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 No.22692[Last 100 Posts]

The whole gang edition
OLD >>21941


>I'm in chastity bwo
Not for long… Muwhahahahahahaha….




negged to oblivion


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We're back to "Surprisingly wide in scope" again. I miss the bitchy Kagi on the summary page. It was much more fitting.


Even globalhomo AI can admit what he cannot.


Class of 09 is my favorite inside joke.


I prefer the clown joyjake girls. We must do our small part to instantiate them…


More like Crass of '09


Clown check?


>I prefer the clown joyjake girls. We must do our small part to instantiate them…
All part of Project Scene, my friend.


>Scene girls with clown make-up and Joy Jake shirts that hate Homestuck and love HRPGs


The question is how to wean them off Omori and AndyLeyley and onto the ojisan shit


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Has there be anyone "rehabilitating" this meme yet?
I know there are already people saying cringe culture is GOOD ACTUALLY or whatever


Cringe is a meaningless word used by people who think that the internet is real life to describe literally anyone liking anything, doing anything or caring about anything


warning warning captain dickbag
incoming carelord detected


gopnitsa gf


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at this point ill take it
eri wwill take anythin


evven a deathfat gf?


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*kills pan-slavism for the next 100 years*
you're welcome


100 years seems a bit much.


People aren't just gonna forget the raped child corpse pile.


AGI in two weeks bro


People forget all the time.


the what


The October 7th MASSACRE


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Right on time


They hang freshly killed lambs alongside t-bones and SAUSAGES.


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Wonder if the arr word still gets you dead on Elon's xitter?

I assume not




Better move to Japan to stuff them full of more fried meat


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OJ comix feel distinctly wordy


2,557 days between SNES Zelda and N64 Zelda
Switch Zelda is 2,744 days old and I can't motivate myself to play it
it's over


How far did you get? I found it charming enough, but I'm pretty green with regards to open world slop, so maybe that made it novel


This is the closest we've gotten to romantic interaction between Nancy and Sluggo, like, ever


the elephant and then ganon on 5 hearts and max stamina… then a lot of shrines and I got the unbreakable sword that breaks
I'll see what they announce about backwards compatibility this/next month, then I'll figure out if/when I want to resume my playthrough


not just fried meat

proper gravy, heavy soups and dense breads



>ganon on 5 hearts and max stamina
Oohhh, I only ever did him weakened with maxed out everything.
If you beat him, the game is technically done, yeah?



yes, that is how Nu-Tendo wants Zelda to be experienced now
do whatever you want and then stop playing


the durability shit is stupid

"but then you'll never use other weapons"

I do

I've used everything I've found


I'll play the game the way they designed (un-designed) it or not at all
I never found the durability a real issue with the exception of how terrible it's for world-building
am I supposed to assume Link is extremely clumsy after his beauty nap or what


The worst part is how TotK *did* have an actual "world-building" reason for the weapons breaking so fast, but they break at exactly the same rate as they did in botw.


what's the point when you know which characters have infinite plot armor because they're major LoL characters or uh "Champions" I guess?


I'd assume you're intended to see your main and clap… MoM might know better.


>"world-building" reason for the weapons breaking so fast
Rust fairies?


Ganondorf farted really hard


That explains why the kingdom is in tears


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honestly makes me very unhappy people will ignore this shit and just go "omg heckin trans rights so valid"


omg heckin trans rights so valid


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he's gonna get shot eventually


>Astro Bot has a Ape Escape level


we don't play ape escape for the apes


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omg trans rihgts valid!


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Right, but they are like Croatians and Serbians or literally every latinoamerican country, just becausw they are kinda similar it doesn't mean they wouldn't fucking kill each other if they were under the same roof.
Panslavism is already dead, Russian Empire attemos were a big fiasco and just look at what happened with Yugoslavia. Modern Russia attemps to trying to make people think "Ukranians are actually Russians" not only doesn't make sense but it's an obsolete ideology that doesn't fit on modern world and it's the reason why Russia turned into a joke.


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Swimmy Clam drip.



They did the Lady and the Tramp spaghetti thing during Caroline's tenure


It's been overused but it's not fundamentally meaningless. If it makes you physically cringe, you can call something cringe.


In Judeochristianity, we kill people when they are on vacation.


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losers creeps pedos! losers creps pedos!


Nanc4 wants to make a world without vegetables last forever…
And that's a bad thing.
Erm, projection, chud.



Because these characters have never really been in a real story before and the world-building in League is schizophrenic (And I think there's already stuff that contradicts the main universe and it's said to be set in an AU.)

I doubt they'll put a DoTA 2 and kill off one of the champions because ???
I fucking hate Zaun and half of the champs there haven't even show up. I like Vi but unfortunately, they doubled down on the dyke shit because French. Even when they updated the game to have them more dykey, they still kept it under plausible deniability. The show kind of doesn't have that.

You See Vi Called Her Cupcake Because She Used Cupcakes In Her Traps And To Mock Her Dainty Nature They Were Meant To Be A Buddy Cop Duo But Female But I Guess Every Trope For A Male Pair With wwomen Has To Be Lesbians
And then you get to the Twisted Fate and Graves retcon and it's like "Is anyone in League friends or are they all just fucking?"

I guess Sona and Taric are friends. That is known. The day they make Taric canonically gay is the day jokes die.


