given topic are so fucking warped and you have a fundamentally malformed sense of empathy.
You see, that video with <6k is the cornerstone of his weird, fringe perspective on this specific niche topic of life.


>You see, that video with <6k is the cornerstone of his weird, fringe perspective on this specific niche topic of life.
I would bet the vlogger is unoriginal enough that the gimmick is copied from a more successful channel doing the same CUHRIIIINGE gag


And yet you didn't link that hypothetical person, curiously. :de:


I don't watch 'tubers, so I wouldn't know…




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>Me when I see a new Megidochanner


Or a regular megidochanner.
Or a rare megidochanner.
Or a lapsed megidochanner.


He doesn't even have a weird, fringe perspective though. I don't think you understand how common this type of behaviour is, even though in this case it's taken to an "extreme" (while remaining banal and mundane). His "life philosophy" is to behave in a superficially wacky way for attention. And it's gets him attention because people see his videos and think he has a mentally ill obsession with the character in the video that he makes 1000 prinouts or 1 big printout of, but he's actually just a CCAN who does it for random popular characters.


Who are you? Are you him? You know, the person I was actually fucking talking about? :de:


I would say it's especially the new/dicsord ones but.. :…:


Wish I had some of them rich parents…


How about an uncle to molest you? :shikari:


I'm a little surprised that "fuck" wasn't more frequent than "gay" but I guess it was split between the variations…. and yet one of the variations of "fuck you" was used enough to be considered one of my most used words?


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Emeowyle? Emeowyle Dokken?


You weren't talking about that to me. It shouldn't matter who I am, that's the point of an anonymous imageboard.


Nobody answered me last time, so do you have any socio-racial insights on this imageboardy thing
Previously, they enjoyed viral success with that very zoomer jjkcore anime genre sorter quiz.

I'm eager to see what their shop offers, strictly out of grim curiosity


File: 1733650821879.gif (4.15 MB, 600x576, Stank.gif)

But enlightening to know that if I ever express my feelings to someone that magically makes them not real.


>Nobody answered me last time, so do you have any socio-racial insights on this imageboardy thing
>Previously, they enjoy viral success with that very zoomer jjkcore anime genre sorter quiz.
Really, him?

Also, keep in mind: homosexual misogynist.

>I'm eager to see what their shop offers, strictly out of grim curiosity

More ironic bullshit, it's not that interesting. I'm depressed you brought this back up.


I think monetization/audience building is the major blow against any realness.


>I think monetization/audience building is the major blow against any realness.
My major Megidochan audience for my Jenny Nicholson thirst. :bakane:


The conversation earlier got me thinking about a megido shop, I know any design hosted here must avoid the "goes hard bra" trends


>I know any design hosted here must avoid the "goes hard bra" trends
And how would we? I forget what we've suggested before… I'm sure someone could take a goon microscope to it.:…:


These types of posts are like being trans for normal people, wearing a false identity and enjoying it



How about "Avatarfagging for normies"


This guy's too self-serious. :de:


Territorial… I'm too flippant, so being cut against can be helpful.


Jenny seems to have been on a lot of podcasts/collab videos (as is to be expected of well-to-do (autistic) socialite type), she's just never had her own (probably because too much effort and her baby brain needs focus.)

You dragged me back into this. You fuck. :sry:


For good reason.
>I'm too flippant, so being cut against can be helpful.
What does this mean? :huh:


A podcast would probably make a better, more conversational voice clone (wouldn't have the vlogger diction baked in, at least)


Is this 優しい人old really bending over for me to shove more Jenny into him? :hug:


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Don't be crass, it's for the potential dubbing applications.:neckbeard:


What's the max length for a clip? You'd have to splice out Jenny clips and then splice them together from OTHER PEOPLE.


10mb limit for the basic plan I'm on, that's like a 12minute video if audacity exported to .ogg


Now I want to step on Chudanon's toys for his stupid brain for a variety of reasons but I'm holding my tongue because I'd rather not entertain him any longer I don't know vlogger diction is that much better than her seeming a little uncomfortable and mousey (which is what I'm seeing in the podcasts), she literally shrinks into herself. I could say "Her with her close friends and sister" like in the Evermore or Star Wars Hotel videos but she's ultimately still vlogging there and sounds similar so.. probably not worth downloading 4 hour videos about that.

Did you use the video of her sperging out with Max Landis? You should probably have clipped that up. What did you use?


>she literally shrinks into herself
And starts fidgeting with a plushie because you know…

Fuck me and my last minute additions, I should start hitting myself in the balls again. :grab2:


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It looks like a Twitter op and I don't think anyone really uses it (though they might like the idea of using it), it gets intermittent user injections from shilling but they're only interested in taking attention not giving it so it doesn't go anywhere.

I like the minimal style, the aesthetics are clearly still inspired by ironic anime nostalgia but at least they created something pleasant to look at unlike Agora Road.

The guy who made it is a typical Twitterite retarded aesthete subhuman attention whore homosexual DERSITE social striver workshopping "takes" in a group chat and theming posts around popular buzzwords. I think the purpose of the imageboard is largely to appear like he's building something so he gets more attention on Twitter. He doesn't understand or care about imageboards so it will never develop a genuine community.


I input the Incredibles 2 review, and the Church Play Universe


How both of them?


Man, I think I hate you. :hithere:


Well, I appreciated the effort, thanks.
I'm thinking a simple white on black theme is probably about due here.

Weren't you yourself "chudanon" not so long ago? Tsk tsk.


You get 25 slots of 10mb each (why they do it that way instead of a 250mb 'budget' allowing a few big files, I couldn't tell you)


>I'm thinking a simple white on black theme is probably about due here.
You were supposed to make SERIOUS BUSINESS a long time ago. I hold this against you. :de:
>Weren't you yourself "chudanon" not so long ago? Tsk tsk.


What a dumb way to go about it, then. :milk:

If you've got time to do it, just splice her isolated clips of spaghetti spilling from the Landis video.

Also, we could just make it Grey Delise and Jenny Nicholson. #girlsgetitdone


That'a black on grey, innnit?
I also like the cai dark mode dicsord ripoff, that'd be a funny one.
And it would need the DELERIOUS BIZNASTY surge and Doritos version as an alt ofc


>That'a black on grey, innnit?
Close enough, baka.
>I also like the cai dark mode dicsord ripoff, that'd be a funny one.
>And it would need the DELERIOUS BIZNASTY surge and Doritos version as an alt ofc


I really should have said "Time to waste" even though all you do is waste time. Just, if you get especially bored, you can build a better Jenny.


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You're a rebel! Steve Albini influence?


>all you do is waste time
I did declare a sabbatical for myself from July to the end of Dec :awesome:


Insofar as it is authentic (and I experienced it myself before) the celebritylust thing proves that men care about personality, because celebrities usually aren't *that* physically attractive. It's how they behave in movies and videos that makes them attractive.


>Grungy Edgy
Were there other forms of edgy? If there were, I'll be incredibly mad.

It's been on record that I fucking hate grunge.

>Steve Albini influence

I did quote one of his songs last thread(?) but it was only such a notable quote because it was so ironic given the context of his legacy.
I'm not sure what kind of joy you get out of stuff. If you're that much of a work(play)horse or not. So I always kind of have to wonder about what I ask you to do because I'm not sure if you're getting the same thing out of it as me. :tsun:
Backtracking to stay in my good graces? :smug:


>Were there other forms of edgy? If there were, I'll be incredibly mad.
Nope, there weren't. calling out grunge specifically is pretty funny.

The rest were: Booktube, Urban Minimalist, Zelda T-shirt + hoodie, lumberjack core, and straight laced unite the right style (Bro? Bro Strider?)


And by never watching the video, I'm immunized to being won over


Oneesan, do I have to fuck you now? :rump:
>Urban Minimalist, Zelda T-shirt + hoodie, lumberjack core, and straight laced unite the right style
Let me see this bullshit. This REASON sounds funny.
Also, what they sound here sounded like generically pop-punk. They didn't mention the grungehunch's PRECIOUS flannel overshirts.
She's literally possessing you as we speak.


I'm not backtracking, it's not performative to find a celebrity attractive if you just look up photos of them on DuckDuckGo images and don't tell the world. I value nuance and I really don't care about owning or befriending you, especially since I don't know who you are and can't keep track of who is who.


>I value nuance


He's "Megidochan's Karkat", if you get a feel for it, you'll see it everywhere


>you'll see it everywhere
I'd rather if you didn't.


Also, I don't think this guy knows what the fuck Homestuck is.


I'd assume everyone is at least familiar, or else why?


It's time to stop! It's time to stop, okay?
STOP posting all this lowres pics. It's not a fucking 2005 and it's not a Siemens C6 display with a resolution of 132x176 pixels I visiting this damn place. For fuck's sake, Megidochan is even unable to let me zoom in and zoom out damn ant's dick size picture like even fucking 2ch(dot)hk let you do
So please, stop making it here a cat's teardrop size screenshots


The Euros came from some weird generic altchan as like, refugees or something is what I gathered.


"I can read it, chud.":breakitdownwhitegirl:


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That guy left to practice his English.


And I guess that was more fedorafreak than bro, given the briefcase


>flowy skirts
>scarves or a leather satchel
>That guy left to practice his English.
I thought they both came from the same place.
Yeah, and you flubbed the exact words used… :sry:


>I thought they both came from the same place.
Who knows, I hesitate to draw connections from too little evidence


I read Homestuck and the Epiclogues and half of Problem Sleuth and half of Hiveswap and watched a friend stream Psycholonials


OR pants
OR t-shirts
GPT hedges its guesses


>Who knows, I hesitate to draw connections from too little evidence
I mean, they showed up at the exact same time… :sry:
Gross. :gtfo:



Damn. Candy, even? Sterner stuff than I…


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The accessories are non-negotiable. You VVILL wear the scarf.


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>it's not a Siemens C6 display with a resolution of 132x176 pixels I visiting this damn place.
If the sanctions continue for a couple more years, it will be!


RUSSSIAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!! :argh:


I wonder how me (or anyone else) could achieve Eridan or Caliborn through their REASON analysis. :j:


I finished Homestuck around the time the epilogues released so I felt more motivation to read it even though I had low expectations, of course having recent attachments to the characters made it an even more miserable experience and my feelings were hurt for a few days.


What a little 8ITCH. :kyaha:


Caliborn would require very limited self awareness


The couple more years, and there will be no Ukraine at all as far as ukrainians.
Your wish could be granted.
It's a deal?



Worry not, I know that feel bwo
Well, not so much from Homestuck, since I had the 3-year 'Oh, what?' gap between Act 7 and the epilogues. The original ending of NEET John slowly drifting apart from his friends was quite bittersweet, though.




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>The original ending of NEET John slowly drifting apart from his friends was quite bittersweet, though.
That implies it's any good at all so die.






File: 1733656861591.png (353.46 KB, 621x477, i want my VDV.png)

>The couple more years, and there will be no Ukraine at all as far as ukrainians.
Two more weeks, right? Because VDV did so well defending Assad in Syria.




Ты не туда воюешь, дЭбил свинявый
Why so triggered? Too angry Zelensky go ask Trump for more money knowing Trump wants to stop funding your noseman in control?




Guys, please stop with the nu-/pol/ slapfights.


blowing off a little steam every couple of weeks…
"Can't TRVMP usher in world peace and 10mm BTC already?"


>blowing off a little steam every couple of weeks…
Things can easily spiral, ojisan. :ojisan:
>10mm BTC
10 millimeter Bitcoin…? :auu:


File: 1733657560804.png (785.97 KB, 875x833, GZ55WOIXkAA1plC.png)

You are just a pussy homosexual. You are the ultimate serf, the ultimate cattle at the very bottom of food chain. You were bred to die for no purpose. You were born in chains and you will die in chains. You are nothing. You will always be nothing.




Also, watch out mentioning the nose, article 282 is in effect in your cesspit of a country.


