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Itsumademo. Zutto.
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 No.21941[View All]

650 posts and 137 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


CAI RPing…




Are you content to keep the Russosperging and ignore everytime I call for an IP check?


Alice… I was trying to get a feel for her lines


It's not like he's so hard to pick out from the crowd, right?

Besides, Zwid didn't like me doing that (unless he was simply hypersensitive to being called a cunt by random anons)…




>It's not like he's so hard to pick out from the crowd, right?
Yes, but why must we tolerate it?
>Besides, Zwid didn't like me doing that
Literally who?


>Literally who?
Ah, right deadname: Zwid. Nameless R00mer


>Ah, right deadname: Zwid. Nameless R00mer
Give me the last couple of IP checks. These were deliberately inflammatory posts. If they were the spic, I want them torched alive.


CP is legal in glorious poccnr though


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11. Enough for a nice, meaty list.


Why haven't you moved there then?


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Sent :::;)


You sure?


I didn't ask for nudes.


Even if I was, I wouldn't move to Russia
I'd move to a nicer legal-CP country with a better standard of living, like India


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>I'd move to a nicer legal-CP country with a better standard of living, like India




What now?


India at least has nicer architecture and a better climate than Russia


what about the meme countries like thailand tho


Perma-winter is hyperborean tho


>nicer architecture


> If they were the spic, I want them torched alive.


i wonder how actual indian food in india is…


Whypipo can't handle dey spice (tapeworm)


If you live in Peru, know your days are numbered.



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WTF, I love India now.


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commieblocks are sovlfvl


They're literally the most soulless goyslop architecture ever


Same tbh. But also rape


puni is as puni does


>indians rape wwomen, children, lizards, their own dad, etc
>russian goes to india and tries to rape a cow
>Modi immediately goes to Ukraine and kneels before a Bandera statue
I guess there is some rape that Indians don't tolerate.


Sometimes I wonder if there's a connection between primitive Indo civilization having a phallic cult (as opposed to clitoral) leading to some sort of scatological obsession since both are quite unusual for societies. This kind of blurs the lines between anthropology, comparative religions, and (Freudian) psychology however. I asked my professor about this (specifically, if he could name any early civilization with as much of a fixation on the phallus as the early Indo valley people and he couldn't. It seems Dharmic religions' sexual dualism stemmed from the phallus and not the womb, which is quite unusual, especially as the womb became vitally central, moreso than basically every other religion in mainstream Indian Buddhism.)
I tend to think about religion. And that's not exactly romantic in itself, because even that is full of flaws and frustrating and asinine things, it's just a bit more… tasteful?


Would not.


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yeah its for no one


Sorry The Sexy Twenty One Year Old Child Is Not Meant For You Goyim


Kids love Jack Black. Kids will always love Jack Black.


isnt Steve black?
was The Rock busy or something?


He's just tan from being outdoors all the time.


Either way, the "joke" seems to be that the character is literally just Jack Black


That's a good joke.


I liked that joke in Brütal Legend 2 too.


Pros: Minecraft is probably the best thing to do the joke with since Steve has zero character to begin with
Cons: Every single Jack Black role is "look its Jack Black"


>Cons: Every single Jack Black role is "look its Jack Black"
Not a con.


does he play himself on King Kong?


>does he play himself on King Kong?
That's Seth Rogen. He's Bowser.


i meant the 2005 King Kong movie


That's been my position on minecwaft in general


He still played Bowser.


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>This is who will be spamming your altchan with Joy Jakes in 2040


If HSG actually gets infiltrated by clown girls then you owe Hussie an apology


Do you think Hussie resents Digital Circus, or does he try to play cool with it?


We will literally never owe Hussie an apology, shut the fuck up. >>22066
>Ol' Hussie up in his pedshack will say he's the one who predicted this or that he had any influence in the wave but we know the truth.


Both? These are not mutually exclusive.


I never played/read it but maybe Hussie's clowns aren't sillypilled enough?

There's an undercurrent of violence/horror to them


They aren't. Also, Hussie's writing is fucking boring, especially to Gen-Z (specifically Psycholonials.)


>There's an undercurrent of violence/horror to them
Also, it's more like an overcurrent. This new wave of digital autism loves its undercurrent of violence/horror with a silly/cutesy coat.


Ah, sou.
I should probably read through it at some point and inflict a lazy live-read on hsg


>Ah, sou.
Was it not obvious enough with Gamzee in Homestuck? He was barely directly silly post Murderfest. He was barely even a voiced character past it. His ass did NOT attract the objecthead crowd. Just the FUB and/or Columbine crowd.


He was chill/stoner with the RAGE underneath that. I think Gamzee found his market, at least drawing off my only reference to his fanbase (damn bro)


>He was chill/stoner with the RAGE underneath that.
Retroactive characterization that didn't even last. The narrative went from "Drugs made him unable" to "He was repressing it" to "All according to keikaku." over time.
>I think Gamzee found his market
He did, but it's distinctively not clowncore. Like most Jokers because the Joker sucks. I think Hussie would consider that one of his biggest failures- because he's retarded.


This was clown and Russia edition.


>Russia edition
Every thread will feature that plank, probably…


>Every thread will feature that plank


Russia Pt. 2


Why though? HSG soup is made from anything you drop in the pot.


>HSG soup is made from anything you drop in the pot.


Also known as "Ukraine."



Only 16 ruzzaposts, anyway (including this segue)
A blip on the scale!


Into a better thread where Mask Expert finally grows balls, hopefully.


>MAN UP into doing what I say
vvery nice wwoman movve


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Yeah, but when your dad does it, is it a woman move? Retard. I'm telling you to make hard decisions, put your foot down. That's not a woman move. You're making woman moves, all day, every day.






>Mask Expert, do what I say.

I don't have the comic on me.


I said I'm 0k with it, even if half of the 20 roxkit posts in this thread are ru$$ia related, they're fairly conversational and not gore spam


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>they're fairly conversational



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>Feminine butt
>Anal weakness
>Femboy Body
>Asshole Genitilization
>Asshole Bitch Virgin
Holy shit, this game is gay as Hell. You got something to tell us, Mask Expert?


Didn't play that one, lol, just found it while looking for >>22432




I don't know if I want to be up to see whatever the Peruvian pedophile's got stewing in his gaping minge.


Right, right!
*Crosses arms*


Any opinions on Pathologic vs Pathologic 2?




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Pathologic 3 will be made in Russia.


Is there something in your pocket or are you just excited to be talking about this?


I'm in chastity bwo

But since it fell to me…


Russia and Ukraine share deep cultural roots, stemming from their common history as part of the Eastern Slavic group. Both countries have a rich tradition of folk music, dance, and art, often featuring similar themes and motifs. They celebrate many of the same holidays, such as Maslenitsa, a festival marking the end of winter, and have similar culinary traditions, including dishes like borscht and blini. Additionally, both nations have a strong emphasis on family and community, reflecting their collectivist cultural orientation. Despite their differences, these shared cultural elements highlight the intertwined histories and enduring connections between the two peoples.

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