Can you just admit that it's your fetish in placid terms now?


> an obsolete ideology
Nobody here would EVER support an "obsolete ideology."


Gopnik Rose when?


I wonder if they'll change the shit on the moon happening immediately ("ERM BUT IT WAS A ONE-OFF WHICH MEANS HE HAD TO PUT IT AT THE START") so the escalation doesn't feel like retarded

I wonder if they'll get rid of the retarded vampire babies section.

I can see they're already making changes.

The ultimate embarrassment is for an Adult Swim adaptation to be a superior version of your work. I hope it happens.

But this will mean the Junji Ito circlejerking will reach critical fucking levels and I don't know if my little heart can take it.


The Nutendo twist is that it was Zelda. There is no good or evil, only people.


Like Jesus Christ, shit on Stephen King all you want but he wasn't just a man with ONE STORY being lauded as the master of his craft.

People will defend Gyo and Tomie but guess what (they're bad), that's not enough to make you accomplished. None of these are long-form either (you argue Tomie is but it's like a run-on sentence.) Clive Barker he is not. He's not anything except a fucking meme. Yes, even Kojima and his respective cult-of-personality is better because his entire success isn't predicated on a single 19 chapter story that's fucking overrated and whose supposed originality and cultural importance seems to lie in willful ignorance.




You would be surprised the amount of retards who believe "if you speak russian you are russian" bullshit. Ukraine war looks like a bad Vic2 mod and I can't wait for russia to explode.


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I can't wait for Russians to live happy and healthy lives after this is over.


We play it for the monkeys.


Same. Fuck petro oligarchies. But considering Russia has been an authoritarian state for several centuries I doubt that would ever happen, some countries are so fucked that anything that tries to break the original model ends returning tl the old ways eventually, just like what happened on soviet times.



Also, man, Vi's design isn't even the same yet(?). She doesn't have the little half tutu which is my favorite part of her look.

She was meant to wear wear rollerblades too, I wish that actually made it into the game.





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Oh, yeah, and one of the DERSITES from this is becoming a new champ because that's what we need, more DERSITES in League. Every DERSITE in the game (sans the first one) is overloaded and insufferable to play against.

Maybe I should go back to /lolg/, gay as it is, I guess I'm in the Chan cycle of my period moon. Too tired to do anything else but not depressed enough to do nothing. I need to be rapidly shitposting.


>I'm in the Chan cycle of my period moo
<DERSITE whinny is actually a TRICKSTER
What the twist! fuck off, no one cares about Lol and if you unironically get emotional over it then you have the mental age of a toddler.


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>Maybe I should go back to /lolg/, gay as it is, I guess I'm in the Chan cycle of my period moon. Too tired to do anything else but not depressed enough to do nothing. I need to be rapidly shitposting.
Just like old times.


><DERSITE whinny is actually a TRICKSTER
Nice English.
>if you unironically get emotional over it then you have the mental age of a toddler.
Nothing implied that, spic.


IP check.


I think the one time it's acceptable to disrupt a thread if they're having the same screechoff for the 900th time that week (this is /lolg/)

It's also why I can't stand going to /v/ or /co/ threads right now because if I see one more Davekat or retcon rant and "Le Caliborn was the only good part of Act 6", I might nuke the thread with nonsense.


With Homestuck threads, it's understandable because they're nomads and it's not the same people everytime. /lolg/ is just fucking autistic.


> it's understandable
Well, understandable but still fucking autistic, stupid, and pathetic because they care about the wrong things and can't hold intelligent conversations.


Caliborn was the only good part of Act 6


Epic b8, mein freund!


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Barneybaiting was a failure and mods gave me the soft hand for some reason.


Also, actually watching the trailer, I already know how it's gonna' end, lmao


but they ARE my enemies…






(You) fishing on hsg was better


What did he mean by this?


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I will now buy your game


I just meant that was a "healthier" avenue for attention. Probably


emeowyle deep lore?


>Message emeowyle
>They don't talk back
>They go back to babbling to themselves
It's like a digital hobo.


IBS emeowlye bot


I half feel like if Kamablah gets blatantly installed, it's over, and half feel that's it's already over given the two options


RoW, get on it.


It's not bait it's true




What else was good? Ratchet Empress?


You posted trannime therefore you are a TRICKSTER, TRICKSTER
Simple as.


It's just a tired talkingpoint.


>Because of RoW's idiocy, Albino fucking Steve is more popular than any individual Rose


Retard, 4chan turned into dogshit a long time ago, you waste your time by complaining about it.


Sona League of Legends fanart is not trananime, Peruvian shitbag.


Barely complaining, mostly having fun. You're more negative than me.


>Pros: Portugal
>Cons: Peru


Ok, let me rephrase it then
>Korean shit


I think the fanart was made by a South American.

Also, League is technically an American game owned by a Chinese megacompany.

So what now?


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They/Them slop aside, the TL also doesn't seem like it reads naturally yet


Skip act 1


Although even NEWBIES might not say that anymore, they just skip reading homestuck altogether


IBS mogs him


which Atelier game is this


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It says right in the xeet

Idk why though, but she's not activating my "bond with her!" receptors. Wait, I know why, not tsurime.


Act 1 and Act 2 are more favorites.




I can't wait to buy a new game on my VITA.