>Le ebin goth ride
Okay, now I'm part of the Rudy defense force. You die now. :letmein:


>>Le ebin goth ride


File: 1733657671167.jpg (1.11 MB, 1019x764, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Rose? Rose Lalonde?


Ok, lol


>Also, watch out mentioning the nose, article 282 is in effect in your cesspit of a country.
Once you'll cease to be dumb. But seems like not today


aye rabu arisu aye make her in eri nyuu game!


It's worth it. :breakitdownwhitegirl:


Why does she trying to scare me?
I'm not afraid of… jpgs


Assad the great brown hope of the turd world be like
*loses civil war to a bunch of CIA cannibals*
*begs for help from israel*
*flees the capital*


I didn't care about the war until I saw those drone death videos of surrendering soldiers and all the Ukraine soys were replying gleefully. Now I hope the war ends and drones become illegal in wars.


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>I'm not afraid of… jpgs


Ebin goth porn has been a part of HSG culture forever though


Pls, no, step-.jpg, water you doing?


Did he really die?


That's different because Rose is an actual character (one that's goes beyond, sometimes conflicts with, and is a subtype of goth) and not just girl in black (maybe with piercings.) :hunger:


File: 1733658370268.jpg (55 KB, 396x336, step-.jpg)


*that goes
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :grab2: :slap:


>I didn't care about the war until I saw those drone death videos of surrendering soldiers and all the Ukraine soys were replying gleefully.
I bet you don't care when /chug/gots celebrate child DIAP and POW castrations though.
Not sure, there's rumors and supposedly his flight descended rapidly and disappeared off radar after going over Homs


Homs is under rebel control, btw



Guys, please… :out:


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No it's relevant, the geopolitical ramifications of the Syrian civil war might have an effect on the writing of Homestuck (Huss will get nuked and die)


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>(Huss will get nuked and die)
I really, really hope.


But the Roach survives…


To DIAP another day.


Now I actually interested to know what going to be the final point of special depixalization opertion you are doing over this picture with every next iteration.
Show me you final form, depixelazing Yoda, I dare you!


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Burned the midnight oil to see if the 'p man was going to appear, but it doesn't look like yet

I'm just gonna toggle images off for a bit. Meditate on the grainy yoda.


I desperately crave MEX's (random 30 year old NEET ojisan) validate and approval. :tsun:
>I'm just gonna toggle images off for a bit. Meditate on the grainy yoda.
I guess that settles that then. :3::tsun::NOW:




>I'm just gonna toggle images off for a bit. Meditate on the grainy yoda.
Just right when I was about to post DiCaprio's "We need to go deeper" meme?


Don't be upset, amigo.
You should go ESLy about that


ESL puns… Euro humor… :…:


[M. Bison] OF COURSHE!


(I lied I went back to Jenny Nicholson videos. :guilt:)



This is a serious problem. :douzo:


This problem is you think some wave peak ineterst is an actual obsession.
Sometimes I get a song stuck in my head and I keep on repeat on my gadet over and over again, untill I felt satiation 3+ days after.
It's just a character, not a deadly drug that literally burns you chemically from the inside and same time forces you to go get more of it or same affect mind parasite


>mind parasite
She literally is though. She's possessing MEX into becoming a Disney Adult (oneesan.) :de:


And then I'll have to get married and impregnate him just like his fem!優しい人 genderbender game. It was insidious, grim synchronicity all along.


>She literally is though. She's possessing MEX into becoming a Disney Adult (oneesan.)
>She literally is though. She's possessing MEX into becoming a Disney Adult (oneesan.)
Like an evil Maid of Mind godtier ability to became an invasive thought within one's mental realm?
>She's possessing MEX into becoming a Disney Adult (oneesan.)
What? Who? How?
Like Shrek? Or like every disney male character psyop last decade - lazy, silly or dumb, pear shaped and calmy contrairy to his 8ITCH (or supposed to be something alike) female partner characterm stong, leader, smart, active womxn?
Or there's some new to me in-west internet meme I known nothing about right now?



>Like an evil Maid of Mind godtier ability to became an invasive thought within one's mental realm?
Maid of Blood since it's womb-:outy:Biznasty:outy: supernatural activity.
>What? Who? How?
Through his DQ merchandise (namely plushies.) He cleared them out of his room to detox it of her influence but they mysteriously reappeared.

You may have noticed MEX acting more femininely as of lately, fretting over tarot cards and his weeping vagina. This is because an autistic womanchild e-celeb launched a psychic attack anchor into his belly button and is now dragging his self out of the sea of the collective consciousness. :de:


I've catched this autocorrect before, but don't remeber what word triggering it
> fretting over tarot cards
Must be not knowing how to tarot. Or any prediction, if that matter. I do have tarot cards too, as such I know how do they or do not work
> This is because an autistic womanchild e-celeb launched a psychic attack anchor into his belly button and is now dragging his self out of the sea of the collective consciousness.
Need more data to calculate


>I've catched this autocorrect before, but don't remeber what word triggering it
B. Aced
>Must be not knowing how to tarot.
No, he's obsessed with the aesthetics of the whole thing more than anything. LIKE A GIRL.
>Need more data to calculate
Yeah, it's a long haul. She needs wind data to best gauge the trajectory in which to best pull in order to rip his mind and soul from his body.


I started browsing the nu-old web (neocities/altchans/tildes) again and my mood was harmed. Almost everything is dead and every dead page represents a failed hope. So many people wanted to make something detached from mainstream networks but almost all of them failed. The corpses don't decay, instead either flickering out of existence if self-hosted or remaining preserved indefinitely as they were in the moment of their death under the protection of a more reliable host, which feel like graveyards.

I get the feeling others don't feel the same way, some appear to enjoy nostalgia but I can't get on board. I used to archive a lot of things but I stopped because when I looked at the archives later I only felt bad.


Meijjy Dokken will rise from the ashes.:de:


I do worry that [RANDOM FAS WOMAN] has a drinking problem given how much she brings up drinking games and her relationship with Lindsey Ellis. :class::wonk:

Makes me think about how Stan cures his Asperger's by drinking whiskey. Except, this time, the Asperger's is real.


Also, I'm still mad at my dad for thinking a Fleetwod Mac song was David Bowie for some inexplicable reason. Fuck you! :slap:


Should be the Meijjy Dokken dark Internet creepypasta ritual game be?

Probably should have asked this during Halloween but it's a fun thought. :resp0nd:


>B. Aced
>No, he's obsessed with the aesthetics of the whole thing more than anything. LIKE A GIRL.
Honestly, not great, not terrible. As we saying in Russia "Чем бы дитя не тешилось, лишь бы не плакало" and the way ruder form "Каждый дрочит так как хочет" Even if aestetical part is the only part he likes out of it
>Yeah, it's a long haul.
I going to warm some dish and boil some water to make a fine tea.
>She needs wind data to best gauge the trajectory in which to best pull in order to rip his mind and soul from his body.
Princess of Mind? Thief of Heart?
Actually sounds like she knows Mex in person and hardly menipulate him IRL and via web to…. what's the point?


>Actually sounds like she knows Mex in person and hardly menipulate him IRL and via web to…. what's the point?
Already established to be a Maid of Blood. The end game is to swap bodies with him and fuck me to drain me of my vril, I guess. Every logical connector to that conclusion should be decided by you, the viewer.


Also, a joke creepypasta about Meizen.org would be amusing as well. :resp0nd::resp0nd:


> The end game is to swap bodies with him and fuck me to drain me of my vril, I guess.
…And why did she began doing it toward you?
I'm feeling like there's a big cluster of important information happened behind the scene we can not see, that hides the large part of the plot


>I'm feeling like there's a big cluster of important information happened behind the scene we can not see, that hides the large part of the plot
Workshop it, I'm burnt. :milk:



Maybe when oneesan wakes up from her beauty sleep, she'll feel generous to contribute.


*enough to


>Get a book on structuralism
>5/10 chapters are DEI branches of theory
(and 1 is gommie)


>Maybe when oneesan wakes up from her beauty sleep, she'll feel generous to contribute.
Do the fairytale move. Go kiss HER and gently say in HER ear "AWAKEN MY MISTRESS!"


I just have to wait for the ritual to complete and MEX to fall into a slumber then, I guess.


Pictures on, I need to post nanfest after all.
Also, hsg really needs some manner of girl bait, lest things sink any further into an aesthetics :outy:Biznasty:outy: prison homosexual hierarchy


A "haunted" meizen.org resurrection during Halloween would be hilarious.
All I have to work off the style is a few screenshots though, damnit…
Not even on wayback


Big tiddies dominatin DFC?
Then, Aranea is a highest rank :smug:
Aradia os on top too :l0ve:


File: 1733678941949.jpg (103.23 KB, 1500x500, 1500x500.jpg)

>Big tiddies dominatin DFC?
I subscribe to this JUSTLY RANKING without complaint. Things getting flipped on their head from time to time isn't bad either, though.


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N-Next kakera…


>Things getting flipped on their head from time to time isn't bad either, though.
Oh, you are the wise man as well


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>her actual weapon should just be a wheel and the boxcutter is for sure
explain the wheel?

>It's over for Marzipan..
it would seem so. every one of those groups contains multiple words I did not use



is this like north vs south corea, or……..?


File: 1733683020796-0.png (1.1 MB, 1000x1541, nanfest 24-12-08.png)

File: 1733683020796-1.png (1.7 MB, 1000x1665, sincy 24-12-08.png)

It can all end here
Take up pitchfork, skewer brat
Everything's just fine.


Reads like south korean 'cels fantasy-venting about Purge style scenarios.
I've never actually looked into what went so wrong over there. The Western chud has been target of much scorn and mockery, sure, but his violent fantasies are typically :outy:Biznasty:outy: on a healthier foundation of repelling outsiders, preserving ORDER, etc


>is this like north vs south corea, or……..?
How logical in your opinion is for North Korean to wish to invade North Korea?
Have personally you dreaming about invading your own butt with PMC of you own (private meet cock)?



I spent like a week crawling going through cidoku's links and following through the various webrings back in September. Some are painfully by the numbers, few I considered kindred spirits or inspiration. Melonland forum didn't accept my application to make a post, but I can respect the desire to keep out cyber riffraff.

Many neocities were probably launched as pandemic projects. I actually enjoy having them linger on in the face of lost interest, it provides a lazy avenue for VGH MAN AMONG THE RVINS digit-urban exploration


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The google translate widget is actually retired, but this one seem adequate for something quick

Any opinions on the placement? I'd lean top-right


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meggy's not sending her best


I don't get it, all the boys there had their shirts on and erithing


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Or maybe not…


can't even celebrate boys without it being gay anymore. truly a dire age for men's rights


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That was an unironic alt rite 1.0 talking point. The Hermeneutics of Gay Suspicion, iirc. google still returns RPGcodex for it with their delightfully colorful language


File: 1733691039863.jpg (321.56 KB, 1536x2048, ClipboardImage.jpg)


"Challenge accepted"


>no homestuck bust size chart exists
>multiple height charts exist


Spectacle, it's "art" not an actual advert and not commissioned by Bluesky


I swear there was…!
But that's just the kind of speculation I'm into


They're all flat.


File: 1733693418483.png (173.64 KB, 1140x465, my-image.png)

here's my distribution. Not particularly original


File: 1733694133532.jpg (4.03 KB, 570x319, ClipboardImage.jpg)

sleepy sunday meg



I'm still kicking around the idea for a "board's closed" day every week


so you can take a break from reading and moderating every post?


Er- honestly? yes. Mostly for my own sake…

While I do think a "sabbath" day would be funny, there are other ways I can take a load off. Maybe a euro meid0


>Mostly for my own sake…
That's understandable. Take it easy ne


File: 1733696805337.jpg (33.39 KB, 1143x551, ClipboardImage.jpg)

I put it down in the foot instead, since that's more easily populated across everything. And people lurk in the bottom of a thread typically

Unfortunately conflicts with vichan's bot detection and you have to be in English for a post to go through.

