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/hsg/ - "Homestuck" General

The opposite of Homesick
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 No.70774[Last 100 Posts]

Here's Your Tsundere-Shaming ID edition

32 >>69744


phew, good thing I got that post in before the new thread… I wasn't even paying attention


Whoa a perfect 1025 thread shift!


>my personal view is that "EoE is unnecessary & audience pandering, anno made it out of spite to own le crazy death threat fans, REAL CHADS love the tv series ONLY because muh budget constraints created muh genius" is an insanely lazy opinion that almost every fucking video essay on EoE has to shove in there. it pisses me off so much. to be clear I'm not saying you can't prefer the tv ending. but there's something about this "GUYS THE CREATOR HATES THE FANS, YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO LIKE X HE'S MAKING FUN OF YOU" trope that infects analysis of so much shit
>this might be incoherent I have a lot going on up here ^ points at noggin
People have a hard time understanding that a lot of complex and conflicting emotions go into making art.

It's basically the Eva fan opinion one step above "BUT THE ART DIRECTOR SAID THE RELIGIOUS IMAGERY WAS JUST THERE TO LOOK COOL" hot take which is always the lamest gotcha', ever.


I was afraid that it was going to feel forced when I did it- and that the joke name I was holding onto would have fallen out of relevance.

Luckily, Marzipan's still expressing his feelings on the matter… :ghk:


>Luckily, Marzipan's still expressing his feelings on the matter…
because you asked, nonny…


cba ngl だろ desu fam aint not gon lie doe fr YA RLY on god


>on god


You're still feeling it…


I'm never going to finish #1 at this rate. it looks like shit anyway :v:

if you reply to this post with a toilet joke you will suffer great karmic loss


Try starting with a #2.


megidoball, kill him.



Does it need a "Yes, Master" in the mix?


NotebookLM is being unusually slow… :huh:


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I feel like this slop AI's a little late to the punch with this commentary…

Schizo as always.



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I actually love the megidoball btw. I'm a big fan of luck as an aesthetic, and as an indecision breaker
what I'd love is an MSPA character throwing the ball in rage as a follow-up sticker lmao
but that's too much work :^p


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how do fucking people talk to people all fucking day dude
after like 4 hours I already started feeling like my soul's been sucked out of my fucking body I just wanna run away and play dead


Who is this Bowman?


We're simply more feminine. :pantywaist:


yeah combined with the aforementioned issues this website has killed me some days


Thank you. I should really implement a Terezi coin flip heads/tails sooner than later


But God, I wish. It would nice for this to become an alt-League space free of the BBC spammer.


>"I'm attention dependant"




shsg card revoked


he already admitted he doesn't have a list. better go dig them up yourself bigboy


"That makes three of you"


You would never.


Of (((you)))


I thought you liked having people talking on your site, nonny


He knows where they are and I even posted some of them last thread. He's just being a 8ITCH.


One of them is stalker-kun who does not thrive on attention at all, of course.


I do, just a rib for the audience at home.


I'm working on the karkat theme for myself/others atm


You sell fish. :…:


Oh MoM, I do thrive on (your) attention, why please take me back in, I just can't live without you


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File: 1736226023715.ogg (5.61 MB, Homestuck, HSG, and the Pu….ogg)

It's refusing to generate. I'll just keep it up and see if it works tomorrow. The slopcast is up though.


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would 100%


File: 1736226102673.png (49.8 KB, 280x306, roseedit.png)

Have you seen this Rose Lalonde?


What makes it ironic?


more eyeliner


Irony is when:


File: 1736226179613.png (28.27 KB, 280x306, lesscolor.png)



Less color? How?


Indexing. Didn't really rate 50kb for a sticker imo. They're all loaded with every page



>doojin music


>The cynic and the keesemaker



That gives me a name for what the mspaf board ought to be, megidoujin


What would the Meji Dokken doujin be about? Fem!優しい人oldry?


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Rocco in da' thread.



>Mega64 is an American satirical comedy troupe and independent production company created by Rocco Botte, Derrick Acosta, and Shawn Chatfield. Founded in San Diego in 2003, Mega64 is responsible for producing an eponymous web series, various sketches, and a podcast.


I'd say a spoof of one of those myraid touhou works where marisa eats a mushroom, grows a dick, and fucks alice


Mmm… :enough:


>Araneafag gets his day
That's nice, I suppose.


No? I was thinking the co-star could be Elsie






The lolcow mascot


Oh, now I really hate it… :burn:


hybrid!meg/MEX!meg selfcest




Who would you have megidochin sex?





you just don't see my vision


Or Erichud. That would be a nice love triangle of Aspies.


Sorry. I'll try making her in SCVI and beating her up instead






>Implying RoW is that plebeian


File: 1736227071599.jpg (648.8 KB, 960x1080, ClipboardImage.jpg)


>It's a reminder
>It's a reminder
>It's a reminder
>It's a reminder
>It's a reminder
>It's a reminder
>It's a reminder
>It's a reminder
>It's a reminder
This one was really boring. I think it's not generating anything for a reason.

We got too grim and troony last thread.


This is a reminder.


who do you think, bigboy?


It really speaks to how they're not just consuming media


They're consuming girlcock by the dollar bucket.


>all the information "leaks" like the name, the IP, the annoying personality, everything was a deliberate plan all along intended to keep me playing a game of "stalker" cat and mouse"
It's over. :broke:



>immedi4tely 4ssumes 4 dick is involved


You are a cock.


3D videogame ryona definitely not for me.


it c4me to me in 4 vision
you're not being very doujin circle oriented right now


Actually, I tested it with a different thread and it was still delayed so I'll leave it up for some potential funnies tomorrow.

Very minor funnies but funnies nonetheless.


It's a grim reminder that


Lol, this dork wears glasses. :deets:


Meijjy Dokken is spreading her butthole on webcam for spare yuan.


well, it didn't re4lly become selfcest in my vision
I w4s just thinking it would be fun to depict inter4ctions between MEX!meg 4nd cl4ssic!meg 4s begrudging roomm4tes perh4ps


of course this could re4dily become 4ll sorts of lewd >:)


With Erichud and Sturdytan, that becomes a session. :tehepero:


ok 4ctu4lly I re4lly need my 4 key it's interrupting my work :(


I think Sturdytan would be a Muse of Time and Erichud is a Lord of Void…

I suggested that Meijjy Dokken herself be a Maid of Space… So…



>Meijjy Dokken herself be a Maid of Space
which one


everything was fine until I started drawing… it's a fucking ill omen is what it is

forgive me I'm milking the ball today


"broke bulgarian nigga with a barely working pc" vibes sis



Meji is the human. Meijjy is the troll. This Should Be Obvious If You Read The Comic


Where's my Coney Island face, you rat fuck


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maybe it'll grow on me but "meijjy" just rubs me wrong

you asked the other anon for that!


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Seems overtuned



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Stronger than I…
>maybe it'll grow on me but "meijjy" just rubs me wrong
It's based on their retarded pronunciation of it.
>you asked the other anon for that!
Call them out of the port-a-potty and get them to do it.


buzffeed megidochan userbase overlap statistics when?


Most things do.


"I'm different. I'm the only authentic man."


I talk like this


Then why aren't you smoking while sleeping? :de:


"Cool as I am, mama says no smoking in the futon."


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I love her so much.


Look who's rectangular now…


How about you love reading instead. :lore::consume:


>Call them out of the port-a-potty and get them to do it.
wow, so it's no good if I do it?


I don't remember if you both draw or not. :notcanon:




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ts'over, bwos

they all left after I spilled my guts anyway :^<
probably just bad timing but


Throwing Marzipan into this video with no escape.


for the love of god, don't do his bidding


>they all left after I spilled my guts anyway :^<
*Links the RoW image*


is this MoM? you know the rules. I'm still open for that trade any time :3


if the /lgbt/ friends stay around I might have to start including kaomoji more deliberately so you don't lose me. or I could namefriend, but…


>is this MoM? you know the rules. I'm still open for that trade any time :3
It was just in my recommended and I thought it'd be a funny thing to say. :riff:



what does your hair look like anyway? the fankid but longer?


No? That's clear bullshit anime hair. I just have long, uneven vaguely strawberry blonde hair.


straight, longer than shoulder length, and what was it, brunette? I might be confusing him with the other 8ITCH though(Leave ben alone)


Ben? Ben Scharfensteiner?


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ok SOWWY numbnuts I misremembered your statement here

I would've assumed shinji otherwise just because of your sticker usage
blonde is an unexpected development, truly…


>blonde is an unexpected development, truly…
It's not really blonde. Again, it's closer to a reddish kind of thing.

Just depends on how the light hits it and how much I let the ends fray. #haircourse


ben looks more effeminate than you man, settle down(:})


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>Subterfuge is okay when we do it


Whoa, multiple threads are tying together now… :o:



it's okay when you do it to protect EVROPA


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This is terrible on multiple levels. I hate how Rammy has become another fucking TRICKSTER self-insert.

I should kill you on the spot, quite frankly.


So trve brother.

(We're missing a salute sticker, vgh)



How about you just fucking kill them


Why you mad, she sounds just like you?




Epic DERSITE post!


the lore behind MoM's rage… the time I mentioned wanting to get a lammy or rammy plush…


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what the fuck is this cunt's problem


someone splain me this one


so r u


Mexico isn't sending their best. They're sending the domino disrupters. They're sending the Rube interlopers. They have no respect for the game, no craft. They have big GDIAP Ape hands in which they grab the seams of reality and just fuck everything up.


I hate poseurs. Death to baby bats.




like we covered last time, I'm nearly positive I've played more parappa/lammy than you

also vampires are hot




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>la comedia


Yeah, I never said I was Rammy, fucktard.

And vampires are dumb and lame. Somebody epic needs to come in and make them work again. They don't work as a romantic thing, you have to be brain-damaged.


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>Entire premise of the character is that she's monochromatic
>Hollywood just makes her a DERSITE
>Not even a DERSITE in make-up
>Just a DERSITE with the shitty modern nigfro
I will never not be mad.


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right, you're not a hot girl that plays guitar. you're more like MMMM shinji?

>vampires are dumb and lame

but they're an excuse to draw pale gloomy wwomen with pointy teeth who NEED you TO LIVE


are we supposed to decipher >>70929 as the dominoes randomly breaking the physics on their own
Eid, JO, Eid!!!





>right, you're not a hot girl that plays guitar.
Nevermind, that is me. I TRICKSTER naowz. :meds:
>but they're an excuse to draw pale gloomy wwomen with pointy teeth who NEED you TO LIVE
Russian mail-order brides exist in the real world.


I should really go to bed. :crop:


>Russian mail-order brides exist in the real world.
black hair

me too :(
but the thread has me all high energy and I've been idly #1ing for a while now, feel like I gotta wrap it up tonight


That's the only read I can glean so far. Like they flipped over the table/panel on impact
(How, they're stupid little game chips)


"I'll turn things around tomorrow."


It's just like when the Caliborn. So meta. Rawr. XD


>the cognitive capability to use an instrument


Careful, I might fucking stab you. :yup:


>black hair
Is Marzipan racist? :ibs:


>but the thread has me all high energy and I've been idly #1ing for a while now,
Never-ending golden shower.


I'm just saying they aren't the same and you know it

don't be foul. how much longer do I have before you conk out


>I'm just saying they aren't the same and you know it
They are exactly the same.
>don't be foul. how much longer do I have before you conk out
Puppy pissy panties. Your fucking khakis looked like they were fully DIAPd out anyway so go get 'em, tigger.


actually I'm gonna stick with Ian from now on


wtf are you talking about
just tell me how quick I need to finish the thing dummy


File: 1736230875914.mp4 (8.8 MB, 854x480, iknewit.mp4)


What thing?


What does this mean to you, on a personal level?


thing #1 which I would like to finish and post tonight, as opposed to thing #2 which was read a VN with my freetime


Go #2 to help you #1, repeat joke, everybody laughs. Curtains. Applause.


Is there a good Rorschach *grumble* still?


Yes? There are good panels for that. But fuck trying to find that. Also, fuck MEX. :NOW:


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I don't like this man's ethnicities. Not one bit.


dead chat


mais ce n'est pas un chat
c'est 碇シンジ


We can revive him


Tres impressionant! Il faut dire "c'est pas un chat", connard. N'essayez pas parler francais si tu ne peux pas le parler.


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Grim looking armpit


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text-transform: uppercase is actually annoying, right?


ok, I think I've done enough


yes imo (but there are loads of other reasons I don't use the other themes (^^:::;))


(online) punctuation should be reserved for [SERIOUS diick2UCKSIONS] so you can "set the tone"


Oh, I'm sure there might be. I love to read through the list a list of reasons, but that'd be a cruel assignment to just dole out. Some elements can't be budged on, anyway (but I'll try to go back through and minimize glowing text)


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I'm not sure why I chose to do this actually :^p
it was fun though :3

MoM, armed with their titular CoC and ready to make DEMANDS.


He's down, so I'll field it for him


>Some elements can't be budged on
don't worry, I respect your vision


>I had to show off my clothes that didn't come in the mail yet so I drew this
Actually embarrassing.


There's a distinctly Spongelordian aspect to him


I'm gonna need a QRD


you could've legit spent 2 minutes googling stock pics for boot pics and I wouldn'tve had to feel "wow this retard can't into drawing, that's actually sad"


Sponge to his close fans. He was an HSG regular whose calling card was a charming blend gore, spamming "DERSITE", and plying girls on snapchat for closeups of their uvulas. Had sk8r hair just like that.

Later went trans and and tried to establish a cult on dicsord or something. At least I think that's how the lore goes.


well, any resemblance is incidental


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Oh, I'm sure he (MoM) will be flattered.

Also, HSG used to post these two potato sisters all the time thanks to Sponge. It became too sad to continue when the younger of the two died.


> HSG used to post these two potato sisters all the time thanks to Sponge

but why


"lola and claire epic…"
You don't agree?


File: 1736234659217.gif (1.06 MB, 498x280, heh.gif)

that one got under your skin huh




Actually, using text-transform: uppercase for quotes alone is very funny.


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Good thing you're by my side


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decided to fix up a couple spots and "finish" the face since he's asleep anyway

for the karkat theme?


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Yes, I'll probably fix faq u to do more like this as well.
Sorry for using a kindpost as an example, but when it works


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>Sorry for using a kindpost as an example, but when it works
no worries

I'm gonna head off now, honestly it was pretty stupid to stay up late after already barely getting any sleep last night but oh well :^p



Thank goodness I'm not exposed to such tsun energy in person, or I might waver more often.


>I'm out here running triple shifts trying to tend to your emotional needs but lord forbid I need anything for myself
How 優しい人ed Can A Man Be? (2025) Coming soon to a theater near you.


I was going to see if there'd be any fun visitors like last night… But flesh too weak, etc


do i still count as a fun visitor if i've been intermittently posting the last day or so since this board was shilled on 4chins


you're a part of the family now babygirl




stop it


why? i kinda like it…


stop being jealous of other people getting attention :)


yeah, you would

it would be worse if it was targeting me


File: 1736236409565.gif (2.62 MB, 498x278, munch.gif)

just ignore him honestly he's a grumpy gramps


aww i want people to b happy tho…….. but some people just want to be sad!
I would? what else do you think i'd like anon?


