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/hsg/ - "Homestuck" General

Itsumademo. Zutto.
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File: 1725218010935.webm (3.94 MB, 720x720, 1725036042628-283003860.webm)

 No.21187[Last 100 Posts]



I don't know what you meant by this.





Fine, Kuromi in a Slifer costume but the Slifer part is important to me. Happy?


Y-Y'know… Thread 32…
Too late now


File: 1725218188322.mp4 (2.9 MB, 852x480, thirty two.mp4)

Wait, change it!


It's an .mp4! You could have also been more clear!


Also, respond to my replies here…


Let's see if I can


Bespoke as in custom made and unique


They have a bot command that randomly lets you pull post. based off a keyphrase.

I think it'd be fun!




ctrl + f5
It got the aspect ratio wrong, but it's mostly fixed…


File: 1725218575566.jpg (634.12 KB, 856x781, ClipboardImage.jpg)


Good enough, booboo.


The random megido flag?
I'm not sure what emblem to use.

As for the "twitter feature", what did he mean by this?


File: 1725218863463-0.jpg (67.5 KB, 741x741, ClipboardImage.jpg)

File: 1725218863463-1.jpg (18.46 KB, 667x142, ClipboardImage.jpg)

File: 1725218863463-2.jpg (58.9 KB, 1166x553, ClipboardImage.jpg)

File: 1725218863463-3.jpg (48.94 KB, 1150x433, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Your daily dose of Kagichan incoherence.


>The random megido flag?
Make it Aradia's face or Megidochanbot's face.
>As for the "twitter feature", what did he mean by this?
Ties into the Megidoflag. Every post flagged by it gets posted to a Twitter account.

Also, the Fantasy Island/Dolphin Dreams Forever Ao Floydy browser game.

Remember my ideas!


Keeping the other thread up since I got cucked by the size limit.


And I need people to respond to me or else I die.


>Also, the Fantasy Island/Dolphin Dreams Forever Ao Floydy browser game.
That's on (You) I have enough irons in the fire atm



Also, fuck you for using that in the Dave voice. Retard.



The first ain't me, but…

If you're ordering Mcdiick2, just go full fat and get coke

They have oldfag privileges


i wwanna be
i wwanna be
i wwanna be just like a melody
just like a simple sound
like in harmony

i wwanna be
oh i wwanna be
i wwanna be just like the sky
just fly so far awway
to another place

to be awway from all
to be one
of evverything

i wwanna be
oh i wwanna be
i wwanna be just like the wwind
just flowwing in the air
through an open space

i wwanna be
oh i wwanna be
i wwanna be just like the sea
just swwaying in the wwater
so to be at ease

to be awway from all
to be one
of еvverything

i wwanna be
oh i wwanna be
i wwanna bе just like a melody
just like a simple sound
like in harmony
i wwanna be just like a melody
just like a simple sound
like in harmony


>The first ain't me, but…
>If you're ordering Mcdiick2, just go full fat and get coke
That costs extra.
>They have oldfag privileges
You're acting like a Jew. Some oldfags are fucking retards.


File: 1725220359296.jpg (1.66 MB, 1080x1080, ClipboardImage.jpg)

We will slowly claim the #HSG tag


I think I might go to sleep with my second dose again. Peaceful but… somber…


Well, now you have to get to the other thing…


>Peaceful but… somber
This will be the bgm for the fallen versions of HSG memorial page


Where Roxkit and Wes stay fucking buried.


File: 1725220963314.jpg (17.19 KB, 550x528, ClipboardImage.jpg)

I'm gonna try stealing their version and see what happens




Not evil.


There's no guarantee it plays nice, either, so.


Sloth is a sin, you fat ojisan.


File: 1725221286003-0.js (81.09 KB, lain_jquery-ui.custom.min.js)

File: 1725221286003-1.js (13.15 KB, lain_quick-reply.js)




That's the source


Of all that's evil in the world.


Well, rejoice 'cause it didn't work whatsoever


i wonder if people in early 2000 thought some of Platonic Chain's plots were creepy as fuck or they went "woah, personal infos available at your fingertips? cool beans!"


a real vv wwatch
i alwways wwanted to try one on


File: 1725227939463.jpg (608.58 KB, 560x420, ClipboardImage.jpg)

I've kinda fallen out of the loop with HRPGs after the Viscaria hiatus announcement.
… Hoip?


Looks weird.


File: 1725228704199.png (443.87 KB, 960x720, battleactor3.png)

His art is improving, but still pretty wweird. This is how they looked in 2019 or whatever.

I have a soft spot for those kinds of devs, though, very high "one half-crazy dude" power


Sorry, 2021, the improvement is faster than that




Including "girl".



Russian tricksters look like that?


File: 1725231044389.jpg (Spoiler Image, 754.78 KB, 800x600, ClipboardImage.jpg)

When one guy works on everything, you can get a good read on their tastes


File: 1725231863366-0.png (52.33 KB, 816x624, title.png)

File: 1725231863366-1.png (47.45 KB, 816x624, title.png)

Draft 1…


the pleasure of pushing things out of your butthole


very horny today


File: 1725234541339-0.png (91.76 KB, 216x420, $arile-custom1.png)

File: 1725234541339-1.png (92.56 KB, 216x420, $arile-custom1.png)

File: 1725234541339-2.png (95.22 KB, 216x420, $arile-custom1.png)

Which "Custom" outfit should I leave baked in, hornybros?
I'm leaning towards panties and kneesocks rn (it replaces a duplicate of the school swimsuit)


1 or 3? My eyes fucking suck.


File: 1725235492381.jpg (Spoiler Image, 187.8 KB, 918x624, alice.jpg)

Well those are the sprites, here's the standing portraits.

Above it's
>Kneesocks and Panties


Ahh, probably just kneesocks only then.


The forbidden knowledge of knowing you can screw over someone who lives 8300 km away.


Aiming from center mass of the USA… a Euro anon?


Nah, Brazilian. I've been feeling a sort of contempt towards people who seem to uncritically download their brain and opinions off the internet, like TikTok or a very specific Twitter account whose sole purpose is to sow discontent.


File: 1725241029357.png (927.41 KB, 1080x1071, 1724684764860977.png)


I still wonder what happened to that !IMPREGNATE tripcode that got scooped up a decade ago and never got used.




File: 1725244242272.jpg (125.05 KB, 1250x423, ClipboardImage.jpg)


Mahvel writing baybee!


File: 1725244721700.jpg (9.48 KB, 642x75, ClipboardImage.jpg)


File: 1725246441409.png (2.56 KB, 148x95, sleepy kitten.png)



HSG needs to be about twice as populous before that style of play can return


You know what I'm going to say by now.


