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Itsumademo. Zutto.
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 No.27209[View All]

8ig 8ITCH edition
650 posts and 152 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Uh, what about bowels then…?


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literally me


not my lane


Exactly, so keep the Gourmet Race in your Airpods, buddy.


I was not mentally prepared for 1:55


>I watch TV and laugh
What did he mean by this?


The straight woman is unsatisfied with straight studio porn. She wants to get off to something in which the actors actually emote and show passion beyond canned moans from the wwomen and, at best, vacant grunts from the men. She turns to gay porn. She knows it's not "for her," but neither was the straight porn, and at least the actors look like they're enjoying themselves. And for a short while she is satiated by Sean Cody et al, but she runs into the same problems she had to begin with. She was not looking at sex but a simulacrum of sex, trapped in Plato's cave. Unsatisfied, she turned to vintage gay porn, harkening to a time when most gay bars still had darkrooms and reliably smelled of piss and Amyl Nitrite. Here was the real thing, in all its animalistic passion. But she still couldn't immerse herself in the fantasy. She wanted the media to engage with her own imagination and meet her half-way, rather than having it spoonfed to her onscreen. She turned to yaoi, with its elongated figures reminiscent of mannerist portraiture, then bara, including hardcore BDSM scenes. But the tactile sensations depicted in the pages didn't do justice to their real life counterparts. She turned deeper into her own imagination, this time reading erotica. No, not the poolside paperbacks sold at Barnes and Noble. The good shit. Why then, was she still not satisfied? She dug deeper, searching for the true meaning of eroticism. She studied the psychoanalysis of Freud, the cultural criticism of Susan Sontag, the feminist poetry of Audre Lorde. She took vacation time and flew to Europe, starting at the caves of Lascaux to explore the human urge to create, then traversed the Camino de Santiago on foot, along the way meeting a 56 year old carpenter from Burgos named Andrés, with whom she had an explosive affair. They both knew it couldn't last, which made them cherish each other's touch all the more. Upon flying home, she gave up. If her search for true eroticism never bore fruit this whole time, why would it now? It would take years before she stumbled upon the answer by pure happenstance: dubstep.


No, the answer is DLsite.
Unless it's a 8ass slut womb vibration thing


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A Dinner With Fobby Tox Gone Wrong



I wonder what they were gonna call Splatoon before Treehouse stepped in


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Fritzi's bf? Nanc4's kidnapper?


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No one cares, Mediko. Tell Atlus to splurge on VA clips in EOIV character creation



why do I only ever see the second page of this posted


But you have the freedom to cheese everything


absolute state of snoy in like 23 hours


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Waving my little dwagons dogma pennant flag…
Gotta do something with the POWER of the pisstation 5 PLUS, だろ?


mainstream video games are dead


Itsuno's gone, dude


Yeah, I'm sure DD3 (should it ever come) will be a terminally soulless live-service lich, but the understudy who did Dark Arisen (and DDON) should be able to oversee a nice DLC expansion on DD2's bones. So says optimist me, anyway.


>Warn everyone about covid
>everyone calls you a racist anti-Chinese conspiracy prepper while Pelosi goes on TV and licks every doorknob in Chinatown


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choccy milk?


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*cuts to 宇宙人 face Allen-sama 8ITCHing about Kumagaya*


Nope, just a plastic cup full of play sand. Epic prank!


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Chocolate milk is all very nice, but what about coconut?


Was expecting some Hailuo generated milkshake kino


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Whoever did these does a good job of emulating Cool Dude and Stoner Lou's style



the iconic UNDERTALE heart


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Andrew? Andrew Hu$$ler? Is that you?

Andrew, I can't and won't make this any simpler for you.

You failed at life. You failed. When one thinks of what man is capable of, pushing himself to the limits physically, mentally and emotionally to achieve heights of success never before mentioned, your name will not be whispered in the same, reverent fashion that others have.

Nobody will remember Andrew Hu$$ler. You aren't even a header or a footer in the career of someone else. You are nobody. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.

In short, you are an enormous failure.

Andrew, being that you're about 40 years old and your brain has probably hard-wired itself to accept such failures by now and write off such criticism by being "flippant", really suggests that you've passed beyond the proverbial breaking-point. There's no turning back. This is your career, this is what defines you and this is what you'll defend to the end.

