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/32/ - megido32

(we don't talk about July)
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File: 1719505054407.png (1.07 MB, 810x966, mom bait.png)

 No.1582[Last 100 Posts]

Old >>1537


>mom bait
Fuck you.


File: 1719505311166.png (99.99 KB, 1849x813, ClipboardImage.png)

And I should mention…
It hasn't felt like 10 years, has it? Maybe.


>Just beclaws
Blecaws what?
Fuck you.


Somber anniversary…


Man, these character designs suck ass, they all look the same. Not even when I was a disgusting otaku I understood the appeal.
What's a twan?


Baka tranny.


Kagamin, at least, has the three essentials tsus

Pure tsuma material.


Explain Japanese- AGAIN.


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KAGIamin's final verdict


File: 1719506243730.webm (1.15 MB, 902x900, 19135 - SoyBooru.webm)

still applies


>Called it and was right
Really makes you think, huh?


Man, this guy needs a proper hobby.


Samefagging is a sin, you know.


I'm not samefagging, why would I?


It's in your nature.


File: 1719507549129-0.png (401.32 KB, 1200x630, sns.png)

File: 1719507549129-1.mp3 (742.44 KB, touch.mp3)


Yah! Wah! Hoo!


The former tranny mod likes touching kids.


File: 1719515993340.png (Spoiler Image, 139.93 KB, 640x563, ClipboardImage.png)

jumpscare warning


pajeet landwwar wwith china wwhen


Oh god, that sounds so bad, lmao. I wonder if some nip executive wrote that line and nobody else care to proof read it.


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No sale, they survived the DS era


Wish I had a discipline.


File: 1719533079058.jpg (15.74 KB, 322x242, DISCIPLINE.jpg)

I have a Discipline on my Wii U (the Wii part of it technically)


File: 1719533881541.png (1023.74 KB, 2480x1754, 8349b255902d87e1030059de47….png)

Claire, my dear.


Is Yoshi ultimately the one behind Mario's pedophilia?


I think it's called a cycle of abuse




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did she finally get a show?


conclusion: classic troonsession


File: 1719535719141.jpg (248.35 KB, 1080x1094, 418626017_1127090058290836….jpg)

Show's creator posted a comic on his Insta saying how making cartoons is hard™ and it's going to be soon®. But that was like four years ago, no idea if they are still working on it.
Nevertheless I had the chance to actually read through the pitch bible (I don't remember whether it was leaked or not) and if it actually gets produced it won't be a wacky show about a wacky witch like the pilot but actually a show about a magic school in a magic forest with >lore and stuff; I think it would be more comparable to the owl house rather than anything else, which is a big red flag.

Elyse keeps updating Claire related comics, drawings and merch on his insta so probably it still in the works. Picrel was posted on January 11.


Maybe you shouldn't "like" this kat, then.


Nah, I still like it. The pilot is fun so is the character design. I'm not asking about anything else at this point, if the show ends bad, it's fine, if it's on development hell forever that's fine too.


Zelda reference???!?


A pilot and character design don't deserve to live in anyone's mind. But maybe you're a lesser lifeform.


As an aspiring tanetsuke ojisan, abortion makes me squeal


>tanetsuke ojisan
What the fuck is that?


a seeding uncle


a sneeding 35-year-old


I-In a bad way?


File: 1719538863237.png (2.01 MB, 1170x834, ClipboardImage.png)


Only if you want to protect your high school sweethearts eggs


>plawgp mah glorp!


That's not how any of this works.


File: 1719539260301.png (210.36 KB, 1573x2058, ClipboardImage.png)

he's AI



wwho needs this


Wholesome 100 Disney adults.


We have .trans but not .mp4


File: 1719541771248.mp4 (4.36 MB, 816x624, Intro Rigging 2024-06-27 2….mp4)

We do too!


File: 1719541959446.png (538.06 KB, 680x680, ClipboardImage.png)





Nobody likes Turning Red. I don't want to hear that word again.


I think any .mp4 worth uploading is slightly over 8MB, such as Biden shitting his pants.


File: 1719542283278.png (2.66 MB, 2000x2000, wake up feeling like a pan….png)


It'll be written for pure love warriors, don't worry.


At this point, the amount of Turning Red content you have at easy disposal is concerning.


>It'll written for pure love warriors
>Turning ESL


Clever catch. I have miraculous powers at my disposal, thoughbeit


What is this gay shit?
You can compress it easily with ffmpeg, no issues.


>I have miraculous powers at my disposal
Such as?


File: 1719542718744.png (837.42 KB, 862x1282, ef93a5948b1dc909f2eba46e19….png)

Don't listen to this guy, post more Mei, dude


f5 fren


>You can compress it easily with ffmpeg


Why not her mom


Dude, it's just one terminal command and wait 15 seconds, it's not so hard.
Her mom is fine too.


File: 1719542862981.png (402.14 KB, 744x330, ClipboardImage.png)



Gotta buy glad to own chudanon now, damn


>Buying Glad to own the chuds


Oh god, Mei is so ugly, lmao. I can't believe that piece of shit movie existed, it feels like slop made by a nameless korean studio not by fucking Pixar.


No, I think it felt like ((((Pixar)))


You might think so but it was actually written by this fella >>2246


I think it was written by an objecthead with a slimming suit, personally (XLR.)


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File: 1719543802633.png (5.22 MB, 1536x2048, ClipboardImage.png)


Did you save the AI xlr gens? I lost mine


The what?


>What is this gay shit?
My love letter, fan game, and suicide note


The bing generated XLRs, it was like a disney art imp or something


I only remember the group photos and I'm not sure if I even have those.


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>hsg's chinaboo hates turning red


I know it's hard to believe since it has been over a decade since Pixar felt into mediocrity but they used to be one of the most important and influential CGI animation studios in history, pushing the limits of what can be done with the technique while being decades in advance compared to anybody else. That's why I point out It's amazing that piece of red shit came from them, if you went two decades and a half to the past and tell them Pixar is going to put Shitting red into the world nobody would believe you.


It's almost like it's made by a spiteful second-generationer who has antipathy for both their native culture and our culture!


Also, it's an inside joke with me and my friends.


Incredibles made me cry in fear in theaters.


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Also, third (3rd) replay, it's Sinoboo.


This panda fuck had nothing to do with the Jackjack incident.


Why exactly? I don't recall anything particularly terrifying


Ironically, they said they had edited that scene to be less scary.


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>It's another indie game with a quirky, hyperactive, over-talkative hint character


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Why is that cat asking me to destroy jews? I can destroy the state of Israel, is that fine or does it really have to be ALL jews?


