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/32/ - megido32

(we don't talk about July)
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File: 1720115108734.png (23.48 KB, 715x686, 36d5363bffac6b325de20f291b….png)

 No.3035[Last 100 Posts]


Once again first reply, I just broke this thread's hymen. Anyone else who posts after me is getting my sloppy seconds, my leftovers.

Just remember that the first reply is the most special reply and you'll never experience this thread the way I did and this thread will never feel the way it felt about me about you.

It's Over , you might as well just go post on Reddit and talk about how much of a "man" you are for replying on a thread that I pump and dumped. Have fun with my scraps, cucks.


It's okay, so long as her heart holds true…




i think i saw tranny and went to follow them but was too lazy to unfollow after seeing how cringe they were


File: 1720115622118.png (61.19 KB, 969x567, ClipboardImage.png)

It is indeed ogre, puchicom sisters


>i think i saw tranny and went to follow them


The thread limit is actually 749… I know I noticed it before… but…. strange…


File: 1720116671751-0.png (382.55 KB, 480x272, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1720116671751-1.png (382.55 KB, 480x272, ClipboardImage.png)

Going through my pics while recomposing things.
Based game


Wait…. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeh?!?!?




No, you are!




File: 1720116788418-0.png (50.34 KB, 651x515, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1720116788418-1.png (21.8 KB, 709x165, ClipboardImage.png)

Kagi is stuck in the past.


It said it reached the thread limit!


File: 1720117003557.png (319.78 KB, 638x309, ClipboardImage.png)

>Me and Mask Expert


played Zenless Zone Zero and The First Descendant back to back
i think i'm gonna lie down for a while



I need a hug…


File: 1720117725903.png (2.92 MB, 1920x1080, Dragon's Dogma 2 2024-07-0….png)

This is still the current official Mask Expert fit


No, I meant the dialogue:
>"Being 32 doesn't make me an old man!"
>"Yes, it does."




Not to sound tr*nny but I am pigtail-coded according to cross-referencing certain tropes…


File: 1720118125436.png (1.86 MB, 1152x720, 1614383595184.png)

By the time I'm 40, you'll be nearing 32 yourself.
Then we'll be in the same demographic boat!


>Then we'll be in the same demographic boat!


red flag t b h


Tell me who's talking and I'll assess if this is a post made in good faith or not.




Post your desktop.


File: 1720118453882.png (919.94 KB, 1888x842, DesktopImage0.png)


I will not take an ACKusation from one of (((them.))) (You)


File: 1720118648280.png (3.29 MB, 2048x2048, ClipboardImage.png)

>He's STILL Braixenposting


I don't see Braixen.



File: 1720118859839.jpg (977.19 KB, 1546x2048, GIBsoJZaMAA7JtM.jpg)

I'm so tired, bros… I hate trannies so much…


richfag dads?
or rich fag-dads?


imagine being an organ donor and getting in a car crash and your heart goes to some troon who ruined theirs doing hormones for decades


And then they slowly transform into a chud


Your transformation fetish knows no end…


File: 1720120954954.png (996.66 KB, 960x544, ClipboardImage.png)


reminder that ben liveblogged for an entire day about pooping and pissing in a diaper


File: 1720122092198.png (148.36 KB, 265x447, ClipboardImage.png)



No way, that same Ben…?


I know JSR has suffered some image damage over the last decade thanks to twitter and that nostalgiabait Cyberfunk game, but I'm giving this one another listen…


what the fuck is that



"Deavid Soul is a unit created by former members Taiiji and Hachi of the popular cult band Hi-Speed. The band mixes a variety of musical styles like avant pop, chamber rock and house to create a hybrid techno sound. Deavid Soul is best known for their musical contributions to the Sega produced videogame Jet Set Radio."



File: 1720126824300.png (49.82 KB, 820x478, ClipboardImage.png)

HS Epilogue reference???



File: 1720128355724.png (29.25 KB, 511x61, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1720128661856-0.png (23.29 KB, 290x140, timeout1.png)

File: 1720128661856-1.png (20.04 KB, 287x142, timeout2.png)

File: 1720128661856-2.png (47.43 KB, 346x299, timeout3.png)


File: 1720128799354.jpg (123.88 KB, 600x600, green's despair.jpg)



File: 1720129252647.png (32.13 KB, 896x305, ifitopoutlive.png)

they did top out btw


Should've sprung for that top surgery then, LOL!
But I thought Tetris doesn't end, where do you "Run"


File: 1720129481645.png (315.55 KB, 517x511, ClipboardImage.png)


zomg its tewi


File: 1720130013925.png (130.59 KB, 583x615, gaytranspolyfaggot.png)




oh gdq is happening, i was wondering why troon posting increased


is there anything more tragic than gdq turning into a tranny circlejerk?


are they banned for using "they"? keeeeek




It's really good at tetris.
Much more polite


File: 1720133733573.png (2.81 MB, 1152x1536, grid-004401.png)



File: 1720144835989.png (1.69 MB, 1101x828, ClipboardImage.png)



File: 1720148806256.png (124.97 KB, 598x1039, ClipboardImage.png)


who are any of these people


File: 1720149411075.jpg (104.83 KB, 1250x423, ClipboardImage.jpg)


One of the guys who was on Sam Hyde's show is pissed that he didn't get paid


Paid in exposure :)


All gamers go to heaven


File: 1720150100967.jpg (288.37 KB, 1440x1440, 90 percent of this is fake.jpg)


This is all real.


File: 1720155976374.png (121.08 KB, 900x279, ClipboardImage.png)


Fritzi barely looks any older than Nanc4


Maybe if OJ is a black woman, this artist is Asian?


File: 1720159531580.jpg (140.12 KB, 1290x1253, GRmW8XQXgAELmZd.jpg)


File: 1720161006574.jpg (392.94 KB, 1536x2048, photo booth.jpg)


Trampled by horses, etc


Why is there a .shiksha domain?


File: 1720167809251.jpeg (233.2 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_0691.jpeg)


Plenty more.


But the weak chin is far more aesthetic and chad-looking. This looksmaxxing shit is more art than science.


>Muh natureu
My mutt vril is activating. This artist is South East Asian.


Thanks for the comic, Tatsuya.


Rose would vote for Biden because she thinks he's an unironic litch.