Megidochan works together to make a Vita game to make sure we get the last cartridge game on it?


why would I go to twitter


She's not very new at all (24k reps)





Oh, wait, I forgot you made that one and not RoW.


>Rev of all people fucking says


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Moogy-sama, come back…


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https://youtu.be/x0xzIPEeVIs Portuguesebros, we just can't stop winning.


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This whore looks like she farts.


What did he mean by this?


I know this guy, he used to play I Wanna be the Guy fangames.


That's a man.


Danbull Senki


>he used to play I Wanna be the Guy fangames
Did he egg out?


Are you sure?




Ogata sounds old, fat, and retarded in Emio
can we genocide 1980's and 1990's voice actors already


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That explains it then.


>can we genocide voice actors already



If you know, you know.


Actually, I do have the SDR2 clips, maybe I should feed it to Elevenlabs and make Nagito KomAIda


A Megido scene girl in the wild?


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Canon, the /b/oxcutter /b/oys ride again!


>Making me bust out Google translate again


So true and so canon.


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What the fuck.



Only princess goonnight



Rose legion recruit material?


Erm… not heckin wholesome. Zoomers won't revive this one




Could be worse, RoseGREEN
Kanaya is the meek self-insert counterpart to John for "lesbians", I say





This one is actually pretty inscrutable for me. If real enby, that's a whole lot of male autism.


Zoomers can warp anything to be "wholesome"



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Add this to Feraljak.




should I watch はーいステップジュン




Me mask here is a bit o' a socio-political statement now, innit? I slap it ons ta say… I'm into facts, science, an all that lark.


Watch THIS.
*Does a trick with a professional Tech Deck.*


*Cums on your mask.*
What now?


you're weak


No, you are, futacuck.


Video games?



I signed in for this. Fuck you.


Well now that you did, you answer?


No. Fuck you, cunt.







At least I'm not filthy and depraved.


Even if my body has been soiled to an extent… My heart will never succumb!


Miss XLR…


>My heart will never succumb!


But Benben fits into his role on the graph nicely.



Don't have a Tumblr. Unlike you, fagboy.


He doesn't post too often, probably "busy"


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Ah, that's pretty lame of him


Yeah, I see him being "busy." But XLR didn't post too often either.


It's XLR, what do you expect


This is true, but he had a HIGH STAKES NYC JOB


I'd hope the part about the futre Lolicon's World would flip the "bruh epstein alert" switch in their brains




This is weak


You mean it's zakochin?


>Chud chin


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.3% Chin DNA?



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Why is everything a funnel for some shitcoin now
>26k insta… for this


>He doesn't own 30k of Megido.coin


If homestuck still had any clout, I'm sure people would be trying to cash in.
Almost worth it to see how litigous WP would get



>Almost worth it to see how litigous WP would get
That's what I was thinking.




The "NO ALIENS" design I can see being repurposed into NO GREENS in the megidochan sticker pack (as far as I'm willing to go with "merch")




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wwell itll havve to do


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Meh so far.
I didn't paste a bunch of em together into one long input though


I wonder if nofap will help me not feel like utter shit……..



>The Zoomer meme
Should have done Super Mario touching kids.


Eleven labs won't do that one for me the whole way through, actually


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Which voice would you trust?


The first one.


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It's plain to hear!


A smile worth protecting.


New persecution of the puniposters keep rolling in


She actually has precious few opportunities to smile during the game proper, so that was another thing I thought needed addressing…
But it occurred to me that I should contact the original authors before reusing their assets, just to be polite.


>But it occurred to me that I should contact the original authors before reusing their assets, just to be polite.
Ugh, you again, with this kind of shit…


What's the matter with being polite?
Manuri-sensei already rexeeted my AI slop a few times, so he'll probably be chill about it.


>What's the matter with being polite?

But I won't go off on this right now.

I'm being attacked by an incubus.


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>I'm being attacked by an incubus.
Don't wake up with the "First kiss was to a same sex partner" and "Genitalized ass" debuffs



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Uno reverse I'm actually 32


redpill me on penal code 175



It's the genital censorship one


Oh right. He's actually risking a lot.


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whats the context


He went to sleep, I guess so "farting"

Is that a new bing feature?


Looks like a f95 post
Searching "meandraco" gives me this


a guy has been working on the update for his alienfucker vn for 4 years


That's character.ai
>He went to sleep, I guess so "farting"



Damn, they must've tuned up their image gen…


You can only use it to generate character profiles. Characters don't generate images anymore, even if the imagine generation option is selected.


That option was kinda crap so I can understand why it was cut.
I would like for it to be able to interpret pictures again though (for real this time)


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Day two of cummunity college


why do you keep posting this nutter's tweets


I'm shidding


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Xe just thinks they're neat!



They're sexually infatuated with them.


>Islam chicken
>Christianity chicken
>And chicken
Okay, Tatsuya, very cool.


>I'm useless and feel hopeless
>Beeboo such a cute precious helpless girlfailure
Oh, I get it now. I mean, I guess I always did. But fuck.


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Actually cursed.


I suppose that's fine too…


>Someone on /lolg/ also knows about flimsychan


No. No, it is fucking not.


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Underage b&

Although that awares me this place doesn't have a rule for 18+ only. Or rather, /homosuck/ didn't first since I cribbed the rulepost from there.