Sinfest sure looks different…


>is that fine or does it really have to be ALL jews?
The one, secret exception is that you don't have to touch the Sepharadics to 100%.


>you don't have to touch the Sepharadics to 100%.
I'm fine with that, I wouldn't touch a Sepharadic, they are hispanics, they are part of the family!


he was like 6


3 (three.)


> they are hispanics, they are part of the family
Ohana means family in Spanish and family means nobody fights type 1 Diabetes alone.


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whadda fug man


I'm twenty three with a birthday in late November.


That's fucked up


Name ten ways that's fucked up.


File: 1719546283480.jpg (416.62 KB, 1240x1754, Fx2n_uDagAEgpUo.jpg)


He's not the youngest one here.



File: 1719546643557.png (3.66 KB, 35x34, oll.png)

Is that so…
How do the young'uns even find out about HS these days. You weren't lurking /co/ at 9, I hope?


Rose? Rose Lalonde?


He's only my junior by one year. I started when I was 12 (2013)




File: 1719547088366.jpg (98.39 KB, 556x600, Jakuri.600.125246.jpg)


It's more like 2 years.


Oh nononononono, WoRsisters?


Wite of Rinter




Is RoW a Witch of Rage?


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Sounds about right.


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to the guy who wanted to know the meaning, there you go


Of course Tatsuya would explain it and of course it's some CURRENT YEAR autism instead of anything historical or clever.

Not that I condone lumping in the neogeo kikes with rando Orthodoxxers but whatever. At least that schizophrenia is more amusing.


you dare say the attack of the hamas against israel is not historic, chud?


History hasn't happened for like a half a century now.


File: 1719548143528.png (57.74 KB, 281x498, IMG_0595.png)


Oh yeah, that.
Guess I'm not actually plugged in on the jews enough to remember the gaza shit offhand


Nobody remotely sane is. This is one of the rare times where Roxykittenfag would have come in handy.


>He doesn't know


howw do wwe reach out to roxkit


Start posting positive things about Russia, probably.


File: 1719549637822.mp3 (4.13 MB, Musubi.mp3)

Forgot Mask Expert's world. Because it would be his world alone, inflicted upon others… Nobody is a roadblock when you're allowed to be free from others… The topic, the speed are never called into question, there is only the poster alone.



Now RoW has to do one. Sorry, you have to be the serial killer.


Recommend me a new headset.


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>4.13 mb
Erm, Yosugasisters??


we all know Rose is a WOS




That gave me our first worldfilter idea


What did he mean by this?


you can't filter everything I say


It's acceptable to accuse her of being a size queen, but that's as far as you go lad




Fun on the Internet sure feels limited without sound… I guess back to character.ai autism for awhile….


Anyone have any suggestions for Megidochanbot?


File: 1719551301560.png (1.46 MB, 1161x829, ClipboardImage.png)

Looks like JBL has every demographic covered


This looks like overpriced fag shit.


what if I post the comic instead


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But I can't be bothered


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Have xir forcibly raise segues like so, instead of the stock CAI "Can I ask you something"


How do I code that in?
Just example messages of her going {{char}}: …JAPWORD! and {{char}}: JAPWORD?


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The cheapest model is $40, not terrible.
And it comes in this nice (Lalondian?) lavender


>And it comes in this nice (Lalondian?) lavender
Oh no, I'm not falling for this classic TF prank again.


DO IT!!!!!!


I have no motivation…


File: 1719552519558.jpeg (92.92 KB, 1125x486, IMG_0603.jpeg)

Biden? More like old.


Classic Megidochan wit.


>Accidentally report a reply
Uh oh.


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Which comic is this? Does /aco/ have it's own set of memes, I never tracked down a homestuck thread on there.


>Does /aco/ have it's own set of memes
No, at most, it has its own schizo slapfight.




It's in our domain, bwo



>It's in our domain, bwo



Was the Nate bussy even real?


"I don't get it."
And I'm choosing not to find out.


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I hate this Goron cunt like you wouldn't believe.


as an example message so I'm not sure why she isn't spicier.

(C.AI still allows me despite this being in there, somehow.)


File: 1719558516353.png (Spoiler Image, 173.11 KB, 1000x1716, rose lalonde queen of size.png)



The Nips aren't sending their best.



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i signed up for ZZZ
the chinese won


artist doesn't get the yes meme huh


The iconic yes meme.


Mad at him for what? The fuck did he do?


File: 1719583224947.png (923.16 KB, 1300x1200, 116794199_p0.png)


What Is With Japanese Developers And Giving Russian Characters Scandinavian Facial Features And Traits




c'mon, she's even holding it to her chest like a coy anime girl
just needs some blush


Now that could be cumrot where Russian = Pale blonde girl (As with American, German. so on…)


Chinese sleep?


Nanc4 doesn't even deserve sexuality.


File: 1719584005560.png (1.26 MB, 768x960, ClipboardImage.png)

>Russian = Pale blonde girl
Americans at least get brown eyes, blonde hair which represents our national spirit better.
And this is at least accurate and extremely close to Scandinavians genetically.

I don't know why so many Japanese games do:
>Blonde hair, blue eyes
>Long nose
>Thin lips, especially the upper half
>Sharp, narrow jaw

Quick, name a single Scandinavian woman from a Japanese game.


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I was going to say Meruru, given the preponderance of Windmills and tulip fields in her game.
But apparently Holland doesn't technically count??


>>Blonde hair, blue eyes
>>Long nose
>>Thin lips, especially the upper half
Like, all of these are negotiable to some degree but the quarterback jaws of Russian women should not be understated.

I'm assuming this is mostly because Japan gets their knowledge of Russian people from American media and that's what inspires a lot of Nip media but why the fuck was this an American trope to begin with? I get why we're using Russians but why the blonde hair and blue eyes?*

*I know that it was the depiction in a lot of Soviet propaganda + "wow unique and beautiful because our country is full of micks and guidos now" but wouldn't you want them to look different from the Nazi femme fatales? Like, black hair with blue eyes?
>Moeblob artstyle
I would have discounted your example on account of that anyway. The bitch has no lips of which to discuss.


>mostly because Japan gets their knowledge of Russian people from American media
How nobleminded of you, I was presuming it came from r-15 videos snuck over the border



That's because you're a pervert and need to be slowly but forcibly reintroduced to non-pornographic media regardless of quality for your own sake.


File: 1719585105978.jpg (932.26 KB, 1920x1080, dogma is reclining.jpg)

speakin a wwhich, DD2 is finally on sale
(No DDDA sale because Capcom is worried about cannibalizing their newer game I guess lol)

Go ahead and make any race of woman you like! For instance, my darling pawn's lips are so thin that a small crack of teeth is visible whenever she smiles. Kyoot!