I saw a motherfucker with a Celeste avatar and a Guilty Gear playlist on YouTube. I had never seen a SINGLE (1) troon like Gulty Gear before Strive (surprisingly.) It's obvious why Strive attracted them and what attracts troons in general, but how do you make something troon-proof? How can you create media that repels the legion of troon co-opting?



That would explain the… summery tan everyone has


Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention the browning of Fritzi. Glad someone else caught that.


You know another thing about Japanese horror? Despite all of the "you should respect lengendsu", I've never seen something like "we genetically modified the yokai and NOW THEY'RE FIGHTING BACK." It's almost like shinto is too sacred to profane evem if the whole point is not to profane the sacred. The closest is the Japanese tendency to blur the lines of reality and fantasy- which is weird because it never blends its "sci-fi" and "respect the lengendsu"


Leprechaun 3, but japanese


File: 1720195162662.png (3.47 MB, 2490x2292, 1720193579849401.png)


>we genetically modified the yokai
Do they have genes?




me on the left


Does Japanese fiction ever care?


File: 1720197234840.png (409.1 KB, 479x654, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1720197539014.png (89 KB, 565x317, ClipboardImage.png)

Ruh roh


I only use it for the VPN. It's not my main browser.


File: 1720198713258.png (3.68 MB, 1317x1318, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1720198750829.png (45.21 KB, 147x157, ClipboardImage.png)

Rose? Rose Lalonde?


Real unalive myself hours.






These breads are clearly trans.


>Talk to a woman
>It makes me suicidal
Many such cases!


Imagine being an organ donor and getting in a car crash and your heart goes to the second coming of Jesus.
My hart would turn it into a streamerfag animation fan and also a Python autist on top of that.


>That filename
Why do you say that?


Are you a tranny?



So is the weight gain/inflation fuck the same as the diaper fuck?


File: 1720201345437.png (86.95 KB, 570x401, ClipboardImage.png)


where's the rest


File: 1720201406258.png (23.44 KB, 70x114, ClipboardImage.png)


forget it jake, it's hsg


File: 1720203419827.png (31.43 KB, 300x100, banner19.png)

Anyone have banners they'd like added? I think Nanc4/Sluggo probably deserve one as well.




File: 1720203604892.gif (153.69 KB, 300x100, 1436728309891.gif)


File: 1720203751928.jpg (Spoiler Image, 602 KB, 1080x1350, GRt_8x_WUAAWFbA.jpg)




Nice I only had the 500 version


File: 1720204140790-0.gif (5.46 KB, 300x100, 1442543195994.gif)

File: 1720204140790-1.png (53.49 KB, 300x100, 1442682577591.png)


File: 1720204195302.png (Spoiler Image, 3.31 MB, 1920x1080, gotyay.png)


Nod habbening :D




File: 1720204510668.gif (54.61 KB, 512x89, CAUCASIAN YES.gif)


Does /sug/ need a home? Are they banned off /co/ too?



They have been living on trash for something like a decade at this point. I don't think they need an independent board, specially now that the series is over.


Thanks for the reminder why I stopped posting on 4chan.


I wonder if the frozen general would still be around if the mods had not banned them


Maybe is sneedsny put up the money to force it


File: 1720210942347.png (82.83 KB, 512x512, 1567026059672.png)

not surprised, just disappointed


redpill me on /ysg/


File: 1720211291291.gif (2.43 MB, 1196x600, You should be able to solv….gif)

They're a fledgling circle yet, but I'm sure Yasagure Kitsuenjo can eventually approach EMMM/Hakika western fanbase with enough diligence, love, and elbow grease put in






File: 1720212066302.png (934.94 KB, 1020x780, ClipboardImage.png)

That's too brvtal, isn't it…?
American style swinging, blech.


/co/mblr sisters…




File: 1720219316928.jpeg (178.52 KB, 1063x1008, IMG_0704.jpeg)


i was going to upload my entire metastuck folder on the mspabooru but i'm tired already


Rose, Rose Lalonde.


post kanaya's hips


File: 1720220415013.jpg (2.25 MB, 1500x3000, ClipboardImage.jpg)


How many irl years of artist brainrot did the 9 days of mahjong manga span?


File: 1720222524642.png (176.71 KB, 500x1076, 1367873672433.png)

do you think i can upload this on the booru?


what is troll hitler's blood color?


Agarthic White


File: 1720224355068-0.png (Spoiler Image, 39.78 KB, 359x590, db5effe80977cd4d91203110ed….png)

File: 1720224355068-1.jpg (Spoiler Image, 197 KB, 2039x1823, 35e9b3227a0f010a44d63d3e71….jpg)


File: 1720225314439-0.png (12.87 KB, 311x270, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1720225314439-1.mp4 (338.36 KB, 640x360, -4vhu-0jBP_mRyYD.mp4)

wwhat happened


File: 1720226386865.webm (3.92 MB, 1280x720, 1720226231827175.webm)



Does Sluggo is gay?


wanting to see women sweat and vibrate is pretty gay


File: 1720227281316.png (63.21 KB, 728x553, ClipboardImage.png)

But he wants to see some jiggling.

Unrelated, but it likes like previous group chats are kill on old.characterai
I think their best feature might really be on the way out


I hate women and trannies so much.


It's just Chibi Robo, dude.




Steven Universe has always and will always deserve to live in the trash.


File: 1720228367208.png (124.22 KB, 342x249, ClipboardImage.png)

Anti-motive to play your game.


File: 1720228849920.webm (2.53 MB, 818x768, 魔理沙死す.webm)


>your scalp will now be dry and itchy


Norwood 2 setting in…


This is what Reimufags actually believe.


>anything involving hair is mpb


File: 1720229430728.png (186.55 KB, 262x404, siiip.png)

You didn't mention hair, but a dry, itchy scalp. The reaper approaches


am i going to start balding from the back


Like the neck? Never heard of that.


then stfu


Hmm, apparently alopecia can strike anywhere.


so can my dick


Not for long if you keep up that trannycase, friend…


very cool stream bandai namco


File: 1720231085299.png (85.46 KB, 590x482, ClipboardImage.png)


the lipstick is one of her defining traits tho


No, the Snoopy nose and angry one inch eyebrows are.


File: 1720231500258.png (698 B, 37x21, ClipboardImage.png)

What exactly is this?


