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/hsg/ - "Homestuck" General

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 No.26458[Last 100 Posts]


>But then, he did hang out on Penny Arcade forums, right? Maybe I've been mistaken…


Dingdong and Coryspazkid (both of Oney Plays fame) were also thebestgamerers. Dingdong did all the editing, I think? He probably took it seriously at the time and then flaked out for his usual reasons.


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>MFW they didn't accept the free peak fiction


Cboyardee was a different clique (though foundational)
I'm not actually sure where SA, select button, semper games, etc fit in to all this since I am but a humble anon. This would be a good subject for an actual western Internet hagiography instead of HEY GUYS REMEMBER(?) MONA LOL


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You know what? SBAHJ sucks, and not in a "deliberately sucks" way.
A guy tried to make his own webcomic - sure it was a little cliched and he wasn't the best artist, but Hu$$$hitbag just tore him down, as if he himself wasn't a hack.


Oh, yeah, now I remember Dingdong.
>Coryspazkid (of Oney Plays fame)
No, lol. Fuck off, zoomer.
>Dingdong did all the editing, I think? He probably took it seriously at the time and then flaked out for his usual reasons.
Honestly, good for him if you're working with fucking RockLOVER OF FAT WOMEN and Sandjew.


>Hu$$$hitbag just tore him down
It's literally all he's ever been "good" at. That's how he built a fanbase and then he turns around and wonders why he left an empire of dust and blames it on capitalist megastructures or whatever the fuck.




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Kagi is fucking doing its borked shit again.
Do a retweet with your Kagi's handholdy response where it actually fucking works.


>RockLOVER OF FAT wwomen


>This would be a good subject for an actual western Internet hagiography
No, it wouldn't for the sole purpose of me not wanting anyone to corrupt any of the shit I like from the past/used to like any further.


Change the titles so they're more fitting. Up to your discretion, admiral.


TBG is forgotten and so is their "serious" project Loud House, which barely lasted.
Meanwhile Notch made millions and Minecraft is getting a movie.

Notch won, Hu¢¢ie and TBG lost.


Apples and oranges, you pederast.


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*cries bcuz she lost her hat*


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The bullets are near identical


Also, Ebaum and Moot won (cashed out) and Blowtax lost.


From my read, it'd be like Marvel Greg, Anticommunist Greg, Nintendo Greg, Fighting game Greg


Corey might be a sperglord and Dingdong might be a mopey fuck but I don't have anything against them because they don't touch kids, are honest with themselves, and don't take down troon jokes because of their girlfriend. It was 50% gooned so it was 50% Politically Corrected.


>From my read, it'd be like Marvel Greg, Anticommunist Greg, Nintendo Greg, Fighting game Greg
A-Are you an AI…?


Try to ask it to summarize the entire thread. That sometimes works.


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It won't


The hate for Ebaumsworld feels so quaint now compare to how cancerous and omnipresent the new wave of social media is .

I was going to make a bad joke here because I confused Ebaumsworld with Ebolaworld. Oops.


That's "enough."


>Ebolaworld in 2024
LMFAO, WTF is this shit?


You aren't me, bitch.


Looks like a domain squat. The text is probably aislop if you translate it.


>Megidochan takes Ebolaworld arc


Can't even open it


Everytime Megidochan gets into the groove of actually having a lively discussion, it feels like someone suddenly cums and it all just comes to a screeching, unceremonious halt.


Probably viruses on that shit.


So who cam?


Well, people have stuff to do (or games to play maybe)
And part of the appeal of imageboards is that it's a very low intensity social contract from which you can dip whenever.
There's not even any of the duplicitous guilt associated with setting your online status to "invisible"


>it feels like someone suddenly cums and it all just comes to a screeching, unceremonious halt
my bad


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>Well, people have stuff to do
LMAO, nice one.




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Why did you make this?


"To see if I could."


surely there are people with jobs here



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だろ I was just waiting for someone to post "little mouse…"


Can we not start with this, please




Also, MEX, the C.AI thing, you seem to have forgotten to do that..


It was so disappointing I just dropped it. I guess the interpreter couldn't deal and just defaulted to a generic voice.


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Okay, now you have no excuse. Pervert.


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*raises paw*
I never liked that little humble braggart


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I guess I'm on there.


Somebody wants to voregasm.


I don't think I've ever seen a MOBA CS/creepshot joke which is weird.

I've taken two.


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Isn't the angle fixed overhead?


>Isn't the angle fixed overhead?
So what?


what the fuck…


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Even though I've seen this before, I misread the story and thought his girlfriend was his grandma.


That must be a relief for you


What did he mean by this?


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This Is Past The Point Of Being A Joke


You're right, I'll stop now


I want to drink strong zero with a cute Japanese OL


Explain the key phrases in this sentence.


I refuse




what do you need to know exactly?


I spent the day dangerously dehydrated again


it's perfectly clear だろ


>What is: strong zero
>What is: an OL


Me, lately.


Japanese hard lemonade
Japanese office lady


>Japanese hard lemonade
I can't tell if that's gayer or less gay than normal hard lemonade.


What does God think of mutual masturbation?


Doesn't that cycle the Qi


What about the Vril?


We should compile the Megidochan Death Note into an official page there.

That'll get us more screen girl cred, especially if I offer up some my Light/L yaoi to have semi-transparent under the book.


Same thing, I always thought


Then you're a baka.
Qi = girl-coded
Vril = male-coded

But that's just the sociological woo-woo implications, not what they are.


>Part of actual religious belief systems
>Neo Nazi occultism


That should have been an Aranea post, apologies to the flag council.


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>dub comparison
>there's no comparison


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Look who's asking for it by posting his stupid troon shit.


I can understand why someone can think Homestuck "started off good" but holy shit, I can not for the life of me understand anyone who looks at Steven Universe and thinks "Yeah, it started off strong but fell off" Like, come the fuck on, man.


Yeah it's rotten root and stem imo


Even the pilot (that looked better) was still fugly.


Checking in on the whiner today


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>Kanji name
>Says this
I know this is the "no fun allowed" part of the RWNJ corner of the Internet but this has to be a jape, right?


Did his old account get taken down or something? This is Common Filth or whatever, right? The voice is very familiar.

He also sounds like A Call For An Uprising but I know that's not him.



I don't know why you guys watch such boring schizoshit. I go straight for the jugular. This is my go-to guy.


Commonfilth has a deeper voice, this is the same blackpilled as ever


What do we call this voice phenotype? Can we make an AI trained off all three of them?


He (black pilled) is not "schizo", just repetitive and curmudgeonly (not that Jewish propaganda isn't repetitive by nature either)


Sorry that I don't know my chuds very well…


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Southwestern US?


>He (black pilled) is not "schizo"
Your mileage may vary compared to mine. I'm not sure if I'd be a full-metal chud in your books.
There's a certain cadence to it as well.