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>I'm TOLERANT of EVERYBODY, alright?


https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Nepeta-612 Found them. Is this a fucking enby flag?


>This is the /vg/ userbase
Well lolg might be it's own thing


>>This is the /vg/ userbase
No, we know from Benben that this is the /vg/ userbase.



did they pick the homestuck number?




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I think you need to be locked away for your own fucking safety. So does emeowyle but in a different ward from you.


>7am instead of 5am
That's more like a matter of when to go to sleep






https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpgaK32a9wQ Thumbnails that make you want to strangle someone.




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thanks for the sage advice, barely pubescent child with funny accent
I suppose the target audience is 13-year-old coomers




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>thanks for the sage advice, barely pubescent child with funny accent
Iconic Megidochan post.


This you?


Is Nanc4 developmentally disabled? Why does she still need to practice her handwriting at like, 9?


million in 3 years bro just stop porning


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head full of robotics
all the alphabet fell out


I turned it off when I heard him talk, watching now
n0t me



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GPT won


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You in two years.


what are teenagers even supposed to do nowadays
study for jobs that aren't going to exist by the time they graduate?


https://gamerant.com/persona-6-network-fusions-p5-social-online-play-good/ What the Persona series really needs. A real return to form.


what's scary here?


>Finally get an S and a crate
>It's an Annie skin
I blame Megidochan.


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Is he a t-techbwo?


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Maybe it's all been an ozempic ad


AI has gone too far.


:33 < *ac chokes like a meowtherfucker*


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new retard (no he can't scrape HSG, I tried)


What CAN it do?


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Avoid harm :)


It's useless!?!?!??!


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watched some of that furry dustborn stream a couple days ago
youtube home is now XLR land


Oh, be honest with yourself.


It can summarize documents you feed it most of the time, I don't know why it refused my the first attempt


Can you at least not post this shit, I'm willing to tolerate everything else but this is a step too far


If it can't do Megidochan then what's the point?


Why watch dustborne when you can watch literally anything else

If I wanted to consume bad writing by washed up gen x creepers, I'd just reread Homestuck


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>Shilling more furry streamers


I use google…
The same google that pay for this hosting, in fact!


I will watch all of Dustborn and enjoy it IRONICALLY


What's so bad about it
Is it too uncanny


It's furry.


Uuuuuuuuuugh, I don't want to make ANOTHER account for AI schlop that's probably shit. Show me what it can do. Sell me on it.


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You forgot the clowns and chudjaks.


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and what's wrong with that???? >:/


>GREEN spots a.png



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>The absolute state of GREENfags


Jаde Zelensky




GREEN Zelensky


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This is what kind of shit would be going on if HSG still existed.

This is the future we must all avoid.


>if HSG still existed
wwhat havve i been doin then
am i evven
am i real


This is Megidochan, this hardly counts as HSG.


its ovver


Let's promise to always be honest with ourselves, yes?


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Some relationships can work like that. Others vow to protect what's important, even if lies are what it takes…


>Some relationships can work like that. Others vow to protect what's important, even if lies are what it takes…
"Lies can often give you power. Like a coffin filled with flowers give life to the living but not the dead."



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Rose? Rose Lalonde?


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Oh, yeah, I think I forgot to notify when I got to the Homestuck number.

This, however…


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>Rose Feraljak


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IDE: Science Lover Rose




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Tribe 9 is salvaging my bakabt ratio


A reluctant hero.




native isekai?


maybe i WILL buy Underspace




yeah, like lotr
(it's actually tlotr but the article-less redditism has prevailed)


>article-less redditism has prevailed




You're fucking autistic.


>Talk about resident sperg who shits up the thread with bait and spam
>Get warned for it
Never change, 4chan.


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Andrew? Andrew Hussie?


Rule 4, or something!


Another nofapper?


Worse, competitive League addiction.


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The most invested users become the janitards


Not me because I realize it's a fool's errand. I just scream a lot.

I realize now that the only viable path to Musubi is to goon it up. We must become the counter-goon.


Or become extremely invasive and ban off computer specs or something because I think that can be done.


I thought big bleg cog spammers use their pcs to edit stuff


IDK then. 9.34$ or invite past a certain point. Fucking Peruvian.




Whiff what?


On the callout


What's a whiff supposed to convey?


A fart cloud passing harmlessly


I think it was meant to be "missing, not sniffing" after thinking about it for a second but it wasn't meant to be a direct accusation.

You're just stupid.


Oh, you're just fixated on Peruvians. That's better!


No, I know one person is in this thread is a Peruvian and is insufferable. Hm, you're acting like a bit of a cunt too. I wonder if you're him.


  ( ・‿・ )
 /    \
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 卜− (U) ―イ
  \  /\  ノ


small hero 6cm




No. Try "Mildly annoyed on a tiny Chan."

IP check.


holy gyatt



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Where's MEX when you need him?


I've been here, you seemed snappy.


hmmm i shoukd rewatch


I am snappy. Now do what I've asked of you, *please.*



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They really just let anything on there, huh




As long as it's not Ao Floydi


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Make it in Twine, the racism will be harder to detect if text-based and 4 hours in


Kek, the megido filter isn't so kind on "Please don't make me look old and fat" monochrome headshots


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I wonder how it'll treat my discontinued concepts for a game splash screen


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>discontinued concepts for a game splash screen
What did he mean by this?