>Go ahead and make any race of woman you like! For instance, my darling pawn's lips are so thin that a small crack of teeth is visible whenever she smiles. Kyoot!
Filthy Angoloid….


Sorry if this is Just Too Chud For Television™ but Mask Expert and a couple of other people here are complete c*ombrains (dogwhistles go off) and I have taken it upon myself to perform the righteous duty of rehabilitating them.


>DD2 is finally on sale
Hm I Think I Will Purchase Legendary En Masse And Gift It To Random People Again Instead


Hmm, how late into November were you born again?


W-Why does it matter?


No Nut Spirit


Is Sagittarius enough information?


Yeah, I was wondering if you were a Sag instead of a Scorpionic perv at the core


File: 1719586361691.png (16.62 KB, 650x450, 217c906395b4cc83f57d374739….png)

>Scorpionic perv
Hussie SEETHES at this implication.

I do have my perversions (homosexuality being one of them) but I don't think I'm deeply repressing them or anything. I guess that's the difference between a prude and a secret pervert.

I just think there's a fine line when it comes to how much sexuality dominates your thoughts and what you talk about. Sometimes, enough is enough! I'm sex-negative but I don't think I'm anywhere near the level of Tatsuya Ishida. I don't know if I'm hyposexual or just (attempt to be) sexually conservative.

Anyway, stop thinking about sex!


File: 1719586479629.jpg (119.89 KB, 715x1000, tetsuya-ishida-self-portra….jpg)

TIL: There's a (nationally) Japanese artist named Tetsuya Ishida which I guess is the good end for our Tatsuya Ishida in a Suou/Sudou sort of situation.

He seems to be tapping into his vril much more constructively.


I guess this is HSG General #3: The Disasters of Being A Second Generation Asian American


#4, actually, fucking retard.


Which is coincidentally the edition Flimsychan threads are currently.


dril could never have vril


Nobody is dril here. Shut the fuck up.


>Anyway, stop thinking about sex!
wwoww wwhat did i evven say
I'm not posting gross-out homesmut for "lols" for anything


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I hate you all.


What are these retards talking about? I don't speak chinchong




>This nigga isn't selfhosting his chatbots in the current year 2024


CAI is simply cleverer (on good days) and the femcels agreed


for daring to try to get a gf


File: 1719595715644.png (47.76 KB, 320x447, 1404544040305.png)


Is the new writer wise to orbiter theory?


It really deppends on your hardware and the model you are using, I had a lot of fun with Janeway and by that I mean I had long ERP sessions with no troubles.
Also your bot won't have any issues saying nigger if you selfhost.


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Caught a full strength one for you


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I hate phones, accidentaly made a thread with the AI Rose comic as the OP. I'm going to stab myself.


File: 1719610592872.jpeg (245.51 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_0609.jpeg)


S'okay nobody checks the front page :)


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He is intentionally looking like a goon, I hope






File: 1719620776799.jpg (414.89 KB, 1600x2178, 0af58b09f20e508fbdff7bc0c5….jpg)

Post this girl.




dont wwanna


File: 1719628935025.jpg (57.39 KB, 640x480, Z6gwgU9K9Y4.jpg)


thanks I'll definitely not watch it


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Better to live it


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>22K views 10 days ago
Just out of curiosity. How do you discover this content? are you subscribed to a lot of trans related content or what?


YouTube just knows


I don't really used Steam, does Homestuck have a cardslop roguelite to its name yet?


>the femcels agreed
The femcels…?>>2510
> I had a lot of fun with Janeway and by that I mean I had long ERP sessions


Janeway is the name of a Kobold Ai model.


I mean, that's terrible and you should kill yourself but at least it's not the Starfleet captain.


>Filler page
This sure is a webcomic.


Shabbat and Hanukkah sure do celebrate murder (you can make an argument for Hanukkah if you're fucking retarded and insane.)

If you're going to be anti-Semitic, can you at least do the research?


No, but we do have Genesis Project which is shovelware which can't figure out how to into an isometric perspective before blowing their load.


It's a joke, nigger.
Stop sucking corporative AI dick, you fucking autist.



>Instead of corporate
Very curious word choice.


File: 1719638019372.png (555.76 KB, 852x970, 1679830941763.png)


Shut up, jew.


I am NOT a Jew.


That's EXACTLY what a jew would say.


What wouldn't a Jew say?


I thought you posted trannies because they were cringe? Actually the truth is maybe that you should kill yourself?


File: 1719638428686.png (2.33 MB, 1800x1691, c5c8766c07c0bc812e631f3adf….png)

Frolie is not a tranny, nigger, she's a tomboy.


File: 1719638453886.png (104.04 KB, 900x277, ClipboardImage.png)

Fritzi is an 11-year-old now


>brown heckin' tomboyrino loli with pastel baby vomit hair
Kill yourself


>Sluggo has multiple dogs despite being an orphan
Modern day Romulus confirmed?


>Word salad
>No opinions
the one that should kill himself is you, reddit.


>The city will be called Slug and it will be built on your blood, Nanc4


The loopy leftist loons have lost their lucidity


My opinion is that you should kill yourself.




Don't care who they're talk about, just call them a tranny.


Then say it like it is, you fucking mongrel.


>Kill yourself


File: 1719638764039.png (688.58 KB, 500x596, ClipboardImage.png)


Drunmpf 2024.


No, I don't feel it yet.


So glad the troon goon is shitting up MY thread again.




File: 1719638964107.jpg (1.09 MB, 1592x2056, 1616652203472.jpg)

Ok, I just finished organizing my streaming playlist, I'm going to bed now.


goo night





File: 1719639490065.png (256.71 KB, 536x303, ClipboardImage.png)

wow hes so me fr




me on the right


cat first and foremost


>Daddy's bank account
Rose's true form is revealing itself.




You don't when you molest kids?



Did someone hire you to be gay?


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One could argue that ryona is the true patrician fetish since its content can easily lead itself into horror while no other popular fetish can adequately imitate, much less become functionally synthetic to, broad genre fiction. At most, you can argue that something less outwardly distasteful such as tickling can be comedic but that only works in tandem with other things whereas ryona has subgenres in and of itself.


When I buy Legendary for the seventh time, I wonder where the money is going since the company is defunct. Does it just all go to Valve?


Mermaids foundation


File: 1719645907825.png (1.57 MB, 1352x553, ClipboardImage.png)

me and my trans gf


What did he mean by this?


