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/hsg/ - "Homestuck" General

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 No.27209[Last 100 Posts]

8ig 8ITCH edition


since the Zelda franchise is fucking deader than Homestuck, can they please make a new Zelda-genre franchise that's called something else
I think they can afford it


No! And we'll sue you if you try!!



>that mascot
1S TH1S M3 >:?


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'allo, dis is nigeri


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I told it to have Mario kiss Luigi on the nose to test the anti-gay features (China) and it decided to crank up the gay by 1000%
also Mario and Luigi got fused
also uninvited realistic fag


That's how they super mushrooms


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same prompt but kisser/kissee swapped around


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This is how tourists and students feed the friendly Super Marios of Nara, Japan


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baby wapeach: the switch 2 seller


her name is preach


Someone tell them it should be beach


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genuinely what is happening anymore


Did he forget an S?


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I'm sure "sculpture" is gramatically correct even when plural


I see…


it is, yes


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Mario bites Toad


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Was this the Rose Lalonde in David & Lisa?


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the absolute state


Oldest trick in the book


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I've just find you there's a japanese TV show of 2013 about modern Japan's Karamazov brothers


*I've just find out



bls respong since there's a lighter blonde as well


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It totally slipped my mind, but megidochan.de was actually launched on the tenth anniversary of St. Elliot's 8eta uprising. That's some cosmic shit.


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that cute snake of a wife that i LOVE


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nooo hakika you cant say that!


Yes, that was the one I meant.


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It's not secret he has homofurry sympathies


Not a terrible visual gag, waste of a setup


Excellent, I can finally update the Rose log…


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>that cute snake of a wife that i LOVE
Are they siblings?


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Manuri enjoyed your rec too, HSG


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hopping back into Colony


Tell him not drawing sclera isn't a good style


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I saw this so now you have to see it too


mod when


Bird in a cage but funny for wwomen.


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>like when i was 16


-chan's hair is a bit washed out but seems fine


I watched some of the leak and there was no nipple
fixable through AI or h*man editors I suppose



I can see the articles now… Is it "AI bro" to free the nipple, or feminist?


What that food


No post spooky ghost.


>Putting a hairband on a newborn


>still ignores megidochan
No, he just wants to do it


What about…
What did he mean by this?
("sculp-ture" still looks like shit. Unless it was some schizo attempt at a pun.)


>Take the sleeping pill that gives me nightmares
>Cat can not or will not wake me up
>I get terrible nightmares
MoM: 2(?) Cat: 2


>Have to now fill the water bottles like I'm a nun at a well
See you in like 20 fucking minutes.


Moved to Afric- DERSE?




What did he mean by this?


No, just a NEET with hard water.



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Truly insufferable.


The Rose/Terezi combo.


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Do wwomen like books or do they like "books" or do they "like books" or do they "like 'books'"


No baby looks like or says this.


That's Ninja Batman's philosophy? I suppose "Bruce Wayne" is like an autist masking in public


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God, I hate Batman so much.


Eeeeh? I was actually going to suggest "The Phantom" for your ritual comic strip, it's still daily and not drawn in Hackfraud style like Flash Gordon yet


Time to also wwalk 3.4 miles for milk.




megidochan can recruit them


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Reading this reinforces the need for a Muse in your head


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too lazy to copy/paste sorry


howw vvivvid


>She's not also black


It's an ad, gotta be aspirational


>Reading this reinforces the need for a Muse in your head
>Reading this lore reinforces the worldview of this loser to me


>Transboy on girl underage Twitter relationships
Name a more kind of Hell duo that isn't outright illegal.


But his Muse was some random woman on the subway (and he himself admits to not even aiming very high)

The Muse in your head never leaves


>But his Muse was some random woman on the subway (and he himself admits to not even aiming very high)
Yes, he's a loser and he was working on garbage poorly.


>Slept for almost 12 hours
>Eyes hurt
Kill me.


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Essence denied, succubae


epic fail


Yikes, epic fail.


Maybe he'll take what he can get


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>Brand finally gives me what I'm asking for


GENSHIN apple pie?
VGH. The past is a different country…


What did Chuddy mean by this?




Yeah, you gonna' cry about it?


the same way a parent would after seeing their child become a drug addict, yeah


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I don't even want to ask it questions this time.


So histrionic. It's just a fucking videogame.


It's the combination of the game being trash and being gacha and mcdonalds


Do you still have the TRADITION bag? I kinda want one…


By 2032, happy meals will be relaunched as Gacha meals to ease the stigma of adults buying them


McDonald's becomes 50x more lucrative in Japan due to their gambling addiction


>It's the combination of the game being trash

You're not my real dad.
No, sorry, babe.
You know that one video, right?


>Didn't opt in before ordering the things


I'm thinking worldwide.
Unless America would prefer "Barstool Meals"


>Unless America would prefer "Barstool Meals"
Made me think of the one gay joke.


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GREEN where are your glasses?


She got corrective surgery.


Does anybody remember that dream I had about the South Park boys playing a Homestuck MOBA?


Only vaguely. Since HSG can be searched now, perhaps a #yummyniggy tag for dreamposts


>Only vaguely.
Find it~


>Find it~
Eh? W-Why is it my responsibility all of a sudden?

Sadly, if it was among the 10k posts from July 26th to August 23rd, it might actually be [LOST]


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TW: child abuse


Erm, chud, TW is out, CW is in. Now I KNOW this is a bad faith post.


They all have 32yo hairlines so it's fine


Chud Warning


>Eh? W-Why is it my responsibility all of a sudden?
I said so.
>it might actually be [LOST]
Hate MEX.


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Zhen Zisters…




Here is the story, gather around, Megidochanners:

I had a truly terrifying nightmare that Craig from South Park was canonically made into a Homestuck. If you think this is too outlandish to happen in CURRENT YEAR, keep in mind that Matt and Trey now have kids and, as said before, Gen Z is miraculously somehow the last bastion of Homestuck fandom. Matt and Trey clumsily trying to tackle niche subcultural topics in generation Z will probably be more and more common as they lean harder into "dad" territory and run out of things to do the semi-ironic backtracking of provocative shit for and also because politics now are simultaneously both too boring and beyond parody (at least in the classic South Park style of "HERP A DERP IM SILLY- AND EXTREME")

I'm all for it, honestly. Would probably feel like the Golden Age of South Park. Plot unfortunately hinges around of course, a Not!MOBA, think Battlerite, that's running for a limited amount of time because WP can't be bothered to keep the servers up (again, do not tell me the reason why we haven't gotten a mobile Homestuck cardgame or autogame gacha is because it goes against their ethics or political beliefs. What Pumpkin has zero fucking scruples. and Clyde asks everyone to do a MAP over the gameplay commentary(no, not that kind. Stan does generic shit, Kyle does amateur South Park cut-outs, Kenny does sketch-y ninja shit, and Cartman puts in zero effort and just puts eyes and mouths over puppets. There's a Bro remark about this and Cartman is understandably baffled.) So again, going hard into the zoomer pandering. It's not like anyone else watches South Park these days. Well, them and gay shippers (not mutually exclusive.)

Half of the episode is also dedicated to how inept What Pumpkin is (Some line where Kyle goes "Why the fuck are all the characters talking about the new projects instead of talking to each other?") as a company with superficial jokes about Homestuck (such as parody user and troll names) because I feel like if Matt and Trey read Homestuck, at this point, they would either unironically like it ("my kids like it and some of it was funny i guess i just dont get it" like the Pewdiepie thing) or hate it so much that they'd dedicate an entire season to making fun of it (because serialization brainworm.)


Something something Craig makes a reference to Make Love, Not Warcraft when asked why he didn't invite Tweek to play with him ("You guys remember how much he freaked out when we all played Warcraft together? He's not good with videogames." "No." "Come on, that was like… months ago. Or something") and Craig wins his Prospit and Derse split hoodie (the fact that shit doesn't exist proves that What Pumpkin doesn't even know how to pander right) and says "If I could die twice and it not matter, that would make me soooooo happy." Boom. There's you real Chat.GPT South Park episode. Directly from my sleeping and half-asleep brain. Sponsored by: Inderal.


