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Itsumademo. Zutto.
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 No.16616[View All]

Non edition
Old >>12128
650 posts and 178 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>That's my biggest hobby.
Sad to hear that.


Like you care…


theres also letters


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trans kitten?


1,000 Ukranians died from just this post.


yare yare… not another TRICKSTER crossie…


Says you.


I don't care personally, but hearing that says about some menthal unhealthyness and it is sad upon the whole


wwomen doodoo that.




Why are you bringing the Ukrainians into it
Like what did they ever do to you

Serious question, because a lot of people seem to be supporting actual genocide just to own the libs or something




Spit on that thang.


>Why are you bringing the Ukrainians into it
Just the facts, bwo.




Shut up, RoW.


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it's just bursts of this and being a widdle kitten baby
so about half an hour realistically


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i starting to think there is an autocorrection script, that changes some word into all caps "trickster" word


*two minutes


Are you single?



I think it's TRICKSTER, did that work?



It is a mystery


If you're gonna post that, even as a joke, I'm gonna post more uncanny valley slop just to spite you


What did he mean by this?


Make me


>Make me
Working on it.


>Cat licking the condensation off waterbottles
Um, Homestuck reference much?


It's a miracle that I don't have toxoplasmosis by now.


That's what it's programming you to think


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What page or event in Homestuck this case referencing to?


When Nepeta licked the Cairo Overcoat.


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Um, Homestuck reference much?


Nigga, stop looking at their Twitter already. You're fucking insane.


never happened. meds.


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>The state of flimsychan


What a boring response. I hate Europeans.


"At least I was… on topic…"


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Sure. You're also on the internet, chatting online. It is itself a Homestuck reference



But they aren't though. Not ever since I left.


you hate everyone


Remember when the Lord English mask started to speak to Jake from his closet?


No, I don't.


I like the European hours. :)


Explain why.


>Remember when the Lord English mask started to speak to Jake from his closet?
Remember Kanaya said she's Irish?


I still don't get the joke with that.


Last for 50 more posts.


>European hours




>I still don't get the joke with that.
Kanaya is a regular lesbian name in Dublin
She's also drunkie


>She's also drunkie
Why did Hussie start with the Kanaya buttchugging Faygo fart arc?


I get the feeling that everyone who hated the MHA ending are imbeciles.


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>Why did Hussie start with the Kanaya buttchugging Faygo fart arc?
It was because Vriska's voice actress decide to move in Russia during her contras on Ukrainian war with Eridan's pro-Paraguain voice actor. It's a well known drama within fandom. How can you be not knowing it all? Probably, you haven't read the comic.


>He doesn't know that Vriska originally had 8 voice actresses


is octopimp still scamming uh…
probably not teenagers anymore
is octopimp still scamming late 20s retards


Yes, he went back to Homestuck recently out of desperation.


>He doesn't know that Vriska originally had 8 voice actresses
We don't count dubbing on foreign languages as an original voice acting, okay?
It can be only count on to Sollux's second seiyu as far as first one died in car accident


>It can be only count on to Sollux's second seiyu as far as first one died in car accident
Debatable, they're twins and they're shady as fuck and there are rumors they faked it for insurance money on the one home.


Bwos, I'm not going to cum.


>Debatable, they're twins and they're shady as fuck and there are rumors they faked it for insurance money on the one home.
Hm, isn't insurance fraud illegal in the state of Iran?


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smol size cat huh


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i keep seeing this gigahon on my timeline and i want to unfollow her but i notice we're mutuals and it's like "do i know her from discord?"
i dont want to be le rude…


Stray Children out on Dec 26


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all smol cats on suicide watch


how long until meow-meow person's parents visit us


third Sonic movie out this year?


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this is hilarious


Oh, it did last?



We shall see if they've still got it


Not even my own father ever visited HSG!




8raphog or BR4PHOG


8lue8erry 8raps for me


That reminds me bloodstained had DLC or something
I don't have 100% complete on it trophy wise no more


>just a couple centimeters shorter than the japanese crossdresser i like


just a little smol guy


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Few boiled sausages and sandwiches with squash caviar and cheese is what I have today for a humble dinner.
How about you, HSG?


Dinner is half a day away (first half: sleep)
Probably burders tho :DD


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Turkish Aradia bellydancer and slightly lesser dressed turkish Aradia bellydancer




God, you are such a TRICKSTER, holy shit, why do you have to scream how much of a TRICKSTER you are every place you go? are you goinf to did if you don't do it?




YWNK, retard


Looks like shit


As ever, it's a work in progress. What don't you care for, my bundle of sunshine?

Some aspects are set in stone, naturally, since they're based off the source material.


Hmm, felt a lil mean


On a KamS core binge after yesterday


But since I was fairly happy with 'em, the themes are now selectable after a hard refresh under
Kinsho-K (For Kissless, I think)
Kinsho-V (For Virgin, definitely)

That's three anime girl themes in a row, guess I owe good ol' Eri one next to even things out slightly


i do not care for the miku coomer trends


Did you see all the people shitting themselves over AI generated brazil miku "ruining the fun"


No, but that sounds like the kinda thing trend hoppers would shit their pants over

last week's "Newn"


Imagine ripping that thing off her nose.


Rose would be scandalized to slather on so much e-whore rouge

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