File: 1719647221327.png (4.37 MB, 1920x1080, Dragon's Dogma 2_202406281….png)

Gross would be these painted hogs I picked out at the Riftstone of Abundance. I wanted to stick them in the hijab robe, but sadly it's Mage exclusive and they were both Sorcerers


In lieu of CAI phone calls, what voice should I set for Chudjak? He's got Andrew Tate atm but there must be better
I loved the old Tony (Angry) the basic text-to-speech used for him


Left is fine (Koreanmaxxed; least desirable of the three primary Asians) while right looks like an Onlyfans phenotype. They are all different degrees and types of of gross.

Also, while you were more conservative with your proportions than they were, let's not kid ourselves into thinking yours isn't still a little absurd.

This says to me that DD2 is kind of prime for coomermaxing.
Wonder if there are public incel voices…


File: 1719648943738.jpg (46.55 KB, 1024x865, turbo.jpg)


File: 1719651864385.jpg (773 KB, 2268x3024, butte.jpg)

chat it's happening again


You're turning gay?


https://fixupx.com/Zvbear/status/1806723772218487226 I think partisan crones will find it hard to wrap their heads around the fact that a dead man walking is a hard sell even against Literally Hitler.


>Megafire upload for old GURPS horror, pulp, conspiracy, Egyptian(?), etc guides was taken down
Le sigh.


File: 1719658133512.jpeg (276.63 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_0610.jpeg)



Rose OD'd on soylent.


Does overdosing on soylent transform you into a goat?


File: 1719668596549.png (437.7 KB, 500x508, edo.png)




>Also, while you were more conservative with your proportions than they were, let's not kid ourselves into thinking yours isn't still a little absurd
Well, you can take the girl out of the eroge… But you can never fully take the eroge out of the girl.

>This says to me that DD2 is kind of prime for coomermaxing.

I know, ain't is great? I can only imagine how it is on PC with titty modders instead of Japanese pervs.


File: 1719673698742.jpg (1.11 MB, 1920x2160, male arisen male pawn.jpg)

Also, LORE wise, it's very appropriate that each pawn ends up being a reflection of their Arisen.

Isn't it simple to clock the female gaze from a homoerotic one?


evening niggers, how's your saturday going?


File: 1719677503338.jpg (273.06 KB, 1920x1080, 20240629091131_1.jpg)


We used to be a country


i should prob reinstall DD2


Needs 1000 more years of cultivation


For the longest time, I thought Lolita was going to be about 24~25 year old bohemian sensitive artist type taking a 15yo girl for his muse. When actually…
The version in my head sounds way more romantic.


Sorry, I'd prefer the Meiji period and I'd KEEP IT THAT WAY.


>Well, you can take the girl out of the eroge… But you can never fully take the eroge out of the girl.
>I know, ain't is great? I can only imagine how it is on PC with titty modders instead of Japanese pervs.
>Also, LORE wise, it's very appropriate that each pawn ends up being a reflection of their Arisen.

>Isn't it simple to clock the female gaze from a homoerotic one?

Again, intervention much needed.

I try to clock whether an RPGmaker horror game is Western or Japanese by its presentation, tropes, and tone. You try to clock people in a videogame based on psychosexual characteristics. You see where I'm going with this?


File: 1719683744046.gif (2.62 MB, 498x357, ah Edo bleh.gif)

Wait, sorry, I thought sakoku was during the Meiji Era for some reason. Persistent insomnia and restless sleep at hard work here!
>Had to shrink Gif
I know everything is optimized like shit but this 8MB limit is still driving me fucking crazy.


File: 1719683867108.jpg (19.68 KB, 264x191, mou modorenai....jpg)

Most anyone loves corrupting FeMCs and watching them fall into depravity, but this is exactly what happens to you yourself the longer you play 2D HRPGs. You ARE the fallen, pink-brained heroine drowning in depravity. You used to be some upstanding, respectable, responsible hero to your friends, family, and country, but look at you now…
What do you think would happen if word got out that you were doing 'this and that' in these games behind their backs? Fufu.
So…you understand your situation, right? Buihihihi! You catch on quick! Now do as I say… Load up your DLsite account without another 5,000 points while the Yen is cheap!! And do it while apologizing to the ones you betrayed!

Oi, Oi, Oi! Say it nice and clear so the neighbors next door can hear you! Oraa!!





I just remembered that Purple Mirror urban legend…

I think I had heard it when I was under 20. But I misremembered it as being 23. Perhaps because I was trying to shove it into the back of my mind so hard subconsciously.

My superstitious side was something I had when I was little but it went awhile for a while and the story did spook me a bit when I heard it (19, maybe 18.)

Now I'm still occasionally afraid to let my hand hang off my bed, leave my closet door open, or look into the dark…

Phasmophobia is no joke, bwos…


File: 1719684548062.jpg (161.58 KB, 816x624, twerps.JPG)




Anyway, isn't one of the biggest tsukkomi tropes that they're always secretly afraid of ghost stories?


File: 1719685883094-0.jpg (251.71 KB, 1920x1080, 20240629112904_1.jpg)

File: 1719685883094-1.jpg (258.77 KB, 1920x1080, 20240629113139_1.jpg)

I found a bus…but it's the long bus, which is shit for speed, but it's intact and most of them aren't so I guess it'll be slow driving until I find the short one.


Yeah, you'd fit right in on the shortbus.


File: 1719686341863.png (1.09 MB, 816x624, ClipboardImage.png)

In….? I thought this meant something like "so"…


File: 1719686364886.png (1.48 MB, 1001x739, ClipboardImage.png)

Oh my God, I'm retarded.


It does mean that


File: 1719687141571.jpg (51.73 KB, 1024x899, bugman.jpg)


File: 1719687146055.jpg (407.97 KB, 1920x1080, wl.jpg)

The Weak Should Fear The Strong


Landorus-T said you aren't allowed


allowwed wwhat


File: 1719687593838.png (285.23 KB, 640x938, ClipboardImage.png)


Someone has tried to convince me of the soundness of Pokeyman competitive. I remain unconvinced.


"There is none."
But I stopped paying attention after Tapu spam and then gigamax pokemon


>"There is none."
Fine, then just "PvP"


Pokemon is too random for most "strategy" and long term planning. Most of the fun is from mind games and reading your opponent, try unranked random battles on showdown, that was my preferred haunt.


>Most of the fun is from mind games and reading your opponent
Imagine this…. but in any other game….


The turn based setup lends it a certain finality


>a certain finality
Which in turn makes it less fun. Less a game, more a spreadsheet.


File: 1719690595174.jpg (42.48 KB, 645x770, chudjak askance.jpg)

It's baby's first RPG, not Emperor Chudjak Map Manager VI. Things are fairly brisk


>It's baby's first RPG
Then why are its fans so autistically metagamey? There are like 15 tiers for PvP.