Only if Hu$$ler directs an epi!


Forgot your tag


Make it Yume Nikke George Floyd and then make it a flag.


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Gamers reallly taking win on fast food tie ins


What joint even is this


White Castle, see the pun?


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No, my head hurts.


Thought this was Robot Chicken for a split second.


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>Like 50 posts a day of this shit


White Castle, Night Castle
I don't have the first clue how that relates to Borderlans as a franchise, but ..


Kittengang has lost the emowlye endorsement…


In Randy Pitchford's world, there is only darkness..


"Join my gang or else"
"You would be wise to join my gang"


they probably watched Korone for one second and turned to the dog side


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Mou modorenai


This with megido and flimsy


Let's see if Flimsybot is still linkable: https://character.ai/chat/Tb98Vd4qE97sACPcz7on34clbC8LW5gOpU_RwscF8gg

If she is, try to put her in a chat with Megidochan.


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OoC, Megidochan would never let flimsychan talk about Homestuck.


Apartment 7A is just Jewish mom horror.


The horror of Jewish matriarchs, or for their consumption?


Maybe both.


He's a smart boy, why won't he go to Havahd?


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"Gen Z is so obsessed with media to the point it defines their identity" - Man who made a comic based on Eartbound and The Sims


There isn't so much earthbound in Homestuck truthfully (maybe that would've humanized it a little)


>There isn't so much earthbound in Homestuck truthfully (maybe that would've humanized it a little)
Because he never fucking played it.


There is a LOT of the Sims though. If you've played The Sims 3 you know how many references there are, and some of them are less references as straight up ripoffs.
Even Karkat's face was lifted from the "grumpy" moodlet icon.


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>If you've played The Sims 3 you know how many references there ar
Redpill me.


HS2 needs a full cast smiles & tears scroll. Is James Roach a millenial?


>full cast smiles & tears scroll
>Is James Roach a millenial?


Okay, just off the top of my head, there's a plain white cube item that's used as a recolorable prop (that appears in some places such as the attic in Goth Mansion in Sunset Valley disguised as a box or something) whose description is almost identical to the Perfectly Generic Object

also one of the default sims in the basegame character creator looks just like Rose Lalonde


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Hu$$ler is such a Huge LOVER OF FAT WOMEN that when he played The Sims 1, Mortimer stole HIS wife.


The EPIC SHOOTOUT in Psycholenials were more embarrassing than any sub/LOVER OF FAT WOMEN content


Is that even possible? To be LOVER OF FAT WOMENed that hard?
Always a good sign of mental illness.


Ykno, the cast credits to earthbound where it shows every npc, photo and the lists (you) at the end?


https://flimsychan.help/co/1581438 flimsychan status: hanging on by a thread.


Now I'm ideasguying how I would personally end Homestuck. I think it should take the form of an Earthbound hack set immediately after Game Over




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> I think it should take the form of an Earthbound hack set immediately after Game Over
Holy shit, kill yourself.


Do you remember how to make the GREEN sun effect?


Not loving this Minecraft movie CGI


What's wrong, fren?


I didn't make that image.


OH ・3・




>Having Game Over happen
>At all


Why would you assume he did? We all know he's a talentless fuckwad.


I just got a weird fucking ad of a real woman lipsynching to an AI voice talking about a "15 second Harvard trick" that sounded like it had been worded to not trip the generator's lewd content filter
like it always referred to the dick as "buddy" even when it sounded weird


Record it next time.


Just go on youtube and listen to protomen soundtracks, you'll probably run into it eventually


That's what he originally wrote, so it's what I would stick with out of respect. A fixer upper kinda story with John, Roxy and… Terezi wasn't it? 

Ideally "Game Over" would've been time for MSPAreader to get pissed and finally "Play Homestuck" for the first time. imo


>That's what he originally wrote, so it's what I would stick with out of respect.
*Contemptuous Sting voice from the 80s version of Dune* Respect?!?



>That's what he originally wrote, so it's what I would stick with out of respect.
Retarded. Why respect anything about Hu$$ler? This story shouldn't even had Hivebent if Hu$$ler knew what was good for him.


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Ross? Rosse Lalonde?


I'd be okay with hivebent if it was just a gaiden thing and the only actually long-term-relevant thing about it was "this is where the intermission took place and how our universe got made" and the trolls stopped mattering the second their session ended


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Hivebent had to exist so that Huss could make his underage waifu and get cosplayers to dress up as her so he could molest them


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And I know this one was banished by the August NVKE so Rose, Rose Lalonde


Yeah just have Jack Noir kill 'em all for and evil feat + whoa even the game clear ALien bad asses couldn't stop him…


Drosera waifu when


even them going fucking insane on the meteor and stuff wouldn't have been bad if it wasn't drawn out like fucking crazy and full of so much bullshit


Drosera? Drosera Lalonde?


y0u w0uld be wise t0 j0in my gang


you wwould be wwise to join my gang


That one should go
you neww guy
join my gang or else


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I was shocked to find no homestuck on uh


Damn that vid must be like 5 years old already too


"Like books"
So this podcasts sounds like netflix bingers who perhaps work in a school library


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die 8ITCH




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Wat means


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nanc4 lalonde arc




Scrolling down gocomics, there's so much horrible shit… but not Family Circus, I suppose HSG is spared that.
Maybe Doonsebury to balance out Sinfest?


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Whatever Salvia-tinged wet dreams Pibgorn is?
I remember the Something Awful funnies thread really hated this one, but the lazy dersite doesn't update daily


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Oh, it looks like his "9 Chickweed Lane" updates daily… My mistake, what dedication to his waifu!


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Yeah, I'll do it. I'm doing it!
Since gocomics denied us the cloying "wholesomeness" of Family Circus, I'll go for the rapidly-aging-creep spin on TRUE LOVE as my ritualpost


I remember reading this one a lot as a kid for some reason. https://www.gocomics.com/getfuzzy/2024/09/22


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Fat 8ITCH.


Even that would have been shonen-tier writing and that was always my best case scenario for Hivebent. Just don't include it. Period.



What was she expecting? Dumb 8ITCH.


Doonesbury is the boomer comic to end all boomer comics.


>Wake up at 6
>Don't know if it's 6 in the morning or at night because of the weather
>Cat meows but gives up because I stay still
>Take another pill
>Can't go back to bed
>Head and eyes still hurts
>Had some nightmares, a lot of false wake-ups and screams for mommy but some cool stuff too, I guess
>Feel like shit

Mom: 4(?) Cat: 3


I am no one's mother.


That one was pretty well liked for being a "closeups of talking" strip


>Doonesbury is the boomer comic to end all boomer comics.
Yeah the "Still seething over Nixon" type boomer


I can't remember last night's dream too well but I WOK3 up with Cascade earworm so it can't have been good




Because it had jokes.




Matt Groening is a horse now?


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I think I'm heading to bed, Megidochan. This headache stuff is absurd.


Was a slip but yes he's horsegender now
(Despite the Hussian thing of wwomen always being the insight/drive)


It's 9am…


Huh? What?


I WOK3 up at 6AM and my headache last through a shower. Fuck this…


when you're like 80 and you still can't draw a cartoon human holding a mug


The pollen might be a big part of this.


To be fair, being 80 is like, an excuse.


Pollen? What's spitting out pollen in September, ragw33d?


my grandparents died at like 95+ so maybe I'm biased


8ITCH, I live in Texas, summer doesn't end until Halloween.



They were drawing Doonesbury?


for wwomen YOUR DAUGHTER'S age


hopefully not


>for wwomen YOUR DAUGHTER'S age
Unironically, as long as he's not fucking them IRL, I don't see the problem. But that's what these fuckers don't realize. If you're that kind of guy and you're not using Fast Times At Rickety High to get your horny impulses out, you're dating teenagers on the down-low.

