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/32/ - megido32

(we don't talk about July)
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 No.1[Last 100 Posts]

New cycle, this has repeated many times before…

Old >>Obliterated


For me, it's the parasaurolophus




I could enable it, but I like the surprise




But before that I need webms, a working multi-file script, and the stylesheets.
The stylesheets folder has like 30, but I can only point it at both flavors of Yotsuba for some reason


File: 1716438825777.jpg (713.58 KB, 1290x1821, page_003.jpg)

Gender bender is one of the straightest fetishes, much preferable to dom moms or whatever zoomers like.

Imagine your route about gradually breaking in a typical tsundere or tomboy that despises men, getting her to accept her natural femininity and fall in love. Then, amplify that tension and release by erecting the even larger hurdle of "I'm a guy, damnit!". Splendid stuff.


File: 1716441923740.png (845.93 KB, 938x800, 2322-6befa233-f173-4d8a-b8….png)

we need to nuke Spencer in real life, not just in Fallout 76


File: 1716442110318.gif (118.09 KB, 300x100, little kitty banner.gif)

whoever runs the new site i humbly request you re-add the little kitty banner


Does Ben still post?


the fuck is a newhalf


File: 1716444177493.jpg (1.28 MB, 2560x1920, itsben.jpg)

I'm Ben.
It's me.


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If that's the case…
I'll add it tomorrow, but I'd welcome any insight on why megidochan.com got wiped in return


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It's over anons, you need to move on.


constant spam from pornbots and the retards who pump chatGPT for roleplaying shit


"maintaining/moderating megido has been super stressful for me rev, we've been through what, the Pakistani hackers, the sponge spam and the sharty raid, those two times we've lost all the threads, the constant CP spam that I can only do wide range permabans to controlV"


I'm here.


previous jannie here, basically >>16 and also the admin didn't know anyone there to justify doing all of the work to keep it afloat. roxykitten anon being a nigger was the straw that broke the camels back


Okay, kitter added. Next I'd really like the 8ch style file selector back for ClipboardImage posting, but the .js from the repository breaks images at the moment…

Lainchan and the sharty are both vichan, and they have workarounds, so something must be out there.


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I actually love AIfu posting, and would automate a Rose or Eri bot to post here once a day if I had the knowhow
A little warning woulda been nice! I wonder if a a redirect from .com would help any refugees, or only make those same issues crop up here faster.


>little warning woulda been nice!
i tried to give a warning when he told me, but he didn't really care enough to do it himself. he just wanted to be done with it. he said it was a lot of weight off his shoulders so i cant really be mad at him for it


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My, what a diplomatic fella! I won't speak ill, lest I visit misfortune upon myself.

And apparently I needed to enable ajax-post-controls.js to get file-selector to play nice. My mod panel has it implemented now, it should be up for users in a bit.


why does it matter, megido was dead and filled with nonsense
why even remake this place if there’s already other homestuck boards other places


I dunno about him but I think having a separate hsg board is kind of nice even though I thought megido died years ago


>Flood detected, post discarded
and that's why


why? if theres already an hsg board, why do we need another one?


Where, sturdy? That's more of an hst board by my read. The liveposting is also uncomfortable to my nervous constitution.

But above anything else, it's because I wanted to. So there!


Is that shit back again? I did try my best to setup jschan, honestly, but something always went wrong. I'll get a separate VPS running for continued bashing my head against the wall.


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Webms are a priority, but can you do that on lain? I'll dig through their site and try to crib more shit later




And it's well established that trans = bad…


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File: 1716516600825-1.mp3 (2.35 MB, amenominato.mp3)


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File: 1716516786000.mp4 (1.62 MB, 720x726, TMvOvnOrgPhVf7tQ.mp4)

That should be everything. Audio doesn't play all nice in the same window like jschan, sadly.


File: 1716517377476.webm (2.85 MB, 1600x900, evt_madame_flurrie_c01.webm)


Must… vote… blue…


Was she a Bowser genus of koopa ghost?