The abhorrent failure that is MS Paint Adventures, Andrew Hu$$ler, that is your legacy.

Maybe I'm over-reaching, however. Who knows? People CAN change. Maybe you'll read this, Andrew, and think long and hard about what a wasteful life you've led. Maybe you'll think, "wow. It's incredible just how abysmal and pathetic I really AM!" Maybe you'll lift some weights in the morning. Maybe you'll take a self-help class.

Maybe in a couple of years, Andrew, you'll have learned from this failure. I doubt it, though.

I genuinely doubt it.

Now excuse me, I have to work on Deltarune. My accountant estimates over sixty million dollars in sales.


MANdrew "MANime" Hu$$ler


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adorable babbu


Rose? Rose Lalonde?


OJ will soon attempt the one panel samejoke


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it's simple
i see Reb
i get an erection
i reinstall Warframe


Uh, miss….


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new phone has 120hz screen and i found the strangely obscure "play animations twice as fast" setting
it's like i've been living life in molasses


Also facial recognition combined with password database is crazy


How do the homestuck nodelay sprites look?


its a think about hypotheticals non-stop at 3am kind of night


This better not vidya/anime music, chud.


>The game is bad because you lose


Tell Atlus to keep Tadashi Satomi on Persona.


It's more important and funnier.


Illegal on Chinese planet.


I love how "Create solutions your own way" is code for "Literally everything can be bruteforced"

I am all for open-ended design but this isn't it. It's the RTWPification of gaming. It's like throwing rocks in a river. You're valuing the fact that the river flows no matter what, ignoring how it must flow around the rocks. You are letting the players ruin the momentum of the game experience to give them a false feeling of control when it is better for the momentum to completely stop. That is when the game experience and the player are completely in harmony.



Coconut chemtrails?


We call that a Groeningism.



Anyone who uses the term "mananime" even semi-ironically deserves to go to Hell before they die.


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Oh no, I get it, it's a meme!



>Decapolice is coming out in… 2026
it's fucking joever


This generously ignores the fact that Fobby Tox is a Jewish hackfraud who can't finish shit as well.


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They hated me because I told the truth.


>the last announcement
very SHOOP DA WHOOP fgsfds swag vibe


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when the episode premieres, make sure you spoil your shit like this


Zoomers, come like moths to a flame.


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Cool webcomic. Cool daily update.



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dare ye?


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Legend of Zelda if real?



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Holy fuck, I missed it by one.


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Sorry, forgot to post this this thread.



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>Ubisoft and Bioware might die in the next 5 years


MEX, you should help (by being a good boy and archiving all of this properly) be compile all my rants on goons. That'd be a good way to start a manifesto for Kagi to read.


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couldn't be hsg


I'd like it more if she hates it, gueheh


YVHV didn't finish her off, why?


The throwbackiness kinda reminds me of mutants mudds, if it had a team of pro artists designers


I had a very vivid if boring ass dream.
Driving around Rutger's New Brunswick campus when the breaks started to fail. The only place to look up new parts for replacement was on the basement terminal of some compsci building that hosted an old local boomer BBS about Car Talk (???)

Edit: Oh, and there was another boomer in the entrance lobby giving a remedial English lesson to an obvious mentally disabled unkempt type.



It's funny because I didn't even manage to save the picmix with a madness/newgrounds button instead of the myspace button


>Le Hecking """""""""""goth"""""""""""""" GIRLARINo!!!!!!!!!!!


Because wall is immobile and presumably short-ranged. This is webcomic. This is Sinfest.


Why the fuck did you wake up so late, you stupid, fat Mexican DERSITE?


I'm so fucking depressed. When does the McDonald's breakfast menu end? I can't even drink picklejuice.


Six hours of sleep, like usual.


Falling Down moment? wwhich wway wwhite man


Fat Goron.


I had another idea for a filter. Pray that I don't remember it.


Is it designed to annoy people?

This post made me think "vibe" needs one



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>Last arc was based on Heidegger
>Now this
What did they mean by this?


>Is it designed to annoy people?
I don't know. I just think it was stupid.
>This post made me think "vibe" needs one
I wouldn't know what to replace that one with.

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