104 is the enemy. Remember that.



I wanted the bangs to form the M, and the pigtail to be the Q's tail, but I'm not skilled enough.

Instead, I settled by making the latch/chain into a little droopy sochin Q tail, kinda funny >>23041


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Want to kill myself.


Because of the video?


Keep it anyway.


No, that's the expression of that feeling through art.


>Feminist theory
Literally the most deranged and baseless field imaginable. Yes, even Marxist shit is better.


Not emeowlyle pilled
You have to not want to, but do it out of duty


wwomen will really look at dudes wanting to achieve great things and go "wow that is sexist also you're gay"


wwomen are not very smart.


>You have to not want to, but do it out of duty
TRICKSTER seppuku?


my baby paws dont hold the katana :3c


Use your claws then.


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The hat would have solved nothing. They just needed a rationale.


sluggo cries out as nanc4 strikes you


It was premeditated. They bought the peanuts knowing they were going to do it.


Is Sluggo innocent or…?


around blacks never relax


No, but seriously, show me an example of it actually working.


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File: 1725742259177-1.txt (692 B, game concept.txt)

Here we go


Damn, megidochan mojibake'd the shit outta that


Mask Expert….. Come on…..


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Great, I hate it already.


Never touching it again.




>We don't support .odt because we just DON'T, OKAY!?!??!
Not copy-pasting or converting it just for this shit. I'm so fucking annoyed.


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I tried pasting last thread into a txt. Well, it's no kagi


Can anyone post a picture of Nac4?
Can anyone post a picture of Nac4?
Can anyone post a picture of Nac4?
Can anyone post a picture of Nac4?
Can anyone post a picture of Nac4?
Can anyone post a picture of Nac4?




Had to tell it to stop, it was still generating the garbage and I don't know if they'd flag me


You VVILL post the picture of Nac4.


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This movie encourages rape. I am a DERSITE.


bruh i dont care im a DERSITE and im gonna take ur shit + stab you





Face for eating a curb.


Biblically accurate 104


You know why, right?


Instead of watching some shitty game that only twenty people bought, you could be watching this


Because more people "Liked" the El Shaddai ramen tweet than ever played the game


Who? What? Huh?


>Not a girl


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Just too Junji Ito for words.


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Glad I never watched his vids


maria face reveal
she's cute but she kinda looks like she stuffed her cheeks with food or something


that one 'a them vputers?


I wonder how much loose skin he has now


He hired a team to work it back in


Honestly, what did you expect


>chat sees literally any bicolor flag
>starts seething at Ukraine for no reason
Kill ziggers. Crucify ziggers. FPV drone zigger mobiks. Burn ziggers with incendiary drones. HIMARS zigger babies. Dropkick zigger veterans into trash compactors. Put holes in zigger spoons. Drop zigger paratroopers into the sea. Cube ziggers. Car bomb zigger propagandists. Feed ziggers to Bakhmut dogs. Total Zigger Death.


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Did we Ross, Ross Lalonde this fruit?



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I love side-eyes so much



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"I should play Evening Starter"


Fashy haircut or FTM haircut, you decide


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He still does. He was literally just playing Crimson Needle 2.5. Not to mention the update to Amaranth needle that just released.


Oops. Idk why those images were in there. I tried removing them. Ur board software suxxos.


S'fine, I don't begrudge you the 90kb ^q^


Does anyone else still have all those pics of Feferi eating couches


And you're in the running for my favorite poster now, heh heh
(Sorry, MoM, I can't go back anymore.)


I'm glad that three posts were enough for that, unless you are mistaking me for someone else. And if you weren't then you will soon be privileged to experience the bitter flavors of a gutwrenching heartbreak because I don't engage in Homestuck fan communities. I don't really know why I have this aversion but I do. Perhaps because my youthful experience with Homestuck is one of those rare few things that feels precious to me and Hussie's pristine creations feel lesser in the hands of any other. This is quite a remarkable and fucked up little corner of the internet though, good job.


>This is quite a remarkable and fucked up little corner of the internet though, good job.
Ehehe, I couldn't ask for warmer praise!

We've only the faintest patina of Homestuck left here, but I understand your sentiment in not wanting to trample on sunny youthful memories (hyaha!)

Oh, and I also released >>>/4545/2
a couple of weeks ago, if you interested.
It's short, sweet(?) and has some funny Kubel allusions (but doesn't hold a candle to the real deal, of coure)



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live the life


That was you, huh? I thought someone would have to be weird to translate a deep cut like that. Well, good on you. I was familiar with this work already since I've been checking DLSite new releases every day for five years. And I don't go out of my way to read translations. But good work. Show kagura who's fucking boss.


>We've only the faintest patina

do you people forget that I'm here or what


I could never forget Revolutionary; but you'd better repost more awful HStwitter finds to thicken our patina into a proper coating


>checking DLSite new releases every day for five years
Smells like NEET spirit! But that's fine, I've accepted being wweird

>I don't go out of my way to read translations

As I could never hope to be so prolific as all the Steam publishers, I'm focusing on what slips through the cracks at "My Pace"


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cleaned my computer out and redid the thermal paste and stuff and now it won't boot. it's over…….