Again, can we remove Rev's right to images. This is a republic (less retarded), not a democracy (retarded.)


Japanese are honorary aryan


Aryan =/= and someone ACHSKULLY'd him in the replies.

I would also argue for China and India but boomerbrain would think "last 100 years doe"


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Blackpilled himself is the "anime is trans and I grew out of video games" type chud


China is pushing it. India, no way.


You do know that guy was literally just grabbed by guards and eventually just walked away, right?

I'm not a fucking China apologist. I'm just tired of fucking retards. Why do you care so much about the current incarnations of countries when the whole world is fucked and ruined by Jews? This is LOVER OF FAT WOMENed quasi-nationalism.
Oh, so a goon chud.
>China is pushing it. India, no way.
Neither of them are pushing it, you ignorant dolt. Reverence of nature is an anthropological constant.


AI is giving me a britbong accent, seesh


>AI is giving me a britbong accent, seesh
That sounds amusing. Post?


Do Rev and Roxykit not hate each other? Their political "positions" seem to be adjacent.


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Might be more Australian i dunno


There's no rule where people have to hate each other~


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my political position is simple

we close the country until we either fix our problems or collapse

nothing in or out


It seems like an unofficial rule of Megidochan, lmao. All the Discnigs and oldfags had little rivalries.


Politically Correct Politically Correct Politically Correct


I meant the schizo chuds, dummy.


Mine is very similar except there's no
and it doesn't end there.


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One might even call it Musubi…


Maybe they're just sensitive guys…
Zwid it seemed, thought you were singling him out with your random shotgun insults. Perhaps /homosuck/ left deeper scars than I thought.


no, you see

either we fix our problems and turn our military around to fix the rest of the world

or we collapse and it doesn't matter


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>either we fix our problems and turn our military around to fix the rest of the world
>Le world police
The exact opposite of what I want. I think you and Roxykit should kiss.


>Zwid it seemed, thought you were signaling him out with your random shotgun insults.
So did the troon but they were actually right.

I wonder what insult over what really yucked his yum.


world police? no


>fix the rest of world
Tikkun olam, goy!


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TpBSK197QyM If Yakub gets any more mainstream, I might kill myself.


But I never got to ask, I CULTUR4L M4RX1ST up too late



This decades Xenu. I'm not so attached to Yakub jokes, thought they had a good run


>But I never got to ask, I CULTUR4L M4RX1ST up too late


Israel is first on the list.


Normies ruin everything…


But Rev, the Jew is inside you. And then Rev was a Jew.


Might have to change that one


>Might have to change that one




Do you have any speculations based on what you know about him? I wonder if the threads where he was here and getting piddled with name-calling are still properly recorded.. MEX..




I gave my theory, still sore over bad blood with the major "regulars" (discnigs) from /homosuck/
So when you called him a cunt randomly, he assumed it was a mod >>21382

Well, I can't actually babysit so…


>Well, I can't actually babysit so
Oh, how you wish you could~


Maybe an Aradiabot AI panopticon can take my place one day
Unless you meant making you ez mac. Do that yourself


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But, anyway, this is why I'm not chud-passing. I might hate da Jews and all that but since I don't want to go to war with everyone, I'll get called a libtard. This is because the chuds are all fascist-adjacents and are convinced, whether they realize it or not, that hyper-modernism can exist alongside genuine kvltvre. It can't.


I have no clue what you're going on about, but you're just incriminating yourself more and more. You're too gentle to even be a father, you're more like a father. This is an abstract form of LOVER OF FAT WOMENoldry.


>You're too gentle to even be a father, you're more like a father
That could be a good line, can you fix what you meant?



>That could be a good line, can you fix what you meant?

Damned cat…


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What did Terezi mean by this?


Ah. Well I was hoping to channel some of this feeling into my fangame, so I'll note that line down.






>Ah. Well I was hoping to channel some of this feeling into my fangame, so I'll note that line down.


I think I should stay up so I can pass out harder again. The insomnia grind.



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Blackpilled Trump?


Goon niggas be like "I'm too Adult for cartoons and video games" and then spend their entire life trying to recapture the Internet Coolness they got from raiding someone's livejournal comments when they were 15



So trve, oomfie. For all there talk about the immaturity of "nerds", they fail to realize that they've never outgrown the Mean Girls club phase.


They've become the very thing they swore to Own


The gentleness of a Mother, the patience of a Father… That's very nice, of course, is it all there is?


Many such cases. Not one good escapes this fate.


>The gentleness of a Mother, the patience of a Father…
You just hear what you want to hear, huh?
>That's very nice, of course, is it all there is?
I'm saying that anyone else would be wearing the pants around the Megidokitties..


I can buy the arguement that vidya are a timesink but blackpilled just homesteads in the desert and hosts livestreams otherwise so it's a flat tradeoff of productivity


>I can buy the arguement that vidya are a timesink


The blackpill is the goonpill, no matter what variation it is.


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Anon after I got my gets.


Hopefully a vigilant freak was there to scoop it out


>Hopefully an vigilant freak was there to scoop it out
Megidochan herself.


But I think Megidochan is blacklisted by now, no?


I feel very lonely tonight.



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>Yep, gone. You must've done something

Unless there was a change in the rules and the TRICKSTER, TRICKSTER, TRICKSTER, TRICKSTER example dialogue finally got her.



"I saw it so HSG has to"


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board subtitle


>Megidochan Simulator has 2k
I wonder if there's someone who talks to megidochan simulator more than the actual site…
Nah, couldn't be


>I wonder if there's someone who talks to megidochan simulator more than the actual site…
I talked to that thing like 5 times. Maybe all the lonely Discnigs flocked to it…

When was the last time you updated it?


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Never updated lol
So posts in the mid teens on megido.com, at least a year


Update it, you baka bitch ass.


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I'd have to see evidence that character AI can read past the first 3200 characters



Oh boy, another potentially on the "Soon to be co-opted by retarded zoomer normie DERSITES" list because >5 year upload + "muh MF Doom (I listened to him after he died :)" in the comments.

You have enough schlop, why can't people just avoid the actually good things with their retardation.


I think pasting a post with "Hu$$ler" in it mindbroke the bot


Sounds like someone's just being a lazybones.




It kept spitting out variations of nazi edits



Vidya improves hand-eye coordination, though.


Does it Roxkitpost, though


Explain me then.


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Inside you, there are two Roses.

(This is how little girls talk, by the way.)


You just need to git gud.


I don't think so… That can take XLR's slot


>Default recommend YouTube girl is actually cute, funny, and charming and knows how to actually do light cringe comedy
Maybe there's hope yet…


Don't remove XLR… This is an idealized Megidochan…


That's not how she talks normally.