Nah, I meant the one that Grant had but probably forgot about: !ImPRegNaTE


File: 1725247415688.gif (76.65 KB, 1200x400, 2015-11-09.gif)

🇷🇺 Z 🇷🇺


File: 1725247555661.jpg (108.77 KB, 1280x720, -S5mneMvbvI.jpg)


A face that makes attacking random peasants tsujigiri style justifiable


Not being a seeding uncle type, he left it to rot by the wayside I'd assume.


I tried to find a revian pic at short notice, but alas, my follows aren't futa-tailored. Have this



>europe sucks so bad. worst headache of my life but every single store on earth closed at 6 pm so i have to eat shit for forgetting to buy ibuprofen
average american cannot stand the power of europeans


File: 1725249086559.webm (3.59 MB, 960x540, 1725170641255019.webm)


>One like
That davecase blogpost should be on HSG, he'd get more (You)s… *sniffle*


File: 1725249142226.png (18.84 KB, 96x96, unknown (80).png)

>grant didn't invite me to Deadlocked


MoM sent out a bunch, I don't play (that style of) Shooting Games though


where the audio bitch nigga


on J*wTube


File: 1725249457652.jpg (49.06 KB, 640x480, 8uxHSHC8YH0.jpg)

I missed the past couple of p r e m i e r e s
has he switched to announcing them on X or sth


I mean, my computer can't even run it, but lmao I didn't even get considered by RNG


File: 1725249714575.jpg (204.49 KB, 400x305, ClipboardImage.jpg)

the fuck is this creature even


File: 1725249782318.jpg (21.87 KB, 598x201, ClipboardImage.jpg)



A dersette


a homestuck fan in the making


File: 1725250283890.webm (978.13 KB, 480x852, 1598575215257.webm)


File: 1725251296994.jpg (1.22 MB, 1200x675, ClipboardImage.jpg)



I wonder if anyone made a poyo fever artstyle AI



sex AND pizz!


File: 1725253783640.jpg (94.87 KB, 900x277, ClipboardImage.jpg)

oh shit


oh no, she got extra retarded


File: 1725254238110.png (5.42 KB, 67x77, slegg0.png)

RIP baby boy


wwell wwell wwell look wwhos back
hope you had fun suckin an fuckin all summer long you roastie wwhore


Paleskin looking pizz



emeowlye energy


File: 1725256580296.jpg (16.02 KB, 695x247, ClipboardImage.jpg)


File: 1725256947582.jpg (16.77 KB, 471x255, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Maybe I shouldn't check the xeets, they're funniest with single digit impressions


quite literally the physical manifestation of the expression "TRICKSTERS living rent-free in his head"


wawaswwa babyyy




"bro unc" as they say


File: 1725257827508.webm (1.89 MB, 1280x720, tzd commencing.webm)



File: 1725258039867.png (133.34 KB, 500x497, e6a1e877cb76a792ac1a47522b….png)



At a certain age it's probably more offensive to get called Oniisan (40+)
But the early middle has it rough


oh shit janny, can you fix the tags on this one too?

also can you UN-fix the tags on the other one, the typos are part of the roxy experience


>typos are part of the roxy experience
How arcane… But unfixeled


Thanks, but the original typo had the second bracket the wrong way round


Funniest thing about going
🟧⬛️🇷🇺 Z 🇷🇺⬛️🟧
on this board is that the header text is orange on the default theme.


Oh yea


File: 1725258727275.jpg (178.97 KB, 435x295, ClipboardImage.jpg)


File: 1725258817411.jpg (264.15 KB, 828x475, shoot monke.jpg)

Z more like


…close enough.


the order of st george is orange and black


but isn't Zelensky jewish…


So is Princeton…

Wait, does this play in to those Russian tiger ball memes?


Call it by its proper name: The Gay Orgy Ribbon.


Sorry, I'm not German.


File: 1725259221449.png (1.82 MB, 2868x1280, 1721988354010252.png)

Solovyev said Zelensky isn't a jew, I believe it, that settles it.


I thought Russian media was supposed to be lies, is it not?


kinda regret not asking an old middle school classmate is she was half-asian or not


Was it that hard to tell?


File: 1725260931955.jpg (78.55 KB, 512x768, image - 2024-04-14T234351.….jpg)

I'll settle for this one day to believe in them.


bleh, ended up jerking off to relatively normal porn


"relatively normal"
I'm concerned


Cubed taimanin personality extraction Zisters… We are forgotten…


File: 1725261520994.png (114.04 KB, 313x351, cube.png)

I can't believe the Taimanin got mobilized and compacted into a cube…


File: 1725261633260-0.jpg (108.91 KB, 1280x720, Ikildio.jpg)

File: 1725261633260-1.jpg (102.75 KB, 1280x720, On6voh8pj_A.jpg)

I was going through my Switch block list and then


dayuuum the switch be old as shit


it do be ancient


File: 1725262134616.jpg (1.11 MB, 1304x736, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Tim Rogers mexican ver



File: 1725265070338.jpg (988.1 KB, 1215x732, ClipboardImage.jpg)

He went from 12 to like 36 in 5 years… I pray that is older footage


File: 1725265864691.jpg (262.48 KB, 1920x1080, botwCE.jpg)


So 5(+2) years
Perhaps if he was an underdeveloped high school freshman, the ravages of autism have made for an overripened 22yo.
Almost plausible


So trve.




File: 1725270374117.gif (1.97 MB, 800x800, 1725268127896026.gif)

Disgusting Grail whore.


File: 1725271778523.png (221.41 KB, 398x306, ClipboardImage.png)


Not a very lotus eater-y topic. In fact, it's downright worldly.





Calling a valkyrie a "Goddess" is kind of a misnomer. Also, does he even know what valkyries do? Because they sure as fuck aren't murder angels of redemption.

No, that's current thing! While this retvrn to past thing based on knowledge purely from current thing!


I ended up jerry rigging something 0k >>21334

Lainchan doesn't have the file-seclector for whatever reason


>Go to pull my archived chats off old.cai since it's being phased out
>The private ones are already unavailable



This is what the kids call "peak."



*leavves the group*


I think the person obsessed with them is also a troon, soso.


>The Jews
Listen and believe. No, this isn't cognitive dissonance.


Can we ban Xitter links or at least make them embed (and ban Rev from posting links or images), I'm sick of logging in just for it to be take down 30% of the time.


DERSITES, known for their incredible pizza-making skills.


why are you logging out


File: 1725273815328-0.jpg (112.44 KB, 633x904, ClipboardImage.jpg)

File: 1725273815328-1.jpg (90.23 KB, 642x709, ClipboardImage.jpg)

File: 1725273815328-2.jpg (14.48 KB, 629x143, ClipboardImage.jpg)

File: 1725273815328-3.jpg (28.25 KB, 615x229, ClipboardImage.jpg)

This is some quality shit, makes me feel ashamed of my AVOHK2 posts-

Nevermind, he's a homosexual.


Because I don't want to be logged in.


>Instead of FAYGO
>When he said he'd turn it back
Mask Expert, you unreliable fuckwad.