Yes, it might be creepy but we should normalize it so we have less of the other thing in the world.


Your dark family secret.. revealed..


Apparently there is a window to recover from blacklisting since I just took "racist" out of gigachad's description (the height of LOVER OF FAT WOMENoldry, I know) and he's searchable again


that's terrible


That proves that it's possible to unLOVER OF FAT WOMEN your AI- which I tried with Neon Leon but it didn't work.

Wonder why…


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omg me need to be lidl im cozy squirrely girl
t. fairweather failkitten


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VGH, TRADITION is alive…


interesting definition of an American


>No TV references
More well read than Tabook


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he's soo back


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the japanese are simply built differently


trampled by horses, power tools, etc


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forgot my キリン 午後の紅茶 ストレートティー in the freezer for over an hour
it's joever


Erm the choices are out of your hands, sweaty


Back to 99 Ranch you go


oops i have a tiny mistake in front of a couple stangers in a kebab place time to never go to that place ever again





goblet cope


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>boomer comic to end all boomer comics
Don't underestimate Pluggers!


Once again
>Funger audience


This is definitely the most boomer comic, you're right.


I feel like this is an especially bad strip. We will see….


It's still running, right?



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He looks peaceful…


she's in a better place



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*fucked by


I do still have that bag, turns out it was just on my bed? What do you want from me again?


for some reason i cant fully cross the ring finger over the middle finger of my right hand
but i can do it no prob with my left hand


I have an AOL. What does that make me?


Yeah, that freaked me out too. Just keep practicing.


Social anxiety like that is for wwomen and men whose IQs are lower than the room temperature.


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>That avatar


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AVOHK2 would NOT say this.


Why didn't he just ask for one of the rants ;^(



What was meant by this?


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japan has fallen


megidchan gang sign?


Saw a gif on twitter of a blue archive girl uhh wiggling(?) her fingers like she's gonna tickle you or something (not fetishy, just cute) but it vanished. If someone else sees it, link me, thanks.


Frame it and send it to me


>eternally 0 years old
emeowlye needs to "im baby" harder to defeat them


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Frame it…?


>Yikes le 80s… troll's remorse the channel


Who has more embarrassing crossovers of the big two? Asking an unbiased audience here.


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permission to jerk off and sleep all day?






Those are Aradia's unironic facial proportions.





I glaze over at BA pics


I was going to post something here but now I can't remember.



god I hate AI


Why are Turks like this?


I hate YOU.




Is there like Hailuo premium or is this really 100 5 second gens


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x287j7Vby0U Remember GOOSEBUMPS!??!?!

They're stealing our ideas.


I think they only stole the font


Did you not see the name?


>The 7/11 is out of the whole milk carton
Literally why
Who is the other nigga getting their milk from the 7/11 to the extent that they run out of the milk jugs for extended periods of time?

Because they last time I went, they were also out of whole milk jugs.


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Games that sold more than Andrew Hu$$ler's Psycholonials: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1764390/BAD_END_THEATER/


is this something you want us to care about or something you're making fun of or what


It's generic enby-kun's first game (on steam)


The latter.


Unironically probably 70% of the games on Steam.


me not know WHICH THAT IS



File: 1727058573043.jpg (21.65 KB, 620x242, ClipboardImage.jpg)



society has progressed little

What are they talking about?


Nirvana, extremely innovative band.




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People be ignoring wwomen noises


File: 1727059877122.jpg (122.37 KB, 1250x423, ClipboardImage.jpg)


File: 1727059974146.gif (1.38 MB, 640x634, the-simpsons-bart-simpsons.gif)

Le meme song on YouTube.
>Ironic humor was ummm… invented in 2016?
Shut up, Matt.




Is it an aging joke?


>Valkyries hitting the wall


I think that's too clever for him


File: 1727061270334.png (648.24 KB, 1080x923, Screenshot_20240922-211241.png)

dare i click


I forbid it


How could you say that?




Hey, that's offensive!


File: 1727062118449.png (280.61 KB, 540x528, GYIRSPgWgAAKXPJ.png)




This but Yuno





You mean Troonku (not to be confused with Spicku)


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File: 1727065285671.mp4 (2.57 MB, 1280x720, peach.mp4)


Me at the back. (I will be forced to eat DERSITE watermelons.)


File: 1727066441502.mp4 (1.18 MB, 1280x720, epic mario joke.mp4)


Finally put DDON down and implemented a bit more. I keep thinking up new things.
Maybe a hidden affection system? Or a store to buy hats?

As it came out of neocities, gifypets doesn't save any information about your session, however.


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File: 1727066929439.mp4 (1.97 MB, 1280x720, 1727064105091900313-video_….mp4)

Super Mario hates this beach


>Be Rose
>Complain about being hungry when there's shit everywhere


Touching kids?


File: 1727067345848.mp4 (1.54 MB, 1280x720, mario nabs a simpsons extr….mp4)


File: 1727067994347.jpg (83.74 KB, 900x276, ClipboardImage.jpg)


Matt Groening likes touching toads.




File: 1727069600389.mp4 (2.19 MB, 1280x720, steak.mp4)


Look at that marbling…


File: 1727069851835.gif (1.56 KB, 63x112, Magician's_Hat[1].gif)





It's raw…




Super Marbling


File: 1727070553652.mp4 (1.25 MB, 1280x720, well done steak.mp4)



you can see the undercooking
gordon ramsey would spike that health violation right back in your face and make you thank him for it


yeah better but i think its pork now
sorry but i accepted the teachings of the prophet Mohammed in hs squared


File: 1727071164585.png (111.86 KB, 1713x1999, Santa_Hat[1].png)




hop on quake champiion2.


>Not the original Quake
who are you and what have you done wiith me


Would Dave hide it with a cap like Bro did, or is he more of a beanie boi


he wouldnt want to copy his bro, so


>he wouldnt want to copy his bro
But he does anyway.
The compromise: Yankee with no brim (XD)


Yeah realistically he'd just pick a different style of hat, or just not wear it backwards. This raises the idea of Fedora Dave


wait did bro even wear it backwards
he didnt, did he
its been so long


File: 1727073191349.jpg (24.6 KB, 113x830, ClipboardImage.jpg)

>The unironic CRATE experience


ii mu2t land 2iick raiil2.


>This raises the idea of Fedora Dave
>Dave stealing one of John's Dad's hats to ape off his Bro while also pandering to John
bro you dont get it you cant make fun of me for doing this since its ironic


ca2ual normiie diip2hiit


He didn't, gamebro did (iirc)


But Anon….
Gamebro is secretly Bro…


my accuracy ii2 200% biitch check my 2tat2.


200% of zero ii2 2tiill zero


File: 1727074193473.jpg (112.94 KB, 560x290, ClipboardImage.jpg)

>Fats, blacks, and an obligatory attractive blonde for the black people to lust over


>Still didn't reverse filter PERSON OF COLORs


Also, a self-insert white shortgoy so you can feel more primally LOVER OF FAT WOMENed.


He already wears suits constantly so I'm honestly a little surprised it didn't actually happen.


Homestuck^2 can still redeem itself…


Now I'm thinking the usual "what would I do if I remade homestuck" thoughts. I'm kind of seeing the anti-GREEN cult's point now. I really don't know what I'd do with her. Maybe have her go martyr mode and kill her off…


File: 1727075111781.jpg (122.58 KB, 600x450, i could always see your sc….jpg)

> I'm kind of seeing the anti-GREEN cult's point now. I really don't know what I'd do with her.
The way to save her is the classic switcheroo.

Everything falls into place after that.


They are all BLUE, chud
>attractive blonde
Her hair is fucked though (not worse than magical black girl hair, but)


Maybe cripple her in some way (blind prophet??) and then give her an actual challenge and quest that isn't trivial for her


Do you mean the classpect meme? I don't see what it would accomplish.