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not letting this place turn into a retarded circlejerk, sorry.


being choked? being manhandled? getting lift up against the wall?


this reeks of goonerisms


Compared to MEX going "here's my 48 paragraph essay on why I want you to fuck my wife senor"?


link me


Ah.. well that's… I mean i'm not really into the choking thing but..


almost forgot to say thanks for changing the prinny sticker, MEX!

ok goodnight ( ˘ω˘ )


Thank you


I guess he means all the chatter in with marzipan here and there.

I still don't hold a candle to quof, I'll say…


this is around when the site gets slow huh


Usually, yeah.


You drew Sluggo, so that's worth a lot. Were you the tourist who dropped homestuck in disgust? That'd be a natural fit too lol.
If only for the circumstances.


Depends on if the euros are awake, and the chatterers sleep schedules


That's me indeed, i did drop homestuck in disgust as a teen
that'd track, im typically used to being in weird timezones for things


There should be a cat baby roleplay/russian genocide enthusiast around about now if that sounds fun, but… Don't see him. Let's hope he wasn't droned.


sounds like a basket case, could be funny, im all about the funny


If you like spectating semi-serious internet rage, it's a hoot. He's the sole person responsible for rule 5 in the sticky lol
Well, some days it's simply better to turn in…


>textcolor and a quirk
oh man, that takes me back, when i was still a "homestuck fan" (retarded teenager) there was that messenger client that was like this where you did that and, wow, that's just a sea of embarrassment

semi serious internet rage *can* be pretty funny i suppose


You gotta draw me a Nea sometime.


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My first job as mod. Hope I didn't fuck it up somehow.


Was there 'p that you deleted?


what are some posts you'd like to moderate, now that you're mod?


moderate the2e


these what


the2e nut2 I 8et he means.


File: 1736255652363.png (113.09 KB, 265x234, image.png)


Isn't Quof a TRICKSTER now?


Hi babe. :3:


File: 1736260301350.gif (2.54 MB, 640x640, psychoUwU.gif)

Araneafag is MY girl.


"I don't know."
Doesn't talk like it, which is half the issue.


Seems like, thanks mod!


File: 1736267569165.jpg (474.96 KB, 1716x2160, GgsBeuKagAExpnW.jpg)


Hi. ::::)


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wah… they made them real


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I already got it…


File: 1736272018198.jpg (33.03 KB, 600x821, 1add71fa962e2671947a2f475a….jpg)

8less you.


Those dersites are back at it?

Mmh… great. They do only seem to come in bursts, at least


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Your posts actually warm my heart up because you're always a sweetheart. Never change Araneafag. :boke:


My bans seem to keep the message in the ban log, which uh seems problematic for pizza posters. How do I *really* kill it?


I hope the images don't stay in the cache, too…


Yeah, I have noticed that.
I guess I can always write down the address later, clear the ban message. They just hop somewhere else anyway, there's a whole long imageboards.net list to work through


File: 1736272906849.png (198.08 KB, 433x501, pretty.png)

You flatter me.


there should be no cache, try opening an image in a new tab before you delete the relative post and see if it still loads when you refresh the page


I got hit too; same image within a few hours, that's unusual


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I mean how do I prevent it in the future, though…




I mean, I would actually trust you with the post-edit function if you wanted to "clean" the links first before ban and delete. Otherwise…
I think Uboachan attempted some means to block the actual destination url that all the shortener links lead back to.
(They still get the 'p spammer though)


Given the bursts of activity, I'm becoming convinced that it's the work of for-hire humans and not a bot


the offset in posting times certainly suggests that. I don't see any reason to simulate a delay if it's really a bot.

maybe we need to send a megidozen in undercover to investigate the economics of this


i thought this was common knowledge by now?


as the admin of a imageboard it’s obvious to tell that they are semi-autonomous, on my site they targeted only the “popular boards” on the header, which if it was a bot i’d think they’d try and spam other boards too, this all tells me some guy goes on the homepage, clicked whatever boards were on the header, and posted shit like that there.
or maybe i’m just overthinking this nonsense lmao :tinfoil:


I'd hope so, at least reading the chatter


It's more fun to speculate into the motive, imo. I can't imagine anyone actually clicks the links to, so is the purpose just to kill boards with inactive moderation?


nah, I think you're right. the fact that they switch between new threads and replies depending on the site also makes me think it's someone doing exactly what you said, just going down allchans or w/e and finding a spot to post that seems likely to be seen

>so is the purpose just to kill boards with inactive moderation
I feel like this is the most likely answer, yeah. just some spiteful lunatic. at first I thought that the stereotypical spam appearance of the post content went against that theory, but actually I think it might be deliberate because it probably makes the site look worse than if it was an openly antagonistic post


Well, Ip2proxy's database costs like 8kUSD for even tier one, so whoever they are, they've got independent imageboards by the balls atm…


File: 1736274837999.gif (4.69 KB, 350x480, gamekarkatfacepalm.gif)

god fucking damnit i didn't realize it was at 1025 until just now and this whole time thought it was just an awkward silence….



Let's blame >>70776 for doing a single link


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Uboachan appreciates funny bugs as well, I guess


lmao, I had noticed less people posting in the new thread and I assumed they just decided it was a good point to take a break at


well i guess my sites moderation was adequate enough to make em stop, i haven’t seen em in a while. then again my site is dead and getting spammed by others so not much change lmao


>then again my site is dead and getting spammed by others so not much change lmao

you're too young and relatively successful to be so negative already! :^p
give it some time


I had been envisioning some kind of plugin that detects and assigns a rhythmn game esque rating depending on when the new thread is linked

(Ie 1025 >> PERFECT!; 1020~ >> Marvelous!; 1000 >> Nice!; <1000 >> Miss…, etc)

MoM's feedback was the expected "SOUNDS STUPID AND POINTLESS" so I never moved ahead.
Maybe not?


well i’m just a cynic haha, been getting some people recently who also have a less than great view of the site… took a short break because of that and having to take care of issues IRL. kinda makes me feel like a actual admin lmao. thanks for the kind words also. I hope we get consistently active at some point!


that sounds amusing… but it's all about allocating your effort in the right places :^p
if you really want my input: I think first priority should be creating an actual list (whether personal or public) of requests/ideas/bugfixes you think are worth implementing. the key part being "capturing" the ideas in one place where you can browse through and sort them/take on tasks based on how much energy/time you have

optionally you could pair this with a >>>/vvox/ thread specifically for requests, which would make them way less likely to get lost than having people shout their DEMANDS in here whenever they think of them


Reminds me of the The Best Gamers gag where the call of duty kill streak thing(?) pops up in the same place at the same time in every video


Thanks, but I'm reminded of the Megaman blaster "and that's not me."


Yeah, China.


I gotta give credit where credit is due.


>been getting some people recently who also have a less than great view of the site…
it's only a natural consequence of having the ambition to try making something and putting it into the public, so try not to take it too personally


Chinese sue storm has nice ass?


Angry about the suits but what can you do.

Also, my computer still can't run it.


All Chinese variations of characters and Sue Storms have nice asses.


What did he mean by this?


>I'm reminded of the Megaman blaster
yeah, that's how I felt like drawing the 結晶砲 for some reason. even though a more fragile and shiny design would be far more fitting… it's just what came from the fingertips. maybe I'll have to try again someday

>that's not me

it's a fictionalized version of you


It just reminds me of let's say a fictional character that I'd want to have use a Megaman blaster.
>it's a fictionalized version of you
My strife specibus would probably be a racket. Or Shonen Battu. But probably just a racket. Give it toon powers where it makes the imps it hits rubbery and bounce around everywhere.


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It's insane how often stupid 4chan shitposts have parallels in classical history


>It just reminds me of let's say a fictional character that I'd want to have use a Megaman blaster.
you'll have to spell this one out for me
>But probably just a racket. Give it toon powers where it makes the imps it hits rubbery and bounce around everywhere.


>you'll have to spell this one out for me
No. Never…




>No. Never…


I am secretive about my creative endeavors and this is a public forum.


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I love these fucking Grok takes because no matter what my last 10 Tweets are, I always have the outfacing Playstation controller, like it's a universal constant.


okay, fair. I didn't realize it was your character.
I still have the long bouquet description(s) saved, though


I have never ever played Megaman even though I own the collection on Steam.


1930 GMT posting error flurry time? Or…


I've played 1-4, iirc. they're pretty fun in a simple, old-fashioned way.
great music.


Alright, workaround found. Clicking through to the IP and banning from there instead of using Ban&Delete
Then just delete the post separately afterwards.
Annoying, but that doesn't leave fail*o*l*i*t*a*K/!/n/d/3/r/ p~0~r~n~0 crap haunting the ban list for eternity


I've always kind of resented the Homestuck fandom's "okay so the protagonist is literally me" and the attempt at framing their interests as uniquely niche or atomic.

I only drew myself as a fankid as a rite of passage, I have shot down hazy images of what theoretical Kid!Me's room would like.

Whenever I aimed for main characters, I tried to make a parallel of myself (self-satire) based on an Internet stereotype and someone basically completely different than me because I like the kind of character it was.


What are some homestucks?


I keep dreaming about Happy Tree Friends. Last night I had a particularly BRVTAL dream regarding an episode with Petunia and a razorblade. Sometimes I wonder if my sense of humor is too cruel and dark for that show….


ok i'll try to remember


>my sense of humor
Ton quoi?


What's with the ghost navigator, though?


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>I only drew myself as a fankid as a rite of passage, I have shot down hazy images of what theoretical Kid!Me's room would like.
well, I apologize if you found the drawing in poor taste
I would've guessed it loses the "literally me" awkwaaard factor you talk about when somebody else draws it unprompted, but

>Whenever I aimed for main characters

I have several characters I'm working on for a creative project, and the approach behind them has sort of been about taking one particular personality aspect I'm familiar with (often from within myself), cranking it up a little/making it into the character's sort of central "purpose"/"use" in the work/their interactions, and then building the character outwards from that point, occasionally adding contradictory and complicating factors.

I arrived at this approach independently, but I've seen others talk about it (the idea of building a character around a single initial tendency/trait). it definitely has limitations, but I like to think I'm picking at something interesting. I'm definitely not so much doing "wacky character who is solely defined by one exaggerated trait" so much as "almost everything about this character and their actions/interactions are written in relation (sometimes subtly) to a single or couple defining traits"


I'm not sure, frankly. I reXeet a lot of grim stuff but none of it that I can recall has been directly ghost-related.

Maybe baby Grok can see into my soul and realizes how important ghosts and my DEEP-SEATED fear of them are to me.


And look at yours, homosexual shit.


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She should get that checked.


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nonny, your elf fetish is showing


it's for manhandling you wouldn't get it


looks fun to play with


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I hope this is staying strictly homo…


>well, I apologize if you found the drawing in poor taste
>I would've guessed it loses the "literally me" awkwaaard factor you talk about when somebody else draws it unprompted
I kind of just hate seeing it because I hate myself and my tenuous self-image.

Really, I just wanted to see someone effectively stylize the Coney Island face. (I think that might have been a third layer to the hair.)
>particular personality aspect I'm familiar with (often from within myself)
Where's the dogboy?


Me: on the grind, gamer, communing with ghostly aid
You: dicking around playing Astrobots on the Enterprise deck




I could turn to GPT for all decision making, but the community seems fairer.


>I kind of just hate seeing it because I hate myself and my tenuous self-image.
same honestly I hate seeing your self-image too, nauseates me really


You get the butterflies in the stomach too?


The community just wants DIAP.


>because I hate myself
sorry. I kind of thought it might be a fun trade for the dogboy doodle :^p
I won't do it again if it makes you uncomfortable. it isn't really meant to be "literally you" anyway (it's not like I imagine that in my head while interacting with you), it was just a drawing of a bunch of separate things mentioned by/about you
>Really, I just wanted to see someone effectively stylize the Coney Island face
into a person? or just redraw the shirt?
>Where's the dogboy?
no dogboys, there's one character concept who some people might say has doggirl energy but "it's not really like that"


Only when you're being teasingly mean and I start feeling desperate for a hug.


the community wants MORE EYELINER


> or just redraw the shirt?
Just The Shirt




Could be worse…


Trad Mongolian goth girl to throat sing and drink goat gut with.


Yeah, you could be haunted by GHOSTS.


^ MEX, we need a VIGOROUS HANDSHAKE sticker. this isn't close enough
alternatively "全くその通りだ!!" (did I already mention this? :^p)


ghosts chasing ghosts chasing…


That's not right.


what isn't?


We need to take a hardline stance against goth fetishism.


you're supposed to be on the same team as me
what the hell is this supposed to mean:



>you're supposed to be on the same team as me
I was always being tongue-in-cheek to make fun of the kind of retard that spawned and fapped to fucking Gothfield.


first step should be you stop larping as one


don't you try and "my culture is not your costume" me just because I like gloomy types


> just because I like gloomy types
Is that so…?

Anyway, the real point is that goth has been attributed to something that's so far removed the music and the scene around. As long as you don't want "dommy mommy", you avoid death by firing squad just barely.


File: 1736280479751.gif (56.22 KB, 220x124, yuck.gif)

>my culture
wearing black clothes and having a chain anal plug does NOT make you goth


>Is that so…?

>As long as you don't want "dommy mommy", you avoid death by firing squad just barely.

I find that phrase used up and unfunny (jokes?), and no, it's not my thing. but I don't really mind if it's other people's type


>and no, it's not my thing. but I don't really mind if it's other people's type
The point is retards thinking that goth is somehow another inlet for more dominant wwomen when that's… wrong… and stupid…

Le Hecking Tomboy by any other name.

Anyway, shut up, this is tiresome. :sigh:


I don't consider myself a one-note enjoyer. I'm thinking about it now and I definitely have reservations and other tastes too

>Anyway, shut up, this is tiresome.

…what? I was having a good time… :^<


>…what? I was having a good time…


>Cat threw up twice


"Do better."


I'll fucking shoot your best friend and fucking kill you too. :usoda:


because I thought we were having a playful little argument about something kind of trivial and fun


It's deathly important. :notcanon:


okay (´・ω・`)ショボーン


You and your fucking sheboons.


>hey bud I heard you like depressed sobby 8ITCHes?
>oh wow yeah you're right I do love those why did you ask?
>herrrrmmm curiose!


His cognitive functions seem to be diminishing rapidly. :salty:


are you having fun or not?

I thought lighthearted bickering while sharing interests, tastes, and opinions was one of the best activities for a thread


I don't know if I can ever truly have fun as long as someone is occupying the 優しい人 chair.


well what am I supposed to do about that exactly?