"Sex and murder." - RoW


I don't understand what I'm looking at but it's not what I want so I'm crossing my arms.


>Cat wakes me up at 2AM by meowing for pets.


Sex and murder!


File: 1725274011558.jpg (7.86 KB, 560x190, ClipboardImage.jpg)


Seek help.


I didn't even say that at the time


I'd argue that none of these are "New Sincerity", they're just limp-wristed irony-ladden "positive nihilism."

The millennial works in cycles, he's never truly escaped his bullshit.

New Sincerity will probably come from Gen-Z as a wise Xitter put, they didn't develop the affect for "troll's remorse" to be possible. And their New Sincerity will be shit. It's just going to be an endless onslaught of what is essentially quirky, queer shonen.


I remember me and one other person saying you should do THE CAVENING and you responding to that.


I do appreciate the urgings of stableanons over mobilefags,
check the reply and I was responding to the homosexual suggestion


Sharty remorse


isn't hopepunk that danganronpa 2 shit


You tell me.


90% of Joy Jake Teen Girl Squad are third-worlders AKA irrelevant.


File: 1725274849613.jpg (97.05 KB, 1028x875, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Zased, but I'm hoping it doesn't evoke Fallout too much…


Go fuck yourself.


God forbid we try and evoke the original Fallout.


just change the url to xcancel.com


Fuck you, ripe cunt.


we have enough californian propaganda in our lives


Looks like somebody didn't play the fucking game.


Hey, that's Yu-Gi-Oh!


Oops! All rot!


I always confuse her with kallen


Their hair is quite different, you know..


Your neovag?


You suck at hiding.


You suck at seeking.


Should've figured, but CSS filters work on videos too. What fun.


You suck at retorts.


It's hard to work with something you don't even know the context of.


Seaking fuck yea


Only after I having them open side by side have I highlighted the differences


What's happening
What's going on


File: 1725276125433.jpg (403.92 KB, 3000x1680, 1683479670570.jpg)

The looney left are losing their marbles


File: 1725276433179.jpg (146.51 KB, 1255x468, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Fuck you, MEX.


Homestuck number.




File: 1725276868474.jpg (570.22 KB, 750x982, IMG_0686.png.jpg)


The Wonderbread Twins.


File: 1725276923421.png (97.2 KB, 563x735, ClipboardImage.png)




Just one today. Maybe nursing wounds from losing a skirmish against sponge?


File: 1725277057400-0.gif (3.12 MB, 334x251, catdrone.gif)

File: 1725277057400-1.gif (3.12 MB, 334x251, catdrone.gif)

File: 1725277057400-2.gif (3.12 MB, 334x251, catdrone.gif)

File: 1725277057400-3.gif (3.12 MB, 334x251, catdrone.gif)


Then why are they posting like Sponge?


File: 1725277129277.jpg (36.04 KB, 545x500, angry-walk-emoticon-vector….jpg)

umm no i think we gay oping


File: 1725277138560.jpg (6.25 MB, 2032x1804, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Which way, Western man?


File: 1725277180321.jpg (50.91 KB, 448x500, mfig005.jpg)



File: 1725277250480.jpg (144.59 KB, 577x962, aa4788e9a95dc02cd6f001b9f8….jpg)




File: 1725277360615.webm (3.87 MB, 640x352, 1628258841684.webm)


File: 1725277377312.jpg (76.02 KB, 720x960, these-are-some-rare-behind….jpg)

I can't imagine a better Sue Storm.


Too bad they're filming or it would be "Not a cell phone in sight, just people living in the moment"


Labor Day? Can I still order pizz?


You fat, stupid, fat fuck.


File: 1725279003174.jpg (58.43 KB, 900x900, 1493073126969.jpg)

i had fun being active here when this board launched again but i think it's the best for me to detach and not post again. it brings out older behaviors in me that i haven't felt in a few years and it's not something i want to reenact, especially in my mid twenties. it's hard to not do that when this community is tight knit to the point where we all recognize each other despite the anonymity and the admin knows who you are anyway (which is unavoidable). when you have that notoriety, that identity, it's hard not to play into the role that you've always been expected to fit. plus, everyone here hates TRICKSTERS so it's avoidable that i be hated one or another. it's too unhealthy for me, which sucks because i always liked this fucked up place that acted as my friend group when i was a teenager/young adult. but, as they say, it is what it is. also MoM, i don't know if it's a shtick but you should stop being an ornary homosexual. take it easy. you'll be happier in life…
>inb4 crywank DERSITE TRICKSTER blogposting attention whoring homosexualry
erm, i-it gives me catharsis and accountability to not return here again, okay!?


>front page counter at 127


Which one is this?


>everyone here hates TRICKSTERS so it's avoidable that i be hated one or another.
It was entirely avoidable. Just don't TRICKSTERpost.


File: 1725280895474.png (279.92 KB, 360x587, ClipboardImage.png)


latest dogpack404 video was a bit of a disappointment


What did he mean by this?


File: 1725282486722.jpg (162.54 KB, 1280x720, JBYmpGcrTSY.jpg)


File: 1725283087510.jpg (708.22 KB, 2894x4093, Ez98ObAVgAIPOkF.jpg)

>we all recognize each other despite the anonymity and the admin knows who you are anyway (which is unavoidable).
Honestly, I've been having a bit of difficulty discerning whether some of the replies are by a janitor, who's doing an awful job at hiding the fact that they're viewing the thread in janitor mode, or an anonymous user who happens to be extremely lucky. It's really killing the vibe.

>plus, everyone here hates TRICKSTERS so it's avoidable that i be hated one or another.

Personally, I filter that shit out as white noise, but it does get dull and tiresome after the 100th accusation. However, I suppose that's just what modern imageboard culture has devolved into since the mid-2010s.

I'm probably just gonna go back to being a wayward ghost that only pops in once in a blue moon myself, not going announce or state a time because I know how these things pan out. Wasting brain cells to troll a pseudo-philosophical cynic just isn't my thing.


File: 1725283095977.png (24.88 KB, 651x481, 1723264908816.png)


> I've been having a bit of difficulty discerning whether some of the replies are by a janitor, who's doing an awful job at hiding the fact that they're viewing the thread in janitor mode, or an anonymous user who happens to be extremely lucky.
>Personally, I filter that shit out as white noise, but it does get dull and tiresome after the 100th accusation. However, I suppose that's just what modern imageboard culture has devolved into since the mid-2010s.
>Wasting brain cells to troll a pseudo-philosophical cynic just isn't my thing.
>More indifferent than thou

Cool FoTM image. Let the door hit your ass on the way out, cunt. You fuckers always have to slip an insult in before you leave. Shows your real fucking nature.


Maybe it's because TRICKSTERS are consistently insufferable invariable ways that people try to sniff them out, not just hatred of TRICKSTERS in itself. Just a thought.