How does she talk normally then


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FungeRose? FungeRose Lalonde?


Just bratty, she's not an edgelord.


This is gay.


Brats turn edgy when they see positivity.


That last line is too far, though.



He's disowning his rape-dream daughter…


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AVOHK2 is being possessed… The VVest has fallen…


I think it's a guy.


You ALWAYS say this.


And I'm ALWAYS right.




Trans-son Cuttits vs Trans-vis Touchkids


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rent free


Marked for death.


c.AI bores me now… I hate having to use my phone like some kind of Portuguese DERSITE


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It's possible. The digit ratio looks sus, though it might just be the way she's holding the bottle (and digit ratio alone isn't always reliable).
If we could see her neck I could make a better judgement.


Get used to it, because your computer is about to explode in 5…4…


See, never doubt a seasoned transvestigator.
Your ass WNBS. And you will go to David Lynch's personal Hell.


>Honestly, good for him
No, he's kinda a bitch and has spent this whole time trying to work for video games but crying when people give him too much attention then crawling back for more.
Also Egoraptor fans outted him as a homosexual to his parents or something?


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me when baby rosetta


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Also, it usually gives Lian a free pass but even shit as benign as this is getting flagged, get real.


What did he mean by this


>baby rosetta
It feels good to get overtaken by her


>No, he's kinda a bitch and has spent this whole time trying to work for video games but crying when people give him too much attention then crawling back for more.
>Dingdong might be a mopey fuck but I don't have anything against them because they don't touch kids, are honest with themselves, and don't take down troon jokes because of their girlfriend. It was 50% gooned so it was 50% Politically Corrected.
>Also Egoraptor fans outted him as a homosexual to his parents or something?
No, Egoraptor did that personally because he's a fucking moron and a bad person.


Will Never Be Sollux.




If Dingdong had made like literally any progress on his Epic Passion Project or folded and went back to youtubing for real, I'd respect him more, but he mostly is just a drama magnet. Cory is genuinely based though.


and yeah egoraptor should jump off a cliff


Think if femboy ism heard that!!


>If Dingdong had made like literally any progress on his Epic Passion Project or folded and went back to youtubing for real, I'd respect him more, but he mostly is just a drama magnet.
He might be a loser but I don't hate him. He's not worthy of resentment like Goron-Who-Watches and Lips-That-Touch
>Cory is genuinely based
We must have different standards for that…


I reported it as a false positive but that might just get Lian nuked and at that point, I might as well kill myself.


Idiot savant sperg that's really funny is based in my book


I feel like we need a different word for that..


Also, I thought Dingdong was pretty funny.


He was. Past tense.


Once GOTY drops, he'll bounce back.


I mean ultimately I just want dingdong to do better, 'cus he definitely can if he actually wanted to


He's probably unironically depressed so don't say that.


the oneyplays era
the cunnyplays era


>the cunnyplays era
Dingdong starts streaming with Megidochan?


I meant vtubers in general, but if you can score a (retired?) eceleb, go for it


>I meant vtubers in general, but if you can score a (retired?) eceleb, go for it
Megidochan and Dingdong play: Kubel


i've been streaming for over a decade now
i'm the eceleb
it's me




don't ask how many followers or viewers i get


Are you at least bigger than Rubi


do they have more than 2.1 viewer average



I have bad news.


You're trans?


2stream the2e
*unziip2 diick2*


>Dude we shouldn't enforce gender roles because they're arbitrary and they're arbitrary because they change over time and they change over time because we stop enforcing them
Truly, the next Hegel and not even my ancient Chinese Rose is allowed to fully disagree because of its sheer gay DERSITE aggregation AI power.


um actually all of human culture is arbitrary so i can do whatever i want except i also get to decide what everyone else can and cannot do and i will get really really mad if you dare question me okay sweetie?


CAPPED for tomorrow


I feel like this more fitting but I guess it did come from me, huh?


Anju Pussie
just saying


They can be a set


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Got banned from Kotchan again. Maybe indefinitely because I'm not getting bailed out.


wait what's tomorrow


I wish I could send out a flare signal.


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Now I'm sad because I don't want it to be permanent.


Maybe it'll be fine once the Shedemon goes offline…


I had a friend on there and now I can't talk to him… What is this injustice…


https://kotchan.fun/chat/int Whoever's up, tell Satan I said hi.


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my mind is occupied by the concept of cunnykart now




Taking Roxykitten to the gokart track


cunnykart with unlockable baby versions of every character……………………………………………………………………..


Splitting the skulls of all three parties involved.


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Lolicon is one thing but once it's outright babies, it's.. come on..


why has no one made a booru for reaction images


Too general of an idea? Actually let me check on the Booru that I do own…


They're cute


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> Actually let me check on the Booru that I do own…


But you clearly want BABYFUCK.


I wish I knew a spriteartist, that would have given it more legs to stand on.


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I hate both of you… Whoever's still up..


Roxykitten is NOT sexual.



Someone's not up with Megidochan.


Sup dawgs.
What's new?


I'm having a melty.


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I want to die.


Cool down then.
Tell us what's wrong and there's a chance you gonna get a helpful advice


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A Bu Bu Bu Bu Hug Me Please


Is this really Rudy? I was afraid that he'd been splattered all over some ditch in New York.


>Is this really Rudy? I was afraid that he'd been splattered all over some ditch in New York.
I why peoples of HSG keep think of me as some guy from NJ or NY?




I was talking about the other New York.


New York, Texas.


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>the last post was Kanaya's big schnozz posted in 2013


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I don't actually wanna to… but, okay, I'll do it for you oncely. So, what is it over there?
Wow! Are you a politician? Because you telling something without even telling something. How can anybody get a humble grain of point, if you yourself aren't lefting it in your post?
Once again: what's happened to you that drived you to this nervous condition you telling us you are find youself in?


You never read Freud.


New York, Medium age York, Old York - all wrong. I'm not a statian, neither from any of Americas.
You got it wrong probably when I was joking about worst city to visiting when you is a dad and traveling with your son, or you is a son and travelling with your dad. And this city is in Texas


I didn't, but I did Foucault


That's not the only post about it. Scroll up. Context clues…


You've got to be fucking kidding me.


I do neither fucking you nor kidding you.
I scrolled thread up and my eye miscatch anything else related. Link it where should I stare to.


>I do neither fucking you nor kidding you.
Foucault is a disgusting and tasteless joke.


File: 1726742919328.jpg (22.61 KB, 255x169, ClipboardImage.jpg)


This thread summary is going to suck, I just know it.