Kill. :slay:


MEX, would you want a "fixed" asuka grr gif or do you like the inconsistent charm of the broken one?




see if social security is willing to pay you a couple hundred extra for you to drop the perpetually depressed act
it just gets, oh, you know? really boring really fast!


we already do


What are you talking about? She's not broken, you're being crazy…



>Literal gibberish


smug lil fag


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Oh, thank God, I thought this might have been one of those combatless third-person shooters. :consume:


I mean, portal exists for first-person, so maybe..?
I can't think of any examples off the top of my head though


Hang and quarter anyone who calls Portal a fucking first-person shooter. Pedantic little shits.




This is an order. :de:


also, consider that the tags are independently used for searching, so having both tags still makes sense, even if it's not as helpful when looking at them side-by-side




the reason that label arose in the first place is because people with puritanical parents in the 2000s felt better with that technicality. it was a good game, it was first-person and involved a gun, and was genuinely part of the gaming community


Shut it.
Oh, you're always a riot.


Arose?A Rose Lalonde?


Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Rose, Rose Lalonde when?


When you cherish the gifts I gave you
I do have an obese rose from my first run though


>Shut it.
mage of meanie
if people actually did what you ask you'd have no friends to talk to


>When you cherish the gifts I gave you
>I do have an obese rose from my first run though
What the fuck was his problem?


>the gifts I gave you
this fucking guy :broke:


>if people actually did what you ask you'd have no friends to talk to
Yes, I'd have thralls. :de:


and eventually you'd get bored of toying with your slaves, because you know they don't associate with you of their own will


>I am absolutely definitely not a fag
>That is exactly why I got gifts for the fag dude that's been being a complete asshole to me day in day out
Legitimately sad.


You want a copy?


MEX, any reason you keep toggling unfiltered IPs on and off lately? or am I seeing some sort of site bug


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No, I have lots of work to be done.


A copy of "how to be a pathetic doormat the definitive guide"? nah I'll pass akhi


Wanted to check something. You're welcome to gcat again now.


I thought you said "scat"


Not my wheelhouse, t b h



okay, you can stop talking to me and claiming it's tiresome then


Take a scat 8ITCH.


>okay, you can stop talking to me and claiming it's tiresome then
We need an answer to the question is all. :douzo:


As in murder. Murdering people.


what question? all you've given me is orders



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Welp, third strike…



Yeah, like the Jewish question except we kill porn addicts. :shikari:


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Nah, see, there's "straight" stuff here.


wait, who are you talking about?
stop being mad about my eye makeup preferences you poseur




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It beckons. :guilt:




>stop being mad about my eye makeup preferences you poseur
It's not that and you know it.


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New Dokken inspo?


On a scale of 1 to 10, how much 優しい人 energy is there in pieces where its a hot woman fucking a horrifically ugly old man, but she genuinely enjoys it and there's no actual 優しい人ing occuring or any other reservations


then don't misdirect your anger at cultural flattening onto me pwease



You ARE one dude stop pretending please. It's genuinely tiresome watching this whole "oh I hate sex I hate porn too" act when you fucking reek of "I indulge any and all indulgences I can reach."


What a normal question to ask.



1 (none)


>then don't misdirect your anger at cultural flattening onto me pwease
I didn't think I was. :huh:


I mean, the people that draw it are also always giga優しい人s. I definitely feel like they have 優しい人ish intent.


cozy, soft, cute (but realistically those ones are gonna be pretty garbage because they're cheap and have trend buzzwords in the title ["Y2K"])
>I didn't think I was.
well I don't think I'm being very tiresome then


Low. It's just ugly old man wish fulfillment with a twinge of degradation. Maybe if she had a ikemen crush before tasting the pleasures of ribbed oyaji cock?

Playing some しなちくかすてぃーら kino?


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Imagine going out with the bwos in this. :chigau:


go fucking jack your 4 incher to whatever the fuck you want dude I don't wanna read your freak shit in a publich chat just because you're trying to drag me into a conversation that'll help you rub your dick you disgusting freak


"Those ain't ya bros homie"


>cozy, soft, cute (but realistically those ones are gonna be pretty garbage because they're cheap and have trend buzzwords in the title ["Y2K"])
>well I don't think I'm being very tiresome then
You aren't. I just hate talking about it. I'd rather talk about death.


the motivation for drawing it would be closer to corruption/loss of purity fetishes I think (or maybe humiliation of the woman, in the "she doesn't even feel humiliated" sub-fetish category)
which has some overlap in audience with NTR fans, but they're distinct


What are they then, goon-san?


Majetano coded?



>Bro you're a porn addict because you bought Kuromi heels
>Puffs cig
>Injects roid
>DateDIAPs teen


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i fucking swear you all talk about ntr more than you do homestuck


go on, say it.
>I just hate talking about it. I'd rather talk about death.

"NTR website" (~30%)


Blame the admin.


>go on, say it.
Are FTM or something…? :douzo:


Well now that there's an actual fully-Homestuck 8oard expect it to get even worse.



you pretend you "don't watch porn and totally hate sex" when your behavior and attitude swings from one extreme end to the other for ""seemingly no reason""

ever wonder why? Ever feel like *your* masturbation habits (and other routine) contributes to your emotional highs and lows because you barely even do anything that's sustainable, routine and productive?


But thinking of shinachiku again, he did turn out like "That"
Lots of sex with prune men into NTR games, into designing the exact heroine he liked and taking a 3 year mental health break after he caught feelings writing about his waifu falling to hobo/charao dick
"Congrats, you poisoned your own soul"


I never bring it up, funnily enough.
Do you like da video games? Give Viscaria a spin, the girls are so lovable.


no, why do you ask?
I find this line of questioning a little odd from someone who ordered a "wwomen's" pair of edgycute boots, just saying :^p




You wear weird gay shit too and FTMs are always just like, girls.


You will NEVER be the ojisan with the wholesome relationship with a loli through an occult BBS.


That one actually stung…


>the girls are so lovable
you monster. you know what you're doing when you lure them in like that


>Being on steroids for years+ is on par with my masturbation addiction
>Having actual genuine sex with your girlfriend every now and then is on par with my masturbation addiction
>Being a smoker is on par with my masturbation addiction
>uhmm, all of these actually make you a worse person than I am, lol!
t'es completement delirant mon cher


Interesting. Learning new lore here.


Because you got the REFRANCE? :spareme:



What? I do enjoy it on that level, honestly…


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Banner worthy, quite frankly. :heh:


this isn't even annoying it's just cute if you think you're getting under my skin like this
maybe if you actually listened to any of our conversations you'd've had more ammo


i mean i could tell it was gonna be some ntr game anyway dont worry. besides i dont play like
dating sims? which im guessing it is. albeit seemingly a fucked up one.


FAQ U theme is much more tolerable now.
Hoverquotes are still broken, tho, probably needs to be remade so the thread is a grid instead of a fixed position column thing


It's a slice of life drama


Meijjy Dokken is a slice of life drama.


>You wear weird gay shit too
source? you almost definitely dress more osentatiously then I do. not that that's a problem, in fact I think it's rather based of you!
but even as you acknowledge that hatred of these things are irrational, you still cling to it as a way to judge or pidgeonhole other people. it makes me sad

me omw to recommend a 10+hr slowburn guro h-game to people because the girls are so lovable ;^p

>dating sims? which im guessing it is. albeit seemingly a fucked up one.
H-game =/= dating sim
for a dating sim, you'll want to check out amagami. stay tuned for my liveblog..?




…what is an "H-game"


>are irrational
is* irrational


>source? you almost definitely dress more osentatiously then I do.
I don't. It's trapped in my closet.

You wear those faggy clogs to seem taller. It makes me puff my pipe.


porn game : H-game







>me omw to recommend a 10+hr slowburn guro h-game to people because the girls are so lovable ;^p
Rite? RiteofWinter?


I mean, art is found anywhere. Saved.


>I don't. It's trapped in my closet.
isn't that sad? :(
you want to express yourself because you're afraid of the very same judgment that you hold within your icy heart!!! (´;ω;`)シクシク

>You wear those faggy clogs to seem taller. It makes me puff my pipe.
the platforms are shorter than the boots you just ordered… (´・ω・`)
I actually didn't buy them to look taller at all, I just think that tall chunky shoes look really cool. it actually bums me out that my feet aren't small because it's so much easier for small girls' shoes to achieve that ultra-chunky tall look, since the shoe is less horizontally long to begin with


>you want to express yourself BUT DON'T* because


File: 1736284682728.jpg (1.02 KB, 124x99, ClipboardImage.jpg)

ZAMN she 15???😻😻😻


now let's see that skinnyfat tubby of yours


>you want to express yourself because you're afraid of the very same judgment that you hold within your icy heart!!!
I don't care about anyone else. Everyone is super tolerant of fag shit. I'd judge myself.
>it actually bums me out that my feet aren't small because it's so much easier for small girls' shoes to achieve that ultra-chunky tall look, since the shoe is less horizontally long to begin with
You're avoiding the question.


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Cap this weird spasm too.


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>Literally an entire section for "plus size"
Kek, how will /cgl/ and Lolcow possibly recover?


>Everyone is super tolerant of fag shit. I'd judge myself.
if you'll forgive the use of a buzzword, this is what we might call "internalized homophobia"
>You're avoiding the question.
mageofspeedreader? ;^p
I answered it right here: >>71243
>no, why do you ask?


I see. Thank you for the explanations. I regret to inform you that it does not sound like something I would enjoy.


>if you'll forgive the use of a buzzword, this is what we might call "internalized homophobia"
I don't.
>I answered it right here
I'm multitasking (poorly) as always.


>I regret to inform you that it does not sound like something I would enjoy.
that's okay, amagami has no sex! see you at the liveblog (> ω ・)b

it's okay. I just want you to learn to love yourself a little more.


File: 1736285129011.gif (46.29 KB, 540x302, aha ha haha lol roflmao.gif)

>he deletes it


File: 1736285493346.gif (1.13 MB, 640x462, oopsie.gif)

was that too much???


since there's apparently a history of headcanons regarding viscaria from people who have not played it, I'll pitch in: based on MEX's statements and images, plus the stickers, my prediction is that lidner discovers a way to cure kubel's pillory for people, but in order to do it she must piss/squirt on them. this might be resolved by discovering another method later


Peepee and poopoo.


I love it.

Manuri is very cagey about what actually cures it. The only clue is that is uses components, and Majetano finds it darkly hilarious.


well i'm more interested in playing it i guess


wtf, don't spoil it!!
I told you I would read it "when the time is right"


It's the poop in the box. :meds:


No spoilers, I dunno the answer myself.
If people want to play and speculate, I'm down…

Flambery: Seer of Time; Liedna: Sylph of Heart


…I suspected lidner was a miss. alas

>No spoilers, I dunno the answer myself.

yeah, but you spoiled a clue, and that the cure is not revealed :^p


did I fuck up, bwos?
lately I've been thinking of ending purchases of any physical media because accumulating it gives me a little stress, but…
I already own the other two… these are tiny books… what if he never reprints it? …what if it never gets an official digital release… that wouldn't happen, right…?


Also, fuck you for calling me gay.


I asked the dev and he says she was named after Halle Lidner from death note, so you're correct.

He'd also said he originally wanted something from flower language, but the closest match, "Burdoch" didn't sound feminine or cute enough (DBZ joke)

So I went with Liedna. That's Maltese for house ivy. A common plant, said to have some evil-spirit repelling properties. Also, it makes your house look abandoned when it runs too wild…


But you are gay?


…are you not?


Doesn't mean I want to be called it. :tsun:


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File: 1736286516672.jpg (360.92 KB, 359x521, ClipboardImage.jpg)

*Approaches you menacingly.*





link me


>So I went with Liedna. That's Maltese for house ivy. A common plant, said to have some evil-spirit repelling properties. Also, it makes your house look abandoned when it runs too wild…
sasuga localizer-san…

>(DBA joke)

explanation (*>人<*)頂戴?

can't you see how silly it is…
I mean, you're literally redirecting your self hate into hating others, and you're aware of it. if somneone wrote you as a character it would be dismissed as dumb and unrealistic, like a strawman of a homophobe

I wish maybe


>sasuga localizer-san…
btw did you already know that plant name and those details? or were you searching all possible de-transliterations of her name? crazy impressive either way. I may have ambitions as a translator but your localization skill clearly outclasses mine tenfold


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>explanation (*>人<*)頂戴?
Skinnyfat fingered, meant DBZ's bardock

Oh I was going back and forth on what her "name" should be for like a week. That was from making a list of everything it "could" be read as and googling them


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>I mean, you're literally redirecting your self hate into hating others
I hate others for reasons distinct from myself as well. :yup:



>Skinnyfat fingered, meant DBZ's bardock
>for like a week. That was from making a list of everything it "could" be read as and googling them
so dedicated… you really care… someone gets it…


File: 1736286989657.gif (8.33 MB, 640x640, ezgif-1-cf051b921f.gif)


>I mean, you're literally redirecting your self hate into hating others, and you're aware of it
I've been saying this since day zero (about his entire personality) and all you did was choke on my cock acting all "that's mean dude you should be a [NICE GUY] like me"

christ, kill yourself


hush now


It's good to reach understanding.


I'd legit break your back on sight and 100% not in a "sexual romantic hothot" way


>I'd legit break your back on sight
bro said he wants to fuck MEX?



ooh, now THERE's a good H*R sticker idea!


File: 1736287295165.gif (886.6 KB, 640x480, ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew….gif)

omgno please, I'm reserved for my baby araneafag


:vriska with spade eyes:



It was nigs eating Chinese food and twerking in hanfu, lmao. Wonder if someone archived it.


Who broke her troll horn? :yup:


thats actually LE's fang :( she is doomed :(


File: 1736287846223.gif (3.96 KB, 220x266, speechless.gif)




Hypnofag gets a little possessive. :heh:


regardless if it was poison or not i think having a huge fuck off fang embedded in your skull is likely not conducive to continuing being alive.


"Jane never revived John and they still have God-Tier powers on Earth C." :lore:

"Hey, call Jane and have her fly to my house real quick instead of fucking in my car."


To be fair, the fucking in the car thing kind of needed to happen.


johnjade in the car???
I guess I should read those epilogues huh


nvm I can't read.


File: 1736288227757.png (234.21 KB, 480x270, 480.png)

Wallahi the kuffar should know that araneafag belongs to OMT the one and only


"No, it didn't."
No, Johnrezi. Hence needing to call Jane.


what if you were wrong on both counts :3


awwwwwww cmon dont spoil it
but yeah it did need to happen for reasons of, ahem, "Kino"


Asshole can't even let tongue-in-cheek jokes about intentionally confusing users settle. :0k:


>but yeah it did need to happen for reasons of, ahem, "Kino"
Kill all Johnrezi retards. Kill anyone who says anything like this.


way to excuse YOUR backhanded possessiveness, weirdo


I don't even think the pairing is that exceptional (tho the pairing i do think is exceptional would no doubt make you want to kill me)
i just think the moment was really cool and cinematic.


would bigboy feel better if he puts on his special boots?


This is also awesome but distinctly less awesome. Kind of hated the use of stereo in this though.


>i just think the moment was really cool and cinematic.
That's dumb. Come the fuck on, dude.