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Sup guy.
For no exact reason this question decide to bother me in this sunday morning: what personality and features gonna have Thief of Hope and how will this character affect its team and session?
I still sometimes think about the most "fucked up bad" session with worst possible classpests, but Thief of Hope doesn't seem to be one yet


Nepeta#612 will lick it off


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I don't know nuffin' about nuffin', but shouldn't that demoralize the enemy and be a hope pillar/leader figure for their teammates?


>I don't know nuffin' about nuffin', but shouldn't that demoralize the enemy and be a hope pillar/leader figure for their teammates?
Vriska didn't lucky-fies her team, only herself, so is Meenah/)(IC does except one moment we was told Condy gave some ammount of stolen life to Captor's ancestor. And both of them weren't that of much kind persons hardly caring about team neither is they have had not inner feuds with teammates.
Hopless and dismoraled teammates won't strive and attempt really hard, if willing to do anything at all and saying something like "I give up, I just don't care anymore, it all useless and trying doesn't worth it"


>Hopless and dismoraled teammates won't strive and attempt really hard
I thought that might be a problem, but Vriska and Meenah didn't passively drain from their own side, did they?
Or. Considering how things turned out for both teams, maybe…


"We fucked up the session" team:
1) Seer/Page of Space
2) Thief/Prince/Bard of Hope
3) Thief/Prince/Bard of Time
4) Thief/Prince/Bard of Blood
5) Sylph/Rogue of Doom
Can't decide who's next


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Karkat and Porrim


Revesque post


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ate a Bacon King 3.0 with onion rings plus fries PLUS fries again (i misordered) plus a Monster can
and i gotta go to work in 1 hours


thought it said UNDIAGNOSED SLUT


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nah, just random jap cosplayer (possibly brazilian)


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was going through my Switch history
one of the people I played Splatoon 3 with drew


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and no, they don't seem to hate Iida
they actually think she's supposed to look like that


yaeba yaeba 😭


(Vomiting Very Violently)


I should probably start the mango


He can't seem to escape himself.


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They actually did accept my friend request.


>Ross, Ross Lalonde
The RoW cries out as he strikes you.


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Meat….. le bad?

Also, glad we set up the BVLLS before.
Gen-Z cut.


I think I might have the cutesy version but IDK if it's in my folder proper.


What the Hell, dude?


not sure what Schizoda meant by this but I just finished a juicy steak


That's a Rogue. Thieves are directly antagonistic with everyone 90% of the time.


Ha. Ha.


Horrible, disgusting coon artstyle.


Another day, another sleep disturbed by direct boomer intervention.


Is this drawn by Junji? Junji Ito? I can recognize his style anywhere!






Gomen, but you dragged your feet…


With what? The translation nonsense? You can't just say that because of that…


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I didn't like the expectation being placed on me either. It made me scared.


https://store.steampowered.com/app/2574120/PPA_Pickleball_Tour_2025/ Tennis Rose Lalonde's angry videogame review channel.


It's not exactly fair, but even stout hearts aren't immune to flattery


>Mostly negative
Why are gamers so entitled?


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I'm going to kill you while you sleep now.


I've been noticing my Roses snorting a lot lately. Just me?


That expression seems weighty, yeah. And "quirking an eyebrow"


>Literally every negative review of NSBM makes reference to its lyrical content, even in passing
Really makes you think…


I still haven't seen a Monty Python joke, though, so go figure


We need to make it clear we don't TOLERATE HATE around here, okay?


Who is the master AI who snorts and constantly quirks their eyebrows?

New idea for a Rose: Rose that just does all the weird character.AI trends: the Monty Python joke, blushing like a tomato, snorting, quirking an eyebrow, etc

I guess that could be our play on a robot Rose, making fun of the AI technology.


It feels almost compulsive. Like, it's a normal review and then it stops and goes, and THE LYRICS……… ARE ABOUT NAZISM…. and then just continues on.


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>Pre and post Homestuck reviews



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>Lyrics come in
>See this
>PTSD comes in


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Lil Nas X, you don't see that much anymore.


Because it's an old track. And because he tongues DERSITE assholes.


All these Gen-Z pop artists feel so fucking unusually astroturfed. It's like we got a brief respite from that shit past the boybands in the early 2000s and 2010s only for it to come back even stronger and more melanated as the Internet became turboJewed.


I was thinking the ubiquity of him for a short bit there was some kind of lib triumphalism. Or people were all heated up about MASKs, 2020, Floyd, etc


It can be both. YOU LIKE ICE SPICE, GOY?





>Queue is 90% porn and GoW: Ragnarok


Don't care for Acerola. Too plasticine, not enough SOVL

My next play is >>23180


>Too plasticine


Just something about the shading to my eye.
Also, this is only my impression from playing Misaki almost a decade ago, but the erotic content didn't feel properly sinful and weighty (even with the excuse of an 'NTR' setup)


You're such a weird fucking dude…


Porn games getting on Steam always rubbed me the wrong way.
It's a big captive audience and it's nice for the devs to make some money. But still.


>it's nice for the devs to make some money
No, it isn't.


S- So it has been said…

But I'm sure if you played an Acerola game and compared it to something that treats sex with the gravity it deserves, you'd notice.


Okay, it's nice for (SOME) devs to make (a bit more) money


I find sex more distasteful than violence. I can only think of sex in media as a way to disturb rather than titillate.