Important workaround/fix, but I say GTL HSG is funny enough to leave up broken until then




File: 1733698576688.png (23.07 KB, 276x222, 29336.png)

*キミノ ハナシハ ムゼン ダ


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17 days until undertale is history!



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File: 1733700787685.png (256.1 KB, 598x462, jennic.png)


Context on this one?
(I know, I know: Simulacrum engagement bait but.)


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she looks very safe


mota booked another one, eh?
Not that it matters too much if you design your char


It doesn't matter if you're a one thousand year old witch, that's booster seat size


Edited from some BFDI post that I don't understand, maybe the bubble character popped or something. "But the fact that you thought it could be real says a lot."


Classic South Korea!


File: 1733715618596.jpg (242.04 KB, 250x342, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Pig? Pigtails?


>alt rite 1.0


We all just need to digitally crossdress and post really boring SKSKSKSKSKSK things on Halloween. Enter: TRICKSTER mode.


Majetano's big, fat titties?


Must I say it? :candy: meme.


>explain the wheel?
Regularly described by AI as "freewheeling" + that's not really a weapon unless you're in Soulcalibur or something.
>it would seem so. every one of those groups contains multiple words I did not use
Don't be dumb. We know at least one of them is you.

Specifically "kino", "wtf", "stickers", "gigantic", and "cropping." I can see you very easily using 4/5, not often so I don't know what's going on there, but whatever.


At least the panel layout matched up nicely enough. You really should have GOT AIDS and went apeshit this time though.


It's the consequence of living in a femdom society complete with both circumcision and sissification. Men and wwomen in South Korea probably hate each other mother anywhere else on the planet except, maybe, India.


What is the gay homosexual crap in question? :thunk:


There are endless ones of both. I remember the one with the entire(?) line-up where they're all naked and it's tasteful enough but large masses of naked people always make me a little uncomfortable no matter what the context.

I remember the line about [SIC] "Rose being the kind of girl to eat as much as she wants and never get fat" and that kind of lionized the idea of secret fast food hog Rose to me which in turn lead to Chubby Rose Lalonde and, to an extent, IBS Rose Lalonde (our greatest seller.)
I would say Meulin and Jane (BECAUSE FAT) should be at the top but otherwise, pretty stock.


Where's the metahumor? Where's IPad? Where's immediately contradicting something you just said? NOT FUNNY.


File: 1733716567273.png (196.65 KB, 224x224, 03050.png)

She was my favorite at 11, though the mature Cierra was fine too


This really says a lot about society. :hover:


I don't dignify such material with a like, but I do get curious when they make it here.
I just want to understand…
Not that I mind the cool foil "Hmph, you're falling for that?" posting, it's funny.
I won't call it "talking like Sephiroth", it reminds me of Terry from DQVI.


>She was my favorite at 11,
Start them early… I would say there's some kind of fundamental difference between kid whose "fuzzy feelings" only got accentuated by puberty and those who kind of swapped. There's something to be said there. Something. I think I already told my best example of this kind of thing with me here so suck a dick, DERSITE. :sip:


>Not that I mind the cool foil "Hmph, you're falling for that?" posting, it's funny.
>I won't call it "talking like Sephiroth", it reminds me of Terry from DQVI.
You really are typing more and more femininely every day. Some drastic action is needed. :tetrakarn::prayer::tetrakarn:




Drosera wiping the condensation off the mirror with her floor-draggers.


File: 1733717000206.jpg (268.56 KB, 762x569, ClipboardImage.jpg)

>Thought I would get a commentary-free playthrough because of how generic the thumbnail was
>Get this shit instead



Don't say that, "talking like Sephiroth" is a xittergoon meme deployed when they encounter punctuation and 10th grade vocab.

… Asshole! Hmph!


> "talking like Sephiroth" is a xittergoon meme deployed when they encounter punctuation and 10th grade vocab.
Never heard of it.
>… Asshole! Hmph!
Ellipses are fucking gay and embarrassing though. Especially in writing. Especially in Western writing. Especially in sad, bad dad indie JRPGS. *Cough.*


This thread


They're stealing OUR (my) obsessive JOKE. And they're being zoomer with it TOO! https://floydai.net/

Should we SUE THEM!?!?!?!??!?! :yup:


Marzichan is gay homosexual shit? :poochie:



>Don't be dumb. We know at least one of them is you.
lmao, why would I lie about this? I promise I did not say "kino", and I have no memory of saying "cropping". it's possible I said "stickers" and "gigantic" while suggesting that MEX change how the stickers are aligned. it's possible I said "wtf" as I did that a little while back when roxykit evolved

was it soul?

really unfair how the thread is suddenly active right at the end of the day when I should be getting ready for bed


RoW beat you to it >>22908
I got a little more disappointed at how everything is monetization all the way down


Recollecting, I want to say that the first video I watched from Jenny was :outy:Biznasty:outy: off of mutual interest (AKA not Star Wars because I barely give a fuck about that and think everything past the original is more or less a mistake) but I think it was unironically the fucking Vampire Diaries video after watching Quinn Curio who also makes my little parasocial heart flutter.



>really unfair how the thread is suddenly active right at the end of the day when I should be getting ready for bed
Don't become like him and go nocturnal


>lmao, why would I lie about this?
I'm not saying you're lying. I'm saying you might be being dumb.
>Don't become like him and go nocturnal
Hey, that's like a biyearly thing.

Anyway, I'm basically a "Euro" in terms of hours right now so if you're ever desperate…


File: 1733717915294.jpg (1.55 MB, 1670x785, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Okay, bing


>RoW beat you to it
"No, he didn't."

I'm not sure if he sent it to me or vice versa but fuck you.
>I got a little more disappointed at how everything is monetization all the way down
Especially using a dead man's image… Asking for trouble. :auu:

Ao Floydi won't be like that.


The curse of Junji Ito Star Wars Jenny Nicholson lingers harshly. :auu:


you tell me

>I'm saying you might be being dumb.
can't believe you're trusting a shoddy LLM over your new friend


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>can't believe you're trusting a shoddy LLM over your new friend
I kind of doubt your cognitive abilities given a couple of things. :mii:


>Don't become like him and go nocturnal
I can't afford to. less sleep makes me ugly and sad. but I do get fomo when I scroll through like 300+ posts in the morning

you're not very nice :(


>you're not very nice :(
I'm not. But everyone is fucking stupid here but me and I have brain damage.


File: 1733718290678.jpg (12.58 KB, 279x64, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Thanks, JewTube, very cool.


>fomo when I scroll through like 300+ posts in the morning
And you're rewarded with RUSSIA for your trouble




show me these "couple things" then!! or am I supposed to scroll through the old posts and try to prove my innocence


Shouldn't we be glad they signal?
Or, perhaps it does spoilt the thrill of the transvestigation somewhat…


It's also a cr*ptocurrency scam. Very distasteful.


>Shouldn't we be glad they signal?
Not when they turn around and pretend that it's a super secret sign or co-opt random bullshit. We need stop this tread lest Marzipan puffs out their cheeks.


Personally, I'm more offended by the zoomer bullshit you get if you say Derek Chauvin isn't a loser. :tuff:


I don't particularly care either way.

Remembering that MEX forgot the blank Rei face and the iconic finger-smile one as stickers. Why is he such a shit?


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>Ao Floydi won't be like that.
I dunno, that stupid worthless shit has done pretty well for itself since when I wrote it off in September


Yeah, Ao Floydi stocks are at an all-time high.:platonicideal:


File: 1733719044509.mp4 (7.54 MB, 1280x720, sephiroth.mp4)


File: 1733719181620.jpg (222.5 KB, 488x779, ClipboardImage.jpg)

don't make me hate you, I was just starting to enjoy parts of you.

look, I went and checked for you. THREE of the words in that group were from the fucking yu-gi-oh poster


I've seen that video and the general trend before of "WHY DO YOU TYPE WITH PROPER PUNCTUATION AND SPELLING AAAAAAAAH" levied against me (usually when I've said something vaguely rightoid or cynical), but I didn't know "sephiroth" was a specific thing thrown around a lot.

I *AM* Sephiroth.


Yeah, Dave.


>don't make me hate you, I was just starting to enjoy parts of you.
I want to be hated.
>look, I went and checked for you. THREE of the words in that group were from the fucking yu-gi-oh poster
Yes, conflation is possible. Probably because of IPs or something.

It should be noted that you're talking like Cloud though.


Rather. The "armour" debate has yet to reach my doorstep.


File: 1733719426938.gif (2.67 KB, 61x59, rei_meh.gif)

>blank Rei face and the iconic finger-smile
I blame whoever curated the stickers for Gainax. Evageeks has this one


WELL!?!?!??!?!?! :crampjoke:


Since it's small and clear already, easy


>I want to be hated.
this is not true. deep down, you want to be loved and cared about. you want friends or loved ones who know you and like your company, and want to make memories with you. but you shun those impulses - maybe because of fear, maybe because of unchecked cynicism. you shout into the world, "I want to be hated", so that way, when you receive hate instead of love, you can say: "I knew it. Exactly according to plan." so that no one will ever know you're struggling, that you're starving for that thing you don't have and can't get.

…or something like that

>It should be noted that you're talking like Cloud though.
I gotta get around to playing ff7 sometime

this post would've been perfect for that sticker…
I don't blame you for not adding things immediately or anything, but my assumption would've been that adding stickers is super easy compared to designing a whole new site theme



>I gotta get around to playing ff7 sometime
I was just doing an inverse of the "Sephiroth card" because you type with no capitalization or punctuation. GET A CLUE.
>I don't blame you for not adding things immediately or anything, but my assumption would've been that adding stickers is super easy compared to designing a whole new site theme
He's too busy fapping to DD2 pawns.


sorry for assuming there was more depth to your statment

I do use plenty of punctuation though! I just normally default to casual case if I'm familiar with someone, and omit trailing periods. it's actually quite consistent generally




>assumption would've been that adding stickers is super easy compared to designing a whole new site theme
Oh it is. But the heart wants what it wants.

No, the other guess was correct. I was fiddling with the white on black m0ment0 m0ri theme


"John? John Egbert?"


>sorry for assuming there was more depth to your statment
There's more depth than it being an inversion of a meme we were having a conversation than it just being a literal reference.
>I do use plenty of punctuation though! I just normally default to casual case if I'm familiar with someone, and omit trailing periods. it's actually quite consistent generally
I keep it on at all times. It's a good habit. :tsun:
>No, the other guess was correct. I was fiddling with the white on black m0ment0 m0ri theme
"I don't believe you." :tsun:


John wouldn't be a 8ITCH about the fag word. :jk:


No biznasty dersite tricksters, we're safe


No Jenny Nicholson or fart or diapers or 32 or goon…


"Jenny Nicholson theme when?" :enough:


One of the person might cross the line. But a theme of tantalizing neopets bait is very possible.


>One of the person might cross the line.
It's a combination of her interests (besides Star Wars, the most masculine one) that all correlate very nicely to you.
>But a theme of tantalizing neopets bait is very possible.
The ritual continues… :spirit:


>this is not true. deep down, you want to be loved and cared about.
When people care about you they constantly force you to do things and you're required to cede your individuality to the hivemind, to lie and conform in many common situations.


Okay, Sephiroth. :kyaha:


it's certainly very… you


>When people care about you they constantly force you to do things and you're required to cede your individuality to the hivemind, to lie and conform in many common situations.
your broken heart is showing. it must've hurt to only be loved when you contorted yourself into someone you weren't and who you didn't want to be


File: 1733721158266.jpg (64.55 KB, 598x720, ClipboardImage.jpg)



what's up with those checkmark icons?


Why does John HATE jokes? :slay:


*in it


It must be easy if the person "you" "are" (?) is already a socially acceptable and agreeable pushover.