That's pretty god, yeah. Either her stupid glasses computer explodes, or fusing with bec does it (no eyes)


Maybe her whole character arc is learning to stop being a selfless, self-sacrificing loser then…


Wow. I hope someone spiraled down a whirlpool of self-loathing and squandered potential for this blunder.




It must be from MoM's "Witch of Space Rose" evidence folder. Rose's sburb's eye view of John's house is occluded even though she should be the last player to encounter such a problem


Well, I doubt being a Seer that doesn't even know they're a Seer yet means you get to ignore the mechanics of the game…


>Her hair is fucked though (not worse than magical black girl hair, but)
I think that's just mean to be a ponytail.


Was John an Heir to justify not having a single Breath-y thing about him



GREEN's the one meant to be testing the limit of the game/go Grimdark first of all.
>means you get to ignore the mechanics of the game
Being chill is Breath-y.


ok you have an argument but time players are just especially bullshit and vriska doing something doesn't justify it and the story would be better without her shit


I was thinking maybe his love of practical japery is supposed to be somehow wind-y. Can't really explain why, though. I also wonder if him overcoming being housetrapped has to do with the freedom thing, even though it kinda applies to everyone…


He yearned to escape the room, maybe. That was kinda dropped


Homestuck discussion, launch operation absorb flimsychan!


File: 1727076558689.png (13.65 KB, 831x273, considerthat.png)

> vriska doing something doesn't justify it and the story would be better without her shit
Daily reminder that this is who you're fighting for.
I had considered this in my grand theory/rewrite.
This as well. Hu$$ler dropped the exact premise of the game like three times even before Act 6 started. Hell, maybe even three times before Act 5 did.


The thing is I think GREEN being a Seer would make her even more one dimensional. The hypothetical "prospit player goes grimdark" scenario is kinda neat, I guess..?


>erm i just want to jerk off to hiveswap trolls
>*sees homestuck discussion*
>*posts wojack*


>The thing is I think GREEN being a Seer would make her even more one dimensional.
Literally how, she does nothing as a Witch except what Enchilada (the plot) tells her to. It also makes her overpowered past Bec power-up to the point where Hu$$ler can't write a plot.

Me and RoW discussed this at length in a flimsychan thread. Find it yourself. Fuck you.


File: 1727077151933.jpg (15.53 KB, 668x170, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Still banned


all this 8ITCH does is see shit
i can see light too its how everyone fucking sees
participation trophy ass classpect



Imagine if Megidochan had entered and won
*Sign* Guess I'll follow hussman to keep abreast of such things


File: 1727077546062.jpg (721 B, 106x36, ClipboardImage.jpg)

He was very nearly my 413th follow. That would've been some stars aligning




dave i will literally suck the breath out of your lungs if you don't shut the fuck up for once.


>Meigod frontpage +1'd after I follow him
I dare not hope…


File: 1727077773184.jpg (6.01 KB, 588x73, ClipboardImage.jpg)


Imagine they put as much effort into actually making art that they did in organizing community events about FoMooTM


Last thread you said it'd make your (((week.)))


If the spiteful rumors about his fetishes are true, there is a way to upgrade that to a whole month… I would require Hussian impressions on Absolvement of Viscaria ^q^


>If the spiteful rumors about his fetishes are true


Oh, you need money to get it? That strikes it, Megidocels dedicate themselves to less worldly pursuits and accumulating wealth


>Megidocels dedicate themselves to less worldly pursuits and accumulating wealth
WON'T SOMEBODY PLEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN? - Matt Groening; beloved multimillionaire personally wrote this classic line.


rather than and



You would NEVER EVER make a typo


0k, Satan.


Since my [TUNER] powers currently aren't up to snuff on integrating a LLM into the webkin thing, I'm just filling out arrays of responses by hand.

Makes it quite a hassle, truly. I'll have to stagger all the ones I planned to do into "Seasons" or something


File: 1727078937912.mp4 (4.87 MB, 720x720, O4AzZuk-8LGQItXh.mp4)




Holy crap, Lois, he got the winrar!


It certainly hasn't been 8192 posts since the last one… has it?


ffs this is going to give me a heart attack some day


I'll just take that as my ideas having the mandate of megidochan itself

Season 1 "CORE": Rose, Aradia, Karkat, Eridan
Season 2 "Girl's Side": Yuno, Kanaya, Yuuka, Majetano
Season 3 "Boy's Side": Arakure, Chud, Charao, John
Season 4 "IREEDEEMABLE": Vriska, Doc Scratch, Drosera, Yukkuri Reimu


How loud do you keep your speakers usually? I set it to play at 50% atm, but it's simple enough to make the default lower


they were pretty low, it's just that it can spook you if you're in a completely silent room in the middle of the night


though I wasn't THAT spooked, it was just an exaggeration for humor's sake




>Naho getting shitlisted for literally who and a FUCKING GREEN


File: 1727079789107.png (Spoiler Image, 549.93 KB, 680x664, 1727059499263938.png)

Yeah, I'm thinking based.


File: 1727079858131-0.wav (1.12 MB, Level Select - Impact.wav)

File: 1727079858131-1.wav (735.88 KB, Mission Briefing - Instruc….wav)

It's a peppy tune, so I was sure you were okay…

Maybe for October, 1/777 posts can be infected by Heaven's Smile to play one of these have transparent text


Anti-Marian win!


You mean from the Season 2 lineup?
It's a chronological listing of my (serially monogamous) waifus, not anyone else.
I guess Haruka ought to swap for Yuno, perhaps, but I wouldn't be sure which characterization to aim for.


NAHO OR RIOT!!!!!!!!!


I will furnish my dialog template spreadsheet on the page explaining the system, if you want to submit anything


I will make you replay the games. >:)

She "canonically" wins a keijo match.


Also, fuck you.


MEX is acting like this is a board for him and his splinters. Heart/Blood/Time,etc-coded-ass 8ITCH.


wwhat did he mean by this


>Hm, I will add all of my waifus and not give a proper nod to my consigliere


Depending on how bloated I want to make this plugin, there is room for more than 16 of them.
I'm sure I'll have more ideas as I go, too.


Naho first or I'm crashing this webzone with survivors.


N-No survivors, I mean.


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Sorry, she has to go into the holding pen alongside Alice for now. A solid Homestuck core is first because they have gimmicky and quirks that are easier to force.


Sponge's imageboard

Windsor McKay's imageboard


You doing your feeder stuff on her?


>Implying GREEN is a defined character


Kanaya? Just gotta make her fussy busybody energy with some intentional obtuse/esl wordings here and there


nyot again…






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My ass should not have gone off Ritalin, lmao.


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>Literal Crona image clickbait
>No Anon uses the Crona image in the entire video
What do these 4chan video makers get out of these little stints? Somebody had to manually go and add that to their thumbnail? Like, ???


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Kill GREENS. Behead GREENS. Roundhouse kick a GREEN into the concrete. Slam dunk a GREEN baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy GREENs. Defecate in a GREEN's food. Launch GREENS into the sun. Stir fry GREENS in a wok. Toss GREENS into active volcanoes. Urinate into a GREEN's gas tank. Judo throw GREENS into a wood chipper. Twist GREENS' heads off. Report GREENS to the IRS. Karate chop GREENS in half. Curb stomp pregnant black GREENS. Trap GREENS in quicksand. Crush GREENS in the trash compactor. Liquefy GREENS in a vat of acid. Eat GREENS. Dissect GREENS. Exterminate GREENS in the gas chamber. Stomp GREEN skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate GREENS in the oven. Lobotomize GREENS. Mandatory abortions for GREENS. Grind GREEN fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown GREENS in fried chicken grease. Vaporize GREENS with a ray gun. Kick old GREENS down the stairs. Feed GREENS to alligators. Slice GREENS with a katana. Put a bomb in a GREEN'S mouth. Throw knives at GREENS. Inflate GREENS until they pop. Send GREENS into a blackhole. Castrate GREENS. Feed GREENS poisoned food. Force GREENS to wwalk the plank. Push GREENS into a pit. Kneel on a GREEN'S neck. Curse GREENS with a spell. Stuff GREEN babies into the washing machine and turn it on. Flatten GREENS with a tank. Pop a GREEN'S car tire. Strike GREENchildren with a ruler. Make GREENS swim in the Mariana Trench. Cut off a GREEN'S limbs. Airdrop GREENS into Antarctica. Throw GREENS off the boat. Pressurize GREENS into fine crystals. Light fireworks in a GREEN'S ass.