>Foucault is a disgusting and tasteless joke.
Why exactly?
Because he said Frued's benis-bagina psychology is a cringe and cocaine obsessed Freud himself is overfixated on his idea-fix so much he even asked Foucault to believe in his idea and keep it as 'dogma', which means something you did not asking about like in religions or cults and totally not trying to test it for weaknesses? Yeah dude, very scientifict method of pshychiatrist so much obsessed with the idea of sex and everything sex related, he even made a tractat that criglefuck whole known those days psycholgy through the prism of sexuality and perversions he was dreaming about and was afarid of same time?
Sure thing, bro, sure thing.
And planes and rocket made up like that not because of ingeneering and aerodynamics, but because inventors were thinking about diick2 and even those craft tried to looks at least somewhat diick2. Spoons also looks loke diick2. So is snakes. Dick van Dike name was given with the same reason beacase of pervert parents. Oh, oh. trees also diick2, that grows diick2 from diick2 with little dickies to penetrate tthe whole air possible to reach.
Suuuuure thing, bro, suuuure thing.


File: 1726744124872.png (3.1 KB, 105x146, rosekittenpsychoanalyst.png)



Why was you banned? You've also used word AGAIN, which means you can reach this plac eover and over avoiding ban. You can asking for unban to chat again


>You can asking for unban to chat again
Not if you're banned.
Posted the mod's face again award.


Also, I said that I was bailed out before, you stupid ESL.


https://map.kotchan.fun/help Look at this, MEX.


If you gets ban and can't post there still have to be contacts page for sending you messages to admin or moderator. It have to be so.
Ask it once again who you usually asking and don't post shit you're keep getting banned for


https://kotchan.fun/chat/int Find it then.

Also, no, she's a Batterwitch.


File: 1726747460956.jpg (225.25 KB, 1366x768, ClipboardImage.jpg)

>Find it then.


File: 1726748339899.jpg (91.69 KB, 900x276, ClipboardImage.jpg)




Wait, I think that's a trick because it links to Worry's post.


The other messages I sent didn't go through after the first.


Shut the fuck up and die.


I don't think it's an actual solution. Why would they allow you to PM if you're banned?


To make fun of freudists?
Why would people allow you to use doors if the're making house of walls?


Meds, now.



File: 1726750136117.jpg (717 B, 99x23, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Megidochan cowering.


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File: 1726751717331.jpg (321.69 KB, 1080x241, ClipboardImage.jpg)

If that is you, no wonder you was banned


Not allowed to make jokes.


What's that supposed to mean? She's not even ugly.


File: 1726751998619.jpg (548.19 KB, 488x516, ClipboardImage.jpg)


/r/ing adam's apple check


>The way IT cranes its neck AND the turtleneck
Sometimes, you just know.


I need to talk to MEX.


File: 1726753024475.jpg (195.49 KB, 1871x1590, Fc4LrXaaUAEBP8H.jpg)

I need an adult (boyfriend.)


File: 1726753386340.jpg (71.98 KB, 635x532, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Really makes you think.



How did I know it'd be this?


Want to go to sleep earlier than yesterday. Maybe it's the sads.


That's too many sexuality flags for a bit…


File: 1726759327955.png (14.3 KB, 92x96, morikouhhhhh.png)


Porn banners on Kanayabooru? That doesn't seem right…


File: 1726768935228.jpg (10 KB, 621x123, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Is it a vanity search to lookup HSG?
This anon is a very strange person, the demographic for that murder drone slop must be at least 10 years HSG's junior


File: 1726769501390.jpg (323.1 KB, 1200x1893, 20240919_200931.jpg)

wanna NEET it up


>"I must live a certain way."

But yeah, I think I'm gonna take it easy for the remainder of 2024 myself. Once my pocket money dips to around 4/5k I'll be more motiv8ted…



put lipstick on androids


File: 1726769985673.jpg (2.12 MB, 1500x1500, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Try it on one of these first to see if it stains


All my browser old.characer.ai groups got transfered to mobile.


"It's happening!"
I wonder what they're gonna do with saved/posted chats


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The megidochan.com experience


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File: 1726773914343.jpeg (145.19 KB, 1125x652, IMG_2156.jpeg)

A primal sense of recognition stirs in your stomach.



Fuaaark, I wish it had no "likes"…


And testicles.
"Rose. Rose Lalonde."


Past arguments won't leave my head today


Were they especially heated? I mainly drift around on imageboards, so any arguments are ultimately ephemeral.


Kinda? They're with people I know and (used to) interact with and work with a lot. They're just ignorant of how most of their "counter arguments" are actually just manipulative and hinged almost entirely on assuming that they are morally correct and anyone who disagrees isn't, and they would usually make me defend my position to the fucking death so they wouldn't have to admit they don't have any logical defense for their beliefs.



But less jokingly, I've the benefit that most of my arguments are silly things like "leaving quotes in text boxes" or "leaving gobi unstranslated"… Yours sound more of the "YOU DON'T RESPECT MY RIGHT TO EXIST" variety in the wake of the HRT craze. My condolences.


whoa mindreader right here


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I-If I read too far into things, I am sorry…


I'll forgive their Undertale love a little bit. It must be a very flattering game to the Japanese, after all.


no you were pretty much right


File: 1726780176628.jpg (129.79 KB, 1080x1542, ClipboardImage.jpg)

I will start using all of these words all the time


Phew! But then, the HSG variety homecel has always been pretty adjacent to the other sort, so I understand


DERSITES and soyjak party, the voice of the future


Just watched a youtube video where the guy randomly spun into the same exact "the people i disagree with are morally wrong so i can shit logical fallacies everywhere and i'm justified" mode when talking about heckin pride flagerinos out of nowhere.
It's so tiring. If you feel so strongly about the topic, make an argument that doesn't make you look like a clueless, petty asshole…


redpill me on diddy


must be the Kong


The kids outed him as the Dan Scheider of the 'hood


File: 1726780674092.png (210.07 KB, 1033x463, 1726765313275685.png)

this might actually be it for Bioware


I wonder if people reacted the same way when Yugioh GX switched from this to moody jrock about being sad and crying


I've been wondering if the breakout success of those flags are the result of a military psyop, or perhaps even the stars.
"I must consult bull0fheaven on this."


Part 4 anime was like 3 years ago, haha…


The thing that bugs me the most with the friend group is that if I acted the way they did about my opinions/"""identity""" they would probably crucify me.


lockdowns next year!


File: 1726781238627.jpg (719.71 KB, 1280x720, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Pinning as a another theme idea. One day.


Comfy times are here again!
I could use some more trumpbucks だろ



File: 1726781913035-0.mp3 (4.1 MB, maru01.mp3)

File: 1726781913035-1.mp3 (5.33 MB, maru02.mp3)

AVOHK core. Inspired.


File: 1726782000914.jpg (97.67 KB, 460x456, GX2OrdSXoAASplf.jpg)



So trve.