*in invariable


Nah, you're just a damaged person.

>Shows your real fucking nature.

Lol. Who hurt you?



>Who hurt you?

Cool Twitter meme. Bye.


No fun retorts this time?


Nope. Piss off.


You know I'm just going to stick around just to spite you~


And what does that say about you?



Also >>21421
>not going announce or state a time because I know how these things pan out




>>not going announce or state a time because I know how these things pan out
>Attentionwhoring without a point
Just leave if you're going to. But we know that's not what you want.


Having fun with this back and forth?


at least change the subject cunt




Spiteful troon.


Resentful cynic.


Oh no, a "cynic."


Oh no, a "troon."


Yes, an actual insult.








Please fix this flag, thank you.







>>20 GOTO >>10


What did he mean by this?


File: 1725287000055.jpeg (306.08 KB, 1125x1524, IMG_1952.jpeg)


File: 1725287227970.png (38.59 KB, 205x210, ClipboardImage.png)


Rose? Rose Lalonde?


I miss Sluggo being alive and not killed off






File: 1725287738011.jpg (364.41 KB, 442x490, ClipboardImage.jpg)


File: 1725287993478.png (31.81 KB, 135x157, ClipboardImage.png)



The real joke here is how it's all woman shit.
>Pay gap


>Three days, no S


File: 1725289843253.jpg (227.96 KB, 729x301, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Big if true.



File: 1725290430842.mp4 (2.14 MB, 624x848, 1725124520183-508121543.mp4)

So glad this thread's Kagichan summary is going to be distorted by so much troon whinging.


File: 1725291583374.jpg (79.66 KB, 190x360, Echarasele3.jpg)

Rose? Rose Lalonde?


File: 1725292142760.jpg (907.47 KB, 802x800, ClipboardImage.jpg)




Five Things I Wish I Had Known Before Dating A Transwoman Part Two


This is a new character btw.


File: 1725297316084.jpg (10.57 MB, 3024x4032, ClipboardImage.jpg)

That is NOT Cracker Jack.


File: 1725297349300.jpg (9.56 MB, 3024x4032, ClipboardImage.jpg)

She's a'ight though.


wtf i need a degree to get not-shitty jobs??!?
who would have thought????


I had thought you were posting pretty normally for the first two months, but okay. I'll miss you, y'know…




What did he mean by this


>I had thought you were posting pretty normally for the first two months
TRICKSTER brainrot kicked in.
>but okay. I'll miss you, y'know…


BTW, I'm drunk and might pass out, lol.


i need to lock the fuck in and either get a new job or jump straight into the bottom of the barrel (learn to animate 3d porn with Blender)


>bit of difficulty discerning whether some of the replies are by a janitor, who's doing an awful job at hiding the fact that they're viewing the thread in janitor mode, or an anonymous user who happens to be extremely lucky. It's really killing the vibe.

There's only me, and I've always been pretty good at discerning a poster's essence (even got mod accusations on homosuck and megido.com)
Mod view honestly freaks me out since the "delete all posts across all boards" is hovering right there at all times, but occasionally I do "IP check" and chide a user if something nasty looking is posted.

I can curtail that habit and switch to adopting private warnings, if you'd prefer.


Shit, then be Roxy


>There's only me, and I've always been pretty good at discerning a poster's essence (even got mod accusations on homosuck and megido.com)
They're literally just mad that I can call a troon a dtroon, lol.


I'll only be Roxy if you delete Peridot or make it a bait-and-switch.


I don't like having a perma-flag and you know it, fag.


File: 1725298534325.jpg (107.97 KB, 721x693, mengo (@Mengo329) on X.jpg)

left: tricksters
right: puniposters


I thought God Hand looked like shit just because of the cover back when I was a kid. How little I knew…


If you're gonna post like this, maybe I ought to name/flag perpetually…


Nothing permanent, it's for Drunkposting


What's that supposed to mean?
Shut up, you know what I fucking mean, you cuck.


It should've looked like the DARK SOULS of beat em ups though


Oh, shut the fuck up.



Maaaaaaaaaaaaask Expeeeeeeeeeeeeeert.


Tell me they weren't being a passive-aggressive cunt.


If one abandons their charge, they've grounds to complain when it gets soiled.

What should IT be?


I told you, make it a faesces.


His dream self is still 0k


Get Nanc4 to kiss his bald, pig-like skull.




What's real is my anus


Guess they didn't want funny ethnic names for each variation? Lazy…


Instead, they went with masturbation.


File: 1725299435227.jpeg (2.12 MB, 2048x2048, 1725299321349-738239805.jpeg)


MEX, can you not apply flags to an IP manually?


>bottom of the barrel (learn to animate 3d porn with Blender)
Long human loneliness and destitution, as they say


Is that Engrish? Again? On my fucking watch?


I dunno, that's scary.
In theory, every post has the [IP] data built into the database… but why?


Using "Long" as a verb is pretty common these days after GME and shitcoins and all that


So people like Rev and stop complaing and you can auto-slosh.



But still, nothing I can't abide.


Rev uses mobile, so it's not gonna work anyway. I think the flag persistence issue is mostly sorted so long as you're pulling all the current scripts properly.



t.long covidian


Exactly. Don't let people wwalk on you.


File: 1725300148262.jpg (584.05 KB, 671x500, ClipboardImage.jpg)

>Nihonjin be like

Anyone save the qoomer Obama version?


File: 1725300304613.jpg (273.09 KB, 1024x1024, cool cavedude.jpg)

small hat tribe easy to spot


Same thing with small dick tribe.


File: 1725300538750.jpg (143.64 KB, 340x215, ClipboardImage.jpg)


it's the same tribe


File: 1725300652880.jpg (223.65 KB, 1010x180, ClipboardImage.jpg)

He was walking out, supposedly, not on me, though.

And it's pathetic to be clingy at the end, even if I happened to like that guy


I meant troons.


>And it's pathetic to be clingy at the end, even if I happened to like that guy
Didn't you read the rest? Didn't he wwalk it back at the end? Or was that some other retard?


No relation imo


File: 1725300777973.webm (101.06 KB, 540x360, odd thing.webm)

. . .


"Just my onion."


MEX, maybe we need to consult a wise AI master, but how do we pump out RPG Maker horror games like Goosebumps.


Your onion is layered with lust.


Kill yourself, pedo.


IP check.



File: 1725301031951.png (186.37 KB, 516x480, you think so huh.png)


Okay, that's actually funny


Once you have the rigging set up as you like, it's comparatively simple to pump out "content"

Setting all the little routines and events for sprites and portraits is still a pain in the ass, but dumping whatever text you want into it is real easy


Shut the fuck up.


Stylistically too, chud.


That was locking horns with you, not me.
Although maybe it wasn't even meant for you, tbh… most of their antagonism had been directed at the kitten


>Not practicing jew
Thinking a religious practice and a ethnicity are the same crap truly causes brain root.