A shit


File: 1720231735900-0.png (42.35 KB, 192x192, android-chrome-192x192.png)

File: 1720231735900-1.png (20.91 KB, 192x192, android-chrome-192x192.png)

File: 1720231735900-2.png (71.83 KB, 192x192, android-chrome-192x192.png)

File: 1720231735900-3.png (31.1 KB, 192x192, android-chrome-192x192.png)

Call for favicon selection


But why


Get this, the Flimsychan 8bit sprites…. but they're Rose and Aradia.


*Majetano and Liedna
*Nancy and Sluggo

But no, I don't emulate flimsychan.


Nanc4chan when


Fuck, good one. Alas, we're established now.


File: 1720232631187.png (333.06 KB, 610x479, 1720232505274629.png)

njoi ur scarf prize


>Alas, we're established now.
The Shelly Clam is finally up?


File: 1720232985274.jpg (214.09 KB, 1492x946, チルノ.jpg)


File: 1720233006316.png (960.59 KB, 2934x2826, 70308 - SoyBooru.png)

I reckon no, or I'd say add this too


Holding out on the Kagi summary because I think if I do it too quickly, it gets brainrot.


I really like the first one.


File: 1720233344190-0.png (1.54 MB, 1492x946, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1720233344190-1.png (9.71 KB, 271x79, doritos timeout.png)


Gamer heresy


File: 1720233396588.jpg (1.46 MB, 3000x3700, 2b64a9990041fd79518adfc2a5….jpg)



That's the megido.moe one, so I put it by default


What happened to Megido moe? I used to post there like three years ago I guess.


It suddenly went down one day, and was soon replaced with by .com domain version running on jschan.

I don't run with the discorders, so I'm not privy to the finer details.


>Installing Debian
>Time to choose the DE
>"Okay I press ENTER to UNMARK Gnone"
>It selects Gnome and goes straight to installation
I mean, was I a retard for thinking the ENTER key would deselect the DE instead of going directly to the next step of the installation? I thought it was a natural decision.


Okay it was actually SPACEBAR the key I had to press to deselect the DE, and suddenly ENTER goes to the next step of installation when I had to previously move the arrow keys to continue? fuck this, this is horrible design, I'm not the retard here.


no, you're definitely retarded


They literally changed the rules of the installer half way through, it was not my fault.


the sluggo one
it's lit


File: 1720241431965.jpg (140.56 KB, 1250x423, ClipboardImage.jpg)


Japanese can't help themselves


File: 1720242324517.png (63.34 KB, 786x820, ClipboardImage.png)

Okay, utterly cock caged platform


File: 1720243569385.png (92.23 KB, 900x276, ClipboardImage.png)


oh no…


featuring guest writer andrew dobson


File: 1720247862355.jpeg (192.18 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_0745.jpeg)



old admin was sick with how outdated the old imageboard software was so he went ahead and updated it
i believe he got the motivation to do it after some bot completely flooded the catalog with spam thread which purged everything


Look, he said the thing.


That's already on the Booru.


Wait, your filename has Soybooru, retard.

>Chud has fins but is also a rustblood

Okay, who made this? I want to see their diploma.


Definitely made by a lesser Asian.


>Rose vs. live action Netflix Rose


Who the fuck wants a black girlfriend? Certainly not Chudjak.


File: 1720265751347.jpg (306.19 KB, 1198x2048, 20240706_133220.jpg)

destructively, forcibly, forcefully, combatively, powerfully, strongly , coercively, flagrantly, outrageously, overwhelmingly, compellingly, disturbingly, turbulently, stormily, ruinously, stubbornly, with violence, in a violent manner, abruptly, noisily, with a vengeance, like fury, rebelliously, riotously, fiercely, vigorously, demonically


is that a dude


they're taped on retard


she'll fart


False narrative.


Does anal sex feel better in a sphincter that has hairs growing in it? Does it tickle the penis?


akatsuki souken says: yes


all that facepaint and photoshop to try and reach anime, and those wings still don't reach




>and those wings still don't reach
It's like poetry, it rhymes.


File: 1720281752923.png (434.91 KB, 465x581, ClipboardImage.png)


I'd save her *snrrk*


I think the old shitpost crafter explained that it didn't have to be a black girl, just an ass with clap


The evidence pile grows with every day


What can I say? I'm kind of a racemixer.


Why'd you make her fart?


I see she's also got that concave face issue





File: 1720285813728.png (166.55 KB, 500x496, ClipboardImage.png)


Again, it looks good on her. Orthodox incel theory needs to reevaluate this particular theory.


I thought her chin might actually be pretty prominent from a side profile


>That's already on the Booru.
>Wait, your filename has Soybooru, retard.
Is it? I didn't see any results under "chud", "wojak", or "feraljak", and I certainly won't be clicking through pages of fantrolls, so…


File: 1720288964170.webm (1.94 MB, 406x720, 🐮.webm)






File: 1720291342291.webm (5.62 MB, 1280x720, 🐷.webm)


Forgot where I saved all my Higurashi caps


half thinking about starting a Daily Monk blog



I do doubt if 'Zwid' monitors hsg at all, but…


What is this? Where's Violated Heroine and RyonaRPG, you ape of an "Internet Historian"?


File: 1720302899262.jpg (1.03 MB, 2422x3229, amazon.jpg)

nooooo! don't amazonian mating press me!! aaaah my hamstrings! nonono don't put your finger in th-AAAIIIIEEEEEEEE


Gauntleted petticoat real??!


File: 1720303473735.png (129.24 KB, 780x770, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1720304761694.png (340.89 KB, 500x508, GDQ.png)


File: 1720304827478.png (330.38 KB, 502x491, GDQ countdown.png)


File: 1720305562990-0.png (225.05 KB, 320x240, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1720305562990-1.png (225.05 KB, 320x240, ClipboardImage.png)

howw do you stand it


File: 1720305668238.png (845.96 KB, 870x816, 1720302960202840.png)

oh fuck off


fuck video games


Were Troll's lips deemed racist in the last 4 years or something?


they removed genders from the same version


>It's still there, we just can't call Males or Females by name!


File: 1720306778713.webm (3.99 MB, 400x720, move.webm)


Man, that was a good nap
And this is the first thing I watch after waking up, am I still dreaming?


His aussie accent is killing me, holy shit, this feels like a Kings of the Hill episode.


That's why it's my policy to be yasashii…


baby troll with a diaper, binkey and wowwipop club when




*Flicks your propeller beanie*
Pretty sure that tag is implied on MSPAbooru, bud


File: 1720307492121.png (177.98 KB, 426x611, ClipboardImage.png)


On Soybooru…


Nobody was talking about that one
Wants to upload metastuck pics to MSPAbooru



File: 1720307794975.png (2.8 KB, 421x22, ClipboardImage.png)

I'm going to assault you.