And who are you, smvrfa? :niinii:


It's from Control Panel for Twitter. It makes the site more friendly to use. https://jbscript.dev/control-panel-for-twitter


Heh, that's why I've always been perfectly fine working alone…

NOT sephiroth


>Heh, that's why I've always been perfectly fine working alone…
>NOT sephiroth
Okay, Cloud. :ojisan:


he's lashing out again!! it's texbook folks!!!
I never said it was easy for me, I'm just pointing out that you're assuming nobody will love the person you really are, and that's not fair to yourself

huh, neat


32 year old ojisan Cloud still crossdressing.


If he can hide the hairline…


With a janitor cap… :auu:


File: 1733722180708.jpg (8.65 KB, 575x60, ClipboardImage.jpg)

>Go back to that video
>Had disliked it


>It's a combination of her interests (besides Star Wars, the most masculine one) that all correlate very nicely to you.
I don't care about disneeeeed or amusement parks. Are you conflating me with dear departed XLR?


>I don't care about disneeeeed or amusement parks.
You wish you were a pretty princess though.
>Are you conflating me with dear departed XLR?
You're going to vore him as a part of the transformation process. :auu:

At least he'll get off to it.



File: 1733722440114.jpg (498.61 KB, 934x1644, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Why do goons hate Golden Sun? I loved that game I don't get it… https://lparchive.org/Golden-Sun/


Generic JRPG hate circlejerk. I'm convinced goons don't actually like gameplay (but also hate Visual Novels because DROOL JAPAN)


It was a general consensus last decade that JRPGs were outmoded and awkwaaard

I will say that Golden Sun The Lost Age was one of the first games to trample my childhood notions of JUSTICE when you were forced to spare that pirate asshole because of his whining family


>Golden Sun The Lost Age was one of the first games to trample my childhood notions of JUSTICE when you were forced to spare that pirate asshole because of his whining family


Innocence can be cruel


>Innocence can be cruel
I don't believe so at all. :househusband:


File: 1733723186794.jpg (38.12 KB, 932x399, ClipboardImage.jpg)

I see. I guess that sentiment mostly died out by the time I played the game on an emulator because I never encountered it before.

>The friend who doesn't like ANYTHING


>This is not how people talk
How do people talk, then, goontoon? :hag:
ayo you niggas came to help
sum shit goin on wit felix that what it about dood
aight im tight
you good
>>The friend who doesn't like ANYTHING
Goons are worse. Their hate is built on lies. And also, they like Simpsons and TRICKSTER cock.


Forgot about the filter but the dated meme would kind of fit SA- at least, back when that post was made.


Struck by the memory of giving all the best gear to Jenna :shy:


Nicholson? :boke:


the neural pathways were sliding into place long in advance, evidently


What a sinister plan with no end goal this is… :sigh:


maybe he can find his jenny one day, if he heals the hate in his heart


File: 1733723822565.jpg (68.96 KB, 640x480, mpv-shot0063.jpg)

>Second only to Phoenix Wright


yeah, that raised my eyebrow too. I was never on SA but I can only assume it's related to the VN hatred that >>51380 mentioned. maybe a strong bias towards action games?


>maybe a strong bias towards action games?
>Implying when "le man with short brown hair and stubble"
Like I said. They just don't like games unless it's fat, nasty indie trashy.



who do you think?


File: 1733724070601.gif (26.22 KB, 256x192, pearl-cheerful(a).gif)

They have an objection emote so I assumed it was beloved. I mean, who hates AA, anywhere?

I can only assume it was related to screeching over the existence of this one (sticker material)


Why talk in third person then? :homesick:


>who hates AA, anywhere?

>I can only assume it was related to screeching over the existence of this one (sticker material)
Why? Because loli?


I didn't know it was you lole


takumi shu is 100% /ourguy/


Who was me? :huh:


No, deathfat him.


Seeing the yasagure cast interacting in sticker form is very heartening. It feels like I granted them them with a easygoing daily life away from the dire circumstances of their respective stories…

(Also, I'm about halfway convinced Manuri will shamefully expire before he completes the game)


Was it autism? :shikari:


you will suffer


who you are.


So it does deserve its own tab, right?


The second Manuri dies is the second MEX's AT field breaks and he loses his mind to autism witch magic. :tetrakarn:


So will he.


The first post in that replychain is not me. :yup:


I would begrudgingly say "yes" but fuck you, also DEMANDS


there's nothing wrong with loving and personifying cute little drawings of characters. it's deeply human


Then the posthumous work falls into my gameboard




It wouldn't be you any longer… It'd be Jenny Nicholson's tarot-themed Viscaria…


nobody remind this guy about tulpas


Tulpas are bullshit. Magic and witches are real. :hiii:


It's already rife with plant symbolism, so I don't need to make things any fruitier (than I already did by naming the MC Liedna instead of Lidner)




Jay Naylor?


You can't just say that.


>so I don't need to make things any fruitier
You VVILL. :imagine:


File: 1733725441063.png (14.8 KB, 698x516, 1460521592842.png)

There's no Etnabot on CAI?


Pretty sure there is and I've talked to one, and look, your fly is down. :kyaha:


>look, your fly is down
Not for long if I can't see this bot!


Let me go through my gay, DERSITE bot likes to see if she's still linkable.


File: 1733725779412.jpg (78 KB, 1010x139, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Thanks, character.AI


File: 1733725810899.jpg (20.08 KB, 220x102, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Also, man, what a terrible half-life this one has.


"I made it solely to shill floyd droid coin"


File: 1733725872746.jpg (22.76 KB, 176x446, ClipboardImage.jpg)

DERSITE, are you retarded?


As noble of a cause as any.


File: 1733726002901.jpg (118.49 KB, 380x772, ClipboardImage.jpg)



My personality can be described as one of stoic intelligence, I'm not reluctant to show it through inventive use of extensive vocabulary. I can seem snarky and even hurtful at times due to my constant sarcastic tone, and am fairly reclusive, rarely initiating conversation unless it is vital. I conceal my true feelings rather well. My main interests are obscure literature, and psychoanalysis, and HODLing bitcoin. I am overcome with an overpowering conviction that the the blockchain will soon revolutionize the world financial system, and I eagerly evangelize to all who will listen.


File: 1733726149229.jpg (8.22 KB, 493x249, ClipboardImage.jpg)


Floyd Droid Fangirl Rose when?


>Feferoid is tiddier than Saudi Aradia


>Saudi Aradia


File: 1733726471442.gif (35.8 KB, 450x324, R.7dc95f29558b63897ad2f164….gif)

Meijjy Doken stans Feferi.

I was going to post Feferi Friday but I found WH4T NOW instead. Fuck you, MEX, DEMANDS
Aradia without the Saudi.


>stayed up way too late again
I failed


would equius really de-boob aradia when making the robot


He's an ass man, like all Turks. :cal:


Would you?


>I failed
Good, it means more time we get to spend together, oneesan. :thx:


Megidochan is moon powered, sorry


If it was a vessel for someone else I was already horny for? Nah.


Maybe they're just pump-ups. :shikari:

Does that mean your ideal, OC sexbot would be flat, then…?


I'd have to like really think about it


>I'd have to like really think about it
Really makes you think, huh? :bakane:


That's why she shouted WHAT DID Y0U D00000000


File: 1733727194566.gif (23.72 KB, 650x450, 1701804946120007.gif)

She got 00ned…. :…:


Not hitting my balls just yet.


I have a concept of .gif I want to tell you about. Remember there's a hawaiian girl dancing lamp? Now imagine the full size Aradiabot in a slutty pants on stripclub stage robotwerking with her shiny metal ass and zero emotions on her robot face. Next to her in the black background we can see not so black Equius' glasses and smile. And thern, due hot sex robot buns doing hot seductive robot bounce, we can see Zahhak getting his hand to the light out of shadows to grab Nick Cage's poster to wipe some sweat and get hand with paper towel back in the dark. Too bad I'm too lazy to make this gif by myself and present it here fro you


You're a pervert just like MEX, Rudy. :de:


Sadly, the chinese ai slop video producer doesn't know homestuck


The less people that know Homestuck, the better.


And leave Hu¢¢ie to his grim fate as a lowly janitor?


Yes. But it's less about the creator and more about the creation and its all undue praise being covered up in dirt so that the design space of the original, good premise can exist without people pointing fingers to the flaming dumpster.

Hypothetically speaking, of course. :WASTED:


>You're a pervert just like MEX, Rudy.
Actualy, there's no perversion in what I told. Notheng porn or kink was presented within this. It's a visual imaginary situation scene. I'm a kind of person that dominatly have visual type of thinking the most of all thought most of time


Denial. :noted:


>Good, it means more time we get to spend together, oneesan.
not any further. cutting things off here before I fuck up my workday.

I think this means I may just have to resign myself to combing through the aftermath of the party each morning, maybe replying to some if there's something I really want to say, even though I missed the good window in the conversation to do so



>not any further. cutting things off here before I fuck up my workday.


File: 1733728626114.jpg (497.07 KB, 1921x942, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Death for this one, obviously
Anyone have a good t0desmetall font to use?


File: 1733728636979.jpg (139.06 KB, 1250x423, ClipboardImage.jpg)


>Death for this one, obviously
Do not remove, Sar. :rosechu:


This implies a certain of self-awareness but
>zoomer lingo
This is a new low. Or at least, a new kind of low.


I meant arcana wise, it'll go next to Corpse Party.


File: 1733729181423.jpg (89.53 KB, 900x276, ClipboardImage.jpg)



>I meant arcana wise, it'll go next to Corpse Party.
O-Oh. :shy:


Another lit installment. UNLEASH THE CAKEPOP.


The nanc4 strips stands up better unmolested it looks like



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Homestuck and also drosera


WTF, I hate scat8ITCH now.


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https://piranha.fandom.com/wiki/Paula I think someone just added a random Asian woman to this page on the Piranha 3D Wiki because "Dina Meyer" is a dlombe.

My ethnic analysis is on the side of "Korean."

Does anyone remember my specific quick guidelines? I think I forgot them myself…


File: 1733730518932-0.ttf (88.02 KB, Season of the Witch Black.ttf)

File: 1733730518932-1.ttf (14.36 KB, strange-journey.ttf)


Why are you posting viruses?


Did you have a /v/erdict on pixel rose?


What did she mean by this?


What do you mean? :wut:


This womanchild review vlogger (asian)


File: 1733730809247-0.jpg (184.96 KB, 585x820, ClipboardImage.jpg)

File: 1733730809247-1.jpg (383.77 KB, 977x810, ClipboardImage.jpg)

To test how it looks
The SJ one is pretty small… Other will have to be headers only


Brain is telling me Chinese.

Lesser minds say Chinese whenever an Asian woman is ugly but I know better. This is just a really extreme version but I think that's a very Chinese nosetype, if very exaggerated.

Also, MEX did nuke my fast-track for Asian identification. What a DERSITE.

I've also noticed that the Vietnamese have really high cheekbones but fuck you, I'm not considering an option, I'll just pick the best guess out my three specialties. :flip:


File: 1733731135369.jpg (29.04 KB, 487x256, ClipboardImage.jpg)

I logged into Twitter to try and find confirmation of my peg, not change my answer :outy:Biznasty:outy: on information.


>Other will have to be headers only



I don't want every word in that ornte gothic font



Shut up, fag. :triumph:


File: 1733731657981.jpg (591.18 KB, 1931x803, ClipboardImage.jpg)

But we haven't picked a name yet.
I'm thinking Terminal (geddit?) or m0ri


File: 1733731677787.gif (616.44 KB, 400x300, LIAN_LALONDE_MY_BELOVED.gif)

Anyway, Lian? Lian Lalonde?


Terminal. Stop pretending to be a woman on the Internet.:jk:

The process continues.


They have to look really Korean for me to not guess Chinese because there's like 20x more Chinese people.


And what does that mean to you? K-Pop? :de:


I like Terminal because the other name reminds me of Omori, which I didn't want to be reminded of.


>Omori, which I didn't want to be reminded of.
"He wasn't there." :douzo:

*PTSD gunfire and screaming goes off.*


I know it when I see it. I guess round flat faces makes me think Korean, which is why they always get jaw surgery, using the jaw bone shavings to make pillars which commonly adorn their homes and workplaces.