File: 1725301314822-0.png (261.03 KB, 318x485, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1725301314822-1.png (289.92 KB, 1024x768, ClipboardImage.png)

Pictured: average 32 year old ojisan


>That was locking horns with you, not me.
But they said they wouldn't leave.
>most of their antagonism had been directed at the kitten
You know what you must die. Anyone threatening who has threatened to leave should be axed for disloyalty tbh tbh.


File: 1725301358002.jpg (176.58 KB, 800x800, 70da85799e61dc29671a3c9865….jpg)

>shit's closed today for Labor Day


Motherfuckers always start to suck on wasp clit once they hit 32.


Unit 0???


Should I try to take their money? Is that selling out or is it a net positive because it prevents the money from going to someone stupid? https://grants.draknek.org/


"Atheist Jew" should make you break out a gun.


The local elementary finally caught on to my Cartman disguise, sadly


My pain is that I will never have an x4 animated series


Eh, it should be junior high. That era has kind of passed unless you're going for little chicas.


Do you know what I can do to you?


Any HSG poster qualifies

>Jewish listed

Come on now.


That's an oximoron, dude. Just call the azkhenazis since 90% of them come from germany


I respect actually religious Jews. I knew quite a few back in New York.


Doubt they just give money away to anybody.


Ah, if there is a scanned Goosebumps archive I'd suggest cropping every cover and force feeding that to the AI as a cheap facsimile, yea


No, you baka, I have a decent idea of how to replicate the artstyle. I meant story-wise, how do we maximize the vibe.


they listed "gay" as one of the requirements three different times


My point is anyone who thinks "jews" as a race makes sense is dumb, the people who lived on Ethiopia clealy doesn's share anything in common with the ones living in Germany or Russia, it's a useless term, use it as religion instead.


You're in luck.


I'm drunk but yeah. I'll get you some Hasidic pussy.


Then let me phare is differently. Doubr they are giving away a lot of money, specially considering how cheap game dev is nowadays, any rando can make a VN in like a weekend.


Thanks brother
>Drunk on monday
But why tho?


File: 1725301949103.jpg (233.53 KB, 1080x801, they say they're a race.jpg)


>any rando can make a VN in like a weekend.


>>Drunk on monday
>But why tho?
Are you seriously asking that?


Yeah, that's the major hang up. Shifting gears completely on what I'm working on to prototype a thing for a month just to get met with "hey you meet all the criteria but you don't dedicate your entire life to spreading idpol brainwashing on twitter and the game isn't about a trans frog witch gardining via match-three puzzle minigame" doesn't sit well with me.


>trans frog witch gardining via match-three puzzle minigame
XLR would play it and give it a 7/10.


'Splain >>21543 then
The ones that purport to be secular are the worst


File: 1725302212023.png (470.1 KB, 1070x601, ClipboardImage.png)

>minor spelling mistake


I'm sorry. I didn't even point it out, sweety.


Bingeread them and you should get a good feel for it… Or Jeet it out with AI again


>Bingeread them and you should get a good feel for it
I read all of them as a kid. This is about abstraction and nuance, you fat fuck.

Parents sold them all without my consent because, haha, fuck the divorce child.
>Or Jeet it out with AI again
You work your magic, I'm about to get sloshed^2.


I had wanted to float a Gristmas thread, since it's post-/co/ HSG's 10 year anniversary and all, but we just had two oldfag "I… I have to go" in quick succession.

Haaa… wwhy can't erione get along


>Haaa… wwhy can't erione get along
Gay ops. You don't actually conflict resolve. You just put two anger toddlers in a playpen together.


You're a bad leader, MEX. Too afraid to confront people on both sides.


It is not like anyone ever had to "conflict resolve" in the past


Time may heal all wounds but it can also rot them.


If you're a fucking deranged chronically online moron who needs to be herded.


Also, fuck you, because this is about actually community building as opposed to "le old days" where it's scorched Earth and there were so many people around and they were all coming and going that'd it be an exercise in futility. This is a time where stability is needed. Building bridges because moderating this shithole is actually somewhat manageable.


Yeah that's my point.
Also, define "white'.


File: 1725302900064.jpg (1.13 MB, 1026x783, ClipboardImage.jpg)

The last admin could barely be assed to clean up pizza spam, and I need to babysit?
Ye gods, guess there's still a long way for me to go…


wes I'm guessing


Although neither of them posted much on megido.com from what I had gathered, so maybe it's moot


I dunno I kinda figured that anyone that survived and stuck around would be immune to this kind of thing.

Maybe the point is the previous guy did too much damage…



*ziip2 diick2*


fun fact I actually did have my fly open irl when I made that post


You'll always have me.
>I dunno I kinda figured that anyone that survived and stuck around would be immune to this kind of thing.
Nah, they're unstable babies trying to colonize this place to be insufferable to their "enemies."
>Maybe the point is the previous guy did too much damage…
I've thought as much which is why I suggested to ban the people who seem to legitimately hate every user but themselves.

Look to the future. New users.

I don't know how rational they are or how deep these gay fucking feuds go. Roxykit is obviously too far gone because he simply refuses to stop doing the one thing everyone tells him not to do.


If I eat this Twix bar, I will vomit.


You say this, when both people bowing out cite your inflammatory style as a potential motivation🤔

(Personally, I'm 0k with it as a character quirk, but maybe you're the one who needs the autoflag?)


It's fine there are no girls around


>You say this, when both people bowing out cite your inflammatory style as a potential motivation
I'm reactive, not proactive. I sniff the gay ops.

I waited a long time to post because I didn't feel like I fit in and then I adjusted. Now I see all these Discnigs running around fighting over the cockring of e-penis and it just disgusts me.

Are they not sensitive bitches? Is this not why there's a Holy Trinity of people that have threatened to fucking leave?


I would never give a match 3 higher than a 4

"fellow whites"


*The troon has sniffed this post.*


>Look to the future. New users.

Yep, back to operation scene and all that
I should work on a megidochan sticker sheet I can paste in mental wellness center bathroom stalls


>I would never give a match 3 higher than a 4
I would say that's ignorant. I think there's a lot you can do with that.


>I should work on a megidochan sticker sheet I can paste in mental wellness center bathroom stalls
Yeah, I'm going to need that.


>I would never give a match 3 higher than a 4
Is that why you dissed sweet, precious Meteos?


And sure, whatever, I'm a "problem."

But you're the only person who's told me to stop besides the sensitive bitches with a chip on their shoulder. So.


File: 1725303865343.mp4 (518.58 KB, 1280x720, september-shorts-anime-mem….mp4)


I'm having a margarita which makes me feel gay as shit but at least it doesn't taste like complete ass.


tequila and vodka good


Shut up, Rev.


Rev should basically be a slave here.