>Man, that was a good nap
Man, that was a terrible nap.


should I make choccy milk


No, fuck you.


okay no choccy milk then




Why did you have to post it again, you fucking fag?


wwhich one


That's a man, right?


No shit it's a man, don't be stupid.


You didn't answer the question, is it a man or a woman?
or something else…?


that's a woman


Only black people have: lips


It is not a woman.


>this feels like a Kings of the Hill episode.
What kind of fucking King of The Hill are you watching?


You are confusing me, now!
Is it a woman or a man?
Or something else…?


It's a guy. Don't believe his lies.


That King of the Hill where Hank invites his distant aussie cousin and her beautiful aussie wife. Shenanigans granted.


it's a woman
i saw it


What is "it"?


"I wonder if they would allow this on the (MSPA)booru?"
"Dunno, bet not. If they do, add this as well."
>(You) jump in here flinging around "Retards" and unwarranted corrections like a hothead


File: 1720308846530.jpg (715.39 KB, 1536x2048, tran.jpg)

here, bro
to satisfy your trannoid obsession


I… Well… Sorry…


post more, I like fit and tall women.


It's a man confirmed, given that it's (you)


And if it was a guy?


File: 1720308937460.mp4 (1.68 MB, 360x640, ZWfhLqpflx08fDZxjAZy010412….mp4)


Please answer, I truly want to know
Do you have this shit downloaded on your hard drive, prepared to these kind of situations or did you just jumped to google images and downloaded it right now?


Well, it's okay, since I'm gentle


>Do you have this shit downloaded on your hard drive
You already know the answer to this. You know what they are.


The next frontier of looksmaxxing…


File: 1720309011168.jpg (9.53 KB, 240x200, 1524298134415.jpg)


If you have pictures of trannies on your hard drive, then I have bad news to you..


Lips + BALD + "savage" wear
You'd have to be a really overtuned ethics DEI committee sinecure to care tho


no, my For You tab is shitting the bed today and showing me humanity's lowest low


I'm sorry for being a fool.


It's not me.
Okay, pick-me troon.


I wonder if I have a single picture of a tranny on my hard drive… Hm…



I have that reddit goblin looking dude on here somewhere


>my For You tab is shitting the bed today and showing me humanity's lowest low
Dude if you are not dumping that, then there's something even worse with you


>Dude if you are not dumping that
He's dating that tranny?


Do I know the one? Because I'm intrigued.




Probably. Otherwise I don't know how a rec tabs would casually show that.




Maybe the tranny has a really well-paying job.


Kill all tomboyfags, regardless of other stances.


Really blows sexual dimorphism out of the water if you think about it…Checkmate, chuddies


What does? Your morbid obesity?


It's like the malformed son the ugly bastard wheels out to claim sloppy seconds after deflowering your girl


I remember once I read a doujin about a girl who got into prostitution and her first client was the son of an ugly bastard. The joke it was she was worried that it would be another ugly bastard but it ended being a cute small shota.


>The joke it was she was worried that it would be another ugly bastard
Tatsuya on Megidochan?




File: 1720309769519.png (621.78 KB, 828x548, ClipboardImage.png)

The basis of our next banner.
I think chudbaby should be imagining French Rose Lalonde, how about you?


Fuck off with your brainrot. It almost killed you.


>He doesn't know the hip Asian American behind the world's latest viral sensation, Sinfest


File: 1720310113472.png (11.3 KB, 74x76, ClipboardImage.png)

Stupid fucking image.



Probably a clipping tool web artifact from the original poster


Maybe find a different version before I turn you into a troon.


Is that an amongus?




Is this that Three Body Problem I've been hearing so much about?


So I was thinking to myself that the ACKjak isn't versatile enough and that there needs to be a soy variant specifically mocking the twinkjak variants. Any ideas, ladies?


You didn't answer the question.


File: 1720310438104.png (666.32 KB, 850x566, Lalo-Alcaraz-2022-Racist-b….png)

This one is artifacted to hell


i think you should chase your dreams instead of caring about stupid shit like that


File: 1720310470558.png (311.08 KB, 947x513, ClipboardImage.png)

These are the memes of 2024.


Start swapping the black twinkjak in for the usual one


My dreams are all dead.




File: 1720310684137.png (737.27 KB, 850x566, 1720310438104.png)

>artifacted to hell




>austistically checking the artifacts of a shitty "politcal" "comic"
For what purpose?


(This is transparent but this website is a tard.)


You didn't answer the question.


Who are you quoting?






I'm going to give you a wedgie.


File: 1720311055234.png (105.46 KB, 1318x1500, ClipboardImage.png)


What if the Evangelion mechs were also like the Maggot Baits mechs


File: 1720311151428.png (252.88 KB, 500x624, C_M_Lids_047.png)

It's properly showing the underlying gray of the reply box, wdym?


Scorpios game from this


Why, you little…


If we're not going to kill every tranny here, can we at least kill every Scorpio?


The Taurus posters were much worse, anyway.


>The Taurus posters


The comments are so funny


File: 1720311466459.png (50.4 KB, 728x90, ClipboardImage.png)

Dare I?


she always looks like shes literally full of shit in this sprite to me


Back in the day there was one guy who paid facebook adds to put ads of serveral imageboards, it was so fun and dumb


Now all that's left on the to-do list is to make a rant thread on /lgbt/ on how MTFs are further ruining the gay community…


speaking of M2Fs, do we have a timeline of how GDQ turned into the thing it is now


File: 1720311914738.png (252.18 KB, 500x624, C_M_Lids_058.png)

Figuratively, you're literally right.


oh nvm she likes buff men :/




why is she so constipated


If anyone had been paying attention to the DATA, there could be charts of how many runs were by trans/enbies every year since… When did the trend start 2011?


>there could be charts
You know who love charts? Trannies.


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The Drosera holds meanings of Deceit, Insincerity, and Callousness in flower language, and so she was written with those traits from her namesake in mind


being constipated causes calluses i get it


File: 1720312432469.jpg (8.03 KB, 320x180, mqdefault.jpg)

>i've dated model material men


>>i've dated model material men


just be yourself :)
And choke her




"I'll compare you to anime girls in my head."