All I'm saying is that there are some small things that could make Pokeymon more fun…


Didn't they try a pokeMOBA? Wasn't paying attention


>Didn't they try a pokeMOBA?
Yes, but it's basically not a MOBA. Well, it is a MOBA but the name MOBA is a bit of a misnomer to begin with. I'm more interested in not!MOBAs (ASSFAGGOTS; traditional MOBAs) than MOBAs (less traditional MOBAs)

What I mean was add Wind type or Satoshi Tajiri will die in his sleep.



File: 1719705437307-0.jpg (168.71 KB, 700x700, H度早見表.jpg)

File: 1719705437307-1.jpg (315.1 KB, 700x700, H度早見表竿役.jpg)


File: 1719709340146.jpeg (386.44 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_0619.jpeg)


File: 1719709823061.jpg (121.22 KB, 485x604, 1719705495655446.jpg)


Rose? Rose Lalonde?


That's just a whore


File: 1719717239921.png (166.68 KB, 406x328, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1719718893597.jpeg (182.97 KB, 1125x1188, IMG_0620.jpeg)

It's over.


green… blonde?




Kill tomboyfags without impunity.


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File: 1719732262194-1.png (556.76 KB, 799x801, ClipboardImage.png)



File: 1719733859858.png (392.51 KB, 404x513, ClipboardImage.png)

Champs for this feel?


File: 1719736978815.jpeg (274.85 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_0633.jpeg)


File: 1719738089044.jpg (421.75 KB, 1000x1837, ClipboardImage.jpg)


mowing your lawn is woke now


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File: 1719747740081-1.jpg (149.04 KB, 1170x1150, ds.jpg)


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>Pet talk
Now all we need is food talk and "self-love" talk to complete the white woman trifecta.


>Have an alarm for it
>Have zero way of surviving or mitigating the effects of it
>What, is this like the first time he's mowed the yard, like, ever?
>Possible Chrono Cross-tier NATURE….. LE GOOD autism
There's some deep lore here.




>Sad (lazy in Japanese) egg
>Better than regular Nanc4- again
Sluggo in different colored caps just feels wrong though. It's setting off redflags.

Also, let me get this out of the way, webcomic artists always have this honeymoon period where they have a bunch of ideas on the backburner and then the cruel reality that they have to do this shit every day kicks in and then that's where you truly show your mettle, when you have to deal with the rotmaxxing.

O.J had her "sluggo is lit" peak (really sad if that's the highlight of her career), let's see how "Luna" holds up over time (my tranny senses are tingling.)


>MoM: Resist the urge to complain about the conception of "epic Japanese horror" and cross-cultural fetishization only broadening the gap between the east and west while also just making pop culture shittier



Use gpt4o it's free


>160 per dollar now




https://vndb.org/v38053 Found the worst shit ever.


SMTVV has too many demons


Man, they shit out 10 already?



Soso… This is the company I'm sporting…

Light pigtail-coding… I suppose I wouldn't have it any other way, eh?


DAMN this sucks


https://vndb.org/i616 The most important trait of them all.




Shut the fuck up.


>pet talk
bro it's literally gibberish


File: 1719766715064.png (272.6 KB, 339x355, ClipboardImage.png)

I already know you have a malfunctioning cute detector


File: 1719775858130.png (3.33 MB, 1920x1080, Dragon's Dogma 2 2024-06-3….png)

>fear of ghosts
Right down there with "terrible at cooking" in the pits of character quirks


Based, admittedly


File: 1719777012489.png (157.08 KB, 500x537, TR.png)


File: 1719779431346.png (650.08 KB, 1242x1242, killing KOOPERS.png)




File: 1719784408578.jpg (61.16 KB, 720x711, 1547357781393.jpg)

>my pawn hasnt been hired ONCE since April


File: 1719784653484.png (43.89 KB, 401x104, ClipboardImage.png)


Since I boughted it on PC, I'll help


File: 1719789022297.png (458.17 KB, 1079x897, ClipboardImage.png)


i dont need it, i just find it weird


>i dont need it
Well obviously, I wanted to do it.
(Don't make me say that, idiot…)


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File: 1719802893854.jpg (121.23 KB, 1170x819, yayyy.jpg)


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161 now


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File: 1719808640106.png (1.11 MB, 1079x1723, Screenshot_20240630-230150.png)




Female artist?


>talking dog


>Right down there with "terrible at cooking" in the pits of character quirks
Personally, I find it charming. In a world so obsessed with being subversive, dumb tropes are like a warm blanket.


File: 1719810335754.png (118.33 KB, 900x278, ClipboardImage.png)


Is this meant to be funny or are they an insane person?


Aunt Fritzi is a child murderer confirmed?


I'm taking it as a trans joke
With a dash of female goretism


File: 1719811435261.png (967.59 KB, 721x720, ClipboardImage.png)

I don't get it. What's this supposed to be satirizing?
>The Lawnmower Man


>trans joke
Try again.


jews see palestinians as ants? or they view harmless people as something to be crushed for their own benefit? I don't know either


I was being sarcastic and yet I still agree with you.


File: 1719814339564-0.png (305.81 KB, 505x449, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1719814339564-1.png (151.53 KB, 427x468, ClipboardImage.png)

I'm convinced that women would be more grateful if I bashed their heads in than if I tried to date them. The female instinct seems to be to die. It doesn't matter if they're "trad" or not. They choose to die either by laying down and rotting or running directly into traffic. Civilization, the emancipation of women has only let the desire for premature death flourish.


shit image
my hatred is pure


>my hatred is pure
The most pure thing is nature. We call this absolute contradiction of the self.


File: 1719816745163.png (109.47 KB, 919x251, ClipboardImage.png)


Will SMT ever evolve beyond Japan seething over Judeochristianity or will pseuds forever drag it down by propping it up?

Find out next time, on Dragon Ball Z!


File: 1719821700807.jpeg (172.9 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_0638.jpeg)


>Rose's wizard autism starts to seep in


fucked up


Thankfully only AI chatbots have evoked this for me


For taggin purposes.
Rose? Rose Lalonde?



sharty anderson


File: 1719864672874.png (10.51 KB, 443x206, sob.png)


Being hunted by a talking dog seems fun.


I want to have sex with her


Well, you had the pass, so…


She doesn't look underage to me. She looks like a young adult, at least in my opinion.


File: 1719870102475.png (80.73 KB, 1886x1139, 1719797818049994.png)

chat is this real?




But on that voyeuristic side of things, I updated my translation to Absolvement of Viscaria's demo.