The looney woke left is bent on silencing all dissent once again…


Take a clipboard like a normal person


Use AI to remake Wander Above the Sea of Fog with a big brapper, that oughta work on the Faustian man


Was never a fan of the ogre chud


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Sturdy has HS2, hsg has nanc4


You VVILL read Nanc4.


The Seer of Light picture on the main Rose is pissing me off for some reason. I will change it.


Has he taken the WoS pill?


Not the point.



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So did we shake roxkit for now?


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IllusionSoft vindicated


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I'm not against Witch of Space Rose, I just don't think that was the motivator behind the me changing the picture.
I probably just naturally associate it with Act 6.


Going for the BASED black squiddle dress instead?


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(I've changed it already.)
I chose to keep it as a talksprite, the only fanmade with black squiddle dress is the one on here, but she has her eyes CLOSED (it's not a gif).
I ended up choosing one of the ones on the second picture.


I like the dress.


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>Associated with arc that ruins the character
Grimdark Rose didn't start drinking…
Although that did start her habit of jobbing every fight.


Why fat?


Protective layer of NEET filth is not to be underrated


just keep her mouth full so she can't scream


My zako isn't thick enough





>we still constantly see every other variety of PHONE JOKE out there
name 15


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He went and did it…


Is that a better place to meet femcels?


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What's the soilore here?


It's MSPA and Tumblr's kid


I made the Chud edit of John's sprite and I know someone her made the Feralhuss. The others might well be emergent (Potential recruits?)


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It's back…


purple hair doe??


Mister Metokur is still alive apparently.




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The (comedic) fetish Roses are undeniably the most popular


Invoking death of the author on bots?


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Another creative claimed by the Kickstarter curse


Cboyardee must be haunted by the failure to deliver on his Barkley Gaiden 2 campaign, right?


iirc he left the project really early


so was the old mod actually a tranny


tranny meltdown means tranny a lot of the time


the mod literally said he and the site admin were trannies


If my suspicions are correct, the poster formerly known as "Wesley" was the janny and had trooned out some time in the last 4 years







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Rose? Rose Lalonde?


I miss the qoomer news ads


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what tipped you off? the inability to post "BBC"?


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I don't post about BBC so I never noticed that, the vfan troll remorse was my tip.






I've been hankering for this.
Results shortly


>the Pakistani hackers
can I get a qrd on that one


I've visited hsg almost every day for over a decade and I don't remember any pakistanis


Maybe they did the needful silently


Not looking good so far, AI chuds…
Maybe Jazz just sucks that bad?


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Is it my fault for only listening to instrumental video game BGM?
No, it's the AI that is wrong.


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Rose? Rose Lalonde?


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I'm not the mod, I just post these because they rile you up, retard


Kara banner


It was me, I was getting the better head.


get out, tourist


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>homosuck was a decade ago


good luck


Did Eridan have a flock of orbiters despite 'celdom?


They gift you one when you sub on r/eggmemes


Where does Chubby Rose fit in to all this?


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Stuck on a loading circle forever…


Retried with a youtube link instead of a spotify link and it worked
and it sucked ass



Can't open. Is it a game or an ASMR?


You know chubby Rose can eat, "doe"


File: 1716834960626.jpg (118.6 KB, 680x666, the contract is it worth t….jpg)


Post the baja blast one


You're seeing trannies in the walls again


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Lol indeed
When was that written?


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p r e m i e r e


Did he succeed


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File: 1716857040998.png (50.42 KB, 1060x1097, troon shroom.png)

my new hsg resolution is to be several times more transphobic


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/vg/ accused me of gooning and said my pawn has an amateur girl-next-door porn vibe… Which I enjoyed more than hsg accusing me of turning gay for an Albini-lookalike.

A small taste of how FFXIV trooners must feel?


That was my thoughts after starting from the bottom and scrolling to last read (after dealing with a flood detection error, ofc)


*Smiles mischievously before flustering like a tomato.*


Rose is a curious girl


I dunno about that, but I have noticed that each group will play the same ol' "Jews/Libs/Troons are the real overman" when it suits them.