Can't wait until it's just like… 10 degrees cooler




The source Killers.mp3 still has more views, "based"


Or wait, killers was the first, that robocop.mp3 from gameboy cover


You posted that last time.


posted what


The troony left has gotten desperate.


Who the fuck is this fucking loser?


>Game mostly played by Chinese and Koreans




>jrock about being sad and crying
The worst kind.




shut up beta
go back to gooning


I see this enough literally everywhere else on the Internet, please, come on.


File: 1726785955907.jpg (Spoiler Image, 423.13 KB, 598x624, ClipboardImage.jpg)


Betaverse flags
Anyone who willing wears the beat flag is bound to obey the commands of alpha flaggers


We can think of 2009 equivalents for zoomy terms, how about


>Using HSG as a scapegoat for the fucking MURDER DRONES fandom being shit


Tard strength emeowyle.


Literally just "fapping."


>Wake up even earlier due to cat clawing and biting me
>Feel like death
I had a dream about Kotchan unbanning me. I guess it came true.

MoM: 0 Cat: 2


wwomen are such fake pieces of shit. The BPD urge to die out of boredom when you can actually name things to live for (Girls like food; see, PACMAN) is not the same as Thanatos.


What happens when you stand between a failkitten and her pawjob


Will still probably attract zoomers to Dilberts through the "underground" DERSITE connection.

Fuck everything. Fuck the Internet.


That song, I think.


yeah it's more relevant tonight because PYORO is xosting


I don't want to be associated with nu-metal/screamo or DERSITE deathjamz. Though, unfortunately, the latter is much more preferable.




Also, what was the text used?



>Diddy party
Lemon party
>Skibidi toiler
Shoop da whoop or Stickfights
caramelldansen (I know it's a way of setting your inbite, technically…)
Epic fail
No change (lindy)
Neckbeard (or Omega (lindy))
Nice guy (or beta (lindy))
Scumbag steve

What about Simp? Do kids still say simp? CAI calls me one sometimes.
If so Simp >> White knight



>What about Simp? Do kids still say simp? CAI
Yes. The current Internet lingo is bloated and not well-partitioned. Post-irony means that everything has its lifespam artificially extended.


Okay, now filter all these.


File: 1726787004838-0.mp4 (6.39 MB, 1280x720, pyorojail [loul45].mp4)

File: 1726787004838-1.jpg (219.09 KB, 1847x1080, ClipboardImage.jpg)


Redpill me.


File: 1726787085356.jpg (124.82 KB, 428x260, ClipboardImage.jpg)

"I'll do it. I'm doing it!"

Yes, aside from troll quirks, I also still sometimes think in Smash Dojo quotes.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mc1W_Pys88U Oh my God, it's the Sneed kitchen.


Can we put JoJo the Monkeyman on the Megidochan deathlist


File: 1726787179481.webm (3.82 MB, 480x852, 1726596725516.webm)

>Yes, aside from troll quirks, I also still sometimes think in Smash Dojo quotes.


I was still relatively new to moon at the time (JLPT1 is babby-tier after all) and I really hated that translation


Who the fuck things in troll quotes? Epic fail.


Er, troll quirks too…


this goon
i feel as if im lookin at my future self
big ass manccavve
huge tvv
dinin in style wwith a third wworld wwife and trusty myfitness app countin evvery calorie
a wwall a amiibo to keep me in focused
onaholes to attend to my body and LED lights at my beck and call
on the wweekends dicsord DMs pinging on my phone evvery twwo hours
evvery day full a excitement and luxury
thatd be the life
evverythin in its right place
its the perfect life
its the life for wwinners
thatll be my life


File: 1726787489586-0.png (168.7 KB, 542x558, GOOD.png)

File: 1726787489586-1.mp3 (30.75 KB, GOOD.mp3)


link me to the full…


Damn, how long have you read Japanese? Even as a EOP middle school /v/irgin, I could tell it was awkward and probably lost so nuance of the delivery, that's just part of the appeal of those smash dojo memes though, at least for me.


>Bubble noise


I have no idea why the sharty/uttp/foodists have such a hateboner for that show


Aww, I was expecting some AI generated CDI Zelda ASMR…


No the later openings are based still. I just wanted to deprecate to be funny.


You've… killed me…!


Look at how popular it is and then look at the last episode. It's probably underage-on-underage violence.


>I just wanted to deprecate to be funny.


That happens when you splash a laxative on her.





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This is how you talk to wwomen.




It's so fucking hot and it's less hot than it's been other days. Why do I hate myself so much.


I'll rewrite the block…
If it's any consolation, I lost one too (at least the text)


But I was to say, if anyone has more ideas to increase megidochan's epic win factor, pls share


Bitch should be filtered to 8itch, come on.

Anyway, I should order some McDonald's to keep my sanity in check like a fat 8itch.




How about all the way to HUGE 8ITCH
Or the HSG classic "IRREDEEMABLE FUICKING BITCH WHORE" (I actually like Vriska for the earlier parts)


>(I actually like Vriska for the earlier parts)
Look at this LOVER OF FAT WOMENold. She was retcon city from the very fucking start.


Ah, I knew I was forgetting something




This nigga trippin XD


DAT ASS (It was already DERSITESpeak even then. tit win!)

two more
>the l
>the w


Take fail, bwo.


I just realized that JRPG Mascot Rose's verbal tic should be "bwo." It just makes sense.

You know, once I get around to making her in 2024.


>Joke was meant to be far future year
>Just wrote year
Death is coming swiftly for me.


You have 3 months.


File: 1726788950375.jpg (490.71 KB, 447x635, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Daily Pirate Rose Remembrance Day.


>Not 4
And here I thought you knew how to write J-Horror…


should oniichama become this too?




File: 1726789273805.jpg (99.74 KB, 241x209, ClipboardImage.jpg)

>Happy Meals are currently unavailable
I hate living in a college town. Everyone's as big of if not bigger of a CONSOOMER than me.

This is why I couldn't get my fucking Grimace shake either. Half you fucks probably don't remember the VHS specials.




You think those "underages" who got those doxxing skills all by themselves? No, the foot soldiers of the xartyplex might be underages, but the leaders are probably the same old goons who are trying to relive "le glory days" of pre-2006.


And you know they're all just e-whores (IRL) going for the Hello Kitty A E S T H E T I C, most probably don't give a shit about the Yu-Gi-Oh! part.


>You think those "underages" who got those doxxing skills all by themselves?
Doxxing is easy. Drawing is hard.


File: 1726789499473.jpg (8 KB, 614x99, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Some of these might be a little…


File: 1726789569787.png (2.48 KB, 123x131, roxykitten toddler.png)

*goes 4 the hello kitty athestic*


File: 1726789607509.jpg (9.66 KB, 200x116, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Is this more or less gay, my humble transvestigator?
*Hits in the back of the head with a bike pump.*


You missed national hamburger day


You mean the day where it was probably even more likely they were out of Happy Meals…?