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More seriously, people accuse this of being an "American" mindset, but I understand completely.


>More seriously, people accuse this of being an "American" mindset
Dali was the same way.
>but I understand completely.
One destroys the body and is clearly divided into fantasy. The other destroys the soul and bleeds more cleanly into reality.


>The other destroys the soul and bleeds more cleanly into reality
… It's not completely analogous, but yes, it's far too easy to toss away the sum total of one's life and potential for cheap pleasure these days. You could even say we're being collectively "led" into it.

And that's why I try to be sympathetic, even with fallen heroines.


>It's not completely analogous
Idiot. You really hurt me, you know.


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I just noticed her standing portrait was a hasty edit in the screenshots.
What's even the point? Surly the black hand of the the Squeenix ethics committee doesn't reach this far?



There's been a consistent though rare reoccurring pattern of me remote controlling little drones or robots in crowded places like malls dodging people and trying to entertain them. I don't know why, but it's there.


I was thinking rather narrowly, of 2D porn.

3D normie porn I can buy on to your point, given that straight men want to fuck poop chutes and wwomen are voluntarily porn-ifying themselves for attention/money (the absolute state of Twitch, etc)


You mean in dreams?
Maybe AI Rose creation ties into this…


>You mean in dreams?
>Maybe AI Rose creation ties into this…
It goes back before that.


I don't think people should be making money off stuff with no artistic merit. I don't think people should make money off art to begin with. But I realize that such a romantic notion doesn't hold up in the status quo of Jew world.

There's stuff that blurs the line but it's the exception, you're talking like it's the rule.


>Try to write Goosebumps RPG Makers
>They're just incredibly violent, gory, and dark stories starring young children
Yeah, maybe I'm not the best pick for this and Mask Expert isn't going to be much of a help.

This is another thing where I wonder, if it actualized itself, would people even understand what it was going for?


>incredibly violent, gory, and dark stories starring young children
If it's megidocore, I'm obliged to stan…



What is Megidocore?


As yet it would merely be "Works produced by a megidochaner"
We'd have to build a little catalog to see if any trends or themes ran throughout


>"Works produced by a megidochaner"
AVOHK2 and…?


I've already spent a small fortune on the retailer-specific pre-order DLC T-shirts for the Switch version doe


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>I don't think people should be making money off stuff with no artistic merit
Agreed, so far as slophouses like Acerola and twitch wwhores are concerned

But there's a plenty of room for the (low?) outsider-art merit of personal expression in the dojin realm, imo.


>Very positive
>NMH1: Mostly positive
Erm, yikerino


Is there a compiled AVOHK2 archive? Kinda sad that posting them all as gocomics comments would've been more enduring.

Otherwise, it's hardly "original work", but I'd like to think any English patch I release contains a bit of my spirit.
And I think there are other posters quietly cooking their own projects here and there


You can see from the sprite, her outfit is supposed to have a huge boob window


>Is there a compiled AVOHK2 archive?
It's basically in the character but there's more I can find if I really try hard.

They're otherwise compiled.
>Kinda sad that posting them all as gocomics comments would've been more enduring.
I could always just make Dilbert edits with them like I did that one time. But that's 9,000 years in MS Paint.


Sing a song of sadness.


No More Schlomos


An reluctant hero.


howw about wwe rebrand to omegavverse general


Shut up, XLR.



is even dumber.


Boomers are all the same damn





Says you.


wwhats that supposed to mean



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Gir still seems a little tryhard and pandering to me (inb4 wwomen only pick up the bluntest of signaling), but I do feel we need a proper edgy scene black n' red theme.

Thankfully Aradia, or perhaps that "Rubyfilia" character should provide inspiration.


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You stupid son of a bitch.


Are they drunk?


>Gir still seems a little tryhard and pandering to me
Nigga, that's what nu-scene is.
>Rubyfilia" character should provide inspiration.


Interesting approach… It's more subtle than TL notes


File: 1725815826902.css (17.55 KB, yotsubaB.css)

If you'd like to contribute by mapping that mess onto yotsuba B, I'll add it.

If I have to do it myself, maybe only eventually.



>If you'd like to contribute by mapping that mess onto yotsuba B, I'll add it.
I don't know how to do this kind of stuff!


TL what, just watch five seconds of each video
>Are they drunk?
they are Australian apparently


in case it wasn't extremely obvious, the song from video #2 is in the video game from video #3


>TL what, just watch five seconds of each video


Maybe you won't need to, I'll try feeding them into the new retard >>23018

And see what it spits out








epstein alart


Did Epstein make good jokes?


*insert last line of defense joke here*




It's amazing how much people soyjak out over Legend of Zelda (but it opon worl) + Garry's Mod.


it sounds like you can do whatever the fuck you want in the one coming out in a couple of weeks as well


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File: 1725819100128.css (1.56 KB, whatever.css)

Still needs work. You can paste into options and see.
Definitely color adjustments, links are too dark for one thing


.css is spooky…


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Preparing for the most AIDs ad imaginable.


Why's that?


Can't use computers.


You just copy paste the nuscene gifs onto yotsuba B… you can do this!


I see Gen X over SBurbs has transferred into retro ads being in every possible setting imaginable because muh Fallout (and Bioshock- but mostly Fallout.)