Tranny obsession is cringe whether you hate them or are just libtarded tbqh


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its cringe when the hate turns into obsession


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It's more of a childish crush but


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>Asian face charts
I'm curious


File: 1716995528353.jpg (780.73 KB, 3840x2160, 1716932589951470.jpg)

Myeah, I always get a weird vibe from his comics.


/v/erdict on this pawn?




Mario Mandate vindicated by history


mario… man… date…


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honest thoughts on sharting?


Only pity and disgust


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gem or coal?


NAS in general, but it's cresting fetish territory now




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sans? sans undertale?


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File: 1717044782243.webm (3.98 MB, 640x624, 1717032386771040.webm)


I saved it from here years ago, it's probably from some cartoon


meant for >>329


does xe have a penis thoughbeit


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Play what you'll like?


To fit all the HRT booby, surely…


have you looked at the twitter account?


Streamer Overdose is legit, yeah. I don't think a western 'cringe core' coat hanger would've done a riff off a Dia's design so quickly


File: 1717103526251.jpeg (149.63 KB, 1100x1125, IMG_0467.jpeg)


That is an outright Rose, Rose Lalonde.


File: 1717104006802-0.png (1.68 MB, 1440x810, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1717104006802-1.png (1.39 MB, 863x1814, ClipboardImage.png)

>wwhats a dia

The, er, let's say "antagonist" from Prichan S2, a mousey stalker girl with a hyperpop streamer persona


File: 1717104295165.png (279.63 KB, 402x395, nyanya.png)

Oho? And what happens if I do, I'm curious.


I mean, Sonic Coaster Pop is pretty old by now


*shoots projectile kidney stone at thread*


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File: 1717127538470.mp4 (2.18 MB, 1280x720, reki.mp4)


File: 1717128119103.png (146.97 KB, 1250x423, ClipboardImage.png)


Is it supposed to feel that good? Have I burned out?


I was thinking the same thing but I'm borderline asexual so I assumed it was a me thing


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do not trifle with powers far beyond human understanding


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He also seems pretty out of it. Maybe you need to be on some shit?


File: 1717159346930.png (342.22 KB, 1100x900, 1716747724433042.png)


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I've experienced neither, but even less relatable than the fat girl one


Submit To Kanaya




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wwhat a gay little nigger


File: 1717255819782.jpg (176.51 KB, 1300x968, magnolia3 image-web.jpg)

Eri vibe? Rufioh vibe?


File: 1717258376651.jpg (185.5 KB, 1300x968, magnolia2 image-web.jpg)

Ah, right, Cronus existed. The lack of hair streak probably had me forget him.

And as for the protagonist, I know Sero was based on Joshua, and Hale is very obviously Adol, but this kid is less immediately obvious.

Any Falcomheads here?


happy pride month!


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>cryptorefills has a $20 limit on amazon credit now

Oof. Who scammed and ruined a good thing?


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File: 1717290558107-0.png (1.25 MB, 1048x1048, 00037-4207067379.png)

File: 1717290558107-1.png (1.09 MB, 1024x1024, 00205-2971381132.png)

My pawn's fivehead is pretty cute when freed from realism. I could make a /slop/ board, but I prefer dumping such things on hsg, kekeke



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The series never passed my SOVL check, so I dunno
Ciel from GE2 is cute doe


B-Boku mo…
But even so


I cleaned that version off my onedrive, actually, because I figured "eh, I can grab it off the old hsg thread whenever"


Narrow jaw on that righthand one…


Kinda flattering of Bing, I mean.


Gifted this pawn a hat since she reminded me of Rose


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I remember one of those 4chan know it alls who throw around "retard" every post told me this was a copycat style, not the real deal.