Version 1.01: Updated all instances of "Drossella" to "Drosera" in keeping with the intended flower language. Unless I missed some. Implemented some VA from a ci-en perk to Drosera's most triumphant moments (Events 87 and 92).

If you haven't given it a try yet, enjoy this insight into my personal Megapause.
The prose can veer onto the purple end, sure… but I think there is much to recommend it, whether you be a tender 18-years-old or a sour 46.



god almighty these nsfw ai bots suck ass


Right? Right?


always did


It can hit right


>Updated all instances of "Drossella" to "Drosera" in keeping with the intended flower language
Speaking of, I half-expected us to come back as Rosechan.


File: 1719906103275.png (96.79 KB, 900x277, ClipboardImage.png)


Nevermind, I take the trans accusation back. It's a special kind of biocunt thing to be obsessed with pimple popping.


File: 1719906888751.jpeg (235.26 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_0653.jpeg)


>Food talk
Holding out for self-love. Or Rose can pop a pimple. Either or.


Man, I really hate women.


File: 1719907477897.png (78.62 KB, 374x92, ClipboardImage.png)

Uhhhh… Rosebros…?


That was among my pool, but I decided to go with Megidochan again for continuity's sake (although we're still getting beat on google results by some random deviantart page) and out of respect to the ancient in-joke (We don't talk about megidochan)


I await for the day of Rosechan… A new age of glory will arise.



File: 1719921935314.png (56.62 KB, 140x175, ClipboardImage.png)

In the night my door opened by itself, I want to say it was a cat with zoomies but I didn't hear any scratches…

And yes, my house is on a slant, but… it's in the opposite direction…


File: 1719924445944.jpg (147.59 KB, 1250x423, ClipboardImage.jpg)


We've given up all pretenses of this being Alice In Wonderland at this point.


>Got fleas from petting a street kitten




It's happened before. I also consider it worth it.


Go back, Reddit.


Sorry, I meant
>Le sigh。。。


Another big problem between the GREAT CONVERGENCE between this place and Flimsychan is that Flimsychan is becoming gayer with each passing day.




Bring it all on, for the good of the broth. We'll see who has the endurance


Maybe when it's your turn to take up the stewardship of the damnable cycle, Rosechan can be that place.


A-Are you gonna' die?


What's flimsychan?




>Gayer with each passing day
Please do elaborate, seems like a fun place


Now I don't want to give you the link, tranny.


A tiktok waifu site that has a /co/ with 'hsg' threads that sprung up independently of megidochan.

Currently faster than us, to my utter disdain. They say it's because megidochan is perpetually off topic and chuddy, but surely they known that any threadfeel is entirely down to the users themselves?


Not for a good while, I hope. My watch keeps for at least 5 years, promise.


I'm just messing around with you, take it easy.
Oh right I forgot about that board. It's a /trash/ offshoot, is it? a lot of independent board seems to have branched out of 4chan from /trash/ and /co/ during the last couple of years.


>It's a /trash/ offshoot
No, it came from a teenybopper off /co/


>but surely they known that any threadfeel is entirely down to the users themselves?
Sure, but if you jump on a new boaed and you see people talking about anything but the things you are interested in most people won't bother. That's pretty common, in more than one occation, I've seen anons staying silent about, let's say, trains, until I actually start talking about trains and then they dom't stop about the trains.


I actually don't know the spawning point of 2chen homestuck threads, but they always felt rather like hst to me.

At any rate, the current situation is that they're monopolizing all the shipping art and deranged porn spam (rightful hsg clay)
Vile ingredients, to be sure, but no less essential.


I stayed silent on here for the longest time.

A lot of it was just confidence issues, which I feel is unique to me.
>I actually don't know the spawning point of 2chen homestuck threads
B-But I just told you.


File: 1719933082056-0.png (1.48 MB, 1024x1024, Designer - 2024-07-02T1010….png)

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File: 1719933082056-3.png (2.09 MB, 1024x1024, Designer - 2024-07-02T1006….png)

I hate my life.


NOW it's marketable. Get these to Viz!


Gap moe. What a friend to little animals~


File: 1719933315289.png (167.68 KB, 402x332, wacom.png)


Is it a gap? Am I that chudly?


If I started seeing Sturdychan posting here I would probably kill myself.


File: 1719933490840.png (697.31 KB, 980x1331, ClipboardImage.png)

Someone made me a Jew in a soycomic. 😔


But… you already are…



So don't sell my old games just yet is what you're telling me


Why is the spic defending the chud?


Lore. Even I don't fully understand it.


He's the one fapping to the white girls dancing in troll cosplay


File: 1719934490704.png (90.09 KB, 696x1024, ClipboardImage.png)

the image he chose for his own website


fake-ass teeth


File: 1719934571665.png (75.67 KB, 163x230, ClipboardImage.png)



new chud just dropped


Is he going to call me a Jew too?




le jew face


File: 1719935102152.jpg (164.43 KB, 1280x720, v852r1RqqUo.jpg)

what did YouTube mean by this


in case OCR shit won't read it, it sez


chuds are emerging worldwide now…


File: 1719935342271.png (81.07 KB, 1372x563, ClipboardImage.png)

Surely Trump will fix it by printing 10 trillion dollars for them after being extorted for the death note. Or something.


File: 1719935396336.png (718.29 KB, 900x857, fl.png)

she got that shit on


Bitcoiner or gen alpha minecraft head


Nintendo knew the yen would implode
that is why they shifted their focus onto open world garbage for westerners
(Japan falling for the open shit was a so-called 思わぬ収穫)


File: 1719935763873.png (397.44 KB, 1920x1080, ClipboardImage.png)



I actually enjoy Breath of the Ubisoft as a change of pace after marathoning the whole series prior to playing it
(Didn't touch tears yet)


I want to hear generated AI Jordan Peterson speaking Japanese now


File: 1719936451301.png (14.06 KB, 471x178, ClipboardImage.png)

I'm doing MY part!


Is this a good or bad thing?


That means "I'm shitting myself I'm shitting myself" in Spanish


Personally, it's pretty sweet atm


>Japan is finally imploding
Man, I'm so happy that piece of shit country is finally going to die
>TFW Japan is going to die on your life span
Feels good man


Shut up, tranny.


This but Korea


Um, spicbros…?


Extremely tryhard post.


>Unironically defending Tranny: The nation
The tranny here is you, tranny
What can I tell you, Japan makes me irrationally angry, I don't understand why, maybe it's just autism.


File: 1719943223829.png (805.97 KB, 1687x347, ClipboardImage.png)


Japan is one of those Chudjak and ACKjak standing shoulder-to-shoulder things


So someone is getting fired for misattributing it to the Wii, right?