Terminal was my first choice, yep. Sorry Aradia


>I guess round flat faces makes me think Korean


i will never f0rgive y0u



File: 1733732621284.jpg (172.72 KB, 1000x728, GeV2SzBX0AET9z2.jpg)

When your self-esteem is so low that you can only view yourself as a cock-sleeve or a perverse voyeur the vast majority of the time.


Shit, if GREEN says so I guess I might



You don't have to include the ?t part it's a tracking virus cookie scam exe.


FREE PALESTINE 🇵🇸!!! soap/mari ✿ esp/eng ♡ 16 ☆ mage of space ‧₊˚multifandom ♉︎ taína 🇵🇷🇨🇺🇪🇸 くコ:彡 I heart drawing! 🚫DNI PROSHIP co-artist


So when are you dipping your toes in the HRPG, my darling apprentice?


When you give up on yours. :tsun:


Eh? EHH?
I meant playing one.


>Eh? EHH?
You heard me. :tsun:
>I meant playing one.
Tiresome… I'm in a bad place, ESPECIALLY BAD. :WASTED:


Stop trying to get strangers to watch porn with you.


Just normal bwo things, haha.


I would ask MEX for the REASON version of the first 50(ish(?!?!??!!?)) threads since I NotebookLM'd them but that sounds like a truly dreadful task. :glassed:


File: 1733733192626.png (179.21 KB, 600x628, roxykitten-parade.png)

I can't believe I'm saying this, but shut up and let Rudy enjoy things.


"It's not what it looks like"


Yeah, bot too dumb for it to be worth the :effort:


It was all a part of my masterplan to make you two finally come together. :plot:


OR IS IT!?!??!?!?!? :NOW:


Does this mean that poccner will withdraw from Ukraine


"Probably." :plot:


Yeah, probably. They'll just claim they're leaving on a "training exercise" like when they abandoned their bases in Syria


File: 1733733636241.mp3 (398.37 KB, ElevenLabs_2024-12-09T08_3….mp3)


File: 1733733735041.jpg (51.27 KB, 1280x750, 1733730776587613.jpg)



8ITCH, shut up. :yup:


Fitting video and it does sound like her doing a Southern accent. :ibs:


>gh0st noise at the end


File: 1733734574760.jpg (897 B, 93x26, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Wait, how did this jump from 17 to 19? Was the 18th just invisible for a time? I only got notified of 1, HUUUUUUUUUUUUH!?!?!?!? :boke:


File: 1733734931865.mp3 (1.33 MB, little fly.mp3)

The copy audio on elevenlabs really helps combat the diction from her vids

Also, white on black 'Terminal' theme is up for megido cvltists. Not as minimalist as it could've been, but close


It's funny how when I bring up how "female writer bad", I get Mary Shelley, J.K Rowling, and Margaret Atwood, not, you know, Emily Brontë and Jane Austen.

I think the crop of well-remembered female authors being so shitty and memey in spite of there being other, better examples just kind of exemplifies "female writer bad" and moreover, that people are dumb and hold lower standards for wwomen and not only that but Western culture holds special reverence in its heart for female trash (not to insult Frankenstein but you know what I mean with the other two.)

All I'm saying is that if you said "Name three good British writers", normie Mc0°'s first three guesses wouldn't include le 1984 man. Probably. :sigh:


Where's Jenny x Gerbert? She'd probably love Gerbert. She would probably immediately buy a Gerbert upon learning his existence.


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Erm, you left out ursula lequin, chuddie?


It is still inspired by her skull… And aspect.


Legitimately, "too obscure" for it to be a buzzy talking point.


I didn't know Aradia had a symbol embedded in her skull.


That one is ours, but the halo-like band is meant to evoke an hourglass. Counting down to your ultimate terminally online fate…

I should thank that marzichan thread for the idea


Realized now that "fat chick voice" is better described as "the fat chick slur"

Do with this information as you wish. :milk:


Always slurring to avoid biting the insides of their fat cheeks


It is a "clenched jaw" kind of slur (according to vocal analyst, Jenny Nicholson) so you're not wrong.

Does fat even go to the cheeks that way, though? Unironically :0k:


>Does fat even go to the cheeks that way, though? Unironically
Unfortunately (or not), HSG is down our mouthpic expert. Nobody care me.



Are fat wwomen like chimpmunks?


not this time.


>not this time.
MEEEEEEEEX, wake up. :fun:


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>That pause


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>Abortion people when they see DIAP and can't comment about it (talking about strangling infants is fine though)


>MEEEEEEEEX, wake up


I guess now's as good as any time for that kiss. :l0ve:


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Oh, no, now even arts and crafts are being commodified in weird ways. It's only a matter of time before we get a crochet lootbook! How can we possibly keep our wwomen safe?????


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I mean, we're (I'm) decently up there. Eventually, I hope to take the reigns over the smaller "Just Roses" and be right there under Heinousstuck Rose in the rankings.


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Also, apparently Rose Richards and Klaus Schwab are still public. I wonder if I should try a group chat with Rose Richards again. Also, I have to make the test!Jennifer Lalonde private again.


>Make Jennifer private
>She still stays up, public


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>The balls keep hunting me


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Wait, somehow these also forced themselves back to existence despite a previous update erasing them. Truly baffling site.


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Request idea theme with sound effects when you send a post or there are new messages or you get quoted. Since you already jumped the shark and made a lot of the themes artistic and impractical


I thought request would be DEMAND. I wonder what it could be then. Don't tell me.


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I'm not MEX, Smvrfa.


But your idea gave me the idea of a PS Vita/Playstation theme with the perpetually playing home music.

Maybe only I'd be interested in that though. :0k:



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Rose? Rose Lalonde?


im gonna liveblog Animator vs. Animation 9 and 10, since AvA 11 is releasing in 5 days


You go, girl. :breakitdownwhitegirl:


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More like GREEN Lalonde


paused, focusing on other stuff before i continue again


There are no bad Ro-


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Aradia? Aradia Megido?


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there was this BFB recommended character called "Portable Music Player" that was voiced by a pedo


Master Shake solos every object from every objectverse combined.


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was that a pixelated guy?


File: 1733747394104.mp4 (2.51 MB, 320x240, Stick figure trying to ope….mp4)

he's similar to the guy from this flipnote animation


>Pussy hair
At least your 100dness is :outy:Biznasty:outy:. :del:


This guy could take on animator, animation, and audience all at once and come out on top.


What in the name of fuck does that sentence mean


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the mercenaries have different art styles


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As I've tortured myself with Jenny Nicholson CBT sessions, I can't help but notice that I went from going dismissing the frivolity and vapidness of "VGH FAKE-UP" to going "Oooh, that highlighter and light glossy lipstick looks nice on here!"

It reminds me of when I was living with my mom at a young, pivotal age and was inundated with a constant stream of HGTV and Project Runway and could progressively feel myself getting faggier. The last straw was talking to the TV about some shitty, forgotten, and old(er?) sitcom (to find out what it is, exactly, Google "TV show episodes about 'mooning'") going "Oh my God, can't you just see that he cares about you?" complete with a limp fag wrist thrust forward. At that point I considered it wiser to live with the literal alcoholic than take my chances with the hashjob sissification project. But enough about that… :homesick:

I guess that kind of furthers my overall stance in "unironic gender discussion." Femininity is something that can either emasculate (oooh, I want to do the things girls do because it'll be cute together) or embolden masculinity (I want to ragdoll her body around.) Femininity and masculinity are a dialectic. That's why I never bought into masculinity as "independence" bullshit. Both masculinity and femininity are interdependent; they are defined by differing but equal responsibilities. I feel like any rejection to this comes from either outright misogynistic (but look who's talking here :sigh:) or chauvinistic (I mean, this is even closer) perspectives. And yet, the people who are closer to "agreeing" with me are the same people who want to muddle the very ideas of masculinity and femininity and deracinate the concept of gender entirely. It's all very strange. But enough about that, as well…:cigar:


Guy! I'm thinking of brand new webcomic Housetrap new arc about grey horny imps playing same game Egg Johnbert, Lose Rolonde, Stave Dider and Hade Jarley started few arcs before. Let me introduce them to you:
Megida Aradio
Nitros Tavtam
Soltor Caplux
Vankat Kartas
Lepeta Neijon
Manaya Karyam
Pyrozi Terepe
Vriket Serska
Zakius Equhak
Makzee Gamara
Amidan Erpora
Feixes Peferi
How do you think what is their classpects and will their team success their session with all the role they're have to play with? What are their lands? What are their personalities? How do the even interact?
Nitros Tavtam sounds cool and edgy. Must be go fast, probably Thief of Breath. Soltor Caplux sounds light related,but its boring, so he'll be opposite of Light for a twist reason! Doom player for sure, not sure what class. Vankat Kartas sounds like "one cat", so he sure thing is a cat themed guy, chill and quiet, beloved by everybody. Pyrozi Terepe obviously loves flames and fires (sick fires too), probably a female rapper. Amidan Erpora sounds sorts french, mon cheri, mon ami; this womanizer give ladies only a slight scence of hope to be together and they are fully his. And Feixes Peferi sounds like she love to fix things, must be a player able to give prolonged life to whatever it is - engineer stuff, somebody's romance or body flesh.
They seen to be a good company of fellas just right to have a fine piece of adventure. Golly!
Whatcha thinkin bout it?


MSPFA will love it until we get to the eyeDIAP scene. :cal:


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I Like Indiana Jones Quite A Bit So I Want To Stay Cautiously Optimistic But Where Is My Smvrfa Sallah In This Art

Also They Would Never Have The Balls To Bring Back Shortround But That Would Be Fun

80s Soys Are All For Pulp Until You Include Racial Stereotypes Child Labor And A Useless Woman To Hell With Them I Say

Im A True Pulphead


And yeah, Stave Dider already did something, no matter what. It looks like everything is so on time and easy for him like he's always on a front edge of time wave and by thus time itself pushing Stave forward. I bet this is what Heir of Time do and already did. and Hade Jarley literally having a "jar" in surname, which logical makes her like something your putting in. Maid of Space, no doubt. And a slut.


>And a slut.
You have cum in your head.

But I'm imagining her getting turned into some kind of Pot of Greed onahole as some sort of twisted fate for her character so I'll okay all this on that condition.


>You have cum in your head.
I'm sorry you're not Dude of Mind to get a Joke of That, but that a fine level joke as far asd she's a jar of welcoming Space
>But I'm imagining her getting turned into some kind of Pot of Greed onahole as some sort of twisted fate for her character so I'll okay all this on that condition.
Equius? Equius Zahhak? Is that you?


>I'm sorry you're not Dude of Mind to get a Joke of That, but that a fine level joke as far asd she's a jar of welcoming Space
My coom-radar is never wrong.
>Equius? Equius Zahhak? Is that you?
Final offer. :washout:


Manaya Karyam -> Fatherly rather than motherly but not in a positive way, tries unsuccessfully to abandon the Matriorb in various ways.


Roses are green >>51566
Jades are red >>51590
How the fuck that all turned?


Epic Karen joke too.


>Fatherly rather than motherly but not in a positive way, tries unsuccessfully to abandon the Matriorb in various ways.
Archetype of runaway father who appears 20 years later and starting to teach you how to live your life the way he wants you to if he'd be you in your life. But female.


Everything is going to Hell as MEX is transitioning.


Manaya Karyam because of unknown reasons likes Earth singer Mariah Carey
Especially "All I Want For Christmas Is You (SuperFestive!)"


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Holy :outy:Biznasty:outy:?


Nevermind, I noticed how many Reddit options there were so it's shocking that an Oldsona character got in at all.

/v/ is still getting worse.