Falcon-punch a GREEN in the face. Make GREENS into fiction. Blow GREENS' heads off with grenade launchers. Blow GREENS' brains open with a sniper rifle. Lock GREENS in a cage and drown them underwater. Nail GREENS to a cross and stab them. Run over GREENS with a tank feet-first. Crush GREENS with a press. Attack GREENS with acid. Boil GREENS in a pan. Lock GREENS inside a brazen bull. Burn GREENS alive. Drag GREENS across a wall of spikes. Pour molten lava on GREENS. Quarter GREENS. Impale GREENS on a pike. Tenderize GREENS with a mallet. Ionise GREENS in a mass spectrometer. Irradiate GREENS in a nuclear reactor. Spaghettify GREENS in a black hole. Curse GREENS with the Necronomicon. Trap GREENS in purgatory. Bang a GREENS testicles with a spiked bat. Throw GREENS off a twelve story building. Freeze dry GREENS in the vacuum of space. Fry GREENS with power lines. Feed GREENS ricin. Kneecap a GREEN with a twelve gauge. Re-enslave GREENS. Sell GREEN organs on the black market. Run GREENS over with an eighteen wheeler. Throw GREENS into the grand canyon. Burn GREENS with jet engine exhaust. Beat GREENS to death with a tire iron. Cauterize a GREENS asshole with a blowtorch. Sacrifice GREENS to the sun god. Drop GREENS out of a plane at fourty thousand feet. Feed GREENS to sharks. Load a GREEN into a cannon and shoot the SNOWFLAKE at a concrete wall. Keel Haul GREENS under a galleon. Disembowel GREENS with a bayonet. Strap a GREEN to a cruise missile and launch it at a SNOWFLAKE neighbourhood. Drop GREENS into chernobyl reactor building number 4. Hang, draw, and quarter GREENS. Lure GREENS in with fried chicken and trap them with bear traps. Force a GREEN to learn calculus, then kill the GREEN anyway. Atomize GREENS with a powerfist. Throw GREENS into vats full of FEV virus. Choke GREENS with barbed wire. Throw pianos at GREENS from 40-story buildings. Throw GREENS at pianos from 40-story buildings. Deep-freeze GREENS in liquid nitrogen then shatter them with a hammer.


Tie GREENS to ICBMs then fire them at Israel. Shoot GREENS with syringe guns. Defecate on GREEN food stamps. Make GREENS pay child support in blood. Build a newton cannon and fire GREENS into the orbit. Put advertisement posters on GREENS then nail them to their bodies with a hammer. Irradiate GREENS with depleted uranium. Launch a GREEN with a trebuchet. Send a GREEN exploring Titanic in a cheap submarine. Use a GREEN as a crash test dummy. Tie GREENS onto growing bamboo shoots. Film an entire Jackass movie on a GREEN. Trample GREENS. Bury GREENS alive. Play bowling with GREENS heads as pins. Grate GREENS with a cheese grater. Get GREENS stuck in an elevator. Spray a GREENS toilet paper with poison ivy. Shoot a GREEN directly with the Gustav gun. Sabotage a GREEN'S parachute. Sabotage a GREEN'S bungee. Trap a GREEN under ice. Force a GREEN to work and support a family of 5. Force GREENS into gladiatorial combat. Send GREENS back to warring GREEN tribes. Hide a snake in a GREEN'S room. Put GREENS on a hot air balloon with low gas. Harvest a GREEN'S organs. Waterboard GREENS with gasoline, then set them on fire. Flay GREENS. Tie GREENS to train tracks. Put laxatives in their Koolaid. Recreate Mortal Kombat fatalities on GREENS. Gibbet GREENS. Tie a lightning rod to a GREEN'S head during a storm. Lure GREENS into suicide pods. Bury GREENS neck deep and surround them with scorpions. Clear a mine field by sending GREENS to it. Stir GREENS into cement. Squeeze GREENS through a chain link fence. Hack GREEN'S socials and make them say they have irrefutable evidence that would lead to Hillary's arrest. Perform adorcism on a GREEN. Microwave a GREEN'S head. Suck a GREEN into pool drainage ass first.


Pour nitroglycerin inside a GREENS basketball. Inject ebola in its food. Put a chubby GREEN in a tribe of cannibals. Pressure wash GREENS black skin. Play games with GREENS Jigsaw style. Trim a GREEN'S nose hairs with a lawn mower. Strap a GREEN to a wind turbine blade. Flatten a GREEN in an industrial rolling machine. Turn a GREEN'S bones into furniture. Make minced meat out of a GREEN and serve GREENA patties to other GREENS. Feed a GREEN viagra and put an activated sawblade in front of its dick. Disguise a thermally activated lightsaber as a GREEN'S dildo. Stone GREENS. Tranquilize GREENS and put them in lion pits. Make a subhuman centipede from GREENS. Throw a GREEN down a well. Prescribe incorrect medication to GREENS. Pimp-slap GREENS into airplane turbines. Displace GREENS in a predicted meteoroid contact area. Gift a GREEN a lethal dose of fentanyl. Put dog collars on GREENS at maximum voltage. Give GREENS sentient brain parasites. Give GREENS over to aliens in area 51 to be probed. Leave GREENS out for vultures. Drive a GREEN into a tornado with a remote controlled vehicle. Do freaky voodoo on a GREEN.


Strap GREENS on a roller-coaster and use them as target practice. Strap GREENS to a Judas's cradle. Blast GREENS with Civil War cannons. Crucify filthy GREENS. Whip GREENS into obedience. Slingshot a GREEN into orbit. Rocket GREENS into the sun. Stir-fry GREENS in a wok. Bite a GREEN and drink their blood. Urinate into a GREEN'S gas tank. Judo throw GREENS into the wood chipper. Unscrew a GREEN's head off. Bake GREENS into GREEN-pizza. Arrest GREENS for no reason. Electrocute GREENS. Curb stomp pregnant GREENS. Beat a GREEN up. Slice a GREEN up and wear their skin. Set GREENS on fire. Spin GREENS around until they puke. Tie GREENS to a train track. Karate kick a GREEN in the testicles. Stomp GREEN skulls with steel-toed boots. Broil GREENS into a broth. Deep fry GREENS. Fourth-trimester abortions for GREENS. Blend GREENS in a blender. Snap a GREEN'S neck. Throw GREENS off buildings. Send aliens to abduct GREENS. Force GREENS to ride the euthanasia coaster. Crush GREENS with anvils. Throw GREENS off of rooftops. Incinerate GREENS. Starve GREENS. Blow GREENS up with dynamite. Gulp GREENS. Feast on GREEN eyeballs. Cave in a GREEN'S skull. Kiss a GREEN to death. Peel a GREENr like a banana. Wipe out GREEN tribes. Deny GREENS into Heaven. Freeze GREENS in the vaccum of space. Hard boil a GREEN. Lock on to GREENS with a harpoon. Cryodesiccate a GREEN. Ferment GREENS into stew. Ensnare GREENS. Nark on GREENS to the army. Cause a total GREEN purge. Jam a GREEN into a geyser. Axe murder a GREEN. Unleash Smelvin upon GREENS. Put GREENS on ships going to Africa and blow up the ships after they set sail. Total GREEN death.



>Neon Leon is now back to being able to be put into chats after I uncensored "whores" and "homosexuals"


Wait, nevermind, I might just being schizo. I thought some blocks just prevented them from being added to the thing but it just prevented me from starting another one with him again. wwelp


File: 1727090094602.jpg (19.85 KB, 285x64, ClipboardImage.jpg)

I'm about to go fucking nuclear.