Who are you quoting?


>Using jewndows


What I'd say to the roastie in my head


hot, please tell more, I'm already choking my dick


I'm sorry… Games I play don't work with Linux…


I don't think you deserve girls.


>I've dismembered models hotter than you


You can use a VM, you know…


That makes me anxious…


No? I just need one.


She's going to think you're a serial killer.


So a win


(When it was a garage kit joke the whole time)


Depends on if you have "the look"


File: 1720313213831.png (15.81 KB, 400x400, ClipboardImage.png)

it's not serial if you do like ten of them in one sitting


Stupid nigger zoomer sitting on a dildo.


Persona 2 reference????


You aren't allowed to make that joke, you floak motherfucker.


Wow, she's literally me.


HSG: We'll Never Fight Alone!


What did she mean by this?


File: 1720314759660.jpg (31.35 KB, 371x503, itsover.jpg)

i can't, my wrists still hurt


>Graying beard
It's over for him, isn't it?


File: 1720315250435.png (1.76 MB, 1200x750, ClipboardImage.png)


impressive transition


impressive detransition


Into Chinese.


File: 1720316179675.webm (2.8 MB, 1024x576, eatin.webm)


Is this another fetish thing?


The quatergenarian



average bucatini enjoyer


Stinky is not a "Role"


You can't just say that.




File: 1720319059434.png (133.78 KB, 400x240, top_0447.png)


W-What did he mean by this?


His Trainer's spirit is burning.
I think.


>I don't want to mindbreak Kagi this ti-AAAACCCKACKACK


I don't think so….


you look like and say this


I've been called gap moe two times this week…




File: 1720320394493.png (236.03 KB, 403x327, loss.png)

YouTube knows I'm addicted to misery




Goontroon tendency…


goys my butthole hurts


File: 1720322403504.png (119.25 KB, 423x412, dale points.png)

>dark web is racist

lmao no

>NRA is racist


>fox news

fuck outta here, if that were true they would report every single black shooting as it happens and ONLY NEED TO SHOW THE TRUTH to sway people


How did a /pol/ boomer find this place?


TFW no boyfriend…


Wipe next time


wipe what idiot


The itchy poo


there is none you are hallucinating


File: 1720324744018.jpg (419.17 KB, 1000x1837, ClipboardImage.jpg)


What did he mean by this?



File: 1720326057514.png (1.34 MB, 2436x1125, IMG_0766.png)


Nobody says or looks like that


Yeah idgi. Shouldn't "normalcy" make them more spiteful?


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It actually took me like 3 readings of this to even understand what happened on a basic level. I have brain damage.


wwhat kino


Persona (1966)
The Devils (1971)


300 yen to the dollar next year please


TRVMP ushering in an enjo kosai gf for every expat


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File: 1720330114832.png (1.32 MB, 946x1773, ClipboardImage.png)


Pink hair shut-in tendencies aside, Koishi is the trans coded one and I won't budge on that


explanation: Nancy doesn't want to get in the water with the blacks


There's a straight up tar baby in there…


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File: 1720331707001.png (141.16 KB, 1080x763, ClipboardImage.png)


Is this our artist?



Well shid, she's some kind of LatAm mutt, guess I was wrong. Unless MoM would like to lend his best guess


File: 1720335435548.jpeg (236.58 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_0777.jpeg)


Tatsuya is making comics for you!


Who the fuck is Olivia Rodrigo?


What kind of mystery meat abomination is this? I could still cope and say she's some kind of Flip hapa with a brighter spic (Mexicano) but that seems unlikely.

She's probably just an outright Mexican given the Oliva Hecking Rodrigo shout-out.
>I say and then look up and it's a Flip.

Okay, this makes things a little more complicated.

I would say that the browning of Fritzi relates to L.A Mexicans having this obsessive compulsion to make everyone browner than even they are in their media because of some kind of autistic chip on their shoulder. PVRE Flip pride (especially when mixed) seems unlikely.

Now I'm no expert on the Flip phenotype, but this looks very Mexicunt to me. If she is Flip (my previous theory holding true), she's probably some mix of it and something else. And it's gross.


new banner



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Rose? Rose Lalonde?


>What if cute thing suddenly turned… edgy!
It's embarrassing how accurate this is to canon Rose. Her shirt design comes from doodling over a children's show character to make it "le cosmic horror."

Our little cringelord…


I'm never sure if
Dieselmine is a slophouse or what, but I've never bought one of thier games




Surprising that you can recognize it from those images. Do you really have those kinds of standards…?


i could really use a hug today


File: 1720368976158.mp4 (1.52 MB, 540x960, DuQjodyolx08gd3Z28Uo010412….mp4)





Oh, I can't, I just looked at the info tab. Looking through their DLsite page


They've got pages and pages of content and the art style isn't very consistent either, that's why I'm wondering. Never followed them closely.


Wait, she was SEA in the end? Wtf, is it all the fat?


File: 1720371658175.jpg (235.09 KB, 1200x1231, 186473679656.jpg)

my peenus weenus at the bottom


Describing something as "it feels like reading a Reddit thread" is truly the worst insult.


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>not a single (You)
You missed your mark, karkatanon.


Don't tease him so, he tagged a few


j-janniebro… not like this…




File: 1720393092843.jpg (465.77 KB, 1935x2048, GRqk1IdaUAAoBSP.jpg)


I was thinking 4chan, tumblr, discord, exhentai, etc for the pump labels actually


post scratch metastuck characters


Good point, chudbaby should have the ol' orange hair, too


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File: 1720398663563.png (188.59 KB, 1470x1200, jak.png)


About to place a surugaya order, what's a JP exclusive NDS game I should get? Since I'm paying shipping anyways


Xenosaga 1 + 2


hsg took 15 minutes so I went and made it Tingle's Loving Balloon Trip (repping a fellow ojisan)
Maybe next time!


that is NOT begging you want to see begging



I've run into my own filesize limit too often in too short a span, it will be fixed tomorrow.


Also holy shit, #gamemp3s is finally DAOOTs…


>Wait, she was SEA in the end?
Maybe. Like I said, she's probably a mix of the mixed.


Or maybe it happened when I wasn't looking. Regardless, that means I'm allowed to reup their old releases, it's a service ^q^


>brown good akshully


Oh, you were talking about the pop star there. That one I can actually clock from her autofilled image on GIS.