Was literally just shipping two users that I've been shipping from the start?


They're not even here yet.


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maybe it is but i really liked it. it just really emotionally connected with me.


I figured. that's okay, it'll be like late christmas

going to be less kino for me now that it's been spoiled


This one is probably the weakest but I like how unique it is. I wish they honed in on this sound more than the operatic stuff. You can kind of hear bits of surf rock and LOUNGE creeping into their typical jazzisms.


I'm not the only mod. We ban literally every post you make, retard.


>going to be less kino for me now that it's been spoiled
yeah :( theres like. really a build up to it as well. especially if you read candy first and meat second.


> it just really emotionally connected with me.
How do you emotionally connect to fucking a chick in a car with a fang in your skull?


>yeah :( theres like. really a build up to it as well
gahhh don't rub it in (´;ω;`)シクシク


>going to be less kino for me now that it's been spoiled
It's not kino.


I would prefer you omit any further details but
maybe they want to die but also be loved huh? ever think about that? 'shouhou?


Hey this is a good idea actually!! If you just believe that it'll suck and won't be kino at all then it might still have the impact cos u'll be surprised!


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>epilogues discourse
I read Meat, thought it was retarded 8ut a little entertaining 8ecause of it, then heard a8out what was in Candy and that was my cue to never ever 8other with anything that comes after the actual ending.


Yeah i disliked them both enough that I currently have no fucking plans to read ^2/BC, HOWEVER i do think there are some emotional and good moments in them that i liked.
I especially like how I feel they both develop John a lot more as a character. I feel much more empathetic to him in the epilogues.


They can show you the receipts if you want. I tend to just ban you and not delete since it's the fastest. Weird how you think jealousy is the only factor.

But I'm not supposed to talk to you. And you're supposed to fucking leave already.
Not me, in fact somebody retard-banned me.


It's not written as love.
It's not kino.
Bash your skull in.


File: 1736289110658.png (4.47 KB, 198x202, sadmituna.png)

>Bash your skull in.
ur so mean :(


>It's not written as love.
ooh, is it "doubles down on angst by having someone get used sexually in their last moments"?
or is it "wistful moment as someone tries to make the dying person feel better with sex because that's all they know but the mood is all wrong and it's forced and"

don't take it personally :^<


you'd have to read it to find out :::;)


Get some taste.


>really cool and cinematic
Well, that was the "joke"


well maybe i enjoyed the joke unironically


You are literally me.
"I just wanted closure."


It's a very typical stance.

I had negative hope by Act 7 so it didn't hurt me.


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"Megidochan… operates through secret handjobs behind closed doors. On sundays… we even deepthroat each other."


When is it not the year of eevee. 8ITCHes love eevee.


damn i wouldnt mind getting some cool leafeon shit
and maybe umbreon
and maybe espeon



Kind of a weird trio but I feel 2/3rds of you.







theyre just my 3 favs…
glaceon is maybe my fourth if i had to say.
which don't you like? leafeon?




Are Vaporeon and Espeon still the most viable?


File: 1736290594121.png (44.47 KB, 640x480, faircheesefaircrackers.png)

Can't stop myself from making yugioh shitposts


For marketing, branding and PR?


Yes, it's the worst one.

Le me big three:

(Umbreon and Glaceon too. Couldn't care too much for the other two and again, I actively dislike Leafeon.)


And for that, I love you.



I thought Jolteon was meta for its speed.


did NOT see that coming. okay then.
whats wrong with leafeon tho? i always found it pretty whimsical. its like a forest pixie or something.


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Uh oh stinky

I thought IT was
Espeon: Her magic bounce
Vaporeon : Water OP
Sylveon: Fairy OP

Seems like they're all pretty bottom of the barrel these days


>did NOT see that coming. okay then.
You should realize that my style is a juxtaposition of the crass and edgy and the cute and romantic. (One might even say… Kuromi… just kidding, I mean gothic lolita) Get a clue.
> i always found it pretty whimsical. its like a forest pixie or something.
"It's just a bit much."
It looks a little overdesigned to me. Too disproportionate. And in my mind that reads to me as "Digimon design."


"did you know that"




"How you gon' love somebody if you can't love yourself?"
-Donald Glover


Umbreon makes it all the way up to Rarely Used, gen, uh… 9? winner


>You should realize that my style is a juxtaposition of the crass and edgy and the cute and romantic.
NTA, but, it's just… well…


File: 1736290960054.webp (27.33 KB, 512x512, 44_cat_emoji_face_vomit_s….webp)


something something vaporeon something something


hey, I already made that joke!


…What…? :…:

Is this about your autistic obsession with meat and candy?


>my style is a juxtaposition of the crass and edgy and the cute and romantic
Ah, you mean, a charming, measured discrepancy between one’s archetypical appearance and idiosyncratic personal attributes
>digimon design
i quite like digimon so i guess that adds up…


File: 1736291162902.png (Spoiler Image, 90.39 KB, 692x445, 2025_01_07-17_04_22.png)

>your autistic obsession with meat and candy?

no, it's just funny because sylveon is hated by a lot of people for being an icon adopted by trans people…


>Ah, you mean, a charming, measured discrepancy between one’s archetypical appearance and idiosyncratic personal attributes


you shouldnt have told him,,,


>Ah, you mean, a charming, measured discrepancy between one’s archetypical appearance and idiosyncratic personal attributes
Yes, I can like things in spite of co-opting. Baby blue, light pink, and white is a wonderful color combination and I hate how it's tainted with a stigma now. Same thing with rainbows. I love rainbows. And pink. But I digress. :fssh:


Hoh, for real?
When are you playing it though?


looks like some people need to read & re-read meat :::;)




i want to make the joke again because i want to fuck the vaporeon


File: 1736291361436.jpg (49.22 KB, 324x123, ClipboardImage.jpg)

>I hate how it's tainted with a stigma now
a stigma you help create

anyway I'm glad you're not brainbroken and still can enjoy pink <3



>a stigma you help create
By doing what? Idiot? I still wear pink shirts in public.


You know…


because you clearly don't remember EVERY SINGLE LINE so that you can IMMEDIATELY recognize what i am REFRANCING.


File: 1736291429515.jpg (9.04 KB, 164x88, ClipboardImage.jpg)

I kneel

playing what?



I don't. :de:


Fuck it. It's a piece of shit with zero redeeming qualities unlike Homestuck.


by being a 'phobe.


My special interest…


I think this is definitely my second favorite one so far because of how evil and harsh it sounds while still managing to meld all the disparate elements very effectively. Also, I think personally, this one flows the best as an album which is a huge plus, especially for their sort of theatrical composition. Kind of got some minor mathcore vibes from some of the riffs in the end and that's also a big plus.


>a stigma you help create
>colors' association with arbitrary values and identities is as simple as a "stigma lol" and should be disregarded entirely
Behold! The level of mental deficiency it takes to understand how and why ""social constructs"" exist for a reason and can't just be discarded as "lol stigma dude ignore it".


>by being a 'phobe.
I don't emit auras that make people hate the gays. My contributions to the cultural zeitgeist is fucking nothing. I'm a nobody. Don't be retarded.


What about it?


Another day of hanging out and posting with my new friends from /HDG/ !




this is xiaohongshu general


For me, i'd be happy NTR'ing someone, or even being the person who gets NTR'd over, but i'd never want to be the person who is forced to watch and be NTR'd!


home duck general


anyone can make a choice to treat others better :)
I just want you to be happier and nicer OKAY?

did I just get replyglobbed by accident or? I told you I would play it "when the time is right"


It's cute, crass, heartfelt, vulgar and funny… I really like it.


i love fiveish
whoops i meant hsg, hdg is uh, some other thing


File: 1736291705653.jpg (8.8 KB, 1590x30, ClipboardImage.jpg)

That being said, I need a break from Sigh's discography so we should return to THE ALBUM GAME for a while.

Not that I'm going to be listening to any of these today because to be honest, again, metal takes a lot out of you but Sigh especially takes a lot out of you with how technically and compositionally complex the music is so this'll be an album I put on the immediate backburner.


Be quiet.


oh for fucks sake i actually know what you mean
fuck you.


Thanks for the glowing review of B&S. :de:


Well i have no idea what i mean, in fact, it was merely a typo ha ha, and nothing more than that.


Bull and Shit! C'est toi!


This man saw seven Eevees dropped raw rare on the side of the road, uh, uh, he decided to say little sibling, won't you come to eat. Little sibling says I can't I have no shoes.


Human to /d/orse general


/d/orse to Fiveish.


I read that original story. not my kink but power to you all

album game? (´・_・`)ショボン


i always like it when they go "Uh uh" and then say something in chinese


The original story is decent the problem is the fact that it's a collaborative setting, meaning 99% of the other stories are total utter dogshit, the "lore ideas" people contribute are very peabrained and the stories i get recommended despite specifically asking for stories close to the original are like, absolute dogshit and then people say
>well why not write your own
and then that would literally totally defeat the point of reading these stupid fics or whatever fuck


Uh, uh 黑女最犯規。


>the "lore ideas" people contribute are very peabrained
Checked your IP to confirm something. Go look at /hot/, you dumb, nasty Coney Island trash rat.


as a japanese reader, the ominous effect of a post like this is probably more amusing than actually knowing chinese


I know I'm late but wow, the page doesn't even mention pop team epic :v:


They're talking about AI porn on /h/ methinks
not Homestuck


How is it ominous? You getting second hand vril pulsings?


>T. white kid from jersey suburbs


>Checked my IP
you can just do that??? do i need a vpn to browse here???

also what am i supposed to be looking at on /hot/ isn't that the "Specifically talking about homestuck on topic homestuck" board


Har har.


It's probably a Chinese site and that's based.



>you can just do that??? do i need a vpn to browse here???
yeah they'll possibly try leaking it at some point too if you "get on their nerves"


>you can just do that??? do i need a vpn to browse here???
I'm just an admin with hurt feelings.
>what am i supposed to be looking at on /hot/ isn't that the "Specifically talking about homestuck on topic homestuck" board
What the vast majority of the thread is. :de:


He's just abusing his mod powers and maybe needs a reprimand somehow.


Don't make jokes like that. :de:


File: 1736292395937.jpg (49.73 KB, 500x500, GXmpgoGaAAAGEL2.jpg)

>>you can just do that??? do i need a vpn to browse here???
yeah they'll possibly try leaking it at some point too if you "get on their nerves"
> hurt feelings.
w-what did i do….. ;_;


File: 1736292419790.jpg (1.2 MB, 1200x600, ClipboardImage.jpg)

>Giving mod perms to extremely sensitive fraggots was a bad idea


Not this time, friend. See you in a bit.


Sou desshou? He's good at cleaning your poopies though.


because you can recognize some of the characters but not make sense of the sentence:
"black" "woman" "most" "DIAP/offend" "standard"

>you can just do that???
I hate to tell you this, but every server you connect to gets to see your IP address (unless you're funneling traffic through something else). that's how the internet works


>I hate to tell you this, but every server you connect to gets to see your IP address
I mean i knew that, i just didn't think people here would have the cojones to actually out someone's IP and people would *continue to post here*, that's insanity


That's why they're hashed, so your is like "DALB"

He still better learn the spider man lesson, though


>w-what did i do….. ;_;
it's okay nonny, he's just in a rough spot right now. you didn't do anything wrong
also he said "IP" but they're scrambled atm anyway, all we can see are unique identifiers. which you're only supposed to look at for moderation purposes, hence why he got wristslapped

>that's insanity
fwiw IP addresses are kinda overblown as a "OH SHIT" thing… we don't allow it though, it's been addressed when it's happened


>as a
an an*

also meant to put a :hug: in there for >>71462


>he *tried* leaking my IP once but instead retardedly leaked his own in the process
that's pretty fucking funny
>spider man lesson
nyaruhodo.. with great power…
> you didn't do anything wrong
Oh phew, I used to be the type of person who pushed rules and got people angry, and that wasn't a great way to be, so i'm sort of worried i'm accidentally stepping on toes when things like this happen haha

>fwiw IP addresses are kinda overblown as a "OH SHIT" thing… we don't allow it though, it's been addressed when it's happened

I see i see, well that's a relief


>so i'm sort of worried i'm accidentally stepping on toes when things like this happen haha
you're good! take it easy ね?

>that's pretty fucking funny

though don't entertain posts from the guy getting deleted if you can help it, please (^^:::;)




>take it easy ね
>though don't entertain posts from the guy getting deleted if you can help it, please
ah okay, ill try! i must admit the way the site functions is still a little confusing to me…


its not so much of a lack of understanding of the site functions so much as it is the lore.
having been your position very recently, i do empathize with you.


*in your :washout:


oh boy im certainly strapped in for learning the thrilling HSG lore


try replying to a post right now


like this?




ah, I thought you'd see something. my bad. MEX, do you have "show message for expired bans" turned off?


it should be on even for actual moderation situations imo :^p


File: 1736293761375.png (22.13 KB, 649x560, usuallya lotcoolerthanthis.png)

im getting this vibe right now



>He still believes the Rainmeter IP
Not deserved, I just wanted to see if it was Solluxfag still being dismissive; literally what the fuck was the big deal?

25 minutes? You're bonkers. Just being an ass for the sake of it.
>that's pretty fucking funny
It's also not true in the slightest because the context was me showing my desktop off (and IT'S NOT MY FUCKING IP.)

>He really made me wait out the 25 fucking minutes for the thing he said would have been okay if I had explained myself which I couldn't have done because he banned me before I could explain myself






File: 1736294019160.jpeg (116.68 KB, 500x451, beab18663baebdff8039690de….jpeg)

It 8egins. Again.


Download that Rainmeter skin and tell me what IP it shows you. :)


>>He still believes the Rainmeter IP
oh my god, don't tell me he really thought your local IP was useful
>I just wanted to see if it was Solluxfag still being dismissive
this breaks the fairness principle though, unless you would've banned them if it was the person you thought it was.


And here I thought 25m was pretty lax.


well as long as i'm not in the bad books for anyone i'm content


>Hur durr don't look at people's IPs
>even though we do we just can't say it
>and if you do you can just explain why you did it but I'll ban you for 25 minutes instead instead of letting you explain why you did it



>oh my god, don't tell me he really thought your local IP was useful
No, it's not just that. That version of Rainmeter is broken and shows the same IP for everyone. That's why I felt comfortable posting my desktop.
>this breaks the fairness principle though, unless you would've banned them if it was the person you thought it was.


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i dont want to fuel ur rage even more but like 25 minutes isnt that long man.


I'm not!


It's fucking not for a "minor" infraction that's convoluted by your own measure and hypocritical and hollow by an objective one.


Fuck you.


>>Hur durr don't look at people's IPs
>even though we do we just can't say it
come on man, you know you're not supposed to sit in modview. the point is that you're not supposed to treat someone differently if you can't recognize them, unless they're breaking a rule
like an isolated instance isn't a huge deal or anything but


File: 1736294277517.jpg (756.14 KB, 800x600, ClipboardImage.jpg)

say heeeeeey, good lookin' - whatcha got cookin'?
how's about cookin' somethin' up with meeeee?
heeeeey, sweet baby - doooon't you think maybe
we can find us a brand new recipeeeee?