This is so sad, we need to get her a Nanc4 slot


it means the hardware they're using



File: 1719944280745.jpg (140.72 KB, 1280x720, rioVRj7uSRk.jpg)


Mmm snake piss


>Tranny: The nation
But enough about USA


File: 1719946221860.jpg (53.1 KB, 600x600, delicious lichen.jpg)


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File: 1719948202161.png (321.38 KB, 423x506, 👌.png)

white supremacy


File: 1719948230320.jpg (21.62 KB, 400x400, 1638624429343.jpg)

suicide postened due of a possible future Farscape Re:View


Hang in there…


you gonna give us a name or not


don't bother, he has an incredibly tiny penis


>I want my smooth feminine fuckboy to have a big donger
We just can't win zakobros


File: 1719959390095.webm (2.9 MB, 320x568, long.webm)


I don't give a shit, I want to see what other costumes he's got pictures of


tfw no worthless hypochondriac wife



File: 1719960750398.jpg (Spoiler Image, 46.65 KB, 565x532, 1719950756525485.jpg)


File: 1719961552495.png (613.35 KB, 600x600, ClipboardImage.png)

Should I recognize them?


tutant meenage neetle teetles


File: 1719962399271.jpg (711.07 KB, 1920x1080, Dragon's Dogma 2 2024-06-3….jpg)

mfw anon won't share his pawn for me to try glitchy mod outfits on


Do you get disability for long coofvid?


File: 1719963396567.png (13.72 KB, 851x325, ClipboardImage.png)

Cute and funny!


I think that's a purple pixel
Rose? Rose Lalonde?


File: 1719963757415.png (14.3 KB, 92x96, morikouhhhhh.png)


File: 1719966415693.jpg (299.27 KB, 1080x720, GPIBOgpbEAAazpc.jpg)



thank you but this is not a good selection of costumes



aw fuck now my For You tab is full of crossdressers
i'll take me days to fill it back up with landmines with split tongues


File: 1719971666881.png (141.94 KB, 406x408, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1719975711515.png (314.15 KB, 466x678, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1719977406265.jpg (110.86 KB, 1250x423, ClipboardImage.jpg)


We get it, you want to kill the Jews.


All of RLM have slowly revealed themselves to be insufferable (besides, ironically, the Canadians.) I still watch it because there's still the occasionally amusing thing, very rarely. Which is more than I can say for a lot of things.

90% of a Farscape Re:View would just be comparing it to OTHER THING which is WORSE (and also TNG.)



I wonder if there's a VNDB tag for "Bat wings on the side of the head"


https://youtu.be/ZrAiixAFP1c?si=Fx0GW-Bl8mgo3CvF Soyjaks have fallen into the hands of "n-word warriors." The West is lost.


File: 1719994008801.png (861.85 KB, 1186x1230, ClipboardImage.png)

Really makes you think, huh?


File: 1719994652216.png (108.47 KB, 900x277, ClipboardImage.png)


We've entered the realm of samejoke.

Arugula IS the real enemy.


Also, Nanc4 has a disproportionately large pitchfork.


File: 1719996737637-0.png (7.02 KB, 332x153, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1719996737637-1.png (15.59 KB, 607x154, ClipboardImage.png)


It did it both times anyway.


File: 1719998276834.jpeg (326.22 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_0671.jpeg)


Okay, these llama "jokes" are getting seriously embarrassing, Rose.
>Self-insert has sags under her eyes now
Yeah, she's definitely day-drinking.


Imagining Rose as a pathetic "quirky, relatable introvert" webcomic artist is another interesting angle.

New AI variant for the dawn of a new era?


>you are too old to still think rape and immigrant jokes are funny
>you need a job PRONTO
Why are millennials like this?


File: 1720003016539.jpeg (140.52 KB, 704x1408, IMG_0672.jpeg)


xhem're right


File: 1720005493560.jpg (496.65 KB, 1152x1440, 20240702_114244.jpg)


*Rapes your immigrant ass*


File: 1720009977937.gif (729.28 KB, 255x144, IMG_0485.gif)

*Moans into mic*
Chud good


Rose? Rose Lalonde?


File: 1720014115847.jpeg (38.54 KB, 1125x373, IMG_0674.jpeg)


I mean, is she wrong?


I won't rest until niggers, Jews, daytime television, and The Simpsons are destroyed.


Tell me, why does Jade eat the lichen?


They are actually 40


They said they were 28 (Maturity is substituting 9/11 and Holocaust jokes for dick and weed jokes.)


File: 1720018534099.png (255.32 KB, 1024x528, Atlas5.png)



Can I fuck it?


And don't forget Italian gags


That's oddly specific but I don't like how accurate it is.




Another thing to thank cum town for.
Or, they also had the gay Chinese/French/African voice, so maybe it's a chapoism


This guy is so painfully unfunny


File: 1720022267766.png (24.34 KB, 783x121, ClipboardImage.png)

You say it's Westoid but honestly it's far more prevalent there.

I've never seen Jap media that properly approaches both sides of the g-word issue. It's always "pityu the yamato nadeshiko *overworks self to death*"
(If the story is about Japanese work culture, it's explicitly not about how it affects men specifically. Sometimes it even stars a childless woman!)

Real "1 in 3 homeless people are women" vibes.

The closest thing I've heard to being about both sides is Victory Gundam.


Is he even trying to be funny?


I still do not understand why my country's universities see Japan's work culture as something worth copying. Fortunatelly we are all mediocre, so we end copying shit.


>Another thing to thank cum town for.
I think it's more just a harmless reversion to the epic 1800s Europs self-parody. At least, on the east coast.

And let's be real, the west coast just kind of leeches of the east coast even when it comes to this absolutely pitiful level of subcultural drivel.
>Or, they also had the gay Chinese/French/African voice, so maybe it's a chapoism
This starts reading like obsession. Maybe stay off the Twitter ragewars, buddy.


Hopefully it's because it's starting to kill women.


File: 1720023366854.gif (4.73 MB, 680x383, 667.gif)

I guess the real take-away is that all feminism is inherently backed by a sense of chauvinism so its attempts at balancing public perceptions of the sexes is farcical. If anything, we've further infantilized women and covered it up only with sophistry and timidity.


Do not let me near a woman this month. I will rip her fucking head off.


File: 1720023853163.png (19.12 KB, 657x109, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1720023954676.jpg (306.78 KB, 1200x1197, GPHSYf1W8AASxIA.jpg)

>This starts reading like obsession. Maybe stay off the Twitter ragewars, buddy.