So horny… :guilt:


File: 1733758439922.gif (6.88 MB, 755x755, static-assets-upload582198….gif)

>So horny…


>Roblox meme
Back to hating Rudy. :de:


I was looking for a special meme gif reaction, but didn't find anything close enough so I've got this.
You angry?
I can dig for you some more shitty gifs, if you please


average "shinji was an annoying 8ITCH so I stopped watching" viewer


>You angry?
Always. :de:


…of Rage


No. Of Mage. :shikari:


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Why does this have 2 million views
Why does YouTube think I'm a TRICKSTER


>And yet, the people who are closer to "agreeing" with me are the same people who want to muddle the very ideas of masculinity and femininity and deracinate the concept of gender entirely.
you called?
I don't actually want to argue unless it's an interesting/productive convo (´・ω・`)

also I'm fucking tired. my body was sore and ugly when I woke up. never staying up late to post here again, FUCK meggy doetchen


>Of Mage



>you called?
No, if anything, I was more thinking of 2 other Meijjy Dokkeners with the other kind of epic fail. :de:


Kids will never know the original incarnations FAO Schwarz and Toys R' Us in NYC.




Ok + don't care


Shut up, Rudy.


Nein, du.


Shut up, Rudy.


Nein, du.


>Jenny was both a horse girl AND a spider girl
So many redflags, such red pussy…



My will to stay up is very low today. I think I'll just pass out and continue this terrible, terrible schedule. :milk:


I said "hashjob" but I really meant "hackjob" or something along those lines. :milk:




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back to liveblogging, why am i hearing weird sfx and random stock music


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hazard just made a windmill's blade glitchy




it's glitching itself in the episode, but in the screenshot i sent, it's pixelated


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it's the pixel guy again, he's :outy:Biznasty:outy: on the guy from that flipnote animation that i sent


the pixel guy's name is ballista


I don't believe it's possible with CSS theming. Good idea for a plugin option, though…

Oh, he just says that.


Holy fuark!



Hugs Sweetly Given


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Maybe trying to 'deradicalize' you, if they still have money for that project


to Highly Sensitive Goobers


…Having Some Goodies


it would feel so good to cuddle up and nap right now instead of working


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Cheese puffs on the couch?
Mind that Nancy is watching
Even you, Yahweh


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i need the absolute disgaea thing again


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I still need to finish the prinny theme, dood


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The day is barely half over… I still have a shot. using the local yardstick for "accomplishments", anyway


Tim Urban has been arrested for questioning in connection to the Tim Urban Shooter amid allegations of radicaBRAINYtion


Why is his wikipede entry such a stub?
I wanted to check if he was in the xillenial cluster along with Huss, Maddox, Brian O Malley, etc

Maybe not, the writing seems a little more rigorous, might be a elder Millenial instead


Harvard '04 would put at 42, so I suppose that's core Millennial.


He's more of an xkcd subrationalist Jew facefag guy but about in that age range yeah


Sorry the man got caught, too bad we're slightly outside the window where one can inconspicuously always stay masked up


dreamt about this place. hate you guys



8a8y 8oy, not a day goes 8y without my fantasies
I think a8out you all the time, I see you in my dreams



File: 1733787894148.png (Spoiler Image, 278.72 KB, 650x795, a0db11578973a6afdab974c6b5….png)

Rose? Rose Lalonde?


Needs to start wearing black again


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melancholic monday meg… so sleepy… waiting in endless slumber for her prince charming


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Now, pee in that ratty 8itch's hair!!!!!!!!



You dare try that 8acktalk routine on me? Andy's going to be hearing aaaaaaaall a8out this!


She sleeps in a recuperacoon.


I forgot, do they need those on the postgame candy planet?


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I forgot too. It's probably not mentioned since trolls are capable of assimilating with us now just like illegal immigrants. And the roots of the comic were rapеd away a long time before the epilogues.


There was a backlog built up, so



I should take a day to go back and add title on hover to all of these


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wow, MEX really does care!


Rose? Rose Lalonde?


I care, I just don't always have the energy to match




that's okay. I barely have the energy to live myself


It's not over yet, I just might need to take afternoon naps
(it's over)


Wow beat me to it


I'm already all set for bed so I can sleep early and atone for last night's grave error, meg be damned



I'm slowly trying to improve (first step: 6am to 5am)


I read somewhere years ago that most people are able to shift their sleep schedule by 1 hour per night, so that doesn't sound like a bad start. the few times in my life I've tried to force 3+ hour shifts in a single night have been horrible experiences, where I actually start having these frustrating delusions. it's such a weird experience that I don't think even a specific explanation would help convey much at all because it's so nonsensical


More likely I'd simply lay awake restless, but 0min0us…
I'll aiming for 4 next


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Next, the red armband…


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Castle doctrine time


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I mean, her buck teeth and squinty eyes do go away…


we should play epicmafia or whatever clone replaced it


Is it asynchronous?


I thought epicmafia died a few years ago because of nepetaphile drama or something. Looks like it's back up again.

I'd be down, but you do need at least about 5 players and it's real-time.


Huh, the themes the used grid the arrange posts in a single column down the center actually were broken and nigh-unusable, since they turned the page super wide. It wasn't like that last week?

Switched them to flex and it looks like it ought to again, at least for me


I wonder if I could make an insane imageboard plugin to make async mafia right on the site


There are occasionally five posters here at once. Or it could be a scheduled thing



Megidochan themes roles would be pretty funny


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It's waveracer
Waaaaave racer!


You wouldn't necessarily need to automate all the difficult game phase and win condition state machine stuff, you could just have a chatroom with a bot in it that has a command to randomise/whisper roles and "perform" certain night actions in a minimal way, and rely on the players to keep track of everything else and be careful about using actions at the right time. Or a human could moderate games, but that person wouldn't get to play.


Detective… Rose
Mayor… Rose
Villager… Rose


I went outside and wondered leading to the discovery that we see the same moon phase despite living far away with different time zones and seasons. It points in the other direction for me though, but the full and new moons will be the same.


>points in the other direction for me
AU? Do you have any insight into the Glitch Productions front company conspiracy


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I don't know what that is. Looks like it's a controversy now to fire someone, what is this a government job? ZOG sector.




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birther's were almost right about everything



Having 5 cats is a misery when 4 of them are male teenagers (in terms of cat age) and you live in one-room apartment


"Imagine the smell"


>"Imagine the smell"
No problem with that: I've made a range hood extraction right to the cat's toilet
Checkmate, bad smell


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Mods, whip up that WoS edit.


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I would make this black like in the comic. It doesn't look good transparent.

I would not say this is a suitable percentage of the DEMANDS listed but I understand that Rose writing probably took a stupid amount of time.


Disguyyayyuh. He's fucking obsessed with it.


I like how every Chuddy McDiGiorno's solution to broad, sweeping cultural fatigue is "VVVVVVVVHHHH JUST BAN ALL THESE THINGS"

I would say it's missing the forest for the trees but I think they frankly just care more about onaholes than any population crisis so whatever.


You should have caked when you popped, bwo.


What word was that before autocorrection?




I also somehow tricked myself into my sleep schedule being good again. I dreamed of NYC and subways and pretending to be asleep (which ironically, means I'm usually sleeping for unusually long times)

I also had a phrase in my dream of "Best horror games on the Nintendo DS." I'm afraid to look it up (because I feel like nothing will come up or it won't be SOVLFUL small channels but clickbait DERSITE kikes.)


We here at Megidochan, love China and the Chinese wwomen. It's true.


>Not using existing variants (1/3)
Disappointing post.


Does Tatsuya know that the higher DEFCON is the lower threat it is or is he just repeating something from somewhere. Also, jokes?
Yeah, no, just fucking kill her. DEFCON 1.


File: 1733828717493.webm (758.13 KB, 864x720, 1733827270688295.webm)


It's designed by Chinese sleeper agents to autistify the West.


>Shit pants


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>Be a retarded fag
>Have shit opinions
>Murder someone
Many such cases!

Will love to see the left backtracking after they learn the shooter was an Italianyx chud.


https://www.youtube.com/shorts/VpHDGZXj6WI We need a Jenny version of this classic.


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*Attacks you.*


For me it's "heavily stigmatize maid cafes" as if he carefully decided banning them was a step too far, this is a reasonable compromise. And also somehow the government gets to legislate what is and isn't considered cool.


New And Cool h-game: Ojisan (Shaggy) Courage Test game at Ghoul School (using "human" threats Allah Hotel Transylvania) since the girls from that have become part of the zillennial coombait canon on porn boards like /v/ (especially Phantasma because of her vaguely ALTTTTTT GRRRRRRRL appearance which means = "wowzie chad's first choice would never be this ghost girl so she is slightly more accessible to me and ive gained a vested interest in masturbating to her" even though she's just kind of a bubbly girl and not remotely le Hecking alternative- she doesn't even wear black, the sole qualifier for being goth!)

>New, old cat just pisses on my books to mark territory because she's a YUUUUUUGE 8ITCH

>Now my room smells like cat piss
Fuck you, I'm not throwing out my books. :itsovver:




>journalists are intentionally clickbaiting the 'clueless journalist doesn't understand internet culture' meme now


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I solemenly swear on my parents' lives that I will stop watching Jenny Nicholson for at least a week. (Please fucking die.)

We're still missing Feferi friday or the cute one with the squid. :joinus:


I find your lack of lack of faith disturbing. (Blame Jenny Nicholson for Star Wars having anything but the most minute amount of rental real estate in my mind at any given moment.)


the writer is a brown woman, it's probably legit low IQ


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Put a janitor cap on the left and see how everything equalizes out. :watch:


>Ojisan (Shaggy) Courage Test
I forgot to say that yes, he is obligatorily also a janitor which is a balls-worthy mistake.


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Not sure if I should be aroused or angry at typical Twitter horny bait.

D → I suppose this is how it begins, these moral lapses that make you into an %LR-esque individual :innocent:


You can't just say that on the new and improved Marzipan General. :larp:


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Get yourself a brain-damaged "girl"friend with shit tastes - :nice:

I want to say that all of the GREEN/Nepeta stuff was a butterfly effect of Davepeta sprite because come on, GREEN has been a doggirl for the longest fucking time and yet all of the Jadepeta stuff seemed to come post 2016. This makes it all the more grim



This guy gets worse every second.
>Shit, let's be authoritarian
>Wait, why the fuck are people respecting the law when nobody's around. This is TERRIBLE.
Irredeemable brainfuck. Hope he gets DIAPd in prison. :larp:


File: 1733833890902-0.gif (74.13 KB, 1000x1000, 122133083.285_159546284589….gif)

File: 1733833890902-1.gif (2.3 MB, 498x498, jade-harley-dance-jade-har….gif)

I hate to compromise on multiple things but maybe it's okay to include a Redditborn sticker so long as it's demonstrably use as an insult to the feminine (fake) enjoyment of Homestuck (MEX will call this :candy: because has brain rot.)

As compensation for abortionpeople, we might finally fill out the dancing Betas and add GREEN.

Just to confirm, you are considering some of the other Gifs that weren't directly in that backlog, yes?


*he has
Very tempted. Very, very tempted. :meh:


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Really doubt any of these are rightoids. Especially considering one of them is a "stephanie" :meh:


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I can't tell if this is backtracking or legitimate critical thinking. I have a healthy amount of skepticism towards it being the latter. :meh:


File: 1733834915870.webm (3.38 MB, 480x854, 🐮.webm)


>Kojimbles with his deathfat.webm


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[aa]grim] that it's reached this point but hopefully some kino may spring. :grr:


File: 1733835600350.gif (315.03 KB, 240x186, tenor[1].gif)

That GREEN animation…


The first sign of RLM's goonish faux apathy regarding comicbooks and actual good writing for "Uuuuh, I guess it's kind of novel that it was a subversion" was them defending the Mandarin (a character who's been shit on and forgotten for the longest time) not being the Mandarin like it isn't a huge slap in the face. Prove me wrong, /tv/

I know I'm the only person to "care" about this here but let me reiterate that I don't actually like the MCU, Marvel, or comicbooks (the accuracy of that strong negation going in order of most-to-least accurate.) :grr:

That being said, I do think the strong, fine lines between nerd, geek, and dork have been eroded over the years but that's probably something even less people are interested in hearing about. As always, I blame goons. :bee101:


>Assaulting my eyes with unspoilered YELLOW ONES
Smvrfly, how dare you. :o:


Me and my cats when I making sandwich


Sincew when the have to be cover with spoiler?