Well, sitting in mod's mod is kind of an matter of circumstance today.


>come on man, you know you're not supposed to sit in modview. the point is that you're not supposed to treat someone differently if you can't recognize them, unless they're breaking a rule
This is verbatim what MEX said to me while I was yelling at him in DMs.


File: 1736294333130.png (64.98 KB, 302x274, woah.png)


…so which part is incorrect?


Sitting in modview for That Guy is expected under the circumstance


The part where I don't wring him by his fat ojisan neck for playing darts with executive decisions.


I keep two tabs open and only use the modview tab for modding, you could try that?


That's what I do. :YES:


File: 1736294631911.jpg (6.19 KB, 315x197, ClipboardImage.jpg)

do I need to bring this back again?










I wonder if a LOREPOST would actually help.
Not just Notebook LLM's drunken take.


>I wonder if a LOREPOST would actually help.
On what


could be a fun stick for vvox




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i did look at it briefly but i assumed most people posted in this thread and i dont really read homestuck or anything, i havent read hometuck since i was like 15? or so, but i have a loose understanding of what's "going on" here




File: 1736295224777.jpg (25.55 KB, 1252x182, ClipboardImage.jpg)

i was dont worry




MoM, please. don't shout at the guests


I am clearly not shouting at them.


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My thoughts? "The current happenings"
A timeline of all HSG is a bigger vanity project


yes you, nonny!
you are our guest of honor and newest regular (I think)


I don't give a fuck about that and nobody else should either. It's all fucking stupid. You really going to be a self-indulgent asshole just because some fucktard tool is blowing through a million proxies on your shitty little site?


I hope the slopcast focuses in on the fashion, eyeliner, pokemon, and NTR discussions here instead of the other stuff :^p


I think your enemy (classico 2024) liked the idea.
Might be a "you had to have been there" thing.




bwo? :(


>guest of honor
awww you'll make me blush!


he's shouting at GHOSTS, man, guy's lost it.

(((ghosts chasing ᵍʰᵒˢᵗˢᶜʰᵃˢᶦⁿᵍ)))


Of course they did. Because they're a fucking slobbering tard.



He HATES Omori!





NTR website 優しい人ing you of your Happy Tree Friends dreams. :bob:


I'll add some kuromi's to brighten your day with cheeky darkness



do you want me to GLOOMify meg?


I mean, you don't think I darkened the eye bags and gave her purple eyelids because of someone else's idea, did you?


Sure, but you were missing the joke.




And yet leave out Persona 2, HTF, and DEMANDS because…?




go make a thread on /vvox/ for requests. I suggested it to MEX but he has his plate full I suppose


nonny, I can understand your viewpoint without adopting it fully as my own


HTF is fugly


>go make a thread on /vvox/ for requests.
No, fuck off, you don't know how deep this blade sinks in. He can find it. :tsun:


Suck my asshole. You get your 優しい人shit, I get my blood pinatas.


>He can find it.
"if I keep making it harder for them to do it, they'll suddenly do it"




You got NGE
My original plan was DOUJIN SPIRIT only, like Homestuck, solo HRPGs, When They Cry, so on



>You got NGE
That is mutually appreciated however.




W-Well, yeah, but… you demanded it shut up


I deserve my Happy Tree Friends. I hand picked each one that I wanted from each set. :NOW::NOW::NOW::NOW::tsun:


Moreover, I deserve my DEMANDS



File: 1736296058083.jpg (141.42 KB, 750x1334, 1451501404116.jpg)

I miss him, bwos…




He always looked Turkish.


are you any good at image comp? if you present fully-formatted, indexed/compressed stickers to him you would probably get your requests filled at a much higher rate




Quite right!


I'll do ONE for you if you stop having a melty


HS2 just updated?


How do we define one?


Redeem Shitcker, sar.


File: 1736296530328-0.jpg (29.85 KB, 370x300, ClipboardImage.jpg)

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File: 1736296530328-2.jpg (41.07 KB, 370x300, ClipboardImage.jpg)

File: 1736296530328-3.jpg (29.12 KB, 364x272, ClipboardImage.jpg)

… Maybe? There are so many of this coddam merch wwhore.


File: 1736296531591.gif (83.96 KB, 274x258, kyarusip.gif)

do you really need stickers when you can just use reaction images



actually i change my mind i love kuromi i have a kuromi placemat i use for my weed desk


File: 1736296576621.jpg (485.35 KB, 451x633, ClipboardImage.jpg)

/hsg/, I have a confession to make. this is all my fault.

last night, before bed, I ate one of my puchipuchi fortune telling chocolates. I chose メルトモ (net friends) and got 「×よくない」
I didn't know it would be this bad



"I'm too cool and not like the other kids to use reaction images. I must use MSPA and NGE reaction images because it speaks volumes about the nuances and depth of my personality."


although i did encounter precisely ONE instance where this wasnt possible bc u cant post the same image twice in one thread.. normally i dont need to though.


first and third are great


what on earth
this looks like medication
where did you even get this. how do they even work.


What are these


and also can they get me high


>where did you even get this.
overpriced japanese dropshitting website.
>how do they even work.
random nonsense fortunes scribbled inside and outside.


>He says to someone being an elitist about not using stickers
Your lack of self-awareness is staggering. 就像井裡的青蛙。


taking a break and will be posting a bit less. my head is starting to hurt, I haven't eaten much, and I need to make up work I ignored during the day

I got it in a box of random 駄菓子 someone gave me for xmas. you punch one out like a pill and the foil behind them has a mark on it that tells you your fortune

>and also can they get me high
it's like low-stakes gambling, so maybe.
or you could just play with megidoball


By one- he means the one he inserted as an option because he has some sort of weird controlling complex. :tsun:


not gonna bother checking the meaning of your japanese text sharts from now on just because you want to feel like a jtard fan ^^


do you actually know chinese?

I meant one single sticker


we should have a no english day


>do you actually know chinese?
No, it's a joke that has some very damning things to say about my character.




My mom would be SO MAD though if I got a mail order bride:guilt: one these stickers are swag:NOW::3::meds::0k::l0ve:


my japanese is not good enough for it..


>No, it's a joke that has some very damning things to say about my character.
That you're a mid 30s obese manchild with a weird obsession for japang and animaymays?


>posting a bit less … I need to make up work I ignored during the day
i should probably do the same… i havent done shit all day..i need to be productive >.>


I would like to learn Mandarin one day, however. :bow:


ominous… anyway pick your sticker and I'll do it before I sleep. after that it's in MEX's hands

you guys made my head hurt say sorry
website too fast



File: 1736297243575.png (20.12 KB, 99x128, smug.png)

i want/slightly am trying to learn czech mainly just to tease my one e-friend.


>ominous… anyway pick your sticker
Depends on what he considers the options to be. :tsun:


https://vxtwitter.com/Galio_OTP/status/1876446819322143070 This is what a real shitlord looks like, gringos.


you know I made that post right? not MEX?


Obviously why I said "he"???????????


oh, I didn't realize you were worried about them getting rejected even if they're ready to go


SHE's transitioning already, chud.


omg this is just like hometuck


It depends on how many NUH UHs he's going to hold onto when it comes to the Homestuck DEMANDS


File: 1736297565435.jpg (879.32 KB, 850x2149, 1735963720248282.jpg)

What are some games that feature characters in polygamous relationships?


What are some games that let you kill the developer (poster)?


bee nice please


Some8ody earlier suggested that what Rose is saying is to alchemize John into food and now I can't stop seeing it.


that was probably me before I found the original microfic lmao


what is the actual intent


i think maybe its alchemizing john with food as some sort of fattening fetish.


File: 1736297782464.jpg (343.07 KB, 4096x1502, 1722393822807782.jpg)

What are some games that feature a character giving up everything for love?



It's not love if you give up everything for it.


File: 1736297822920.gif (45.7 KB, 650x650, karthresher.gif)



Karkat when someone says the r-slur in his presence (post character development.)



but its basically canon and entirely in character


File: 1736297869382.jpg (54.88 KB, 1179x801, GKhfHxVWEAEmcd3.jpg)

Are you the ukrainian who posted this on /int/ a while 8ack?


That would be very amusing, but no, i'm an aussie


Kill self.


it's literally not and you KNOW it isnt. im not fucking getting into this again. FUCK you.
i HATE how you so much want karkat to be unhappy. its NOT fucking funny and YOU SHOULD FEEL BAD.


You're a homosexual too though.


Very cool, cheers m8.


File: 1736297984895.gif (29.45 KB, 650x450, dfdlva6-82c55c9e-f7b7-4b16….gif)



whether or not i am a "homosexual", is frankly fucking irrelevant to this discussion. i object to that image because it is WRONG in terms of how it portrays karkat's character and relationships - not because "homosexual/trickster bad"


>it's literally not and you KNOW it isnt. im not fucking getting into this again. FUCK you.
But it's literally canon and it's literally wholesome and your reply made me laugh way harder than it should've
>i HATE how you so much want karkat to be unhappy. its NOT fucking funny and YOU SHOULD FEEL BAD.
I don't want her to be unhappy, i want her to be happy!
nice text color


You know it's a filter, retard.


But it isnt canon. So end FUCKING of. You're literally just lying.


Chillax, 8rother. They're just taking the piss.



babe it's your SECOND epic gamer fail this week, you're making us look bad in front of everyone :tsukkomi:


and so?


And Karkat being a woman is totally in character for her


File: 1736298229845.png (884.47 KB, 876x900, d4576811e60dff64a716c542ef….png)

I don't do it on purpose I promise……..


>and so?
You can be a straight homosexual.


File: 1736298277792.gif (280.83 KB, 640x360, hug.gif)

I love you so much you goober


Wrong again 8ITCH. You should make being wrong your fucking speciality or something. They should basically give you a fucking medal for how fucking wrong you are. THis would be very appropriate given you enjoy making it so very fucking apparent to everyone how much you enjoy being wrong. It's frankly fucked up.


File: 1736298346606.png (426.21 KB, 907x760, d2da263246d502763f3172bcfa….png)

Hey, I like Karkat too, 8ut you don't see me acting like it over such petty squa88le.


>Two retards fighting over meaningless bullshit







I guess I was wrong about vichan having a "show expired bans to users" setting. that kinda blows (´・д・`)ショボーン


Really adamant on the canoncity of the real important things in Homestuck.


but look at how defeated she looks in the last part isnt that so cute


Is it not possible to get warns?


Sorry, 8ut the only non-ship Karkat/Aranea pic I have was already posted >>71495



File: 1736298630880.png (8.87 KB, 430x517, karkatLALALALALALALAL.png)



shockingly, it doesn't appear so. I could be missing something. but vichan is more about stability and mass adoption than it is about being a particularly good piece of software in any other regard




File: 1736298763521.gif (555.39 KB, 700x394, 1727735367281628.gif)

Actually I stand corrected, as I have this one as well.


I was literally keeping 15 tabs open going CTRL + TAB CTRL + V to go bRRRRRRRt when I was spamming.


They fusion dance to create me.


I'm glad I know/remember juuuuuuuust enough about homestuck to engage in quality posting with some of the anons here, especially about the likelyhood of female Karkat. And why not a female Karkat? I think it's much an amusing thing to think about


File: 1736299003920.jpg (12.77 KB, 617x209, ClipboardImage.jpg)

I almost forgot but this shit is still being retarded.


is this ai


theres a difference between genderswapping and weird ass TS fetish horseshit tied to a stupid ship


Yeah, duh?


thumbs down


and that difference is purely contextual and the added context only elevates it


erm, why aren't you paying a real person to create a podcast summarizing our threads? you're literally destroying peoples lives?


>AI…….. LE BAD…


its amusing in the sense that its so obviously wrong.
its like the notion of pigs flying. people say that because it would never happen.


File: 1736299178919.jpg (173.16 KB, 1024x1024, _19176e4b-8bcc-4088-ac4f-8….jpg)



Proto-Ross, Ross Lalonde? What are you doing here?


"it's wrong", is a purely subjective take on the context of the image, in fact, to assert that it is wrong is to be certain of something that [doesn't exist] which, by it's very nature, is adverse to certainty.


File: 1736299244962.jpg (6.85 KB, 598x126, ClipboardImage.jpg)

I don't know why it's so slow with this shit now so I'll just let it do this for a million years on a source it's already done and see what happon.


no its pretty objective actually. it doesnt happen. its wrong.




Objective how? objective in the sense that Hu¢¢ie is yet to canonize it? Well, maybe so, but to say it "doesn't happen" is also akin to saying it is "yet to happen", and at that point truth is thrown into question, how can we be certain of an uncertain future?


>Again, it generates the slopcast before anything
>Expert Speaker™


File: 1736299494029.jpg (85.63 KB, 1080x1920, ClipboardImage.jpg)


objective in the sense that, im right, and you are, and remain, fucking wrong.
so might i invite you




メギドちゃんねるの、今日も平和ですね (´ω`)


>Y-Y-you are now listening to the HOTTEST-This is a certified JIHAD classic! ALLAHU Akbaaar! *ak shots pop off* *islamic 808 drops and segues into the EP*


Not really.



don't look at me like that, I don't know what to think :(


File: 1736300144281.jpg (21.09 KB, 602x345, ClipboardImage.jpg)


just commenting on the quiet moment. I'm sorry. I know it's rough, didn't mean to sound dismissive


This one is gentler


I think Google lobotomized NotebookLM, bwos. :baw:


well, I originally interpreted the "cold" one the way you meant it, but then you started talking about its use as a "void" sticker (^^:::;)




HSG's been similarly lobotomized so





New freewheeling?
They'll never take freewheeling!
*Blushes like a tomato*







What did you even feed it? The threads still going, innit?


9/11 would happen anyways


The one slopcast I couldn't finish. The verbal diarrhea was just too hot and heavy.


My personal writings (slightly edited by deleting repeat segments) and that somehow completely broke its brain for inexplicable reasons. :sry:


it really goes to show that, even on in these little communities on the internet, real human connection can happen. it's a stark reminder of


the fact that the Internet can be a breeding ground for Portuguese floak.


>it's a stark reminder of
the fact that we live in a society?


or a place to commiserate over losing your favorite spicy sichuan dish


this was essentially the takeaway of every slopcast, yeah


Who was in the wrong here? :shikari:


File: 1736300762349.png (542.1 KB, 753x938, huwha.png)


File: 1736300837810-0.jpg (53.36 KB, 1024x768, operators.jpg)

File: 1736300837810-1.jpg (64.8 KB, 1024x768, megidochan 2032 1.jpg)

File: 1736300837810-2.jpg (52.1 KB, 1024x768, BOWS.jpg)

File: 1736300837810-3.jpg (52.95 KB, 1024x768, VGH SO ZASED.jpg)


Kodaka hit paydirt this time


Kodaka would never be based enough to Chinamxx, don't even talk to me.