As for Nancy's current warden, I'll side with you: Something very "American".


those aren't on the NDS


>As for Nancy's current warden, I'll side with you: Something very "American".
My final appraisement is Flip/Mexican however.


Exactly. North, South, Central American and it's territories ;)


In that it's a bad insult especially when you're talking about your "twitter Oomfies", correct?


Does that mean Japanese is American?


File: 1720402673886.jpg (159.68 KB, 334x298, Xenosaga_DS_cover_art.jpg)


Hmm. Let's see how they handle this JPY endless stairs incident




why do you continue to lie?


Panties on the boxart…


Lot of lies going around in this thread.




right there
what kinda panty hunter could miss that peek of white?


File: 1720403045195.png (1.1 KB, 18x19, ClipboardImage.png)

Oh, I'm sorry. IDIOT.


File: 1720404089327.png (164.74 KB, 640x960, Chara-illust-10009_1.png)

As a completely unbiased observer, and, after a day of looking at VNDB, I can say there's a severe under-representation of gay (JAPANESE BECAUSE THE WEST IS SHIT) Visual Novels. Not that I would care, for any particular reason.


Isn't that a cottage industry in itself?


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I'm slightly high but this track blew my mind again


otome is fucking huge what are you talking about


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literally who


I dunno, but she wore a mask! Destroy 'em all!


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p r e m i e r e


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do they switch when when try tp pin down the artist's race


is this a fucking Whomp guest comic


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>She has been an editor for Viz Media, working on over 20 manga series including Naruto, One Piece, Inuyasha and Case Closed. She has contributed to many comics, cartoons and manga publications including Animerica, Nickelodeon Magazine, Otaku USA and websites Anime News Network, The Comics Journal.




next guest artist


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square nancy




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enix nancy


formerly a chest of bad puns


Pop the pimples already, you dumb bitch.


>Anon is a retard that can't do math


This is definitely Alice in Wonderland.


Off to the races with samejoke.


I slept an unusually long amount of time. Hopefully that means my rotten mood will magically go away.


ayyy lmao


wwhat happened to her pinky toe


File: 1720443725516.png (4.07 MB, 1536x2048, ClipboardImage.png)


This is what 103 fever does to a motherfucker.


wwhat the fuck is 103 fever


I don't know what that means.



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>A sneed of bad puns
What did she mean by this?


She did NOT say that.


>Not that I would care
If you are paying attention to gays on chink power point presentations, then you do care, faggot.


What did she say then?




Ignorant here, but firstly I'd assume less of it gets tagged to VNDB, second that most of it would be naturally fic and not full-blown VN


File: 1720451321891.jpg (24.76 KB, 400x400, original-d05ede7f90af9a528….jpg)

>If you are paying attention to gays on chink power point presentations, then you do care, faggot.
I just said I didn't care. Can't you read? What are you, stupid?
People say that VNDB is autistically up-to-snuff, at least when it comes to the basic tags. What other resource could there be to find such things?


Yeah, that's exactly what I said, a sneed of bad puns
I suppose it would be tagged as yaoi, or some shit like that. I'm surprised anon mentioned there's a lack of them, considering half of Japan are faggots and trannies; but I don't care enough to properly check.


>I just said I didn't care. Can't you read?
Well you cared enough to notice it and cared enough to come and talk about it here, Mr. Cognitive dissonance.


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>I suppose it would be tagged as yaoi, or some shit like that. I'm surprised anon mentioned there's a lack of them, considering half of Japan are faggots and trannies; but I don't care enough to properly check.
2/3 of homosexual characters on VNDB are femoids…
Maybe it wasn't the best measure… But this still feels a little lacking.
https://vndb.org/g3405 For instance, it's only about three times the number of games where you can fuck a daughter and a mother at the same time.

It's also roughly around the same number of games with a harem ending https://vndb.org/g434 which keep in mind, probably doesn't include games where the harem is in the game at the start or it's the default ending because tagging autism.

I remember there being a tag for shitting dick nipples and that having like 3 games which is not a lot but it says something about the kind of person who uses VNDB.
How many times do I have to say I don't care?


File: 1720452420963.png (53.43 KB, 1149x136, ClipboardImage.png)

>it's the default ending because tagging autism.


Sounds like pigbro slop


Tell me you're a transgirl without telling me you're a transgirl.


File: 1720453018040.png (8.67 KB, 537x138, ClipboardImage.png)

Flimsychan… I…


This site may hiccup too as I try to get max file upload limit to 13.7564 MB


>13.7564 MB

Is this going to start costing you money though…?


Didn't the Deadpool game use to be on Steam?


It'll already cost me 12 whole bucks a month (gasp)
But hsg is fairly low on resource intensiveness, so it's more a matter of when we need more disk space that'll bump up the cost.


File: 1720454166938.jpeg (120.77 KB, 769x827, 608cfaee72f7d.jpeg)


Oh, wait… NO, DON'T, STOP.


File: 1720454555115.jpg (732.2 KB, 1124x858, 1593732393541.jpg)

I keep making blunders on Megidochan and ending up looking stupid…


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It's pitiful!


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And then, take a look at this. You're telling me this is some sort of cotton industry?

Not that I care, but I don't buy it.


You have ironic western ones on steam :)


> ironic western ones on steam
I filtered "original language: Japanese" for a reason.

Again, not that I care.


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Why not just include FeMC games, anyway?


Why would I, idiot?!


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I wonder… Unlike Africans who can bank on mirth and marketing, Indians don't have much to redeem (heh) them


They have New Age bullshit worship.



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File: 1720460713679.png (114.5 KB, 250x300, ClipboardImage.png)

Ross? Ross Lalonde?




not even 8 full hours back to work and i want to quit already


>I don't care
The way you reply tells a different story
Roflmao, you are such a faggot, holy shit, dude.


File: 1720461675469.png (117.12 KB, 250x300, ClipboardImage.png)

Joey THIS!


>Again, not that I care.
Repeat it until you believe it. We all know it's not true


My soyslop freeter job finally succumbed to pandemic-related decline in business. Wonder where I should look next.


File: 1720462005060.gif (436.92 KB, 640x418, gay-gay-cuddle.gif)

Who is "we", faggot? I said I don't care so believe me.


Who is this fucking faggot?
They have a shit ton of programming material on YT, they saved me more than once when I was in College.




>Who is this fucking faggot?
Ross. Ross Lalonde.


What is it, faggot?