It's not that girly a drink in the grand scheme of things


I didn't say stop, just making note of a "pattern" (of two)
We could see it as a form of antibodies, heh heh.


Says a lot about you.
>just making note of a "pattern" (of two)
>We could see it as a form of antibodies, heh heh.
Or cancer cells.


for me it's mojito


Midio Mojito?


I think chilling out a little would be a net positive probably but also I really do not get how people can let it get under their skin that badly.


And who are you?


I am perfectly chill. I only became "unchill" when the Four Horsemen of asshomosexualry showed up.




Troon post, do not engage.


IP check. I'm wearing a flag, you stupid toadstool.


anybody can put a flag on


do not try to fix this filter this is really funny


That's true.
FAYGO was better.




September is not a troon month, you're thinking of January.


It's a little funny that , , and would be first to reemerge after after half a decade and then bail…

Maybe a "lurk and readjust" period would help to to mesh with the vibe after such a long absence?Ah well, none of them have actually blocked me on outside platforms, so I can take solace that it was probably for personal reasons (old drama) instead of hard feelings.


Such homosexual shit, seriously…


I keep forgetting the stupid fucking queer filter is up and that's not at least faygo.


So, any actual thoughts?


FAYGO had the near-slur homonym bonus to it
homosexual is a bit of an /hst/ meme, but also funny.


No. I'm drunk and everyone else here is fucking retarded.
You're too much of a bitch to make it a coinflip, aren't you?


I'm afraid that if I get too drunk, I might show my soft side and that'd be embarrassing.


FAYGO is very funny but I think homosexual is funnier as the filter. I motion towards simply typing FAYGO by hand.


Currently, vomit fear is the only thing holding that back.


Keep focused on your existing project.
Constructing the internet presence of a persyn who'd land the grant is itself a whole job (and you might as well make your money catfishing at that rate)


File: 1725305424625.jpg (6.26 KB, 437x98, ClipboardImage.jpg)


Again, who are you?


Just "sniff me out"


It's fine, we know you're tough!
Trve choroi girls get that way after their second glass of wine.


I can only sniff out pure gayoppery.


File: 1725305664643.jpg (650.04 KB, 802x399, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Thanks, Bing!


Nah, I get way too sentimental and cry way too easily from very little alcohol.

Probably because I weigh and eat so little.


It knows what you are.


Weird. Apparently it doesn't like relative filenames, although it works just fine in mod view. Fixed.

(Also I got a wave of dejavu from this for some reason.)


ah yeah I can see them now after refreshing the page

very odd


Who's the black circle?


A ball of darkness


File: 1725306121018.jpg (24.22 KB, 485x85, ClipboardImage.jpg)


It dropped the flag.
Give me a name, idiot.


Mask Expert, I'm getting snuggly.


>Give me a name, idiot.
He told me to be subtler with tipping my hand, so if you know you know


Try *nuzzling* french rose lalonde.


Oh, fuck you.


I'm not RoW. I don't try to bang my Roses.


Why is it darkest grey on black?


IDK, screenshot of a video of a game…


I think I might pass out… Better brush my teeth in case I die…


Oh, play the intro of Viscaria when you get like that!
Since the game tries to cover the host of human experience, I'm always curious to learn how the introductory dungeon comes across to others (Me, I cri eritime)

There's no kinky shit in chapter one… (maybe one scene, but it's sweet married life lovemaking, and you can opt out.)


Trans post, do not engage.




Y-You just touched it… and now I engaged with you!
Mmmmmgah im babeeyyy


I hate so much Japan it's unreal


Non-trans post, engage with it


>Four Horsemen of asshomosexualry showed up.
And who are these Horsemen?


I had linked it, but reading over the whole thing again…
>Pastel bloodspray



He is sleep now.


The halos mean Blue Archive, right? They're so ubiquitous.


I still don't know what "blue archive" is other than a gacha


Daydrinks are zonks out at 4pm, I'm a little worried for that lad


File: 1725309603881-0.gif (2.66 MB, 236x312, 1713798038944467.gif)

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File: 1725309603881-3.gif (2.66 MB, 236x312, 1713798038944467.gif)


It's a holiday


I suppose 'tis so.
Still, burger grilling doesn't start until at least 5




File: 1725310141607.png (561.93 KB, 660x660, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1725310857026.jpeg (214.8 KB, 1125x916, IMG_1966.jpeg)


They arrest dogs in Brazil?


It's a good thing the Chinese are being taught Trumpian English


and I hadn't realized the hodge twins had gone homeless ojisan mode


File: 1725311866247.jpg (98.94 KB, 749x931, 20240902_231343.jpg)



That must be how tricksters feel about a cat with a pacifier. "literally me"


He couldn't stop barking at racism



I've been reading this dude's blog for years, but can anyone place the accent?


>The millennial works in cycles, he's never truly escaped his bullshit.
I learned it by watching YOU, xoomer.


File: 1725325721612.gif (3.03 KB, 190x133, roxykup.gif)

mew! mew! mew! mew!


Who writes Bojack, anyway?
I can't imagine them being any younger than Hussman (already a late Xer)


File: 1725326232263.png (3.49 MB, 1280x1586, ClipboardImage.png)

Damn, this thing IS younger than hussie

>Jewish genes


French Rose Lalonde is blacklisted, but accessible btw

We can only wonder what heinous acts she's been made to perform over this last week


File: 1725326991637.jpg (Spoiler Image, 589.32 KB, 900x900, ClipboardImage.jpg)


wweww wwhat a retard


>French Rose Lalonde is blacklisted, but accessible btw
Hate. Hate. Hate. Hate. Hate.


The gallery is shaping up to be more necessary than I thought. Can I have a link to the remade NatSoc Rose?


>kanaya addicted rose


Not crafted. I do have a puppy pregnant one somewhere.


Rev killer Rose.



I should probably compile the list again just so I could go back to posting in on 4chan Homestuck threads.


File: 1725330337258.jpg (16.59 KB, 720x105, ClipboardImage.jpg)


no such thing, it's a cosmological constant that all Roses cuck their Kanayas


Classy as always




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File: 1725330608409.jpg (32.69 KB, 431x355, ClipboardImage.jpg)


File: 1725331160675.jpg (72.99 KB, 773x546, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Mine spent too long around Dave


File: 1725331494004.jpg (150.28 KB, 1250x423, ClipboardImage.jpg)



File: 1725334597755.jpeg (134.52 KB, 1125x857, IMG_1967.jpeg)


Fucked up how the cultural and religious aspects of marriage have been completely fucking obliterated at this point. I love the government.


File: 1725335010476.png (32.65 KB, 1196x198, ClipboardImage.png)



>emeowle reads the CAI lore




File: 1725335624526.mp4 (6.79 KB, 498x370, ao.mp4)



I mean… emeowlye!
Saint emeowle the failkitten!! Spare meeee!