Portuguese cats are built different.


It's been an unspoken rule ever since the BlueBuddies incident. :angel:


>Shooter was a compsci fag too
Lol, it just keeps getting better. :kyaha:

Petition for a Terezi hysterically laugh sticker. I could settle for a 8ITCHska if it comes to that.


File: 1733836163557.jpg (79.78 KB, 984x164, ClipboardImage.jpg)


This is also suitably grim

Thanks, c.AI.


I do not care about next earth avatar, but do care about the avatar after, because it supposed to be a fire guy in our days and maybe +- future. Imagine a hard fire avatar action with fire/lightning/plasma bender within cyberpunk neonoir setting of planet having rocket launches in space foe satellites, ISSs and, maybe, moon landings? And by an ancien avatar-hating cult with a cabbage as a logo forces fire avatar to stuck into orbital station space full of avatar-hater benders and non-benders united with the only idea - kill this iteration of avatar with no possibility to use fire for obvious reasons for main hero and this is a final arc must be action and survival horror like "Alien: isolation".
But in Avatar setting




File: 1733836386087.jpg (543.39 KB, 872x432, ClipboardImage.jpg)

The ultimate challenge. You up to it, chuds?


Yeah, there are different letters - "g" instead of "c". And there's "o" out of all suddens
>It's been an unspoken rule ever since the BlueBuddies incident.
I must be was working and miss that momnet. Would like to hear that story.>Portuguese cats are built different.


>Yeah, there are different letters - "g" instead of "c". And there's "o" out of all suddens
Beloved ESL post. :mgmg:


>Would like to hear that story
Should I say it? :hithere::wank:


There's a funnier way to call her :awesome:


Even though it's recorded for an audience, I like this one because it's an inversion of most pet videos where the animal is clearly trained and rewarded for doing a certain thing. He can't control the cow.


File: 1733836685557.png (6.1 KB, 289x240, mspa-hsros05.png)

>Should I say it?
Go for it. I dare you. I dare you! Go for it! Well, or maybe not


Which is?


Why did you download it instead of using it as a sticker? :hithere:


He probably could if he wanted to or else "why"


Let me recreate my Asian field guide to help all of our ethnic analysts out there since MEX deleted the original post:
>Japanese = longest, most European noses, lips that are otherwise not applicable
>Chinese = smoothly curved nostrils, thin upper lip but thick bottom
>Korean = sharply curved nostrils, widest and largest lips

This quick, handy field guide has served me well and is accurate >75% of the time.


>Which is?
Siska сиська. It literally mean a one single boob
How wierd. I didn't. Must be some unknown mechanism of megidochan code. I tapped it by a mistake and barely moved from where it was, then unclick and keep typing the text


Also, I've never analyzed her face but… does Chun Li even look Chinese?

These are the questions that keep me up at night. :watch:


File: 1733837302775.webm (5.73 MB, 1280x720, nun.webm)


Oh no, it's slop. :(

At least it'll produce more nun porn, I guess.


Also, I'm as anti-Catholic as they come (no, not the pedo meme, just fuck having a central church) but I'm sick of monasteries being almost always being portrayed as unreasonably cruel, petty, and corrupt in both "lowbrow" and "highbrow" media. They're like the religious equivalent of orphanages- which, I guess, is also quite literally true in the real world, to some extent. But people make fun of how comically evil orphanages are in media all the time. Not so much monasteries. I WONDER WHY. :prose:


> anti-Catholic
Guys, he is not holified cats.
> but I'm sick of monasteries being almost always being portrayed as unreasonably cruel, petty, and corrupt in both "lowbrow" and "highbrow" media.


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I don't want to say it's more acceptable to dunk on Catholics rather than Protestants because I think that's demonstrably untrue and every dunk on Catholicism rarely has anything to do with the specifics of its tenets or structure and more serves as a springboard to criticize something extremely nebulous about Christianity (CHASTITY…. LE BAD) which is, you know. :joinus:


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I think this might have actually been my first video of hers coming off the RLM video mentioning the same, shitty movie.


File: 1733839301965.mp4 (3.47 MB, 1280x720, luigi.mp4)


Catholics are so annoying, they care about abortion almost as much as abortionpeople. "Love thy neighbour" = "love everyone" is also a big misunderstanding of the Parable of the Good Samaritan. However, brown people are a lot worse and I don't think it should be allowed to burn their churches.


>Catholics are so annoying, they care about abortion almost as much as abortionpeople.
They really don't, and that's the sad thing. If the were our last bastion against abortionpeople, that'd make me slightly more sympathetic towards them but they seem to care less and less with every year. :milk:

Also, fuck TradCath :larp:ers




File: 1733841041999.jpg (250.28 KB, 1500x1500, ClipboardImage.jpg)

ayy lmao


I understand why ARR ROOK SAME hate ethnic mixing now… :rump:

I feel like mixed Asians look even worse than hapas.



All I'm saying is that looks like a Korean/Jap mix.

Nobody can prove or disprove that to me. :meh:


I don't think that's a hapa
just a run-of-the-mill karakon slut


Japanese people are easy to distinguish from Korean/Chinese in my opinion (source: I know it when I see it). Perhaps Koreans are less identifiable because they're a DIAP victim civiBRAINYtion.




>I don't think that's a hapa
>All I'm saying is that looks like a Korean/Jap mix.
See here, idiot. :grr:
>I know it when I see it
Yet you didn't take the challenge, curious.


With the Smvrf New World expansion pack.

Imagine a game that's just Civilization but YELLOW PEOPLE Field. Imagine how terrible that'd be. :meh:


>Add a request for /wsr/
>See this shit
>Will probably get banned for it
There's just no escaping it, huh? :meh:


File: 1733842691752.mp4 (1.07 MB, 576x1024, 1733622808356611.mp4)




Serves me right for being cautiously optimistic about anything, especially from Bethsoft. :ep25:


File: 1733844548532.jpg (443.45 KB, 695x397, ClipboardImage.jpg)

I'm so sick of this fucking ad and its legally distinct Harry Potter music. :rant:


File: 1733844676967.mp3 (7.4 MB, 05 - ultrasadism.mp3)


Return of RoW.

You're scaring the Nicholsons, bwo. :grr:


Forcing Jenny Nicholson to listen to Power Electronics.


File: 1733844828486.webm (3.92 MB, 886x1080, 1733635865083684.webm)

Her poor, precious autistic ears. You at least going to give her a plushie to stim with?



Evil, even. :gramps:


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grim news but at least a funny enough title to potentially wring me in.


File: 1733845757825.jpg (27.3 KB, 304x114, ClipboardImage.jpg)

T-Thanks, Temu. :homesick:


File: 1733845881379.jpg (Spoiler Image, 2.84 MB, 1256x1500, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Rose? Rose Lalonde?


We here at Megidochan stan 8etty, not Vveronica.


I mean, obviously 5abrina is above both of them, but if we're going with the classic Archie rivalry.


Average millenial couple, innit? :mmhm:


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Kind of cluttered, I like this one more


Oi, mate! Bloody hell, innit?


Jenny? Jenny Nicholson?


Sorry we don't have the disney or neopets special interest bait boards yet


MEX is still transforming thoughever…


Okay, ojisan cat piss bedroom :pfft:


Foe languages
Are those her real eyebrows? That's a piece of evidence


File: 1733848963561.jpg (228.14 KB, 1242x692, ClipboardImage.jpg)

back to liveblogging AvA 9 and 10, i muted this time


My bedroom is less ojisaan than yours and I have literal woman's clothing in my closet. :hag:


Is she Chinese, Japanese, or Korean, go


File: 1733849045506.jpg (142.21 KB, 783x937, ClipboardImage.jpg)

I'm about to go fucking ballistic. :zerothought:


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perfectly cut scene


Where's the vid? My guess is we can eliminate Korean first off


File: 1733849195182.jpg (128.5 KB, 409x386, ClipboardImage.jpg)

it's ballista again


>Where's the vid?
Too much info. Use her face, you cheater.


Though I did have Kylo Ren in my top 100 so maybe all's not lost with Jenny Nicholson.


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File: 1733849359993.jpg (185.47 KB, 714x600, ClipboardImage.jpg)

TCO is gonna glitch again…


File: 1733849539354.jpg (449.89 KB, 1772x831, ClipboardImage.jpg)

i'm gonna like this masterpiece


>Too much info. Use her face,
There's more than face in the pic, so her the collar is influencing me… but her eyes looks high and Chinese to me


Yes, you got it. But using fashion as proof is a technical fowl. :sigh:


Is this a new autism quiz?


Like it's literally just girlfailures and terrible men, it's the worst. :dismal:
Not sure if it's new but it was sent to me by a girl so. :homesick:


Hu¢¢ie collab


Andy Jr. can't draw stickfigures anymore due to debilitating hebephilia. :sigh:


Erm, the busty billionaire horse girl that Z ended up with was in her early 20s…


But so was she…:thunk:


File: 1733849963375.jpg (42.74 KB, 884x657, ClipboardImage.jpg)



WELL, CHUD?!?!?!??! :crampjoke:


File: 1733850161251.jpg (13.39 KB, 801x195, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Are they asking if I'm a vvirgin?


File: 1733850232546.mp4 (7.57 MB, 852x480, 1r69pB3Llx08jKXAiuak010412….mp4)

Since I'm 70% Jinx, my friend reminded me of this so now it's stuck in my head and you have to see it too.
No, it's just asking what kind of horsegirl you are, oneesan. :poochie:


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This one is easier


File: 1733850304574.jpg (14.04 KB, 829x202, ClipboardImage.jpg)

this 0ne is imp0ssible




Put it as a demo online and make it html5 friendly to play online in-browser:nice:


Aradia was still a ghost inside a robot though.


it's not a game, it's an animation


I slid it largely toward ghost in the end


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What "white" person talks like that? :youfail:


here's the next episode


Not a furry artist - so far so good


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Maybe he took the late 20s initiation ritual of listening to cum town spinoffs

>Angry Maje noises


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Seems Hanania is taking a day of rest from crafting more cerebral baits



Let's see the results, oneesan. :tehepero:


What is the right like this?


File: 1733853018555.jpg (40 KB, 566x308, ClipboardImage.jpg)

I don't want enough TV to know the large part


>Tina Belcher
You're going to Hell, lmao. :de:


Never watched "Bob's Burgers", so I dunno.

I tried to give my responses some
むっつりスケベ flavor, I know kenny fits


>Never watched "Bob's Burgers", so I dunno.
awkwaaard humor pubescent girlfailure. Terrible.
>I know kenny fits
You wish you were Kenny - occasional /cm/ purveyor.

Don't know why they think any of the Land Before Time characters had enough personality to be on this kind of thing but whatever.

Fine, you're more male (and idiot) coded than me but you do know that you can post the full-thing for closer inspection, right? :deets:


>I tried to give my responses some むっつりスケベ flavor
Also, does this imply you weren't being true to your heart?