Nice typo there buddy. What are you ESL or something? What you speak ENGLISH you retard?


mou maji de itumo aiidexii wo tyekku sinakya dame nano?
menndou danaxa…
tomokaku aitu ni henji site gomen ne


File: 1736301065539-0.jpg (75.1 KB, 1024x768, me and my persona 2 book a….jpg)

File: 1736301065539-1.jpg (74.06 KB, 1024x768, i guess i live in bulgaria….jpg)

File: 1736301065539-2.jpg (60.54 KB, 1024x768, ramen cup.jpg)

File: 1736301065539-3.jpg (89.23 KB, 1024x768, woah hes literally me.jpg)

These are consistently the funniest shit with the bare minimum effort given to the prompts.




but that's subjective though







Ichor? Ichor Us?


>See a terrible joke
>Immediately know I have to ban a new IP


File: 1736301412163-0.jpg (77.04 KB, 1024x768, domiro.jpg)

File: 1736301412163-1.jpg (97.09 KB, 1024x768, just jteifw.jpg)

File: 1736301412163-2.jpg (77.97 KB, 1024x768, welcome.jpg)

My favorite part is that since it draws from my Xeets, it looks like Maruo Suehiro's artwork without prompting.


File: 1736301451614.jpg (6.04 KB, 421x73, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Yeah, of course. Fuck off.


File: 1736301692735.png (10.07 KB, 389x375, davenah.PNG)


real recognize real type shit


Still also not a sticker.


i hope it doesnt get made one
it will lose its value..




AI website.


Not how anything works, retard.



File: 1736302034660-0.jpg (49.29 KB, 1024x768, dolls.jpg)

File: 1736302034660-1.jpg (48.87 KB, 1024x768, mancat.jpg)

File: 1736302034660-2.jpg (49.39 KB, 1024x768, catman.jpg)


just to state an immutable fact for the record, this is the only image on my harddrive that i am okay with becoming a sticker :::;) >>71345


you know i'd technically say it's a homestuck/mspaint adventure website, and if you unpack the "Mspaint adventure", the whole point is that it's low quality but not low effort mspaint work, but it has a real human behind it and soul behind the work that was created (even if i think homestuck is bad), which is ultimately, totally countercultural to the ai dorks who think the low effort and soulless ai stuff is worth anything

just a bit of food for thought


Meaningless rant.



You VVILL never be the master of your fate. You VVILL never be the captain of your soul.


MEX, sticker.


you could have said "nice meltdown" and you would have looked way more cool. you just lost -1 cool point bucko. we're gonna have to start calling you the fucking rite of summer with all the god damn chill you're losing over here.


Homestuck was written so autistically (in the most antiquated usage of the word possible) that it is basically indistinguishable from a creative automaton.

Incidentally funny stuff made by a machine > incidentally funny stuff made by a human that sold their soul in order to view the world in the way they do.



I agree with the spirit of what you said, but also think that what people do with AI here is essentially completely harmless. they really only use it for shitposts that do not replace any original art, and half the point of the AIposts here is mocking the AI
nobody here is championing AI art as a replacement for actual artists in any capacity


well, sadly whether im okay with it or not has little to no bearing on the final determination. Truly, I weep.


Dave impressions are always the most embarrassing shit.


>I agree with the spirit of what you said,
No, you don't, because it's a hollow point (into le skull because TRICKSTER.)


>nobody here is championing AI art as a replacement for actual artists in any capacity
That's good, yours is the only reply worth replying to and yeah, i agree it's harmless even if it is kinda boring, not like anything else is going on here.


You should kill yourself immediately.


it wasn't intended to be an impression of anything or anyone. it just infected my mind i guess.
I would just like to note my strong disagreement with this post. Thank you.


> yours is the only reply worth replying to
Kill yourself, retard, I gave you a perfectly fine reply. You're a right disingenuous cunt for saying otherwise so now I'll actually tell you to go fuck yourself.

Go fuck yourself.


>I would just like to note my strong disagreement with this post
On what level


but we love tricksters (TRICKSTERS) here, this is a trickster (TRICKSTER) altchan
>replying just to say you're mad("Not quite yet, sorry.")


You should go hold a candle to ur nuts immediately 8ITCH. It'll kickstart the motherfucking MELTING process.


>>replying just to say you're mad
>Replying just to say "yeah i guess it doesnt matter and fuck the other people who replied to me"
You're subhuman.


File: 1736302625726.jpg (461.82 KB, 4096x1526, GgudEJ4bIAA4bg3.jpg)

Persona 1 bwos, it's our year…


>not like anything else is going on here
it is a little disappointing that the AIslop often gets as much or more activity than the original art people here make, even if that art is primitive

hollow in what way? or did you just want to yell at me again

I know you dislike Hu¢¢ie but do you really need to pretend that homestuck "isn't creative" just because it follows a complex set of semi-arbitrary rules it created for itself? (^^:::;)


I gave you a perfectly fine reply. Please, do tell me why it was a bad one.


>saying the thing you say you are going to say
nice karkat impression man. thumbs up. thats +1 cool point to you man. hey winter globe guy, you should be taking notes on this.




what's wrong nonny


"Heavy weighs the crown."


it's just a little quibble over homestuck, no?


we're all having fun here


I would but my ip got banned. Here i am phoneposting to call the admin who banned me a thin skinned loser and this is coming from someone who posts on /co/ lmao


I'd like that.


>hollow in what way?
Anti-AI bullshit in a world that's already had mass-produced media for years
>just because it follows a complex set of semi-arbitrary rules it created for itself
Don't confuse regurgitation and self-indulgence with internal coherence, please.
Buckle your neck back into your asshole.


I know I am.




btw marzichan just got cp'd so be on the lookout mods
same image


It's an accident. We have a retarded homosexual stalking here.


It's about setting a tone.


File: 1736302951567.gif (326.39 KB, 640x424, ruh-roh.gif)

>We were blindly banning every IP that posted anything that barely crossed the line into what we think omt speaks like and people got caught in the crossfire
Ruh fucking Roh Roh Raggy! I warned you retards this would happen but you chose to ban 550+ IP addresses (still counting) instead!


Yeah, no, fuck you for this too. It was a stupid fucking TRICKSTER post but you shouldn't banned them. Stop swinging your cock around.


as far as im concerned the next time a mod says "ntr website" they should ban themselves.


Imagine still being wrong as this is IMMEDIATELY proven not to be the case, ahahahahah, you can LITERALLY NEVER WIN, YOU FUCKING LOSER. :kyaha::kyaha::kyaha::kyaha::kyaha:


it's not an accident, anon. check the logs :(


I said it as a joke and prod at the admin. I fucking hate that shit.


You had like at least 3 people actively come back to complain about being banned for no reason so far, not counting however many others that didn't care to phonepost to complain about it

you're literally a 52 iq mouthbreathing ox



I don't agree with it but I literally don't have the power to undermine 5D chess master takkkoking.


I suppose I should hop to sticker demands instead, hmm?
If they check in two days, there will be couple kuromi ones, they seemed appreciative.


Kuru kuru


I would just like to say I also disagree with this ban


And the widewally never ever came back because it wasn't solved instantly. :hug:


>I suppose I should hop to sticker demands instead, hmm?
After doing another no-no by me? What are you, some fumbling house husband?


I'm no fan of TRICKSTER shit and TRICKSTER co-opting but this was a fucking gay move on your end.



At least Ì bagged a younger one


Why would anyone come back to this shithole on their phone to complain about an unwarranted PERMA ban?

half the time there's a "conversation" going on it's just you > mex > marzi sucking on each other's dick over NTR or whatever the fucking loser shit dude

hell the micro surge in traffic that happened caused basically 70% of your userbase to have meltdowns for various reasons, this community is literally designed to cannibalize itself for various reasons, mainly because you/mex/marzi want to "monopolize the attention" while "growing a community" some fucking how


yeah seems like a kind of
(everyone disliked that)
but o well


Sorry, maybe I'm being a bit blasé about vichan bans after seeing 600 in the last 3 days.


>Why would anyone come back to this shithole on their phone to complain about an unwarranted PERMA ban?
I don't know, why have you gone through well over 300 IPs, you fucking deranged retard?


>If it doesn't matter then why do it


…why are you typing like that? IME?

I'm guessing you already know how I feel about this so I kept my post short, you don't have to rub it in my face with one of the stickers I asked for

anyway if banned anon is reading this I hope this doesn't scare you off forever. sorry I don't have enough influence to change things


Because the little red ban text


I'm going to brand you with it by cattle prod if I ever come to your house. :shikari:


Because I know you braindead fagg0ts would rather ban over FIVE HUNDRED IPs than to suck it up, grow a pair of balls and admit
>"well maybe we're being sensitive retards, let's stop trying to micromanage our atom sized community and see if it grows instead"
nope, you'll 100% keep on banning everyone that EVER seems like me, this place will never possibly grow, and even if it did anyhow, you literally don't even have the infrastructure or the intelligence to moderate any more than, MAYBE 50 people

hell man, I could write you an in depth essay about why megidochan cannot and will never grow, but that would be too much effort for someone with your level of "intelligence"


Are they kicking you out?


Or maybe you could just fuck off, you know. That's always an option.


New quirk just dropped?


and oh, I would've missed my baby my sweetheart the one true love of my life Araneafag if I ever left like that
I couldn't go on living…


>…why are you typing like that? IME?
>New quirk just dropped?

Ghk. Sorry.


Just drop a burner social media account and then leave. Simple and clean.


And then you can come back and laugh at how DEAD this place is in 48 months or whatever the fuck. Win/win. Bye! Bye bye! :niinii:


Zip your three and a half incher away please Ian Brandon Anderson. I'm done talking to you now, back to your room.


Okay going out of my way to phonepost a reply, because mostly lurking to see the hilarious fallout to this, im probably going to forget about this place during my ban, im happy to wait out a 3 day on the permanently active 4chan but this place is tiny no matter how you slice it, and like, ontop of not really being the biggest homestuck fan the fact that the slightest post with a tone the admins dont like can recieve a multiple day ban means that for me, a tourist/guest or whatever, im probably going to eat another irrelevant ban later and like, why would i wanna be around that atmosphere. It is really funny that people still get assmad over tricksters TRICKSTERS though


You VVILL return.


I wrote like at least two, maybe even three nice replies to you in the past few days. Don't be an ungrateful D0G.


File: 1736303886477.png (11.26 KB, 650x450, gamzeesigh.png)


idk if you just picked a random post to reply to but I DON'T think you should've been banned! that was the whole point of the post and I could give the admin a whole spiel right now but I basically already have before too :(


didn't mean to reply to you there MoM, my mistake


Rise, my 8ard.


If you do give it another shot, I think you'd fit right in under most any circumstances.


I should sleep soon……..


he does it AGAIN..


Maybe don't literally post "um TRICKSTER board chuddies" next time. :implying:


File: 1736304060792.jpg (52.07 KB, 539x479, gamzeeuhhhhhhhh.jpg)


can I write something about this and post it as a txt file or will I get banned too



File: 1736304077309.png (Spoiler Image, 45.44 KB, 416x378, smug.png)

>I should sleep soon……..


"Here's how TRICKSTERS can still win"


third time's the charm, RIGHT babe?


so much for you disagreeing with the decision


You've been here awhile, you tell me.
Am I such a tyrant?
Might wanna wait for next thread, though.


>Might wanna wait for next thread, though.


I still do, idiot.


Why is the thread extended?



I mean, this one can go to any arbitrary number, really. Until someone bakes


tyran? Pas vraiment, non non, plus comme, l'empereur de la casse desolee!










TRICKSTER sisters!??!?!?!


…take your time.



you can't keep saying such things about her!


ou est le nouveau fil???


File: 1736304817101.png (475.02 KB, 441x759, MS-Paint-Adventures--Homes….png)

8ut what if I do? ::::)


MEX told me to wait on purpose knowing there were no bakers around. he wants to quash my dissent :tinfoil:


He wants to squash your beef. :rupture:


he knows we need to talk it out before the 〜大仲直りパーティー〜 can begin


The limit is 2000p for now, I thought someone might hop too.

Take your time and let me have it, I guess!


Can we build Google Translate into this shit site already?


It broke shit last time, but…


How about rakaisama or whatever





then you might end up taking a reaaaally long snooze is all i'm saying haha lol


hover translate plugins aren't really helpful if you don't know japanese grammar/conjugation, it's a different class of tool


sorry, I'll take that back and say they ARE helpful for identifying single words still. but they won't replace the need for a translate for someone like MoM




File: 1736305341127.png (10.16 KB, 165x147, tumblr_fc3a218f46f220d9a80….png)

As if……..


File: 1736305365424.jpg (118.66 KB, 1218x304, ClipboardImage.jpg)




File: 1736305890829.jpg (72.73 KB, 298x255, ClipboardImage.jpg)

What a pitch.


Aah. That's the ticket…



File: 1736306292213-0.jpg (15.38 KB, 326x290, ClipboardImage.jpg)

File: 1736306292213-1.jpg (8.9 KB, 310x300, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Thoughts on the second half?


File: 1736306440693.jpg (46.83 KB, 589x170, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Weirdly enough, it was able to regen descrptions for B&S pretty quickly…

Quick, Japanese nerds (Marzipan and MEX, namely), give me a Japanese surname that sounds vaguely like "Andsauna" because the AI had a funny misinterpretation.


The two sides of demands.

But what about it? It's fine, sure, but fuck you for using this as a cope out for P2, HTF, and DEMANDS (Homestuck)


I'm hoping it's just a new update that makes it suck at reading links more and that'll be REDEEMED, SAR, soon.


There are more than you think


Atlus lost. HTR lost.


Hetorare lol
HTF, obviously


Fuck you. I've given my rationale on why I should still get it before.


Such as?


Get cleaning and indexing, then.




If you pay attention to quieter people, you'll figure it out.


The p2 pack…


Epic B&S, Meijjysister! :b:


File: 1736307016599-0.png (16.22 KB, 124x157, Anna_1.png)

File: 1736307016599-1.png (16.32 KB, 124x158, Anna_2.png)

File: 1736307016599-2.png (14.76 KB, 116x155, Anna_3.png)

File: 1736307016599-3.png (14.72 KB, 114x155, Anna_4.png)

Can I just manually post them all to fill out the thread?
>150 items
MEX… Pretty please?


File: 1736307088778-0.png (17.79 KB, 118x155, Baofu_4.png)

File: 1736307088778-1.png (17.13 KB, 145x159, Baofu_1.png)

File: 1736307088778-2.png (17.75 KB, 123x158, Baofu_2.png)

File: 1736307088778-3.png (17.62 KB, 119x157, Baofu_3.png)

I suppose I see MEX as a kind of Baofu-type person but granted that I self-insert to Ulala to some degree that has some unfortunate implications…


File: 1736307121961-0.png (16.85 KB, 129x157, Baofu_8.png)

File: 1736307121961-1.png (17.79 KB, 117x154, Baofu_5.png)

File: 1736307121961-2.png (21.61 KB, 154x155, Baofu_6.png)

File: 1736307121961-3.png (20.49 KB, 155x157, Baofu_7.png)

He's kind of a huge loser…


Guess I've gotta play P2 now.


