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 No.69744[View All]

Someone else is definitely going to make a thread edition
Ye olde >>68681
925 posts and 188 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Nobody is going to dig for that txt anyway.
Won't even show up on the search module.


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>TRICKSTERS when they hear about Marzipan



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SMOKING is NOT cool. :shikari:


You know, where Marz stated his heartfelt feelings in plain words?
… Surely not even you could have forgotten that?!


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its obviously bad for you and you shouldnt do it but i mean
you gotta admit its kinda badass.


I deleted it the same day just to be safe
anyway that's hardly the only time, I was talking at MoM about it earlier in this thread but they didn't respond to any of it so I wasn't gonna push the issue :^p


I remember.





She's farting.


Feels :sounanda: man


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Frankly, this should be ban-worthy.


YES!!! yes it does

as long as you saw it MEX it's okay… I know I really exist


Honestly, you pick bones with people over such arbitrary stuff. What's next, hating OMORI?


I saw it.


Already there. :burn:


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I've discussed this with some friends before but I think if they invented "safe" smoking (no health repercussions) it would gradually become not cool because the cool factor comes from the recklessness of doing something as pointlessly dangerous as smoking

so without that it would just be burning through historical cool capital until none was left

yeah ik, but if you don't respond at all it's just like. "wow, why did I spill my guts to this person again for nothing to change." +50 guilt poison.ogg


Now I want a 25th ward even more, so everything can be "observed"


>yeah ik, but if you don't respond at all it's just like. "wow, why did I spill my guts to this person again for nothing to change." +50 guilt poison.ogg


What does that mean?



no yeah definitely a lot of the cool comes from the
"i am imbibing something i know is harmful"



It's a tweest in the first story that the UI elements are a character


MEX, this sticker is the most conflicted on the entire site because of that damn text. am I supposed to be certain it was foolish? or am I supposed to be receiving a caring hug?


It's from an emotional exchange deep in the game (demo lol) that goes like "I will never be disappointed in you"
I can change it to "Don't worry" or something…



you don't actually have to change it. sometimes it's funny. but it is confusing




Retvrn to Musubi extensions…


Shit yourself. :fortune::implying:


I leave it. Since I've got the .psd for those ones, they are easy to swap though.


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Douzo, take your pick


look he won't even confirm which one it is
he's reveling in this little trick to avoid taking responsibilty once again

you said that about the prinny sticker too and then never removed the あつい :^p


Prinny sticker is a NIS twitter salvage, so it takes a little more finesse.

I mean at that low res I can certainly afford to be a bit sloppy with the clone brush, yes…


Don't be dumb. I just don't want it changed.



These are shit you sticks.


wweenus shame


Guess I don't have to shit myself after all.


I'll do it if you want! :3


okay. sorry I just can't deal with you sometimes. I'm trying to get better


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Oh yeah, your helper streak!
Geheheh, by all means… Here's the full res.


>okay. sorry I just can't deal with you sometimes.
What am I doing, again? :buh:


Being the dense MC of MegidoChan, I guess.


You'd think that'd be the dogboy… :auu:

But then again, my demeanor does make me walking shipbait.


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Just 32 year old things






is it really still unclear to everyone else despite my textwalls or is this just a MoM moment
it's embarrassing to explain it over and over again okay




lmao this dude is so funny i love him


Just too cagey, is that it?


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That's Vriska! She's fine.


There are many things wrong with this post.


I dunno what megidochan looks like to you, but…


do not redeem


Did a page reset. Still the wrong way. Just another MEX morning surprise. :larp:






Not for me…


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Come on, Temu, I'm not that easy…


like you, I'm also extremely sensitive to what others think of me. the difference is that in a situation like ours I tend to seek more attention/reassurance to assuage these feelings, whereas you try to avoid them by going cold and not extending any emotional/social effort. this is a very difficult pattern for me because the harder I try to reach for what I want the further away it gets. it's a classic toxic relationship dynamic



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>it's a classic toxic relationship dynamic
I think there are much worse. I don't think that's toxic, I think that's just dysfunctional. No one is knowingly using or hurting the other.
Virus installed.


I've said a million times that nobody is doing anything with malice
it's still destructive (well, maybe not for you)
use dysfunctional if it's more accurate then


>it's still destructive (well, maybe not for you)
I will protect you from me. :de:


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how's this look? I did it by hand :3


Evangelion haters are such retarded apes. Say what you want about the writing but the animation, art, and music is top-tier stuff. :shikari:


>I will protect you from me.
I'd like to see it

if MoM watched eva a few more times and really internalized it, this would never have happened


I wonder if I could find that "different artists on Eva" reference image I downloaded.
>I'd like to see it
I mean, what do you want from me?
>if MoM watched eva a few more times and really internalized it, this would never have happened
That feels a little harsh…


Excellent, actually. And it's going to be 120px tall besides.


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I had some Nip retard I wanted to put in my "kings" folder but I forgot who it was… :de:


So trve. MoM has to start watching Eva 3-4 times a year now.


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I thought you were closer to the 10s… :bakane:


That's a little too much, even for me.


Evangelion: Breddy Good.
End of Evangelion: Eh
Rebuilds: BLEH.
Shin: Breddy Good, would have been better but it is weighed down by the consequences of the rebuilds.


Now you can melt in the autumn, spring, or even winter.


Eeeeeh. Well, that's what I told MEX. :eto:


>End of Evangelion: Eh
You shoot the DERSITE.


Still haven't watched it.
I get sentimental about seeing the "ending for real" of stuff I like.


Also, why didn't we edit the JUNJI ITO EERIE Rose as a shitcker?


It is the Act 5 of Evangelion.
Rebuilds are Act 6.
If only we had gotten Shin Homestuck……….




Kill yourself multiple time overs. :de:




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Shit Hard Shit God


If I do a whitelisted oldfag bunker, that's gonna be the name.



"Have you seen this Rose?"


>That feels a little harsh…
sorry, it was meant as a playful jab
>what do you want from me
it feels messed up to ask for anything because it's really my issue… I don't want to just be needy all the time and act like it's your problem to deal with

sometimes you're just really cold or don't dose enough Nice into your posts ig :^p
I don't think that's just me because everyone calls you abrasive here. when I left for a couple days after starting to post here you were practically begging for me to come back, but half the time I'm actually around here I get nonstop cold or bully lol

it's not like I want to demand a reply to every post or anything either but it's a little :reimeh: when I say something vulnerable and don't even get the courtesy reassurance of a couple words or an emoticon/sticker from you even though you insisted we're friends (^^:::;)
it's all a balance though and I feel gross asking for it like this. you don't have to change just because of me, eventually I'll get burnt out and wwalk away hopefully if it's really that bad for me

my personal view is that "EoE is unnecessary & audience pandering, anno made it out of spite to own le crazy death threat fans, REAL CHADS love the tv series ONLY because muh budget constraints created muh genius" is an insanely lazy opinion that almost every fucking video essay on EoE has to shove in there. it pisses me off so much. to be clear I'm not saying you can't prefer the tv ending. but there's something about this "GUYS THE CREATOR HATES THE FANS, YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO LIKE X HE'S MAKING FUN OF YOU" trope that infects analysis of so much shit
this might be incoherent I have a lot going on up here ^ points at noggin


Sorry, but I could handle being 優しい人32'd again

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