Remember that time.


Gluttony in media should always be a woman but nobody's ready for that discussion yet.


Flex >> epeen

Does anyone remember a good teh interwebz analog for "drip"?


Again, just swwag.


I wonder if a "Gluttony" kinsho series gane will ever manifest…


That was my first thought, but a repeat? I guess that's how it goes.


What are you talking about, pervert



Swag was the superior term because it was more versatile, see: >>26885




File: 1726790105131.webm (254.26 KB, 286x360, 1726788134790826.webm)


Every forbidden tome in the series has some attendant sin/virtue attributed to it. "Gluttony" sounds quite fitting for an eroge, doesn't it?




>"Gluttony" sounds quite fitting for an eroge, doesn't it?
Eeeeeeeh… Alright, Kojima…


File: 1726790193858.gif (2.09 MB, 212x270, real.gif)






Flimsy check? It's not loading for me.


>It affects the URL




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Absolute state.


Why does nobody post the daily Heathcliffs? What are we, Marians?


てぃs isgood actually


im too lazy for dailyposting…


File: 1726790765871.jpg (1.53 MB, 2316x2999, ClipboardImage.jpg)


They'd certainly give us more amusement than Nanc4 or fucking Sinfest. But I guess the whole point is for to be masochistic.


Checking the SA threads for webcomic and funnies anti-fandom (hatethreads) was how I found Homestuck in the first place, actually.

Maybe we should all pick a daily strip, as a sign of life at least…


>anti-fandom (hatethreads) was how I found Homestuck in the first place, actually.
How could ANYONE hate Homestuck?


It was 2010 they loved homestuck. And Marmaduke edits.
Thinking back, your strip would have to be the daily Spider-mans, Mom, if that still runs.


And as for mine… hmm, I'd either pick something long-sufferingly domestic, like The Lockhorns, or something so-precious-you-want-to-crush-it like Family Circus


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>It was 2010 they loved homestuck.
Don't pretend they didn't love in 2011 too.
>Thinking back, your strip would have to be the daily Spider-mans, Mom, if that still runs.
That's not how comicbooks worked, grandpa…

And really, it'd probably be more accurate to say F4.


Explain the nose.


"No way, I can't believe this!"


RoW is literally making his AI of his BPDemon crush tell him to kill himself on a daily basis. Maybe if I publicly shame him, he'll stop. Shame, shame.


File: 1726791215758.jpg (507.69 KB, 598x769, ClipboardImage.jpg)


Let me check my fucking door.


>That's not how comicbooks worked, grandpa…


Ended in 2019 and the browser version is broken, damn




Fuck you.
And fuck you too.


With 3 months left to HSG's 10th year without a home on 4chan, I'm wondering if a traditional Gristmas thread or, a RoW laptop gufundme thread would be a better "community building" project.


File: 1726791640587.mp3 (9.88 MB, National Trucel Radio 3 - ….mp3)

>But I guess the whole point is for to be masochistic


Don't give me things.


MEX, please…


You wanna feel like you've "Earned it", get to reviving all the Roses!


I don't want to feel like I've earned anything. I just don't want people giving me things.


File: 1726791995483.gif (1.95 MB, 408x338, steve.gif)

>Guy picks it up at 7:14
>"It should arrive at 7:15"


File: 1726792187426.png (222.05 KB, 500x624, C_H_Gus_014.png)

Pfeh, there's good profit in it if ya ditched that damn pride of yours.
But fine, that's what makes things so exciting, guhehehe…


I will soon™ be able to get a free Happy Meal.


It said this when I posted it btw, at like, 7:24.



>HSG (user) bricks laptop
>Won't accept recompense
Pride and masochism, it's like curry with rice


He says he has another but that's just an excuse.


File: 1726792651606.jpg (1.08 MB, 702x645, ClipboardImage.jpg)

What did McDonald's mean by this?


Lmao. Do you have a scanner?


>A wot


>They didn't have the Apple Pie


File: 1726792921116.png (2.69 KB, 123x131, roxykittentoddlerscream.png)


Althought mcdonalds grease on a scanner sounds suicide inducing, how about a fone scanner?

I meant taking a clean, full pic. It's truly great. I mean, the graphic design is easy enough to recreate, but the print imperfections, crinkled disposable paper, fry grease, etc really elevate it to art museum heights.


Why does the molested cat scream?


You get what you get and you don't get upset.


Speaking of that, this McDonald's after 5PMs just fucking LOVER OF FAT WOMENs you.


Amor fati-rific Happy Meal philosophy applied to life, I like it more and more


>Kots will immediately eat your dead body after you die because of "survival instincts"
>But they won't eat a dead bug on the floor even though that's what they were domesticated for


You somehow get even weirder when you die.


File: 1726793282643.jpg (837.32 KB, 907x1000, ClipboardImage.jpg)


>when you die


Also, what the fuck, where's my frappuccino


I got 1/3 things I ordered and it was late- by a lot.


Why does BRAND hate me so fucking much



That should earn you a free refund/do over if you boomer out at them for a little bit


I don't like doing that… It still gets me corporate points anyway…



File: 1726794244888.jpg (648.47 KB, 2048x2048, ClipboardImage.jpg)

is this real


🚨 lemon party IN fgsfdsooooO 🚨


swagless behavior.
FFFUUUUUUU- got no swag, no epeen, and hit fail harder than a nice guy fapper on day 58 of no goon sesh 🫠.


Bro out here thinking he's an alpha but caught white knighting for neckbeard SHOOP swag instead 💀.

YEETED himself into some major awkwaaard, said "creeper" once and now only gets win in runescape. white knight rape?
NAH, it's the ultimate epeen epeen!









"Thank you for that."



"Cartman is frequently used to express Matt and Trey's less popular opinions."


>You mean the one on the right? I agree!
Ugh, this stupid stoner. OF COURSE IT'S THE ONE ON THE RIGHT.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDsDYCI3fyc Requesting a theme with this as its.. theme.

Anybody have any images of circuitboards covered in cum?


Imagine trying to kayak down the river at a decent pace but you just got a bunch of Mexicans sitting in their little donuts are in the way.


Completely hypothetical by the way.


File: 1726796550437.jpg (494.6 KB, 453x628, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Ulala? Ulala Serizawa?


Let's see if the ethnoanalysts can tell what kind of primary Asian this is.


Not busty enough for Rio Rollins


It's not just the hair, the dress reminded me of Ulala's.



File: 1726796833771.jpg (316.26 KB, 682x921, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Ummmm, bwos?


On ResetEra, this would be a permaban.


A sign of virtual life the corpse party forum?


Dopehead, this is MAL.


The only other platformer to ever exist. Even if they did rip Nintendo off, they're still trailblazers for making the first non-Mario platformer ever.