If you just want to ogle and bond with anime boys, I don't see the problem. Unless the poopdick is essential?


Kill yourself, idiot.


You're a poopdick.


Maybe women are just disgusting and impure?


Why don't you play yuri games, poopdick?


I like them…


The female palette and male palette are not interchangeable as well. Theoretically speaking, of course.


Just to make it clear, I am not a homosexual and Anon is a poopdick.


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True, but you'd probably find games marketed for women regardless


>but you'd probably find games marketed for women regardless

Not that I care.


This is what "poopdick" chuds DON'T want you watching.


homos don't need VN cope, they have anon hookups aplenty


>anon hookups
Maybe I don't want that, huh?

>dur hurr incels arent real because they can just hire prostitutes


Not that I care or anything.


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Ross? Ross Lalonde?


File: 1720464959632.jpg (945.98 KB, 1290x915, DO NOT REDEEM.jpg)

"early" bitch the signs were there for the last 15 years





One wonders if soyjaks will become their own graffiti subculture.

One thing is for sure, the future will be strange…


The faggot is you :)


Who is this retard?


We live in the future and it's already fucking strange.
Oh my god, this is so funny. I wonder what steve is doing right now knowing his entire country and race would be forever associated with his mental breakdown over the fact he couldn't rob a 70 years old granny.


Ross. Ross Lalonde.


>We live in the future and it's already fucking strange.
Okay, then, the future future is going to be even stranger.


No, it's you. I'm just on the outside looking in. It's an intellectual pursuit.


I'm not the one looking for gay VN on a VN database :)
Chill out, man, if you are gay or bi, then it's okay, I don't mind.




I don't care if you mind specifically because you're a gay faggot. Who are you to me?


File: 1720470120893.png (13.99 KB, 385x198, ClipboardImage.png)


What class?


Need a game with all these.


>Jump-to-Ejaculation Button


Is this a Pokey Man?


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I'm so sick of Swahili posting on Megidochan.


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Did the small, harmless "chin" fish know something?


Chin = chud


File: 1720471200100.jpg (84.26 KB, 1300x1500, things are going to get wa….jpg)


Is this because you're gay?


>To love ru


Is this the freebsd fish?


Is this LOSS?


What's so funny about To Love Ru, cuck?


File: 1720472394632.png (2.32 KB, 362x19, ClipboardImage.png)

https://vndb.org/t950/70 Me personally, if I ever make an account, I'm going to rage a war to bring back "toilet humor"


I find funny that normal looking titlee at the bottom of that bullshit
Not you!
I'm not the one looking at gay VNs, man.
Toilet humor bros, our moment has come.


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My short attention-span has grabbed me again.
>Not you!
>Toilet humor bros, our moment has come.
I will forever remember "we definitely shouldn't deign ourselves with splitting the parent tag into different types of humour" on the site with https://vndb.org/i1978 as a tag.

My patience has worn thin. Other thing now!


>I'm not the one looking at gay VNs, man.
And yet you're still the faggot. Why bring up that I'm a man? Is that important to you, because of your homosexuality?


They need some authoritarian mod staff to whip those tags into shape


>Lorem Ipsum
Anon, you are gay, the quicker you accept it the least of a fucking faggot you'll be.


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>on the site with https://vndb.org/i1978 as a tag.
Granted, the dick nipples are not shitting so either they removed that or I have to dig deeper to find it in this labyrinthine site.

I did find https://vndb.org/g1388 when trying to find "shitting dick nipples" which further proves the hypocrisy of removing "toilet humor."
The real problem is that there's a billion tags for all the horny stuff but anything slightly niche outside of that range is viewed as an INSULT to the site's integrity even though people aren't exactly rigorous with tagging to begin with unless it's 1) Something super popular 2) A super dedicated fetish community

We have tags for every anime hair trope known to man, surely a couple extraneous comedy tags won't be the end of the world.


>Anon, you are gay, the quicker you accept it the least of a fucking faggot you'll be.
You're more of a faggot and that's final. I question the world and you question me. What does that say about us?


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File: 1720473960264.png (95.02 KB, 1714x296, ClipboardImage.png)

Nevermind, my attention is back on this. Some of these are really funny.


new MOTHER flag


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Need to create a Visual Novel with all these. Any pitches?
It may be a flag. It's not a tag, THOUGH.


File: 1720474655880.png (112.79 KB, 1734x398, ClipboardImage.png)

Okay, I swear I'm done after this.




Is cat worship the secret behind all anime?



Hmmm, I wonder who could be behind this post…



File: 1720478908314.png (143.16 KB, 412x231, ClipboardImage.png)

There are two types of exploit/speedrun spergs….


What is keeping me out of bed?



Based classically minded honest dork



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All this autism over otaku porn tags has the same energy I get from TVtropes. People categorizing shit trend to be like that for some reason.


Erm, VNDB includes literature of all stripes


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literally who


File: 1720495933928.jpg (35.88 KB, 907x960, 1720495821325357.jpg)

square nancy


I refreshed the page and it kept my old post content whoops


some furry


sphere nancy


He has 13 holes in his head, I still remember those old ass nickelodeon commercials.


File: 1720497082614.jpg (143.06 KB, 1250x423, ClipboardImage.jpg)


I wonder how much time he spends on his art daily


File: 1720502483588.png (134.82 KB, 900x282, ClipboardImage.png)


now back to your regularly scheduled same joke


It's always seemed daunting, having to pump some shit out daily


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comfort cats


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Like what?
But we're only allowed to categorize the dick nipples, let's not deign ourselves with splitting the parent tag into different types of humor.

Not to bring up Class of 2009 again (but I will) but to me, "dating sim" doesn't really feel like the predominant genre of VNs, especially if we're counting the shorter stuff. The dominant genre is "niche and off-putting pornography" and sure, there's some overlap if you want to be fucking autistic.

There's something very goony about attacking the dating sims nerd when it hasn't been the most popular genre for like, 20 years now. You think about the most popular series and they're like, Fate, Danganronpa, and Higurashi. Even the single entry things that blow up or have some sort of long-lasting fanbase aren't dating sims, they're horror (Doki Doki Literature Club and Saya No Uta, respectively) Like, what, are we still mad about Love Hina?

And sure, there's a dedicated fanbase for dating sim VN and it's a very ANIME thing (which is the Devil) but I don't know, the "Longer than Pride And Prejudice and have every possible fantasy and sci-fi plot device" VNs seem more ripe for parody. I guess that's why the game is #retro (really, it's probably more of a post-irony thing because those games existed back in the early 2000s.)