Even with new AIDs, old ghosts are still being yelled at like they're the man. I'd rather having literally every game have an Elon Musk stand-in as a villain than to ever hear the woes of a bored housewife or some tepid commentary about consumerism and novelty products ever again.


*Drooling and sweating intensifies.*


>muh fallout
Probably that Nazified 50s America show too


>>muh fallout
I was mostly talking about videogames but it became a cultural wave for a reason- echoes.
>Nazified 50s America show too
It could happen at ANY time!


>It could happen at ANY time!

this is why its so important to vote even if theyre all coke snorting dickbags




D-Davekat if he real?


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I'd kinda just rather make it a Rose-y theme.

Maybe my mission is drifting


Rose theme would be velvet on black and white, baka.


Maybe an idea for Yayuyo(ru)

Trickster check?




Feels like a bioid but I'm not listing my rationale.


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Thanks for the ghoul, Jewtube.


I leaned towards that side too


I don't have fun doing any of those things anyway.



>Click it
>It's Meguca
Fuck… off…


His OC


You can't never trust this niggas.



Thought it was a fucking burn victim until I realized it was shadows.

Look big but feminine.


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It's like what the Jews do but with robots instead of sheeple.


>NO you can't undercut our cultural debasement!


>Awake for 6 hours
God, I hate life.



*wwipes tear*
howw vvery inspirin


Cat purrsyn?


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Candy corn


>Artist I like defends the DQ3 censorship ("they're doing their best!!!").
>Two days later, releases their first NTR comic.
Like pottery


To be fair, it feels like lots of Japanese commentary is like that
"Stay healthy!"
"Do your best!"
"I'm rooting for you"


And NTR is similarly ubiquitous




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Me and who.


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Unforeseen consequences…


Yeah, I can see that kind of person digging it


What did he mean by this?


Those who consider egirl cosplay based, the sturdy base


So you?



I do not want leage of legends players here, no


>Muh League bad
There's already one here, retard.


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Did it to spite you, you stupid homosexual cocksucker.


Is that supposed to change my mind in some way


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That's what you get for being obsessed with a fat FAYGO.


Yes, fuck you.


Time to false flag about yummy BDC to act like it worked


And what will that accomplish?


*fat homosexual


Calvin lowering the dialog and fomenting anger.jpg




So gay ops, you fat fucking queer?


Apparently you can CSS the scrollbar too, waow




Wrong flag!



Sadly enough, it is…



I wonder if megidochan can get onto neocities webrings, or maybe we don't count




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Webwyrmking's ring

But we'd need a few of these link blurb things. And a manifesto that says megidochan rejects harm avoidance and embraces bigotry in all forms


plain GIR > dog GIR


Bloody GIR >>>>>> Plain GIR > Dog GIR (this is how we get them.)


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Also, seriously, fix this shit so you can make a page on the catalog, sped.


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Nandrews Russie Jr. BTFO


Who does that?


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The catalog plugin is pretty built-in, but I did see the setting to make it lag less


I've tried to, several times…


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>This is what RoW actually believes


revian image


Rev x RoW?


How tight is Rev's pussy?




I'm trying to put up the nuscene css, what?



I want some of your sweet, precious attention.


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Up after a hard refresh as 'Urusai'

It kinda hurts to read still


Make a [Kindred Spirit] post like >>>/ysg/26 and I'll give you all the fawning you want~


>It kinda hurts to read still
That's the point. Nuscene girls strain their eyes instead of cutting their wrists.


>Nice prose by the way. Everyone knows Hussie is a wordsmith but I think people don't respect the true degree of his skill.
Absolutely disgusting and pitiful post. What a fucking moron.


That actively makes me want to read and write about it even fucking less.


­*­*die in a fire­*­*


"Hussie's prose"

Motherfucker probably unironically enjoyed the Mindfang journal.


Rev's so quirky!




>Furshitter-on-furshitter violence


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Hrmm, well I thought it was lovely!
And since it's rather dialogue driven, I hope the character's voices came through.


>Look big but feminine.




>Hrmm, well I thought it was lovely!
Complimenting Hussie alongside you is not a compliment.

The man is a hack fucking writer. He can't write prose for his life. That's why he gave up on it less than 20% of the way through the fucking comic.


wh0 hurt y0u little m0id


Let's hope he's just an idiot conflating things and your writing isn't actually that bad.


Andrew Hussie's shit writing hurt my fucking eyes.

The section with John and the windchimes in Act 1 is probably the only decent section of prose in the entire fucking comic.


It's more interpretation than writing, since I must hew to the script. Imo.




Congratulations, you Hussie'd Kubel. That make you feel proud of yourself?


>the Mindfang journal
But Hussie has the ingenius excuse that Homestuck's purple stretches are written by Lalondes and Serkets


>But Hussie has the ingenius excuse that Homestuck's purple stretches are written by Lalondes and Serkets
(And Doc Scratch, XD)
Which is why the narrator sections are written the same way.

These aren't just his natural impulses for prose, this is uh, character voice!


That one I'd still need to redo.
Kagura's headscratcher decisions are what people are left with for now
(チョロタノ into "Buzztano"? Really?)


Whatever, you got the point. Don't be dense.


And I'm still spurned if you couldn't tell.


I will make it even more apparent.



Whatever, you're supposed to link by post but I guess I'm just a useless fucking moron.


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