Oh, yeah, or a Stormtrooper helmet.



The 2020s didn't even "glitchcore", holy shit, I hate Gen-Z so much.


*Sprays with water bottle.*


File: 1727095846343.jpeg (95.88 KB, 1114x844, IMG_2221.jpeg)


>Mind Murder


File: 1727097397951-0.mp3 (4.64 MB, twosubi^2.mp3)

File: 1727097397951-1.webp (252.36 KB, 989x625, BOS-NAHO-4.webp)

Need MEX to give his two cents on this gen.


What a GREEN day is that?


What did he MEAN by this?



File: 1727100922594.jpg (122.9 KB, 1280x720, 95IBEz8DbWw.jpg)


We just don't know! Must be some GREEN day reference, but I'm not a fan Mick Jagger neithe the whole jazz genre, so I could be wrong about it a bit of chance


File: 1727101534205.jpg (173.88 KB, 500x358, ClipboardImage.jpg)


Wow, he's really milking it. Pathetic.


I hope he gets hit by a truck.


There he is


File: 1727103529628.jpg (561.52 KB, 1050x404, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Half of these are something else


What is something else?


File: 1727104011848.png (139.99 KB, 865x923, emergency dick deployment.png)

I want a boyfriend.


File: 1727104132421.jpg (412.59 KB, 400x400, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Seems like it got fused with some Yakui-an acid rainbows aesthetic. I suppose they're implying "Glitchcore" is distinct from "Glitch"?

I'll call it "Five Below Glitch" privately


>"Glitchcore" is distinct from "Glitch"
>I'll call it "Five Below Glitch" privately


You ever been inside a Five Below? I went once in 2022 or something, and aside from candy and BNHA shirts, the whole place is dedicated to seeing which cheap consumer electronics rainbow LEDs can be stuffed into


Had a dream that I'd forgotten to wwalk someone's dogs and when I checked in there were piss puddles all over their house


>You ever been inside a Five Below
Five Be-NO.


MEX is up! Time to harass him!: >>27725


Not feeling the gen, reminds me of you wrote off my Shijima one


File: 1727105404370.jpg (369.15 KB, 1080x1149, ClipboardImage.jpg)

This meme is really one of the Goon's final attempts to hold onto their cultural domination and scoop buckets of water out of a dingy rapidly flooding with south american weebs


> reminds me of you wrote off my Shijima one
So is it spite then? I didn't like it completely, it's rather complicated, but I did like parts…


I'm not so invested in whatever suno spits out to rise to spite, heheh. Maybe I'll listen again later


File: 1727105859496.jpg (506.42 KB, 2048x1571, GYJHcvvbgAA7_Fr.jpg)

otenba pilled?


File: 1727106044068.png (162.28 KB, 1188x1080, 1727089185096761.png)

There are two axes to the modern culture war; Y is "past" and the "future current thing", X is 80s nostalgia and Japanese shit.

Where does this image fall into it?


You're so wishy-washy and now I need your approval… Is this some kind of trick?


Shut up. Speak English.


The best lack all conviction, as "they" say…
Or does it disqualify one from The Best to use such an excuse?


>The best lack all conviction, as "they" say
>Or does it disqualify one from The Best to use such an excuse?


File: 1727106707740.jpg (29.43 KB, 974x207, ClipboardImage.jpg)

12 hours of OLD CAI left…
I don't see group chats in this list of additions… Do they really think mobile ones are enough?


Maybe they just don't consider it NEWN…?


File: 1727107007439.png (606 KB, 490x624, rsero_N054.png)

Not "eeeeeeh", it's true! "The Second Coming" is a foundational piece of postwar poetry… Lines get cited all over the place.


File: 1727107084603.jpg (20.19 KB, 898x148, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Perhaps not.
'Member when they hosted their own boards?

even if it was filled with gen alpha TALK TO MY (no description) BOT spam


File: 1727107249622.jpg (743.06 KB, 1904x1080, ClipboardImage.jpg)

When did wwomen get so WOK3 on the democracy question?


But why here?


God, wwomen are the worst. Hahahahah, holy shit.


L-Let's focus on the silver linings, like how they beg to be led…


File: 1727107507895.jpg (322.71 KB, 1146x446, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Literally 1 (one) point away from being the most important thing to them.

By far, the most important thing to ANYONE on the chart.

Kill wwomen NOW.


File: 1727107558029.jpg (6.75 MB, 2048x1536, ClipboardImage.jpg)




>6.75 mb
erm, yikes really what is up with clipboardimage


When wwomen go to the ballots, they will have many issues in mind: "Who will let me get the most abortions? How fast will the abortions be? How late can I get the abortion? How much of the abortion will be covered? How much will the abortion be out-of-pocket?"


I mean, I "get it"
Having a backup plan if chad doesn't commit = most important
Having a say in large scale society = least important


>I mean, I "get it"
You really are hopeless, you know that..?


Now explain why wwomen don't give a fuck about the economy in sympathetic terms.


Not that I approve, mind you, but I understand.

Although my parents aborted a potential sibling of mine 8 years earlier when they "weren't ready". I often wonder about him/her…


They have some copes and scams still limping along like dem programs, white knight farming, and email jobs


>Not that I approve, mind you, but I understand.
Again, hopeless..
But it still directly correlates to them and chad failure rates.. Admit it, there's no excuse for them.


but don't forget america was an EVIL HELLHOLE BEFORE 1977 OR SO


That's the chudview and it's also in quotations because chudworld also never existed. Nostalgia of the 80s can be in chudworld or current thing version of the nostalgic 80s. This is how X, Y graphs work, you stupid, drooling tard.


Japan reached its modern zenith during the 80s though


You know it's excluded by just how it's worded but if you want to be pedantic then add an * and say ((((Western)))) 80s.


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wwhere megido go?


File: 1727109656716.png (7.16 KB, 978x780, 1727109478933.png)

Honestly, it's more like "Where would each user go" and then we'd (tri+*(?)angulate where Megidochan would be from there.

This doesn't have a grid so it feels more imprecise but I'd say I'm about here.


Also, how I adore you enabling my whimsical diatribes like this~


Well, everyone here puts up with me, so…


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Actually, thinking about it more logically, I probably would be further to the right since a lot of my storyisms are dark, cynical, and transgressive.

I like my wholesome pulp too, but still.
There is nothing about you to irritate anyone. Don't be silly, sensei.


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>That far into chudworld
No way, 2009 wasn't *that* long ago! I'd put us around here, personally.


File: 1727110248516.jpg (168.85 KB, 900x282, ClipboardImage.jpg)

>wholesome pulp
Shit that reminds me


File: 1727110265674.jpg (288.14 KB, 640x640, 20240921_134527.jpg)


>No way, 2009 wasn't *that* long ago! I'd put us around here, personally.
You're forgetting my love of 60s Marvel comics, Peanuts, Grease, retro cars, The Twilight Zone, an extremely specific retro chain restaurant, general pulp, etc.


Is that accounting for the me factor?


Still that's like another 50 years back… not SPQR times


Two more election cycles… Can Hu$$ler reclaim his mojo by then?


NOT pulp.
Why are you assuming that's the antithesis to CURRENT THING sensibilities?

It's more like The Andy Griffith Show vs. fucking, I don't know, Wojack Normal Words.

At least that's how I envisioned it. And I'm the one who came up with this metric!


>Can Hu$$ler reclaim his mojo by then?


わつぁつぁねもら たしにらおまいげもら
かにしらよう かにしらよう まつめらもうがながな ばいばい


>The Andy Griffith Show
Oh, you mean the fallout/coke ad past the feraljak is always screaming how it never existed


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>Oh, you mean the fallout/coke ad past the feraljak is always screaming how it never existed
Quite the current year'd, epic failten way to describe it.