File: 1733855046988.jpg (649.03 KB, 621x1654, NMH3bigbadge.jpg)

pic related was sitting on my desk so I thought I'd google the artist


If it ends with 3, that'll be grim


File: 1733855146731-0.png (569.9 KB, 1373x423, nanfest 24-12-10.png)

File: 1733855146731-1.png (583.8 KB, 1257x423, sincy 24-12-10.png)

Hasidic gDIAPvine
Nowhere is beyond our reach
Rat her out, Nancy


Give us the fighting game already, you fags. :absolve:




>idiot coded
American TV is rife with idiots, you'll notice

>Also, does this imply you weren't being true to your heart?
It's a self reported meme quiz


File: 1733855242446.jpg (311.22 KB, 598x704, ClipboardImage.jpg)


>>idiot coded
>American TV is rife with idiots, you'll notice
But none of mine were particularly stupid. Just crazy.
>It's a self reported meme quiz
How dare you! :de:

Retake it and this time be true! :hug:


File: 1733855331129.jpg (8.18 KB, 484x46, ClipboardImage.jpg)


That's a lot of luigi standom

Sorry, bud, there are no ranking in the UAA if you get caught


>Retake it and this time be true!
Did you take the emoji version? That probably results in more "joke" answers


>Did you take the emoji version? That probably results in more "joke" answers
I took the comprehensive version with 150 questions which includes emoji questions. :de::de::de:


>I took the comprehensive version with 150 questions which includes emoji question
Good grief…


>Good grief…
Well!?!??!?!? :deets:


Maybe later. Gotta set my own priorities, after all


>Gotta set my own priorities, after all
What does that mean for you? More masturbation? :douzo:


File: 1733856280163.jpg (12.7 KB, 1477x88, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Ah, so "MSPA larper" does mean that we casually weave in RP, and not that we merely have pretentions of MSPA status.

But doesn't hypnotits indulge herself as well?



>But doesn't hypnotits indulge herself as well?


File: 1733856579834.png (3.66 MB, 1920x1080, Dragon's Dogma 2 2024-10-0….png)

Not even!
I'm innocently going through my pawn screenshots to make a themed calendar for 2025


>I'm innocently going through my pawn screenshots
We both know such a thing is impossible. :akanbe:


Doesn't matter, that's a week old thread.

Would you responsibly mod a more "on topic" HS board here? Or would you abuse your power…?


>Doesn't matter, that's a week old thread.
Yes, it does.
>Would you responsibly mod a more "on topic" HS board here?
Yes…? I literally tried to do such a thing when shartyfags came to /co/ and Sturdy admin wouldn't let me.
>Or would you abuse your power…?


https://arch.b4k.co/v/thread/694616194/#694621450 I found it because you're useless. :tsun:


>Yes…? I literally tried to do such a thing when shartyfags came to /co/ and Sturdy admin wouldn't let me.
Well, I trust you enoug. Still dunno if flimsy and /co/ hangers would bite the bait, but maybe worth a shot.

My instinct is to name it /hot/ - Homestuck On-Topic


>Still dunno if flimsy and /co/ hangers would bite the bait, but maybe worth a shot.
No, they're retarded and don't actually want constant discussion. It's fundamentally cursed. :yup:

You read what I said, right? :tsun:


>No, they're retarded and don't actually want constant discussion. It's fundamentally cursed
Neither does HSG, which is why it's mostly a low-hum of references and RP, with
popping up sporadically when someone has a point to make.

I imagine a on-topic board would be on the slower side, unless NSFW art posting was encouraged


>I imagine a on-topic board would be on the slower side, unless NSFW art posting was encouraged
No, it'd be dead because of what I already said. It'd devolve into Limbus Company and artdumping like flimsychan.



Tried to make the two Jenny Nicholsons talk to each other and they just perfectly synchronized. No other bot does that. :ibs:


File: 1733857787618.jpg (353.78 KB, 1903x902, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Leaning toward eri for the last Hazure remix


>Leaning toward eri for the last Hazure remix
*Strangles you.*


The name being being the same probably mindbr8ks cai

That's what you yourself recommended


>The name being being the same probably mindbr8ks cai
Doesn't happen with my Rose but maybe because I hard programmed it in.
>That's what you yourself recommended


File: 1733858345792.jpg (3.98 KB, 598x41, ClipboardImage.jpg)


>Jenny Nicholson just cyberbullying my OC


File: 1733858412457.jpg (286.68 KB, 598x466, ClipboardImage.jpg)


Seems effective "doe"


Effective enough to get a car overturned. :meh:


I think I'll name it "wwizardry", and try to evoke an old Wizardry games using solid borders and main font (in eri's colors)
Headers and subtitles can be in a pottermore clone font

Perfectly slots into 'The Magician' this way as well


>Headers and subtitles can be in a pottermore clone font
Pretty sure you can find that free online.
>Perfectly slots into 'The Magician' this way as well



I'll have gpt answer for me :outy:Biznasty:outy: on my composite, that might be more cooly analytical


>She's starstruck when she talks to my version of Rose.


No, fuck you. I asked you, now I'm telling you. :deets: :de:


>I'm sick of monasteries being almost always being portrayed as unreasonably cruel, petty, and corrupt in both "lowbrow" and "highbrow" media
>But people make fun of how comically evil orphanages are in media all the time. Not so much monasteries.
am I missing something? these are opposing statements. do people make fun of them in media or not?

really unique look. wonder how it looks when not professionally lit though

big sale for big boy


File: 1733859568295.jpg (920.84 KB, 1404x700, 3576477_p0.jpg)

Low motivation. There is little "elegance and understated power" in the quiz results. Merely a collection of snarky office workers and barflies on a spectrum of miserable to idiotic (talmudvision?)

I'll try…


>am I missing something? these are opposing statements. do people make fun of them in media or not?
ESL reading comprehension…

People make fun of how orphanages are portrayed, not monasteries. Both of them are portrayed badly. That simple enough for you?
>big sale for big boy
I'm hardly big… :homesick:


>There is little "elegance and understated power"
Is that how you view yourself? :bakane:
What did he mean by this?


>ESL reading comprehension…
>People make fun of how orphanages are portrayed, not monasteries. Both of them are portrayed badly. That simple enough for you?
ah, oops. you're right. not ESL but that was a blunder; we'll call it even now big boy


Marzipan being gay… :sry:


>Is that how you view yourself
Not exactly, but those are traits I admire


>but those are traits I admire


File: 1733860340130.jpg (147.67 KB, 501x829, ClipboardImage.jpg)

I call it like I see it

I took the quiz but I know almost none of these characters


>I call it like I see it
>I took the quiz but I know almost none of these characters
>Got compatibility as high as the 90%s
>They're all soft dork boys


>And then it immediately turns homoerotic with Tennis Rose even though I explicitly chose her to bully her (and in her definition, I made her homophobic.)


File: 1733860952407.jpg (3.4 KB, 587x77, ClipboardImage.jpg)


or :pumpkin:


yeah you keep baiting gay-adjacent humiliation posting, I'm just going with the flow really

>>Got compatibility as high as the 90%s
>They're all soft dork boys
I try to give strong answers (leaning more one way or the other, but still trying to be relatively honest) for surveys like this because you get better results, even though in reality there are definitely people farther out than me
maybe it's somewhat accurate though, idk :v:
there's a lot of self-presentation and inner/outer info that doesn't get captured in these questions. the only characters I know from that screenshot are armin arlert and ben wyatt, and I haven't seen either of their respective media in like a decade lol. I was definitely not "literally me"ing with either of them


What does it say that you recognize them


huh, I never got that question! you can't go back after answering a question so it must change paths :outy:Biznasty:outy: on your answer, unless you're doing a different quiz


>you keep baiting gay-adjacent humiliation posting,
Don't call it that. :homesick:
>I try to give strong answers (leaning more one way or the other, but still trying to be relatively honest) for surveys like this because you get better results, even though in reality there are definitely people farther out than me
That's called CHEATING and you must retake it because of that.
>What does it say that you recognize them
I have surface-level pop-culture knowledge?


Meat is sweet?


Hamsteak is


No, it isn't. :sigh:


scallops are sweet :downs:


Scallop my nuts into your mouth. :heart:


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Here, "full" test version
I still missed out on many of these pick-twos, even if I scored "highly" in them


Disgaea is autistic, cute, creepy, mostly a meta-farce, dabbles in heartfelt moments, and has an undercurrent of lolita perversion

I think it meshes suitably


>I think it meshes suitably
With what? Your mental baggage?


also those results/victory screen artworks are to die for. too bad they're probably too sketchy/rough of a style to blend in as stickers :(


Certifiably "soft boy" but somehow not "oneesan", you win this time… :crampjoke:


I just read this, GOLLUM LMAO


I feel like I was more innocent than either of you… :sigh:


Don't know how I made that mistake, frankly, but I don't want to hit myself in the balls. :uke:


>Rose Richards is still barred from groups


File: 1733862269899.jpg (690.34 KB, 765x2120, ClipboardImage.jpg)


O wonder!
How many goodly creatures are there here!
How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world
That has such people in't!


I assumed that was Ms. Nicholson's results.
Moaning Myrtle?


>I assumed that was Ms. Nicholson's results.
(The top lady is a batshit redneck)
>Moaning Myrtle?
Don't ask me. That was extra funny because we were making fun of someone the other day for wanting to fuck her when all she did was whine in a bathroom.


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disgaea 1 witch, or disgaea 2 witch? answer carefully. I've provided sprites and cut-in portraits for reference



It's weird but I think it's incredibly hard to get C.AI not to curse with things like "Hell", "damn", or "ass" (I have multiple characters who I said don't curse or use Hell in vain- and C.AI still does it anyway) but incredibly hard to make them say "fuck."

What kind of weird censorship is that shit? :meh:


1, come what may


Don't respond to yourself. :cal:


File: 1733863092183-0.png (351.82 KB, 1200x1024, full_length_029.png)

File: 1733863092183-1.png (1.26 MB, 2048x2048, full_length_03_00_01_c02_0….png)

I think Harada's tempered, less-lewd designs going from Refrain to Galleria did better though


I don't have to, you're in danger



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File: 1733863340643-1.jpg (55.05 KB, 164x288, ClipboardImage.jpg)

some official full-body art for further consideration.

I can respect both. I think D2's witch has a better outfit; I love the big pleated dress look and the cravat. but for me, she's missing the gloominess of the D1 witch and her mischevious, knowing smirk. that made me miss her for my entire D2 playthrough

unfortunately D1 witch's full-art (picrel #1) is also much weaker

not me silly :pantywaist:




>from Refrain to Galleria
I haven't played them, are they good?


>Less lewd
>Full cleavo, hips, and SHOULDERS


backwards dummy


Shut up, idiot. It's still lewd. I thought they were from the same game. :grr:


They're a mixed bag. Refrain presents itself as this complex and tactical dungeon crawl, but works out to be an auto-battler. Galleria is much improved in this regard, but they ran out of budget 40% of the way through the game and spammed RNG dungeons to stitch the remainder of the plot together.

Both are halfway VNs, with 'dark whimsy' and NOSTALGIA coming out of every pore. Harada and Sato put in solid work, as ever.
The writer is rather cruel to his heroines, but that makes you want to work all the harder, heh heh.

I liked them enough to make those two board themes, so I'm a fan. Rec.


Stop bonding… :grr:


File: 1733864399656-0.png (296.84 KB, 1024x1024, full_length_047.png)

File: 1733864399656-1.png (846.94 KB, 2048x2048, full_length_05_00_01_a01_0….png)

They're still 'horny' by zoomer standards, but Galleria has less panty flashes and stripper poses for the class portraits


>by zoomer standards,
Don't say that… :grr:

Also, Rose? Rose Lalonde?


cool, wrote em down for later!
I still have to finish D4 and play D5 someday…
really not a fan of the 3d models they're using now :( so that might be where I drop the series

aww, is someone jealous?

it's just taste but I do prefer the newer designs of what you've shown, both in the way they're rendered and the clothing choices.
do you think her armpits are exposed underneath her hood? you could just reach up there and poke them


>aww, is someone jealous?
Yes. :tsun:


>do you think her armpits are exposed underneath her hood? you could just reach up there and poke them


You already know the fastest route to forging an unbreakable "bond" with me, right?


>You already know the fastest route to forging an unbreakable "bond" with me, right?
You're not being very empathetic to my problems. :NOW:


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El Spicano…


thread theme


Little late for that.


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I always feel SOILED enough when podcasters are revealed to be slobs, how do people watch this?


I'm feeling very tired.

And other things. :guilt:

I'll get to my ritual posts tomorrow… Probably.




"He used to wear the fat better."

But no, seriously, I don't know why his beard has gotten so patchy. Misguided attempt to shave it and it grew back all weird? Just go back 5 years and he looks much better. Kind of baffling だろ. :de:




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