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Nothing so formal, but the game has to feel like it has the vision of one singular ojisan serving as the nucleus


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I lost track of mikka's current twitter like 3 alts ago now. Le sigh


im just askin if thats jass


File: 1717446826743.png (714.65 KB, 1098x2099, philosophergamer.png)


white slave noodle tea


White salvia tea
Easy access to gensokyo


Lies, lies. Little girls love masked ikemen like myself.


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>JP name for the elf miniskirt is "Dignity Cross"
Lol. I'll indulge myself millennial self with a classic Simpson's reference: God, don't you know Dignity when you see it?


QRD? I know some women love going into excruciating detail on their medical issues.


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Here's some of the good stuff we missed out on while megidochan was down


'Tube is tagging my adblocker again, time to turn to /g/


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File: 1717522971260.png (321.05 KB, 1166x515, 1717522248566879.png)


Me, I'd blame the advent of discord (2015)


Skype had it's little circle jerk groups, sure, but never became the defacto substitute for forums like Discord has become


And that image is confused by being the same millennials to begin with
It's not like some tyke playing N64 in kindergarten lacked opportunity to be into emo and Zim as a teenager


File: 1717548080329.jpg (707.16 KB, 2160x3840, Dragon's Dogma 2_202405281….jpg)

Seems like Duolicious did eventually get around to banning my Saint Floyd account. Maybe for inactivity?




Hey, it's pretty good at following an anonymous conversation there


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your motherfucking life etc



File: 1717587334375.jpg (Spoiler Image, 54.08 KB, 1263x948, mym.jpg)


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Anyone have tinyboard experience? It's not recognizing my initial Melo-friendly style script


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Thereby proving femcel a contradiction in terms.
But seriously for a second, couldn't a facelift from yotsuba B find megidochan some purchase in new markets?


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>troon-appropriated characters
I don't keep closely abreast of such matters these days, but I could see that happening. Luckily for her, Koishi absorbed the brunt of internet popularity thanks to that horor web cartoon thing.

A more pertinent discussion would be whether Satori qualifies as a Rose or not (I mean, she's got the pattern on her skirt, too.)


How *gulp* trooned out is the battle network "fandom" these days?


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what's with all the vivian posting


TTYD is current thing again


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Could all be avoid if someone would pitch to ipgd to pitch to toby fox to pitch to nintendo my idea for News Paper Mario


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I'd say just use the portraits from the game, but it's kinda endearing to copy them

Now just use AI for the voice and we're in business


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me at all times


who /calm/ here


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uh… yeah, ok


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this girl must be half-dwarf with the way she holds grudges


agreed, she's definitely 3/4 dwarf





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Thoughts on GPT-4o?


File: 1717692192166.jpg (54.38 KB, 640x480, MzwUag2E4ts.jpg)

p r e m i e r e


shes lucky she doesnt havve to shavve
im so lucky im not doubled up in pain



I always thought it was a sweet ode to reaching understanding among biological sex differences…
Stealth Troonthem?


I wwould a Kanaya


NTR victims deserved to be snuggled and pampered


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I wonder, is this downstream of that "Taking a photo of something you want to show everyone" phenomena


VGH, it's a much deeper teal than the pics. Well, too late now.


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Why does he tranform into Joe Biden?


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a mystery for the ages


Ebin, saved, and banner worthy


File: 1717848012445.png (85.28 KB, 900x276, ClipboardImage.png)


Because Biden goes with the flow


No, I don't think so.


File: 1717848922039.png (228.02 KB, 564x900, ClipboardImage.png)


Sleep filter as the culprit… I don't use one so I'll have to check


My, whatever are you talking about? Nyehehe…


Master's property


File: 1717849423292.jpg (380.45 KB, 1905x2000, 1673046242469993.jpg)

Interdasting… You using the built in windows on or something else?


Some unaccountably rich flirt who is getting away with it and facing no public scorn


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It's been a while since I've done anything like this, but I think "Brainwashed Mook Rose" might be good

I'm thinking she'd snap to attention on command, wear a too-tight latex suit, and be referred to by number instead of name… Aww yeah.