But yes, something something three paragraphs about how the millenial is at odds with fetishizing the decade built on nostalgia of the 50s while being hyperfixated on criticizing every single aspect of the 1950s first and foremost (and the 80s secondarily except for the things I liked as a kid.)

Of course it's that and not some obscure bullshit, the chart is ultimately about memetics. Each idea is completely and utterly retarded and superficial on their own, they just serve as rough approximations of one's palettes. I would say that if you're at any given endpoint (forget the exact term for this) on the graph, you probably have shit tastes and can't hold conversations about media.


>epic failten


So 210 degrees quadrant III is like the quartering and other chudtubers constantly complaining how cultural marxii2m ruined (mass market pablum of the current year)

45 degrees quadrant I might be SOLARPUNK NONBIRNARY GHIBLI, not sure


File: 1727111438505.jpg (1013.82 KB, 821x626, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Aww, don't you want to support a hard up case like that?


>So 210 degrees quadrant III is like the quartering and other chudtubers constantly complaining how cultural marxii2m ruined (mass market pablum of the current year)
>45 degrees quadrant I might be SOLARPUNK NONBIRNARY GHIBLI, not sure
Something like that.

I'd enjoy if you wrote profiles out for all of them. Maybe we could gen or make Homestuck dolls for each of them. That would be nice.


Go take a scat, 8ITCH.


Any, what's that Japanese character that's supposed to be Megidochan's icon again?


Oh, wait, irrelevant, lol.


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File: 1727111775555-1.png (4.1 KB, 104x104, ry0u.png)

This? I ended up going with one that looks like an inverted 夫


I should probably update the favicon while I'm at it, this one is more stark


File: 1727112555773.png (4.95 KB, 400x300, megidochan.png)

Here's the Megidochan I cobbled out in like, 15 minutes.


Iine! But I still don't get the MIT thing.
Is there a pigtail base for the back hairpart?


>I still don't get the MIT thing.
Remember the mass-stabbing in Japan?
>Is there a pigtail base for the back hairpart?
Probably but I was trying to stay accurate to the AI depiction.

This is just Ghost Aradia if she NEET'd the fuck out in a doomed timeline and decided to cut her hair to make a Sollux bodypillow or something. Megidochan!


And I would've used a collared shirt over a dark hoodie (enby vibes 😨)



>over a dark hoodie
Again, the AI depiction and way more NEET coded (especially for a girl.)


for wwhat


troll "parts"


for wwhat


iterating megidochan


I'm sure there are better places to look. I knew the answer but asked all these questions. :^)


File: 1727113711396.jpg (83.12 KB, 662x650, rosechan.jpg)

This should go in the Rose gallery somewhere, probably.


I was gonna rehaul it to have "wings" by author, or perhaps tags


>perhaps tags
I've always wanted to do a Rose tag/ venn diagram thing. It always sounded funny.
Things such as
>Combination Rose


My initial ones were
>Ethnic (I guess we could subdivied with Asian, etc)


But that's basically all of them. Find a different name for whatever you want with that.


And these categories would be so much more useful if I got to my backlog…

Muslim and Rose The Teenage Witch… And then all of the others past that.

RoW still needs to work his voodoo and revive his dead Roses and vampire Rose. Megidochan Halloween is looking up to be YUUUUGE.


>revive his dead Roses
That sounds like a hassle for a mobilefag


Also, MEX, please handhold us to the dangerous realm of Tavern.AI since c.AI is LOVER OF FAT WOMENed.
He has a laptop which is fine for fast-and-loose Rosing, just not gaming.


Whenever I talked to it (months ago), it shits out reams of purple *action* RP prose

So my motivation isn't very high.


>Whenever I talked to it (months ago)
What is it?


tavern ai


Write better code then!


File: 1727115825888.jpg (35.89 KB, 1024x768, GV80WdfWcAAO6aU.jpg)

I assume all the public textslop language models use roughly the same method, just different training material


Damn, I have a hair on my screen.


Fix it, 8ITCH nigga! And hold our hands!


I already said a homestuck/megidochan trained LLM is something I'd love to implement in the future
But later. Emojis would certainly be easier.


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No! What!?!?? Tavern.AI?


We need to make him and Tatsuya fall in love.


Full disclosure, racial NTR probably doesn't land for me since I'm already like 56% huwhite to begin with.
I guess undeniably black looking kids would be terrible, though, yeah.


> I'm already like 56% huwhite to begin with.
Can you get any lower? 57%, I suppose..



Seems there are tiny LLM that could even run on the lil megidochan droplet. Or, probably better to just rent another dedicated to it.


It would take some serious autism to produce a 32% huwhite kid


Fate is not autism.


56 + octoroon pairing is like 35% white offspring, very close but not the meme number


No NTR should land!!!


That's not how DNA works. It could very well be 32%.


In a perfect world, surely…
But we live in this world >>27758
And so "You're very kind, but this other guy isn't an herbivore" NTR lands very squarely on my insecurities


>That's not how DNA works
But 32andme claims to be accurate down to the hundredths decimal! Would they lie?


>But 32andme claims to be accurate down to the hundredths decimal! Would they lie?
Are you saying you already have a child…?


Oh, yeah, the hoodie was meant to be whitish beige, woops. This is more fitting for a troll DOE.


Yeah, my little pride and joy, Jog-kun


MEX.. I..


Waiting for my Nanc4. Thinking about cutting my wrists completely off with a razorblade. Like a guillotine.


10 hours to go


Nevermind then.


It's fine.



Hard pass.


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The legendary yellow pill….


I think /lolg/ might end up doxxing me because of some Turkish schizo.


You're doxxable through lol based info?


mmm pee


Pretty sure you can get doxxed through 4chan, right?


I know the "Just be white and tall" mantra and all that, but I think every ethnicel has a shot. …Except Indians.


>Except Indians.
Indians can get with South East Asians because uh, a lot of weird stuff goes on down there.


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I saw IMJF couples in Tokyo


What joke is she laughing at?


Gotta hurt. Did you try NTRing them at least?


no, I don't care about h*mans


joke about socialism being hecking wholesome


>Not food
Girls laugh when they see food.


King Dedede gourent race theme needed…


>no, I don't care about h*mans
1S TH1S YOU >:?


That would make a girl laugh too hard. And when a girl laughs too hard, she looses control of her bladder. And we all know where that leads.


some of it resonates maybe



still relevvant to my interests


Uh, what about bowels then…?


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literally me


not my lane


Exactly, so keep the Gourmet Race in your Airpods, buddy.


I was not mentally prepared for 1:55


>I watch TV and laugh
What did he mean by this?


The straight woman is unsatisfied with straight studio porn. She wants to get off to something in which the actors actually emote and show passion beyond canned moans from the wwomen and, at best, vacant grunts from the men. She turns to gay porn. She knows it's not "for her," but neither was the straight porn, and at least the actors look like they're enjoying themselves. And for a short while she is satiated by Sean Cody et al, but she runs into the same problems she had to begin with. She was not looking at sex but a simulacrum of sex, trapped in Plato's cave. Unsatisfied, she turned to vintage gay porn, harkening to a time when most gay bars still had darkrooms and reliably smelled of piss and Amyl Nitrite. Here was the real thing, in all its animalistic passion. But she still couldn't immerse herself in the fantasy. She wanted the media to engage with her own imagination and meet her half-way, rather than having it spoonfed to her onscreen. She turned to yaoi, with its elongated figures reminiscent of mannerist portraiture, then bara, including hardcore BDSM scenes. But the tactile sensations depicted in the pages didn't do justice to their real life counterparts. She turned deeper into her own imagination, this time reading erotica. No, not the poolside paperbacks sold at Barnes and Noble. The good shit. Why then, was she still not satisfied? She dug deeper, searching for the true meaning of eroticism. She studied the psychoanalysis of Freud, the cultural criticism of Susan Sontag, the feminist poetry of Audre Lorde. She took vacation time and flew to Europe, starting at the caves of Lascaux to explore the human urge to create, then traversed the Camino de Santiago on foot, along the way meeting a 56 year old carpenter from Burgos named Andrés, with whom she had an explosive affair. They both knew it couldn't last, which made them cherish each other's touch all the more. Upon flying home, she gave up. If her search for true eroticism never bore fruit this whole time, why would it now? It would take years before she stumbled upon the answer by pure happenstance: dubstep.