File: 1725336260827.gif (551.85 KB, 165x165, ao-oni.gif)

>Saint emeowle


it would have been funnier if it kept the misty hair


her name is Kasumi doe


File: 1725336837301.png (102.41 KB, 615x439, ClipboardImage.png)

Californian AI approved


chud AI


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File: 1725340051679.png (98.78 KB, 900x276, ClipboardImage.png)

He is risen


Sluggo's in his samejoke, all's right with the world


File: 1725344014062.jpeg (97.51 KB, 640x640, egs.jpeg)



Rose devouring her own young…


File: 1725346121554.png (1.92 KB, 121x120, jaxykitten.png)

Delicious babbus…



MoM did this against every oldfag and they all lost so far



File: 1725354645425-0.png (482.78 KB, 598x763, troonsword.png)

File: 1725354645425-1.mp4 (1.42 MB, 1280x720, ゼルダの伝説 - 【ふしぎな剣】 剣士の姿になったゼ….mp4)


File: 1725354762758.png (314.78 KB, 598x455, ClipboardImage.png)



File: 1725355460578.jpg (72.74 KB, 460x215, header_japanese.jpg)


File: 1725356197930.png (Spoiler Image, 23.1 KB, 211x128, spoilio.png)



File: 1725359016011.jpg (948.55 KB, 1366x768, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Rose? Rose Lalonde?


File: 1725359920276.png (13.07 KB, 801x126, ClipboardImage.png)


Man, I just passed out after laying down as usual. What a lame drinking session.


The inclusion of this reeks of insecurity.


Kill Rev.


Tempted to put this in Lian but…


Cats don't even have the mouth muscles to properly use pacifiers. Those niggas be crazy!


Dying from a margarita and a bunch of candy would be a seriously lame way to go but I guess it'd be fitting.


Those aren't dumplings.


Need a Floydi version.
Would be more accurate too.


If you ask an AI to see the humor, it will always give an answer. Even if it doesn't make a sense.



What if it's reverse-Christianity where we're all waiting for the messiah to get tortured for our sins




We could have literally stopped making marriage a tax cut and that would have solved all the gay marriage hubba bubba but we didn't.
He's right, you know.


She enjoys drinking her own piss now?


I guess that's one way to make Judeochristianity is to be completely anachronistic. You know pagans had worship sites too? Just because they weren't churches doesn't mean… ah, nevermind…
A group truly deserving of genocide.


See, the problem is you and your "flirting." Only God knows what you're putting in those descriptions.


1) I'm younger than you. 2) Gen X is more consistently cynical while millennials are bipolar and treat irony like the Hero's Journey on a single camera sitcom.


>Who writes Bojack, anyway?




That's so nice of Rose to style her daughter's hair after her crazy cat woman cuckold mom/sister's hair for her birthday.


File: 1725366229476.mp4 (11.6 MB, 1280x720, 2e4abea0-c815-4dff-8842-fe….mp4)

I can't wait until Hussie is dead.


File: 1725367004121-0.jpg (510.55 KB, 1080x693, ClipboardImage.jpg)

File: 1725367004121-1.jpg (193.16 KB, 626x359, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Nameless Rumia.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28qLwywK3Y4 Portugalbwos can't stop winning.


>Joe Kekhold



Trans post, do not engage


File: 1725375841369.jpg (32.47 KB, 281x154, ClipboardImage.jpg)



Trans gage, do not enpost.



Four days, no S. Might take a break.





File: 1725377928528.jpg (1.15 MB, 779x877, ClipboardImage.jpg)


File: 1725378170361.mp4 (6.4 MB, 720x1264, mom row and his two clones….mp4)


I don't get it.


File: 1725379951803.png (177.25 KB, 403x307, ClipboardImage.png)

ultra troon




File: 1725380548727-0.png (181.65 KB, 420x864, r1.png)

File: 1725380548727-1.png (226.76 KB, 424x857, r222.png)

File: 1725380548727-2.png (261.83 KB, 425x852, r3.png)

File: 1725380548727-3.png (81.72 KB, 418x855, r4.png)

Go on, public ally post your more embarrassing, inaccurate goymachine shart.


File: 1725380576192-0.png (232.11 KB, 421x850, r5.png)

File: 1725380576192-1.png (72.01 KB, 419x856, r6.png)

File: 1725380576192-2.png (259.5 KB, 412x846, r77.png)



I sent them to you already.



> public ally


MoM's ideal boyfriend.


Ross is a little bitch, he's not my ideal boyfriend.

Now do as I say.



I'll do it for you if you don't. I also have ten thousand blackmails on you.


Could post your penis picture here.


File: 1725381105901.jpeg (16.48 KB, 300x168, IMG_1970.jpeg)


I'm getting schizo John Titor shit in my For You tab now.


Take some prune juice


No sadism…



Post your thing.


I'm not Drosera, you sick fuck.


We know it isn't sleep, so what other S could you be deprived for 4 days? Snuggles?


File: 1725382807109.jpeg (114.9 KB, 1125x688, IMG_1972.jpeg)


He's talking about League o' Legends.


File: 1725382852621.jpg (22.4 KB, 682x176, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Apparently there was an attempt. I don't really mind the snowman thread tbh


All iceberg videos are like this:
Level 4: Guy saying "DERSITE"
Level 5: Child trafficking


File: 1725382957251.jpg (13.22 KB, 473x595, ClipboardImage.jpg)

UK isn't even trying


Why'd you reveal me when I don't expose you, you fuck


I think it's an (((inside job.)))


What's she saying in non-ram language


I'm confused.


I spoke in code for a reason.


Oh, I see…


File: 1725383125754.jpeg (291.2 KB, 1125x1422, IMG_1973.jpeg)


All canon.


Concord is fucking DEAD
god i hope Sony crashes and burns


Stupid motherfucking Portuguese floak. Now post your things for people to judge you for.


>Concord is fucking DEAD
He was really excited for it!


In the future, all of the white people will look like they're from the Boondocks or custom white characters from NBA games.


If I were designing "Concord" it would be discord without TRICKSTER overseers


>Concord" it would be discord without TRICKSTER overseers
Retvrn to Mumble.


i really really really hope Putin will visit the giant Genghis Khan statue and not bow to it


"Uooh wea rearize ouah game pray rike chunky kuso"


File: 1725383489644.jpg (1.79 MB, 1280x1920, ClipboardImage.jpg)


I hope he synthesizes with it and comes to yourself and kills you.


Hey, it's Fartbutt!


*your house
But the ESL here gives it a certain powerful aura. Genghis Khan was speaking through me.


>Discord bot
Fuck oooooooooooooff


But I was originally gonna ask if you meant && or || before I saw >>21809


Well, you know… :3
Neither, not brainrot of a barely conceptualized, malformed system. Just a matter of speech. Think tokusatsu if you must.