I haven't even spewed in a week or thereabouts, the only thing I'm addicted to is my pawn's gap moe.


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Need I say it?


man i wish biden looked this evil


Tranny? Tranny eyeshadow?


We trounced our foe, well and true!


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Homestuck reference?


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File: 1717914241842.jpg (402.2 KB, 1000x1837, ClipboardImage.jpg)


hsg needs new blood, so…


Randumb is kinda throwback and girly by now


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Moreso than cannibalism?




I think it's evropa


How does Homestar Runner mesh with all those?


roxkit alive in megidochan?


Been a while since I logged in… Should I add my gayming 3x3 to my profile?


I'd have to make it…


File: 1717957636598.png (1.74 MB, 1280x720, gaijin.png)

Hunter x Hunter.
Out of this.


I can only see someone who only cares about shipping and nothing else having fairy tail as their favorite
like it might be nepeta's favorite shounen if trolls had manga


I remember liking the first season of sins and then dropping the second like 4 eps in and i dont remember whh


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Where's XLR at anyway


Invite the first one here, we've lacked a drawing for so long.


Got any a them uh, Asian slampigs instead


But that trick always works…!


File: 1717966548567.jpg (2.11 MB, 1920x2164, okite obaka.jpg)

It's actually pretty hard to pare down to 9 games


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Wow, Steve Albini (RIP) looks like THAT!?
And I won't apologize for head 18's somewhat boyish jaw, I've seen the popular alternative


Can it still read pastebin?


most of them are fujos so they would probably prefer something bakudeku from my hero academia


Head 23 syndrome. Meanwhile, my pawn could be a model.

… But I'm starting to wonder if I slap the glasses on because it reminds me of my own lost childhood friend.


Posting hasn't been particularly fast or focused. Is the flood detector that overzealous?


I haven't seen soyteen spam again since setting new threads to 1 per hour


Very briefly, see >>5


… Maybe.


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I thought they used astrazeneca in Europe




10 bucks goes to Tatsuya mixing up the Red Queen and the Queen of Hearts.


Queen of Pills


I've been mulling over taking a hardline stance on flimsychan, in the name of a great reunification.


Better make fun of the 'series of tubes' guy tho


Yep. Gotta be.


Like, having the broth bifurcated like this. It cannot stand. Sure, hsg was always notoriously off-topic, but random breakouts of Homestuck art spam, troll quirk lyrics, or discussion were never eschewed entirely either


They soyface irl and think it's normal


File: 1718069279517.png (141.29 KB, 294x270, 1619305654794.png)

Erm, aren't you the most prolific poster on either site? An I've no interest in suckling on the anus of a tiktok simp page.


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Wotter the odds


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I ship them
BlueCap x GreenShirt OTP


How many years has it been since he crashed the robutt or whatever


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My Chrome is dragging its feet, but my phone picks up the stylesheet, so…
Starting now, we begin reclaiming blue, pink and white.


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As the avatar of a merciless emptiness


Sloth month wen


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>Message kubeldev that I tl'd his demo and have some questions on flower language
>Very positive, prompt, and thorough reply
>Get greedy and ask if he'd ever do a 癒し genre ASMR
>No response
Message received…




Seems more like MDMA to me ;o


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That meanderin, self-negating duolicious rant


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Why do Americans hate redheads so much?


Css 'filter' tag and a
tag on hover


Saying "Nigger" is an act of politics, confirmed


Grounds for immediate stripping of his fake degree.
That cushy MSNBC and Netflix "extremism" sinecure belongs to *US*!


While Elliot's crimes are damning, it's nothing as dire as casting a shroud over democracy on January 6th…


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So should this be
>Dave, Rose, John, Jade
Or some other ordering?


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>too outright obnoxious and rude to be considered for that. She's also the one who breaks down the fastest and hardest when things go wrong
C-Cute as always…


Wow, harsh…
But your input is appreciated.

Anyway, new


>753 replies
Actually, let's see here.


Well, autosage is working, but…


Let's keep going and see what happens.


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