File: 1736307212268-0.png (16.85 KB, 129x157, Baofu_8.png)

File: 1736307212268-1.png (16.53 KB, 144x107, Baofu's Card.png)

File: 1736307212268-2.png (20.2 KB, 167x157, Belladonna.png)

File: 1736307212268-3.png (17.45 KB, 146x160, Captain Shimazu_1.png)

I didn't do the math, I don't know if I could possibly fill that many out in the amount of posts left.

I was going to editoralize just a little.


File: 1736307260601-0.png (30.95 KB, 161x174, Chandraputra.png)

File: 1736307260601-1.png (14.12 KB, 123x159, Demon Painter.png)

File: 1736307260601-2.png (15.39 KB, 116x181, Eikichi_1.png)

File: 1736307260601-3.png (18.45 KB, 143x164, Eikichi_2.png)


File: 1736307285968-0.png (15.71 KB, 126x174, Eikichi_3.png)

File: 1736307285968-1.png (15.12 KB, 129x180, Eikichi_4.png)

File: 1736307285968-2.png (14.08 KB, 100x156, Elly_1.png)

File: 1736307285968-3.png (14.35 KB, 134x155, Elly_2.png)


>You've been here awhile, you tell me.
>Am I such a tyrant?
I'm not going to txthole it because you encouraged me to post. my head hurts and I still need to finish my late work and I haven't eaten so expect me to take the claws out a bit for this one

no, you're not a tyrant. but you do exhibit an unfair moderation bias in favor of your personal friends, and not just in a "well I know this person isn't a bad actor so they'll get slightly lighter sentences" way would be more understandable

banning that person was stupid because it wasn't a ban-worthy post, by the professed rules/attitude of the site.
this is the post that provoked a ban from you:
>but we love tricksters (TRICKSTERS) here, this is a trickster (TRICKSTER) altchan
let's be real: this is not remotely offensive or disruptive enough by itself to warrant a ban. you let people argue it out here all the time and use whatever insults they want, with as little decorum as they want. you "let it all hang out", as you said.

the reason you banned them is because you have "DIE TRICKSTER DIE" friends who will have a melty and threaten to quit the website if a trans person has the gall to disagree with them in a mildly disrespectful way and doesn't immediately get shut down for it. they didn't even introduce transness to the conversation with their post, that was the person fighting with them. you don't care about insults in the other direction at ALL unless they start overwhelmingly shitting up the thread. the other day somebody was lazily mass-replying to completely unrelated posts with DIE TRICKSTER memes and it's not like they got so much as a warning; instead you tried to bargain with them to get them to stay.

notably, I'm not saying you have to ban people for dumb edgy shit like what MoM posted. I'm just saying you could at least pretend to have some semblance of fair treatment by not banning somebody who argues back (in a less vitriolic manner, too) just because you know that if you don't "send a message" by banning any TRICKSTER who gets too uppity, your old buddies will get angry at you. if that's how you want to manage the site then you ought to add a rule that says "don't make my chud friends angry, if they dismiss your post with slurs then you need to be quiet and apologize ね?" instead of claiming that "actually /hsg/ is open for all types as long as you have a thick skin! :)" because the exact reason you banned that person is because you know some of your friends have skin too thin to handle a trans person poking them back during a fight

that user was an actually decent poster too. I was really enjoying having them here, they even drew fanart for you! so you can't play the usual "oh they weren't gonna keep posting and contribute anyway" card. and now they're probably not gonna come back, because like they said, why would they invest in a community when at any time they could get get prejudicially banned for not sucking off the admin's friends, even if they're having worse shit flung at them


File: 1736307349533-0.png (16.35 KB, 107x155, Elly_3.png)

File: 1736307349533-1.png (16.36 KB, 107x155, Elly_4.png)

File: 1736307349533-2.png (14.19 KB, 99x155, Elly_5.png)

File: 1736307349533-3.png (14.87 KB, 125x155, Elly_6.png)

But I was also thinking of adding the ones from IS so….


>way would
way that would*


File: 1736307408799-0.png (18.01 KB, 118x152, Elly_7.png)

File: 1736307408799-1.png (39.52 KB, 193x155, Forgot Name Whoops.png)

File: 1736307408799-2.png (19.25 KB, 121x152, General Zula.png)

File: 1736307408799-3.png (16.6 KB, 138x158, Handsome Man_1.png)

*I know this guy's name so I should rename this file


File: 1736307435559-0.png (17.46 KB, 137x163, Handsome Man_2.png)

File: 1736307435559-1.png (18.9 KB, 151x157, Hanya.png)

File: 1736307435559-2.png (16.7 KB, 164x146, Igor.png)

File: 1736307435559-3.png (14.09 KB, 128x158, Jun_1.png)


File: 1736307468345-0.png (14.4 KB, 128x156, Jun_2.png)

File: 1736307468345-1.png (14.3 KB, 144x156, Jun_3.png)

File: 1736307468345-2.png (15.51 KB, 156x157, Kandori.png)

File: 1736307468345-3.png (14.55 KB, 138x158, Katsuya_1.png)


File: 1736307488659-0.png (15.9 KB, 152x160, Katsuya_2.png)

File: 1736307488659-1.png (16.99 KB, 154x158, Katsuya_3.png)

File: 1736307488659-2.png (15.53 KB, 151x157, Katsuya_4.png)

File: 1736307488659-3.png (15.21 KB, 136x157, Katsuya_5.png)


File: 1736307516589-0.png (15.79 KB, 150x158, Katsuya_6.png)

File: 1736307516589-1.png (15.29 KB, 144x158, Katsuya_7.png)

File: 1736307516589-2.png (22.14 KB, 110x168, Kouji _1.png)

File: 1736307516589-3.png (22.51 KB, 108x166, Kouji _2.png)


File: 1736307530671-0.png (18.43 KB, 127x161, Lisa_1.png)

File: 1736307530671-1.png (18.73 KB, 127x169, Lisa_2.png)

File: 1736307530671-2.png (16.94 KB, 103x163, Lisa_3.png)

File: 1736307530671-3.png (16.73 KB, 102x154, Lisa_4.png)


File: 1736307551764-0.png (19.18 KB, 126x160, Maki_1.png)

File: 1736307551764-1.png (15.84 KB, 124x156, Maki_2.png)

File: 1736307551764-2.png (16.8 KB, 143x155, Matsuoka.png)

File: 1736307551764-3.png (17.01 KB, 152x160, Matsuoka_1.png)


Thanks, will read.
Just fyi, this set gets 8 like any miscer one


File: 1736307565778-0.png (17.36 KB, 138x157, Maya_1.png)

File: 1736307565778-1.png (16.98 KB, 137x156, Maya_2.png)

File: 1736307565778-2.png (17.17 KB, 143x158, Maya_3.png)

File: 1736307565778-3.png (15.31 KB, 115x157, Maya_4.png)


>Just fyi, this set gets 8 like any miscer one


File: 1736307610951-0.png (18.02 KB, 143x156, Maya_5.png)

File: 1736307610951-1.png (16.92 KB, 132x155, Maya_6.png)

File: 1736307610951-2.png (18.22 KB, 139x157, Maya_7.png)

File: 1736307610951-3.png (21.19 KB, 149x155, Maya_8.png)

>Me when MEX fucking kills me


File: 1736307626593-0.png (18.28 KB, 144x153, Ms. Saeko.png)

File: 1736307626593-1.png (16.84 KB, 152x154, Nameless.png)

File: 1736307626593-2.png (17.73 KB, 144x153, Nanjo_1.png)

File: 1736307626593-3.png (16.85 KB, 145x157, Nanjo_2.png)


>a Japanese surname that sounds vaguely like "Andsauna"
"there are no japanese surnames like that."
that I can think of, anyway. and like >>71872 said there's a disproportionate amount of dekirus here

the persona 2 sprites are really pretty but I'm a little worried about their functionality if you want all of these in… are you just presenting them all for MEX to pick out good ones and maybe add text?


File: 1736307666445-0.png (20.77 KB, 164x157, Nanjo_4.png)

File: 1736307666445-1.png (18.57 KB, 137x158, Nanjo_5.png)

File: 1736307666445-2.png (17.94 KB, 133x155, Nyarlathotep.png)

File: 1736307666445-3.png (23.89 KB, 192x154, Nyarlathotep_2.png)


File: 1736307745309-0.png (17.57 KB, 144x160, Persona 1 Protagonist (Cop….png)

File: 1736307745309-1.png (17.47 KB, 144x160, Persona 1 Protagonist.png)

File: 1736307745309-2.png (14.13 KB, 135x159, Philemon.png)

File: 1736307745309-3.png (17.43 KB, 112x153, Shadow Baofu.png)

>>>71872 said there's a disproportionate amount of dekirus here
I thought he meant names.
>the persona 2 sprites are really pretty but I'm a little worried about their functionality if you want all of these in
I just wanted them all. I thought that was the deal. :baw:


File: 1736307780018-0.png (14.76 KB, 121x155, Shadow Katsuya.png)

File: 1736307780018-1.png (18.38 KB, 124x155, Shadow Maya.png)

File: 1736307780018-2.png (18.76 KB, 132x157, Shadow Ulala.png)

File: 1736307780018-3.png (25.89 KB, 145x155, Stalker.png)


File: 1736307840977-0.png (18.66 KB, 126x156, Tamaki.png)

File: 1736307840977-1.png (22.79 KB, 179x163, Tatsuya Sudou(JOKER).png)

File: 1736307840977-2.png (23.22 KB, 138x156, Tatsuya Sudou_1.png)

File: 1736307840977-3.png (24.28 KB, 140x156, Tatsuya Sudou_2.png)

And, yes, they are really pretty. RETVRN to Kaneko…


You get 8, and no text, unless you want to suggest captions for 8 that you personally like.


File: 1736307852042-0.png (15.69 KB, 122x155, Tatsuya_1.png)

File: 1736307852042-1.png (16.27 KB, 135x160, Tatsuya_2.png)

File: 1736307852042-2.png (16.29 KB, 160x156, Tatsuya_3.png)

File: 1736307852042-3.png (16.18 KB, 159x155, Tatsuya_4.png)


File: 1736307882903-0.png (16.18 KB, 159x155, Tatsuya_4.png)

File: 1736307882903-1.png (15.71 KB, 118x154, Tatsuya_5.png)

File: 1736307882903-2.png (16.29 KB, 126x158, Tatsuya_6.png)

File: 1736307882903-3.png (16.36 KB, 148x154, Tatsuya_7.png)

>You get 8


>88 and counting
he really wants to dethrone the cats huh


also jesus christ man could you not zip them and link via catbox…


File: 1736307971582-0.png (20.03 KB, 193x156, Tatsuya_8.png)

File: 1736307971582-1.png (27.33 KB, 173x159, Tatsuzou_1.png)

File: 1736307971582-2.png (27.28 KB, 159x155, Tatsuzou_2.png)

File: 1736307971582-3.png (17.02 KB, 151x160, Todoroki.png)

Why am I not allowed my own tab? :plz::baw:
I'm bad with computers and forgor. Also, this thread is a wash so…


They're only like 20kb each, you can post zips here too


File: 1736307984440-0.png (18.07 KB, 132x166, Ulala_1.png)

File: 1736307984440-1.png (18.09 KB, 136x163, Ulala_2.png)

File: 1736307984440-2.png (20.07 KB, 141x165, Ulala_3.png)

File: 1736307984440-3.png (18.39 KB, 148x164, Ulala_4.png)


File: 1736308010384-0.png (18.33 KB, 149x165, Ulala_5.png)

File: 1736308010384-1.png (19.82 KB, 137x165, Ulala_6.png)

File: 1736308010384-2.png (18.16 KB, 129x164, Ulala_7.png)

File: 1736308010384-3.png (20.37 KB, 149x165, Ulala_8.png)


>my own tab
Wouldn't ATLUS be fairer?


File: 1736308011433.png (8.34 KB, 90x16, emptyquote.001.png)


File: 1736308047374-0.png (18.12 KB, 126x163, Ulala_9.png)

File: 1736308047374-1.png (17.05 KB, 139x157, Yukino_1.png)

File: 1736308047374-2.png (15.5 KB, 136x156, Yukino_2.png)

File: 1736308047374-3.png (16.81 KB, 139x157, Yukino_3.png)

No, just P2. >:(


File: 1736308108207-0.png (14.82 KB, 157x157, Yung Pao.png)

File: 1736308108207-1.png (20.61 KB, 152x172, Joker.png)

File: 1736308108207-2.png (21.99 KB, 196x165, Longinus_1.png)

File: 1736308108207-3.png (14.33 KB, 195x167, Longinus_2.png)

Now for IS, ignore repeats…




File: 1736308139429-0.png (19.57 KB, 174x162, Hitler.png)

File: 1736308139429-1.png (17.12 KB, 162x154, Prince Taurus.png)

File: 1736308139429-2.png (16.03 KB, 129x155, Tatsuya Sudou.png)

File: 1736308139429-3.png (25.41 KB, 175x154, Tatsuya Sudou_2.png)


File: 1736308157795-0.png (20.75 KB, 162x151, King Leo.png)

File: 1736308157795-1.png (16.97 KB, 131x156, Lady Scorpio.png)

File: 1736308157795-2.png (13.25 KB, 114x159, Yasuo_1.png)

File: 1736308157795-3.png (16.79 KB, 130x160, Yasuo_2.png)


File: 1736308178910-0.png (17.65 KB, 139x153, Hannya.png)

File: 1736308178910-1.png (14.56 KB, 118x177, Eikichi_1.png)

File: 1736308178910-2.png (18.49 KB, 135x160, Eikichi_2.png)

File: 1736308178910-3.png (17.85 KB, 150x163, Eikichi_4.png)


File: 1736308196804-0.png (16.24 KB, 135x160, Eikichi_5.png)

File: 1736308196804-1.png (14.21 KB, 107x167, Eikichi_6.png)

File: 1736308196804-2.png (18.58 KB, 141x171, Eikichi_7.png)

File: 1736308196804-3.png (14.95 KB, 117x168, Eikichi_8.png)

I kind of hate this spriter.


File: 1736308207787-0.png (15.93 KB, 138x160, Eikichi_9.png)

File: 1736308207787-1.png (11.25 KB, 81x140, Eikichi_10.png)

File: 1736308207787-2.png (17.77 KB, 129x161, Eikichi_11.png)

File: 1736308207787-3.png (13.99 KB, 108x176, Eikichi_12.png)


File: 1736308227041-0.png (17.09 KB, 121x174, Shadow Eikichi.png)

File: 1736308227041-1.png (17.58 KB, 146x179, Shadow Eikichi_2.png)

File: 1736308227041-2.png (11.5 KB, 108x141, Jun_1.png)

File: 1736308227041-3.png (13.06 KB, 104x142, Jun_2.png)




File: 1736308239736-0.png (13.57 KB, 101x141, Jun_3.png)

File: 1736308239736-1.png (12.1 KB, 92x139, Jun_4.png)

File: 1736308239737-2.png (13.61 KB, 105x148, Jun_5.png)

File: 1736308239737-3.png (13.62 KB, 96x139, Jun_6.png)


File: 1736308262807-0.png (14.73 KB, 128x156, Jun_7.png)

File: 1736308262807-1.png (13.96 KB, 127x157, Jun_8.png)

File: 1736308262807-2.png (14.76 KB, 130x156, Jun_9.png)

File: 1736308262807-3.png (14.08 KB, 128x159, Jun_10.png)

No, this thread is a wash. Let it get washed. Musubi time.