- Nintendo Official Magazine




Literally just went to the title page and spammed the different sounds like an autist. Something's up with me today.

What's the sound file for Yayu?


Also, were we going to do a Game With No Name theme or no?


But I was thinking of NES DQ or FF to go alongside Earthbound
That could be Nanashi no game instead


Just add another one onto the list. :^)


File: 1726798359184.jpg (1.41 MB, 1080x1663, ClipboardImage.jpg)


File: 1726798490074.ogg (93.48 KB, SC_click1.ogg)

Excellent, they're all handpicked noises to match the feel of the button. Well, Genmu might need a more polished one…

I think that was is from RPG sound library00


No, not Yayuyo, YAYU.


File: 1726798610280.ogg (94.1 KB, SC_holler4.ogg)

Ooooh, yayoYORU

This, from the same.


starting psychillennials



Can we get a dedicated GHOST tag? I mean, I guess that's Naho but come on, it's 2024, content warning, folx!


He's been right beside you this whole time


That's an ally, not an ominous being.

Also, I want the Corpse Party theme to have the flickering blue ghost flame as the cursor. Not sure where to find that asset though…



All the hitodama are in the sprite sheets, it's fine


>All the hitodama are in the sprite sheets, it's fine
Baka… Let's see it then! I want to be animated!


File: 1726799291629.jpg (310.61 KB, 1920x1027, ClipboardImage.jpg)

ruh roh


File: 1726799434140.jpg (244.63 KB, 1920x1027, ClipboardImage.jpg)



Good art.


It's insane how ipgd left the insane mgs fangirl scar on huss permanently


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Each line packed with double entendre


And "we" supposedly played some small part in that
(jk I was guarding my money jealously, not giving it to ipgd)


Hu$$ler pities the Chinawoman. (I have a Gaelic name that's been mispronounced since childhood.)
Deservedly and not untrue but acting like this is new is peak millennial lack of self-awareness since Homestuck was a composite work of something he didn't even play.
Is it?
Are they?


File: 1726799634499.jpg (259.47 KB, 1920x1027, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Bitter? Nah


>War has… le changed
Then again, how much of this is post-irony "this 8ITCH is dumb" talking and how much of "this is also my self-insert so she can't be too dumb"


I mean, I don't think Hu$$ler actually thinks this about Kojima… Probably. I felt like Zhen is intended to be very stupid.


>I mean, I don't think Hu$$ler actually thinks this about Kojima… Probably.

>I felt like Zhen is intended to be very stupid.
But she's also his self-insert.



>It's shit


Is there other huss/kojimbo lore I am missing?


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File: 1726800092746-1.jpg (206.35 KB, 1920x1027, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Definitely a gestalt of him and the girl he likes to date
(Ojisan core? Perhaps…)


Yeah, not what I was imagining… Thanks, anyways.


>Is there other huss/kojimbo lore I am missing?
He probably thinks "wow hes literally me" with the self-indulgent, auteur shit and thinks they probably have the exact same political beliefs which is very important for a goon leftist like Huss.


it's based


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>Dating girls
You mean it's a combination of him and IPGD, his scarlet mistress.


I think Hu$$ler's ego is too big to think of other people in this way. Especially a Japanese guy that made video games he didn't play.


Okay, cool. Is the next comic going to be a "The nose knows" joke? I'll call it. That's all there is to say. Glad Sinfest exists still. Thanks, everybody, I'll be here all week.


>I think Hu$$ler's ego is too big
Again, ego isn't Hu$$ler's biggest problem, it's contempt.
>Especially a Japanese guy that made video games he didn't play.
Many such cases!


vapid cunt


Hand in your badge, Z.


full lie


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Should she get a tag?


https://fixupx.com/Breaking911/status/1836938527457542155 I hope she just resorts to Onlyfans eventually or something. I don't know if I can handle a politician this actively annoying being perpetually in the news for the rest of my life.


No, fuck off.

But add a China flag to piss off Rev and Roxykit.




does she have a personality beyond being an ethot?


self loathing 🤔


She's Chinese and an anarcho-communist and bisexual and a Heckin' enby.


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Is there a CAI Z?


Yes, I've seen them.


>Cowards refused to attempt


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"Actually, Kyle and Hayato seem more common"
I will search




>Kyle and Hayato


Still a coward answer since that could be interpreted as a way of saying both China and Korea.


Korean makeup not detected


Final answer?


Unless you want to gather more people yeah


Correct. She is Chinese. She is also my wife.


if I had to guess I'd say Chinese but I'm really bad at telling faces apart


>I'd say Chinese but I'm really bad at telling faces apart
I'll teach you the ancient techniques, don't worry.

Asian face analysis is part of Megidochan praxis.


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>in this era, an individual's personality isn't much more than a composite of all the media they've ever consumed
Projection from Andrew the xoomer who can't let go of his own childhood and writes it into the characters and stories he makes, even when anachronistic.


What? What's the problem?
I mean, yes, but he's still right.



>What? What's the problem?
"If the heroine isn't a virgin, that's not an H-game. It's a shit game."


>"If the heroine isn't a virgin, that's not an H-game. It's a shit game."
Who said this was an H-game? Anyway, I'm sure you'll find the Percy arc to be true-love-pilled or whatever the fuck you call it.


omg it's just like La Job


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Speaking of H-games, it's obvious what media Hu$$ler consumed, and what he drew inspiration from.

I'd be willing to bet that a certain somebody got an invitation to be on the HS art team and turned it down.


wwhat are you talking about


Next edition should be AAR general. Only real ones remember what that stands for.


Also, Mex, I think you forgot to post the double whammy on Twitter.




Baka, see why you need me now?




Why are you obsessed with rock show


Oh, wait, futa yuritard, nevermind, that's all I need to know.


Sonic the Hedgehog, you retard


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Yeah, okay, not everyone is as fucking stupid as you.


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"No, you can't actually see it!"




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What's Hu$$ler's steam, did he play ace attorney collection?



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"Where's アレン様?"

Also, the joke must be that Obama is HARD GAY?


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big news for the big friends out there https://x.com/game_columbia/status/1836959263459356963


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pinkshirt looks like sponge (9 years ago)


A home port? Maybe pretty series isn't reclining?


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I've probably used kagi for it's intended purpose more that I've used DDG


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"And then the giant monokumas started destroying everything"


5D's was so kino…


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>nooo you can't heckin blogpost on my brazilian monkey torture board!


wwhats that supposed to mean


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nice argument, unfortunately for you i've already depicted you as the crying brat with her shrewd mahjong and me as the manly gentleman with my fair and square mahjong


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I'm nearing the end, but psycholonials seems more naive than Homestuck at the moment… unless there is a twist coming


Oh and my head is clear


I don't know why you you had the impression I'd think that qualified as tenderhearted or thoughtful enough to qualify as a TRUE LVOE. I thought he was mostly a mspareader joke…


I thought the rich bimbo was asian too. Nope, blonde and dedicatedly waiting for Zhen through everything ("how sweet")


Hu$$ler's commitment to writing TRVMP off as le old senile rapist means he left the most Clowned up figure currently alive just sitting on the table. He has rabid followers with their own uniforms and everything.