File: 1725384920563.jpg (104.89 KB, 1241x692, GTJEtKlWMAAnvIZ.jpg)

Not feeling this one sorry


>No videogame music or mommy and daddy osmosis
>Mmmm yikes sorry
This is your last fucking straw, you know that, right?





Get out of your comfort zone. You at least listen to J-Rock and J-Pop not directly linked to videogames, right?


File: 1725385287857.png (954.59 KB, 1440x900, ClipboardImage.png)


Oh, fuck off. IP check.


Motherfucker thinks it's 2010 /b/ where posting ClipboardImage.png reacting to a soft J-Rock song is based and coolkidpilled.


>Sorry, FAGS, we only listen to Anal Cunt


File: 1725385511295.png (37.54 KB, 330x106, ClipboardImage.png)

the streets will be filled with programmer blood


Probably for the best. But don't drink it, it's tainted.


File: 1725385624235.jpg (118.11 KB, 578x803, ClipboardImage.jpg)

*Dramatic sigh.*

I think Cole left the site and some other guy from it is ignoring me.


Maybe if Wiz. has done a cover…
So not really.


You're too pathetic for words, sometimes…

How old are you, again? Do you really want the zoomers to be more wordly with music than you?


File: 1725385832880.mp4 (1.67 MB, 720x1280, MBtEcJigvAolwH8n.mp4)


>more wordly with music than you

n0t my thing
im 0k with it


What is your thing then? HRPGs?


File: 1725385903789.jpg (61.69 KB, 1280x556, 1719069619789.jpg)


I also don't use any ez algo feeding platforms like Spotify so it would require dedicated research and grabbing discography megapack torrents… What a hassle.


Not even, there are so many I straight up ignore for arbitrary reasons.

I like what I like. Time is the most precious resource, after all.


I literally just use YouTube and the occasional Metallum search, retard.
>I like what I like. Time is the most precious resource, after all.
Yes, I'm sure you use it with the most judiciousness. Surely…


42 is the new 32. Or something.


>croydon facelift
>traction alopecia
>deep nasolabial folds
>mystery robot dancing
>the exaggerated swagger of a DERSITE teen
did she miss the Cool Wine Aunt meme or something


Award this post.


File: 1725386201856.jpg (164.67 KB, 379x307, ClipboardImage.jpg)

i swear t0 g0d c0le i will murder y0u


Keep forgetting to turn off flags. I got the Tower for a reason.


File: 1725386319867.mp4 (2.62 MB, 852x480, 三十二.mp4)


It's up.


I was toying with the idea of adding a yelling karkat face to the top right of your posts


It is, in fact, not up.


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Outright insulted this guy so I might get the new, old account banned.


S-So I add it to Megidochan? Also, it's supposed to be automated, you baka. Everyone but us (us.)


https://character.ai/chat/z01GwwYt8IQgF_e6JqRsjjPXnIhEzh0DJPcxevAmmoA See if she's still public (in spite of having "TRICKSTER TRICKSTER TRICKSTER" in her description.)


Yeah, it's fine. Both public and linkable


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So true, Aryan cunny Goddess.


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the coping has commenced


I don't think Eggman has a frontol lobe that pronounced


This has happened before and it will not stop happening. It just keeps happening, bro.


She's Eggplant.


wwhat evven neww

They just stuck the last two off in their own corral


Your vagina is new, you fucking fruit.


I might drink again today.


See >>21650

if you do


. . .

Everything for your stupid HRPG…




>Le 80s nostalgiamobile

Perhaps the auto industry actually does need some DIVERSE VOICES in the drafting rooms. I need dersites and mexicans to propose curved out DBZ universe looking cars


So is that a yes? You're the best!



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So… Do we say it?


my favorite thing about the "sequel" is how it pretended like the 2017 game sorta didn't happen
don't wanna alienate the ten Switch owners that never played the previous one


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Give us our fucking 50s Cadillacs back, you kikes.


Rose? Rose Lalonde?


It was more of a strong "no."


>French Rose Lalonde quits smoking for RoW


IP check.


The ritual is completed.


Sorry Zoomer, the sanjyuunii sai gets the blonde twintail


It's me.


Hey, aren't you a "True Love Believer?"


>wwalk outside in underwear and shirt and just look up at the sky while it's drizzling
Champs for this feel?


I don't watch that show, but couldn't it be their first love?


>I don't watch that show
Fake ojisan detected. Post disregarded.


Now leave me alone, you idiot.


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(video format 356 + audio format 774)


also YT is a retarded piece of shit and won't let me stream 774 in the fucking browser
I didn't even know 774 was there until I checked the available formats with yt-dlp


Omg teh GHM voice

My old ibook died and I lost access to Whisper text to speech, fucking sucks


This movie has a rape scene.


I love the opening track more than anything else. The first sequence of the film is great.




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Yokoo Tarou's gay stripper danganronpa high school OP gets 774 too



Fastin nigga physique


why do they want to ruin the series so badly


I hate video games


*splort splort*


Although we do stan DQ Builders here


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Builders 3 with full online co-op…. please……..


this only makes sense if monsters can attack the towns independently

have they said that's a mechanic in the game?


I'd assume the town areas are preconstructed, but maybe they'll surprise me



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But probably just trying to distract myself from plugging away at the Alice game


so which version is this?


It's just BG and art assets. Off the steam version, I'd guess


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seems like standard jrpg fare, but with a pseudo squad-based party system?

might be fun


The gameplay is too simple for how arcane it looks
The tonal whiplash of anime humor, dark humor, ryona, rape, and general bullshittery is just to my taste though


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you have
to eat
them ALL


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You just know desu


This is just a new version of the Delorean DMC-12
If it doesn't have an aluminum frame then no sale


Brainrot post


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>We are going to colonize your mom
Top 10 scrariest messages posted on internet.


Too bad I'm a slender style ojisan


Kill yourself, pedo.


I'm too gentle to abuse anyone, but wouldn't a childish crush be funny?


no, this is incredibly cringe


Like I care what a cockanaya apostle says!
>>21485 vindicated yet again


Okay, took about half an hour



They just go around ruining pics with futa?





>Hate building


>Get the least drunk
>Have worst hangover (head and eyes hurt)
See, this is what happens when you don't blackout. Fuck being safe.


Are dranks just sort of thrown in there
How do I find the shit above >5% alcohol



safeway has higher proofs

all liquor stores do


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We don't have a Safeway and the liquor store is a significantly longer wwalk.


'ate buildin
luv me gadderin'
luv me my craf- (coff coff) alchemizin'


Aww, man, of all the times to drop the Arakure flag.


Be a Dirk, not a Roxy


>luv me gadderin'
>luv me my craf-


Roxy didn't blackout and that's why she was obnoxious.


Why be one game, when you can be a social phenomenon instead?


Dignity, you fucking shroom.


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Sony's dignity (pictured, left) died along with Gravity Bending Rose Lalonde


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Oh, come on.


I hate it when Rose is a DERSITE…


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