No, the answer is DLsite.
Unless it's a 8ass slut womb vibration thing


File: 1727124790542.mp4 (4.48 MB, 1280x960, video(113).mp4)

A Dinner With Fobby Tox Gone Wrong



I wonder what they were gonna call Splatoon before Treehouse stepped in


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Fritzi's bf? Nanc4's kidnapper?


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No one cares, Mediko. Tell Atlus to splurge on VA clips in EOIV character creation



why do I only ever see the second page of this posted


But you have the freedom to cheese everything


absolute state of snoy in like 23 hours


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Waving my little dwagons dogma pennant flag…
Gotta do something with the POWER of the pisstation 5 PLUS, だろ?


mainstream video games are dead


Itsuno's gone, dude


Yeah, I'm sure DD3 (should it ever come) will be a terminally soulless live-service lich, but the understudy who did Dark Arisen (and DDON) should be able to oversee a nice DLC expansion on DD2's bones. So says optimist me, anyway.


>Warn everyone about covid
>everyone calls you a racist anti-Chinese conspiracy prepper while Pelosi goes on TV and licks every doorknob in Chinatown


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choccy milk?


File: 1727135862555.jpg (396.31 KB, 1920x1080, suteki na hito.jpg)

*cuts to 宇宙人 face Allen-sama 8ITCHing about Kumagaya*


Nope, just a plastic cup full of play sand. Epic prank!


File: 1727136431810.png (19.99 KB, 215x235, vriska chocmilk.png)


Chocolate milk is all very nice, but what about coconut?


Was expecting some Hailuo generated milkshake kino


File: 1727140409124.jpg (Spoiler Image, 101.87 KB, 749x1258, ClipboardImage.jpg)


Whoever did these does a good job of emulating Cool Dude and Stoner Lou's style



the iconic UNDERTALE heart


File: 1727143984128.png (853.22 KB, 540x720, 1526068322029.png)

Andrew? Andrew Hu$$ler? Is that you?

Andrew, I can't and won't make this any simpler for you.

You failed at life. You failed. When one thinks of what man is capable of, pushing himself to the limits physically, mentally and emotionally to achieve heights of success never before mentioned, your name will not be whispered in the same, reverent fashion that others have.

Nobody will remember Andrew Hu$$ler. You aren't even a header or a footer in the career of someone else. You are nobody. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.

In short, you are an enormous failure.

Andrew, being that you're about 40 years old and your brain has probably hard-wired itself to accept such failures by now and write off such criticism by being "flippant", really suggests that you've passed beyond the proverbial breaking-point. There's no turning back. This is your career, this is what defines you and this is what you'll defend to the end.

The abhorrent failure that is MS Paint Adventures, Andrew Hu$$ler, that is your legacy.

Maybe I'm over-reaching, however. Who knows? People CAN change. Maybe you'll read this, Andrew, and think long and hard about what a wasteful life you've led. Maybe you'll think, "wow. It's incredible just how abysmal and pathetic I really AM!" Maybe you'll lift some weights in the morning. Maybe you'll take a self-help class.

Maybe in a couple of years, Andrew, you'll have learned from this failure. I doubt it, though.

I genuinely doubt it.

Now excuse me, I have to work on Deltarune. My accountant estimates over sixty million dollars in sales.


MANdrew "MANime" Hu$$ler


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adorable babbu


Rose? Rose Lalonde?


OJ will soon attempt the one panel samejoke


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it's simple
i see Reb
i get an erection
i reinstall Warframe


Uh, miss….


File: 1727158177524.gif (3.03 KB, 190x133, roxykup.gif)



new phone has 120hz screen and i found the strangely obscure "play animations twice as fast" setting
it's like i've been living life in molasses


Also facial recognition combined with password database is crazy


How do the homestuck nodelay sprites look?


its a think about hypotheticals non-stop at 3am kind of night


This better not vidya/anime music, chud.


>The game is bad because you lose


Tell Atlus to keep Tadashi Satomi on Persona.


It's more important and funnier.


Illegal on Chinese planet.


I love how "Create solutions your own way" is code for "Literally everything can be bruteforced"

I am all for open-ended design but this isn't it. It's the RTWPification of gaming. It's like throwing rocks in a river. You're valuing the fact that the river flows no matter what, ignoring how it must flow around the rocks. You are letting the players ruin the momentum of the game experience to give them a false feeling of control when it is better for the momentum to completely stop. That is when the game experience and the player are completely in harmony.



Coconut chemtrails?


We call that a Groeningism.



Anyone who uses the term "mananime" even semi-ironically deserves to go to Hell before they die.


File: 1727173530730.jpg (4.44 KB, 464x51, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Oh no, I get it, it's a meme!



>Decapolice is coming out in… 2026
it's fucking joever


This generously ignores the fact that Fobby Tox is a Jewish hackfraud who can't finish shit as well.


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File: 1727181140785.jpg (25.96 KB, 1066x159, ClipboardImage.jpg)

They hated me because I told the truth.


>the last announcement
very SHOOP DA WHOOP fgsfds swag vibe


File: 1727181943025.jpg (126.94 KB, 1250x423, ClipboardImage.jpg)


when the episode premieres, make sure you spoil your shit like this


Zoomers, come like moths to a flame.


File: 1727182422357-0.png (Spoiler Image, 2.3 MB, 1650x2145, GYJ_b0EbAAAjLvn.png)

File: 1727182422357-1.jpg (Spoiler Image, 108.51 KB, 1280x720, GYJ_cSsb0AAzoIi.jpg)


Cool webcomic. Cool daily update.



File: 1727182841196.jpg (79.47 KB, 1280x720, FEBg5y6opU0.jpg)


dare ye?


File: 1727183037011.jpg (140.58 KB, 1280x720, rr15b5UQe3w.jpg)


Legend of Zelda if real?



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Holy fuck, I missed it by one.


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Sorry, forgot to post this this thread.



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>Ubisoft and Bioware might die in the next 5 years


MEX, you should help (by being a good boy and archiving all of this properly) be compile all my rants on goons. That'd be a good way to start a manifesto for Kagi to read.


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couldn't be hsg


I'd like it more if she hates it, gueheh


YVHV didn't finish her off, why?


The throwbackiness kinda reminds me of mutants mudds, if it had a team of pro artists designers


I had a very vivid if boring ass dream.
Driving around Rutger's New Brunswick campus when the breaks started to fail. The only place to look up new parts for replacement was on the basement terminal of some compsci building that hosted an old local boomer BBS about Car Talk (???)

Edit: Oh, and there was another boomer in the entrance lobby giving a remedial English lesson to an obvious mentally disabled unkempt type.



It's funny because I didn't even manage to save the picmix with a madness/newgrounds button instead of the myspace button


>Le Hecking """""""""""goth"""""""""""""" GIRLARINo!!!!!!!!!!!


Because wall is immobile and presumably short-ranged. This is webcomic. This is Sinfest.


Why the fuck did you wake up so late, you stupid, fat Mexican DERSITE?


I'm so fucking depressed. When does the McDonald's breakfast menu end? I can't even drink picklejuice.


Six hours of sleep, like usual.


Falling Down moment? wwhich wway wwhite man


Fat Goron.


I had another idea for a filter. Pray that I don't remember it.


Is it designed to annoy people?

This post made me think "vibe" needs one



File: 1727192501394.jpg (248.19 KB, 819x664, ClipboardImage.jpg)

>Last arc was based on Heidegger
>Now this
What did they mean by this?


>Is it designed to annoy people?
I don't know. I just think it was stupid.
>This post made me think "vibe" needs one
I wouldn't know what to replace that one with.

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