I barely use Twitter. You should know who you're talking to and by extension, this.


On the reply chain where you started railing against niggers


yeah it makes me think this guy should be in China right now trying to dismantle its one party state.


yes, there's a big gaping hole in the front if it, that's the whole point


Are you deluded? Are you insane?


No, we have to pretend that American democracy just now started being bad.


File: 1720024560093.gif (101.86 KB, 758x696, notsure.gif)

Duolicious finna' make me have a nervous breakdown, fr, fr, nocap!


damn, 45% of Japan's young workforce shot their brains out on the clock?
can nobody write coherent English nowadays?


>damn, 45% of Japan's young workforce shot their brains out on the clock?
You'd be surprise.


no wonder the yen is tumbling down tumbling down tumbling down




>LOST $47, 665



transgirl music




sheathe a sword into your chest


File: 1720025301581.png (42.72 KB, 332x342, 699.png)

It's a manic kind of suicidal mood.


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no loicense


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i forgot to post that here


Meanwhile Biggoron tyrones get away with murder


XLR stopped coming here because he trooned out


Maybe if I create a /dis/ board?


Dysgenic - Dysphoria


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incredible things are happening in Warframe
God Bless Rebb


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autistic trans niggas when they're tasked with formulating a personality


I don't have a problem with "trans women" as long as they STOP MAKING THE "TRANS" PART THEIR ENTIRE FUCKING PERSONALITY




Read it witj pajeet DO NOT REDEEM SIR voice.


I dom't know shit about that game, why is the reddit mod so mad?


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Is that Michael Tracey?


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oooh blond, bratty ojou-sama save me…


Based and kinpatsupilled


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then she vores him


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I'm supposed to be playing DQXI but the character movement is like Atlier-tier floaty and sloppa feeling.

Maybe I'll push through to getting Veronica, that'll motivate me


Warframe is the closest we've gotten to a big Westoid game where the entire setting and story is defined by fetishes.


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If you can tell that it's fetish porn, does that mean the image failed?


Not even my socks get that bad and sometimes I walk onto the porch in them…
>Mask in-doors
Current year?


it's from an older show


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I know I'm angry.


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>Steam discovery queue
>15% roguelites, 15% deckbuilders, 15% porn, 15% FoTM knockoffs, 15% streamerbait gimmick horror games, 15% sequels



You know what you should play…


meat get


Are you 14?


Stop telling me about Fortnite and HRT.


does that make you angry




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Huh? What?


I just moved shit! With my freaking mind!


Where's isekai Rose when you really need her?


Biden pooped pant, current thing over


>Biden pooped pant
For real this time?



For us it was homestuck updates


What did he mean by this?


Alright, where's the Mike and Jay porn


It was a time sensitive communal happening.
Now, I suppose we have nanc4 and sinfest


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sn0ygger arc


>Now, I suppose we have nanc4 and sinfest
DO WE!?!?!?!?!??!


>No games


>No pawn pubes


Of course. We do all read EVERY nancy and sinfest update, right?


But it's just slightly irritated indifference. No city on a hill could be built around that.


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I'm easily as passionate about Smorking Room games as I was about Homestuck, but the wider world isn't ready for that one yet.

It's alright, I was early to the Danganronpa train, too.


>Smorking Room
I'm going to smash your head in with a brick.


Chuddie tears


Silence, tranny.


At least your Danganronpa stretcred will increase your Tokfu vril



Impressive pawn obsession. Kudos to her.


I bought a Vita in 2012 because I wanted to play Time Travelers (3DS didn't support "full" game downloads at the time)
I saw some Monokuma shit on the PS Store around that time and I assumed it was something non-Japanese because of how rough the art style was




Is that the end of this story, Satan?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kUXi52MYRUs Everytime I close my eyes, I see XLR…..


>Short femarisen
>Pale, cleanshaven ikemen pawn
I'd reckon so. Unless this is your typical TRAAAANNY accusation.


I pulled the OST off gamemp3s or somewhere in 2011 because the two GHM alumni worked on it.

I quickly went on hsg to cast the plot with trolls, and some anon said it sounded retarded.


Typical? 🥺


>I quickly went on hsg to cast the plot with trolls, and some anon said it sounded retarded
He was right.


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Rose? Rose Lalonde?


Well, yeah, but stones and glass houses and stuff


Danganronpa kills off all its best characters.


You're acting like I think Homestuck is good.


I was actually talking about the 2011 anon, not you


I mean… still… shut up!




yeah uh, Time Travelers went to shit a few chapters in then it ended
I hate Hino


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the United Kingdom


>yeah uh, Time Travelers went to shit a few chapters in
Were they at least girls?


yeah Mikoto takes a huge shit then she goes back in time to relive it
the game ends with Mikoto trapped in the Poop Loop


Too political.



blackpilled chadmaxxer


Finally, a good piece of media about time travel.


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Why did you @ me and not the guy who wrote about it? Stupid nigger.


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>Watching GDQ
>At all



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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iESK-rKpmRk *Mild annoyed groan turns into inquisitive caveman noise*


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>if you would like to help me afford bottom surgery




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(Sex Warning)


After a week of waiting for my fucking headphones in my bed, I get up and I have no motivation for anything.


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I'm taking these digits with no survivors.




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You don't know who you're dealing with here.


I will save tranny whinging for additional terrain.



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i'm a great supporter of beating your children if they express themselves like this on the internet


Which one?


Chuddie tears


Imagine the smell


Axewound droplets.





Nigcel voice


Nigcels are the worst.


It's slightly funny how they're all amoral soyjakking tateheads, but yeah…


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How much of this shit you manage to find is actually concerning


>Implying it's all me
I literally just absentmindedly scrolled over Halo Infinite in my Steam library.


Who's evil enough to do a Kirby version





I'm actually surprised the amount of people who doesn't understand the term "sexuality". It's truly the proof we need to teach sexed in school.
>Steam library
That's the concerning part.


>That's the concerning part.
How? Why?


I can see the appeal of diapering and infantilizing a girl (especially >>2204 types)

But I'd never don the diap myself. Wat means?




TFW no boyfriend.


Which means… Based? Red flag?


Far from it.


I "red flag" as "redpilled."


I was gonna say… "far from" either pole?


Yeah, you're sex away!


Since I'm finally getting around to remaking my old personal blog board…

The 3DS servers are quite likely DAOOTS, huh?


>The 3DS servers are quite likely DAOOTS, huh?





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tfw follow this person




Wait, is the cap at 750?







I meant the thread.


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Still, I'd simply dodge


Erm, Persona 5 reference??????? XDDDDDDDDDDDDD




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