I don't know where people get the idea that Visual Novels are all dating sim stuff from. I can't pin to a particularly popular series or even just a single game. Key games, maybe? But then you're deliberately glossing over the tragedy elements. If anything, it's osmosis FROM anime for a lot of people. Certainly not the goon who would NEVER EVER touch stinky anime so ???

Is it because they're more in the public view (on Steam, like 10 years later after they were released) as opposed to "Raping Little Girls Is Most Delicious!~ 5" or "CXYB3R; LEGEND- THE ENTANGLING THRALL" But I don't understand how dating sims are easier to make fun of than either of those- or why you would even want to? The times may change, but the goon's enemy stays the same. We get it, you got some fat chick pussy, but why are you so mad at virgin shut-ins?


"What if I told a shitty story really poorly in a limited format instead of making jokes?" - Every webcomic artist past their prime.
4 hours of art, 13 hours of doomscrolling Twitter.
Samejoke. But these don't sound like Nanc4 and ginger pig, as loose as their characterization might be.
Yes, maybe, it seems that way to someone who doesn't work but then you realize that nobody's holding you to any standard and you have a computer which allows you to trace the same 15 characters over and over again.


>Most Entitled Incel On Youtube
I find that hard to believe.


Me on the back


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Hey, wait a minute, I didn't add that part…


His art is a little bland but solid. It kinda reminds me of GPrime, where the art is decent but the writing is your average "political" boomer comic that only starts making sense if you are into right wing circlejerks. At least stone toss is funny and shows a measured opinion which you can agree despite not sharing the same political point of view from time to time, but most of these political comics are pure slop.
>Like what?
Wait, you haven't posted on TVtropes before?


>Wait, you haven't posted on TVtropes before?
No, I've never posted on it but I've been on it, of course. "Like that" can mean a lot of things in this context though.


I mean the way you describe the tagging shenanigans on VNDB reminds of how people tag tropes on TVtropes.


>don't understand how dating sims are easier to make fun of than either of those
Probably because if you want to make fun of pornography adicted nerds, there's hentai; so making fun of dating sims ends on VN by default. Also seems easier to comunicate in a small joke compared to "Longer than Pride And Prejudice and have every possible fantasy and sci-fi plot device".




>Also seems easier to comunicate in a small joke compared to "Longer than Pride And Prejudice and have every possible fantasy and sci-fi plot device".

I'm going to railroad you into the real answer and tell you that it's "irony poisoning."


wwhat part


Surprise, you're the gayest one.


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Yeah, it's a real homicidal day.


>He cute
>Jap text
You made a visually cluttered image even more visually cluttered!


The Sonic fandom is living in a post-Homestuck era now. I'll leave you to decipher what that means.


I think you missed my point. I'm trying to explain why most people (aka normalfags) regard VNs as dating sims rather than too-big-for-its-own-good sci-fi works. Also, Jrpgs are already regarded like that, so there you go.
I guess it's similar how people regard soviet era animation as cheap ass UPA styled propaganda while in reality they had more in common with golden era Disney and underground american animation from the 70s than anything else. It's just easier to comunicate.


Shut up, this is goon hate hours and you're just getting in the way.


So it fits against the more minimalist ones, you mean


I don't understand…


>The Antisocial Network trailer is 15MB
It's over. I wanted to test.




>I don't know where people get the idea that Visual Novels are all dating sim stuff from
You said it before, nobody actually plays anything, they just absorb the memes. Maybe the played a newgrounds parody.


Goons are my, and should be your, archenemy. The eternal goon is in the center of a triangle comprised of a hipster, a Jew, and an edgelord.




Why use "goon" and not just "porn addicted retard"?
This is another good explanation.


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>Why use "goon" and not just "porn addicted retard"?
Because I mean the Something Awful kind of goon, you retarded zoomer.


>Somwthing Awful
Go back
Invincible is good, the cartoon is shit but the comic is fun. Retarded fun like the oldass american comicbooks before the boomers fucked it up.


>>Somwthing Awful
>Go back
>Invincible is good, the cartoon is shit but the comic is fun. Retarded fun like the oldass american comicbooks before the boomers fucked it up.
Go back.


Have you read Invincible? is dumb fun with action and tits and ass and rape and milfes and dumb sci fi plots and dinosaurs and blood. Sure from time to time you get some pseudointelctual dialogue but it ain't different to something like Gantz; especially after the got rid of the happa they hired for the drawing.
The series is shit, it's only worthy if you arr already familiarized with the source material and you want to see it animated.


I SAID GO BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Is The Boys the show where a guy with a miniaturization superpower crawls into a guy's dickhole, sneezes and rips the guy in half?




can Ukraine join NATO already so i can use the possible nuclear war as an excuse to not go to work?


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Kekgan Omega


NTRfags in charge of not worshipping the bull's manliness


Just wait for Drumpf to get reelected, then you can cry wolf every other week.


Work? Sorry, mental health day…
Yeah, y'know, drumpf, looming fascism and stuff got me down ahaha…


The Underachievers And Hypochondriacs of No Party movement to reelect Drumpf.




Close. I'm getting old, dude.
I should read the boys one day, isn't there a rapist dog or some shit?


>Close. I'm getting old, dude.
Old man.


lmao even


I don't remember a rapist dog but there's a hamster that gets inserted up a guy's ass


I'm telling you, chuddies, China is the way to go.




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I don't know if the CPC would want me shilling their women to foreigners over the Japanese. But if they'd pay me to do it, I'd do it.

That's who's going to come after you if you don't move to China and impregnate a woman with 2.5 kids


About time to get Kagi's take on the thread, no?


Now, now, don't get impatient at just the very end!~ I've relearned the wisdom to save it for the start of the next thread.


>the comic is fun
I've seen stuff about the comic


Like I said, he's 32.


That seems fun, I'm giving it a shot now.
It's CPP, retard
What you didn't like about the comic?


>It's CPP, retard
What does that stand for? Child Porn Party? No, it's not.


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The art for Invincible is just fugly in general.


they did the "stronk independent woman but had to kill the baby because reasons" in The Boys too
(another irredeemable turd of a franchise)


Abortion is power, chud.


wwas is rape


wwas is rape you




sorry it


sorry it wwas is rape you




We didn't hit the limit yet, baka!

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