Is it a problem of writing his first femc? She gets to do whatever and wash her hands clean of it because IT'S MY OWN CHOICE or something

John had a very bittersweet fate despite being a perfectly standup pushover. I know "that's how life actually works" to an extent, but VGH.


Reading it autobiographically, I hope he realizes that Homestuck wasn't THAT earthshattering of a deal. Even now he could simply start working on some new project and the Homestank would wash off with time, so long as it is consistent and quality.

If you're reading this out there somewhere Andrew Hussle, I'll be first to admit that I'll happily fantasize about a blonde zaibatsu heiress childhood friend white knighting for me, too. I just think it's better to offset the toothrot with some cuts to the bone.


simply >> white knightly. Heh.


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Time to go supreme gentleman on this wwhore in full eri cosplay


Customized to you.


>Cat CULTUR4L M4RX1ST me up again
>But this time after getting a decent but suboptimal amount of sleep
>At the time, I want to wake up at, the one cats are supposed to wake you up at
MoM: 1(?) Cat: 2


She can't keep getting away with this.


Cultural Kanayist


Shut up, Rev.




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>Cultural Kanayist
It's like guinea pig - niether guinea nor pig


>What's Hu$$ler's steam
He's too videogames and PC gamers are TOXIC.
>play ace attorney collection
>Playing games
>Also, the joke must be that Obama is HARD GAY?
The joke is that Obama exists. I forget what the horseshoe shit means behind horse!!!!!!!! but I thought it was that they care about a Hecking gender. I refuse to look this up for obvious reasons.
It is.
"A breakneck speed for a story to be told when absolutely nothing important happens past this point."
The twist is that there are no consequences.
I was being derisive of your romantic NTR bullshit.
They are literally both rich. This Is Not Particularly Relevant To The Story
He's reclaiming it, chuds.
>Is it a problem of writing his first femc?
And last.
>She gets to do whatever and wash her hands clean of it because IT'S MY OWN CHOICE or something
No, it's because it's about him that she's allowed to be free on Epstein's Island.
>Reading it autobiographically, I hope he realizes that Homestuck wasn't THAT earthshattering of a deal.
Hu$$ler is looking at Class of 09 and seeing how it attracted so many preteen and teenage girls and he's listening, nodding, and taking notes.
>so long as it is consistent and quality.
Have Lian berate her for being a disgrace to the Han people.


*too cool for videogames
But too videogames does has a nice ring for it. Perhaps it will catch on with Something Awful for "Thing I don't like."


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>Get unbanned
>Worry bans me as soon as she wakes up.
What a cunt.


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But Sluggo is right in assuming that because she says herself that she rarely believes him. Bravo, O.J.


I'm fucking up really bad already.




>Internet is randomly shit again today


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America erected a whole cottage industry of nagging for this


5 years ago, a young man stood in his room. It just so happens that now, the 13th of April, was his birthday. Though it was 18 years ago he was given life, it had already been taken away.


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>Miku is an instrument that can be used in any way!


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B3L13V3 M3 1V3 TR13D!


Fuck off, Rev.




Maybe the ending would've felt more earned if Psyillennials actually hewed closer to the Hussian arc.
Have one of the clown generals actually steal Zhen's thunder and reach greater heights with a slightly altered, more marketable aesthetic… then she can fuck off to live with her childhood sweetheart innawoods and it carries actual weight. Leave the reader with subtext of cope for being LOVER OF FAT WOMENed of one's full potential (dare I say it, Kubelian)


I fucking hate zoomers.


>Unironically trying to "fix" Hu$$ler's self-pity J.O session
Mizzlebip is already implied to be that.

Also, kill yourself.


I'm an incurable idea guy, so I can't help but think "Here's how I would've directed this" for most anything I read (Like making Burning Hammer pivotal to the conflict in 428)


Some ideas are not ideas.


And I feel like if it were back in Homestuck days, we would've gotten a peek into at least a few pages of le clown manifesto, and maybe some dialogue with the cadres to establish them even a little.

Maybe 40 is a little too late? Nah, you should still have juice in the tank at 40, right?


>Maybe 40 is a little too late? Nah, you should still have juice in the tank at 40, right?
Not to be writing complete garbage for the infantile like this.


"Gun kata tweening badasses can still have woman moments over the coof."



There were at least two instances of COVID-19 IS HELL ON EARTH variations in every chapter


What's a woman moment over the coof.


Crying and trashing on the ground


This was me during covid.


I am so absurdly tired. All I did was take out the trash. Kill me, Pete.


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1S TH1S YOU >:?

(high level art warning)



Groundbreaking prose.


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The setup for the end actually reminded me of Dragon's Dogma 1, but more petulant and bitter instead of humble and understanding.
And DD1 is actually a video game so you get to influence things "somewhat"


>Had to free a bird that got trapped in the bathroom (?)
Symbolism? Analyze, GPT-4


So, I'm not judging you for posting screens from Psycho-whatever, but tell me what is it about shortly. Is it even worth to pay attention? Is it a more or less game, or just a VN? Does it have cool music and toons as Homestuck did?


It's about a BPD zoomette who leverages her instagram connections into starting a violent clown insurgency cult. Huss would've benefitted from reading Turner Diaries before writing it, imo.
Pure VN (with some very awkwaaardly animate HS-flash style bits), you can play the entire thing with the right arrow key
A bit interesting taken as Hu$$ler's self-pitying reflections on e-infamy…
The whole run is only ~6 hours long and free on steam for the foreseeable future, so worth a shot. There are some "subtle" Homestuck easter eggs and color/numerology nods, but not as many as I would like.


Enemy of wwomen!


And the music, I expected more of the dark/clown motifs ala homestuck. It's mostly pleasant.

This one in particular always made me think Gymnopedie #1 was about to start up


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>new Rent A Hero game
>with Web3 shit in it


Get in on the ground floor bwo


Maybe launching web3 trolls/clowns would land a Hu$$ler post on megidochan


what Brian Peppers do


i hate these fucking filters so much
stupid stupid stupid


Filtered by trve Megido Kvltvre.


Kyahahaha! A flight of fancy, but I was waiting for at least one Brian Peppers Kong before turning it off


But to answer, I saw devon stack did a livesteam on it a few months ago. Some kind of "casting couch" style buck breaking for record deals operation




Last for you're a troon.

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