File: 1736308275935-0.png (14.41 KB, 109x156, Jun_11.png)

File: 1736308275935-1.png (13.78 KB, 136x156, Jun_12.png)

File: 1736308275935-2.png (13.24 KB, 126x154, Jun_13.png)

File: 1736308275935-3.png (16.17 KB, 109x159, Jun_14.png)


I don't know how to interpret your empty reply


File: 1736308288503-0.png (16.45 KB, 139x159, Lisa_1.png)

File: 1736308288503-1.png (18.96 KB, 153x161, Lisa_2.png)

File: 1736308288503-2.png (16.55 KB, 140x157, Lisa_3.png)

File: 1736308288503-3.png (17.47 KB, 140x161, Lisa_4.png)


File: 1736308302089-0.png (15.4 KB, 128x156, Lisa_5.png)

File: 1736308302089-1.png (16.24 KB, 147x157, Lisa_6.png)

File: 1736308302089-2.png (16.34 KB, 133x162, Lisa_7.png)

File: 1736308302089-3.png (16.8 KB, 137x162, Lisa_8.png)


File: 1736308313273-0.png (18.59 KB, 136x168, Lisa_9.png)

File: 1736308313273-1.png (14.94 KB, 112x160, Lisa_10.png)

File: 1736308313273-2.png (15.48 KB, 122x155, Lisa_11.png)

File: 1736308313273-3.png (13.8 KB, 100x143, Lisa_12.png)


File: 1736308346453-0.png (16.12 KB, 123x166, Lisa_13.png)

File: 1736308346453-1.png (17.92 KB, 113x174, Shadow Lisa.png)

File: 1736308346453-2.png (19.67 KB, 124x168, Shadow Lisa_2.png)

File: 1736308346453-3.png (17.42 KB, 117x155, Maya_1.png)

Man, even looking at the sprites makes me happy and smile a little…


nonny he said you get 8


File: 1736308360346-0.png (19.67 KB, 136x156, Maya_2.png)

File: 1736308360346-1.png (17.6 KB, 135x156, Maya_3.png)

File: 1736308360346-2.png (18.9 KB, 126x156, Maya_4.png)

File: 1736308360346-3.png (17.73 KB, 132x148, Maya_5.png)


File: 1736308377771-0.png (20.07 KB, 153x144, Maya_6.png)

File: 1736308377771-1.png (17.35 KB, 135x151, Maya_7.png)

File: 1736308377771-2.png (17.2 KB, 122x153, Maya_8.png)

File: 1736308377771-3.png (17.38 KB, 130x153, Maya_9.png)


File: 1736308394232-0.png (14.06 KB, 119x155, Maya_10.png)

File: 1736308394232-1.png (14.91 KB, 126x158, Maya_11.png)

File: 1736308394232-2.png (14.99 KB, 120x155, Maya_12.png)

File: 1736308394232-3.png (15.27 KB, 112x158, Maya_13.png)


lurk moar!!!!!!
(on a different site, which i am referencing, in a roundabout manner.)


File: 1736308407570-0.png (18.05 KB, 137x147, Maya_14.png)

File: 1736308407570-1.png (19.51 KB, 148x143, Maya_15.png)

File: 1736308407570-2.png (13.74 KB, 85x140, Maya_16.png)

File: 1736308407570-3.png (13.27 KB, 90x138, Maya_17.png)


File: 1736308426052-0.png (13.98 KB, 103x141, Maya_18.png)

File: 1736308426052-1.png (17.22 KB, 115x156, Shadow Maya_1.png)

File: 1736308426052-2.png (17.66 KB, 120x156, Shadow Maya_2.png)

File: 1736308426052-3.png (15.82 KB, 118x156, Shadow Maya_3.png)


File: 1736308456701-0.png (14.52 KB, 117x152, Anna_1.png)

File: 1736308456701-1.png (14.63 KB, 132x152, Anna_2.png)

File: 1736308456701-2.png (17.47 KB, 125x165, Anna_3.png)

File: 1736308456701-3.png (17.41 KB, 142x165, Brown.png)


File: 1736308492447-0.png (15.44 KB, 108x154, Elly.png)

File: 1736308492447-1.png (15.45 KB, 109x124, Female Student.png)

File: 1736308492447-2.png (22.26 KB, 144x161, Fuji.png)

File: 1736308492447-3.png (27.44 KB, 162x162, Girl.png)


guess I'm too dumb to get it then. somethingawful?


File: 1736308540405-0.png (10.78 KB, 106x152, Ken_2.png)

File: 1736308540405-1.png (16.48 KB, 117x159, Meteor Masa.png)

File: 1736308540405-2.png (17.29 KB, 129x156, Philemon_2.png)

File: 1736308540405-3.png (16.72 KB, 137x160, Steven Silverman.png)


File: 1736308566362-0.png (15.63 KB, 134x161, Sugimoto.png)

File: 1736308566362-1.png (20.1 KB, 151x156, Sugimoto_2.png)

File: 1736308566362-2.png (20.04 KB, 146x156, Sumaru Genie.png)

File: 1736308566362-3.png (17.1 KB, 126x156, Tadashi_1.png)

Trans rep!!!!!!


File: 1736308581224-0.png (17.09 KB, 148x158, Tadashi_2.png)

File: 1736308581224-1.png (17.41 KB, 141x149, Tadashi_3.png)

File: 1736308581224-2.png (18.61 KB, 119x153, Tamaki.png)

File: 1736308581224-3.png (15.67 KB, 117x159, Tamaki_2.png)


File: 1736308609004-0.png (15.99 KB, 170x162, Toku-san.png)

File: 1736308609004-1.png (18.31 KB, 152x153, Toro.png)

File: 1736308609004-2.png (16.8 KB, 106x163, Ulala.png)

File: 1736308609004-3.png (15.2 KB, 132x157, Katsuya.png)


File: 1736308640294-0.png (3.88 KB, 84x112, Flower_1.png)

File: 1736308640294-1.png (6.52 KB, 114x132, Flower_2.png)

File: 1736308640294-2.png (7.55 KB, 126x131, Flower_3.png)

File: 1736308640294-3.png (8.43 KB, 112x134, Flower_4.png)

Fuck you, FLOWER TIME.


File: 1736308655345-0.png (5.3 KB, 140x134, Flower_5.png)

File: 1736308655345-1.png (7.81 KB, 113x127, Flower_6.png)

File: 1736308655345-2.png (8.07 KB, 118x133, Flower_7.png)

File: 1736308655345-3.png (13.86 KB, 100x113, Flower_8.png)



File: 1736308673504-0.png (9.86 KB, 94x98, Lighter.png)

File: 1736308673504-1.png (15.91 KB, 154x134, Mr.Bun-Bun.png)

File: 1736308673504-2.png (18.2 KB, 110x95, SSHS Emblem.png)

File: 1736308673504-3.png (12.11 KB, 98x108, Watch.png)


pretty :D
yeah sorry you actually have to have 10,000 hours of cspam posting experience to get the high fucking level shit im on.


File: 1736308720811-0.png (23.74 KB, 151x156, Bro.png)

File: 1736308720811-1.png (18.46 KB, 126x158, Employee.png)

File: 1736308720811-2.png (18.66 KB, 156x158, Lazy Boy.png)

File: 1736308720811-3.png (20.79 KB, 131x158, Ma'am.png)


File: 1736308752068-0.png (17.54 KB, 153x162, Master.png)

File: 1736308752068-1.png (18.6 KB, 119x153, Saleswoman_1.png)

File: 1736308752068-2.png (17.42 KB, 118x153, Saleswoman_3.png)

File: 1736308752068-3.png (18.97 KB, 186x157, Time Count.png)


File: 1736308769144-0.png (13.47 KB, 139x156, Tony.png)

File: 1736308769144-1.png (29.42 KB, 189x168, Trish.png)

File: 1736308769144-2.png (18.86 KB, 156x156, Whistler.png)

File: 1736308769144-3.png (17.06 KB, 124x164, Shadow Tatsuya.png)


File: 1736308779456-0.png (15.33 KB, 118x155, Shadow Tatsuya_2.png)

File: 1736308779456-1.png (14.84 KB, 136x153, Tatsuya_1.png)

File: 1736308779456-2.png (15.56 KB, 129x158, Tatsuya_2.png)

File: 1736308779456-3.png (14.31 KB, 114x155, Tatsuya_3.png)


File: 1736308792930-0.png (15.21 KB, 130x157, Tatsuya_4.png)

File: 1736308792930-1.png (16.31 KB, 139x155, Tatsuya_5.png)

File: 1736308792930-2.png (16.35 KB, 126x158, Tatsuya_6.png)

File: 1736308792930-3.png (10.74 KB, 110x146, Tatsuya_7.png)


File: 1736308812593-0.png (12.03 KB, 104x143, Tatsuya_8.png)

File: 1736308812593-1.png (15.27 KB, 129x152, Tatsuya_9.png)

File: 1736308812593-2.png (19.09 KB, 149x154, Shadow Yukino.png)


File: 1736308832154-0.png (18.12 KB, 160x154, Shadow Yukino_2.png)

File: 1736308832154-1.png (18.97 KB, 141x157, Yukino_1.png)

File: 1736308832154-2.png (16.47 KB, 131x154, Yukino_2.png)

File: 1736308832154-3.png (19.92 KB, 151x155, Yukino_3.png)



File: 1736308843274-0.png (17.13 KB, 132x154, Yukino_4.png)

File: 1736308843274-1.png (16.93 KB, 126x154, Yukino_5.png)

File: 1736308843274-2.png (18.67 KB, 130x151, Yukino_6.png)

File: 1736308843274-3.png (16.63 KB, 119x155, Yukino_7.png)


File: 1736308867120.jpg (81.44 KB, 863x497, ClipboardImage.jpg)


File: 1736308880562.png (17.25 KB, 122x157, Yukino_8.png)

And that's all she wrote. Ready to start adding them all, MEX? :deets:


I'll ban you, Marzipan. :enough:


it's not even realistic, most of the time you'd say something like "ABOUT TIME. NOW ONTO MY OTHER DEMANDS"


what the FUCK is wrong with the first guy


Nice 8

Nah, okay, maybe I can up your cap to 16, flowers are kind of a neutral zone




Nuh uh….




dont be ridiculous no italians are blonde


File: 1736309072119.png (408.77 KB, 991x643, PlayStation - Revelations ….png)

It's not fair. I wanted my own tab. And you can vet a little but I want the main party of both games to get at least one…

I could have gotten even more greedy and asked for the sprites of 1 too! :baw:


That's his cover and he's sticking to it.


Hate MEX… Kill MEX… :plz::baw:


what a horrible night to have a curse


It's called "JOKER."


I see…
Tourist-chan made that exact AAAH TRICKSTER INVASION OH THE CHUDMANITY joke earlier, iirc, 0k by me. Cheeky for a visitor, but as your note, nothing worse than what had been dealt out. I'd even say I like them, based off the few short exchanges we've has over the last couple day.
If you're lurking, I promise to overlook your permanent lowercase if you'll overlook the tenderness of my skin.

And, though I did enjoy reading the debates of that one anon who suddenly sperged out, "Friend" is a bit strong. He did spit on my outstretched hand himself, after all.
And now I've gone and lost the both. "The price of hesitation…"
But 500 words deserves a big block of text in return, so I'll get it to you. Priority over MoM's latest slew of DEMANDS, even.

Everyone may as well say which p2 sprites they find most useful or niche filling

Me, I like…
>>71892 Shady arms dealer
>>71895 Glasses push
>>71902 Maya's "My work is done"
>>71905 Nyarlathotep
>>71911 Coping tatsuya
>>71916 Ulala's "Man…"
>>71923 Hitl0r
>>71927 battered hotblooded Eikichi


>Tourist-chan made that exact AAAH TRICKSTER INVASION OH THE CHUDMANITY joke earlier, iirc, 0k by me.
then why did they get a ban this time?

those seem like good picks. I haven't looked at all of them so I don't have any yet personally. maybe I will


>Shady arms dealer
>Coping tatsuya
>battered hotblooded Eikichi
Misread "battered" as something else so I was going to say "ambiguous" but nevermiiiiiiiind.

But the entire main casts of both would be 8+ by default so MEX's harsh restraints are hash…


>"Friend" is a bit strong. He did spit on my outstretched hand himself, after all.
I'm not just talking about that one guy. you've made references to "wanting to avoid scaring off the old long-time users"




"But he's done nothing wrong."


The third tatsuya image that's between wistful and smug


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yeah yeah, I just wanted to get my thoughts in before I forgot. take your time ojisan

I went through them. in addition to most of MEX's picks, I liked:
- nervous sweat smiling girl - we don't have a sticker for this emotion and I really want one, I always have to fall back to kaomoji for it
- 計画通り guy, for trying too hard
- "oh?" girl
- awkwaaard/mild disgust/exhaust girl - would be nice to have something softer than the umineko one


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- very subtly irritated girl (this might be too subtle for this purpose actually :v:)
- "…"/"okay?" guy, works well as a less emotive で? variant

that's it




Post Rocco in da' thread.


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*hypnotizes you*


>wistful and smug
Mutually exclusive.
>very subtly irritated girl
That's more her being bashful.
Elly is based.


Nope, sorry, I'm Rocco Botte.


>That's more her being bashful.
apologies, I have no context


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Don't be silly and apologize. :bakane:




"Nobody knows what Breath is."


>they fulfilled the more eyeliner request
RoW… you really do care…


juggalo rose….



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>typing on keyboard
>elbow hits something and makes a DING noise
>I look down
>there's a rice-cooker insert bowl filled with rinsed but uncooked rice, sitting on top of a towel
>don't even remember sitting down with it
bwos… I think sleep might actually be important


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…take care of urself dude


good thing I'm not operating any heavy machinery, eh?


It might be a little while from me, I'll have it for you in the morning.


this is making me want to ask a lot of questions that on the face of it are already answered by your post.


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For your consideration.


Love em. Did you decide not to answer my message, or was that a misfire?




I don't know who you are :o:


I sincerely appreciate that you take it that seriously. I'm going to be up at least an hour longer trying to catch up on work and eat before I sleep but no rush either way

I do drive to work some days, if that's what you were going to mention
I'll try and get more sleep tonight or tomorrow. this isn't regular for me for sure


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Papa SIMPSON, my boldier


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Rocco? Rocco Botte?


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>Leave now and save myself from this cesspool of stagnation
>stay until the Irresistible Charm™ works it's way into Araneafag's heart


Shall we bring it to a close?


You're not answering…

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